AUCTEX Reference Card Math Mode

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AUCTEX Reference Card Math Mode AUCTEX Reference Card Miscellaneous Math Mode (for version 11.88) Read AUCTEX manual C-c TAB Find documentation C-c ? Variables Conventions Used Math Mode C-c ~ Reset Buffer C-c C-n All math mode commands are under the prefix key specified Reset AUCTEX C-u C-c C-n by LaTeX-math-abbrev-prefix, default is "`". Carriage Return or C-m RET Tabular or C-i TAB You can define your own math mode commands by setting the Linefeed or C-j LFD Multifile Handling variable LaTeX-math-list before loading LaTeX-math-mode. Save Document C-c C-d Shell Interaction Switch to master file or active buffer C-c ^ Greek Letters Query for a master file C-c α (\alpha) a υ (\upsilon) u Run a command on the master file C-c C-c Command Insertion β (\beta) b φ (\phi) f Run a command on the buffer C-c C-b γ (\gamma) g χ (\chi) q Run a command on the region C-c C-r Insert Section C-c C-s δ (\delta) d (\psi) y Fix the region C-c C-t C-r (\epsilon) e ! (\omega) w Insert LaTEX environment C-c C-e Kill job C-c C-k Insert item C-c LFD ζ (\zeta) z ∆ (\Delta) D Recenter output buffer C-c C-l Insert item (alias) M-RET η (\eta) h Γ(\Gamma) G Next error in T X/LaT X session C-c ` θ (\theta) j Θ(\Theta) J E E Close LaTEX environment C-c ] Previous error in T X/LaT X session M-g p κ (\kappa) k Λ(\Lambda) L E E Insert TEX macro {} C-c C-m Toggle debug of bad boxes C-c C-t C-b Insert double brace C-c { λ (\lambda) l Ξ(\Xi) X Toggle debug of warnings C-c C-t C-w µ (\mu) m Π(\Pi) P Complete TEX macro M-TAB View output file C-c C-v Smart \quote" " ν (\nu) n Σ(\Sigma) S ξ (\xi) x Υ(\Upsilon) U Commands you can run on the master file (with C-c C-c) or the Smart \dollar" $ π (\pi) p Φ(\Phi) F region (with C-c C-r) include the following (starred versions ρ (\rho) r Ψ(\Psi) Y are not available in all modes): Font Selection σ (\sigma) s Ω(\Omega) W TEX*TeX Insert bold text C-c C-f C-b τ (\tau) t a LTEX*LaTeX Insert italics text C-c C-f C-i ConTEXt (once) *ConTeXt Insert roman text C-c C-f C-r Symbols ConTEXt Full *ConTeXt Full Insert emphasized text C-c C-f C-e Makeinfo *Makeinfo Insert typewriter text C-c C-f C-t ! (\rightarrow) C-f ⊆ (\subseteq) [ Makeinfo with HTML output *Makeinfo HTML Insert slanted text C-c C-f C-s (\leftarrow) C-b ⊇ (\supseteq) ] Appropriate previewer View Insert Small Caps text C-c C-f C-c " (\uparrow) C-p ; (\emptyset) 0 Print the output Print Delete font C-c C-f C-d # (\downarrow) C-n n (\setminus) \ BibT X BibTeX E Replace font C-u C-c C-f hkeyi ≤ (\leq) < [ (\cup) + Biber Biber ≥ (\geq) > \ (\cap) - MakeIndex Index x~ (\tilde) ~ h (\langle) ( LaCheck Check Source Formatting x^ (\hat) ^ i (\rangle) ) Make (PostScript) File File Indent current line TAB r (\nabla) N exp (\exp) C-e Ispell Spell Indent next line LFD 1 (\infty) I sin (\sin) C-s Delete intermediate files Clean 8 (\forall) A cos (\cos) C-c Delete all output files Clean All Format a paragraph M-q Format a region C-c C-q C-r 9 (\exists) E sup (\sup) C-^ Format a section C-c C-q C-s 6 (\not) / inf (\inf) C-_ T Xing options Format an environment C-c C-q C-e 2 (\in) i det (\det) C-d E × (\times) * lim (\lim) C-l Mark an environment C-c . · (\cdot) . tan (\tan) C-t T X runs can come in various types, which may be toggled and Mark a section C-c * E :(\colon) : _ (\vee) | are indicated in the mode line. Comment or uncomment region C-c ; ⊂ (\subset) { ^ (\wedge) & PDF/DVI mode C-c C-t C-p Comment or uncomment paragraph C-c % ⊃ (\supset) } Stop on errors (Interactive mode) C-c C-t C-i Copyright c 1987, 1992, 1993, 2004, 2005, 2008, I/O correlation (S. Specials, SyncTEX) C-c C-t C-s 2010, 2012, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. for AUCTEX version 11.88 Miscellaneous Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this card pro- vided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on cal letters c hletteri all copies. preview-latex Customization from LaTEX RefTeX Customization is done in the document preamble (you need to Activation Activation load preview.sty explicitly) or in prauctex.cfg (which should load the system prauctex.cfg first). Commands: RefTeX is part of [X]Emacs. To activate and make it interact Preview macro \PreviewMacro[{hargsi}]{hmacroi} with AUCTeX, insert the following lines in .emacs. preview-latex is part of AUCT X. If it is active, you should E Preview env \PreviewEnvironment[{hargsi}]{henvi} (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex) see an entry \Preview" in the menu bar when editing LaT X E Skip macro \PreviewMacro*[{hargsi}]{hmacroi} (setq reftex-plug-into-auctex t) files. If you have a \LaTeX", but no \Preview" menu, add the Skip env \PreviewEnvironment*[{hargsi}]{henvi} following to your .emacs file: Table of Contents Diverting material from float environments The table of contents is a structured view of the entire doc- (load "preview-latex.el" nil t t) Snarf stuff \PreviewSnarfEnvironment[{hargsi}]{henvi} ument. It contains the sections, and optionally labels, index Values to be used within hargsi: entries, and file boundaries. Optional argument [] 1 Usage and keybindings Mandatory argument Show the table of contents C-c = {} 1 Optional star * Recenter *toc* buffer to here C-c - preview-latex operation only affects the display of the buffer, Conditionals ?htokeni{hif foundi}{hif not foundi} Crossreferences, Citations, Index not its contents. It runs only on demand, using the target Skip next token - dvi or PDF files in the process. The first command in the Transformation #{hmacro argsi}{hreplacementi} Insert unique label1 C-c ( following list (also on the toolbar button) will (as applicable) 1 More options and explanations can be found in preview.dvi or Reference a label C-c ) repreview an active region or a single modified preview, toggle the Texinfo manual. Insert citation with key selection C-c [ the visibility of an unmodified preview or generate previews for ::: prompt for optional arguments C-u C-c [ a surrounding buffer area up to the next preview. Index word at point with default macro C-c / Preview at point C-c C-p C-p Folding Source Display Insert an index entry C-c < Preview environment C-c C-p C-e Add word to index phrases C-c \ Preview region C-c C-p C-r Toggle folding mode C-c C-o C-f Visit index phrases buffer C-c | Preview buffer C-c C-p C-b Hide all items in buffer C-c C-o C-b Compile and display index C-c > 1 Preview document C-c C-p C-d Hide all items in region C-c C-o C-r View cross reference C-c & Remove previews at point C-c C-p C-c C-p Hide all items in paragraph C-c C-o C-p View cross reference with mouse S-mouse-2 Remove previews from region C-c C-p C-c C-r Hide current macro C-c C-o C-m View cross reference from BibTeX file C-c & Remove previews from buffer C-c C-p C-c C-b Hide current environment C-c C-o C-e Remove previews from document C-c C-p C-c C-d Show all items in buffer C-c C-o b Standard keys in special buffers Show all items in region C-c C-o r Cache preamble C-c C-p C-f RefTeX's special buffers have many active keys. The common Show all items in paragraph C-c C-o p Switch off preamble cache C-c C-p C-c C-f ones are: Read Texinfo manual C-c C-p TAB Show current item C-c C-o i Hide or show current item C-c C-o C-o Display summary of active keys ? Copy region as MML C-c C-p C-w Select this item RET The last keysequence will copy a region with previews into the Rescan the document r kill buffer in a form fit for sending in Emacs' message-mode. Outlining T X Documents Display location in other window SPC E Follow mode f AUCTEX supports outline mode by defining section, subsec- Customization within Emacs tion, etc. as heading levels. You can use M-x outline-minor- Multifile actions to toggle outline minor mode. All outline minor mode mode RET Since RefTeX scans the entire (multifile) document, it can pro- commands are under the prefix key specified by outline-minor- You can use M-x customize-variable RET or the \Preview/ vide commands that act on all files of a document. Check the mode-prefix, default is \C-c @". Customize" menu for customization. Worthwhile settings: Ref->Global Actions menu for these commands. Hide all of buffer except headings C-c @ C-t If you have dvipng available: Show all text in buffer C-c @ C-a Variables Set to dvipng preview-image-type Hide body following this heading C-c @ C-c To tell reftex about your own macro definitions, customize the Show body following this heading C-c @ C-e Keep counter values when regenerating single previews: variables Hide subtree C-c @ C-d Set to t preview-preserve-counters Show subtree C-c @ C-s reftex-label-alist Cache/Don't cache preamble without query (preamble caching All subheadings visible C-c @ C-k reftex-section-levels is done using mylatex.ltx and might not always work.
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