/' / m Areraffc Daily Net Press Rtm The Weather , For tile Week Ended roreoHt of O. a Wiirtiwr Dec. S, 1960 VnriaMa olondtaMM, n d d 1 3 ,3 1 2 nlCht Low in 40o. TM oiM o r e s o ln r chmdtneoo, Member oC tlw Andit mild. Hlch in 80o. . Bnrewi o f OIrealntlon hianchetter-^A City of Village Charm A VOL. LXXX, NO. 55 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TWELVE PAGE TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 (OiMBlfled Adrerttainf on Pnge 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS State News Roundup Algeria Debate Burns Fatal To Avon Bov United Nations, N. Y., Dec.enot competent to (teal with toe 5 (IP)—France boycotted a Algerian problem aince, in the French view, thia ia atrictly an in- Hartford, Dec. 5 {PP)— A 7- Plan on U.N, debate on the French-Al- temal matter. year-old Avpn boy, whose gerian conflict today hs sup­ Slim took nyle of the French clothing caught fire while he -A- porters of the Algerian rebels boycott before plunging into his was playing with kerosene, pressed demands for a U.N.- appeal on behalf of the Algerian rebels. died at St. Francis Hospital supervised referendum on the today. Court Bars W ou ld Put territory’s political future. (Contlaaed on Page Six) Police said the boy, Ronald Ray­ Tunlaia'a Mongfi Slim, leading mond, apparently spilled some of apokeaman for the Algerian rebel the kerosene on his clothing yes­ Bias in Bus All Defense government, plunged immediately terday and it was ignited by a fire Into an attack on the policiea of Algiers Revolt he started in a pie plate. French Preaident Charlea de Gaulle. Traffic Deaths at 251 Restaurants In One Man A threatened move to postpone Chief Vanishes Hartford, Dec. !5 <.Pi—Connecti­ the political committee's debate cut's record of having reduced its Washington, Dec. 5 (/P)— Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 5 (JP) failed to materialize. Paris. Dec. 5 (Ah ------Beardedi ex- , ^ annual traffic death toll every year The Supreme Court today de­ — President - elect John F. Sir Claude Corea of Ceylon, paratrooper Lagaillarde and fc ur : since 1955 has come to ^ end cided “ white” restaurants in In 1959 total of 249 was sur­ Kennedy today got a report chairman of the 89-nation com­ codefendants in the Algiers insur-' interstate bus terminals must mittee called attention . to com­ rectlon trial di.sappeared today, passed Saturday when a Harts- recommending sweeping De- munications from two members of They were reported to have fled to dale, N. Y., man. John S. Anglin, serve Negroes making jour­ lense Department reorganiza­ toe 11-nation French community Spain. 50, was killed in a smashup on the neys across state lines. Merritt Parkway at Trumbull. His tion— including elimination of —Chad and Congo (Brazzaville) — The dramatic disappearance Justice Black deiivered the 7-2 the civilian secretaries of requesting a delay. But there was death brought the 1960 count to 250 ; decision. Justice Whittakei' wrote heightened fear that trouble is Army, Navy and Air Force. no immediate move to push the re­ brewing in Algeria timed to coin­ and another yesterday pushed it a dissenting opinion in which Jus- quest. to 251. tice Clark joined. 'The goal would be to give toe cide w'lth President Charles de Secretary of Defense instan­ France's African friends had Gaulle's visit there Friday. The downward march of annual t 1« tribimal ruled on an appeal hoped to hold off U.N. action to W aiH arde and his c^efendanta '^®^‘ *’ ^™ce Boynton, a Negro who taneous control tn event of nuclear war. give de Gaulle more time to w n in the Jan. Tan 24^rench^t^^^^24 prenen settlers urnup Istarted , v ramnaien a in get-tough Decern- was= ■•urhit." fined UO for refusing tK- to support for his own plans for an riainv were n o t ‘in'toeToTrlrTOm ^ c a m p a i g n in Decem -ja "white" restaurant in lh e Trail* The report was submitted to ^ ber 1955. That year ended with 324 | ways Bus 'Terminal in Richmond, Kennedy by Sen. Stuart Syming­ Algerian settlement. France con­ deaths. Va. tends that the United Nations is (Continued on Page Six) j ton, D-Mo., head o f a committee The next year there were 288. Boynton, then a law student at which the President-elect set up In 1957 the total dropped to 283, in Howard University in Washington. to plan streamlining of toe vast 1958 to 252, and then in 1959 to ; D, C.. was en route to his home in Pentagon operation for too nu­ Peiping to Heed Nikita 249. _ j Selma, Ala., for the 1968 Christmas clear-space age. In 'recent weeks it became ap- ■ holiday. Sjimington told a news confer­ parent the string was about to be Bojmton was fined in Richmond snapped. At the end of November ence after conferring with Ken­ Police Court, under a Virginia law' nedy that in his opinion his com- the 1960 deaths almost equaled making it a misdemeanor to refuse China Leader Backs the number for all of 1959. Safety to leave premises on demand of mlttee’s recommendations would officials and police said December, persons in charge. 'ITie law has a cut present military spending by always a dangerous month for driv­ maximum penalty of $KI0 and 30 about 20 per cent or $8 billion an­ Peaceful Coexistence ing, was almost sure to bring days in jail. nually. But he said this money enough deaths to break the 4-year Boynton's bus stopped at the likely would have to be plowed ...... » record 1 terminal for a 40-minute layover back for such things as new weap­ By PRESTON GROVER tVKlirushchev is the correct inter- The second traffic death of the : during the late evening., ons development and an arms pretation weekend was that of James J. S a -: The terminal, as do many depots control prog^ram. Moscow', Dec. 5 (/P) — Commu­ bo, 26, Litciifield, who was killed ; and stations in the South, had a While the Symington committee nist Chixia’s president today put Coming as it did near the end in a motorcycle accident yesterday i restaurant for "colored" and one would abolish too civilian secre­ a stamp of approval on the peace­ of the conference, after more than two weeks of debate, it sounded as on Route 8 in Litchfield. State P o-,for "white." taries of toe Army. Navy and Air ful coexistence policy of the Sov­ lice said he was thrown from his Boynton said the restaurant for iet Union as it apparently has if the Russians had laid down the Force, those services would bo re­ law as they saw’ it. |machine when he cut back in too Negroes was crowded, so he en­ tained as separate entities in toe been ratlfled by the Communist soon after attempting to pass a tered the "white" restaurant. A summit conference which ended The speech by Liu Shao Chi wa.s Defense c.stablishment. his w'ay of saying that the man ] car. waitress told him she had orders The plan of S3Tnington, who was last week. not to seiwe Negroes there and In a goodbye speech at Lenin­ who pays the piper calls the tune, i secretary of the Air Force in toe In his speech, he made it abun-1 Accident Totals Truman administration, also would grad, before continuing his tour (Continued on Page Sl.xl o f Russia, President Liu Shao Chi dantly clear by pointing out that Hartfoi'd. Dec; 5 (/P)—Tlie State eliminate the undersecretaries and made a confession of faith in Sov­ China's industrial and technical ad­ Motor Vehicle Department’s daily the assistant secretaries—ajl civili­ iet leadership. vances were heavily dependent on record of automobile accidents as ans—of the three services. "The grrat Soviet Union,” he Soviet production. of last midnight and the totals on Echo Timetable In ail, IS civilian offices would said, "has always been and is to­ “You manufacture for our coun­ the same date last year: be w'iped out in toe three services. try a grreat amount of intcicate 1959 1960 The committee also would abolish day a powerful bastion of world .. WaaMnStqn. Dec. 5 (A*)—.The Na- peace. The initiative of the Sov­ equipment,” he said, "make avail­ AccidenU .29^933^ <24,020 (Est.V- klsven asslstaht secretaries of de­ able to us a great amount of de- ti(>nal Aeronautics and Space Ad­ ICARL O. BIEU ROBERT T. BIEIT iet government and its proposals Killed ...... 249 251 fense, bringing too grand total of sigpiing documentation, send us injured ___ 18,533 18,903- (Est.) ministration has 'Issued this time­ N'.Vjr ' offices abolished to 22. aimed at easing international dis- skilled specialistsi train for oUr table for Eclw, ithOhtlftfclf . armament and peaceful co-exis­ Symington said that, toe plan country a great number of teclmi- Satellite over Neiii Ehglajj'd': would increase national security tence between countries with dif­ cal specialists. PUC Raps JSHRR Monday—5:25 p.m., medium to Both Surrender to Police fering social systems have the Adlai May Get and eliminate waste and duplica­ "All this is part of the tremen­ Hartford, Dec. 5 (iW—The main­ high, traveling north to northeast. tion. It also calls for far-reaching sympathy and support of all tenance of passenger equipment by Tuesday—4 :,54 p.m., medium, peace-loving nations and peoples." dous assistance rendered by the Soviet government and the Soviet the New’ Haven Railroad shows a north to northeast; 6:58 p.m.. high, UN Envoy Post (Continued on Page Six) He said further that the recent continual doivnwaro trend, says north to northeast. summit conference, "resulted in people to our country's social con­ struction." the State Public Utilities Commis­ Wednesday— 1:23 p.m'., and 6:27 Bieu Brothers Held a still further strengthening of Khrushchev argued that war is sion (PUC). p.m., medium, north to northea-st New York, Dec. 5 (fl') — Pres toe cohesion of the entire Com­ no longer possible because of nu.- The criticism of the railroad (only 4:23 p.m. pass visible in Idenl-elect John F. Kennedy is munist movement and in a still clear weapons and that Commu­ was contained' in the annual re­ Springfield and Pittsfield. Mass., prepared to offer Adlai E. Steven­ further strengthening of the soli­ port of the commission to Gov. and Montpelier and Burlington, Bulletins nist countries must rely on show­ In $25,000 Bonds son the post of ambassador to the darity between the Commimist ing the W'orld that they can pro­ Abraham Ribicoff, wliich was Vt.) party o f China and the (3onamu- duce more than capitalist coun­ made public Saturday. Thursday—5:55 p.m., medium, United Nations, press reports said from the AP Wires nist party of the Soviet Union, tries and give greater freedom and The PUC report said the coach­ ^orto to nortoeast. today. between the People's Republic of es actually placed in operation by Friday—5:62 p.m., medium, Robert and Earl Bieu , pleadedwdrove a short distance to a pre- The reports were carried in the happiness to mankind than capi­ not guilty this morning to charges arranged point where Robert ap­ China and the Soviet Union." talist countries. the railroad are in safe condition, north to northeast. Daily News and the New York 17 WHITES AT SCHOOL (Moscow Radio broadcast Liu's but the railroad is forced to take Saturday—4:52 p.ni., and 6:56 of armed robbei*y in the Colonial peared and surrendered. Times. New Orleans, Dec. 5 ~ Saturday. 'Wladyslaw Gomulka, Oak'Package Store holdup Friday speech but this dispatch was de­ chief of the Polish party, said the many out of operation becau.se of p.m., medium, north to northeast Earl, 34. surrendered Saturday The reports were cairied In the Seventeen white pupils returned layed in passing through censors). Communist summit committee had its inability to maintain them in (only 4:52 p.m., pass risible in and were bound over to the next through the State Police at the Daily .News and the New York to classes at WUllam Frantx Pravda, the Soviet ^Communist adopted the Khrushchev line in safe operating condition. Boston area). term of Superior Court. urgpng of a Coventry friend. The Times. Integrated school today, an ap­ party newspaper, published a long large measures. This, the PUC said, causes The brothers, who surrendered surrender took place in Coventry. The News, in a di.spatch from' parent signal that a segregation editorial a week ago in which it In his speech yesterday, Liu said crowding and inconvenience to over the weekend in the midst of Earl, of 100 Spruce St. had been Washington, said "This would be boycott is breaking up. This was stated that peaceful coexistence as passengers. an intensive police search for sought since shortly after the hold­ in line with previous reports indi­ seven more than toowed up last Interpreted by Premier Nikita (Continued on Page Five) The commission also said an in­ them, waived examination, in up. Police believe Earl was the man cating that Kennedy had firmly Friday. The boycott—supported spection recently disclosed 42 per Town Court and Judge Jules Karp v;ho escaped in a struggle with decided that some other than the by women pickets—held flnn at cent of its locomotives inspected News Tidbits ordered the bind-over. Patrolman Allan Smith after 2-time pre.sldential nominee would the city’s other Integrated ele­ Bond was set at $25,000 for mentary school, McDonogh No. m the last year were found defec­ Culled from AP Wires Smith and Sgt. Walter Ferguson be picked for secretary of state. tive. The national average is 10.3 each. had hemmed in a car in which the "Kennedy, it was understood, 19. Only the three Negro first- per cent, the PUC stated. Robert, 36, limped a.s he climbed bandits left the holdup. ha.H expressed an inclination to grade girls went in for claasee. Reunion Plan Favored One Negro girl attended William The commission noted that the the stairs to the courtroom this Robert, who dashed from the name Sen. J. William Fulbright, railroad during the year purchased Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda morning. He had injured his ankle Frantz. his cabinet resign in Tokyo 30 new Diesel electric locomotives Sind as when he plunged through a win­ (tkintlnned on Page Six) (Continued on Page Six) Protestant Leaders and took deliveiy oh 13 of them to required by law but his re-election dow in the police station deten­ 'AWARD FOR SERVICE relieve its critical shortage of mo­ Is delayed by last minute wrangle tion room and escaped Friday. Washington, Dec. 5 (/f)—The tive power. I in House of Representatives . . . State Departoient today pr»- Paratroop Capt. Kong Le an­ This moring's hearing lasted i^urgical churches with the more The commission is required by sented its Snperior Service By GEORGE W. OORNEU. nounces government forces have only seconds. Atty. Harold Gar- (AP Religion Writer) informal, non-rituallstic churches taw to inspect each year all the Anard to Victor Pnree, wboee stopped threatened advance on Vi­ rity, who was an intermediary in Lumumba Backers Hold Judgment it queetioned In 1967 San Francisco, Dec. 5 (/P)—Lead­ into a body "both Reformed and track and other equipment of rail­ Robert’s surrender, entered the Catholic.” roads. The report said the lines of entiane, Laotian capital by right- after he had accepted fratn King ing churchmen today registered a wing rebel Gen. Phoumi Nosavan's plea for him. Garrity will not re­ Episcopal Bishop James A. Pike, all railroads operating in Connecti­ Saud a gift automobile for his somewhat bedazzled but firmly troops. present him, however, In Superior wife. Purse w'as Deputy Chief of favorable reaction to a "proposal of (California, called the plan- the cut were maintained in a aalisfac- Court. Rule over Stanleyville “most sound and inspiring" ever Air Force studies shattered ruins Protocol when the Saadi Arab­ hal- for a wride reunion among’ Ameri­ Garrity's law associate, Vin­ ian monarch visited this country offered in this country. (CVintUiued on Page Six) o: Titan intercontinental ballistic cent Diana, ia a brother of Mario can 'Protestants, fusing both missile, trying to learn why it ex­ In February 1957 and helped ar> "Catholle” and "Reformed” ele­ "I know of no event in Ameri­ Leopoldville, The Congo, Dec. S'* stronghold and military and eco- ploded shortly after fueling . , . Diana, one. of the three persons in range many of the official func­ can church history of greater (/P»—Henclimen of Patrice Lumum­ nomic aid missions would have ments. ' Weekend fires cost five lives in New the package store during the hold­ tions for the King. The gift of The plan, said Methodist Bishop overall signiflcance,” he said. up. ba clamped a Communist-style dic­ followed. The plan ia patterned on the Blizzard Heads England . . . Taxicab driver is tatorship on toe city of stanley- the 13,000 automobile came m John Wesley Lord, of Washington, found dead in his cab in West Har­ The brothers had shaved and The dlplomals think civil war little later. D.C., "is as shocking as It is precedent - shattering establteh- dressed before their court appear­ v'ille today. Angered at the cap­ would have followed, with many of ment of the United Churcli of lem, N.Y., victim of mysterious ture of the deposed premier they Christian.” . shooting. ance. the troops in Stanleyville support­ DETENTION LAW RENEWED "It overcomes with stark sim­ South India in 1947, uniting Pres­ Into Midwest Robert’s girlfriend phoned Gar­ let loose their futy on whites trap­ ing Lumumba and the Soviet byterians, Methodists, Elpiscopal- Four-engine "Christmas sleigh" ped in his northeastei'n Stronghold New Delhi, Dec. i UP) — Par­ plicity many of the problems that rity at about 6:30 last night. She Union supplying them through liament today renewed io r three have perplexed the separate com­ ians and Congregationallsts. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS takes^ off from Grenier Air .Force said Robert had gotten In touch as a reprisal. Whites were barred BasefManchester, N.H. with 10,000 years a oontroveralal law per­ munions over the years.” , Di-. Blake proposed specifically with her. Garrity advised her to from entering or leaving Oriental (Continued on Page Thirteen) A snow storm which hit toe pounds of toys, clothing and food Province. mitting the gOrarnmeht to hold The plan, at the outset, would a merger of these four groups in try to get him to surrender. The the United States. He included the western mountains and plains for orphanage near Seoul, Korea U.N. reports said numerous a man for a year wltboot trtsL embrace the Episcopal, United surrender was arranged and Gar­ The vote was 165-88. Conmra- Presbyterian, Methodist tund United Church of Christ, a pres­ headed into the Midwest today, Three state road department white residents of Stanleyville engineers, fired after they told of rity," "wif Police Chief James were being mistreated by the mili­ nlsts, SoclaUsto and a few other ■United Church of Christ with oth­ ently evolving union of Congrega- with warnings of blizzard condi­ Reardon, drove to Hartford where Illinois Democrats tionalists and the Evangelical and accepting gifts, tell their stories to tary jmllce under control of the lo­ members walked out ahootiiig er denominations subsequently in­ tions in some areas. they met the girl. The trio then “Shame, sbame’’ as ebon aa the vited to jolii. Reformed Church. Heavy snow,- whipped by strong House subcommittde Investigating cal government headed by Antoine Facing New Scrap federal-aid highway construction vote was annonnoed. The provocative formula was of­ Altogether, the combined pody northerly winds, vyhlrled across the Oizenga, vice premier in Lumum­ fered yesterday by a top-ranking program in Florida. ba's defunct cabinet and a strong Nebraska ■ Panhandle. Snowfall Leftist. Over Vote.Recount '"JBUTU REPRISAL READY Presbyterian, the Rev. Dr. Eugene (Continued on Pnge Two) was fairly light in Montana, but Vintlla Horia, former Romanian State Vets to Split Carson Blake, of Philadelphia, diplomat renounces Prix Goncourt, A l l ■S'k* • 1 J Diplomats In Leopoldville were Leopold\-lUe, The Congo, Deo. i'4 winds of 40 m.p.h. in the eastern M illio n U lV lC lf^lK l I convinced that if Lumumba______had Chicago, Dec. 5. (J^— Democrats 5 (/P)— Col. Joseph MobatueaM shortly before the start of the Trl half of the state created blizzard France's top literary award, after widely published cliarges that he succeeded in reaching Stanleyville I braced today fo r 'possible conflict today he. Is reedy to oat ‘ off ennial General Awem bly^of the I B r i b c S t o r V D e n i e d conditions in the Helena and Dll- he would have split The Congo in with the Illinois Electoral Board some of the headwaters of the National Cmmcil of Churches. J \Ipn areas. Temperatures dropped had been a Nazi sympathizer be­ Baslon, Dec. 5 — The Veterans such a way that a Itorea-typc war w'hlle a Cook County recheck of Nile River in reprisal for any' More than 3,000 representatives to near zero. fore coming to Franc- . . . Air Administration has announced that By Cuban Bishops Force' Capt, Lawrence R. Reeves, W'ould have followed wlto toe Com­ the Nov. 8 vote produced a small Egyptian or Sadaaese aid to of 33. Protestant and Orthodox de­ The Weather Bureau is.sued more than 72,500 Connecticut vetT munists on Lumumba's side. net gain over official returns for the CVunmunlst-influenoed rbbel nominations with 40 million mem­ 29. of Sterling, Colo., Is killed when crans will receive a total of W’arnings of heavy snow and bliz­ Lumumba, dismissed by Presi­ Vice President Richard M. Nixon. regime tn Stanleyville. Bat, he bers joined last night In the stir­ Havana, Dec. 5 (A*) — Relations he ejecta from his disabled FI 02 $3,748,250 in regular annual GI life zard conditions for the extreme dent Joseph Kasavutni Sept. 5 ,‘es­ In another phase of the post- told newsmen, the rebels hi the ring opening seivlces. between the Roman Catholic jet fighter 100 feet from ground,, insurance policy dividends during west through northwest Minnesota too low for his parachute to open. caped from his guarded residence election story. Cook County of­ city ere surrounded by leyel Although not formally a ti^'rt of .CJhurch and Prime Minister Fidel and central and eastern North and 1961. in Leopoldville a week ago and ficials proceeded with arrange­ their program, the proposal gen? Castro today were at toe most Swiss - bom architect Richard troops and would be Uqaldated South Dakota. Arctic air moving Sumner G. Whittier, VA admin­ headed for Stanleyville. ments to swear in toe new slate before any soiffily Une thraugh erated keen interest among dele­ critical level yet after the church Joseph Neutra saya in Dallas that of officers. The county offices were southward out uf (Janada headed ■ediltecta an helping to hike di­ istrator, said yesterday the ;divld- Caught 500 miles east of Leo­ the Sudan cenld be qrgaalBed. ' gates from across the country: angrily denied the bearded prime into the region, with sharp drops ends represent primarily a refund poldville by Congolese Army Com­ swept by Democrats. “It Is the opening of a very sig­ minister’s charge that prieststook vorce rate by “ pemr planning and in temperatures indicated in the by desigolng unimaginative hous*: to policyholders of part of their mander Col. Joseph Mobutu's 'ilie recheck of 156 paper ballot ADVICE TO^^OKERB nificant move,” said toe Rt. Rev. bribes to preach against his revo­ northern plains! ■jemlum payments. troops, he has been brought back lution. ing for jnuuaes” ... 'The New York precincts showed Nixon gaining London, Dec. 5 (flV-•'MUIille> Arthur C. Llchtenberger, New Gale warnings were hoisted for ^^'^bout W.OOO Connecticut policy- to face trial on charges of Inciting 108 votes, and President-elect John Adding to toe Increased tension World’g FjLir„^of 1864-85 suggasta aged men with a yen tor a ratnor York, presiding bishopmf toe Epis­ Lakes Superiors, Huron and Michi­ flolders of National Service Life In- toe army to mutiny during the F. Kennedy, 42, for a net Nixon \ioe were advised todey te tfve copal Church. among Catholics W’ere persistent that 'fovenunmt connniet gan. $80 m H pi jj^nnanent sdeniDe and sUi^nce, jyhich originated in chaotic days after independence gain of 66. up smoking—and try fUrttng “Out of this might come a plam but unconfirmed reports that As the storm broke out, snow World War II, will receive divid­ this summer. Archbishop Enrl^e Perez Benm- oenter at Flushing Kennedy won Illinois' 27 elector­ Instead. Dr. Alastair McKhWoeb that would be acceptable to all toe piled up to a half foot in Denver ’iWk fair alte. ends totaling $3.48 million. Western diplomats said they had 46, father of five, w r ^ in $ha people involved,” he added. “It ia tes of Santiago was detained brief­ al votes by a margih of 8.849 votes/ and about the same amount in Inmdnd Utera of Salk About 3,900 Connecticut policy­ definite infornsation that the Soviet Republican officialsVhave charged medtral Journnl The F m o tM u t-; a good approach. 1 hope it will ly by authorities . in Camaguey Leadville, (Jolo.. and Alliance. Neb., le, eweugh to InoeuMo holders of U.S. Government Life bloo and several Asian-African that fraud and irregularities in «r: “U a patteo* nsmt have a lead to a reunion of the church.” Saturday and told to leave Cube. Snow, drissle and light nUn fell ^rsoM , is flown to Tokyo Insurance, which originated in nations were planning to recognise minor vhsahesheaMleelcareaM' He, like others, however, era- The 77-year-old Archhishc^ was CMok Ckiunty helped Kennedy during toe night from the storm ftotM bboard special' World War I, will receive approxi- a Lumumba administration in and that toe recheck wl^d^raoVlde for a healtWfgr iiM fn an toi phssised it will take time, and returning from a meeting of C ath-oenter______In Nebraska and Minnesota.__ ly rafWgeratM Japan Airlines cay- neatslj $377,800 In dividends. Stanleyville as the Congo’s ‘ right­ chess, beer, or a piatonlo fttrta- careful examination. the evidence to take the’nfiRter in­ ollc preUtM in Havaim. TOe [|jghtsnow aM snow showcrzalso (to ptana. . . Fred 'Gale Is r— Whittier said the dividends wdll ful government had he got away to court. - tom. 1 woiuldn’t suggeik ^m ta - Dr. BlaJto i n Mri»iirat~Ctrxer porU said he~ replied Ifnnly that were reported in the mountains of as bi|to school principal at Iraya- be paid as soon as poMible after out of reach of Mobutu a troops. From another quarter, the Demo- tlen as an altetnattve tor ftaiac* Splaoopal Cathedral, d e ta ile d vllle, Ind. before he couM 1 the 1861 anniverrary of the date Their diplomats would have left er meB. That oooM ha t t a g w y . awy« fer eomUstag erecdai. lit- (Oeattmed e« Fag* Fear) « m Fngo ■•«•■) iB pupil spaaklnf ease. ' each policy was Issued. Leopoldville for Lumumba's (Ooattsued aa Fag* Fear)


