Evaluation and economic modeling of forest restoration in the State of Pará, eastern Brazilian Amazon Daniel Silva Sâmia Nunes Support: Execution: January 2017 1 Authors: Daniel Silva (Terra Nativa) Sâmia Nunes (Imazon) Collaboration: Renato Crouzeilles Felipe Barros Technical Revision: Rubens Benini (TNC) Sérgio Margulis Editorial Revision: Glaucia Barreto (
[email protected]) Translation Free Talk Idiomas e Tradução S586 Silva, Daniel Portuguese title: Avaliação e modelagem econômica da restauração florestal no Estado do Pará / Daniel Silva, Sâmia Nunes. – Belém, PA: Imazon, 2017. 92p., 21,5x28 cm ISBN: 978-85-86212-87-1 1. Forest resource. 2. Reforestation. 3. Forest protection. 4. Economic analysis. 5. Conservation Units - Pará. 6. Public policies - Amazônia. 7. Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM). I. Nunes, Sâmia. II. Title. CDD 333.75153098115 The data and opinions expressed in this work are entirely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the financial sponsors of this study Trav. Dom Romualdo de Seixas No. 1.698, Edifício Zion Business, 11º andar • Bairro Umarizal - CEP: 66.055-200 Belém - Pará - Brasil www.imazon.org.br 2 DATA SHEET “Evaluation and economic modeling of forest restoration in the State of Pará, eastern Brazilian Amazon” is a report produced by Terra Nativa under contract to its collaborating authors Imazon (Amazon Institute of People and the Environment) and incorporates research from specialized literature, personal interviews and independent technical analysis, extensively reviewed by specialists in the economics of environmental restoration. To evaluate forest landscape restoration, we utilized the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) (IUCN & WRI, 2014), which features “Restoration Economic Modelling and Valuation” as one of its key tools.