Second ACL Workshop on Multiword Expressions: Integrating Processing, July 2004, pp. 9-16

Paraphrasing of Japanese Light- Constructions Based on Lexical Conceptual Structure Atsushi Fujita† Kentaro Furihata† Kentaro Inui† Yuji Matsumoto† Koichi Takeuchi‡ †Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology {atsush-f,kenta-f,inui,matsu} ‡Department of Information Technology, Okayama University [email protected]

Abstract nalized verb (“kandou (an impression)”) (also see Some particular classes of lexical paraphrases such Figure 1 in Section 2.2). A paraphrase of (1s) is sen- as verb alteration and compound decomposi- tence (1t), in which the nominalized verb functions tion can be handled by a handful of general rules as the main verb with its verbal form (“kandou-s-as and lexical semantic knowledge. In this paper, we e-ta (be impressed-CAU, PAST)”). attempt to capture the regularity underlying these (1) s. Eiga-ga kare-ni kandou-o ataeta. classes of paraphrases, focusing on the paraphras- film-NOM him-DAT impression-ACC give-PAST ing of Japanese light-verb constructions (LVCs). The film made an impression on him. We propose a paraphrasing model for LVCs that t. Eiga-ga kare-o kandou-s-ase-ta. is based on transforming the Lexical Conceptual film-NOM him-ACC be impressed-CAUSATIVE, PAST Structures (LCSs) of verbal elements. We also pro- The film impressed him. pose a refinement of an existing LCS dictionary. Ex- To generate this type of paraphrase, we need a com- perimental results show that our LCS-based para- putational model that is capable of the following phrasing model characterizes some of the semantic two classes of choice (also see Section 2.2): features of those required for generating para- Selection of the voice: The model needs to be able phrases, such as the direction of an action and the to choose the voice of the target sentence from relationship between arguments and surface cases. active, passive, causative, etc. In example (1), the causative voice is chosen, which is indi- 1 Introduction cated by the “ase (causative)”. Automatic paraphrase generation technology offers Reassignment of the cases: The model needs to the potential to bridge gaps between the authors and be able to reassign a case marker to each ar- readers of documents. For example, a system that gument of the main verb. In (1), the gram- is capable of simplifying a given text, or showing matical case of “kare (him),” which was orig- the user several alternative expressions conveying inally assigned the dative case, is changed to the same content, would be useful for assisting a accusative. reader (Carroll et al., 1999; Inui et al., 2003). The task is not as simple as it may seem, because In Japanese, like other languages, there are sev- both decisions depend not only on the syntactic and eral classes of paraphrasing that exhibit a degree semantic attributes of the light-verb, but also on of regularity that allows them to be explained by those of the nominalized verb (Muraki, 1991). a handful of sophisticated general rules and lexical In this paper, we propose a novel lexical semantic knowledge. For example, paraphrases as- -based account of the LVC paraphrasing, sociated with voice alteration, verb/case alteration, which uses the theory of Lexical Conceptual Struc- compounds, and lexical derivations all fall into such ture (LCS) of Japanese verbs (Kageyama, 1996; classes. In this paper, we focus our discussion on Takeuchi et al., 2001). The theory of LCS offers another useful class of paraphrases, namely, the an advantage as the basis of lexical resources for paraphrasing of light-verb constructions (LVCs), paraphrasing, because it has been developed to ex- and propose a computational model for generating plain varieties of linguistic phenomena including paraphrases of this class. 