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INSIDE THE 2019 SPRING ISSUE Marketing Ground Game | Fishing Tasmania | Product Reviews | Uncle Ted’s Cutthroats | The Economics of Outdoors | a Few Harrumphs… and More.

May 2019

the buzz on the flyfishing biz


42 MARKET TO MAKE Editor Features LIVES BETTER Kirk Deeter Pro insights on connecting with key [email protected] 28 DOLLARS AND SENSE audiences—particularly customers— in more meaningful and lasting ways. Managing Editor By William R. Deeter Tim Romano [email protected]

Art Director Tara Kester [email protected] Departments

Editors-at-Large Some states are focused on giving outdoor 4 EDITOR’S COLUMN: Joel R. Johnson businesses the economy-driving credit they THE SUMMER OF LOVE Geoff Mueller deserve. Let’s work together in 2019. By T. Edward Nickens By Kirk Deeter Copy Editors Mabon Childs, Sarah Deeter 32 A TRIFECTA OF 6 CURRENTS HARRUMPHS Contributing Editors Tom Bie Ben Romans Steven B. Schweitzer Greg Vincent

Photos unless otherwise noted by Tim Romano

Angling Trade is printed twice a year, supplemented with bimonthly E-Newsletters by Trade, LLC. Job posting, 19 deep-dive product reviews Our resident fly grump gets serious about Author and photographic submissions from far afield, the wonderful brown trout silly things. should be sent electronically to tradition in Tasmania, two great books, By Marshall Bissett [email protected]. industry news, and more. Angling Trade is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts and/ 37 TED TURNER AND or photo submissions. We ask that THE TROUT 46 BACKCAST contributors send formal queries in advance of submissions. For editorial guidelines and calendar, please contact the editor via E-mail.

Printed in the U.S.A.

Advertising Contact: Tim Romano Telephone: 303-495-3967 [email protected]

A fragile species finds haven (and perhaps New Hope for Salmon and Steelhead in Mail Address: 2019 | May PO Box 17487 ultimately survival) in a vast, private, section of Idaho? Boulder, CO 80308 New Mexico. Guest column by president By Jonathan Lee Wright and CEO Chris Wood Street Address: 3055 24th Street Boulder, CO 80304

3 4 | May 2019 of afly-fishing tradeshowinDenver. outdoors writer andeditoronthefloor Fast-forward 30 yearstoaclimbing never forget it. on thepostersinmybedroom. I’ll crushed me,becausetheirfaces were thinking, “Thoseguysare jerks!”It Even asalittleguy, I remember toward theteambus. and said,“Notnow, kid,”ashestrolled next, andhealsobrushedmeaside, my balloutoftheway. JoeMorgan was came PeteRose…wholiterallypushed then signedmyball.Awesome. Then Sparky Andersonscruffed myhairand smiled andsignedmyball.Manager clutched inbothhands.JohnnyBench with mybaseballandblack-inkpen old. IstoodbytheReds’lockerroom in March. Imighthavebeen10years went toaspringtraininggameoneday Florida tovisitourgrandparents, andwe My folkstookmybrother andmeto Cincinnati hadthe“BigRedMachine.” times havechanged),butwhowas? nearly asgoodtheReds,(my, how other Ohioteam,theIndians,weren’t really allabouttheCincinnatiReds.The (the Mudhens),forbigleagueball,itwas though Toledo haditsAAAfranchise Toledo, Ohio.Ilovedbaseball.And When Iwasveryyoung,livedin “SUMMER OFLOVE” THE FLY-FISHING EDITOR’S COLUMN Then totallyenamored withthesport better thanthat. else downto lift ourselvesup.We’re and wedon’t havetoknocksomeone cable televisionpoliticalprograms, have toemulatetheratings-driven back aspartofthatprocess. We don’t don’t havetostabeachother inthe must improve angleraccess.Butwe double-down onclimatechange.We possible inthefirstplace. We must the resources thatmakeoursport must confront majorthreats to and press forbettersolutions.We need tohashthingsout,anddebate, to usewhere, andwhen.Sure, we stream access,orevenwhatflies about politics,orconservation, whenwecollectivelytalk take form and thecircular firingsquadsthat climbing attheexpenseofothers, chat room arguments, theladder So itkillsme,sometimes,toseethe large, verygoodpeople. involved withthissportare, byand number oflevels,andb)thepeople a wonderfullybeautifulsportonany my appreciationis thata)flyfishing I’ve neverlostfaith,and some yearsofcoveringthisindustry, competition. Butinallmynow20- and cutthroat—sometimes dirty— in flyfishing.There’s in-fighting, Sure, there are someoddducks forget thateither. my SparkyAnderson,andIwillnever the game.”CharlieMeyersbecame And theywere trulyhere for“loveof world were generally…well,genuine. in realizing thatthepeopleinthis like baseball,butIfoundgreat comfort nearly asbrightitdidin“pro” sports as high,andthespotlightdidn’t shine because themoneywasn’t pilednearly fulfilling experience.Maybeit’s and large, thatproved tobeamore with theiconsofthatsport.Andby of fly-fishing,Iwasrubbingshoulders about relatively smallmatters.Really. inclusive anddiverse,forustoquibble the outdoors,ormakingthissportmore voices ofconservation,orgettingkidsin are toomanyforces alignedagainstthe in theprevailing politicalclimate.There The stakesare toohighnow, especially ignore Mr. In-Between. the positive,eliminatenegative,and anything else,we’re goingtoaccentuate think willbeafamilyreunion asmuch IFTD tradeshowinDenver, whichI and headingstraightintothatwonderful TradeAngling as Love” forflyfishing,atleastasfar This isgoingtobethe“Summerof -K. Deeter and oursport, justalittlebitmore. simply resolve torespect eachother, potential oftheassembled cast, ifwe’d I haveabsolutelynodoubt in the credibility, compassion,andidentity. next, butalsotomaintainour own now, notonlytocultivategeneration That’s answer. perfect time…” “Yeah, kid…Igottime… nowisthe fishing dreams—to theside. on tobrushalittlekid’s baseball—or important, orhavetoomuchgoing In thisera,noneofusare toobig, meant ingoodfun. for acooldiddybyMarshallBissett,it's “harrumph” nowandthen…read on what they’re really worth,evenifwe and thebusinessesthatsupportit,for each other. Andrespect flyfishing, It’s timetocometogether. And love you wantthissportaround in50years. an angler, andabusinessperson,that “D” oranythingelse.Icare thatyou’re of that.Idon’t care ifyou’re an“R”or a So Inolongerwantthegossip,orany the way we need to be thinking thewayweneedtobethinking is concerned. Henceforth, Henceforth, isconcerned. That shouldbethe

6 | May 2019 December (and thewinningteam Championships beheldthere in Not onlywill theFly-FishingWorld Australia—in thecoming months. underbellyofmainlandsouthern sits across theBassStrait onthe that beautiful,gritty, wild islandthat bit aboutflyfishinginTasmania— You’re goingtobehearingquitea By KirkDeeter TASMANIA… INTHETROUT-FISHING WORLD,WHAT’S OLDISNEW. CURRENTS American anglers gotheextrastep wonderfully alluring, butscantfew We allknow NewZealandis fisheries intheworld. is oneofthemostinteresting trout moreto garner attentiononwhat flies), butalso,Australiais pushing could verywellpullitoff withdry British Empire). Aussiebrown trout for whichhewasknightedbythe YoulJames Arndell in1864(a feat to Australiathrough theefforts of trout beingsuccessfullyintroduced exist todaywere itnotforbrown the NewZealandfisherywouldn’t The great irony inallofthatis for allforeigners wasaround 500. grand totalforTasmania lastyear to foreigners eachyear, whilethe issue over20,000fishinglicenses to seeTasmania. Infact,theKiwis for me,andviceversa. squeaks yourduckmight notdoit or break atripsoeasily. Andwhat conditions anddumbluck canmake always subjective,andin fishing, and socialmedia.Inallhonesty, it’s magazines orgetclicksonwebsites tricktosella simple,formulaic places anymore, becausethat’s I’m notabigfanofrankingbest surprised me. all ofthat,whatIultimatelyfound fired upaboutit.Butevenwith about thewholescenetogetme them were sufficientlygobsmacked business/fishing trips,andbothof had preceded mebyafewweeks on Gawesworth ofRIOProducts, who from ScottFlyRodsandSimon Then ImadecallstoJimBartschi Cunningham didtheinitialcoaching. know whattoexpect.MyfriendMac be heldnextyear—andreally didn’t basic timeframewhentheWorlds will Tasmania lastDecember—thesame I wentforatwo-weekvisitto the rest ishistory. were takentoNewZealand,and continued on nextpage...

8 | May 2019 so doesTasmania; thefoodand also; Icelandhasstunningscenery… people inTasmania were wonderful the culture andthepeople… favorite partoffishinginIreland is you candothatinTassie too;my big browns inNewZealand… favorite places(e.g.Ilikestalking par withthebestattributesofmy past 20years,Tasmania seemedon all overtheworldthroughout the But Iwillsaythis:Ofallmytravels Books &DVDs CURRENTS

SC: $24.95 srp HC: $39.95 srp

HC: $21.99 srp diversity offishinginPatagoniais incredibly technicalanddifficult to and sipblackdundryflies.It’s the bottom.They’llcruiseacircuit tail likebonefishtoroot stuff off as theycrushedsmallfrogs. They into thegrassesonshorelines size. Iwatchedthempushwakes brown trout uptoeightpoundsin and inthoseshallowlakesswim are connectedbyspringcreeks, no more thanknee-deep.Many ponds andlagoons,mostofthem can hiketothousandsofunspoiled Central HighlandsofTasmania, you life, saltwaterorfreshwater. Inthe I’ve hadanywhere inmyfishing greatest sight-fishingexperiences I hadwhatconsideroneofthe Tasmania, etc.) a hugedraw…samecanbesaidin anglers of all types & budgets & types all of anglers for items impulse Affordable

SC: $29.99 srp

DVD: $34.95 srp caddis hatchthatmadetheriver And Iexperiencedasnowflake streams nowiderthanabathtub. I alsocaughtfatbrowns intrickling of them. Gorgeous, wild,unscarred fish,all brown trout bulldogstyle. and thenfightwiththattrademark dry flies(becausethey’re trout!), shrimp andpeelingoff, thefisheat around. Onlyinsteadofeatinga seven-pound bonefishcircling all expansive flatofclearwater, with your bestbonefishdayonan clearly topofthegame.Imagine without spookingthem,butit’s make agoodcastandpresentation value ofcatch-and-release wild anglers I’vemet andtheygetthe are, well,aboutthe“fishiest” professionals atInlandFisheries anywhere intheworld. And the most resourceful I’veseen Tasmania isaboutthesmartest, The fisheriesmanagementin a fly-fishingtrip,outsideofAfrica. you willeversee,anywhere elseon more “other-worldly” wildlifethan branches oftheeucalyptustrees— kookaburras mockingyoufrom the place, wombatswaddlingaround, are wallabiesjumpingalloverthe around theriversandlakes,there Oh, yeah,andwhileyou’re hiking Umpqua inOregon. you’d swearyouwere ontheNorth yet driveupstream 10minutesand you’re inWisconsin’s DriftlessArea, the MeanderRiverandyou’llthink side seemslikeCountyKerry. Fish the NapaValley, andouttheother the carandyou’dswearyouwere in remarkable—look outonesideof The diversityoflandscapeis a bright70-degree Fafternoon. onscene looklikeasnowstorm continued onnextpage... SIMMSFISHING.COM SIMMSFISHING.COM









