Property of the Watertown Historical Society The Watertown - Oakville TOWwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgN Weekly TIMES Vol. 11, No. 561 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Year. Single Copy. 10 Cents August 28, 1958 Officials Seeking Formula To Wipe Calendar Of Events Auqust 28. — School Registration Intercity Coach Co. Is Awarded Out Large Annual Interest Charge Day. Members of 'the Board, of Fi-into thousands of dollars . every August 28- — Watertown Fire Dis- nance reported this week: on their t year but also to enable taxpayers trict special meeting, District findings to- date for a proposed I to pay 'their property taxes in ei~ Office, 8 p.m. School Transportation Contract plan to eliminate the need every j ther two or four installments in- September 3 — First Day of School year for the town to borrow hun- stead of in one lump sum once a September 14 — Picnic honoring The Intercity Coach Company | of transportation, by the Intercity .dreds of 'thousands of dollars to year. John T. Reardon at Bethlehem of Danbury, was awarded, the con- [| company will be $33,860. Fair Grounds. tract for transporting school chil- Both long-time contract holder pay for operations until income It was noted that during this dren here at a special Tuesday West's Sales -and Service and 'the from, property taxes comes in dur- past year the town had. to make September 19 — Public hearing o' ; TT: ing May. short term borrowings during the town budget. Town, Hall, 8 p.m night meeting of the Board of Ed- A. Camyre Bus Se»-v ce o' ddle- The objective of the plan is not months of October and December, September ,25 — Bloodmobile r ucation, on the basis of a 43.5 cents bury were unsuccessful bidders,. only to remove the interest charg- 1957 and March, 1958. Each time the .Methodist Church- from 1,2:45 per mile low bid for a five year All bidders told the 'Board that es for such borrowings which run it was necessary to borrow $250,000 to 5:30 p.m. Call CR 4-2684 for contract. they would, be willing to furnish and" the total interest charges for an appointment. * Mileage of busses transporting extra, busses in case of need, for the $750,000 amounted, to about local school children last year transportation of pupils- or extra- $7,760. The officials pointed out amounted to 77,83-6 miles, and it curricular activities. that indications are that interest Rev. Macintosh's is estimated, that the .yearly cost All of the bidders said, 'that their Selectmen Propose rates will not be lower and that i busses would be based in Water- the town may have to make larger Final Service At || town,,, thus eliminating -any possi- 100 Ft Of Sidewalk borrowings in the future, unless a ble tax loss through awarding the change in the fiscal year dates is All Saints Sunday Welfare Cases Rise contract to an out-of-town bidder. effected. 'The welfare case load has been j Bids For Buckingham St. Such change is being urged by Rev. Standish Macintosh will rising and extra funds are needed Bids submitted, were as follows:: conduct his last Intercity — 43 5 cents per mile for The .Board of Selectmen voted to the State Tax Commissioner and sen.'ices as Rec- to 'meet requirements of the needy, also- by the town's auditors who- tor of All Saints' Parish. Oakville, it was reported by First Select- a five year contract, or 44.75 cents install, about 600 feet of concrete have been making this recom- next Sunday, August SI, at 8:00 man Hungerford at the Finance per mile for a three year contract; sidewalk and curbing on Bucking- mendation for the past number of and 9:30 a.m. He will also offi- Board meeting this week. At the Camyre — 4S cents per mile for ham Street, during the next fiscal years. Previously local authori- ciate at Christ -Church, Watertown, request of the Selectmen, the fi- a five year contract; Wests- — 50 .year, which begins October 1st. ties have looked into the matter at 11 a.m. in the absence of the nance officials approved an in- cents per mile for three or five The proposed new sidewalk will but dropped it because of the lack Rev. Jackson W. Foley, who is on crease in the budget of $1,300. Se-' years.•> , - extend from the point where "the of some formula for making the vacation. Effective September 1, lectman Hungerford announced": Last week. Wests bid 55 cents a, present sidewalk ends on the west change-over. However, because o he will become Rector of Trinity that, $15,284 has been, spent to date mile and the Camyre lirm bid 19 side of lower Buckingham Street the larger size of borrowings and Church, Lime Rock, Conn., and, go on welfare. This compares with j cents per mile. The Board, award- to Hillside Avenue. higher interest rates, officials of into residence there after Labor about $11,200 spent in, 1956-51. The : ed the contract to Camyre at that ' 'The proposed, project will be fi- the boards of finance and select- Day. extra, funds were 'transferred from time, but, because of misunder- nanced from the annual allocation men have been more persistent i Rev. Paul H. Barbour, D.D., a the balance remaining in the Hem- standings with the contractor of $8,000 for sidewalk construction. their pursuit of. a plan for achiev- in way Park Road account. which came to Ji-c^ht in subsequent ing a change in the fiscal year. retired from South Dakota, discussions, a special emergency They observe that the key to' a now living in West Hartford,,, will Other transfers approved were be Supply Priest until All Saints" S20 for extra, costs of stamps re- '• .meeting of the Board was held in solution lies in 'making the switch 1 ' which it vas deckled to renegoti- Davis St, Next Road with as little extra tax burden as Parish secures a permanent 'rector quired by the Board of Assessors ate the bids. possible. Fr. Macintosh and Fr. Barbour and SI.00 to the town dump ac- were f o rm erly a ssoc i a ted i n - Ind i a n I, Vote Taxpayers may have to pay Missionary Work in South Dakota. count- 1 The Board! discussed the bids in On List For Major more than, one year's taxes dur- It, is a coincidence that Mrs. Mac- executive s e ? s i o n for nearly ing the year 'or years in which the intosh and, Fr. Barbour are relat- New Young GOP three hours, and finally voted, 6-2, change-over is to be accomplishec ed, as cousins. ,' to award the contract to Intercity. Improvement Job {Continued on Page 111 Bert W. Sage, Senior Warden, of Mrs. Janet Starr and Sherman Club Organized ; Slavin voted against the motion to Davis Street between Main Street the parish, has announced a brief 1 and Maple Avenue is scheduled for informal meeting on Sunday after Edward J. Lorenz was eh:"" sen award the contract, which was major improvements next: fiscal the 9:30 service to give members temporary chairman of the newiy- made by Michael, Vernovai. year, according to a. report made Dr. Reade Notes of the parish an opportunity to formed Young Republican Clnh. Mr-. William T. Sperry, of the In- by First Selectmen G. Wilmont meet, Fr. Barbour and, bid fare- which held its first meeting 'Mon- tercity ' Coach Company, told the Hungerford to - the Board of fi- well to , Fr. Macintosh. day in town hall. .Miss Sy'v'ia Bar- ; (Continued on Page 1,3) nance at a meeting of the I ward Achievements With low was chosen temporary secre- Monday. Finance board members tary of the group, which, will meet .remarked, on, the fine change in again ... September ,10 in the Youth appearance of the rebuilt Hemin- Sanitarian Set-Up Four Accidents In Center i 8 p.m. A Rather Unusual way Park Road, and asked. Select- Almost six months have gone by The name selected for th

y other since the town hired, a full-time Three-Day Period ganization, which is the first of •roads are being cons id., -iid for trained, sanitarian for the first its 'kind in town, is, ""Water'"ovvn- Proposal For A major overhauling. time and the extensive-ness of the Report No Injuries Oakville Young Republican •Clt.'I).'" In.fbr.ming the officials thai/Davis work: which the Health Depart- motor vehicle accidents Tt will be a social, club and Re- Street is next on. the list, the First ment has been able to accomplish took "place" "here" over"' the" last !| publicans up to the age of, 36 are Meeting These Days Selectman said that Davis Street in the fields of health and sanita- weekend ..and Monday, and an. a,u- 'invited to attend Jha meetings -and Voters of the Water town Fire grade will also have to be changed tion during this short, period are to was demolished in one of them, join the group. ^ _ District may well be stunned by to allow for a 14 foot "clearance outlined by Health Director Dr., but no- injuries were suffered in Plans for social activities will surprise to learn that they are to through, 'the underpass besides be- Edwin G. Reade. any of the mishaps. be made at the September meet- be asked to reduce the sum, of ing 'widened and, resurfaced. Re- Dr. Reade notes that the sani- Number 1 ing and refreshments will b e .money which they previously au- taining walls will be necessary tarian, Richard Carpi no-, has "ad- The first in the series of ac- served. j thorized for spending at a special near the railroad, trestle and side- mirably adapted himself to his cidents took place August, 23 at Guest: speakers at, the opening fire district meeting to be held on walks and curbing will be install- new position and, results of his 3 p.m. at Woodruff Avenue and meeting were Alden Ives, State '. August 28 at p.m. in the fire ed. Regrading of this 'portion of work are already bear-ing fruit." Main Streets, and as a result, Representative of Morris, and Rod- j district's office. the road is also essential for pro- Dr. Reade said that one of the Pierino Cossu, 27, of New Brit- ney Eielson, Republican candidate j Originally,, district voters ap- per drainage, he explained... chief duties of the sanitarian is to ain was summoned by local po- for State Comptroller. : proved a bond issue of $475,000 for He estimated the cost to be see that, proper sewage systems lice to- 'the September 9 session The nominating committee chos- ! developing' and expanding 'the dis- about §2..i,tJtiO and the project is- to are installed in new homes and of Watertown Justice Court on a en include: _ _ i.. J . s_ Jame•, s Dr^a ornery j r _ _ j tx-ict's water reserves. They are be included in the annual capital over fifty calls relative to- sewage charge of "violation of motor ve- Ted Shove and George Cocco. The now to- be requested, to cut this improvement program which lias nuisances have been handled by i, hide laws." constitution and by-laws commit- figure to $400,000, since bids on been alloted three mills annually his department since last March,' .Police said' Cossu,,, who was tee members are L,eo Hamel. Alan the site and dam projects were in the budget, ^e lit "* '•" •> Atwood and George Caff rev. lower than expected.- Superinten- dent Bronson E. Lock wood, also Closed Labor Day remarked, "We hit the contractors" I h r» Oik 111 e T nd Wa terto wn just at the right time with the in- Post Offices will be closed, Monday vitation to b.d, evidently, and we September 1 Labor 'Day, accord- got-very favorable bids." ing to an announcement by 'postal District authorities were advised ofiicidli here this week. There will by legal counsel to call the special be no deh\erj ol mail, and no meeting for the purpose of reduc- window service on that, day. Lob- ing the size of the bond issue au- bies at both Post Offices, will be thorization. They do- not expect open until noon for the conven- there will lie any op position to ience of b< \holders. the proposition. -____ Radar Equipment May Now Be Used Here Police Have Permit From U. S. Officials Police Chief Frank L, Minucci} TU" eoi'inment consists of trans- this u->(.k tliJ t the local Po- mitting and' equipment. I hce Department his received, its The -transmitter is approximately Jpeimit horn the Federal Co-mmu- the size of a portable typewriter iii_ it ions Commission to operate case... The recording equipment: is the lccenth purchased "Radar slightly smaller in size. Jspeed Meter md announced tha* • In use, the transmitter is plac- .(the equipment will be put into op- ed alongisde a, 'highway, and sends ( r dion is soon is warning signs : an invisible high-frequency beam ro erected on n ^ds approaching down, the.jroad. Any moving ob- own h\ the trwn highway crew, i. ject,- - w h e»11 er c om i ,ng t award or It !i= hoj)Pd to have the unit in': going', away from the transmitter, sei\ice h\ th*= weekend. is intercepted by the beam, and, The Water town Board of Police,1 the result is .recorded and, read, Commissi ncs decided to pur- from a meter with uncanny ac- chase the Radar Speed Meter" curacy. ° "'or witnessing During the demonstration a a demonstration of the equipment month ago, the" machine recorded Ten year old Jimmy- Daddonar (left), of French street, and his pal Mark Descoteaux, of Tucker Oj a iep c-en UM1 OI the manu the speeds, of a dozen or so auto- A v e n u e e x t e n si o n a d m j re a tw i n ear of corn J i m m / f o u n d wh e n d o i n g s o m e h us k i n g for h i s g r a n d - acturer on a local highway which mo-biles travelling down Litchfield father, Giacomo Daddona, Riverside Street. It was the first one of its kind that Jimmy had seen, so has1 a reputation for speedy Road. The police commission- he decided to try and keep the freak of nature instead of having it for Sun-day dinner. Jimmy is the traftic The equipment was pric- ers, Chief Minucci and several, of son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Daddona, French Street. (Photo by Messier) ed, au aiiyrojvaiiaiely $1,500',. (Continued on. Page 11) PAGE 2 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CO'NUN.), AUG. 28, 195Serard Goodspeed, are staying with Jr., of Guernseytown Rd. and Mr. held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the them for awhile. They also re- and Mrs. Donald Jones of - Church, Grounds, will be a Merry- Mr. and Mrs. Edward. H, Coon cently visited their son-in-law and side, Conn, will spend the Labor Go-Round, with rides for the ComingsProperty & Goings Jr., of Guernseytowof then .Road enterWatertown- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Historical. Day week-end cruising on Lon Societyg children, attending. tained forty guests at a buffet and A. Nichols, who have moved'from Island Sound. The event is being sponsored by Mrs. Bernhardt. o( cork tail party held in honor of Mr. New York City to Ithaca, N.Y., two church organizations working Greenwood Street has returned and Mrs. William, Neale of Clear- where Mr. Nichols is working with, Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Cur- together, the Doer's Club, Mrs. Jo- from an eight weeks trip to West waler. Fla., former Watertown the advanced electronic research, iseph Bartuski, president; and, the residents. tiss and son,, Jeffrey," of Hamil- Berlin, Germ,any, where she visit- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgdepartment of General, Electric Meft's Club, with Herbert Wilson ton Lane visited Mr. Curtiss' ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Co. Mr. -and Mrs. Ashworth expect as president. Tickets are available man Mrosek. •" their son,'Tucker, who has recent- mother, Mrs. Rita Curtiss of May Lynjan. of .Main Street was Horway, Maine last week-end. from any member of the two recently a." medical patient at the ly finished playing Jn, "No Time groups. Wa to r bu ry f los p i t a I. For Sergeants." in New York and The barbecue is being staged by FOLLOW THE is now reading for new pi ays. Richard D. Ely, 3d, son of a, professional group with a state- YELLOW BRICK Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ely, Jr. wide reputation, as experts in the Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Till son, of Guernseytown. Rd. has return- ROAD!! of Hamilton, Avenue will spend the Mr. .and Mrs. John George of field. The menu for the Thursday Buckwheat fcuil Moad, Mr. and ed from Camp Pasquaney, .event: includes: barbecued chicken, : Labor Day week-end as guests of Bridgewater, N ...H - • I the -Rev. Dr. Robert B. Appleyard Mrs. John Wihbey of Bunker Hill corn on, the cob, potato chips, See Page 3 ! and Mrs. Appleyard at their sum- Road, and, K;c.nard. George • o* pickles, salads, ice cream and cof- j jn er place in. Week pa ug, R,,., I., Dr. Wheeler Street have returned from fee. | Appleyard. former rector of Christ a trip to George, N',. 1', ' 1 Church, Watertown, is pastor 01 Chicken Barbecue • FLO W E R S • , the Greenwich Christ Church. A party was held in, honor of K. ~of~C Outing FOR EVERY OCCASION Miss "Ann George, daughter of Mr. The first annual family outing — F r e e D e 1 i v e r y — M iss Sylvia Barlow, daughter " of and Mrs.,., Fred George of Cather- Is Planned To Aid of the Knights of Columbus will •ANNETTE'S FLOWER SHOP Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Barlow o; ine Street, wno ceieu rated her mn be held on Sept. 7 at-the K of Old Colonial Road — Oakwiille Lilchfieid Road, spent a week birthday" on August 20. Thirty C"s home grounds on Main St., TEL, CH 4-2770 cruising off the coast, of Maine on guests attended the event. Union Church Fund starting 1,0 a.m. 'There will be (Laurier and Annette Thibault) the "Windjammer" sailing vessel. A Chicken Barbecue with all thr games, prizes, refreshments and - music, rain or shine, it, was an- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred B. Bryan fixln's will be on, the schedule Sep- Miss Ann Davis of Hamburg, tember 4 for the benefit of the nounced. All are welcome and Jr., and .sons, Philip and Richard, j tickets, may be purchased from N.'Y., has been visiting her grand- have returned to their home in, Oakville Union, Congregational, JOHN G. O'NEILL parents', Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Church Building Fond. In addition i any member of the Council. Madison, Wis. .alter visiting their Charles Monte rose is chairman tielfit of Sunset Avenue. They at- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred- B. to the food, menu, an, attraction FUNERAL HOME tended a, session of the U..M. Gen- Bryan of Grove Hill Road and Mr. at the Barbecue, which is to be of the event. eral, Assembly in New York last and Mrs. Kenneth' Greason of 'PHONE CRestwood 4-3005 Wednesday. 742 Main St., OaKvifle Beers Street. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan also entertained recently thei r The Rev. a, n d Mrs. Harold daughter, Mrs". H. G. Rosenbaum SCHOOL SUPPLIES Wright a,nd son, Ha roId J r.,, of Foi * and children, Hazel and Paula. As Pads, Pencils, Note Books, Erasers, Crayons, School 'Bags, etc. Collins, Colorado',, have been, guests oi Mrs. Ernesi Wright of \Vou«J- G R O C IE R. I IE S ... D E LI C A T E S S E N ruK Avenue. ' Mr. and Mrs. John T. Reardon of Nova Scotia.Hi 1,1 Rd. have re- PRINCETON i John L. Brevetti. seaman ap- turned, from a two weeks vaca- 519 Maini St. McGOUGH S Wotertown prentice. U'SN, son of Mr. and Mrs. tion. In Maine. • Louis Brevetti of Riverside Stic re;, Gree Sing Cards—O p e n S u n da y s—Confectionery is serving at the Naval Auxi.ii:rry Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ely. Air Station,.. Saufley Field, Pensa KNITTING tola, Fla. Miss Linda F. Simmons, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Simmons, Belrien Street, has been admitted , to the class of 1962 at \ MILLS, INC. Douglass College in Rutgers. New Brunswick, N.J. Members of the class will arrive on, campus on •! September 7 and classes will start, on Septerrfber 11. WATERTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin and son, Edward Jr., of Lilchfieid Road, spent several days this week i n Coope rs t own,,, N. Y.

