Libertarian National Committee, Inc. NON PROFIT ORG 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Washington, DC 20037 OKLA CITY, OK


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by Arthur DiBianca Arthur by Corner

LP News LP Chairman’s

Over 800 Libertarians on November 2010 Ballot 2010 November on Libertarians 800 Over

List of Libertarian Candidates Running for Office - Pages 4-7 Pages - Office for Running Candidates Libertarian of List Elected Libertarians Seek Higher Offices - Page 8 Page - Offices Higher Seek Libertarians Elected

The Official Newspaper of the Libertarian Party Libertarian the of Newspaper Official The Volume 40, Issue 4 Issue 40, Volume October 2010 October

Pages 4-7 Pages

Running in your Area! your in Running

Find the Libertarians Libertarians the Find

The Party of Principle of Party The ™

LP . . i n i M n r e v o G m u m i x a M • t n e m o d e e r F m u m m ORG WWW Page 2 The Libertarian Party - October 2010

If you have some spare money, pick a Libertar- Chairman’s Corner ian candidate and reward them for their efforts on behalf of freedom. If the Democratic/Republican-caused reces- Want to become a sion/depression is making that too difficult for you, con- Monthly Pledger? Reward LP Candidates sider donating some of your time instead. If you don’t have a local candidate you want to support, pick a candidate somewhere else whose values by and priorities match your own and support them any way ere in the United States, you think possible. Even if the candidate isn’t local, you we have a variety of tax can always make Get Out The Vote (GOTV) phone calls Hpolicies from the local asking voters to support Libertarian candidates. Or, if re- level up to Federal level. I’m search and writing is your expertise, you can do opposi- fond of saying we have a tax tion research and/or write press releases for your chosen policy that punishes those who candidate. are productive and rewards those Only you know what time, talent, or funds are Monthly Pledgers receive who are not. That is the hallmark yours to give. We have more candidates running for of- the insider’s Liberty Pledge of a “progressive” tax system. fice than all other alternative parties combined. They are The more you earn (by giving doing yeoman’s work spreading the message of liberty. Newsletter, and are vital to customers what they want), the If you want them to do that again in 2012, I urge you to funding our LP Headquarters more the government punishes you for doing so. Instead show them your support in 2010. Reward them for their of a meritocracy, our government has endorsed a failure- good behavior and we’ll all reap the benefits for years to operations. cracy. come. But, back here in the real world, you and I reward And once the election is over, remember it’s your Ready to Renew Your Membership? businesses that provide good products or services by be- local, state, and national LP organizations that spread coming repeat customers. And we may tell friends and the message of liberty between campaign seasons. They family what a good deal we got or what great service we are the Libertarian infrastructure that allows candidates Send a gift of $25 or more. Write “re- received. to find volunteers and financial help every two or four new” on your check or contribution And so how does that relate to politics, especially years. It’s also the source for most of our candidates. form. Libertarian politics? The work of liberty doesn’t start on Labor Day We now have over 800 candidates, ranging from and end on Election Day. It’s a full time endeavor and school board to U.S. Senator running all across the U.S. if you want that to continue, please consider becoming a You can renew or sign up for a Many have spent countless hours and lots of their own monthly pledger to your local, state, and national Liber- monthly pledge: money to get on the ballot, so as to give voters an oppor- tarian Parties. They’re fighting for freedom when you’re • online at tunity to cast a vote for freedom. busy living your life. • call 202-333-0008 I encourage you to pick a few of those candidates Let’s reward good behavior and promote freedom • use the enclosed postage-paid enve- and reward them for their good behavior. Politics, like at the same time. art, is labor-intensive. Many of our candidates are self- Shall we? lope, or mail your contribution to: funded. As a candidate who’s run eight times for partisan and non-partisan office, it really boosted my spirits when Libertarian Party I received petitioning help or a financial contribution to 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 defray my expenses. Knowing you have friends on your Washington, DC 20037 side, helps keep you going.

