2 Chronicles 7:14 Devotional

A Direct Response to COVID-19


Dear Faith Family

2 Chronicles 7:14 is an encouragement and imperative for us in these challenging times. Set in the context of the of the temple of God by , this verse is such a powerful assurance of God’s covenantal faithfulness to His people. God will hear our prayers and cries for healing to come to our land in the midst of pestilence and plague, if we would only humble ourselves, turn from wicked ways, and seek His face.

As we desire for God’s healing to come upon our land in the current crisis, let’s do what the Scripture commands us to do. Let’s humble ourselves. Let’s reflect, repent, renounce, realign and then rejoice to see the mighty, sovereign work of God in our midst.

It is with this desire and posture that I had assigned Janice Ong, the Pastoral Ministry Team Member for Small Groups and Prayer, to prayerfully prepare this devotional. I thank the Holy Spirit for convicting, leading and inspiring her through the journey of faith in writing this devotional. If you wish, you may read her sharing on this journey which is separately attached.

We would also like to acknowledge and appreciate Pastor Peter Koh who gave permission to use the prayers on discernment, uprooting of sins, and that which he had taught at various platforms at Faith.

We would also like to thank Dr Tan Gee Paw for his permission to use and print his transcript on his reflections which have provided such deep insight.

A word of sincere thanks also goes out to all who have given feedback and suggestions for this devotional.

Finally, I pray this devotional will be a heart-transforming journey for you. I pray you will go deep, and be intentional in posturing yourself to hear what the Spirit is saying to you, obey what the Spirit is leading you to repent and do, and rest in God’s beautiful purposes for you.

May the Lord’s healing be upon us, our land, Singapore, and the lands in this world.

Repenting and realigning with you,

Rev Raymond Fong Pastor-in-Charge Faith Methodist Church


Introduction This is a Devotional based on 2 Chronicles 7:14. It invites us as individuals to allow the Holy Spirit to search our hearts with a different focus each day over 12 days. It includes a day for our personal review after six days of meditation and prayer, and accountability to people whom we trust, like our Small Group members, or simply a group of close friends who covenant together to walk in the ways of the Lord according to His Word.

You might like to begin with an unhurried 30 minutes for meditation and a 10-minute Prayer regarding COVID-19 as a start (two minutes per prayer focus), using the Prayer Hand which is very simple to follow: The Thumb prompts you to give thanks, the Index Finger to pray for leaders, the Middle Finger for significant people, the Ring Finger for the weak or needy and the Little Finger for yourself. Do feel free to extend your time as you journey with the Lord!

This Devotional is unique in that as led by the Holy Spirit, each one is free to REPEAT a particular Day’s Devotion! This is because EACH ONE is encouraged to be brutally honest with God and with oneself – so that EACH ONE will see our heart’s and life’s condition as how our Sovereign and Holy Lord sees – AND REPENT with a contrite heart and a broken spirit that the Lord does not despise but in fact, delights in.

We know that we are genuine in our repentance when we GIVE IN to God, His Commands, His Values and His Ways in spite of how we think, feel and prefer. EACH time we surrender to Him, we are growing a lifestyle of LOVING JESUS as our obedience – the evidence of our love to Him – pleases Him and glorifies Him! As this Devotional is an inward journey of our heart, we will reflect on fundamental issues found in the Eightfold Core Curriculum for Discipleship (see Appendix C).

The hard truth is that God sees our ways as WICKED. Let us not remain in our sins. Let us not be stiff-necked and refuse to let God’s Holy Word and the Holy Spirit search our hearts. Let us not be stubborn and refuse to REPENT while the Lord may still be found ( 55:6-7).

The KEY to repentance is found in the Preacher’s wisdom in Ecclesiastes 12:13, “… Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.”

Although this Devotional is written primarily for the spiritual family in Faith Methodist Church (Singapore) to respond directly to the COVID-19 situation, it is my hope also, firstly, that this Devotional serves as a guide for subsequent times with the Lord – going even deeper in our meditation, repentance, renunciation and restoration of Covenant Faithfulness. Hence, I included some teaching nuggets and Christian living principles and frameworks to help us.

Secondly, it is my heart’s prayer that other local churches in Singapore, and those throughout the world, will also live out 2 Chronicles 7:14 so that our holy Lord will relent and heal our lands.

May you and I have the confidence and courage in the steadfast love of our Lord, as we embark on this intimate journey with Him through 2 Chronicles 7:14.

“He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things? For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:32, 38-39 3

Contents Page

1. Foreword 2 2. Introduction 3 3. Before you begin 5 4. Day 1 Who was speaking? 6 5. Day 2 When did God speak? 8 6. Day 3 Who are God’s People? (Part 1) – Individuals and Community 10 7. Day 4 Who are God’s People? (Part 2) – Identity and Spiritual DNA 12 8. Day 5 Who are God’s People? (Part 3) – Biblical Purpose, Values and Priorities 14 9. Day 6 What did God tell His people to do? (Part 1) – Overview 16 10. Day 7 Personal Review and Accountability 18 11. Day 8 What did God tell His people to do? (Part 2) – Power 21 12. Day 9 What did God tell His people to do? (Part 3) – Pride 24 13. Day 10 What did God tell His people to do? (Part 4) – Possessions 27 14. Day 11 What did God promise He will do? (Part 1) – Hear from heaven 30 15. Day 12 What did God promise He will do? (Part 2) – Forgive our sin and Heal our land 32 16. Day 13 Your Response 34 17. Day 14 Personal Review and Accountability 36 18. After Notes – Contact and continue to pray! 38 19. Appendix A – Dr Tan Gee Paw’s Prayer and Reflection 39 20. Appendix B – Uprooting Sins 40 21. Appendix C – Eightfold Core Curriculum for Discipleship 42 22. Appendix D – How to be Filled by the Holy Spirit 43 23. References 45

All Scripture Text quoted is from the English Standard Version unless otherwise stated. ESV Study , Crossway : Wheaton, Illinois, 2008.


PRAY before you begin each day

PRAYING is not … Demanding nor commanding God what He is to do. Chanting nor reciting God’s promises. Merely talking to God.

PRAYING is … A two-way communication between the Lord and His people. Believing that God exists, is listening and will respond. Uttering from our heart to God and listening for God’s heart to us. The expression of a Covenantal LOVE RELATIONSHP between God and His people!

PRAY … Lordship Prayer Jesus, I declare You Lord over my spirit – I worship You and You alone; Jesus, I declare You Lord over my mind – I will have godly thinking; Jesus, I declare You Lord over my emotions – I will have godly emotions; Jesus, I declare You Lord over my will – I will choose to follow You; Jesus, I declare You Lord over my body – my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer to discern God’s Voice Silence THREE voices (self, world and enemy) and invite the Holy Spirit to speak.

Confess and repent of the sins that you are aware of to silence our own voice.

Pray 2 Corinthians 10:5 to silence the voice(s) from the world, “Lord, I destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive that I will obey Christ.”

Believe in Jesus’ powerful name and in His triumph over the enemy (Colossians 2:15) and command to silence the enemy, “In Jesus’ name, I silence the voice of the enemy!”

Now, invite the Holy Spirit to speak. Believe that the Third Person of the Holy Trinity will speak! (John 14:26). When what you hear is redemptive and glorifying to God, it is of the Holy Spirit.

NOW YOU CAN BEGIN your time of meditation of God’s Word! As you meditate on God’s Word, BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you. ACT ON what you hear in faith! DO NOT DELAY!

Examples: If it is a sin – CONFESS & REPENT! If it is a commandment – OBEY it! If it is a promise – CLAIM it! If it is a truth – BELIEVE it! If it is about who God is – PRAISE Him! ADORE Him! WORSHIP Him! If it is about what God has done… is doing… will do – THANK Him! WORSHIP Him!


Day 1 WHO was speaking?

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

2 Chronicles 7:11-12 identifies for us that it is the Lord God of Israel who spoke these words. It is the Almighty Sovereign Creator God – the great I AM – who revealed Himself to Abraham and covenanted with Abraham, and to all his descendants including King and King Solomon.

REFLECT How has the Lord revealed Himself to you personally? Which Scripture texts testify to these understanding of who the Lord is to you?

How are your daily life choices aligned to WHO the Lord has revealed Himself to be? Honestly, who is the Lord to you really?

