Canterbury, in the Early 1950S
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- TJ I<' Ii lle-III' 0( /\ 11 ,;1 i ll Sl','l'lI, IIIM llllllkl/II IIlId nil' Crcat SOIlIIi Roa«. /\ lIcklall d 1nl 1111 ' I~ md old [uucuou Hotrl, !',:!('n' !,n'(l'edillg 10 (Oil/Ill'/(' nl til t' /vucklmu ' A / \.'.; M olor S/lol'/'; ti ll' re';II/1 ,; ol ll ll'; Cll lllkllllllll 011 page '/2 .. CYI/IJ.: Ii'lIltll/l C,'orge I lt'lIlI illg ',;1' 1'01 '('/'1.'1 al M allgen', 2011i /Vlar( 1i 1926. !M r,; W,'lIl herl'f1 m ', /",t'l'lI parked u! tuc rcar.) Cov Il1llHl lI ]) BY D OLL WOO]) Octooer 26th, 1927. P. Scabroo« nt the tohccl toii ]: F.f. CIIIII'II ob,;erl'er at A flcklalld 2 tun, ol lcr 011 01/ -,;101' ru n ol 955.5 mile» 10 Wellillgloll and back toitluiut reluell illS. Scaled hlllg rtlllge tank« replaced tlu:rear scat nnd II/eenr did 49.88 IlIpg, lI,;ill,'\ Imllo P/!1t or oil, nnd tlt rc« pint» oftoatcr. and II/ 1£1er AkA. su/,el'('i,;ioll. L,ji to right, ,;tll lldiIlS, Clirc Crozier, Bill Fo toid» IIlld [ack Sel/llrook. From the President ••A ••• I'm often asked how peopl e becom e in terested ••••New Zealands Veteran and Vintage Motoring&.Magazine in a hobby as eccentric as ours . My own expe ri Vo!. XXXVII No. 190 JUNE - JULY, 1991 ence is n ot unusual. It happened someth ing like ISSN 0113-7506 37thYEAR OF PUBLICATION this ... CONTENTS One Christmas when I was in my late teens, Pictorial Archive 2 an aunty ga ve me four pounds. An understand 12th National Motor Cycle Rally 5 ing soul, s he said it had to be s pen t. not saved . Motor Cycle Rally Photo Feature 20-21 My brother and I remembered an old Overland The " Plan Car" 8 Roadster th at lived a few miles away, no w a ban 10th Anniversary Wallaby Run 10 doned under a hed ge. It was a colon ial bodied " Riley"- From Two Wheels to Four. Part 2 11 192 3 four cylinder, with triplex s uspension . It Instrument Facelifting 13 wa s also derelict. Upholstery was in tatters, 2nd BP Pan Pacific Rally 14 hood gone, an d tyres flal. but we bou ght it and South Otago Motor Cycle Rally 15 dragged it hom e, There was great joy when we Book Review 15 go! it to run. Thereafter it went eve ryw he re Mailbox 16 unregistered , unwarranted and unmuflled . I Idle Torque 17 regret to con fess th at we were also uncaring Marketplace 23 because that first car was pure magic. The doors were held s h u t with twine a nd the lights CORRESPONDENCE & SUBSCRIPTIONS were a wfu l but somehow every s u mmer night BEADED WHEELS SUBSCRIBERS change of address to wa s moonlit an d every passenger beautiful. Th e p.a . Box 13-140, Christchurch Ph. (03) 667 346 ca r co u ld find its own way home from the beach Annual Subscriptions (6 issues) $18.60. Price includes GST so that every memory of those innocent days is Australian Subscnption (6 issues airmailed) $30.00. of gold en tim es. lon g hair a nd laughter. Again typi cal of the age. the local consta ble VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF N.Z. CORRESPONDENCE, INCLUDING VCC MEMBERS' CHANGES OF ADDRESS, must be sent to: p.a . Box 2546. Christchurch or Telephone (03) 664-461. Please state 6 figure number from Membership Card. EDITORIAL Chairman: Bob Entwistle . Committee: Bruce Pidgeon. Bob Scott. Paul Giesler, Spencer Barnard. Lindsay Wogan, Brian McGilligan. Material for publication (Report of restorations, events. road tests. historical and technical articles. etc.) should be forwarded to p.a . Box 2546, Christchurch. typed or neatly printed. doubl e spaced on one side of paper only. No payment is made to contributors. The opinions expressed in letters or articles in Beaded Wheels are the authors' own views and do not necessarily express the policy of The Vintage Car Club of N.l. (Inc.) ALASTAIR McINTOSH PRODUCTION passed (h e word a long that he would have to Beaded Wheels is published bi-monthly by enforce some law if we didn't attend to the ba Purse WilliS & Aiken Ltd, Christchurch s ics. As it was . s u mmer was over a nd we we re for The Vintage Car Club of N.l. (Inc.) leavt ng home to find work a nd grow up. so when Registered at N.l. Post Headquarters Wellington as a magaz ine. Cl chap