fidel Displ ys The Weather Cloudy through Thur~d"y IIl0ht. Oc;usional lighl freezi ng drilli. in the northeast Thursday morn· ing. Colder extreme north Thursday night. Day tim. Super-Modern highs from the lower 30s in Ihe east to the mid or all owan upper 30s in the west. Mostly fair, littl. ch.n,e in Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Red Missiles temperature Friday. Established in 1868 United Press International and Associated Press Leased Wires and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Thuu:lay, January 3, 1963 HAVANA IN! - Fidel Castro's regime flex ed its Soviet·supplied military muscle Wednesday in a parade exhibiting for the first time a type of antiaircraft missile de· • scribcd by a commentator as the mo t modern in existence. The ground·to·alr missiles, not I generall y known to have been in Showdown Looms Congo Castro's possession, heaved into view at the tail end of an hour·long display of military hardware, part of the celcbration of the bearded prime minister's fourth nnnil'er· JFK Wants Tax Cut, UThant Demands I~ction, 'Not ary of power. An announcer Identified six mis· sUes as surl,ce·to·"ir and sur' Words 1 from Tshombe Regime face·'o·sea or coast,l defense New Health Bill in 163 rockets. As 'he sleek weapons, LEOPOI.DVILLr:, Ihe 'ongo (A P) - mrmrnls of n finn I lowed by trucks, rumbled past PAL~( BEACH, Fin. (AP) - Presidrnl Kennedy rores('es a I Cllugo showdown - military aud diplomatic - huilt up ngaimt • wide·eyed crowd, an elicited ret11rn to rccession It'vel 1II11'mp loyment in 196.'3 if Congress ,nnouncer said the antiaircraft )'r('~idcnt }.(oist' T~ho1l1hc's secessionist Ka tanga rrgiroe Wl'd· missiles could "knock down an d()('sn'l take prompt action to cut taxes. lH'sdu )' . .nemy plane at its highest fligh' Kcnnrdy is willing to s ttlc for gradllnl tax rcduction, taking U... Sc('rNary,Cl'neral Thant rcj('ct('d Tshomhc's ovrrhlrcS ceiling." efred in several steps, in order to placate congressional critics for furlher negotiotions on unifiea· The announcers did not say who f('ar a hlrg r fedcral deCk·it. Ilion. lie called through a New York whether the sharp·nosed gray spokesman for lhe Tshombe reo \leapons played any part in down· The ratr ('llts Wllidl the dministrntion will u.s. I(opters gime 10 deliver "nction, not in g a U.S. U2 reconnaissance jet Iwords ." over Cuba during the Oelober cri· propose later this month woulu involve $.5 hilJion to $10 billion sis. The crisis arose over Cuba's of annual savings to individual and corporatr taxpayers. The Thant believes the only discus· sions required Orf' on technical po session of intermediate·range, hudget upficit in th(' fiscal year stllrting J11l y 1 is cxpected to Shot Up By land·based missiles With nuclear mullers, the spokesmoll said. potential, regarded by President approximat<' 16 billion withollt a lax cut. Falling into line on one techni­ Kennedy as offensive weapons. The '1'0 Ie sen the impact on fedemi l - - - - -.- cal matter was the Union Minier. President did not extend his ulti· revenues, Kennedy has directed F h PI' Red Guerrillas cu Haut Katlnga, the copper malum (or withdrawal of weapons the Treasury to prepare a package 0 arls mining company whose opera· to those considered defensive. bill calling for spaced reductions. rene SAIGON, South Viel N3m IA'I - rations have poured $40 million Communist guerrillas shot up a a year into Tshombe's treasury. In a 9O·minute anniversary This was learned Wednesday fleet 01 U.S. helicopters carrying speech, Castro refer red briefly to from source who supplied a broad R I H' Vietnamese troops into battle Wed· The con1J)any's I3russels, Del· lhe missiles, saying, "Today, the summary of current Jlresidenti~1 ep y Inges nesday, killing three Americans - gium. headquorters announced it first ground·to·air rocket artillery thlOkmg on all phases of domeshc one an Army captain - and wound· was di spatchi ng e¥perts to Leo· crews in training have paraded ing four others. There were (ears poldville to help devise a system to past here." He said the rocket JlO~~:~e are s~me o.f the highlights: On IPoliticsl thaL Lwo of the helicopters were cut split those reven ues between Ka · would be used to keep Cuban air· -Kenncdy IS qUIte hopeful that off in enemy territory. tanga and lhe central Congo gov· space free of intruders. the House, in the first big batlie ernment of Premier Cyrille Adoula. Tllen he quickly changed the sub· Springing a trap, the Viet Cong This help for Adou la's finan cially of the 1963 session thaI begins in PARIS IA'I - President Charles held their fire as (he firsL wave ject, claiming the United Statcs one week, will again vote to in· de Gaulle's acceptance or refusal unslable regime is 3 key point of had broken promises made to the of helicopters landed in rice field Thant's plan. crease tile Rules Committee from of President Kennedy's offer to country near the banks of the Me· Soviet Union toward the end of the 12 members to 15. If this hotly con· The U.N. Command. rushing a crisis. He did nol elaborate. supply France with Polaris mis· kong River 50 miles southwest of tested move to put more Kennedy Saigon. com bat column northwestward Cistro assailed President Ken· supporters on the commillee fails, siles hinges on far·reaching politi· along the ElisabethvilJe-Jadotvllfe cal questions. "Then all hell broke loose," re· nedy as a "vulgar pira'e chief." I the Presidenl is convinced his leg· road toward Tshombe's emergency ",c! daimed he forced Wuhing· \ islative program will be dead [pr Informed French source said turning crewmen said. headquarters in Kolwezi, was as· Ion to "ay indemnity for the reo the next two years. The rules group the offel', as it now stands, sug· Wilh automatic small Irms ~ured powerful supporting equip· Itase ot ~ay ot Pigs invasion clears bills for floor action. ge Is a reply to De GauiJe's de· and cannon fire, the Commun· ment from the United States even prison~r~ who were liberated for · -The White House will try to reo sire for .tripartite condue.t of. West· Ists dealt the costliest defeat yet if peace comes overnight. J,53 million worth of food and vive health care and aid to ~duca. ern affaIrs. But, they saId, It does suffered by U.S. helicopters sup· Official Wuhington source. drugs sorely needed by 'h. Cuban tion measures in the new Congress not go far enough even to ap· porting President Ngo Dinh said the U.S. Gov.rnment hll regime. with some effort made to make th~ proBch the French president's pro· Happy Year? Diem's pro·Western Government. agreed to deliver six Irmored "Even though they try to di s. bills more palatable to opponents Iposal of t958 . .At that time he e~· And A New Officials here said the three personnel carriers, 30 medium simulat!!, the imperialists agreed who killed the~ last year .. I!o~· pressed a deS1l'~ for France, Bn­ Back to school after II nice, 10,}' rel.)(in, Christ. money I Have heart, though, your bill probably deaths - a captain sel'ving as a truck s and some mine-clearing lO pay our country the indemnity ever, Kennedy IS not too optlmlsllc tam .and UOIted States to form ~he mas vacation - and wha"s the first greeting didn't top Cheryl Chadim's_ The freshman from militl11'y advi er, a helicopter crew devices by mid.J,nuary. Thr., lhat lhe revolutionary tribunals set about his chances of success. a trIUmVIrate. chief and a gunner - brought to U.S. transport pl,n.. and one you get? A notice you owe the University some Hiawatha learned she owed SUI $156.92. for lhe Giron Beach invaders," -Kennedy also will give high Sources close to the French 26 the number of Americans killed tanker plane wif/ be blled in Castro said. "They call iL ransom, priority to a "youth opportunities" president said the Polaris offer -Photo by Joe lippincott in Olelion in Ihe Viet Nom civil Leopoldville to provide contlnu· but the fact is that they had to bill aimed at helping young people seems to be a step nearer that war. ing support. accept the payment of indemnifics. fit into the growing labor market. goal, although, as one source pUL T k 5 E d ' IPentagon figures listed 21 killed Tshombe's rcalization of tile lions. For the first lime in its his· The Pre ident is concerned bccause it: "De Gaulle asked for a mile rue er ays xo us a I ng- in action and 31 deaths from olher squeeze appeared to be reflected tory, imperialism paid an indemni. 25 per cent of the teen·agers who in 1958 and is offered 100 yards." \ causes'. in a mcssa{;c to 'rhont relayed by (icalion of war." quit s<:hool are U.S. AmbassadOI' Charle E. diplomatic sources in Katanga via l The Communist ground fire hit He referred to the April 1961, -The President professes satis. , Boh len met Wednesday with For· 14 Amcrican helicopters t:Jking part Leopoldl'lile. \obortive invasion attempt by Cuban faction with his [lresent Cabinet eign Minister Ma urice Couve de Canada: ·Amish 'Immigrants' in an opel'ntion I hot began al "r beg you to orronge an imme· exiles. Referring to President Ken· but believes it is quite possible a Murviife Bnd diseussed the recent I dawn - ond brought down al least diate meeting b tween myself and nedy's welcome to the liberated few membC'rs will want to step Nassau accord beL ween Kennedy eight. Five were destroyed. men, Castro said, "This man acted down after two years oC service. and British Prime Minister Harold one uf your represenlatives not en· gaged in the military operal ion now li~e a vulgar pirate chief, to meel lie has no pi~115 to replace Sccle· I M:1cmillan. Four of the aircraft downed in progress. J confirm my ad· WIth tbese cowards ~nd then say tary of Stale Dean Rusk. The accord provided that the were tUI·bine·powered escol'l heli· Must Heed Education Laws herence to lile U Thant plan." to the world that theIr flag would -Measured by economic statis· United States would make Polaris copters. The 01 hers wel'e Iroop carriers. return to a (ree Havana. " tics, Ihe state of the union is missiles available to Britain. 