1 Donna Miskend SELECT EXHIBITIONS: co-curator: Flinn Gallery, Greenwich Public Library, CT, Mother Goose Re-Imagined curator: Yonkers Riverfront Library Gallery, NY, Dickens, A Celebration In Pictures

Museums Temple Judea Museum, Elkins Park, PA: Artists Consider the Jewish Book, 2008 The Karpeles Library Museum, Newburgh, NY: NAWA Exhibit, 2006 Museum of Anthropology, State University Chico, Chico, CA, Rhythm in Culture 2004 Anchorage Museum of History and Art, Anchorage, Alaska The Blue Guitar 2004/2005

Galleries and Other Flinn Gallery, Greenwich Public Library, CT, Mother Goose Re-Imagined, 2012 Yonkers Riverfront Library Gallery, NY, Dickens, A Celebration In Pictures, 2012 Gallery Connect, NY, Children’s Illustration Art Showcase, 2012 Jefferson Market Library, NY, CBIG Dragons & Magic, 2010 Bloomsbury Auction House, NYC 2009: Graphic Artists Guild Benefit Auction Salmagundi Club, N.Y.C., 2009 National Association of Women Artists 120th Annual, 2009 Salmagundi Club, N.Y.C. 2008: Members Summer Annual. Graphics & Sculpture Exhibition, Here There Everywhere, Thumb Box N.A.W.A. Gallery, NYC: Spring Into Summer 2008 Audubon Artists Annual 2008, 2007 Monroe Center for the Arts, Hoboken,NJ: 118th Annual Exhibit NAWA 2007 East End Arts Council: Flowers & Insects 2007 STAC, Mills Pond House Gallery, St. James, NY, A Woman’s Hands, 2007 University Center Gallery, Adelphi University, NY, Personal Totems, (curator: Faith Ringgold) 2007 National Association of Women Artists Invitational : Landscapes 2007 Salmagundi Club, N.Y.C. 2007: Graphics & Sculpture Exhibition, Flowers Theme Exhibit; Annual All Media Exhibition; Thumb box Sussex County Community College Gallery, Anything Goes 2006/2007 East End Arts Council, Homage to Henri-Cartier Bresson, Riverhead, NY 2006 Washington Gallery of Photography, Bethesda, MD, Travel Afar 2006 Goggle Works Center for the Arts, Reading, PA N.A.W.A. 117th Annual 2006 Port of Call Gallery, Warwick, NY: NAWA Exhibit, 2006 Salmagundi Club, N.Y.C 2006: Annual Graphics & Sculpture; Fall Auction; Thumb box, Favorite Things; Cats & Dogs; Flowers; Member’s Annual; Spring Auction; Members Summer Annual N.A.W.A. Traveling Exhibition North Carolina: 2004/2005 McDowell Arts & Crafts Assoc., Burke Arts Council, County Arts Council, Hiddenite Center, Arts Center Hendersonville, Lenoir Caldwell Arts Council, Ashe County Arts Council OIA Gallery 402, NYC, Portraits/Self Portraits 2005; The Great Outdoors 2005 STAC, Mills Pond House Gallery, St. James, NY: Music in Art 2005; 25th Annual Photography Exhibit 2005 Salmagundi Club, N.Y.C, 2005:Thumb box Exhibition; Fall Auction, All Media; Annual Graphics & Sculpture Exhibit; Spring Auction Fine Arts Building Gallery, , IL, Work in Art 2005 N.A.W.A. Fifth Avenue Gallery, NYC, 116th Annual 2005, “Many Faces of Art” auction 2005 Pen & Brush, NY (curator: Candice Peretch, Candice Peretch Gallery) Non-Members Photography 2004 STAC, Mills Pond House Gallery, St James, NY 2004: Masquerade (curator: Conne Koppleman, Prof. Women's Studies tonybrook Univ.) N.A.W.A. Fifth Avenue Gallery, NYC Art Explores Jewish Themes 2004 Salmagundi Club, NYC 2004: Member’s Annual; Thumb box ; Annual Graphics & Sculpture Silvermine Galleries, New Canaan, CT, Spectra 2004 Berkeley Center for the Arts, Berkeley, CA Annual Exhibit 2004 Washington Gallery of Photography, Bethesda, MD Photography Annual The Female Perspective 2004 Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL Member’s Annual 2003 Salmagundi Club, NYC Non-Members Photography Exhibit 2003 Boise State University Women’s Center, Boise, ID Women’s History Month Exhibit, 2002 Center for Photography at Woodstock Gallery, Woodstock, NY 1999, (Benefit Auction) Woodstock Town Hall, Woodstock, NY 1999, Javits Convention Center NYC, Photo Expo 1999 Javits Convention Center, Surtex Show, (invited to represent Surface Design Association),NY 1998