Raymond K. Crannell of Hazel Street was among the Northeast- ern University (Boston) ROTC ca- dets who look part last week-end BANK in a military training program 4*5 Held at fort, jJevens.

'Round the Clock William W. Buckingham, Wood- ruff Avenue, has returned home I after having been a patient for1 a, Use Our week at • General Hospital in Boston, Mass. NIGHT Mr and Mrs Howard Williams, POWER of Reynolds Street, recently enter- tained Miss Louise Karabcll, of i Philadelphia, Pa., over the vveek- DEPOSITORY 1 end Accompanied by their son, | Harry, they visited Williams'nirg. Mass , and "the Mohawk Trail. They MOWERS any hour of the also went to Shelburne Falls, Mass. to see "The Bridge of Flowers" on the Deerfield River, reputedly REEL AND ROTARY Tl DAY or NIGHT the only one of its kind existing in A T C L 6 S E T O the world. at Mr. and Mrs. Harold. C. Ash- THE CITIZENS & - worth, Woodbury Road, have re- MANUFACTURERS turned from a visit with their son, . NATIONAL BANK, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. COST PRICES Richard G. Ashworth, New York of City, who are moving this week. Waterbury, Connecticut to -Bronxville, N.Y. Their grand- children, Pieter Thomas and Ev- All models. All sizes, All types. Nationally known makes, including 'the famous EXCELLO You'll never buy a power lawn mower for Our Sporf Shirts This Year Are less, ay where. Stock limited. Stop in Absolutely Beautiful! ecrly. Every mower fully backed by "NEW PRINTS from ESQUIRE FOULARDS and CHECKS $3.98 - $4.98 - $5.98 Slacks $5.95 - $10.95 - $14.95 Phi-Bates Dirty Bucks —$12.95 KAY'S Desert Boots from England $12.95 at HARDWARE QUIGLEY'S Main Street, Watertown Main St., Watertown CR 4-1*38 Open Friday Nights Until 9 o'clock proper sale of beer, 1; obtaining TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CO'NUN.,), AUG. 28, 1958 — PAGE 3 Arrests & Complaints Drop From Level njpney by false pretenses, 1; issu- ing fraudulent checks,' 1. doors or windows at business es- Board Approves Request Property of the Watertown Historicaltablishments were found by checkSociety- Of Prior Year. Chiefs Report Shows ..Chief Minucci reported that the ing officers. For 'New Dealer Permit •A report issued by Chief of Po-tended drought. 'Vandalism cases fiscal year 1957-58 saw 1,446 park- ing tickets issued locally. Chief Minucci expressed, h i s lice Frank L, Minucci this week also . dropped significantly from thanks to the Board of Police Com- The Zoning Board of Appeals ap- 144 last year to 90 in the current The revenue from parking me- proved the application of Edward shows a considerable drop In the ters totalled $8,289.89,' remarkably missioners, the Board of Select- number of complaints received by watertownhistoricalsociety.orgyear. men and the former Civil Defense Zuraitis of Falls Avenue, request- the local 'police department during Differing little from, figures of close to' the $8,834,43.. taken in dur- ing a change of his used car dealer ing the last fiscal year. Income Board under the leadership of-H. 1 the town fiscu" year 1957-58, as previous years were complaints of from issuance of permits rose con- Raymond Sjostedt and William D. license to new dealer and repairer well as a substantial drop in thethefts, 82; emergencies, 78; break- siderably with $433 compared to Starr "for the fine copoeration and license. Mr. Zuraitis plans to op- nuntber of am ts made by local ing and entering, 38; and attempt- $150 last year. assistance rendered, our depart- officers. ed breaking and entering, 2. Mor- : erate a sales and service agency The local police answered 3.834 als complaints were 3 this year Among stolen goods, recovered ment during the past year:" 1 for new trucks... complaints, nearly eleven every as compared, to 1 last. year. by police during the year were 19 day, during fiscal "57-5.? Dii-inr* Arrests. automobiles, 20 bicycles, 5 loud- the same period, the department speakers, 2 boxes of tools, 3 flash- 1 Of the 480 arrests during the fis- made 480 arrests. T'^e fi" " "es ^ • lights, 1 rifle, $101 in cash, 1 suit1 - .the prior fiscal year are 4,095 cal year, 334 were _for motor veh- case valued at $150, 1 chair , 1 I Wa te rto w n B ra nc h I complaints -answered ' and 639 ar-icles violations, as compared to saddle, 1 clarinet, 1 pistol and ,1 GfftJS 461 in last year's report. Other de- tire rack. rests made. clining statistics for arrests can. Complaints The Chief noted, that a, total of DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS be noted in breach of peace cases 85 private homes were checked Accident complaints totalled 199 which numbered 29 this year and SAME- DAY SERVICE this fiscal year, as compared to 50 last year; juvenile cases, 20 daily while the residents were out 180 for the same period, in the of town vacationing, and warned this year and 26 last year; intoxi- residents not to "advertise" when 1063 MAIN ST. - (Next to Watertoyvn Plumbing & Heating) 56-57 fiscal year. cation, 25 this year and 31. last WATERTOWN (Off-Streel Parking) Fires were nearly halved in num- year; non-support; 1.4 this, year and they go away on, -vacations, but ber, with 78 counted in the present 17 last year; larceny, 2 this year notify the p o I i c e department, STORE, HOURS: 7:30 A,.. M. to 6 P. Ml. report as com.pared, to 151 in theand 15 last year, and breaking and which will be glad to check the TEL. CR 4-45411 prior year, possiblibl y dud etoto' th the ex-entering, 6 this year and 14 last resident's home while he is away. year. \ He _ said, that a total of 87 open Arrests for resisting a\rest_ ros£ FO L L O W to five this year compared to one last >ear, while there were seven T HE arrests on morals charges this >oat i as compared to three last year YE L LO W Arrests this year of rj pes which were not included in last year's report were destruction of pn\ate B R 1 C K property, 3; trespassing 1, reek- 1 1 Jess use of highway by pedestrian R O A D • • 1, arson. 1: theft, 10; ueapons in motor vehicle, 5, littering high- waj, 2; attempting to break and enter 2, failure to register dogs, SEI • p AGE 5 5, violation of probation, 1, inter- fering uith police officer .5 lm-

cJhanks to our IN PROPERLY FITTED SHOES FROM KOLINS' SHOE STORE COLLEGE SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Mothers — at cJhomaston (Savings JuanA check these special quality NO, WE'RE NOT RELATED . . . features that make But we do have something in common, in September we shall I both begin lour years of college because . „ . OUR PARENTS PLANNED IT THAT WAY! EVER SINCE WE WERE S«O€S IK nee-Hi'glii to a, grasshopper they have been saving small amounts systematically for each of us on a COLLEGE SAVINGS ACCOUNT BEST for your at our bank. -Their regular deposits plus generous bank dividends • youngsters' growl in gi feel addled up to even more than "WHAT IT TAKES."

GENUINE PRE-FLEXED BROAD' TOE, AREA, IF YOU ARE A PARENT LEATHER SOLES' ample room for torn and have a child whom you wish to send to college someday, let — for lasting, right-from-tbe-start^ io wiggle and 'grow THOMASTON SAVINGS BANK, help you. We can set up a program comfort and long wear. of systematic saving geared! to the age of your child. • Always re- ONE-PIECE SUEDED member ... . . the younger the child, the smaller the weekly or month- NON-SLIP LINING ly savings will be! holds foot snugly 10096 SO START SAYING NOW! GOODYEAR back i» Bed of shoe,, 1 WELT SEWN Then visit our Watertown Office TEMPERED SPRING — fhiest-of-all Study the Chart Below fo plan for your child's future. shoe construction. STEEL SHANK — correct if STRONG COUNTER placed for sup- See How Systematic College Savings Grow — molded lo ibe exact port of t&e arcb* ALL DEPOSITS Deposit contour of the last* Each Mo. 5 Years 10 Years 15 Yea, re QUARTER OVERLAP ANKLE - $ 5 $ • 323.87 $ 699.74 $ 1,135,95 EMBRACE! GUARANTEED 10 647,84 1,399.68 2,272,2:5 — preveats ripped back •20 1,295.57 2,799.17 4,544,. 13 seams, - HEEL FIT 25 1,619.42 - 3.497.70 5,678.66 — keeps foot 50 3,238.97 6,997.90 11,360.33 BROAD RUBBER HEELS firmly, comfor- IN FULL * Computed at therate of 3% PerAnnum — best quality for maximum tably ,i» .place. .. Compoundeti -Semi-Annually balance and wear. Come In Soon KOLINS1 SHOE STORE j 695 MAIN 'ST. - WATERTOWN SAVINGS BANK J-._ CR 4-2448 . .THOMASTON . . ,. .WATERTOWN • • • • * S T O R E O IP IE N . F R I D A Y N I G H T S PAGE 4 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.). AUG. 28, 1958 Grange Card Party Strielkauskas and. Bernice; Mr. 2 Local Young Mrs. Sophie Hlavna has been ap- and Mrs. John. Chavanick, Paul., Property of the Watertown Historicalpointed general, chairman, of thSocietye Patricia and. Ronald; Mr. ana Mrs. Women 'Nursing cart party event sponsored by theAttilio Lattanzio and Anthony; Mr. Town Times, Inc. Watertown Grange on September and, Mrs. Sam Kwochka and Nan- School Graduates ,26 in Masonic Hall, Main, Street. cy; Mr. and Mrs. John Lugaresi, Doors will open at 7 p.m. and theThomas, James and. Jo Ann; Mr. Office located in the Georges, 678 Main Street, Water-town. Two young worn, en from this card party will begin, at 8 p.m.. and Mrs." Pearley 'Taylor and Vir- For news or information oa.ll C Rest wood 4-1968. Address, mail to. area will, receive diplomas at the ginia; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saginario TOWN TI"MIES. Box 838, Oakville, or to Box 1,. Watertown, Conn, 54th, commencement ceremonies of School Lunch Program and Donna; .Mrs. Ann Mitskel and, Publishers: Carl Loss, Joseph F. Smith the Waterbury Hospital, School of Judy; Mr. and Mrs Al Grenier Nursing on Sept.em.ber 5, at 8 p.m. Superintendent Joseph, B. Porter Re-entered as. second class matter May 12, 1955 at the post office at Watertown has announced that milk will be and John; Mr. John Adanw; Mr. Conn. Original entry as. second class matter Jan, 13', 1948 at the post office Oatwill* at Wilby High School auditorium. and Mrs. Michael Vitritsky, Robert •Conn., under the Act of .March '3, 1879. They are Miss Barbara Omici- served at all, the grammar schools and William; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- oli, Bamford Avenue, and Miss and a hot lunch at the Junior High ward Martin and. James; Mr. and Provancher, of Oakville and LeoElizabeth Labasauckas, Linkfield School when school opens on. Sep- Mrs. Carl Abromaitis: and Mr. Births Provancher of Wolcott, August "23 Road... tember 3. Hot lunches will be serv- and. Mrs. Joseph Abromaitis and •QUILL — A son, 'Timothy Francis, in the Church of St. Ann, Water- Rev, Burton MacLean of Yale ed at all the schools on September Mary Etta. Was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wil-bury in ceremonies performed by University will be the principal. 4. liam Quill Jr., of Allendale, New the Rev. Ubald Laurion, pastor, speaker at the ceremonies. Miss Jersey, on. August 25 in Valley The bride was presented In mar-Dorothy L. McMillan.,, director of AUTOMOBILES ••Hospital. Ridgewood, N.J., . The riage by her 'father. nursing, will present the class. Miss Abromaitis Is grandparents are .Mr. and Mrs. Miss Carol Ciccio, Wolcott, was Arthur M. Rogers, hospital, presi- WANTED I. F. Campbell. Main Street, and maid of honor, and Miss Anita dent, will award diplomas. 500 Mrs. •William. Quill, Boynton Ciccio, the honor attendant's sis- The present class, of 66 brings Honored At Party 1951 to 1957 Beach, Fla. ter, was bridesmaid. Her step-sis- the total number of graduates from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Abromaitis ter, Marcia .Ann Crupa, was flow- the Waterbury Hospital School of of Iroquois Road, entertained, re- NO WAITING LORENSON — A daughter, Lu- er girl. Nursing, established, in 1904, tocently at a. party held, in honor of YOUR MONEY AT ONCE -.cinda Diane, was born to Mr. Vincent Accardi served as best 1,167. their daughter. Miss Carol Ann IT PAYS — TO SHOP and Mrs. Louis H. Lorenson of man for Mr. Provancher. Guests Abromaitis, at the Lake Winne- We Trade Down - Up - Across Magnolia' Hit I Road on August 19 were ushered by. Julius Provan- maug Estates Clubhouse. in the Water bury Hospital. Mrs. cher,. the bridegroom's brother, In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Lorenson, is the former L6uise B. and Kenneth Blake, the bride's Joseph Sauchelli and Lois: Mr. SEL MOTORS Thomas. uncle. Raymond Provancher was Garden Party Nets and Mrs. Edmund Miklinevicus, ring bearer for his step-brother. Marion and Shirley; Mr. -and Mrs. 1414 Main St. Watertown, Conn. PRAGER — A daughter, Vicki Approximately 150 guests, in- $1034 For St. John Joseph Stasonis, Edward, Stephen CR 4-2355 - CR 4-4215 Jeanninc, was born to Mr. andcluding those from .Mew Jersey, and Susan; Mr. and Mrs. Peter1 Mrs. Joseph W. Prager Sr, of Pennsylvania and surrounding Sylvan Lake Road on August 2Q Connecticut, cities, attended, the Buildng Fund in the WaterbuPy Hospital... Mrs. reception in the Stork Club. . s "Proceeds from, the luncheon gar- Prater is I lie former Kieanor M. Following a wedding trip, the den party sponsored recently by Butkus. couple will make their home at the Catholic Council of Women, _ 156 Waterville Street. held at the home of Mrs. Harrj EASON. INC. MILLER — A* son, Douglas Bert,' Mrs. Provancher was. graduated Fleisher, Woodbury Road, amount- was burn to Mr. and Mrs. from Wilby High School ...Her .hus- ed, to $1034.31, it was reported this Call us for your residential wiring. For •ilimalsi. Donald J. Miller of Emilc Avenue band, a graduate ol Leavenworth week. A check was presented, to Emargency repair. Commercial wiring. Say, MAKE on. August 20 in the Water bury High School, is employed by theRev. Myles P. Galvin . to be ap- IT ADEQUATE WIRING 1 Hospital. Mrs. Miller is the for-Steve Ferrucci Construction Com- plied to the church, building fund mer Jean M. Sage. pany, Rev. Galvin and, .members of the 510 Main St OAKVILLE Tel. CR 4-2589 committee wish, to thank Mrs McENTEE — A third child and Fleisher and merchants for their x third son, Scoit, was born to Mr. contributions and all others who a1 and Mrs. William B, of a1 A Licenced Electrical Contractor Sine* 1927 Selectmen' To helped make this affair such a suc- u Sylvan Lake Road on August 20' cess. 1S in the Waterbury Hospital. Mrs. "A.K a.S §••!**« ?'S1 HI e En tee is the former Lucille Serve As .Flood Rose Santoro. Control Agency .. FU MR: MA INI - •• A son. Richard Al- The Board of Selectmen was len, was bom to Mr. .and Mrs-authorize. d to act as the town's William A. Full nun n of French Flood and Erosion Control Board Street on August 22 in the Water- I !•>•;• vote of a special town, meeting hury Hospital. Mrs. Fuhrman is August 20. The creation of such the It inner Carolyn E. Kimball. ho;ii-d is necessary by law to en- able State and Federal agencies to' excavate and widen a, section of the N,a tier a tuck River near the Chase Metal Works property in Weddings \V;t tor town. IP r o v a n c h e r- P e p i n Tiic Hood control project involves Miss, 1 '!„; 11"I)• 11•; i P11v I i i.s A nn Pep i.11, removal of aljoul 30.000 cubic •da n^ lite r of Mrs. Pet or M. C"|-u;ia. van is. _i)t ledge to widen the rivpr W'ok-ott, sum! Kukintl Pei>in. Hain- to. sixty feet in, the flood prone dwii, iifiMiiif tht- lii'itli' tit" Lt'o Pro- area. vj i n (• 11 c • i • ,11". „ :s,( > n »> F !i 11 "s., Be r t i i a The new; board will acquire both till e to the land a nd a c c es s v. nd spoil areas in the name of the J A M E 5 I own without cost to the town, as the land and approaches will be provided by the Chase firm. E. A, voter, Paul Mazurski of Falls Avenue, raised the question, as to DeWITT who will benefit from the liuod control project. • 1388; Main St., Watertown Selectman G .Wilmont Hun Ren- ford replied that" some horn s in CR 4- 2 4 5 7 the area and the Chase Com un\ which is one of the town's laresest taxpayers, will benefit from U.e flood control, undertaking. II iri'u ram c e Co.. IFiir% Insurance Co. n liwfx IIiniMUTonce €o>. Tennis Club Dance Attracts Over 200 Appio\iniatei\ 200 members anrl c irsts attendee! the annual Tennis 1 GAS-TOONS) C'uh dm e imi members, wish to • th.tnk til those who conti lbuted , . By • tht u tiniH in making the affaii i SUt(OSS Joe A & Ronnie | The luniot n cmbcri wish to Mhink Mi ind Mi Chiiles uood- ' \< ii tnd ATi and Mis Ru^ei Bi \ M n f">i chcipeicmine then dance \ attiacled i tjuud turnout The c'ub tournament is unic \v v\ Tnd a few Ujtsct^ lia\e a' icadv born experienced J ick Piatt anrl Bill Oie^ker upset the If was high time Nancy had a room of her own!" top seeded men s, doubles team of John At,wood, and Harold Dowd by scores of 6-1. 0-6 and, 6-2. The sec- "It was cramped and inconvenient, her sharing a "room, with Margie. ond upset saw George and Allan Magary outplay the second Yet we felt we just couldn't afford to have the attic 'bedroom, finished ••Sure I told you to stay neat and seeded men's team of Paul Rodia off for her. But that was before I talked, to one of the boys at the club. clean . . .. but let's not overdo it !" and Barry Hughson by scores of 5-7, '6-2, 6-2. Seems, he got a. Property Improvement Loan .from. Colonial Trust to We don't feel that we can, over- All members are urged to play build a basement rec-room. He told me he got the cash to'pay his emphasize the importance of our their matches off as soon, as poss- contractor in full; he repays a, little bit each month; and he 'didn't have •careful service. ible.. to touch his .savings. And, the loan -was insured!

