•—»•' - 1 ". rf I- S£ .s."s VOL. X. NO. CRANFORD. N. JH THUR8DAY, JANUARY 30, IQ0&. TtlRRE CENTS tf * link Howte Ud *t hia a sdWuml anticlimax, MM. N» ttM^kMtnw, w*t aaiMtlaaa l\>r ttekM. Reversing a. fctr dat^ktar. bat It aiwt h«V. twoii Her Titian Tte dajr tar aaUut «u btaaily fair. - 0 - The Cranford - «**-JM«d that <«oMd bloat Ucvr v Hawte ta add hta IsfluMc*. Durrtur lira., Masw«U oirt ?wphUit at tte Decisioiv* toa ttiraad fc» To>uMy. •tMmwr and accuu.t,«nlml her to ter Gas Light Company Ttouaa HatxWrwa Ilavta." km utd Rival. atatatuuui, eetihlN' 'uj b«rt*ir coav «akttjr. -I {iM«a yaa tk« wwd «T oaa foruMy ttte»» wiii much m«tb*n» *« Man m «ootW ttal I dM not mak* atodw*. , . "After tti* (itr«>t>«!i» are *v*r yew OuamHtoC M.|>ca 9m** try- WUI jraw aU»4 taa oOka a C«»irti«kl«4. INT. kf Itoawr l«nii» be and Ralt>'] mutt g<; a^^uenated,** ate Tteaua H*ad*n*ai Howl* B* a»n«« Om aalif. a .niag t>ort[ to tb* deck* a tainted and vlracloui bpalno b*r*e!f b *>cj)a^any" mother and i Ogurr ' nrafllun i\» «t># stood at tte p«t on th* tea*. Man who MM tb* runn It *- v .dawntuwn oo twain*** ateold a*t k« Work to tn* ufflc* bulMlns lu «broad Mutt bs'w i< j b«tr." ttili ' •tiHuiwT \'u\ii-<.her baatl. 1 Lighting, patted on UMI toad mi IT ttelr nut*-. il«nry How If bad bis suit, ami shortly "Well of all i:_.e*" excUUn**) kuti • ( l)j,< i i .-• >'naiiuu» of bar *f* «a poaaata footlaa tlaa* that Mr* IKtrrlngtoii rnterH th* prtrat* office E*phlne HolUday < ,'.t a funny ad- ~jm «* '\v •usunn crepcrt aa< Hies, etc. Heating, ax»cat*_ item «a tiimam teat alway* of the operator. TvrtlMment, aud ,; • ,Mn't Ut me f -i -. i i *j»>nl Jmad* art importantly aad ateald teIm M Dili |i«rd«ii ray atTU^iue**" off ta a T." vttk d*f«im x ••hi * a ituuuerl" Tom. "l>nt I Have-juKt Bh* read tt over t.»- .u. a* 1/ toeon .Zephi , ^J» JSKt >ad-tte***ct «^HiCa^M set a**Milf.tb** n "w *if.'#4•"'/•"^""j* "li'-iL^'"i *W i^."_i-i ttOsMT -StattdanoF B««£t' avail 1'rnui what 'luiumy «i,»« v|>tlc*l lUuoion. Then sba t*tu*d down i «lna and w*s Mcktea* to tu» nabaaal degr** *f MJB> that her .rrfiinal U ah* i Power. rod attttntaa. and tt«uti«r paa*. by th* f»Ct that you n<- d U,nru'a in to think It'orer. r«ll*tiM ' i • -.us* approaaa- pom *tx-y*a*»ld wte enter** DacHar, aktanr*. ami the U tb* Lwuu« fur A Urge half packed trunk stood opea ing. for a distaui T .«___ 196 BROAD STRSET, . Haadvnon Bowta." tw crlad. "Aat you lw* I fact* nniMsl bl:u tu augur, but tti OMtern city, where ah* had accepts t>> ktl't nil -vbat good fortnn* brlnga yoa te.tka wblt*^ tense [face uf the uuiu Itvtov th» i>o*ltUiu~oT teacher of ererytblu aOeaf BumJr you art Mt about tob a fait* rastralnnl htm from pitching Tt i ffoui elemeutary arithmetic, which sit 'i» nd with wU> •aad for braacb •** afr»M of mat littl* Boaatoa gtri,'«r U* liked Tim, and It hurt bin togl r the loved, but bad nu particular detlr* tt\r- v. i paibapa It la tb» ambanlamaDt U pf* pala to tb* young fellow, „ to try to mak* a lot of giggling young wm agmlnr "You ara not entirely correct ta your girls lore with an euuoi ardor. It tti* boy," ite CRANFORD. WESTFICLO gan>fl followed «*n> B'>w tbat tb* colleg* court* wu orer, chsotu: at I,.." > Maswvll imp- whit* coTaiopc into itfiii tnmUlaf rtsge ulth Mr. ttowcu. ilowen bus suil th«j» were no tarplo* fund* to tin ( I C H tuada. «% wUI ba golnv BOW." ba add- prouilnwl tn com* to my nlil In nn I*T- . of COM «• ' • •/••i>blu* knew of JE PARK, N. J. family ucbequer.' h»r son. l(«l|i|i M nn.ii the artist. th.> • uU*a lti(ht,a pur* lighten orn*in*atot light and out Tj-tir rtatrIt farariahedbj ad aa fcatama d away. TUa taiaad biaJtMZUlty. Tliat l>wi«latt« tract hfc* "I'll anaw»r that ad. tn person, • beaiy btinipii lu ine, Uovreu Mill popular purtrmt iraiuti'r of chlldrtu Zephln*, announced to tte trunk, •titf modern iiiuUnuutl. Why, hita "Wilt a DMUest. pl«aa^" b» take It nt what 1 paid and pay cash. whoa* Mpanmv* yawn Indicated si- Edited Jiestrle Compiay or flew Jersey may b# an. unw.". Shu wUI enable-joe to •It* not mentionti] *it>«ltlly bow,jb* For i*rj reiUnnabla rctat th*jgtr«. •laotrwitr r» teataa* ajowtsYObattaad pr**aiT*ly'Jt* amtMDMnt. "*A . ...1 all w«m*u. withered twirt, ^r clwcltatwdd intotainto-tar WotwWotwt >«tmenU, J«MI*'I«~KTIII*- garten of on* somehow sounds nor* •f BECHTBL •M lhair *tation. It will eott yoa noUriac Talk - daiJr and ««ttttMM bllblmaelf f witihh quaint, That I* why the had thought it would ftkl to tbt frknj nhu hat come, to to/ attractive than a-twardlng tcbool full gir* hip partkulur pl*Mur* to hav* anma co*a •natter* OT*Tan d yoa ««y an* atnmrjr old faahtoMd grartty, whUa Oontna> reattiB nnd l«iiu^ ^ Jp of scatter brained-girl*, Mptclally IEUPHME: - nnwinvnca: tea opaaad and raad tba nota. Twk« tb* third m*mbW or their party pa*. •ult 1 tell; ou tbl* tbat you way ut>when tt ha* with It a trip to Kurop* MM* tbl* dlstlMlt** mark of b**uty, HE M& lOHODISIAME.MB. 77MWT8TWT. tb. nan wd ft. thooch mt tot tlm* dtnriand. Of roun* It wUI go no thrown In." me, tba word* sad aaarad-tfaaaaaat4«* 1st* Aad at fur »slpU-wby, te hlm*elf EUUSETH2M. , *• 'HlIlfn«.injttCEY tter." . ( When Zepain* rang tte MaiiraU tell ad been entirely Ignorant of th* Uabraln. "% thanl you for your conttd«nc«, ROSCLLE. ' LYONS FARMS. that eftenwm at th* addr*** gtven la whole pjut until that rery werauf. It ma a cold, ainaat cwt not* ta which will be rmpecW lint 1 want ths adv«rtbwm*at, ah* looted eapUvat- wales Hm* Bowl* ackaowladgad tka wtea hit' mother had revealed It t» to-aak what jou «r* geltluji tor jour Ing enough-to adorn any Ktiropaan him. t*UlD« him wllh bonndiM* *nthu- honor b« bad dona bar In oOiRng to Dctpdala auldlng*.' party, nu matter how fastidious lu maka har bU wlf*. an honor aba d*> •taan that *te had aated 111M UOHU Bowl* looked at tba yocutf*r mau In constituent*. Her smart llttl* autumn day, • charming yotwg woman, to ic> dtoad, ragr«ttla» ttut tbar* ted UrnMiprtoa. "1 prmum* tbat you Uavo hat and bar trig tailor costum* both aaytnlng tn thtlr rrlandanip to load coapuy them on ttelr trip w that te N. A. BARNETT, Muoa for aakinc" ba aald. "Tbu «um tousd lu harmoniously with tte guld would ter* *om* oa* to slisre hU tit jUn fa?btUar a tbntb* frtmdablA la $10,000. That to120 0 nor* tbnn bnnaa of terhai r that blew about cv- 10 SING nflgBt grow to graatar Intimacy. •ntbuitasm with- and tu join dim hi North Avenue, • Cranford, N. Jl •wr»forth* land." qtiattiahly in tb* stirring breet* hU Orelsw jaunt* ts twtrch of pic* Dorrlagton amlltd bittorly M ba nt4 "Bow*n la ganarooa In tb* axtnui*. After sending up bar card Kepbue, turwKjue rhll.lrwi to turn tnt him,' tna laat (aw llMa. aottly b* bid wltha-htlf c*a*eto«*-*l8ii of appnwta- LAUNDRY to hop* fdr*« f TrhiaKthK-rfttihf nnr or «Tiwta»jj##r Em m and: Automobile *' fimbt you are a war* that tte C*ntral Uoa, tank down intoi tte cusuiuowt anaww'to bji latur. Jaaato ted own was golngsuu Sepbla* loukbU frow *o*> and ftuburban plan* a cotoS'to tte deptte *f a insoitona *aar «balr to to th* .QtbvXia bat affort to «tn»t*- m r tendtrMM Itaalf. Witt « ttgb b*main line that |strlk** tte property! await tte presence of th* mysterious m •mix* fi»lmof>. tanwt tb* letter Into bU pocktt and hand the •UuitToa. fldatljt tb* burst Cranford, N j. that will b* better than Ite trollaj mother. When tb* Utter entered tbf out UugUin«-s trttt, hysterical par. vtlt- tnnwd to nla amall Tlaltor. which was not trallL I am Junior cuui drawing room Z*pbln* gased uiwu Utr u*p*~but «tlll It w«* ih* vIvaclMi I*. Rubber Tires for Wagons and Automobiles- "I regrvt, Tbomai Htndanon Uowlt," net for th« road, and 1 know that Bow. wldi frank admiration, Mb* was *tm* pfaln* coming to her rescue. 