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trophy trout fishing. (How I wish my “table fare” promoting Parks & Wildlife friends saw that light a bit brighter.) In Tassie, they don’t “hatch and stock” fingerlings. They let wild fish reproduce, and when they reach a certain size naturally (around three pounds) they corral them into specially designed diversions off of spawning streams, The food is great. You'll find some where they can collect them and of the best wines and whiskies in move them to waters where natural the world, literally. Launceston recruitment does not occur (but the and Hobart are awesome cities to fish can sustain themselves). That means a lot of big, healthy trout in explore. There’s more cool non- a lot of places—balanced out for fishing stuff to do in Tasmania than optimal angling opportunity. Over there is anywhere else in the world 40 percent of the island is forever where the fishing is this good. preserved as part of the national I’m fired up about it and I think it park system, and access is generally is worth sharing with your clients. quite good. There are many lessons I feel the same way about this as that many countries, including our I felt about writing about a funky own, could learn from Australia, and Tasmania in particular, when it new dorado fishery in the jungle comes to trout fishing. in Bolivia back in 2008, and once people tuned into that, look where Of course, we have learned through that went. history from Tasmania, whether many of us today realize that If you do plan to visit or refer or not. It took many years and people to visit Tasmania, you several unsuccessful attempts to definitely want some local expertise bring brown trout from England on your side. Contacts: to Australia. The real goal was to introduce Atlantic salmon, but that Driftwater B&B and failed. Brown trout eggs carefully Guiding: packed in ventilated wooden crates were almost an afterthought but Peter and Karen Brooks they made it, hatched, and thrived, Karen Brooks 0408 427 767 and as such, changed the future Peter Brooks 0412 815 802 of fly fishing. It’s worth exploring [email protected] the Salmon Ponds, and museums dedicated to fly fishing for all of Daniel Hackett. Guide service, this history. RiverFly 1864: It’s a long trip to get there, no Mobile: 0427 313 972 doubt. But all the other factors Email: [email protected] line up. It’s safe. It’s an English- speaking country. The guides are Inland Fisheries Service, Tasmania: incredibly talented. MACHINED IN THE USA, PAINTED BY HAND

CUSTOMIZE YOUR REEL TODAY HATCHOUTDOORS.COM 12 | May 2019 submerged half thedayinsalt. component wise, sometimesbeing the Meridian held upamazinglywell pleasure tocastallweek.I feellike Meridian 8-wt and11-wt,bothwere My fly rods ofchoicewere an quarry slidesupontotheflats. triggerfish) untilthatmostcoveted off othercrazylookingfish(e.g. the menu,butyou’re really picking many different species.GT’s are on around withtworods andcastingat flats you’veeverseen,wandering off onsomeofthemostexpansive meet yourguideandgetdropped buddy fortheday, getontheboat, is fairlysimple.You grabafishing The program onChristmasIsland best… gear. Here’s someofwhatIliked new saltwaterfly-fishingandtravel had plentyofopportunitytotest new speciestomylifelist).Ialso trevally andadded14completely lucky enoughtostickasizablegiant trip withoutstandingfishing(Iwas Pacific Ocean.Itwasanincredible Christmas Islandinthemiddleof Anglers outofBoulder, Colo.) to my localFlyShop(Front Range to hostatripinconjunctionwith A fewweeksago,Iwasluckyenough By TimRomano CHRISTMAS ISLANDPICKS Nine Tested onChristmasIsland…FiveTested inTasmania… FiveWildcards GEAR REVIEWS CURRENTS rods andbothwere atotal Scott was intrigued bySeigler’s design model withthe 8wt.Imustsay model withmy11weight and MF Seigler Reels ICAST 2018winnerforbest fly reel, newcomers intheflyworld and My reels onthistripwere relative number one. speed wasessential,priority on target inanenvironment where Island accuratelydeliveringafly translates toaccuracy. OnChristmas with itsquickblankrecovery, which This wasjustthetoolforjob . Ipaired theirBF how absolutely game-changingthis What Iwasn’t prepared for what lever toapre-set level,very quickly. can adjustinsingleclicks with the set yourdragontheknob andthen conventional world.Basicallyyou as whatisusedintheoff-shore and aleverthatisbestdescribed philosophy withutilizesadragknob continued on nextpage... Every inch counts. They say most fish are caught at less than 40 feet… we say less than 480 inches. You took care to plan your stalk, ease into position, and perfectly time your cast to that hypercritical fish. Put the fly on target - and it’s game on. Miss by a couple inches - and it’s game over. That’s why Scott has been designing and crafting rods for pin-point precision for over 40 years. When you arm yourself with the right fishing tool, you’ll hit the mark more - and that means less cursing and more high-fiving. Scott’s new G Series rods bring feel to those short- to mid-range casts with the stability to track true and the accuracy to place the fly on target. They have great control for tricky mends and technical presentations, and they bend deeply and evenly to protect the lightest tippets. So next time you plan to get up close and personal with a wary fish, take a G Series, because it’s only a matter of inches.

Scott Fly Rod Company | 2355 Air Park Way, Montrose, Colorado 81401 | 970-249-3180 | CURRENTS

is for large, fast and strong fish. inertia and drag is butter smooth absolutely game changing for big Besides being one of the easiest and dead silent and these things open water fish. and quickest reels I’ve ever been look drop dead gorgeous. The reel able to adjust the drag on, the real knob is WAY oversized, which was Both reels were loaded up with that advantage in my eyes was how kind of a head slapper for me. All fancy braided Hatch Outdoors quickly I could switch back to a drag salt water knobs should be this big. setting where stripping was efficient. The reels are 100% made in the USA What I mean by this is that if I was and took a pretty healthy beating for GT’s my drag was set from me with no signs of wear. The damn tight, so tight that stripping only drawbacks I would mention if excess line off the reel for longer I HAD to pick something is A. they shots was tough if you needed are mucho expensive, but what’d to do it quickly. With the Seigler you expect? And B. the tolerances though, you simply flick that lever of space between spool and cage to the top and BAM you’re back seemed large. That’d said I never to trout-strength drag and ripping had a problem with line slipping off twenty extra feet of line quickly through, not once. I was using backing. That stuff is expensive, but was no problem. One flick to the big lines though… All in all one dang is it nice and especially good lever (a 1/4th second motion) and of the more exceptional reels I’ve for this type of fishing. It’s got the you’re back at GT strength. Bad ass, had the pleasure of using in a long feel of Dacron and is as thin and if I do say so myself. The start-up time. Major overkill for trout, but strong as Gel Spun in an 8 braid line. It’s stronger and lighter than almost everyone else’s offerings. I even brought a large conventional reel spooled up with the stuff as “braid.” It worked like a charm.

Speaking of lines, I paired my 11weight with a RIO Tropical GT line in a 400GR and 475GR weights

and both were fantastic. These things are built with insanely strong cores and aggressive tapers that make throwing big flies quickly, much easier. I stupidly got one wrapped around a boat prop (like 20 feet) and while it did slice the hard outer coating, it did not cut the core. These things are tough! CERECOIL guides are made of a patented, shape memory, Nickel Titanium alloy frame these were on my face most of the that flexes perfectly with the blank. The NiTI Not being totally adept at walking time - I also brought a pair of Mako frame cannot corrode in any environment and is virtually indestructible. around with two fairly large rods all Polarized aptly named GT frames day I randomly grabbed Vedavoo’s in a glass lens with me. Let me tell Rod Holster that was sitting a pile you folks this company is legit. As a photographer I’m pretty bitchy about what sits in from of my eyes and these are some of the nicest glass lenses I’ve used in a while. Easily CERECOIL features an extremely strong, wear resistant, and exceptionally smooth holding up to Smith or Costa in Patent pending ceramic ring insert. These rings feature a terms of quality. I’m wearing these precise groove allowing them to be securely around quite a bit at home now and held in place by its surrounding NiTi frame thus preventing ring loss. have taken them on two trips with great success and no scratching. My only beef would be that they need to add hinges on the ear stems. Oh The and retailers did I mention they are looking to expand that footprint? ultimaultimaultimaAvailable in single and doublettt footeee sizes of swag at my house hours before Look em up. 5 - 40R (Flyod Rods, SpinningGuide & Casting Rods) I left… and I did that on a whim. Admittedly I had never used it As you can imagine, connecting before. It worked as advertised, to home via phone or email was even with that big ol’ Seigler reel somewhat tricky on Christmas and 11wt. strapped in. I even put Island. While• CeramicI had a SAT ring phone features a precise20 groove 16 allowing 12 it to 10 be 8 both my rods in it multiple times to • Ceramic ring features a precise groove allowing it to be for emergenciessecurely I also used held a bynew the NiTi frame. pull out the camera and take photos. securely held by the Nickel Titanium (NiTi) frame. satellite hot spot from Somewhere You need to position it close to • Patented nickel titanium shape-memory alloy frame for bluetooth texting from my your pant pocket to utilize a little Labs • surroundsPatented Nickel the ceramic Titanium ring shape-memory and securely locks alloy itframe in place. surrounds the ceramic ring and securely locks it in place. extra gripping power, but dang this thing worked well. I’m now thinking • Nickel Titanium frame will not corrode in any environment. • Nickel Titanium frame will not corrode in any environment. about all the possibilities at home in Colorado walk/wading with much • Extremely smooth and wear resistant ceramic rings. • Extremely, strong, smooth, and wear resistant ceramic rings. smaller rods. It’s gonna be a fun • Available in single and double footA REPUTATIONsizes 5-40. summer… • Available in single and doubleYOU foot sizesCAN 5-40 BUILD for: ON Spinning Rods . Casting Rods . FlySINCE Rods 1968 While I’ll never leave my tried and phone. It was easy-peasy to set up true Smith Guides Choice Chroma

with a downloadable app and very WWW.REC.COM Pop Glass shades at home and

[email protected] 1.860.749.3476 x202

continued on next page...