1 lexical derivations, the construction of compounds, Sentence (1s) is an example of an LVC .AnLVC and verb alteration (Levin, 1993; Dorr et al., 1995; is a verb phrase (“kandou-o ataeta (made an impres- Kageyama, 1996; Takeuchi et al., 2001), all of sion)” in (1s)) that consists of a light-verb (“ataeta which are associated with the systematic paraphras- (give-PAST)”) that grammatically governs a nomi- ing we mentioned above. 1For each example, s denotes an input and t denotes its para- The paraphrasing associated with LVCs is not id- phrase. iosyncratic to Japanese but also appears commonly in other languages such as English (Mel’ˇcuk and (a) Polgu`ere, 1987; Iordanskaja et al., 1991; Dras, (b) Noun + Case Particle 1999, etc.), as indicated by the following examples. (c) Noun + Case particle"no"(GEN) (2) s. Steven made an attempt to stop playing. (d) Embedded clause t. Steven attempted to stop playing. (e) Target of this paper Nominalized verb + Case particle (3) s. It had a noticeable effect on the trade. LVC Light-verb (+suffixes) t. It noticeably affected the trade. Figure 1: Dependency structure showing the range Our approach raises the interesting issue of whether which the LVC paraphrasing affects. the paraphrasing of LVCs can be modeled in an analogous way across languages. be VERB-PP by Y ⇒ Y VERB X”). If we were to Our aim in this paper are: (i) exploring the reg- use an acquisition scheme that is not capable of de- ularity of the LVC paraphrasing based a lexical composing such complex paraphrases correctly, we semantics-based account, and (ii) assessing the im- would have to collect a combinatorial number of mature Japanese semantic typology through a prac- paraphrases to gain the required coverage. Second, tical task. the results of automatic acquisition would likely in- The following sections describe our motiva- clude many inappropriate patterns, which would re- tion, target, and related work on LVC paraphras- quire manual correction. Manual correction, how- ing (Section 2), the basics of LCS and the refine- ever, would be impractical if we were collecting a ments we made (Section 3), our paraphrasing model combinatorial number of patterns. (Section 4), and our experiments (Section 5). Fi- Our approach to this dilemma is as follows: first, nally, we conclude this paper with a brief of descrip- we manually develop the resources needed to cover tion of work to be done in the future (Section 6). those paraphrases that appear regularly, and then de- compose and automatically refine the acquired para- 2 Motivation, target, and related work phrasing patterns using those resources. The work 2.1 Motivation reported in this paper is aimed at this resource de- One of the critical issues that we face in para- velopment. phrase generation is how to develop and maintain 2.2 Target structure and required operations knowledge resources that covers a sufficiently wide Figure 1 shows the range which the LVC para- range of paraphrasing patterns such as those in- phrasing affects, where the solid boxes denote dicating that “to make an attempt” can be para- Japanese base-chunk so-called “bunsetsu.” 2 Being phrased into “to attempt,” and that “potential” can involved in the paraphrasing, the modifiers of the be paraphrased into “possibility.” Several attempts LVC need the following operations: have been made to develop such resources manually (Sato, 1999; Dras, 1999; Inui and Nogami, 2001); Change of the dependence: The dependences of those work have, however, tended to restrict their the elements (a) and (b) need to be changed scope to specific classes of paraphrases, and cannot because the original modifiee, the light-verb, be used to construct a sufficiently comprehensive re- is eliminated by the paraphrasing. source