Chapter 4 Vasiliev and the Foundations of Logic Otávio Bueno Abstract Nikolai Vasiliev offered a systematic approach to the development of a class of non-classical logics, which he called “Imaginary Logics”. In this paper, IexaminecriticallysomeofthecentralfeaturesofVasiliev’sapproachtological theory, suggesting its relevance to contemporary debates in the philosophy of logic. IarguethatthereismuchofsignificantvalueinVasiliev’swork,whichdeserves close philosophical engagement. Keywords Vasiliev • logical pluralism • Revisability • a priori • negation 4.1 Introduction: Six Central Features of Vasiliev’s Approach to Logical Theory Nikolai Vasiliev’s approach to logical theory has a number of features. Six of them, in particular, are worth highlighting: (a) logical pluralism (there is a plurality of logics, depending on the subject matter under consideration); (b) logical revisability (certain logical laws can be revised depending on the subject matter); (c) logical non-a priorism (certain logical laws are empirically based); (d) logical contingency (given the empirical nature of some logical laws, they are ultimately contingent; in this context, issues regarding the scope of logic are also examined, with the accompanying distinction between laws of objects and laws of thought); (e) the nature of negation (negation is characterized via incompatibility; it is not just difference, nor is it grounded on absence, and it is inferred rather than perceived); and (f) logical commitment (why Vasiliev is not a dialetheist, after all). In this paper, I will examine each of these features, and suggest the relevance of many of Vasiliev’s proposals to contemporary philosophical reflection about the foundations of logic. Although the terms I use to describe some of the views O. Bueno (!) Department of Philosophy, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA e-mail:
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