
A culture trait shared by and the is the . The beliefs and customs of a group of people, is their culture. A very important reason for limiting the power of government is to protect civil rights. A form of government known as a is rule by a king. Both the U.S. and Canada have governments that are limited. A responsibility of a U.S. citizen is to serve on . The French and Great Britain (or English) have had a long history of conflict and cooperation over culture. A difference between a citizen in a democracy and dictatorship is a democratic citizen can participate in free elections. Paying taxes on income is NOT an example of voluntary civic participation in a democracy it is required. A style of shelter is a trait that might define a culture. Page 2 -----

Cultural borrowing could result from countries that live close to each other and are trading partners; troops control a defended country for , and also marriage between people of different cultures.

Protesters DO NOT normally use architecture as a way to get their message out!

In the late 18th and the U.S. and Canada were hostile to each other but they are now.

A culture has been a result of the French who settled in Canada.

Many people from all over the immigrate to the U.S. to make a better living. This is known as pull.

The Rio Grande has influenced U.S. domestic policy because it has been an increasingly difficult issue in water rights.

In a limited government EVERYONE including authority figures, must obey the law.

Both the U.S. and Canada operate under the economic system of free market.

A limited government does NOT have a single ruler.

Industry is one factor of production that has not influenced the economics of U.S. and Canada.

U.S. citizens do not have a personal responsibility to write newspaper editors.

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The republican form of government the U.S. uses originated from Rome. Early settlers in the United States made the successful use of their environment by settling near the sea coast in the east. Language is the cultural trait that most separates the two dominate cultures of Canada. America has become known as a “” due to many ethnic groups who have immigrated to the United States and Canada. Subscribing to magazines is NOT an opportunity for citizens to participate in and influence political systems in the United States. Technology encompasses transportation, , and communication. The GDP () is the way we measure a country’s wealth.