Key words for Reflection: Fear God; Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength; Covenant Faithfulness evidenced in a life of gratitude, holiness and obedience.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or *soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

FURTHER MEDITATION 2 Chronicles 7:11-22; Genesis 12:1-3 & 17:1-14; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32

*Soul ties - Soul ties are the unseen bonds in relationships that can have good, positive and godly impact, or bad, negative and ungodly impact in a person’s life. An ungodly soul tie has a hold on the soul that can cause emotional or physical damage, that is, an unseen control over a person’s life that can powerfully pull him/her away from the place of peace that God desires for all His children. Biblical reference can be found in 1 Corinthians 6:16, “Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, ‘The two will become one flesh.’” 6

DID YOU KNOW? Fear of God Did you know that for us to truly worship and serve God, we must FEAR Him?

To have the FEAR of God is having a reverent regard for God, while at the same, having an awe and a fear of being punished for disobedience. The Bible explicitly commands us to FEAR God and teaches us to have this deep respect, honour and attitude toward God as it is true wisdom. (Deuteronomy 6:13; Psalm 33:8; Proverbs 1:7)1

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: World Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For responsible government leaders in the world who rise up in courage and integriaty to serve the people they are entrusted with despite challenging situations.

 Index finger: Pray for leaders That the World Health Organization and government leaders will fear God so that all decisions made will be for the good and welfare of peoples from all nations.

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people God’s wisdom be upon His appointed individuals to discover a vaccine; God will protect healthcare and frontline workers and their families; that all peoples in every land be socially responsible and care for one another.

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need That those infected will recover; Pre-believers will cry out to the Living God and be saved in and through Jesus Christ; that the needs of those who lack financially, emotionally, psychologically and practically, will be met.

 Little finger: Pray for self Repent from focusing primarily on personal needs in your prayers. Tell God that you choose to seek and pray His Heart for the nations that He is leading you to.

1 W. L. Walker, International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia Online: under “Fear,” https://www.internationalstandardbible.com/F/fear.html (accessed May 22, 2020). 7

Day 2 When did God speak?

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

While , 6 and 7 records for us as history – in that God spoke to King Solomon these words in 2 Chronicles 7:14 after King Solomon’s prayer upon the completion of the Temple – the books of 1st and 2nd Chronicles were most probably written around the time of Nehemiah and Ezra, that is, after the return of the exiles.

Hence, the purpose of these two Books in the is to show and encourage God’s people to keep covenant obedience and faithfulness to the Lord as they would experience God’s blessings, while forsaking God through covenant disobedience and unfaithfulness to Him would bring disaster, death and evil.2

Yet, the most amazing truth is that the Lord our God is all-gracious! The fact that the exiles were back in their land testifies to God’s steadfast love to forgive when His people humbled themselves and repented as God covenanted in Leviticus 26:40-46.

REFLECT Recall the day when you entered into the Covenant in and through Jesus Christ, that is, the day when you received Jesus as your personal God, Saviour and King.

Recall your experience(s) of God’s steadfast love and His forgiveness when you returned to the Lord after confessing and repenting of your disobedience and unfaithfulness to Him.

Have you tasted God’s forgiveness of late? If yes, why so? And if not, why so?

Key words for Reflection: Covenant; Obedience and Faithfulness; Grace; Wholehearted love devotion to the Lord.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

2 The English Standard Version Study Bible (Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Bibles, 2008) – Introduction to 1st and 2nd Chronicles, pages 697-699. 8

FURTHER MEDITATION 2 Chronicles 5, 6 and 7; Leviticus 26; Colossians 1:9-14

DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that how much we love God and show that we love Him is proportionate to our humble need and pursuit of His forgiveness, which flows from confession and repentance? Luke 7:36-47 tells us how the sinful woman, having sought and received the forgiveness of Jesus, expressed her love and gratitude with such extravagance of devotion!

“I tell you, her sins – and they are many – have been forgiven, so she has shown Me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” (Luke 7:47, New Living Translation)

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Singapore Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For wise yet hard decisions made for the good of all residents; for various individuals and organizations who selflessly helped others in need.

 Index finger: Pray for leaders For wisdom, integrity and courage to be upon all leaders in Government, Ministry of Health, employers, and religious institutions.

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people For the Church in Singapore to repent, realign and renew our Covenant to the Lord with a whole heart; God will protect healthcare and frontline workers and their families; for all residents in Singapore to be socially responsible and to care for one another.

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need That those infected will recover; Pre-believers will cry out to the Living God and come into salvation grace in Jesus; that needs of those who lack financially, emotionally, psychologically and practically will be met, especially the vulnerable like the elderly and migrant workers.

 Little finger: Pray for self That God will grow urgency, passion and compassion in your heart to pray regularly for Singapore that we will be a people who bless other nations with the blessings we receive from God from a caring humble heart.


Day 3 Who are God’s People? (Part 1) God’s Redeemed People in Covenantal Relationship Individuals and Community

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Although God addressed the community of His people in 2 Chronicles 7:14, it certainly is a clarion call to EACH ONE in the covenant community. Similarly, today EACH ONE of us who has believed and received Jesus as our God, Saviour and King, is to take ownership and responsibility of our own PERSONAL discipleship, worship & love devotion to the Lord (that is, our Covenant Faithfulness to the Lord).

When we are faithful to the Lord personally in our HEARTS, then when we come together in our Small Groups, in our Celebration Services, and serving with others in the various ministries, we truly become collectively – a chosen race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people belonging to the Holy Sovereign Almighty Living God (1 Peter 2:9-10).

REFLECT Have you been taking ownership and responsibility of your own personal growth in faith, spiritual maturity and Christ-likeness?

If yes, would you seek the Lord if He is pleased with you? If not, would you ask the Lord to forgive you and covenant to stop relying on others, or being indifferent, complacent, or half-hearted?

How would you describe your love – firstly, for God who exchanged His life for yours, and secondly, for fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ – in the light of how you have been living as God’s redeemed son or daughter?

Key words for Reflection: To love means to be others-centered … to be resolute and steadfast in showing our love for that someone. Reflect on how God loves and how you truly love someone.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …


FURTHER MEDITATION Joshua 7; 1 Corinthians 12:26; Luke 9:23; Ephesians 4:15-16

DID YOU KNOW? The Eightfold Core Curriculum for Discipleship (see Appendix C) is a very helpful holistic framework to refer to as we rekindle our love for Jesus in intentional Personal Discipleship.

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Workplaces or Schools (for students) Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For kindness, love and care shown to you and bless the person(s) by name!

 Index finger: Pray for leaders For the Minister overseeing your work industry (or Minister of Education), Reporting Officers (or principals and teachers) to fear God so that decisions made will be for the good welfare for all at your workplace (or school).

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people For God’s grace, mercy and protection over those who are important to you regarding your work (or studies) and for their salvation if they are Pre- Believers. E.g. Peers, superiors, subordinates, vendors, clients; (or friends, coach, CCA Team mates … etc.)

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need That those at your workplace (or school) who need financial, emotional, psychological, medical and practical help, amidst all the precautionary measures, will receive the help that they need.

 Little finger: Pray for self That you will avail yourself to God – and to obey Him – as He convicts you to meet the needs of those around you.


Day 4 Who are God’s People? (Part 2) God’s Redeemed People in Covenantal Relationship Identity and Spiritual DNA

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Do you realise that it is always God who initiates His love toward His people – whether it is the Israelites or us today? The Lord God initiated the rescue of the Israelites from slavery and oppression in Egypt, and the Lord God also initiated our rescue from the slavery of sin and death, and the grip of Satan. The Lord God then invites us to respond to His love, grace and rescue (Exodus 19:1-6 and Romans 5:8).

And in receiving His saving grace, the Lord God made us – who were once His enemies deserving eternal punishment because of our sin – to become His dearly loved children! The Lord God cares for us, provides for us and protects us because we belong to Him. He promises He will never leave us because we are His!

REFLECT Read the following Scripture passages and journal HOW you have changed within as God’s new creation in this personal relationship with Him (2 Corinthians 5:17) since the day you accepted Jesus into your heart and life.

Galatians 2:20; 1 Peter 1:15-16; Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Corinthians 5:9-10; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Ask the Lord to continue (or begin!) to change you in the core of your being towards holiness and Christ-likeness.