'rhe O'ITAWA IN! - The Canadian Elmer Jensen said he under· The schools had on enrollment of 'fhe Thanl statement , issued in New York soon after Tshombe's Caslro repeated his demand that slightly better this January than a same offcr was made La France. Immigration DepartmenL said Wed· ' stood Canadi~n officials were de· 37 pupils. The wounded Americans, one laying approval of immigration me~S:lgc wa~ made public here, \he United States get out of its ycar ago. But the President isn't The missiles would form n part nesd:ly that any Amish people od'l The judge ruled, however, that described as in serious condition, Guahtanamo Bay naval base at the certain the upward thrust can be of a multilateral Western defense permits until the school contro· 'he state does have the power were evacuated under heavy ene· ignorcd Tshombe's cond ition al of· mitLed to Canada as immigrants fer to return to Elisnbethville, hi s ~astern tip of Cuba, but he did not sustained without the economic force, but could be used by Brilain versy is settled. to enforce the attendance laws my fire. occupied capital, for furt her nego· mtlmate thaL any other than legal stimulation of an early tax cut. or France when "supreme national from Iowa must give assurance by proper action against the par· Vietnamese fighter bombers lhat they will comply with provin· Jensen said he has moved four tiations. means would be employed to oust interests" were involved. Amish families from northwest .nls of the ind ividual children in · struck with rockets and shells at \ne United States. The prime min· cial education laws. volved _ Viet Cong positions near the river Tshombe Irad called fer a guer­ ister also repeated that Cuba would Bit K'II 12 Fren~h SOUl." ce~ saId . Bohlen , In Buchanan Counly to Canada, and a SIS A department official was earn· J . J. Jorgensen, superintendent town of Vinh Long bu~ the guerrilla antee of his personal nfety and never accept inspection on its soil I a 3~'~11lute m~el1ng WI~ . Co~ve de menting on applications received eight other families planned to fol· of schools in Buchanon County, has force held and fought back inslead freedom of movement, • con· to verify the lack of land·ba ed I I d· MUI VIlle, prOVIded clllrlhcaLIon .of from a number of Amish families low but have not received pl'l'miLs wa1'lled the parents of the 37 Amish of breaking away CIS the guerrillas sular esc or' and I ClIS.·fire on offensive Soviet missiles, as Ihe the Nassau accord .. The detads n n lana in Iowa for entry Lo Canada as to enter Conoda. children the children mu~t be in usually do ofter attack. the blood·smear.d J.cIotvilie Uniled Stales has demanded. He were not made public. landed immigrants. state approved schools after New Sources hel'f' soid the Commun· road. made no criticism of Moscow for TERRE lIAU'fE, Inri. !A'I _ A Bohlen said he will seek an eal'ly None of the families planning Lo I Tile sect in Iowa now is en· Year's. Schools reopen Thursday. ists were estimated to be at leasl The United Not ions already had Ihe withdrawal of the missiles and dawn explosion Wednesday ripped meeting with De Gaulle. leave Iowa is involved in the con· I gaged in a dispuh~ with Iowa troversy. All but one of their Jorgensen snid the childl'en musL battalIon strength of 400 men 01' IJromiFcd Tshombe safety, provid· jet bombers, but stressed Cuba's the Wabash River plant of Home De Gaulle is known to be deeply au'horities over its refusal to school·aged children attend public ing he did nol stil' up Irouble. This sovereignty. Packing Co., killing 12 or more interested in obtaining an explana· either attend public schools. 01' be more. SInd children to stat. schools ~c hool s . instructed by stale certified teach· Cas ualtics were uelieved heavy ongere~ Moula. workers and injuring 47, four scri· tion of what Is meant by "supreme beyond grade 8. On Dec. 20. Judge Peter Van el'S in the two priv stances where they said they haft .d('ntl~ whIch East G~rma~ g ll~rd s COlmC as a surprise to the Nationol lority I•• der. I ily and state police, firemen . B.radford wos as~~. whel.her this MEXICAN MURDERS been harassed by law enfol'cenlent ~al1'olll1g the Sprce Rlv('I' fIrst fIred ) Safety Council which had estimat ed SCHOOLS CLOSED The President called Kerr's leg. and Civil Defense workers were IOcllcatcd a ~sslblllty t.hat the MEXICO CITY 1A'i _ Therc wel-C officers. l<' Ollr of the plaintiffs, in· five bursts. ]JrcSll1l1ub ly at what bdwecn 420 and 480 would bc GEORGETOWN. British Guiana Islotive career excepLional and joined uy the same mine rescue new~~a~.l·s ~~ght. bc publdled lJy 1,029 murders in Me~ico ity losl. eluding Ihe white altorney, Wil · they thought was Q refugee. , killed in traffic. But Mondn)" afler !A'I _ Schools throughout British said , "In the lost Iwo years alon e" squad thot Walked in Iha Viking the V:111type ptoces . year, officials repol·L. Their year. liam L. Jiiggs, oppe~~ed at 11 .news Later. Ihe gua rds fired two other Ia nalyzing the pace or traffic deaths Guiann lViII1'emnin closed an e."Ctra almosl every major qiil enacted mine explosion that killed 22 min· IIis only reply was: "RcmemlJer, end report also said I.B73 cars conference to dcsCll lle thell ex· shots. Polk . aid tlws seriously /1 . during the firs t Ihree clays, lhe week because of a polio outbreak. hore the mark of hls untiring lead· CI'S neat' '1' l-re HUlIle on Mllrch 2, Ihnt was done in Chicago COl' 2~ we I'" 810 len ond 5,420 pCl'sons vIIn'l pertences, cl ongered Lwo West Bl'rl in police counc il revised its cst imale down· They were to have I'eopelled Moo. ersbip and' skilL" 11001. . . months in 1!H8," Iished. lIiggs said he was Ilrrested last olticiuls. They I'cturllct! tho tir o. I wU l'd to 300 to S60. day.

State University oflowf LIBRARIES Editorial Page - . This Is The~ .Roscoe Drummo'nd Reports- The 0rators And Way the World Drummond Outlines Struggle r. Nu flo new cI The Sound of Silence open \0 bo What's going on here? Ends, Mona! In House Rules Committee tween ]8 a By JOHN CROSBY al the SUI The time has come for a halt to tho e intermittent. PARlS - A bunch of us were By ROSCOE ORUMMOND Congressmen do not like to over­ gressman decide it the way they piau "statement' of progr s" which spurt from the offices sitting around discussing the rule their committees - and wish . Mona Lisa , [ can't recall the WASHINGTON, D.C, - The S of Dean ~1. L. lIuit, the Tnt [-Fraternity Council and the conflicting forces within the then he comes to the heart of The blocking tactics of the Mplicati Mona Lisa's attracting much at­ the maHer: "We block legislation House Rules Committee are far Studt'nt cnatt'. Th . e spa modie tatement should be re­ tention when il was here, But now Democratic party in Congress $3.000 SU,tl will shortly be engaged in a pOw­ sometimes simply because the more troublesome to the Demo_ scbolarshl[ placed with a little more action. absence. as lhey say, makes the House doesn't want it." crats thnn to the Republicans. heart grow fonder, er struggle from which the Re· at SVI are La t month, \\" .hk d some Clul'stion' concerning ac­ I ask just one question : It is a problem almost peculiar The last lime it was away wus publicans will be well advised to The sehc tions of the local chapter of Sigma :\u at the fraternity's stand aside, wouldn·t it be better to make it to the Democratic party because in 1911 when it was stolen. It easier for the House to decide of the deep split between its about Apr national com'ention. disappeared for two years. One The issue at controversy is what it wants to vote on than to Southern and liberal wings, abte, ace whether the House Rules Com­ son, SUI I It would seem to u that the reaction to those questions story goes that lhe Mona Lisa was make it easier for the Rules Why shouldn 't the Democrats stolen by a gang of forgers in mittee - presided over by the Committee to decide what the be left free to try to solve their who will on tllC part of the local pn' id ·nt tCle AI'ery might con­ the south oC France. One can veleran Southern conservative. House wants to vote on? own legislati ve problem without scholarshil ceivably have pricked the intcrc t of one of thc above hardly sdl a forged Mona Li sa Rep. Howard Smith (D-Va.). • • • the Republicans mixing in ? MpJican when the real one sits in the • who viewed most Kennedy meas­ As I see it, the overriding ob­ scores the iI:~Ebltions, ures with a jaundiced eye-shall THIS IS THE issue before the Louvre. The gang stole lhe real House when Congress convenes jective is to promote the effec­ ters of .. ':c arc somewhat bafflt'd h)' ver)'~ re,\e;tion our­ one. simply to drive up the price continue with 15 members, as tive functioning of majority rule compOsers provided two years ago, or reo on Jan. 9, fessor Be; sch LS, but we arc more than somewhat disgusted with the of the forgeries, There are several reasons why and to keep lhe leadership of th e While the hullabaloo was at its vert to ils Cormer number of majority party .accountable [or apparently tomplet lack of interc-:.t shown by Dean Huit, 12 members, it would be well for the Republi­ heighl, the forgers (so the slo ry can to stand aside [rom this dis­ its actions - and inactions. IFC, and the Senate. goes) sold 11 forged Mona Lisas At stake is far more lhan just pute and let tbe Democratic Con- Copyright 1962: three random appOinlees to the New York Herald Tribune Inc, To refresh tlle collective memories of those good of­ to South American millionaires ------~- for very fancy prices, There's powerful Rules Committee, plea­ fice , and to reassure Avery th;!t we hlH en't forgotten. thc nothing like publicity to drive up sant as such appointments are quc tions were: the price of a painting, to members of Congress, AT STAKE in lhe view o[ those U.S.