for practical applications. Re-conjugation: The conjugation form of the ele- There is another trend in the research in this field, ments (d), (e), and occasionally (c) need to be namely, the automatic acquisition of paraphrase pat- changed according to the category change of terns from parallel or comparable corpora (Barzilay their modifiee, the nominalized verb. and McKeown, 2001; Lin and Pantel, 2001; Pang et Reassignment of the cases: As described in the al., 2003; Shinyama and Sekine, 2003, etc.). This previous section, the case markers of the ele- type of approach may be able to reduce the cost ments (b) and often (c) need to be reassigned. of resource development. There are problems that Selection of the voice: The voice of the nominal- must be overcome, however, before they can work ized verb needs to be chosen according to the practically. First, automatically acquired patterns combination of the nominalized verb, the light- tend to be complex. For example, from the para- verb, and the original voice. phrase of (4s) into (4t), we can naively obtain the The first two operations are trivial in the field of pattern: “X is purchased by Y ⇒ Y buys X.” text generation. Moreover, they can be done inde- (4) s. This car was purchased by him. pendently of the LVC paraphrasing. The most deli- t. He bought this car. cate operation is for the element (c) because it acts This could also, however, be regarded as a combi- either as an adverb or as a case, relying on the con- nation of a simpler pattern of lexical paraphrasing 2The modifiee of the LVC is not affected because the part- (“purchase ⇒ buy”) and a voice activization (“X of-speech of the light-verb and main verb are the same. Table 1: Examples of LCS Verb LCS for verb Verb phrase move [y MOVE TO z] My sister (Theme) moves to a neighboring town (Goal). transmit [x CONTROL [y MOVE TO z]] The enzyme (Agent) transmits messages (Theme) to the muscles (Goal). locate [y BE AT z] The school (Theme) locates near the river (Goal). maintain [x CONTROL [y BE AT z]] He (Agent) maintains a machine (Theme) in good condition (Goal). text. In the former case, it needs the second opera- 3 Lexical Conceptual Structure tion. In the latter case, it needs the third operation 3.1 Basic framework of LCS as well as the element (b). In this paper, we take into account only the ele- The theory of Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS) associates a verb with a semantic struc- ment (b), namely, the sibling cases of the nominal- ized verb. ture as exemplified by Table 1. An LCS consists of semantic predicates (“CONTROL,” “BE AT,” 2.3 Related work etc.) and their argument slots (x, y, z). Argument Based on the Meaning-Text Theory (Mel’ˇcuk and slots x, y, and z correspond to the semantic roles Polgu`ere, 1987), Iordanskaja et al. (1991) pro- “Agent,” “Theme,” and “Goal,” respectively. Tak- poses a set of paraphrasing rules including one for ing the LCS of the verb “transmit” as an example, LVC paraphrasing. Their rule heavily relies on what [y MOVE TO z] denotes the state of affairs that the are called lexical functions, by which they virtually state of the “Theme” changes to the “Goal,” and specify all the choices relevant to LVC paraphras- [x CONTROL ...] denotes that the “Agent” causes the ing for every combination of nominalized verb and state change. light-verb individually. Our approach is to employ 3.2 Refinements lexical semantics to provide a general account of We make use of the TLCS dictionary, a Japanese those classes of choices. verb LCS dictionary developed by Takeuchi et al. On the other hand, Kaji and Kurohashi (2004) (2001), because it offers the following advantages: proposes a paraphrasing model which bases on an • ordinary dictionary. Given an input LVC, their It is based