1 b* aald in the playful banter, tb»t bad (en baajknown tula for two week*," ty and beautiful and abort alt unde- beeo •ugges^ed by tba^blldNi quaint Mr*. U*SW*II iigbad aad *mUed «lf RIGINAL LAUN- > for f BWIOSOI Howl* shrank bm-k niably motbarly. — it one*. • iw M Painting: and (UjnltT-"I r#gret tbat my plaaiurnble •tunned nt tba tr«uiii«ry of bl* fun- You cum* lu answer lu hiy R N CRANFORD. anUclpitlotta or a wild dtailpatlou la •Oh, I'm so irTud w* HI uaihMtawl i ded benvractur. Bowvu would make tlsetueut lu the tnurulug p*p«rl" each other uow. And 1 know «**» Pi •oda water and candjr la celebration a tendooqi* prottt from hi* supposed asked. ^t*r sweet naturtlus** uulln • est work and most of an Important arant bav* bwu daab- going to b* tb* beat of rrland*." m treatment of goods Expert horseshoeing and general blacksmithing., •charitable action. banished all Zephlue't embarrassment With thl* opttmlMlc^akMrtloa ate J.\ ad to aartb. Bat man tana to drink "YM. I-I thought I would like tu ffledJarsusd delivered. botb to'aipraaa bta Joya and drown bU "1 eupposa tbl* I* th* reason you tumeJ to greet tn old acquatntaae*. - seek Jessie'* hand," sneered tb* «ltler know more about It" the girl answer "And to you tlwugbt I wt* a hid," tactlsM Suawitaiasi. N. A. BARNETT. NORTH AVENUE. Bomnra. Tbarefor* I pray you to ile- ad cautiously. aeand with m* totb * drug itort ou tb*nan, stung to a ratert a* an outlet to laugted Ualpb, looking at. bphta* Wo Sins, ground floor and asalst ma In the lat-hi* feelluga. "Tou *r« fond of art Ml** llulllday wllh undisguised admiration. "Welt Tel. 38-L. ter ceremony. Tb*y bar* not choc* "Not at til," aald Oorrtngton calmly -do you paint T" am pretty mucb of a on* Tw'O "My reason for speaking uow Is that I'm not an artist. If that to what tv* to take DM tn hand Joat tte Cranfoj.. M.J. late "Kb wblppad enmm." you mean, but 1 am very fvnd of pic- -No, think you," tald Tommy polite- ttey purchased my old bomtatead for Imay not mind promptly Mts*., a model town. Ttey ar* to build tures and paint a llttl* for-my own. bat ttet wUI be tecattw I'M J. Dealer in Hardware & Housefuraishing Good^ ly. "I-don't want any aoda." ttelr shop* tbar*. I had not thought amusement. D* you wish me totrsc b "Pcrbain you pr*f*r tb* ationgtr of your holding*. Do you want a your ton bow tu palut, Urn. ilsiw«U1 TOOLS. MOWERS, tipp/* or beef tear luggMted Dorrtog- SEEDS. 8CKEES WIRE. I'm afrald"- II* dy*d. I did It to g*t tte Tuning toa. -It U a cup tbat cbaara wltbont "Oh, no, Indeed; just help him'out s , OltOCKERY. ' fcOCLTBY KEITISO. Inebriety and can b* r*nd*r*d quite Twanty mlnuta«..Uter Ootttngton replied iT^phln*, a* ate tnm*d }&* 5?w, «M Wi*»,"JIHJ.A fttte soOatattoi* JTOVOM ineiWWttr MH f Be IlkiM to h*Y* tu own y ^ -ooy,'' b* eriad, "for your to dlagnb* tb* flavor of tte baaf *X- doing things, only b* needs souie »u tion Regulating tract SbaU w.1 gor glMt MKiricaa Ut a* g*t aonatd ou aada and (baa bay oat • candy atom bo toi n sympathy wl(b hi* llttJ* J?dJ On tte last day out Zepulanat wtt* •, It will bit worlb your tim* to try oubatarabaying*ta*wbw*as.aqr crio* "I don't Traat to go with yon." aald and fancies, You l|k* chUdrvu, do you ara loir and quality th* b**t. Totoay (tolldly. "I doat ttk*yo gtad tak* It vp toJatal* . Yon'*« «u- •4 op <'ouifortet/ly la ter tteahir* abtod BM to teat Bowaa at bto ownaot Ml** Uollldayt Of court* that is ctebr. protondwg to road1. Balph'Mt "i- •ny more. Ton mak* JcatJa cry." L -' '•"t.\ CHRONICLE BLOCK, CRANFORD. gam* and wtoa J—tltff teara away. "Tbat" «aid Tom, "I* what tbty call wl«te« ttem." •«.a ,ln««tBioa- of~teeto>-~.T«w alaiar tea • tonaad' la a Tnlgar _.word.^Tvj&wou >s ^furniture *i"T«Taj% 'boy. tint lfi •xpr*aalr**of my fwllHRH. "When w* get »ettl*d la tte cir KiteilT Carpenter and Builder. m* cry bow could sh»T Iv&im~m£f It w*r* not for chil- Ta giad-of It," Mid Tocftay cnally. and to your uncanny power* of olf atell rnnim a poruolt of tua, .Mia Bitratlon I ow* tb* fa«4 that !'»» n- dren ter chances of earning a llveli- oilWc;,- -tLat la, If you tn wflUwflUata " ^Toniaad* ncr err lot*." hood would be-email lnd**dll raraad tte dccldon." "Tin-;; : BHUII bo botb a dy«d aaa*aV P- H. IEWZ, ••>-•• -Ion ar* wNir aakadi Doirin*ton "If yon are vivacious, 1 do not n**d quickly. "8b* waa arytac ottr my > ok," commented Mr*. Uaxwell, i!" ebo tol^ latttjrr - DM* War Oav*l*« Natlensf glanciag at ZtpblsV "!tb geoiiln* ap- oC "Lota," daelorad Toomy with * Item th* horror* or war tare come proral, "I lu* to iir* aalph ter* Rttt i '£Rd» ui reply, bnt OXFORDS «w«epfng KMtnr* ttet anggaatad a many benefits unexpected pt tho time. llvtly companlonsh'.p He's *o «tUrb)| ter mo vttlWj ibn at U Z ,t xtf floodflood oftear*of'tear*. . "II was wastt ta,b«ta,b« China will yet com* to UHis tlw dayhlmaflf. U* leodj s* altogether too « «»KH!:•••*.h IN TAN, BLACK AND PATENT COLT LEATHERS room to get her to a*w tb« tail ottny that ate wt* beaten by Japan, The •a c«»i 'o -i: •-, fa tptte of *if|*f/c ESSCWHCCiER. i«fi7 a cba**." dor again. »b* waa crying awfully, blood and agony of tte clril war tnii'le "Bat why 1* rtd hair •awntlair M th« CBH,-«.'VI declaration ttti and an* wai kladng your latter and America a nation. _IUlUn unity lutd Ztpbjn* anally plutktd up.roOctonl te mMit i-i T* 1 .tuaately j ; White Canvas Shoes and Oxfords Dorrlngtun morad cloaar tott e boy. *«ara. Franca mad*'her wty tohe r *•'!> if bluhing bewltebingly. ^ world eouESr? p.-7i,a» tte For Ladle*, JUs*«s "Ton don't rtnaffibcr wtet ate aald, rightful plac* among tte nation* from Un. MtJtwsli Uughtd softly, _^ —__i^!—-* inspectlBtj-at *^r»V Uldp d »Wiy^ihtih« ififtte-MiMrUt*^-8«daa-and-tte--coni>- trtt tartema,ap. "Ob, tEat's ju*t to satisfy on* of Wby CM fo't irt tod*e*if * yoa can't tbtok. Tommy, boy. Trytenl. anaa, -'WeUlngton twed to eoaclder Halph't whimt. ttt'M to cranky sTne* r«ad»m iaddkb" '; ' • ' Chat tte anataaw of modem British LEONARD he; got over hU long IIIDMS. poor lief, y jf WHESLEB. Thornaa BaadaraM Bowl* knitted tnaaowadit* Mrtb toCterlta L and that we do all w* caa toplvas * him • 122 Broad Street, ELIZABETH. N. J. , «U» bwwa DutgUtplit tad aaatatd tte aflkwr/'af aaval admtatittattfem to For a Cy ot two/ la *rejpr llttl* way. And bo simply *boek*.•• *>• ••••»• •••••••>•»• gUng hla «ght f oot " ^ paint* women with red balr, and iMt It wan* aoisetntng atwot..* itotU Sh* Cnrtotmaj, wteq-w* war* *«l*ctlog a y jyd aaelfleft.-beaaldatlaat. ^ doU tor a Uttl* girt ffind of hl*> te y flrat -t *p*#>miA later tad pala, r." { aioat forgot ter mi*firings over tb* -And dJdtft I toI t 4ra> ai* totonal.nowwtaya," la ni MtiraUi dutanq* of tit- pwapact of ter handling1 tw* "cnaky" tfa«taB aoftly. -Wtet «Ja» did ate CsnMRtopat WL Flalaadand u asd evidently, spoiled soi of an over- Z*pphm*h >fte footedd tttt tim tim ni*M w«r* ootte rarga — All Iook*4 at its Mm!**! Tte . ,"X**V andd *r*ry «*y., K.enilwortt H. J. t «4 ttet ate-coolda't handi* Ala tef•twy bit (it*> inconlglbia d la tte p**o* treaty ••It ' , Is tte astraaM, . adjott" , ,.™ &>:'j M Whan tte amngetp*nt* want finally "Only Uilt,tocorrlgibi«| tiM.'bgr oaaPmtW/tUd tmVtt Own. aaoeiod*d.z«pflta# w*H«d ten* la a / ^•i Ite\frtllithfTfi*)-" t d*i ' wakfr Mtb au teaelwrr'tirfi Ste broogtit tertalf JwckT to taallag £o|a «T teri akiaVttltiA'JfasUal III JRj loaar •sough, JtaNrrttv toata d teU:ai ttetdtSaooiwtekaa — to tte "' **—"