•Urted FM broadcaating in 1930, But thl« year there la a very con- alderable intereat in this -type of amission and reception.^ » Sheinwold on AM broadcstihg is limited to, a high frequency of 5,000 cycles per The Baby Has “THE WAY second, , and there is no limit SIMPLE MANEDVEB • North dealer (theoretically) to the upper fre­ North-South vulneraDie SHOWS THUMP BBEAK NORTH quency of FM broadcasting. Thus, By AUrad Skdawold I HEARD IT” it would seem that FM would qat- A 10 9 7 4 yrally have higher fidelity. ,, Been Named Perhaps you’re tired of hearing V K 9 5 ♦ A Q 5. hy John Gruher This is not necessarily the 'case. that genius is an infinite capacity ♦ A JO 7 , The program originates in a studio for taking pains. So I won’t tell WEST EAST and goes to the transmitter over a you that the greateet bridge play­ A K Q 8 5 2 A J < , leased telephone line, in most cases. 4R 7 W A 4 2 Cliatn programs are likewise fed Dawn Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Donaldson, 206 ers work hard to get results with I 6 ♦ J 10 9 S to the transmitter over leased lines Center St. She was bom Nov. 29 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ Very simple materisls. Maybe you AKQJ842 4 9 6 5 3 Last week 1 gave you some A speaker enclosure .works best from the point of origin. Now tele­ pital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Kee­ SOUTH with onlv the one spabWic speaker can come to the same conclusion hints on judginf^ values in a phono, phone lines have definite limits to gan, 49 Ardmore Rd. Her paternal grandfather is Wade Donald­ all by yourself after you’ve looked A A 3 for which it was designed. The en- their frequency’response, generally a Q J 10 8 6 3 sasumlng you might be contem­ clusiire must be fitted to the speak­ son, Polo, 111. She has a brother, Kevin, 18 months; and 4wo sis­ at a simple hand; not over 6,000 cycles, and many ters, Cheryl, 4)i, and Kim, 3'4. Only a bad break in diamonds ♦ K 8 7 4 2 plating the purchase of such an er just as the bridge must be fitted times, less. • * • * * 4 None to a violin: or maybe you didn’t can brother you. “No problem,” North East Soath West iBStrument for Christmas. And I You won’t get a lot of water I-ance Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Tatro, Spring- itr observes Terence Reese in his realize this had to be done. Just because you have a big bucket 1 4L Pass 1 4 1 4 said X would discuss "components' All speakers suffer from "hang-- f le Ave., Coventry. He was bom Nov. 26 at Manchester Memo­ magnificent new book. Play Pau Pass 3 ♦ Pass and "FM” equipment this time. So If the well is nearly dry. and you rial Ho.spital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. over": that is to say that they won’t get 15,000 cycles if the tele­ Bridge With Reese, "If the trumps 4 4 Pass 4 4 Pass tend to continue to vibrate after the Francis Sheridan. Lynn, Mass. His paternal grandparents are are 2-2, for in that case I cgn S t Past 6 4 Ail Pan here goes. phone company limits the trans­ Mr. and Mrs. Oris A. Tatro. 86 Mather St. Many people seem to think they original impulse is gone. This shows mission to 6,000. You will get les.s * * • * • simply ruff the fourth diamond.” Opening lead — 4 K up [larliciilaily in drum beats, piz- As he points out, you want to Hill get a belter system if they static; you will gel belter pro­ Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Toomey, Bolton purchase "component.s" (eg. turn- zii-alo passages for bass viol, and grams. as a rule; and you will get draw trumps if they break 2-2, be pretty sure that somebody so on. Proper "damping" by means Branch Rd., Coventry. She was born Nov. 28 at Manchester Me­ but not if they break' 3*1. You Stable, pickup, pic-amp, amplifier. fewer -commercial announcements. morial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. John Jor­ aUrted with A-x-x of trumpa. ' of the enclosure minimizes this ef- So FM does have advantages, but mustn’t give the enemy a chance You must test the diamonds ■ speakers and enclosniei sepa late­ : feet, which i.« dependent on the dan, Hartford. Her paternal grandfather Is Jame.s F. Toomey ly, and assemble their own system. not necessarily In fidelity. Sr,, Scranton, Pa. She has two brothers, James, 14, and Paul, to take all three of dummy’s before touching any more trumps. j springiness of the "spider” In the trumps out. This is not neceasarily true, de­ I speaker, If you buy a tuner to go with 5; and two sisters, Mary Jane, 11. and Carol, 7. You cash the ace and queen of spite what you may rend in mag­ your present amplifier, he sure it • 0 • 6 * But how do you find out how diamonds, whereupon West dis­ I Different speakers vary in tke trumps are going to break azines dedicated to "high-fldelily." ' springiness, but the component ad- is of the power transformer type; Kim Marie, daughter ^ Mr. and Mrs. Hirry R. Van Camp, cards a club. Evidently Blast has A system should be de.signed to be ; diet doesn't- realize this and buys a otherwise .you will almost Inevita­ 1053 E Middle Tpke. She was bpm Nov. 29 at Manchester Me­ without giving them the chance the rest of the red cardse balanced from one end to the ! 12-lnch speaker and an enclosure bly run into the problem of hum. morial Hospital. She has two brothers, Blair, 14, and Brian, 11. to remove dummy’s trumps? "The play of the king of hearts other. It does no good to buy a I with a 12-lnch hole, figuring that it Small FM transformerless sets are • * • * « Humtui Factor from dummy,” Reese, remarks, 1100 speaker, if the pick-up is a I must Work: after all they're both built which do not hum excessively, Kenneth Joseph, son of- Mr. and Mrs. John H. McDonald, 48 The answer lies in the human "was one of those lnconspicuou.s 14 one, and the reverse is also the same size, aren’t they? This is it is true. But the reason is because Bunco Dr. - He was bom Nov. 27 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ factor. You can almost surely tactical maneuvers that make the true ' only a sample of the problems in- their small speakers won’t repro­ pital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. persuade the enemy to tell you game easier for good players.” It is true that the speaker or . volVJd in properly mstching a set duce low notes. Lashenske, West Hartford. His paternal grandparents are Mr. what you want to know. For all players, he might have speakers should not be in the same of components. Similar problems ’’Hum" ts actually a low note, and Mrs. Clayton Blckerstaff. Wakefield, Maas. He has two Win the ace of clubs, discard­ said, and his hook is something cabinet as the turntable and ampli­ e:awrence, 4; and a sister, Joanne, 5. approximately the "B" above the ***** ing a spade. Then start the that no good player should miss. fier, and this glile la violated in Have fun assembling such a sys­ lowest "B" . on the piano. Small trumps by leading the king of Dally Question commercially offered eqmpment, tem if you want to, but my person­ speakers do not reproduce low Nancy Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. St. Pierre, 42 Edward St. She was born Nov. 28 at Afanchester Memorial hearts from dummy. As dealer, you hold; Spades— but with proper engineering, the al belief Is that in general you will notes, just as small instruments If East has A-x of hearts he disadvantages can be ininimir.ed get better sound from a commer- Hospital, Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. Ethel M. Sandberg. A 3; Hearts—Q J 10 8 6 3; Dia­ can’t do it either; a piccolo can­ will almost surely take the trick monds—K 8 7 4 2; Clubs None. At the same time the same engi­ ( ially designed system, unless by not sound like a bass viol, no mat­ 20 Edgerton St. _Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. neer designs the whole set to be happy,accident. Emilien St. Pierre. Hartford. at once. For all East can tell, his What do you say ter how adept the performer may partner may have J-x of trumps Answer; Bid one heart. You In balance, from pickup to cabinet Now as to P'M. There is nothing be. tions of the faith and a wide di­ something that never happens when new about FM; in fact I worked versity of worship and liturgy.” or even J-x-x, and It would be are a trifle light In top cards, you buy components. I for a broadcasting-station that So If .you have a good sound s,ys- Other measures would Incorpor­ ruinous to refuse the first trump but you have fine playing tem, be sure you get a good FM ate distinctive features of both trick. Much the same would be strength. Always strain to open tuner to go with It. This will not Reunion Plan Favored Catholic and reformed types of true if West had A-x of hearts. a good two-suiter. be cheap; it should have a mini­ Protestant churches, Dr. Blake Actually,' the king of hearts Is (Copyright I960, General Peatares mum of nine tubes neglecting said. He said he used the word, allowed to win. And now you may Corp.) double-purpose tubes. My own, in­ "Catholic,” as it applied to age- cidentally. uses 12 tubes, but it By Protestant Leaders old Christian concepts and prac­ ts a combination AM-P'M tuner. tices. A ndover New Shaving Invention! Such a device puts out consid­ (Continued from Page One) volved the first In this country be "The reunited church,” he said, erable heat, so be sure it la well tween ’’historically divergent con­ "must have visible and historical NEEDS N0THIN6 BUT WHISKERS ventilated; in fact, all your elec­ would have more than 20 million fessional. political and cultural tra­ continuity with the churches of all tronic gear should, be well venti­ members. Other churches accept­ ditions,” they said in a joint state ages before and after the reforma­ C h a d lated, and not built in tightly as ing the principles. Dr. Blake said, ment: tion.” ‘Doing Well’ you see it so often in the maga­ would also be invited to join, with ”We have ample reason to know He estimated it would make at zines dedicated to home decora­ the ultimate aim of reuniting "the from experience how fniitful such least 10 years to effect the initial tion. whole of (Thrlst’fl church,” planning can be when it is under union, If the designated denomina­ After Heart Surgery New Remington This reminds me, that the only The Kev, Dr. James E. Wagner. taken acro.ss historic confessional tions act on it favorably. He sug­ claim I haven’t yet seen a manu­ Philadelphia, and the Rev. Dr. Fred boundary' lines.” gested as a possible name; "The FIND OUT Reformed and Catholic Church in facturer make for his equipment, Hoskins, New York, co-presidents They said they felt sure that If Seven year old Katherine Slo-f wrapping and ribbon, for the Nor­ SHAVEAAASTER is that it will reduce your fuel of the newly created United Church the Episcopal and United Presby the United .States of America.” bodian of Jurovaty Rd. is coming The National Council'.s As.sem- wich Stale Hospital w'here the FOR bill; but It must he true. The of Christ, voiced "great Interest tcrian Conventions next year issue along well after undergoing open packages will be wrapped. The equipment must warm the room and appreciation” for the plan. calls for such a union, as proposed bly, a church cooperatii’e organi­ heart surgery at St. Francis Hos­ With by Dr. Blake, it will receive “care club suggests the following gifts very slightly. Noting that their own merger In- zation. has no authority to fict pital in Hartford Tuesday. for women: powder, talcum, lip­ YOURSELF fill and thoughtful consideration.” directly on such matters, which Her mother, Mrs. Josephine However, they expressed hope sticks, combs, soap, face cloths, ^ are up to individual denomina­ Slobodlan, wishes to thank every­ tissues, tooth paste and brushes; LEKTRONIC HI-VELOCITY 7 that the plan would not be limited tions. one who aseisted in making avail­ clothing, sweaters, bedjackets. to the four bodies named even at In the colorful opening services the start, since their own merger able the large amount of blood ne­ housedresses, socks, stockings, FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE already was planning unity nego­ last night, the council’s president, cessary for the unusual and deli­ 'kerchiefs, and shower cape. SHAVING ACTION tiations with the Disciples of Christ the Rev. Dr. Edwin T. Dahlberg, cate operation. Arrangements Appropriate gifts for men in­ SHAVER TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY CTiiirrh. said churches cannot ’’permit the were made through the Columbia clude: Shaving cream, toilet soap, 1^. "We hope,” they said, "that the gospel to be limited to a timid Chapter of the American Red tooth brushes, tooth paste, poetket Blake-Pike proposals ran be so little area that some cautious peo­ Cross for the 20 pints of blood bombs, sweaters, T-shirts, neck­ SLICED BEEF enlarged before they are imple­ ple are pleased to call ‘spiritual­ actually used, while other donors ties, slippers, pajamas, gloves, Only Sunbeam Shavemaster has OPEN till 9:00 mented.” ity’.” were on standby duty, ready to mittens, handkerchiefs, and socks. EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS! The proposed reunion would In­ Materialistic forces, he said, go to the hospital if needed. Other welcome gifts would be the bigger, single, SMOOTH clude a joint consecration service, want to restrict the church to Kathy will remain at St. Fran­ candj', candied fruit, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, puzzles, cards, head that shaves closer and faster in which all clergy took part, so as such fields as Sunday school, cis for three weeks and will then Specially Manchester Sales and Appliance Go. says: to bring them into the apostolic go to the Newington Hospital for games, pencils, petw and station­ prayer, famil.y life and the hereaf­ ery. than any other method, wet or LIVER succes.sion -a heritage valued by ter, and prevent it from talking three months. “ This Christmas Give W EfiCOR!” the Episcopal and other Catholic- Doi _rs who gave blood for the The Board of Deacons of First dry. Only Sunbeam Shavemaster about war, peace, race relations, operation were Mrs. C 1 a r e n c e Congregational Church will meet rooted churches. integration and other Issues. Tender, This is a line of authorit.v con­ Provost. Paul Bramhall, William at 8 p.m. Tuesday; the confirma­ • YIAR has the powerful, 16-bar arma­ sidered handed down from the Thi.s,*«'-he said, would make Moran and Chkrles Van Deusen, of tion class, from 7 to 8 p.m. PRII ture, REAL motor—a masterpiece WEBCOR IS BUILT Apostles. Christians "the stammering advo­ this town; Mrs. Marion Sqtiier, Wednesday. SHVKI Flavorful cates of a religion that is weak, An evaluation meeting for the Priced of predsion engineering. The plan also would provide for Martin R. Wolff, Elio Belli, Hen­ •UARANTH "truly democratic government,” powerless and incapable of mak­ ry Burnitt, Mrs. Arbutus Jeffries, (Christian Enlistment Program will for easy-chair listening! with congregations free to name ing any moral and spiritual im­ and John Pelechatz Sr. of Colum­ be held from 8 to 9 p.m. Wednes­ day. All committee chairmen and e The convenience ofoordicM their own pastors, and "a ^'ide pact on this steel-jacketed, battle- bia; Lester Douglas, Joseph R. N. ahaving. SWIFTS PREMIUM diversity of theological formula­ plated world.” Ouelette, Mrs. Harold Eldridge, members, visitors and church coun­ Roger Paulhas, and Edmund cil members are urged to attend. e No battcrioa to replace, Smith Jr., Williihantic; Mrs. Joan An evaluation meeting of the Al­ Skava esywhafa hi Iha warid with th* new Itaraa pawar for up e Shave anywhere. . . get razor* Faulkner and Roy Tanner Jr., lied Enlistment Program to be held Remin|ton Lektronie Shavar. Any altamatinf to 3 weeks of ihavea close Ihavea with roller eorab in the Windsor Congregational currant frem 90 to 230 vein rachaigaa it. The ahd then an no Priced Only As Storrs; Arthur Vender, Lebanon; (Jhurch at 8 p.m. Thursday will be comfort. STOP IN Mrs. Anne Lybeck, Mansfield; and Ltktronic alto featuraa Rtmin|ien'* axduaivc batwrin to replace. TONIGHT IK attended by the Rev. Mr. Thomen. Roller Combs that adjust to any beard or akin e Ideal for either everyday use or BACON Albert Coolidge, Amston. The church will be open Thurs­ . . . plus a man-iize hMd, six rewt datp. wiien you aiw traveUng. Norman's Can Price 'Pm On standby duty, but not called, and day and Friday evenings to set up e Perfect to give or to get. were Mrs. Peter Chowanec, Wal­ the annual bazaar Saturday. Pro­ CtM him the gift of CerdtoM Sheving Sliced, PICK OUT ter Kokoszka and Joseph Foros- ceeds of the bazaar W'ill go into YOUR toski, Columbia; and Eldward F. the general fund for maintenance Mildly Cured Kimpel and John F. Phelps, An­ items, such as painting the church. V WEBCOR... dover. Appreciation was also expressed Manchester Evening Herald An­ to the following volunteers who dover correspondent, Cindy Pfan- Help Him Put His Best Face Forward were not required: Mrs. Harry sttehl, telephone Pilgrim 2-6856. Rice, of this town; Louis Kellej', l ^ A E S T R O HI-FI FONOBRAF F. W. TuHtey DNC T^reilt f^roJitce ^peciais! South Coventry: and Miss Dori.s Sit bock ond rtlox-while the outomotic disk* Palmer, Mrs. Cecile LaPlanler and Mrs. Katherine Udall, of Wllli- SPEIM PURCHASE thooBer gloys mixed 33'/t rpm 10" and 12* mantic. records in any sequence. Also ploys other three The ch?q>ter has also been noti­ GIVE Yellow Onions 3 CELLO 15« speeds outomoticolly, and shuts off offer lost fied of two other residents for SBDDuEBHK whom blood donors will be needed riaudr Rala* K. Flrmiag record. True high-fidelity tones. during the coming months. Frrn Lama> Trny Donahue HIM A Lettuce » 2 "» 33« Sehool Plans for Christmas “The I»at “ITie Crowded NORELCO HOKWWMWNCWWWWeKWWWSKaWSKWSKWWNfeKWe J The Christmas program at the World”—TwH Sky”—Tech. Btfort you buy any Webcor, comt in and elementary school will follow a Oranges '“>•">* 18 59« pattern similar to previous years, 6:30-10:00 8:15 X qtt our LOW, LOW PRICES! We hove principal Mrs. Doris E. Chamber- Meet 4 Precluc* Pricai IHactiva Tu,t. 4 Wad. Only lain has announced. She said all , "EL.MEB GANTRY” } the LOWEST PRICES and BEST SELEC- of the events will be handled in an sTOHai "High Time", AH color “FLOATING HEAPS” orderly manner with,the emphasis *S| I TtON IN TOWN! on the real meaning of Christmas 3 Speed "Yer" Garden Sale! for children. JlkSIISWIISWMIWWWIISIISWWiMMMMWMiWWtMIISWWMWJtH! Each room will hear and discuss NNAL WIIK - lALI INDS SATU8DAY the story of Christmas with all of its legends: sing familiar Oirist- £A l'4 flS V T W » Tf I U ■ )O I .\ M MO s I| y r D "Y O t" < 7 ^ ' I ■ / / mas carols and learn at least one SPEEDSHA VER dA iO IN frozen ^Tooa ^iJecialA . I WEBCOR IS BUILT new' one; have art lessons to deco­ FREK i i i .n n k r w a r f ; o r s t a in ­ rate the room bulletin boards and l e s s STEEL TO LADIES S for j5o-go stereo! an opportunity to creatively de­ Ritbt. Mitchum Glcca Ford "Y O r' OARDIN • SLICED SAVI Sc sign something for their gifts, Frank Sinatra SKtrIry McLalne I6 0Z since no Christmas trees' are per­ wtth ROTARY BLADES “Not Ah a PKGS I mitted In the school. ‘The Strawberries 3 Each class will also learn a Stranger” Sheepman” ”YOr' CARDIN SAVI 16c Christmah^gieem and have several 16 0Z S O (Jhristmas stories read to them. 1:3«-S:00 Peaches SLICID PKGS I They will havif an eifchange of 4 gifts, with a cost limit of 60 cents WED.: “Let No Man Write Tloating-Heads’ follow every It’s the razor that changed each. contour of the face. "YOR'CARDIN SAVI Ic My Epitaph” An assembly program _ for America’s shaving habits! 60Z Extra-large shaving head* Grades 4, 5 and 6 will be prepared for faster, closer Ihavea. . Now every man can shift the Orange Juice 5 CANS ■ by Mrs. Hazel Floyd and Mrs. Ann ”YOr' CARDIN SAVI Sc Foster's classes. Grade 1, 2 and 3 F ^ tw in shaving heads, more s p ^ , set the head, tailor the w'ill have an assembly planned hy STANLEY WARNER comb slots, offer clean, CHOPPED 10OZ the classes taugeht by Mrs. Mil­ smooth shaves, no irritation. GIFT shave to his face. No matter Spioach Of LEAF PKGS dred Christadore and Mrs. Esther Kaplan. STATEIXl I Famous rotary blades assure how tough his beard, how LISSIR OUANTITIIS AT RIGULAR RRICIS HOLIDAY Special events of the season will ekiit comfort, closeness. include, tentallvelv, the annual 5 P.3I. Coni__ (;4S-6:00, 60e tender his skin, he’ll get fast­ STEREO FONOGRfAF .SHOWN AT 6:20 and 8:55 Powerful motor opertfH on visit of the RHAM High School 110-220 volts; selMubricet* er, closer more comfortable •’Y or* Hove stiroo—will trovel! Rich, clear sound passes chorus with a program of Christ­ I0MPNI.UVMI / PRICED »*t«ena , ing, CARDIN C^annefl ^pe^ciafs / through contact hingosi Or—both corner ongled mas music; a Christmas program Qma shave. Solve your gift prob­ by the Salvation Army Band at 8 'N' EMy ‘side-venf cleaning. speokors con bo moved op to 8 foot for grootor LIUHMIM p.nv. Dec. 21; and a (Jhristmas inmNUSai lem as easily as you’ll solve **Ypr''CARDIN - CUT, PANCY tender SAVI 11c soportiion. Aotemetk 4-spood diskehonger ploys Carol sing and special luncheon treat on ,the last day before the iMlIttnMMi his shaving problems. both stor-n ond iMnoorol. Christmas recess. Green Beans4 CANS^ 79« Mothers Plan Party taMnW. "Y O T' CAROM - LARGE, TENDER SAVI fc EASY TERMS on our LAY-AWAY PLAN! The, program for the Mothers WDElillT Chib ' Christmas party js being L.. . - IM ilfn! planned by Mrs. Steve Ursln, Mrs. CANS ITCEE PAKKINCi Ju st Arrosn th r Street | Al-SO AT 7:10 Sweet Peas 4 69< Howard Pohl, Mrs. Robert Smith, iMteilMMSMSI ••YOr' CAROM - WHOLE KERNEL SAVI Sc Mrs, Andrew Gasper, Mrs. Ejarl Ymr FriMily Palmer, Mrs. Harold Madore, and. PLENTY OF FREE Mrs. Richard -.Oabome. It vvlil ba OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 Sweet Corn 6 1 MANCHESTER SALES hald Dec. 14 at the home of Mrs. FHrpiiMra M i Edward Yeomana. •Yori CA80M - HKRTA SAVI 17c R M A H ’S There wrill be a tradiUonal ex­ N 0 SATURDAY Tlli 7 sliced ^ ; and APPLIANCE CO* change of gifts, preferably hand- AppllaRM Stin indEASY PARKIMG 3o-oz 8 0 0 0 2 t i OAK IKTREET PHO.NR MI 9-S2S4 or HALVES eiP CANS' I lmhde','eritK a cahi aneldeed bear­ •4 "I/oratMl in the Houae and Hale Building’! ing tha donor’a name. UIm.J I "OIrla of the Ni|*t” * *4 ■ I MeolNn are also ramtaded to fWMki “OeOege OerffieeHO" I r tetagr a gift, aeeompanied by ------■ - —------h I N S * A


coma unto ua a Rook of Otfcaat, in all things, they aet ataadarda cause of alleged improprieties un­ covered In the reCheck. Such in­ A Thoonlit fo r TOdsir but ahvi^ M Banethaiy. wt pray South Windsor Torstenson Head ■/f . ^ ■ JUmri^eBtrr we muat atniggle to equal; that Illinois Democrats - ' ' ' .... - ' I ) validation, they maintained, eould by « ia Jesus' Name. Amem they are the onea who do things Rev. Paul Kaiser . ' , Of Scandia Lodge Facing New Scrap throw the lUinoia election to Nixon. iintUig ifrraUk the way things must be done for Oonaeil of Concordia laittienB Church N e w P o s t O ffic e O p e n s T o d a y , BY i'BM Lennart Torstenson was elected — “ CO.. INC. maatery in this world ot ours. Over Vote Recount We never aeem to remember Bribe Story Denied "And ha ahaU ha BMr a sanetu- chairman of Scandia Lodge, Order ary; hut for a atona ot sttu n td ^ Just in for Ifiile Rush that the way they do things is also (Ooatiinied from Page One) Ragani Rejected of Vasa, at a bCcent meeting. He the ultimate and basic difference By Cuban Bishops and .for a rock of offence to bdth By Italian Group succeeds John Nelson who will be­ between ua, and that if we begin to erata are threatened with the with­ the houses of laraaL for a gin and Oirtttmaa mail handled by thtfRadding Signs for a variance to come cultural leader. V permit erecQon of two 8 by 12 foot accept, automatically and in­ holding of certUlcation for Ken­ (Ooattaoed from Pago One) for a snare to the Inhabitants of South Windsor Post Office will Other officera elected are Mrs. Bt« 7 Branliis BxeM Romolo Pagan! was re-elected tb advertising signs near the Rt. 5- Blvlra Anderson, ylce chairman: ^ Bolnan _ Uotil£ot«rM at tb* stinctively, the idea that their way nedy's electors by the Republican- Jerusalem.” (Read Iseleh 8:18-U) no longer have to ^ taken to a McGuire Rd. intersection, on land UrnaAmer OaoB.. •• he will stay In Cuba and take the hie eighth term aa preeident of the Mrs. John Nelson, recording sec­ ia better and therefore something dominated State Electoral Board. Troublous times existed In Israel tobacco warehouee for sorting, aa owned by John Blase. The Board coneequencea. when these words were written. No MagUaneae Boctaty at a maetlng felt close proximity to a large in­ retary; Mrs. Lennart Torstenson, we ought to adopt or imitate, then Gov. William O. Stratton, defeat­ hi previous years. The new 1,600 assistant recording secretary; i SUBSCROPnuM RATCS Archbishop Perez Serantea, who one could be trusted.'Oonapimey, yesterday,. ' '■<, tersection and potential distrac­ The Holy Name Society of St. • ^ _ P ay^a ia Advanoa there, will be, for the very first ed Republican who heads the board, one with another, semned to ha the . square foot post office building tion to traffic, would be hazardous. William Orr, financial secretary; • Qm Yaar ...... once saved Castro from a Batista Other offiebti^ all'Te^ected, are Mrs. William Orr, assistant fi­ James' Church will install'Edward time, authentic reason for fear said such action might be taken if common move of the hour. Tltere BallilwPaganl, vtoe pfktlj ^ t ; Vin­ , on Main St. opened for business Tabled for further conelderatlon G. O’Brien, 268 Autumn St., as A'braa UosUia V.VU the recheck furnishes substantial firing squad but now U his most was a conSpiracy;-to dethrone the was the request of Alfred Francis nancial secretary; G. Ivar Carl­ • Ona Month l*8U that they will tAke over the world, cent Genovese, aadrMkry. wlUvHor- today. Located nearly opposite the son, treasurer; Mrs. Rose Davison, president of the society Sunday at _ waaUY .lai evidence of fraud. outspoken critic in Cuba, said by kiitg. He In turn waa oonqilrlng ace Paganfadl^allMnate; :^om- AW#' Town Hall, it replaces the former for a variance to allow, the sale of 7:30 p.m. ..cHaitta Copy not by armed conquest of us, but Top Democrats said, however, telephone from Santiago: "I am an alchoHc liquor, at 658 BRinglon Rd. ohaplain; Mrs. Ame Gustafson, with the Assyrians. Nobody knew aa Paganl, Bi>aiiiatf)a>pmary; cramped quarters in Boesen’s Other new officera to be in­ because we have adopted their they consider this threat an emp' old man and suffer from lose of what to think u d everyona was Peter UibanetiL; treadurel^ aiid A proposed liquor store would be master of ceremonies: Mrs. Ellen MtiMBICR OF Store. Modean, assistant master of cere­ stalled are John J. Conner, vice THB A8SOCUTED . values. ty one. memory. I do not recall any such afraid. Constantino UihaaetU, aimtinal. separated from the K affs Komer The new 1-itory brick structure, monies; Carl J, B. Anderson, inner president; Leo J. Kwash. secre­ — Tna Aasoetated Praaa la axcluatvaly Involved and related to this Is State Treasurer Joseph D. Leh­ thing happening to me.” Into the midst of this kind of pit* Grocery Store at that address. ^■•antlUad to the ase ol repoblicatlon ot man, only Democrat on the 5-man Comoguey military officials said W ^ K I N S ^ E S T built by contractor Chester Car-Cow Collision guard;' and Einll Anderson, outer tary; Joseph M. Michallk, treasur­ '“^aU aewt dlapatchea ermtatf to h or the whole Inferiority complex of uaUon came Isaiah sind lifted bis Zahiewski of North Haven, houses er; and Joseph L. Gorman, pro­ oUterwIse eredttad In Uila oaper electoral panel, told a reporter, they had not detained the Arch­ voice in rebuke and in witness to A Black Angus cow! was; killed guard. *TanJullUB Halhewa Sti^lal Areijcy — New purpose of the statutes." that the government’s revolution­ Him a sanctuary, and to those Who ■'* . F w ” mauMTr^u"r*.rodM. II Off-ShHt PsAing Postmaster ' Jewell , Burnham response w arrants, additional Regan. •'*Tork Chlcaao Detroit and Boatoa. elected to be the wave of the fu­ Angelo Sylvester, of-.K. Hartford, — MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU Of Lohman said that when the ary indoctrination program preach­ flouted His ways He would become borivoriijl says formal dedication of. the new ;:2CraCDI.ATION8 . ture, and could only be stopped if board resumes its recessed ses­ es communism. 142 EAST CENTER STREET. MANCHESTIR struck the cow, which ■ had . wan­ as a Rock of Offense and a snare facility will, be held sometime af­ dered out onto Rh^rtO, at about freedom ceased straggling and sion in Springfield, which he said The letter also denied Castro’s to their purposes. That’s what , Je ­ Ju st telephone yonr order for ter Jan. 1. ~ The Berald Pnntln* Compaiw, u ^ . charge that "henchmen in cas­ 1:05 a.m. Sunday. ..asautnea no financial rerponelblllty tor adopted a totalitarian goosestep would be some time In midweek, sus became in His day. dmg needa and oosmetice—glv- The staff includes Mrs. Myron . typonaphlcal errors aopearlna In ad- 1 will insist that what is sub­ socks” accepted bribes from sugar Bingo Set ’ •• aertlaetnenls, and other readltut matte And so shall it ever he. Men may F. Burr and Mrs. Bari Brogard, New Post Office for itself. Long live the straggle! mitted to the board is properly industry Interests to preach big year Otarge Ptaa onmberr Public bingo sponsored b.v the in The Manchester Eventna Herald. ignore God, laugh at His principles, clerks: Henry Yawner, temporary A workman’s ladder resting against the wail of the portico of the new South Windsor Post Office It, and the nerve to continue it, within its authority.” against the revolution. South Windsor Volunteer Fire De­ Display adrertlstna cloalna hours; scorn His Commandments and Get carrier on RED 1,’ and Raymond partment will be held Wednesday certifies the description, "Just finished.” Postmaster Jewell Burnham expects formal dedication will are still the real strength of free­ Petitions reportedly have been Castro made the charge at i otherwise insult Him, but it can go R)r Monday—1 o.m. Priday.“I- student rally last month.' Immediate X)IN« OUR 'Van Sicklan, auxiliary helper. at 8 p.m. at Co. 1 Firehouse on be elated after Jan. 1, and Incidentally, the Christmas rush. (Herald photo by Pinto). Tuesday—1 p.m Monday_ nda. dom. submitted to the board by GOP on Just so long. In the end they and p-jr Wednesday—1 o.m. Tuesday. election officials from Cook Coun There has been no official reac' Delivery ZBA DeniM Appeal Ellington Rd. Por Thursday-^1 Thursday—1 o m Wednesday Uon to the letter, which was read their wajm shall perish and fail, One application was denied and PUT fW“ ■ day■ -1 p.m. Thursday.T» ty asking that certification be while the Lord (3od Omnipotent 1961 one tabled by the Zoning Board of Manchester E v e n.l n g Herald Pbr Saturday—1 p.m. PrMay. delayed or withheld pending in Catholic churches without inci­ Yule Party Slated RoomvFor Hommingbirdn dent. shall stand forever. IVe are always Appeals after a public hearing South Windsor correspondent. Bi- Classtlled_____ deadline: 10;*0 a m eaei determination of fraud. wisest when we choose to walk day of publication axespi Saturday- Over the past few years there Neither has there been official Thursday night. more G. Burnham,, telephone B a.aa James A. Ronon, Democratic reaction to a U. S. declaration laat with God. In Him we find light, CHRISTMAS Denied was an application by Mitchell 4-0674. By VFW Groups have been, aa some of our readers state chairman, said he doubted week that Washington now con­ strength, faith and inner peace. Monday December 5 His way, and Hla alone, is the way may faintly recall, a number of that Stratton would make good his siders Cuba Communist-controlled. PRBSORIPTIOM PBARMAOr The annual children’s Christmas threat. If Stratton should, how­ everlasting. CLUB party sponsored by Anderson Shea The Heroes Who Slay occasions on which a speech of un­ But the semiofficial press has gone 901 SfAIN ST.—BO S-63S1 Peiping to Heed Nikita usual Intelligence and Imagination ever, Ronan outlined these possible all out in blasting this aa "hostile Hold us fast In Thy Way, O Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, The German Evangelical courses of Democratic action; and Its Auxiliary will be held Sat­ has come from a gentleman named provocation.” Lord, that thou mayst never be- Television Church, which ia Germany’s larg­ 1. A mandamus suit in U. S TODAYI urday at 6 p.m. at the post home. Crawford H. Greenewalt. Hla fine District Court to compel certlfl 8:00 Big i Theater tin progr#**) ^ Rlverboat 33. 30 j Reservations for children from est Protestant church, yesterday 22 To Teit The Truth 12 speeches, whenever they came, al cation on grounds the civil rights China Leader Backs F irit Show tin progreaa) six months to 10 years old may inued a pastoral letter which was Earl}' Show tin progrear) 30 8:00 Surfside Six 13* ways occasioned a mild surprise of voters had been violated. Compaas 53 8:30 Tales of Wells Fargo 10. 22. 30| be made at the post home or with' read in all Its pulpits Inside East 2. The casting of the 27 elec­ Woody Woodpecker 8 Surfside Six 8. 40. 53 Mrs. George Ecabert, 26 Foster because he happens to be a chem Cartoon Plavhonae IR DucKpin Bowling 18 Oermany. \ toral votes In Springfield on Dec. 40 9:00 Danny Thomas Show 3. 12 St., or Commander Donald Mky- 1st by profession and because, be' Peaceful Coexistence Santa’* Workahop The letter was a plea for. East 19 notwithstanding the board’s ac­ 8:15 Bozo The Clown 40 Klondike 10, 22. nard, 32 E)over Rd. by Wednesday. yond that, he also happens to be tion, thus carrying the fight for 6:25 Weather. News Jc Sport* 3. 12 9:30 Andy Griffith Show 3. 12 Children of post, auxiliary and Oermans to stay in East Germany, certification to the House of Rep­ 6.3U Rollie Jacob* Club House 22 Dante 10. 22. 30 Window ihadet of lovely Du Pont president of E. I. du Pont de (Conttamed from Pago One) Sports News. Weather 5 Adventures In Paradise ' 8. 40. 63 Stein Club members are invited to Tontine” are eaiy to waih. WIB under Communist rule, rather than resentatives on Jan. 6. said two documents approved at the Robin Hood 18 Streets of Danger 18 attend. Netnours and Co., which is not only summit will be published soon and look like new. Won't craek, fray or flee to the West, as some three "This over-all Republican plan in effect, well, that’s the way it la. Modern Digest 53 10:00 Millihn Dollar Movie 18 Co-chalnnen of the party are the world’s largest company, but of screaming fraud, corruption and will disappoint those who hope for Wild Bill Hlckock .30 The Barbara Stanwyck Show pinhole. Available in many attrac­ million East Germans have done OF MANCHESTER China will go along. 8:46 Doug Edwards 3. 12 22. 30 Mrs. Bk:abert, past president; tive colon. Juit call ui. We will be which sounds se if it were some collusion Is aimed at discrediting a rupture in Communist ranks. Huntley-Brinkley 10. 22. 30 Naked City 10 Joseph Jeisovsky, senior vice com­ in the past decade, and as 22,000 He said the documents were 8 53 Hennesey 8, 12 (lad to meaiure your wtndowt and forbidding fortress of unlmaglna the local (Democratic) organiza­ Wladysiaw Gomulka said on re­ John Daly mander. Their committee includes (ive you a free eitimate for new East Germane did only last month. tion," Ronan declared In an Inter­ "unanimously approved” after "an Douglai Edwardf 3. 12 10:30 Face The Nation 3. 12 tive economic royalist reaction turning to Poland from the 3-week 7:00 After Dinner Movie .3 Berie Jackpot 32. .30 George Ecabert. Donald Maynard, "Tontine.” In the'chtuxh’e pulpits in West view. . '"rhe longer they can delay open and frank discussion.” Nf,wp—Barrv Barenli 30 peter Gunn 8. 40. 53 Mrs. Florence Plltt, Miss Helen Moscow conference, that the 81 11:00 The Big News Germany, an appeal was made to Now the chemist who le presl certification of the vote, the long­ national and regional party organ­ The communique issued after the News and weather 22 22 Gustafson, Mrs. John Vince, Mrs. er they can grab the headlines." Santa can leave summit avoided mention of the re­ Phil Silvers Show 8 News. Sporls & Westher 3 West Germane, to stop encouraging dent of the world's largest Com isations ag;reed; People's Choice 53 Jack Comley 30 Donald Maynard, Mrs. Marie Hale DU FONT pany appears in the news In a side Cook County Republicans, eye- START ported differences between the So Death Valley Days 10 World's Best Movies 8 and Mrs. Mary E. LeDuc. East Germane to such flight. To lng..lhe possibility of court action, A CLUB "The fight between socialism Viet Union and Red China over co­ Million Dollar Movie 18 U;16 The Jack Paar Show 10. 30 context. He is the author of what contohdad yesterday that 10,000 pa­ (communism) snd capitalism, be­ existence but left the impression Father Knows Best 12 Premiere 12 the contrary, this appeal said, a mattress under FOR ANY. tween the New and the Old World, 7:15 -Tohn Daly 40 Feature 40 40 M SUM TO SH OUR WIDI VASWTY Weet Germans should endeavor to Is being hailed as the world’s most per ballots will be Invalidated be- Khrushchev’s views prevailed. Sport Newi .30 Starlight Movie 3 TONTINE. complete and amazing book on AMOUNT can and should be decided not by Longo said publication of the Hiehliirhts 32 11:30 Jack Paar Show 22 OP SIAUTIPUL CASINIT MODILS help their East German friends to means of a new world war but 7:30 Cheyenne 8, 10, 40, 53 1:00 News fc Prayer 3 For Sale ‘’Hummingbirds." Hie unusual and two documents agreed upon during ■tay in East Germany. your tree this year through peaceful competition be­ the summit is being delayed to al­ SINGER SEWING CENTER The plea read inside East Get' history making photographs, made tween both social systems.” low simultaneous release by all INDUSTRIAL LAND (ti«W • jm tiiM M wAr liaeii snot MKWIt MWUr) E.A. JOHNSON many had special messages for with a special camera which was i t ' i t 'Ck In Rome. Luigi Longo. lieuten­ Communist parties. ON PARKER STREET 832 MAIN ST. TEL. MI 8-8888 ant of Ilslian Communist leader PAINT CO. professional people like pastors, fast enough to arrest the hum­ [in miniature!] “For now,’’ he said, "it is suffi­ C d l Ml 9-3391 mingbird wings, taken by him on Palmlro TogliattI, said the con­ cient to say that all the hopes of Radio *1 6l m VHO m M tMw I itoiR 4a«s MvtoMi M «F luf H|M tots Its MAIN 8T., MANCHESTER doctors, and teachers, Imploring S A V 1 N G S ference reaffirmed the "just policy reaction and Imperialism for a (This ttstiag laeludsa only Uiosa news broadcasts of 10 or IB-tnliinto them not to deprive the people of casual weekend flights to and which has Its axis in the fight for rupture among the Osmmunist length. Soma stations carry otbor short aowseoats). from South African Jungles, and c/J'f/ I.OAN peaceful coexistence, disarmament East Germany of the services and This year you can give every member of your family forces have been disappointed.” WDBO—ISM . 9:06 What * Your Opinion leadership only they could pro­ accompanied by his own unique ob­ and peace.” C:00 N«ws ------Nlghtbeat a S;li) art Johnson Show I New* servations on the behavior of the good sleep, good health! Under your tree goes Gomulka’s speech, obviously- in­ i Starlight Serenade vide. tended for a wider audience than S:(V> Raynor Shinos birds, represent what he has been clever little miniature mattress. It’s gaily gift wrap­ Actual size of minia­ ■ awewisTSS’s etassT riwaaeiat i.wsTiTaTiew . 11:05 SpotUsht on Sports Signori But It also had a general mes­ ture, 11 X 15% X 1% the Polish miners' celebration he May Bride Feted 13:05 Raynor Shines WPOP—I4U sage, to all East Germans. It was doing with his “spare time’’ for ped complete with gift certificate and tag. Tomor­ addressed, went beyond the com- 1:0S Slsn on Today In Hartford row, select the custbrnrcrafted Holman-Baker Bed­ inches. Full size bed­ Conn Ballroom that they choose to stay and "bear what he calls his "change of pace" ding is delivered after mlnuque issued after the secret By Area Friends WHAir—til Bob Scott ding you want to give. You’ll receive the gift-wrap­ S:(X) B is Show Ray Somera 'Over 50% of our new battery the cross" of Communism, endure during the past half dozen years. Christmas. It's a gift Red summit meetings ended 6:S0 John Daly Newa Thursday. 1 Mrs. Ronald Gustafson, the for­ 8:40 Blit Show Ray Somera its oppression, Instead of seeking This Is a key, of course, to the ped miniature, already to go under the tree, without that will he appreciat­ 7:00 Edward P. Morgan Y O U C A N ed for years to come.. He said the Communist bloc Is mer Mias Barbara Pastula of Del Rayce* Show their personal freedom across the reason why hie speeches, delivered charge. There’s no better way to'-wish every member 7:15 Big Show • WINP—ISIS DO ITI strong enough to force world dis­ Manchester, was guest of honor ll:3n tmniic Affairs ICinanclal New* border. In the role of a captain of Ameri­ of your family “Good Health’’ this Christmas. armament and must do so. But he recently at a post-bridal ehower 13:02 Sign Off. Showcase and Nawa business is the result ef our can industry, whose profession Is wnc-^tM Pulton Lewli J r One reason for such a plea may Your own remodeling anid did not spell out how the Commu­ at the White Eagle Hall. 8:00 News Evening Devotinna be a fear that, If all the East Ger­ that of chemist, have been such building. Our planning nists should proceed toward dis­ Mrs. Gustafson was seated un­ 8:20 Weather and Sport* Showcase and New* I armament and peaceful coexist­ 6:30 Suppertime Serenade The Reviewing Stand mans who resent Communism suc­ unusual and refreshing documents. service makes it easy. West der a decorated white umbrella' 6:45 Three Star Extra The World Today ence. to open gifts from the .100 guests ceed In crossing the border and Greenewalt is a sample of that Coast lumber makes it 7:00 Conversation Piece Showcaae and New* YELLOW PAGES ‘The Leninist idea so force­ present from CJhicopee. Mass., En­ 7:.30 New* Mumc Beyond the Stare and Ntwi escaping from it, the only people occasional human being to whom beautiful I 7:45 Public Service Program World NaWa Roundup fully and concretely applied to field, New Britain, South Windsor, 8:05 Pop* Concert Slrnoff left in East Germany will be those we apply the complimentary label present conditions forms the basis adn Manchester. who are soft and willing tools of of the "whole man” of. documents of the conference.” A buffet dinner was served by advertising!” Communism. Not many of us, to be sure, ran he said "It Indicates the main di­ Mrs. Stanley Opalach, Mrs. Louis step Into his shoes, even though ^ ^ G n n i u Shop now rection of the activities of all Kaezarowski, Mrs. 'nromas Hen­ In any case, what this appeal Communist and workers parties drickson, and Miss Bernice Olliert. — says John C. Rachlin, owner of she Forest Garage, we may feel some vague aspiration Get a 2nd TV asks of the East Germans is the > ^ M IE I & SUPPLY CO. \ snd Socialist camp countries.” Mrs. (justafson is the daughter Tickets Now On Sale " highest kind of courage and loyal toward a rounded life for ourselves. T h e words "basis of documents” of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pastula, Farmington Ave., Hartford. ty to Ideals and principles the Not everybody gets to be president Route 6 and 44A snd "main direction” left room for 62 North St. Her husband, Cpl. pay later! possible variations of interpreta­ kind of courage which stays and of the world’s largest company; At The Notch, Bolton Ronald Gustafson, Is the son of THE MANCHESTER MESSIAH CHORUS not everybody can design and MI .3-2141 For Christmas tion aa to how Communists should Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Gustafson, ANNUAL PERFORMANCE "Since we started in business in 1925, we have used the Yellow Pages suffers and endures and still tries proceed. 123 Glenwood St. ’The couple was command the production of a spe­ Open Monday thru to presen-e the spirit of resistance choose on Longo, In an article in the Italian married May 4 In Clarksville, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 7:30 P.M. consistently. The results we get arc tangible. For example, we’ve estab> even though others of perhaps cial camera; not everybody can af­ Saturday 8 to 5 Cornmunlst newspaper L’Unita, Tenn. 1 equal devotion to principle are ford special flight weekends to an­ The Connecticut Bank and Trust Company lisbed that over 50% of the new business in ouc battery department ia other continent; not everybody 893 MAIN STREET chooalng to make their protest one - 5 the result of our ad under that heading.” in which they leave the country has the perseverance to track one i c t o r Ray Beller’ii Music Shop Potterton’s, Inc. R C A V 1013 MAIN STREET ISO CENTER STREET and thus escape the oppression quarry down so thoroughly ,or eo they denounce. Somebody, it seems, fine a talent for observation and , . . Take it from a satisfied Yellow Pages advertiser! If you want the most. has to stay and be oppressed if the recording; not everybody can get a fullest chances of an eventual vic­ book published from what he does with from your advertising dollars, don’t neglea your Yellow Pages program. tory over oppression are to be pre­ for hla change of pace In his epare New Vista Tuner Tell your COMPLETE sales story . . . and use ALL directories that teach served. There are heroes, moetly time. unsung, who refuse to gain for But the man who it much lees II your market Our salaried specialists will be glad to help you plan this than president of the world’s larg­ r> themselves any liberty which is important advertising. No charge for this advisory service. Just call the not also for the rest of their fel­ est company, who may, indeed, I low countrymen. It Is this particu­ work only at the bench for one of UP TO telephone company business office. lar kind of heroism the Evangeli­ the world’s smallest companies, FIRST SYMBOL OF cal Church’s pastoral letter seeks may manege, some day, to let the to recognize and encourage. beat of some wing, perhaps only 45% some drab sparrow’s wing, obtain |tt qpMid otttntioa MWW A HOME’S HOSPITALITY W here praotioally a paeelng Impreeslon on his con- MORE PICTURE Superman Fails Too •voryono finds -Ts sclousnees, and contribute some •Wl What a comment It Is upon the momentary enrichment of hie life. Indhridual insurance needs snd ... and buy better. s s with an . superficial mentality of our time psublcms of each client $tt him PULLING POWER praotioally The process of being a whole H FC Sh o p p e r's Loan. This year stop ot that we should all feel reprieved man does not have to be on the apart frem the crowd. Before tK- I ovotything... and relieved at the news of a Rus­ emmending an ikwurance program YHLOW monumental scale; it Is not a mat­ 19” Tube (Diagonal overall) 20,000 any store you wish, and buy just exactfy what —^ a tingle policy—we analyze sian failure In space! It Is as-if we ter of specific accomplishment eerclient’iparticulardrcamstancee volt chassis transformer, front sound. you would like for everyone, with cash from were a little amazeu Heard... Include mlscelculatlons or Russian sides of one’s existence, so that a technical performance some flaw, Msereie m rUppiiif. May wc pro­ expensive season js over. You'll like doing A NEW Auto InsurancD Plan hummingbird can fly into that ex­ vide tkie icrTke lo yoef or even the tiniverse itself some istence if he wants to and not de­ business with America’s oldest company MDrif-Rotod To Giv* Good Drivors law which isn't quite ready to part unnoticed. knuckle under to Rueetan acoom- specializing in instalment cash loans, brop Sovings Of 20% - 30% - 40% pliehnisnt Portable TV HOAKBD SPOT in or phone today and enjoy the helpful, “What do you know? Gireful driving hnaljy pays It was only some 24 hours be­ One of the wettest spots on fore the Ruaelen failure to bring earth le Debundscha, at the foot of courteous service we give to 2 milliofi other off! I can aave 20% 30% ■>- 40% or even more that flying menagerie safely back the Cameroon Mountalne, In Ni­ folks every year. •o %vith the new American Shield, Merit-Rated Auto geria, with an average annual Phonographs too! to earth that American commen­ rainfall of 376 Inches. Policy. Now it’s going to be expensive tor careless . W il tators were besting their breasts _ drivers, but year after year, you and I can save a 4-PlECE SILVER TEA and asking why, why, why it had Choose from our stock of electric record players. Lay-away b i to be that the same day's news lot of premium just by lafe driving. Say— you've plan availahle.

