2021 Intelligent Mobility moves you one step ahead. In cars that feel like an extension ® of you, helping you see more and sense more, reacting with you, and sometimes even for you. Nissan Intelligent Mobility is about a better future – moving through life with ALTIMA greater confidence, excitement and connection to the world around you.

1 World’sWorld’s ffirstirst pproductionroduction vvariableariable ccompressionompression tturbourbo eenginengine llaunchedaunched byby NissanNissan MotorMotor Co.,Co., Ltd.Ltd. inin 2018.2018. 2 AvailabilityAvailability of ffeatureseatures vvaryary bbyy vvehicleehicle mmodelodel yyear,ear, mmodel,odel, ttrimrim llevel,evel, ppackaging,ackaging, aandnd ooptions.ptions. 3 IntelligentIntelligent AAll-Wheelll-Wheel DriveDrive cannotcannot preventprevent collisionscollisions oror provideprovide enhancedenhanced tractiontraction inin allall conditions.conditions. AlwaysAlways monitormonitor traffictraffic andand weatherweather conditions.conditions. 4 DrivingDriving isis seriousserious businessbusiness andand requiresrequires youryour fullfull attention.attention. IfIf youyou havehave toto useuse thethe connectedconnected devicedevice wwhilehile ddriving,riving, eexercisexercise eextremextreme cautioncaution atat allall timestimes soso fullfull attentionattention maymay bebe givengiven toto vehiclevehicle operation.operation. 5 ProPILOTProPILOT AssistAssist cannotcannot preventprevent collisions.collisions. ItIt isis thethe driver’sdriver’s responsibilityresponsibility toto bebe iinn ccontrolontrol ofof tthehe vehiclevehicle atat allall ttimes.imes. AAlwayslways mmonitoronitor traffictraffic conditionsconditions andand keepkeep bothboth handshands onon thethe steeringsteering wheel.wheel. SystemSystem operatesoperates oonlynly whenwhen lanelane markingsmarkings aarere ddetected.etected. DDoesoes nnotot ffunctionunction inin allall weather,weather, ttraffic,raffic, aandnd rroadoad conditions.conditions. SystemSystem hashas limitedlimited controlcontrol capabilitycapability andand thethe driverdriver maymay needneed toto steer,steer, brake,brake, oror accelerateaccelerate aatt aanyny ttimeime ttoo mmaintainaintain ssafety.afety. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety iinformation.nformation. 6 AvailableAvailable feature.feature. 7 NissanNissan Safetyafety ShieldShield ttechnologiesechnologies ccan’tan’t ppreventrevent aallll ccollisionsollisions oorr wwarnarn iinn aallll ssituations.ituations. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor iimportantmportant ssafetyafety iinformation.nformation. 8 AutomaticAutomatic Emergencymergency BrakingBraking withwith PedestrianPedestrian DDetectionetection ccannotannot ppreventrevent allall collisionscollisions andand maymay notnot provideprovide warningwarning oror brakingbraking inin allall conditions.conditions. DriverDriver shouldshould monitormonitor traffictraffic conditionsconditions andand brakebrake asas neededneeded toto preventprevent collisions.collisions. SeeSee Owner’sOwner’s ManualManual forfor safetysafety information.information. 9 RearRear AuAuttomaticomatic BrakingBraking cannotcannot preventprevent allall collisionscollisions andand maymay notnot provideprovide wwarningarning oorr bbrakingraking iinn aallll cconditions.onditions. DriverDriver shouldshould alwaysalways turnturn andand checkcheck surroundingssurroundings beforebefore ddrivingriving aandnd bbrakerake aass nneededeeded ttoo ppreventrevent ccollisions.ollisions. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety information.information. 1010 RearRear CCrossross TrafficTraffic AlertAlert maymay notnot detectdetect aallll vvehicles.ehicles. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety iinformation.nformation. 1111 BlindBlind SSpotpot WWarningarning ccannotannot ppreventrevent ccollisionsollisions aandnd mmayay nnotot ddetectetect eeveryvery oobjectbject oorr wwarnarn iinn aallll ssituations.ituations. DDriverriver sshouldhould aalwayslways tturnurn aandnd llookook bbeforeefore cchanginghanging llanes.anes. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety iinformation.nformation. 1212 LaneLane DepartureDeparture WarningWarning andand IntelligentIntelligent LaneLane InterventionIntervention operateoperate onlyonly whenwhen lanelane markingsmarkings areare ableable toto bebe detected.detected. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor safetysafety information.information. 1313 IntelligentIntelligent Arroundound VView®iew® MMonitoronitor ccannotannot eeliminateliminate bblindlind sspotspots aandnd mmayay nnotot ddetectetect eeveryvery oobject.bject. DDriverriver sshouldhould alwaysalways turnturn andand checkcheck surroundingssurroundings beforebefore ddriving.riving. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual forfor safetysafety information.information. 1414 VirtualVirtual coompositemposite 3360°60° vview.iew. 1515 AvailableAvailable featurefeature shown.shown. UUsese ffeatureeature oonlynly wwhenhen ssafeafe andand legal.legal. CompatibleCompatible devicedevice andand serviceservice required.required. SubjectSubject ttoo tthirdhird ppartyarty sserviceervice availability.availability. ForFor moremore informationinformation seesee NissanUSA.com/connect/legal.NissanUSA.com/connect/legal. 1616 VC-Turbo™VC-Turbo™ e nnginegine hhorsepowerorsepower andand ttorqueorque ratings:ratings: 224848 hhpp aandnd 227373 llb-ftb-ft ooff ttorqueorque rratingsatings wwhenhen uusingsing 993-octane3-octane ffuel;uel; 223636 hhpp aandnd 226767 llb-ftb-ft ooff ttorqueorque ratingsratings wwhenhen uusingsing 887-octane7-octane octaneoctane ffuel.uel. 1717 20212021 EEPAPA FFueluel EEconomyconomy EEstimatesstimates 2288 CityCity MPGMPG / 3939 HighwayHighway MPGMPG / 3232 CombinedCombined MPGMPG forfor Altima®Altima® S FWD;FWD; 2727 CityCity MPGMPG / 3737 HighwayHighway MPGMPG / 3131 CombinedCombined MPGMPG forfor Altima®Altima® SV,SV, SSR,R, SSLL FFWD;WD; 2266 CCityity MPGMPG / 3636 HighwayHighway MPGMPG / 3030 CombinedCombined MPGMPG forfor Altima®Altima® SV,SV, SSLL AAWD;WD; 2255 CCityity MPGMPG / 3535 HighwayHighway MPGMPG / 2929 CombinedCombined MPGMPG forfor Altima®Altima® SR,SR, PlatinumPlatinum AWD;AWD; 2525 CityCity MPGMPG / 3434 HighwayHighway MPGMPG / 2929 CombinedCombined MPGMPG forfor Altima®Altima® SRSR FWDFWD VC-Turbo.VC-Turbo. FuelFuel economyeconomy estimatesestimates bbasedased onon 87-octane87-octane fuel.fuel. ActualActual mmileageileage mmayay vvaryary withwith drivingdriving conditions.conditions. UseUse forfor comparisoncomparison only.only. 1818 ExtraExtra ccostost ooption.ption. 1919 LeatherLeather appointments.appointments. 2020 BrakeBrake AAssistssist ccannotannot ppreventrevent aallll ccollisionsollisions andand maymay notnot pproviderovide wwarningarning oorr bbrakingraking iinn aallll cconditions.onditions. DriverDriver shouldshould monitormonitor traffictraffic conditionsconditions andand brakebrake asas neededneeded toto preventprevent collisions.collisions. SeeSee Owner’sOwner’s ManualManual forfor safetysafety information.information. 2121 IntelligentIntelligent Foorwardrward CCollisionollision WWarningarning cannotcannot preventprevent ccollisions.ollisions. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety iinformation.nformation. 2222 RRearViewearView MMonitoronitor mmayay nnotot ddetectetect eeveryvery oobjectbject aandnd ddoesoes nnotot eeliminateliminate bblindlind sspotspots oorr wwarnarn ooff mmovingoving oobjects.bjects. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor safetysafety information.information. 2323 VehicleVehicle Dyynamicnamic CControlontrol cannotcannot preventprevent collisionscollisions duedue toto abruptabrupt steering,steering, carelessness,carelessness, oror dangerousdangerous drivingdriving techniques.techniques. ItIt shouldshould remainremain oonn wwhenhen ddriving,riving, eexceptxcept whenwhen freeingfreeing tthehe vvehicleehicle ffromrom mudmud oror snow.snow. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety information.information. 2424 IntelligentIntelligent DDriverriver AAlertnesslertness cannotcannot pproviderovide a wwarningarning iinn eeveryvery ssituation.ituation. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety iinformation.nformation. 2255 DDoesoes nnotot ddetectetect ppeopleeople oorr ccargo.argo. AAlwayslways checkcheck rearrear seatseat beforebefore exiting.exiting. SeeSee Owner’sOwner’s ManualManual forfor safetysafety information.information. 2626 SStatetate llawsaws mmayay aapply.pply. RRevieweview bbeforeefore uusing.sing. 2277 NeverNever programprogram wwhilehile ddriving.riving. GGPSPS mmappingapping mmayay nnotot bbee ddetailedetailed iinn aallll areasareas oror reflectreflect currentcurrent roadroad status.status. 2828 UUsese tthehe ttextext mmessagingessaging featurefeature afterafter stoppingstopping youryour vehiclevehicle inin a safesafe location.location. IfIf youyou havehave toto useuse thethe featurefeature whilewhile driving,driving, exerciseexercise eextremextreme cautioncaution atat allall timestimes soso fullfull attentionattention maymay bebe givengiven toto vehiclevehicle operation.operation. CompatibleCompatible smartphonesmartphone required.required. TextText ratesrates and/orand/or datadata usageusage maymay apply.apply. 