About Our Members
about our members U. R. Acharya, formerly director of the Regional Meteoro- pointment as assistant professor of meteorology at San Jose logical Center, Calcutta, India, is now director for instru- State College, San Jose, Calif. ments, Meteorological Office, Poona, India. Maj. Walter I. Christensen, Jr., USAF member of the Joint Ernest Amman of the Weather Bureau's Office of Meteoro- Meteorological Satellite Program Office, has received the logical Operations received the National Aeronautics and Department of Defense Joint Service Commendation Medal Space Administration's Exceptional Service Medal from NASA for meritorious service in representing the DOD on inter- Administrator Thomas O. Paine at an Apollo Awards cere- departmental committees and advisory groups for meteoro- mony held at the Kennedy Space Center on 30 November. logical satellite matters and for his significant contribu- Wilmer L. Thompson, director of the Weather Bureau South- tions to the selection of experiments to be incorporated in ern Region, represented Dr. Robert M. White, ESSA admin- the national meteorological satellite research program. Ac- istrator, at the ceremony. cording to the citation, Maj. Christensen demonstrated out- Charles A. Baird, Jr., graduated from Yale University in standing abilities to initiate and execute technical plans 1969 with a Ph.D. in engineering and applied science. and programs involving multi-service and multi-agency in- Maj. Paul R. Balcom, USAF, last fall was elected a member terests, serving the best interests of the Department of De- of the Pennsylvania State University Chapter of Chi Epsilon fense in a firm and tactful manner. Pi. Upon completion of his graduate studies in December Capt.
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