'4 ■ ± : I \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN,. MONDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1960 -i»Aot ^AGt SIX MANCHESTER EVEljTING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1960 I I—.,,.1 ___ . r ...... Daniel Sullivan of Stafford Both • Surrender to Police Bolton Spring will be present to answer Blizzard Head^ Shopping Days Ladies Night'Held 'V ^Sb^ntnington Gives Kennedy Police Arrests questions and offer suggestions. Court Bars State News Obituary WSGS Meeting Till Christmas By Shriners Cliib WANT MORE FO? YOUR MONCY Town Auditor A worship service featuring Itito Midwest John J. Sullivan, o f Elm Chriatmaa-carols and hynrns will be ...KEEP YOUR EYE ON GRANTS i Plan to Revamp Pentagon hronsM F. KseUer n Forty-eight couples attended the Bias in Bus Hill Rd., TalcottvlUe, was charged Roundup the program for the meeting of the annual Ladies Night of Omar i ' (OoBtinued from Page Om ) 4 - with failure to stop for a traffic Norman n t a d a Koehler, 43, of Files Report Woman’s Society of Christian Shrine Club Saturday at the Man­ (OoBtlBind from Pace Oae) his committee by the Eisenhower light at.E . Center and Spruce 57 Foley. S t, died yesterday at Service tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Unit­ chester Count-y Club. (Coatianed (rota Fags Oa*V the Newingtim 'Veterana Hoipltal ed Methodist Church. There 'will southern Utah and along the east­ regime. Ste. at 3:25 a.m. yesterday. He The town ^u&t report, recently Entertainment during dinner was reorganisation of the m ilita ry The committee in making its. Restaurants was told to appear in court Sat­ after ar brief Illness. also be a service of recognition ern slopes of the Rockies from provided by the Trinity Pipes, a tory condition for the traffic pre- 23,000 comple'ted hy H. N. Alexander and for new members. Colorado- northward and eastward operations command. $ Bonds study, Symington said, had in mind He was bom No. SO, 1917, in vocal octet made up of Trinity urday. . into the Northern Plains. O v u A tn m Symington said Kwmedy had what he called the strategic value vsUing and the speed permitted. Hartford, son of George and Cath­ Mrs. Leslie Harlow and Mrs.' College students. Dancing followed (Continued from Fags One) Co. o f New London, is now on A belt of showers and rain'ex­ VaiuM authorised him to tell newsmen .of time in military operations and ■ However, the FUC said, the New erine Fox Koehler. Charles Church Jr., will serve as to the music of Osgood’s Orchestra. (Coattmied trbn Pag* Om ) file at the Town Clerk’s office. tended squthward through the Cen­ that the President-elect had said planning. asked him to use the other- res­ Haven has failM to start a patnt- He was employed by the Man­ hostesses for the meeting. It shows the town completed tral Mississipipt Valley into eastern Officers of Sphinx Temple who of the committee’s unanimous re­ "In any previous war we had taurant. IngT program for its bridges .-the chester Post Office as a postal About Town attended with their ■wives included at least 18 months to prepare,’’ Algiers Revolt commlislon recommended some esr, was caught by Ferguson. A Its last fiscal year Sept 15, 'with The Board of Education 'will hold Texas. port: Boynton refused to leave on de­ cl rk. ^A<.tl.8. Anhy, veteran of few hours later, however, he tipped Arthur tVasserman, assistant ra- “ It is an interesting and* con­ Symington said. "In any future time mfo. Moet bridges remain in a Work! War H, ha 4»ds a piember a cash balance of $32,971 In the its regular meeting tonight at 8 Unseasonably warm weather was ot G w tu mand of an assistant manager, who ban; Emory Morse, oriental guide; structive study which I knoiy •will war we would be lucky to have 18 neglected condition^ the PUC re­ the heavy screen from the win­ (Seneral Fund. Uncollectpd taxes o’clock at the school. reported in the eastern half of the then called police. Chief Vanishes of South M^fhoffist Church and dow of the room where he was country. Temperatures were in the Fred Becher, first ceremonial mas­ be carefully analysed by the Con­ minutes. * ported. Bolton Grange, ! ' , and accoimts receivable were $30,- The Junior Fellowship of the Do ene^tep shopping at Grants.. . finish your IM In appealing to the Supreme Joseph Plenitlo, 86, 107 Strick­ locked and ran Into back yards 60s in the western Gulf states and ter; and Thomas Lilley of the di­ gress and the incoming adminis­ State legislative leadm are now Surviving, bisidea his parents, 168 and $20,597, respectively, giv­ Congregational Church will meet rector’s staff. Court, Boynton contended his ar­ (ConUnned from Pegs One) land SL, was given a 10-day sus­ across from the police station. in the 50s as far north as west cen­ in record time with record Mvingt. Wo'ro brimming tration." rest violated the due process and at work trying to develop a rfcU* are his wife, Mrs. Dorothy fTom - pended sentence and placed on good ing total assets of $83,736. Ac this evenli» 'at 6:30 o'clock at the Gifts were presented to the la­ Kennedy met with Symlngtort at At about 10 o’clock Saturday church. The Rhythmic Choir ,)viU tral Wisconsin, with the 40a pre­ Coventry equal protection clauses of the road assistance prografli for con­ linson Kbehler; a ao.,, N. Thomas behavior probation for six months counts payable were listed at dies by the committee that Includ­ ovor with top voluos in gift* for family and home. the Atlantic shore home of his par­ when the trial resumed this after­ sideration by the General Assembly morning, police learned that Rob­ hold a rehearsal at 7:15 o’clock. vailing throughout the Great ed tvalter R. Ferguson, chairman; U.S. Constitution. He also argued Koehler, Mancheatet and three for intoxication and breach of ert %ad slept through the night In $967.28 and encumbered appro­ Lakes eastward to the upper A t­ ents ahortly before the President­ noon. Their lawyers expressed which', convenes Jan. 4, but no daughters,. Mfs. Frsnk Saunders, The Executive Hoard will meet at Arthur Holmes, master of cere­ elect’s scheduled return to Wash­ the arrest wsui invalid as a bur­ peace. the basement of a Benton St. home priations, $21,571. Most of the 1at-> 8 o’clock. lantic coast states, with readings almost doubled. In Amsterdam, den on Interstate coifimerce. consternation suid one suggested specific proposals have yet been South v<( indsor, Miss Barbara Edward Feeney, 49, no certain monies; Edwani Saari, Clarence ington for a busy week of gearing drafted. and had. been In town until Short­ ter figure was the sum allocated The -Lion’s d u b will hold ita in the 30s from northern Florida windows were blown in and ,trees 'iwb J. L. Schweyer Walter E. Rogers, special as­ the defendants feared they were Koehler and Misa- Katherine Koeh­ address, was fined 320 for intoxica­ were uprooted. Brown, Austin Chambers, Russell up his new administration. The Interstate Commerce' Ctm- ly after 8 o’clock. for purchase of a new fire en­ dinner m ating tomorrow at 7 p.m. -to the);V'irglnia8. Prentice and Harold Barnsley. A t the ."White House tomorrow, sistant attorney general of 'Vir­ going to be Imprisoned during the ler, both of Mandheatar; and two tion. #- Both Bieus are on parole ftom gine, $17,600. at Piano’s Restaurant. In the far West, temperatures One Dutch child watching the r ginia, argued before the High mission recently guaranteed the grandchildren. Jean C. Mador, 26, of Oakdale, surging waves from a bridge was Kennedy will, meet for the first Honored for rest of the trial. railroad a $4.5 million loan. Vermont and the parole expires In The imcommitted balance in the PUbllo Records along the coast were In the 30s in BOAT TOWED TO PORT Tribunal that the "white" restau­ Funeral services v;lU be held was fined 31fi for.4>a8Sing a signal northern areaa and ranged to the blown Into the water and drown­ YOUR time elnce his election with Presi­ 1972. They were convicted of The prosecutor demanded that Wednesday at at ItSO p.ni. at me light. Reserve Fund for Capital Expen­ Warrantee Deeds: William ed. Wimis were clocked at up to 70 Newport, R, I., Dec. 5 (JP)—The dent Eisenhower. 'They wiil dis­ rant was privately owned and armed robbery in that state. Howes to Kenneth Wahl, property SOs In the south. Dauntless, a fishing boat from operated, and had no affiliation arrest warrants be immediately Holmes Funeral Home, 400* Main Mary F. Fournier of 6 Contyay ditures was $20,124; in the 1-year miles an hour in some areas. cuss the problems of transfer from Cancer Work drawn up for four of the missing Fire Death Probed The Colonial Oak Package on Brookfield Rd.; Jarvis Enter­ In Florida, readings ranged from Stonington, Conn., was towed here a Republican administration to a with the bus company. The res­ Bridgeport, Dec, S —Search-' St.' Burial wlU be in Eaat Ceme­ Rd. was fined $15 for failure' to Store ki owned by Donald Knofla. old Uniform Fiscal Year Reserve the upper SOs in the northeast to In Hamburg, Germany, hurri­ men and that the military tribunal grant the right of way. Fund, $9,448. prises to John and Patricia H. cane force winds sent an 8-foot last night by the Coast Guard af­ Democratic regime. taurant operated under a lease. Ing for the cause of a tenement tery. Morlanos, property on South Rd,; the upper 60s In the extreme north­ ter it had lost a propeller about 60 J. LeRoy Schweyer has been hearing the case start action to Friends may call at the funeral John A. Krupa, 17, of Newing­ high cross atop St. Paul’s C3iurch Also tomorrow the president­ The restaurant operator after fire that took one life and caused The hot lunch 'program at the Gertrude Noren to Willard and west and extreme south. miles south of Block Island. remove Lagalllarde’s immunity as home tonight from 7 to 9 o'clock, ton, was fined 316 for speeding. crashing down through 'the roof. elect will fly to New York for a cited by the American C ancer the incident desegregated the fa- a member of parliament so he also injuries to seven persons yester­ school showed a balance of Gertrude Gee, land In the rear of GRANT STORE r d tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 Frederick Brandt, 48, of 68 In Belgium, many roads were series of conferences to continue Society for "valuable service in cliitles. But Thurgood Marshall, could be arrested. day morning, fire officials today Adlai May Get $497.10, down from last year’s South Rd. London, Dec. 5 (JF)—Northern through Wednesday. The only one attorney for Boynton, said that to 9 p.m. Spruce St., was lined $15 for balance of $093.55. Europe today began cleaning up under water. Tlie storm lashed the control of cancer.’’ But to the BUiT>rl8e of court ob­ planned to question some of the failure to grant the right of way furiously at the ■ Frenc'i coast. Kennedy headquai^rs imnounced while Negroes were being served, servers, the tribunal ignored the Recommendations of the auditor Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ after a violent weekend of raging The c i t a t i o n presented to tenants of the burned-out build­ Charles J. McCusker at an interaection. UN Envoy Post storms and floods which spread High seas disrupted ferry service over the weekend is a breakfast "the signs are still up" with the demand for the present and or­ ing. Included that physical Inventories ton correspondent, Mrs. Louis DEFINITION... MANCHESTER PARKADE The charge of dri'vlng while un­ between Denmark’s scattered is­ meeting Wednesday with Dag Schweyer notes '"exemplary serv­ result of adding more confusion to dered a 2-day recess. Charles J. McCusker, 270 Hart­ of all personal property be main­ IMniock Jr., telephone Mitchell death and destruction. Hammarskjold, secretary-general ice as trustee of the State Society A preliminary report by detec­ der the Influence of liquor or 9-9828. lands. the situation. The bearded ex-paratrooper's tives said the fire apparently was ford Avc., Wethersfield, and for­ (OoBtimied from Page One) tained by the selectmen and Britain bore the brunt of the AQUARIUM since 1947, trustee of the State drugs against Stephen M. Korol- o f the lUnited Nations. Justice Black’s majority opinion lawyer, Jean Gallot, said he had caused by a defective oil burner In merly of 9 Oak PL. Manchester, schools for fire Insurance pur­ storm, which sent rivers crashing YALE GETS $65,000 A Kennedy aide said last night Executive Committee, 1948-49; chuk, 20, of East Hartford, was LIVING PICTURE IN said the question to be decided was rereived an anonymous telephone a first floor kitchen. died yesterday In a Simsbury con­ D-Ark., for the cabinet post, but pose. out of their banks and flooded New York, Etec. 5 — Yale the President-elect had made no member of the State Campaign whether an interstate bus pa.s- nolled. iJP) call this morning saying Lagail- Hermann Smith, 58, was found valescent home After a long illness. Four cases were continued. has made no decision. . . Notation is made that the f dozens of . villages emd miles of University has received $65,000 THE HOME FROM dec Ison regarding his choice for policy committee, 1947-53; cam­ senger Is denied a federal statu­ Jack, Jill Shower larde hhd crassed into Spain to dead by a window of a third floor Mr. McCusker • was born in Until Saturday, Lionel W. Jan- “ If Fulbright is not named, It farmland. Property damage was to continue Its teaching fellowship secretary state or embassador paign chairman of the Windham tory or constitutional right when was understood that the choice sessors failed to list tax exempt heav.v in London. At least two o t join Gen. Raoul Salg.n. bedroom of the building, 1 Stue- North Adams, Mass., and had lived elle, 36, of lOi Union St, Rock­ program for another two years. MANCHESTER to the U.N. District, 1947-52; and board mem­ a restaurant in a bus terminal used would He between Dean Rusk, pres­ and town-owned properties In the For Miss Edwards deaths were reported. Salan, former commander in ben Ct. Those injured were: in Manchester for many years. ville, charged with breach of The grant was one of several an­ Kennedy will return to Wash­ ber of the Windham Branch since by the carrier along its route di.a- Algeria, left for Spain Oct. 30, Survivors Include three daugh­ ident of the Rockefeller Founda­ last grand list, and the auditors Four deaths were counted In PET CENTER INVITES YOU, peace and assault and battery. nounced yesterday by the Carnegie ington Wednesday night, work In 1947, criminatea in serving food becau.se ostensibly for a vacation, after Pearl Walker. 52 of 515 Llnley ters. Mrs. Mary M. Mott of tion and a former assistant secre­ add: “We presume that the inde­ A Jack and Jill shower at the Holland. France, Germany, Den­ 995 MAIN ST.— MI 9-4278 St., who leaped to the ground Yrom Until next Monday, Raymond pendent appraisal firm did fur­ mark and Belgium also were bad­ Corp. of New York.. the capital until Friday and then S c h w e y e r . a patient at the of the color of the pa.s.aengera. publicly denouncing De Gaulle's Wethersfield, Mrs. Ruth M. LaVoie A. Montpetit„52, of 62 Jeitsen St., tary of state, and David Bruce, Community Y yesterday after­ fly back to Palm Beach. He will an apartment she was visiting on nish reidsed valuation on these ly hit. Hartford Hospital, w as. recently Under the clrcum.stance.s of this policy of self-determination for re­ of Watertown, Mass., and Sister charged with possession of obscene onetime ambassador to West Ger­ noon honored Miss Paulette Ed­ be accompanied by his wife also presented the highest award case. Black said, Boynton had a bellious Algeria. tha second floor. Mary John Bosco of the Convent many. properties.” wards and her fiance, John Hild- More rain Is expected and many literature and pictures; Walter areas, especially in Britain, still Jacqueline and their new aon, in-Boy Scouting, the Sliver Beaver federal right to remain In the The trial vent into recess last Her son Kevin, 4. of Mary Immaculate In West Hart­ Kasheta, 57, of South Windsor, “ Still reported in the running, "The town Is growing very Ing. More than 80 friends and John Jr. The baby will be two award, for his contributions to the "white” restaurant. Wednesday; Lagaillarde and his Fire Lt. Emil Haddad. 44, who ford; a brother, Francis McCusker but only as a long shot, la Rep. relatives attended the shower, giv­ face serious flo ^ threats. YOUR FRIENDS AND charged with assault and battery. rapidly and it has spent consid­ The storm, climaxing the wet­ weeks old Friday. Scout movement. "He was there 'under authority wife left Paris the next day, say was burned severely on the face of West Hartford; two sisters, Mias Chester Bowles, D-Conn„ who was erable money for this revaluation. en by Mr. Hilding’s grandmother, Science Shrinks Piles Mrs. Kennedy, the baby arid Until Dec. 19, John S. Spitko„ test ' autumn for Britain In more Honors Announced of law' ■ - the Interstate Com­ Ihg they were going to visit a and hands while carrying the Nellie McCusker and Mrs. George 56, of 1062 Tolland Tpke., charged Kennedy’s chief foreign affairs ad­ Careful conrideration should be Mrs. Carl Hilding, and his aunt, Caroline vrill remain in Palm merce Act — and It was error for relative in southern France. Walker boy out of the building. Phelps ot Hartford; seven grand­ viser during the campaign.” Mrs. Arthur Kelly. than 100 years, punched at the Is­ First honors in the first term w'ith fraudulently issuing three ed until she is employed on a full land with 80 mile an hour winds. New Way Without Surgery Beach through the Christmas holi­ marking period In the junior high the Supreme Court of Virginia to Lagaillarde manned the barri­ Mrs. Charlotte Allen, 44, who children, and several nieces and checks. The Times said, in a dispatch time assessor-building inspector. Miss Eldwards is the daughter of days. The President-elect plans to affirm his conviction," Black from Palm Beach, Fla., where Forty counties were under water section of Coventry Grammar cades in Algiers In an uprising jumped from the first floor. nephews. Saturday Oases "It was noted that one taxpayer Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Eklwards, 148 commute until his inauguration, wrote. by settlers who feared De Gaulle Kennedy has been staying the and Wales virtually was cut off RELATIVES .School have been awarded to May Jenkins, 7. Like the Walker The funeral will be held Wednes­ Robert P. Willard, 67, of 280 E. Hawthorne St. Mr. Hilding is the Stops Itch—Relieves Pain spending each weekend with his In his dissenting opinion. Jus­ past few days, that well-establish­ 'was omitted from the abstract from England. members each In Grades 7 and 8 was selling them out to the rebel­ boy, she was carried from the day at 9 a.m. at the Dillon Funeral Middle Tpke., was given a 60-day and rate book having a tax of son of Mrs. Claire Hilding, 272 N.W Y.rk, H. T. (SpMl.l) - For th« so thorough that luffereri mada family in Palm Beach and most tice Whittaker said there was no lious Algerian nationalists. ed reports indicated he would of­ Hundreds of marooned men, The honors in Grade 8 went to building by firemen. Home, 53 Main St., Hartford, fol­ suspendeil sentence and placed on $1,130. We were informed that Oak St., and the lato Albert Hild­ firit time science has found a new astonishing statements like “ Piles of the rest of the time In Wash­ Ronald Hudak and Judith Sanborn evidence in the record before the Lagaillarde was Imprisoned fer Stevenson the post of delegate women and children were taken to healing lubstanca with the aaton- All were reported in fair condi­ low by a solemn high Ma.ss of re­ good behavior probation for one the assessor failed to furnish the ing. have ceased to be a problem! ” ington. and In Grade 7 to MlchaeU Hunt High Court even tending to show after the uprising collapsed. But year for breach of peace. to the 'United Nations. safety by volunteers who tolled ishii.g ability to shrink hemor­ The lecret is a new healing aub- tion at Bridgeport Hospital last quiem at St James’ Church, Man­ tax collector with a correction A centerpiece was made by Mr. Among other things, Kennedy and Susan Welles. that the Richmond restaurant was recently he was ^ven provisional chester, at 10 a.m. Interment will Fred T. Shea, no certain address, “ However, some sources close Into the early morning hours to­ rhoids, atop itching, and relieva etance (Bio-Dyne*)—discovery of operated or controlled by any car­ night. to Mr. Kennedy cautioned that certificate even when the matter and Mrs. Gustav Anderson, Mrs day. TO ATTEND OUR reportedly has decided on his man Second honors went to 14 Grade liberty, free to travel within be in Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, was sentenced to 30 days in jail was called to his attention. We Robert Nell and Miss C o 11 n e pain — without lurgery. a world-famous research institute. 8 pupils and 11 Grade 7 pupils, as rier. directly or indirectly. France while not in court answer­ Two other firemen suffered In­ Mr. Stevenson had not been en­ Many roads In southeast Eng­ In case after case, while gently for secretary of the Interior— Bloomfield. for intoxication. understand that there Is' consid­ Weston. Eklward Minor of Wind­ This substance is now available Rep. Stewart L. Udall, D-Ariz. follows: Grade 8, Lorraine Helms "Instead, all of the relevant evi­ ing charges of attacking the se­ juries, but were released after James Boylngton, 23, of East tirely eliminated from considera­ land Were impassable aa raging relieving pain, actual reduction in tuppinttiry or ointment form Friends may call at the funeral tion for the post of secretary of erable taxable personal property sor was pianist. The party Includ­ seas battered the coast. The Symington committee plan RoseAnn BUideau, Karen Groot, dence, none of which was contra­ curity of the state. treatment at the hospital. home tonight from 7 to 9 'o’clock, Hartford, was fined a total of 330 (ihrinkage) took place. under the name Preparation H*. Beth Humes, Judith Treschuk dicted, shows that the restaurant state," the T ^ e s said. not yet Included in the abstract. ed a smorgasbord buffet. In eastern Holland, three flood­ Most amazing of all—results were At ail drug counters. also calls for; No bail bond is required in Fire officials said the blaze ap' and tomorrow from 3 to 5 and 7 to on two charges; passing a stop "The changeover by the Stale The couple will be married Jan. Janet Brink, Heather MacQuown was owned and controlled by a France and the five missing men sign, 39; and improper use of reg­ “These sources agreed, however, ed towns were evacuated. The area 1. Creation of two new under­ parently started in an apartment 9 p.m. Motor Vehicle Department in the 14, In South Methodist Church. Donald Clark, William Edmond­ non- carrier who alone operated It now are considered fugitives. The istration plates, $21. that if Mr. Stevenson . . . were covered by lakes in Friesland was secretaries of defense—one for on the first floor, spread to ruled out for the top post, the registration of motor vehicles on administration and another In son, Russell Scara, Marcus TiUon as a local and private enterpH.se,’’ court took no immediate action. Arthur McCann, 39, of Glaston­ Whittaker wrote. hallway, and worked rapidly up Mrs. Mary Segerdahl position of representative at the the alphabet basis la going to re­ charge of weapons systems. Linda Doggart, Beatrice Srams Missing along with LaGaillarde ward to the second and third bury. was fined $15 for failure to and Charles Lowrey. If there had been a showing Mrs. Mary Segerdahl, 67, of 261 United Nations would be his for sult in the necessity of the as­ 2. Creation of a new assistant a.s the trial resumed in the gray floors of the frame building. They yield half of the highway. Also Grade 7, Richard Papanos that the restaurant was operated Spruce St., died Saturday at Man­ The speeding charge against the taking.” sessors keeping a record of those secretary of defense for arms eon or controlled by one or more motor Palace of Justice were these four said last night some of those who chester Memorial Hospital after a taxable within the town. The In­ tpol. 'This man would represent Priscilla Heck, Andrea Mullen among the other 15 defendants Mrs. Beverly Shepardson of Car­ Forricr Cheney Milij Paul Sava.stano, David Storrs carriers, Whittaker said, he would were in the structure at the start short illness. penter Rd., Bolton, WM nolled. formation formerly fumiahed by the secretary of defense in .lean Marie Demarquet, another • She was born Sept. 15, 1893, in the State to the assessors will be WURLITZER Hartford Road CHRISTMAS Nancy Schwarm, Robert Adamclk agree that Boynton had a legal of the fire might have information Thomas J. Walsh, 34, of Hart­ Ronald Tans Gets the administration's disarmament Robin Potter, Janet Schulthelss right to remain and insist on serv­ former Paratroop officer; Jean that would help in determining Manchester, and had lived here all o f little tise after Oct. 1, 1960.” and Pine St. planning and. Symington said Claude Stisinl, a right wing stu­ ford, failed to appear in court to ALL NEW Donna Jones and Patricia Sher­ ice by the restaurant. what cau.sed the blaze. her life. She had been employed as Navigator Wings The auditors’ comments con­ could be regarded ns possibly hav­ dent leader, and Ronda and Fcr answer a charge of passing a sig­ Manchester, Conn. man. But without such a showing. Other tenants reached safety by an assembler at the Wiiemold Co clude with this observation; “The ing "the most Important Job in the nand Feral, lesser trial figures. nal light, and a warrant w’as or­ FREE PARKING Honor cjtizcn.s for the first term Whittaker went on, he dl.sngrecd themselves or with the aid of of Hartford for 20 years. dered issued for his re-arrest, with employment of a part-time clerk government with the exception of were: tirade 8, Charles Lowery, with the majority. If they have gone to Spain Survivors include a daughter, Second Lieut. Ronald H. Taus, ELECTRONIC ORGAN Parcel Pickup to firemen. Another tenement nearby bond to be $25. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. in the Selectmen’s office was the President himself ’ L.ynn Mamet. Francis Benudet they could be expected to contact Mrs. Henry W. Matson of Man­ The case of Bruce A. Cordner, step in the right direction, not Your Car! Satan and possibly Joseph Ortiz was emptied as a precautionary Carpenter, 22 Bowers St., has com ­ 3. What Symington called "re­ Beatrice Srams, Gai-y Zurmuhlen, chester; two brothers, Francis J 23, of 146 Park St., charged with to mention the splendid vault re­ construction'’ of the Joint Chiefs June IJttle, Gary Gray, Jane who with Lagaillarde letf the up­ measure, but the flames did not Bldgar of Hartford and Richard pleted primary basic navigator SHOPPING Weekend Cra.shes reach it. breach of peace and assault and training at James Connally Air cently completed. The new clerk OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY-10 A.M to 10 P.M. of Staff set-up, now made up of Brand, Donald Tborton and June rising. Ortiz, a former Algiers bar Edgar of Manchester; a sister, Mrs. battery, was continued until Sat­ to the Selectmen discharged her four top military men, a ehair- Locke; Grade 7, .Susan Welles, owner, fled over Algiers rooftops Ursula J. Hetzier of Manchester, Force Base, Tex., and has been Briiifi; H Arrests urday. awarded navigator wings In the duties in a very business-like man­ SPECIALS for TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY man from one of the services and Richard Papanos, Andrea Mullen, when the insurrection began to Extended Forecast and four grandcdiUdren., ner, It appeared to us that her representatives of the Army, Ronald Doubleday, Kenneth Reed, crumble. The funeral Will be held Widiies- USAF Aerospace Force, Windsor Locks, Dqc. 5 (/P)—The Lt. Taus i-eceived his bachelor hours should be gradually extend- Navy and Air Force. The Joint Priscilla Heck. Hope Green, David Four accidents in Manchester He I.s said to spend most of his day at 8:30 a.m. at the John B. H. L HANOrS IjaPolnte, Bruce Brigham and U.S. Weather Bureau at Bradley of science degree In business from given to the appointment of a full­ GREENDELL'S Chiefs are nominated by the presi­ over the weekend, involving nine time in Spain or on the nearby Burke Funeral Home, 87 E. Cen­ the University of Connecticut in time basis.” Elaine King. Field i.ssued this forecast for Con­ ter St., followed by a requiem French Boycott FRESHEST dent and are subjeil to .Senate cars, resulted in three arre.sts, one island of Majorca. He recently 1960, and a commission in the Air There was no Indication that CUBED necticut today: Mass at St. James' Church at 9 EVENT confirmation. Polio ain lc Hiated written warning and one Injury- called for an uprising in France Force through the ROTC program. the auditor had questioned the BEST CENTER CUT Under the .Symington program There will be a special Salk polio Arrested were Alfred P. Krest, against De Gaulle. Temperatures for the next five a.m. Burial will be In East Ceme­ He has been assigned to Keesler days, Tuesday through Saturday, tery. Algeria Debate assessors' about any of the points there no longer would be chair­ vaccine clinic from 11 a m. to noon 40, of High St , Coventry, charged The five vanished ju.st five days AFB, Miss., for entrance into the raised in the comment, to estab­ man of the Joint C^hiefs Instead Dec. 10 at the Public Health Nurs­ with failure to stay in a proper before De Gaulle is scheduled to wiil average 3 to 8 degrees above Friends may call at the funeral electronics warfare officer course. ing As.sn. office at the Helms build­ home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 (sn o uiujj p^nu^ao^) lish If revalution figures are BEEF PORK there would be a chairman of the lane; Arthur S, Greenhiirg, 18, of fly to Algeria to campaign for normal. Mild the first of the pe­ available for tax exempt proper­ Joint Staff who would be jmin- ing on Main St. Revere. Ma.ss., charged with driv­ his Algerian program, which he riod, colder Thursday and Friday to 9 p.m. The treatment.s will be for any “ We can only register our re­ ties or their reaction on the al­ cipal military adviser to the pres­ ing without a license and failure says will lead to self-government. then warmer again Saturday. The leged tax omissions. CHOPS ident and the secretary of de­ one of the five shots at a mini­ to grant the right of way at an In- He hn.s called a referendum for normal mean temperature in the Mrs. CecUe Sadd Grant grets,” he said, "that the French About Town AND ENJOY A mum charge of .50 cents, available 'Rown Meeting Upcoming STEAKS fense. tersorllon; and Mary F. Fournier January to test support in France Hartford area during this period Mrs. Cecile Sadd Grant, 77, of delegation continues Its policy of to hable.s as well as older children The Ladies Aid Society of Zion The Board of Selectman have set The program also calls for set­ of 6 Conway Rd., charged with for his program. is 31 degrees ranging from a daily 119 Washington St., widow of Buel refusing to take part In the de­ ting up a military advisory coun­ and advilla. failure to grant the right of way. C. Grant, died yesterday at the Evangelical Lutheran Church will the tentative date of Dec. 19 for a Reg. Plan Party high of 41 to a low of 31. Pre­ town meeting to accept two streets * i bate.” meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at cil — officers of senior g r a d e Mrs. Fournier appeared in court cipitation during the period will Manche.ster Memorial Hospital 99c Lb. who would be picked by the pres­ The Young Mothers Club is In recent years, resolutions the church. Into the town road system. this morning and was fined *15. HorUviUv-V prnon on the average total one half after a long Illness Value ident. These officers would not be planning a t'hri.stma.s party for She was bom Oct. 4. 1883, in supported by Algerian representa­ The new roads, named Mount K> its niembeiH at 8 p m. Dec. 1.3 at KresI was told to lie in court Sat­ inch or more occurring as rain identified with their particular urday, while Creenburg posted a South Wl»\dsor, daughter of the tives here have failed by as little The Women's Home League of Sumner Dr. and Dean Dr., are in Lb. military services. They would be the Nathan Hale Community lloiisinjij Heariiifj; about Wednesday and again late Arthur E. and Helen Dewey as one vote. the Salvation Army will, hold an the Mount Sumner development off CUT FKOM SMALL (’enter, (,'o-c.halrmen will be Mrs. bond of $7,5 for appearance on on active duly. Dec. 17. abotit Friday. Sadd, and she lived in Manchester The political committee presum­ all-day work session to continue Bolton Center Rd. YOUNG PORKERS .Symington said that woukl pro­ Richard Cahill and Mr.s. Willard Postponed a Week for 40 years. ably will need two weeks to get its Christmas project tomorrow, Further action for accepting the 'Walrous, assisted by Mrs. James Robert Wright of Canton was beginning at 10 a.m. Members roads depends on the decision of vide "an over-all defense aji- warned for following loo close. Jacobs Firm Accused She was a member of the Wap- to a vote on any resolution. That — AT ECONOMY MEAT DEPARTMENT — Breen, .Mrs, Frank Kristoff and would take it about up to Dec. 17, are to bring sandwiches; beverage the Town Planning Commission proach," and called that une of Harold W. Woods, 46, of 4,54 N. A public hearing scheduled for pliig Community Church and the .Mr.-i. Kennelli la-mire. West Hartford, Dec. 5 (>P)—The the date fixed for the assembly’s will be served. which will meet this week. the most Important aspects of the Main St., suffered a bruised fore- Wedne.sday by the Rockville Order of Eastern Star, East Hart­ Swift’s Sweet Rasher THINLY SLICED (•Iris IlHskeUiall 0 |hmi Jacobi Manufacturing Co, has ford. Clhristmas recess. The Selectmen have been notified plan. liead and a wrist injury and was Hou.sIuk Authoi-ity at 8 p.m. in Mizpah Circle, WSCS, of South Lean Hickory Smoked In addition to Symington, mem­ Tile Coventry Recreation (,'om- been accused by the United Auto Survivors include two sons, Buel Only a few days’ delay in start­ by Joseph W. Morcer, of the State I P DISCOUNT treated at Manchester Memorial City Hall has been postponed to Workers Union of unfair labor Methodist Church, will meet to­ Traffic Commission, that an inves­ bers of the study committee are: mltlec will provide a basketball Hospital and'discharged. C. Grant Jr., Manchester, and ing could defer the vote until the 0 .1 , Thinly Sliced ppogram for girls of high school Dec. 14, according to Atty. Har­ practices In violation of the Taft- assembly j'esuraes its session, morrow -at 1 p.m. In Susannah tigation of traffic problems at the' BEEF Clark Clifford, who served as Krest was arrested as the result vey A. Vonce. executive director. Miles W, Grant, Bloomfield; and a Wesley Hail. “Christmas Carols, age and older. Games will be held Hartley Act. probably in February. That wou!d intersection of Rt. 44A and C^ar- (In Mahogany) ■pedal counsel to President Tru­ of his car striking Woods' ear at The postponement has been daughter, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Their Meaning and Music” will be man and now is Kennedy's ( hlef each' 'tVedne.sdny night at Coven­ The union represents about 200 Marlow, N. H.; eight grandchil­ give De Gaulle time to hold a ref­ ry Rd. will be made. ON EVERYTHING Woodbrldge and I.iydall Sts., ju.st presented by Mrs. Sherwood Cone. LIVER try Grammar School. made so that drawings ot the workers at the chuck manufactur­ erendum and get the French peo­ The Selectmen contacted State BACON liaison man with the outgoing He- before 2 a m. yesterday morning. projected housing for the elderly dren, and five great-grandchildren. Hostesses will be Mrs. John L. Von publican administration; Thomas RegisIrationB will be accepted ing plant. It has been on strike Funeral services will be held to­ ple behind his prograim for an officials on the matter at the re­ Greenhurg’s car slnuk one be­ can be shown, 'Yonce said. Deck and Mrs. Robert Boyce. quest of the merchants in the area K. Kinlctler, former secretary of at 7 pin. Wednesday ar the ing driven by Joan A. Laakn, 18. since Sept. 15. morrow at 2 p.m. at the Wapping “Algerian Algeria.” the Air Force; Roswell Cilpatrlc school Girls of Grade.s 7 and 8 He said the drawings are alg- Community Church. The Rev. Roy They feel a hazardous condition of East Hartford, at Hartford Rd. Merlin D. Bishop, UAW Inter­ De Gaulle wants the 10 million DeMolay Mothers Circle will exists with people entering and “Pushbutton” 1-Lb. and Fo'.\'ier Hiirnllton. Nevs' York Interested in the program have nificiinl because they are sched­ Hutcheon will officiate. Burial will people of Algeria to decide their YOU BUY and McKfe Sts., at 2:30 Saturday national representative, said the elect officers at a meeting tonight been a.skeent of Mansfield and Mr»; dition la not validated by the State 6 at 6:30. had eliminated 73 jobs formerly more T. Humphries, Chester quest on the Communist satellite usually blossoms only in the early Symington committee would be to Claire Brehand of town. Legislature. The Gamache car was unable to held by strikers and had hired Grosaniklaus, Frederick Hansen state regularly turned down by the spring, but the warm November WE HAVE A UROE SELECTION OF fo r Bubstitute the chairman of the Reinhardt aald the plana belong ■top when the car ahead of it, driv­ permanent replacements for 100 Jr, Americo B. Gentllcore, . and West. This time the Security Coun­ weather has resulted in new Joint Staff for the Joint Chiefs of Monehmiter Evening \..-rald en by Delphlna Murphy ot Lake (tthers. There hAd been no violence Wilfred Fortin. cil turned it down by a vote of 7-4, blooms, she said. 15 2 9 to the Library Board to use If and Staff. during the strike. Members of the class of 1951 with the Soviet Union, Tunisia, FANCY. FRESH. FLORIDA C.kiventry correspondent, K. Pau­ when the money la obtained. Rd., slowed to make a left turn into MICROSCOPES • TELESCOPES The end resut, Symington skid, Whitney Rd. The Gamache car The company and its president. of Manchester High School and Ceylon and Poland voting yes. line Utile, telephone FI 3-«tSI. Reinhardt has been paid $15,- Hoae and Ladder C!o. No. 1 of (ALL SIZES) (ALL MAKES) BUY WITH CASH would be . to concentrate greater struck the rear of the Murphy Louts H, Stoner, were fined $25 the Young Democrats visited the Although the meeting had been the Town Fire Dept, will meet' power and authority in the hands 156 for the work he has done so car, doing moderate damage. each for violation of a state blue funeral home Friday evening. called on Mauritania alone, U14T8 CAKBO BOXER PAU4 far. This includes $4,656 from the tomorrow at 8 p.m. -at the hose Binoculars—Weather Instruments—Magnifiers of the secretary of defensf. Washington, Dec. 6 (AO—Tru­ Slate Trooper Raymond An­ law after the union had com­ viet delegate Valerian Zorin mui- house. Pine St. and, Hartford Rd. GREEN BEANS It would, Symington added, Capital Improvement Reserve drews mads the Inveatlgation. Ga­ plained the company was hiring Frsjih Stevens aged to bring up Mongolik be­ man- Gibson, former president Fund, and the remaining $10,500 Increase your child’s knowledge of the universe by select­ *‘make the sectetary of defense of the fight promoting Inter­ mache M acheduled to appear in workers on Sunday. Funeral services for Frank cause he is serving as council The “ Y Miss” Club for young ing one of the many binocularg or telesieopes we have from the Levi Drake Fund ad­ town court Dec. 19. Stevens, 457 Bell St„ Glastonbury, OR JUST SAY the civilian official in the Depart­ national Boxing Clubs today president this month. ' ministered by the Library Board. business girls and high school in stock. ment o f Defense wdth unquestion­ named two dozen fight pro­ HEBREW GROUP KI.ECT8 and formerly of Manoheater, were Diplomatic sourfies said Mo­ graduates will meet tonight at 8 c ed authority and control over all moters and managers whom he . Another payment of About $1,- SIBAL PICKS AIDE Hartford, Dec. 5 (A5 — David held this morning at the Rose Hill rocco had asked Zorin to veto the elementa o f the Department of De­ 400 Is still-owed to Reinhardt, be­ Norivalk, Dec. 5 (Ah - - Sidney o'clock at the Community Y.' The described aa controlled by, or Sohut o f West Hartford haa been Funeral Home, Elm St., Rocky Mauritanian bid. They-said he program-will include a demonstra­ fense at all leveU." cause of the Increased construcr L. Dworkin, Bridgeport, haa been Hill. The Rev. Joseph A. Johnson very friendly .with, underworld elected a vice president of the called on French Delegate Armand tion of gift wrapping. Each niem- PRICED FROM Symington aald Kennedy had in- character Frpnkle Carbo. Ulb- Uon cost which had not been an­ named a district aide of Republi­ New England Council of the of the Church of Good Shepherd, Berard on Saturday, said he had ^^CHARGE IT’’ atructed the committee to make ticipated In the original archi­ ber is to bring a grab bag gift. 2 lbs- 35' Bon told Senate Investigators can Congressman-elect Abner W. Union of American Hebrew Con­ Hartford, officiated. instructions to veto Mauritania’s tiae o f in ita atudy all previous de­ that Oarbo had Influence with tect’s fees.' Slbal. gregations. He was the only new Burial was in Rose Hill Me- admission, but intimated he could fense and national security studies. The Rev. Clifford O. Simpson of SUNSHINE KRISPy CRACKERS ...... lb. plcg. 3to the nssoager of fofmer Heavy­ The Drake Fund, aa of June 30, The announcement by Slbal, of officer chosen by the group as It noorial Park, Rocky Hill. get them changed iU Outer Mon­ Tbe senator aald these included weight Cluunplott Jereey Jee had a 347,309.01 market value, ac­ the Fourth Congreasional Dis­ Center Oongreg^onal Church has *Kot ewUeeble to legally pHeo^Ued meieluHidlee. ended ita convention here yester­ golia was admitted. ' been elected -roe moderator of the Caither report made for the Walcott and heiped pave the way cording to Controller Jay Etiinger. trict, said Dworkin served as co­ day. Mrs. Lawrence K. Lesser. BURRrS Kfpovhower adminlatraUoin and a *SaiI-in’ Bank Opens When the idea came up In the the Connecticut Conference o* for Walcott's return mntih with Since thfen. 34,150.04 has been manager of the ^ c e n t election Bridgeport, was fleeted president council, western delegates called , nport conducted by the Rocke- (Bamplea Rocky BUrcUne la added to the fund, and 310.600 has campaign in Bridgeport. Dworkin Congregational^ Churches. The isUer Foundation. , of District One of the New Eng­ Wlckford, R. I. —A “sail In” It blackmail and turned It down. pastor and Donald Richter have FANTASIES. 1 4 ^ pk«. 1953. Former Mlddleweicht been subtracted from it. The re­ Is a mentbar of the Republlcsn land Federation of Temple Sister­ braheh bulk for boaters, equipped ' The coiinoU’s deeWon now goea OPTICAL Hie Gaither report bsvst has Jake latiMetU also been chosen as delegates to the mainder of the money is commit­ Town Committee In Bridgeport hoods, which held its convention with a float and a ramp, has be«fn to the General Assembly,, where 768 MAQI STREET y M B R MINTS.KLof. pkq: publk. fiirmiligton did with Carbo, Olbeon ted to be used for the library and of the executive board of the General Synod of the United TEL. MI S-im ^ floteaY whether H was provided to In qpnjunctioa with tbs oUmt. opened at Wlckford. It offen a the figfai may bs ranswsirtRilaM Church of Christ mebting in Phila- construction. Bridgeport Young Republican Club. croup. full range o f banjclng serviesA the Russians back down. ' o ■ dtiphia next June. I.. r