2929 AAirir bbagsags aarere oonlynly a ssupplementalupplemental restraintrestraint ssystem.ystem. AAlwayslways wearwear youryour sseateat bbelt.elt. RRear-facingear-facing cchildhild rrestraintsestraints sshouldhould nnotot bbee pplacedlaced iinn tthehe ffront-passenger’sront-passenger’s sseat.eat. AAllll cchildrenhildren 1122 aandnd uundernder sshouldhould rrideide iinn tthehe rrearear sseateat pproperlyroperly ssecuredecured iinn cchildhild rrestraints,estraints, bboosterooster sseats,eats, oorr seatseat bbeltselts aaccordingccording toto ttheirheir ssize.ize. AAirir bbagsags wwillill oonlynly iinflatenflate iinn ccertainertain aaccidents.ccidents. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety iinformation.nformation. 3300 TireTire PPressureressure MMonitoringonitoring SSystemystem iiss nnotot a ssubstituteubstitute fforor rregularegular ttireire ppressureressure cchecks.hecks. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety information.information. 3311 VehicleVehicle mustmust bebe onon forfor thethe Easy-FillEasy-Fill TireTire AlertAlert toto operate.operate. 3232 SonarSonar SSystemystem mmayay nnotot ddetectetect eeveryvery oobject.bject. DDriverriver sshouldhould aalwayslways checkcheck surroundingssurroundings beforebefore driving.driving. SeeSee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ssafetyafety information.information. 3333 IntelligentIntelligent TTracerace CControlontrol cannotcannot ppreventrevent ccollisionsollisions oorr lossloss ofof control.control. DriverDriver shouldshould remainremain inin ccontrolontrol ofof vehiclevehicle atat allall times.times. SeeSee Owner’sOwner’s MManualanual forfor safetysafety information.information. 3434 DrivingDriving iiss sseriouserious bbusinessusiness andand rrequiresequires yyourour ffullull aattention.ttention. IIff yyouou hhaveave ttoo uusese tthehe ffeatureeature wwhilehile ddriving,riving, eexercisexercise eextremextreme ccautionaution atat allall timestimes soso fullfull attentionattention maymay bebe givengiven toto vehiclevehicle operation.operation. 3535 InformationInformation ddisplayedisplayed iiss ddependentependent oonn hhowow vvehicleehicle iiss eequipped.quipped. 3636 TTrafficraffic SSignign RRecognitionecognition mmayay nnotot ddetectetect aandnd rreadead aallll ttrafficraffic ssignsigns iinn aallll cconditions.onditions. DDriverriver sshouldhould mmonitoronitor aallll ttrafficraffic ssignsigns aandnd oobeybey allall traffictraffic laws.laws. SSeeee OOwner’swner’s MManualanual fforor ddetails.etails. 3737 GenuineGenuine NissanNissan AAccessoriesccessories aarere ccoveredovered bbyy Nissan’sNissan’s LimitedLimited WWarrantyarranty oonn GGenuineenuine NissanNissan RReplacementeplacement Parts,Parts, GenuineGenuine NISMO®NISMO® S-TuneS-Tune Parts,Parts, andand GenuineGenuine NNissanissan AAccessoriesccessories fforor thethe longerlonger ofof 1212 months/12,000months/12,000 milesmiles (whichever(whichever occursoccurs first)first) oror thethe remainingremaining periodperiod underunder thethe 3-year/36,000-mile3-year/36,000-mile ((whicheverwhichever ooccursccurs ffirst)irst) NNissanissan NNewew VVehicleehicle LLimitedimited WWarranty.arranty. TTermserms aandnd cconditionsonditions apply.apply. SeeSee dealer,dealer, WarrantyWarranty InformationInformation Booklet,Booklet, oror parts.NissanUSA.comparts.NissanUSA.com forfor ddetails.etails. 3838 CargoCargo andand loadoad capacitycapacity limitedlimited byby weightweight andand distribution.distribution. AlwaysAlways securesecure cargo.cargo. 3399 FFWDWD m modelsodels oonly.nly. 4040 AAWDWD mmodelsodels only.only. 4411 LLateate avvailability.ailability. ExpectedExpected aavailabilityvailability JJanuaryanuary 2021.2021. 4422 LLateate avvailability.ailability. EExpectedxpected aavailabilityvailability DDecemberecember 22020.020. 4433 RRoadsideoadside AssistanceAssistance availableavailable forfor a periodperiod ofof 3636 months/36,000months/36,000 milesmiles fromfrom thethe datedate thethe vehiclevehicle isis ddeliveredelivered ttoo tthehe ffirstirst rretailetail bbuyeruyer oror otherwiseotherwise pputut iintonto uuse,se, wwhicheverhichever iiss eearlier.arlier. AAmmazonazon AlexaAlexa isis a ttrademarkrademark ooff AAmazon.com,mazon.com, IInc.nc. oorr iitsts aaffiliates.ffiliates. GGooogle,ogle, AAndroid,ndroid, AAndroidndroid AAuto,uto, YYouTubeouTube aandnd ootherther mmarksarks areare ttrademarksrademarks ooff GGoogleoogle LLLC.LC. GGooogleogle AAssistantssistant iiss nnotot aavailablevailable inin certaincertain llanguagesanguages andand countries.countries. AApppleple CarPlay,®CarPlay,® AppleApple Music,®Music,® andand iPhone®iPhone® areare