on solid linguistic work, as in (Kageyama, 1996). model paraphrases it using the gloss of both the • nominalized verb and the light-verb with the seman- Its scale is considerably larger than any other tic feature of the light-verb. Their model looks ro- existing collections of verb LCS entries. • bust because of the availability of an ordinary dic- It provides a set of concrete rules for LCS as- tionary. However, their model fails to explain the signment, which ensures the reliability of the difference in the voice selection between examples dictionary. (5) and (6) since it selects the voice based only In spite of these advantages, our preliminary ex- on the light-verb — in their approach, the light- amination of the dictionary revealed that further re- verb “ukeru (to receive)” always maps to the passive finements were needed. To refine the typology of voice irrespective of the nominalized verb. TLCS, we collected the following sets of words: 4 (5) s. Enkai-eno shoutai-o uketa. Nominalized verbs: We regard “sahen-” party-GEN invitation-ACC receive-PAST and nominal forms of verbs as nominalized I received an invitation to the party. verbs. We retrieved 1,210 nominalized verbs t. Enkai-ni shoutai-s-are-ta. from the TLCS dictionary. party-DAT invite-PAS, PAST Light-verbs: Since a verb takes different meanings I was invited to the party. when it is a part of LVCs with different case particles, we collected pairs c, v of case par- (6) s. Kare-no hanashi-ni ticle c and verb v in the following way: his-GEN talk-DAT Step 1. We collected 876,101 types of triplets kandou-o uketa. n, c, v of nominalized verb n, case par- impression-ACC receive-PAST ticle c, and base form of verb v from the I was given a good impression by his talk. parsed5 sentences of newspaper articles6. t. Kare-no hanashi-ni kandou-shi-ta. 4A sahen-noun is a in Japanese, which acts as his-GEN talk-DAT be impressed-ACT, PAST a verb in the form of “sahen-noun + suru”. I was impressed by his talk. 5We used the statistical Japanese dependency parser In (Kaji and Kurohashi, 2004), the target expres- CaboCha (Kudo and Matsumoto, 2002) for parsing.˜taku/software/cabocha/ sion is restricted only to the LVC itself (also see 6Excerpts from 9 years of the Mainichi Shinbun and 10 Figure 1). Hence, their model is unable to reassign years of the Nihon Keizai Shinbun, giving a total of 25,061,504 the cases as we saw in example (1). sentences, were used. Table 2: Extensions of LCS Verb Verb phrase and its LCS representation Ext.1 hankou-suru [[Ken]y BE AGAINST [parents]z] (resist) Ken-ga oya-ni hankou-suru. Ken-NOM parents-DAT resist-PRES (Ken resists his parents.) Ext.2 ukeru [BECOME [[salesclerk]z BE WITH [[complaint]y MOVE FROM [customer]x TO [salesclerk]z]]] (receive) Ten’in-ga kyaku-kara kujo-o ukeru. salesclerk-NOM customer-ABL complaint-ACC receive-PRES (The salesclerk receives a complaint from a customer.) Ext.3 motomeru [[Ken]x CONTROL [[apology]y MOVE FROM [George]z TO [FILLED]]]3 (ask) Ken-ga George-ni shazai-o motomeru. Ken-NOM George-DAT apology-ACC ask-PRES (Ken asks George for an apology.) Ext.4 kandou-suru [BECOME [[Ken]z BE WITH [[FILLED]y MOVE FROM [music]x TO [Ken]z]]] (be impressed) Ken-ga ongaku-ni kandou-suru. Ken-NOM music-DAT be impressed-PRES (Ken is impressed by the music.)