Send News, Articles, Libertarian Party News Essays or (ISSN 8755-139X) is the official LP News Photographs: newspaper of the Libertarian Party Libertarian Party® of the United The Purposes of the Libertarian Party: 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 States. Opinions and articles Washington, DC 20037 published in this newspaper do not The Party is organized to implement and give voice to the principles embodied in the State- ment of Principles by: functioning as a libertarian political entity separate and distinct from all Phone: (202) 333-0008 necessarily represent official party E-mail: [email protected] positions unless so indicated. other political parties or movements; moving public policy in a libertarian direction by building a political party that elects Libertarians to public office; chartering affiliate parties throughout the United States and promoting their growth and activities; nominating candidates for Presi- Send Address Changes To: NATIONAL CHAIR: Libertarian Party Mark Hinkle dent and Vice-President of the United States, and supporting Party and affiliate party candi- dates for political office; and, entering into public information activities. 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20037 Phone: (202) 333-0008 E-mail: [email protected] L P N E W S Editor: Email: [email protected] Wes Benedict [email protected] Vol. 40, Issue 4 The Libertarian Party - Page 3 Elected Libertarians Seek Higher Office Libertarian Party Candidates Over 150 Libertarians hold elected offices around America. Appearing in Election Polls der Georgia law would lead to a Several of them are running for higher offices this November. by Arthur DiBianca runoff. A September 13 poll of ll too often, Libertar- Texas voters by the Texas Tri- ian candidates are inten- bune showed six Libertarian can- Ationally excluded from didates for statewide office were professional election polls. So drawing at least 5 percent. it’s good to see Libertarian can- Michael Beitler, running didates doing well this year in a for U.S. Senate in North Caro- number of professional polls. lina, has appeared in a number of A September 14 Survey- polls this year. His results have USA poll in Georgia showed held at about 6 percent since July. Libertarian John Monds getting An August 16 poll by 9 percent of the vote. It showed SurveyUSA showed Kansas several other Libertarians draw- Libertarian Dennis Hawver at 7 ing between 6 percent and 8 per- percent in his run for Attorney Norm Westwell, an Ocean View School Heather Scott, a County Commissioner Brendan Kelly, who serves on the Seabrook cent in statewide races. In three General. Hawver drew 22 per- District Trustee in California, is now run- in Wilson County, Tennessee, is running Council in New Hampshire, is running for cases, Libertarians were holding ning for Huntington Beach City Council. for State Representative. State Representative. cent of the support from voters the Democrat and Republican to “Balance the budget by cutting past state chair of the New Hamp- both below 50 percent, which un- ...continued on page 11 by Wes Benedict spending, not raising taxes, fees shire LP. and fines.” New Hampshire is unusual ver 150 Libertarians hold Heather Scott has spent because the state’s legislative dis- elected offices around eight years as a County Commis- tricts are so small. Nearly 400 state Social Networking Success for LP OAmerica. Several of them sioner in Wilson County, Tennes- representatives serve a population are running for higher offices this see (outside Nashville). She has of about 1.3 million. That’s just a by Kyle Hartz November. also served as an alternate on the few thousand residents per rep- Norm Westwell currently Libertarian National Committee. resentative. New Hampshire also n September 2009, the Liber- serves in California as an Ocean She is now running for has the nation’s least expensive tarian Party’s Facebook page View School District Trustee. State Representative in District campaigns for state representative: I( Longtime LP News readers may 57. The Tennessee Report wrote winners spend an average of $772 ians) had roughly 14,000 fans. One remember him as Norm “Fire- of her, “From her eight years as on their campaigns. year later, we have grown to over cracker” Westwell from his days a member of the Wilson County Kelly’s website is www. 104,000 fans. To put this in per- bringing attention to the freedoms Commission, Scott says she’s seen spective, the Democratic Party has we’re losing, such as the right to how programs come down from Erik Viker sits on the Selin- a total of about 121,000 Facebook shoot fireworks on the Fourth of the state and federal government sgrove Borough Council in Penn- fans. July. that may or may not be right for a sylvania. He is running for State Some may say, “It’s just Westwell is running for particular county, yet local govern- Representative in District 85. On Facebook,” but we believe it’s im- Huntington Beach City Council. ments have to enact them and cov- his website he says, “As an elected portant. Facebook has become one He’s a 35-year Huntington Beach er the costs that come with them.” official, I always represent the in- of the most powerful marketing The Libertarian Party’s official Face- book page recently hit 100,000 fans. resident and past Vice Chairman On her campaign website, terests of my fellow citizens from tools available. The total worth of of the Orange County LP. He has, she a perspective of financial respon- the company stands at $33 billion, Facebook also helps our over 100 large signs up all over says, “Having seen firsthand, the sibility, self-reliance and minimal thanks to their main source of rev- outreach by providing a forum town. He notes, “All the signs are costs that mandates from upper government intrusion into our enue, Facebook advertising. for others to discuss their own recycled. I am the environmental- levels of government impose upon lives.” We have made effective use ideas. Our page is full of interest- ly friendly Libertarian candidate. the County, I’d like to take a more In a recent interview with of Facebook ads, which have been ing dialogue between libertarians, I received permission from candi- active role in limiting these man- the Sunbury Daily Item about Tea very helpful in attracting users to consitutionalists, conservatives, dates in previous elections to take dates by returning government Party enthusiasm, Viker said, “I us. liberals, and anarchists. Our page down their signs if I could keep control to the local level.” hope those tea party members who We want to encourage gives potential Libertarians a place them. In the down time between Brendan Kelly is currently truly care about fiscal conserva- growth of our Facebook page in to explore the details of liberty that elections every two years, I repaint an elected official in New Hamp- tism and a smaller, more consti- any way possible. The benefits we cannot be captured in a 60-second the signs in my garage a few at a shire. He serves as a Selectman on tutional government realize these derive from the page are immense. television ad. Sometimes people time.” the Seabrook Council, and previ- are exactly my principles. I am Facebook is the third-highest come to our page with doubts According to his website, ously served as its Chair. The ter- not part of the two-party system, source of web traffic for our web- about the Libertarian Party, but the, he is ritory of his current office overlaps a system where both parties have site (, behind only Google commentary they read makes them “successfully shrinking govern- two-thirds of the state legislative contributed to record-breaking and users who type our web ad- feel comfortable about joining us. ment over $13 million in 2 years district he is running for (Rocking- deficits.” dress manually. Facebook gives For all these reasons and while minimizing the impacts to ham District 14). Erik Viker’s campaign our blog posts and press releases a more, passing 100,000 Facebook both students and staff.” He wants Kelly has also served as a website is huge boost in circulation. fans is a milestone to celebrate. Page 4 The Libertarian Party - October 2010 2010 Libertarian Party Candidates Candidates for federal office Kansas North Dakota Michael Wm. Dann U.S. Senator Keith Hanson U.S. Senator Alaska Jack Warner U.S. Representative, District 1 Fredrick Haase U.S. Senator Robert Garrard U.S. Representative, District 2 Ohio Jasmin Talbert U.S. Representative, District 3 Jim Berns U.S. Representative, District 1 Arizona David Moffett U.S. Representative, District 4 Marc Johnston U.S. Representative, District 2 David F. Nolan U.S. Senator Don Kissick U.S. Representative, District 4 Nicole Patti U.S. Representative, District 1 Kentucky Brian Smith U.S. Representative, District 5 Powell Gammill U.S. Representative, District 2 Ed Martin U.S. Representative, District 3 M.J. Elsass U.S. Representative, District 6 Michael Shoen U.S. Representative, District 3 John Anderson U.S. Representative, District 7 Joe Cobb U.S. Representative, District 4 Louisiana David Harlow U.S. Representative, District 8 Nick Coons U.S. Representative, District 5 Randall T. Hayes U.S. Senator Jeff Goggins U.S. Representative, District 10 Darell Tapp U.S. Representative, District 6 Travis Irvine U.S. Representative, District 12 George Keane U.S. Representative, District 7 Maryland John Jelenic U.S. Representative, District 14 Steven Stoltz U.S. Representative, District 8 Richard Davis U.S. Representative, District 1 Bill Kammerer U.S. Representative, District 15 Lorenzo Gaztañaga U.S. Representative, District 2 Jeffery J. Blevins U.S. Representative, District 16 California Jerry McKinley U.S. Representative, District 3 Gail Lightfoot U.S. Senator Gavin Shickle U.S. Representative, District 5 Oklahoma Mike Rodrigues U.S. Representative, District 1 Dan Massey U.S. Representative, District 6 Angelia O’Dell U.S. Representative, District 1 D. A. Tuma U.S. Representative, District 3 Scott Spencer U.S. Representative, District 7 Clark Duffe U.S. Representative, District 5 Joel Smolen U.S. Representative, District 6 Mark Grannis U.S. Representative, District 8 Philip Berg U.S. Representative, District 8 Oregon Jim Eyer U.S. Representative, District 9 Massachusetts Marc Delphine U.S. Senator Mark Williams U.S. Representative, District 12 Bob Clark U.S. Representative, District 5 Harry Joe Tabor U.S. Representative, District 1 Paul Lazaga U.S. Representative, District 14 Jeff Lawrence U.S. Representative, District 3 Edward Gonzalez U.S. Representative, District 16 Michigan Mary Larkin U.S. Representative, District 17 Keith Shelton U.S. Representative, District 1 Pennsylvania Darrell Stafford U.S. Representative, District 23 Joseph Gillotte U.S. Representative, District 2 Douglas M. Jamison U.S. Senator Randall Weissbuch U.S. Representative, District 26 James Rogers U.S. Representative, District 3 Vernon Etzel U.S. Representative, District 5 Carlos Rodriguez U.S. Representative, District 28 Clint Foster U.S. Representative, District 4 William Cushing U.S. Representative, District 29 Michael J. Moon U.S. Representative, District 5 South Carolina Erich Miller U.S. Representative, District 30 Fred Strand U.S. Representative, District 6 Keith Blandford U.S. Representative, District 1 Herb Peters U.S. Representative, District 36 Greg Merle U.S. Representative, District 7 Eddie McCain U.S. Representative, District 2 Mark Lambert U.S. Representative, District 42 Bhagwan Dashairya U.S. Representative, District 8 Rick Mahler U.S. Representative, District 4 Mike Binkley U.S. Representative, District 48 Adam Goodman U.S. Representative, District 9 Michael Paster U.S. Representative, District 49 Claude Beavers U.S. Representative, District 10 Tennessee Lars Grossmith U.S. Representative, District 50 John J. Tatar U.S. Representative, District 11 Mo Kiah U.S. Representative, District 3 Michael Benoit U.S. Representative, District 52 Leonard Schwartz U.S. Representative, District 12 Daniel Bray U.S. Representative, District 4 Paul-Michael Dekker U.S. Representative, District 53 Heidi Peterson U.S. Representative, District 13 Stephen Collings U.S. Representative, District 5 Rick Secula U.S. Representative, District 14 Casey Bohn U.S. Representative, District 7 Colorado Kerry Lee Morgan U.S. Representative, District 15 Maclyn Stringer U.S. Senator Texas Clint Jones U.S. Representative, District 1 Mississippi Charles F. Parkes III U.S. Representative, District 1 Curtis Harris U.S. Representative, District 2 Harold M. Taylor U.S. Representative, District 1 David W. Smith U.S. Representative, District 2 Gregory Gilman U.S. Representative, District 3 Kenneth Hampton U.S. Representative, District 4 Christopher J. Claytor U.S. Representative, District 3 Jerell Klaver U.S. Representative, District 5 Jim D. Prindle U.S. Representative, District 4 Rob McNealy U.S. Representative, District 6 Missouri Ken Ashby U.S. Representative, District 5 Buck Bailey U.S. Representative, District 7 Jonathan Dine U.S. Senator Bryon Severns U.S. Representative, District 6 Julie Stone U.S. Representative, District 1 Bob Townsend U.S. Representative, District 7 Connecticut Steve Mosbacher U.S. Representative, District 2 Bruce West U.S. Representative, District 8 Daniel Reale U.S. Representative, District 2 Steven R. Hedrick U.S. Representative, District 3 Michael W. Hope U.S. Representative, District 9 Walter Gengarelly U.S. Representative, District 5 Jason Braun U.S. Representative, District 4 Jeremiah Perkins U.S. Representative, District 10 Randy Langkraehr U.S. Representative, District 5 James A. Powell U.S. Representative, District 11 Delaware Kevin Craig U.S. Representative, District 7 Matthew Solodow U.S. Representative, District 12 Jim Rash U.S. Senator Rick Vandeven U.S. Representative, District 8 John T. Burwell, Jr. U.S. Representative, District 13 Brent Wangen U.S. Representative Christopher Dwyer U.S. Representative, District 9 Aaron I. Cohn U.S. Representative, District 15 Bill Collins U.S. Representative, District 16 Florida Montana Richard B. Kelly U.S. Representative, District 17 Alexander Snitker U.S. Senator Mike Fellows U.S. Representative Mike Taylor U.S. Representative, District 18 Richard Peterson U.S. Representative, District 19 Georgia Nevada Michael Idrogo U.S. Representative, District 20 Chuck Donovan U.S. Senator Ed Klapproth U.S. Representative, District 1 James Arthur Strohm U.S. Representative, District 21 Joseph P. Silvestri U.S. Representative, District 3 Steven Susman U.S. Representative, District 22 Hawaii Martin Nitschke U.S. Representative, District 23 Jeff Mallan U.S. Senator New Hampshire David Sparks U.S. Representative, District 24 Pat Brock U.S. Representative, District 2 Ken Blevens U.S. Senator Jim Stutsman U.S. Representative, District 25 Philip Hodson U.S. Representative, District 1 Mark Boler U.S. Representative, District 26 Idaho Howard Wilson U.S. Representative, District 2 Ed Mishou U.S. Representative, District 27 Mike Washburn U.S. Representative, District 1 Stephen Kaat U.S. Representative, District 28 New Jersey Brad Walters U.S. Representative, District 29 Illinois Russ Conger U.S. Representative, District 3 J.B. Oswalt U.S. Representative, District 30 Michael Labno U.S. Senator Joe Siano U.S. Representative, District 4 Bill Oliver U.S. Representative, District 31 Doug Marks U.S. Representative, District 14 James Gawron U.S. Representative, District 11 John Jay Myers U.S. Representative, District 32 Indiana New York Utah Rebecca Sink-Burris U.S. Senator John Clifton U.S. Senator Jared Stratton U.S. Representative, District 1 Jon Morris U.S. Representative, District 1 Randy Credico U.S. Senator Jake Shannon U.S. Representative, District 3 Mark Vogel U.S. Representative, District 2 Elizabeth Berney U.S. Representative, District 5 Scott Wise U.S. Representative, District 3 Tom Vendittelli U.S. Representative, District 13 Virginia John Duncan U.S. Representative, District 4 Dino Laverghetta U.S. Representative, District 14 James Quigley U.S. Representative, District 3 Chard Reid U.S. Representative, District 5 Marc Romain U.S. Representative, District 25 Stuart Bain U.S. Representative, District 6 T.J. Thompson U.S. Representative, District 6 Dean Sandstrom U.S. Representative, District 27 William Redpath U.S. Representative, District 10 Dav Wilson U.S. Representative, District 7 David Dotson U.S. Representative, District 11 John Cunningham U.S. Representative, District 8 North Carolina Greg Knott U.S. Representative, District 9 Michael Beitler U.S. Senator Wisconsin Tom Rose U.S. Representative, District 2 Joseph Kexel U.S. Representative, District 1 Iowa Darryl Holloman U.S. Representative, District 3 John Heiderscheit U.S. Senator Thomas Hill U.S. Representative, District 8 Wyoming Rob Petsche U.S. Representative, District 1 Lon Cecil U.S. Representative, District 12 John Love U.S. Representative Gary Sicard U.S. Representative, District 2 Vol. 40, Issue 4 The Libertarian Party - Page 5 2010 Libertarian Party Candidates Candidates for state and local offices Ty Perry State Representative, District 50 Elizabeth Sepponen State Representative, District 81 Jim Palmer State Representative, District 85 Paul Leslie State Representative, District 85 Alaska John Szewczyk State Representative, District 100 Joe Hauptmann State Representative, District 87 William S. Toien Governor Kevin Vail State Representative, District 90 Jeffrey D. Brown Lt. Governor Delaware Matt Amormino State Representative, District 91 Scott A. Kohlhaas State Representative, District 20 Matthew Flebbe General Assembly, District 6 Jason Sipe State Representative, District 92 Robert E. Clift State Representative, District 21 Scott Gesty General Assembly, District 7 Kent Raquet State Representative, District 93 Harley Brown State Representative, District 25 James Christina General Assembly, District 12 Mike Smythe State Representative, District 94 George Barnett General Assembly, District 15 Josh Barker State Representative, District 97 Arizona Will McVay General Assembly, District 32 John Meuser State Representative, District 99 Barry Hess Governor Jesse McVay Kent County Recorder of Deeds Paul Dijak-Robinson State Representative, District 100 Thane Eichenauer State Treasurer Mary Pat McVay Kent County Levy Court, at Large Duncan Adams Brown County Sheriff Rick Fowlkes Corporation Commissioner Timothy Webb Kent County Levy Court, District 2 Amy Hapner Elkhart County Council, District 1 Michael Patti State Senator, District 9 Mike Kole Hamilton County Council, District 2 Michael White State Senator, District 12 Florida Joseph Tucker Hamilton County Council, District 3 Garret Chartier-Dickie State Senator, District 17 Franklin Perez State Representative, District 33 Bill Claar Henry County Sheriff Andrea Garcia State Senator, District 18 Ilene Davis Brevard County Commissioner, District 2 Jon Bell Henry County Council William Munsil State Senator, District 19 Phillip Laibe Duval County SWC District, Grp. 1 Jerry Titus Howard County Council, District 2 Jack Kretzer State Senator, District 24 Violet Skinner Duval County SWC District, Grp. 3 Jason Cooper Knox County Council, District 1 Frank Mulligan State Representative, District 2 Stuart Coffin Duval County SWC District, Grp. 5 David Tyssen Lake County Council, District 4 William Barker State Representative, District 6 Tyson Richmond Hillsborough County SWC District 1 Jeanine Kirpec Lake County Council, District 5 Jim Iannuzo State Representative, District 7 A. J. Brent Hillsborough County SWC District 5 Ryan Stewart Lake County Council, District 6 Cristian Dumitrescu State Representative, District 17 Jason Ferenczy-Zumpano Hillsborough County Supervisor Janice Glueckert Lake County Council, District 7 Damian Trabel State Representative, District 17 Ron Skrutski Lee County SWC District, Grp. 2 Mike Sloan LaPorte County Comissioner, District 1 Chris A. H. Will State Representative, District 18 Tom Clark Lee County SWC District, Grp. 3 Gregory Kelver LaPorte County Council, District 1 Michael Kielsky Maricopa County Attorney Kim Hawk Lee County SWC District, Grp. 5 Daniel Ferris Madison County Council, District 1 Christopher Rike Maricopa County Clerk of the Court Jim Culberson Sebastian Inlet Taxing District, District 5 Christine Nealis Madison County Council, District 3 Rachel A. Kielsky Maricopa County Justice of the Peace Larry Frego St. Johns County SWC District, Grp. 2 John Nichols Madison County Council, District 4 Tom Murray Maricopa County Constable James Madjak Marion County Assessor Sean Shepherd Scottsdale City Council Georgia Joell Palmer Marion County Auditor John Monds Governor Victoria Foley Rush County Commissioner California Dan Barber Lt. Governor Joyce Morrell Rush County Council Dale F. Ogden Governor David Chastain Secretary of State Thomas Zmyslo Sr. St. Joseph County Council, District A Pamela Brown Lt. Governor Don Smart Attorney General Bill Leider Steuben County Council, District 3 Christina Tobin Secretary of State William Costa Commissioner of Labor Matthew Hisrich Wayne County Commissioner, District 1 Timothy Hannan Attorney General Kira Willis State School Superintendent Gayle Bond Wayne County Council, District 2 Andrew Favor Controller Kevin Cherry Commissioner of Agriculture Mark Harris Wayne County Council, District 4 Edward Teyssier Treasurer Shane Bruce Commissioner of Insurance and Fire Safety Keith Henry Center Township Board, Howard County Richard Bronstein Insurance Commissioner James Sendelbach Public Service Commission, District 2 Zachary Capehart Center Township Trustee, Marion County Kennita Watson Board of Equalization, District 1 Brooke Nebel State Representative, District 51 Conley Tilson Clay Township Advisory Board, Wayne County Willard Michlin Board of Equalization, District 2 Taylor Bryant Richmond County School Board, District 6 Marvin Heacox Clay Township Advisory Board, Wayne County Jerry Dixon Board of Equalization, District 3 Cheryl Heacox Clay Township Advisory Board, Wayne County Peter De Baets Board of Equalization, District 4 Hawaii Jared Wales Decatur Township Trustee, Marion County Steve Torno State Senator, District 6 Fred Fogel State Representative, District 5 Lars Noldan Fall Creek Township Trustee Adrian Galysh State Senator, District 20 Terrie Cloud Franklin Township Trustee, Marion County Bob Weber State Senator, District 26 Idaho Sheila Garriot Kankakee Township Board, LaPorte County David Ruskin State Senator, District 28 Ted Dunlap Governor Tom Perl Lake Township Trustee, Allen County Michael Metti State Senator, District 36 John Charles Smith State Representative, District 11B Christopher Bowen Lawrence Township Trustee, Marion County Kristi Stone State Senator, District 38 Randal Williamson State Representative, District 15A Steve Coffman Liberty Township Advisory Board Gary Bryant State Assembly, District 3 Marvin Gardner State Representative, District 15B Josephine Coleman Marion County IPS School Board Kate Moore State Assembly, District 7 Mikel Hautzinger State Representative, District 17A Mark Lindborg Michian Township Board, LaPorte County Janice Bonser State Assembly, District 10 Dan Drexler New Durham Township Board, LaPorte County Lisa Ringer State Assembly, District 16 Illinois Jon Henderson Perry Township Trustee, Marion County Gary Tutin State Assembly, District 19 Lex Green Governor Erik Morris Pike Township Trustee, Marion County Raymond Bell State Assembly, District 21 Edward Rutledge Lt. Governor Mike Bishop Pike Township Constable, Marion County T. J. Campbell State Assembly, District 22 Josh Hanson Secretary of State Allison Maguire Pike Township Board of Ed., Marion County Paul Polson State Assembly, District 33 Julie Fox Comptroller Paul Ogden Pike Township Board of Ed., Marion County Peggy Christensen State Assembly, District 38 William Malan Attorney General Ken Bisson Pleasant Township Board, Steuben County Eytan Kollin State Assembly, District 44 James Pauly Treasurer Mark Lambert St. John Town Council Sean McGary State Assembly, District 47 Steve Funk State Representative, District 18 Barbara Adams Van Buren Township Board, Brown County Ethan Musulin State Assembly, District 53 Kevin Hendrickson State Representative, District 69 Josh Featherstone Warren Township Trustee, Marion County Anthony Tyler State Assembly, District 59 Chris Sherman Washington Township Board, Hendricks County Debbie Tharp State Assembly, District 70 Indiana Todd Singer Washington Township Trustee, Hendricks County Paul King State Assembly, District 74 Mike Wherry Secretary of State Richard Cunningham Washington Township Trustee, Marion County Christopher Chadwick State Assembly, District 75 Eric Knipe State Auditor Mark R. Burris Washington Township Board, Monroe County Dan Baehr State Assembly, District 76 Charles Barman State Senator, District 6 Drew Bisson Wayne Township Trustee, Marion County Rich Belitz State Assembly, District 77 Don Crossley State Senator, District 27 Norm Westwell Huntington Beach City Council Benjamin Hale State Senator, District 31 Iowa Steve Kubby South Lake Tahoe City Council Ed Gluck State Senator, District 38 Eric Cooper Governor John Schick State Representative, District 3 Nick Weltha Lt. Governor Colorado Ron Cenkush State Representative, District 5 Jake Porter Secretary of State Jaimes Brown Governor Andrew Wolf State Representative, District 9 Christopher Peters State Senator, District 15 Ken Wyble Lt. Governor Steve Helsel State Representative, District 15 Dustin Krutsinger State Representative, District 30 Jesse B. Wallace Colorado University Regent At Large Richard Liedtky State Representative, District 17 Tyler Pauly State Representative, District 46 Gilbert R. Fuller State Senator, District 7 Jeff Duensing State Representative, District 19 Doug Randall State Senator, District 11 Ben Jarvis State Representative, District 21 Kansas Marc Goddard State Representative, District 4 Thom Cox State Representative, District 22 Andrew P. Gray Governor Bo Shaffer State Representative, District 12 Jim Rainwater State Representative, District 28 Stacey Davis Lt. Governor G. T. Martin State Representative, District 27 Greg Noland State Representative, District 36 Phillip Horatio Lucas Secretary of State Mike Kien State Representative, District 57 Rob Jozwiak State Representative, District 37 Dennis Hawver Attorney General Christine Smith State Representative, District 60 David Hinkle State Representative, District 40 Larry Monaghan State Representative, District 2 Eva F. Kosinski Boulder County Commissioner, District 3 Dennis Beatty State Representative, District 44 Michael Kerner State Representative, District 17 Delta County Commissioner, District 1 Chuck Hanneman State Representative, District 52 Jeffrey S. Caldwell II State Representative, District 19 Stephen Saint Mesa County Commissioner, District 2 Rex Bell State Representative, District 54 Robert J. McElwain State Representative, District 21 Sarah Jordan State Representative, District 55 Sean Tabor State Representative, District 54 Connecticut Brad Hyatt State Representative, District 56 Troy Abbott State Representative, District 56 Joshua Katz Comptroller Edward A. Dilts State Representative, District 59 Justin McCarthy State Representative, District 66 Ken Mosher Secretary of State David Murdoch State Representative, District 60 Gordon Bakken State Representative, District 83 Charlie Aspinwall State Senator, District 17 Al Cox State Representative, District 65 Randall Batson State Representative, District 95 Marc Guttman State Senator, District 20 Darrell Dillard State Representative, District 70 David Thomas State Representative, District 98 Page 6 The Libertarian Party - October 2010 2010 Libertarian Party Candidates Thad Bartley State Representative, District 101 John Hargenrader Livingston County Commissioner, District 1 Stephen Burr Union County Commissioner Bennie Lee Ferguson State Representative, District 104 Rodger Young Livingston County Commissioner, District 5 Brandon Derr Union County Commissioner Philip H. Breitmeyer State Representative, District 106 Erin Stahl Macomb County Executive Thomas Hohman Union County Commissioner Christe Langdeau Macomb County Commissioner, District 1 Kentucky Dan Flamand Macomb County Commissioner, District 3 North Dakota Jeffrey King State Representative, District 2 Scott McAtamney Oakland County Commissioner, District 5 Joshua Voytek Public Service Commissioner Matthew Linker State Representative, District 32 Andy LeCureaux Oakland County Commissioner, District 25 Richard Flattum-Riemers Tax Commissioner George Dick State Representative, District 43 Roland Riemers Grand Forks County Sheriff Eric Cranley Boone County Magistrate, District 1 Minnesota Thomas Yoder Jefferson County Constable, District 2 Mary O’Connor Hennepin County Commissioner, District 1 Ohio Bob Odden Columbia Heights Mayor Ken Matesz Governor Maryland Ann Leech Lt. Governor Susan Gaztañaga Governor Missouri Marc Feldman Attorney General Doug McNeil Lt. Governor Charles W. Baum Auditor Matthew Cantrell Treasurer Justin Kinsey House of Delegates, District 5B Kevin Robert Parr State Senator, District 8 Charlie Earl Secretary of State Brandon Brooks House of Delegates, District 11 Bob Ludlow State Senator, District 10 Mike Howard Auditor House of Delegates, District 15 Bill Slantz State Representative, District 15 Robert Vollmer Court of Appeals, District 5 Bryan Walker House of Delegates, District 21 Sean T. O’Toole State Representative, District 40 Bill Yarbrough State Senator, District 3 Shawn Quinn House of Delegates, District 29C Kevin L. Kobe State Representative, District 51 Jessica Mears State Senator, District 9 Josh Crandall House of Delegates, District 31 Jeffrey Hoorfar State Representative, District 55 John Fockler State Senator, District 33 Ron Owens-Bey House of Delegates, District 45 Martin Hague State Representative, District 91 David Macko State Representative, District 17 David Sten Cecil County Board of Ed., District 5 Janine Elizabeth Steck State Representative, District 114 Michael Johnston State Representative, District 19 Mike Calpino Wicomico County Council, District 2 Bill Wayne State Representative, District 121 Lawrence Binsky State Representative, District 20 Teddy M. Fleck State Representative, District 140 Mark Noble State Representative, District 22 Massachusetts Robert Roland State Representative, District 158 Casey Borders State Representative, District 23 Robert Underwood State Representative, Hampden District 9 Steve Murphy Clark County Presiding Commissioner Bryant Callaghan State Representative, District 28 Jonathan Loya State Representative, Middlesex District 8 Mark Jones Greene County Presiding Commissoner Ryan Printy State Representative, District 32 Greg Hansen Howell County Commissioner Jillian Mack State Representative, District 33 Michigan Daniel McCarthy Jefferson County Executive Kurtis Liston State Representative, District 44 Ken Proctor Governor Scott Stafford Laclede County Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Pfeiffer State Representative, District 47 Erwin J. Haas Lt. Governor Anthony Morgan Randolph County Recorder of Deeds Josh Robertson State Representative, District 57 Scotty Boman Secretary of State Theo Brown Sr. Saint Louis County Executive Bob Williams State Representative, District 58 Daniel W. Grow Attorney General Patick Manning State Representative, District 59 Bob Roddis Supreme Court Montana Barry Cox State Representative, District 66 Bill Hall State Board of Education Dan Cox State Senator, District 44 Robert Waters State Representative, District 67 Dick Gach State Board of Education Ron Vandevender State Representative, District 84 Judy Kayden State Representative, District 80 Nicole Michalak Wayne State University Board of Gov. Tobias Z Martin State Representative, District 87 Jacob Dawson State Representative, District 86 Gregory Scott Stempfle Wayne State University Board of Gov. James Morris Pearson State Representative, District 88 Tim Sanders State Representative, District 87 Michael H. Miller Michigan State University Trustee Arlin Bird State Representative, District 90 Chad Ricketts State Representative, District 91 Dan Johnson Michigan State University Trustee Henry Kayl Good IV State Representative, District 92 Michael Blose Franklin County Auditor James Hudler University of Michigan Board of Regents Wayne Kelly Ravalli County Sheriff John P. Williamson Greene County Commissioner Leslie Lazzerin University of Michigan Board of Regents James Snedden Licking County Commissioner Gregory Creswell State Senator, District 2 Nebraska John Farrier Miami County Commissioner Raymond Warner State Senator, District 4 Michele Sallach-Grace Auditor of Public Accounts Marlin Brandys State Senator, District 7 Oklahoma Loel Gnadt State Senator, District 8 Nevada Richard Prawdzienski Lt. Governor Ronald Muszynski State Senator, District 17 Arthur Forest Lampitt, Jr. Governor Todd L. Richardson State Senator, District 22 Tom Cornell State Senator, District 1 Oregon Bradley D. Cook State Senator, District 24 Steve Lenores State Assembly, District 10 Wes Wagner Governor Patrick Clawson State Senator, District 27 Kristie Turley State Assembly, District 16 Martin Soehrman State Representative, District 18 Jamie Lewis State Senator, District 28 Nathan Santucci State Assembly, District 22 James Foster State Representative, District 34 Bill Gelineau State Senator, District 29 Erin Lale State Assembly, District 29 Bruce Campbell State Senator, District 30 William P. Hols State Assembly, District 34 Pennsylvania Albert Chia Jr. State Senator, District 32 Tim Hagan Clark County Commission, District G Marakay Rogers Governor Joshua Lillie State Senator, District 33 Sean P. Morse Clark County Assessor Kat Valleley Lt. Governor Nicholas A. Sundquist State Senator, District 34 Kris P. McKinster Clark County Recorder Betsy Summers State Senator, District 14 Allitta Hren State Senator, District 35 Wayne F. Rudolph Clark County Public Administrator Ed Gately State Senator, District 28 Jesse Church State Representative, District 13 Sandra Darby Nye County Commission, District IV Len Young State Senator, District 45 Keith Edwards State Representative, District 24 David Colborne Washoe County Commission, District 2 Michael J. Robertson State Representative, District 63 James Allison State Representative, District 25 Vance Mays State Representative, District 64 James Young State Representative, District 26 New Hampshire Erik Viker State Representative, District 85 John Skosnik State Representative, District 27 John Babiarz Governor Thomas Anderson State Representative, District 109 James Miller State Representative, District 31 Steven Couture State Representative, Belknap District 2 Brian Bergman State Representative, District 119 Scott Dudek State Representative, District 32 Lisa Wilber State Representative, Hillsborough District 7 Tim Mullen State Representative, District 120 Nathan Allen State Representative, District 39 Rich Tomasso State Representative, Hillsborough District 17 William Kohler State Representative, District 196 Terry W. Mulawa State Representative, District 42 Brendan Kelly State Representative, Rockingham District 14 Mike Muhammad State Representative, District 203 Thomas Johnson State Representative, District 44 Ronald Sanderson State Representative, District 47 New Mexico South Carolina James H. Lewis II State Representative, District 66 Mike Blessing State Representative, District 16 Tim Moultrie Superintendent of Education Patty Hone State Representative, District 70 Mark Curtis State Representative, District 19 Michael Carmany State Representative, District 8 William R. Wenzel State Representative, District 72 Doug Taylor State Representative, District 9 Ronald Heeren State Representative, District 73 New York Daniel Curry State Representative, District 14 R.J. Stevens State Representative, District 74 Warren Redlich Governor Steven Edwards State Representative, District 18 Larry DeLeon State Representative, District 75 Alden Link Lt. Governor Jason Macias State Representative, District 20 Matthew L. Friar State Representative, District 76 John Gaetani Comptroller Laird Minor State Representative, District 27 Brian Boyer State Representative, District 77 Carl Person Attorney General Stan Smith State Representative, District 48 Bill Bradley State Representative, District 80 Anthony Librera State Assembly, District 60 Victor Kocher State Representative, District 76 Robin C. Van Loon State Representative, District 86 Dave Narby State Assembly, District 61 Jackie Fowler Lexington County Council, District 7 Bob Willett State Representative, District 87 Danny Panzella State Assembly, District 63 Charlie Clegg State Representative, District 88 William J. Gouldman State Assembly, District 90 Tennessee Terry Ashcraft State Representative, District 89 Fred Childress State Representative, District 32 David Smith State Representative, District 94 North Carolina Mark Blalock State Representative, District 49 Brandon Dickhausen State Representative, District 97 Stephanie E. Watson State Senator, District 16 Daniel Lewis State Representative, District 53 J. Longtain State Representative, District 98 Barry Lee Coe State Senator, District 24 Heather Scott State Representative, District 57 Nathaniel Hren State Representative, District 100 Richard Evey State Senator, District 44 Thomas Hren State Representative, District 102 Herb Sobel State Representative, District 3 Texas Emily Salvette Ann Arbor City Council Barbara Jean Howe State Representative, District 32 Kathie Glass Governor Robert Hornbrook Ionia County Commissioner, District 6 Jeff Simon State Representative, District 62 Scott Jameson Lieutenant Governor Benjamin Serek Kent County Commissioner, District 4 Timothy Rohr District Attorney, District 25 Mary J. Ruwart Comptroller of Public Accounts Bettie Ellens Kent County Commissioner, District 15 Brandon A. Black Alamance County Commissioner Jon Roland Attorney General Vol. 40, Issue 4 The Libertarian Party - Page 7