registeredregistered trademarkstrademarks ofof Apple,Apple, IInc.nc. AAllll rrightsights reserved.reserved. iiPhone®Phone® oorr ootherther externalexternal ddeviceevice nnotot iincluded.ncluded. BBlluuetooth®etooth® iiss a rregisteredegistered ttrademarkrademark ooff BBluetoothluetooth SSIG,IG, IInc.nc. BBoosse®e® iiss a rregisteredegistered ttrademarkrademark ooff TThehe BBoseose CCorporation.orporation. CChhrromaFlair®omaFlair® iiss a ttrademarkrademark ooff OOpticalptical CoatingCoating Laboratory,Laboratory, LLC.LLC. FFaaccebook®ebook® iiss a rregisteredegistered ttrademarkrademark ooff FFacebook,acebook, IInc.nc. HHoommeLink®eLink® iiss a rregisteredegistered ttrademarkrademark ooff GGentexentex CCorporation.orporation. SSiirri®i® andand SSiri®iri® EyesEyes FreeFree areare registeredregistered trademarkstrademarks ooff AApple,pple, Inc.Inc. TThhe SSirius®,irius®, XM®,XM®, andand SiriusXM®SiriusXM® namesnames andand allall relatedrelated marksmarks andand logoslogos aarere ttrademarksrademarks ooff SSiriusirius XXMM RRadioadio IInc.nc. AAllll ootherther ttrademarksrademarks aarere tthehe ppropertyroperty ooff ttheirheir rrespectiveespective oowners.wners. TTwwiitter®tter® isis a registeredregistered trademarktrademark ofof TTwitter,witter, IInc.nc. TThhiiss bbrochurerochure isis iintendedntended fforor ggeneraleneral ddescriptiveescriptive aandnd iinformationalnformational ppurposesurposes oonly.nly. IItt iiss ssubjectubject ttoo cchangehange aandnd ddoesoes nnotot cconstituteonstitute aann offer,offer, representationrepresentation oorr wwarrantyarranty ((expressexpress oorr iimplied)mplied) bbyy NNissanissan NNorthorth AAmerica,merica, Inc.Inc. IInterestednterested ppartiesarties sshouldhould cconfirmonfirm tthehe aaccuracyccuracy ooff aanyny iinformationnformation iinn tthishis bbrochurerochure aass iitt rrelateselates ttoo a vvehicleehicle ddirectlyirectly wwithith NNissanissan NNorthorth America,America, Inc.Inc. beforebefore rrelyingelying oonn iitt ttoo mmakeake a ppurchaseurchase decision.decision. NNissanissan NNorthorth AAmerica,merica, Inc.Inc. rreserveseserves thethe rightright toto makemake changes,changes, aatt aanyny ttime,ime, wwithoutithout ppriorrior notice,notice, iinn pprices,rices, ccolors,olors, materials,materials, eequipment,quipment, sspecifications,pecifications, andand modelsmodels andand toto discontinuediscontinue mmodelsodels oorr eequipment.quipment. DDueue ttoo ccontinuousontinuous productproduct ddevelopmentevelopment aandnd ootherther ppre-re- aandnd ppost-productionost-production ffactors,actors, aactualctual vvehicle,ehicle, mmaterialsaterials aandnd sspecificationspecifications mmayay vvaryary fromfrom thisthis brochure.brochure. SomeSome vehiclesvehicles shownshown withwith optionaloptional equipment.equipment. SeeSee thethe actualactual vehiclevehicle forfor completecomplete accuracy.accuracy. AvailabilityAvailability andand deliverydelivery timestimes forfor particularparticular modelsmodels oror equipmentequipment maymay vary.vary. Specifications,Specifications, optionsoptions andand accessoriesaccessories maymay differdiffer inin Hawaii,Hawaii, U.S.U.S. territoriesterritories aandnd ootherther ccountries.ountries. FForor aadditionaldditional informationinformation onon availability,availability, optionsoptions oror accessories,accessories, seesee youryour NissanNissan dealerdealer oror contactcontact NissanNissan NorthNorth America,America, Inc.Inc. AtAt NNissanUSA.comissanUSA.com, yyou’llou’ll findfind vvirtualirtual pproductroduct ddemonstrations,emonstrations, a wwayay ttoo ““buildbuild yyourour oownwn NNissan,”issan,” a ddealerealer llocator,ocator, aandnd mmoreore iinformationnformation aaboutbout kkeyey NNissanissan ssupportupport sservices.ervices. OrOr ifif yyou’dou’d pprefer,refer, ccallall 11-800-NISSAN-3-800-NISSAN-3 fforor aanswersnswers ttoo sspecificpecific qquestionsuestions aaboutbout AAltima®ltima® oorr aanyny ootherther NNissanissan vvehicle.ehicle. TThehe NNissanissan names,names, llogos,ogos, pproductroduct nnames,ames, ffeatureeature nnames,ames, aandnd ssloganslogans aarere ttrademarksrademarks oownedwned bbyy oorr llicensedicensed ttoo NNissanissan MMotorotor CCo.o. LLtd.td. aand/ornd/or iitsts NNorthorth AAmericanmerican subsidiaries.subsidiaries. OOtherther trademarkstrademarks andand tradetrade namesnames areare thosethose ofof theirtheir respectiverespective owners.owners. AAlwayslways wearwear youryour sseateat bbelt,elt, aandnd pleaseplease drivedrive rresponsibly.esponsibly. ©©20202020 NissanNissan NorthNorth America,America, Inc.Inc. ‘21‘21 Altima®.Altima®. 2103201-N-9/20-80M-KSL2103201-N-9/20-80M-KSL