passing by offered JIve pounds for th e CLOSING DATE FOR AUGUST - SEPTEMBER ISSUE : Overland a deal was quickly struck. Th e old ca r Editorial Copy - July 4. Advertisements - July 10. went to North Can terbu ry and I wen t so u th , s m itten for ever 'with the vintage passion, ADVERTISING So you sce th e en thusiasm for old ears is quite Classified and Display Advertising to: unrealistic. ba sed on nostalgia and fuelled by Advertising Manager, p.a . Box 13-140, Christchurch. dreams. I don't really mind if it is eseapist. Telephone (03) 667-346 Fax (03) 667-345 Some days I feel there is too mueh reality ou t Rate schedule available on request. there anyway . But for all th at. they don't make summers and COVER PHOTO old roadsters quite like they used to? Happy Arrowtown Autumn Festival Procession April 1990. Robert & Motoring. Lynette Duncan, 1910 Metz. Photo - Happy Snappa, Quee nstown Overall Winner, Montague Trophy: Bud Grose, 1928 Harley Davidson. William [a ckson, 1918 Indian, Winner Class 6, All Combinations Concourse. 1950 Notion "Dominator" Model 7, Roley Canderton, Auckland. Dale Con/on, 1921 Ba rd, 2nd, Class 3 Concourse. Photographers: Peter May, Brian McGilligan, Ron Ballersby. - 12th National I Motor Cycle Rally WO years of planning an d worry cated band of help ers, for an ente r with the medium length runners. culminated in a resoundingly taining show. which included o ne Al ista ir Ts u c ces s fu l ga t he r ing of The even ing Noggin 'n Natter was McKenzie riding a pushbike with clip enth usiasts from as fa r a field as th e well a tte nded, with Mine Hosts th e on Mini -Motor. on which he by no Un ited Kingdom. So u th Africa a nd Heald family a bly dispensing cheer m eans disgraced himself. Th e long Australia . at the League clubrooms . Th eir s kill haulers carried on to Akaroa for Com pe titors ha d s tarted to trickle in thi s direction may have lubricated their lunch stop. Superb scenery into C h r is tch u rch Ad di ngto n the tonsils of onc Barry Stevens s u f a rou nd th e tops of th e Port Hills a nd S howgrou n ds by Wednesday. in flctently for him to make. at the rid Banks Peninsula , a ll in all. a great creasing to a flood on Friday. wh en ers briefing. s u re ly THE s ta tement day's riding. things really started to hum a long at of the rally. that "We will not have Upon returning to the S h o w Ral ly Headquarters, There was the time to b"**"r abou t with bikers in grou nds. entrants were met a t the u sual registration - accom moda tion boozers". Th is was said tongue in "Baa Ba a Bar" by an unlikely bunch typ e con trolled panic. with th e well cheek. but it s till brought on several of villains. mainly from the "Hill patronised "Cafe Bars" in full swing . Tribe" (Banks Peninsula Branch), the cou rtesy vans flat ou t collec ting Peter May masquerading as barbecue chefs, and delivering people. a nd stand ing di splaying all the n euros es a n d room only for th e lesser mortals. severe cough ing a ttacks. and one monumental thirst s . if not th e cu li The vans were a lso making mercy hoary old Cante rbu ry entrant had to nary a ttribu tes, ge ne ra lly associa ted dashes with trailers to ga the r up be help ed to a chair. with this profession . The help of lost a nd broken down co m pe titors While the weather may have left a these kind people was greatly a p th eir machines. that is - th e corn liltle to be desired on Sunday. Sat preciated, and th e barbecue was pc titors had to last a no ther two days urday presented u s with ideal con deemed by all to be a great success. befo re they could break down! ditions. Slightly overcast to keep Th e Sa tu rday evening socia l was All in a ll there were a tot al of 273 the heat down. a nd h ardly a brea th a t Adding ton Ra ceway's "1Wiggers com pe titors. with family, friends a nd of wind [riders did run into some Nightspot", where co m for table co n s u pporters bringing th e overall tot al g us ty con d itions further o ut ver sation wa s th e norm after some up to nearly 450 peopl e. Att racting though) . Eve n the usual starling earlier ge n tle "toning down" of the a lot of interest too.