A Reputation You Can Build On • Since 1968 A Reputation You Can Build On • Since 1968 A Reputation You Can Build On • Since 1968

[email protected] . 1- 860.749.3476 x 202 | 39 16 | May 2019 it wasalsoamissionto more thanabucket-listadventure, Tasmania forwildbrown trout was present. Andseeinghow atripto important birthdaysoIgot myselfa but acoupleyearsago,Ihitan owned abambooflyrod in (, $3600).I’venever Scott SplitCane,7’7”,4-wt. By KirkDeeter TASMANIA GEARREVIEWS UPF 50,iscutergonomically tofit SunGaiter extended useof the for alongtime.Thiswasmyfirst hoodies andotherfaceprotection back andforthwithoversizedsun I hatesunscreen andhavevacillated market at$450forunit+1yrdata. most affordable datapackageonthe cell phonepairing.Italsohasthe (after programmed todoso)without beacon andstilldrops locationpins unit functionsasastandaloneSOS dry asabonetextingmywife.The a downpourandsatlike30feetaway chair onthebeachonenightbefore your phone.Iactuallysetitoutona utilizes allyourcontactsalready in lightweight andwaterproof and straightforward directions. It’s small, CURRENTS . Thethingismoney!It's continued on nextpage... Simms Solarflex connect my life,

break theminandfelllovewith them foraweeklastfalltoRussia collaboration withDanner. Itook new Lastly, I'vebeentestingoutthe very fast. also workswellwithhatsanddries a 30%lowersurfacetemperature. It feels coolerwhenwet.Simmsclaims which formewasaHUGEbonusand a tube),haslasercutbreathing holes your faceandhead(ratherthanjust Patagonia RiverSaltboot

thing. We'll keepyouappraisedof on forlooks.Ifyou're intothat kinda complements wheneverIputthem for somereason theyseemtoelicit and incredibly comfortable.Plus They are bomber, verylightweight them ontheflatsofChristmasIsland. before, haveyou? and bonefishonChristmasIsland the samebootsfortrout inRussia, but Ican’t saythatI’veeverfished useastheyeargoeson,long term A Trout Reel Worthy of the Name Mirage Proudly made in the USA

There is a symmetrical beauty in the perfect balance of a light- weight trout rod and reel. With the same silky smooth, sealed, and maintenance-free drag as the Mirage, the Mirage LT offers zero startup inertia and precise low-end control to protect even the lightest of tippets. Like its burly big-game brother, the Mirage LT is built in New England by American craftsmen, but 30% lighter to dance perfectly with even the lightest 3-weight and give you the edge in those magical moments when light tackle takes on broad-shouldered bruisers.


MADE IN USA 18 | May 2019 aren’t several poundsbecause see alotofhuman pressure, they Highlands. Whilethesefish don’t ultra-clear pondsintheCentral massive wildbrowns onknee-deep, in Tasmania were sight-fishing for Among myfavoriteexperiences chapter forme. highly. Itliterallyopenedanew these rods andrecommend them artifact, Iwholeheartedlybelievein water, aswellbeinganartistic onthethat legitimatelyperforms someone whowantsanheirloom it’s notaneverydayrod. Butfor course, bambooisexpensive,and feet. Ionlyfisheddrieswithit.Of and wasdialed-accurateat40 delight toloadinshortquarters, has amedium-fastaction.It’s a of Hokkaido,Japan,thisrod actually collaboration withNaokiHashimoto silk. Designedandmanufactured in it justcastandfishedassmooth for stylepointswiththebamboo, each). Iwasn’t necessarilygoing or aSageX6-weight(oneafternoon 5-weight, aScottRadian those cases,IfishedaT&TAvantt rod) didIrevert tographite,andin (that Ithoughtcouldbreak any or targeting really large browns when Iwasoutonthewindylakes it 80percent ofthetime—only once ortwice,butendedupfishing this rod along.Ifigured I’dfishit with tradition,Idecidedtotake CURRENTS hurt yourchances. believe thatitcannot thing… atleastI whole “fishincamo” when itcomestothe to drinktheKool-Aid $599.95). I’mstarting (, River CamoWaders Simms G3Guide

they’re stupid.Asplash,noiseor boots evenmore thanbefore. Better news, Igrew tolikethese news, Brian—Ineverlost a sole. of studded,non-feltsoles. Good along anyway…withanextra set it asachallenge,soIbrought them character andintegrity. Ialsotook a reflection ofChaney’s stand-up at thewrong time).Itookthatas they detach,couldcomeoff are interchangeable, butbecause most ofyouknow, Korkerssoles while bushwalkinginthemuck(as the possibilityofthrowing asole meaboutsent meanemailwarning Korkers bossBrianChaneyactually Boots Korker’s Devil’s CanyonWading tiger snakesasIwalked. spent somuchtimelookingfor the kneesdown,Iwouldn’t have only makethemsnake-proof from through thebush.Iftheycould comfortable tohikeinforlongtreks never leaked,andtheywere quite around theworldwiththem.These to trusttheG3senoughtravel helps. Eitherway, Ihavecome blue, green orgrayjacketshirt the ,paired withamuted ofthecamoonthe broken pattern all thingsbeingequal,Idothink wearing neonclownpants.But off anditwon’t matterifyou’re vibration willputafeedingfish (;$199.99). who haseverfishedwithmeknows (, $35).Anyone Tacky Flyrdrophobic SDFlyBox in theseboots. experiences, butIhaveconfidence often, andeveryonehastheirown not inclinedtotemptfatetoo closure systemwasreliable. I’m as poppedastitch,andtheBOA and durability. Ineversomuch In all,aperfectbalanceofcomfort the rigorsofbackcountrywalking. also ruggedenoughtostandup airline weightallowance.They’re when you’re tryingtopackunderan They’re verylight,whichmatters or pilling.Inall,it’s a verysmartly- flies withoutthematerial tearing silicone baseisgreat for sticking they driedoutasadvertised. The leaving wethacklesinthemix,but times. AndIdidswitchfliesoften, did accidentallysubmerge itseveral shined onmytripdownunder. I Product Showcase,butitreally won tophonorsatIFTD’s New waterproof. Theboxdeservedly waders—being breathable and the desired effect ofhigh-dollar and awaterproof sealtocreate in goodshape.ItuseseVent fabric keep thebugsyoureally care about box, butthisboxisworthbuyingto to holddryfliesasIamafancyfly can Ituckintomyshirtpocket I amjustaslikelytouseanoldsnuff continued on nextpage...

20 | May 2019 and are veryeasyto throw. Theenergy bigger stuff on. Theyroll outperfectly These thingsare fantastictothrow the here? Nodryflies. You knowwhat? here inColorado.Seethe pattern Island. Evenalittlestreamer action triggerfish ontheflatsof Christmas leaders forbigbassinMexico,and me sometravelandI’veusedthese The pastfewmonthshaveallowed eating dryflies. Well, Iwaswrong. tweed andpipecrowd tothrow attrout ago. Basically, leadersforfolksinthe that hadbeensurpassedmanyyears a nostalgiclookbackattechnology leader. Iusedtothinkitwassimply why anyonewouldwantafurled honest; I’veneverreally understood Blue SkyFurledLeaders. fishing seasonprogresses. -TR with more detailedinfoonthemasthe first impressions, andwewillfollowup river andinourboats.Theseare our see somemore timeoutonthe road, thaw andsnowstartingtomeltwill winter. Nowthattheiceisstartingto that were senttousinthedeadof only juststartedplayingwith…Items This nextsetofitemsare thingswe’ve By TimRomano WILDCARDS for concealedcarrypurposes,but business ismakingpistolholsters com, $60).Sweetwater’s real Saddlery (sweetwatersaddlery. Hemo Holster or river. foragivenseasonof patterns pack where youkeepthe“ATeam” least oneintheboatbag,vest,or and seriousanglersshouldhaveat engineered, well-produced system, CURRENTS bySweetwater I’ll be I’ll be

same size!That’s roughly 47cansof capacity than a standard coolerofthe I’ll tellyou.It’s got60% more storage Electric Cooleryousay?Why? You ask. Dometic CFX35WElectric Cooler. in manysizes.MSRP$11.95-$14.95 get behind.BlueSkyhasleaderscome something allofusshouldbeableto to beanaddedbonus.Lessplasticis gone downwhenusingfurledleaders found mywasteofleadermaterialhas and boom…you’re ready togo.I’ve a pieceoftippet,throw aloopon over timeforthatmatter. Simplysnip less wasteoftippetandleadermaterial added benefitofloopsatbothendsfor for larger fishalso.Theyalsohavethe built-in shockprotection ispretty handy transfer issurprisinglyeffective, andthe hang ata45-degree angleandthe an importantmodification—they of whichfeatures updated version river. Anewand hemostats onthe holsters tohold genuine leather producing stylish little nicheof into acool they’ve branched

very little power and can use AC/DC very littlepowerandcanuseAC/DC beer. Itcandeepfreeze to-7,uses it all. the anglerwhopretty muchhas sharp andare aniftygiftideafor course not.Buttheysure dolook leather holsterforyourhemos?Of Foul Weather vest.Doyouneeda in mycase,thestrapofaFilson fit rightonyourwaderstraps,or to gravity. They’re designedto words, youwon’t loseyourhemos rather thanthebottom.Inother hemos goinandoutfrom thetop, MSRP $899.99 the summer, butsofarI’mlovingit. this thing.More tocomethroughout weird howmuchstuff you could fitin milk, andstillhadroom to spare. Itwas packs, anentire turkey, agallonof CFX 35andsqueezedinmultiple six space. IsimplypluggedintheDometic party andweranoutofrefrigerator Over Christmaswewere hostinga already tellyouI’mmightyimpressed. the pacesin95-degree heat,Ican and whilewe’veyettoputitthrough doesn’t lightup.Itrunsveryquietly Something tellsmeyourothercooler and didImentionithaslightsinside? as itchillsyourbeersintheback.Oh, up ordownfrom thefront ofthetruck your phone,shouldyouwanttodialit It alsoiscontrollable from anappon or solarpowertokeepthingschilly.

UNI PRODUCTS J.G. Cote Inc. 1004 Principale Ste-Melanie, QC. Canada JOK 3AO Tel: 450-889-8054 Toll-Free: 1-877-889-8054 Rod Runner Mounts. Again, this is just something I’ve Fax: 450-889-5887 started using in the garage, bass pond and local creek, but Email: [email protected] I’m digging it so far. When I first got the box of stuff from NEW FROM UNI

UNI-Thread 3/0 Purple and Light Orange Waxed or Unwaxed on spools of 50 or 100 yards