WALTON'S The Watertown Development ESSO SERVICENTER Company, by Edward H. Coon, Jr., So J got 'wise . ... . matter of fact, Nancy couldn't wait to fell her president, sold three lots, with im- friends about her new 'bedroom." - ' We give S & H Green Stamp* provements, .on Hinman Road, and •: Phona CR 4-8098 •• one on Guernseytown Road, to An- thony S. Ciarlo. The Colonial WATERTOWN Txxuat Company MANUFACTURING COMPANY Ydor Community Bank • .. WATERTOWM CUSTOM MOLDER5 O* AIL PLASTTCS EIO-HT OFFICES CONVENIENTLY LOCATED- IN1 MANUFACTURERS off: LIFETIME WARE WATERBURY • NAUOATUCK • THOMASTON • WATERTOWN . WOODBURY Hill, Northfield, Linkfield, to St.. win School and St. John's to gar-TOWN TIMES (WATERTO-WIN, CONN.), AUG 28, 1958 — iPAGE 5 Bus Schedule Is John's... age. 2:35 p.m.: JHS to Polk to upper 3:05 p.m.: St. John's to Baldwir. Road, to Hamilton Avenue, to Jud- 3:05 p.m.: St. John's to Judson ListedProperty For Schools Buckingha ofm tothe P oik WatertownSchool. Historicalson to- St. John's. Societyand, Platt Road. Hinman Road ,2:40 p.m.: JHS to Hillside, Ball 3:10' p.m.: St. John's to Baldwin Return Runs Skilton, Guernsey town Road. Judd The following School Bus trans- Farm, Tarbell, French to Polk. 8:1,5 a.m. South to Main Street. Farm Road, Litchfield Road, to portation schedule was announced School to Northfield and Linkfield 3:00 p.m.: Trade School, to JHS Road, to garage, French Street, turn, at Greenwood Baldwin. this week for the local schools. to Watertown,, Baldwin School to. 3:15 p.m.: Judson to 'West Road 3:15-p.m.: Baldwin School to No- to St. John's, Judson. Techni ca I School watertownhistoricalsociety.orgJudson School. 8:20 a.m...:: Baldwin to Litchfield to- Baldwin School to Greenwood to Warren. F. Kaynor Baldwin School va Scotia, Hill, Park Road, Black Rock, Thomaston Road, to garage. 'Road, Judd Farm Road, Guem- French Street: to Main Street to School hours, 8:00 a,m. to 3:00 School hours, 9:00 a.m. to 3:05 seytown Road, Ski 1 ton Himnam garage. p.m. p.m. 3:15 p.m.: Judson to West Road Road, Platt Road, to Judson "and 3:15 p.m.: Judson to Middlebury • 7,.-SO a.m., Watertown, to 8:10 a.m.: JH§ to Linkfield Roa^ to Baldwin School to Greenwood St. John's. j Road, to Sandbank Road, to Bun- School. Northfield Road,"to Baldwin and to French Street to Main Street, Return Runs ker- Hill to garage. • 3:00 p.m., Trade School, to JHS] St. John's. to garage. 3:00' p.m.: St. John's to Judson, i •(Continued on Page 13) to Water-town. Baldwin to Judson. J 8:10 a .in, : Polk to French, to 3:20 p.m.: Baldwin School to WATERTOWN! HIGH SCHOOL Baldwin. Beach, Avenue, Porter Street, Echo School hours. Grades '11 and, 12, 8:20- a.m.: Polk to French, Gil- Lake, turn at Carter's to- Baldwin. 7:55 a.m. t# 12:25 p.m.; Grade 10, bert, Lane, Edge Road, Echo Lake 3:30 p.m.: Baldwin to Nova Sco- 12:30- p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Road, to Baldwin School, St.. John's tia Hill, Park Road, Black: Rock, Grades 11 and 12 to garage. Thomaston Road, to Garage. 7:10 a.m..:: Garage tto Linkfield, 8:20' a.m.: Polk to Buckingham 3:35 p.m.: Baldwin School to Northfield, Fern Hill, Black Rock, THE YELLOW Street, Thomaston- Road, Black Litchlield Road, to garage. Park Road, Nova Scotia Hill to Rock, Park Road, Nova Scotia Hill 'JUDSON 8CHOCL High School and, JHS, to Baldwin, and St. John's, to gar- School hours, 9:00 a.m. to 3:05 • 7:10 a.m..: Garage to Platt Road, age. p.m. Guernsey Town Road, Litchfield "ir-* '• "I 8:2'* 5 a.m.'^ "' '• " : Judsol>L4irIwll.ikJ *-F,ln 111 t111 o1L7 JU_jiLitchfiell IL K* ill U, III HI.'KZ .111 dK 8:00 a.m.: JHS to Davis. Sand- o V on BRICK ROAD :'Jl ,P? . s Farm^jpettawf Road to Baldwin School and St. bank Road, Middlebury Road, to to High School and JHS. John's, to> garage. Judson. " 7:20 a.m.:* Garage to •Straits 8:30' a.m.: Judson, School to 8:00 a.m.,.,:: JHS to Cherry Ave- Leads To The interesting Turnpike, Davis Street, M-ain Echo Lake, turn at Carter's, Por- nue, to Lake Winnemaug to Bunk- Street to High School. ter Street, Beach. Avenue, to Bald- er Hill Extension to 7:20 a.m.: Garage to French, Upper Buckingham, Sunnyside, .Lower Falls Avenue, to Hi«h Reception So-eff School. GREEN DOOR 7:40 a.IT . :JHS to Oakville Cen- ter to High School. REPLACE Yout 519 MAIN ST.. WATERTOWN ""turn Runs OLD ANTENNA NOW 12:30 p.m.: High School to French Street, to upper Buckins;- with fha gemiin* ham, Sunnyside, Lower Falls Ave- Antiques - Dishes - Bric-A-Brac nue, to garage. Wonder-Helix 12:30 p.m.: High School to .Main: Street,, to Davis Street, lover r'ami O'dd Things Lake Winnenumg, Cherry Avenue, to garage. SEE the difference 1 1:2:30 p.m.: High, School to Wood- Enjoy better black and white reception—COLOR TV tool Men's Clofhes - Women's Clothes bury Road, Platt Road, Guernsey- town Road. Litchfield Road, Link- Children's Clothes - . field Road, Smith Pond, Fern Hi 11 Thomaston Road, Park Road, No- C E & J TELEVISION va Scotia to garage. Grade 10 AND F LOO ft COW E RI N G S . 1\ :35 a.m.: Garage to Plat' 1 STRAITS TURNPIKE WATERTOWN Road , Guornspytown DIst., Litch- BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS' field Road, Linkfield, Road. Smith Tel, CR 4 - 30 3 5 Pond Road. Fern, Hill to Thomas- ton Road, to Park Road, to Jer- Ichc Road, to Nova Scotia, Hill -to High School,., 11:50 a.m.: Garage to French Street, to Sylvan, Lake Road, to Falls Avenue, to Main, up Buck- ingham, to Echo Lake Road it High School. 11:50 a.m.: Garage to Cherrv Avenue, Lake Winnemaug .lover dam I to Davis Street, Main Street soon to High School.. Return Runs 5:00' p.m.: High School to Main Street,, to Davis Street. Cover riami Lake Winnemaug, • Cherry Avenue, to garage. 5:00 p.m.: High School to French Street, Sylvan Lake, Falls Avenue Main Street, up Buckingham to Echo Lake to garage. 5:00 p.m.;. High, School toWootl- bury Road, Platt Road. Guernsey- town Dist., Litchfield Road, Link- the Oakviile area's . field Road. Smith Pond, Fern Hill, Thomaston Road, to Park Road, to Jericho to Nova Scotia, to garage GORDON C. SWIFT own office of JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL School hours, 8:00 a.m. to 2:1-1 p.m. "7TI0 a.m.: Garage to Hamilton Waterbury Savings Bank Avenue, Lake Winnemaug lover dam) to Davis Street, to JHS 7:1,0 a.m.: Garage to Linkfield Northfield, Fern Hill, Black Rock. Park Road, Nova Scotia Hill to Soon Waterbury Savings Bank will be able to provide High SchoqJ and, JHS 7:10 a.m.: Garage to Platt Road even greater banking convenience to this growing area. Guemseytown Road, Litchfield Road, to Davidson's Farm,, return Remodeling of the building our Oakville Office will occupy to High School and JHS. 7:30 a.m.: Garage to Baldwin is going to be started as soon as possible. School to Hawley Street, to JHS. 7:45 a.m.: Trade School to upper This building is located at 423 Main Street. , . Falls Avenue to JHS. ' • at Main and Davis Streets, where "the traffic light is located.. 7:45 a.m.: High School to French Tarbell Slade, Hillside to South to Off-street parking and complete "main, office" services iJrlS. 7:45 a.m...:,. High School to Jason, will make it possible for us to offer increased helpfulness High Street, French, to Tarbell to Junior High. to the many people In this area we are already "serving ... 7:45 a.m.: JHS to Woodruff, Middlebury Road, Wheeler Street* and to the many new friends we hope to make. Woodruff to JHS. 7:45 a.m.: JHS to lower Bucking- ham Street, to JHS. 7:45 a.m.: JHS to Lower Falls Avenue to South and- JHS. 7:55' a.m.": High School to French Street, upper Buckingham to Polk and JHS. Return Runs WATERBURY SAVINGS BANK 2-:20 p.m.:. JHS to Watertown and return, to JHS. 2.-20 p.m.: JHS to Tarbell to Mutual Savings Bank Service Since 1850 French, Gilbert Lane, Edge Road Jason, Echo Lake to JHS. WATERBURY, CONNECTIClij~V' • 2:20 p.m..: JHS to Watertown Center to JHS. 2:20' p.m.,: JHS to upper Falls MAIN OFFICE MILL PLAIN OFFICE PLAZA OFFICE CHESHIRE OFFICE Avenue to Polk School. 176 Chase Avemie North Man at Savings Street 2ei«enden Roaa 190 Main Street 2:20 p.m.: JHS to Davis Street, PIM-M: Plaza 5-0131 Lake Winnemaug, Hamilton Ave'- P'htwie Plata 5-0131 fhow Plaza 5-0131 Phone BRowning ,2-301,2 Open Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday Bue, to St. Johns. 3pen Thursdays a ra,,,to 7 p.m. Open JMo-nd:a.y,, Tuesday, Wednesday Open Friday 9 a.m. to ? p.m. 2:20 p.m.: JHS to Litchfield Other Banking Days 9:30 a.m. to- 3 p.m. 10 a.m.. to -4 p.m. x Other Banking Days Road, Quernseytown Road, Platt - 9 a...m, to 3 DM. Open Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Open Thursday and Friday .Road, to Baldwin School... 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Open Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1,0 a.m. to 7 p.m. 2:25 p.m.: JHS to Buckingham, French, Riverside to JHS. After Main Office hours liter Main Office hoars .2:35 p.m.,,: JHS to South, School Phone PLaia 4-7666 Pfwne iPILaia 5-2442 to Sunnyside, Lower Falls Avenue, to South. FREE customer PARKING — ALL OFFICES 2:30 p.m.: JHS to Nova Scotia Bill, Park Road, Black 'Rock, F'era PAGE 6 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), AUG. 28, 1958 tee for fie September 2.4th, affair Prospect and Woleott, will be invit- Monagan Planning represent a, portion of 'the' Water- II ed- Christ Church A reception • in Torrington is • Sunday — The Rector and his bury area and, Middlebury. All Property of the WatertownTo Attend Are aHistoricalwomen voters from the 15t h SocietySena- planned for Octobe r 12th. First Church of Christ family will be on, vacation, during torial District, which is on the A. Monagan, for Congress Com- sSerr ist Waferh,"? August. The Rev. Standish Mac- mittee has been formed with Wil- SundavSuS School and Intosh- of A" Saints" Church. Oak- Women's Groups western side of Waterbury, and. al- HSyanO:^. SiSEi £S ,v|«e. will be in charge olServI«» ~r> from Middlebtir ,, are invited Ham St., John as campaign chair- Mmm First in, a series of women's re- and.may bring friends. Similar re- man, with membership from all vice at 10:45 a.m. "Christ Jesus»S Prayer and Sermon at 11 ceptions in honor of the Demo- sections of the Fifth. District. Wat- will be the subject of the Lesson- ?••"• J*° Service of Holy Oommunr ceptions are planned in. other Sena- at 8 a m cratic Candidate for Congress " in ertown's representative on. the Sermon for !he day. The Golden:;: - " the Fifth District, John, S. Mona- tonal Districts in the Cong r ess ion-1 co:m:mittee is' John T. Reardon' Text is from, Jolin (12:461 : "I am, gan,, and his wife, will, be held" on al District. come a light into the world, that ' All Saints' Parish Sunday afternoon, September 14th, Mr. Monagan will attend each Whosoever believeMi on ; f s'Tni'd Sunday — Holy Eucharist at 8 reception, with Mrs. Monagan to at the Roger Smith Hotel in. Water- Mrs. Eva Seery, Center Street, hot abide In darkness." Selections and 9:30 a.m. bury,, from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m., Ed- meet, the women, voters of the Dis- from the Bible inch Me the oi low- trict. pwas issued a permit for the eon- mund M. Campion, the Committee !1'L" , ,. j «u ' struct ion, of a fireplace at a cost ing:. "God be merciful unto us, Union Congregational, Chairman, mniiunced today, i > a nd hi ess i is; 11, nd c • • •; c ' • s fa • •.?j Sunday — Worship Services at The second, reception, under the of tim stated, thai the, receptions would chairmanship of John J. Luddy, «O1 *"*""• to shine upon us; That thy way '9:30 a.m. with'Rev. Joseph O. Tal- be patterned after the teas given may be known upon ea i. thy ley. pastor of South Congregational will* be held, September 23th, at „• John Kontout was issued' a per- in Massachusetts for Senator John the Roger Smith Hotel. Women vot-I mit for the construe! ion of a one saving health among all nations." Church, Waterbury. F. Kennedy during his last, cam- (.Psalms' 67:1.2). Thursday — The Doer's Club, ers from the 16th Senatorial Dis- •; family dwelling with garage _ in paign. trict, which includes the eastern : basement on Shannon Drive at" a Wednesday -•• Meeting, including M r s, J oseph -Bart us k i, pr es id en t; Women sen'ing on the Commit- ; t est i m o i" i es o I" C'i i v i s i, i. a n 'He i en c e and the Men's Club, Herbert Wil- section...of the City, and, also from 'cost of $15,000. healing, at 8 p.m. •son, president, are sponsoring a Chicken Barbecue "September 4 for piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil First Congregational • the benefit of (he Building Fund. Sunday • Si;nn Aim- Tickets may be had firom the mem- Ust. Summer Ur..on Services with bers of the two organizations. the Methodist Cnii "- .-i a sn : Sunday — The Fall worship ser- in the Methodist Church. Nursery vices will begin Sunday, Septem- for 'Children durinR tiie services. ber 7, at 10":45 a.m., when Rev. Oscar L. Locke will, celebrate the nnouncing Methodist Church Holy Communion. Sunday — Sundays during Aug- THE FALL OPENING us t. U n ion S erv i c es \v i. 1 I I11 e F i,rs t Congregational Church at: 10 a.m. St. John's Church OF THE in the Methodist Ow-ch Kursery Friday — Anniversary Requiem for children. during the services. High Mass at "i| a.m. for James Manning. Sunday — Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 'and 11 a.m. In 'V-'hlehem at 9 and, CAROL WOODING ill a.m-. Evening Devotions at 7:30 .p. m.consisting oi tiie ilosary. Lit- :a,ny of the Blessed, Virgin Mary, and Benediction ot the Most Bless- STUDIO OF DANCE ed. Sacrament. BUY A PUMP YOU 5 1 9 Mai n S t., W a f e r t o w n St., Mary Magdalen (Cameo Theatre Building) Thursday — Requiepi High Mass CAM GET REPAIRED lat 8 a.m. for Carmen Accouski, Affiliated with the Miss Elaine Dance Studios •requested by the family. QUICKLY, LOCALLY Saturday — Confessions 11:45 •a.m. to 1,2:15, and, 4 to 5:30 and i'7 to 8:30' p.m. • Class and Individual Lessons for Children 3 years and up. Monday — Novena Devotions at Ballet - Toe - Tap - Modern Jazz - Hawaiian, etc. . ; 7 p.m. in honor of Our Lady. You'll not be without water BALLROOM for TEEN-AGERS and ADULTS for long If you have one of our Fairbanks-Morse sub- Learn to Cha-Cha - Fox: Trot - Tango - Waltz - Bop, etc. mersible pumps. Your F-M pump is nortent KARPETKARE •"back to the factory" . . . no Song waits . ,. , no freight THE FAMOUS NOW charges to pay .,. minimum CLEANING METHOD!! Reg istration inconvenience f THURSDAY, SEPT. 4 — 3:00 P. M. to 6 P. M. We have the parts . ,. . make repairs here —often in FRIDAY, SEPT. 5 — 3:0§ P. M. f©' f P. M. • Takes Only One Day SATURDAY. SEPT. 6 — 10: A., II. to 6 P.M. • few hours. • Right In Your Own Get our estimate for a Home or Oar 'Plant. NEW Fairbanks-Morse water system. Call,... phono Miss Carol is a member of the National Association, of Dance The most, satisfactory cleaninu and Affiliated Artists, .Inc. *.», write, proposition we've ever come across!! It's, speedy . . „ It's Our repair truth com*) prorapHy efficient and it's in ex. pen si veil whan eofcd—for F-M pump* w wy = FOR, FURTHER INFORMATION i§ CALL US AND WE'LL TELL, YOU ALL A BOOT ITl'I = ' Telephone PLoza 5-53 39 . = For Free Estimates— aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ PHONE CR 4-1636 ALLYN'S WATERTOWN CENTER SERVICE 1. J. Black & Son, INC. Cleaninq Service GREAT LABOR DAY 'Watertown, Connecticut "Boh" -Allyr Frank Barton Northfield Road 15 Echo Lake Road CRestwood 4-2271 W A { E R T O W N

