Hyatt will have Starbucks open to public A2 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 $1.75 Murders, vehicle break-ins increase CITY OF SUMTERR CRIME STATISTICS FORR 2017 19 The larger yellow numbers representepresent tthehe amount of crimes recordedd in each category by Sumter Police DDepartmentepartment (27) for 2017. Crimes committeded in four categories increased versuss tthosehose in SEXUALSEXUA 2016, and numbers in threee catecategoriesgories decreased. Numbers for 2016016 are in ASSAASSAULTSUL parentheses. 5 105 (3) ((93)93) MURDERS AUTOAUTO TTHEFTSHEFT 458 (399) 72 GENERAL (87) PROPERTY WEAPONSWEAPO THEFT CRIMESCRIME 524 (564) VANDALISM VEHICLE BREAK-INS IN 2017 (409 in 2016) Change seen in 1 year; 7-year crime stats trending down BY ADRIENNE SARVIS were seen in the number of
[email protected] murders — five in 2017 com- pared to three in 2016; aggra- $160,000 SUMMING UP SUMTER COUNTY An increase in murders and vated assaults — 238 in 2017 vehicle break-ins contributed compared to 223 in 2016; and IN CASH SEIZED • Sumter County Coroner Robbie Baker reported 10 to a slight spike in recorded 67 robberies in 2016 compared homicides in his 2017 report. Six took place in the city crime in the city of Sumter in to 78 in 2017. 2017 despite an overarching The recorded murders in and four in the county. Of the six criminal fatalities in the decrease in crime over a sev- 2017 involved domestic dis- more than city, five came with murder charges and one with child en-year period. putes, acquaintances or the neglect after a mother left her child in a car during the There has been a 25 percent result of some other attempt- summer.