Journal of Global Biosciences ISSN 2320-1355 Volume 4, Number 1, 2015, pp. 1216-1220 Website: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]


Vijay A. Paithane and A .S. Bhuktar

Department of Botany, Vivekanand Arts, Sardar Dalipsingh Commerce and Science College, Samarth Nagar, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431002, India .

Abstract Bothriochloa insculpta (A. Rich) A. Camus is treated as synonyme of Bothriochloa persuta (L.) A. Camus and variation in B. persuta is discussed . Key words: Bothriochloa insculpta , synonyme, B.persuta , variations, Poaceae .

INTRODUCTION Andropgoneae is a largest and most difficult tribe in grasses (Hooker,1879) and (Hackle, 1889) gives admirable monograph of the Andropgoneae in A. De Candolle “ Monograph Phenarogamea”. The Bothriochloa O. Kunthze a member of tribe of family Poaceae. It comprises c.30-40 species in world. The genus distributed in and Tropical . From India many species of Bothriochloa and treated under (Jain and Deshpande, 1979; Deshpande, 1984; Clayton, 1977), but Bor (1960) and Maulik (1997) preferred three distinct genus Bothriochloa , Capillipedium and Dichanthium for India. Bothriochloa represents c. 8 species for Maharashtra State of India (Lakshmi., 1996; Naik, 1996; Potdar et al., 2012; Deshpande, 1984). During recent studies Western Ghats (Ahamadnagar, Kolhapur and Pune Distr.) and Deccan (Jalna District, Aurangabad District) Maharashtra State, author have come across an interesting population of Bothriochloa. After the critical investigation of collected specimens, it was observed that the two species, viz., B. persuta and B. insculpta showing overlapping characters. The following observations and discussion indicate B.insculpta a mere synonyme of B.persuta. Botrhiochloa persuta (L.) A. Camus in Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1930, n.s.76:164. 1931. persutus L., Man. 2: 1771. Lectotype : Habitat in Indian Orientalis, Herb. Linn. No. 1212.16 Designated by Clayton in Kew Bull. 32: 4 (1977) (LINN); Typus: Wight 1696. K000245660 (K- Photo !). =Bothriochloa insculpta (A.Rich) A. Camus in Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1930, n.s.76:165. 1931 Syn. nov . insculptus Hochst. ex A. Rich.Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 458. 1851. Isotype: Ethiopia, 22/09/1837, Schimper, 80 MO-1660918 (MO); isolectotype Ethiopia, Schimper, G.H.W., Plantae Abyssinicae Ed. II Hohenack. 80 JE00007324 (JE-Photo!) Specimens Examined: India, Maharashtra, Pune District-Tamni Ghat 7.10.214 VAP 100, Kolhapur District, Borbet, 10.10.14 VAP 1001, Jalna District -Ram Nagar, Sugar Factory Road Side, 05.12.14 VAP 205, Jalna-Karmad hills slopes and bands of cultivated fields, 21.5.2010. VAP 7778. Aurangabad District, Vaijapur road sides 12.01.2011 VAP 109., Journal of Global Biosciences Vol. 4(1), 2015 pp. 1216-1220 ISSN 2320-1355

Gautala, Outram Ghats, 14.12.2010 VAP 109, Pittal Khora Caves, hills slopes, 24.09.2012., Ahamadnagar District- Ahamadnagar- Pune hills slops of road side 9.10.2014.VAP 507 [Vivekanand Herbarium, Department of Botany, Vivekanand Arts, Sardar Dalipsingh Commerce and Science College, Aurangabad (M.S.) India]. Note: Based on type study (Images LINN, K, JE, MO), herbarium studies, critical literatures, field survey from Deccan and Western Ghats of Maharashtra supports merger of B.insculpta in B.persuta . 1. Hooker (1879), stated that ( Dichanthium perstum ) B.persuta is very variable in characters like raceme 3-7, Lower glumes of sessile spikelets coriaceous and lower glume of pedicelled spiklets pitted or not and described ( D. pertusum var inscluptum (Hochst. ex Rich) Hook. ) B.insclupta as a variety under ( D.persutum) B.persuta. Later on recent workers (Lakshmi., 1996; Naik, 1996; Patunkar, 1980; Potdar et. al., 2012), gave status of distinct species to ( D.inscluptum ) B.insculpta due to Lower glumes of sessile spikelets hairy below the middle, pits 0-1 pitted. 2. Linnaeus (1771) described Holcus persutus as basionyme of B. persuta and Richard (1851) described Andropogon insculptus as basionyme of B. insculpta. The major deference between B.persuta and B. insculpta is number of racemes, degree of pubescence on lower glumes of sessile spikelets and number of pits on lower glumes of pedicelled spiklet. B.pertusa has number of racems 3-8, 2-5 cm long, lower glumes of sessile spikelet hairy below the middle and lower glum of pedicelled spike 0-1 pitted and those in B.inscupta is racemes 1-4, 3-10 cm long, lower glumes of sessile spikelet glabrous, lower glumes of pedicelled spikelet with 1-3 pitted. 3. After comparing our specimens with protologue and type specimens of B.persuta and B.insculpta , it is perfectly matching with B.persuta. and another variation in number of racems and number of pits on lower glumes of pedicelled spiklets also noticed [fig.2.]. 4. In our observations we have racemes number are 2-8 and 2-12.5 cm long; lower glumes of sessile spikelets are glabrous as well as hairy below and on upper ½ and above the middle; lower glumes of pedicelled spikelet shows variability in number of pits from 0-3. These critical observations have lead us to consider B. persuta and B. insculpta are one of the same species. It therefore B. persuta being earlier to B. insculpta be a legitimate name. B.insclpta should be treat as synonyme of earlier. 5. It is concluded here that B. pertusa is polymorphic taxa and B. insculpa is conspectus.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. We are grateful to The Principal of Vivekanand arts and Sardar Dalip Singh Commerce and Science College, Aurangabad (M.S.) India for providing Laboratory facilities. Authors also sincerely acknowledge the Lynda Brooks, Librarian and Linnaeus Link Co-Coordinator, Linnaean Society, London for giving Lectotype image for confirmation of taxa and thankful to Dr. V. N. Pardeshi, former Head, Dept. of Botany, Saraswati Bhuvan College, Aurangabad for valuable comments and help in preparation of manuscript. We are also thankful to Dr. Sardesai M. M. and Tukaram Kamble Dept. of Botany, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (M.S.) India for providing literature 1217 Journal of Global Biosciences Vol. 4(1), 2015 pp. 1216-1220 ISSN 2320-1355

Fig.1. B. persuta (L.) A. Camus a. Habit; b. Collar; c. Sessile & Pedicelled Spiklet, d. joints; e. Pedicel; f. Nodes, g-m-Sessile spikelet: g.(dorsal View) Lower glume; h. ( ventral View) Lower glume; i. Upper glume; j. upper lemma; k. Palea; l Stamens; m. Pistil & style. Pedicelled Spikelet: n-q. n. Lower glume; o. upper glume; p. Lower lemma; q. Stammens & Lodicules . 1218 Journal of Global Biosciences Vol. 4(1), 2015 pp. 1216-1220 ISSN 2320-1355

Fig. 2. B. persuta (L.) A. Camus a-c: variation in number of racemes, d-e: glabrous lower glumes of sessile spiklets; f-i: variability in numbers of pits on lower glumes of pedicelled spiklets . 1219 Journal of Global Biosciences Vol. 4(1), 2015 pp. 1216-1220 ISSN 2320-1355

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