2010 Libertarian Party Candidates Libertarian candidates Rick Donaldson Commissioner of Agriculture Terri Delgado Bernard Ellis County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 James L. Holdar Commissioner of General Land Office Amy Sierra Ellis County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 quoted in the news Roger Gary Railroad Commissioner M. Stephen Lucas Fort Bend County Commissioner, Precinct 3 William Bryan Strange, III Justice, Supreme Court, Place 3 Mary Ann Bryan Harris County J.P., Precinct 5, Place 2 “I no longer believe we’re a two-party country. I think Tom Oxford Justice, Supreme Court, Place 5 Allan Juranek Kleberg County Sheriff Jack Armstrong Justice, Supreme Court, Place 9 Nathan P. Lusk Lubbock County Judge it’s a one-party country of big government that has J. Randell Stevens Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 2 David Meine McLennan County Commissioner, Precinct 4 two wings: one (Democrat) that likes to talk about Dave Howard Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 5 Clinton L. Chase McLennan County J.P., Precinct 7 your civil liberties but doesn’t come through, and one Robert Ravee Virasin Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 6 Jimmy Myers Tarrant County District Clerk Dave Scott State Senator, District 3 Bob J. Shelton Judge, Tarrant County Probate Court No. 2 (Republican) that likes to talk about your economic Lee Coughran State Senator, District 7 Pete Sanchez, Jr. Terrell County Judge liberties but doesn’t come through.” Ed Kless State Senator, District 8 Jan Patrick Baker Terrell County Commissioner, Precinct 2 -- Rebecca Sink-Burris in the Indianapolis Star, Mark F. Frohman State Senator, District 12 Dennis Higgins Tom Green County Judge Kent Phillips State Senator, District 14 Mark Tippetts Travis County Judge September 6 Phil Kurtz State Senator, District 17 Gillian Dreesen Travis County Clerk Mette A. Baker State Senator, District 19 Matthew Finkel Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 2 Arthur Maxwell Thomas IV State Senator, District 25 David Dreesen Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 4 J. Douglas Froneberger State Representative, District 3 Arlo J. Pignotti Travis County District Clerk “I would rather government do too little than too Jon Fitts State Representative, District 6 Adam Sparks Travis County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 much. I believe people make better decisions for Eric M. (Ric) Brandt State Representative, District 7 Jaclyn Finkel Travis County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 themselves than most members of government do. I Samuel Calkin State Representative, District 15 Matthew Rafacz Travis County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 Travis Hill State Representative, District 17 John Burton Travis County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 would rather just take a chance on the people.” Rhys M. Blavier State Representative, District 18 Michael Holt Travis County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5 -- Martin Soehrman in the Molalla Pioneer, David Floyd State Representative, District 20 Mike Burris Travis County Treasurer September 8 Joel Grace State Representative, District 24 June Forbing Upshur County Clerk Joey Roland State Representative, District 26 Allen Weatherford Upshur County Commissioner, Precinct 2 Derek Grayson State Representative, District 27 Vance Lowry Upshur County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Jim Foreman State Representative, District 29 Sherri L. Little Upshur County J.P., Precinct 2 Richard W. Shuey State Representative, District 43 Shane Gordon Wise County Commissioner, Precinct 2 “Free market is my religion. It’s my philosophy. It’s George E. Emery State Representative, District 46 my ethics.” Kris Bailey State Representative, District 47 Utah -- Dan Barber in the Gwinnett Daily Post, Ben Easton State Representative, District 48 W. Andrew McCullough Governor Nathan Kleffman State Representative, District 49 Aric Cramer Lt. Governor September 10 Emily Cowan State Representative, District 50 Vincent Marcus State Senator, District 21 Arthur DiBianca State Representative, District 51 Mark Sweet State Representative, District 23 Charles McCoy State Representative, District 52 Chelsea Travis State Representative, District 35 Brian W. Holk State Representative, District 53 Ryan Kelly State Representative, District 39 “I think it is part of the two-party ‘duopoly’ to keep Penny Hendrix State Representative, District 55 Sandra Johnson State Representative, District 40 politics status quo. They don’t want an independent Neill Snider State Representative, District 56 Erin Partridge State Representative, District 44 candidate with different views. It’s a game of polarity Derek Johnson State Representative, District 57 Shaun Kruger State Representative, District 52 Tom Stewart State Representative, District 58 George Hill State Representative, District 55 — to divide people into two camps and avoid alterna- Richard Wells Forsythe, Jr. State Representative, District 61 Barry Short State Representative, District 72 tive solutions.” Kenneth Myers State Representative, District 62 J. Robert Latham Davis County Attorney -- Rob McNealy in the Colorado Statesman, Diane L. Chisholm State Representative, District 64 Jonathon Grimes Salt Lake County District Attorney Ryan M. Gray State Representative, District 65 Dale Peterson Uintah County Commissioner A September 10 Fred Jones State Representative, District 71 Dave Thomas Uintah County Commissioner B Robert A. Nowotny State Representative, District 73 Sean Hullinger Utah County Attorney Timothy Flood State Representative, District 79 James A. Hudspeth State Representative, District 87 Vermont “I run to give people a real choice, because right now Colin F. Sewards State Representative, District 93 Karen Kerin Attorney General there’s just not a lot of difference between Republi- Richard A. Cross State Representative, District 94 Ben Mayer State Representative, Chittenden 3-3 cans and Democrats.” Rod Wingo State Representative, District 97 Cecil Anthony Ince State Representative, District 105 Virginia -- Lars Grossmith in the North County Times, Gene Freeman State Representative, District 106 Benjamin Vander Jagt Winchester City Council, Ward 3 September 11 Brandon Parsons State Representative, District 107 Jarrett R. Woods State Representative, District 108 West Virginia Troy Camplin State Representative, District 112 Tom Thacker State Senator, District 11 David W. Bell State Representative, District 115 Tad Britch State House of Delegates, District 44 “I hope those tea party members who truly care about Douglas P. Hanson State Representative, District 124 Jeffrey C. Blunt State Representative, District 125 Wisconsin fiscal conservatism and a smaller, more constitutional Joe Spencer State Representative, District 130 Terry Virgil Lt. Governor government realize these are exactly my principles. I am Michael Ryan State Representative, District 132 Leroy Watson State Assembly, District 31 not part of the two-party system, a system where both Alfred N. Montestruc State Representative, District 133 Wil Losch State Assembly, District 34 Gerald W. LaFleur State Representative, District 136 Ben Olson, III State Assembly, District 50 parties have contributed to record-breaking deficits.” Wesley Hamner State Representative, District 138 George Meyers State Assembly, District 61 -- Erik Viker in the Sunbury Daily Item, Clifford Messina State Representative, District 144 Anthony DeCubellis State Assembly, District 62 September 16 Eric M. Holdt State Representative, District 150 Daane Hoffman State Assembly, District 64 Dean Kareem Higley State Board of Education, District 3 Jim Maas State Assembly, District 85 Mark Loewe State Board of Education, District 5 Liam Hanninen Milwaukee County Clerk of Circuit Court Jeff McGee State Board of Education, District 9 “What the government can do, the people can do better.” Jessica Dreesen State Board of Education, District 10 Wyoming Amie Parsons State Board of Education, District 12 Mike Wheeler Governor -- Ken Matesz in the Port Clinton News Herald, John Pekowski State Board of Education, District 15 Candice De Laat Secretary of State September 18 Steve Mayer Bexar County Judge Vernel Gail State Representative, District 24 James L. Thompson Bexar County Clerk Rich Brubaker State Representative, District 34 Raymundo Aleman Judge, Bexar County Court at Law 5 Nicholas De Laat State Representative, District 52 Melissa Martinez-Carrasco Bexar County J.P., Precinct 2, Place 2 Jon Wiltbank State Representative, District 53 “I don’t know how to run your life and I know the fed- Clyde Garland Brazos County Judge Penny Gail Park County Commissioner eral government doesn’t, either.” Linda Wilbert Brazos County J.P., Precinct 4 Brett Weiss Burnet County Commissioner, Precinct 4 -- Alex Snitker in the St. Petersburg Times, Debra A. Carlson Dallas County Judge September 18 Ethan Samuel Brockman Dallas County Clerk Candidates for U.S. Senator 21 Tim Miles Dallas County Commissioner, Precinct 4 Candidates for U.S. Representative 170 Ed Woo Dallas County Constable, Precinct 2 Candidates for state and local offices 625 “Government is for the protection of individual rights. Vincent Venegoni Denton County J.P., Precinct 2 I may not agree that smoking weed or hiring a prosti- Clifton Paul Wilson Denton County J.P., Precinct 5 Brandy Owens Ellis County Judge tute is morally OK, but it’s not hurting anyone.” Kellie Robinson Ellis County Clerk Key: -- Michael Kielsky in the Phoenix New Times, Daryl Ray Spence Ellis County Commissioner, Precinct 2 Soil and Water Conservation: SWC September 20 Shannon Hunter Ellis County District Clerk Commissioner: Comm. Page 8 The Libertarian Party - October 2010 3,200 Door Meet Libby Hangers at from the Libertarian Party of Texas n September 17, the Libertarian Party of Texas Glenn Beck’s (LPT) rolled out a new campaign strategy for 2010- 2012. The campaign is designed to introduce Texans toO the Libertarian Party in a new light. D.C. Rally According to the Cato Institute, 14 percent of Amer- ican voters can be classified as libertarian. A 2009 Gallup by Wes Benedict poll found that 23 percent of voters held libertarian views. A Zogby poll found that 59 percent considered themselves P Headquarters “fiscally conservative and socially liberal,” and 44 percent staff and volunteers agreed that they were “fiscally conservative and socially lib- Lhanded out 3,200 eral, also known as libertarian.” door hangers and about “We have been working with Cultural Strategies, 1,000 Libertarian bum- an Austin-based marketing firm, to find out why so many per stickers in three hours libertarian-minded people were not voting for the party that at Glenn Beck’s “Restor- best represents their political philosophy,” said LPT Execu- ing Honor” rally in Wash- tive Director Robert Butler. “We determined that our logical ington, D.C. Hundreds of approach was capturing people’s minds, but not their hearts. thousands of people at- We needed to add personality to the party’s image to resonate tended this rally, many of with more voters.” whom were Tea Party ac- That personality has taken the form of “Libby.” tivists. In aiming to introduce the Libertarian Party of Texas to a In preparation, we broader audience—to those who are disillusioned by the lit- had the top two inches of tle differentiation between the two parties and see the coun- the door hangers cut off to try drifting away from its founding principles—the LPT will “Meet Libby.” make them more conve- present “Libby,” a personification that clearly portrays how nient for handing out at a provides a sound alternative. This way, indi- - Libertarian Party of Texas rally. Fed-Ex/Kinko’s cut viduals will better identify with the issues being addressed, all 3,200 for just nine dol- not just through a political party, but through a person with lars. The result was a handy To SAy AT whom they can connect. Libby is the introduction of the Lib- LEARN WHAT SHE HAS card featuring the World’s ertarian Party to “the rest of us”; to all those who are not self- Smallest Political Quiz proclaimed political activists, but do desire a change from along with information on the Libertarian Party. the status quo. LIBBY BELIEVES IN... “A good novelist shows the story, he doesn’t tell it,” While I think Glenn said Butler. “For too long, we have been telling people about Constitutional Rights Beck holds some Libertari- liberty. Our goal through Libby is to show people what a As stated by our nation’s founding fathers, you have the unalienable right to live, to an views, he strays on some Libertarian is and how liberty is relevant to their everyday be free, and to prosper to your fullest potential without hindrance from any person or issues. Some passersby lives.” entity. You have the freedom to pursue your happiness as long as you respect other’s mentioned having taken the In addition to the Libby Campaign, the Texas party rights to pursue theirs. Quiz on Beck’s television has encouraged the formation of other affinity groups that are show. Of that informed not directly connected to the party. The Liberty Campaign Personal Responsibility group, some eagerly ac- You are responsible for your personal choices, able to take care of yourself, and cepted the bumper stickers for Texas is a political action committee geared towards capable to do for others as you expect them to do unto you. helping Libertarians in winnable or margin of victory cam- and quiz cards, while oth- paigns. Texas Libertarios is a political action committee cre- Small Government ers were clearly against us. ated to support Latino issues, voter registration, candidates, Your government’s sole reason for existence is to protect your freedom and your One gentleman took and leadership within the Libertarian Party. The non-profit constitutional rights of life, liberty, and property. the Quiz and scored solidly Foundation for a Free Society is a new 501(c)3 education- in the authoritarian region. al foundation focusing on incorporating the principles of Ironically he was wearing liberty in people’s lives. an anti-Obama T-shirt with “We are very pleased with the efforts of Cultural pictures of Stalin and other Government shouldn’t be a bad word. Strategies and our Executive Director,” said LPT Chair Pat- notorious authoritarians. rick Dixon. “We see great potential to attract new voters and Libertarian Party of texas He seemed good-natured, members with the Libby campaign.” (800) 422-1776 nevertheless, and I’m For more information about Libby or the orga- hopeful that Libertarian ac- nizations mentioned in this article visit: http://lptexas. tivists help open people’s org,,, Political advertisement authorized by the Libertarian Party of Texas, P.O. Box 41059, Austin, TX 78704. minds to what true freedom and Libertarian Party of Texas promotional design. means. Vol. 40, Issue 4 The Libertarian Party - Page 9 Students For Liberty: Striving for ‘A Free Academy, A Free Society’