N_21ALTb_BC-FC_r5.indd 1 9/21/20 6:52 AM N_21ALTb_BC-FC_r5.indd 1 9/21/20 6:52 AM Unlock the pure joy of driving. How? With the world’s first variable compression turbo engine.1 A suite of available safety features that can respond to the world around you in real time.2 Confidence from available Intelligent All-Wheel Drive.3 And surprising connectivity before you even reach the driver’s seat.4 Nissan Altima.® This is tech that changes every part of your drive. This is Nissan Intelligent Mobility.™

Nissan Altima® Platinum shown in Scarlet Ember Tintcoat with accessory Splash Guards.

N_21ALTb_IFC-01_r5.indd 1 9/21/20 6:55 AM N_21ALTb_IFC-01_r5.indd 1 9/21/20 6:55 AM ProPILOT Assist

Enjoy the drive even more. With the groundbreaking ProPILOT HELPS KEEP YOU MAINTAINS YOUR CAN EVEN Assist, your Altima® helps keep you centered in your lane, and CENTERED IN PRESET SPEED AND COME TO A following the car ahead at a preset distance. It can even bring your GENTLE CURVES DISTANCE COMPLETE STOP Altima to a full stop based on the highway traffic flow, and can Nissan Safety Shield® 360 bring you back up to speed when traffic starts moving again.5, 6 Nissan Intelligent Mobility is changing how you move forever with technology that makes you feel more connected, confident, and excited.

As part of Nissan Intelligent Mobility, Nissan Safety Shield® 360 includes features that can help you see more, sense more, and can give you an assist when you need it. The following features come standard on every 2021 Nissan Altima SV and above.2, 7

Automatic Emergency Braking Rear Automatic Rear Cross Blind Spot Lane Departure High Beam with Pedestrian Detection8 Braking9 Traffic Alert10 Warning11 Warning12 Assist

Intelligent Around View® Monitor

Four cameras make parking easy with a virtual composite 360° bird’s-eye view of your Altima. You can select from split-screen close-ups of the front, rear, and curbside views for a better look. It also gives you an on-screen heads-up when it detects moving objects near your vehicle. We’re looking at you, shopping cart.6, 13, 14

N_21ALTb_02-03_r5.indd 2 9/21/20 6:56 AM N_21ALTb_02-03_r5.indd 3 9/21/20 6:56 AM Apple CarPlay® integration

People to see? Places to be? Just ask Siri.® Equipped with Siri® voice control, Apple CarPlay® brings your contacts, favorite messaging apps, Apple Music® playlists, Apple Maps, and more on board to your Altima. Simply plug in your compatible iPhone® and go.4, 15 236HORSEPOWER16

Talk to your Altima with NissanConnect® Services

With available NissanConnect® Services powered by SiriusXM,® you can access your Altima remotely using the NissanConnect® Services Skill for Amazon Alexa or Action for Google Assistant. Start your engine, unlock your doors, and more.4, 15 267LB-FT OF TORQUE16


The world’s first production variable Intelligent All-Wheel Drive compression turbo engine1

Altima gives you peace of mind you never thought you could get from Imagine an engine so smart it seems to anticipate what you want. Whether a . Part of Nissan Intelligent Mobility, Intelligent All-Wheel Drive it’s turbocharged power that pushes you back in your seat or impressive fuel continuously monitors road conditions and responds in an instant, efficiency, even in city streets,17 Altima SR’s shape-shifting VC-Turbo™ engine 3, 6 sending power to the wheels that need it most. lets you have both – without compromise.6

N_21ALTb_04-05_r5.indd 4 9/21/20 6:59 AM N_21ALTb_04-05_r5.indd 5 9/21/20 6:59 AM CHOOSE YOUR COLOR CHOOSE YOUR INTERIOR

Glacier White Pearl White TriCoat18 Brilliant Silver Metallic Gun Metallic Sunset Drift ChromaFlair®18


Nissan Altima® Platinum shown in Charcoal Leather.19


Nissan has taken care to ensure that the color swatches presented here are the closest possible representations of actual vehicle colors. Swatches may vary slightly due to the printing process and whether viewed in daylight, fluorescent or incandescent light. Please see the actual colors at your dealer. Scarlet Ember Tintcoat18 Deep Blue Pearl Storm Blue Metallic Super Black

S SV SR SL PLT S SV SR SL PLT S SV SR SL PLT S SV SR SL PLT CHARCOAL CLOTH GRAY CLOTH CHARCOAL SPORT CLOTH GRAY LEATHER19 CHARCOAL LEATHER19 Charcoal Cloth Gray Cloth Charcoal Sport Cloth Gray Leather19 Charcoal Leather19 S | SV SV SR SL | Platinum SL | Platinum

N_21ALTb_06-07_r5.indd 6 9/21/20 7:01 AM N_21ALTb_06-07_r5.indd 7 9/21/20 7:01 AM CHOOSE YOUR TRIM LEVEL