ate •imodiMW*. |q V;'

liiijiib*^ JANIJAR*m. i**

late aoa»etklB« MM cmUstat •MS a tittle tma*eia«Bt for tke JtMrBjTWirauefal But U> BM>v*f „ was afraid et frtibtenlng Mon- ale«r fcigaad into some kind of fit. T*e Called •tataa ta aa Bat the sight soonbecaia* grotesqne, ^ atafBM far astMtSass seeBta *C Cke almost gbutly. Tbe aid ntan's fan line Into the light. The thin., booked jftf W*fU, datlana tS» th* sharply deflaed black istd- rr owa east on iht crouaii. the old, d»i- "ntov •TO to Arthur s» If fee were watching a erestars halftuUure. hsir-huram. ' Toes rsjna tbe round of bis volre rvstted sp. hawwtar. r •"a-a. law: rwaieh. 'twj oaavot tftai Kew Tort Mw low whl»pef of a man ooontlag :-•' PROITrABLaf *On», two, lhr«e. four," Ind *o ntt. "By cartfat- pUnMai In tbla ! terse la orgaataajt. Arthur could not aee-what he waj aetasml fox-tenaBf Mum coattUaKi that was >wlthla. th« black told, «B«B» Bra«ll«al lajuwmai t : Tie 4og, no wanted la b« tet (IOB*. stlaaa baaJaa aak.^- - Taa* kept waklsr odd JUtJ* y«»a and case; bar it in some'thisg the old fhlca is ta be otter I* that W niftiaa 1 . «aay be sosad aaktattaaaBr. ilasij •aariliga. 'Ak, yoor good and* loved, for bis finxera for.dIM It. toantities op all .. ;'. : • HIS 8ECBET. j-arx his face leered and nloated over It. i Jin*, but chwtoixt. .a otaa.ot liar tk« Dairott JoaraaL »«l tto aass* k«epa eeqe of tb*M little ttdnoda?* - Oaataftfli explatswx Us mas I on keasoHat of beybao* caa'stck' tmm ItsMmod ln'ternlna.bie,tor tbe coaol- ! ar. at tb* present detnasil , "I always behave, as tbongb Cl the UctRBS- dtmtttaC taatotasx lng w*n{ tin up to hundreds, ev«n tta 1>«| profitably plaatai aaal ) ml , wilt l>« a crest protec- at ne tte« from Caloea iiiB«," no remarked In. tbft v«eHfc. |cr< black mu»l«. further, "wh«.o ktt« twi abottt her some "Tb«y are aaJd to ba Hcrvwitk they no loacer marvel,»i On* of th» atsnea- 1 U01 struck* Si .an4»Mon«ieur IHitaud Elsrt- • State Fortster. L »t fc3a carotcair.—Sew York Bun. firw-MWfpW Oi«r wmetmiit: nr tb«r [ _X«!BBnr^r»B*hi«:.i*.a 1401 / LaaiaaU lh* LMta»ui«" ~G»s*9e»- i I «ui; too lu Thigy are only llUie nselaM play- "Naabvilti paopte fUll foirnali He la-a wealthy au*. astf •|Hf»wa»r*-.*»W Mr. -DtlwtoD* of myy a»nf«a»nf«,," aalla taUc about raista* are off .6a Mvsral' year» is grewmc 1 • ing; - rellSMiaBt- rairttafe-tita- I -It m. Ji(tr to Ibla thpy are iery eourtgtoat."eout" darkaesJt bntldis hlnis tUnjat It ,'n, W'f la the EasEern Sutes.. !t ts 'kst typed as poor bat hoaax mad8all'tlght,replB«<>irtfr»*tioi. took ftnt -tae bnsiness men Alesandar ni^ttns^ uo« iaei fa** l>M?n born to l>$$ Wonaleur Rlgand waa l for- i i^JT to C^ui oat -a baarr trqflt «io ' at 1 His qxs *""" th'e kijr-{wKVSlm'.'a.nd ileparted J i i» ajwn.-—wew York Suo th« h»ppln i*h«r..ti« price of "* "*"" ' " aaltei by the'paatoc-to taa*,.jMim^.cf i .3 • with the mm».M?E».ordli^rj-^fci^weiiii^'fb^aa) WfcfJ; U«.«s^Ma>:«jt-^dB9k:^ eons. front- oUa*-. eMlw rim-aaawamr.- |^j Ye#rIaraUoth. •(Trt 0 sigh of relief as j jty. Bg-are irnjaa ssaqal retaraea^aS ; «• PxoTawor—"I want you chli- -mobile: rtb>.: GnaMiSK taeaE^ittta? L:J |^ loving Tom ' i«weoa>'ii a*.- tntn KICBUJ.: '-and, believe me, "Ulii. .ni a OnHUBe tblnluingc 1to0 savtare»s soo parper-|- * door rloacd tioMm&ly behind J U> two beef »t*»r»; with the raw/ Be9 10 tx> to niy lecture to-night." see tbe placga ot lunmaiat:. Uto -and 1 •r»ry BOW and than aam is ftt3 feet a jjyiphysique,. " talsaid the olold>rennhd French- "'"•• "', ,"">'t stand this another j BVJ>B for another year's work, i:—^"Couldn't you whip r. J5- frier!*H l».totally unneeee- 1 about'pMrtntQcK ^•.CTasM»ynaiaiBii nteil -Y^ upon to malt tb* efart. earn i>u jtm>w the old proverb, mao.raao; rather I plalntlvelrpUlntlreir. "Nobod"Nofcpdvy nl«m," ho said to hl'mtelf: -flf the.! (h^ )jste«ri vo*:£lB4'BiBBte«*ewVfnuSS^ I ncrt Inuultw my predilections on* m*t be one acatott nomb»r». Some Into mine to do lt."_ ' Tbe Jrr-ey red {rfgs »re'w .Jjjnpne •'«at«r and sweep tho.xooiij trdducttot* ray . lawi, declares the Flttrtrrg oatuicafe, : : «• * -inri«S;»«d nnpreisnttoiu JlfoT "True.. I wish i waa ttrottg like Tho next morning at bresHast., tlor elOek WB,n weU. bred. T5«ai mtfli a iflmncr "-; - •: :'.'- V.. ' '- b«enreuootalT rfl£wrrw*tai .'on," he went on; "ami I wlah my there will be aararaaae et saafc aaSao -1 to»w, .«J TOurne, *» right to In* Monnleur nigaud «»k* had been greatly disturbed. >*ut . the Srst i.t-» *•» fail fjf a kind of One Irony • - ir« lost la " "" ' ready; wai stajtliBaV bzumtL? uc;«H "J amm nonot In «hJ l»a*r offendod.- would ; : — * _«jrit«rt«dUT.. Dunatana eotuld- ndd. Mon.Ieur Rl- |\ha9a „, apy ether treed. : WtiXSk:'*& - COOIO - Bfi SHAVE. ..;; CHHaayi. fOjaat ot thai a;ai|iiliiain n-aaU tall4 ArthurArthu* lh!# '« lllfrratl r ... M-. -••••. —. •" i UWH of any etner Dracc The agrjaaHnrai crops of tn* ar» certaiullil y not be couslilered tbe least 4pMtdj|-tace-tunied-more-yellaever, l^ut bo changed tha nobjecwt thaa-with x trownlar chara«tertstte 1ST that !"Jr^"KKBtenaT7dn^6ir"th9" J lisre said all li-an presume to h lt they can be made to reach tlut .iaattV tatuable Just now. I hop* to make.lt ever, Ifnt ho changed tho niibject with j lher en be ^j, to „«* th. reported to be worta |»li.««*.«4# •»»••,*.-*» aaid, rattier nereeiyT . alt Ihe grace of a Frenchman apnlo- jeat>wetg!its known, tiey esaily faitea ' t 4K» «Mi««d 10 you for your good •o In time," :,! . • ,• .-.-.', ;.' J:-..-. " Ol Un faee most more than the crops of no* **•' «Ulng for having made a mal-lBprp-, |at M,-fa jouedL bj feedma; UHavJaistia^L-Sn Ol Aav» me back stfti*!»,,~ ««M Uuniinr Rlgaud: then "Ah, yes, dottbtl***,, of cojirte you, poa remark; When they wtre »Ioh» f . rmine foods.—CwWxz Oeacte-!iSL-^-CaAa*:•'.-• . . -> 'A»»rlcaB |am« 1* mrtOmaar BS* will; bu.1 maanwhlleT*•-• .'• •".. at fO turning tb« conversation, Arthur told himj t'linthat hiss own sjtnsaBPIUO-- !• »»man„. ' ~ :~ Mttasad by the spectre or hang f£aaat oMfjcfd to yon still tor •Meanwhile it does not ntatter." lions had, troubled him; that be had ^^^SMBpa^^aBaa1** aa^aj^saaT • iirtmt v* jwwr «wl JntlUUoii; With ''Certainly. How well -ou an Inward conviction that the casket •lalnu th» Vrw Tork Trtbaaav l£fitttrj»:.fti.JoneA-lo. h»ve a lx)i. a litfle boi, It contains t*rtrtnrHls~cnsrfff rwas—oT.-TrreSHi'' to pack toy clothes, p*p«rs"i>ir'n,«r yalu»rt No woadar w* J h« .strode, after !ou|d not help aeolng you had thero Deostonea saw llttlo of him. He 1kicks. If »to kick* UJe.ral3.3aa1* COSTEESJmoNALPEEPAKATION I Btniton. divorces la twisty tbe ' strong cupboard with a »5od lock, spent; the whole day In hU room, j cause lor It. It may b? a sore- teas. s. c may ;be ah Inflamed miieT. or it mW Etaaa—^">Vliy tare yon been firm, now lock; n mahogany cup- lOcklpK it tip with tho KifatcHt care! bad. anj^wfeetac^ r'toUUialdcidttev J il board." ••• -•;•'.