Students for Liberty gather at American University. markets give our generation a rea- an unmet market need. student empowerment. Today’s ever, is show libertarian students by Clark Ruper son to fear the future. The endless Since that first conference, libertarian students are idealistic that they are not alone. The biggest foreign wars have revitalized the Students For Liberty has grown and motivated to change the world. obstacle that a libertarian student e live in an exciting anti-war sentiment amongst young into a full-fledged 501(c)(3) non- We go out onto college campuses faces in starting a group is feeling time for the cause of people. The 2008 cam- profit organization to provide to find them, learn what they are they are the only one, that they are Wliberty. While the cur- paign exposed a new generation to year-round support to libertarian passionate about, how they want to strange for holding their beliefs. rent environment is distressing, the thought that there is an alterna- students. The growth is unprec- fight for liberty, and then give them Students For Liberty hosts confer- with consecutive Republican and tive to Republican and Democrat edented. At the end of the 2008- the training and resources to make ences around the country to intro- Democrat administrations compet- political monopoly. 2009 school year, SFL’s network a difference. duce young people to their fellow ing over who could outspend and All of these factors have included 109 pro-liberty student Students For Liberty pro- students and the leaders of the regulate the other, the future gives combined to make our ideas more groups. At the beginning of the vides a number of resources to liberty movement to show that no us great cause for hope. That is be- popular than ever, evidenced by the 2010-2011 school year, SFL’s net- help students fight for liberty on student is alone in this noble fight. cause today students are standing fact that sales of Atlas Shrugged work includes over 300 pro-liberty campus. These include an aca- In 2008, Students For Lib- up and taking the lead in the fight and The Road to Serfdom are set- student groups, and more are start- demic journal, free books for read- erty hosted three Regional Confer- for personal and economic free- ting records. ing every day. ing groups, e-leadership webinars, ences with a total of approximately dom. However, the key is not The SFL network is diverse. helpful handbooks, protest grants, 120 students in attendance. The For anyone who has been just that there are more libertar- We do not utilize a strict member- an alumni network and much 2009 Regional Conferences blew through college in recent decades, ian students; it is that they have fi- ship model where people sign up more. those numbers out of the water the thought of a libertarian stu- nally organized. Young leaders are for SFL each year, nor does SFL We also train students and with over 700 students at seven dent movement probably seems standing up and taking control of have chapters that take orders from put them in positions to be leaders Regional Conferences. In response strange. Surely the academy is not their futures. They are working to a national office. Instead we work of liberty. The organization is run to ever-increasing demand, Stu- a friendly place for the ideas of lib- educate and coordinate their fellow from the bottom up, acting as a by the student Executive Board, dents For Liberty will be hosting erty. Why is the student movement students to work together in build- facilitator that empowers students which is comprised of twelve cur- nine Regional Conferences this so much larger and better orga- ing a robust student movement for and strengthens the student move- rent students and recent graduates fall, branching out to new cities nized today than ever before? liberty. ment for liberty by building on lo- that volunteer approximately 10- and reaching new audiences. Just over two years ago cal knowledge. We have a diversi- 15 hours per week to advance the To see upcoming Regional The Growth of the Student a handful of libertarian students ty of groups in our network—such student liberty movement. To pro- Conferences in your area, visit Movement for Liberty came together to found Students as College Libertarians, Objectiv- vide students with local support,, For Liberty (SFL), a network of ist groups, free market economics SFL has launched the Campus where you can learn more and reg- More and more students are pro-liberty students from all over clubs, philosophy reading groups, Coordinator Program. The Cam- ister for the Regional Conference interested in the ideas of liberty. the country. It started as a simple and Austrian Economics clubs— pus Coordinators act as commu- nearest you. The continuing big government idea to host a small roundtable that share the common belief in nity organizers for liberty. Each is To learn more about start- morass of the Bush and Obama meeting for about 30 libertarian social, academic, and economic responsible for up to ten campuses ing and growing a student group, Administrations has frustrated students to discuss and share best freedom. in his or her immediate area where visit SFL’s main website at www. young idealistic students who want practices. That small meeting in he or she identifies pro-liberty stu- or email us to make the world a better place. 2008 blew expectations out of the Helping Students—Showing dents, starts new pro-liberty stu- at [email protected]. They see unprecedented govern- water when 100 students traveled Them They are Not Alone dent groups, and grows the student ment spending through bailouts to New York City through a bliz- movement for liberty in the region. and stimuli. The overreaching reg- zard to be a part of the conference. SFL’s philosophy for work- The most important thing Clark Ruper is the Vice President ulations in health care and financial Clearly the organizers had hit upon ing with student groups is simple: Students For Liberty does, how- of Students for Liberty. Page 10 The Libertarian Party - October 2010

