
St James the Greater Boston Chinese Catholic CommunityओᑋΞ !


! Year of the Eucharist !

! ဃ

Blessed Carlo Acutis !

Beatified on 10/10/2020, Blessed Carlo Acutis ! ! !

was a typical 21st century Italian teenager ! ໡ with a special talent for computers who also ! ! loved sports and video games. Yet that did ! not stop him from defending disabled peers ! Ӛ and volunteering for the homeless and the destitute. The greatest devotion of his short ݢ 15-year life was for Jesus and the Virgin դ Mary. Particularly devoted to the Eucharist, he γ created a website to promote Eucharistic Ϻ miracles of the world. He said, “the more Ⴅ Eucharist we receive, the more we will ๮ become like Jesus, so that on this earth we Ь will have a foretaste of heaven.” Γ !

!ၮ ԃ ࢶ ӧ Ϻ ୸ ූ ٮ ຫ Ш ལ ჹ ӭ ࣚ ဃ ओ ᔅ ੯ ୏ Ǵ Ƿ 2020 ନ ߓ Ь ک ޑ ᡏ ᑋ շ ޑ Ǵ Ƕ ӕ ຎ Α ৤ ک ဃ ဃ ך ԃ ௲

ဃ д Ք ᓎ ჹ ဓ 10 ٣ ॺ ᡏ ၯ ႝ ථ ੿ ک Ǵ ҆ อ ڻ ຫ

཮! ᙬ д ᅦ อ Ծ ᔍ တ ࢂ Д ᅽ ׳ Ƕ ࡌ ճ Μ ᜫ Ƕ Ԗ ΋ 10 ь ص ϖ ࣁ ՠ ੝ ঁ ဃ ٥ ՟ д ҥ В ࢶ Ƿ Today’s ڂ ԃ ค ೭ ਸ ޑ ओ ᇥ Α ω ࠠ ᄪ ᡏ Readings ٠ ᑋ Ǻ ΋ ལ ғ ৎ ӈ ߓ ޑ ૈ ؒ ё ڮ Ǵ Ȫ ঁ ᘶ 21 (ϞϺ᠐࿶) ԃ ᆛ Ƕ ύ ᘜ Ԗ Ѧ ੿ ৤ ך Ӣ Ԝ ॺ ઠ җ ന ޣ ߔ Ǵ ᅽ ဓ З д Ш ࠔ Reading 1 ک ዗ ܭ ሦ Ǵ ך ථ д Ј ೦ д Ψ इ Ǵ Acts ٰ ڙ ॺ ২ε٣ᒵے ਍ ࡐ ཀ ੿ ֚ ޑ ࠹ ੝ ޑ ӧ ε ೭ ဃ ໺ ձ ा ޣ ፁ ഻ ᅽ 3:13-15, 17-19 Ш ᡏ ӄ ৰ ᆉ ග Ԗ ៿ ճ ь Ͽ Reading 2 ࢃයВᘶሺ: ဃ໡Ӛդ୸΢ϱ 10 ਔޑᔆኜஒҗ zoom ೱ่ ᔆኜਔ໔: ӧࣝ௃ಃѤ໘ࢤख़ཥ໒ܫ First John ॺѝԖ΢ϱ 10 ᗺᔆኜǴሡ ऩఈ΋ਜךኞǴόӆႣӃᒵቹ ය໔Ǵޔ https://bit.ly/stjameslivesundaymass ೯֋္य़ 2:1-5ڬဃ୸ୖᆶᔆኜǴ׆ఈգӕ ाග߻ฦ૶Ƕፎୖ᎙ҁٰيᆛ΢Ƕӵ݀գόૈᒃܭϷฦ ॺ΋ሸୖᆶǶךਔӧᆛ΢ᆶ ޑ၁ಒߞ৲Ƕ Sunday Liturgy: The 10 AM Mass at St James will be Mass Schedule: During Phase IV Gospel live-streamed via the zoom link -- reopening, we only have one 10 am https://bit.ly/stjameslivesundaymass in place of being Luke Mass. Registration ahead is needed. ၡуᅽॣ pre-recorded and posted. =RRP ㏨р⴪᫣0HHWLQJ See detailed information inside this ,'3DVVFRGH  bulletin. 24:35-48