• .•.••• . v.-5. r • :-vv ••••.'.•• when: he was obliged to leave it, and jbe that she, has beea nUasxeu! aadl *3>oae mlea *o iard'for- tho ; had lM^oar awioaBiitctmtalaU, <»taw- "Yos," »»W Arthur, "It, li w. tnanlfmttnfc «o strong a dlnilko to any .sho tjegards.iusr'milker aaatteffltmT a?a " | if w«rnlng. Do not j«. "7, . ^mit that sbo must fight. ' If melt ui tS» Ins a-i. Ittttos narroaafc n ^aoasttl 10 with'the ld«« thatiTnfre w " Kout_ old wardrobe thoro. Inrqad of hoiuemajda that they re- | •teser—.-XXm't'toitber.Tae. I'm. T marked to each oth-jr'that ho via' case, treat, her kindly and a&« wSI chaagB. that-asniaat:. I'b»£ai'^a fl^flaya thw' 1 at Gauey you 1 ham my casts In H,* ." :: s * BJH to. 13>B game."—Ilar- thafe IMJ 1 mat laalim _... ^. » of th« kind In only going to stay a week, for hl» i soon learn that joe are; cot barm ber-^—Epltoinjst. ~- somsailiate pp or.ilrlDk a By baa toueaaf; twonty my room," »»ld Monsieur ntgaud. room would be unfit for tiny respecta- . aertad to. raeaiT tw am- nnr-ateti -r Vim fcrc a «ell- >Nowhero to--pijt ray little bojr, jAnd ble dog to IIVo In, let^aloilo a Chrlifc safety should he sought in 1 = 1 ; r twib in !validun anil Ufei" the houtemahl looked at It •9'imit}i7 -tf«n'^~~-' '' *'i~'" -™"'7T" '~ ~" "• •(' ; : X«RB»rely. to.- ,,„„ H la Which would prevent tie" fur }our financial What sort ,qf a woman la ibait;ttqiiBe- Arthur, meanwhile, had been gain- ; > J£|t Stafe. cat 1 4 ?tm wer»',k>Bt': liiitliei;iEaT(lca a^ whormous niWfli'"--.*'^..' "''.' ^^•^'••;§ :"-i>'. Ing In tho graces' of hlanew-ffturid «xebjBen^ 1 aSome w^tli-(nnitBBU.3^ip&Di Gmicy how. Wotoije the •nid lArltmr.' carelessly,''^ "Tb» ser- .1 ! for w I W»1I be looked upon aa futil*" - i 1 auite happy in tho pleasant conscious- J Pl° ' 'S In sr««n eoDlot -en*, woaldi KbttaV-aKn- uil'i ts ntndcry. rlvlllMiMon fol- vanta'all nro gUalhtre." '••'•?*••. J an d - was neaa that he:w'aa..both Riving pleasure 1 •l«umtijoua DS«1 iJjtrie«fae» o£, tttcr ismtrt-tm.^ rtttscnual 3t "»JJ* «T «m»il favor tto?wkv wit.*. aato 1 tha fBm5 h te XosJLoislra. ill. 7h<> •• .LoulaviUe /Coiuurttr-itoioaaS; _ J'udirofcult for.ymi to.iT.--T-:,-;,,,,,, ! tb them and also b«Klnriinit to' help ] » » anatomy. Its gtutidm^jtnpgnrmx.s «u.. •mAx «» for l^rtdrSS!11, in y "That box.'might severe "necessities, at home, but before they haw bejtm to hanfaa. It says: "Now Is', th'» Um* to paw* ta* ••'••*» : for tt letter from Tola Which drew done too *,arlj. aithoug&t th«y wEI be —ajullujw to; mampoliaaf s:. M SIH- MTKIL. DoubH^rn "^vi",; fited'S&E^. C&llfiifunKtBV U&Jb ^rtnli^siuui ..rr..m*.™m~ andi Whitt stoaataat: With nl(ii(«ure. aald Arthur. hint back into "Oia region of worries more thoroughly dllfused tSraas&f&r -Say. TtafcUe, youjr aaariy gouged : "You shalsall llock It up thero yourself 'for the tlms. Tola did not of tun - -'«StT:.- •••••••• . .-..^ ^>.::---^r\-., •who waat.to> taasjn tacoit^aiiiaaa} .-*.-; ;:;j|pNw«ti.n«t«rVB- Wll-:«hlah Has-baa*: and y roll, ther will be. more wsjterr aad "You are nitentjTsnitent-jTsiu ars " write; sho bsd. really..-mprp oh. her Iiavo lpsa sebstacce: anil if left too I 3»BB"TO )flisarraaged-^y;';pom-' gtt ottt-witlunw- air.atanafcii'maataniK Jl^oaiilac lit Coogrew for suma tlm< J ar •» iw » .^'ijiiuii nml tf»»«;li>r. I jur-ao:/ li«y entails In th» dMtrncquaot uav ;n-> >!.!* i.ttiV 1»« 11 known'ou tho line value UTO lotiKMt and 'lA^toat aafoty. m Uins would hnve nrown up untaught and r , ^'tb *be tolL Aa trissda to. aiatoniaaag tqr<»|ctillHa xMo, bar datBag« U> asrtoulture (nasas »>• 'liun il>::\ I<'«TK, and na for aue- Yon aro sure II will Ju no Way do- Uoa wUI neglect«l;but for hor, tho molhe/j eaaW'"* W W» mader a^f«a% tnpj^aiii^aaJ Xaom than the appropriation asked.** • i- jii(«H'i» m 'hf minds of Hoary folks range you?" woulwoutd novonormr* hav»e bh»ii» rjin torsi no ld«m v.lut- could not help Inwardly- laughing, at nin«-o£,' tn* casr -auiBmiaa -Jatm^lci . 8«V«ral .ot the' B«wspap«r am aw-' a little; disappointment lately,.not a ;- samt^sa tbe critic. ). • . • . • — enough, to-mai larXatt^itrT-«wn)«I -rn •»« iff ijir nutunrui'tu of Country tho naive rudeness ot the old French- SHEEP AND WOOL. Vying 00 a ieoctraversy attoat tB» BVM<- <; man. * very great one, but still ono that •• ^Ti^voJl'n '^WlatV• «»[i;;new- ne'to be. aa CBJBS aat taas nrMfortaal weljshellim her a little. The Br«t Pleaso gire address of secnetarT at ;| Its^pampkliLpI*. WBie%prov««w&ac' ™ 3 «r*» Tttrtu u Trr.\ Rix>d Idea ot tb -Then let ua lose no time," an|d said the playwrlKht. fruits Of Arthur's ten pounds bad the National ,r ' >. aprlght piano mover." ; ao many r*a "iftcmvm «r »ii«u I rain*." muttered Momteur Rlgaud, l««dlnt ibe wa>-boeh the long-coveted cashmere t tlon. ease with, whlctt: lb warn TDU l : ; tf« l--ta«it-ruij> 1'Ui be cittly drew back upsUlw"sUlw.. "*' - ; Kowns for tho girls, and ono for the hcan- —tfittfe-Eli.Conrier-Journal. Impressed upon: me- du&.-'V *' '"'(jrfti{ auy.'old';tlila« ta on, «B>~ ;' 1 uc ltl 01 n>ean He brought In hla bos, a blMk dcar moUjwi Iqo; but,, like a true I said to M£ GaUKmeUai TBni dressing 'eaM or dispatch bik man;; "--'^ • "• ------•»W,- MARftYAT itWBVleaifceW'iitriipWBVleaifceWiitriipp^ Ttetedd ^eobW ae. taW New Tack. i' Ust»«d Iwwcd a,s*In, »nd strapped and fastened with a Bramsh IB «UlNf MHue. pavaw* oataara- ..*, *«y T«sj«cis'to madame. lock. Ho put'It in Arthur's cupboard then going-diownftlUTite i.T.B_«!ia«*!.lr* jiluct I may In uO way and nestled it among hi* boota in the - - home< Aar-w«i..nmo»Bc; ta< 1 ..titaioQv hia-.'.'ktt went 'away. (farther corner. He'then racked'the najctUttltf'rbw. !. u.JftHilBB a'van. affects- property 3tr iHimrtuie turned

property la at least get all tho iblothea I want to- ' lnilSftdiafBjj^ 1 more readily sold taaa.K ta morrow moijnlnjr,* - ~ ' tkeable .. man «o about toa« bos . r^r%kt;i« m -Furious stud?. Arthur. Monaleur Rlg*ud cave up the k«y •' ^"Wteoi t*iafi& -Wibsi«"*at iti«*nii your «nli»ln«opinion?» i's try reluctantly, and'Arthur good- aaka a ooiae Uh* a paaut. aav t > got la tamt oX UB»zmm*«««5nofca,-tim j 1 the ^ Hlehnwnd T&aa-S*sB«:- • '.]-', '•• ':, ':KZ '-.%•••.'"•'"% •\iui-..to.whieifc..pri:tw«v- . « _ ™ ™. .iu» i Tata «,B w<« it to iiia tvry basda, the Arthur slept spunaiy that nisi! t, !T T— v ,; wanted to ilo» etttWRt ,, , , ... tosft-t Jsptatmlm , to crook them* very soundly, a< his' vigorous health, gT,ave, tall gentleman of nearly fprty.! mweiy. •say. one-third more tftaa HEMOTE FEBCKLES ; amr enroll la. 3^,ffluia'Mjiiiaa«ailli1aMsa»: In ita-bsart, so is it. If '• th grease. lnt«d and claw-like. and elMr conscience enabled hini to' Joha Irving by, name, who lived, with j Down. :.~.fiii^mi'tug^:.tfa ••-----•- • —-"^J ; r nt» ahouldtr." do. But about 1 o'clock h» awi^ke lifld was beloved by the poor, and (leaan. ateleyhocc poiei .\S|U>jawiii.i.;3i'»waj;.-i ^S3^|«Tii«Bf«nB «ittway» that o»as 4 f «Mtu*(J WHB" ciclaimiHl t Mr. suddenly with the odd s«n»ation that rath*r feared, thaa liked; by the rich.. '' tartalu.lt Is that: ttain.sf.maai'twraTari - twwowm. «->t>ir,c up ai>d dnwn tho .tate4'.for::t«»itlMtt:-! " --—«-»i^-«'. thero waa some OBO In ;lbf.room, tloMemcd to'kuow.lattincurefy bow f v ; cerota Canada, t&e raJtet Arlhui' had plinth uflim«l«i>T6T mind.- He made a* nwvementtoovementv bub t »«rtwUy4am, and thrown > . l» tae curtain surveyed what «-!^^aai4e||pii^j^^;; ir, dseUras tke Near alt Inter- ^j^a^^n^^hofi^he^aajr;,: her TBOS» me that, The--abuttaraTheabuttara) were r.ttncloar.ttncloaM-4aM 4 quickest routes Car .tost t, i,, olMolTtnj it? ' • the n»MM MMM*M , la. aail., 4br.i -Br«ntU sot tarry afiont the bul- ^htt«1ftMt«'«a Uiife' up at a Tgry^aq^s^ w Siefo(4 ««fajh to eon- twwi a. JJBttaiMaw.tttata warn awate aan ila.JaBaa.CMa m