Rod-Runner I was like, ugh… yeah. What is this stuff? The thing is, as weird as the multi-rod carrier looks, it functions damn well. I’ve been loading up two or three bass spinning rods, a fly rod for carp and one for bass for quick jaunts to the local pond. Instead of a pile of rods in one hand and lines getting caught every time I move to a new spot I simply pick up the Rod Runner Pro 5 and everything is right there. The carrier protects my rods in the back of my truck and if Look to UNI for the best in spooled y-tying materials! continued on next page... 22 | May 2019 Awning $ Set ofHDbars $249.99,SlimShady when Ineedit. More onthatlater. of sunandrain protection thissummer excited topulloutthe42square feet while theusesofarhasbeen low, I’m Shady” Awning onsaidbars and far. I’vealsojustattached their“Slim mine andthey’vebeenbomber so hardshell RoofnestRooftoptenton accessory attaching.Ijustploppeda Yakima calls“T-slots” foreasyYaikma atnight.Theyalsohavewhat lanterns clothes (thinkclothesline),orhanging handy forsecuringloads,dryingwet the ends.Thisfeature rocks! Super integrated andrecessed tie-downsat coated fordurability. Theyhave aluminum (non-rusting),butpowder but lighter. Theyare constructedwith much larger thanmyoldround bars, Why sonice?First,they’re beefyand couple monthsIgottasay, bravo! the Yakima HDCrossbars forthelast in roof rackcrossbars, butafterusing no ideathere wasactualtechnology I hadtoliterallycutthemoff. Ihad rusted outenoughattheendsthat So longtheyhadopenedupand rack were withmeforalongtime. crossbars thatusedtobeonmyroof Shady Awning. Yakima HDCrossbars andSlim product. needs. Pricesvarydependingon certain tosimplifyyourrod storage company makesapileofstuff thatis far formeitisveryeffective. This be usedverticallyorhorizontally;so exact tubing.It’s easytoinstall,can mall mountsfrom basicallythesame stupid easy. Rodrunnerisalsomaking rods orreels andswitchingthemis customizable fordifferent stylesof a veryeasyaffair. Theholdersare all you’re asaltyangleritmakesrinses CURRENTS The oldround rusty Patagonia Men’s Tropic Comfort toward theIFTDshow inDenver. work through thesummerand media from AT, particularlyaswe andon social fly-fishing product reviews on extensive, consumer-facing Editor’s note:Lookformore MSRP $ & Men’s CapileneCoolDailyHoody Tropic ComfortHoodyIIMSRP$59 has nothumbholes.PatagoniaMen’s protection. It’s cutabitslimmerand softness, odorcontrol and50+UPF bioSoft foraddedwickingand withmiDori hoody I’veeverworn is perhapsthemostcomfortablesun jersey andUPF50.Thesecondshirt your hands.It’s 50%recycled polyester touch more protection onthetopsof casting ontheflatswhenyouneeda plus thumbholesforrowing all day or gives youmore airwhenneeded, blocks yourneckwhenclosedand and abrilliantsinglebuttonthat got anoversizedhoodforhatusage is absurdly softandcomfortable.It’s them. Thefirstisatruefishinghoody Island foraweekandbasicallylivedin Daily HoodywithmetoChristmas Hoody IIandMen’s CapileneCool Patagonia Men’s Tropic Comfort that plusaBuff. Irecently tookthe hood andballcap.Sometimes lightweight shirtwithanoversized sunblock oraBuff, butprefer anvery preferred methodtodothis.I’llwear and lightweighthoodiesare my I liketocoverupfrom thesun Daily Hoody. Hoody II&Men’s CapileneCool WhenI’moutfishing Edge ofBusinessandSport) STORIES SOME (Reviews by KirkDeeter) READING RECOMMENDED contact [email protected]. If youwantproducts reviewed, thissummer.Marshall Wilderness by JackNickensfrom theBob season of“Jack-in-the-Bob”reviews We’ll alsobefeaturinganother experiences contained within. experiences contained within. deserving ofthe qualityofinsightsand off thebatfor creating avesselthat’s the design,editandproduction team serve ahigherpurpose.So kudos to obvious thatthisbookismeant to postconsumer recycled paper, it’s quite And for$45list,on100percent used tohavethedesire toproduce. “artifact” qualitybooksthatpublishers and layout—are allreminiscent ofthe the images,binding,design absolutely beautifully-produced book— up andholdit…leafthrough it.It’s an Stories cover” butIhavetoadmitthat that “youcan’t judgeabookbyits I’m certainlyfamiliarwiththeoldadage (Patagonia Works, $45) By YvonChouinard is a stunner when you pick it isastunnerwhenyoupickit

( Lessons from the Lessons fromthe

Some Some Say what you will about Yvon and that’s endearing. He also has will be, and it’s as beautiful as the book Chouinard. Some think he’s a visionary an eloquent writer’s voice, and it’s wrapped up inside. or a prophet, while others would label he is a good storyteller. The best him a radical or a heretic. I came away stories are rooted in substance, and after reading this book, (and I did it would be hard to argue that any WILD AT HEART read it, cover-to-cover in a weekend) living entrepreneur/naturalist/author America’s Turbulent Relationship thinking that Chouinard is a real guy, has more compelling “been there, with Nature, from Exploitation to with a genuine affinity for wild places done that” content to work with than Redemption By Alice Outwater and outdoor sports. There is no doubt Chouinard. From falconry (yes, falconry) in my mind that he has guts. And he to climbing, surfing and fly fishing (St. Martin’s Press, $28.99) does things for love of the game. One you’re going to find interesting stories of my favorite call-out quotes from that keep you turning pages, many early in the book: “We liked the fact collected from earlier works. that climbing rocks and icefalls had no economic value for society.” I think at the end of the day (and why you should read it as a person who The book has its fair share of opinions makes a living in the outdoor sports (when’s the last time you read anything world) is that the book ultimately by, or about Chouinard or his company, prompts you to wonder about the without an opinion attached?)… many stories you are writing, at least you’ll agree with and a few you might figuratively, with your own life. What not. But what makes it appealing and really motivates you, and why? This engaging are the anecdotes. He’s is definitely a book about legacy. very honest, very candid throughout, Chouinard has laid out clearly what his continued on next page... 24 | May 2019 really abook about relationships. And It’s notall aswonkyitsounds.It’s catastrophic oilspill? California moral andethicalhighground aftera to rob hispoliticalopponentsofthe environmentalists), ratherhewanted tree-hugger (truthis,heloathed not somuchbecausehewasacloset the Environmental Protection Agency, know thatPresident Nixoncreated affected conservation?Anddidyou philanthropists oftheindustrialage ocean? Howabouthowthegreat dies (ofnaturalcauses)intheopen know whathappenswhenawhale nature, whichisoftenfragile.Do you The bookdetailsthebalanceof explained. significant impact,artfully—credibly— designs, fordifferent reasons, with and embracenature. Allindifferent and eventuallyconserve,protect collect, sell,erase,poison,rearrange, at nature andhealth…howhumans valued bynativeAmericans.Shelooks example, thebookstartswithnature as various relationships withhumans.For manipulated andrecovered inits been bothrevered andabused, in gooddetailhowthatentityas nature asanentity, andthen exploring approach withthisbook,treating Which iswhyIreally likeOutwater’s also thesowhat? something withnotonlythewhat,but need somethingtotrackalongwith… wade through themeasilyanymore. I not verywell-written—thatIcan’t of fishing” storiessenttomeaseditor I getsomany“Grandpatookme wonders offishingandnature, because big fanofintrospective essaysonthe Heart out ofthebluerecently is Another bookthatkindofhitme CURRENTS TROUT byAliceOutwater. I’mnota magazine—most of them magazine—mostofthem Wild at Wild at again, as someone who makes a living, again, assomeonewhomakesaliving, 19-21, 2020. be heldinRoanoke, Virginia onMarch The 34thOrvisGuideRendezvous will key factorintheaward criteria.” Commitment toconservation isalsoa guides, shopsandlodgeseach year. Orvis isabletoidentifythebest and peerrespect withintheindustry, “Through surveys,unsolicitedfeedback, McEnaney, Director of Orvis Adventures. and theirexperiences,”saidScott awards are dictatedbyourcustomers Orvis-Endorsed program. “These experiences andoperatorswithinthe very bestfly-fishingandwingshooting ceremony. Theseawards commendthe in theannualOrvis-EndorsedAwards The OrvisGuideRendezvousculminates exchange ideaswithindustrypeers. and wingshootingprofessionals can singular forumwithinwhichfly-fishing is commonlyknown)hasbecomea outdoor businesses.OGR(astheevent marketing measures pertinentto recruitment, customerservice,and practices inconservationefforts, panels thatservetoilluminatebest of presentations, seminars,and space. Thethree-day eventconsists in thefly-fishingandwingshooting celebration ofthefinestprofessionals this eventforthepast33yearsin The OrvisCompanyhasbeenhosting the 2019OrvisGuideRendezvous. Missoula, Montana,lastmonthfor from around theworldgathered in Guides, lodgeowners,andoutfitters Successful GuideRendezvous Orvis RocksMissoulawithAnother CURRENTS reading with nature, youshouldconsider at leastinpartbasedonarelationship Wild atHeart . . conservation as well as donating at conservation aswelldonatingat continue tovolunteertheirtime Renewable Energy Credits, andstaffers its officeandwarehouse through in reducing itscarbonfootprintfrom RepYourWater tookanotherbigstep in itsownright.However, in2018 landfill, whichisanaccomplishment and warehouse inColoradofrom the over 95%ofthewastefrom itsoffice year in a row RepYourWater has diverted environmental impact.Forthesecond company continuestoreduce its annual SustainabilityReportandthe RepYourWater hasreleased its2nd Sustainability Report RepYourWater Releases2018 products, and just getting started!” products, andjustgetting started!” impact ofoursupplychainand tackling thesocialandenvironmental future youcanexpecttosee usbegin operationsandinthe near internal Weperformance. startedwithourown our 2018socialandenvironmental as acompanyandare veryproud of decision totread aslightlypossible a fisheries andtheplanet,sowemade climate changeisthegreatest threat to company andtheystated:“We know climate changeissoimportantfortheir had thistosayaboutaddressing founders, CorinneandGarrisonDoctor Credits (RECs).RepYourWater co- gas emissionswithRenewableEnergy their officeandwarehouses greenhouse carbon footprint,theyoffset 100%of partners andinaneffort toreduce their $50,000 toitsnonprofit conservation In 2018,RepYourWater donatedover 2018 SustainabilityReport. our fisheriesasisdemonstratedintheir policy issuesthatnegativelyimpact climate change,publiclandsandother leadership bytakingastrong stance on also continuestodemonstratetheir conservation partners.RepYourWater 3% oftheirsalesto17nonprofit continued on nextpage... Eleven Angling Ad Angling Trade Spring 2019 FINAL_V3_Font Outlines.indd 1 4/29/19 2:12 PM 26 | May 2019 service experience foritscustomers providing an exceptional customer industry. We are dedicatedto e-commerce retailer inthe flyfishing has establisheditselfasaleading Founded in2012, FlyFishing Company Profile: greater Portland,Mainearea. MUST bewillingtorelocate tothe from aretailer’s perspective.You industry orseetheflyfishing who islookingtotransitionanew with 2-8yearsofworkexperience of thebusiness.It’s idealforsomeone with alotofexposure tomanyfacets great entryintotheoutdoorindustry operational role thatwillprovide a The OMpositionisahands-on commute from Portland) Maine(justashort Windham, Job Location: Fishing Operations Manager, Trident Fly JOB OPENING upon request. 2018 SustainabilityReportwithyou RepYourWater isthrilledtoshare their environmental problems.” that isusingitsbusinesstosolve definition ofapurpose-drivenbrand environment. RepYourWater isthe their companyishavingonthe they trulycare abouttheimpact and Garrisonare thereal deal,and say aboutRepYourWater, “Corinne President, RickCrawford, hadthisto and products. Emerger Strategies oftheiroperations performance by improving theenvironmental further authenticatetheirbrand in 2016becausetheywantedto Emergerconsulting firm, Strategies, with sustainabilityandmarketing RepYourWater startedworking CURRENTS and usingnewmediaSEOto independently. OM torunmany day-to-dayactivities and guidance, theCEOwillrely onthe the CEOdailyandreceive feedback service. WhiletheOMwillwork with operations, distributionandcustomer functions includingmarketing, sales, lead efforts inawidevarietyofbusiness The OMwillbeexposedtoand fishing gear. detail andisexcitedinterested byfly individual hasanextreme attentionto and independently. Itiscriticalthatthe tackle multipleprojects simultaneously skills aswelltheabilitytomanageand will haveexceptionalproblem solving entrepreneurial andretail setting, and strongA applicantwouldflourishinan business andretail skills. from theinside-outaswelldevelop aboutflytackle an opportunitytolearn OM positionisdemandingandprovides entrepreneurial workenvironment. The and whothriveinafast-paced, a positionintheoutdoorsindustry ideal forindividualswhoare seeking business operations.Thispositionis assist theCEOinmanagingday-to-day leadership role inthecompanyand Operations Managerassumea Trident FlyFishingisseekingan Job Description: Fly Fishing,pleasevisitusatwww. For more onTrident information relentless passionforbusinessgrowth. hard, playhard” mentalityanda a professional andresponsible “work the OM.Ourcompanyculture values is operatedbyasmallteam,including through ourretail store. TheCompany as,eBay, aswell directly through ourwebsiteaswell sells products directly toconsumers Trident isamulti-channelretailer and drive aggressive growth. The OM will spend approximately The OMwillspendapproximately strategy andvisionforthebusiness. operations aswellhigherlevel they willmanageallday-to-daybusiness growth anddevelopment.Together, together regularly todrivebusiness The OMandtheCEOwillwork Job Responsibilities events andtradeshows. particularly relating tofishing/outdoors Some travelwillalsoberequired, including somenightsandweekends. time innecessarytogetthejobdone, candidate willbewillingtoputthe 40-50 hoursperweek,buttheright On average,theOMpositionrequires •  •  Customer Service • Answeringquestionsvialivechat • Taking orders overthephone •  Sales limited to: responsibilities includebutare not particular candidate’s strengths; specific relations. Therole maybeadaptedtoa content development,andindustry related tomarketing/events,sales, tackle aswellhigherlevelprojects aboutfly time willbespentlearning The remaining 15-25%oftheOM’s daily tasksofasmallbusiness. to roll uptheirsleevesandtacklethe office. Therightcandidatewillbe ready to thingsastrivialatripthepost fulfillment, andmanaginginventory which includescustomerservice,sales, that ariseinthedailycourseofbusiness, 75-85% oftheirtimeonresponsibilities Recommending tackle via e-mail and Recommending tackleviae-mailand customers traveling the world to fly fish. over thephonetomeetneedsof Daily phone communication with Daily phonecommunication with Daily emailcommunicationwith customers the company’s helpdesk customers, includingmanagement of : • Professionally and knowledgeably members to proactively expose achieve angling success representing the company at events Trident to a broader audience • Strong attention to detail • Strong leadership skills and General Operations Qualifications and Experience: uncompromising ethics • Highly motivated self-starter with an • Inventory forecasting and product/ While the OM position is challenging ability to roll up sleeves and “get stuff supply management and requires a passion for business done” • Warehouse management, including and fly fishing, we do not expect • Motivated by success in an shipping and fulfillment candidates to have prior experience entrepreneurial environment in every area listed above. The • Return management • Exceptional interpersonal and written OM position is an opportunity to communication skills develop and learn new skills with the • Strategic thinker and team player Marketing mentorship of seasoned entrepreneurs • Design, photo, and/or film experience who have graduate business degrees is a plus, but not required • Developing marketing and website from the world’s leading universities. content and other promotional/ advertising materials Application Instructions: Other experience/requirements • Managing social media and brand include but are not limited to: Please submit both a resume and cover messaging through a variety of letter to [email protected] as soon platforms • Relevant work experience in an as possible. All applicants will be reviewed • Working with guides, industry analytical or entrepreneurial role by Trident Fly Fishing immediately and influencers and other industry • A passion for gear and helping people interviews will take place on a rolling basis. 28 | May 2019 FEATURE Not yourtypicaloutdoorrecreational officespace and that’s thescene. assistants. Think big-timelawoffice, snacks. There were administrative conference-call speaker. There were the room andcrackled from a ice water. Voices pingedaround sunlight. Glassvasestinkled with table heldasheenlikepondinthe well-appointed. Theconference The meetingroom waswell-litand DOLLARS ANDSENSE Written byT.EdwardNickens key economicdrivers. States aremakingastrongercaseforoutdoorssports—likefishing—as Carolina. The region hasmassive to theUwharrie MountainsofNorth more outdoor travelersingeneral, get more anglersinparticular, and moderated thediscussion: Howto Outdoor Recreation Industry Office, Knight, director ofNorth Carolina’s of fishing,notcourtstrategy. David animated, wasaboutthebusiness But theconversation,livelyand of aboatmanufacturing business. from around thetable:TheCEO representative. Othersweighedin a localchamberofcommerce hotel rooms intheregion, figured officer. There are notenough a countyeconomicdevelopment underutilized resource, lamented of acres ofpubliclands.Butit’s an lakes, wildrivers,andthousands