* * * * SCOTT'S I * th * 89 ANNIVERSARY DONT START ON THAT HOLIDAY MOTOR ! TRIP WITH POOR TIRES. SALE Stop In For Outstanding Tire Values At *i * Terrifc Savings On i SCOTTS LAWN SEEDS LOW LOW PRICES!! * SCOTTS TURF BUILDER * I* SCOTTS COPE and TUBELESS TIRE EXPERTS ' SCOTT'S SPREADERS WATERTOWN • ** Labor I CENTER SERVICE WESTERN AUTO Welders ! Malm Street — Watertewn rtn_ki W9 MAIN S1REET. WATERTOWII I Open Friday. Nighf Until 9 OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. TO' 10 P. M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS TEL. CR 4-8 0 90 housekeeper at the fair on Septem- cludes the initial meeting .of regis- TOWIM TIME'S (WATERTOWN, CONN.), AUG. 28, 1958 — PAGE 7 Bethlehem News ber 6 and 7 in the Mother Goose trars held Saturday to make new ing of by Rev. Theo- By Paul Johnson Barnyard, a.- show which will con- Property of the Watertownvoters The unaffiliated list waHistoricals dore L. Beauchamp, monaster Societyy Clerical workers of the Bethle- tain animals and characters from Women's G.O.P. hem fair are busy with hundreds the nursery stories, and where a chief gainer from the session, with chaplain. of en,tries which are being received television clown will present en- three electors .made who declined, Grange Meets for next week's holding on Septem- tertainment for the children. party preference and with 'Repub- Bethlehem Grange members, Club To Meet ber 6 and 7 of the annual, exhibi- Trained Llamas licans and Democrats each, adding held a brief business meeting in The Oakville-Watcrtown Wom- tion The workers will be busy en's Republican Club ended, its 8th Entertainment acts at the fair one to their voting lists .,.,. Beth- Memorial Hall on Monday night this weekend, at 'the Coshen fair, will be headlined by the Royal year with a picnic held at the lehem's William Smith. Republican and spent a work: session in. a home of Mrs. Frederick Mason, where a booth to receive entries Inca Llamas, the only herd of state- central commit teeman from, house clean, ing of the building is also operated each year by the trained llamas in existence ... Ed- Ridge way Avenue, on August 19. the 32d district, presided at a meet- The work session was planned as Twenty-five members attended, and Be .iehem fair .fair officials na and Leon, a top acrobatic act, a part of the community service are pleased with, the wide response and Bud Cartel 1 and Rose, a whip ' ing in Morris called to consider the mystery gift prize was woo 1 program of the Grangers Rich- and interest being shown in tins and. rope act, will complete the means of financing the vote drive. ard Hunt has been named presi- by Miss Ann Wasilauskas. Movies year's exhibition, and predict, en- program The llamas were Community Club dent of the Connecticut 4-H Key ot Mr. and Mrs. Mason's trip to tries in, all departments will be more than a year in" training at Bethlehem Community/ club will Club ... He was elected at, the,: the West were shown and of -the • heavy. the Kendall Rare Bird Farm, Mi- hold a food sale this Saturday, annual, meeting held at the Uni- 1.955 flood. Opens Sept. 6 from, 2 to 4 p.m., at Anderson's ami, Fla, versity of Connecticut: A 4-H i The fair will open on, September Seppo .Manner. 22, of Vinkhila, corner Club held meeting Tues- day eve at home of .Mrs. Ruth key member in 1956, he is a leader 6 with an observance of Grange Finland, is spending some time at of the Beth-Wood 4-H dairy club, ! A11 en Cutler a n d M a r j or i e, A. C u t - Day and a, program by Grange Bate, who was, assisted, as hostess the farm of- Warren and. Richard president of the Litchfield County ler sold land and, buildings on the members and state and Pomona Hunt under 'the International Farm by Mrs. Alice Meshkum and Mrs. Evelyn Davis . .., Bethlehem fire- 4-H fair association, and a direc- easterly side of Hazel Street to • officers .... M a n y subordinate Youth Exchange Program He tor of the Bethlehem Fair. granges in the area, have entered arrived- in this country in Hay, and. men went to Waterbury on Sun- Patrick Robert Ma.zzama.PO' Jr., competitive displays, and, a spe- has spent several months living on day to' participate in the parade and Phyllis T. Mazzarriaro. of the state convention A, pro- cial tent will be employed in their farms in Kansas ....,. In 'Finland, Raymond Joseph Mailhpt and exhibit Saturday will ulso be he lives on a farm of 100 acres cession "to honor the Assumption of Catholic Council Meets the date of oxen drawing,,, a 4-H where wheat, and rye are the ma- The -Mother of God was held Sun- A 'meeting of the Council of Cath- Doris T. Mailhot sold land and im- 1 day at Regina Laud is Monastery provements on the westerly side dairy calf" show, and the judging jor crops, and is particularly in- olic 'Women will, be held on Sep- O'f all exhibits Gov... Ab ra h a in terested in learning about dairy .... Immjediately foilowing the pro- of Litchfield Road to John A. Pi- Ribicoff will visit, the fair during farming in this country. eession there was the annual bless- tember 3 in St. John's School. nard and Frances A.. Pinard... the afternoon. Slates Completed Sunday Slates of local candidates for the On ^September 7, the Sunday of- November election were complet- fering will include horse drawing, ed when Democrats named Mrs. a, western horse show, and other Anne High am as their endorsed special features A, dog obedi- candidate for stale representative ence exhibition will taka place on at a. party caucus ,.... Mrs.'Higham AT HILD AND TV! both days, and, there will be con- in' accepting' the nomination, told certs daily by the Fulton Ameri- the caucus she has a desire to can band of Waterbury ,... Four-II serve the town, in ihe legislature MAKE ZENITH QUALITY WORLDS FINEST HIGH FIDELITY clubs are entering exhibits in, a and. promised an active campaign special show,, and, other scheduled YOURBUYWORDF .. P'lays alf your records, plus new stereo discs! displays include those of Ihe Conn, A. w i de 1 y known p u b lie I ec t u rer. J Council of Camera Clubs and the Mrs. Higharm has majored in his- j IT-GIVES YOU MORE ! lory at Western University and i • exhibit of realism art. Mount Holyoke College, and has I: "Old Ornery" Back traveled extensively throughout Ihe NEW ""Old Ornery," an owl who a- world in obtaining lecture mater-; chieved some kind of fame by be- ial She is a, member of the 1,959' ing abducted from tl*e 1957 Be'ih- International, Institute and the An- j lehem Fair, will, make a trium- gio-Arab .Association of London, phant return to the fair this ye

\. \ ^ — x< THE CLASSIC' MMd SF25MH ,x Stereophonic Higk-Fidtlity Steord- Be Proud* Playing Instrument with AM/FM Radio THE WINTHROP AH records sound so life-like, it*£ Model IB. 2246 Ceniote 'TV breathtaking! Provincial cabinet of your kiddies Fine Furniture 21 *' overall diag. .26,2 so.., fit. sty I Ing. .7 mil diamond and _3 mil manufactured .sapphire1 styli. Provincial rectangular picture area. In Zenith, FM/AM radio. Auto- ... Style Cabinet on Sept. 3rd Brained mahogany or blond matic.Frequency Control on FM. In Genuine Cherry oak color. In Cherry veneers and Cherry Wood and Veneers aolids. Dimensions.: 32Jf * high, SLOW s / ZENITH QUALITY 48M* wide, 18M* deep, AC only. 7 As Low As $189.95 Zenith Quality.