1 • f

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, DECEMBER «; "1960 llANOHESTfiB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, I960 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING ROUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Rdckvitle~Vemon were preaant fram Vamoiit, Mas­ HockviUe-Vernoti Speakers Available Rc^hvillc^VcTnOtt RubbiMi Pjekap Undenray sachusetts and tonughont Oon- /0KAy,WAVi1 r rr’5 RANPASEp.nM nectieut Among the guests.wwre , W T OUtET J rr C0W.PNT O' HURT Publlolty and nubUo relattons ’The city’s regular rubbish the couple’s wedding attendsnts, ^AS MUCH A S YA District Meeting : D O ST KMOW VJHAT AILS THEM, Answer to PreWotit ftiM it are being given top priority by and tin can : collsctloh began in Mra. Dercy Smith, nee Grace El­ 'T^^;O lficials to Ponder Reports Due len Hickey, and -Darcy Smith of iTW ioss.BiK rr'6 c o k t a sio o s/ th e . tri-govetinment conaoUda* the east eecUon -of Rockville Set for Dec. 15' t HXn-IO RARl4'«STmkdF^^ -«*- OKAS^.TELL THE OLD ' T o b l e T a l k this morning end will continue Manchester, brother of the honor H O n Of l46O.6UriH&0OAMKRS tlon stuify grwp> and the mem­ V/ALROS THE BARRICADES bers ere. muting information on to the weet eeetlosii on eucceed- gueet. . * ASKED MtTiO 6 0 TO BAT FOR .'U ^tirie^g, Oth«r Prdpfraals Coiii^ida^ A specikl meeting of the .voters a r e D0VJ(4-~-BUT HE'LL ACB08S SParadlate their etudles available. - ing daye. ^ . An annlvers^ cake was made (HE MA^OR/THfiy CLAlKtHAT Eugene A. Joalln, euperin- of the Vernon Fire piatrict has by Mra. James E. Qulah, cousin of h a v e i d DO'a f e w c h o r e s , llialn diniMr 9Soaka in It will be oral inforination, WOflBAWHORVJtTWOaT HiS lUpl* ieaaonlnga ‘Ik e Viknion Board of TU iancefof a domentlG disturbance and tendent of public works, tleked been officially scheduled for Dec, Mrs. Smith, for the buffet dinner. Mt85 IS LIKE A MULLI6AM 6TEW AROUND HERE IF HE ■ lORuacian however. Unit Tonight in a y e r n s w w ekpectstostt at t h e 8 CutUni tool wUL'et^eet with adeotme'n tonor- complaint, reeldents to have rubbish l6, a Thursday, at ths Vernon Ele­ The Smiths have a adh, Thomas PVNITHOUTVllTHOOT THE POTATOES/« STaUo orotoctor weiUlioand Donald B.'Loverln, chairman, d in n e r TABLE/ 11 Slurp flavor The accused, whp also faces 3 placed outdoora in view of col­ Norris Smith, who la a teacher of 12Thcrafor« r o w ;^ h t to dlacuka a 'se ries of said* any service group or other Members of Vernon’s thi«e gov­ lectors. mentary School. freshman Eingliah a t the Univer­ IS Anftrtd IflCltylnUBEJL breach, of peace chgrge from Sept. organization in the city or fire aOOf tha pral^iosak tnadc in September and ernments sit ,down again tonight The meeting, to consider a $20,- sity of Connecticut where he la WMD mtMC QO. 14 Pi* — > m 6o 29,vis due In court Dec. 19 on all district which wishes to hear to continue their study of consoli­ 9*StraDIEBST. 15 BivaUot community deaiipii4. to streamltne govern- varieties of industrial cleaning and 795 appropriation for police serv­ studying for his doctorate in En­ 22 Fliaa aloft the coufita, a ptogress report or diecueslon dation and th« revision of the siii- ice in the district, had been tenta­ Open eveirj eveolsg imta 9 17 Oporatod 24 Denomination mental agencies. Vernon authorities also arrest­ of Suri'ent consolidation prob­ sweeping equlpfiient and all kinds glish. He is a graduate of UConn ISDriMl Chief among the proposals is a gle government charter which was tively scheduled for D3c. 13. How­ and received hia master's degree 25 Hebrew montb ed, during the weekend, Thomas lems, should contact one of the. dsfeated in refersndum July 5. b i mechanical appliances, instru­ 19 Baby lamb reoommsndation that the town ments, machines, equipment and ever, the school auditorium was at the University of Illinois. w o p 21 MlUtary maal aSReliiDm 47 Flrit man (Bib.) A. Arena,' 26, of HazardvUle, who governnient officials. Donald B. Loverin, chairman of oboorvancoa 35 Vailed establish two taxing districts as devices with capital stpek of 850,- found to have bken hired, for that Mr. Smith is employed in the L S i U H U 3 23 Halo ehUd 40 Ifake certain 43 Midday is charged with driving an unregt He said one or more members the tri-govemment group, said 24Sony IB Character in a means-<9f eliminating the tax 000 divided into S,000' shares at evening by another group. installatiofl and inspection depart­ ALLY OOP KY V. T. HAMLIN •Rain” 43Tree parta 50 Operatic aelo istered motor .vehicle. He was ar­ will be available to talk before committee progress reports are 27 Ovar-iodulsara aoBritiab geed-by 45NaUvafot SlPaaled inequities now existing between 810 each. Will commence business Electors will be' asked to pass an ment of Hartford Electric Light „.WHAT WITH OCXJUV BEIM 29 Roman cenaor S2Haalthraaort3 raigned this morning. organisations on the subject of due on invest^ation of how beat ordinance permitting the district SlBuaaian dty lotvU city and fire districL consolidation. Any talks, he in­ with 87,000. Incorporators are Co. Mrs. Smith is employed by ALL ALOE BACK IN 32 Ancient Urfa 33 Lataral paita 43 Speed eonteet SSObaerve Fln^ce Board Chairman Wil­ Completes Oruise to amalgamato town depaitiQsnts Peter J. and Vera M. Gunas of to contract with the Vernon Board Pratt and Whitney Aircraft in iATQlTiCE/l I8G0 WITH COL JACK 34 Incarnation of Marine P ic. Jam es L. Norwood, dicated, should be arranged well such as police and public works. of Seliectmen for police service. Viahnu liam F. Luddecke said the board in advance of the . speaking Manchester and Donald C. Cau- East Hartford. The couple plan a EAST AN' yiS T“ 1 " t W TT and selectmen aleo expect to dis­ son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Nor­ Loverin has said he plans to field of Rt. 87 Columbia. If the ordinance is passed, elec­ CAVALRir™. 33 Canape delicacy I r r “ r “ IT” wood of Hllington Ave., returned dates. cmlse to Bermuda in the spring. 37 Strike out cuss changing the town clerk’s examine the defeated charter for BtU of Sale tors will then be asked to appro­ OPEN 38 Walked 15" III 14 to Camp Lejeune, N. C., Nov; 28, those portions of it'which stirred Henry Bottlcello to Paul Della priate an amount not to exceed post from a fee to a salary basis; With the F irst Battalion, 8th Ma­ 39 Go by ahip the creation of a salary, pension ley Daley and daughter, Aborn Rd., the moet controversy or opposi­ Rosa of Meriden, one-half interest $20,795 (to maintain the service. 41 Salt 17 rines following a 6 months cruise tion, He indicated these sections TT IS 1 and persoimel board; a review of Crystal Lake; Mrs. Diane Boudle, in business known as the Parkway Electors will also be asked to au­ Church Wm Send 9 a . m ^ t o 42 Diatant (preSs) aboard the ships >of the Sixth Fleet will be put before the tri-govern­ all full time Jobs in town; and the 34 Elm St.; Mm. Eliza Babb and Restaurant, formerly known . as thorize the Board of Fire District 44 Water mammal IT n r K operating in the Mediterranean ment group for special considera­ 43 Ingredienta for creation of an insurance advisory son, Rockville. Butch A Tony’s Drive-In at 937 Commissioners to borrow that Gifts to Ne^y cookiea area. Discharged Saturday: Mrs. Pa­ tion. . . ' . O n te r St. 9 p . m . 2i 2S ' board. During .the cruise the Marines amount in anticipation of taxes. 49 Eye moiature □ tricia Allen and daughter, 41 Ver­ The gfoup is reviewing the old Building Permit S3 Stir Luddeoke said the Insurance ad­ visited ports In Italy, France, If approved, the money will sup­ ''White Gift Sunday” was ob­ zi u KT St r non Ave.; Mrs. Mary Stazhowiak, charter because it is felt the char­ W. G. McNally and Sons for J A 84 Rodant eatcbar visory board is something the Spain, Greece, Turkey and Sar­ port the VCmon Constabulary, served yesterday at Center Con- 83 Food container town’s auditors have recommend­ 26 Grand Ave.; Mrs; Ruth FlUckl ter provides a good framework S Realty, (iterations to two-story DAILY dinia. on which to build a new, but more which provides police service in 37 Ride caliber ST ed for years. ger. Cedar Swamp Rd., Tolland. building at 907 Main St.,' $29,800. greg;atlonal Church at the 9:16 Completes Flight Training acceptable charter. the fire district, until the end of 83 Girl’a nickname There is a question concerning Discharged Stmday; Mrs. Carol the current fiscal year, June 30. and 11 a.m. services. 89 Mcaaure of type 36 3 T Naval Cadet Frederick R. Pouy, DqUeris and daughter. Bunker Hill Considerations of financing in - 4 the taxing district proposal be­ CARNIVAL 30 Short dacfer son of'Mr; and Mrs! Alexander J. Rd., Andover; Leslie Curtis, 33 a unified town so far seems to be Children of the church school SAT. to BY DICK TURNER SlDro^ - 5 T 41 \ cause of its Implied conflict wiUi. Pouy b i 64 Park St., completed River St,; baby boy Gordon, 27 the toughest knot to untie. Smith President brought Christmas gifts wrapped current studies of. the defeated carrier landing qualifleations Oct. DOWN j m u " 46 Lawrence St. Alderman Clarence J. McCarthy, In white to be sent to Rush Me­ single government charter and 24, aboard the anti-submarine war­ Smiths Observe morial Church, Atlanta, Ga., 5 : 3 0 PRISCILLA'S POP BY AL VERMEER 1 Student doctnri a member of the committee study­ Of Rod, Gun Chib (coU.) 44 II M consolidation'. fare support aircraft carrier USS Vernon aach TaloottviUe news is where they will be distributed to SOreatloko w w ing' flhaiiceA 'siild the committee 25th Anniversary MUST YOU \ r \ HATE TO ^ ® Luddecke' said, however, that it. Antletam operating In the Gulf handled through *1116 . Herald’s has had two meetings so far and the needy. iiU CHRISTMAS SNOWING/ 3 Culture may be well to seek establishment Kenneth Smith, 13 Laurel PI., FALL POR IN THE FREEZER, Tax equalization Is needed In braries. agricultural marketing specialist of ri(irl rjnril ilij SPOONEY ? Ho^iital Noteer the University of Delaware. Edward J. Holl to George A. SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. any event, Luddecke indicated, Admitted Friday: Gordon Coo­ and Elsie L. Meyer, property off and two taxing districts may be ley, 76 Grand Ave.; Merrilee Berg- TOT KILLED IN FALL Ludlow Rd. / the answer if consolidation is de­ lund, 5 7 'Talcott Ave. Thftnpsonvllle, Dec. 6 (A*)—Mary Concetta Manclnl to William J. feated again. Admitted Saturday: William Martha Hague, 2, a state ward In and Fieri M. Leone, property at THIS TOM-TON NEEDS' -THATff ’The change of the town clerk A urns XMMtf. Hale, 4 Robert Rd.; Brian Volsdal, the custody of Mr. and Mrs. John 37-39 Grove St. BETtgRl ^ from fee to salary Is a move which 3 McKnight Clr.; Mrs. Ellen Krukowski, was Injured fatally Certificate of Incorporation would, together with the taxing Cleary, Ellington Ave.; Mary Saturday when she fell down the Powersw eep Manufacturing o'-XOM Tail district proposal, need legislative Skewes, 56 High St. basement stairs at the Krukowski Corp., doing business in manufac­ DUMONt approval. Luddecke' said the offl Birth Saturday: A son to Mr. home. turing and sale of all kinds and rials meeting tomorrow night hope and Mrs. Richard Goodniss, Elling­ ' 5»iU to decide a course of action. ton. Bills to he presetned to the Gen­ Birth Sunday: A daughter to Mr. ICM I'!;'dT V.'ITH 1H1 W [INl.bl IN lUEVlSION eral Assembly must be submitted and Mrs. Frank Devney, 119 Kelly _ .^ y , u •joM "nM «-5 /i-r NCA T.M. D.l. PH Off. to the Secretary of State’s office Rd....Wapping. ‘.i> C^S&(>eeu-. no later than Dec. 23 to be acted Admitted Sunday: Fabiola La- ALL KINDS OF upon in the coming session. Dieu, Ellingtonr Alfred Zutter, JUDD SAXON BY KEN BALI) and JERRY BRONDFIELD "Oh, I know tht way to get ahead ie to do a little more dfleiL N e w 23 Inch* TOTAL VIEW TELEVtSION ■ev— than they expect of you, but here that's impotsible!” Setting up the salary board and Ellington; Miss Jocelyn Yetz, 31 so, WSTfAD OF HIM PESSX YOU COULDN'T IT WILL B E FINE.'! the insurance advisory board can Charter Rd.; Mrs. Valeria Murphy, BEAUTY CULTURE c an cellin g - z o r c l 'S rate HAVE. I - 1 - THOUSHT FOR A MOMENT HE be done by the town without leg­ Snipsic View Hts. ,/ ec>ouARr> I HOPc you WITH U5,I INVITEPMIM WAS JU ST /NTRUPING.' wUh advanced WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL >■ SLIT JLIPP ALONG FOR a n islative approval, Luddecke said. Discharged Friday: Mrs. Shlr- # Hair Styling HOUR OR 50 . LITTLE SPORTS A pension board currently ex­ SAXON JUST A54P TO s e t B Y R O U SO N G Permanents n . z o m TO'to)?ROw eon. m« iv •inikai fiAnriit ists, Luddecke pointed out, but T- 1 ON BUSINESS- ^;OQ(MClaBOl!^>(;3 ■ XOM.TM-Womo ll•HTS lfS>»VK) there Is a need to review and In G Tinting .and Bleaching ■3^-J vesUgste all full time jobs In town with aa eye to creating a scale of SPECIAL G Hair Shaping salaries commensurate with the G Manicures posit:-ns. CASH SALE He euggeated that the pension board be expanded to Include con­ A lu m in u m sideration of salaries and general Supar-Right Quality personnel policies. Combination Doors The SsaUJtl^ Sox. An insurance advisory board, WHILE STOCK LASTS I'M SORRY YOU'RE UPSET, ho offered,' could be set up to PLU S TAX but I SUESS IT WAS $39,95 351 CENTER ST. terribly IMPORTANT BUSINESS Be r . probe all ineurance policies in me BY JOHNNY HART town With an syo to g r o u p rn g them more efficiently. INSTALLATION BUZZ SAWYER PD sreR rry w il l n o t HE MUST LEAVE Tb THE Far Your Appointment BY ROY CRANE Also, he said, there is a need FREE (tEMEMBER A AMN FOR WORLD, A LASDNfr iMAfrEi- A T I T U E - Call M l 9-7043 ' FRCI9A9LT L0AD13 THE ' possibly, but DON'T jump to' to extend life Insilrance and dls- A »IL U N < & . GUARANTEED CHUCK JlDiNCE PACKAGE INTO A CONCLUSIONS. MERE ARB HIS NAME ALONE. s '‘‘"ty ceverage to various town CAR OR TRUCK. prints •fYOIlOTHE ROAD... T employes. There is an employe HRST QUALITY OPEN DAILY 9 to 6 LEADING TO THE BUSHES. pension pish In existence now, he 2-Glas8, 2-Screen T noted, but the other coverage la Fluted 1 1/16” Thick FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 : needed. Hollow Box Fnniie The selectmen’s regular meeting Full Length Plario Type • AMPLE FREE PARKING • 1s scheduled for Dec. 13. Tomor­ .Hinge row’s session la a special one. In s t e a k Vinyl Yl^mktherstripped ! the regular rneeting, the selectmen “Z’' Bar/ : will -lare the call for a special Adjustable Expander Bottom town meeting to consider a revised Low Line Mnlllon HEAVY, WESTERN, rr cation budget, appropriations Reinforced Corner Gussets C«MI mt HeWW Ti^ lift - for archttest’s fees for an addi­ Custom Fitted ’To STEER BEEF /V::» Ti^tM a« e. a. nl »«. tion to the Maple St. School, the Yoor Opening purchase of a reconditioned trac­ N n i t u ...... I ' MEEKLE BY DICK CAVAl.I.l ; BONE m LB tor-loader for the town, and pos­ B Televlixm’f most brillitnt pichue...moit dependtble sible other ttemf. MANGHESTER ARE SOU THI6CAR16A6S0U0 DICkr I performsoce. . . in exquisite cuttotn crafted futnituxe CAUAUJ Pqliw Arrests .Ml( KKN I IW IDONTKNOW V KIDDING? A9 PLYMOUTH BOOC. iDB DECEMBER, 1960 ^binets of certified genuine hardwoods. Your choice of I.ANK I.EONARD MUCH ABOUT THAT-J V OF OOORSe THE s e e r vd u can o e r .' Vemqn. epnatables Saturday ar­ AWNING GO. ,195 W. CENTER ST. Authentic Provincial, Traditional; Early American and yeah! CHECK with ^ MAKBOFCAR.W/\ IT© .' VOU OONT HAVe-TO rested Roberf Ham, 42, of Berkely A Messajeie From "Your Pharmacists” • he w as in the w aitin g THANK YOU! MI 9-3091 *7 Contemporary Styles. The g ir ls — he m a y ROOM JUST BEFORE THE irWELLByilT? TAKE / y | y WORD FOB IT ... Dr., Vernon, on charges of breach FINAL CALL! FA^T COAST WE'LL HAVE i'A', / ^ HAZE CLIPPED through announcement w a s of peace and assault, the result AIRLINFS FLIGHT F 30 tO THE HIM PAGED/ THE GIFT OF GOOD HEALTH • Ixclmlv. Pwiwi-T.ii.t lei’s ywi eniw IntaM |ri«lvr. and IH th e RliSHI MADE! I SAW HIM I a Shoulder Steak s t a t e CAPITAL— RELOADING It is now possible to live a Ion^6r and •aiNid wkliaut flea laetni AT GATE 12! ALL PASSENOERS 7 ^ • Tronfarnar-Pawarad Ciiatils far JawB-Wa raHabtltly ABOARD, PLEASE! healthier life. This priceless gift may be THE HOUSE OF FASHION .youns if-you ask your physician to help • Frieta task Caelral far dafr, (harp pklwrat avan ie «reak ' [LONDON BROIL] you attain it. ' aiflMd areas • High BdaBiy Baaed—laaHliad exteedad raeaa spaakari, ep HEAVY STEER BEEF LB * E Y E G U S S Convontlottcil f r ^ far Hfa4ka taaed 89 RESEARCH DISCOVERS NEW DRUGS • Baperala Bast aed Trtkia Caekak-far fall takcliae af Scientists and phannaceutical -chemiats adtira hipk la law taaei valaas are perfecting new diagnostic tech­ ‘IStaytrsll dlsgonsl iTrsdimSrk SNOWY-WHITE 0 I960 by WtA. W. T.Vr. heg. V.$. fat. Off. niques, improved treatments and even man-made new chemicals that dan cure LARGE AGC CAI'I AIN EAS^ BY LESI.IE niRNER CONTACT LENS SPECIALIST ’ ' or relieve many diseases formerly con­ Cauliflower HEAD I'LL G O TRY TO CLBAR IT IIF, BEfORB PICK UPCAPTAN iA«/ , ILL 5AVI YOU THAT WEU Decide that; kellir's X shEs tWT the gwl'. sidered almost hopeless. v -MU. ABKBNATHY T M iy FiNDYDUiTAVlAl I. MAY WOT HAVE AT HIS HOTELl HE KWOWl \ TROUBLE. LIEUTENANT. PBl OFFICE IN OHIO SAYS THE \ BUT I KNOW WHERE BY RALS'ID.N .lO.MjS and FRANK RIDliEWAY TO MEWTlOU MMI3KATlOKL.AUDMAyBE WHERE WE CAN PNP THI I MPN'T'MENTION HER vurderess he was After is I to find the ons OPTICAL STYLE BAR kflSpd ^ PONT'fDU ( Y E S il '/OU CAM LEAVE-FOR JAVA BEFORE THeV BLONDE HE FAILED TO f BECAUSE SHE HAD NO MOaV SCARCI. THETRE RUSHHJ6/ VOU WAMTl FIRST,ILL GIVE YOURSELF A CHRISTMAS iSIFT MENTION WHEN HE WAS, PART IN THE MURDER! MUaSHOTSTHATMAVlDENTIF^ SHOW YOU THE OUN 76S MAIN STREET" . * MI HWl GLORIA iRAND 1 THINK. SHEIS ( s u p p o s e YOUR FRIEND A S-^ X '^ 'V SHE U5E0L Ask your physician for a complete body .ATTAACTIVl ? V SO ... check-up. The odds kre he will find iioth- M raaM d vnrtkst Csrtifltd ••etlia Niad-WInd O h s iIs. i iim Biafaf (cp. PirdnM eauiwt— ForTrsubla-IrMrir. - ing seriously wrong and what a glorious tkMl) •— I W TV He BiewltM Waedt lonnMCa. Brlilitnt. ■ ( ’ feeling will be yours when you hear such M and aV, CMatfS ar flrijei. Tha itiirpsrt pletura Ie e d liiis kssuty of itsi weed. tolovisloe. ITAUAN TOMATOES good news. But,—-iTthere is. some conr VNBGB ti BRV liVNa REMODEL dition*^ heeding correetten,. follow his ad­ Why waste ypqr.Ou coat for LAROR 9 JQF vice about diet or any needed medica­ 2 LB 3 OZ CANS "one cape? Wp. can' maka S tion. Even gn incurable disease—and we csqMs from yOioP eositt ’ 3 have so few—can be comfortably lived CAPE • STOLE . 'with' if the dihgnosis is early.' TJLIC BUY 2 P its AND SAVB 3 2 c MMET ■ DEPEND ON OUft' CO-OPERATfON . JANE PARKER-ALl-WEte SUPER V^AIUEI THE S'KlRY OF MARTHA WAYNE JL F F COBB BY PKTE HOFFMAN Each . We have more than 4000, different medi­ ______by WILSON SCRUGGS cines find health-aids in our. prescription ■kWs alwaw had a I- NOi IWON'T DO you ~ YES...ANOWHAT laboratory. Each one is pro^rly etored LIEF<3RV0U REALIZE WHAT I'M GOING TO PINEAPPLE or ... OUlCiC'TBMPK.HCU MEMORANDUM, (FROMTOM r»TPOWN, DAP. iVe BEEN WAITlWei -V TDRYOU/i AGAIN, MONTVj YOU'RE DOING DO TO Free Estimates to insure maximum potency and classi- MR.CAKUON,COYOUTVINK I GET OVER THIS UTSET AND ITS TICKING HERE, i I l OkKE CmXH WJITWEAR IS BlO \TAWTRtttA/ rkiiLiOKivf ^ TOME?...DO MYSELF/ ^ In Your Home • fied for immediate availability. »a»Hw«>ciii/»i«sai L tDU^ Tel. MI 4-0951 AMP ME? aar.‘ L E M O N PIE REG.59c-LARGE8.INCH .'h’ ^ IX A N GMl COLD FUR UB80ZSIZE EACH*tW j Fregoiiption PhAnuAcy > ■ ['■ [(HAZE $3.00 STOftAGE $2 00 Mwr afftiHra al AU AAP Bapip MulM Is Ikk MMpaHy A viOl 901 Main Str«^ CHESTER FURRIERS Copyright 1960 (M-1260) STANEK CALL COLLECT—TR 6-6929 , U tiURKE )BOAQ--IRO^^ ^ 277 BMAO 8T^-MANdiE8TCR • A ± P - i " \ r A ■ YSL F