,Mdth»twUlb.Cra«U.C«« i-l«*.Paniu*a9aBat';' •;-, J ~Bsjgt»ge«sBjaajssssBs*,'. ' '.V '~/. ?:•-'•

^•xaMCStadi fackaastk»r^» ^i^^^ias tcee**»« Hw-s»a*s«s sfce •**»>** •%;•:--& 1 iRosedale "4 Linden aa ka. *Aa~th«y pay _ Jawjtjtuinaewhteg drtrtag oaraT' 1 I -Tb» ,»*ae ot-lae: iaiary -de-' Unely on tk* amooat of a man' • -baa" haa, " .Will ha hMKWn»ias.»ij»i»«r^ "• > 7r::r-f '-.•-..] ' ^A* t taiarttd thla l»at bit ot In- ionxatttan - to my emitfeMr we were;' :*aaiofctn» —r " "S- mmxing tho e*rf of «Wf Jfflut la thia ccunmXL w*ai*fc.iaHBajsi:=s««afc TOP skyscraper* and ateeple*, 1 ' seve«al toi-taunBr-»««*•• nsrwmvfY „._._. but *. •tewtB^en^wpr-had/ LAHQCST IN THC STATC told«ojn»Brait««aiJ^*«:«o:=tB5a»^ i«eeme4 ran Jar -away,' now lacked dl- w**t •-•-•• • - I Trcti v; down on as as we Uireelled «m|-' )-=way.^ltroncli the tortuous thonHlgh> • '.'..'• • HJS::.'SBCBBT.'> ;•.•-'• j lares HI oar city, and ta a little while Beautiful and Accessible - CtaatarteM CTphrhaS nls manncru i .our evamrttisUc party we«> • In the ,.-i always behave aa though -Christ- — -™_~ - - . . cntitowrw j midst at tho afternoon serrleesTln the LINDEN. NBW JKtt»EY ntag," he remarked. . la the worii. | creat Auditorium.,Ml* and aaund In Herewith they no loafer marvel,»i One ot th» sturw»nriBaWi *-TJ-rt. - i iiedy and unterriOedly fighting; the I t MILCM I'KOM SSIJW YONK „ ^ B .. ,.,aa tiiM courtesy.—Sew York Bun. ;.. f«ssor^ra«tstoa. la a»_:_2iibaiK: _i.fe»X« .ftL.ftt.P.i.-.. I -.agUBHS ,.ilStJtjwsr_ .'". • "Naiitort^"5iattpS-'w*tE' raSiiEtnie ' I iiwr come ips^tray attain and wish OK 1KB BT7BNINO-MARL. that aonat 'jnwathatagoKt'nsrsKwsats. roj,- , u> lake a sate automobile ride, they On Main tine Pennsylvania Railroad IiB»-^-Tfce prenchara ate on oa dueted In>; thfa> aOyj' x vjnjs-: JI»M»-1*111 call at thw surago for the driver - Ing reltg»n»~ rair^tjtlfa-tftau ZSxcrrps;- UwJui wear* blain, ordinary* epeeta* to'act fibrar Tasaxioaa.* Why Lots in these Cemaieries commend themselves to &alaa—"Te«. tint-die bnaraess in Alexander meeting On* CUK a Idiwp.-—Kew York Sun. aaksd by the pastne-ta taa4n»j«=»" ot I BREAlUKfi IN A Heads of Families and Investors, uaktV»-th.-T«:»jito\^^:Yr>w*^ mm Proressor—^*I want you ehli- . .front' other '-ttli!»' ctua-aaai I to ap, Ctioettry, ttm inqMH's ftum which will V"t«n ill*' i>rupel(lr» yet. £de^' enaMlmj; tSttasBjit^naife n 1 r is ro ta my lecture to-night." iiaad toeean by cuttlau off hia linger* ll bcauufulatNO KXi'EN3K T6 LOT OWNl .H3, bert—"Couldn't you whip ; !> t t 1JRCAU3K »\ic!i • Ruarniiitoo. nut Counil in «ny otliffcemintryy,, ••nur-tlut -S^B^tS^m ^j«»( l ^^^S;[to H before Vund>irtaWr) orderK to> ^ . t just this once, papa?"—Life owncti (h.i ihc Kt«Hniis,\Vt'U- UK MAINTAINEMINTA D PKRMANKNTI.Y to the ride, and thai l-larsc^ Jub. Jt does npt sound historic AS BKAUl'llMJI. I>AKKJI AI'TKK THU INCOMK KHOM TII1C arrangenmSEK^ were; |-C«.Hy .arrrrirBte. and may SALli oy LOTH HAH UKUM KXHAU8TKD. ' > IXHABTTED DUST. 4>a».:i-*a>BJ., Tde9 your "enter and aweep tbe.xoo:u LOTS SHOULD BE PURCHASED HOW horas that baa atoppMl at house OKCAUSU MOHK AbVANTAOK9 . A«K OVrVRKO TO LOT ._£,,-.... tscdrafnlly) "Because sh» /whlcn ,,Ted tn the Country Doctor's Coaekmftn (to nUYEKa in a new Modem ?sta Cfmeieiy than in thate ssisAlUhsd He's dead."—The Throne. : f WEI atoa a» Tacnom cleaner."—Town Top- by Itt former paUent)-^TOo on, you tool, ' >n«ny yetr** wil, in I(IU»« c«it«. no provision made tot pttMtUtl c«re WM trottbled ;-iad( ntaf ' -•;• - •',_-;' ••. ... •.;..•'• ' without (Mr* evn«n«« (a lot owners, TH*KK AUK A 0RKATR8 Hmoklnx and Iho rYUMBER Ol' ibBAt LOCATIONS TO KSLBOT FROM. PKICBS : [anrmouth. so that only with dlffleulty NotetOteUBg rork. QP LOTS AHK ALWAYS LOWKK AND TKRMB MORE | WIIES "HE COULD BE BRA^T:. • jteouad it-eat tir drink. ; To save iU llf« Dr. Camuboll Morgan hns created e&i _ Thla lnrsttUott todeelxue d tor turn* ft senwtloniit the NorthfloUT confer- ':ADVANTAOKOU8; (•& - - •-••*;—*<-.-- -• - = _. *. | cre yim Irtchtened lirok««T>or decided on SmpttUUon. Ing and. UtUn»T»rge ploce» or meat d KVttRY ONE MOULD ANTIC- , The -faoni of tha rhinoceros Is not a ence by openly prof casing his loyo (if ilBCAUSlBCAUSR life is inatt uoesttsduoestts i end KVttRY ONE MOULD ANTIC- 7 during the, proceee ot cookUtg. Thea good cigar, but some of his crltlrs IPATtt THE INKVITADLINKVITADLR UV MAKIN'3 A CMOICK NOW OK pfcqnuat all.; but an accumulation jot itorfciiiie?*«j^**^^ handle, ., -30*l| * Wt ear. Oi Un (see most tolght rcm«nribBir ; that-smoking .In A riNAL RttBTINO I'LACK ttjtfctos -j%Sn Ol hare me back - to ana *kln which has hardened wltharttirMel*evVfltudther.in, church WM : brevalent In. this coun- Wcomo cemented together by the Unea »ount«dmnnhe outa* end try »t Uie begtonlng of the seven* —,..., Kummy subatancea. The owner • of :.lb#^M@iW*:#lfo*9*^p«»stn» teenth century. , iu WaJ*s It was in* lOTs PROVE ii BOD IWVESTWENT *)t this onehad a -very toueh> temper: ib^ttgn:,itn^^i!^|j»« ?1i*iidla..::and ' BBCAUSR »K*y"«» surtto Incttui* in vshie and, can be purchased NOW net «ia«lly-appraached. /If .BUb. INITIAL or LOWEST PK1CK shit upon «is~lfOST AD VAN.- *" wer. deelded-te-iry-what- »nd"ib* ottwreod aoourid by a nut ot "Thft UoartolMillolhianf »wffl re- member how Duncan, of KnOiiVauu- -.rAO|t;ojJnwrBR»«r-r-—--—•'•;.-.— .._- ,__ , itays It T«o.nlredall bl» d«r. wbon at worship, "ttlled hia pipe, BECAUSE .&f prop«ftl« are ACCKSBIBLB TO 4,000^00 t>BOPLR, cook)—"Choke ono" ™_M. w pensoaoe -the [beast to come •lighted It with tt>« iuwUts.uco of his and coniidtr%tha RAPID OROWTH OP ORBATRR NBW YORK ...,__, ^ola,."-ycihica)go.:Jour- io the front of tho • •"<* I.AMOKBT. MOiTMODKRHnndnMTlKJUlrFltO P **.: COX I'KjgAinOX^I'BJBPAiStATtON j>am±nw.r» diagust at flritV although at Barld Doaris. And to this day smoking la «hurch it practiced by the CRMBTgRV LODOKIK flu country ami prnvU«« whh KVKUVMHUI.II. forth* COM. aaVhy JULY* .yon been iatBtit seemed to flka-It. When It .FORT Md CONVIU4UNCK ol I.OT OWNERS «na VJgTTOMs who nt( <• lo«i»«l X Dutch.—Pall flail (la-ette. ; KSd Urcae rules «o i*rd'tor tho .iouad he m«ant no harm It let him Ik* prap*r«lM, • ' '••. jtake the horn in his-left hand,,'and < A rUnSai-haiilo Athlete. . fOft INFORMATION «one»-<>i«t i.»mihtwli«»iiliful l'»rt C«m«f«>iM,•ml tiUmn •*ith the right imitate the BtOr PRKB IrannparUlltm m proa|wcilv* lot Vmyim, •I'l'V •' o1'« '" •"'/ tlCADIKO i}*ton ol,ajsaw.:across it, -. .•"-..:.•:.'•" • "\ ".;'• A one-Jagged man who has won 5 ehmmplonifclpii, (especially In tennis) UNDKHTAKBR itr «m<.