2.5-liter Direct Injection Gasoline (DIG) DOHC 16-valve 4-cylinder engine • Front-Wheel Drive Electronic parking brake • ProPILOT Assist5 • Intelligent Lane Intervention12 • Automatic brake (FWD) • Xtronic CVT® (Continuously Variable ) • Front vented disc/rear solid disc hold • Traffic Sign Recognition36 • 17" Aluminum-alloy wheels • LED fog lights • Heated outside brakes • Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) • Electronic Brake force Distribution (EBD) • Brake mirrors with LED turn signal indicators • Power sliding glass moonroof • Acoustic laminated Assist20 • Dual-pinion electric-powered steering • Cruise control • Automatic Emergency glass • Dual Zone Automatic Temperature Control • Rear passenger air conditioning vents Braking with Pedestrian Detection8 • Lane Departure Warning12 • Intelligent Forward • Passenger-side front-window one-touch auto-up/down • Remote Engine Start System Collision Warning21 • RearView Monitor22 • Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)23 with Traction with Intelligent Climate Control26 • 4-way power adjustable front-passengerʼs seat • Driverʼs Control System (TCS) • Hill start assist • High Beam Assist • Intelligent Driver Alertness24 • 16" seat power lumbar support • Leather-appointed seats • Heated front seats • Heated steering Steel wheels with wheel covers • Active grille shutters • Intelligent Auto Headlights • Halogen wheel • Piano Black interior trim • Wood-tone trim • Nissan Door to Door Navigation with projector headlights • Dual power outside mirrors • Air conditioning • Power windows with 5-year trial access to Premium Traffic included27 • SiriusXM® Traffic and Travel Link with one-touch driver-side auto-up/down • Power door locks with auto-locking feature • Rear 3-month trial access included15 • NissanConnect® Services powered by SiriusXM® with Door Alert25 • Nissan Intelligent Key® with Push Button Ignition • Remote Engine Start 3-year trial access to Select and 6-month trial access to Premium and Premium Plus System26 • Tilt and telescoping steering column • Variable intermittent speed-sensitive packages included15 • Bose Premium Audio System with nine speakers windshield wipers • Sun visors with illuminated vanity mirrors and extensions • 60/40- split fold-down rear seatbacks • Cloth seat trim • Carbon-fiber look interior trim • 5" Multi-function information display • 7" touch-screen display • Voice Recognition27 • Siri® Eyes Free15 • Hands-free Text Messaging Assistant28 • Bluetooth® Hands-free Phone System15 PLATINUM INCLUDES SL EQUIPMENT PLUS: • AM/FM audio system with six speakers • Steering wheel-mounted audio controls • Speed- sensitive volume control • Auxiliary audio input jack4 • One USB port4 • Streaming Audio Standard Intelligent All-Wheel Drive3 • Intelligent Around View® Monitor13 • 19" Aluminum- via Bluetooth®15 • Nissan Advanced Air Bag System with ten air bags29 • Tire Pressure alloy wheels • Auto-dimming inside rearview mirror • HomeLink® Universal Transceiver Monitoring System (TPMS) with individual tire pressure display and Easy-Fill Tire Alert30, 31 • Interior accent lighting • Memory System – driver’s seat and outside mirrors

SV INCLUDES S EQUIPMENT PLUS: CHOOSE YOUR PACKAGE Available Intelligent All-Wheel Drive3 • Electronic parking brake (AWD models only) • Active Brake Limited Slip (AWD models only) • Blind Spot Warning11 • Rear Cross Traffic Alert10 • Rear Automatic Braking9 • Rear Sonar System32 • Active Ride Control • Intelligent Trace S DRIVER ASSIST PACKAGE Control33 • 17" Aluminum-alloy wheels • LED projector headlights with LED signature • Rear Automatic Braking9 • Blind Spot Warning11 Daytime Running Lights • Acoustic laminated glass • Piano Black interior trim • 7" Advanced • Rear Cross Traffic Alert10 • Rear Sonar System32 Drive-Assist® Display34, 35 • NissanConnect® 8" touch-screen display15 • Apple CarPlay® integration15 • ™15 • Two USB ports and two USB-C ports4 • SiriusXM® Radio with 3-month subscription included15 SV PREMIUM PACKAGE

• Electronic parking brake • Power sliding glass moonroof • ProPILOT Assist5 • Driverʼs seat power lumbar support SR/SR VC-TURBO™ INCLUDES SV EQUIPMENT PLUS: • Intelligent Lane Intervention12 • Heated front seats • Automatic brake hold • Leather-wrapped steering wheel Paddle shifters with manual shift mode • Sport-tuned suspension (FWD models only) • 19" • Heated outside mirrors with LED turn • Leather-wrapped shift knob Aluminum-alloy wheels • Dark chrome V-Motion grille • Body-color door handles • Black signal indicators • Dual chrome exhaust finishers outside mirrors • Charcoal rear diffuser • Dual chrome exhaust finishers • Sport Cloth seat trim • Leather-wrapped steering wheel • Leather-wrapped shift knob • Carbon-fiber look interior trim SR PREMIUM PACKAGE SR VC-TURBO ADDS: 236-hp 2.0-liter Variable Compression Turbo (VC-Turbo™) 4-cylinder engine16 • Power • Power sliding glass moonroof • Heated outside mirrors with LED turn sliding glass moonroof • Heated outside mirrors with LED turn signal indicators • Driverʼs • Driverʼs seat power lumbar support signal indicators seat power lumbar support • Heated front seats • Heated front seats SR VC-Turbo available on Front-Wheel Drive models only. This package is available on 2.5-L models and standard on 2.0-L VC-Turbo model.

