Pipe Organs of England
Pipe Organs of England May 10-22, 2012 with J. Michael Barone www.americanpublicmedia.org www.pipedreams.org National broadcasts of Pipedreams are made possible with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Wesley C. Dudley, by a grant from the MAHADH Fund of HRK Foundation, by the contributions of listeners to American Public Media stations, and through the support of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, APOBA, representing designers and creators of fine instruments heard throughout the country, on the Web at www.apoba.com, and toll-free at 800-473-5270. See and hear Pipedreams on the Internet 24-7 at www.pipedreams.org. A complete booklet pdf with the tour itinerary can be accessed online at www.pipedreams.org/tour Table of Contents Welcome Letter Page 2 Historical Background on the English Cultural/Organ Scene Page 3-8 Organ Observations: Some Useful Terms Page 9-10 Background Reading/Discography Page 11-12 Hosts Page 13 Tour Itinerary Page 14-17 Organ Sites Page 18-92 Rooming List Page 93 Traveler Bios Page 94-97 Accommodations Page 98 Map Inside Back Cover Thanks to the following people for their valuable assistance in creating this tour: Brook Green UK for tour arranging, Richard Rasch of American Public Media, Valerie Bartl, Kelly Cosgrove, Cynthia Jorgenson, Janet Tollund, and Tom Witt of Accolades International Tours for the Arts. PAGE 2 HISTORICALORGANTOUR OBSERVATIONS DISCOGRAPHYBACKGROUND ITINERARYWELCOMEHOSTS Welcome Letter from Michael... Dear Organ-Loving Friends, contemporary Germanic organ style represented a maximum exploitation of instrument and player… Welcome aboard to the many of you who have with multiple keyboards controlling four or five large participated in past PIPEDREAMS travels, certainly, ‘divisions’, with the independent use of the pedals but also particularly to those of you who have elevated to a point of extraordinary virtuosity… ventured to join our little throng for the first time.
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