«» ut lli> AittKl>U«nii en this had been done some Uadta U4K», j.UritM, N. J. . an<* iwtim At«w, JtfMy City. M, J ' flSntn* Tlsbt •han*(i undjit"last? when* in W«l Hi Klml, New Vwh CM>.. ever this no longer worried tbe anl- — .Bat.Jwt, ware'.Bttt'jteitheigarde: n aml,' .a real caw wjae brbiight in and •p^^n* •^•^ W remunstranco Jrom.-tho owner of Vrt UoWlslicil Him li'ill. ' I •»»•* ,,wasaX "OTWa- .alone'*'voiarjea*?'Was Companion. •- MAKIXOO ltO.M\N «'.\XH».Kfl, .•**» totr^-otogjuoijit^sg*:^ •';;::., • "intweon omotlpnallim unl fon' \ Oooil l)i .it l.ikn KuiS'rT mallsm In rollglon,'* narn a V/sshln») !«as»n, t IE: DJ THE CHOKUS. STUAKQE SEA TALE. mint—On • Mini l>i 'i fii:f. •• ton olorgyman, "there is R uoldft* j ^mrau8e"^le,of_theseawftgglven'|;tb. t»u»i.4hejBer.e^''.fe-.jiw^;.i.*|ili ftn.i"'—.* raOection tljat t»rii-ti>J!pjt..< Ma, -Say. TTotUe, your nearly gouged il >;; vii; v who wa3tt».Wa»fe.nie'oit;Jfiiiisiaii3:-i.o ] by thn-cattail) of tho British steamer tbo handle. *•••" ..'" :;.3D-' ' " ' Tho molt r')lllniy |;TBgii in till •t.oc«ntly "Upon thn caiicluihr. of roj...: 6? tre «mtT ' «/nrld diirlnic *oi iltig lioui» 1.1 tti* . ga ou*-Tritfcn» aa;atartafcc:i3iitramif: i£lltuiri!, which arrived at Yokohama •In operation the tlnog afe -"•As* 3WB-TB disarranged my pom- Into the mcut to tliu proper d maker at ruunn i.'nvilloif. . . ;s auitfiiT.^ -v " ,'oeerattaagi-UlaKjCI'-icauU (on. CJctobcr.'l. WhenJhe ship, laden lu nlchmond. ' . " . Osil [•with -coal, was passing dowh-tbe Ilc4 and tho handl^ 1« than*, turned to o'.occutlca nn li"jjnja»ieaa«saa&ta«i ' -"-•' remove the Jork it Is simply nece»- 1 U1'1 ^^ ta playwrl ht. 'srerrthing that waa inovablo—after The qnaHcr» ocjiiiilcM •(»/• this nrtf 6 Lord, an' fix bli knees 'way down K iwry to release the screw by turning mite artisan oro n tiny liouto, which In somo lonesotao, d*.rk iod nantt. f PriBht pianno morer. •' . ^wttK^wjacttitti-.w mas-ao Hthich th«y took the_£rfiw__cap"jlve. ex- —tc.i_friii£ Courier-JounmL ••th*:*afitaln, bfwhomthey^dor the ihandlein the reverse « called H Ti'ut, wltli ( valley, whore prsyor Ii roueb wtnttd injpresaed ' upon; me- Hoof.space not. morn than »li fcot to be made. 'Nolnt him wit de k«rw ^.1^ u»: Mfc GsiUtenetttii TSaa.-- anaadeled «a heavy ransom. The cacapp - which permltstbo withdrawal of. Uio «atb. to Ba-v« his htad, parted with fork. »auar'».' BUmllns by lUulf, M intl senaiita of salvasbun, «a' Mt bin OT »i»l«.yards frnm-nny otlmr V.ruetL- ai^/dK ore, the' tittle BBMltolrWW'?«oW»^tf: hpia..o|:thg-»tesirtn8nyh^V:;^ff»^^..j^^>,titorg' escaped from theT^rat?^' ; Uced':tB»t.*;pl»^v?.t;,,w«M]. or'*-,fow7 the simplest architnrturcV •. • , How the Juijgo Vlewrd If. then.goto^do»raiansa!»w.iSmwEEJ:5in7jauai ^ppiiod tor protection, to the MATT 8AKBKA, hon^cTitewp'hews^Tn^-^^ which eventual-. of any slio can be handled with great . lit it were U> be blown up the Dnarv Ki«u a judga on tha beaett likes ease. without tear of., tearing the •of Ban Franclseo. clftl loss would bo nlmof'. nil—t ;MBay^^rM^r^Stt^Baaimw«rswtBx') 4y .^onajcted: them to. a place of safe- hl« Joko, •<^r,y*«c th^Bn^^^^x^««i^4t .. Subsequently the Turkish gov- meat or of- dropping .the eame.-^- defeatad; Bute aa*«^atloiiaI tennis point of some importance Inismitcll y Washlngton Star. ' .' , us it* diurnal tenant Irobtlged to n»i A mini whoso name la Waters Wai yott'll; ctaa^yoTO:^Bg^a««A£o»sHi^l tcxainent diapatched a warehlp to the chsmptoM, baa brokeii: the world'* In a iiilivliru eouH on a record, lotjropjiellmblng and' holds bl quantities of. exp!osl7«tiLul J fhtiftfi> iif tsstwHitlt nriff hntftir*' WhiliTtho S»n4w{eFWlano5ww nteoru for mnaeSTwpanston.—Kouls dea^bsd the place. J.BtejllBann.iaLwUe's Weekly, ... -\attention, for a roroan eandlp It * "Wlist ilid JOII do to him," asked nominally"ChrUtian territory In 18et, the JUIIKO, "t" u>ak« him assault they harelslnce reverted to heathen- sort ot msgatlno or repeating gun, Wltbthiexwtlon of Britain and with a paper tube for n bnrrtl ana you?" '•'" " -^HT:^iTH-: xn»A,tic.V :•••••-•;• ism through the Influx ol Chinese, "Wo wuz at dinner," wa» the re* f iLnuttea*: tb»T« are no two eoimtrl«s balls o< flre for projectllti* got la p^tt T* »tw» tnma! .'HiiiMiin.'iiin 1 Tigliting^ft supposed lunatic for an Japanese and. Kbreatw, as wall &s ply, "an* we got Into a dispute, sn* ' ear tlpprf-:oTeir:atdai5ie.>aiat>T*-««iw Uxnar-.aiul BventnallywreaUng ft.knife many Mexican*/ In wnieh tb« mil»H ot equal length. iwiy. to be" m. all J Hid wus to bit him 'side tho head with a M»rjidodger, ao' a weok after' m i or Mae; O'Comior, the tWeni-, llonefln Blwrt dupplr* ~*TZ*"""" " ** looking one's phaae pqlet Jibwf I ward lio conio linck an" beat ni# np i i iT-y«ar-old /operator .Taf ^e~iloatiM .•\aa-..to .wU^.p£:'t»^-tltt*|ppKit*BtaBBT Borne industrious sUltsticlsn. Ims ibameful!" a .-^f^-5-rCWagp.Tr^e,-:.;:;:,!-' / L unri*»''"W;:»««* sfier man? days!'"— Constl; ecJ3e»? ,Wrtilu.it"isU»ttl»t««sri«aasia»n»Taprf- j....,», i,answered that na, such per- sot-and wdrk wltU a.heart? IfOod will, tutl'in. tateaV'.foc.'faitnM: " --^-«-""i-—« j«nf If Tad there, whereupon the straa- hey wcuro about 100 pounds of.. arose.- replied Dr. Kldier. -jgaka Into a torrent of: oathsv «««aff'pi *** ln order to ao I O'Conior, Ordered the BJJMV X*aH}? TSiat clr^nmsten q,ln tn«y muittake the ho^w f»mT. mHfrm ' BMrtentor^fltt:; „_,„- -V«33.^r«in«I the freckles ^and then be grabbed her some;300,000,000 clovorbloMoms^Mj oeman of ColnmulM, IM., WbttyaMg e •'jwam&teaL-'—-PhUadelphla ibo waist and drew a knife. it reaulrw the honey from 3,000^0°«Vtp*Bi tn« grotter part otiV^fmM. ;' . ."Ahoat Oitt-n~.. n« nasataiau>ii.VJbi Tto «irl fought-witfought withh ssuperhumau n of ctoter blossoms for, each pound of j flv# „»,, of life at carving walklnil [*~-^0»f^^yj^Pftpi* 'fp strtngth, jSnally, secured ^ honey »toi«d in tbo hire. . . ! stick* and eiporimentlng In an effoHv th vanished In «ew Yei-lt State I* quite a large ( ^ ^^ a p.jp.tmi nwUon Bucbini Ermmesanrl'Mfcr jattwrWJ et aaa. j honef producer,-an* the Orocer* Crt-.; dntjra(y ot WOo,j, ha« J^ c^^tfUtta-/; tOTlon, of Chicago, recently *»^ «I»'.-r » «ool-'etMmt^ -«rl»I»ntasas^:t^ii^.^OTB^;1ii»i reports that but twenty pounds ot are niore than one thonsandpl«ee%ls in. the ott aaKj " «««aaa!-.a*«;*tn»sgla<:r''"' "~ " """" honey la expected from each hive. ot wood, and the wood l»:of.torW.41tfe;j With dry Weather and a ebon clover forent kinds, each kind of Wbkb> a 55s . erop th» b«e* seem to'be kept busy 'native' 9rBarthotome?^WttBt|'!«-:5 ^ a flreman on. th« providing tnemselvea with food, with* I has p|se«a a combination JdCt-on:.' „• and "Kaahtllle Sa41rosa. out storing up tbe usual kdfpltu that j-ches^^whtcJi: .be;»a»-«i(3ou*Jffi|' It epnsUtut«« tbe arallabla' supply for :wdrW.;«xcept;?Mro**«-caJl||o>^|ni| a L ' " toa,, and Naabvfllls!, the roarfctt. be baa offered |1O0O>«osi»p» 'wSo"':wiIlisdl«>«erJ^^WBWfeKS and .th'p •o^;tb*jeb:wfe'|ttfS^ Vwr,^i^-;ai^;»itorn^r-)s';cn*^;t||«rA " Pleoff of Time.. TbO pretty nurto had taken' the • 3j»i-±»^'pla9ias with her o^n.vSae oest of «re of the steel millionaire. S{mt »ni>c IncreaiM. "j t marry de^' aaidJi* The devstopnient'^t iba -"• ljpjy, ; , Ing (jerked; beet) ludiu' "HuC Mr. Olltedge, this U ralbct l«- proceeding, tf

^ffamlfBlaj ••—! aw • aisii kav* pl«t»ty ol^tlme V> gVj «gnr«B aw given ilM Mta,. m hart » OereOobi getO: ~ moaltiot •oa: I- I ^%m otAmoKpcrtnnn, TBI M08.