125 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02111 Fr. Zhang’s mobile: 617-455-8182 (Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM) website: bcccstjames.org email: [email protected] General phone: (617) 542-8498 Page | 2

ൺࢲයಃΟЬВ! 502903132! !ݢγႥ๮୵ဃ໡Ӛդ୸ !౺୺٣ޚֺ ! ΢ᆛວܿՋǴନΑךѬܿՋ೿཮΢ᆛᖼວǶځॺ΋ኬǴନΑວ䏏Ǵך࣬ߞၸѐ΋ԃǴࡐӭΓ೿཮Ⴝ ࿶ᡍǴдॺޑ੿ዴډ׆ఈҗҔЊளךຑሽǴԖӭϿಈࢃǴӢࣁޑКၨሽᒲϐѦǴനख़ा൩ࢂ࣮ҔЊ !᛾ΓǶـޑࠔ፦નނࢂ ! ޑᙍՏǴओᑋޑᏼҺ࣬྽ख़ाۓЦ୯㚊य़Ǵ΋ޑߐ২ၟᒿΑओᑋΟԃǴ҅ӧЄགྷஒٰӧओᑋޑओᑋ ऍფણ࿗ΑǴдॺᒬၸٰǴ൩ϸ࣪ǴओᑋܴܴࢂᓨՋ٥Ǵ࡛ሶޑ೏ਂǵधᜤǵଝԝǵশရǴஒдॺ Ǵۈᅽॣ΋໒ޑǻϞВګǻ౜ӧόӣৎᗋԖϙሶёа଺ګޑǻ೭Οԃၟᒿ᭘ࢂόࢂқ຤ګޑ཮ԝѐ ޑიᡏǴӣѐϵᅦਜ਼ޑၟᒿओᑋޔಃΟВǴᚆ໒೭ঁΟԃٰǴ΋ޑߐ২Ǵ൩ӧओᑋԝࡕঁٿඔॊԖ ᒪᡏѨΑᙫǴΞԖϺ٬䁃ओᑋς࿶ൺࢲޑ஁ζൔ֋ओᑋډჴдॺᚆ໒ϐ߻ǴٗϺԐ΢ς࿶᠋ځৎǶ కдॺǴ᭘ӧၡ΢ᆶдॺӕܫЬओᑋǴؒԖޑाᚆ໒Ƕൺࢲۓ،᛾ǴـޑΑǴՠдॺΨό࣬ߞ஁ζ धၡǴӧ䇒ሪਔǴᡣдॺᇡрԾρǴฅࡕँฅ੃ѨǴ೭ԛᆶ୷࿎ޑՉǴ၁ಒࣁдॺှញᓨՋ٥ाՉ ࿶ޑдߐ২ൔ֋дॺځᇴӣओၡኜհǴӛڹᅪൽǴ០٬дॺᅅکݪ഼ޑߐ২ঁٿ࣬ၶǴ੃ନΑ೭ޑ !ൺࢲΑǶޑ᛾ओᑋ੿ـᐕǴ ! ൺࢲΑǶࣁޑ୼з೭ဂߐ২࣬ߞओᑋ੿ى᛾ǴΨόـޑߐ২ঁٿ೭کԝࢂ೭ሶ᎜ᏴǴ஁ζޑՠओᑋ ᡏيޑᡏᡍൺࢲيдॺय़߻Ǵ۹ฅр౜ӧдॺύ໔ǴᡣдॺᒃډᅪൽǴओᑋ൩ᒃԾٰޑΑ੃ନߐ২ ໾౩ǴӕΓ΋ኬǴԖମԖޑဌ೿Ԗ೏ଝکഡओᑋǴЋৣޑԾρ൩ࢂдॺـǶ᭘ᡣдॺ࣮ޑࢂ࡛ኬ ൺࢲΑǴ᭘ёаँฅр౜ǴΞёаँฅ੃ѨǶओᑋाޑёаӞܿՋǴՠΨᡣдॺܴқԾρ੿׳ԺǴ ਥ୷Ƕဃߥ࿢ӧ਱݅ӭ߻ޑॺߞһךԝԶൺࢲǴӢࣁ೭ࢂ୷࿎ߞһǵޑқԾρ੿ܴکдॺ࣬ߞۓޭ Ǵգॺᗋࢂӧ࿾ൾύǶȩ൩ࢂ䁃Ǵӵ݀ओᑋѝࢂޑߞһߡࢂଷޑਜ䁃ǺȨӵ݀୷࿎ؒԖൺࢲǴգॺ Ǵओᑋࡽฅޑᜢ߯ϝฅࢂ،຋ޑॺᆶϺЬךǴאѩޑ៥ଲکॺਥҁ҂ಥᚆ࿾ൾךԝΑԶؒԖൺࢲǴ !