Images may show additional available equipment.

N_21ALTb_08-09_r5.indd 8 9/21/20 7:03 AM N_21ALTb_08-09_r5.indd 9 9/21/20 7:03 AM CHOOSE YOUR ACCESSORIES

A B GENUINE NISSAN ACCESSORIES Turn brand-new into all you

A. All-Season Floor Mats Every Genuine Nissan Accessory is custom-fit, custom-designed, and durability-tested. SkSkipip the mud – and other messes. Each one is backed by Nissan’s 3-year/36,000-mile (whichever occurs first) limited warranty (if installed by dealer at the time of purchase), and can be financed when B. All-SeasonAll-Season TTrunkrunk Area Protector 37 KeKeepep it looking like new. installed by dealer at time of purchase.

C. PortablePortable CargoCargo Organizer38 To see Genuine Nissan Accessories A place for everything and everything in its place. in action, go to bit.ly/21Altima-GNA

D. ClearClear DoorDoor Edge Protector C D HelpHelp preserve your paint.

E. IlluminatedIlluminated KKickick Plates FeFewerwer scuffs and a grand entry, every time.

F. Impact Sensor KeKeepep your Altima alarmed, so you don’t have to be.

G. SlidingSliding TrTrunkunk Organizer Tray38 Bring some order to your cargo area.

E H. Shopping Bag Hooks SecureSecure your groceries and keep it together.

F Additional Accessories: • CaCarpetedrpeted FloorFloor Mats • CarpeCarpetedted TTrunkrunk Area Protector • HiHideawaydeaway Trunk Net Kit • ClClearear RRearear Bumper Protector • BlBlackack RearRear Bumper Protector • WhWheeleel Locks • AnAndd More

G H For more information and to shop online for Altima® Genuine Nissan Accessories, go to bit.ly/21Altima-Accy

Nissan Altima® SL shown in Scarlet Ember Tintcoat with 17" Aluminum-alloy Wheels, Splash Guards, Chrome Body Side Moldings, Chrome Rear Bumper Protector, and Rear Spoiler.

N_21ALTb_10-11_r5.indd 10 9/21/20 7:04 AM N_21ALTb_10-11_r5.indd 11 9/21/20 7:04 AM SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS/CAPACITIES/WEIGHTS/MPG