-UN Congo Policy • lIow did the SVI chaptl'r of igma Nu vote at the WELL, 50 YEARS later, La 'You see - first women, then Negroes, J oconde is gone again. this time who wish to retain the IS-man nalional COIll'mtion concerning thc fratcrnity's nlcial rc­ Now Congressmen and Senatorsl legalJy and this time it's insured membership is whether or not strictions to ml'mhcr~hipi' for $100 million, the leadership of the majority Not Easy To Counter "A hundred mil­ party should have eCfective con· • Did thc local chapter sign a "Io),alty pledge" or I lion doll a l' s." trot of the flow of legislation WASHINGTON - For the short open. extremely impatient irrita. stat('mrl1t of prindplc, which included a justification of The Ralph McGill Column- someone pointed to the floor of Congress, run , at least, the U.S.-UN policy tion, This is understandable tIl(' Ilational'~ lilc'ial polit'il's, as it was requestcd 1,0 do prior out. "it's a ni ce' It is my conviclion that re­ in the Congo looks like it's suc­ enough, round sum, I[ sponsibility for the flow o[ leg­ cceding. to the l'01l\ 'c' nti()l1~ someone should islation to the floor of Congress Furthermore, it is not easy to Yet wise troop commanders do H'r) '~ amwl'l' - OIl three different occasions - was Technology - America's stcal the Mona deserves to bc in the hands of find any logical argument against not content themselves with this pOlicy, The aim is to promote crossly blaming their troops a simple ~l 0 l"OJnlllent_" Lisa now. the the leadership of lhe majority French Gnv"rn ... , party. Exercise of this respOn­ the stability of the non-Commun­ when they find the men under We are still wondtring why vel'y rcmains silent. Each ment would sibility is desirable Cor two rca­ ist Government of Congolese Pre­ tbeir command being unreason­ Automated Guillotine ably difficult. They look for deep­ $100 million ,1\;11-.1.... sons : mier Cyl'illc Adoula. by forcing nofllsal to commcnt on tlw i5sm' adds to the sllspicion that er causes. beginning with their By RALPH McGILL changes so that the painful tran­ er." It is essential to the eCfective the rich slate of Katanga to rec­ he is trying to co\'er something up, Another man SpOke up: "France functioning of Congress itseU. At ognize the authority of the Con­ own methods of command. The sition period in which unemploy­ If he is not cO\'cring something up, he is foolh.hly In Jean Renoir's biography of could use the money right now, a time when the legislative as­ golese Republic, same rule needs to be follOWed. his father, Pierre Auguste Renoir. ment will exist may be shortened. De Gaulle insists on building his semblies are being enfeebled None of the opponents of the alas, by leaders of great alli­ cposing his fratcrnity to that slispicion which can do ances, including the Western al­ there is a story about the obsoles­ A 35-HOUR week hardly seems own force de France_ Very ex­ elsewhere in the world Congress U,S.- UN policy has ever argued nothing but hurt the house, liance which the U.S. now leads , all answer, An employer forced to pensive those nuclear deterrents, ought not to weaken itself. that the present Congolese Gov­ cence of a once remunerative ernment can survive Cor very long H, Oll the other hlUlll, hc b II'} ing to conceal the fact It would be a strong temptation It is essential In order that the If the Kennedy administration prestige job and skill. The story increase costs by paying five to arrange to bave the Mona Lisa majority party and the Admin­ if the Katanga problem is not wants to undertake this kind of his chaptl'l' did not vote against the national's dis­ has no direct relevance for our hours of overtime, or to hire extra stolen all over again ." istration can be held clearly rapidly solved. The alternative to sell-examination which is distinct­ criminuticn clauses and/or did sign the "loyalty pledge," problems of today, but nonethe­ workers in order to work a 40- "A hundred million dollars," accountable for their failures as the U,S,-UN policy has been rath· ly overdue, a good place to begin lie can understand hi silenc . less, it reminds us that automa· hour week, will be forced to in­ someone else said, "could bank­ well as their successes in tran­ er 0 pen I y sug­ is the Skybolt affair. The so·called gested by Sergei tion and replacement of skills stall labor·saving machines or. if rupt Lloyds of London. And with sacting the public business, "Pact of Nassau" has by no If that is the ea~c, it cannot be concealed I'err long. N e m china, the means undone the harm of Sky­ with machines is no new thing, his business is marginal, close the British economy in the pre­ • • • And if it is proved that dther is true. wc strongly urge carious state that it's in, that Soviet Ambassa­ bolt. In Paris as well as in Lon­ Pierre Renoir's father. Leo­ down. IT IS ONLY FAIR to say that dor in Leopold­ ,immediate and Sl'l'l'rl' aet ion against the local eh;lptcr by could bring England to the abyss. Chairman Smith, most of the don Skybolt is still a very dirty nard. was a tailor, It was the All that is wrapped up in the Macmillan would have no bar­ ville, Nemchina word, generally accepted as thc O[fic of tudent Affairs, IFe and the Senate, Southern Democrats, and a con­ bas long been custom for friends to gather in European trade community called gaining pOwer left. He'd have to siderable number of Republicans speaking volumes about Ameri­ the Common Market requires that ul'ging Premier can ruthlessness and arrogance, And in view of Avery's reluctance to clear up the issue, his work room after supper Cor bring England into the Common do not see the issue in these American industry be able to Market at any cost - no matter Adoula to banish All this. once again. is annoy­ we Sl1ggcst that steps he takrn by Dean Huit, IFC, or the talk, One of those who came hac! terms, They see the House Rules the "neo-coloni­ compete. January wlll see a gam­ what price de Gaulle asks," Committee as a well-earned ingly unreasonable. The British Senate (or all three) to clarify the matter. al UN forces. been the chief assistant of the ble. The Administration will re­ ANOTHER MAN threw in his bastion from which to hold the government was on notice from duce taxes despite a large defi­ and to seek mili- ~I any statement havc 1)(' n made and many cdicts celebrated Charles Henri Sanson. ten cents worth: " If England gets line against "too liberal legisla­ the beginning of November that executioner during the French cit. The expectation is that the tary aid [1' 0 m ~LSOP the U,S, government had decided issued, which according to the allthors, will eliminate dis­ into the Common Market, it's go­ tion" which they [ear the ma­ revolutionary terror, (The pOsi­ freed money will stimulate busi­ ing to be a formidable competitor the Soviet bloc, Yet it is a fair Skybolt was a non-starter. Yet jority of Congress will pass if prediction that the success of this crimination in S I fraternities and sororities. tion was hereditary and Sanson's ness and employment. But it Is a to the United States, In fact it not restrained. whon Secretary of Defense Ro­ brothers exercised the same trade gamble. already is. But with England in unimpeachably motivated pOli­ bert McNamara visited London Thc timc ha com for someone to back LIp those state­ Obviously they do not put their cy will further strain this coun­ in other cities in France.) The story of Charles Uenri San­ the Common Market, the United position quite so bluntly. They at the beginning of December. mcnts and edicts with some action, If they don't, their son's assistant's dislike Cor the Slates economy would have to go try's already badly strained rela­ the announced aim of British De· THE OLD MAN always got would say privately. if not pub· tions with the two chief Western "pro/,'Tess is pure mockery, along well with Leonard Renoir. aulomation which made him and through a drastic tightening. The licly. that the pre-87th Congress fense