ALL NEW 1959 ZENITH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY VAIUE Caafml Poael - 4-SfwaJ t«*rd Cbaa*tr• for less Service Rta toning Control, 4- Automatically play? 33- Headaches Position Record Compen- M, 45, 78, and 16M Here ore no printed' sator Control, Loudneas RPM. records, fourteen. 7*' circuit's in Zenith"* Control,, Presence Control, records., twleve 10" rec- and separate basa ana ords. Hea.vy-d.uty 4-pole Service-Saver Hori- turntable motor. santal 'TV Ghana. treble controls... For Sharper Pictures New Sunshine Picture1 Tube produce; raior- fharp definition. M Witts Sa«akars Separate power amplifier Two high frequency treble For Extra Value with Pre-Amp has 80 horn speakers; two 12* watts of maximum power Alnico 5 speakers with re- Featiires output. Faithfully repro- sponse 30 to 15,000 CPS. • Pull-Push "Qn-OfT duces ell harmonics and Button • Top Front overtones. YOU'VE 'GO? IO MEM IT Tuning • Spotlite Dial. 'TO iflKVE IT!


They'll look fashion-right in clothes Sanitone Dry Cleaned by" P I. O M P T E X P E ft T ALLYN-S CLEANERS & DYERS REPAIR SERVICE 15 Echo Loke Rood — Tel. CRestwood 4-1636 On All Mokes Of WATERTOWN " FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE TELEVISION SETS and RADIOS SHOP TODAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY FOR YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS George's Markel's Closed Monday, Labor Day

NEtV Property of the Watertown Historical Society BREAKFAST 3 • DRINK 2 H> 2 IS- m HAVE A LAZY oz. JAR ONLY jar 59' m LABOR DAY m FREE SAMPLES o', WHILE THEY LAST? Z.)

HPOOOOOOOOOCM READY TO BROIL IIV#% lb Revere IT'S HERE!! NEW MEATS * Beef Patties / 7 I* SIX MONTH m- KCAUREADTY TIWO CAEA! T V1BO FARM CUT-UP • a COLONICOLONIA/ L BUTT PORTION S .11G A Floor Wax $1.19 Ib. Fryers each Hams 63 vi* Quart - $1.49 OLD TIME SLICED Half-Gallon - $2.69 FARM FRESH SPLIT # g Broilers 2<-$ Bacon 63 Maxwell House P.G.A. LAND O1 — 12 to 14-lb. Avg. INSTANT COFFEE Shortening BROWN 'N SERVE lb Sausage *• Turkeys - 49 jar $1-09 c lb. tin FAMOUS BONELESS BRISKET 77 ©ROUND Corned Beef ib.' Chuck 79 INTRODUCTORY 79 0FKR— V[BO FARM —StoS'/a-ib.Avg. ^ ^^ NEW FAMILY FINEST ASSORTMENT STARKIST sizen Roasters >>47 COLD CUTS AND CHUNK STYLE HOME MADE Sausage CANNED HAMS FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PICNIC OR SNACK. SAVE reg. 49c tins ! GEORGES 63 CASH REGISTER 1< J r, to. A, CREAM STYLE Gav-I vn RfCIJPTS FOR •I -F" -^1 DAI!" _ vtrHnimm FREE GIFTS PEAS BEETS 0 Goiden GI bs Cut OiGO ° 5 95 •*• De Soto Property of the Watertown Historical Society GREEN BEANS EVAPORATED Butter 69 303 $100 MILK

tins I •*• J, G, A. FRESH % tall cans mm \* FRUITS 75 PINECONE .RAPE VEGETABLES TOMATOES 20 29 PEACHES. .M 2.99 P. iAN AN AS 2,0,25 100 STRAWBERRY °° no. 303 tins PRESERVE POTATOES 50- -, 1 STRONGHEART C SEEDLESS 20 43 GRAPES Dog Food 14cans iar ifds 0 ONE PINT Braeburn lee Cream ROYALTY BRAND—Crushed, Diced or Slice FREE with PURCHASE of Pineapple 5 no, 303 FREE _ 2 Jumbo Cantaloupes or |0 7 oz. tins PARKING at GEORGES Water rown BIRDS EYE 49c -"Z. for STRAWBERRIES .. 2-10-oz. pkgs. GACur 200 CARS BIRDS EYE GREEN l I CUT CORN ,, 2 pkgs. Si no.303tins 1 BIRDS EYE RITZ large box BEANS 2 n CHOPPED BROCCOLI .. 2 pkgs. 3# H n BIRDS EYE — Crinkle Cut Don't Fail To Get Your Free, Weekly TV-_,, a FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 2 pkgs. Here. Complete Programs For All Channels, D I BIRDS EYE Fresh Z o o PEAS and CARROTS 2 pkgs, 2 COOKIE DEPT. 2 BIRDS EYE Af|(

SPINACH ..2pkg$,yr C SUNSHINE FIG BARS ,39 p BIRDS EYE GEORGE'S MARKETS INC. igpk e PEAS 39 MAIN STREET — WOOMURY MAIN STREET — WATERTOWN en BURRY'S OXFORD CREMES ,. 29c S3 BIRDS EYE *A. Open Friday Nights Until 9 o'clock Open. Thurs. & Fri. Nights Until 9 o'clock CREAM STYLE CORN .... 2 pkgs. ST Open Saturday Nights Until 6:30 o'clock Open Saturday Nights Until 6:30 o'clock KEEBLER'S SEA TOAST 39 Pkg e m w PAGE 10 — TOWN. TIMES_(WATERTOWIM, CONN.), AUG. 28, 1958 Levitt 1 UMirgouin, Riverside Henry C. NewlJfety was .granted - • | Street. was Issued permission, to a permit for the construction of " • ' 'construct a roof for a. patio at a a. five-room, one family house with. Property of the Watertown Historicalgarage in basement on Trumbul Societyl I cost, of $50.00. 1 Street at a cost of $14,000. In' ' • ""I Range & Fuel Oil watertownhistoricalsociety.orgBARIBAULT'S Let Us Estimate that 23S St. - Watwrtoury 900 MAIN STy6AK.VIL.lLE and make your Tel. CRmtmootlA.Sgm^r 4-122P PAYING JOB Also Power Pumping of Septic property more val- Tanks and Cesspools. LOUIS A. LAUD ATE uable ..'. ENGINEERED C A L L ELECTRIC OIL BURNERS PLASTICS MATTY'S. Sales, Servto* A Repairs more livable! AND • C R 4 - 3 4 3 6 * M°t*ra. P»»tw. Ctitnta, Bj, Trjiul.rnnn, Control V'aJwn. P»rt». We Have— AMERICAN CR 4-3 544 El*. 4 J4T1 P*nt*cm A P»t FLAGSTONE- SINTERINGS ¥•««••• Ctcaoai. SLATE— A THE Bwn.r Parts «n«t iimt^imlm ;|i Stack.. WATERTOWN AT*. mnn. COLORED PATIO BLOCKS INDUSTRY HEMINWAY 'etc.... in any needed quantity, BARRETT For CO Mi P LET IE Information^ plus Sand, Cement, etc. JOHNYARMAL about APPLIANCE SERVICE MFG. CO. Travelers Budget PLUMBING - WIRING EDWARD H. COON CO. HEATING NYLON THREAD Plan insurance 30 Depot St., WATERTOWN — Tel. CR 4-3939 V V est I n g h o use A p p 11 a in ces S E E MASON and PLASTERING SUPPLIES Goulds. Water Systems BRAIDED LINES Open Until 12: Noon Saturday AD Makos of Washing John B. Atwood Mach nes Serviced * 47 Roberts St. - Watertown 101 Turner Avenue, Qakvllle WATERTOWN. CONN. TEL. CR 4-1881 or PL 3-5147 Phone CRestwood 4-3915 - Your Travelers Agent. Business Printing - Call em da re Ad ve rt si n g S pec i a I ties and other ASPHALT PAYING CO NATIONAL PRESS W ate rib wry Water town PRODUCTS PL, 4-3753 CR 4-4500 Phone CRestwood .4-4291 SCHOOL DAYS START NEXT WEEK APIZZA Drive Carefully! 'SERVED EVERY NIGHT MAKE EACH DAY RO'S RESTAURANT A HAPPY ONE!! 841 Main St. Oakvine, Com. Phono CRt-stwood 4-8069

.Reception Badto REPLACE OLD ANTENNA HOW SCHOOL with f.fw gamim Wonder-Heiix SLOW SEE the difference I CHILDREN fnjoy bmttm block and white reception—COLO* IV loot CAftfr VAN ARR RADIO & ELECTRIC CO. BE ECHO LAKE ROAD WATERTOWN REPLACED

LAWN SWEEPERS - LAWN RAKES Fall Fertilizer and Feat Mass Lombard 'Chain" .Saws Barreled Sun fight Paint 'Super Kem-Tone Faint STOP-GO G E N E R A L H A R D W A R E WITH CARE!! WATERTOWN CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED THIS ADVERTISEMENT A CONTRIBUTION TO THE SAFETY OF 27 Depot Street — ' Watertown ALL CHILDREN . . . OF EVERYONE BY THE . PHONE CR 4-2 51 2 ROOT &BOYD INC. HERB SHAW Insurance Underwriter? Since f853 SANITATION SERVICE O GENERAL INSURANCE • 435- SUNNYSIDE AVENUE — OAKVILLE •— • TEL CR 4-8228 ...REAL ESTATE... "Septic Tank Service and Installations., Serving, Watertown, 55 Center- Street, Woterbury, Tel PLaza 6-725 ( O'alcville, Woodlbury, • Middlebury, Bethlehem, Morris and 449 Main Street, Wafertown, CRwtwood 4-2591 Immediate Area. Dr. Reade Notes Radar Equipment Officials Seeking TOWN TIMES ( WAT'IE RTOWN, CO N N.),, A U G. 28, 1958 — PAG E 11 ' (Continued from Page One) (Continued :.oi i k'age One) I Continued from Page One) appointed Mr. Candee and Mr. L-- ( Carrie A. Bush. North field Road, Many of. thesPropertye have been 'rectified the polic ofe officer thes were presen Watertownt in order to piovide the town witHistoricalh Flamme to prepare an analysi s Societyfor i received a permit fo r the instaila- by the' owner and as more sewer No speeding cars, were noted b\ sufficient funds to avoid the neces publication before the finance " tion of a toilet, and lavatory at. a lines are becoming ' available, the machine, but the consensus siH for making am short term board holds its annual public hear- cost of 5500. many are connecting to them, Dr. was that this was due to the fact burrowing ~ at 8 p.m. in, the town, hall. A se- Mrs. Anna Schmidt, Francis Reade observed. • of the drivers seeing the group Ellsworth T Candee chairman cond direct, report, will then be pre- Drive, was issued permission - to In the past, he said, because -of gathered about the equipment and and J William LaFlarnnie mem sented at the public hearing itself construct a, rear porch, at, a, cost slowinwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgg down as a consequence ber disclosed in their reports that At some future date after the fi- of S3G0. lack of proper inspection, "'many systems have been installed which the town pa\s out hetween $i~»0 00i nance board hearing the subject, S. ivl. Buckingham Jr.,- Nova were not adequate. This is a The machine open recorded the and SI60 Will a month for govern will be brought before the voters Scotia Hill Road, was, issued a per- criticism of our old method of do- speed of a tin can thrown out in mental and educational expenses for consideration and action at a mit to demolish, a house, barn, and ing things and not -of any individ- front of it, and the speed of i At> it stands now the budget is town •meeting. two chicken coopf. ___ ual. In many cases, in as short young boy who ran to letnei e I pro\ed at thP* innual town race a time as one year, a new home the can. me; in Octohei when the present owner would find that he was A, dial with a moi ing needle fiscil \ear begins but his insn faced with a sewage nuisance be- gives enforcement officers a cal- cient cish to meet bills since li\ now over cause of an inadequate system. ibrated reading of the speed of cs are not due until the follnv in^ These are the conditions we are Ma> Therefoie it is neiPssii\ tu 40 MILLION a passing vehicle but it the trying to prevent. It seems the same time, a needle runs in ink i esoi t tu penjdit. taoiiui in^s b height of folly to spend time and line along a 'moving strip of M iph U ten Octi bei -ind Alt e en money in the attempt to correct .paper to give a peimdinent ire jeir STRONG various oid nuisances and at the ord of the speed of the \ehn_le same time allow new ones to be The irlti of changing the fiscil i pat v uulrl be ti bunt. t'ie ditt s created." A prospective home own- In addition to "ipiiithenrimg er before being carried away with when ta\ s ne due ind llirn the a pretty sink: or dishwasher should speeders, local officials see an tjvns innual operations be^in thoroughly investigate the sewage other use for tht equipment in close together so that funds from Save confidently with System Dr. Reade advised. tax ie\enuis v ill be a\ ulihle in conducting traffic and speed sui fo\n expenses and thus ateit OIL FIRST He observed, "It is the purpose veys on, various town roads Thn shirt term borrnv ings of the sanitarian to be helpful at equipment could be Ipft in place The mthoi it\ fit making a all times in the many problem,s for a period of time umltinded cbinge in the fist, il \pa\ must FEDERAL about which he is consulted. At during which time it would letoid, come from a tov n meeting \ote the same time it is expected that not only the numbers but the but the authorities v ish to firs SAVINGS people will cooperate and be res- acquaint \oteis with the [jiesent speeds of all vehicles passing b' AND LOAN ASS'N OIF WATERBURY ponsive to corrections, of sanitary the transmitting point and eien in situation and the pioposed plan to nuisances where they exist,, with- remed\ it In onJei that oters 3%, Current Yearly Rate out recourse to more stringent dicate in, what, direction the\ ' ei e fullj understand details in OKP 50' Leaven worth St. measures. There are certain sani- going. in the piopisals the limnt-P ho u 1 tary state codes which must be complied with and it is the duty of this department to see that they are carried out." Complaints about wells, refuse dumps, dog pounds, and housing Manager's Special are some of the other problems MBOJZ 0AY W&K-EW AHEAD investigated. School cafeterias, This week's seIection by: restaurants, and other places han- ED'WARD' LaROSA. Manager, ling food, and, drink are under su- 324 West Main St., Waterbury. m pervision of the health depart- ment. Dr. Reade said that res- White ho use Fancy Quality taurants are inspected every three months and while some places A have been satisfactory, others APPLESAUCE could be much better. He noted, "We are hoping that places which, have not met sanitary regulations 3—Mb. cans. 39c will be cooperative in the future, because it is elementary that the FINEST TURKEYS YOU EVER TASTED — Top Quality cleaner the eating place the more GRADE attractive it will be to customers. New Crop Ful-Valu Turkeys, U. S. Government Inspected He also observed that swimming • • areas have been inspected regular- A" and Graded. YOU JUST CAN'T BUY BETTER ly and improvements made in KEYS these areas lead hi in to believe that, children have the advantages here of wholesome and healthful YOUNG TOMS recreation. He praised the Rec- YOUNG HENS reation, Council, and its director, IS to 24-lb. avg. LI. John F, Regan, and staff for their 8 to 14-1 b. owg. LI. fine work. Lean Ful-Valu Skinless and Shankless Tih es e are c o m p let. e I y coo ke di a n d re a d y-to -s e r v e. He also commended the work of the Public Health Nursing Associa- ki A 1/ T IV U A Uf Very !'little waste makes this an exceptional value. tion and its nursing staff and ex- pressed, the opinion, "I seriously S MOKcD HAMS •«" PORTION doubt if the public is aware of the many services performed by our MADE FRESH SEVERAL TIMES DAILY— visiting nursing staff." Dr. Reade also commended the It's Ful-Valu m- "Oakville Public Works Commis- sion for their outstanding work: in, Cl II T/\M ftCI If* ATEiCCCPM NOTHING BUT the FINEST, FRESHEST INGRGEDIENTS are used in OUR OWN the construction of sewer lines in HI I- 1 \#'PI U CLI \# #% I EwdE M SPOTLESS B O LOG N A KITC HI E N — IB, uy f he best — Serve the Ib est — B uy F u I - Vai u! Oakville. The men composing the A Very Delicious ( board have worked ceaselessly for Fine Old World Style M <•,_, 1 Plain or with Pimiento ffl 4%g* I " Meat .Minced M_*%C I Skinless ^09 many months in the correction of the many unsanitary conditions, all LiverwurstIb.OJ \ Veal Loaf Ib.OJ | Bologna , lb.00 | Franks 2 lbs. I too well known, to us in the past. They certainly deserve the thanks of the whole town and, we should be grateful to these men for their Day footTJ efforts in this -direction." The health director also praised the efforts of Mrs. Ruth Meyers in, 1OTS IN CROPS organizing and supervising the four polio clinics held during the spring and the cooperation, of lo- cal physicians and nurses in mak- ing the clinics successful. 1,6,28 Fresh Pack Kosher inoculations were given, and the FANCY GOLDEN RIPE vaccine was furnished by the State Dailey's Pickles—WhL - Qt. jar Department of Health. "We feel," 3? BANANAS.. 2 lbs. he remarked, "that Watertown, is Fresh Pock Kosher fairly well protected, against polio- myelitis, but this should not. give Dailey's Pickles—Spears 28-oz. 33- California Seedless GRAPES.. 2 lbs. 35c us a: false sense of security. I urge all those under 40' years of Libby's New Pock Fancy age to be immunized at once, if Fresh, Crisp Pascal CELERY. bunch 19c they have not already protected Tomato Juice 2 jumbo 46z cans 59° themselves against this crippling 1 disease. Packer's Label Fancy Spanish Tender Native SWEET CORN .. doz. 29c Dr. Reade expressed his appre 39' preciation and, thanks "to the Stuffed Olives 8-oz. refrig. jar many people in the town who have been so encouraging in our at- Dole's 'Unsweetened "Hawaiian CHOICE tempt to establish an, effective 39* HALIBUT STEAKS — Snow White Ib. 43c health department. Many obsta- Pineapple Juice 3—18-oz. cans cles have been overcome but we 29c BLUE FILLETS — No Waste Ib. 29c feel that the surface has only been Add Water and Serve scratched. Many things still need, SAVE TOP VALUE STAMPS for Valuable FREE GIFTS improvement, but given, a little Sunkist Orangeade 2-6-ox. cans time it is our feeling that our ef- forts will not have been, in vain. Far Refreshing Outdoor 'Drinks 23- We need, the encouragement and support of all citizens to further Sunkist Lemonade 2-6-OE. cans develop • health measures which will make for a, cleaner, healthier and more beautiful place in which FRESH! ECONOMICAL! to live. ULTON _ Clark S. Judd received, permis- f ftOZEl FOOP sion to repair and install' a,, gar- SOUTHLAND FRESH FROZEN age door and- to make repairs to a foundation, on, Woodbury Road, at a cost of $1,100. STRAWBERRIES 3-1-Ib. pkgs. Initials Raymond and Rita Bond re- SNOW CROP v flU^, ceived permission to add, one room 6—>&OZ. cans FULVALU and bath to their home on Litch- ORANGEADE 6—4-^2. cans 0/C field Road at a cost of $3,500. SNOW CROP" Joseph Ippolito, Davis Street, re- BROCCOU SPEARS 4 pkgs. 89c ceived a permit to add a bedroom ' #nd: .bathroom at . a. cost . of - $1,000, -• •• •"> y PAGE 12 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.). AUG. 28, 1958 Patterson Scores MissProperty Short To Resum ofe Classe thes Watertown85th Congress An dHistorical Society "Dixlecrat" Power watertownhistoricalsociety.orgCommenting on the legislative work of the 85th Congress, U S Representative James T. Patter- son. (R-Conn.) -today said1: . ""The Second Session of the 85 th Congress, will long be remember- ed as the biggest-spending Con- gress -in peacetime history. The big spending binge more than off- set 'the Eisenhower budget econ- omies forced upon it in the first Session of/the 85th Congress "The all-powerful Duticrats who control both .Houses of the Con- gress, loaded appropriations bills WLCO BASEMENT DOORS with 'pork-barrel' projects for their Southern states, .and with tliew SIZE A — REG. 64.00 characteristic Steam. - roller tac- tics, jammed the bills through Coi\- gress under a gag-rule that per- mitted no amendments or even, de- 58.99 bate in the last minute rush for adjournment. But at the same time SIZE C — REG. * 7f.00 the domineering Southern .Demo- crats, .knocked: our urgently need- ed flood control funds for Connec- ticut and all New England... Cal- 65.99 lously indifferent to the welfare of thousands of people living1 In the flood hazard ' communities, their obvious purpose was to, hurt the .political prestige of Republican BIG PURCHASE LOWERS PRICE! Members of Congress. ""By virtue of their overwhelm- YOl' >,H't $3.29 ing seniority on all committees of the Congress, the Southern lead- ers forced the Northern Demo- NEW ill RESISTANT crats to march the Dixie rat jaity line with the open threat of t t a- cisni in passing out. party i;v oi s including campaign, funds. ""Much is being said in the nrns- DRIVEWAY SEALER papers and in, radio and. tele\ isiun newscasts about the fine spiut of bipartisan cooperation in this Con- gress. This is simply not'true "The only bipartisan, coopera- tion, that I have observed was JO For Asphalt "Surfaces appropriating funds for foreign aid and, national defense. And >ou Easy fa Apply m(a,y be assured, thai the Demo- crats are getting more than their Dries in a F«w Hours share of fat Government contracts for their friends." 2 Galls, par 100 so., ft-