County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope; Congressman Mark Kirk as its next victim , the 2004 Libertarian in November, with Mike Labno as the only Affiliate News And Events Presidential Candidate; David Nolan, co- pro-life, pro-gun candidate running for founder of the National Libertarian Party; Senate in Illinois.” The Labno campaign and Dr. Sharon Presley, author of Stand- has seized the opportunity to reach out to Affiliate news and events are provided to san candidate (besides President) in all ing up to Experts and Authorities: How to conservatives and tea party activists across LP News by Libertarian Party state affili- 50 states. Please consider supporting the Avoid Being Manipulated, Intimidated and Illinois. ates. LPAR in this historic venture! Abused. Also participating in the LP-Illinois Convention were LNC Vice Chair Mark Rutherford and LNC Region 6 Represen- North Carolina tative Dianna Visek. The two teamed up Arkansas California to offer attendees a special presentation on Update in Ballot Access Case Change is Happening Rapidly Opposition to Ballot Measure “Growing the Revolution with State and National LP Working Side-By-Side.” he North Carolina Supreme Court fter returning home from the Na- NC Chair Mark Hinkle, along The conventioneers enjoyed a spe- heard oral arguments September 9 tional Convention, the LPAR took with LP activist Elizabeth Brierly, cial treat as “Thomas Paine” was on hand Tin what could be a landmark bal- inspiration from John Jay Myers’ Lworked with Republican Doug Mc- to offer some updated “Common Sense.” lot access case for the state. The hearing A Nea, who is also the Chair of the Silicon Paine was joined by “Patrick Henry” and culminated a five-year legal battle by the grassroots-oriented approach to growth by launching their first two county affiliate Valley Taxpayers (SVT) to submit nine “Thomas Jefferson,” who presented a new Libertarian and Green parties to reform the programs. arguments against nine bond issues or tax Declaration of Independence written on state’s restrictive ballot access laws. Immediately following their cre- increases scheduled to appear on the No- 100% hemp paper, which was signed by The justices asked questions fo- ation, Craighead and Washington counties vember 2 ballot throughout Santa Clara many of the attendees. cused on several key issues, including the began holding monthly social events and County, aka Silicon Valley. The following awards were giv- limits of the state’s compelling interest in are already expanding the LPAR’s out- Brian Darby, local LP Chair, and en to acknowledge recent top contribu- regulating elections, what causes so-called reach. LPC Treasurer, signed on behalf of the tors: Edward Bushel Lifetime Libertarian “ballot clutter,” and the concept of “voter In the last 12 months, the LPAR local LP and Doug McNea signed on be- Achievement Award, Julie Fox; Crispus confusion” that may or may not occur with has established a dues-paying membership half of the SVT. The tax increases ranged Attucks Libertarian Activist of the Year multiple parties on the ballot and multiple base, completely reinvented their website, from parcel taxes, to vehicle fee increases, Award, Crystal Jurczynski; Outstanding offices up for election. become active on Facebook, Twitter and to bond measures. The bond measures Young Libertarian Award, Kyle Kidwell; Several of the justices questioned MySpace, and begun a blog with several totaled over $450 million, with millions Libertarian Leadership Award, Lex Green; the argument by the state that a ballot with talented writers. In June, the Executive more for the proposed parcel taxes and Volunteer Petitioner of the Year Award, more than two parties would result in long Committee also elected a new Chair, Vice other fees. Ken Prazak. lines on election day and discourage vot- Chair and three new District Representa- Julie Fox, who was recently en- ing. “What’s wrong with that,” commented tives. The LPAR has also formed various dorsed by Tax Accountability 2010, con- Justice Edward Brady. committees to address everything from So- tinues to campaign around the state at “This case is not about the Libertar- cial Events to Ballot Access. county fairs, tea parties, and on radio ian Party,” said Barbara Howe, Libertarian The LPAR Family BBQ was a huge Illinois shows. She had eight media interviews in Party chair, “This case is about the people success. Members from all over Arkansas Candidates Spreading the the Rockford/Freeport area on September of North Carolina.” She said that the huge gathered for good food, good conversation 16. Fox is the only CPA in the Comptrol- barriers erected by the State for ballot ac- and a breathtaking view. Special thanks Message of Liberty ler’s race, which resonates extremely well cess, which get bigger every year, limit to LPMS members Danny Bedwell, Ross with voters throughout the state. The cam- political dialogue and limit voting choice. Scalise and their families for making a ibertarians throughout Illinois gath- paign is currently raising funds through its It will probably take several months long trip to support the LPAR. ered in Springfield for the 2010 “10-10-10 Raffle.” The first prize is $500 for the court to issue a decision, according The LPAR also has big plans for LLibertarian Party of Illinois Con- cash. The winning ticket will be drawn on to attorneys for the Libertarian Party. They the next twelve months. The Bylaws/Plat- vention on September 10 to 12. The Con- October 10. Contact Maureen at events@ believe that whatever the court decides, it form Committee is working on a brand vention theme, “The Libertarian Revolu- to purchase a raf- will be a landmark decision for ballot ac- new Constitution and Bylaws as well as tion ... Our Time Is NOW!” reflects the fle ticket. cess. an Arkansas-specific Platform. The Ballot sentiment of many Illinoisans as they an- The Lex Green campaign has done Initiative Committee is creating a ballot ticipate real change in Illinois politics this an excellent job building the Libertar- initiative on gun rights, which Arkansans November. ian brand in Illinois. The campaign has will hopefully be able to vote on in 2012. All state-wide Libertarian candi- brought Libertarians together throughout Ohio The LPAR is also working on a weekly dates were in attendance at the Convention the state, introduced thousands of people podcast, activism training, the 2011 state to provide campaign updates. The Party’s to the party name, and has found support Candidates Challenge Establishment convention which will be held on April 9, slate includes: Mike Labno, U.S. Sen- from the general public. Lex will be cam- and, the biggest challenge in the history of ate; Lex Green, Governor; Ed Rutledge, paigning full time in the final six weeks he past month has been an excit- the LPAR, ballot access for 2012. Lieutenant Governor; Josh Hanson, Secre- leading up to Election Day. ing time in Ohio. Ken Matesz, our Arkansas is currently the only LP tary of State; James Pauly, Treasurer; Bill The U.S. Senate campaign has gen- TGovernor candidate, held a press affiliate that has never run a Libertarian in Malan, Attorney General; and Julie Fox, erated many media appearances for Mike conference at the Ohio Statehouse and a partisan race other than President. The Comptroller. Labno, including multiple interviews on became the first and only Governor candi- LPAR works to gain ballot access and find Among the weekend’s many high- ABC TV. Mike’s Democratic opponent date in the state to release a detailed budget candidates in 2012, making the LP the first lights were the presentations of Sheriff recently issued a statement: “The anti- and only third party to have run a parti- Richard Mack, author of the book The incumbent, conservative wave will claim ...continued on page 11 Vol. 40, Issue 4 The Libertarian Party - Page 11 Candidates Appearing in More Polls A Warning to the Tea Party there are additional candidates running as it won’t. If you vote for Republicans this ...continued from page 3 well. by Wes Benedict time, it will just reinforce the message Despite the media’s tendency to that they can lie to you and grow govern- classified as independent. present Libertarians as competitors for ibertarian Party staff and volun- ment with impunity. A July poll by Public Policy Polling conservative votes, these polls show a teers participated in the Wash- Current Republicans are just as showed Libertarian Alex Snitker, running more complete picture. Libertarians some- Lington, DC Tea Party events on bad as past Republicans. for U.S. Senate in Florida, running at 3 or times poll higher among conservatives, September 12. They distributed flyers This year, Libertarian Party co- 4 percent, depending on which Democrat- and sometimes higher among liberals. As pointing out how the Top 10 Disasters founder David Nolan is running for U.S. ic candidate was listed as an opponent. expected, Libertarian candidates poll sig- of the 2009-2010 Obama administration Senate against Republican John McCain, Travis Irvine, running for Congress nificantly higher among independents than mirror the Top 10 Disasters of the 2001- who famously suspended his 2008 presi- in Ohio’s 12th District, polled at 10 per- among Republicans or Democrats. 2008 Bush administration. dential campaign so he could rush back cent in July in a Greenberg Quinlan Ros- The two firms that most often in- But, looking at the 9/12 Tea Party to Washington to bail out the banks. ner Research poll. clude Libertarians in published results events in Washington, DC, I issued the Republican leader John Boehner In all cases, the Libertarian candi- are SurveyUSA and Public Policy Poll- following warning to Tea Partiers: “Re- might end up as the next House Speaker, dates are running against both Democratic ing. Their websites are and publicans are trying to fool you again.” and he voted for George W. Bush’s huge and Republican opponents. In some cases There are two kinds of Tea Par- 2003 Medicare expansion. tiers. One kind is so blinded by its hatred John Cornyn, Republican senator of Obama and Democrats that it cannot from Texas, and current chairman of the see fault with Republicans. It’s the other National Republican Senatorial Commit- Affiliate News kind the Libertarian Party is reaching out tee, voted for the TARP bailouts. every corner of the state this summer, and to. Ron Paul is probably the only Re- ...continued from page 10 wishes that his gasoline card had a mile- Libertarians have much in com- publican congressman willing to point age program. As everyone who receives mon with Tea Party goals of reducing out the huge cost of America’s foreign plan for the state. Bill Yarbrough, candi- the LP Monday Message saw a few weeks government spending and taxes. While wars and empire building. Other Re- date for state senate, received the endorse- ago, the Libertarian Party of Ohio has a many Tea Party supporters will admit publicans pretend that spending trillions ment of Ohio Tea Party PAC, as well as truly inventive candidate in Travis Irvine, that George W. Bush’s administration on the military just doesn’t count as big the endorsement of Outlook Columbus, a whose weekly campaign videos continue grew government, Libertarians want to government. LGBT magazine, proving that Libertarian to impress. remind Tea Partiers about previous Re- With Social Security, Medicare, candidates can appeal to both the left and For more information on what is publican administrations that loved big and military spending making up the vast the right. happening with the LPO, you can go to government. majority of federal spending, you can’t Charlie Earl, candidate for Secre- We also have a Face- Republican Newt Gingrich and cut significantly without cutting those. tary of State, may set a new record as he book page at the Contract with America promised to But Republicans refuse to touch them. attempts to visit every county fair in Ohio libertarianpartyohio and a YouTube chan- eliminate the Departments of Education Libertarians welcome the Tea this year! Charlie has been spreading the nel at and Energy. Yet once Republicans took Party movement’s focus on the problem Libertarian message and campaigning in tarianpartyohio. control of Congress, they failed even of government growth. However, we are to reduce the spending on those depart- concerned that Tea Partiers might fall for ments. the Republicans’ trickery. Libertarians Fight to Break Cycle Republican President George Republican leaders have brought Bush, Sr. remains famous for coining up distractions like New York City the phrase “Read my lips, no new taxes,” mosques and gay marriage to distract of “Battered Gay Voter” Syndrome and then raising taxes. voters from Republicans’ big-govern- do either of those things. That’s a complete Republican President Ronald Rea- ment track record. We hope that Tea from 9/23 LP Press Release and total betrayal of all the promises they gan grew federal government spending Partiers will see through the smoke and made to gay and lesbian voters for years. to the highest level it had reached since mirrors. ike abused spouses who keep return- “After a carefully orchestrated fail- World War II. He also “saved Social Se- While our nation is declining dan- ing to their aggressors, gay voters ure in the Senate, the Democrats are now curity” by raising payroll taxes. gerously right now, a turnaround could Lkeep handing their votes to the Dem- blaming Republicans for blocking the re- Republican presidential candidate be straightforward and simple with Lib- ocrats who abuse them. peal of ‘don’t ask don’t tell.’ Of course, Bob Dole was a huge supporter of tax- ertarian steps like these: 1. Bring our LP Chairman Mark Hinkle said, three Democrats just voted against it too, payer subsidies for corn and ethanol. troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan; “Exit polls indicate that Democrats get over including Majority Leader Harry Reid. Reid In 1971, Republican President 2. Stop rewarding failed companies with 70% of LGBT votes in federal elections. claims he voted for procedural reasons, but Richard Nixon instituted wage and price bailouts; 3. Cut taxes and spending and Those voters must really love the Demo- the whole situation seems calculated to look controls. That made a group of free-mar- let the free market work. crats’ rhetoric, because they certainly aren’t like they’re trying to help, while making ket supporters so angry that they decided The Libertarian Party is fielding seeing any action. sure they don’t actually help.” to form the Libertarian Party. 170 candidates for U.S. House, and 21 “President Obama and the Demo- Unlike the Democratic and Repub- Republicans seem to think we’re candidates for U.S. Senate this year. crats had almost a year of complete control lican Parties, the Libertarian Party believes idiots. For decades they have paid lip- Win or lose, a vote for a Libertar- of the federal government: the Presidency, that gays and lesbians deserve equal treat- service to shrinking government, while ian sends a clear message for smaller the House, and a filibuster-proof 60 votes in ment under the law. consistently doing the opposite in office. government and more freedom. After all, the Senate. They could have repealed ‘don’t The LP Platform states: “Sexual Our fear is that Tea Partiers might what message did a vote for John Mc- ask don’t tell.’ They could have gotten rid of say, “This time it will be different.” No Cain send? the Defense of Marriage Act. But they didn’t ...continued on page 15 Page 12 The Libertarian Party - October 2010 The Libertarian National Committee Welcomes Our Newest Members