Minister Peter Tborney­ his headsman's axe obSOlete allies, Britain and France. croft was to change the Ameri· -Larry Hatfield according 10 stories told by the foreign aid program would have House Rules Committee only Neither London nor Paris has painter to his son should serve to nudge us toward to be sharply cut if not eliminated wants to do its orderly best to can decision on Sky bolt. reality, any very clear alternative policy, • Jean, who wrote: altogether. The United States avoid having Congress vote on The main ruh will be, quite The facts were only faced in Dlslrlbuted 1962 won't be able to afford it. " l "After all, they by The Hall SyndlcaLe. Inc, measures which Congress real­ simply. that the American Gov­ London after the McNamara visit, IBattlefield Training were two good (All Rights Reserved) The first fellow spoke up : "If ly does not want to vote on, ernment has again taken indepen­ The result was a British decision workmen; 0 n e we cut the foreign aid program. Chairman Smith righlly says dent action, by going beyond that they did not wish to buy cut out cloth, the Skyllolt after all. This was the A proposal to e tablish a domestic version of the Peace South America wiJI go Commu­ that any time a majority - 218 British and French wishes in sup­ o the r cut off nist." - of the House sign a dis­ porting the "plan for national decision that Prime Minister Corps which will he brought beforc Congress next year has heads ju t Leadership, Tbe second man said' gloomily: charge petition, the petitioned reconciliation" offered to the Macmillan brought to Nassau. mcrit that its originators probably aren't aware, as conscientious­ "Laos will go Communist. too. To legislation can be brought to a Congo by UN Secl'etary-General after such a resounding prelimin­ ly, You did your ary row, The plan calls for the training of volunteers to work in say nothing of India. j3urma. and vote regardless of the Rules U Thant. job, and that was Malaya, " Committee, He admits it is a In official Washington , lhe But if the British were unrea­ depressed areas within the United States, sLleh as Indian that. [n order to Progress, The third man said: "If Asia mite di[fjcul~ to get 218 signa­ standard reaction to this sort of J son able. what of the Americans? reservations, urban lum and emergency areas, cut a suit of goes Communist, Africa will not tures on a discharge petition - Allied behavior is mal'ked, quite sharp scissors. The same was The answer, Alas, is that the This is good as far it gocs, but the plan's backers be far behind." Americans were quite exception­ as true of the guillotine knife, IOU South America, Asia. Mrica have overlooked one important fLlIletion the proposed or­ And Protest ally insensitive and far from fore­ "Curiously enough, Sanson's as­ go Communist - almost two bil­ handed. Unaware of the change ganization could fulfill - that of training volunteers for the sistant disapproved of Dr, Guillo· By J.M, ROBERTS lion people - the United States of view in London, President Associated Press News Analyst It regular Peace Corps. lin's invention. It had ruined the could never hold out. would go Kennedy took to Nassau a most profession (oC beheading persons ) After a year of Gov~rnment Communist, too." generous offer to share further Sh weeks in any 011e of a number of American metro­ by making it too easy. Facility stUdies and concrete world devel­ \'(e were all silent for a while. Skybolt costs with Britain, and to politan slums will make Afghanistan seem like a vacation always opens the doors te ama­ opments showing the Soviet Union Then someone said: "And all be­ sell Britain as many Skybolts as lo any corpsman, - The Colorado Daily teurs, [n olden times, in order to is not nine feet tall. President cause Jackie Kennedy asked An­ might be desired . cut off a head with the aKe. one Kennedy now appears to be def­ dre Malraux to send over the This was refused, But if such needed some training in the pro­ initely applying his "get moving" Mona Lisa." an offer had been madc in No­ fession, not to mention a few slogan to the Western alliance as THERE'S another story ahout vember, whcn the Pentagon de­ Here and, There natural gifts, such as a sharp eyc well as to the United Stales. painting forgeries Wllich I like, cided agai nst Sky bolt, or at latest and a steady hand. But what It's the talc of tile middle-aged al lhe beginning o! December, Tlte [01£0 Re/raill: LicjLlor, Licjuor, everywhere. butnol merit is there in manipulating a lIardly had the word passcd from his holiday White House that woman. once a famous beauty, when McNamara wellt to London. liquor by the drink. machine which does the whole job he expected to exert stronger who lived in total seclusion in a the British could hardly have re­ • • 0 for you? , . , ." leadership in lhe cold war. even great house in a French village, fused it. Or if they did refuse it, Wc're still wailing for the President to announce hi Today there are old men in coal at the expense of stcpping on The villagers heard rumors of tbe they could not have complained mine towns who talk of the olden some Allied toes, when the British magnificent paintings on the walls as bitterly as they did of the ristal filnes prograill. limes when one had to have press began to howl. - but no one could gel into the "rug being pulled from under • • • training to dig coal, to drill the EVEN IN the United Stales house and see them. them," hol es, tamp in the black pOwder. One day a villager succeeded A Chicago radio station b 1I0W offering its li steners there was some qUestion whether and blasl the coal from the face . in getting an invitation to tea. By the same loken. il lhe ar­ siher dollars (01' "unsolicited te'limonials," Similur to a Skills were imperative, 'fhere is the President might be moving Inside, sure enough, he found the rangements embodied in the too fast, in his new confidence "Pact of Nassau" had been sug­ "110 merit in it today when one walls hung with superb paintings form of "unsolieiting" more familiar, we would prcsume, following the Cuban crisis, there­ gested to the Britistl at the be­ with the Chicago vice squad. -Jim Davis machine cuts and lo ads as much by running the risk of producing - everything from Goya to coal in a day as 20 men cou td do Braque, But two of eachl The ginning of November, the out­ in by-gone years. In almost every opposition abroad similar to that lady had been the mistress of a come wou ld have been a major industry today there arc men out in Congress last year over his wealthy man who also had a wife, gaill for both governments, domestic program, of work who e once necessary From time to time, he gave the What is finally done is not 'TIle 'Daily Iowan skills Ilre as ob olete as lbat of With the British not yet over girls identical paintings - one wl'ong. in shol't. What strains the the executioner with his keen­ their upset about the Skybolt mis­ real, one a forgery . Neither knew Western alliance is the way it is Tn. Dally Iowan If wrlttm lind edited by Ifudent, and II governed by • edged axe. It is important to com­ sile. and with France joining in the other was getting an identi­ done, And this is worth noting board ." floe student trulfee. elected by the ttudent body and four prehend that this is an old and the European feeling that the cal painting. Eventually the wife as the New Year opens. for the 'rusleu appointed by the president of the Unl verrity. The Dally Iowan', continuing process of change and United States is still determined died and the man married his strains within the Western alli­ .... ·.ide'<':B/..D~ oIdUorlal polley If not an s:tpreulon of SUl CJdminlltrotiun poUcy Of industrial development. The stage to prevent duplication of Weslern mistress. A short time later he The W~t\.x.,.... Pbfr ance are now becoming so severe opinion, In ling parliculor, drivers and the canal boat­ effort in the development of sep­ died and the lady came into pOs­ that they need urgent attention. men cursed and [ought the rail­ arate European nuclear powers. session of.both sets of paintings. Copyrlrht 1962: Page 2 THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1963 Iowa City, low. roads, British weavers attacked it is true that exertion of intensi­ Whereupon she hung the two 'That last guy looked like Kennedy.' New York Herald Tribune Inc, tbe [irst mills with automatic fied American leadership at this sets of paintings side by side and PIlbllaher ...... Edward P. BalM" looms. time may serve to bring more ,went into seclusion , She explained MIMIER Edltor... , , ,. , ... , ... , .. ,Jerry EIMI AUDIT IURIAU Managlnr !dltor. , •• ,.Larry Hltfield SKILLS HAVE never been any division into the open . she didn 't want anyone to look 0'" CIt,- Edllor ...... 10" AnderlOo too closely at the real and the University Bulleti.n Board ClaCUlATIONI Ne.... Editor." ...... Do", Clriaoo more in dema nd than now, But But the procedural division al­ AlliltlDtCltJ they are skills that require edu­ ready is there, and the sooner it false Goyas and Braques and C.snAII, .allella a ..r ...... 