KV''-' 'F; ■■ ■•'■.-> ■ ' ■■

■ ' ■ . ■ ; ' ■ ' ■ 1 ■■ 1 ! • • IIANCHE3TEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« MONDAY. DECEMBER 6. I960 PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAt. DECEMBER 6, 19^0 Eagles Clinch Eastern , Title, Await Playoff Rival THE Green M anor Gops Opening Hoop Test, Kfe ■ 75^6 Am ^fnoM 7tm im 0r m/r rfm t ^ Herald Angle 4mw*«MewAW|»* m tO M V r jo n t-OOtcr^TUtBAU, EARL YOST Keeney Paces Sixth Straight Defeat Cheney Opens Thr ee-W ay T ie in Western Loop ■ports B4Mor Win Against Home Season - ■ ■ ------' ^ ■ - ...... - - Sunday #ience In hia choaen profession .. New York, Dec. 5 {IP)— The'*’yarder to Tom McDonald after oie^Hornung carried tlfe Packem to^uelng the double wing offenee thataMUt Plum had hia flrat paaa In- always a visitor on Wednesday noon Handed Reeling Royals Chiifeh with ipy fkmily Is always Cards ■ (5-5-1) had scored on Mai their overwhelming triumph proved . effective J n last week’s teycepted on his 196th aerikl this is Flo Kloter, of the Bowling Green On Wednesday Hammack’s two-yard plunge in the against the Bears by acoring twice triumph over Baltimore, built a season, but his three the flrkt m attif of Importance on staff, who reports doings on sevtoal WindsoF Locks championship game will third period on a^^O-yard run and a 17-yard commanding 10-0 halftime lead the sabbath and by mid-moming leagues. As often repeated, she has in' the Western Division. The flips brought the Browns (6-8-1) New York, Dec. 5 (/P)—The With opening games under their match Philadelphia’s streak­ pass from , kicking two over.Los Angeles (3-6-1) on a 10- from behind twice against the cel­ we hOd attandbd Maiit and were done a. tremendous Job of organis­ Getting off on the right third-place Pistons are two back home, each with separate erratic Cincinnati Royals are belts, Cheney Tech, Rockville and ing Eagles against Baltimore STANDINGS field goals and five conversions yard scoring Jaunt by C. R. Rob­ lar-dwelling Redskins (1-7-2). ing and supervising duckpln foot in the Farmington Valley having their troubles winning games ahead of the Royals Eastern Conference while eclipsing the NFL scoring - • • • chores to perform . . For me, the leagues for youngsters at the Green RHAM High basketball teams or Green Bay or San Francis­ erts ' and the first o f ' three ■ field Basketball League yesterday the National Basketball Assn, and only IV t games behind swing into their second week of W. L. T. P ot record set by Green Bay's Hutson goals by Tommy Davis. A 65- collage football season ended with and T alleys .. Talked basketball co or Chicago or Detroit. That was GIANTS 61, COWBOYS 61 — Yal6-Harvard, the last game I after getting off to a whirl­ Los Angeles, in second place. action starting Tuesday. Manches­ x-l*hiladelphla ...... 9 1 0 .900 in 1842. Chicago’s yard TD strike from Jdhn Brodie with several area coachea, includ­ afternoon, Green Manor sur­ the situation today, with only two Eddie LeBaron’s nine-yard touch­ personally covered in a fall of per­ wind start. Bailey Howell supplied most Country Club ter High will remain under wraps Cleveland ...... 6 3 1 .607 came on a IB-yard to to Clyde Conner rounded out San down toss .to Bill Howtbn In the ing Joe Kubachka at Hartford prised Windsor Locks in the weeks left In the regular season. fect weather Saturdays but there High and Paul Francla at Kingi' The Royals bowed to the of the acoring impetus In De­ for another week. Ihe Eagles clinched their first New York ...... 5 3 2 .625 Willie Dewveall pass and a 20- Francisco’s acoring before the final period gave the Cowboys Lock City, 75-64. Great shoot­ troit’s late surge, collecting 17 Seleotod Nine, Blind Bogey H t. Louis . , ...... 5 5 1 500 yard toss from Zeke Bratkowski was Still typing to do to prepare wood. Kubachka, former pro player Detroit Pistons, 116-115, last Friday’s games were profitable Eastern Conference title since 1949 Rama tallied on Frank Ryan’s their tie 'with the GiEUits (5-3-2) ing by Buxa Keeney, Dan Pinto of his 31 points in the final Class A—Ed Loika 27, Einar Pittsburgh . , ...... 4 6 1 .444 to Jim Dooley. for Monday's edition and my trus­ with Manchester, has come up night for their sixth straight for all three teams. Rockville and by whipping the St. Louis Cardi­ two-yard sneak. after L. G. Dupre scored three ty typewriter was my partner un­ and Frank Butkus, plus the re­ period. The Pistons pulled Lorentzen 29, Del St. John 29, RHAM both came away With vic­ Washington ...... 1 7 2 .125 * * . • • • • with another fine Owl five •. Eve­ bounding of Jimmy Olenney, set defeat. Cincinnati began the nals, 20-6, yesterday for their TDs, two on L«Baron pasMS, to til 1 o'clock . . I missed the first ning at home and it wag spent to ahead 108-106 on a basket by Bob McGurkIn 29. tories. While Cheney Tech lost,. It Western Conference 40ER8 S3, RAMS 7—Ths 40ers, BROWNS 27, REDSKINS 16— the pace for Coach Tom Conran’s season with four victories in Class B—Roy Thompson 35-7— ninth consecutive triumph. keep Dallaa within range. GiantS-Eagles pro football game advantage with my sons playing Jackie Moreland and staved showed enough scoring punch to The Colts, seeking to gain a W. L. T. Pctl charges. a row, but since then the 28. due to a committmSnt In Boston ball at a nearby school gym. Royals have won only five off Cincinnati in the waning encourage Coach Tony D'Angona playoff berth for an unprecedented BalUmore ...... 6 4 0 .600 last Sunday but by 1:30 this after­ The Silk Town visitors never b a ss C—Ed Wadas 37-9— 28. that things may soon brighten up trailed although they had to ap­ games in 22 outings for an minutes. third consecutive time, were beat­ Green Bay ...... 6 4 0 .600 noon I was settKd comfortably in Thursday Low gross—Ed Loika 71. on the School St. sports front. ply the pressure in the final 10 overall 9-17 record. en by the Detroit Lions, 20-15, San Francisco ...... 6 4 0 .600 my favorite chair with my teevee Mail load has decrease since The game was played in Blind Bogey—Merrill Anderson, Rockville thrashed Smith High minutes after, the home club pull­ In the night’s other game, 87. when Earl .Mprrall Connected with Chicago ...... 6 4 1 556 bringing me the action from Phila­ the Five Mile Road Race but It is Indianapolis, Oscar Robert­ of Storrs by 20 points for its first Jim Oibbons for a 65-yard touch­ D e tro it...... 5 5 0 500 delphia. Being a Giant fan, I was still heavier than usual. Among ed to within' three points after the Boston Celtics snapped a son’s home town. A turnout of FOUR BALL, BEST BALL official victory of the year with down pass on the last play of the Los Angeles ...... 3 6 1 538 Given Green Light periods, 48-43 The Manors led 17-9 two-game losing streak by 3,052 saw Robertson top the happy with the early 17-0 lead the the personal letters arriving were Low gross—Doc McKee, Willie the win over the Alumni not count­ game. Dallas ...... 0 1 10 1 .000 Gianta rolled up but once again several from men who took part and 32-25 at the first two periods. whipping the Los Angeles Royals’ scorers with 34 points. Oleksinskl, Fran Duggan, Frank Keeney, former Central Con­ ing on the team’s record. The fine The loss dropped Baltimore Into X —CUncbed Conference title. the defense—against passing—was in the race, including Dr. Charlie Lakers, 113-103. Boston also had a rally in Connorton 63. ball handling and shooting of Sunday’s Scores necticut star, used his six foot, six a three-way tie for first place In full of holes and the Eagles won Robbins and George Terry, both On Saturday night the St. the second half after Los An­ First low net — Stan Hillnskl, bernie Arcklvy and rebounding of Detroit 26, Baltimore IS inches to advantage, tapping in BUZZ KEENEY the Western Division with Green HOT FOOT— This foot­ going away . . Friends arrived to veteran runnera and both of whom Louis Hawks, the Western Di­ geles had moved to a 52-47 Del St. John, John Chanda, Bill lanky Skip Olander were pleasing Green Bay 41, Chicago IS several rebounds. He scored 22 Bay and San Francisco, all with Los Angeles If... ball brogan is only size visit but fortunately half—the men had nice comments about the man^ vision leaders, turned back the margin at the Intermission. Noel 61. to Coach John Canavarl. The Rams Philadelphia 20, S t Louis 6 points to take game acoring hon­ 6-4 records, while Chicago (5-4-1) 8V^!. but as the camera folks—were football fans and the ner In which the' event was staged Philadelphia Warriers, 131- The Celtics’ ballhawking and Second low not—Ed Loika, Paul go to the post twice this week visit­ and Detroit ((5-6) remained solidly CIm-eland 27, Washington 16 ors. Pinto caged 19 and Butkus game was seen to conclusion. .Pat Bolduc, the Courant’s top 127. Bob Pettit led the Hawks rebounding tactics In the last Ballsieper, Ed McNrmara, Ben ing New Britain tomorrow to face in contention. New Yoilc 31, Dallas 31 angle emphasizes it cov­ football prognosticator, visited completed the double figure bri­ West Side Rec Bengston 64. with 37 points while Wilt two periods upset Los An­ St. Thomas Aquinas and Friday The Packers, getting a 23-point WEEK’S SCHEDtrLE ' St. ]^uia, D«c, 6 The^ "The proposition hsa been made.# Autry and Reynolds today. The ers a mighty important Monday and was shovvered with compll gade with 14. Although scoreless SELECTED 12. BLIND BOGEY Now It Is up to tlys American Dodger o'wner Indicated he would. from the floor, GlennCy, a strong Chamberlain was high for the geles' compo.ture. traveling to Newington for Its performance from Patil Homung Saturday, Dec. 10 American League has been foot belonging ■ to Jim Heavy work load and I wasn't ments from hia fellow scribes in Junior Roster Class A—Henry Rockwell 47-4— League and the group selected to "The type of organization ■with armed jumping-jack, picked one Warriors with 35. The Syra­ The defending champion first encounter in the tough Cen­ that gave him 152 for the cam­ Green Bay at San Francisco given the green light to go to Rogers. The Minnesota able to get away for a noon meet­ the sports writing fraternity. 43, Stan Hillnskl 45-1—44, WUlle operate the franchise.” rebound after another off the cuse Nats defeated the New Celts boosted their Eastern tral Valley B League. paign and broke ’s 18- Sundi^, Dee. 11 which. I Trill have to compete Is Bolduc and Major Hoople plan a b a s k e t b a l l Oleksinskl 46-2—44. Loa Angeles next year . .'. if. Prexies Optimistio fullback hopes to kick his ing of the Connecticut Sports boatds and set up numerous York Knicks 130-113 Sattir- Also off to a flying start was year^old one-season scoring record, Baltimore af Loa Angeles more important than the money Writers’ Alliance. The Gold Key three month trip to Bermuda while TEAM 1 Division lead over Philadel­ Class B—Merrill Anderson 44- The big if is that the Cronin and Giles appeared opti­ next field goal against tallies. day afternoon In a nationally Coach Clyde Washburn’s RHAM walloped the Bears, 41-13. The Chicago at Cleveland involved (compensation),” O’Mal­ recipients were selected, names to resting on their laurels of picking, Carl Hohenthal. Frank Kinel, phia to one full game. Tom­ 5—39, Jerry Beaulieu 46-5—41, Ray mistic. Russ Mattaen (13), Russ Jubrey televised game. five. An eight point victor over 49ers moved Into position by blast­ Dallas at Detroit league’s 10th club must play ley said. "This group (Autry’s) is Washington in the Pasa­ be released shortly. The dinner will correctly, football game winnera.. Charlie Barrera. Butch Berggren, my Helnshon paved the way Warren 48-7—41. its home, games In the Rose Bowl ■Visited by Dr. Ray Mozzer, dentist (12), Tony Ramano (11) and Jack Class C—Dan Dowd 51-7—44. Lebanon, the Sachems visit Wllli- ing Los Angeles, 23-7, before a New York at' Washington "I’m confident that oomething not objectionable.” dena Rose Bowl. be held Jan. 23 at the Waverly Inn Detroit overcame a 62-50 with 34 points but the Lakers’ In Pasadena. turned "actor” In the recent pro­ Green (10) paced the well balanced John Lynch, Bill O’Connell. Bob Low gross—Stan Hillnskl 75. mantic Wednesday to face Wind­ crowd of 77,254. Phliadek>hta at Pittsburgh will be worked out,” said Giles. Membem of the committees who with a sellout assured... Basket­ Friday, George Schon, John Ander­ halftime deficit to push Cin­ Elffin Baylor garnered acoring ham Tech, conqueror of Cheney Meanwhile, the C 1 a v 1 a n d That Is the stipulation Dodger “It may not make everybody met last night were John Gal duction, Hi Fever Follies, and we Windsor Locks attack. cinnati deeper into last place laurels with 40 points. Blind bogey—Bundl Tarca 85. ball season Is less than a week talked mainly about football. Ray Still without a home gym, the son. Tech. Friday RHAM starts play in Browns grabbed the runner-up spot LIONS 20, COLTS' 15 — The owner Walter O’Malley and Na­ happy, but it won’t bo a fight.” breath of Pittsburgh, Bob Car away and I managed to get a little was a fine footbalf player at Ford- Manors hope to open at the Ver- TEAM 2 the Southern Divi.sion of the Char­ In the East with a 27-16 victory Colts scored \yhat appeared to be tional Laague Ph-esldent Warren The Rose Bowl is a football sta­ penter of Philadelphia, O’Malley, Yanks Scathed practice whistle tooting in before Ray Ough, Jeff Tyber, John Giles gave to a committee to pre­ ham University when the Rams planck School playing surface this AMERICAN VOLLEYBALL ter Oak Conference playing host over Washington while winless the winning touchdown with 14 dium that seats 100,000. It is about Giles, and attorney Lou Carroll, joining the Watkins entry for a Egan, Rich Hanson. John Rai- to East Hampton. Dallas tied the New York Giants, second left whens^ohnny Unitas, sent to the American League at to­ ranked with the best teams In the weekend. Standings .1 15 miles from C ^ vez Ravine, from the Natiqpal League, and Rec 'Volleyhall League match at country., mondo. Rich Raimondo. Den Down- Cheney Tech is booked for only 31-31. who had previously unleashed an day’s meeting. where O’Malley is building a sta­ By Australian Summary; Famed Fast Break of UConn W L Pet. Del Webb of New York, John Fet- night. .Regular referee and league Fascinated with professional Or««a Manor (15) ham, Jim Downham, B arry Sou- .889 one game this week. Wednesday In the American League, Los 80-yard TD heave to Lenny Moore, A counter proposal that would dium for hia Dodgers. The park Is Watkins ...... 8 1 zer, of Detroit, George Medlnger director, Ronnie Daigle was not up football, Bob Oliver talked the B F Pts. chon. Clvitan ...... 7 2 .778 afternoon the Rangers open their Angeles clinched a tie for the fired a 34-yard scoring aerial to the allow the new Los Angeles club to expected to bo completed some­ Butkus ...... 3-K 14 to par physically and Bill Fortin of sport when I visited with him. Shea ...... '...... fi TEAM 3 West Sides . home season playing host to Western crown by thumping Oak­ fleet halfback for a 15-13 lead. But play its home games either In the of Cleveland, Joseph Iglehart of Tennis Writers ...... 0 Comes Back to Haunt Huskies ...... 6 4 556 time in 1962. The Dodgem now use the Rec staff took over calling the For years, Bob was associated with Morlarty ...... 3 Doug Secor, Robin DlTarando. Teachers “A” ...... 3 6 Lyman Memorial at 2 o’clock at land, 41-17. Dallas upset Eastern Morrall, on the bench for the first Coliseum or In Wrlgley Field was the Coliseum. Baltimore, Cronin and attorney D. Pinto ...... 333 violations. Fine, well played match stock car racing as a builder and ...... 3 Gary Benson, Rus.6 Lennon, Bob Correntl’s ...... 3 6 .333 the Armory. Division leading Houston, 24-0, three periods, completed a 17- rejected by O’Malley. Ben Fiery from the American Dan Pinto ...... 8 The American League Is not Perth, Australia, Dec. 6 UP) — against the West Sides with all owner Two referees were used, Kohen ...... Getzewich, Chad McPartland. Bob New Haven, Dec. 6 (JP) —The Yale basketball team opened up a Latvians ...... 1 7 .125 Buffalo routed Boston, 38-14, and point fourth quarter surge for De­ "We thought enough o f the Rose completely happy with O’Malley’s League. Commissioner Ford Frick America'e Davis Cup tesun ran ...... 0 three games close. . . Checked my Ronnie Daigle on the catbird seat, Glenney ...... 0 Gullano, Dayton Backes and Phil fast break In the closing minutes of a see-saw game With Connecticut Dave Budd, now a member of New York defeated Denver, 80-27 troit by whipping the clincher to Bowl to survey it so I don’t think compromise proposal. Soma own- and Charles Segar, secretary of against a new difficulty today— mall at a late hour and found sev­ Fortin ...... 0 above the net, and BUI Fortin roll­ Keeney ...... Rusconi. and won going away, 63-55. Coupled with a surge of strong defen­ Monday, 8. Correntl’s va. Lat- the New York Knlckerbackers, in other games. Gibbons following the kickoff. there is any reason why they em feel the Rose Bowl is not suit­ baseball, also were present. a Ucathing attack on the Ameri­ eral letters, both complimentary ...... 9 • • • ing the center line, in a volleyball Neil ...... 1 TEAM 4 sive play, the Ell offensive attack on Saturday night overcame a sec­ vlsnb; 8;45, Watkins vs. Teachers. scored 1,014 points in three var­ Baltimore, losing two games to shouldn’t give It some considera­ able for major league baseball. Some American Leaguers still cans in the Australian prem as and critical, from readers and res­ tion,” said O’Malley. match at the Rec, Watkins nlay- Jack Melesko, Mike Kuslak, ond half drive that saw the Husk- Tuesday, 8. West Sides vs. Civl- sity basketball seasons at Wake EAGI^JCS *0, CARDS 6 — Norm the same team for the first time However, the AL will be asked to held out hope that the National "Bad losers.” "Poor Sports,” and idents who idewed the Five Mile Ing CerrentTs. Frank (Snltz) Totals ...... 29 17-28 75 A committee of club representa­ Windsor Liocks (64) Dennis Hagenow, Jim O’Brien, les come from a 35-29 halftime tans. Forest College. Van Brocklln, a 34-year-old veteran since 1956, also lost fullback Alan vote on it. It needs a majority for League might go along with the "Bad actors.” Road Race Thanskgivlng morning Mordavsky, perrenial No. 1 splk- deficit to a 45-40 lead. trailed all the way despite the tives met In the commissioner’s F PIS. John Stocks, Bob Williams, Larry who was a rookie with Los Angeles Ameche for the rest of the season approval plus the new owners ac­ nine-team proposal and an inter­ “Why CEui’t we just come down ...H om e at a late hour. er In Manchester, had a fine night MattsOn ...... 4 5-6 13 Bulls-eye shooting by guard shooting of Dave Hastings, who suite late last night In an 11th Gilbert ...... 2 Dcmera, Art Ventura. Bill Stack when Philadelphia last cap­ when he injured \he Achilles Ten­ ceptance. , league schedule. here and play tennis?” moaned and os a result his CorrentI team Bill Madden paced Yale to Its sec­ took high scoring honors with 17 hour attempt to reconcile dlffer- Green ...... 4 TEAM 5 tured the Eastern championship, don In his right leg. ’The Colts next Four groups are bidding for the "I wouldn’t bet on it,” said one. Barry MacKay, No. 1 ace of the Tuesday came up with its' best effort of the Romano ...... 4 A1 Cyr, Bill Dixon, Dick Stence. ond victory in as many contests points. It was the second loss In passed for two touchdowns and meet Los Angeles while Green encrii between the two leagues franchise. The successful one will United States squad. "But no. Courtney ...... a two starts for the Cadets. "but I know that O’Malley has Early arrival was Truman season. Lanky Bob Klernan, one Tenern ...... 1 Gary Sullivan, Bob Renzoni, Mike this season. Scoring on jump shots Maurice G)rrenti Top Roller Bobby Walston kicked a pair of Bay Is at San Francisco in show­ and pave the way for the Ameri­ be a group that includes Gene Every move we make, everything of the league’s tallest players, also from the circle, he collected 23 Trinity’s surprise loss to MIT can League's expansion to 10 been picking up votes here and we do becomes a National Issue.” Cowles, field trial official and Jubrey ...... ' j Chmieleckl, George Crandall, Mike held goals for the Eagles (9-1). down struggles. Autry and Bobby Reynolds, for­ there. I don't think he has enough, breeder of fine hunting dSgs. Long giving forth a top p^ormance. Mlkolowsky. points and led both teams on scor­ was In large part due to the vic­ c*-4A/ZAcrres>t»Ttci& Van Brocklln hit Pete ReUlaff with • • * clubs In 1961. League Presidents Darid Freed, the American cap­ Totals ...... 24 16-22 64 tors’ Phil Robinson, who spent mer Stanford tackle. Kenyon however.” active In aporUmen’s circles, Watkins won the match, 2-1, hut Score at half: 32-25 Manor. TEAM 6 ing. In Devon Bowling Tourney a 22-yarder, then pitched a 25- PACKERS 41, BEARS IS — Giles and Joe Cronin of the tain, was taken severely to task not before lively action.. Another the entire game gruarding Trinity Brown, Los Angeles TV executive There was a report that the by a Sydney columnist for falling Cowles Is currently a veep in the Bob Nowlckl, Dave Fody, Mike In other games Wesleyan won American attended the special Asjwclation of New England Field casualty o f the radio-newsmen Its season opener, 77-71, over ace John Norman and held him conference. who formerly headed the group, American League, at Its meeting, to control his players’ antics on the Kearns, Bruce Cappa, Walt Bare- Taking time off from his Insuri* 'Trial Clubs. . . Typewriter repair­ basketball game last Saturday sia, Greg Zlemak, Bruce Leone Clark, Bridgeport defeated' Bran- "I* Points R^lnson wisnt score ance business, Maurice (Hippo) A member of the committee, will play a major role In the new will approve the sale of the Kan­ court. night was Charlie Morse, fine Bowling less himself. High scorerer for operation. ■ ”I know the kids act up a little man, Pete Martello, happy on the Bob LeLacheur, Bob Willhide. dels, 86-85, in a thriller, and CorrentI of Manchester captured weary after the four-hour session sas City club to a group of Kan­ aidellnea during the baseball sea­ spiker with Watkins, who Is side­ HOLIDAY DEBS Trinity was BUI Scully with 15. The American League has sometimes,” Freed said. ”We are Wednesday night Team 1 will Qulnnlpiac topped Danbury State, the Devon Duckpln Bowling Van Brocklin Plans Retirement that lasted into the early morning sas Citlans. The sale has not been son, admitted he wasn’t offered lined ulth knee Injuries. Standings 87-81, In the final of the NAIA Wilson Hicks celebrated his 20th asked O’Malley to meet with working on getting them to calm play Team 2 at 6. Team 3 will play Tournament held last weekend. hours, told the Associated Press: announced. Casey Stengel’s former post as W. L. Pet. Tip-Off Tournament at New Hav­ birthday by pacing Hartford to down—If for nothing else, for their Friday Team 4 at 7 and Team 5 will play victory over Worcester. He scored The local sharpehooter had a six- own sakes. But they are just en­ manager of the New York Yankees Choppers ...... 23 7 .7b'f Team 6 at 8. Team names and en. game total of 843 to edge Roy Lipp . . . coach phoned Coldest a.m. of the season but Sunbeams ...... 20 10 .86'f In out-of-state contests. Fair- 19 points and led Hartford to its Following Championship Playoff thusiastic youngsters who want to coaches will be assigned at this first win in two starts. of Wethersfield. The latter com­ win. I can’t fault them for getting for background on several Man­ It was refreshing to get Into the HI Lites ...... 19 11 .633 field University lost to Boston piled a 832 total. chester High players and we practice session. mad at themselves. I don’t want early morning air . . . Recipients Bowlerettea ...... -...19 11 .633 College, 83-70, Springfield College Correntl’s games were 141, St. Louis, Dec. 6 (JP)— “Just'* n e continued, “ We’ve had theayears,” Van Brocklin conceded. talked baseball, too, the caller be­ of Gold Key awards in January Dueces ...... 17 13 .567 defeated Coast Guard, 73-55, breaks, true, but we've cashed in Fullmer Seeks Moore Bout them to do an3d;hing that might be NATIONAL VOLLEYBALL 141, 152, 137, 120 and 152. He one more big one, then it’s and this title was the 'most obnoxious.” ing a fine baseball coach as well will be Andy Robustelll, Willie Teen Queens ...... 16 14 .533 Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ on them. It's taken a lot of moxie ...'Visited Principal A. Raymond Pott Latest Star Standings won $200. satisfying because we came from Most of the American team Pep and Charlie Petrlno—two of Stardusters ...... 14 16 .46'/ nology upset Trinity, 63-59, at adioe from me and back to my by the defensive boys, too, when nowhere.” Rogers at Manchester High for the W. L. Pet. The Eaist Side businessman, who members have been guilty of ex­ the three being my nominees. The Moonbeams ...... 14 16 .46/ Cambridge, and Hartford defeated also is part owner of the Holiday Poland hogs in Oregon,” said you consider we don't really have Norm was a member of five - first time in his office and we Among Pro Golfers Liberty Mutual ...... 9 0 1.000 After Victory over Robinson plosions and mild demonstrations dinner will be held Jan. 23 at the Strikers ...... 9 21 .300 Worcester Poly Tech, 68-56. Lanes, Msuicheater’s newest duck­ , the in­ a powerful runhing game to con­ Los Angeles teams which won or talked of many things, sports in East S id e s ...... 8 1 .889 during the tense Australisui tennis Waverly Inn, Cheshire . . . Visit­ FoUg;ht Off Rally St. Mary’s ...... 5 4 .556 pln center, has long been an out­ domitable Dutchman who trol the ball.” tied for last place and out-fum­ campaign. This reached a head dur­ general. . . After the visit and chat, I viewed Elgin Zatursky's ing sign was not out but there Setting the pace for the yoimg West Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 5 ■W&Ieyan fought off a strong Clarke’s Ins...... 3 3 .500 standing “money” bowler. A for­ pitched the Shaw couldn't say snough about bled everyone,” Shaw said. ing the Victorian Championships girls were Cjmthia Bagley 100, (iP)—A new star loomed In the the fabulous Van Brocklln and his Los Angeles, Dec. 5 {PP)— f pion’s share of the gate, in fighting any more. I’ll make basketball squad in action in a was an unusually heavy number second-period rally by Clark In Teacher "B” ...... 3 3 .500 mer town champion, CorrentI is from last place to the F.a8tem Na­ "This year wae just the op­ at Melbourne last week. Dolores Smith 104, Linda Pohl 104, golf heavens today in the person receivers who specialize In Im­ NBA Middle'weight Champion Jenson said a 40-20 per cent up my mind In the next few days.” practice tut. The opposition offer­ of visitors—all welcome—at the which the Worcester, Mass., quin­ Man. Auto Parts ....4 .5 .444 currently one of the leading av­ tional Football Leag^ie crown In posite — we had almost no key split would be agreeable because: Bad Deportmeht Diane Maynard 100. of a tall, handsome 25-year-old three years. possible catches .— Tommy Mc­ Robinson said he has several ing little competition. Calling the desk and with plenty of back cor­ tet came from the short end of a Gus’s Grinders ...... 1 8 .111 erage rollers In the Fast Northern injuries, the ball bounced o u r Gene Fullmer today set his "W e’re reasonable. And it’s not MacKay had a bad day against Van Brocklln, 34, was joking Donald, Pete Retzlaff and Bobby way." motion picture offera, including a plays were Walker Briggs and Bill respondence I found little time to former Louisiana State student 34-26 halftime score to tie the Goslee Dr...... 0 9 .000 Connecticut League. sights on ’01 Archie Moore’s Gene’s title at stake so he has Australian Wayne Reid In one of game at 38-38 and against 61-61. First women’s tournament of about a future devoted to hog- Walston. Shaw had no preference as an deal to star with a blonde and Sacherek, two men better identi­ myself, even cutting short the named Johnny Pott. version of the lightheavy- nothing to lose.” busty Italian actress In a film in his early matches. He was fretty fied with football. Briggs coached Saints Win Again Not that the personable Shreve­ Bridgeport, trailing most of the Schedule: Tues. 8:45 St. Mary’s the year at the Manchester Bowl­ raising, but he’s serious about his Van Brocklln set a personal opponent In the NFL title game when he started and his rancor weekly trip to the Saving6)>Bank career high of 22 touchown passes weight title after turning Outdoors Likely Rome next February. the Indians to a winning season The St. James* basketball team, port youngster is being rated on way,, tied Brandeis at ■ 82-82 on vs. Goslee; Wed. 8 Cue's vs. Teach*: ing Green was taken by Marilyn retirement from football after this Dec. 26. He said "It’s so close Parnassus said he hopes to Increased as the long, tough match . . . Tom Mason, looking forward under the direction of the Rev. Mason, his 12th in the NKL. In a seaison with two scoring back Sugar Ray Robinson’s gallant Robinson weighed 158% and whUa Sacherek is one of the best his victory in the $15,000 West two free throws by Joe Yasinskl. era, 8:45 Auto Parts vs. Clarke; Bussolinl of Avon with a 790 for over there I guess they are all stage the FuIImer-Moore battle, If progressed. to the written exams of the Cen­ John Regan, and the coaching of Thurs. 8 East Side vs. Liberty, 8:45 Retiring with him will be Law­ strikes for both Philadelphia bid to recapture the 160-pound Fullmer 159 for their third meet­ grid officials in New England, as Palm Beach Open yesterday, al­ The home team then took the lead ■six games. Her total Included a MAURICE CORRENTI equally tough. plans work out, In April outdoors He slammed his racket Into the well as a fins basketball referee tral Connecticut Approved Board, Butch Bucclno, wop ita second Clarke’s vs. Teachers. rence (Buck) Shaw, the 62-year- touchdowns. crown for the sixth time. ing that drew a paying crowd of though the manner In which he on a field goal by John Triano and 32-pin handicap. “ But there’s no reason why we in Memorial Coliseum. net. He hit the ball vigorously into ... Motored to Storrs to break stopped and discussed. several game in a row Sunday afternoon at held It. old coaching wizard who obtained He completed 13 of 27 for 251 can’t take it all.” Robinson, described by his man­ 13,765 to the Sports Arena. the backstop several times and achieved It Is worth consideration. A fourth Fullmer-Roblnson fight Fullmer, relying on bull-like bread with Athletic Director Joe play situations . . . East Hart­ the new St. James auditorium Quinnipiac’s victory in the two- Van Brocklln for the Philadelphia yards, raising his season total to ager as heartbroken over Saturday appeared unlikely. Jenson, no fan once banged one high in the stands. Christian, baaketball coaches Hugh ford High coach. Hank Giardi, against St. Francis of N s v ti Haven, rebuilding job. 2,185 yards - more than twice night’s draw with Fullmer, was rushes to wear down Robinson, Dennis Ralston, 18, of Bakers­ day Tip-Off Tournament at the of the Sugar Man from Harlem, guarded his jaw with his gloves Greer and Nick Rodls, and Joe was another caller. He was mad­ 35-26. St. James’ took an early lead Southern Connecticut State Col­ "This is tbs way to go o\it,’’ the club's season total on the considering hanging up his gloves. said: field, Calif., has drawn some of Soltys, publicist. Greer remarked der than a cat with a tin can tied and maintained It throughout. The Signals by Morse Rhaw said after hi.s club made It grmind. Down.slalers Rule as If he had a jow lful-of jewels. the sharpest criticism for his dour, lege gym owed a lot to the vic­ ”I’ve always wanted to try "When we asked for another Robinson tried to steal the jewels that this club was very much like to its tall all because he said, team consisted of Chad McPart­ tors’ six-foot-five center, Joe build 'em a planet In the basement nine straight — a club record - No for Preferenca petulant deportment both at Syd­ Davidson, N. C. (JF) — Coach Bill Moore on for size and now it looks fight (after Robinson won back the with some nifty combinations. the first teaun he 6ver coached In neither he nor Principal Ed Dillon land Jacky Brietenbach, Howard Reilly, wnho tallied 23 points. and wrapped up the Eastern title The Cardinals, the NFL’s top All-Slale Eleven ney and Melbourne. Pitkin Jim Dwyer, Chris McHale, Dole of Davidson College has come aa if I’ll get my chance,” said title by knocking out Fullmer In Several times he shoodc the charg­ Mancheater, the Rangers, a group were informed that Manchester Qulnnlpiac led 50-35 at the half, yesterday with still two games rushing team and No. 1 In total .The two St. Louis boys, Earl of boys who won many honors. Ray Dion and Bob Martins. St. up with what he calls a "rhyth­ Fullmer. 1957) Robinson said, ‘Who’s Full­ ing champion and In the savage High was dropping the Hornets ^uthem Connecticut defeated left by stopping the St. Louis Car­ offense - - outgalned Philadelphia New Haven, Dec. 6 i;p) -Fair- Buchholz and' Chuck McKinley, “The tallest fellow I had In Man­ James’ lost their first game to St. mical unrythmical snap signal.” Moore said, "A fter all, Fullmer mer?’ So that’s what we say now, 11th round he popped Fullmer from the football schedule . . Willlmantic State, 77-51, in the dinals, 20-6. on the ground 165-(54 but had a field Preparatory School placed have had outbursts. They yell loud chester was Harold Schuetz at 6- Peter's of Hartford, and last week He explains It this way: "It’s based should like to fight me. He’d be get­ ‘Who’s Robinson?” ’ ‘ with two right hand leads that Viewed Manchester High in a consoliatlon preliminary. On Cloud Eight pRIfiil 25 In the air. Their passing three members of Its unbeaten, admonitions at themselves when 3.” Greer recalled. "We hustled all beat St. Joseph's of Hartford. Next oh the Morse Code, dots and ting a shot at a REALL'Y old For .their savage war Saturday, would have knocked the head off they make bad shots. They throw basketball scrimmage against week they will play St. Barnard’s dashes. The first dot mean.s set. Surprise Loss ”These men have been on cloud wasn't good, but you have to give untied football team on the 29th man.” Fullmer took 40 per cent and the time and won our share of sight all season after tliat open­ a marble statue. But Fullmer, rackets and slam balls Into th'e Hartford High. It was obvious of Rockville. the ball Is snapped on a dash.” A t Springfield, Coast Guard credit to the Eagles secondary, annual All-.State Class A football Moore Fullmer and FuUmer’s Robinson 20 per cent of the gross gritty and undaunted, merely games,” he remarked. The Rangers ing defeat (by Cleveland 41-24) which this season has allowed 45.6 stand's. were tops in the area in semi-pro that there is a lot of work ahead team selected for the New Ha­ WAIT Tit L NEXT manager, Marv Jenson, met at a gate of 6122,584 plus $100,000 for blinked and Hurried back. This has evoked bOos and cat­ — Their desire has been tremen­ per dent completions best In the party after the Utah billy goat's television. competition... George Ehrlich, for Coach Elgrin Zatursky’s small ven Register by a group of high YEAR! — Exemplifying The referee scored the fight for calls from the galleries and has re­ WTIC sportscaster, who took part dous.” said Shaw who looks NFL. The Cards completed only battle with Robinson and tentative­ The 3?-year-old Robinson took —In height—squad before the school football coaches. Robinson 11 to four under Call- sulted in criticism in the Aus­ in the recent Hacks-Yaks basket­ closer to 45 except for his sliver five of 16, the feelings of young­ ly agreed to terms. the spilt decision with a brave but fomia's scoring system that gives opener. hair. ‘‘Yea, this Is one of my beet The team, announced yesterday, sters throughout the tralian newspapers. ball game said he came up lame, was: Ends. Frank Grywalskl, Matchmaker George Parnassus, weak sihlle In his dressing room, the winner of a round one or more “ Shocking deportment,” said one as did most of the fellows. George Saturday country whose teams lost who staged the Fullmer-Roblnson but hinted that the donnj^brook points up to five and the loser Fairfield Prep, and Richard Pare, paper. "Atrocious behavior,” said does a major league job of caUing Many small jobs to do around New Britain; tackles. Gene Skow- that last big game, a rubber match, left today for San may have been his last fight. none. However, one judge voted another. the shots in UConn basketball Robby May Retire the house and the list was start­ ronskl, Fairfield Prep and yin player tosses his helmet Diego to finalize the deal with for Fullmer 9-5 and the other "Sure we get mad,” said Mac­ gam es...H om e late but glad to 3toore, who Insists on the cham- "I don’t know if I’m interested judge called it a draw, 8-8., Kay. "But I’d rather be sui angry have had a chance to see old ed early and checked off by noon Bonvlno, Woodrow Wilson; high in the air and stalks . . . Motored to the Springfield HURRY! HURRY! guards, Frank BogoslofskI,’ New winner than a complacent quitter,” friends like Sumner Dole, Bill Lee, dejectedly off the field Exaggerated Emphsmis Coliseum with my family and Britain, and William Pederson, Howard Holcomb and Bill Crulck- in Dubuque, Iowa. His Buchholz said it is the nature of ahanlc. viewed the 21st edition of the Ice Bridgeport Central; center, Steve high school team ended Paret Puts Welterweight Title the game vi^hich puts exaggerated Capades, easily the bekt ever. As Miska, Warren Harding; quarter­ Sport Schedule emphasis on court behavior. usual, It was a full two and one- 1000 its season on a sour note Wednesday back, Ed McCarthy, Fairfield “Foothall players or boxers,’’ he by going down to defeat. TIjm are always appreciated and half hour entertaining show Prep and backs, Richard Nocera, Up for Grabs Facing Thompson Tuesday, Dec. 6 ssdd, "when they get mad they can Lil FlUslmmons, the ever pleasant for the entire family before a sell­ Croft. I.s>iils Aceto, Hamden and Rockville at St. Thomas. . puli their caps down over their BWitchboard operator at The out crowd . . . Home just before TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS Floyd Little, Hlllhouse. Huge Field ' Wednesday, Dec. 7 eyes and mumble to themselves or Herald, phoned to report a big ■6 o’clock and while the motor was New York, Dec. 5 ()P) — Federico^ Chicago Ito555u8 of New York RHAM at Windham Tech. slam a little harder into the other black bear was on display near her still warm I headed for Bridge­ Orange, Dec. 5 ( ^ —There was and Boston’s' Tpmmy Tibbs meet Lyman Memorial at Cheney home. The tip resulted in' a fine port, my son Dean accompanying Thompson of Argentina by way of "But we are like fish in a fish­ Hockey at a Glance no snow, but 90 golfers turned tonight in a 10-rojind lightweight Tech, 2, Armory. pictufe-story .. Music and column­ me, for the start of the pffleiat- SITNDAY*.^ RESULTS out anyway for the Orange Hills Panama will meet Cuba's Benny bout at New York’s St. Nicolas bowl out there. Tennis Is 90 per­ ist critic John Gruber didn’t win G ivt thoM »poc* IBM 0 plocB imrant fer ploy. Turn Friday, Dec. 9 cent mental. When things start go­ ing season. In a spine tlngleri National I,eagiie (Jountiw Club's first annual Snow­ (Kid) Paret Saturday night In the Arena. any friend when he glanced at my Bridgeport nipped Brandeis Uni­ your bofioinonf into o fuB room. N's ooty . . . it's inox- first World welterweight boxing Rockville at Newington. ing badly, certainly we get sore at desk as he paaaed and said "Mak­ Montreal 7, Chicago 5 ball Golf ’Tournament. Robert East Hampton at RHAM. versity by one point 86-85. On the championship bout at Madison ourselVes and blow a gasket. ing believe you are busy?’' Grube poBtivo. Toronto 5, Boston 2 Proto won with a 36-36— 71, one Tuesday night calls for four 10- return . trip. Gene Stur^on, who New York 4, Detroit 1 Square Garden, since 1951'. has built up a large readership for over par. Len Plorkowbki of Hub­ round bouts at the Philadelphia had ,5Yorked the first gams, was a American I.eague bard-Heights and Ernie Dysem of The 15-round bout, to be tele­ his Monday column and has a great Arena, with lightweight Len Mat­ background from personal exper- passenger home. " io-it-yourself Buffalo 9, Springfield 3 American Brass took second and vised (ABC-10 p.m., EST) comes thews of Philadelphia meeting Providence 4, Cleveland I third, respectively, with rounds of almost a year to the day after Doug Vaillanfi of Cuba in the main Five All-Americans Drafted Gtenney’s modernization experta will givt you complet* Rochester 4, Quebec 1 30-33—72 and 34-30—73. * - ( Thompson valuted into promlnince event. how-to-do-it inatructiona ao you can do all or part of the work oil burner break down? by knocking ..out Don Jordan of BA CLUB DAKT LEAGUE Weekend Fights Los Angeles in the fourth round of A couple of light heavyweights, By League yourself. They’D show you attractive materials that cleab a non-title scrap in Buenos Airds. Johnny Sullivan of England and Standings Lo,s Angeles — Gene Fullmer, easily . . . materials that will 4|uiet noise. They’D rent you W. L Pet. piMM M a s m or m M2TI THf MOST POPULAR OIFT Thompson’s left h ook ' undid Slxto Rodriguez of San Anselmo, 159, Weat Jordan, Utah, and Ray power tools. Jordan, but the odds are pick-em Callf.f tangle at San Francisco to­ Dallas, Dec. 5 — Five I960 All-#, Minnesota guard, by Oeltle ...... 36 24 .600 for a radio dispotched ropair huck in his meeting with the fancy box­ night In a 10-rounder. Amerioaa already have been New ’York. Blackpool ...... 36 24 .600 Robinson, 158%, Neat York, Drew BOLF EQUIPMENT er, Paret. The Cuban is making drafted by the Ajherican Football* Today the clubs start looking Ballymena ...... 33 27 .550 (15). (Bhillmer retained NBA V. • Vlnfleld ...... 82 28 , .533 MI M filssssi’t SMUsimit budgsl plas the first defense of the'title he League and rive more will be tar­ toward Ben Balme, Yale guardf world middleweight title). took from Jordan last Maj^27. Roy McKaeson, Washington cen­ Arsenal ...... 81 29 .517 The Bantiy aervice man who arrivM will be a eoarteouR, Nutmeg Quintets gets here today as the AFL opens P ortadow n...... 28' 32 .467 Havana—Baby Linares, 158 Vi, When you open your account, state the amount FINR SELECTION OF This won’t be the first meeting a t\yo-day meeting. ter; Jake Gibbs, Mississippi back; Havana, outpointed Marcellno between Paret and Thompson, who Rangers ...... 28 32 .467 YOUR AUTOMAHC of monthly payment you wish to make. Your total Joe Bellino, Navy back, and Per- Gonzalez, 158, Havana (10). eleoji-cut man. He ia an expert mechanic. Ha will find battled to a 12-round draw last In New Englands The draft, 'which will be for 24 vis Atkina, New Mexico S tate. Olenavon ^ .,...,....16 44 .267 FUEL OIL credit will be ten times that amount. There will t • CLUBS B BALLS March 25 at the Garden in the rounds, will take up most of the back. be a service charge of 1% a month on the unpaid the trouble promptly. first U.8. appearance for the South Boston, Dec. 6 (AV-The possi­ time today and tonight although The other AU-America' is Bob SIGN DEUVERY CONTRACT NOW the Executive Committee of the balance with a minmum charge of 25c a month. • CARTS I COVERS American. bility that Connecticut may pull Ferguson, Ohio State back, who It was Kid Gavilan, another AFL may get into Its session. out o f the New England Schoolboy is a junior and not eligible for the And Receivo At Absolutely No Extra Cost Your Bantly service man ia no parla aaleaman. If a part • GLOVES I SHOES Cuban, who fought in the last The committee, composed of the draft Stop in for on otHmofo. welter title g o at the Garden, Aug. Basketball Tournament has been president or representative of Expansion of the A FL is ex­ Wanted can be repaired cheaper than it can be replaced, he’ll • SPORTSWEAR 29, 1951. The keed scored a much- averted for one year, probably each of the eight olube, will dis­ pected to be discussed by the Exe­ lyOOO Triple Blue Trading Stamps* ACCESSORIES disputed decision over BlUy Gra­ two. cuss a players’ benefit fund, which cutive Committee but no action Opon 7:30 a.iii. lo S pjn. fix the part. This can save you a iroodly aum. ham. already has ixbout 610,000 In It, taken. Rather, this will go over to AUTOMOBILE ADJUSTER . *Staiops tooaed opoa payoieat of first tael delivery. Thompson, 33, Is 10 years older The New England Cbuncll of and set dates for playoffs in a Rag.° 637.50 Golf Hhoes ...... 6t6JM> Secondary School Principals Asso­ the annual meeting of the league a Hoperb Selection of Sweaters and Sport than Paret. The South American ciation last Saturday passed a either division or for the cham­ in mid-January, probably at Hous­ Ta sppnUse and settle oatooiobUe physical damage clolma. MONTHLY OR lUDGET PAYMINTS aiitonwttc delivery— 10-pay budget plea ShiHs is undefeated In his last 32 boiita, resolution that any team wishing pionship. The championship final ton. College edaeatloa or ita equivalent desired. Must have iieat OTEN FRIDAY and boasts a 100-7-9 record with 'Will probably b« either at Houston i^teari^ice, good personmity and. uMilty to deal with a Gift Boxed Utilst, DoU, Moxfils, etc. to withdraw must formally notify 58 knockouts Paret's record is 32- or Los Angeles as those clubs ap­ poople. Maay omploye boneflta and .a new cor to furatobed. Heating 24-H our a Olooeout op Top Grade Woods and Irons the council by May 1, 1961. Such a «Our RepuUUoa 7-3 and aince he beat Jordan for requested withdrawal would not pear likely to win the Division \Horne Dropped Man oeleetM will be tborongUr tntaed la ear ooboel at tbe Spr iaU$t$ 7i30ajn.tot:N|Mn. « o g - • » « ...... Now 6100 Burner DELC04fiAT b Year AMonsea” the title the Oiban stopped Sugar then become effective until one titles. Oeorol Motora liutltate. If qaaUfled, write fer iatervl*w, |lv< Since 193S Hart in six round's and lost to year from that date. The five AlJ-Aoiericsa drafted Stforrs, Dec. S (/P)— Coach Hugh taf bftef leeuase at year edaeatloa aad work history to Service Denny Moyer on points—both non- The actiiMi came after Connecti­ week before last when six rounds S. Greer today aidd hs . droppiM SM N. MAIN WrBBET ELLINGTON BKANCH SfiMwckiy 9:30 ojn. lo PDBUO INVrnCD title affairs. y cut announced appointment of a were run by telephone were Don Neil Home, a reserve forward, BOLAND Mancbaatar, Cooa. Wsat Boad. Bonto It 1 W. B. GAMBl The Argentina boxef woa won Lerose, Mlsslouii end, by Bostoa; from the University of Connecti­ MOVOB INSinUIfCE OOBFOBATION OIL COMFANy MltekeO t428f TBsnioat M filt MaRohtttfir Couatry Club Pra Chap four in a row since hia Paret drew Mike Ditke, Pittsburghiiuiourgn ena,and, byo y cut basketball team for violation B U m T O R C O . in ManeH. Among hie vieUtne, were Houston; K*a Rles,Ues, Aubinnj|t.ubtnrn tsiekls, o f trabtlng rules. Hams, 19, 6-8, 1656 CHAPEL 8T,—NEW HAVEN, CONN. 3S9 C IN T U S11IET m . MI3.S3iO '*Your Guorawfo i Oiir 40 Y i Sorvieo* me ALBX HA'OKNKY, PRO,—SOUTH MAIN ST. CSiarlie (Tombetone) SmlUi tad by Buffalo; Boib dominated the tourney idn"* Ita d> liU y, Taxa« and 180 pounda oama t« ths unl- m ------m a j ||| ;M AIN «TM fT MAMCNCftlit. COMMi Ooepar Ortega. otarti Chrlstlsa taekls,s. by Danas, 6a(i ▼onrtty from ' CaMhrsU. N. J.