S SV SR SL Platinum S SV SR SL Platinum S SV SR SL Platinum Engines Wheels/Tires Seating/Appointments (continued) Exterior Dimensions – Inches 2.5-liter Direct Injection Gasoline (DIG™) DOHC 16" Steel wheels with wheel covers Heated steering wheel 111.2 16-valve 4-cylinder engine 17" Aluminum-alloy wheels Leather-wrapped steering wheel and P1 Overall length 192.9 39 40 188 /182 hp @ 6,000 rpm 19" Aluminum-alloy wheels shift knob Overall width 72.9 39 40 0 18 /178 lb-ft of torque @ 3,600 rpm P215/60HR16 all-season tires Carbon-fiber look interior trim Overall height 56.7 — 57.4 (depending on vehicle configuration) 2.0-liter Variable Compression Turbo P215/55VR17 all-season tires Piano Black interior trim Track width 62.8 — 63.6 (depending on vehicle configuration) (VC-Turbo™) DOHC 16-valve 4-cylinder engine P235/40VR19 all-season tires Wood-tone trim 248/236 hp @ 5,600 rpm16 Aerodynamics – CD 273/267 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm16 Audio/Entertainment Exterior Features Drag coefficient (Cd) 0.26 5" Multi-function information display Drivetrain Active grille shutters ® 34, 35 Intelligent Auto Headlights 7" Advanced Drive-Assist Display Interior Dimensions (Front/Rear) – Inches Front-Wheel Drive (FWD) 7" touch-screen display 3 Halogen projector headlights Head room without moonroof 39.2/36.9 Intelligent All-Wheel Drive (AWD) ® 15 LED projector headlights with LED signature NissanConnect 8" touch-screen display Head room with moonroof 38.0/36.7 Xtronic CVT® (Continuously Variable Daytime Running Lights Nissan Door to Door Navigation with 5-year Shoulder room 58.2/57.1 Transmission) trial access to Premium Traffic included27 LED fog lights Hip room 54.7/54.5 Paddle shifters with manual shift mode SiriusXM® Traffic and Travel Link15 Dual power outside mirrors Leg room 43.8/35.2 NissanConnect® Services powered by Brakes Heated outside mirrors with LED turn P1 P2 ®15 signal indicators SiriusXM 27 Capacities Front vented disc/solid rear disc brakes Power sliding glass moonroof P1 P2 Voice Recognition ® 15 Seating capacity 5 Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) Acoustic laminated glass Apple CarPlay integration ™15 Interior passenger volume without moonroof (cu. ft.) 100.8 Electronic Brake force Distribution (EBD) Dark chrome V-Motion grille Android Auto 20 ® 15 Interior passenger volume with moonroof (cu. ft.) 98.8 Brake Assist Black outside mirrors Siri Eyes Free P1 28 Cargo capacity (cu. ft.)38 15.4 Electronic parking brake Charcoal rear diffuser Hands-free Text Messaging Assistant ® 15 Fuel tank (gals.) 16.2 (FWD)/16.0 (AWD) Dual chrome exhaust finishers P1 Bluetooth Hands-free Phone System Suspension/Steering AM/FM audio system with six speakers Curb Weights – Lbs. Independent strut front suspension Comfort/Convenience Bose Premium Audio System with nine speakers Base total (lbs.) S SV SR SL Platinum Multi-link independent rear suspension Air conditioning Active Noise Cancellation Twin-tube front struts/monotube rear shock Dual Zone Automatic Temperature Control 2.5-L FWD 3,207 3,245 3,296 3,296 - absorbers Steering wheel-mounted audio controls Rear passenger air conditioning vents 2.5-L AWD - 3,367 3,418 3,423 3,463 Sport-tuned suspension39 Speed-sensitive volume control 2.0-L VC-Turbo FWD - - 3,425 - - Power windows with one-touch driver-side 4 Front and rear stabilizer bars auto-up/down Auxiliary audio input jack 4 Dual pinion electric-powered steering Passenger-side front-window one-touch One USB port 2021 EPA Fuel Economy Estimates17 auto-up/down Two USB ports and two USB-C ports4 Driver Assistance Technologies Power door locks with auto-locking feature SiriusXM® Radio15 City/Hwy/Combined MPG S SV SR SL Platinum Cruise control Rear Door Alert25 Streaming Audio via Bluetooth®15 2.5-L FWD 28/39/32 27/37/31 27/37/31 27/37/31 - ProPILOT Assist5 P1 Nissan Intelligent Key® with Push Button 2.5-L AWD - 26/36/30 25/35/29 26/36/30 25/35/29 Intelligent Forward Collision Warning21 Ignition Safety/Security 26 2.0-L VC-Turbo FWD - - 25/34/29 - - Automatic Emergency Braking with Remote Engine Start System Nissan Advanced Air Bag System with dual- Pedestrian Detection8 Remote Engine Start System26 with stage supplemental front air bags with seat- 29 Lane Departure Warning12 Intelligent Climate Control belt and occupant-classification sensors Intelligent Lane Intervention12 P1 Variable intermittent speed-sensitive wind- Seat-mounted side-impact supplemental D shield wipers air bags for front- and rear-seat outboard NISSAN ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE Blind Spot Warning11 29 Auto-dimming inside rearview mirror occupants Rear Cross Traffic Alert10 D HomeLink® Universal Transceiver Driver and front-passenger supplemental Your peace of mind is on us. For 36 months or 36,000 Rear Automatic Braking9 D knee air bags29 Interior accent lighting miles, whichever comes first, your new Nissan vehicle is 32 D Roof-mounted curtain side-impact supple- Rear Sonar System covered for the following:43 22 mental air bags with rollover sensor for RearView Monitor Seating/Appointments front- and rear-seat outboard occupant 13 29 Intelligent Around View® Monitor 41 head protection 6-way manual adjustable driver’s seat - Flat-tire changes - Trip Interruption benefits - Jump starts 23 Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) with Traction 42 41 3-point ALR/ELR seat belt system (ELR only 8-way power adjustable driver’s seat D - Vehicle lockouts - Emergency fuel delivery Control System (TCS) for driver) YOUTUBE LOGO SPECS Active Brake Limited Slip 4-way power adjustable front-passenger’s seat Front and rear outboard seat belts with Driver’s seat power lumbar support P1 P2 pretensioners and load limiters FollowPRINT Nissan on:on light backgrounds on dark backgrounds Active Ride Control standard standard Memory System – driver’s seat and LATCH System (Lower Anchors and Tethers main red gradient bottom 33 PMS 1795C PMS 1815C Intelligent Trace Control C0 M96 Y90 K2 C13 M96 Y81 K54 outside mirrors for CHildren) Hill start assist Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) with 60/40-split fold-down rear seatbacks black P1 white WHITE BLACK no gradients no gradients Automatic brake hold C0 M0 Y0 K0 C100 M100 Y100 K100 Cloth seat trim individual tire pressure display and Easy-Fill High Beam Assist Tire Alert30, 31 visit NissanUSA.com/altima Sport Cloth seat trim Traffic Sign Recognition36 Nissan Vehicle Immobilizer System PRINTED IN POLAND Leather-appointed seats watermark watermark Intelligent Driver Alertness24 Vehicle Security System Heated front seats P1 P2 Standard D f Part o Driver Assist Package P2 Part of SR Premium Package Optional P1 Part of SV Premium Package

stacked logo (for sharing only) stacked logo (for sharing only)

N_21ALTb_12-IBC_r5.indd 12 9/21/20 7:06 AM N_21ALTb_12-IBC_r5.indd 13 9/21/20 7:06 AM