Randy Gilbreath (NC) Daniel McPherson (ID) Eric Willson (VA) Henry Allen (VA) The LNC grants Lifetime Leonard Martina (NC) Brian Sasso (IL) Sean Bilichka (WA) Ezekiel Castonguay (VA) memberships to members who Randy Eshelman (NE) Daniel Trickle (IL) R. William Jones (VA) contribute at least $1,000 during Brendan Kelly (NH) Chris Aguiar (MA) Eric Chesterley (WA) any twelve-month period. Call Ernest Goss (NJ) Louis Fernandez (MD) Regular 202-333-0008 to find out how Michael Nevins (MI) much more you would need to Jonathan Shanoian (NJ) William DeNath (AL) Adam Parks (MI) donate to upgrade to the Brian McGuire (NV) Michael Mudge (AL) Basic Darryl Holloman (NC) Lifetime level today. Wayne Rudolph (NV) Jess Drysdale (AP) Andre Cote (AE) Earl Prochaska (NY) Susanne Mulazzi (NJ) Charles Prioleau (AR) Chad Johnson (AL) Diana Knedler (OH) Laurie Sponza (NY) Dominique Davis (AZ) Robert Leatherbury (AL) Members who upgraded Steven Lewis (OH) Derek Charles (PA) Raymond Heitz (AZ) William Long (AL) to Lifetime Level Steven Linnabary (OH) Achyut Kamat (RI) Chris Horton (AZ) Donald Parker (AL) (1/1/09 to 9/17/10) Thomas Adams (OK) Matthew Dwyer (SC) Michael Patti (AZ) Joseph Shaw (AL) Mike Corvin (AL) Wayne Confer (PA) Simona Beal (TX) Bea Armstrong (CA) Owen Wilkerson (AL) Hal Eskew Jr. (AL) Daniel Guild (PA) Justin Knight (VA) John Bolles (CA) Thomas LaMantia (AP) Julian Fondren (AP) Bradley Meeker (PA) Barry Leming (VA) William Eaton (CA) Patricia Shea (AP) Robert Ford (AR) James Wright (PA) Philip Gordon (WA) John Felton (CA) Sherri Boehme (AR) John Hornor (AR) Darryl Perry (SC) Jordan Persky (CA) Jessica Paxton (AR) Nicholas Vakula (AZ) Thomas Chervenak (TN) Chris Boumeester (CO) Brian Bosch (AZ) Richard Bronstein (CA) Mark Szulc (TN) New members from Archie Hampton (CO) Christopher Boucher (AZ) John Kleiner (CA) Wayne Clark (TX) (7/24/10 to 9/17/10) Sean McCormick (CO) William Brickles (AZ) Evan Meadors (CA) Roger Gary (TX) Andrew Weldon (CO) Rodney Dowden (AZ) Daniel Norris (CA) Lelon Ginn (TX) Lifetime Wolf Dosch (FL) Joellen Heimbach (AZ) Mark Suarez (CA) Debra Ireland (TX) Patrick Richmond (MD) Blair Harle (FL) Joseph Heimbach (AZ) Andrew Valencia (CA) James Strohm (TX) Joseph Suh (NY) Clinton McGrath (GA) Linda Kilbride (AZ) Todd Whitaker (CA) C. Kevin Utz (TX) Bruce Hermann (TX) Derek Casteel (IL) Eric Mullin (AZ) Martin Buchanan (CO) R. Wrights (TX) Kip Herriage (TX) Richard DeAngelo (IL) Vera Powers (AZ) Kenneth Wyble (CO) James Latham (UT) Richard Gustafson (IL) Sean Shepherd (AZ) Pamela Hoiles (CT) David Fuquay (VA) Scott Jensen (IL) Stephanie Alexander (CA) William Stutler (CT) Matthew Hoel (VA) Sponsor Bart Gadau (IN) Carl Balingit (CA) Jim Xhema (CT) Lee Cayer (WA) John Jacobs (AR) Roger Luna (IN) Bruce Breimon (CA) Tim Foti (DC) Rachel Hawkridge (WA) Peter Broms (NJ) John Schild (IN) William Butt (CA) Jon Utley (DC) Robert Hill (WA) Aaron DeCarlo (MD) Clifford Champion (CA) Pamela Jensen (FL) James Strickland (WA) Catherine Rhue (MD) Carol Conkln (CA) Robert Schmucker (GA) David Wordinger (WA) Supporting Randall Johnson (MI) Nathaniel Cooper (CA) Satchit Srinivasan (GA) Reid Hardenbergh (WI) Andrea Garcia (AZ) George Saad (MN) Jack Coplen (CA) Edward Van Peenen (GA) Morton Brooks (CO) W. Freeman (MS) Thomas Crawford (CA) John Chase (IL) Milton Von Minden (CO) Henryk Kowalski (NC) Doug Dimick (CA) Paul Cook (IL) The LNC would like to Stephen Patrie (CT) C. Marc ONeal (NC) Emmanuel Egbe (CA) Julia Fox (IL) re-recognize members who Susan Jameson (FL) Ted Pelech (NC) Nicole Fallen (CA) joined at the Lifetime level from William Higgins (IL) Gustave Lopez (GA) David Lucantoni (NJ) Byron Garcia (CA) 2009 and 2010. (Most of these Robert Sanborn (IL) Dustin Krutsinger (IA) Victor Barkalov (NY) Robert Homer (CA) names have appeared in past Rebecca Sink-Burris (IN) Matthew Evans (IL) Blair Huber (OH) Ian Jones (CA) issues of LP News.) Karl Saltzman (LA) Aaron Massey (IL) Jamie Jamison (OH) Deborah Kaley (CA) Lovick Thomas (LA) David Porter (IL) John Pribble (OH) James Kline (CA) Southard Lippincott (MA) New members who William Marsh (NH) Isaac DiIanni (OK) Harrison Leonard (CA) Susan Ruiz (MA) joined at Lifetime Level William Muller (NV) Joel Templin (OR) Wendell Perry (CA) James Davis (MD) (1/1/09 to 7/23/10) Kathy Hauser (NY) David Gamble (PA) Raven Powell (CA) Larry Prall (MD) Lance Hamilton (AR) Nathan Eberly (OH) Patrick-Andrew Shuey (PA) Timothy Schellin (CA) Matt Janowak (MI) Patrick Horkan (AZ) Peter Hamo (OH) Steven Claiborne (TN) Jason Schoch (CA) Arlen Overvig (MN) Carlos Lattin (AZ) Carol Newbury (OH) Matthew Abraham (TX) Neil Shurtz (CA) Timothy Toonen (MN) Christopher Altschul (CT) R. B. Young (TN) Heather Guthrie (TX) Ivan Silva (CA) Eric Foster (MO) Laurel Asness (CT) J. Botkin (TX) David Hasbargen (TX) Uwe Springborn (CA) Glenn Nielsen (MO) Ryan Peters (DE) Melchior Mueller-Spude (TX) J. Henry Phillips (TX) Edward Stanhope (CA) Sean O’Toole (MO) Anna Kelly (GA) Buford Robertson (TX) Steve Rohloft (TX) Ian Stermer (CA) Cisse Spragins (MO) Christopher Peters (IA) Melissa Scott (VA) John Toureilles (TX) Valerie Taylor (CA) Vol. 40, Issue 4 The Libertarian Party - Page 13 The Libertarian National Committee Welcomes Our Newest Members