tor in New York:. City. Classes will be conducted in bu*h Miss'Helen Short Oakvifle and Waterbury/ It was announced. Children from, the age Miss Helen Short, French, Street, five years, and is a m,ember of of three years and up will he gn en \v e 11 -k nown a re a. cl a nc e i n s t r u c tor. many professional dancing teach- instruction in, all, types of dancing has announced that she will re- ers" associations. Associate teach- including tap, toe, ballet and mod sume her dancing classes at the er will be Miss Nancy Solomita. em jazz, dancing. South School in Oakvilie and at who has been a member of Miss Registration, will be held for the ,147 East Main Street in Waterbury. Short's professional and, teachers* dance classes at South School on She has ppemtrd a school in Wat- class_for several years. She has September 8 and 9, from 3 JO to erbury and Onkville for the past also studied with the local instruc- 7:30 p.m.

with THOMASTON PHOTO .18" Siptafts OU drip from cars phis ion, and odd rain cause asphalt surfaces to break down — yon can' rednc« improve appearance and make your black-top SERVICE *»•• year* longer with oar seal This Black Liquid sort coattnjf !• Impervkxu to nil and resists son's rayi, pro- tect* asphalt pavement. Easily brushed over the tor- fue. Use about 3 gulkms' 'to 100 %q. ft. of surf sea. Dries OPEN ING in m few boon. For complete information call or your nearest Diamond Gardner outlet. TUES.. SEPT. 2nd OO-IT-yOORSELF'ReOI-PAVE' ASPHALT RAVEMENT 30 Lft. BAG Our Aim! is to give Quality a t a m od e rate p r i ce. 'C a 11 Covers 4 sq. ft. us any time for informa- 1 inch thick. tion regarding; • Candid and Studio Weddings • Adults and Children's Portraits BO IB. BAG • Printing cr En'crging for Picture cr1 20 FL, Wooden Negative EXTENSION • IMt's photographic LADDERS give us a coil SALE Reg. $19.95

Gal. 17" •akan Thomasfon ATlcis 3-9169 hardwood Regular $6.65 per gal. ladder compete with rap*,, hard- 189 Main Street, Tticmastoti • Non Peel • Non Blister war*, «lc. Saw* Choow from a minbaw of catori now .an alt jiui 20 ot bla Diamond toying t. to 40' ft. Intercity Coach week, the Board cut the transport- Avenue, to George's Market, 're- TO WIN TIM E S ( W ATE R TO W N, CONN,), A U G. 28, 1958 — PAG E 13 ation item by $3,000 and an addi- turn to Polk School. (Continued from Page 1) I P.Iainfield, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. Board that his company is cur- tional ' .$5,000' was lopped off Tues- 3:15 p.m.: Polk to top of Shaws Out-of-Town Guests Propertyday night of, making the, a total reducWatertown- Hill (pick up Falls Avenue, Schoo Historicall Also: Mrs. John Wraigh t Societyof Thomas Sturges of North Wood- rently giving school bus service to | bury; Mr. and, Mrs. John M'essin- Naugatuck, Danbury, • Reddine tion of $5,000 in the transportation bottom.) to lower Falls Avenue to Rockville, Conn.; Joseph Conners budget since the preliminary bud- Judson School. of Costa Mesa, Calif.; Mr. and ger of Torrington; Mr. and Mrs F'airfield, Brookfield, Bethel get was submitted last June. Mrs. Edward Evans, of Scarsdale, James McCleary ..of Westport; Mr. and New Canaan. "We have suf- N.Y.; Sgt. and. Mrs. Joseph Ha- and Mrs.' Warren McLaughlin of ficient modem 'equipment to take mel of Seat Pleasant, Md.; Mr. Wolcott; Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond •care of this job," he -said. He ex- iUwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgS SCHEDULE and Mrs. Albert Kiessling of Wat- Rice of Cheshire; Mr. and Mrs. plained that his company clearly Continued from Page Five) Attendance Is High erbury; Miss Charlotte Hick cox of Anthony Rubbo of Mid.dlebu.ry, Mr. understood • the wish of the Board 3:30 p.m.: Judson to Hamilton West Hartford; Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Schweitzer of to. have a standby bus available via Bunker Hill Ext:., Lake Winne- Clarence Koss of West. Cheshire: Bethlehem;. , and Mr. and. Mrs. in case of breakdowns, and point- maug to "Cherry Avenue, to garage. in Rest Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koss, of Vincent Masia of Wallingford. ed out that the Intercity busses SOUTH SCHOOL would be based here in Watertown. School hours, 8:25 a.m. to 2:40 The first reunion In seventeen with a resident manager assigned p.m. x years of the Watertown High here. In addition, he • pointed out 7:45 a.m.: High School to French School Class of 1941 was held Aug- • that: the Company would use local Tarbell, Slade, Hillside to South to ust 23 at Deer Island Gate Inn, * •drivers as much as possible. * JHS. Bantam, with more than fifty per- * The company' official, noted that 7:45 a.m..: JHS to Lower Falls cent of the class in attendance, * the company is licensed by the Avenue to South and JHS. much to the gratification of the * OPEN LABOR DAY UNTIL 2 O'CLOCK Interstate Commerce Commission" 8:00 a.m.: JHS to McDonald planning .committee. * to' transport over state lines, and Road, Straits 'Turnpike, D a, v i i Following dinner,music for danc- * i could make .arrangements for such ing was furnished by "Irving Lam- * trips if necessary.Jor school trips. Street, to South School. * ORDER YOUR Return Runs son and his Melody Men." * Cut Budget Agarn 2:35 p.m.: JHS to South-to Sun- Prizes were aw a rated to the for- * The low Intercity bid has 'made ny side to Lower Falls "Avenue to' mer members of the class in the * Hot Dog lolls - Hamburger Rolls it possible foi* another cut to be South. following categories:' To the mem- * made in the school budget. Last ber qpming the longest distance, * 2:40 p.m.: JHS to South Hillside. * Ball Farm., Tarbell, French to Polk Joseph Conners, Costa Mesa, Cal- * Herd Rolls, etc., Now For Your 2:50 p.m.: South to Davis Street. ifornia;- to-the member with the * * Straits Turnpike to St. John's (via most children, Virginia (Keilty) * WATERTOWN McDonald Road). Knauff, of Waterbury (5 children); LABOR DAY PICNIC POLK SCHOOL to the' member having the oldest * ELECTRIC School hours, 8:25 a/n. to .2:40 child, Mary (Roberts)1 Wilson; to p.m. (the member having the youngest ' APP !L 1 AN C E ft EPA IR * All Our Bakery 'Products Fresh Sai'ed Right On The All Types Electrical Wjring V:55 a.m.: High School to French child, Henry Clock; to the man Residential & Commercial Street, upper Buckingham, to Polk who has lost the most hair, John, Premises. We have Daily, in addition to tie above: and .JHS. Kalenauskas; to the two former * 8:00 a.m.: JHS to Sunnyside, up- members who had twins, Jean * BREAD - ITALIAN BREAD - CRULLERS, TWISTERS FREE ESTIMATES per Falls Avenue, Frost Bridge to (Peck) Smith of Watertown and * Virginia (Keilty) Knauff of Water- * COOKIES - CAKES - PIES - COP CAKES - DANISH 283 Middlebury Rd., . Sylvan -Lake to Polk School. 8:00 a.m.: JHS to Sunnyside bury. * . . ., plus many other delicious specialties. " WATERTOWN Avenue, top of Shaws Hill, return The guests present at the reun- * Call CR 4-492 8 to Buckingham, and Polk School. ion included the following: Mr. and * 8:00 a.m..: JHS to lower Falls Mrs. Willard, Booth, Mr. and Mrs. * James A. Lee Jr., Mr,, and Mrs. * Avenue, Sunnyside Avenue, t c * Polk: School. Henry Clock, Mr. and Mrs. Thorn- * OAKVILLE POWER Return Runs Masking; Mr., and Mrs. Robert * * EQUIPMENT 2:35 p.m.: JHS to Polk to upper Jessell, Mr. and, Mrs. Edward Kus- *

Buckingham to Polk School. lis, Mr. and Mrs. George Loomis, *• FAMILY BAKERY POWER MOWERS OUTBOARD MOTORS 2:40 p.m.: Polk to Frost Bridge, and Mrs N.unzio Perugini, Mr. * 403 MAIN ST. OAKVILLE Sales and Service upper Falls Avenue to Trade and Mrs. Larry Wilson, Robert *

School. Seymour, Mr. and, Mrs, Wilmont * 3:00 p.m.: Polk: to French, to St .Ebbs, Eleanor Smith, George Tre- * C R 4 - 1 6 8 9

CR 4-4914 * c I okas, and, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 583 Main "St. — Oakville John's to Judson. * 3:00 p.m.: Polk: to Sunnyside Laneville, all local residents.