f , I 1 t


MiUlneir DrcHinaldiig 19 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Boaaehold Goods 51 Apsrimeots—Flst»i^ Basilicas Locations Hovues fqr^ Sole UouM* for Salt Tenements for Rent HEMMINO and alteration work. TORO SNOW Hoond w m tit handle I — BIG HOUSE b—LITTLE $12,600—BEAUTIFUL 8 bedroom WEST STAFFORDS room home UMITATION OOOEa on 6 acres, including comer build­ AT A COURT OF. PROBATE held Lumumba Backers Call Mrs. WUlIam Abraltls, 10 at new low price. m U-] lUed TWO ROOM apartment, beat hot m a in STREET—EkUdiiw for com- ranch baseboard heaL ttreplaea, at .Manchester, within and for the Weekend guests of Hr. and Mra. T « CUCTOMER vMO'f THE 9IOOIST THRIAT T heh OUIM WHATg MrrURNED'tfTME VIM I^RICE large "kitchen, cellar. Carlton W. ing lot, oversize garage, fruit CLASSIFIED Robin Rd., any time. model. Marlm’s, Ine., 86T sin, water. Apply Marlow'a, >67 Main m erd a r business or om ce use. District of Manchester on the 1st day Herman Johnson, 51 Kensington lOOuaaEAEOH , , tAMf OIW - Ml t4331. WIU subdivide, Ml 8-8329, 9-8. Butchlna, m 8-6ir>. trees, 30 minutes from Hartford, ot December, 1940. IE THE OHE MUHO EUVE AT THE HCIGHTOf THE WHEN rrt EAflEQ fCUiNG f ARMum IH at. Six room cape, formal dining Present, Hon, John J. Wallett, Judge. St., were their daughter. Miss KNITTED dresses shortened, hem­ ^ m , 3 bedro^ma^ fireplace, only $12,600. CaU the B. V. Agen­ ming alterations done. Call MI EEAEOH - , dULV CUSTOM BUILT 1958 6 room Estate ot Nora B. Qulsh, late of Man­ Ruth Mildred Johnson, a Lutheran Rule over Stanlewille n v i : Pm CB yellow kitchen eet, $4 OAK STREET — Newly re­ blinds,, screens andtetorm w|ndowa, cy, JA 8-2628. chester in said District, deceased. 0-1004. liring room chair with floral allp- modeled store for rent. Reason­ home, 2 baths, fireplace, breeze­ On motion' of The Connecticut Bank church secretary in St. Paul, «U Hi^lT TO RENT—Small heated apart­ ameslte drive. S ell^ for $15,800. and Trust Company, Hartford, Conn., ADVERTISING cover. Both in good condition. MI ment, Tel. M l S-5U.7. able, heat Included. Ample park­ way double garage, 2% acres Wanieii—keal Ifsiate' Minn., and the Rev. and Mra. Karl (Contonad from P a g * Ooo) ‘ ------tillable, outskirts, Carlton W. administrator with will annexed. 9-3586. ing. Call MI 9-1890, , R. F. DIMOCK CO. ORDERED; That six months from Danielson, St. Paul, Minn. Kennedy’s Book DRESSMAKINQ and alterations. ANDOVER—Neyr and modem' 8- Hutchins, MI 9-6183. ’ttiO tliO iG of selling your home? the 1st day of Deceipher, 1960, be and Egypt and the Sudan, which bord­ Call MI 0-0383 any Ume. FORMER eeleeman haa waterlesa room apartment, stove, refrigera­ Call us for the service you de­ the same are lifnlted' and allowed for ers The Congo on the north. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEW . HOURS MI 9-5245 PORTER STREET area, 8 room serve. Cteazynskl-Felber Agency, the creditors within which to bring in Two Women's Society circles of Brings $20 Bid etalnleea steel cookware in origin­ tor, heat, hot water, garage, cou­ Houses for Rent 65 their claims against said estate, and 8:15 AJM. to 4:30 P.M. al cart(m . Reg. $149.80, $89.60. Barbara Woods MI 9-7702 colonial, 2 baths, w all-w ^ carpet, MI 9-4291, Ml 8-1409. the- Community Baptist Church The provincial governments of ple preferred. $68 monthly. PI said administrator c.i.a. Is directed to Kasai, Oriental and . Leopoldvllla Moving— ^Ti'ucking—> BU 9-6956. 2-8090. BOLTON—4 room house com­ Johanna Evans MI 9-5653 garage private yard, trees, give public notice to the creditors to iwill meet Wednesday. The Willing President-elect John F. Ken­ IF YOU WISH personal asrvlce, .bring in their claims within said time Provinces probably would have COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Storage 20 pletely furnished, available Imme­ $17,900; Carlton W. Hutcblns, MI Ones will meet at 8 p.m. at the nedy's contribution brought TALOOTTVILLE—4 room apart­ diately, $100 a month. Goodchild- 9-5132. call Joaeph A. Barth, broker, MI allowed by publishing a copy of this baclted Lumumba. Equator, Mo­ MONDAY Thrtl FRIDAY 10:80 AJ».—SATURDAY 9 A.M. II—VERNON 9-0820. order in some newspaper having a cir­ home of Mrs. Edward Corcoran, the highest bid in an auction MANCHESTER Movlijg and Truck- VISIT OUR SALESROOM ment on first floor, 2 bedrooms, Bartlett Realty, ReMtors, BU culation in said proMte district within at St. Bridget’s Christmas butu's native province, and tho 9-0989, M l 3-7926 880 TOLLAND Turnpike—Real good ten days from the date. of this order Brian Rd„ South Windsor, and the Lower. Congo area of Kaaamibu ing Company. Local and long dis­ arking, very convenient location. Large 514 room ranch, 114 bather READY" TO buy, rent, or sell? See bazaar Saturday. PLEASE READ YOUR AD tance moving, packing and stor­ Quality Furniture and small ap­ S!o objection to well mannered 6 room Cape. Fireplace. Large lot. and return make to this court of the Reed-Eaton Circle will meet at 8 would have been behind tho pres­ pliances, baby cribs, strollers, car­ ood location near new Lake Street us for personalized service. The notice given. Dr. Charles Hamilton, 91 OlMSIfied or '^ ■ n t Ads” »re taken over the phone as a con- age. Regular service throughout children. Ideal for elderly or re­ ANDOVER— LaHeaWe Drive — 4 Price $13,900. Madeline Smith, JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Nicholas ent pro-western regime, probably riages, playpens, jumpers, etc. room ranch, baseboard heat, lake chool. Large lot. For further in­ Realtor, MI 9-1642. B. V. Agency, better value In Derewlanka, 182 W, Vernon St. Dale Rd.. with a bid of $20 be­ yeoieaoe. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST DAY IT New England States and Plorida. tired couple. $75 monthly. Call MI formation or appointment to see, gaining support from President Ml 3-6583. 20% cash discount. Open 10-5 privileges, near schools. Available real estate, JA 8-2628. came the proud owner of an a p p e a r s and RI^ORT ERRORS in time for the next Inser­ 3-0267. call. UMITATION OBDEB autographed paperback copy Molse Tshombe's secesaionlit dally, 7:30-9 evenings. now. PI 2-7184 after 5 p.m. $110 ' MANCHESTER AT A COURT OF PROBATE held Katanga government tion. The Herald is responsible for only ONE Incorrect or omitted at Mancheater. within and for the Stanley Circle, WSCS, of South of the President-elect’s book, insertion for any advertisement and then only to the extent of a MANCHESTER Package Delivery. THREE ROOM heated apartment, monthly. ARE YOU CONSIDERING Light trucking and package deliv­ Chamber’s Furniture Sales R. F. DIMOCK CO. $12,500—614 rooms, suburban, large Diatrict of Manchester on the 38th day Methodist Church, will hold its "Strategy of Peace.’’ The diplomats felt the weotom "make good” insertion.' Errors which do not lessen the value of In ranch home. Separate entrance. of November. 1960. ery, Refrigerators, washers and 503 E. Middle Tpke. Modem and private. MI S-6306. t h r e e b e d r o o m house, conven­ lot SELLING YOUR Present, Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. Christmas meeting tomorrow at 8 Among other items in the powers then w'ould have had no the advertisement will not be corrected by "make good" insertion. stove moving speeiaity. Folding ient location. Six room colonial. MI 9-5245 $12,900—Six rooms on School St. PROPERTY? Estate of Erich Wilhelm Hesse, late p.m. at the home of Mrs. Adrian auction were a doll from Prin­ choice but to try to save tho pres­ chalirs for rent. MI 9-0752. MI 3-5187 FIVE ROOM apartment, second J. D. Realty, 470 Main St.,- MI $13,plus—vacant cape, central, of Manchester in said District, de­ St. Pierre, 199 W. Center St. cess Grace of Monaco, pur­ ent regime in Leopoldville. 3-5120. Barbara Woods MI 9-7702 must sell. We will eatUnats value ot your ceased. , YOUR COOPERATION WILL floor, oil heat, hot water, central Johanna Evans MI 9-5653 On motion of Julie A. Hesse of said chased by Mrs. Thomas Mori- Mobutu told newsmen ho plana AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- locaUon. MI 3-4761. $14,900—4 & 4 duplex on bus line. ' property without obligation. We Manchester executrix. EE APPRECIATED Dial Ml 3-2711 also buy property for cash. The Regina D’ltalla Society arty, 9 Strickland St.; and a lo extend the life of hts pro­ moving, packing, storage. Low $15,000—6 & 3 duplex in central lo­ ORDERED: That six months from champagne glass from Law­ visional government of college SEX7TIONAL SOFA, good condition, NEAR MAIN ST. — 8 fumUhed Wanted to Rent 68 III^ IX ROOM COLONIAL Member Multiple Listing. the 28th day of November i960, be and will have a Christmas dinner in rate on long distance moves to and tables, MI 8-8266. cation. the same are limited and allowed for rence Welk, purchased by Mrs. graduate commissioners until Tho 48 states. Personalized service. MI rooms and bath, hast and hot Just over town line in South place of its regular meeting to­ 'ThMju.Hr FOUR ROOM furnished apartment. $16,000—Full 6 room cape, 2 baths, STANLEY BRAY, Realtor the creditors within which to bring In Frank Devolo, 1 Northflcld St. Congo’s feuding politicians can Lost and Foiuid Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 3-5187, CH 7-1423. water, no chUdren. M l 9-4388. Windsor, superb condition, 3 large Rolling Park. their claims against said estate, and night at 6:30 o'clock at the Ital ALL KINDS sterilized used fuml' Central. Reasonable. Call ADams bedrooms, 114 baths, formal dining More than 800 persons at­ agree on a stable government ture. In excellent condition. Ap­ $17,plus—6 rooms, 2 baths, garage, BRAE-BURN REALTY said executrix is directed to give pub­ ian American Club on Eldridge LOST—Small white dog with tan 24” GIRL’S BICYCLE, recondi­ 5007 Vo 9VfT-, VERNON—Three room furnished 6-0878, Mr. Steve, except Sunday. room, large living room with lic notice to the creditors to brinx in tended the bazaar which When he installed the commla- /Rs ___ PriiiMiLPmtitPu. pliances sparkling clean. New spotless. MI 3-6273 Iheir claims within said time allowed by St. grossed $1,600, according to spots behind ear. male. Answers tioned, 45 Delmont St. after 5:30 UGHT TRUCKING and moving apartment on bus line. Call TR paneled fireplace wall and book­ $18,900—ColonisI, year old. Wood' publishing a copy of this order in some .■doners on Sept. 14, he said they to Spooky. Vicinity Oak St. Child’s p.m. evenings and weekends. MI 9-6868. bronze/brass dinettes, chrome 6-2800, TR 6-6578. HEBRON—4 pr 5 room.-i partly case, separate front entrance hall­ Mrs. Leonardo Parla, chair­ kitchen seta; mattresses, recliner furnished. Call MI 3-0946 after 7 hill section. Can assume newspaper having a circulation in said would act as a caretaker govern­ pey Reward. MI 3-5403.______way, large kitchen, aluminum ARE YOU considering selling your probate diatrict within ten days from "The Juggler,” a film about man. ment until the end of the year. He ENGLISH Humber bicycle, 3- chairs, other Items. 30-M% off. p.m. $16,400 GI mortgage. the date of this order and return make Israel starring Kii-k Douglas, will combinations throughout, ameslte $21,000—6 and 6 flat, both vacant, home? If you are, we will pur­ to this court of thfl notice given. also suspended the national parlia­ FOjUND—Key case, vicinity Oak St. speed, complete witli basket and Palntlng->Papeiing 21 Real old sap buck^ from Ver­ FOUR ROOM apartmant, 64 Birch drive, one-half acre lot, choice be shown tomorrow st 8:30 p,m. Help Wanted— Female 35 mont, $1.25. LeBIanc Furniture will trade. chase your equit^Fqr expediency JOHN J. w a l l e t t . Judge. ment. which had voted Lumumba owner may have same by paying tool kit. Excellent condition. Call Articles For Sale 45 Buildtns. BSatcrlals 4' St. Call MI 3-6200. residential area. Selling for $19,900. please call us. Ml 3-5129 J. D. at a joint meeting of B’nal B’rith. MI 9-8494 after 5 p.m. Hospital, 195 South St., Rockville, Houses tor Sale 72 Town to Accept into power. for ad and calling MI 9-7460. EXTERIOR AND interior painting For further information or ap­ Realty Co., 47' Main St., Man- AT A COURT OF PROBATE held Hadas.sah, the Sisterhood and Mr. and paperhanging. Wallpaper INTELLIGENT woman to fold HOME MADE ravioli fresh or CLEAN, USED lumber for sole, as­ TR 6-2174. Open 9*8, Saturdays till ROCKVILLE — Newly furnished BOLTON at Manchester, within and for the ACRES, targe brook. 6Va room pointment to see, call the Chester. Accra. Ghana, Dec .5 (/Pi— Ghana books. Guaranteed workmanship. diapers, answer telephone, 5-day frozen, 30c doz. 246 Avery Street, sorted sizes, hardwood flooring, 5. first floor apartment in residential District of Manchester, on the 2nd day and Mrs. Club of ' Temple Beth Bids on Supplies Business Services Offered 13 week. Call MI 3-2356. Wapping. MI 4-0604. window sash and doors complete area, availably Dec, 1. Adults house 2-car garage, $10,900, Carl­ R. F. DIMOCK CO. $ 8,500—Real neat five roomer, of December. A.D. i960. Sholom in the Temple vestry. broke off diplomatic relations with P ersonals Reasonable rates. Fully insured. ton w. Hutchins Ml 9-5132. large fireplace. USTINGS WANTED—Call this of­ Present, Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. Fast and courteous service. Leo windows, plumbing and heating only. MI 9-4824, TR 6-1166. MI 9-5245 Eatate of Mabel B. Wilson, late of Belgium today, charging the Brus­ TOOL AND equipment rental!. $13,200—Off lake, 3 bedrooms, extra fice for personalized service. Your Manchester In said district, deceased, The town controller'a office to­ VACUUM CLEANERS repaired in M & M RUBBISH Removal Service J. Pelletier. MI 9-6326, supplies, assorted pipes and soil Antiques 51,4 ceramic baths, Realtor. MI 9-4543. administrator, praying for authority to factory experience. All makes, cial. Cellars, attics, yards cleaned. EXTERIOR and interior painting. Saturday 8-4. Choman House ARE YOU collecting goblets, pitch, and stove, garage, nice yard, $14,500—Bayberry ranch, garage, sell certain real estate particularly de­ morrow following a potluck at 6:30 acceptance by General Manager sible for "the recent developments Position open for a person with evenings. school buses for children, bath­ fireplace, plastered walls, hot real nice. Richard Marlin of apparent low in The Congo ’’ low rates, free estimates, free Metal and cardboard drums for Ceilings refinished. Paperhanging, Wrecking, yard at Stock Place off ers, old milk glass? I have them. water heat, ameslte drive, shade IV—HIGH STYLE DUPLEX LISTINGS WANTED. Fast, reliable scribed In said application on file. It is at Odd Fellows Hall. Memhere are sale. MI 9-9757. liking and ability to do figure work. room with shower only. MI 9-0336. $14,900—Large ranch, basement ga­ ORDERED: That the foregoing ap­ bids opened Nov. 18 on providing pickup and delivery. Mr. Miller, Wallpaper books. Estimates given. Aptitude for figures more essential LOAM—SAND—Stone — Gravel — North Main St. Call MI 9-2392. Rear 42 Spruce St. Open 10 a.m.- trees. Ml 3-4860. seridce. M. E. Charbonneau, brok­ plication be heard and determined at reminded to bring gifts for pa­ Belgian Ambassador Gerard 7-6, each side has modern kitch­ rage, large wooded lot. gasoline, oil, tires, and other au- Wa I ravens was ordered to get out JA 3-5409 Fully covered by insurance. Cali than knowledge of office machines Fill and Ameslte. For prompt de­ 10 p.m. MI 9-4336. THREE ROOM furnished apart­ er, MI 3-0883 or MI 9-4298. the Probate office in Manchester In tients at Norwich Slate Hospital. COSMA APPUANCE Servica—Re- Edward R. Price. Ml 9-1003. PRINCETON ST.—7 room colonial en. separate oil burners aluminum $18,500—7 rooms, 2-car basement said Diatrict, On the 1.5th day of De­ lomolove supplies for town de­ of the country within 48 hours. ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, pedrs all makes refrigerators, or extensive experience. Good livery cal! MI 3-8603. Walter P. DiamonOa— W a teb a ^- ment with parking space. Young awnings, storm sash and screens, garage, plus 6 acres. Must sell. cember. A.D. 1960, at ten o'clock In the partments. wages, liberal benefit program, Miller. Trucking. o garages with 4 bedrooms. 114 baths, large forenoon, and that notice be given lo all Miss Patricia Lcduc, daughter President Kwame Nkrumah of bonded representative, Alfred freezers, washing machines, dry­ PAIN’TING AND paperhangilng. Jewelry 48 Moslcal Instnmients 5S married couple. Also two ga living room with fireplace, hot immaculate condition. Selling for $19,MO—Top value. 4 bedroom ASBislanl Purchasing Agent ers, ranges, oil and gas burners. pleasant working conditions. Apply for rent Call between 6-8. MI persona Interested In said estate of llie of Mrs. Ag-nes Lcduc. 61 Edmund Ghana regards Congo President Amell, 206 Henry St. Tel. MI Good clean workmanship at rea­ WALLPAPER SALE—Many pat­ water heat, one-car garage. 3y $23,500. ranch, 2-car garage in Bolton Hospital Notes pendency of said appllralion and the St., and the late Arthur Lednc, Is Moor'e said these were the appar­ 3-0450. MI 9-0883. All work guaranteed. sonable rates. 30 years in Man­ LEONARD W. TOST, Jew fler-re- USED SPINET piano, like new, 8-6441. Center. time and place of hearing thereon, by ent lows: Joseph Kasavubu as pro-Belglan, First National Stores, Inc. terns to choose from, plastic appointment only, $23,900. Phil- publishing a ropy of this order In some participating in an eight weeks' if not actually directed by Belgian chester. Raymond Fiske. MI airs, adjusts watches expertly. $395; Hammond chord organ, $695. brick Agency, MI 9-8464. R. F. DIMOCK CO. newspaper having a circulation In said program of students teaching at 1. For gasoline, .04765 cents a RIDE to Sage-Alien’s, Hartford. 9-9237. Park and Oakl^d Ave. coated and trimmed, choice se­ FOR RENT—Two room apartment, T. J. CROCKE"^, Realtor VlaltinK houra are 2 to 8 p.m. for advisers. lection. C. J. Morrison Paint :easonable prices. Open Tuesday Used Wurlitzer organs, $495-$69S. district, at least five days before the Central Connecticut College, Now gallon below tlie commercial tank Regular department store hours. PAIN’TING, paperhanging, floor East Hartford gthru Saturday, Thursday eve­ Manchester TV, 618 Center St., heat, hot water, parking. Tel. MI MANCHESTER - New 7 room MI 9-5245 all arena except maternity where day of said hearing, lo appear If they Ka.'Mivuhu declared Ghanna’B sanding. Call Ml 9-0726. Store, 385 Center. 3-2068. Britain, where she Is a junior ma­ wagon price as posted in Hart­ Ml 3-7384 after 5. INTERIOR PAINTING, decoraUng, nings. 129 Spruce St. MI 9-4387. MI 9-1046. Open dally 10 a.m.-O ranch, 2 fireplaces, 2 full baths, MI 3-1577 they are 2 to 4:30 and 6:30 to 8 see cause at said lime and place and ford, from the Tidewater Oil Co., charge d’affaire.s, Nathaniel Wel- Barbara Woods MI 9-7702 he heard relative thereto, and make re­ joring In elementary education. beck, persona non grata (unwel­ COMPLETE REPAIRS — By Stu­ ceilings, floors, paperhanging. p.m. SEVEN ROOM duplex, gss heat, 2-car garage, large kitchen with Member of Multiple Listing p.m.; and private rooms where turn to this rourt. N. Y. WANTED—Ride Pratt U Whitney, Steaming off wallpaper. Clean WOMAN TO help clean, Friday 22 CUBIC foot upright freezer for Johanna Evans MI 9-5653 come) in October. Last month art R. Wolcott on automatic mornings. Call MI 9-1427. sale, like new, sacrifice. Call MI car parking. Inquire at 17 North built-in oven and range, formal they are 10 a-m. to 8 p.m. JOHN J. WAIXETT. .Tiidge. Dr. irven Paul of the Kennedy 2. For lubricating oil, forty South parking lot first shift, vi­ workmanship. Free estimates. No Y'Del and Feed 49-A dining room. Lot 100x200. $20,900. troops of Col. Joseph Mobutu, who cinity Avondale Rd. Ml 3-5492. washers, dryers and electric 9-3878, after 5:30. St MI 9-1015, School of Missions. Hartford cents a gallon, submitted by the works closely with Kasavubu, at­ job too small. John Verfallle, MI DO IT YOURSELF, and do it now! UPRIGHT piano for sale. MI Philbrlck Agency. Ml 9-8464. V — BOLTON VERNON Patienta Today 202 ESSO standard division. Humble ranges. Ml 9-6678. 3-2521. DRY OAK WOOD cut fireplace 9-7715. Seminary Foudantion, will be tacked Ghana's embassy residence Earn money for bills that are get­ BATHROOM SINK, 750-20 truck and stove lengths, $10 per load de­ 4Vi ROOM heated garden type The country gentleman. New 6 ADMITTED SATURDAY: Wil­ guest speaker at a meeting of the Oil and Refining Co., Boston. SAM’S UPHOLSTERING will re- ting you down. Work a few hours tires, 12-ton hydraulic jack, truck apartment, available Dec. 1. m- MANCHESTER—8 room Colonial, 3 Town Students ESSO would also provide diesel oil, and forced Walbeck to leave The Automobiles for Sale 4 livered. PI 2-7886. large kitchen, dining room, sun room cape, for the family who Lake Street—Immaculate 6 room liam Waddell, 3 Hollister St.; Har­ Women's F’ellow.ship in the Feder­ Congo, upholster a sofa, two chairs $67 each day at your convenience to canvas, also clothesline poles. MI cludea stove, refrigerator, and wants privacy. 3 bedroom's, 114 ranch, 15x20 paneled living room old Snow, Wapping; Mrs. Ellen ation Room ot Center Congrega­ grease, and other supplies. NEED A CAR and had your credit plus fabric, CH 2-2378. Electrical Services 22 Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 parking. Centrally located, $105 ; parlor off large living room, bath build a business of your own. 9-1353. SEASONED hardwood cut for fur­ baths, formal dining room, one acre with fireplace, formal dining room, Johnston, 579 Center St.; Albert In Kappa Delta Pi tional Church tonight at 8 o'clock. 3. For lire.s, app.’oximately turned down? Short on down pay­ Avon’s beautiful catalog backed nace or fireplace, $10 a load and monthly. Call MI 3-7925. -^and 4 bedrooms on second floor, 39'a cents off wolesale prices, sub­ Brussels, Belgium. Dec. 3 — FREE ESTIMATES—Prompt serv­ FOR sa le:—Civil Air Patrol uni­ lot, G.I. mortgage available. Sell­ 3 spacious bedrooms, partially fin­ ment? Bankrupt? Repossession? CHAIN SAW work - Trees cut. by national TV and magazine ad­ WARD’S SNOW thrower. South $20 a cord delivered. Ml 3-6183. one-car garage, nicely landscaped Hewitt, 119 E. Main St., Rock­ Katanga’s President Molse Tshom- ice on all types of electrical wir­ form, size 40, very good condition. lot. Priced at $16,900. Phllbrick ing for $18,800, ished recreation room with fire­ Three Manchester juniors st Ward Circle of WSC.s, .Sptith mitted by Nichols-Manchester Don’t give up! See Honest Doug­ Reasonable rates. Call PI 2-7558 vertising will earn you $2 to $3 an Wind gasoline car heater, chain FOUR ROOM first floor apartment, place, all situated on a 100x300 ville; Miss Jocelyn Landon, He­ Tire, Inc. be today accused the Belgian gov­ las, get the lowdown on the low­ between 1 ;30-4:30 or any time ing Licensed and Insured. Wilson drive tricycle, sump pump, new, SEASONED CORD W'OOD—For $15. Call Windsor I^ k s , National heat, hot water furnished. Adults Agency, Ml 9-8484. bron; Mrs. Sn.sie Parker, 127 Flor­ Central Connecticut College. New Methodist Church, will meet to­ Electrical Co., Manchester, Ml hour. Earnings start immediately. 3-4800. R. F. DIMOCK CO. wooded lot. Now priced below bank Britain, have been initiated into morrow at 8 p.m. at the home of Moore reported these other bids ernment. which haa refused to rec- est down and smallest payments Saturday or Sunday. Full training. Call CH 7-4137. still in crate. MI 9-0386. fireplaces, furnaces, stoves. Top preferred. Write Box R, Herald. appraisal for a quick sale. Asking ence St.; Charles Heintz, 64 Union on providing gasoline: 9-4817, Glastonbury, ME 3-7376. quality. Edward Yeomans, PI- 66 ELWOOD ROAD—Colonial, large MI 9-5215 membership of Epsilon Mu Chap­ Mrs. George K. Brooks, 71 Wether- ogpiize his declaratinn of independ­ anywhere. Not a small loan or living room, fireplace, formal din $19,500. Must be .seen. Call St., Rockville; Mrs. Maurine Fos­ (lulf Oil Corp., Springfield, ence from The. Congo, of following finance company plan. Douglas TWENTY aluminum comblnatUlh 2-8002. Barbara Woods MI 9-7702 ter of Kappa Della Pi. national ell St., for a Cliristmas parly. Co- Wanted—To Bay 58 FIVE ROOM apartment $65, Birch Ing room cabinet kitchen with ter, 11.3 Pine St.; Mrs. Carol Fur- Mass., .0451; ESSO and Texaco a policy of ''indecision, obtuseneaa Motors, 333 Main St. Household Services Help wanted—-Male 36 windows, several sash, front door Johanna Evans MI 9-5653 honor society in education. chairmen of games will be Mrs. Musical— Dramatic 29 and frame, snow blower—all never WINDHAM WOOD YARD —Hard- Street,first floor. MI 9-9173, dishwasher, 3 bedrooms, 1’ 4 baths, PAUL ,1. CORRENTI ber, 148 Park St.; Mrs. Catherine Frank G Mott Jr. and Miss Marion Inc., East Hartford, .044; Sun Oil and partiality." Offered 13-A WE BUY, SELL or trads antique Among them is Thomas J. Sul­ Co , East Hartford, .0371; Atlantic OLDER CARS mechanics spe­ used. Ten wood combination win­ wood and slabs for fireplace, fur­ landrcaped lot 80x200. Marion E. EIGHT ROOM COIXiNIAL — Twm Kasulki, 10 School St.; Mrs. livan, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brookings, and hoste.sses will The Negro leader spoke at a re- LEARN TO play the Kinsman AMBITIOUS married man with and used furniture, china, gloas, FIVE ROOM apartment, second Robertson, Broker Ml 3-59.'53. Refining Co., Providence, R cials. flxlt yourself ears, always FLAT FTNISH Holland window ear to service 4,000-6.000 Fuller dows, MI 9-6370. nace, stove, kindling. Call days fireplaces, hot water oil heat, full MI 3-5363 or MI 3-2125 Anna Madden, 84 Eldridge St.; George Sullivan, 5 'W'addell Rd. He be Mrs. Newman Huggins and Mrs. I • I ception of the headquarters of tho a g o ^ selection. Look behind our organ In four free lessons. No ob­ 9-4, evenings 7-9. Tel. HA 3-0403. silver, picture frames and old floor, heat and hpt water, chil­ insulation, plastered walls, 114 Mrs. Esther Hodgkins, Hebron; Bruce Watkins. 027,-i; Kay Petroleum Corp., E ast, Katanga Mission'here a few houra shades made to measure. All Brush customers, East Hartford- dren accepted, $115 monthly. Call MANCHESTER — Colonial, 6 spa­ s vice president of the junior Office. Douglas Motors.. 333 Main. metal Venetian blinds at a new ligation. Call now and register. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS—Ceramic coins, old doUa and guna, hobby tile baths, built-in oven and stove, Mrs. Bonnlegail Farris, 67 Wads­ Hartford, .026. | after flying in with the avowed Dubaldo Music Center, 186 W. Mid­ Manchester area. $100 guaranteed collections, attic contents or whole MI 3-0763. cious rooms, large living room class, and is a member of the ex­ low price. Keys made while you greenware, used ceramic kiln, Garden— Farm— Dairy dishwasher, garbage disposal, FOR SALE worth St. Sunset Rcbekali Lodge will spon­ Other bidders on lubricating; aim of ‘ giving King Baudouin a WANTED — Clean used cars. We dle Tpke. MI 9-6205 to start plus fringe benefits. MI estates Fumltura Repair Rarvlea, with fireplace, family size tile ecutive board of the Connecticut oil reported by Moore wait, Marlow's. 9-0090 for Interview appointment. odds and ends. Tel. MI 3-7912. porch breezeway. 2-car garage, ADMITTED SUNDAY: An­ sor a public pirate whi.sl tonight at wedding present. The king Is to buy, trade down or trade any­ Prudnets 50 Talcottvllle, Coesn.. Tel. Ml $-7449. POUR ROOM apartment com­ kitchen porch, one-car garage New 4 room Cape located on Interscholastic Student Legisla­ About 48 cents from Sun; 50 marry Fabiola de Mora y Aragon, pletely furnished. TR 5-7902, TR ameslte drive, large lot with trees, 8 o’clock at Odd Fellow.s Ilali. A thing. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. HAROLD & SONS, Rubbish remov- 32 VOLUME Encyclopedia Ameri­ large lot 86x260, $16,900. Phllbrick Wright's Mill Road, Coventry. 4 thony Santone, Hartford: Ronald ture. He is al.so a member of the cent.! from Shell Oil Co. and Tex­ daughter ot a Spanish nobleman, TOOL AND gauge makers wanted, GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes, 5-9992. Agency, MI 9-8464. city utilities. Charles Lesperance, brief meeting at 7 will precede al, cellars, and attics cleaned. Bonds— Storks Mortgages 31 cana, in excellent condition, rea­ MI 9-7620. rooms, front entry, and bath on Wagner, High Manor Park, Rock­ geography and social science clubs, aco; 5,3 cents from Atlantic; and Dec. 15. first class only. All prevailing good and mealy. Pasqualinl Farm. WANTED—Bass guitar, In good and was vice president of the the social. Ashes, papers, all rubbish. Harold benefits, overtime. Call Manches­ sonable. MI 9-6349. first floor. Open porch. Space for 2 ville; Mr.s. Clara Hatch, Hartford: 69 cenl.s from Kay. Tshombe said he came to meet 1952 CHEVROLET, very good run­ MORTGAGES—We are In a posi­ 248 Avery St., Wapping. MI 4-0804. condition. MI 9-7827. MANCHESTER — Five room sec­ MANCHESTER — Four bedroom .sophomore class last year. Hoar. .MI 9-4034. ter Tool and Design, MI 9-5263. ond floor apartment, heat, hot MANCHESTER—6 room split level rooms upstairs. I..ot 115x250’. Mrs. Marion Yourwith, Glaston­ The other bidders on tires. Belgian friends of Katanga and to ning condition. MI 9-4837. tion to finance second mortgages BEAUTIFUL walnut 2-door cabi­ colonial. 