Key words for Reflection: Holiness; Christ-likeness; Core of our being – where the change and transformation in our heart and character first happens, and thereby, the values we hold in life, our attitudes, our behavior (how we relate to others, how we work and serve, etc…) are aligned accordingly.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …



DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that sometimes we think that:  We are worshipping God through our praises, but God declares that we worship Him in vain?  We are worshipping God while at the same time, we give our utmost strength, thoughts, emotion and ALL of our being to something or someone else, but God declares us unfaithful?  We do well in seeking God daily and delighting to know His ways and YET, God declares that we have sinned against Him?

Outward piety without the fear of the Lord and without an inward wholehearted devotion to the Lord desperately requires the circumcision of the heart (Deuteronomy 10:16, 30:6; 4:4).

Check out Matthew 15:8-9, Isaiah 58 and 2 Kings 17 (especially verses 33 & 41) for WHAT the Lord our God sees, knows and hence, judges!

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Ministry – Where you serve Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For your God-given passion and spiritual gifting!

 Index finger: Pray for leaders That they will model for the team Christ’s character, values and a shepherd’s heart – so that perspectives, attitudes, words, decisions and actions will be pleasing and glorifying to God.

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people For the core team, potential ministry leaders and their loved ones to be passionate for Jesus, His Kingdom and His righteousness; and to keep on growing in spiritual maturity, and in their ministry cum leadership skills.

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need For leaders to seek God for His wisdom and creativity to serve God’s people during this pandemic (and beyond COVID-19!) and to obey!

 Little finger: Pray for self To be a catalyst in your ministry team to be a holy vessel, useful and ready for every good work and for God’s glory (2 Timothy 2:21).


Day 5 Who are God’s People? (Part 3) God’s Redeemed People in Covenantal Relationship Biblical Purpose, Values and Priorities

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Who we are (our Identity) determines what we are called to do (our Purpose). And what we are called to do will determine what is important to us (our Values). And what is important will determine the things that we must make time for (our Priorities)!3

As God’s people, we are called to love, worship and serve Him (Great Commandment, Matthew 22:37-40) – and to love, serve and help others in the household of faith, and beyond.

We are called to tell others who Jesus is to us personally, help them know Jesus and teach them to follow Him in all things (Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20). We are also called to be priests and so we pray for authorities, all nations, and all Christians and offer our sacrifices of praise, and by doing good and sharing what we have with others.4

We fulfil our purpose as God’s people from a changed heart5 that pulsates with God’s love, grace, compassion and holiness and this can happen only through a total willing surrender to the Lord (Great Commitment, Luke 9:23). We surrender to God willingly and completely because we are indebted to Him for His love, grace and mercy. And when we do, we truly reflect God in His holiness, character and deeds as we were created to be. In fact, our obedience gives evidence of our love for our Lord, God and Saviour (John 14:15).

REFLECT How have you been fulfilling your purpose in life being part of God’s covenant people? Is the Holy Spirit revealing to you that you are living for other purpose(s) in life?

How are you embracing God’s Kingdom values and hence, making time for priorities that ultimately matter at the end of your life? Do a spiritual stock-take regarding your values and priorities from Matthew 5, 6 and 7.

Key words for Reflection: Purpose, Values and Priorities of God’s covenant people.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

3 Ann Chan and Edmund Chan, Roots & Wings: An Integrative Bible Study for Discipleship – Facilitator’s Guide (Covenant Evangelical Free Church: Singapore, 2009), pages 24-25. 4 Selected references: 2 Timothy 2:1-4; Isaiah 56:7 and Mark 11:17; Ephesians 6:18; Hebrews 13:15-16. 5 The English Standard Version Study Bible (Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Bibles, 2008) – under Matthew 6:21 notes, page 1832. The word “heart” refers to the centre of one’s being, involving one’s emotions, reason, and will. 14

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

FURTHER MEDITATION Colossians 1:9-14; Philippians 1:21; 1 Peter 2:9-10

DID YOU KNOW? Our service or ministry to God and people is and must be an outflow and overflow from WHO we are in Christ – from a heart of worship, gratitude and wholehearted love toward the Lord – to be acceptable to Him.

If not, we are NOTHING, we gain NOTHING, we are just NOISY! (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Spiritual Family – Faith Methodist Church Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For God’s grace and patience toward us at Faith, that all should reach repentance as God does not wish that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9).

 Index finger: Pray for leaders For Pastors, Pastoral Team, LCEC Leaders, PPRSC Committee, Nominations Committee and Ministry Leaders to model Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to the Faith Family (John 10:1-10).

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people For each one in the Faith Family to engage 2 Chronicles 7:14 in prayer so that as ONE body in Christ, we will be cleansed, consecrated and realigned to God from the inside-out.

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need For God’s presence, comfort, shalom and strength be upon those who are grieving, anxious, ill and feeling trapped in life’s circumstances (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

 Little finger: Pray for self Tell God that you will love others as He commanded (1 John 3:16-18 and John 13:34-35). 15

Day 6 What did God tell His people to do? (Part 1) Overview

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

It is interesting that what God requires His people do is strung by the word “and” and not “or”! We need to come before the Lord with a broken spirit and a contrite heart and acknowledge that the Lord knows best and we do not (Jeremiah 17:9-10).

It takes pure humility – to intentionally and proactively come before the Lord in total surrender and complete reverence – in order to truly pray and seek God’s face. In other words, we need to disarm ourselves willingly. We lay down ALL rationalization and ALL self-defense at God’s throne and we throw ourselves into the immeasurable depths of God’s grace, knowing, believing and trusting that the limitless and unceasing steadfast love and tender mercies of God would catch us and embrace us as we confess and repent of each sin that our holy righteous God charges us of. The listening and speaking, heart to heart, between God and us is prayer.

Genuine repentance is MORE THAN feeling remorse and regret. Repentance is a determined abandonment of sin and a willing return to God and His righteousness. Repentance involves our intellect, our emotions and our will – the intellect must function, the emotions must be aroused and the will must act.6 True repentance is therefore evidenced by a thorough life change from a heart totally surrendered to Christ and mastered by God’s Word (Matthew 3:8).

REFLECT Reflect how you have been humbling yourself, praying, seeking God’s face and repenting, or not. Read Luke 18:9-14, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you and act on what He is telling you. Tell God that you will not accumulate unconfessed sins, and instead, seek Him daily to be cleansed and be set apart for Him.

Key words for Reflection: Brokenness; Seek God; Repent.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

6 Byron H. Dement, International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia Online: under “Repentance,” https://www.internationals tandardbible.com/R/repentance.html (accessed May 22, 2020). 16

FURTHER MEDITATION Psalm 51; Psalm 86:5; Psalm 103

DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that besides humbling ourselves to repent before our Lord personally, we need to also seek the Lord and pray and turn from our wicked ways in the various groups that we belong to? Eg. as a Family, as a Small Group, as a Ministry Team, in the various Leadership Teams … etc; as well as a local church, the church in Singapore, the Universal Church of Jesus and as a nation.

This is because every group’s identity, values and sub-cultures – that is, how we do things and how we relate to one another and so on – must come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. And when we fulfill our role as priests as well as being salt and light for our Lord in the world, we would be fulfilling our purpose as His people! (E.g. Ezra 9-10:5; Jonah 3:6-10; Revelation 2 & 3)

During times of prayer when we pray in identification with the group you belong to, or stand in proxy of any group, use the words “we… our… us” rather than “they… theirs… them”. (E.g. Nehemiah 1:4-7)

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Family Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For all that God has blessed you and your family with (James 1:17).

 Index finger: Pray for leaders For the married: Pray for your spouse For children: Pray for your parents For singles: Pray for your mentors (Ephesians 5:22-33; Deuteronomy 6:1-9; John 15:5).

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people For their salvation if they are pre-believers; if they are believers, pray for their growth in Christ (1 Timothy 2:4; Colossians 1:10, 2 Thessalonians 1:11).

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need For God to be their Provider and Help (Philippians 4:19, Psalm 121).