Robert Van House (CA) Ryan Courter (IA) Shannon Szukala (MI) Edward Ahrens (NY) Brandon Steadman (TN) Marcel Vocino (CA) Robert Kidd (IA) Lawrence Taljonick (MI) Tarek Al-Hariri (NY) Kevin Williams (TN) Robert Youngquist (CA) Ron Kuberski (IA) Roland Taylor (MI) Mikhail Artemyev (NY) Julian Adames (TX) Frederick Barton (CO) John Allan (IL) Robert Thompson (MI) Daniel Bollinger (NY) Dean Autrey (TX) Terri Biber (CO) Jodi Carroll (IL) Molly Welsch (MI) Raymond Cardillo (NY) Jan Baker (TX) John Clancy (CO) Jeffrey Cook (IL) Joel Jensen (MN) Aaron Domine (NY) John Battles (TX) Austin Finke (CO) Robert De Angelo (IL) Aaron Richardson (MN) Craig FitzGerald (NY) Glen Brown (TX) Claudia Livingston (CO) Jeffrey Dickey (IL) Peter Stoesz (MN) Adam Kent (NY) Scott Burton (TX) Joshua Moore (CO) Kyle Gannon (IL) Patricia Yenkosky (MN) Imanul Khan (NY) Dylan Cave (TX) Chris Morrison (CO) Antonio Hernandez (IL) Ashley Boiles (MO) Michael Liberatore (NY) Grady Fowles (TX) Alexander Muller (CO) Kenneth Kemnitz (IL) Dale Fields (MO) John Licari (NY) Robert Garbarino (TX) Khara Radler (CO) John Siebken (IL) William Johnson (MO) Dean Massaro (NY) Sophia Gonzalez (TX) Thomas Ramagli (CO) Joseph Taiber (IL) Mark Tindell (MO) Rebecca Morelli (NY) Robert Hammock (TX) Michael Scott (CO) Jason Tomlinson (IL) Rick Vandeven (MO) Paul Nanna (NY) Forrest Horn (TX) John Swanagon (CO) Luke Westberg (IL) Romell Weekly (MO) Thomas O’Brien (NY) Charles Johnson (TX) Jean Thayer (CO) Andrea Wolf (IL) Rob Wilson (MO) Robert Saunders (NY) Ron Lawrence (TX) Blake Bonnabea (CT) Luke Edwards (IN) Corey Adkison (MS) Daniel Shanahan (NY) Eric Liesman (TX) Kelly Kerrigan (CT) Tony Galvan (IN) Wade Hicks, Jr. (MS) Ed Barkley (OH) Erin Madden (TX) Christopher Schaefer (CT) John Harrell (IN) Deborah Huber (MS) Justin Beavers (OH) Lance Merrick (TX) Michael Sundquist (CT) Justin Johnson (IN) Cameron Ingersoll (MS) Chris Dankworth (OH) Mike Noble (TX) Steve Carpenter (DC) Matthew Lemon (IN) Charles James (MS) Elwood Dunning (OH) Kevin Olney (TX) John Hoffman (DE) David McCullough (IN) Ellen James (MS) David Ebner (OH) Brad Ritter (TX) Maria Alvarez-Reyes (FL) Jeff Romer (IN) Rachel McKinley (MS) Brian Fitzgerald (OH) Valerie San Martin (TX) Beverly Baker (FL) Michael Waring (IN) Brice Phillips (MS) Don Kissick (OH) Diane Schwartz (TX) Vicente Barriatos (FL) John Carter (KS) Taylor Swindle (MS) Richard Kozlowski (OH) Alvin Skelton (TX) Elizabeth Carter (FL) David Dunne (KY) F. Y. Bowling (NC) Steve Livingston (OH) Ambree Williams-Coleman (TX) Kenneth Christian (FL) Roscoe Kendall (KY) Gene Brandon (NC) Paul Nero (OH) Hayven Dunn (UT) Alan Clark (FL) Mitchell Fain (LA) Keith Bryant (NC) Theodore Pastor (OH) Matthew Abicht (VA) Michael Coleman (FL) Thaddeus Frick (LA) Marc Conaghan (NC) Michael Szerwinski (OH) Debra Caruso (VA) Brandon Crilley (FL) Randall Hayes (LA) Manuel Di Meglio (NC) Michael Vacca (OH) Eric Kasten (VA) Andrew Gunderman (FL) Mark Lee (LA) Zechariah Dice (NC) Gregory Walsh (OH) William Kendall (VA) Amie Jeanette (FL) Brandi Williams (LA) Jasper Lee Hedgecock (NC) Sheila Wiezbiski (OH) Doug Kieser (VA) Peter Kirkhorn (FL) Scott Barnes (MA) Dustin Logan (NC) Suzie Yeager (OH) Douglas Lecomte (VA) Kevin McIntire (FL) John Dunn (MA) Paul Stroud (NC) Jill Buck (OK) Gareth Lloyd (VA) Gregory Messer (FL) Kevin Martin (MA) Michael Warren (NC) Leslie Fulco (OK) Cara Lyden (VA) Vincent Moisdon (FL) Jonathan Murphy (MA) Lyndon White (NC) Roger Woodward (OK) James Ottaway (VA) Becky Palki (FL) Michael Rosati (MA) Paige Maree Wolfe (NC) Andrew Aadland (OR) Kathleen Robertson (VA) David Richerson (FL) Stephen Arnold (MD) Jaime Sigler (ND) Cory Baird (OR) David Cantu (WA) Christopher Sanborn (FL) Andrew Bostian (MD) Mark Andrews (NE) Michael Stumbo (OR) Nicholas Hallak (WA) Michael Schmidt (FL) Charles Fletcher (MD) Kent Kingston (NE) Suzanne Bennett (PA) Clayton Johnston (WA) William Stoll (FL) Keith Gardner (MD) Sarah Machann (NE) Michael Burke (PA) Robert Kalal (WA) Thomas Willard (FL) Ian Godwin (MD) Erik Rosenholm (NH) Erin Dautrich (PA) Robert Smith (WA) Daniel Barber (GA) Susan Jaracz (MD) Kristin Steffen (NH) Charley Jeffries (PA) Patricia Stewart (WA) Theresa Barber (GA) Jason Ostendorf (MD) Todd Cruickshank (NJ) Kevin Lawrence (PA) Catherine Towbin (WA) R. David Boyd (GA) Shawn Quinn (MD) Miguel Gonzalez Chavez (NJ) Sarah McConnell (PA) Khristian Barber (WI) Monique Edghill (GA) Mark Struzinski (MD) Michael Matalucci (NJ) Robert McLeod (PA) Glen Gade (WI) Jason Ellingson (GA) Lesley Weihs (MD) Wesley Tien (NJ) Cody Segraves (PA) Mitchell Katt (WI) David Johnston (GA) James Backlund (MI) Rory Tippit (NJ) Michael Sutton (PA) Kirk Lane (WI) Dean Jones (GA) Christian Bartz (MI) Kathryn Weston (NJ) Matthew Williams (PA) John Paszak (WI) James Kirchner (GA) Eric Gagnon (MI) Robert Wiesen (NJ) Lucie Raposo (RI) David Pizon (WI) Andrew Klein (GA) Michael Hebert (MI) Stephen Hunt (NM) Clark Brown (SC) Nicholas Poulos (WI) Rick Lickwar (GA) Jeffrey Herman (MI) Robert Rust (NM) Douglas Carmody (SC) Joshua Zimmerman (WI) Michelle Matthews (GA) Matthew Ikonen (MI) Matthew Brown (NV) Nicole Jepsen (SC) Gregory Bailey (WV) Jeffrey Rose (GA) Michael Maturen (MI) Michael Darby (NV) Leslie Johnson (TN) Wayne Horton (WV) Barry Wood (GA) David Niggemeyer (MI) David Liebrader (NV) Philip Knode (TN) Moritz Ericsson Tara Herbel (GU) Timothy Ruiter (MI) Karen Waite Kiko (NV) Christopher Marshall (TN) Cory Butler (HI) Chris Sharer (MI) Todd Williamson (NV) Benjamin Skidmore (TN) Page 14 The Libertarian Party - October 2010