The owner of a rod manufacturing a movement, and it’s transforming generated $887 billion dollars company. An economic advisor for the ways the outdoor recreation in annual consumer spending. It the state legislature. All talking industry will operate in the future.” created 7.6 million jobs—more than bass and catfish and tourism the computer technology industry And the infrastructure. or the country’s entire construction business has as much to gain as any workforce—and brought in more This scene was just a part of the first other entity. than $100 billion in federal, state meeting of the advisory council to and local tax revenue. the newly minted North Carolina office dedicated to supporting and growing the state’s burgeoning outdoor recreation industry, and thankfully, more of these meetings and conversations are taking place in more conference rooms around the country. An increasing number of states are opening such offices, with staff dedicated to connecting gear manufacturers, guides, outfitters, and green tourism advocates with state officials tasked with economic growth. Last July, representatives from eight states gathered on a Denver hotel rooftop to sign the Confluence Accords, a document outlining priorities and best practices for state efforts to bolster and harness the economic power of the outdoor industry within their borders. Initial In North Carolina, the outdoor STATISTICS TEST signatories were the states of industry punched in at $28 billion in Colorado, Montana, North Carolina, Outdoor pursuits have never been consumer spending, and supported Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington about the numbers. There are 260,000 direct jobs. “That number and Wyoming. Michigan and exceptions, of course, but most of blew me away, but what really Maryland are expected to sign in us don’t measure fish and keep a got my attention was comparing the next few months. Arkansas, running tally of the day’s catch. the outdoor industry to other Kansas, New Mexico, Tennessee and industries,” say Knight. “You can’t South Carolina are also exploring But last year, when the Outdoor open up a magazine or turn on the the concept of official support of Industry Association released its television without hearing about the 2019 | May the outdoor recreation industry. 2018 National Recreation Economy next pharmaceutical breakthrough. Report, the size of its numbers, and But consumer spending on that “This is not a trend,” says Knight, their impacts on local communities, entire industry is only about half “because these issues and this made headlines. According to the size of the outdoor recreation energy aren’t going to fade. This is the report, the outdoor industry industry. That’s crazy.”

continued on next page... 29 30 | May 2019 FEATURE economic development structures,” with establishing offices withintheir “These statesare being veryclear manufacturers andbusiness. the pointonwhattheyoffer and statesare lininguptosharpen with more traditionalindustries, to putoutdoorrecreation onpar changing withthenewmovement That’sspeaking inthoseterms. all industry wasneververyadeptat economic vitality, but theoutdoor of thelanguageusedtotalkabout and taxesare significantaspects suggested bysuchnumber. Jobs opportunities foreconomicgrowth More statesare recognizing the Representatives from eightstatesgatheron aDenverhotelrooftop tosigntheConfluenceAccords. PhotoCredit: KurtBarclay bureaucratic processes intoplace, ramping upinvolves putting of thestateoffices, it’s truethat economy? Intheseearlyphases embrace oftheoutdoorrecreation gear manufacturers get outofan shops, outfitters,guides,and So whatdobusinesslikefly management.” services, andevenpubliclands natural resource issues,tourism perspective toconversationsabout and thateconomicdevelopment we willbringthatlonghistory outdoor recreation industryand we recognize andprioritizethe Knight says.“Theyare sayingthat has involved local fishingguides making policy. Already VandeVoort making thingshappen,not just she bringstothejobahistory of Backcountry Hunters&Anglers, with stintsasaboard member of manufacturing company, andarmed executivewithafirearmsformer recreation inearly2017.A governor’s office ofoutdoor role ofdirector oftheMontana stepped intothenewlycreated In Montana,RachelVandeVoort world benefitshaveaccrued. development. Butalready, real- is andisn’t outdooreconomy and definingthesiderailstowhat FEATURE

“You can’t open up a magazine or turn on the television without hearing about the next pharmaceutical breakthrough. But consumer spending on that entire industry is only about half the size of the outdoor recreation industry. That’s crazy.”

and shops in communicating with regulations, the new state outdoor level, with the involvement of state state wildlife and lands managers recreation offices can shift the ways government in conversations about in devising and implementing we help explain this industry and outdoor industry input and needs, management plans for local what we care about. Unlike many have never happened before,” waters. And since VandeVoort’s industries, the outdoor recreation says Knight. position is housed within the industry is as much a way of life as a Which is indicative of the state’s economic development way of making a living, and growing transformative nature of looking agency, she’s in a great position this new economy can involve a at the outdoor industry through to help educate the outdoor different way of thinking about what an economic lens. State outdoor industry about opportunities for economic growth entails. recreation offices are tasked with job development grants within the working with straight-up business Montana Department of Commerce In North Carolina, Knight grappled issues, such as taxes and tariffs, and Big Sky Fund, plus support with just such a situation recently. transportation needs, and an for activities such as continuing In the Uwharrie region of North educated work force. But this education for employees. The move Carolina, for example, large rivers added layer of a conservation towards opening offices of outdoor such as the Yadkin and Pee Dee ethic that makes these initiatives economic development, VandeVoort flow from dams erected more than so exciting. “We’re helping people says, “will give us as an industry a half-century ago. Knight recently understand that the infrastructure better access to the system that is met with officials from the large of this industry involves trails, defining policy. Now we’re a player. utilities that own and operate the campgrounds, viewsheds, That’s exciting to think about.” massive dams, to discuss issues such as dam release patterns and wildlife habitat, and access,” says | May 2019 | May And while the playing field will water flow rates that impact not VandeVoort. “Conservation is the include traditional economic only fish populations, but the ability term we use for the maintenance of development activities such as of people to paddle and camp this industry’s infrastructure. That’s a attracting new jobs and dealing with and fish along hundreds of miles very new way of thinking and talking the intricacies of import and export of shoreline. “Discussions at this about resource issues.”