 Little finger: Pray for self Seek God regarding how He wants you to serve and love your family … and do it! (1 Corinthians 13:1-8a)


Day 7 Personal Review and Accountability

REJOICE “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

REVIEW (I) What has God spoken to you this past week? Thank God for:  Speaking to you

 Having NOT given up on you  Revealing WHO He is to you  His grace, love, forgiveness and for a NEW Beginning! (Jeremiah 31:3; Philippians 1:7)

Sing a song/hymn to:  Praise Him  Exalt Him  Thank Him  … for WHO He is to you and WHAT He has done for you this past week

REVIEW (II) How have you been acting on what God has spoken to you?  Have you OBEYED?  Did you begin to obey BUT have since STOPPED?  Have you procrastinated?  Or did you brush it aside altogether?

Give thanks and Rejoice!  For God’s gift in the Person of the Holy Spirit who empowers you to OBEY! (1 Peter 1:3-4)  For God’s grace and forgiveness is still available to you even if you did not obey! (1 John 1:9)

Give some thought and Reflect …  Ask yourself honestly WHY did you not obey? Keep asking yourself WHY until you reach the root of the issue (often it is the issue of the heart).  Confess, repent, and return to the Lord. Call upon the Lord while He still may be found. Refer to Day 6’s Devotion (Isaiah 55:6).  Tell God you are willing and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Claim Psalm 73:25-26.

REVIEW (III) Be accountable to your Small Group or knit-hearted brothers or sisters-in-Christ who have committed to pray and support you in this 2 Chronicles 7:14 journey with the Lord your God.  Testify HOW the Lord has spoken to you!  Share with them honestly whether you have OBEYED, or not, and your RESOLUTION thereafter.


DID YOU KNOW? No Christian is Greater than his Prayer Life The church has many organizers, But few agonizers. Many who pay, but few who pray; Many resters, but few wrestlers; Many who are enterprising, But few who are interceding. People who are not praying are playing.

Two pre-requisites of a dynamic Christian living – Are vision and passion, And both of these are generated in the prayer closet.

The ministry of preaching is open to a few. The ministry of prayer is open to every child of God. Don’t mistake action for unction, Commotion for creation, And rattles for revivals.

When we pray, God listens to our heartbeat. Hannah’s lips moved, But her voice was not heard (1 Sam 1:12,13). When we pray in the Spirit, There are groanings which cannot be uttered (Rom 8:26).

Tithes may build a church, But tears will give it life. That is the difference Between the modern church and the early church. Our emphasis is on paying, theirs was on praying. When we have paid, the place is taken. When they had prayed, the place was shaken (Acts 4:31)

In the matter of effective praying, Never have so many left so much to so few. Brothers and sisters, we need to pray.”

By Leonard Ravenhill, from Why Revival Tarries7

7 Leonard Ravenhill, Why Revival Tarries (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House, 1987). 19

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Universal Church Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks That Jesus is the Head of His Church and God is in total control! (Ephesians 4:15-16)

 Index finger: Pray for leaders That our God-appointed shepherds – Pastors, Church Ministry leaders – serve from a heart of worship and emulate Jesus the Good Shepherd in values, skills and ways (Psalm 78:72); that they be faithful so as to present everyone mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28-29).

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people That the Universal Church of Jesus Christ will repent and realign with God, His Holiness, His Ways and His Will – for it is time for judgment to begin at the household of faith (1 Peter 4:17).

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need For EACH ONE in the household of faith to have eyes to SEE as God sees – that we need to WAKE UP, GROW UP and BE READY for Jesus’ Second Coming (1 Corinthians 15:34 & Revelation 3:2-3, Ephesians 4:11-16 & 1 Peter 2:2).

 Little finger: Pray for self For God to help you envision all nations represented in Heaven worshipping Him (Revelation 7:9-12, Genesis 12:2-3, Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8).


Day 8 What did God tell His people to do? (Part 2) Turn from our wicked way – Power

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

The next three days of meditation will lead us inward to focus on THREE specific ways that we have been wicked – or plainly put, THREE specific sins so that each one of us has the opportunity to repent and uproot them, once and for all. DO NOT leave any root or rootlets in your heart because new shoots will grow and roots will grow deeper and stronger. BE PATIENT, DO NOT HURRY, and DO NOT BE AFRAID as you will probably be confessing, repenting, renouncing and evicting that particular sin, layer after layer, which would likely have been surfacing in various relationships and situations in your life, accumulated over all these years. So as the Holy Spirit reveals to you, feel free to go through this process for one specific sin over a few days, if need be. A gentle but vital reminder – please ensure that you take time to prepare yourself through the prayers found on page 5, “PRAY before you begin each day”.

Today, we will begin with POWER.

What is power? Power is “the ability to control people or events, or the ability to influence people” that is “indicative of might, strength, force … rule, strength, might, dominion.”8

One can argue that there is a place for human beings to have power, for example, a policeman must have the power to arrest a criminal. But should a policeman use the authority, that is, the right to execute power that comes with his appointment as a law enforcer, and coerce citizens to give him gifts to ensure their protection and safety? Certainly the answer is a loud, “No!”

Thus we see that we need to probe into the PURPOSE of power, the POSTURE of power, the PRACTICE of power and the POSITION of power. Purpose reveals the reason why power is executed; posture reveals the heart’s attitude and motivation of the person executing that power; practice shows how power is executed (E.g. by fear, force or individual’s choice) and practice is governed by the values embraced by the one executing power; and lastly, position indicates the rightful and legitimate appointment of that person to execute that power.

Truth is, the Sovereign Almighty Lord ALONE is the ONLY RIGHTFUL and LEGITIMATE One who can self-appoint to execute power and authorize others to do so. No one else! This is because the Sovereign Almighty Lord’s inherent ‘position’ as God – is inseparable from WHO He is and His Attributes. For example, the Lord is all pure, all holy and all righteous, etc … and His purpose, posture and practice of power likewise, are pure, holy, righteous, etc.

8 James Orr, International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia Online: under “Power,” https://www.internationalstandardbible.com/P/power.html (accessed May 22, 2020) and Longman Dictionary Online: under “Power,” https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/power (accessed May 22, 2020). 21

Therefore, ONLY the Lord God is the source of both absolute Authority and Power! And whoever the Lord appoints to be in a position of authority and power, that person receives the extended authority and power from the Lord God Himself. Thus, that person is to follow and model after the Lord – HOW the Lord executes power – as he or she seeks the Lord for His purposes in that appointed position, and ensures that his or her heart’s posture is blameless before the Lord Himself.

But for those of us whom God has yet to appoint us to a position of power, we would be wise to guard our hearts – the seat of our emotions, thoughts and will – against coveting, manoeuvring and acquiring the seat of power, for we are contending with God and not others.

Power takes on many forms. For example, we can wield power and control through our words, tone of voice, silence, behaviour, emotion, etc. Power can take place at varied places such as our home, work, school, church, along the road, etc. Sometimes, power can be easily spotted, but at other times, it can go unnoticed especially when external behaviour does not betray the heart’s ungodly motivation. Only the Holy Spirit and God’s Holy Word can truly illumine us.

Perhaps for God’s people, the opposite of power is SURRENDER, and not weakness, as defined by the world. To LET GO of power to God can only be achieved when we BELIEVE and TRUST in the Lord who will judge and intervene according to His holiness, righteousness, love and grace.

REFLECT Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you:  Has the Lord appointed you to any position of power? If yes, reflect on your genuine purpose, posture and practice of exercising power … control … influence … rule over others and situations. Reflect on the values that you hold too.

Or have you abdicated the Lord’s appointment of power? Recall that God’s appointed position of power is for His purposes and His glory. Reflect why you did not rise up in courage and trust, and give in to the Lord’s appointment.

 Have there been occasions when you coveted or jostled for power, or even acquired the position of power when the Lord has not appointed you? Recall and reflect when, where and why.

 Have you been wielding power in the daily routines of life? E.g. Occasions when you must have the control, with regards to what is to be done, how it is to be done, when it is to be done, why it is to be done and who is to do it, etc.

Recall when and where, and reflect on your purpose, posture and practice of exercising power … control … influence … rule over others and situations. What values are you holding to?

Surrender to the Lord each aspect of power and control that the Holy Spirit is revealing to you.

Key words for Reflection: Meekness, Surrender.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).


REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

FURTHER MEDITATION Luke 22:24-27; John 3:27; James 3:13 to 4:12

DID YOU KNOW? “The Kingdom of God is simply God’s power enthroned in our hearts. Faith in the Kingdom of God is what makes us light of heart and what Christian joy is all about.” John Main9

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: World Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For responsible government leaders in the world who rise up in courage and integrity to serve the people they are entrusted with despite challenging situations.

 Index finger: Pray for leaders That the World Health Organization and government leaders will fear God so that all decisions made will be for the good welfare of peoples from all nations.

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people God’s wisdom be upon His appointed individuals to discover a vaccine; God will protect frontline workers and their families; that all peoples in every land be socially responsible and care for one another.

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need That those infected will recover; pre-believers will cry out to the Living God and be saved in and through Jesus Christ; that the needs of those who lack financially, emotionally, psychologically and practically will be met.

 Little finger: Pray for self Repent from praying primarily for your own personal needs. Tell God that you choose to seek and pray His Heart for the nations that He is leading you to.

9 Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild, The Lion Christian Quotation Collection, (Oxford: Lion Publishing plc, 1997), Page 282. 23

Day 9 What did God tell His people to do? (Part 3) Turn from our wicked way – Pride

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Today, we continue our journey inward to confront PRIDE.

Once again, this is God’s redemptive and gracious opportunity for each of us to repent and uproot the sin of pride, once and for all. DO NOT leave any root or rootlets in your heart because new shoots will grow and roots will grow deeper and stronger. BE PATIENT, DO NOT HURRY, and DO NOT BE AFRAID as you will probably be confessing, repenting, renouncing and evicting pride – one incident after another – as the Holy Spirit reveals to you. Hence, feel free to go through this process for over a few days, if need be. A gentle but important reminder is to take time to prepare yourself through the prayers found on page 5, “PRAY before you begin each day”.

So, what is pride? Pride thinks that it is better than others in any area of life – be it in talents, wealth, beauty, rank, even in spirituality, etc. Pride treats others as inferior and in contempt, disdain and scorn sometimes explicitly for all to see, or secretly in its heart, and hence, unknown to others. And since pride elevates itself above others, it does not think it is ever wrong, and even if it knows it is wrong, pride will never admit it or apologize to another. Pride has the tinge of stubbornness and even defiance by not backing down or giving way to others.

Pride deceives others when prideful thoughts are well hidden, or when pride disguises itself in the form of false humility (Colossians 2:18,23). Pride deceives itself too when it truly believes that it more superior than others – but is wrong. Hence, pride hurts itself and others and it certainly does not love others (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a).

How Pride works Pride is cunning and sneaky in that when it first appears to us, pride often comes as a friend, not a foe. Pride engages pleasant conversations with us about things that we would like to hear about ourselves and we agree with pride! For example, how much more generous we are or how much more knowledgeable we are in Scriptures than another. But unsuspecting ones who welcome, entertain and befriend pride will soon realize that pride has a hold on us and would not let go of the grip and shackles it has over us. Even when we finally recognise pride, we would have been too accustomed to its caresses of our ego, and we do not readily nor willingly want to give up the wonderful feeling of being needed, appreciated, applauded, approved of, etc. In fact, being humans, we will want MORE of pride’s compliments and we want praises to be MORE INTENSE. We do not want to let pride go!10

10 Hannah Hurnard, Hinds’ Feet on High Places (Eastbourne: Kingsway, 1999), chapter 5 – The Encounter with Pride, pages 44-49, is the inspiration for the personification of pride. 24

The hard truth is that when we are proud, we take the SEAT of God as God alone is ABOVE ALL. God alone knows all things. God alone is perfect for He is all Holy, Righteous, Pure and True. Only the Lord God is all wise and is the wealthiest as He is Creator Sovereign God who owns everything. Only the Lord God is worthy of worship, praise, glory and honour (Revelation 5:13). No one else.

REFLECT Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the occasions when you …  Thought yourself better than another  Thought you were humble but it was false humility  Enjoyed what pride offers and have chosen NOT to let go

Reflect on how you treated others in terms of your attitudes, thoughts, words, and behaviour against God’s Word in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a and 1 John 4:19-21.

Reflect how these ones feel and think as they encountered pride in you. Reflect how God thinks and feels about you, knowing that His son or daughter is prideful.

Key words for Reflection: Humility; Love; Do not make a practice of sinning.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

FURTHER MEDITATION Proverbs 16:5; Proverbs 21:4; Mark 7:20-23 and James 4:6

DID YOU KNOW? To be humble does not mean mindlessly doing things without questioning, nor does it mean a person does not have a right assessment of oneself, one’s abilities, talents, spiritual gifts, etc. To be humble as children of God means to have a convicted perspective, belief and attitude that all that we are, have and can do – inherent or learnt – is completely granted by the grace and love of God.11

11 W. L. Walker, International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia Online: under “Humility,” https://www.internationalstandardbible.com/H/humility.html (accessed May 22, 2020). 25

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Singapore Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For wise yet hard decisions made for the good of all residents; for various individuals and organisations who selflessly helped others in need.

 Index finger: Pray for leaders For wisdom, integrity and courage be upon all leaders in government, Ministry of Health, employers, and religious institutions.

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people For the Church in Singapore to repent, realign and renew our Covenant to the Lord with a whole heart; God will protect healthcare and frontline workers and their families; for all residents in Singapore to be socially responsible and to care for one another.

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need That those infected will recover; pre-believers will cry out to the Living God and come into salvation grace in Jesus; that needs of those who lack financially, emotionally, psychologically and practically will be met, especially the vulnerable like the elderly and migrant workers.

 Little finger: Pray for self That God will grow urgency, passion and compassion in your heart to pray regularly for Singapore – that we will be a people who bless other nations with the blessings we receive from God, from a caring humble heart.


Day 10 What did God tell His people to do? (Part 4) Turn from our wicked way – Possessions

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Today, we journey inward to confront POSSESSIONS – anything or anyone that we value a lot. Hence, it may or may not necessarily be material things.

An essential reminder to everyone, do take time to prepare yourself through the prayers found on page 5, “PRAY before you begin each day”. Seize this God-given opportunity to repent and uproot the sin of possessions, once and for all. DO NOT leave any root or rootlets in your heart because new shoots will grow and roots will grow deeper and stronger. BE PATIENT, DO NOT HURRY, and DO NOT BE AFRAID as you will probably be confessing, repenting, renouncing and evicting this sin as the Holy Spirit reveals to you – one by one. Hence, feel free to go through this process for over a few days, if need be.

What Possessions entails When we treasure something or someone, we naturally, happily and willingly give our strength and energy, our time and our money, our thoughts and our emotions – our life – to that or whom we cherish dearly.

The questions we need to honestly ask ourselves are: Where then is God in our heart and life? Is God not the One and only One who deserves ALL our strength and energy, time and money, thoughts and emotions? Has He not required of us as His Redeemed Covenant People to love Him with ALL our heart, with ALL our soul, with ALL our mind and with ALL our strength?

We have made our possessions our god and idol for where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. We have forsaken the Lord our God and Saviour and have hewed out cisterns that can hold no water (Matthew 6:21 & Jeremiah 2:13).

God’s Possession It is ironic that God sees and calls us His people as His possession (1 Peter 2:9-10). He treasures and cherishes us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to take on the form of a human being to suffer and die in atonement for our sins and made us His enemies to become His beloved children. God gave HIS ALL for us and yet, we do not give our ALL to Him. We are unwilling, reluctant, and to put it bluntly – ungrateful, selfish, a ‘God-user’ rather than people who fear God, worship Him with our all, and love Him above all our other loves.


REFLECT Ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify EACH material goods, persons and/or intangible concerns that you VALUE more than God (E.g. Money, loved ones, self, popularity, efficiency, being right … or being understood, doing good works, etc).

Meditate on Hebrews 10:26-31 and Joel 2:12-13.

Key words for Reflection: Covetousness; Idolatry; Sinning deliberately; Wholehearted Love.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

FURTHER MEDITATION Ephesians 5:3-21; Colossians 3:1-17; 1 John 2:15-17

Notes There might be OTHER wicked ways apart from Power, Pride and Possessions that the Holy Spirit has revealed to you to repent of and uproot. Do heed the Holy Spirit’s leading!

