The Wests.. Life.. Member.. Celebrate.. a Full-Circle
INSIDE ❘ TEAM LISTS ❘ STAT ATTACK ❘ SCORES AROUND THE COUNTRY + BRIAN SMITH ❘ SAM BREMNER ❘ AARON WOODS ❘ NEW SOUTH WALES POSTER MORE ROUND 16 Est. 1920 Volume 99. No.16. June 28-July 4 2018 Twitter & Facebook: @bigleaguemag FRENEMIES The ‘Big Three’ to reunite as rivals The Wests .. life.. BEN HUNT Robbie ‘I know I can do the m ember.. job for Queensland’ celebrate .. a full-circle Farah moment KICKING PAMELA OFF WHALEY HERE were a great many risks taken TbyNewSouthWalescoachBradFittler inordertowinStateofOriginthisyear. Firstofall,henamed12debutantsacross thefirsttwogames.Optingforahopeful mentalattitudeandin-formplayersover incumbents such as Josh Dugan, Wade Graham and Blake Ferguson (albeit – some were burdened by injury) was a brave move forasidethatlackedsomuchexperience. However,hetookachancethattheOrigin experience they lacked would be in his favour.Manyhadn’tlostagameoraseries in the dying minutes, and aside from the disappointmenttheymayhavefeltas fans,hadn’tfeltthestingoftryingsohard andstillcomingupshorteveryyear.In trading experience, what he received was confidence – the innocent arrogance of 20-somethings who aren’t afraid, and who don’tgetnervous.Hissecondgamblewas abandoning the long-held narrative that playersaredisturbedbydoingtoomuch media–thatitspoilstheirfocus.InFittler’s opinion,ifaplayerisafraidtospeakfor 15minutes,howishegoingtoviewthe Slater praises Ponga opposition? Those mighty Maroons who havetakendownmuchmoreexperienced andfearsomeBluesteamsinthepast. Ithoughtitwasastrokeofgenius–there after Origin debut
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