31 32 | May 2019 The aboveandaptlynamedKnuckleHeadscushionedfly reel handlesshown inthephotoare availablefrom FEATURE FLY REELDESIGN GRIPE NUMBERONE reflection… of good-natured funandself- microphone, name inthe all we’dgivehimthethought grump hasafewbeefs,sowe Editor’s note:Ourresident fly- Written byByMarshall Bissett Imagining aworldwherereelsreeled,hookshookedandnetslanded… TRIFECTA OFHARUMPHS

in lockableglass cabinetsatyour graphics and are usuallyenshrined Art,oftensportcuteModern their wayintotheMuseum of trout reels by AriHarthavefound overfunction,A triumphofform at, butoftenquiteimpractical. Gaga’s costumes –great tolook I thinkofflyreels asIdoLady design hasnot changedinnearlya a betterpress agent.Theirbasic the functionality. Perhapstheyhave big boxstore yetoffer afractionof casting andspinningsection ofa than theircounterpartsin thebait are substantiallymore expensive is where theyshouldstay. They local flyshop.Inmanycases,that FEATURE

I think of fly reels as I do Lady Gaga’s costumes – great to look at, but often quite impractical. A triumph of form over function, trout reels by Ari Hart have found their way into the Museum of Modern Art, often sport cute graphics and are usually enshrined in lockable glass cabinets at your local fly shop. In many cases, that is where they should stay.

hundred years. With small changes Fly reels by comparison just got this fight less painful for me and the in arbor size and drag components, bigger and heavier, finally adopting fish, when I realized I had brought the modern fly reel would not look the large arbor as their answer to a knife to a gun fight. I glanced too shocking to Isaac Walton. I keep landing a monster with as few hand over at the spinning rod my captain a couple of Ari Harts around to cranks as possible, albeit with hand- had been using to cast hookless wow my non-fishing friends – long slicing skinny backing material as teasers to dorado (dolphin for you ago I stopped fishing with them - reel filler. This had the same effect Easterners) and it came to me that unless my need to look ultra-cool on fly reel performance as adding his reel had a huge handle and my overtakes my common sense. racing stripes to a Model T Ford. handle was just TOO DAMNED Undeterred, the manufacturers SMALL! As my sweaty fingers Unfortunately, a conspiracy of reel started using terms like “train struggled to grip the ¼” diameter designers has condemned the fly stopping drag” when they could beautifully machined piece of metal reel to be a handy way to store line have been re-imagining the product (it could just as well be wood or and backing. We see a lot of what for its new purpose of landing large plastic), I stared longingly at the the tech industry calls creeping species with maximum efficiency. nearly two- inch diameter, finger featurism – a marketing trick where -friendly spinning rod counterpart. incremental changes are passed Recently I had the great fortune Adding insult to finger blisters, I am off as design breakthroughs. The to fight and mostly land huge fish sure he bought that reel in Wal-Mart wake-up call should have come in the Sea of Cortez. During these for less than the cost of backing on with the popularity of salt water prolonged battles, a couple as my fly reel. Now, without re-opening fly fishing. It certainly did for the long as 50 minutes, I had plenty of the whole small hands debate, I will 2019 | May conventional angler who suddenly time to think about the equipment admit to having hands in proportion had reels with multi-speed gearing, I was using. I knew my 12- weight to my compact body size. But even ergonomic handles and centrifugal rod would not explode and my 30- my tiny metacarpals struggled anti-backlash technology to land pound tippet would hold. I thought huge tuna, marlin and roosterfish. about what I would change to make continued on next page...

33 34 | May 2019 FEATURE an AstonMartin,orducttapeon like puttingafoamseatpadin a $2fixforan$800problem. It’s is almostcomfortabletouse.It made byItalians,butitworksand design andwasdefinitelynot never winanaward forindustrial which comesintwosizes.Itwill 1” diameterchunkofyellowfoam advisedly.I usetheterm Thisisa solutions tothisdesignfault–yes, The picture showsmytemporary acute handcramp? that youcanrotate withoutcausing a “bigfish”optionallarge handle a graspablehandle?Howabout much more coulditcosttoinstall have decidedisallwedeserve.How rotating handlethatmanufacturers to staylatchedtheeventinier and asevere andexpensive receiving afineofaround $450 barb. Thisresulted intheteacher line andfoundthatithadatiny Parachute Adamsonthestudent’s the sceneandchecked#18 when aDFWagentcameupon student’s rod fordemonstration Sierra river. Hewasusingthe student castadryflyonCalifornia A friendofminewashelpinga BARBED FLIES GRIPE NUMBERTWO doctor. large fishwithoutatriptothehand Help usalllookforward tohooking can improve onachunkoffoam. this asabetatest–weknowyou a Leica.Manufacturers –lookon

is nodiscountforgoodintentions. test –thefineissamethere crimped downbarbswillfailthis test onmicrofiber materials.Often test forbarbsusingthe“snag” It iswellknownthatagentswill me attheflyshopdownroad.” say, “Butthatwastheflytheysold devastated studentwasheard to live baitinflyonlywater. The a barbedtreble hookorfishing the sameviolationclassasusing go unpunished.Thefinefellinto reminder thatnogooddeeddoes shops shouldmainlysellbarbless but prompt metoassertthatfly legal pointsare outsideourscope to theDUIdriverliable?These Is theliquorstore thatsellsbooze Does theflyshopshare anyliability? Streamtech Boats FEATURE flies, especially in areas where the law mandates their use. Not as a matter of liability but of customer service. They should explain to their customers the pros and cons of barbs and demand their suppliers offer more flies tied on barbless hooks. These are: Steelhead boat and Trailer

PROS 2018 Steelhead boat Better hook penetration Get one for your Dog Kinder to the fish

Will not get stuck in your flesh, clothes, nets

Easier to release fish

CONS adds fly preservation to the list of barbless hook price points. Create a barbless benefits: “Just about all better price point, and I think you'll You might lose a fish or two (but you my hooks now are tied on barbless have more anglers subscribing to can never prove it was through lack flies. Not only is removing the fly using barbless hooks.” of barb) so much easier on the fish (the FULLING MILL, a relative newcomer Accidentally breaking the law (see most important point), but I also to the US fly market, offers an cautionary tale) believe it adds to the longevity of impressive range of barbless flies the fly. This is especially true with Harder to secure to the bend of the and hooks. Company President Nick small barb flies (midges) where hook for dropper rigs Yardley attributes this to their roots most normal sized hands cannot get in the UK market where competition a good enough grip on the fly to style flies are more in demand. They Of course, I’m not suggesting that pull it out. Instead, we are forced overcome the “hopper dropper retailers stock all flies in barbed the use forceps to grab the fly, but dilemma” by adding a tiny tippet and barbless – that would be an most of the time end up destroying ring to the bend of their larger expensive inventory nightmare. But or ripping the small fly trying to dry flies. “I expect we will see surely it wouldn’t hurt to hold parallel retrieve it from the fish. Because of

more innovation of this kind,” says 2019 | May stock of locally popular patterns. how easy barbless flies are to pull Yardley. Eric Kelley, their Technical out of a fish's mouth, we not only HOOK POINTS AND PRICE Manager, confirmed that, because return the fish unharmed to the POINTS of the need for special tooling, it river, but we also do less damage to costs more to produce a barbless Author, guide and retired the fly. I think the hook companies tournament angler George Daniel need to do a better job with the continued on next page... 35 36 | May 2019 FEATURE convinced thatbarblessflies lose push backfrom anglerswhoare “fairly nebulousdata,”he foresees Admitting thattheindustry uses a barb–butyoucan’t addtoit.” take thingsoff afly–beitflashor their FlySpecialistsays,“You can demands both.DaveStudent, flies becausethemarketstill players, sellsbarbedandbarbless UMPQUA, oneoftheleading standard inBritishColumbia.” being said,barblessisnowthelegal lifetime” toabarblesshook-that those whofearlosing“thefishofa complete sense,butthere are and smallfish,barblessfliesmake passed on.Yardley adds,“Fortrout savings ofamortizationwillbe hook. Let’s hopethatintimethe for retailers andcustomersnotto“do therightthing.” nets for$34.95andrubberized$45, leaving little room mylocalflyshopfoundoldschoolknottedquick checkof split shotandindicatorsintoahellishstreamside tangle. A accepted askindertofishandless likely toturnbarbedflies, Once anexotic innovation, therubberizednetiswidely says President RayChang. tode-barbtheir flies,” but theshopsstillrely on the and release isincreasingly popular, in thesaleofbarblessflies.“Catch COMPANY hasnotseen anincrease Pasadena basedSOLITUDEFLY about stickingitinthefirstplace.” “it’s not aboutlosingthefish–it’s going barblessfortarponwhere he added.Studentdidadmitto up Northwouldwanttheirbarbs,” barbless butthestreamer fishermen trout guysintheSouthmightgo my homestateofColorado,the variations are alsoabigfactor. “In we wentallbarbless.”Regional think wewouldseeresistance if to shakethatnotion,”hesays,“I associated withlosingfishit’s hard fish. “Onceabarblesshookis from shown inthephotoare available Heads cushionedflyreel handles By theway, theaptlynamedKnuckle gripes isnotbad. I guessoneoutofthree answered thing.” and customersnotto“dotheright $45, leavinglittleroom forretailers nets for$34.95andrubberized fly shopfoundoldschoolknotted tangle. Aquickcheckofmylocal indicators intoahellishstreamside barbedflies,splitshotandturn as kindertofishandlesslikely rubberized netiswidelyaccepted Once anexoticinnovation,the KNOTTED STRINGNETS GRIPE NUMBERTHREE

FEATURE TED TURNER AND THE TROUT Written by Jonathan Lee Wright

Casting for cutthroat on Vermejo Park Ranch. Credit: Jonathan Lee Wright

Ted Turner bought the Vermejo Park Vermejo Park Ranch is the largest alpine tundra, the inholding represents Ranch because Yellowstone and contiguous parcel of private land in the a unique and irreplaceable gene bank. Yosemite were already taken. The continental United States, bigger than Recognizing this, Turner purchased the comparison is a fair one, as it is an both Grand Teton and Rocky Mountain ranch in 1996 with an intent of restoring achingly beautiful landscape, with national parks combined. Covering the ecology of the property to act as a sprawling forests of Lodgepole Pine over 590,000 acres that straddle the preserve for native species, a concept and Ponderosa giving way to grassy boundaries New Mexico and Colorado to which he is deeply committed—his | May 2019 | May natural parks at the higher elevations. -- and the crest of the 13,000’ Sangre work in rebuilding populations of North Above it all, far above the tree line, de Cristo mountain range above Taos American Bison on his numerous real stand snowy alpine peaks tearing -- the ranch encompasses not only estate holdings across the West is against the thin clouds that skate over a broad swath of property, but also widely recognized, and in 2012, Turner the southern Rockies. biology. From high desert range to continued on next page...