114 baths, sun parlor, Also jnitiated were Misa Anne Officers will be elected at an an­ water. Apply 72 N. Elm St. after family size kitchen, one-car ga on large lot, ameslte drive, patio, bury; William Grimason, Wap­ nual meeting of the Friendship Moore said, were I.,ee Tire and show his respect "toward King WEAVING of Burns, moth holes In any amounts. Terms to suit SCHOOL BUS drivers for Manches­ net suitable fok hi-fi, bookcase, Household Goods 51 finished recreation room, built-in Owner will consider trade. Lucas and Miss Judith F. Lucas, Rubber Co., East Hartford, and MONDAY SPTCIALS ••our needs. J. D. Realty, 470 etc. Call after 5, MI 3-6215. Rooms Withont Board 59 5 p.m. rage, near bu.s, $17,900. Philbrick ping; Mrs. Annie Welch, 103 Club of St. John's Polish National Baudouin and the Belgian dynas­ and torn clothing, hosiery runs, ter and Vernon, 7:30-8:30 a.m., range and oven, very good mort­ Greenwood Dr.; Jennifer Mackay, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley the Fisk Tire Service, Inc. ty, who have always expressed handbags' repaired, zipper re­ Main St., Ml 8-6129. RUGS, NEVER used, 9x12, beige, Agency, MI 9-8484. Catholic Church tonight at 7 2-3:30 p.m. Call MI 3-2414. VIEW MASTER Junior Projector: LARGE FURNISHED room, one ROOMS unfuniished. Stove, re­ gage available. Price just re­ McKi n n e y b r o s ., i n c . Wapping; Mrs. Lillian Bailey, An­ F. Lttcas, 52 Edward St. The for­ o'clock, followed by a Chriatmas solicitude toward Katanga.’’ 1955 Studebaker V-8 Sedan placements, umbrellas repaired, $30; 9x15, $35; antique gold rugs, duced. Cali The B. V. Agency, JA Full price $499 NEED FUNDS? For Improve­ also, brown enamel stove, coal or vacuum $20. BU 9-6955. minute from Main St. Light house frigerator, hot water, heated. Ideal MANCHESTER — 6 room ranch dover; Mrs. Irene Brennan, 21 Mt. mer Is a member of the Student party. Belgian authorities denied that men's shirt collars reversed and PART-TIME short order cook 8-2628. Phones MI 3-6060-MI 9-3931 Education Assn, and Association ments, for consolidation of debts? oil. Call MI 3-6500. keeping. MI 9-7959. for gentleman. $59 per month. MI seven years old. Three bedrooms, Nebo PI.; Mrs. Louise Charzempa, — V Arl Group Slates the visit of Tshombe. who was 1952 Chevrolet Sedan replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ wanted. Evening hours. Apply at 9-8404. dining room .Jiving room with fire­ of Childhood Education, and has ing Shop. Call CH 6-8897, Frank Burke. Costs 505 Main, 9-9. SEVEN ROOM Garrison Colonial, 452 W. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Bever­ The British American Club will cheered at his takeoff yesterday by Full price $89 only a penny a month for each SEE THE 1961 Wright chainleas USED FURNITURE. MI 8-7440. LARGE attractive room next to place, modem kitchen, entrance ANDOVER — Lakeside Drive—4 been a member of the social sci­ hundreds of white Belgian resi­ THREE ROOM furnished heated attached garage, 114 baths, hot room tranch, baseboard heat, ly Kuhnly, 'Valley View Lane, meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Auction for Party TV SERVICE - PoUerton’B ail dollar you borrow. Connecticut power saws, they’re wonderful, bath, private home, private en­ hail. Bowers School, $17,900. Phil- ence club. clubhouse. Maple St. dents of Elisabethville.^capital of BRUNN E R ’.S " w o u l d y o u LIKE TO at A P Equipment on Center St. trance, reasonable. Gentleman. apartment. Apply after 6 p.m. T. brick Agency, Ml 9-8464, water oil heat, city utilities, near American Standard plumbing and Vernon; Mrs. Aogeline Richmond, makes. Highest quality guaranteed Mortgage Exchange, 15 Lewis St., bus, school, .shopping center. Quick Her sister Is secretary of the his copper-rich province has any Your Lark Dealer Hartford, SELL? Open every night to 9 p.m. Three Rooms of Furniture Excellent location. MI 9-4968. Morrow, 26 Birch St., MI 9-2236. heating. Lake privileges, near 95 Chambers St.; Mrs. Helen Fitz­ geography club and is a member The Tolland County Art Assn, political or official character. work and parts, over 47 years ex­ RICHFORD, Vermont home—Seven occupancy. Charles Lesperance, schools. Must sell by first of year. The Manchester Pharmareuficnl perience. Famous for service patrick, 222 Woodland St,; Selim of the socifil science club. will hold an auction as part of ite Among the throng that wel­ « i th® Manchester-Vemon town line If the answer Is "yes,” we have WARM COMFORTABLE room, THREE ROOM apartment, heat, room, 1'4 baths, oil furnace, bot­ An 9-7620 Sacrifice price $12,900. PI 2-7184 Society will meet Wednesday eve­ since 1931. Phone Ml 9-4537 for Boats and Arcessortes 46 FROM MODEL HOME light, stove refrigerator. 245 N. Mitchell, 65 Delmont St.; Keith Mi.ss Judith Lucas and Thomas ning at Fiano's Restaurant, Bolton. Chri-simas party tomorrow at 8 comed him here were his wife and in Talcottvllle Business Opportunities 32 an excellent position open for you very nicely furnished in private tled gas water heater, refrigera­ after 5 p.m. Depathy, Willimantic; Mrs. Claire children, w'ho have been in Bel­ Open eves, till 9 best service, home. Parking. Gentleman. 316 Main. Inquire Mrs. Irish. MANCHESTER — New 3 ftwin- Sullivan are majoring in social p.m, in the old hijfh school build­ as an Assistant Manager Trainee. Cost Over $700 tor, stove. 20 miles to Jay Peak Clinch, East Hartford: Mrs. Dor­ ing at the corner of Park and gium for some time. Also on hand If you have sold before. It will be SEE OUR SPECIAL Spruce St. ski area. $8,500. MI 3-0701, .aized) bedroom ranch. Pla.stered DIRECT FROM owner—Benton St. science, and Mi.vt Anne Lucas is an The Manchester Civitan Club Dia<’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ BEAUTY 'SAIX)N-One of Hart- TWO ROOM, neat roomy furnished walls, hot water heat, fireplace, othy Peoples, 14 Thomas Dr.; School Sts. in Rockville'. were two officials of the Belgian 1950 MERCURY club coupe, radio, ford’s leading hospital salons, five helpful, but If not, we will train 5'2 room ranch style cellar, ga­ elementary education major. All will meet at noon tomorrow at heater, whitewalls, excellent con­ pany doors and windows, custom NEVER BEEN USED ROCKVILLE—24 Grove St.—Well apartment with private bath, re­ ceramic bath. Pull basement, ga­ Members have been asked to African Affairs Ministry and booths, largp gross, good terms. you. You must have tl^e desire to XMAS BARGAINS 4 CAROL DRIVE — Rockville, $13,- rage, many extras. Asking $13,400. Ralph Quigley, 80 Foley St.; Su­ are 19.58 graduates of Manchester Willie’s Steak House. Lee Pretty- dition, real puff, $150. l\tl nnniB. \vork guaranteed. Call collect Wll- Sale Price $388 furnished double and single light frigerator and Hot plate. You have rage. Builder MI 3-4860. High School. bring a half pound of gift wrapped Jacques Masan^. Katanga resi­ limantlc. HA 31106. AD 2-5258, JA 3-8267. learn. This Is a permanent position 650. 5 room ranch, large llv'ing MI 9-2744, san Dodez, South Windsor; Rob­ man, president of the Gillman's housekeeping rooms, $29 and $10 complete second floor of a private room, cabinet kitcheh, 3 bed­ ert Murphy, 16 Hackmatack St.; Club and squat ic director of the cc/kkies or candy, and a tree orna­ dent minister in Belgium. 1953 Me r c u r y , 4 door, automatic, with an old reliable company. Good Reg. Spec. home with a private entrance for SIX ROOM Cape, fireplace, 3 bed­ Tshombe is.expected to spend at Pay Only $4 Week weekly. Tel. TR 5-9594. rooms, 114% mortgage can be MANCHESTER A Zone—8 room Mrs. Walter Tedford, 25 Lilac St.: Hartford YMCA, will be guest ment or other decorations for the fully equipped, excellent condition atarting salary and commission Chrome Fire one person. Near Adams and Cen­ rooms, 114 baths, enclosed porch, older home (4 bedrooms), at­ least p. w'eek'in Belgium. His Bel­ Building-Contracting 14 Help Wanted— Female 35 with e.xcellent chaince for advance­ Extinguisheh $22.90 $14.50 assumed. Marion E. Robertson, Mrs. Emma Powell, 86 Windtior Club Will Enter speaker. auction. Proceeds will benefit the throughout $200. Real clean. .MI Sacrificing complete bedrpoin, ATTRACTIVE, warm quiet room ter Sts. on bus line. Call after 4:30, Broker, Ml 3-5953, garage, 'lot 7.5x150. assumable tached 3 room wing now rented group's treasury. gian press secretary said the 9-0016. ment to the right man. Company Barometers 18.00 13.00 complete living room and kitchen Ave., Rockville; Beverly Liicious, SCHOOL BUS drivers for Manches­ for gentleman, private phone on MI 9-3636. 1' 4% mortgage Immediate occu­ at $80 monthly. $15,900. Glenn Members of the Chri5lma.s Fair The busine-ss meeting and re­ president will meet with Belgian A. A. DION. INC. Roofing, siding, vehicle furnished and all expenses Steering Wheels 16.95 12.00 decorator furniture from model dis­ pancy. Marion E. Robertson, brok­ 83 St. John St.: Mrs. Mary Smith, businessmen. painting. Carpentry, Alterations ter and Vernon, 7:30-8:30 a m., floor. MI 3-5331. FIVE ROOM ranch, full basement, Roberts. Realtor, Office MI 4-1521. National Contest Committee of Memorial Temple, freshments will follow the auction 1956 PLYMOUTH. 2-door, radir) and paid. For interview apply between Transom Pads 2.00 1.50 play home. We will give you free FOUR ROOM duplex, stove and re­ hot water oil heat, 2 fireplaces, er, m 3-5953. 458 Main St., Donald Starkweath­ aiifi adciitlons. Ceilings. Workman­ 2-3:.30 p.m. Call MI 3-24.14. 8-10 a.m.-3-5 p.m. Eve. MI 4-0181. Pythian Sisters, will meet tonight event. Picture-of-the-month selec­ heater, very good (ontlitlon. I.VjO Spotlights 9.95 7.50 delivery and free storage up to one LARGE COZY bedroom, walk-ln frigerator furnished, available the full insulation, pla.stercd walls, er, 38 Charter Rd., Rockville. Call Mr. Rice. MI 3^21 b:*, ship guaranteed. 290 Autumn St. Folding chrome The Junior Century Club of at 7 :30 at the home of Mrs. Carl tions will also be made for area year. closet, hot water heat, tile bath- 15th, Call MI 9-9139. tile bath, all city utilities. Price ADAMS STREET MANCHESTER—Pre-holiday spe­ ADMITTED TODAY: James •MI 3-4860. STENOGRAPHER SINGER SEWING CENTER step 9.00 6.50 shower, free parking. MI 3-7116. cials. 6 room home plus garage, Msmehester will participate in a Hilding. 801 Main St., chairman. libraries. 1957 RAMBLER super. rad]r> hriil- • I ATTRACTIVE 4 room garden only $17,500. Charles Lesperance, Kanachewicz, Enfield. Community Improvement P r o- AI,L TYPES ot carpentry work 798 MAIN ST. Chrorne fish pole NORMAN’S MI 9-7620. Eight rooms — older home. Full $10,990. Older home—new plumb­ er, standard shift, low nnlcngr. Personnel Department has an holder 4.50 ea. 3.25 ea. FURNISHED rooms, complete light apartment, heat, hot water, stove, BIRTHS S A T U R D A Y -r» A gram, sponsored by the General The December meeting of the Immaculate. $800. MI 01128 after done. Alternllons, dormers, roof­ w iij :^im a n t ic , c o n n . 443 HARTFORD ROAD bath, baseboard oil heat. Practical­ ing and heating, $9,.500. 2-family 1088 Cate Found opening for an experienced stenog­ Chrome plated housekeeping facilities. Centr^ly refrigerator, parking, $115. MI TWO-FAMILY house for sale, AA ly new furnace. 2-car garage. Shade 6-6. centrally located. $18,.500, 4 daughter to Mr. and Mr.s. Joseph Federation of Women’s Clubs in Luc.v Spencer Group of Second 5 p.m. ings, porches, finish upstairs, Before you buy furniture any­ located. ChUdren accepted—limit­ 3-1809. Hasch, 516 Bush Hill Rd.; a .son Congregational Church will be held rapher. Shorthand and typing are FOREMAN-Contractor to run polo bras.s windshield where—shop at Norman’s. zone, 119 fl, frontage by 165’, Six trees. Hou.se in very good shape. bedroom ranch, garage, $14,900. cooperation with the Sears Roe­ basements and garages etc. Coll essential, as well as good judg­ ed. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St., to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vernier, buck Foundation. \Vedne.sday at 7 p.m. instead of I Cairo—Workers preparing the FOUR WHEEL drive 10.'i8 Wlllys Ml 9-.5081. shirt plant in Connecticut on a bracket 22.50 17.00 FTVE LARGE rooms, centrally lo- rooms and three rooms. Will hold Lot 140x127. $11,900. Very low Many more from $4,.500 up. Call ment and ability to meet people. salary and percentage basis. Ex­ TAKE OVER PAYMENTS Manchester. second mortgage, $14t500. G»H- « 1 A the Ellsworth Mitten Agency, 35 Milford Rd. Purpose of the program la to Dec. 14. Mrs. Wallace Jones and way for modern housing develop­ Jeep, Model FC 1.50 pirkiip, 6 h. Mercury oil—special price by case catedTTiIce residential area, gaa body, purchased new, 26,000 miles, BIDWELL HOME improvement Modern office" good wages, excel­ perience absolutely necessary. FROM OUR BANK owner, MI 9-0336, Realtors. MI 3-6930 or MI 9-5524. BIRTH SUNDAY: A daughter provide information, and Incen­ Mra. Ralph Rockwell will be in ments on the desert outskirte of furnace. MI 3-8190. . charge. The group will sew and ex­ excellent condition., Can be seen Co. Alterations, additions, ga­ lent benefit program. Write P.O. Excellent opportunity. Send full FOR UNPAID BALANCE to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker, 15 tives for federated women’s clubs Cairo have unearthed a city gate Various other articles FURNISHED ROOM. $8 a week. $12,600—Si x room cape, full base­ FRED MURPHY and driven at Ellington Ridge rages. Roofing and siding experts. Box 1512, Hartford, stating busi­ particulars to Box P, Herald. 1. 2. OR 3 YEARS TO PAY! MANCHESTER Michael Dr.. Vernon. to join with others in a community change gifts. dating back to about 1088. ness experience, education, and Mrs. Irish, 247 No Main St. ment, combination windows and 543 HARTFORD ROAD Country Qub. See .Mike Ovlan, Aluminum clapboards a specialty. Mercury Outboard Motors START PAYING Basiness Locations $15,600 — Olcolt St. $3,000 under BIRTHS TODAY: A son to Mr. to improve its economic, social Green Superintendent Unexcelled workmanship. Easy salary requirements. BAKER--Experienced all around IN FEB. 1961 FURNISHED room with private doors, ameslte drive, shade trees, MI 3-4054 owner’s cost. Immaculate 4 fin­ and Mrs, Richard West. Stafford- and cultural conditions. Prjzes budget terms. Ml 0-6495 or TR man. Apply in person. Parkade New and used boats at winter 8 ROOMS FURNITURE for Rent 64 SO days occupancy. Marion E. ville; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Kosta totaling $70,000, including a top RETIRED hairdresser for recep­ bath, separate entrance, parking ished, 6 room Cape, deluxe heated 1958 FORD Victoria hardtop. In 5-0109. Bakery, Manchester Shopping prices $9.36 MONTHLY free, in private home. MI 9-9991. Robertson. Broker. Ml 3-6953. CUTE AS CAN be! Nearly new 4 rec room, aluminum siding and Berenski, 1 Nelson PI.; a daugh national prize of $10,000 are o f­ good running condition. $11.5. If tionist, part-time. Also, 3 year Parkade. Bedroom. Living Room, Dinette, STORE SUITABLE for office or room ranch with breezeway and licensed hairdresser, good wages. any business. 190 West Middle windows plastered walls, fireplace, ter to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony fered and ail cash awards must be Interested, call -Ml 31881 any Rugs, Lamps. Tables ROOM IN quiet private home for SOUND VALUES! garage, in excellent condition and Buyak, 70 Niles Dr.; a son to Mr. spent for the beneflt of the com­ JA 8-8201, MI 3-6761. MEN. WE will employ 4 men for Hours 8 a m. to 5 :30 p.^. Turnpike. Call MI 9-6205, 2 to 9 ready for occupancy. Asking only conveniently located, well land­ time Monday. Roofing—Siding IG EVERYTHING $228.78 middle-age business lady with scaped A zone lot. Assumable 4' 4% and Mrs. Dennis Riordan, South munity, according to the regula­ our Hartford diatrict. Responsible Wednesday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. country surroundings. Call MI p.m. or Ml 3-6802. Immaculate 6 room colonial, $11,500. We have over 80 addition­ Insurance mortgage. Immediate occupancy. Windsor. tions of the competition. men over 21, perferably married. completely redecorated $2,000 less al listing.s and would be glad to cnUGHfJN ROOFING Co. -- All PROOF READER—CLERK Saturday 8 a m, to 4 p.m. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE 3-0447 before 5. STORE FOR rent on Spruce Bt. DISCHARGED S A T U R.D A Y: The Junior Century Club recent­ tyi)cs Ilf roof.s and roof repairing, PrcvioiiH experience unneccs.sary $10.16 MONTHLY bank appraisal. ' help you in any type house in vari­ FIRE ★ HOME ★ AUTOMOBILE because our sales program covers Reasonable and parking In the BOLTON Mrs. Savaslanna Andolina, 24 ly undertook as its community TV viewing sperlalizing in Twenty Year Bond­ Westinghouse Refrigerator, Living ROOM FOR rent, bath, heated, ous price groups. The Elsie Meyer I $14.,500. 85. ed Uoof.s. Call Ml 3-'7707. Opening in printing depart­ our electrical merchandising as A. T. HOWE BOAT CO., INC- kitchen privileges, free parking. rear. Call MI 3-85l9, 210 Spruce Andover—6 room rai.tli with Agency, Realtors, MI 9-5524, MI Reduced — Route Maple St.; Abrum Carolus, 166 service project the recruitment of Room, Bedroom; Dinette, Rugs, St bams, garages, 400 foot on Route Family size i room older home, 2- Adams St., Jo-Ann Reggetts, 38 blood donors for visits of the Red For Individual Attention CaU ment of well established local we prefer It. Three point compon- 445 Mafn Street Lamp.s, Tablea 128 Birch St. Tel. MI 3-4451. 3-0683, MI 3-6930. is easy today..: aatlon plan: sales, collection com­ 6, commercial zone, priced for car garage, 2 acres of land mostly Auburn Rd.; Mrs. Joan Symington, Cross bloodmobile. Mrs. Joseph B. RAY’S ROOFING CO , s h ln g lT ^ Insuriuice company. Complete East Hartford JA 8-4401 EVERYTHING $297,34 OFFICE FOR RENT. Ideal for den­ built up roofs, gutter and conduc­ mission and bonus. Box T, Herald. PLEASANT, large heated robm, quick sale. OVERSIZED 6 ROOM CAPE tillable, shade trees, ameslte drive, 617 Sheffield Dr.; Frank Garibaldi, Santini is chairman of the club’s benefit program. Kivc-day tist or insurance. 186 West Middle view, anxious retired couple 'Flor­ Box 7, RFD 2; Calvin Brown, 82 service committee. She is assisted tor work; roof chimney repairs. SPEEDLINER, 10’6” . Corsair, 3 ROOMS FURNITURE free parking, on bus line, 146 Cen­ B and N Agency -P-iV Hagenow. MI 9-i214; Ray week. Write n brief note list­ ter St. MI 3-5002. Tpke. Call MI 9-6205, 2-9 p.m, or Waddell School section—Beauti­ A Real Familyi Home ida bound. Scarborough Rd.; Charles Johnson, by Mrs. Shirley Panciera. Mrs. Philippine mahogany racing boat, $14.74 MONTHLY MI 3-6802 Janet M. Bychninki Roller M. Negro Jarkson, MI 3‘8325. ing education. experience. If Situations Wanted— reasonable. MI 9-0846. ful 8 bedroom ranch, fireplace, Tha®> Features Many other capes and ranches 72 E. Center St.; Frank Carpenter, Jane Curran Mrs. Mario Frattaro- Washing Machine, Westinghouse ATTRACTIVELY furnished room sensibly priced with owners who Mitchell 9-599.1 any. and phone number. Box H, Female 38 LARGE ONE-room air-conditioned priced for quick sale. 121 Hollister St.; Mrs. F'lorence li, Mrs. Jeffrey Arnold, Mrs. Ar­ Mitchell 3-8727 Refrigerator, Bedroom, Living for gentleman, private entrance, A large living room with fireplace are ready to listen to offers. Jodoin, 68 Branford St.; Mrs. Lillie thur Smith, and Mrs. Ronald Ver­ CHEVROLET BROOK WOOD, Herald, Building Materials 47 Room, Dinette, Dishes, Rugs, kitchen privileges, narking. In­ office. 100% Main St. location. Roofing and Chimneys ’ 6-A Marlow’s 867 Main St Five room cape In excellent con­ Full shed dormer Peckham, 28 Strant St.; Mrs. Doro­ nier. TYPING AND figure work at home. Lamps, Tables, Blankets quire at 187 Maple St. dition With garage, nice lot, priced thy Barbaneli, Wapping; Robert 4-doOr station wagon cronortiv 6 YOUR BEST BUY IS AT EVERYTHING $398.22 Front , dormer windows LAWRENCE F. FIANO cylinder with shift. Very < lean ^.^o■ HOOKING. — Specializing repairing TELEF’ HONE salesladies to work Excellent references. MI 0-6868. right. Spacious bedrooms Russell, East Hartford; Mrs. Diane roofs of all kinds. New roofs, gut­ NATIONAL ROOMS FOR rent also two large REALTOR MLS tone blue. in our offlre. No experience neces­ 1’ 4 baths MI 3-2768 « Race, 75 W. Middle Tpke.; Charles ter work chimneys cleaned, rc- sary, we train; Salary and coni- Price Includes Delivery, Setup, cottages, efficiencies, completely Bay window Celling Tile 9>^c Sq. Ft. furnished, freS "'parking. Call MI # SEPTIC TANKS PaurP. Fiano MI 3-0458 Whelan, 6? S. Alton St.; Mrs. Flor­ [iiiired Aluminum siding. 30 nilssion. Apply 869 Main St.. Room WANTED - Part-time secretarial Service. Guarantee Immediate de- J. D. REALTY Paneled basement ence Weidl, 348 Oakland St.; No. t Common Oak llv v y or Free Storage until needed. 9-0826, between 5-7 p.m. Scranton CLEANED aad INSTALLED Ed Crawford MI 9-4410 QNLy?],(t:t3 I years’ experience. Free esU- 7, Manchester, Tuesday 7 p.m.- work. MI 9-6684. Attached garage Charles Schoonmaker, South inaii's. Call Mowley, Ml 3-5361, MI Flooring $185 Per M’ Phone for appointment Motel. 160 Tolland Tpke.______470 Main St. MI 3-5129 3-0763. " E ’" ' ______Flush Doors From $3.86 Ea. SAMUEL ALBERT, Hartford" • SE.W ERS Screened atinporch FOUR BEDROOM Windsor; Mrs. Chios Jones, 41 Outdoor fireplace Brookland St., Rockville; Mrs, Dogs— Birds— Peta 4i Disappearing Stairways $21.95 Ea. CH 7-0358 MACHINE CLEANED TONGREN’S WEEKLY Metal Bridging 4c Per Pc. See It Day Or Night Boarders Wanted 59-A City utilities Split Level Theresa Estabrook, Andover; Mrs. HELP WANTED nights and week­ Theresa Brooks and daughter, 8 so's home heating Heating and Plumbing 17 ends. 163 W. Middle Tpke. LOVABLE MINIATURE poodle Plng-Pon Table Tops $11.95 Ea. • INSTALLATION SPECIAL Excellent location for children puppies, AKC registered. Call MI 1x10” Pine Sheathing $86 Per M’ If you have no means of trans­ Four extra large bedrooms, triple Ward St;, Rockville; Mrs. Muriel Priced At Only $17,900 PLU.MHING AND heating - re­ TYPIST 3-4010. 3d Common Nalls. $9.25 Per Keg portation, I’ll send my auto for WORKING- LADY for room and SPECIALIST Manchester — Industrial zoned door closets, 2!4 baths, family size Donaldson and daughter, 206 Cen­ our w a y I modeling liistullationi. repairs. Knotty Pine Paneling, all 8’ you. No obligationi board. Call MI 9-7484. lot, good location. Reduced for kitchen with disposal and dishwash­ ter St.; Mrs. Ella Van Camp, and All work guaranteed 25 years ex­ We have Interesting assignments DACHSHUNDS AKC registered, 12 U & R REALTY CO. INC. daughter, 1053 Middle Tpke.; Mrs available to qualified typists, ad­ 12c Sq, Ft. quick sale. er. formal dining room, sunken You gat premium quality perience 24-hour service. Call weeks old, fully wormed and CASH N CARRY A—U—B—E—R—T—’S Town and Country MI 3-2692 - MI 3-6472 living room with fireplace, com­ Jean St. Pierre and daughter, 42 Mobilhaat with RT-98. . . the CENTER MOTOR SALES Earl VunCamp. MI 9-4749. vancement opportunitv. ExiVlIent Inoculated. PI £-6706 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD We have other listings. working conditions. Full benefit 1 We stock all types of PREFIN­ pleted recreation room, laundry Edwards St. most completely effective fuel ISHED WAIX PANELING from as Open Nights TUI 8, Sat. 6 p.m. Drainaga Go. MANCHESTER—By owner two room, 2-car garage. DISCHARGED SUNDAY: Mrs, 634 Center St. MI 3-1591 program. Five-day week. Free KEESHOUND and white standard FO R S A LE “ Anything in Real Estate” oil additive in use to d ^ . And Open evenings Radlo-TV Repair parking. Apply poodlf puppies. Little & McKinney, low as $4.50 per sheet. Visit- our year 5 roqpri ranch, two fire­ Anne Philbrick, 362 Woodbridge you get premium service. Au­ display room. 11 CUBIC FT. chest type freezer, Ml 9.4143 places, plastered walla, ceramic Lot size 100x235 with shade trees. St.; Randall Grpus, Ellington; Mrs. Services 18 PERSONNEL DEPT. 15 WtKidbrldge St. Depot Square. Best offer sccepted. Good condi­ Two 1982 7-yard damp tracks. M l 3-6321 Shown by appoihtment only, • Factory Sola tomatic deliveries . . . e bal­ MI 3-8020. tile bath, large kitchen, Ansaldi June Day, 83 Eldridge St.; Marcel WOOD TRUSSES FROM AS IJDW tion. MI 8-4472.. Caa be equipped with saow Heights. MI 3-2381. anced payment'pian end many Auto Driving School 7-A CONNIE'S TV and Radio Bervlce, CONN. MUTUAL LIFE BIX ROOM Cape Cod. full shed dor­ Brodeur, Wapping: Mrs. Georgina BOXER PUP, AKC registered, AS $8.50 EACH plows. Very good oaoditteo. BELFIORE AGENCY Johnston, 93 Plymouth Lane; Wil­ other aztraa deiiffned to make PREPARE FOR driver's test. available all hours. Satisfaction INS. CO. mer, 2 full tile baths, enclosed •BETTER Bt)YS BY BISSELL"— hcmie heating rrdUg sosg. guaranleed. Call MI 0-1316. nTUlo. beautiful, flaahv fawn, 8 porch, garage, city utilities, ame- liam Waddell, 43 Hollister St.; Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class 149. Garden Street weeks old. $50. MI 9-0016. NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. Tel. Ml 8-7172 After 8 P.M. Bi-ssell Agency, Realtors, Coven­ MI 3-5121 Elizabeth McGchan, 26 Marshall room. Three Instructors, No wait­ Hartford 381 STATE STREET youVam' emu 6-ROOM COLONIAL site drive, combination, windows try, PI 2-8571, PI 2-6828. Large and doors, excellent condition. SOUTH MANtiMESTER—Large 6 Rd.; Mrs. Harriet Mason, 62 Adams ing Manchester Driving Acade­ MOltTKNSEN TV Specialized RCA NORTH HAVEaf. CONN. %1’U’V am'EMOU’ I Just, over town lines In South I volume grocery store. 365 acres St.; Mrs. A lice'Peters,, 37 Steep MobilheolM^ ■98 my. PI 2-7249. Poultry and Supplies 43 CHestnut 8-2147 Priced at only $18,400. Near land in Willlngton, excellent room, 114 baths, modem colonial, Net m prs-ewt, bvt all pnsent July 1961 censed driving school trained — cars, amplifiers, phonographs and or frozen. Ready any time. Also, SEPTIC TANKS in Lebanon. 41it room house, f" 000. It costs only $23,900 to give your Certified and approved is now of­ partment’’for qualified typist, must fancy pigeons. Six room house for Invitatiou to Bid NURMI living room with paneledl n ic e 2-PAMILY duplex 6-6, double family a lovely home in a fine gren, 689 Main St.; Mrs. Elizabeth changers. Over 47 years total ex­ be High School graduate, knowl­ ANP ftreidace m il and bookcase,| xarage separate heating, conven­ 120 acre farm Manafield. T anti- Preston, 74 Avondale Rd.; Mrs. fering classroom and behind perience. 90 days guarantee on all rent. Sehaub’s TUrkeV Farm, 188 Sealeil Bids will be received at AUTO BODY fur 6 room split level in exclusive neighborhood. Evenings Mr. Hol­ DON'T MISS THIS OFFER} wheel Instruction for teenagers. edge of shorthand helpful but not separate front entrance hall­ iently located near everything. Jeanette Weir, Glastonbury; Mrs. WE GIVE ^ iir work, Potterton’s. Ml 9-4587. essential, good wages, pleasant Hlllstowh Rd,, Manchester. the Office of the General Mana­ section of Manchester. Homes, combe, MI 4-1139. Warren E. How­ SEE OUR DISRLAYI Ml 9-6076. fLUSBED SEWERi way, large kitchen, almnl- Good Investment. Discoe Agency, land. Realtor, MI 3-1108. Catherine Robinson, "OO Summit Ontiotta: GREEN STAMPS working conditions, excellent bene­ ger, 41 Center Street, Msmehester, MI 9-0628 farms, cottages, land. riMt* ••n< rXKE llluatrated Cetetos ROUTE « l , RRANPeiD, CONNECTICUT ALL MAKES of TV, radio and Conn, until December 19, 1960 at nmn combinations tfaronKh- St.; Mrs. Nellie Haddad, 48 Arcel- OS CMn. Take, EwI Eslt SI. WM E«H U MORTLOCK'S Manchester’s lead­ fit program. Apply. Articles For Sale 46 lia Dr.; Anthony'Kvipchunos, South Cout FMtonr-aallt Certiru. ^ home electronic equipment, ex­ 2:00 P.M. for Swimming, Wading MaeMit CImrmI ont, ameslte drive, ^2 aafal $13,000—LARGE 5 room ranch, Lota tor Saie 73 OPEN DAILY a AU DAY SUNDAYS ing driving school. Three skUled lo t Choice restdenttal arM tl MANCHESTER-Six room older Windsor; Henry Goss, 70 E. Middle pertly repaired with a 90-day First I.'ational Stores, Inc. .Pools and Filter Room -^aultera Beptte Taaks, Dry Wells, Sawor borne on 100x200 lot, aluminum fireplace, aluminum storms, at­ H isi courteous Instructors. Class room Selling for fl9,9M. For fnr*f tached -carogs. >2,800 aosumea THREE Tpke.; Mrs. Thelma Le Claire, —— COSWAM.HfOM YOU MITI guarantee. Cali Mr. Britney at the > Park and Oakland Ave. INK DRUMS for sale. Call MI Pond Area. liaea loatalled—Cellar -Water- combinations, fun cellar smd attic. B ZONE lots with city MORIARTY Instructions for 16. 17 year olds. Manchester TV, MI 9-1046. ther informatloa er appoint-l 41ii% mortgage, 886.85 monthly. water. Union St, Manchester. Windsorvllle; Nolan Perkins, Cov­ Telephone Mr. Morti|pck, Director East Hartford 3-2711. Bid forms and specifications are preollag Dooe. Many improvements. City conven­ available at the Controtler’a Office, meat to see, call the | Carlton W. Hutebbu. Ml 8-81I2. $2,800 each. Ml 9-$48S.. entry; Robert Burdick, 75 Union luH o f Drtver EducaUon. MI 9-7S98. IMPERIAL ELECTRONICS—Mo­ iences. Bus atop at the door. Call St.; Mrs. Ekiphemia Bradley, Wap OuelltiralSNar------CONNECTICUT registered R-N. or 8NOW BLOWERS. Ariens, Reo, 66 Center Street, Manchester, B. F. Dimock Co.— MI 8-82481 owner. MI 9-9770. • ' torola sales and service. Person­ L.P.N. for part-time work In con­ Toro powerhandle and Bolens 18 Conn. McKin n ey bro s. I Barbara Woods—MI B.77M| e ig h t r o o m in<-Utlad ranch, 8 Land for Rent 73-A ping; Mrs. Clarice Hildlng,. 27: alized service alt makes radio Off North School S t baths, 4 badrooaw family room, Oak St.; Mrs. Eleanor Prior and valescent home. Shifts available. to 32 Inches. Parts and service. Tois-n of Manchester, Conp. MI 9-6814— Maoebes ter Or VOUR BBU>R00M Onlonlal, f 301-31S CtiMr SI. and TV. 621 East Middle Turn­ S#w«ro9« Disposoi Co. rooms, 8 down, 4 up, a fins home, wall-wall carpet, m .800. Many LOT AT Manchester Gram avail- son, 281 Center St. Read Herald Advs. Four 11-7 a-m. or two 7-3 p.m. Capitol Equipment C a, 88 Main R lcha^ Martin, Mhita O ow t IM -in YMri MtllMI f-BBM dalwaaa INDUSTRIES m pike. MI 8-7638 or PI 2-8148. Rockville TR 6-4281. St. Ml S-7M8. General Manager oantraUy located, only 118,800. extras. Caittoa W. Hutchlne, Mu Bbia for aala of Christmas traea, DISCHARGED TODAY; J e b a COAST M l l%kts taehifM. Call Ml M 78L (Xlvar, 41' PkoMix St, VaniM. . f ; Garitoa W. H n t^ n s, lO M U 8. Mils. \