11\1111 bI ••••t". ••• Tb. D.II, I ...... m ... a. •• IItl 0._...... EdItor ...... ltItb1 Swift Renoirs because she never wanted U... Vule., 10, UOQ .'1h ta, ••1 ... ,RbU ••Uo •. Tlo., •••1 b. I"...... Ir." 10, ....,...... r Publldl.d b), Student PubUcallool, AlliltlDt New, EdItor TIJn C&IJ.D cation and minds that arc in tune is ironed out the sooner the West ...... r ., .....rraals.U ... '.0, pabU ....., P •• eJ, ...... , ...... ro ••• d"I.. 1o f.r ..II ...u ... r...... C'Amtmunicatl",.. Center, low' Sport. EdJtor _. .. " .. . Erle Zoecl<1er with technology and lhe language can begin to talle advantage of to risk finding out who got the • exe~pt 'ARENTS COO'&RATIVE BABY­ eblpel of the ConueratioDBI Cburch. 7:15 to 9:00 p.m. and Jan. 9 alld 23rd, ell,)', 10WI, dally Sunday aDd SOCiety EdUor ...... SUBID ArtI of it. Last November there was the truly substantive troubles real one and who got the forgery. 1I(00dl)" Ind le,aJ hliUdays. Enteral! Chief Pbotouapber ... Joe Lippincott Copyrlrht 1962: SITTING Leaeue Is In charge of • 0 r n e r 0' Cllnlon .nd JeHenoa Sludents, 8taft and faculty or Lhelr U aeconcklass matter It the post Awtant Pboto,~~~~Alan Carter an inIlu.I ·o[ ]50,000 teen·agers in which communism is experienc­ New York Herald Tribune Inc. Mrs. IIrelllford. Lea,ue members Street. .t 5: 15. All are welcom. to spouses may bring their own chll' office It lowl City under tho Act the unemployment figures, They ing_ wanlJnr sitters or parents who are ItlAnd. dren with them on tbese nlJlhts, of CO ...... u of Klrcb 2. 18n, ~~~~ , ~~ . ~~...... JohA KWD Interested In jolnlnr should call Children may not come without Aalnaot 8porU were not able to find jobs, though THE PRESIDENT is now open­ 8-9S27, PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sk.llS their ow n parents and mu st leave Edltor ...... Barrlett Blnclm." the help-wanted ads were calling Exemption Tests: Male students with them. Siaff or student ID 01.1 7041fl from DOOO t. mldn~t to AdverUsI~ DInctor".Irv GrolllDAo ing up the system and theories of (ANDIDAT" FOR DIGREES In wlshln, 10 take the exemption lest. cards are required, repon De.... It_I. ... omeo·s p.,­ AdverUslDl for young men wilh certain skills. foreign aid to re-examination, He Or So February: Orders for official cud. for Physical Eduaa Uon Skills must IlemI and anno~menla to Tht. Mlnacer . . , ...... DeDUII B1nnln. u.Uon announcements of the Feb­ rerlster lor these tests by Tuesday, IOWA MIMOalAl UNION HOURII Dally 10 ..&11. EdItorial ofllce. B!'I 111 C,Ullfled Mloa,er . .. ,.,.BJll RiDler Secretary of Labor Wirtz, who is turning away from the interna­ rulry 1863 CODllDencemeDt are now January 8 In Room 122, Field House. Clletarta opeo 11:50 'olIl.-l p .IO ,. the CODIDIUDlcatioDi Center. AdvortlJlnC ColllUltut. , . BW Bryaal is a very harassed man , dOing a tional pOpularity contest which helr\JI taken. Orders .hnuld he where additional Information con­ )(ondl",SltukclIY; U :U p,m" )(00- ClreulaUou llaDqer, , • , , ,IIJD CoWer They Say placed before 11 Noon. Frldny, Jail, cernlllr these lesls may be obtained, 4ay·FI'Iday: 11:10 "m,·1:30 p,m" 8ullo job or vast impOrtance to the na­ did American pOlicy no good at "The use of unmarked cars by 4. at the Alumni House. 130 N. Madl· Male students who have not reg­ day, Gold "'Ither Room OJIID 1 '.m,- Sublcrlpllon lut.. : By ~'lrrter 10 Trult_, l ..reI Of Student 'ulltlc.. tional welfare. recently said that the Bay of Pigs or in Laos last son SI.. across from tI,. Union, Istered by January 8 will 1I0t be 10;45 p.m., MOn4aV-Thurldary; 7 a,m.' tow. Cltr. $10 per year In Idvlnce; 'Ions, I"C,: Lee Tbeilleo, A4; Larry the Iowa Highway Patrol certain· Price per announcement Is 12 cents, ermilled 10 t8k. the exempllon 11:45 p,m., FrtdlY; a 1 ,10.-1 :45 1'.10,. Its monlb_. S5.50; three monthe. p, Prybll, G; Nancy Shlnn A3; Prof. more man-hours of production year, but which seems actually to ly should preCipitate an increase paYlble when ordered, r.ests In Physical Education Skills salurday; 1-10:45 p,m,. sua4a.Y, Rec­ B1 maU In 10.... f9 per yeu; aiJ; Dale Bentz, Uolve~ty LI bnry; Prof. have been lost in 11 months of un­ have been aided by the toughest durlnr the £lrsl semesler of Ihe relUon .rel open a l ,m,-11 p,m,. months. $5; three montbs, " . All Leslie O. MoeDer School of Journal­ in fines and penalties to the state STUDENTI wbo 'IIned lor. 1162 1962·63 scbool year. Jdondl),-Tburllday; • . .m.-12 mid­ olber IIlIU Itlbserlptlons, ,10 per !!D'i Mlchlel Job6tfl, L1; Dr. Goor,e employment than in the last 35 sort of fact-facing in Cuba, and justices of the peace, but we Blwhy. .nd bl.. Dot yet picked Dleb!. Frldl)' .1Id Saturday; ioU ,ur; &1s montbs $5.80; three mODUIa, unDO. Colle«e 01 Dentutry; Richlrd years because of strikes, Sctlle­ v.p their book. .re IlI"red to do 80 THE 'LACI!MINT OFFICE h .. re­ 11.01.. SuodaY. 'US. A_ MWer., LI; Dr, Lauteo A. Vaa One thing which seems to be in can't see how it will help bring U lOon '" p(lsslble. Tlie booD Ire .elvorl word from Marshall Field Dyke. College of Educaltoo. ment of strikes is important, criti­ the President's mind is that Red about a reduction in highway avlllable dally. escept Siturday. and Co. In Chlca,o, alld SUx Baer UNI.,IRSITY LI ..... RV HOU.SI cally so, because the over-riding from • 1 ,10" to 5 p.m. at 20 Com· and Fuller In St. Louis coneernlnr lIonday.FrtdI1: 7;lIO-% I .m.; SaturdUl n. AuOCllted PIuI II eoutltcl u ­ Dill 7-41t1 If you do lIot rectI,.. 10ur China is moving toward a place accidents. " aWlicaUona C.nlA. lhe aummer 1963 Collo,e Boards. 7:30 PJl'l,: Suaday: 1:30 p.m.. elUJIvelY to \be u e for repub1lcaUoa Dally Iowan b" 7:30 I .m. The Dally need is to increase employment. among the nuclear powers. and -Clur L.k. Mirror.R.porter Girls must be resldenls of ellher I a.m, Be ...... Delkl: Jlondly·Thun­ 01 all the local new. printed In tbt. 1011"0 clteollUOD oflice In the Com. .AIVlmltt. ml1 be obtllned Chlcaeo or St. Loul •. All Interested day: • a.m.-IO p.m.; J'rtdlY Ind Sat. mUDielUoDl Center J•• pen from • ThN!' i ~ cI'idcl1ce that Iwi ll1l'r 1hat the whol!' I)('are·scckln r: • • durtDl the week by eaUInIr lb. sopoomores or juniors .hoold eon­ urday: • l .mAI p.D1., '·10 p.m. ~ • wl\Mlper •• well u .u A£ De"" • YWCA oltiN!. IM V, It Est, !240 dll ... turt th.· llu . I"." und Induslrl.1 • m. to 5 p.m, Kond." Ibroulb m­ the public nor lho!:e employed wo ld h..lll liell r get it streng Ih "We ha l'e indeed m~ny re~ ~o n s ..rve only): SundlY: U p,m,. 7-1' usd dJapatdl .... da1 aad from. to 10 "m, saturday. lIII -k-cM,Y attern ...... Placemelit Office. 1111 U"lvprsil), ,111, [email protected] only), l'hol.. dupU • • ...· .004 on lDiIIId papart understand the imperative de­ solidified. both militarily and eco­ to be ch erfl11 as we close out HalL lion JdO'ldi):,rrtdiY: •• 01. 5 ,.III I CHRIITIAN 'CIINC' OaOANllA, KDodly-Tbuudi)'1.. 1-101'.10,; latla, II lIot ·POIIIbI.. bat .nl'7 eltor! wUJ mands for new appl'oqches ond blackmaili~ ] 96~ and look ahead ih 1963," lie _a. .. ..,. _ wttIl U. nomically. before JJ.QN hoi d 1 • teeUmony ",eetlnr FAMILY lIiT...... -;ttb. neld R'lu. , ay: III l ,aI. Ullm 1l00a. l~ ' ....1 -- ..... an acceptance of technological starts fro m that quarler, -Olage Pr.IS·News .oel, Thursday .,t,rnoOIl Ih tM tttttft 101' the tint Semelter will be from ."day: ... II .... tHE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, 11,- ThursdaY, Jen, 3, ltU-P... ~ Study Shows Diredor Dolch Resigns - Profs Address • Campus Notes Arl Building Auditorium at SUI Iowans Think SUI Seeks Computer CenterHead Businessmen Nursing Course by James Cahill, curalor of A new class in practical nursing Orienlal Art for the Freer Gal­ SUI officials are seeking a head Icontinued, "Dr. Dolch has devoted under no illusions about the prob- taL'ght 10 cour. cs involving com­ Two members of the SUI busi­ open to both men and women be· lery, Washington, D,C. for the school's Computer Center extraordinary effort to assisting lem we face in trying to replace puters. Iless department, Prof. Clifford tween 18 and 55 will begin Feb. 6 War ILikelyl Sponsored by the SUI Arl De­ Baumback and Prof. Karl Fox, at the SUI College of Nursing, Wednesday after the resignation of staff member~ from. ~ num~r of him." I In addit ion to sen'inll a wide partment, the lecture will be open The majority of 650 Iowa resi­ . departments In thIS re- addre sed a recent meeting edu­ • • • to the public. director John Dolch. markable equipment in their re- Dean Weaver noted that the num- range of reo earch and teaching cators and businessmen discu ss ing dents interviewed last summer by Dr. Dolch asked to be relie\'ed search. He has guided the Center ber of departments utilizing the needs. the Computer Center pro­ Scholarship • • • SUI researchers were not especi­ development of the area. SUI Computer Cenlcr increased "ides facili.tie~ Cor t\\:o parli~ularly The SUI representatives said in­ Applications for the first annual ally optimistic about the chances of of his duties so he could devote his through several major equipment I Deans Meet entire efforts to research and edu- transitions, and has introduced an m re than one-third (£I'om 37 to 50) large, contlnul~g projects um~ue to du trial promotion was necessary $3,000 Sutherland Doli'S graduate Some 25 deans and registrars avoiding war witn Russia. cation in computer science. lie will unfold number of tudents to the . 