iforb Ctfi IEMILW0ETB M0TM- Mfe*te*T~ LEGISLATURE BUSY, ^nMtutaw. Mr. 4. JT. Roltodar ta mrafcwtof **ea4»i OMf ef VM tta OITUEI, suallar t> tfcrt «a waf «a tl» TMrd Week of SMSish Brinat In Ctoe •MOSBV* for tl» fe«»Bde« aoal i»«»3a> Hello BiHl 3 iVUM, Ottztoti. I. J Important Meaturet. •JOBI ««*k. •• • •••••.•,-.•. tlda) ot" CMOMX cottsyeaNkaC Jkaae&ttac tdar .1 • noon pnaest U« by rap«am>aT Car oww Tlw ti' it rffiilai OMMttM ot r(b« •weti will be b«idte Bofoofb Ball, CONSTITUTIONAL C0NVEMT10M mil* limit and ejnannaf «s* wtfli* « 290 hmmiat *» CMC a* a* law "htm R01 o»it 1 afMtey «vttil0g. * ! What Makes You Uani provldao. /TM> kSHa. f«r Wpw ie.Mll*. MoMurtrjr few a*a«mwl Mcrtin. MejiVrty pnte tbe aldnx e€ at esis> etaal a««ae> some ltof nf iba -Borough. rt puQioaiion, ro ; lautJon of- Ftr* Alarm Boxes. ahlpa f 6c sifted or <«w?/m;«»*i-<* I/* II*li fui Uif <-o»uitig year. *rn*r*a Senator BAMXJW at- In thi WM|« a i/naraxfr* uf So Happy ? Mnu.l Mrfkioald la aarloutly lit* wemtoti of DW sight : TA« CVHltn «<•«/ . print frtut,*»4 by Seneter RekW«m-Ci*U UMlion* on ant tubjirl «/ ill m ilif h'.me of her fatb«r. Cb»rtr» « Qui Material to tSk peupli nf <>"•' Wnltj«lMiii,y)ii •tfratrtet. • • '••; poUlc utOttiea WEt ftaartO «i O* r» •" Why, I was going to exchange my piano theU I tot 4OM not Ihirtbi amtunt ang port of tim pohJlc otfltty vmaatmim A+...r*Mf5o\,n W. Oodd la on Uic Jan. a».~Meoib«n» of tbe thla rflfr opinions vhirh al butt year, with rate>.a*a*taf"»«»wejw UtTmai •Irk ll.i iiii* wink, b«log oooflntKl to a new one, but Percy~Jfc Ammon, 164 -W-Oanee flyer, tb« rral l>n»lu«te of added. It pr«>ii««« f«f m-uk hU lioiit"'»)ih Jin atlavk of Ibegrlppr. hour, the two bouaea ron- of four member* to *twi* Street, Newark, renovated my piano lor «v abagB The rrK.ilnr niMOlhljr cnMrtlu« of Ilia Meoday vvetilux. fbe afUie».flrat »pputotB*HM at Hoard of E* Introduced Uut fT.piUa year. . -•• '; • . '• . ; tone is better," after I THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Ito»:%. I). Crawl*y ha* returned werk, and the roinuiUti* rnwrl» will . T> >«• Ml Oewnw'i ta& utes ( .• A cuaformit .ireeolottoet.. w«* .is!»» "QJad you told me. Guess I'll have ntioo^ and * «omwle* 4Me Kktetwue ky the. XrcuiuD. Jf.J., wliera ha b»»Us. JurttocquilJit.«,U)U-tt(U»jini«l ..ji illicv.1 by "Mr. k«na> hj tir twrmlnV Remember tbo Men'* Supper In 8t. Lattery Neute. ^a enj{«(fn(l In apeclal woik durtag Munday wnlnc, wrhvti omny bllln appar pfovldlnif (Iwr* ihouia i» •» MJi* •*»• done." ' '•'.-. -\ :...•.•;,'. • , . . Paul'a Church, Friday evening. Jan*. The PrIUab museum, famed all over itb ' will i* iv»dy for final fiaM<»»t«- Not« .ITIHIIJI «J tu either *»»or* «f ift* *(*>• '^ SUt, at 6 o'clock. , thed( .world, was t«m of a lottvy It wiw tiVwIiool Uut'Frldaj on wn lit 17t» that tbe mttln-e »f Mr latiire teo d*jr* prior t>» tS* 4a!*'.*** of Pa»w>lf, Itt-pljrUttraif YQUB'PIAKO.TUNING IS BOUCrTEP. & CUoral Club la annnfrlng for Pnn rWdaw"TrtTiFn^l~tw tbtr nuttntr for f t(ii» bllaaivl,; Itbloh made f»r Hna'l «iljourntag<»t g»^«« t-y a«w»a • It Impoaalblo for tbo t«MQ«ra who m«tnl«r» uf tUi' lioumv tntro^laml Inifmn n.oiwnt «»f the A postal qartl will bring ii rtpresentative to "Tne areona concert of .the season ian to tbe, wonderful mlli'Mlmi of which will be given after Lent. am»erlp*i«,\pr!trti-.l iwAie awl f M>.hatf on t of pul i'ral'bi»ti)t7 curliwlllin •»•£'» :^&^$5^yifijB*n^s^*SI^(l2fiS^ , ~ Ktaw)tnwt63H7 orat wtitot wsgr In- ait 'to' '•« I ItultlfemiMit In tin- Kiuti- (<• pro porarely dolnyed tbla Hint all county 'rou ' the cost to replace, it in lir»t-clawi conJition. the giodea 'of the publlu suhooU fgr pouw im-jiil*! by tlov^roor t'on ,U», •!«.•»* the usual mid-year promotions. ,ftO* bouse room It waa pulniril out kunt of tba watar lo ••l.«-t.Ml at th* prllnnry i-Jectlun, KUral Rflilmt. ..^Th* tB«J»jriBx 8<*fl*» to bo ^hat tWllarlelau roiln Mima of nntuti havloR firoMO dar rhnlnuan of tint tiwnty coimnltt«e.Vb»ll 'aucreeiled In havlne tts«. nnwCmfcun r» The W. O. T. C'^wtll meet at theWnrt JMKpta could «Ul| IN. »<>I nrcil f»r tli« Ing ibe nlubt, A ...- t v Ale with each niunMpial i'U-rk uir.or ferrert to the *jHBSiltt*» sa raSM, <* borne of Mrs D. D. Irving on Tues- the a 'Mlton on imyinrnt or IHI.OK) nu.l tliat before July i'of earh jwa atateinent whk'b he to chainnava. day, Feb. 4th. at 3 p. in. - bllt. Jto)l<>c(!oi» of Hlr IIMH-H ct.y imtiKwt thnt . visit home from Atlantic City, whore Poum li'ft town uu Tuesday lilntrlft. If the ilialrninn fall*. which I* '••If bedjilPMOy l*r be has been for the pnst nine months at. .. thnl^she Intends joining any irn-ml«T nf thi' rammlttirp I'tiQ tile frahubisi* »mipl«m*at ot 6an. y»«r ««^ 164 Market Street, NEWARK, N. J. I |iy Hre. who lias been «Wnt f«Jtn jown slnor latin* U> tniiniotpaUtlais. of t!MW «r The regular meeting uf the St. and p i* toveniroeut intoned to find lln> afati'UK'lit; Tho niaoniT aa for other Affnee QuIU will be lield at thu home i, but declared Its reMtntrw, * x priiiM-riy at tlmrtplratlno of the fra*- Cb..Qji Eve. .V _,_ • • ' ciiuillaat<-«, as provided In th«.primary -of Mrs. "B E. Merrlllt on Monday, {•true Uriilah sporting manner, i» clllw p*rl908, at 9 p.m. Aaavmliljrtuan KBTOIJ omo nu Into eilat*nc*. A lottery w/w OlMvnmi vPrlday, and Hslurd" that tbo primary act Iwciteuiled to Aznaa LODOK, NO. 129, *., and A M, bill* hitting tb* triiCKy iuert»pai-li .Mumiay iiiRht- Lodge Hooma Oranford Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., antborlusf of~IOi)txKi iTirre (ami Unite whose duties polled iBfin tint noinliiHtkm or eungrwaiinien, and One of ttutm (irovW«» total, sw\fttmm Maaoniu Hall Uvildlng. Jiitnea D. Kay, will bare'A social, at the council rooms On," Itlckotmiaoufloo to i» iiiKtrilmt The out iVt town,' jfjere' obliged' .to;, win another nxtwiiU tlnriict tu tliir nuuiintt- sbaU'beperutlttmi W. M.; W. N. Gray, MocreUry. tonight to whioh membe will bring othtrf I it irrjaea and lb« l>nlaiji> lu qo to 1 through the snow to Alileno, ami I Iris llou of cundlttatpx for aiiycrnor, 8(111 tb« front at' bock ptnttona <«r iKpiFExoiirr Unna^ ,or Foaxwrsnts Than? wlvee and slaters. wortlji ""», the purchase of tha