n — T * ft ■ ' ■M Y . / MONDAY; DECEMBER 5, 1960 jianrlifBtfr 1Ettfning> l$fraUt

style like the reat of tha ooUaga The Past Matrons of Temple College Dedicate? buildinga on the. T^tTeat Hartford A b o u t T o w n Chapter, OES. will hold a Christ­ campus,, the library waa doaignad mas party'.at the home of Mrs., W, by Russell F. Hills and construct­ g J. Morrison, 247 Summit S t, Library Tuenday ed by the E. and F. Conatniction Andflnui Shea Post, VPW, will Wednesday, beginning with a cov­ Co, of Bridgeport. a m sst to morrow at 8 p.m. at the ered dish supper at 6:30 p.m. Mem­ The new library at St. Joseph hsona Members are reminded bers are reminded to bring their ,C^Uege will" > dedlcated-Tuesday HOUSE & HALE of the children’s ChrlsUpas party own dishes, silverware and a grab at 8 p.m.' by Archbishop Henry J. to be held Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at bag gik: ■" A t t e post taoma O’Brien. Built at a cost of $624,000, Personal Notices the library will be named after the Thomas Joseph Turner, son of late’ Pope Plue XU, who visited the The Ladies Aid Society of Con­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Turner, college before he became pope. Card of Thanks HAS ■ cordia Lutheran Church will have 25 Alice Dr., is enrolled as a fresh­ The speaker will be the Rt. Rev. I wish to thank all of ihy neighbors, a Christmas party tomorrow at man in the school of printing at friends and relatives for the many acta Megr. John S. Kennedy, rector of of kindness and sympathy shown me 7:30 p.m. Hostesses will be Mrs. Rochester Institute of Technology. St. Joseph Cathedral nd editor of in the recent bereavement of my foster Anna Bensche, Mrs. John Cavag- He is a 1960 graduate of Man­ The Catholic Transcript. mother. Miss Emma 3 i Trepp. naro, Mrs. Walter Wilkinson, Mrs. chester High School. Built in a Georgian Colonial Andrew Winzler, Mrs. John Van- Mrs. J. Herman DIttmeyer. ner, and Mrs. John Zwick. Mem­ The executive board of the Wad­ bers are to bring grab bag gifU. dell School PTA will meet in the school cafeteria tomorrow At^7:30 Manchester Lodge of Masons p.m. MORE will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. The Master Mason degp-ee will be Airman 2.C. Lloyd C, Sessions, THERE’S ANOTHER V co^erred. There will be a social son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sessions, hour and refreshments. 164 Hawthorne St., is preparing to return to the United States after 1*. Members of the Kiwanis Club of participating in tlie Air Force NEW. LOOK • Manchester have been invited to phase of Operation Deepfreeze. A attend a special Christmas lunch­ mechanic on a C124 Globemaster eon meeting of the Hartford Kl- with a Military Air Transport AT wanis Club on Wednesday noon at Service task unit. Airman Ses­ BROCADES the Hartford Club. Hertford school sions has participated in air-lifting choirs will sing. high priority cargo frorn New Zealand to the naval air facility at HOUSE & HALE fr’Tf j McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. The THAN unit has aiso been airdropping tons of vital supplies and equipment to ATLANTIC the U.S. scientidc stations at the THE FABULOUS FURNACE OIL South Pole and Marie Byrd land. Automatic Delivery L T. W OOD CO. A patrol workshop for leaders RIKER SCREEN CHRISTMAS TIME Phone MI 3-1129 and patrol leaders of Girl Scout troops in the Northeast neighbor­ hood will be held Wednesday at 3 HAS PARTIES! p.m. at the Community Baptist ior slides and movies Church annex. the greatest innovation in home viewing in years, Throw Them St, Francis Xavier Mothers Cir­ this one-piece plastic screen gives unbelievable lovely, lustrous . . . and absolutely luscious, these Away cle will hold its Christmas party holiday brocades are beyond description in their DON'T tomorrow at 9 p.m. at the home of natural depth to your regular slides and movies Still plenty of wear left In beauty and beyond belief in their variety. shoes when brought here for Mrs. Harry Yorgenson, 31 Edmund WITHOUT THE USE OF A SPECIAL CAMERA or expert repairing. St. Open Mondays All Day PROJECTOR! nothing to assemble, easy to carry Closed Wednesday The DeWolf Art Guild has can­ (weighs {ust 4 lbs.) celed its December meeting, and f Afternoons will resume meeting on Jan. 10. 1.98 SAM YULYES Members of the Chamtnade Mu­ DEMONSTRATED NOW ON OUR “SHOE REPAIRING sical Club will present a program, llcrnid Photo by Ofiara others at 1.29 and 2.99 OF THE BETTER KIND” "Christmas in Other Lands." to­ LOWER MAIN FLOOR 28 OAK STREET night at 8 o’clock in memorial hall Mark Silver Anniversary Same Side as Watkins at Center Congregational Church. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Johnson,'*’ FROM 2 to 4 P.M. DAILY Guests are Invited. all 36" wide . . . and just waiting to be fashioned 51 Kensington St,, were honored secretary in St. Paul, Minn.; and AND FROM 7 to 9 P.M. by more than 100 friends and rela­ Miss Barbara Ann Johnson, a into the prettiest dress at the party! tives at a buffet luncheon and sur­ senior at Manchester High School. fabric shop . . . lower main floor. 'They were assisted by their aunts. THURSDAY and FRIDAY prise party In celebration of their Miss Anne Johnson, Miss Edith 25th wedding anniversary yester­ Johnson. Mrs. Edward -f-Wemer, bring your own slides and see the difference (pref­ day afternoon at Emanuel Luther­ Mrs. John A. Johnson, Mrs. Carl erably 35 mm.) OLLIERS an Church In Luther Hall. E. Gustafson, Mrs. Roy Johnson, W e o i v b t The party was given by their and Mrs. Richard Berggren, all of daughters. Miss Ida Marie John­ Manchester. Regularl^29.9B AUTO BODY son, a ntirse at Manchester Me- Among the special guests were rnorlal Hospital; Miss Ruth Mil­ the couple's bridal attendant.*!, Mrs. WELDING, AUTO BODY and FENDER REPAIRS dred Johnson, a Lutheran rhurch Frank Snell of Cranston, R.I., ma­ tron of honor; Ivar Scott of Man­ Introductory Special 19.95 281 ADAMS ST. TEL. Ml 9-5025 chester, best man; Earl Glenney, John A. Johnson, both of Man­ COMPLETE CAR PAINTING chester, and Sherwood Anderson, LACQUER and ENAMEL PRESCRIPTIONS Mt. Vernon„ N.Y., ushers. Free Delivery Mrs. Johnson's sister, Mrs. Roy .lohnson of Manchester, sang "Ich LIGGEn DRUG Liebo Dich," accompanied by G. SHOPPING PAKKADE Albert Pearson. The couple's daughter, Ida Marie, made an an- HOUSl HALE You’ll get a thrill, too, nlversary cake, decorated by Mrs. when you sec tho hcelt, Harold Perrett. Mr. and Mrs. John.son. the form­ without naili, put on with er Mildred Berggren, were mar­ our New AUTO-SOLER. ried Dec. 7, 19.35, at Emanuel Luth­ CHRISTMAS Renew your heels TO­ eran Church by the Rev. K. E. LECLERC Erickson, now at Augustana Col­ DAY. Work Giicranteed. FUNERAL HOME lege, Rock Island, III. Mr. John­ son is employed by the Underwood- &L HALFS Elliolt-Fisher Corp. in Hartford. FUNERAL Mrs. John.son l.s a secretary In the \HELP! office of Dr. F'rancis Hclfrick of SERVICE SERVICE Manchester. CHILDREN DEPARTMENT WALTER N. LECLERC. "Quality Workmanship!'’ Director TWU MllXIUN GREEN STAMPS OAK ST. ENTRANCE Manchester Ml 8-4I28 Call Ml 9-5869 PRESCRIPTIONS 23 Main Street. Manchester Safely Compounded i ... and thaUs exactly j| ARTHUR DRUG CARTERS w what we're looking two-piece creep-' er with white Marlow's Furniture Department Has go crew neck top, plasticized bib pant -with snap S not only are we growing fastened crotch, MARLOW’S says- together machine w a s h- I by leaps and bounds but able. 6 months we're right in the midst to 2 years, blue, one-piece Jama-blanket of like red or yellow. " of the most exciting { brushed cotton, orlon 3.00 Christmas in our history R acrylic, smooth zipper AMKRICA'C PINIST closing, ribbed collar, and . . . I cuffs, plasticized soles, machine washable, azure, pink and yellow, s, m. I. HASSOCKS ^ HOLIDAY 6.95. ex-L, 7.95 HOUi a certain-Fo-please giff for ■ 'V SALES HELP n EVERYBODY! IS NEEDED » snap fastened Jack­ ROYAL et with feather­ stitch trim, smock­ FUTURA* ed yoke, azure, Hurried? Worried? Don’t know what pink, blue, mint, to give? Uncle. George has cvery- yellow with white trim, size 6 months. HALE thing? Aunt Martha is a problem? "AMERICANA” (’ou.sin Rob is at that in-between RoyaVt 'Finett Portable! Only 1.25 - y fi age? . . And you want something complete portable with all the automatic features of office FULL TIME and special for that Kxtra Special Somc- typewriters. ■! one? (iive Ha.8socksI That ccr- • Pushbutton Magic* Margin and tain-to-plea.se choice for Everybody Magic* Cqlumn Sat PART TIME • Twin Pak* ribbon, parsonal Touch .Control* • Standard American ktyboard, ale- panti-dress set of gant carrying cast if you would like cotton with cot- Colors: Ranch Tan, Sea snap fastened shirt ^ ton-rayon with n e V a b i n d ‘ (ireen, Turquoim, Ayhite. smocked yoke, to be part of the sleeves, . . di-apenda matching plastic Cherry Fled, Persimmon, tapes, sizes 6 mos. lined pants, ma­ Sandalwood, Sun to 3 years. 2 for chine washable. (iold, IFIack. 1.00 6 months to 2 I years, azure or •Material: Tougher-than- , NEW and I pink. 8J)0 leather Tangier. IDEAL FOR GIFTS Style A. » BEAUTIFUL t r; OR YOUR OH'N .USEt Each *4.50 Style B. From M 9 . 9 5 ^ HOUSE & HALE STYLE A- Each *6.95 STYI.E B. We Have The Largest Selection Ever! Many, Many Sales, HervW, Rentala, apply immediately More Not Shown Here, Are Priced From. Only $3.98. SuppUea On All Makea! second floor (JRNITURE FRECM>nmeU ParMag the cozy two-piece sleep­ snap fnstsned gown er of 100% brushed cot­ DEPARTMENT OFFICE with n e V a b t n d ton knit, snap-fastened Lower Store Level sleeves, handycuffs, gro-feature waist for ex­ kimono. . .Snap fastened tied hem. white, tra wear, machine wash­ featherstitch trim, white MAIN ST., MANCHESTER MARLOIViS asurs, pink, blue, able with no ironing. 6 writh pink, blue, mint, yrel- FREE PURNELL PARKING MAIN 8T., MANOHB8TBR mint, yellow, sizes montha to 4 years.' aqua, low. also atdids. Msa 6 3 to 6 mos. g,ff blue, pink‘ and red. «.t 8.66 months. LM


I.'?/.' ■< •1 < . I < ) * * J' V ^ jiiattirif(0ter lEui^nttts

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i, these n their



• ini FOR MEN ONLY! GREATER THAN EVER! ★ FSeS eiPTS! FREE PRIZES! BURTON'S if Every poclKige nHi9iiific«iitly gift ANNUAL wrapped i f Free refreiliiiieete hot coff^. hot doge, domiH, Cpke MEN’S i f Live ewiartahinieiit miitic if Gift comohonls WENOr RHTCHEL Exfiti ifllikMiAODl# NIGHT Mi$$ ConnecticnU i f Extra wrappera‘ TUES., DEC. 6th Your Official^ Meo's Mgiit Hosteu -At NewaMiigforsefvica 6 to 9:30 !sa set of rith cot- HONESTI- - -N o Womea Alowed ki Store lefweea « ORd9:30 a y o n yoke. ; plastic Men, SHOP anil ENJOY It On This Night Re^nred Just For YOU! nts. ma- vashable. s to 2 izure or S.00 rV' -f?. -■-,1, r i»i 'i»i ie^ilee!

lj[i(^C;HEaxj5B EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 FACE ‘W0y^' m w ,:.- • I . y - t - < ’Sr J' ti'

'ys-'yy ' i . ' i'"' ‘''h"


■ 'rTv.- > "'• ■■■■■ .m fd

Ji0r f - mw m i

; ■ , I 'w* ■ * Nylon Fleece DUSTER

i>y Flobert * 1 4 ®® ^

Fabulously tailored Tailored in a washable duster in all-\yashable blend of wool and ny­ nylon Vocuma fleece! lon! Sizes 10 to 18 in Helio^ Azala or Gold in Cherry Red or Royal. sizes 10 to 20.

\ y l m :

t U ilitilhiiijf !■ ? i f W ! '' A ' fi’fjk: '■ s# . * ■ .,r' WM‘ a t ?;#,:■ T i ■' !ir‘^ iM' '•■' ■

i; a i;. - ia®! j i SMILING SERVICE ",K'" M ,f:r, Soft, Yummy k ’!'M 4 ijirMfy

''' .ly yy MU'- G ift Robes f - i i y ' y t M 0 A ‘ by Beautiful Gifts of m i y !:■, '.y yy Lyndelle LINGERIE b y

Cozy nylon quilted monogram duster in pink, blue or beige, sizes 10 to 18. U ♦ V», » 1 0 . 9 9 iV .* • m k Delicate “Angel Puff” nyipn quilt duster in Serene Blue or M ^ve, sizes 10 to 18. • 1 .»• ^ 1 4 . 9 9 i i t Slim p«ttl at rolw-aculptured deep lace! Small, W alts length nyhti tri^ gown in Serene Sky, medium, large, white or black! Heav’n Blue, j^ dnijht Black, Powderpuff Pink, 1 $Sw9S Pink Fire or Wild~ Rose, sizes 3S to 38. $ 8 . M % • Nylon tricot Aeath slip with new Fern Alenoon Uce appUqued on alieer bodice and hem, SS to S4 Lace front cardigan worn over tapered trouseral »sv • in black or w hitA Serene Sky or Pink Fire in sues 32 t o 38. - S te tS $12.tS B

I JUST I.OVE SHOPPING AT BU RTO N 'S... W . heir *kat « .,» d.y . . . bec.y>. every women finds dozens, hu^reds of famous labels when she shops at BURTOK'S : . . the hoW of ^'SMILING SE R V IC r'... ■A'\, r . y v H _ |y ..| |.,v|. famous labels. It s only natural to find more. well-khowR.' well Idved brands at your favor- and wa.maan it. It's a slogM that could ba hard to follow . . but not at BURTON'S. our cus7omer '* »P.«nf pver, twenty years finding and bringing these labels to Wo'vo ipont ovor twanty yoors taaching pur wbndorful saUing associatas to iivo tho w V wonk’r • • 'smiling sorvicd.' From top to bpHom o f Burton's you'H find 'smiling torvico.*

^ a K s a V .* 'Sete-SiilliUi .iS!" pi; f- I**, 1 ‘


■*> i &Mk 0^5; t

‘ •'Aj,;/.','■ • i . . ', ’ :< -.-V \ "A' J" . / Add brilliance and dignity to her ’ eveiy ensemble with precious I . f -


t e ' by fjff/ ' t : ALBERT WEISS 'rVt!* A* V* ,* /i* . . . especially created for the smart new Smokey-toned fashions . . . clear Austrian rhinestones ■^11 «f- accented with tiny shimmering crystals . . . designed by the pace-setter of fine jewelry, Albert Weiss

Pin and Earring Set $10. 'isi^ * Prices plus tax ,^1.^ *

H ER Really Personal Gift 1

% l l

Magnetic if J '? Earrings

b y 3 Pc. .-•>1 r Divine things next to HER COFLO LOUNGE SET y-y '/ f r4l by Wondermaid •>» Binstrom Proportioned nylon tricot slip in Nylon tricot pettiakirt in white, white only, abort, 32-38, avernee proportioned in average and short S2-«4, and tall, 34-44. lengths, ainall, medium and large. 3.99 3.99 They’re so comfortable, so lightweight she’ll never know she has them on . . . no clips Nylon satin slip in white only, sirea Quilted nylon tricot finger tip coat with 32 to 44. mandarin collar is worn over quilt-trim'med or screws to irritate, to pull pajama top, solid trousers! Rose or Aqua, . . . just tiny invisible mag­ 5.99 sizes 32 to 40. Made of luxury Pouchette, a pre* nets! In a dozen sparkling tend leather that’s cleanable, tear, shapes and sizes! scuff and stain resistant! Com­ plete with her three initials! .1^


please let us know" . . . and we mean It. You’ll hear this said With every%urchase at BURTON’S, and isn’t it wonderful. No matter what goes wron^^(and the best made LOADS AND LOADS OF FREE PARKING . . . plans sometimes do) you are assured that we’ll make it right, as quick as a wink. ‘?i‘ ' ar.K 'V mt' ' J} ' ' - . ^ - and so convenient, too. You never have to worry about parking when you're shopping at BUllTON’S. There's a big, easy to park in^ lot just behind the store . . . and the parking 'A' }f : doesn't cost you a singla cant.

. vjm. wr- -'/r


t t

'■ *



It's fun to be a girl in these SISTER DRESSES by Love

r o r * * .ry »•* »,V », Luscious sister sweater dresses, so ^■0- cozy, so pretty. Red or green, trimmed in white, '‘ • ' H 22B 3-6X $7.99 22A **■ 7-14 $8.99 PANTALOON - 24A by Younglond Crisp calico in red/white or blue/ . t white, sizes 1-3. $ 2 .9 9 24C Scotch Quiltle Twinkletoes'' lively $4.99 Highlond ploid softly quilted to pro­ 24B tect froro bumps ond drofts. Suspend­ er pants, built-in booties, motched to $ 4 .9 9 ploid-trlmmed cotton knit shirt. In­ Bright ploid Poper Doll motif. Bib Top fonts' small, medium, lorge, ond extro rnotched to ruffled ploid collor. Toddler large, in red ploid Motching shirt $1.89 sizes 2, 3 ond 4, infonts' sizes medium, large, extro lorge.

Slock And Top 2-some COTTON QUILTED DUSTER by and Middlesex PAJAMA BAG Novelty Stitch DOLL Bulky Orion sizes 3-6X by J # ( CARDIGAN $4.99 2 2 C / sizes 7-14 loveS and *#■ wonted by every girl $5.99 24E by KNITTOWN \ The coziest, prettiest outfit o little girl ever 22D lounged in . . . softly 24D quilted ond looded with loce ond sotiny ribbons! Long sleeves, turtle neck, In a provincial corduroy print with kosha lining, Vi ^n.i convertible collor, in boxer bock, flop on back 2-4 $ 5.99 white, butterboll, and boxer back, flap on front ONE PIECE STRETCH SLEEPER' liloc. of waist. Loden, red. 3-6X $5.99 f ONE SIZE FITS ALL Matching leof-printed cot­ 7-14 $7.99 ton knit slipon. pre-teen $8.99 ) $ 3 .9 9 Sizes 3-6x $ 4 .9 9 PAJAMA BAG 100% stretch nylon Kud-L-AII fits DOLL 3^ and grows with baby from birth to Sizes 7-14 $5.99 18 months. Washes beautifully, snap rmhiorted of the’ some fosteners from neck /to ankles for quilted mqteriol os the easy diapering! White with red, plus Pre-Teen $ 7 .9 9 I robe! pastels of pink, maize, or blue, with nursery motif. 24D $1.99 24E

m- WHAT'S ON THE OUTSIDE COUNTS, TOO.., ^ • ' 7 . STOP FRETTING;.. JUST DIAL Ml 3-5177 . .. at BURTON’S we know that your Christmas Gift must look as pratty as it is practical. We've lots of th.r.'« a p.rian.l.ihoppar, Min HolMay, t . halp ywi with,yaw Chriitmas Gift lirf. If gay Christmas paper to wrap yoiir gift . . . and our'Christmas boxes ar$ so pratty . . . and every you’r . p.rpl...


* t t >

^fr ( Ha- Bernay Dyed Colors in Fur Blends B b f

> J

Choir g-lrl collar sweater with Piquot detailing. ?4 sleeves! White, Regatta Blue. Mint, Wild Iris, Champagne, Black, Oxford Heather, sizes 34 to 40. $ 1 2 .9 9

Three-quarter sleeve slipon with V-neck club 0 collar! In Black, Mint, Champagne and Wild Iris, 34 to 40. $ 1 2 9 9

Long sleeved fur blend classic cardigan in Wild Iris. Regatta Blue, Orange Ice, White, Black. Champagne, Oxford Heather, 34-40. $ 1 0 9 9 w

D Long sleeved fur blend classic pullover in Wild 4 ' Iris, Regatta Blue. Champagne, Black or Oxford Heather, sizes 34 to 40. ^

Warm Ruffle-lovely Holiday Drip-Dry famous Colors Pantempos Dyed to’ A in stunning Pixie Match Dacron-Cotton BLOUSE CLASSIC FAVORITES SHIRTS by by Judy Ellen Briar Hall $J99 Superbly Tailored by Collegetown O u r , lOO^o A— Cable-stitch bulky sweater by Garland's sheltl mist cardigaa Here’s fashion’s lesson in WOOL SLACKS Garland, 34 to '40. In Iris, in sizes 34 to 40. In Navy, White, Light Gray and Apricot. Beige. Maize, Gray and WIM how to look fetchingly femi­ Iris. Every blouse drip-dry . . . nine ! . . . Luxury drip-dry 10.99 every blouse magically no­ cotton etched with ruffles 12.99 $ 7 .9 if iron! Choose choir girl or at neck, bib front and cuffs * Italian collars, in sizes 30 to to form pure fascinatioh! % wool slim skirt by Col­ Proportioned in short and average 100 stitched down pleated skirt «4 38. White, Cloud Blue, i r - You’ll love it for daytime lengths, in sizes 10 to 18! Choose Black, legetown, 8 to 18. In Cham- 100% wool by Collegetown In Maize, Turquoise, Bone , pagne. Wild Iris, RegatU Blue, sizes 10 to 18. In Navy, Black and date-time, too, in sizes Camel, Charcoal, Navy or Brown, plus Black and Navy., ,- Beige, Iris. 32 to 38. a host of novelty fabrics. . I and Wild Iris. ~ Only 7.99 $•199 1

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The U.S. govemx clear weapon of < The bomb is 28 t yield equivalent t first nuclear weai 80 Sign m is r

*>* W- Ove % ’ By STANXJET MOST IDEAL GIFT Moscow, Dec. world. Communi publicly closed r support S 0 V i Khrushchev’s t communism c: without nuclear chev thus won last month’s Cot m f mit meeting. Ommmmlst Chi ether Communist p ftSf a manifesto that s clear Kbruabcbev peaceful coexistenc eC world cpminunU at leaet for m in m "War iB Bit w ta i^ " eaid a dec LEG SIZE STOCKINGS acroas pages ii This Is what Khi IDEAL BECAUSE: sisted on since t it’s more snag-resistant, Cmmunlat Party ( it wears and wears. wlddiihhltwym Ml from But thii ti^e h IDEAL BECAUSE: of apm vai only^ ’i it’s flatteringlj' sheer. tied Communist s iAi that opened In the IDEAL BECAUSE: —the day after thi —and continued fo she can wear it for agreement that en all occasions in the at least, took 20,00 height of fashion. one could tell how the ink In which 11 (Communist Chi war. withi the Cai fcx YOUR GIFT PRICE Inevitahle. This ws ference with the larger question of munlsts should cause —^by a bell toward, the West ment of violent n aegoUation with BeouHfully Gift Wrapped of Course! Autumn I You’ll be No. 1 on her thank you list when you give her these seamless hose. Choice of 3 staple shades plus the fashion smoke, tones in browns Over and black. Sizes S'/a to 11. Short, average or talL

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