S T 0 0 1 O GIVE YOUR CONNIE JORAY of DANCE 168 GRAND ST. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE CHILDREN Ann a un~ces Registrations "For Fail and Winter "Classes August 28 from 1,2:00 P., M. to 8:00 P.. M. August 29 from, 10:00' A. M. to 5:00 P. M. August 30 from 10:00 A. M. to 5:00 P., M. Accepting Children From The Age of Three Also Adults and Professionals For All Phases of the Dance. SPECIAL BALLROOM CLASSES for ADULTS and TEENAGERS Featuring The CHA-CHA, RUMBA, BOP, aid Many More DAIRY

MISS CONNIE P IE R SO IN1 A LILY INSTRUCTS All Of Heir Students! Remember! To Be a IP rotes- s tonal, You Must Lea inn From a. Professional. I "For Information on Class or Private MILK!! Instruct ions Phone PL 5-3379 or PL 5-4506 IDEAS M:f: ENROLL NOW AT THE Children Need That Extra Food HEALTH CONNIE JORAY STUDIO of DANCE Value That You Get In 168 GRAND ST., WATERBURY a Glass! That's WOOKEY'S DAIRY MILK! For the WOOKEY'S DAIRY Children' s a f te r- sc h o o I snack, with the fam- I SPECIAL ily's meals, anytime a * One Set of Water Skis and Tew Line FREE MILK quick "pep-up™ is call- ed for , Woo key's | , . . ENERGY-PACKED MILK that keeps them in Dairy milk fills tr miIII tip top shape for that day-in, day-out school day with a full measure of routine!! bounding good heolith! WOOKEY'S DAIRY GUERNSEY APPROVED MILK IS A PREMIUM MILK AT * With the 'Purchase of • REGULAR PRICES!! I 14-Ft. MALIBU LONE STAR BOAT : Equipped with Windshield,. Steering Wheel and Catties, JAMES CHRISTY'S WILLOWBROOK FARM! FAMOUS HERD * .Rubber Vinyl Covered Cushions,, together with Furnishes •Golden Guernsey Milk for WOOKEY'S DAIRY! "Little Dude" Trailer ' " .. $799.50 Complete ' $ — TERM S A V A I L ABLE — M. SPORTS-O-RAMA WOOKEY'S DAIRY ! Authorized Lone Star Dealer LAKE WfNNEMAUG ROAD — WATERTOWN Church HHI Road - Newtowir - Td. GA 6-5298 FOR EARLY DELIVERY TEL. CR 4-1338 i Open Till 7; Fridays 9 p. m. , - " Ernest. A. 'Conies Open 7 Days Each Week Including Sundays . . ,. Stop In Labor WOOKEY'S, Watertown's Only Home - Owned and Operated i " Day . . . We Will Be Glad To See You!! Milk Producing and Processing Center PAGE' 14 — TOWN Tl'MIES (WATER:TOWN','CONN'.),, AUG.'.28,"i958 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL. .WI"ICE Propertyary o fof Taft School the, until .retiremen Watertownt HistoricalNotice is hereby given tha Societyt the following have 'be'e n certified aa OBITUARIES in January, 1958. At one timje, she LIQUOR PERMIT party-endorsed candidates of the Democratic Party for nomination to Mrs, Mary E. Rinaldi was proprietor of the Davis Street NOTIICIE OF REMOVAL, the Municipal Offices specified below to be filled at the State election 1 and Municipal, election to be held on November 4, 1958 in the Town of Mrs. Mary E. (Ranger) Rinaldi, Package Store, Oakville, This - Is to give notice that I. Watertown together with, the street addresses of said candidates. 58, of Maple Avenue, died at Wat- She is survived by a daughter, Frederick G. Stevens of 108 Nova, erbury Hospital August 20 after a Mrs. Annette Ms&tropietro, Oak- Scotia Hill Road, Watertown have XA.WB AODRRSS OFFICB ' TERM watertownhistoricalsociety.orgAtty. J. M. Navin 43 Heminway Pk. Rd., WtnProbate Judge 4 Yra. long Illness, ville; a granddaughter, Mrs... Ro~filed a request dated 4th, day ofJohn P. Keilty Burton St Ext., Wtn. Representative " 2 Yrs. She was born November 10, 1899, chelle Jacobs, Torrington; and. one August, 1958 with the .Liquor Con- Michael J. Vernovai 71 Dal ton St., Oakville Representative 2 Y,rs,., Raymond F. Leonard 101 Jason Ave,, Wtn. Just of the Peace 2 Yrs,, in East Hampton. Massachusetts, great-grandson., Dennis Jacobs, of trol Commission for permission to Donald N. Vitale 2GO' Cutler St., \l"t«, Just, of the Peace 2 Yrs. daughter of I he late Alex La Valley Torrington. move my Package "Store .business William E. Glover 70' Woodruff Ave., Wtn. Just of the Peace 2 Yrs. and Mary ( LeValley. The funeral was held August 23 now located at 699' Main Street, William UuckinghamS5 Woodruff Ave., Wtn,.. Just of the Peace 2 Yra. from, the O'Neill Funeral Home to George E. Zo,:ra:iti.s 106 Nova Scotia Hill ltd., She lived in Torrington 30 years Watertown to 737 Main Stret, Wa- Wtn. Just, of the Peace 2 Yrs. before moving to Oakville 14 years St.. .Mary Magdalen Church, Burial tertown. The business is owned by Shirley E. Butler 269 Porter St., Wtn. Just, of the Peace 2 Yrs. ago. was in new St. Francis Cemetery, Frederick G. Stevens of 108 Nova P h i I i p, B e re h o n a k 722 Buckingham St., Oak. Just, of the Peace 2 Yrs. Torrington. Scotia Hill Road, Watertown and James Cipriano 72 Falls Av&... Oakville Just, of the Peace 2 Yra,, She was employed in the infirm- Gilbert W. Meserole "20 Echo Lake Kd., wtn. Just, of the Peace 2 Yrs. will be conducted by Frederick G. Just, of the Peace 2 Yra. Stevens of 108 Nova, Scotia, Hill Do.m.i.nic J. Romano 6 Bushnell Ave., Oakville TOWN TIMES CLASSIFIED APS Road, Watertown, as permittee. Notice is also hereby given that a. primary will-be held on Sept.. 4, 1 !t 5 8 i f a. can d. 1 d a cy o r ca. n d i da c i e s a re fit e d i n a cc o rd a n ce w i t. h N o... 3 6 Frederick G. Stevens, applicant. of the Public- A eta of November1,, 1955,, as amended. FOR SALE: large refrigerator. Dated August, 4, 1958. Forms fox petition,a for filing such candidacies by or on behalf of LOST Thomaston Savings Bank. 8-21. ,8-28., 58, T.T. any enrolled Demo, era tic Party member or. in the ease of justices, of the peace, by or on behalf of the bare' majority to which said party is en- Book No, _W14.'J9, payment ap- Tel. CR. 4-11.59',. 1 ORDINANCE titied to, namin,ate, may t>e obtai,n,ed. fro,m F't-rnando l^eM^ay, DemO'c ratic plied for William Mecabe Registrar of Voters, 51 West bury Park Hoad, Watertown) Connecticut. FOR RENT 4 room "apartment, un- TO1VX OP WATEHTOWX 1 BK IT ORDAINED THAT: Instructions for such a candidacy are contained in Part 1, Instruc- IFOR SALE 195G house trailer, 50 furnished, unheated, 2nd floor. The Town, of Watertown here-toy tion. Pa (jo, of the petition form,, copies of which are available In said. ft., 4 rooms, full bathroom, rea- Call CRestwood 4-4284 after 5 adopts tht« provisions of Sections Registrar's office." Prior to obtaining the petition, form,, the consent of sonable for quick sale. Ideal for p.m.. 2 3 Sod to 2393d, inclusive, of thft each candidate to be proposed therein, plus, a: deposit of $ for each Florida home. PL 4-8007. ,19.55 Supplement to the Connecticut such candidate except a, candidate for Juds'o of Probate, for whom the TWO-FAMILY, $14,500 — Porter Gene-mi Statute H. Sect ion 94 of Pub- deposit is $50.00 must be filed with said Registrar. A petition con. tain tng lic Act St. 13 of the 1957 Public the required number ot signatures of enrolled. Democratic members in. HO MIES WANTED for 4 beautiful Street. 5 and 5... Modern inter- ActK, and Section N2O7 of the the' Town must be filed with said llepistrar of Voters not lat^r than kit (ens. part Angora. Inquire 194 ior, large lot. PArk 9-5320 or November 1955 Supplement to the 4:00 P.M. on September «h, 195S, being the 21st day preceding' the day Connecticut General Statutes. a"H:«! of th<- Primary. Falls Ave Oakville. PLaza 5-4769. all amendments and substitutions DATED at Watertown,1 Connecticut,, this 19th day, day of August, now or hereafter enacted, and the 11158. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, HELP WANTED, Ml ALE and Selectmen, of said Town of Water- J1AHIK A. DUCKIKGHAM, Thomaslon, 75 acre farm, large FEMALE—Super Market Clerks. town, an- hereby empowered to act Clerk of the Municipality barn, 4 family home, 6 room, cot- as the flood and erosion board anil shall exercise all the powers grant- and, improvements .on the souther- William C. Bagdon sold land and tage., All rented at 5280 per mo. LOST — Thomaston Savings bank ed under saiil sections. Good investment,.. Price $25,000". book No. W-2990, payment ap-< EFFECTIVE DATE: ' ly side of Pleasant View Street to improvements on the easterly side Terms. Call Roy Gilbert. Derby, plied, for, Nina Fain Remor or This Ordinance, adopter) at a. Spe- James C. Abromaifis and Ann, M. of 'Straits Turnpike to Maurice A. cial Ti t w n M e e t i n ,e h eld i n t h c Town Abromaitis. Hebert. RE^ent 5-2160' for appointment. Amalia F. Remor. (tf Water to u-n on the ,20th day of August. 195K, sha 11 talie -effect fit- Anthony J. Brody and Loraine FOR SALE 4 acre meadow on a Applications accepted for cashiers, tcfii, (15) days after publication Brody sold land, buildings and im- thiTt-oi" in a newspaper flavins •' provements easterly of Straits hill near South Britain 'Training meat, cutter's, part-time stock ci reu 1 at,i,o11 i 11. " the Town of Walir- School dairy farm. §2.000. Real clerks,, wrappers, groc *ry clerks, tnwii. Turnpike and westerly of Candee nice. Call REgent 5-2160, produce clerks. 'Top wages, paid I'IT Order <>f: Hill Road to Louis Kay. Derby. O. Wilmont Hunyorford AUCTION i vacations, paid holidays, sick, Joseph Ma si Eugene H. Lamphier sold land WANTED1 experienced grocery leave, Blue Cross and CMS plans. Michael J. Bavone .. it.uated on the northwesterly side Pik-Kvrik Stores, 92 Main Street, Board of Selectman of Tram bull Street, to Henry C. Sat., Aug. 30 and stock clerk. Write "C"\ Box .1, Thomaston, Conn,. T<>\vn of IVatertow11, New bury. W; i te rf oiv n, Cpn n. •Conn. • Labor Day - WANTEID — Good 26 inch Eng- AUGUST SALE OF CARPET lish Bicycle for boy. Call CR 4- at 10. o'clock in REMNANTS. All sizes, colors 3928. Realty Transactions Bethel, Conn.,-on Maple Ave., and patterns from 1 '3 to ',- off. CLOSE-OUT at Dave Judd Storage 'Barn,. Bigelow, Lees, Mohawk, Gulis- FOR SALE — 5 room house on Gertrude A. Stinson. sold land tan, and many others. Also large West Rd.. Wtn Tel. HUnter 2- and. improvements on. the North- assortment of used rites at very erly side of Davis Street to Joseph Owner has bee n co 11 ect i n g low pc ices. IIOUS ATONIC 1167, Torrington. ' .. A. Ippolito, of Waterbury. Antique and Primitive Fur- VALLEY RUfi SHOP, West Anthony M. Uskuraitis sold, land 1 9 5 8 niture and Dishes for 15 ICXPERT WATCK AXO CLOCK years and is going out of Cornwall, Conn. Tel. OKieans"2- 1 CROWN IMPERIAL 6134. REPAIRING — Guaranteed business. Thus this sale has Workmanship, H' 4-DOOR HARDTOP a thousand items of all OEMEKAI. ELECTRIC Heatinc Efflfll. JKWKL.KRS 1 Kinds. Apartment size. Baby Hot Water. Warm Air and Ait Full Power Equipment Grand Piano, also good Condi t ion ine. WESSON HEAT- MOUERN GLASS CO., Pony Saddles and Wagon Everything in GLASS OAK Sensational Value ING CORP.. Waterbury. Tel. and Harness. 1,000 old 1 ~ Telephone PL. 3-2606 'Records. FOR itEJVT —Floor sanders, flow i,y Cherrv Street Waterbw T "H €. A T R IE. polishers, s andi r,,g machine- Main Street, Oakville MURPHY transit and levelling machines CARPENTER St MASON WORK. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 'Come On Ou*r And Bring Watertown Building S u p p I * reasonable,. Building, .repairing GRAND' OPENING A, Friend. Echo Lako Rd.. Wt .. Tel T'R Free estimates. Tel CR. 4-8397 ' INC. n for tlie 106 West Main St. • NOW YOU CAN RENT — Hand 1958 FALL SEASO'N TERRYVILLE ROY GILBERT and power rollers, hedge trim- WATER FRIDAY 'NIGHT " AUCTIONEER mer, fertilizer and lime -spreader. LUdlow 2-0934 Rototiller. Also tlectric paper CAMEO TOWN SEPT. 5th sttamer, electric w&xer, sander. edger, etc. NOW PLAYING KAY'S HARDWARE, Joan Fontaine in Main St ... WatertOHT. Tel. CR 4-1038 •A CERTAIN SMILE"

IRU G S, CA R P ETS, B ROA, D LO O M S — p I u s — —Minor's Valley Rug Service, So "THE LAW AND COAT House Paint •" Main St., Thomaston. Rugs andi Carpets cleaned ' by BigeloWs JAKE WADE" Karpet Kare Process.