Step 2. For each of the 50 most frequent c, v 4 Paraphrasing model tuples, we extracted the 10 most frequent n, c, v In this section, we describe how we generate para- . phrases of LVCs. Figure 2 illustrates how our model Step 3. Each n, c, v was manually evaluated paraphrases the LVC of example (7). to determine whether it was an LVC. If (7) s. Ken-ga eiga-ni shigeki-o uketa. any of 10 triplets was determined to be c, v Ken-NOM film-DAT inspiration-ACC receive-PAST an LVC, was merged into the list of Ken received inspiration from the film. light-verbs. As a result, we collected 40 t. Ken-ga eiga-ni shigeki-s-are-ta. types of c, v for light-verbs. Ken-NOM film-DAT inspire-PAS, PAST Through investigating the above 1,210 nominal- Ken was inspired by the film. ized verbs and 40 light-verbs, we extended the ty- The idea is to exploit the LCS representation as a pology of TLCS as shown below (also see Table 2). semantic representation and to model the LVC para- Ext. 1. Treatment of “Partner”: The dative case phrasing by the transformation of the LCS represen- of “hankou-suru (resist)” and “eikyo-suru (af- tation. The process consists of the following three fect)” does not indicate the “Goal” of the ac- steps: tion but the “Partner.” Step 1. Semantic analysis: The model first ana- Ext. 2. Verbs of obtaining (Levin, 1993): In con- lyzes a given input sentence including an LVC trast with “ataeru (give),” the nominative case to obtain its semantic structure in terms of the of “ukeru (receive)” and “eru (acquire)” is the LCS representation. In Figure 2, this step pro- “Goal” of the “Theme,” while the ablative case duces LCSV 1. indicates “Source.” Step 2. Semantic transformation (LCS transfor- Ext. 3. Require verb: “motomeru (ask)” and mation): The model then transfers the ob- “yokyu-suru (require)” denote the existence of tained semantic structure to another semantic the external “Agent” who controls the action of structure so that the target structure consists of the other “Agent” or “Theme.” the LCS of the nominalized verb of the input. Ext. 4. Verbs of psychological state (Levin, In our example, this step generates LCSN1 to- 1993): “kandou-suru (be impressed)” and “os- gether with the supplement [BECOME [...]]. oreru (fear)” indicate the change of psycholog- Step 3. Surface generation: Having obtained the ical state of the “Agent.” The ascriptive part of target LCS representation, the model finally the change has to be described. lexicalizes it to generate the output sentence. Consequently, we defined a new LCS typology So, the key issue is how to control the second step, consisting of 16 types. Note that more than one LCS namely, the transformation of the LCS representa- can be assigned to a verb if it has a polysemy. For tion. convenience, we refer to the extended dictionary as The rest of this section elaborates on each step, the LCSdic7. using different symbols to denote arguments; x, y, and z for LCSV , and x’, y’, and z’ for LCSN . 6The “FILLED” represents an implicit argument of the verb and the verb assigned this LCS cannot take this 4.1 Semantic analysis argument. Taking the LCS of the verb “sign” as an example, Given an input sentence, which we assume to be a “FILLED” in [x CONTROL [BECOME [[FILLED]y BE AT z]]] denotes the name of “Agent.” simple clause with an LVC, we first look up the LCS 7The latest version of the LCSdic is available from template LCSV 0 for the given light-verb, and then apply the case assignment rule, below (Takeuchi et Input sentence LCSV1 [BECOME [[Ken]z BE WITH [[inspiration]y MOVE FROM [film]x TO [Ken]z]]] LCS dictionary Ken-ga (Ken-NOM) eiga-ni (film-DAT) shigeki-o (inspiration-ACC) uketa (receive-PAST). (a) Predicate matching (b) Argument matching [BECOME [z BE WITH [y MOVE FROM x TO z]]] LCSN0 [x’ ACT ON y’] ukeru (receive) LCS V0 (1) Semantic analysis (c) Attaching the remaining structure LCSN1 [BECOME [[Ken]z BE WITH]] + [[film]x’ ACT ON [Ken]y’] LCSV1 [BECOME [[Ken]z BE WITH [[inspiration]y MOVE FROM [film]x TO [Ken]z]]] Figure 3: LCS transformation. shigeki-suru (inspire) LCSN0 [x’ ACT ON y’] (2) LCS transformation State of affair predicates: “MOVE TO,” “BE [BECOME [[Ken]z BE WITH]] + [[film]x’ ACT ON [Ken]y’] AT,” and “BE WITH.” LCSN1 (3) Surface generation Aspectual predicates: “BECOME.”