ǻګॺࣁϙሶᗋၟᒿओᑋךόࢂ௱ЬǴ ! ϐচȩఠԝΑǴՠ೭ڮǴдॺஒȨғޕคޑซϼΓϷдॺ२ሦܭϞВಃ΋ጇ᠐࿶Ǵդӭ࿢ࡰрǴҗ ࢂᙖ㰢᭘Զ೷ԋނϐচȩǴӢࣁ᭘൩ࢂϺЬဃηǴӹۖ࿤ڮၸǶओᑋࢂȨғق΋Ԑς࿶Ⴃޕҹ٣Ӄ адёа܌ओᑋǴޑၸൺࢲـओᑋఠԝǴՠࢂϺЬ٬᭘ൺࢲΑǴդӭ࿢ᒃ౳ޑǶдॺஒफ़ғԋΓޑ !᛾Ƕـբ ॺ࣬ךǻګޑ᛾ࢂ੿ـޑၰдॺޕॺ࡛ኬך᛾ΓǴـޑߐ২൩ࢂ᭘ൺࢲޑओᑋዴჴࢂൺࢲΑǴओᑋ !ǴࣁЬਹၰǶڮғޑ᛾Զ䮻࣊Αдॺـߞ২Ǵ೿ࣁ೭ঁޑࡐӭ߃ය௲཮ک᛾ǴӢࣁдॺـޑߞдॺ ॺᖱॊǴך᛾ΓӕـᡏǴΨؒԖيޑЬओᑋൺࢲډॺؒԖᐒ཮Ǵᒃ౳࣮ך୷࿎২Ǵᗨฅޑբࣁ౜ж ߞޑΑߚதᙦ൤ڙ܍ॺך૽ҢǴޑ௲཮ဃ໺کइᒵǴᙖ㰢ဃ࿶ޑΓ܍ᝩޑдॺکߐ২ޑओᑋܭՠҗ ᇡ᛽Ǵሡޑ؁ኀၰፐำǴΨѝࢂჹߞһԖ߃ޑԃٿཥ௲϶Ǵᗨฅ࿶ၸৡόӭޑΕߐဃ٣ڙһǶখሦ ᇡ᛽ԖӭϿǴԖਔ໔ёаޑǴΨ၀ອᐒ཮ϸ࣪ǴԾρჹߞһޑ϶ाᝩុ୻ػǶ٣ჴ΢ǴբΑӭԃ௲ ᡏᡍǶᙖ㰢ӧဃᡏဃ٣ύᆶ୷࿎࣬ၶޑు׳ॺჹߞһԖךߞһǴᡣޑуӆኀၰ੤Ǵᝩុ୻ػԾρୖ ޑਔংǴஒԾρޑॺԖᐒ཮ךৱᚲǴ೿ёаᔅշޑ΢يॺךϺЬӧډڙ഻኷Ǵу΢ғࢲύགޑډள ߞһϟಏ๏҂ᇡ᛽ЬओᑋޑΓǴࣁЬओᑋբ᛾Ƕ! ! )ௗΠ।*! Page | 3 )ௗ΢।*! ! ـಃΒጇ᠐࿶ύǴऩఈ䁃ǺձΓ࣮ޑᡏᡍǴനख़ाࢂаՉ୏߄ၲрٰǴϞВޑు׳ՠନΑჹߞһԖ зࢂϙሶǻ൩ڮޑзǴ൩ࢂࣁЬբ᛾ǶЬڮޑॺᇡ᛽ЬǴᒥӺЬךၰޕзǴ൩ڮޑॺᒥӺЬओᑋך ॺుΕךॺዕ᠐ဃ࿶ǴᔉளङᇝߎѡǴջ٬ךॺ΋ኬǴ۶Ԝ࣬ངǶջ٬ךॺाӳႽЬओᑋངΑךࢂ όा䁃ࣁ୷࿎բ᛾Ƕ٣ჴ΢Ǵգ׳ॺόଛᆀࣁ୷࿎২ǴךॺόаངࡑΓǴךΑှϺЬ௲ा౛Ǵӵ݀ ߞһӭϿಈޑǻգ཮๏գګдΓځߞһϟಏ๏ޑǻգ᝺ளԖӭॶளஒգګߞһԖϙሶຑሽޑჹ୷࿎ !ǻګࢃ ! ϺЬߥՙǼ!