0 . . • SUI: ('omputatlon and rrportmg of 10 rel'erse the trend of population scholarship in music composition from the state's 18 community col­ In the last year, durmg which lime scores for the many testing pro- Nor were they optimistic aboul continue as director until a suc- field of computer science. We are depletion in the area - 65,000 peo­ at SLJI are now being received. leges will meet Monday at SUI to the chances of escaping nuc lear cessor is named. After that he will the number of r('. earch projects gram~ now procc:sed by the Meas­ ple leave the region annually. The scholarship will be awarded discuss common problems and in­ attack should such a war come, employing the computeI' equipment urcment Rl'search Centcr under creased community college-univer­ remain on the staff working in re­ about April 1 and will be renew­ with three out o[ four persons in· search and education. Skybolt Cancelling increased 145 per cent r from 117 to thc direction of Prof. E . F. Lind- RICE TRADE able , according to Philip Bezan­ sity coordination. terviewed thinking it likely that 287>' A number o[ training pro} quist. and reduction and interpreta- TOKYO IA'I - Red China is buy- son, SUI professor of composition The conference will discuss SUI Vice President John C. ects were also under lI'uy during lion of data from sel'eral U.S. satel- ing 100,000 tons of rice from Bur­ the U.S. "would be hit by atomic or Weaver, who has administrative Brings on Layoffs who wm direct the work of the preparatory course work in the hydrogen bombs." the year at the Computer Center, Jites under the direction of Prof. rna this year under a new trade scholarship winner. community colleges for students responsibility for the Computer SANTA MONICA, Calif. t4'\ - he said, and four SUI colleges James A. Van Allen. I protocol, Peking reports. These are among the findings of Center, said that the Computer Applicants should send music who plan to transfer to SUI. Douglas Aircraft Co. plans to lire Changes in reqUIrements for ad­ a study of Iowans' "satisfaction Committee will proceed "with all 4.000 employes within 30 days due scores they have written and let­ with politics" conducted by the SUI possible speed" to find a replace­ ters of recommendation from mission to SUI programs and for to cancellation of its Sky bolt mis­ graduation from the SUI Colleges Urban Community Research Cen­ ment for Dolch, who has headed sile program. composers and teachers to Pro­ ter. the center since Its inception in fessor Bezanson by March 1. of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, The first 1,200 - 900 of them Pharmacy, Liberal Arts, Law, Edu­ Professor William Erbe, associ­ 1953. in Southern Caliturnia - will be let • • • cation, Business Administration ate director of the center, reports "]n barely Tour years Dr. Dolch go this week, the firm announced ",.,••• f "nil' Travel Film and Engineering will be discussed. that the Iowans interviewed were has guided the Center to its pres­ Wednesday. The Ganges River will be fea- The Iow~ Community College about as optimistic as Americans ent wsilion as an irreplaceable re------­ DAilY PRODUCTS lured in an Iowa Mountaineers IConference IS sponsored by the SUI in general have been over the last search too l for the entire univer· film-lecture to be presented at 2: 30 Division of Student Services. six years. ity," Dr_ Weaver said today . He p.m. Sunday in Macbride Audi- torium at .SUI by ~ougl~s WiJso~, Publisher: 'Mirror' actor, wnter, motIOn-pIct ure di- rector and lecturer. Won't Shut Down While You Were Away e e e Season "passports" to the lec- • tures and single-admission tickets When Strike Ends will be available. Four Die in Blaze Burglars Get $450 • • • NEW YORK !A'I- The New York Mirror is ready to resume publi­ Triple funeral services will be About $450 and a pair o[ binocu­ Music Meeting calion as soon as the newspaper today at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary's lars were taken from Leo 's Stand­ Some 100 music librarians and strike is scttled, publisher Charlcs Church for three members of a ard service station at Market and musicologists arc expected Lo at­ B. McCabe said Wednesday. tend a joint meeting of the Music family who died when fire gutted Dubuque streets Tuesday night. Library Association (MLA) and There has been speculation in the their home 5 miles southeast of 30. · . .-- the U.S. branch of the Internation­ industry tllal one or more of the Iowa City, Dec. Burial will be al Asociation of Music Libraries nine papers shut down might not in Memory Gardens. Johnson County (lAML) Jan. 10-12 at SUI. be in business in the event of a long Services are for Mrs. Laura strike. The music librarians will attend Aicher, 41, and two of her daugh­ Official. Named a recital by Ule Iowa String Quar­ A walkout of printers closed four ters, Debra, 8 and Barbara, 5. 8, tet at 8 p.m. Jan. 11 in Macbride papers Dec. and the other five Services for Cindy Shrader, 5, Emil H. NaVy was elected chair­ Auditorium. Presiding at a bus i­ shut down completely with the ex­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert man Wednesday of the county ness session of the MLA Jan. 12 ception of the Long ]slalld Press, Shrader, Cedar Rapids, and ~rand­ board of supervi$Ors. Ed L. Kessler which is publishing its Nassau and will be Rjta Benton, SUI music niece o[ Mrs. Aicher, were held was sworn in as a new member of librarian and current presidenL SufColk County editions, circulat­ Wednesday. ing outside the cily. the board. of the MLA. The fire began when n Christ­ Leslie W. Dunlap , director of mas tree in the Aicher home burst Donald W. Schmidt was re-ap­ TRADE TEXT BOOKS, SUI's Library, will speak at a Tenth Polaris Will into flames about 7:45 p.m. Dee. pointed deputy county treasurer. luncheon Jan. to. Dr. William B. 30. The fire spread, destroying Howard Stimmel was re·appointed MONEY Bean, head of the Department of all contents o[ the house. Only the courthouse custodian, and Mr. and USE THE 0.1 . TO AID Internal Medicine in SUI's College Be Commissioned brick walls of the house remailled Mrs . Joe Miltner were re-appointed of Medicine, will be the guest WASHI GTON IA'I - The Navy standing. IN TRADING sleward and matron at the county speaker at a dinner at the Athletic will commission Its LOth Polaris Mrs. Aicher died trying to res­ Club the same day. submarine, the Thomas Jefferson, cue the children who were trapped home. Professor Himie VOl(man, head next Frid.lY. in II bedroom. Her husband, Harry, • • • of the SUI Music Department, will It probably will be midsummer, 43, received deep burns on his welcome the music librarians at however. before she is deployed hands and face trying to smother Schantz Receives ,the opening session Jan. 10 in the with nine other missile-firing sub­ flames. He is in fair condition al Pentacrest Room of Iowa Memor- marines off the coast of 1lorthwest Mercy Hospital. Rhodes Award "ial Union. Europc. Mrs. Terri Lynn Dolphin, 19, 818 A special feature of the meet­ The intervening time will be Mark Schnntz, M, Wellsburg, ing will be nn exhibit of rare S. Dubuque, another daughter. was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship needed for missile launching tests suffered facial burns and was music books and music at the and a shakedown cruise. Dec. 15 by the American Rhodes HOME baked b~ad. rIokev crust pIes NANCY KRUSE lR" electric lyplng FUIINISIIED S room apl. Utilities fur· treated and reteased from Mercy Rates and pD. trl~s. Call Jake Kobes, 61al< sel'\ ' lc~ 01.1 8-6854. l-11R nlsh.d. flI5.00 month. DIal 8·2907. 1-9 University Library. The commissioning ceremony Scholars Middle West District Com­ Advertising Hospital. mIttee, licensed baker at 7·3777. • will be at the Newport News Ship­ Three Day ...... 15c. Word TYPf:'olG: Elertrlc TBIV- accurale R~. • • The bodies, burned beyond rec­ perlt· need. Dial 7·2~18 . 1-30R HOME FOR RENT building & Drydock Co. yard in Schantz, sur Student Senate Six Days . _.. _.. . . _. 19c a Word Chinese Art Virginia, where the Jefferson was ognition, were found by firemen President. will begin study at Ox­ CHILD CARE TYPrNG . Rp~"le rAles. Short pa· STONE cottage furnIshed. Utilities "The Contempot'al'Y Relevance built. Principal speaker at the cere­ who said it appeared they died of ford University in England in Sept­ Tl!D Days _...... lSe a Word pe rs and Ihesl •. 7 · ~843. 1-30R paId. Also room In "xchang. {or o( Chinese Painting" will be dis­ suffocation soon after the fire be­ One Month .... _... 44c a Word CHrLD CARE vetsus pre·school - In· TYPlNG tti"" - I d Iwork. Blacks Graduale House. DIal mony i to be Rep. Porter Hardy, ember, The scholarship will run fOr v.allgate tbe Lremendoua ad· curnt;: D1.i' r ih exper ence '1-3~~ 7-3703. 1-11 cussed at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the (D-Va.l. gan. ss two or three years. For Consecutive tnrertlolll vintage, your child will achIeve by I ---- 2 BEDROOM duplex 611 Eastmoor 2' Mr. Aicher called West Branch • • • CMtnimum Ad, 8 Word4) attendln, pre·scllOO!. This Is an added AL~II kl~~4 of typing. Experle~~~~ DrIve. UIO. DIal 7:9205. 1-15 "Doors Open 1; 15 P ,M." DOORS OPEN 1:15 P.M. firemen who came to the scene. benerit If you are presently usIng -..!:. 