DID YOU KNOW? “One great hindrance to personal revival is not obvious wrong but unsurrendered rights. Worry, greed and selfish anger are all signs of rights never given over to God.” The Revival Study Bible.12

12 The Revival Study Bible, (Singapore: Genesis Books, 2010), under Luke 17:7-10 notes, page 1432. 28

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Workplaces or Schools (for students) Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For kindness, love and care shown to you and bless the person(s) by name!

 Index finger: Pray for leaders For the Minister overseeing your work industry (or Minister of Education), Reporting Officers (or principals and teachers) to fear God so that decisions made will be for the good welfare for all at your workplace (or school).

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people For God’s grace, mercy and protection over those who are important to you regarding your work (or studies) and for their salvation if they are Pre-Believers. E.g. Peers, Superiors, Subordinates, Vendors, Clients; (or friends, coach, CCA Team mates … etc).

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need That those at your workplace (or school) who need financial, emotional, psychological, medical and practical help, amidst all the precautionary measures, will receive the help that they need.

 Little finger: Pray for self That you will avail yourself to God – and to obey Him – as He convicts you to meet the needs of those around you.


Day 11 What did God promise He will do? (Part 1) Hear from heaven

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

One of the three things the Lord promised is that He will hear our prayers IF we humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.

But wait! Why did God make this promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14 a conditional one? Should not God hear our prayers regardless? Dare we even think that? Who are we to expect that God MUST HEAR us, or to dictate that God MUST NOT put a condition to the promises He makes with His people?

Such audacity! We do NOT fear the Holy Sovereign Almighty God! Our attitude, choices and behaviour are NOT congruent to WHO God truly is – Holy, Sovereign, Almighty… and He is God!

Moreover, we HAVE BROKEN our covenant with the Holy Sovereign and Almighty God. We HAVE BROKEN fellowship with God even after we received His forgiveness for our sins when we accepted Jesus as our Lord God & Saviour. We DID NOT LISTEN to Him to keep covenant faithfulness. We have sinned against Him, again.

We do not deserve God nor do we deserve to have God hear us – and YET, God promised us that He will! Even with a condition attached to the promise, God has ONCE MORE extended grace to us – kindness that we do NOT deserve!

We have taken God, His grace and mercy for granted. Let us watch and guard our hearts, thoughts and attitudes. May we confess & repent today.

REFLECT Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the times when you …  Had been audacious toward God devoid of reverence and awe  Had taken God, His grace and mercy for granted

Reflect why God said that He will not hear His people in Ezekiel 8 and Isaiah 58:1-4, while in 2 Chronicles 7:14 God said He will hear and forgive.

Key words for Reflection: Fear God; Grace.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).


REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

FURTHER MEDITATION Psalm 89:30-34; Jeremiah 9:23-24

DID YOU KNOW? “Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen, such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the Kingdom of God upon earth.” John Wesley13

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Ministry – Where you serve Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For your God-given passion and spiritual gifting!

 Index finger: Pray for leaders That they will model for the team, Christ’s character, values and a shepherd’s heart – so that perspectives, attitudes, words, decisions and actions will be pleasing and glorifying to God.

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people For the core team, potential ministry leaders and their loved ones to be passionate for Jesus, His Kingdom and His righteousness; and to keep on growing in spiritual maturity, and in their ministry cum leadership skills.

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need For leaders to seek God for His wisdom and creativity to serve God’s people during this pandemic (and beyond COVID-19!) and to obey!

 Little finger: Pray for self To be a catalyst in your Ministry Team, to be a holy vessel, useful and ready for every good work and for God’s glory (2 Timothy 2:21).

13 Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild, The Lion Christian Quotation Collection, (Oxford: Lion Publishing plc, 1997), Page 156. 31

Day 12 What did God promise He will do? (Part 2) Forgive our sins and Heal our land

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Besides hearing from heaven, the Lord also promised us, His people, that He will forgive our sins and heal our land IF we humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.

We need to know and remember that the power of sin over us has already been broken – in and through Jesus’ death and resurrection once and for all – JESUS HAS SET US FREE! And each one of us is to take personal responsibility to live to God, in righteousness, towards sanctification and eternal life – in and only in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Yes, we still sin while we are on earth and God knows that. Hence, for us to “partake His Divine Nature” (2 Peter 1:3-4), God graciously made provision through His Power, the Holy Spirit, and His Precious Promises, found in the Word of God. Nonetheless, God still requires us to confess and repent of our sins when the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins. As mentioned in the previous day’s Devotion, it is sheer GRACE from God.

And when we do heed God’s Word, GOD WILL HEAL OUR LAND! God WILL ERADICATE COVID-19! The Lord is faithful! He cannot deny Himself! (2 Timothy 2:13). God can do it just by saying a word like in creation or like Jesus calming the storm, would you BELIEVE? But only the Sovereign Lord knows the perfect time as 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow to fulfil His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

REFLECT Do you truly believe that …  By REPENTING from your wicked ways God will forgive and heal our land from COVID-19?  Christ has already broken the power of sin and has set you FREE?  You can live a godly life through God’s Holy Spirit and God’s Holy Word?

If you honestly find it hard to believe, ask God for help and ask yourself why you are not able to believe as God’s Word is Truth.

Key words for Reflection: Divine Exchange; Living in the Spirit; Trust in the Lord.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …


REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

FURTHER MEDITATION Romans 6 to 8:17; 1 John 3:4-10

DID YOU KNOW? As mentioned earlier in the Devotion, we CAN bear Christ-likeness while on earth! And it is only possible when we are in Christ and through the Holy Spirit’s empowerment and the precious promises of God (2 Peter 1:3-4)! Promises such as God will help us keep covenant with Him (Psalm 73:26). We thus need the infilling of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) to bear the character of Christ, and to do the will of the Father as Jesus did, in the posture that Jesus had. You can find out how to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit in the article found in Appendix D.

Other ways that God empowers us, His people, are through the Church – other fellow believers in Christ – hence, belonging in a Small Group and serving in God’s Kingdom are important! Moreover, God’s Word and the Spiritual Disciplines14 also help us in this regard.

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Spiritual Family – Small Group Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For the blessings God has granted to our Small Group; name them ONE by ONE!

 Index finger: Pray for leaders That your Parish Pastor, Parish Leader, Team Leader, Group Leader, Apprentice Leader and the F.A.I.T.H. Champions will live Colossians 1:28-29 so as to present everyone mature in Christ.

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people That EACH ONE in the Small Group will live out the Great Commandment, the Great Commission and the Great Surrender in deeper measure each day!

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need Pray God’s promises over each Small Group member who is in need especially due to COVID-19. Meet the need if you are able (1 John 3:16-18).

 Little finger: Pray for self Commit to love your Small Group Members as you live out 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 and 1 John 4:7-21.

14 Regarding Spiritual Disciplines, check out the Resource Portal at Faith Methodist Church website at https://faithmc.sg/portal. 33

Day 13 Your Response

MEDITATION READ “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

The hard truth of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is that the onus is on ALL who profess that we are God’s people, called by His name. ALL that God promises to do – hear, forgive and heal our land is dependent on EACH ONE’s humbling before God in holy fear, seeking God’s face to be convicted of whatever wicked ways (sin) He sees in our lives and choosing to repent.

As God’s people, we are blessed to be a blessing. God’s heart since the Old Testament, to the New Testament, and right through the centuries, and to eternity, is for all nations.15 God desires none to perish and He has chosen us, His people, to be His holy and consecrated channels of blessings in bringing the Good News of salvation and setting people FREE in and through Jesus Christ – not just spiritually, but also emotionally, socially, etc. (Matthew 6:33 & Luke 4:18-19).

Revelation 12:12 tells us that the devil knows that his time is short, do we? Let us BE READY to meet Jesus at His Second Coming! Let us BE READY when the ‘Play’ or ‘Fast Forward’ button is pressed! (See Appendix A)

REFLECT How ready are you to be God’s holy and consecrated channels of blessings to people? How willing are you to be God’s channels to SET PEOPLE FREE in and through Jesus Christ?

How ready are you to meet Jesus at His Second Coming? How willing are you to be MADE READY to meet Jesus at His Second Coming?

Consider this: BE a catalyst for prayer among family members, friends, Small Group, ministry teams, colleagues, etc, and to GROW in prayer amidst COVID-19, beyond COVID-19, towards the Second Coming of Jesus.