2 Awards: President’s Award for Photography, Salmagundi Club, 2005, 2006, 2007 Salmagundi Club Award for Photography, Salmagundi Club 2007 Honorable Mention Photography, Salmagundi Club 2006 First Place Photography, Best of Artists and Artisans 2005 Philip Isenberg Memorial Award and Salmagundi Club Award for Photography, Salmagundi Club 2004

Select Websites and Blogs: Fishdrum Magazine, Children’s Book Illustrator Group (CBIG), SCBWI, Have Pencil Will Illustrate, NYPL blog 2012, Jefferson Market Library blog 2010, CBIG Dragons & Magic, 2010 /NYPL event listing 2010 The Delphian 2007 The Saint Ann’s Review, Winter 2006 Best of New York Artists and Artisans, 2006 Salmagundi Club, Summer Annual 2007, Graphic & Sculpture Exhibit 2007, Summer Annual 2006, Thumb box 2006, Member’s Annual 2005, Thumb box Exhibition 2004, Graphic & Sculpture Exhibition 2004 N.A.W.A. Fifth Avenue Gallery, NYC, 116th Annual 2005 Anchorage Museum of History and Art, The Blue Guitar: Music in Art Exhibition 2004 Woman Made Gallery, Member’s Exhibition 2003 Women in Photography A Millenium Project 2000

Select Publications: Bloomsbury Auction Catalogue 2009 Audubon Artists Annual catalogue 2007 National Association of Women Artists Invitational : Landscapes 2007 The Saint Ann’s Review, Winter 2006 Best of New York Artists and Artisans of 2005 Photo National, catalogue, Lancaster Museum of Art 2005 Spectra Triennial catalogue, Silvermine Galleries, 2004 Cabrini Medical Center Auction catalogue, 2004 The Blue Guitar: Music in Art, catalogue, 2004, Anchorage Museum of History and Art Photographers Forum Best of Photography Annual, 2003, 1999, 1998, 1997 Center for Photography at Woodstock Quarterly Auction Catalogue 1999 I Love New York New York State Parks and Recreation 1992

Select Miscellaneous: The Stronger/Casper’s Fat Tuesday theater program cover, The August Strindberg Repertory Theater 2012 Casper’s Fat Tuesday, projected images as part of set design, The August Strindberg Repertory Theater 2012 Masquerade exhibition postcard, Mills Pond House Gallery 2004 “Many Faces of Art” painted mask, N.A.W.A. auction 2005

Collections: private and corporate collections U.S.

Professional Affiliations: President, Children’s Book Illustrators Group (CBIG) since 2009, Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI), former: Salmagundi Club, National Association of Woman Artists (N.A.W.A.), Audubon Artists

Guest Juror: 2012 The Morgan Library Museum, Book Project for children 2005,2007,2008 Washington Square Outdoor Art Show 2007, 2008 Salmagundi Club Non-Member’s Photo Exhibit 2008, 2009 National Association of Women Artists (N.A.W.A)

Curator: Dragons & Magic, 2010 Jefferson Market Library, NY Aesop’s Fables, 2011 on-line exhibit, CBIG web site Mother Goose Re-Imagined, 2012 Flinn Gallery, Greenwich Public Library, CT (assisted by gallery) Dickens, A Celebration In Pictures, 2012 Yonkers Riverfront Library Gallery, NY CONTINUED NEXT PAGE


Other: art lecturer, teaching artist and art education programming

Web sites: www.cbig-nyc.com www.scbwi.org

www.artswestchester.org Listing under teaching artists coming soon

BLOGS: for news: www.donnamiskend.blogspot.com for general illustration info: www.havepencilwillillustrate.blogspot.com for news and events related to CBIG: www.cbig-nycExhibits.blogspot.com for conversations with people in the arts: www.conversationswithDonnaMiskend.blogspot.com