!!!ϞϺ!! !ϩដරࡨဃᡏ 26 ޑᖐՉڅx ᔆኜࡕҥ

ဃᡏԃ! ဃ҆ဃЈ཮! ! x Πԛ໒཮ਔ໔ࢂ 5 Д 35 ВࢃයϤΠϱ΋ ۂۊਔҗ஭ࡾ౺ઓРࣁѤǵϖǵϤДл׌ ۊ཮ǴፎӚл׌ٯЬ࡭ғВᔆኜǴϐࡕ໒ ! !ᆶǶୖۂ ࢨྍᆶଯޑགৱ)ဃᡏ*ဃ٣ࢂȨ᏾ঁ୷࿎২ғࢲ ཁൿՍ࿶ǴཀӛࢂߞᒘओۺϺΠϱ 4 ਔ؂ x ک΋Ϫᙍ୍ޑдဃ٣ǴаϷ௲཮ځܭঢ়ȩǶȨԿ ᅧ࿶ৰལဃދۺᑋϷཁൿჹࡑ߈ΓǴϐࡕ ໺௲٣཰Ǵ೿ᆶགৱ)ဃᡏ*ဃ٣ᆙஏ࣬ᖄǴ٠Ꮴ ҆Ƕ! གৱ)ဃᡏ*ဃ٣֖Ԗ௲཮ޑӛ೭ဃ٣ǹӢࣁԿဃ x ѤДЅϤВࢂ๓Ꮴϐ҆࿯В! ޑॺךӄ೽ឦઓᝊᙒǴΨ൩ࢂ୷࿎ԾρǴ᭘ࢂޑ ၻຫȩǶȐϺЬ௲௲౛!2435ȑ! !ᖰઓРד3132ԃᇳਁε୺٣0!Ԣ ! !ዛᏢߎۺइ ! ДಃΟঁࢃය΋ఁ΢ 9;11Ǵ೸ၸ![ppnǴᖐ؂ ™ ዛᏢߎۺᖰઓРइד3132ԃᇳਁε୺٣0Ԣ Չද೯၉රࡨဃᡏǴ!ᒿࡕҗ஭ઓРᖐՉဃᡏ !ҙፎᆶගӜǶൔӜᄒЗВයࣁڙ౜ςௗ फ़ᅽǶҗ୯ᇟಔဃ҆ैი঩஥ሦǴ៿߆εৎ 60:Ƕ! ϞԃዛᏢߎளዛޣѝ཮Ԗ΋ӜǴԶ ᎄमǶΠԛکถޱᆶǶԖୢᚒፎᖄ๎;!ഋୖ ዛᏢߎࣁ΋ίϡǶፎܭҁ཮ᆛઠΠၩҙፎ ஒӧܴϺ 502:Ƕᆛ֟Ǻ ߄਱;!! iuuq;00cju/mz0nboebsjofvdibsjtujdbepsbu ! jpo!! iuuqt;00tjuft/hpphmf/dpn0wjfx0cddd. ཮᝼ JEǺ5:8!955!8654!!ஏዸǺ234567! ! tukbnft0tdipmbstijq! !ДಃΒঁࢃයϤԐ΢ 21 ਔǴ೸ၸ [ppnǴ؂ ™ ࿵ᇟරࡨဃᡏǶᆛ֟Ǻ iuuq;00cju/mz0fvdibsjtujdbepsbujpo!! ! Πԛஒӧ 609Ǵ៿߆εৎୖᆶǶ! ! ϶Տ௲؂ำׇࣁዴߥޑΑЬВᔆኜۓڋॺך ϩដර 26 ޑᖐՉڅДಃΟঁЬВᔆኜࡕҥ؂ ™ ӼӄǴхࡴ௲϶ाႣӃຏнǶکந଼ޑ !ࡨဃᡏǴΠԛஒӧ 6027Ǵ៿߆εৎୖᆶǶ ډפᆛઠ Gbdfcppl ΢ޑॺך೭٤ำׇёаӧ Page | 4 ᔆኜཀӛ ଄ࡹၗૻ! !!᝘ں᝘ᖴЬᔆኜ;!! ᔆኜں x ഋࡌҥ0໳ੇើ! x 502 ဃຼѤ;!%79! x 503 ဃຼϖ;!%528! !᝘ଓࡘᔆኜ;!! x 504 ဃຼϤ;!%389ں x ໳׵३๮ࣁ໳႐ؙ! x 505 ൺࢲ࿯ЬВ;!ઓᙍΓ঩ߥ଼ϷଏҶ୷ x ഋࡌҥ0໳ੇើࣁР҆ǴςΫৎΓǴᒃ϶Ǵྡྷᅢ ߎ;!%2-299! ᡫሲǴഋгமǴഋࡌ཰Ǵ஭ઓРРᒃ஭ᏢቺǴ x 505!ဃፍ੝ਈ;!%311! ! !᛿ᝬ଻Ǵ׵൏ӳǴఆႳᄪ !ԃ੝ਈ 3131.3132ڬ !ৎΓࣁ᛿ᝬ଻-೾ᄪ៿ଓࡘᔆኜکx ᛿໳ऍД Ҟډᄋඉਈ᝘Ǵ౜ςၲۂۊӭᖴЬϣл׌ ! !ҁ଄ࡹԃࡋ%219-442ډॺςԏך᝘ঁΓཀӛᔆኜ;!! ኱Ǽں x ഋࡌҥ0໳ੇើࣁഋ྆ᘶǴഋ྆⪭Ǵഝ଻୷Ǵ᝵ )246/5&*ޑᇡਈǶ! ! !ԐВநൺ؃׵ች௵ǴഋЎ੏Ǵఉૈࢲ