ERNIE'S AUTO BODV WORKS One of the most completely equipped Paint and Body Ig^gjy^jg^^ljjg^jj^g^p^l^^g^m^ Jaughr Shops in Connecticut. Wheel Alignment and Balancing. ATERTOW 128 Watertown Ave,,, Waterbury PL 3-6241. DRIVE- IM SEWER AND' WATER CONNEC- NOW •PLAYING Tl O'llMS. EXC AV ATI O N S. John Bavone & Sons. Call Cr.~ 4-1214 1st Run!! ' days; PL.4-9404. evenings. "BEAUTIFUL BUT DANGEROUS" SEL MOTORS W AT EIRT OWN,, "CON IM,., "FROM HELL TO SALE! —SALE!! — SALE!,! TEXAS11 TRADE-IN SPECIALS! • CARS FROM $78 UP ONE COAT HOUSE 1947 CHIEVROLET CIub Coupe Lake Quassapaug NEW THIS YEAR 1948 PON.TIAC Conv. Coupe PAINT IN ALL COLORS AS WELL AS WHITE. BETTER COVER- 1949 CHEVROLET Sedan i 1949 FORD 2-dr. p A R K AGE WITH LIGHT COLORS —LONGER LIFE FROM ALL PAINT 1950 FORD V-8, needs work.; ROUTE 6-A, MIDDLEBURY 1950 CHEVROLET Sedan JOBS, USE IT YOURSELF OR SPECIFY IT TO YOUR PAINTER 1951 CHEVROLET Sedan 1 'EXCELLENT 1951 FORD V-8 Auto. Trans. BATHING BEACH.. —MEANS TWO YEARS EXTRA LIFE! 1951 IPO INT I AC Auto, Trans. Red 'Cross-Certified Lifeguards 1952 C H E VIR O LET CI ub Coupe 1952 BUICK Special on Duty , 1952 PONT I AC Catalina Coupe 1953 FORD V-8 2-dr. Midway Open Daily WHITE and All COLORS 1953 FORD V-8, Sedan 1954 CHEVROLET Sedan Excellent Lakeside 1954 OLDS MOBILE Holiday Cpe, 1954 FORD V-8 Conv. Restaurant Steaks - Chops - Sandwiches CARS FROM! $75 UP Attention Outing CARS from 1946 to 1958 Committees KEELER & LONG, IIC. 1 Make Reservations Now For NO DOWN PAYMENT 'That Annual Outing of Your ON APPROVED' CREDIT . Church, School, Factory, Store or Grange . ., , Call DRIVE IN PAINT CENTER SALE! —SALE!! —SALE!! Waterbury PLaza 8-2913 BUY NOW AND SAVE! IE very FRIDAY is DIME, DAY 167 MAPLE ST. OPEN EVENINGS All Rides 10c Everyone CALL CR. 4-2355 or CR. 4-42115 Motor Boat 25c Pop Corn, Sodla, Ice Cream 10c .W^TERBURY, CONN. SEL MOTORS Hot Dogs & Grilled Cheese 8-5 DAILY 1414 'Main St., Watertown, Conn. Sandwiches 2.0c Tel. PLaza 3-4163 . 8-12 SAT. Spaghetti ID'inner 50c 1 " .Four Accidents patrolmen Joseph. Ciiello and. Fred. 49th Wedding Anniversary TOWN TIMES {WATERTOWN, CONN .),, AUG. 28, 1958— PAGE, 15 (Continued from Page 'One) Rock. A surprise anniversary party driving a pick-opProperty truck, was trav- ofNumbe ther 3 Watertownwas held Aug.. 24 in honor oHistoricalf areas off Madison and Fisher' Societys [While on the subjec t of cod, it's elling north on Main Street when An automobile was completely Mr. and Mrs. John Samoska of Island. interesting to note that a possible he made' a left torn onto' Wood- demolished in the third accident Sylvan -Lake Rd. who celebrated Snapper Blues forecast made new world's •. record for rod and ruff Avenue following another ve- of the quartette which tftok place their 49th, wedding anniversary last week not changed. Most catch- reel has been, established in this hicle which also made the turn, on Thomastqn Road August J24 at The-^couple, who have been resi- es are still small. Murnmichogs, category. Although not recognized .The police report said the truck 7 Police summoned John J. dents here for 35 years, were spearing or small pieces of shrimp by the International Game cat too short making the turn, Marcoux, 17. of ...Center St., to feted, by their children, Mr. and are favored bait for these -. Association at the time of this writ- and struck the "go right" sign the September 9 court session on Mrs. Joseph Samoska and fami- Blackfish, only fair catches be- ing, a cod has been, taken off at 'the intersection. 'There was a charge of "Failure to -drive in ly of Waterbury, Mr. and Mrs. ing made. Under normal weather Rockport, Mass, on, August 22 no damage to the sign, but dam-established lane." Albert, Samoska and family of conditions with subsequent lower- which weighed, in at 72 pounds and age was incurred by the left front The police 'report said the Mar-•Waterbury, Mr. and, Mrs. William, ing of- water temperatures, Sep- measured 4 ft. 5 inches in length fender and left front headlight of coux vehicle was travelling west SamoiSka and family of Cobb St. tember, October. and, November and had, a, girth of 34 inches. The the truck. Patrolman Fred Rock on. Thomaston road in a heavy and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sam- will be banner ones for these hus- holder of the present record was was •• the investigating officer. rain when it began, to skid near oska, of Cobb St. and Mrs. Sam-ky battlers. a cod caught off Ambrose Light „ Number 2 the former Holland bouse restau- oska "s brother, Michael Batvtnts Bay Porgies and Sea Bass are N.Y., in, December 1949 that weigh rant, and went into the left lane. of Long Island, M.Y. The couple plentiful in all sections of the ed 57 pounds 8 oz. with a length 'The next accident occurred the This forced, a car coming in the j of 4 ft. 8 in. It's a known fact same day, but about, an hour and also have 13 grandchildren. Sound. When fishing for them,,, re- other direction, to pull suddenly member they are bottom feeders. that cod do grow larger than even a. half later, on Middlebury Road. into' 'the restaurant's lower drive- the 72 pounder. The largest • one As a result, Donald F. Nardi, 26. Ida Derry, Hillside Avenue, re- A two-hook bottom rig is general- way to avoid a collision. Police ly used, baited, preferably with a on record ever taken commercial- of Davis Street, was summoned said the Marcoux car continued ceived a permit, to enclose a, porch I ly was caught on a set line off to the Sept.em.ber 9 court: session at a "cost of $300. strip of squid and, either drift or to travel, west, .and went off the still' fishing is productive. •Massachusetts in 1.895 and. weighed on, a charge of "failure to drive north side of the road, the car Gertrude Hart received permis- j 211. pounds. 8 oz. to the .right." Police reported sion to erect a sign on, Thomaston Offshore Fishing I — Still plentiful and was demolished after hitting a 1 that Nardi's vehicle was trav- wire" fence, stone wall and tree. Road, at a cost of $150. School Tuna picture is still the j of good size in Montauk Point and, elling .North on Middlebury Road The driver was thrown out. -The same with good catches of large j Block Island areas. Same for Blue when he cut a curve short and. hitprivate property damaged belong- fish being reported, | Sharks and Mako Sharks. a vehicle driven by John Paine Cod-Cox"s Ledge still, a hot spot ed, to Mrs. John Russin, Fern Hill Fishing Conditions although Southwest Ledge off Bearing out last, week's predic- Barker, 19, of Grove Hill Road,, and Thomaston Roads. Officers I Continued on Page 16) on the rear left side. The Nar-Joseph Ciriello and Fred Rock, in- by .Maurice Henry Block Island is .also producing. di car then skidded to the east vestigated. • (Mr. Henry of Maple Avenue op- side of the road, hitting a. wire erates a charter boat in the Long fence and small trees on the Number 4 Island Sound and Block Island property of Augustus Alexander The final accident of -the event- areas and his summary of fishing conditions is obtained from direct THE MINE MOUNTAIN STORE, Inc. Louis Nardi, of Hubbell Avenue. ful three days took place August BOX BURY STATION was a passenger in the car. Darn- 25 at 4:15 p.m., on Woodbury Road experience and from information age to the Njfdi vehicle inelulled near Sperry Hill. Police report- by other fishermen). OPEN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT the left front fender, left wheel, ed that an Arrow Lines bus driv- I nshore F ish i ng AFTER, SEPTEMBER 15TH Fluke still slow but good catches front bumper, grill, left front en by Stephen R. Apolzer, Jr.. NEW MIL, FOR ID — ELGIN 4-3436 door and paint scraped i,ff of 36, was travelling East on Wood- reported in Bran ford and right, rear fender and rear door, bury Road near Sperry Hill when eluded the left front door, rear I a car preceding the bus "made 1 to avoid the car and hit two state THE MINE MOUNTAIN STORE, Inc. bumper , left side, left rear wheel j a dead stop"" and started to highway fence posts. There were and scraped paint on the rear slide. Police said there was a no injuries or arrests, and the ROUTE 7 - FIVE MILES NORTH of NEW MILFORD BRIDGE right side. light rain, with wet and slippery!' only damage was to the posts. OPEN DAILY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Investigating officers were pavement at the time. The bus I Officer Joseph Ciriello inves- Lieutenant Carlo and driver pulled sharply to the right [ tigated.

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Open Today f a. mi. to f p., m. Saturday 9 a. m. to 5:30' p. m. PAGE 16 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), AUG. 28, 194a be fet CConcord College at Athens,, The State Board of W. Va.» this fall, along 'with. Ron- Little League and Game reports the following, nie Podegenski. .-former Sacred conditions: Salt Water Fishing — Property of the WatertownHeart basketball, star ,..., Ou Historicalr I nt e rmed i ate League SocietyStriper fishing good off Clinton, 1 thanks to Davy Minor for the fine around Charles Island in Milford August 21—Red. Sox win inter- and from the Thames River to the letter this department received mediate championship-by beatiiv from Germany last week. Hope Rhode Island, line. Porgy fishing 0peakincj of... Yankees 13-12. All-Star game to excellent, except in Fairfield Coun- you make that trip home for be 'h«ld today at 5:30 p.m. at De- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgXmas ... ty area. -Best news this week is Land' Field. THE ROUND-UP report of excellent tinker macker- " Minor League el fishing in the area from New, Local teams play softball nearly August 21-Pirates,' winners of every Sunday morning at Deland London Harbor to Rhode Island or Judd, and several, have ex- 1st round; defeated Tigers ^-0 .. line. Butterfish are beginning to pressed the hope that .a town, tie them in 2nd round with 4-1 show around Branford and provide league can be revived come next •records, thus becoming Minor fair fishing... Crabbing is still poor summer With fields at a premium League Champs. All-Star game in all areas. duo to the extended baseball''pro- today at Mosgrove Stadium,, 6 p.m. The State tsoard, reports the fol- gram, maybe it could be just that lowing conditions of Inland Fish- —A Sunday morning circuit ing : Candlewood , Lake producing Coaeh Mike Motto is looking for- Fishing Conditions .fairly good, night trout fishing with L(fcAL MAN TO TEACH AT The Robbing had many battles ward to the soccer season.. Reason good, catches of large bluegills and vuth the Oakville, manag- (Continued from Page 15) STAMFORD SCHOOL —he had a fairly good campaign tion, a- few blues were caught in black t» reported from this lake. oc Filz^iiahl [ii unvncnt local ed by Leo Orsini. One game to last fall, and, with most of that Highland Lake providing good i em ember, or that at least mill be Plum Gut but seemed to be follow- - ntl Ii tL his .icLLpted i teaching team returning—well, he's antici- ing1 the same trend as last year fishing for brown trout and .rain- position it thi new \\nc;ht Tech remembered by Police Chief Frank pating a real good, season, come bow trout and angler success is Minucci, was when he came up to insofar as they are still scary. Of meal Si him] at St imfnrd Cnnnec- September. the few which were landed, the reported to be high. titut He nill teach Hihtorj Lng- hit for the Davies with the Rob- hint, one run up in the last of the greatest percentage were caught Wononskopomuc Lake good fish- lisli and Dinii !• duration Jne will on the bottom with a rigged eel ing, for rainbow trout,. The Housa- like St imfuid because it is a led ninth and delivered a game-win- ning double. •. Tennis "Results as bait. Blues being what they are. tonic River still offering good trout 'lift spm ts tity and one that has it's anyone's .guess when, and if fishing but-few fishermen are tak- gtiinerl prominence dui- After the contests, there will be The tennis tournament sponsor- ed, by the Junior Chamber of Com- they'll settle down. In my opinion ing advantage of this. int; Iht* \< ist drcridf* v ith great i supper for the players at Like- they will, be caught in the Mace Great northern, pike being tak- schtMjlhu\ fiNjtbiill ttiinis and L'nit I's Restaurant., Tickets may be merce and the Recreation 'Coun- J cil was held ityecently with, elimina- and the Gut by • within tne en in fair numbers from the Con- ed St IIPS th impionsupsj in Am i hdd d.t Quigley's, and .Liakos' local- next two weeks. necticut River in, 'the vicinity of ic in Ltijinn B ihi_ Ruth and Little ly or Uncie George's 'Trading Post tions at the Taft School courts and, Fluke for offshore fishermen, Glastonbury and. Rocky Hill. League h IMJ» ill m VVatervillc and Lil's Smoke finals af the Watertown Tennis Shop Club, The event was supervised Shagwong Reef off Mont auk and Pachaug Pond producing good Joe is L in 11 nth i niemhci ni the east end of Gardner's Island fishing for largemouth bass. SHORT SPORTS by Carl Richmond, Frank Schnei- file Le IJ^LU kadiiv Patk Rest in ders and Harvey Ring, are still favorite areas with good In general, fishing pressure in, snfth ill turn of the Cil> U idc Nelson Booth is having another catches coming over the sides in the inland district' is extremely lonp mil [leitnimed « ith tin Oak-fine year on the golf links. Nel- Barry Hughson was winner of both places. light. vilk team dial just won the ttatei son i> latest achievement was the the senior boys singles with, Fred bun Fiik Department Sumnn i H inning of the WCG Handicap Sonntag runner up. Other entries Bciskcihill itunn His intents Mi championship. Booth has come a in this class, were: Steve Whitman, anrl Mis Fimutln FIURU jld le- long way' in local golf the past: David Wassong, Kim Blanchard, sidr it 1 Cilnnial Mtnuc few seasons -Husky Tommy Bruce Johnson, Peter Gallary, vi He Nadeau kept Water-town in the run- Dick: Goode, William Mat on, Leon- OLD TIMERS GAME nine; for Pony'League honors with ard Candee, William' Smith, and AT DELAND F1ELO d hase-cleaning" double that tied Eugene Ballard.. 1 HIidcH.ebu.ry at 5-5. Neither team Lynn Whiiehead was winner of Jim Mubiliti of Wdiitovn scc- UJS able to score from, that point the girls" while Kim. Blan- NO MOREADISHES IN THE SINK.. re1ii\ Ircisuici of the Connecticut on and. the game was resched- chard was winner of the junior B isch ill l'm[ints Assni ution u> uled with the winner to meet boys* singles. (RtneiaJ ilnmn in of the cornmi* Southbury for the league title, in Kim Blanchard and Fred. Sonn- fotiil g inn to be plcn ed Sundij ci two of three series. Johnny O'"- tag won the junior boys' doubles You'll .never 'have to wash dishes again, once your Septemtiti 14 at Dtland Field he Bai also featured for the Buck- Other entries included Candee, Ro- new automatic electric dishwasher is; installed. t«etn .. hnst uffoimcf F i C.IC } AAn"u- ,m Btltin>B,utteriy crew vvith a time,. dia, Maton, Goode,, Wassong. teui Lit iL'iii^nee All St irs ,ind the fa L1>. hom•L e„ „„run„ TI^KK.Bobby, iLiako :™i,™s 'wil...iln Just stack 'the dirty dishes In. the racks, press a, nious Ni i tli Lnd Rotjhms of JL»S> button and ill no time at all your dishes will 'he' gone b> Thitt t n mci Cil> Li I EJUL gi c its spotless. Scalding water, hotter than your hands II im K« illv foe ftlmliilji jnd Keu ©look mil he hntioied gutsta as can stand, sanitizes the dishes and protects your 'ivtll is [i II tiLipcints in the game Re-openin g of family's health. Somi of thL iild>)i±> th it v ill ! £ "take [Mil in tht unites! fur Cit> And, say goodbye, to food, waste problems, too, 'Leagur St us «inrl v hu p; i\f us old fans nf 111 il |ii>(tnl,ii tin. nl mam a by having an electric garbage disposer installed tin ill] in Moit and \\ im Kult\ uteien Shorts fa your sink. It's the perfect companion for your Joo Rldiulin Pnbln Rn Stmmj Fenn I irr\ Mullen O*Tiw'e Bill new automatic electric dishwasher. Flan it; in John Dn iln R a y o r 1 Dot an Tiihn Dnstnll John Mcin JJance Studio There's a, wide choice' of built-in, free standing ej Lcftv Sil ino Vu Rid ench Bnbh\ Turkci Edit MLDOP ild and portable dishwashers and .many models of Ray Hnlrkn Tigei Kcinc Jack electric garbage disposers at your Electric Appli- SFa(tei\ f ri Muipln fjcnicte Lan IOK .inrl Srnnk^ Joe Dennis : Dealer's. Be sure to T*oi* iht Ntiith E,nd Rohlnns the .see them soon for freedom tinit will ser\e .i dull pur|»se — Lessons in ... from dishwashing and. gar- a leuniiin nf niotc thin 2S jefcrti of tiicndship and «Jub txisttnpe bage disposing drudgery. " IK Jim IMDIIIIHI Hcis the in in

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