Paraphrased sentence We also assume that any pair of predicates of Ken-ga (Ken-NOM) eiga-ni (film-DAT) the same class is allowed to match, and that the shigeki-s-are-ta (inspire-PAS, PAST). aspectual predicates are ignored. In our example, Figure 2: The LCS-based paraphrasing model. “MOVE FROM TO” matches “ACT ON,” as shown in Figure 3. al., 2001), to obtain its LCS representation LCSV 1: LCS representations have right-branching (or Case assignment rule: right-embedding) structures. Since inner-embedded • In the case of the LCSV 0 having argument x, predicates denote the state of affairs, they take pri- fill the leftmost argument of the LCSV 0 with ority in the matching. In other words, the matching the nominative case of the input, the second proceeds from the rightmost inner predicates to the leftmost with the accusative, and the rest with outer predicates. the dative. Having matched the predicates, we then fill each • Otherwise, fill arguments y and z of the LCSV 0 argument slot in LCSN0 with its corresponding ar- with the nominative and the dative, respec- gument in LCSV 1. In Figure 3, argument z is tively. matched with y’, and x with x’. As a result, “Ken” In the example shown in Figure 2, the nominative comes to the y’ slot and “eiga (film)” comes to the “Ken” fills the leftmost argument z. Accordingly, x’ slot8. the accusative “shigeki (inspiration)” and the dative This process is repeated until the leftmost predi- “eiga (film)” fill y and x, respectively. cate in LCSN0 or that in LCSV 1 is matched. (8) s. Ken-ga eiga-ni shigeki-o uketa. 4.2.2 Treatment of non-transfered predicates Ken-NOM film-DAT inspiration-ACC receive-PAST If LCSV 1 has any non-transfered predicates when Ken received inspiration from the film. LCS the predicate matching has been completed, they V 0 [BECOME [z BE WITH [y MOVE FROM x represent the semantic content that is not covered by TO z]]] LCS LCS N1 and which needs to be lexicalized by aux- V 1 [BECOME [[Ken]z BE WITH [[inspiration]y iliary linguistic devices such as voice auxiliaries. MOVE FROM [film]x TO [Ken]z]]] In the case of Figure 3, [BECOME [[Ken]z BE WITH]] 4.2 LCS transformation in LCSV 1 remains non-transfered. In such a case, LCS The second step of our paraphrasing model we attach the non-transfered predicates to N0, which are then lexicalized by auxiliaries in the next matches the resultant LCS representation (LCSV 1 in Figure 2) with the LCS of the nominalized verb step, the surface generation. LCS ( N0) to generate the target LCS representation 4.3 Surface generation (LCSN1). Figure 3 shows a more detailed view of this process for the example shown in Figure 2. We again apply the aforementioned case assignment rule to generate a sentence from the resultant LCS 4.2.1 Predicate matching representation. In this process, the model makes the The first step is to determine the predicate in final decisions on the selection of the voice and the LCS V 1 that should be matched with the predicate reassignment of the cases, according to the follow- LCS in N0. Assuming that only the agentivity is rel- ing decision list: evant to the selection of the voice in the paraphras- ing of LVC, which is our primary concern, we clas- 8When an argument is filled with another LCS, arguments sify the semantic predicates into the following two within the inner LCS are also matched. Likewise, with regard classes: to an assumption that the input sentences are periphrastic, we introduced some exceptional rules. That is, arguments filled Agentive predicates: “CONTROL,” “ACT ON,” with the implicit filler represented by “FILLED” or the target “ACT,” “BE AGAINST,” and “MOVE FROM nominalized verb N are never matched, and “Goal” in LCSV 1 TO.” can be matched to “Theme” in LCSN0. 