! x 哹ݿẆૂ哹㖻⻝ီག倔ϺЬৱᚲ健䶒ӄৎԋࣁ !ϺЬηζ! !!33132!ԃݢγႥϺЬ௲༅ਈ Ϻ؃!-ηٽx ఘηണག倔ϺЬ፞፥ৱᚲԋࣁϺЬ ௲϶ςਈී! %22-346ǴςޑॺךЬ健ϒѳӼ-଼ந-഻኷<ғࢲύ٩᎞ϺЬ! ᄒԿҞ߻Ǵ Ԗ܌88ʘǶ! ᙣж߄ᕴ୸୔གᖴ ޑҞ኱ډৎΓѳӼ! ၲ؃x Цችࣔ ௲ޑ᝘ں೚ӭۘ҂ܭᄋඉЍ࡭Ǵჹޑޣ᝘ں !࿌-໩ཀکx Zv!Qbo ࣁӝৎ ࿶ᔮЍ࡭ωૈᆢޑநൺ! ϶ॺǴගᒬாǴሡाѮεکந଼ޑٽx ׵Дࣁζ ࡭ 62 ঁ୍ܺޑπբ/!යࡑாޑୖᆶǶ!

哹ݿ ᱥᗟ⍱ㇶᆾདྷ⿤φӊփឋ䚉㘻 504 ਯǵ໳ᛥᅸְǵ໳Ჸৱǵ໳റᆪǵఘη !ፎࣁдॺࣹᛗǶ!-Εߐဃ٣ڙണ*!ሦ 5

Third Sunday of Easter Homily by Deacon Francis Sung

My guess is that, in the past year, many of you, like we did, bought most things except for groceries online. When I buy things online, besides comparing prices, the most important thing I consider is user reviews and how many stars they are rated. I want to get the real experience from their users. They are witnesses to the quality of the products.