37 38 | May 2019 FEATURE A chunkyRioGrandecutthroat onTurner's property. Crdit JonathanLeeWright a native fish of the southern Rocky a native fishofthesouthern The RioGrande cutthroat trout is endangered species. world willbethesaviorsofcritically global scalephilanthropists ofthe well bethattheTed Turners andother wildlands inthiscountryItcould very the protection ofthelastremaining enterprises are akeycomponentin managed assustainablecommercial conservationists: large privateinholdings unpopular—conclusion fortraditional of thisprovides aclear—andlikely to beawinforallinvolved.Theupshot and theTurner organization hasproven between stateandfederalagencies legislative assaults,thepartnership are losingground underwithering where publiclandsandnativespecies the useofpublicmoneys.Inanera boondoggles thatcanhamstring been abletosidestepthebureaucratic funded Turner organization haslargely the project executionlevel,theprivately agencies andpartneringwiththemat Paralleling theefforts ofgovernment Champion Award forconservation. was awarded theU.S.FishandWildlife

a matter ofdays,then dumpedinto be brought across stateborders in loads oftrout heldinicewatercould of railroads meantthatheavy barrel in thelate19thcentury. Theadvent favorite sportandtablefish tothe West on eithercoasttointroduce other landowners, contractedhatcheries departments, alongwithprivate when enthusiasticFishandGame The problem forthecutthroats began especially forflyanglers. emblematic oftheRockyMountains, arein theirvariousforms seenas Siberia. Formany, landlocked cutthroat range extendingfromto California pacific,withahistorical coastal northern Rainbow Trout, afishendemictothe closely related tothewidelydistributed the EPA. Cutthroats asaspeciesare candidate forThreatened Statuswith nature, asuntilrecently theywere a when manextendshisinfluenceover a classicexampleofwhatcanhappen fish ofNewMexico,italso represents waters. Inadditiontobeingthestate in onlythemostpristineandremote indicator forenvironmental health,living Mountains, andisconsidered an

pushed out of their native ranges. pushed outoftheirnativeranges. competitors forspace,cutthroats were introduced disease,andnoprevious immunological defensesagainst fewdeveloped invasive species.With compete undertheonslaughtof The cutthroat wasnotableto niches invarioushabitats. cutthroat—nonetheless assumedtheir genera, andunabletocrossbreed with originating from entirely separate U. S.andEuropean Brown Trout—both fish likeBrook Trout from theeastern lines. Rainbowsandotherunrelated rivers andlakesincloseproximity torail private organizations in particular is our private organizations inparticularisour think where we mightdiffer from other and explained theirphilosophy. “I Conservation forTurner Enterprises, Carter KruseistheDirector of Department ofGameandFish. public partneragency, theNewMexico fortheTurnerconcern effort andtheir subspecies squarely inthearea of All thisputstheRioGrandecutthroat climateprovides.intermountain water thatmillenniaofevolutioninan of theirinherent toleranceofthecoldest approaching tree line,takingadvantage reaches ofheadwatercreeks andlakes taken refuge inthehighestelevation outside ofthegreater Yellowstone have cutthroat inalmostallwatersheds various subspeciesofaboriginalnative rivers oftheRockies.Atthiswriting, “cuttbows” thatnowpopulatethe creating millionsofcross-lineage effortlessly interbreed withcutthroat, of Rainbowtrout allowedthemto fish. Worse, theclosegeneticties where theycouldpounceonjuvenile up residence inslowersideeddies large, predatory Browns wouldtake small stream spawninggrounds, and Brook Trout wouldwildlyoverpopulate FEATURE willingness to engage. We don’t avoid Costilla River. The method of eradication and Armendaris ranches near Truth or difficult projects or issues. For example, was the same as that used for decades Consequences lay across a massive the threat of an Endangered Species by Fish and Wildlife departments stretch of Northern Chihuahuan desert. Act listing doesn’t deter us as it does across the country, where the quickly Separated by the Rio Grande, but still many, in fact it probably pushes us to degrading organic piscicide Rotenone intimately tied to it, the two parcels get involved” . is applied upstream of the problematic provide a showcase and sanctuary populations. After almost two decades for a very different spectrum of flora Kruse clarified this further, saying, “Not of effort , Turner Enterprises announced and fauna from the Northern alpine only are we willing to cost share a that the Rio Grande Trout Restoration ranges. Water is scarce outside of the project, and lots of groups will do this, project on the Vermejo is complete main channel of the big river and its but we are willing to conduct research as of 2017, and that only Rio Grande large public impoundments, but what to improve our understanding of an cutthroat now live in the streams within little is there drives entire stream side issue or impacts. We are willing to the confines of the ranch. ecosystems, attracting and supporting help write environmental documents, subtly complex webs of plants and we assist with project oversight and New Mexico has had a dedicated animals. The canyons that cut from the implementation, we provide bodies interest in the issue for decades, and higher elevation ranges to either side of to do the work, and so forth. We have provided not only the fish to replenish the Rio provide catchments for winter ownership. We are consistent with the streams through its hatchery system, precipitation and heavy summer rains. our overall philosophy and specific but support and oversight of the overall Ephemeral creek beds at the bottom of objectives. I think that makes us pretty project. Tucker Brauer is a Rio Grande these ravines rarely run with continuous transparent. Mostly for us it’s about cutthroat Trout Biologist with the state, surface water, but dig down a couple conservation gain on the ground.” and offered more insight into the feet and you’ll find cool wet sand that broader effort. will fill the hole with water in a matter of Acknowledged as the southernmost minutes. Nonetheless, this subsurface occurring variant of the trout—which “While stream treatments are finished water flows downhill, and protected includes Westslope, Yellowstone, Snake on Vermejo Park Ranch, the project from evaporation, makes occasional River, Colorado River and Greenback is still ongoing. We are continuing to appearances as shallow pools shaded strains, among others scattered across restock and monitor waters on the ranch by overhanging Cottonwoods and the West -- the Rio Grande strain but we still have stream treatments Ponderosa. historically had a protected stronghold planned for the coming years on waters in the headwater creeks of the Vermejo surrounding the property on Carson Las Animas Creek (not to be confused Park Ranch, and it is in the Sangre de National Forest land. The New Mexico with the much larger Animas River in the Cristo mountains that the trout have Dept. of Game and Fish is the project extreme northwest corner of the state) the bulk of their remaining numbers. lead and Turner Conservation has been is the central drainage of the Ladder Over one hundred years of stocking of a fantastic partner in the effort. The Rio Ranch. It creates a dense riparian invasive fish, both in the overall region Costilla Project is the largest native trout habitat along its otherwise inconsistent and on the ranch proper prior to Turner restoration project in the country and channel, and astoundingly, has ownership created an overly stressful it wouldn't have been possible without supported populations of resident fishes environment for the cutthroat, and in their cooperation.” -- including cutthroat trout. The Ladder the late 1990’s the decision was made Ranch, today run as an economically to restore the native fish of the Vermejo ••• self-sustaining business, operates as to their original state. This required the one of the nations premier eco-tourism 2019 | May eradication of invasive trout within sixty The extent of scientific interest destinations, offering visitors insights miles of small streams that run both east surrounding the Rio Grande cutthroat into an austere desert landscape and west off the crest of the mountains, extends beyond the geographic that is managed with extreme care and in a good sized, state-managed boundaries of its home range. 300 miles in its restoration. Recent visitors reservoir providing water which flows to the south of the Vermejo, the twin have included former President and off the property to public lands as the Turner-owned properties of the Ladder continued on next page... 39 40 | May 2019 FEATURE National Forest westoftheranch. just insidethe boundaryofthe by theNMDGFtoupper stream, NM—werein northern reintroduced Grande cutthroat inCanones Creek native populationofpure strain Rio in total,sourced from anisolated test populationoftrout—48 fish subsequent precipitation, asmall ash flowhadbeendissipatedby In 2017,fouryearsaftertheinitial could everdo. fisheries managementintervention stream more effectively thanyearsof phenomenon reset theecologyof a cleangeneticslate,asnatural Foundation were thenlookingat Game andFishtheTurner The NewMexicoDepartmentof corruption ofnativebloodlines. of thelastcenturyandrepresented a the indiscriminatestockingpolicies had unfortunatelybeensubjectto out thetrout intheLasAnimas,which lands. Theresulting ashflowswiped the LasAnimaslieonNationalForest where theheadwatercatchmentsof well westoftheLadderRanch,but through burned theBlackRange, suffered aseriesofwildfires that In 2013,SouthwestNewMexico tons oftoxicashdownstream beds. where in theaftermath, rainswash the initialconflagration,butrather destructive towatersheds,notin weeks. Forest fires are notoriously early Julyandlastingforaboutsix of torrential downpours,startingin by asummer“monsoon”period season—and istypicallyfollowed and driestmonth—thestartoffire In theSouthwest,Juneishottest late UNSecretary GeneralKofiAnnan. outdoorsman JimmyCarterandthe fleshy adipose, anidentifyingfeature fish withasecond dorsalfin--the canyon thatappearstorepresent a pecked intoarock wallof theupper year-old Native Americanpictograph clue astotheirexistence:a thousand best, butthere existsonetantalizing the Animaspriorto1900issketchyat presence ofaboriginal,nativetrout in fish topopulate.Officially recorded robust watershedsforcoldwater New Mexicowouldhaveprovided fields inthehighcountryofSouthern Pleistocene, large snow permanent and ecologies,butduringthelate leading toshrinkingriversystems desertification ofthelast12,000years Southwest, withtheprogressive considerably wetterintheAmerican and precipitationwere patterns At theendoflasticeage,climate center ofthestate. only watercourse ofsignificanceinthe environment foranytrout, andthe Grande river—awhollyunsuitable turbidwaterintheRio miles ofwarm, separated byatleasttwohundred New Mexicanpopulationsofthefish, considerable outliertotheNorthern included LasAnimasCreek. Thisisa range ofRioGrandeCutthroat trout historical extremelimitofthe southern Robert Behnke,Ph.D.statedthatthe Trout ofWestern America North some time.Inhismonograph scientific investigationanddebatefor which hasbeenamatterofongoing to theoriginoftrout intheLasAnimas, The justificationfortheseefforts relates spring 2019. 2018, withafinalstockingplannedfor Department intheupperheadwaters were stockedbytheGameandFish positive survivalrates,138more fish Since thattime,andencouragedby Native Native , canyon watersupstream. signaling thepresence oftrout inthe intended tobeinterpretive signage, rock artinthecanyonmayhavebeen graphics orreligious iconography, the Rather thanrepresenting random may havebeenotherwisedismissed. researchers tolinesofthoughtthat This faintmessagefrom thepastleads to supporttheirpredatory behaviors. muddy flowsthatthosefishes prefer does notprovide thekindofslow stream gradientoftheUpperAnimas Catfish alsoexpress thistrait,butthe of trout andsalmon.Warmwater challenging environment theyhave of RioGrande cutthroat to the most Restoring self-sustainingpopulations the faceofglobalclimatechange. do thesameatageneticlevel in how humansandotherspecies could potential significanceforunderstanding in theirenvironment, thisshowsa to adaptlarge temperature variances of theirgenus—haveaninnateability cutthroats—along withothermembers If thisindicatesthattheAnimas seem tohavebeenablesurvive. LasAnimas relatively southern warm species, andyetthetrout ofthe generally toocoldforothercompeting in highlyoxygenatedwaterthatis high-country cutthroats Northern, thrive over thelastfewthousandyears. climate shiftinthedesertSouthwest environmental conditionsofaregional survived andadaptedtotheextreme to understandhowsomeofthem fishes. Itisthenofscientificimportance potentially teemingwithcoldwater of tributariessuchastheAnimas,all would havesupportedawidenetwork the RioGranderiverofancienttimes are profound. Fedbycoolsnowmelt, of thecutthroats oftheLasAnimas The implicationsofthegenetichistory FEATURE been known to inhabit could yield gravel bars where their mates had laid fish. They have chosen flies that imitate unexpected insights into biological the eggs that ensured their progeny. the abundant grasshoppers of the dynamics not yet understood. Now, the Rio Grande cutthroat—a surrounding meadow, and methodically spring spawner, like all members investigate the water with short casts, These kinds of questions are of its genus—holds dominion over more hunting than fishing. what make the entire concept of the waters of the ranch. The final environmental conservation crucially restoration stocking of fish in the one Suddenly, the water erupts not valuable. The deep ecology of the to two-year-old class over the last twenty feet in front of David, and ancient natural world may hold the keys several years meant that successful he expertly tightens up on the to our own survival. maturation and natural reproduction line, raising the flexible rod above of native fish was one to two seasons his head. A large fish smashed ••• away from the time of reintroduction. his Hopper only inches from the In many small high country streams, overhung grass on the bank. I shout Winter at 8,000’ elevation comes cutthroats top out at a maximum size my surprise and encouragement as early, with skiffs of snow catching of under one foot in length, a function he expertly prevents it from diving back under cover where roots and rocks could easily part the thin nylon leader. It takes several minutes to tire the trout to the point where it can be handled.

