AsiaPacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law (1) (2010) 6062

Concluding Statement of the 6th Annual Meeting of ASEA HRI Forum

1113 ovember 2009, ,


The ASEAN National Human Rights Institutions Forum consisting of the National Human Rights Commission of Indonesia [Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (KOMNAS HAM)], the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia [Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia (SUHAKAM)], the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines (CHRP), and the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT), held The 6th Annual Meeting in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 11 November to 13 November 2009.

The objective of the meeting is to strengthen the cooperation and advocacy of human rights among the four NHRIs in ASEAN based on the Declaration of Cooperation, , 2007.

Appreciate the participation and contribution of Independent Expert, Dr. Enny Soeprapto, representatives and stakeholders from National Human Rights Commission of Korea, Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice of Timor Leste, Indonesia Representative of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission for Human Rights (AICHR), Asia Pacific Forum (APF), United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), Office of High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR) and Indonesia Government from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and MacArthur Foundation.

Express gratitude and deep appreciation to the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri X for hosting the delightful dinner at Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.

Express gratitude and deep appreciation to the European Commission and MacArthur Foundation for their support of this annual meeting.

 Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2010 DOI: 10.1163/138819010X12647506166915 SELECTED HUMA RIGHTS DOCUMETS 61

The delegations of NHRIs thanks the Chairperson, Commissioners and Secretariat General of Komnas HAM for their excellent efforts and hospitality in organizing this annual meeting.


1. Confirmed and adopted the Minutes of the 5th ANF Meeting as amended.

2. Reaffirmed the need to prioritize Human Rights issues of common concerns to the ANF.

3. To strengthen the organization structure of the ANF, in this regard each component member to appoint a representative to work jointly to formulate the rules and procedures of the functioning and operations of the ANF.

4. Agreed to hold periodic meetings to discuss human rights issues of common concern to the ANF.

5. Agreed to continue with the research on and development of the issues of (i) Implementation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Rights to Development; (ii) Enchancement of Human Rights Education; (iii) Human Rights aspects of trafficking in person especially women and children; (iv) Protection of the human rights of migrant and migrant workers; and (v) Suppression of terrorism while respecting human rights. On the basis of which, make appropriate recommendations for the consideration at the next meeting of the ANF. To this end, agreed to designate regular focal person/s for each thematic project for the implementation.

6. Agreed that the ANF be renamed as South East Asia National Human Rights Institution Forum.

7. Agreed to explore the possibility of the South East Asia Region as a Subregional grouping under the Asia Pacific Forum.