Key words for Reflection: Will of God; Kingdom of God, Righteousness of God; Jesus’ Second Coming.

REPENT & RENOUNCE Lord, I confess and repent from … I renounce and cut-off all associations or soul ties with … I choose to uproot my sin … (see Appendix B for guidance).

REALIGN Lord, I realign myself to You regarding …

REJOICE Lord, I thank You for …

15 Genesis 12:1-3; Acts 1:8 and Revelation 7:9-12. 34

FURTHER MEDITATION Matthew 7:21-23 & 25:1-46; Ephesians 4:11-16 and 1 Peter 2:2

DID YOU KNOW? “Happy are they who know that discipleship simply means the life which springs from grace, and that grace simply means discipleship.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer16

“We do the works, but God works in us the doing of them.” Augustine of Hippo17

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Family Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks For all that God has blessed you and your family with (James 1:17).

 Index finger: Pray for leaders For the married: Pray for your spouse For children: Pray for your parents For singles: Pray for your mentors (Ephesians 5:22-33; Deuteronomy 6:1-9; John 15:5).

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people For their salvation if they are pre-believers; If they are believers, pray for their growth in Christ (1 Timothy 2:4; Colossians 1:10, 2 Thessalonians 1:11).

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need For God to be their Provider and Help (Philippians 4:19, Psalm 121).

 Little finger: Pray for self Seek God regarding how He wants you to serve and love your family and do it! (1 Corinthians 13:1-8a)

16 Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild, The Lion Christian Quotation Collection, (Oxford: Lion Publishing plc, 1997), page 203. 17 Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild, The Lion Christian Quotation Collection, (Oxford: Lion Publishing plc, 1997), page 34. 35

Day 14 Personal Review and Accountability

REJOICE “Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!” Psalm 106:1

REVIEW (I) What has God spoken to you this past week? Thank God for:  Speaking to you  Having NOT given up on you  Revealing WHO He is to you  His grace, love, forgiveness and for a NEW Beginning! (Jeremiah 31:3; Philippians 1:7)

Sing a song/hymn to:  Praise Him  Exalt Him  Thank Him  … for WHO He is to you and WHAT He has done for you this past week

REVIEW (II) How have you been acting on what God has spoken to you?  Have you OBEYED?  Did you begin to obey BUT have since STOPPED?  Have you procrastinated?  Or did you brush it aside altogether?

Give thanks and Rejoice!  For God’s gift in the Person of the Holy Spirit who empowers you to OBEY! (1 Peter 1:3-4)  For God’s grace and forgiveness is still available to you even if you did not obey! (1 John 1:9)

Give some thought and Reflect …  Ask yourself honestly WHY did you not obey? Keep asking yourself WHY until you reach the root of the issue (often it is the issue of the heart).  Confess, repent, and return to the Lord. Call upon the Lord while He still may be found. Refer to Day 6’s Devotion (Isaiah 55:6).  Tell God you are willing and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Claim Psalm 73:25-26.

REVIEW (III) Be accountable to your Small Group or knit-hearted brothers or sisters-in-Christ who have committed to pray and support you in this 2 Chronicles 7:14 journey with the Lord your God.  Testify HOW the Lord has spoken to you!  Share with them honestly whether you OBEYED, or not, and your RESOLUTION thereafter.


DID YOU KNOW? A Covenant Prayer in the Wesleyan Tradition I am no longer my own, but Thine Put me to what Thou wilt, rank me with whom Thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed by Thee or laid aside for Thee, Exalted for Thee or brought low for Thee. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to Thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Thou art mine and I am Thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, Let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.18

PRAYER: COVID-19 Prayer Hand: Universal Church Note: Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. Sample prayers serve only as a guide.

 Thumb: Give Thanks That Jesus is the Head of His Church and God is in total control! (Ephesians 4:15-16)

 Index finger: Pray for leaders That our God-appointed shepherds – Pastors, Church leaders – serve from a heart of worship and emulate Jesus the Good Shepherd in values, skills and ways! (Psalm 78:72); that they be faithful so as to present everyone mature in Christ (Colossians 1:27-28).

 Middle finger: Pray for significant people That the Universal Church of Jesus Christ will repent and realign with God, His Holiness, His Ways and His Will – for it is time for judgment to begin at the household of faith (1 Peter 4:17).

 Ring finger: Pray for those in need For EACH ONE in the household of faith to have eyes to SEE as God sees – that we need to WAKE UP, GROW UP and BE READY for Jesus’ Second Coming (1 Corinthians 15:34 & Revelation 3:2-3).

 Little finger: Pray for self For God to help you envision all nations represented in Heaven worshipping Him! (Revelation 7:9-12, Genesis 12:2-3, Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8).

18 The United Methodist Hymnal (Nashville, Tennessee: The United Methodist Publishing House, 1994), UMH 607. 37

After Notes

Contact [email protected] and share …

 HOW this 2 Chronicles 7:14 Devotional has blessed you  HOW the Prayer Hand has helped you to pray regularly  WHO you have shared with or intend to share with about this Devotional and Prayer Hand E.g. The Ministry Team you serve with, your family and friends  Any other feedback

Continue praying daily with the Prayer Hand for:

 COVID-19  Other contexts: E.g. Salvation of your Grandmother (Personal Outreach), A Missions Field (Missions Outreach), Migrant Workers (Social Outreach), Singapore fulfilling God-given Destiny (National), Save our Planet (Current Affairs), etc.

Thank you for your engaging with the Lord together through His Word and Prayer! May each of us glorify God and enjoy Him forever for that is the chief end of man! 19

19Westminster Shorter Catechism Project: Question 1, last modified May 22, 2019, 04:46:26, https://www.shortercatechism.com/resources/wsc/wsc_001.html 38

Appendix A – Prayer and Reflection by Dr Tan Gee Paw (Used with permission)

The Word of the Lord that came to me on Thursday 6th Feb 2020 – “The Wuhan Virus”

China and the whole world are gripped by the outbreak of the Wuhan virus with city lock downs in many parts of China and the closing of borders with China by many countries. In the late afternoon of 6th Feb 2020, I went to Macrichtie Reservoir Park to spend a quiet time before dinner. As I sat on the bench in communion with the Lord, I asked a silent question, “Lord, what is the meaning of this outbreak?” I was taken aback by a clear answer from the Lord, saying, “I have pressed the pause button on China.”

My immediate reaction was “Lord, if you have pressed the pause button on China, then you have also pressed the pause button on all surrounding countries affiliated with China, including Singapore.”

As the message was so clear, I walked back to my car in deep silence. As I drove home, I turned on the radio (93.8) to hear the 5.30pm news. One of the news items shook me up. The radio announcer read out “China has pressed the pause button and postponed its annual National Peoples Congress, the top policy making body.” The very words “pressed the pause button” was read out! I listened again to the 6pm news, and the same words were repeated.

Message to the churches:

The Lord has pressed the pause button not only for China but also the church in Asia. It is time for us to pause, be quiet and spend time with Him. We must pause to listen to Him, for time is fast running on.

Tan Gee Paw

Note: Photograph of actual transcript affixed 39

Appendix B – Uprooting Sins

The following steps are not a formula, but only a guide for your prayer. What is critical is that you believe in Jesus because it is only in His Name that sins can and will be uprooted. It is also important that you appropriate God’s truth that He loves you and cares for you because the Holy Spirit will lovingly guide you in uprooting the sins in your life.

If you have yet to pray the Lordship Prayer and the Prayer to discern God’s voice, do take time to do so as preparation of your heart and time with the Lord.

Lordship Prayer Jesus, I declare You Lord over my spirit – I worship You and You alone; Jesus, I declare You Lord over my mind – I will have godly thinking; Jesus, I declare You Lord over my emotions – I will have godly emotions; Jesus, I declare You Lord over my will – I will choose to follow You; Jesus, I declare You Lord over my body – my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer to Discern God’s Voice Silence THREE voices (self, world and enemy) and invite the Holy Spirit to speak.

Confess and repent of the sins that you are aware of to silence our own voice.

Pray 2 Corinthians 10:5 to silence the voice(s) from the world, “Lord, I destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive that I will obey Christ.”

Believe in Jesus’ powerful name and in His triumph over the enemy (Colossians 2:15) and command to silence the enemy, “In Jesus’ name, I silence the voice of the enemy!”

