Andrew McBride Alan Young Ann Prescott Iain Iveson Margaret Hubbard Lydia Dorward Laurie Edmond Len Jamieson George Chalmers Councillor Bill Campbell Councillor Richard McCready Councillor Fraser Macpherson 5 members of the public 2 Police Constables Natalie Mackland


Jim McGuire Jo Veal David Webster Claire Dougan Pat Orr


Andrew welcomed all to the meeting and apologies were noted as above.

Claire Dougan has taken a new job in Edinburgh and thanks were noted for her contribution to the West End Community Council. Best wishes to her for the future.


The following amendments were noted – Ann Prescott was present, at Item 1 add the word claimed in relation to in the investment of the Waterfront “…it was claimed that”. Item 4 its Tony Weed. Item 6 should read a “lack” of bus services.

Following these amendments the minute was proposed as an accurate record by Ann Prescott, seconded by Alan Young.


Sea Braes Bridge is progressing well and it was noted that it should hopefully be open to the public by 25th May with a formal launch happening thereafter.

No further complaints were noted in relation to unruly behaviour in the grounds of Blackness Primary School.

The outcome of School Estates consultation will go to 22 June Education Committee. It was noted that in line with legislation associated with School Estates paperwork will be in the public domain three weeks prior to Committee.

ACTION Natalie noted that Paul Clancy, Head of Education, Secondary, will be attendance at the West End Local Community Planning Partnership on 21st May.

Since the last WECC meeting further correspondence has been received from DCC Chief Executive in relation to the letter challenging the award of contracts in the V&A. The Chief Executive has apologised for the delay but noted nothing further to add. Andrew sought support to go to Audit Scotland and the Accounts Commission to look into DCC Administration and the Chief Executive’s handling of the V&A budgetary arrangements. In addition to this City Council failed to address, in time, the initial WECC approach and they have therefore failed in meeting the points detailed in the City Council Charter.

It was agreed that an approach will be made to Audit Scotland: proposed by Andy Alan and seconded by Iain Iveson. No-one voted against this action.

Andrew will keep the press informed. Andy

At Riverside Drive the hatched area was noted as a temporary solution.

Fraser Macpherson has spoken with personnel at Stagecoach, the airport and Neil Gellatly, Head of Transport in relation to buses stopping at the Airport. Issues re buses not coming off the route and no where on carriageway to pull in both directions. Neil Gellatly has confirmed that it may be possible to combine required works with new ped crossing east of that point for Harris, discussions about a possible future project will be considered.

Police Scotland reported that it is not mandatory to have a bell on bikes although it is mandatory for sellers to sell bikes with bells. Those present were encouraged to report any cycling on or onto the pavement which is dangerous to the Police as it is a criminal offence. Lighting at times of darkness is mandatory and Police Scotland adopt an enforcement through education approach to this. The University reps in attendance agreed to put a message out to students on social media in relation to bike lights and bells.

John Whyman has confirmed that Riverside Drive is a shared facility and signage in relation to respecting other users on the shared path will be installed.

Phase 1 bin arrangements are now fully implemented but there are some ongoing issues at Hawkhill from the Campbelltown Bar to Blackness Avenue. It has been agreed that bins at that location will be returned by bin emptying staff. Janet Wade will return to the West End Community Council in September to provide an update on the roll out.


Crime statistics in the locality are generally quiet.

Police Scotland are looking to actively publicise campaigns in relation to door step crime.

Some concern was raised about vehicles on the footways east and west of Police Seymour Street on the Perth Road. Police to look into this. Scotland

Similar concerns about cars parked on the footway outside the Spar on Perth Road. Parking Attendants are aware and do give it increased attention. There is a five minute waiting time which has to be given before ticketing can happen.

Andy noted that an e-mail had been received from PC Bob Forrester thanking the West End Community Council for the gifts and kind wishes on the occasion of his new job.


Although spoken about previously in the meeting those present were still of the firm opinion that High School should not be closed and that Harris should not have to accommodate Menzieshill students.

Harris new build is progressing well and works are still within timescale.

Ann Prescott made mention of a meeting about the Watefront which was to Ann happen 13th May 2015 evening with Planners in relation to biodiversity, central green space, low carbon footprints, sustainable transport etc Ann to attend.

Victoria Park Bowling Green and Pavilion

Meeting was held and a site visit undertaken in April. The intention at this time is to develop a joint use scenario with the schools using the space during daytime and community access in evenings and weekends. Local schools are enthusiastic.

Ann and Laurie are interested in using the east most bank for a community Ann / Laurie garden but help is needed to formalise this and generate numbers of volunteers who would become involved in growing, cultivating and taking ownership. It was confirmed that the Bowling Green will remain as grass for the Schools to use.


All relevant correspondence has been circulated to committee members or more generally.


No update.


Friends of Magdalen Green will host their Annual General Meeting on 19th May.

Friends of will host their Annual General Meeting on 23rd May.

A litter pick will take place at Balgay Park on 6th June. Meet at Park Pavilion at 10am.

Andy noted that Community Council elections are due to take place in October or November this year and that the Community Council will need to think about how best to publicise this and generate interest for the future.

University representatives present were willing and happy to help with PR and engaging the students in this, especially home grown students, who may have an added interest in being involved in community affairs.

Margaret Hubbard noted her apologies from now until October.


9th June 2015.