Nothing is getting done. I am writ- platform and serious, electable candidates. etters o he ditor ing you to ask that the party would spend Many Tea Party participants espouse the L T T E more of its resources on the future genera- same ideas and ideals as Libertarians, but tion (take into consideration that I have no we have not been able to lead them to the viewpoints I’d never heard before, I found idea of the party’s finances at this time). party. Instead many continue to hope that Suggestions for Quiz myself understanding that what I was so I personally do not believe that we the Republicans will fall back in line af- sure of was in fact wrong. And, if I could can change the minds of the middle aged ter going astray since the defeat of Barry ith the concern over huge gov- change, perhaps others could change too. and senior citizens of America. However, Goldwater and they have been able to nom- ernment, massive bailouts, and I love the fact that libertarians reject I do believe that we can reach out to high inate weak Tea Party backed Republican enormous debt at an all-time the use of violence to initiate change. school and college students, and the begin- candidates who might very well ensure the W I’m still learning about what it ning workforce of this nation. The Liber- election of “progressive” democrats. high, the Libertarian Party should be on the brink of electing scores of national lead- means to be a libertarian and am not at all tarian Party platform is just about every- Why haven’t we been able to take ers. Instead, the disorganized Tea Party perfect, but I want to thank every person thing that the youth agree on—same sex advantage of the spirit of liberty that is and Big-Government has-beens like Sarah out there who is talking about liberty, shar- marriage rights, legalize marijuana, and so rife in the country? Is it because we are Palin dominate the news. ing in small groups and just making the de- much more! too interested in being pure rather than po- cision to be different by design. The government needs to get out of litical, or are we afraid of success because All of you are salt and light and I our lives and minors are directly affected we make better complainers than leaders? Brian Blum thank you for being the voice of mercy, by it. Examples are with drinking, curfew, Also, unfortunately, money is fungible. If New York love and truth for America. and voting laws (you can probably tell I am one designates a donation for one thing, the big on youth rights). party will merely use other funds to send Danny de Gracia, II To get to the point, I was looking to multiple begging pleas. Waipahu, Hawaii find the Libertarians of Purdue, and real- We have some attractive candidates Thank You, Libertarian Party! ized there isn’t one! in Georgia. Monds is even listed in news- In fact, the LP website shows that papers as a candidate along with Barnes would like to thank and extend a warm IUPUI is the only college in Indiana that and Deal (a failed former governor voted “mahalo” from Hawaii to the LP for be- A Simpler Strategy has such a group. Most of the peers that I out previously and a crooked politician ing a bright shining light in an other- talk politics with generally agree with the who resigned from the House just ahead I t is very likely the Republican Party will Libertarian Party, but they just don’t know of announcement of ethics complaints). wise dark and gloomy generation. Before deploying to Iraq last year, retake the House, possibly the Senate in what it is. Our polling is still in the single digit range. one of my Marine friends told me that he Ithe November elections. However, this We have to change that. I complete- There was even a positive comment on and many members his unit were extremely will not happen because so many people ly understand if you are not interested in Donovan’s polling 7% as the highest ever. worried, and reading articles, sharing vid- love Republicans, instead it is because they this approach, or are too busy to read all There is nothing positive about 7 percent. It eos and talking a lot in their free time about have recently learned to dislike Democrats of your emails due to the large volume of is a losing number. If the race were a prize the direction in which America was head- even more. In a situation like this, our Lib- mail that you get, but if you are interested, fight, the referee would have stopped it a ing. ertarian Party should be reaping a windfall I would like to give you a few examples of couple of rounds ago. We need to get seri- He started talking to me about social of new followers if not outright members. some types of successful movements with a ous. and economic liberty issues, various laws Sadly, we are not. I believe there is a sim- strong influence on youth. Not only are our candidates in Geor- that had been passed and how the politics of ple reason for this: Our platform (which I Please pay attention to the style and gia strong, but they should be able to take crisis were being used to give government fully support) is simply beyond the under- language that these organizations are using. advantage of weaknesses in their oppo- incredible power to do nearly anything. standing of the average voter—just as it has I would like to end by saying thank you. nents. At first I didn’t believe him because been for years. And, what people do not Thank you so much for all that you have I was so fixated on the “War on Terror,” but fully understand, they shy away from. I am done for us libertarians, and the people of Peter Gayton Claymore he encouraged me to study the crisis out certain we can do better. the USA. and to think objectively. It wasn’t until I read “The Citizen’s Rule Book” one after- Troy Robinson Luke Edwards noon that I found myself moved to tears as Whitney, Texas West Lafayette, Indiana Do You Have I came to the realization that America had become a police state and that individual [Editor’s Note: The writer included several Something to Say? freedoms were rapidly vanishing. images of youth-targeted promotions.] Let’s Do More for the Youth f you have something to say about an On my own initiative, while my article you’ve read in LP News, you friend was in Iraq, I started reading Thomas I can submit a letter to the editor at edi- Paine, Ludwig von Mises, Murray Roth- y name is Luke Edwards and I am A Change in Strategy [email protected]. Remember, not all letters bard, Ron Paul and many others. I found currently a freshman at Purdue received will be printed, and those that myself undergoing a rapid transformation University in West Lafayette, In- M are printed may be edited for content, of the way I saw myself, my fellow man diana. I would like to add a suggestion for read John Pack’s letter with a mixture grammar, and length. Please keep let- and the world around me. my newly found love, the Libertarian Party. of pleasure and despair. Pleasure be- ters under 200 words, and include your Growing up, I had been raised to I have been extremely interested in cause he emphasizes many of the same I name, city and state with your letter. think very statist, and in college and later politics ever since I was accepted to be a things that I did in a letter 10 years ago, de- graduate school as a political science and Page in the United States Senate for Sena- spair because he emphasizes many of the public administration major, the teachings tor Richard Lugar. I spent two months in same things that I did in a letter 10 years Submit your letter to the I learned had only reinforced those beliefs. Washington D.C. sitting on the Senate ago. But, in the span of just a very short time Floor watching the Republicans and Dem- We will not be taken seriously as a editor to [email protected] of reading books and listening to liberty ocrats bicker and argue. party unless we have a serious, consistent Vol. 40, Issue 4 The Libertarian Party - Page 15

Low-Priced LP News Order Form LP Items Still Please stock up on these low-priced LP supplies and support Quiz Across America in 2010

Available Quiz Across 100% cotton T-shirts - only $10 each! America door undreds of Libertarian hangers volunteers have already ordered hundreds of Only 5 cents each! H thousands of our door hangers, 3”x9” high-quality vinyl and we have lots more in stock! Get some now, put bumper stickers Don’t miss this fantastic them up, and then opportunity to spread the word Youth sizes Adult sizes order more on our Only 10 cents each! about the Libertarian Party before Qty: Qty: website or by the November elections. ___ Youth XS ___ Small phone.  1 sticker The door hangers feature ___ Youth S ___ Medium the World’s Smallest Political  10 stickers  200 (suggested quantity) ___ Youth M ___ Large Quiz and brief information about  100 stickers  400 ___ Youth L ___ XL the Libertarian Party. They en-  1,000 stickers  1,000 courage people to visit the LP ___ Youth XL ___ XXL website to join the party. ______Other (only multiples of 100) ______Other ___ XXXL The door hangers are very ___ XXXXL easy to distribute. It takes just a few hours to put up 200 in a typi- Please donate at least $5 for each 100 door hangers, 10 cents for each sticker, and $10 for each T-shirt. cal urban or suburban neighbor- hood. Apartment complexes go We’re offering these items at bulk-rate prices. Even if you don’t want any materials, please make a generous even faster. donation to help cover the cost of shipping them to other willing volunteers experiencing economic hardship.

Also order some of our  Yes, I want to help publicize the Libertarian Party! I am enclosing a donation of: 10-cent bumper stickers. Some marketing experts have estimated  $5,000  $2010  $500  $200 that putting a bumper sticker on  $100  $50  $25  Other $______($30,400 maximum for a calendar year) your car is worth at least $200 in advertising.  Check enclosed (payable to “Libertarian Party”)  Visa  MC  AmEx  Disc We’re also offering T- shirts. We’ve got all sizes, from Card Number: Expiration Date: XXXXL down to Youth Small. Send in the form and order some low-priced LP campaign Name as it appears on card: gear today! Signature: Democrats Don’t Shipping information: Respect Gay Voters Name ______Phone ______

...continued from page 11 Address ______orientation, preference, gender, Mail form and donation to: or gender identity should have no City, State, Zip______impact on the government’s treat- Libertarian National Committee, Inc. 2600 Virginia Ave NW, Suite 200 ment of individuals, such as in Email ______Washington, DC 20037 current marriage, child custody, adoption, immigration or military Occupation*: Employer*: service laws. Government does not have the authority to define, li- To donate by phone, call 202-333-0008 or 800-ELECT-US. Or donate online at cense or restrict personal relation- ships. Consenting adults should *Federal law requires political committees to report the name, address, occupation and the name of the employer for each individual be free to choose their own sexual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Political contributions are not tax deductible. practices and personal relation- ships.” LP STAFF



Operations DIrector Robert Kraus

Member Services Susan Dickson

Member Services & Affiliate relations manager Casey Hansen


Special projectS Nick Dunbar

Development & new Media Assistant Kyle Hartz

THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY® 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20037 Phone: (202) 333-0008 Fax: (202) 333-0072 Web site:

Office hours: 9 am-6 pm ET New Member Information: Call (800) ELECT-US Gary Bryant (pictured left), a Libertarian E-mail: [email protected] candidate for California State Assembly, hosts a booth at the Nevada County Fair.

What have you missed recently on What’s Going On • Nolan for U.S. Senate gets more media coverage in your state? • Libertarian Party Of Nebraska turns in 8,000 signatures A complete list of Libertarian • Libertarians at State Fairs events can be found online at • Libertarian Bill Woolsey elected Mayor in SC You can get more • Texas LP chair gives his take on the tea party information by visiting the Web • Colorado Libertarian primary results site of your state affiliate. (See • Strong Libertarian voter registration in Alaska a list at If there is an event you would like to see • Libertarian Party has first-ever primary in Louisiana listed here or on the Web site, • Libertarian Dennis Hawver polls 22% among Kansas independents please send details to: • New York LP candidate Warren Redlich comments on mosque controversy • The FDA Wants Jurisdiction over Your Kitchen!

• New York Libertarians get on the ballot [email protected] • Libertarian Barry Hess in televised debate or call the LP Headquarters at • Libertarian candidate Bill Yarbrough announces endorsement from Tea Party (202) 333-0008.