A male. Heavy-bodied, with breathtaking colors and of about 17” in length, it will easily go over 2 1/2 lbs.—a bucket list specimen for any committed fly fisherman. It comes into the shallows unwillingly, making a few last efforts at escape. Finally, with wet hands, David cradles the fish for a few photographs, and then eases the fish back into the flow after removing the barbless hook. It hesitates, then darts back to its hidden lair, none the worse for wear.

The three of us look at each other grinning, and realize that without the highest peaks surrounding the of the overall abundance of available question, the native trout of the ranch Vermejo Park Ranch starting in mid- aquatic prey at altitude. are back. September. Changing colors in the aspen groves create classic conditions David Barfield and Mel Johnson are Editor’s note: We ran this story, not for the limited draw hunts which bring both seasoned fly-fishing guides on only because it is interesting, but sportsmen from all over the world the Vermejo, each with a lifetime of also because in an era when we’re for a chance to take an elk returning experience catching trout in a wide all (rightfully) about increasing public | May 2019 | May from summer grazing grounds for variety of terrain elsewhere in the West. access, it’s worth discussing how the Fall rut. The streams of the ranch I watch them slowly stalking alongside private lands can and do play a role in are now in transition. In the past, the banks of Costilla Creek above the conservation. And in fact, if a certain nonnative Brown trout would be in reservoir, where they probe the small species of native trout survives another spawn, with aggressive males killing niches and corners of the stream that several generations, we might have almost everything in proximity to the typically hold larger and more wary landowners to thank for that.

41 42 | May 2019 FEATURE Mastery ofthefundamentalscatchesfish...andcustomers.Photo cr Written byWilliamR. Deeter Today, smartmarketerslookfornewwaystorelatecustomers. moving forward. market tovarious target audiences how theywanttomanage and change thewayothersthink about may shocksomeandcould verywell further. WhatIamabouttotellyou your wadingbeltbefore reading fishing industrymaywanttotighten (or both)intherecreational fly- All ofyoumanufacturers, retailers MARKET TOMAKELIVESBETTER! articles wehave lyingaround on college textbooks andpublished strategies andtactics,pitch any all thoughtsoftraditional marketing should castaside(pardon thepun) we are livinginthe“digital age”we like usalltobelievethatbecause just abouteveryindustry, whowould There are peopleoutthere today, in edit: Tim Romano. behind them, wewillseefactsand marketing tools andthewizards analytics thatsupportthese new if wedothatandthenrely onthe experts exclusively. We’re toldthat social mediainfluencersand digital businesses andourbudgetsat the like,andthrow ourselves,our advertising, publicrelations and

FEATURE figures that demonstrate just how much time and talent we have wasted as traditional marketers. Don’t buy it. Weblogs or “blogs” gave the

While social media influencers microphone to anyone, and to and digital experts definitely have a place in every marketer’s information tackle box, check that, an extent that was a good thing. waist pack (second bad pun) and the story telling world we are now Now, when I think of a blog, I working in, they are no more a marketing cure-all than any other think, “that was so 2010.” tool available to us today. Some 20 or 30 years ago we were told that website development would be the last marketing tool any of us would propositions, and integrated the answer to building strong need to assure industry dominance programming that bundles brand platforms and franchises. and unquestioned success. Guess everything in today’s master Successful product positioning what? That just has not happened. marketer’s portfolio. Marketing along with crisp, concise message Websites are important, but they today is still as much a blocking and delivery is still key and it resonates are not the only answer. tackling game as football. best when it is a well-thought-out We might be running more spread blend with some advertising, some Weblogs or “blogs” gave the offenses, but the bottom line is you publicity, some sales promotion, microphone to anyone, and to an cannot win if you cannot block and some social and digital extent that was a good thing. Now, or tackle. marketing, all working together when I think of a blog, I think, “that over an acceptable timeframe. was so 2010.” Pop-ups are fine, but Successful marketing in the fly- This assumes, of course, that there’s no substance in just being fishing industry is still very much those doing the marketing have in someone’s face. And in a sport about common sense, creativity, established manageable and like fly-fishing, it’s important to deal innovation, persistence, message measurable objectives, direct on a higher intellectual plane where delivery, and pricing. These are their efforts at well-defined target conscience is as much a factor as the things that impact most on audiences, and have meaningful simply “being there.” consumers’ decisions to purchase, program content to share that resulting in your business’s target audiences are looking for. If truth be known, this writer, outcomes.

The good news is that anyone can 2019 | May marketer and communicator is do most of these things, even a convinced that solid brand building Even if you have unlimited resources small fly shop. today is still all about creating (which, of course, most of you do and maintaining informative story- not have), expensive advertising telling platforms, unique selling campaigns are not necessarily continued on next page...

43 44 | May 2019 FEATURE Today's toolsofthetrade differentiate hisorherbusiness hard aboutwhatonemustdoto stories andthinkinglong monitoring brand-drivensuccess After spendingmanymonths want toconsiderthefollowing. over yourcompetition,youmight Today, whenyouseekanadvantage performance. Sharedperformance. values seem principles dictatebothbehavior and fundamental beliefsandguiding attract themtooneanother. These a setof“shared values” that of sellersandpurchasers having been drawntotheimportance from thecompetition,wehave Stay withme here… of societyatlarge. organizations actonfor thebenefit interested intheethical framework clients andcustomersare equally important andvaluable,today’s in thesellingprocess are still and thensale.Whileallfivesteps to awareness tointerest, conviction walking targets from unawareness Selling isnolongerassimple their “socialresponsibility.” or customerstothinkandtalkabout to drivemarketersandtheirclients people, and they knowthatsmart both are importanttohelping and “brandpurpose.”They know are considering“social purpose” with truesocialresponsibility. They balancing theirbusinesspractices onto thisfactandare reshaping and marketers wetalkwithhavelatched sustain asportlikeflyfishing.Smart the naturalresources neededto to benefitsociety, or perhaps profits withwhattheyare doing demonstrate inmanagingtheir curtain forthebalancemarketers They are really lookingbehindthe Premium Hooks for marketing can help clients and If there is a revelation to be shared customers live better lives. here, it is that successful marketers and brand builders today are Since social purpose guides brand stepping out and building new purpose, the new challenge to bridges. They develop followings all marketers is why and how the based on the values they stand for. lives of those people purchasing Successful businesses acknowledge their goods and services are being Premium fly Tying Tools social responsibilities and state impacted and made better through publicly their social purpose what they (the manufacturer and because it is that social purpose that retailer) do or do not do in the guides brand purpose and forces all world around them. of us to deal with how we can help people live better lives. This is the So, what are the four take-aways from this stream of marketing new gold standard we all need to consciousness? live by. We must demonstrate now Premium sPliT sHoT that what we do as manufacturers There is no one cure-all in marketing and retailers makes lives better. today. Social media and digital The result is an enduring win-win marketing are two exciting new relationship for businesses and tools that are excellent and have their customers. their place in the marketing mix with other proven tactics. Our challenge Editor’s note: William R. (Bill) Deeter is knowing where, when and how to has over 50 years of professional use them. marketing and communications

expertise, having worked with Premium fisHing flies There are already a lot of excellent companies like M&M/Mars, S.C. tools available to skilled marketers, Johnson, and others. For the past and how one goes about integrating 35 years, he has successfully run or bundling them dictates how Deeter USA, a consulting firm based cost-effective brand building and marketing will be. in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, that works with all sizes of businesses,

The marketing and brand building from the Fortune 500 to local programs that work best are those nonprofits. Suffice it to say that he is that are razor focused on very clear, my most trusted source and mentor concise objectives and are directed on all things related to professional at well-defined target audiences. communications. He also happens to Message content is the natural very be my dad. For more information, your AmeriCAn sourCe important next step. call him at 215-348-3890. E-Mail: [email protected] (800) 332-3305 46 | May 2019 I dedicatedmy career tohelping of theplight“Lonesome Larry,” Twenty-eight yearsago,afterlearning River salmonandsteelhead. effort torecover Columbia andSnake whopping $16billionspentonafailed lawsuits, fivebiologicalopinions,anda salmon andsteelheadthanmultiple recovery oftheimperiledSnakeRiver Boise maydomore toproject the conference attheAndrusCenterin Simpson (R-ID)atasalmonandenergy Those words byCongressman Mike return tohealthypopulationsinIdaho.” stay alivelongenoughtoseesalmon “I haveconcludedthatIamgoingto Written by IDAHO’S SALMON HOPE FOR Photo cred: Stephen Voss BACKCAST Chris Wood of thousands.Lastyear, 134returned. Lake itsname,oncecameinthetens Larry’s ancestorsthatgaveRedfish historic runs. Middle Fork–onepercent ofthe 500 salmonreturnedtospawninthe week season.In2017,fewerthan keep twosalmonperdayforafive- a prolific fisherythatanglerscould Middle ForkoftheSalmonwassuch historic abundance.Inthe1950s, those runsare afractionoftheir steelhead returnedtospawn.Today, chinook andmore thanhalf-a-million Snake Riverspringandsummer lower Snakedams,more thanamillion Before theconstructionoffour are onapathtoextinction. salmonandsteelheadinIdaho Wild sockeye toreturn. That didn’t happen—hewastheonly have sexonetimebefore hedied. to to return tothelakehewasborn countless predators—never feeding— elevation, crossing eightdams, 800 miles,climbing6,500feetin Larry, asockeye,managedtoswim recover Idaho’s salmonandsteelhead. steelhead recovery—adjustments will River damsisessentialtosalmon and dams, removal ofthefour lowerSnake restoration andtechno-fixes atthe and billionsofdollarsspent onhabitat overwhelming: afteralmost 30years The scientificevidenceis few ofthebenefits?” of theSnakeRiverdamsandreap so “Why shouldIdahobearallthecosts Congressman Simpsonrightlyasks, steelhead forrecreational, tribaland harvestable populationsofsalmonand It mustcreate robust, fishable,and local communitiessuchasLewiston. social andeconomicprioritiesof are reliable. Itmusthelpmeetthe that jobsare safeandenergy supplies transport theircrops. Itmustensure ensure canirrigateand thatfarmers too. RestorationoftheSnakemust complex effort mustbeaboutpeople, be aboutfish.Thishopefuland Restoration, however, cannotsimply and predator management. also beneededinhatchery, harvest of Trout Unlimited Chris Wood president isthe andCEO but theyare running outoftime. given halfachance,theywill return, These fishare remarkably resilient. If magnificent salmonandsteelhead. the causeofdeclineIdaho’s crises to–unwillingaddress half-measures andlurched from For three decades, wehaveaccepted wildlife habitatintheGemState. million acres ofincredible fishand Roadless Rulewhichprotects nine of leadershipindevelopingtheIdaho (R-ID) demonstratedthesametype salmon legacy. SenatorJimRisch what isneededtobringbackIdaho’s should result inanunbiasedlookat willingness toaskthehard questions removal, Congressman Simpson’s While nothimselfcallingfordam are, too. The fishare important;butpeople commercial fishermen.

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Experience ChromaPop™. The road to extinction is paved with good intentions

A film about the high cost of hatcheries, fish farms and human arrogance.

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