8 6. _ _ They tried to rescue the fo ur CLASSIF,Eb DISPLAY ADS chUd care outside the home. Jack TYPING mlmeo~raph'nlt'. Nn Dry Pub· WANTED Jefferson Hotel & Jill Nursery SchOOl. 61S S. Canlfol Itc. M.r~ V Rl.rll . 400 1<)"0 State trapped persons, but Lhe heat and One Inl.rtlon a Month _... $1.35· DIal 8-3890. 1.30R Balik Bldg. DIal 7·2656. 1·27R smoke were too slrong and the Fire Is 'Arson' Fin I n.. rtlonl a Month ... $1.15' IRONINGS. Student \Joys and rlrls. IJ:trl!iili • (.lA%. floor burned away in [ront o[ them . TYPING .enlcp - eleclrlc - x2565 or 220 N. Dodr.. Reasonable prlees. 7-5986. 1-2711 2-11 T.,. II1 ..rtlonl • Month ..... US' HOME FURNISHINGS - NOW! NOW! • • • Two mysterious lires, one de­ TYPING, eleclrle, iuaranleed accu- WANTED:- Woman------to shore aparl­ NOW F~~~~Y ! clared the work of an arsonist, ·/bt.1 for Each Column Inch tate. Expe rIenced. Betty Stevens. men!. Call S-3823. 2-2 Shows· 1 :30 - 3:25 - 5:25 - COOD selection of uEed appliances. 8.t434. I-I 7:25 • 9:15 - "Feature 9:40" Van Allen Dispute broke out in Iowa City over the Cas clolhes dryers, re£ .. lgeratou, --. lRONINGS. Student hays and girls. holidays. Both remain unsolved . ranges. televIsIon a~d m,oceuaneOUS' JERIlY NYALL: ElectrIc I.B.M. Typ. 220 N. Dodge. lIeasonable prices. 2·3 KIM NO~AK Phone 7-4191 Used Appliance Mart, 321 E. Burling- ing. Phone 8·1330. l-4R ______/j;Gtrafer~ *'" lIJfecrMolley.' Report on A-tests Early Dec. 29 a fire broke out in Ion St. Dlal 8-9169. ).1911 j . - -- WILL trade good AdmIral 21 In. TV ..IAt!WbWIS JAMES CARN ER a storage room of the basement o[ ______Typr~Grales. DIalwanted 645-2315. ExperIenced. . Low1-21 {or 3 speed recorder. 7-4791. 1-10 Prof. James A. Van Allen, head Hotel Jefferson. of SUI's department of physics LOST & FOUND TY~~ , Experienced Low WHO DOES IT? TONY RANDALL roles. DIal 6452315. 1-30R I ONLY . IN A MARTIN RANSOHOFF PROOUCT IO' and astronomy, sharply criticized Wilbur Johnson. state ar on in­ vestigator, Ottumwa, said the holel DlAPARlNE DIaper Rental Service by the Presiden1's Science Advisory New Process Laundry. 313 S. Du· fire was a case of arson. MONEY' Committee last week. III tiF.LP WANrED buque. Phone 7-9666. 1-12 APIaAIIOOHIIll1ASl BOYS' t4~c"r OuT Professor Van Allen said lhat the The fire was discovered shortly wQ before 2 a.m. by Stanley Hesse, !: :z:o( WANTED {or Fuller Brush, pari time • CO-HIT • committee's announcement tbat help. 388·8001. 12·29 Q ...... I PHOTOGRAPHIC Plus - Color Cartoon the first hydrogen bomb exploded who operates the Hub Bub Tavern Z ZZ "Pup On Picnic" in space on July 9 had created an in the hotel basement. Mr. Hesse ii: -0( REPAIRS & RENTALS notified the fire department and Special unexpectedly enduring and severe From' I.m. Ie 4:30 p.I\'. wHk. ~ A SERVI ·SHOP artificial radiation belt was "hasty [ought lhe fire with an extinguisher ct.YI. Clo ..d 5«tl/rdey.. An "Pleasure Highway" until fircm en arrived. YOUNG'S STUDIO and ill considered". Experienced Ad Teker Will 3 So. Oubu ue St. 7-9158 And - Color Cartoon lie made the remarks at lhe The fire did no t spread outside "lip You With Your Ad. FAST "Rebel Without Claws" lhe store room nnd It was nol - .~ closing sessions of the 1291h mee1- THE DAILY IOWAN RESERVES RAZOR repaIr servIce - Shick, Rem­ ing of the American Association for necessary to evacuate the hotel I Ington~ Sunbeam, Norclco. Meyers guests. THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PERSONAL Barber ::.hop. 3·7. tbe Advancement of Science. ADVERTISING COpy, ------1SEE YOUR AIR FORCE RECRUITER • Ends Tonite • David Beckler, executive secre­ Fire Chief Vernal J. Shimon said GET qUIck results by adverllslng u6ecll ------,.--- LAUNDERETTES articles in The DaUy Iowan elassllted PART TIME work Cor no ewlves. ;;;::;::;::;::;:::;;;::;::::;::;::;;: "ZOTZ" STRAND-Ends Today! tary of the president's committee, the fire w/lS discovered just in time section. I-S0R E.cellent salary. No collections or , answered that "The committee is for firemen to extlnquish it bcfore delivery. 3 evening. a week. Call I "Stagecoach To Danger Rock" 362-2051 or wrlle 469 Owen N,W' Wash Eight Throw Rugs 2 HITS IN COLOR! - a highly competent scientific it becam~ uncontrollable. MONEY LOANED Cedar RapIds, Iowa. I·,J GLENN FORD group with a good reputation for Fire officials discovered the re­ HOUSE FOR SALE hearing all views". Diamonds, Camerl., WOMAN to addre"s envelopes In IN B'IG BOY "CIMMARON" mains of a blaze of undetermined WHY PAY RENT? $103.00 per month. Typewriters, Wetches, Luggag., home. '25.00 weekly income. Write -And- Professor Van Allen said the an­ origin in a hallway above Benner's (taxes and Insurance included In C;un s, Musical In struments , P.O. Box 201. Iowa CIty. HO then dry them at t"'"fll JACK LEMMON price) 3 bedroom PlUm Streel home. Stop 'n Shop supermarket Dec. 27. Starts FRIDAY! "THE WACKIEST nouncement gave the impression Built In cupboards. range and wall Dlel 7-4535 DOWNTOWN LAUNDERETTE that lhe United States "goo[ed They said the fire may have been oven. Full basement practically tiled. TUTORING SHIP IN THE ARMY" Many exlras. Posseaslon Feb. I. Make HOCK. EYE LOAN 226 S. Clinton St. The Cheating Beat agai n". set or it may have been accidenta I. us an oCler. 8-2729. ).25 of the " Doors Open 1: IS" He said the committee had re­ The fire, was in a discarded By }obw.y &rt lied almos1 solely on information Christmas tree outside the door of Big City Blues! obtained by the Telstar satellite an apartment, The remains were ~.<" (lid i i 1:,'~1111) found by an SUI student. lofted right after the blast and had r--W-H-:-'",-:rs '(bUR t--lEW I'M GOIt-JG>')(:> BE! MORE I'M GOIN&ID QUIT' ignored evidence from the Jnjun STARTS FRIDAY Officials said only a lack of oxy­ Ye:AR~ RESOL.unOIJ ~ TOL-ERA.>JTOI= MEDIOCRI1Y, Tl-llt-l KIN"," , At-JD bE:T satellite. gen apparently prevented a major MOf

( ITT (LU.

Cami"" Wf' I, - Jan. 91 h "~I~TLE WOMEN"

~' Pa .. 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-lowl City, I •.-Thursday, JI.". " 1M! ------Monday Ni Coach Vogel .. Much Better Hawks Meet No. '3 Illinois and ~Iichigan - top starting, but he ju teem to play Doug Melhlaus and Bill Skea , erman said_ "Downey will be the man to After Stroke rontcnder for the Big Tell ba . a lot better when coming off the who \lere on the starting five when Illinois, winner of the Holiday stop," sa id Sharm. "He's a good Iowa 10 t to Kentucky and Oregon Festival tournament in New York outside shooter and a sort oC 'do­ \I bench," Sharm commented_ tate in Lexington, are now on thc Iowa b eball coach OUo Vogel Ik~,thall tille - ill be Iowa's over West Virginia. brings one of cl'erything' man for the team ." was reported in very good con­ "Fred i going to see more ac- second team. opponents a~ th Ihe but teams in Illini history to The Wolverines, who will open dition Wednesday by Dr. W. D. tion and seems to be making line Scheuerman, who likes to re(er Iowa City. ~ lIson opens the campaign Saturday afternoon Paul who aid that Vogel , Hawkeye progress." til this vear's crew as the "HusUin' Big guns are Dave Dokney, Bob in the television contest with North. baseball coach for 34 years, was Rlddl., a 6-1 guard, joined the Hawks," said, "this team is truly western, are led by 6-7 sophomore By ERIC ZOECKL.ER "getting much better" aCter suf· Starnes and Bill Burwell. The JIIi· The third·ranked Illini, who 10 t squad lal. because of his dulies a hustling club which will definitely ni have averaged 88.1 points per Bill Buntin, whose hot shooting bas • Sports Editor fering a mild stroke. to Notre Dame Monday night after IS quarterback on Ihe Hawk fool- be up Saturday and Monday nights_ game to their opponents' 71.6_ Their been aided by the consistant per­ Happ'! , ew Yt'ur to you too_ . Vogel is now at. the . Rehabil!ta. winning eight in a row, invade the b.1l squad. He saw action in both "It's also a team which wants victims include Butler, Iowa State, formances of Bob Cantrell, John • , ItlOn Center at Umverslty Hospital Iowa Field House Saturday night 10 And it should be one [r e of and has been there for about a the K.nlucky Invitational and the full support of the tudent body Oklahoma, Pennsylvania New York Harris and Tome Cole. Buntin has meet the Hawks, runners-up in the Far West tournaments. and will play all-out for it," Scheu· University and the Mounlineers _ a 20-point average per games_ worry and concern for the SUI week since suffering the stroke Far West Holiday tourney in Port­ sports fan. about two weeks ago. land, Orc_ ------~------Ju l think - there'll be little Dr. Paul said that it is much too COACH OTTO VOGEL Michigan - a darkhorse contend- worry about securing tickets for early to tell if the lIIness will have F"ling er _ provides Monday night's com· the 1964 Ro Bowl contest, main· any efCecl on Vogel's coaching • Iy becau_ e it's doubtrul that this career. * * * petition for the Hawk at the Field I yt!