1. If the attached predicate is filled with the same Table 3: Error sources argument as the leftmost argument in LCSN1, Correct candidates 621 (75.8%) the “active” voice is selected and the case Erroneous candidates 198 (24.2%) structure is left as is. Definition of LCS 30 LCS for light-verb 24 2. If the argument of the attached predicate has LCS for nominalized verb 6 the same value as either z’ or y’ in LCSN1, Paraphrasing model 61 lexicalization is performed to make the argu- LCS transformation algorithm 59 ment a subject. Therefore, the “passive” voice Treatment of “suru (to do)” 2 is selected and case alternation (passivization) Ambiguity 107 Ambiguous thematic role of dative 78 is applied. Recognition of LVC 24 3. If the attached predicate is “BE WITH” and its Selection of transitive/intransitive 5 argument has the same value as x’ in LCSN1, the “causative” voice is selected and case alter- We manually classified the resultant 825 para- nation (causativizaton) is applied. phrase candidates into 621 correct and 198 erro- 4. If the attached predicate is an agentive predi- neous candidates. The remaining 6 candidates were cate, and its argument is filled with a value dif- not classified. The precision of the paraphrase gen- ferent from those of the other arguments, then eration was 75.8% (621 / 819). the “causative” voice is selected and case alter- 5.2 Error analysis nation (causativization) is applied. 5. Otherwise, no modification is applied. To clarify the cause of the erroneous paraphrases, we manually classified 198 erroneous paraphrase Since the example in Figure 2 satisfies the second candidates. Table 3 lists the error sources. condition, the model chooses “s-are-ru (passive)” and passivizes the sentence so that “Ken” fills the 5.2.1 LCS transformation algorithm nominative case. The experiment came close to confirming that the (9) LCSN1 [BECOME [[Ken]z BE WITH]] right-first matching algorithm in our paraphrasing + [[film]x’ ACT ON [Ken]y’] model operates correctly. Unfortunately, the match- t. Ken-ga eiga-ni shigeki-s-are-ta. ing rules produced some erroneous paraphrases in Ken-NOM film-DAT inspire-PAS, PAST LCS transformation. Ken was inspired by the film. Errors in predicate matching: To paraphrase (10s) below, “CONTROL” in LCSV 1 must be 5 Experiment matched with “CONTROL” in LCSN0, and x to x’. 5.1 Paraphrase generation and evaluation However, our model first matched “CONTROL” in To empirically evaluate our paraphrasing model and LCSV 1 with “MOVE FROM TO” in LCSN0. Thus, the LCSdic, and to clarify the remaining problems, x was incorrectly matched with z’ and x’ remained we analyzed a set of automatically generated para- empty. The desired form of LCSN1 is shown in phrase candidates. The sentences used in the exper- (11). iment were collected in the following way: (10) s. kacho-ga buka-ni Step 1. From the 876,101 types of triplet n, c, v section-chief-NOM subordinate-DAT collected in Section 3.2, 23,608 types of shiji-o dasu. n, c, v were extracted, whose components, n order-ACC issue-PRES and c, v, are listed in the LCSdic. The section chief issues orders to his subordinates. Step 2. For each of the 245 most frequent n, c, v, (N=“order”, V =“issue”) the 3 most frequent simple clauses includ- LCSV 1 [[chief ]x CONTROL [BECOME [[order]y ing the n, c, v were extracted from the cor- BE AT [subordinate]z]]] pus from which n, c, v s were extracted in LCSN0 [x’ CONTROL [y’ MOVE FROMz’TO Section 3.2. As a result, we collected 735 sen- [FILLED]]] ∗ tences. LCSN1 [x’ CONTROL [[subordinate]y’ MOVE Step 3. We input these 735 sentences into our para- FROM [chief ]z’ TO [FILLED]]] phrasing model, and then automatically gener- LCS ated paraphrase candidates. When more than (11) N1 [[chief ]x’ CONTROL [y’ MOVE FROM one LCS is assigned to a verb in the LCSdic [subordinate] TO [FILLED]]] due to its polysemy or ergative verb such as This error was caused by the mis-matching of “kaifuku-suru (recover),” our model generates “CONTROL” with “MOVE FROM TO.” Although all the possible paraphrase candidates. As a re- we regard some predicates as being in the same sult, 825 paraphrase candidates, that is, at least classes as those described in Section 4.2.1, these one for each input, were generated. need to be considered carefully. In particular “MOVE FROM TO” needs further investigation be- 5.2.3 Recognition of LVC cause it causes many errors whenever it has the In our model, we assume that a triplet n, c, v con- “FILLED” argument. sisting of a nominalized verb n and a light-verb tu- Errors in argument matching: Even if all the ple c, v from our vocabulary lists (see Section 3.2) predicates are matched properly, there would still always act as an LVC. However, not only the triplet be a chance of errors being caused by incorrect