The disciples of Jesus followed Him for three years, fantasizing that they would hold significant positions in the future kingdom of Jesus. The arrest, suffering, crucifixion, and burial of Jesus shattered their dreams. They woke up and reflected, wasn’t Jesus the Messiah? How could He die? Have we wasted three years following Him? What else can we do besides go home? The beginning of today's Gospel describes that indeed two disciples returned to their home in Emmaus on the third day after Jesus died, leaving behind the community of Jesus’ followers they had been part of for three years. In fact, that morning before they left, they had heard women report that Jesus' body was missing, and angels announced Jesus had risen. Still, they did not believe the women's testimony and decided to leave. However, the risen Lord Jesus did not abandon them. He accompanied them along the road, explaining to them in detail the Passion that the Messiah had to endure. He let them recognize Him at the breaking of the bread, and then vanished. This encounter with Christ dispelled their frustration and doubts, driving them to return to Jerusalem even though it was night, to relate their experiences to the other disciples, and to testify that Jesus had really risen.

Yet, the death of Jesus was so shocking, the testimonies of the women and these two disciples were not enough to make these disciples believe that Jesus had really risen. To dispel the doubts of the disciples, Jesus came to them personally and suddenly appeared among them, allowing them to experience the resurrected body for themselves. He let them realize that He was indeed their teacher, Jesus, with nail wounds on His hands and feet. Like humans, He had flesh and bones and could even eat. He also let them understand that He had really risen. He could suddenly appear and then vanish. Jesus wanted to make certain that they believed and understood that He had really risen from the dead. This is the foundation of Christianity, our faith. St. Paul said in his First Letter to the Corinthians: " if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins." In other words, if Jesus only died and had not risen, we are not free from the slavery of sin and the devil. Our relationship with God is still broken. Since Jesus was not the Savior, why do we still follow Him?

In today's first reading, Peter pointed out that, out of ignorance, the Jews and their leaders killed the "author of life,” an event foretold ages earlier by prophets. Jesus is the "author of life" because He is the Son of God through whom everything in the universe was created. They killed the incarnate Jesus, but God raised Him up. Peter had seen the resurrected Jesus with his eyes, so he could testify.

Jesus is indeed risen, and His disciples are the witnesses of His resurrection. How do we know that their testimony is true? We believe in their testimony, because they and many believers in the early church sacrificed their lives for this testimony, martyring for the Lord.

As modern Christians, although we do not have the opportunity to see the resurrected body of the Lord Jesus with our own eyes, nor do we have witnesses to tell us about it, by the writings of the disciples of Jesus and their successors, through the instructions of the Bible and the Magisterium of the Church, we inherit a faith of tremendous richness. After almost two years of catechumenate, our newly baptized members only have a basic understanding of the faith and need to be nurtured. In fact, those of us who have been baptized for years should also take the opportunity to reflect on how well we know our faith. If you have time, you can join in the RCIA classes, to nurture your faith and experience your faith more deeply. Feel the joy of encountering Christ in the Eucharist and the grace of God in your life. When the opportunity arises, that can help us introduce our faith to those who do not know the Lord Jesus yet, to testify for Him. 6

Besides having a deeper experience of faith, expressing our faith in action is of utmost importance. In today’s second reading, John said that it is through our keeping the Lord’s commandments that others will know that we have a relationship with the Lord. To keep the Lord’s commandments is to testify for the Lord. What are the Lord’s commandments? It is to love one another as the Lord Jesus has loved us. Even if we are truly knowledgeable of the Bible, being able to quote important verses, even if we understand the Catechism of the deeply, if we do not treat others with love, we are unworthy to be called Christians, let alone testify for Christ. In truth, what review will you give your faith in Christ? Does it worth your while to recommend your faith to others? How many stars will you give your faith? God bless you!