~r' Hawkeye edition will be The Iowa coach graduated from playing for the Chicago Cubs as IHou . making Ihat cene. the University of minois in 1923, outfielder third baseman and TIM H.wks com. hom. from Same goes for the 1963 NCAA and came 10 Iowa In 1m after shortstop'in 1923-24. An All-Am- t!'e Portland tourn.y, lo sl ... ~ • eriea in baseball at Illinois, Vogel fin.l. to Oregon St.te 62·57. WIth u basketball final. Drake maybe received hi M.A. degree from • 4·5 non-conference. record .nd f • Ihere, but don't count on the Hawk­ Iowa in 1934 some bugs I. ft to Iron out of I eyes. . their offen". Although some ay the wonderful Iowa Tankers Vogel was the first of college I baseball coaches invited to the Coach Sharm Scheuerman thinks world of port i unpredictable, overseas baseball clinic for the better rebounding and shooting per· we Ccel Ihere are cerlain sporty I happening which you'll inevitably armed services in 1952, and spent encounter Ihis gloriou year, For Aid All-Stars a month in Germany as part of the 1.0. Cards Needed I instance we predict: program. Iowa's swimming team begins Studtnt ••r ••dmltted to home I • Cincinnnlli and Loyola of Chi· preparing today Cor its {irst home He served as president of the National Association oC Baseball buk.tban g.mes by pres.nting cago to battle It out for the na­ dual meet of the new year after 1.0. c.rd .nd c.rtific.t. of I tion's basketball supremacy_ And everal Hawkeyes turned in top Coaches in 1953, lind his book Th. Ins and Out. of B... ball was pub· registration at the Fi.ld Hou .. in lhe cnd, it will be Loyola as performances in the annual East· door, No. 1. West swim lished in 1951. • Wisconsin's faculty to pass a at Fort cent age would aid the Hawks in •I re. olution banning Badger partici­ dale, Fla., Hawkeye Quartet the opening stages of the conler­ pation in the Ro e Bowl. Or MY weekend. T h ence season. bowl game, for that matter. Big Haw k s, w h Iowa has bcen outrebounded 375- tangle with Sets Bowl Record •I Ten of(jcial to be overjoyed, 302 in its nine games and has shot • • One of more members oC the Michigan State Iowa's top·rated mile·relay team a cool .366 pace. , Jan_ 12, lost a . I Iowa football team to be unable has added another glittering note triangular meel "Also, we are not getting the in­ to participate because of scholastic on its performance heet. side shots which we desperately I difficultie _ to Indiana and Nebraska in De· The relay team of Captain Roger need," Scheuerman said. • Sports pageS will be filled with cember. In the Kerr, Gary Hollingsworth, Scott This Is on. r.. son why the I more and more stories of court­ Florida me e t, VOKOLEK Rocker and Bill Frazier set a low. "a, switched Dav. room battles. the West, coached by Iowa mentor Sugar Bowl mile relay mark Mon· ROlCh to one of the insld. post I • onny Liston to punch a cop Bob Allen, defeated the East All· day winning in 3:13.8. The old positions. Mor. reboundl", pow.r ill the ki er. Stars 219 .,H821lt . mark was held by Rice's 1954 quar· might also a change in I • Larry Barrett to conduct a tet who finished in 3: 16.1. Iowa's overall game, Sharm in· camp3ign to ban intercollegiate Varsity captain Dennis Vokolek , Iowa's Gary Richard's was dicated. athletics tor SUI. Pickets to be and freshman Ron Berry were members of the West's record­ fourth in the 440·yard run in a "Jf w~ got more rebounds, we , pre cnt. sprint won by Randy Walker o'f might be tempted to fast-break • Jimmy Rodgers to be rated breaking 440-yard breaststroke re­ 2:21.2_ Northeast Louisiana in a record more," Scheuerman said. "We among one of the be~t sophomore lay leam which finished in The old mark was 2:25.7_ Iowa 's :47 .8_ broke a lot in the Portland tourney, cagers ill the Western Conference. and at times found it very effec­ • sophomore Bill Cramer was a • That Iowa's COliC team won't member of the second·place team. Purdue Nips Drake tive." ~co rc 75 • more than points in one "But we can 't be considered a contest this eason, but will emerge Berry also finished second in thc Cast-breaking ball club," the coach lIO-yard orthodox breaststroke. HiN 83-79 in Overtime • o. the Big Ten's b I defensive added. "We don't want to break I bull club. time was 1:16_2. LAFAYETTE, Ind. IA'I - Mel against fast-breaking teams and • Although, not at the top oC the Vokolek was third in the indio Garland's 30 points, six of them don't feel we have the rebounding I tandings, the Iowa cagcrs to have vidllal medley fini hing in 2:40. in an ovel·time period, led Pur­ power to use it consistanUy_ on of the be~t accumulative grade. The all·star meet was a part due's Boilermakers in an 83-79 vic· Backi ... up the tent.tiv. start· •• pOint averages in the conference. of the Annual Aquatic Swim Forum tory over a taller Drake basketball ing lineup crt Jerry Mellick. cen· I • ]owo's mile·relay team to be attended by 531 participants repre· team Wednesday night. t.r; Dav. .nd Andy Han· senting 98 teams. the (or one of the) be t in the Drake caught up at 71-71 in the kins, forward.; and Joe R.dding. United Stales. last few seconds of regular playing ton and Jimmy at guard SAVE! IMPORTED ITALIAN SPECIAL BUY! 2-PANT • Jerry Burns to he hanged in ' l time on a long shot from the side a... sOphomores Mik. D.nom. t• effigy, much to the dismay oC the by Billy Hahn, who finished as the and F rod RlcIcIle. majority of Iowa fans and the Bulldogs' high scorer with 22 "There's a pas ibilily or Denoma ~ VELOUR SPORT COATS WOOL WORSTED SUITS tolc's press corps. Cage Results I points. I • Wit h a litllc luck, Iowa's Garland got ]2 of his points out ANG!L.S RETAIN FIRST 12 ~ COLLEGE BASKETBALL '1"; wre tling team to repeat as Big Purdue 83. Dr.k. 19 (at) oC 13 free throws. Hahn matched LOS ANGELES IA'I - Only 12 ren champs. Natr. Dam. 73. Ind ian, 70 the Purdue veteran's 9 field goals men on the current roster oC the • Shorts, North Clrollnl St. ". Carn.1I U • Larry lJatrield and John Nie· T.nn ..... ". Florldl 5111. U but had only fOUl' free lhrows and Los Angeles Angels were selected Regulars, Regulars, meyer to join the JFK touch Coot­ Duke '2, Vlrglnl. 65 made them all. in the original expansion draft two L.ongs ,•. L.ongs Dlvldson 73, Wllllim & Mary 10 ball team. 19. Houllan " years ago. And remember, you rrad it in North Corollnl ". V'le 77 IO·DAY SPORTS SHOW They are Dean Chance, Marquett. IS, Detroit 76 I The Daily Iowan, Louisville 79. Ellltrn K.ntucky 70 NEW YORK IA'I - The National Eli Grba, Ken McBride, Ron Moel­ ler, Tom Morgan and Fred New· Toledo ", Kent SIlt. 51 Sports, Vacation and Travel Show Luxury velours, woven in Italy .. , stylrd hy skilled I The look you want ... Ihe price you want to payI A HARDY GAL GOLFER Creighton It Soulh Dlkol. " has been so popular that the sixth man; catchers Earl Everill, Bob Vlnderbllt 11. Weltern Kentucky" And, extra trollsrrs fOi' grrutrl' vcrS':1lilily and longer PHOENIX, Ariz_ IA'I - Despite a NATIONAL BASKETBALL annual event will run 10 days be· Rodgers and Ed Sadowski; infield· American tailors in popular 3·outton model. Exciting sharp pain in her left side, Joanne ASSOCIATION ginning Feb. 22 in the New York ers Jim Fergosi and Gene Leek' suit life. All quality worsteds that will carry you com­ Syracuse 120 St. Loul. " dark tone patterns in a rich ble'nd of wool, Orlon® Winter of Phoenix won the Arizona 13 •• 11. Coliseum. and outfielder Ken Hunt. • Dllrolt tlnclnnatl I fortably thl'u more days of the ycar. Stripes, over· Women's Amateur golf tournament. acrylic and Daeron® polyester. JImryl Choose yours plaids, more! Arter the Cinal round her doctor ~. r,. today while selection is big I I· diagnosed her pain as a broken rib. e NOW IN PROGRESS • OUR ANNUAL , JANUA,RY CLEARANCE • OF • •I LADIES' SPORTSWEAR I, MEN'S t SPECIAL! THIS IS THE SALE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! ON SALE TODAY NEW-LOOK ... OUR ENTIRE COLLECTION OF SEASONABLE ITEMS OF LUXURIOUS Up to your ears with Inrl""I,.In.,'. y. Better not let it muddy up your LADIES' SPORTSWEAR . , , BLOUSES, SKIRTS, SLACKS, SPORT FABRIC CORDUROY • It career planning. Now's the time DRESSES . . . ALL FRESH MERCHANDISE FROM OUR REGULAR SUBURBANS s( to start thinking about thBfutura_ TOPCOATS •• STOCK OF THESE FAMOUS LABELS: e. A career in life insurance Is worth men's siles 138 8 • 36 to 46 your investigation. Provident $35 and $45 t IT Mutual college "'en excel· A lent opportunities lit .les and • EVAN - PICONE b sales managemenhnd,lfyou'r. a interested in actual HIes train· • Count on cotton cor­ • LANZ Choose' from Penney's CI ing, you can get started now while dllroy for tradition­ a you're stlll.t school, • HAYMAKER hig selection of hand­ I• ally smart looks in some styles and fab­ Ask for our free booklet, "Career SpOl't SII burbans. Get Opportunitlu", We y,:elcome • GLEN OF MICHIGAN rics . . _ wool fleece, drop sllOulders, blan­ inquiries, • GORDON - FORD wool velour and Har­ • ket plaid lining of ris Tweed to mention wool 'n rRyon, bulky n •I few. Many with zip­ collon knit cotton knit out linings. Regu lars colill'. LAWRENCE T, WADI, and longs. •I .: ~ General Agent n II • f4 1M SlYlntl & Loan IkIt, •I l lewl City, lewa COME IN EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! '. •I PROVIDENT MUTUAl. moe whrteBOOk PENNEYJS IOWA CITY STORE IS OPEN MONDAY 9 to 9 ute Insurance ComPIIIW .,~ fashions of distinction for ladies and gentlemen Charge It! TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9 to 5 at WlIIt ...... dubuclyt .trNt, low. clty

\ -