Now, invite the Holy Spirit to speak. Believe that the Third Person of the Holy Trinity will speak! (John 14:26). When what you hear is redemptive and glorifying to God, it is of the Holy Spirit.

You can now begin to uproot the sins in your life.

Prayer Guide for Uprooting Sins 1. Ask God to forgive you: “Lord, I ask for Your forgiveness that I have sinned against you in … Confess and repent: “Lord, I confess and repent of the sin of …” 2. Forgive the people who knowingly or unknowingly led you to sin – “Lord, I forgive for that made you . 3. Renounce the sin(s): “Lord, I renounce … (if there were vows, promises, pacts made) 4. Break from the sin: “Lord, I break … (name the sin) over my life, in Jesus’ Name” & if appropriate, “Lord, I break ‘shame and guilt’ in me, in Jesus’ Name”


5. Cancel the vows, promises, pacts made that were renounced earlier (to declare null and void): “In Jesus’ Name, I cancel the vows, promises, pacts made with/to 6. Cut ungodly soul ties20: “In Jesus’ Name, I cut all ungodly soul ties between and myself,” if appropriate. 7. Uproot or evict the sin: “In Jesus’ Name, I call you to come up and out of me NOW!” 8. Close in Prayer: Thank God for His grace and mercy. Pray God’s Blessings and God’s Promises into your heart and life. Believe it and claim it! Pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Note:  If you have any clarifications or need further help/pastoral support, please contact your Parish Leaders or Peh Oon Thian, Senior Pastoral Team Member.

20 Soul ties - Soul ties are the unseen bonds in relationships that can have good, positive and godly impact, or bad, negative and ungodly impact in a person’s life. An ungodly soul tie has a hold on the soul that can cause emotional or physical damage, that is, an unseen control over a person’s life that can powerfully pull him/her away from the place of peace that God desires for all His children. Biblical reference can be found in 1 Corinthians 6:16, “Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, ‘The two will become one flesh.’” 41

Appendix C – The Eightfold Core Curriculum for Discipleship

The list in the Core Curriculum is …  Fundamental – Hence, the curriculum is not incidental nor is it supplemental.  Progressive – All aspects of the curriculum are important.  Diagnostic – It determines the root problem by going one step back anti-clockwise in the diagram. Example, the root problem regarding the issue of priorities is values.  Prescriptive – It identifies the solution by going two steps back anti-clockwise in the diagram. Example, the solution regarding the issue of priorities is to know one’s purpose.

For further information, kindly look up Roots & Wings: An Integrative Bible Study for Discipleship – Facilitator’s Guide (Covenant Evangelical Free Church: Singapore, 2009), by Ann Chan with Edmund Chan, pages 22-28. 42

Appendix D – How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit (Adapted from A.W. Tozer)

How are we to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Before we deal with the question of how to be filled with the Holy Spirit, there are some matters which first have to be settled. Before you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you must …

Be sure that you can be filled. Satan has opposed the doctrine of the Spirit-filled life as bitterly as any other doctrine there is. The Church has tragically neglected this great liberating truth – that there is now for the child of God a full and completely satisfying anointing with the Holy Spirit. So you have to be sure that it is for you. You must be sure that it is God’s will for you; that is, that it is part of the total plan included and embraced within the work of Christ in redemption!

You must be satisfied that it is not abnormal. If it appears unusual, this is only because our spiritual lives are so wretchedly far down from where they should be. You must be satisfied again, that there is nothing strange or queer about the Holy Spirit. There is nothing eerie, nothing contrary to the normal operations of the human heart about the Holy Ghost. He is only the essence of Jesus imparted to believers. You read the four gospels and see for yourself how wonderfully calm, pure, sane, simple, sweet, natural and lovable Jesus was! Even philosophers who don’t believe in His deity have to admit the lovable-ness of His character.

You must be sure of all these above to the point of conviction. That is, you must be convinced to a point where you won’t try to persuade God. Unless you have arrived at this place in your listening and thinking and meditating and praying, where you know that the Spirit-filled life is for you, unless you are convinced that in the blood of Jesus when He died on the cross there was included, as a purchase of that blood, your right to a full, Spirit-filled life – unless you are convinced that this isn’t an added, extra, deluxe something that you have to go to God and beg for, I recommend this to you: I recommend that you don’t do anything about it yet except to meditate upon the Scriptures bearing on this truth. Go to the Word of God and to those parts of it which deal with the Holy Spirit and meditate upon them.

Once again, before you can be filled with the Spirit, you must desire to be filled. Are you sure that you want to be possessed by a spirit other than your own? Are you certain that you desire to hand the keys of your soul over to the Holy Spirit? Are you sure that you want your personality to be taken over by one who will expect obedience to the written and living Word? Are you sure, brother? You want His help, yes; you want a lot of His benefits, yes; but are you willing to go with Him in His opposition to the easy-going ways of the world? Or can’t you get along the way you are? You have been doing fairly well. You pray, you read your Bible, you give to missions, you have prayer at home and you are glad about all these. Can’t you get along just like that?

But perhaps in your heart, you feel that you just can’t go on as you are, that the level of spirituality to which you know yourself called is way beyond you. If you feel that there are levels of spirituality, mystic deeps and heights of spiritual communion, purity and power that you have never known, that there is fruit which you know you should have and have not – I would say, “Come on,” because God has something for you!


There is a spiritual loneliness, an inner place where God brings the seeker. There is a darkness of mind, an emptiness of heart, but it is preliminary to the daybreak. O God, bring us, somehow to the daybreak!

Here is how to receive the Holy Spirit. Firstly, present your body to Him (Romans 12:1-2). God can’t fill what He can’t have. Are you ready to present your body with all its functions and all that it contains – your mind, your personality, your spirit, your love, your ambitions, your all?

Now the second thing is to ask (Luke 11:9-11). The gift of the Holy Spirit is all for us, and if the Lord wanted to do it, He could give it without our asking, but He chooses to have us ask. “Ask of me, and I will give thee” is always God’s order; so why not ask?

Acts 5:32 tells us the third thing to do. God gives His Holy Spirit to them that obey Him. Are you ready to obey and do what you are asked to do? To live by the Scriptures as you understand them?

The next thing is, have faith (Galatians 3:2). We receive the Holy Spirit by faith as we receive the Lord in salvation by faith. The Spirit comes as a gift of God to us in power. He possesses the full body and mind and life and heart, taking the whole personality over, gently but directly and bluntly and make it His, that we may become a habitation of God through the Spirit.

Our comforter, the Holy Spirit has come to the earth. He is here and ready, when we present our vessel, to fill our vessel if we will ask and believe. Will you be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Taken from 40 Day Prayer Journal 2012 – Holy Spirit Fall Afresh On Me! (Covenant Evangelical Free Church: Singapore, 2012), pages 110-111.



Chan, Ann and Edmund. Roots & Wings: An Integrative Bible Study for Discipleship – Facilitator’s Guide. Singapore: Covenant Evangelical Free Church, 2009.

Dement, Byron H. International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia Online: Repentance.

English Standard Version Study Bible. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Bibles, 2008.

Hurnard, Hannah. Hinds’ Feet on High Places. Eastbourne: Kingsway, 1999.

Longman Dictionary Online: Power.

Orr, James. International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia Online: Power.

Ravenhill, Leonard. Why Revival Tarries. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House, 1987.

Tan Gee Paw. The Word of the Lord that came to me on Thursday 6th Feb 2020: The Wuhan Virus. Singapore, 2020.

The Revival Study Bible. Singapore: Genesis Books, 2010.

The United Methodist Hymnal. Nashville, Tennessee: The United Methodist Publishing House, 1994.

Walker, W. L. International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia Online: Fear.

Walker, W. L. International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia Online: Humility.

Ward, Hannah and Wild, Jennifer. The Lion Christian Quotation Collection. Oxford: Lion Publishing plc, 1997.

Westminster Shorter Catechism Project: Question 1. Last modified May 22, 2019, 04:46:26, https://www.shortercatechism.com/resources/wsc/wsc_001.html.

40 Day Prayer Journal 2012 – Holy Spirit Fall Afresh On Me! Singapore: Covenant Evangelical Free Church, Singapore, 2012.

Copyright © 2020 by Faith Methodist Church. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.