Parish Staffafff ୸୔ॄೢΓ Administrator: Rev. Joseph Zhang Business Manager: Rosemary Tin ҁ୸ઓР: ஭ࡾ౺ઓР ཰୍Ьᆅ: Җࣦ⢨ [email protected] Reachable by cell ᢁₕ: 617-455-8182 (Monday-Friday ઞж㠩ઞӊ 9AM-5PM) Director of Faith Formation: Susan Ho ௲௲ػЬᆅ: Ֆഋન࣑ [email protected]ے Permanent Deacon: Deacon Francis Sung [email protected] Director of Music: Thomas Ng ౺୺٣ޚֺ :୺٣ ॣ኷Ьᆅ: ֆ୯໢ [email protected] Property Manager: Anthony Ho ނ཰Ьᆅ:Ֆ଻ၲ [email protected] Bulletin Co-Editors: Ada Chan, Vincent Fung ؼד୸୔೯ૻᖄӝጓᒠ: ഋ׵ݚ㮂ǹ໱ [email protected]; [email protected]

Today : 15 min of Eucharistic Adoration immediately after Mass

Financial News “The Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the x Mass collections: Christian life.' 'The other sacraments, and indeed Holy Thursday (April 1): $68 all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the Good Friday (April 2): $417 apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and Easter Vigil (April 3): $278 are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist Easter (Clergy Health/Retirement is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, Trust): $1,188 namely Christ himself, our Pasch.'” (Catechism of Christmas Appeal (April 4): the Catholic Church 1324) $200

rd x Annual Appeal 2020-2021: We have x Every 3 Monday of each month, please join reached our goal. We have received a us for Mandarin Eucharistic Adoration at 8PM pledge of $108,331 (135.4% of goal) for this followed by Benediction with Fr. Zhang led by fiscal year. Thank you for your generosity! members of the Mandarin Legion of Mary. For more info, please contact Fang Qin Chen and 2021 Catholic Appeal Mary Zheng. The next one will be on April 19. http://bit.ly/mandarineucharisticadoration As of now, our parishioners have Meeting ID: 497 844 7543 Passcode: 123456 donated $11,235, reaching 77% of All are welcome. our goal. On behalf of thee x Every 2nd Saturday of each month, please Archdiocese, we thank all those whoo join us for Cantonese Eucharistic Adoration at have donated, for your generosity.. 10AM at Zoom http://bit.ly/eucharisticadoration. For those who have not yett The next one will be May 8. All are welcome. contributed, we remind you of thee x Every 3rd Sunday of each month, please join great financial need for your help, inn us for 15 minutes of Eucharistic Adoration order to sustain the work of 51 immediately after Mass. The next one will be on ministries. We look forward to your May 16. All are welcome. participation. 7

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Next meeting will be Saturday, April 24 at 1PM. Birthday Mass will be presided by Fr. Zhang and offered for members whose birthdays are in April, May & June, followed by regular meeting. All are welcome to participate. Thanksgiving Mass offered by: Peter/Laura Chan x Every day at 3 PM, recite the Divine Mercy

Chaplet with the intention to trust in Jesus and to be merciful to neighbors, followed by Memorial Mass offered by: the Rosary to honor our Blessed Mother. x Peter/Laura Chan for their parents, deceased x April 26 is the Mother of Good Counsel family members, relatives, friends, souls in purgatory, John Chan, Joseph Chan, Fr. Zhang’s father Aloysius Zhang, Yiu Wai Tam, 20211 Deacon Francis Chao / Fr. JohnJo Mary Li, Ting Wing Tso Hines Memorial Scholarship x Heung Wah Wong for Goey Moon Wong Applications and nominations for the 2021 Deacon Francis Chao / Fr. John Hines Memorial Personal Petition Mass offered by: Scholarship are now accepted. Application x Peter/Laura Chan for health & recovery of deadline is May 9. Award is $1,000 for one Frank Chin, Billy Chin, WK Mak, Theresa So, scholarship recipient. Applications are available Man Ho Chan, Philip Leung at https://sites.google.com/view/bccc- x Hui Zhen Wang for peace of her family stjames/scholarship x Yat Lee for her daughter Karen Lee for prayers of health & recovery Public Mass Announcement To ensure the health and safety of parishioners as we continue our public Masses, we have developed procedures including pre-registration for parishioners to follow. These can be found on our website and Facebook page.

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