ar- itself but also its context sometimes affects whether gument matching. With the present algorithm, z the given triplet can be paraphrased. For exam- can be matched with y’ if and only if z’ contains ple, we regard “imi-ga aru” as an LVC, because the “FILLED.” In the case of (12), however, z has to nominalized verb “imi” and the tuple “ga”, “aru” be matched with y’, even though z’ is empty. The appear in the vocabulary lists. However, the n, c, v desired form of LCSN1 is shown in (13). in (15s) does not act as an LVC, while the same (12) s. Jikan-ni seigen-ga aru. triplet in (16s) does. time-DAT limitation-NOM exist-PRES (15) s. Sanka-suru-koto-ni imi-ga aru. There is a time limitation. to participate-DAT meaning-NOM exist-PRES (N=“limitation”, V =“exist”) There is meaning in participating. ∗ LCSV 1 [BECOME [[limitation]y BE AT[time]z]] t. Sanka-suru-koto-o imi-suru. LCSN0 [x’ CONTROL [BECOME [y’ BE AT z’]]] to participate-ACC mean-ACT, PRES ∗ ∗ LCSN1 [x’ CONTROL [BECOME [y’ BE AT It means to participate in it. [time]z’]]] (16) s. “kennel”-niwa inugoya-toiu LCS (13) N1 [x’ CONTROL [BECOME [[timey]y’ BE AT “kennel”-TOP doghouse-OF z’]]] imi-ga aru. 5.2.2 Ambiguous thematic role of dative meaning-NOM exist-PRES In contrast to dative cases in English, in Japanese, “kennel” has the meaning of doghouse. the dative case has ambiguity. That is, it can be a t. “kennel”-wa inugoya-o imi-suru. complement to the verb or an adjunct9. However, “kennel”-TOP doghouse-ACC mean-ACT, PRES since LCS is not capable of determining whether the “kennel” means doghouse. case is a complement or an adjunct, z is occasion- The above difference is caused by the polysemy ally incorrectly filled with an adjunct. For exam- of the nominalized verb “imi” that denotes “worth” ple, “medo-ni” in (14s) should not fill z, because it in the context of (15s), but “meaning” in (16s). acts as an adverb, even though it consists of a noun, Although incorporating word sense disambiguation “medo (prospect)” and a case particle for the dative. using contextual clues complicates our model, in We found that 78 erroneous candidates constitute fact only a limited number of nominalized verbs are this most dominant type of errors. polysemous. We therefore expect that we can list (14) s. Kin’you-o medo-ni sagyo-o susumeru. them up and use this as a trigger for making a deci- Friday-NOM by-DAT work-ACC carry on-PRES sion as to whether we need to take the context into I plan to finish the work by Friday. account. Namely, given a n, c, v, we would be (N=“work”, V =“carry”) able to classify it into (a) a main verb phrase, (b) a LCSV 0 [x CONTROL [BECOME [y BE AT z]]] delicate case in terms of the dependence of its con- ∗ LCSV 1 [x CONTROL [BECOME [[work]y BE AT text, and (c) an LVC. [by]z]]] We can adopt a different approach to avoiding The ambiguity of dative cases in Japanese has incorrect paraphrase generation. As described in been discussed in the literature of and Section 5.1, our model generates all the possible some natural language processing tasks (Muraki, paraphrase candidates when more than one LCS is 1991). To date, however, a practical compli- assigned to a verb. Similarly, our approach can be ment/adjunct classifier has not been established. We extended to (i) over-generate paraphrase candidates plan to address this topic in our future research. by considering the polysemy of not only assigned Preliminary investigation revealed that only cer- LCS types, but also that of nominalized verbs (see tain groups of nouns can constitute both compli- (15s) and (16s)) and whether the given n, c, v is ments and adjuncts according to the governing verb. an LVC, and (ii) revise or reject the incorrect candi- Therefore, generally whether a word acts as a com- dates by using handcrafted solid rules or statistical plement is determined without combining it with the language models. verb. 6 Conclusion and future work 9(Muraki, 1991) classifies dative cases into 11 thematic roles that can be regarded as complements. In contrast, there In this paper, we presented an LCS-based para- is no typology of dative cases that act as adjuncts. phrasing model for LVCs and an extension of an ex- isting LCS dictionary. 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