Sloan* ml llin mean, time, the Kenllwortb Uonlty molhvr act I* tl»' lilll Julroilucmt luat tward pf any atnjst ear Court Cranfard No. liUjl, aeets fourth T Anton The aohem* Iprored surt'et* I'umKUr.ench month. Lodn rooms Masonla Almost zero weather for a sudden Corporation, innkee good on too gaax *(tr by Henator i,'«lliy providing, thut inotorniMtt or cundoctor. KK* Cranford italt ftulMiufr, II. O. Austin, Chief Ranger Heatli bain' the manager ot HID lot violating the act and ch* A. R.Denm«n,Htcnt*ry. 1 ,"*• ^ cbknge, which makes tbe. coal man, I Into disgrace and was fined Hntee at the end of tbe,year. Buoh 4w-lt-m«ans -good-bualnoaa for oH tin rrwdr »g or municipality limti'iul of tu« eloctlon National rtnnis, Mnfonlo JIall bulldlnn. F.C. Crarr, Maahlon waa tb» Hrtttsb The otbet tr..tl« bill hjr Hke aaaaea*- •them. avenu nted and watered lu (be vncra tbo realdvnta of Konll ik now feiiulml. An "Impor- UeReot; V. K. Fkrron, Mocretary. eoncei tant feature of tho lntvr^blll lai thrft the aemblyman provide* h ( Ixruovicni OsDta Kin Mrar, Tonaluka Mesars. E» B. Power and Ooorffo A. i Montagus In Olooraibury, worth'. t Newi ••iH'tton lVr. Roaelle. . . , , lie at iJMontagU House. Tbe gwtt Ire* Notlh Avenue, Mrs.C. W.Thompson, of Newark, tt tor the electloB pf •- sttwe » personal Inler- ABaocuTioi, Central ConaoU- will speak at the next regular ueetlntc ive G frown ao rapidly at 'f lie Ma«w»ll InUnete bava secured a tW^" ' 9t««ta wvond Tliur«.lu\ each month la tAdge i the art of t{io .rtew.-artth those who contera- UMim» MaannicnuiMiiig. Councillor Kenyan oljths Christian and Missionary Alll- apett rrtUiOtloh to their Mistsiuen of 147,000, A Mil introdi'Kct! lo Om moatr *>y' v Jl light and air and. room fur ib» M«a.lck ;IUcBM, or LIMHTT, Integrity" Coyo d»y evonlaK. Jan. SOtb, at 8 o'clock. saidtl will lie oonipelletj tkx make good that olllww for •i.-hoolppt sal tndh- leg new accoun ell .No, lMi.me»tn wcoud and fourtfitlUra I In tho olil bulhilny could arrow anyevonlnin ln.H»l M«n'i Hall, Couoolllor Song service 7 30. secure era. ' , • \ only live remirr*. ran nowmiiuuiit, I i- —- " ' Mrs. (p. O bvliacfer; Kec. Sec'v. W. S. Beln noot . -. T» Cnnelru«« hart. I Friday, the (3lst) Is tbe last day for 500. IttHkuuluK the mile* llfickAiycira) (Union of WestdeM, OFFICERS. Of shelving devoted to book*. thi> mu ! Sbnntor KnoiutiimoD P. I). * P. H. at K~, Locai4tD the.payment of taxes if one does not a Chicken and Turkey Supper mwta Ut nnd 3rd Mou.lar nl«liU«4oh month at' toum la easily tha largest In the rcnolutlon 'which auth«>rt«« tS* THOS. A. SPERRY, President. Itwl Men.JlHll, Millor Daildiiw Pren -want his name published In tbe An_ nmig»ii)jj)j|*,i«fftrt»n« at the Oakland llouae,oothe evamoil ot ernor to spptilot » coljjnii*jta» a Ji'.lluidoalirrinri Ptmldont, g. Waralo .BOnl Report. Colleotor CMne Is ready ITvbruNry 90tb. TbacommllUaln ohatge .membcra to co-optfr»t* wtt& tte W. W. BOOKLET, VioeProst. w'jr, den Hl«l|i»tlo Oompany aa-a pattern.maker, of th« - canrnsa IN waters between »w Toc£ 4a3 'There will bo a meeting of the 'Slit the lar«*at lu tb« world, can uieV with a eerioua auoiednt on Friday of hours from the vloalutt of the'| News Jerisey. The tewtat&jo ourtrc County Board of Examiners of Union tbe w an appropriation oC J3ii») t» Ottrm\ I—, -boast ^) tblt Ujudio bill tu BltElilFfS SU.K-In Chanearr.,! Mew let. County, at Gruut School, Cranford. mat regulate the aale'.of"mSEb'lucry,'7toolii7 tho •ipen«s of Um X«s Jeney toot- jj Watch Us •cjr. Ik-tixu'D Wtlllnm II. l'echln, conplainaiit, NU-.onFeb 7 and 8, at 9 a. m. Theanotbi hand waa taken off al that setiood Joint nntl rhrodire W Mnnxin «t al dafaBdanta. 3*7 and apnluiueeii proteottNl mlwilou" -•••'»•" •.-' '... fUJn. for uio .if rmtlKu««l pmniaaa. eiamlnen will be Prors. J. J. Savin, Tbo n aoiilhe band badly laoeraUd. by a lawful pnltut.rlfitlt. ..A. .meaVure tntrodaeeil trj Snut^r and jou wliraee a satlslieil II; iirtiiii nf tlip stwiajtatnl writ to madl- bove •• Ta th« Mannar Born. Fleider Oxe* the maximiua rat*- & r«:t«l 1 •Imll expoM. for m>e at pnbllo Tandoe, oo A. JJ. Johnson. O. H. Beagle. - Wb»tu«r Uia word b» "manner" or The Aeollau' Oumpaoy laid off, about Taiatlou of railroad* and canal pru'i^ cuK&itnf r ie the — WBUNPSDMT rlin MNCTKENTH D\Xjo* WltDUl artlas waa tlie autijci't mutter of «wJener. perspic/icliy. Thu rtty of us lime law ti ^t .permit; B»hbi«,,tj|icw>itikf tfce, Jk» ,1a 1 hnmul vrrnilv tmsi th« Mine aa laid down *i*MarW»*ti»'*t*fc"VfaKlil||'i>H X^S.Un.Kvo-.A**,,: .CmMfkitiiicj ,!; ^g H lU hej-fc any--taxlnt itfetrk^atid » e tojt>rated. To bocooie«the tallroad property and all other property «xl and the lilll paawdL ' kins rtotl —— -nqonrFeb. fithY<$t+o'elockvon»/ • new ysar/s phase, ot,education. This lecture Is idjoui 1 and th« awMRvrtn* "!>•pllonnr mvat l>n»« mlablUliud hl» r*pu Ibe tntluu district tlirounh whlc* thoueht tbnt the came v *- tree and Is glveu under tbe auspices tathni for eflfofcnoy lu forwvlna.otlio •tthwr tlw ninfn iteiu .,r«8'» or »UcUhula In th<> not too distant yonsi CStirman «ith>A ' Ula carter la carafully propvrly It tocatvil, and said titxp* nhall of The Vlllaga Improvement Assocla,-. here •rruttnlMKt by'the iu»niberaof tha be for the u*e of "iich tnxlug dUtrK't. lution oalllue attnatloa to t&e ..jec-in s.»f Eluabfi h. N J . ou Ami thu aaid premliiM berabjf oonr.jad baiae ' . tlon. All' mothers are earnestly re- eooldi town tf'ituitt who m« araat forthTiforth inn I «f JIAUCII. A. U,, 19US. quested to attend. done? of bli t>)«4«* y tnu»t he )<• cvim)H)tent and tlon net n> that all prupurty, real and. dniw that the bu*lti.M* of tv- KILLIAU ILUWBBNrB," of the «tat*»l* tn sotrti a. tundU s «l t*<> o'clock in tttct ariernoou of van] A series of. Evangelistic services "•1 fcitt la to an actual praollct v«P!irull.T |>iTf»rn> toe dutU4 of Ula high in'rwmat. Including the real and tan#. C.WR RR, BolV. ? to rtM]utrt> Jejbi!atl«e TSrtfciO ( .Il.t. *'.i tract tw parcel of lundp HIK) JuU }t. will be held In tbe SU Pant's M. E. "•T« arooni the ancient Baton* utlU ««i jroiinif aa likely to ble proparty hutlug a fliwl vltua uavd cc AdT. raw-as to. for uiaoy yo»r», for Church beginning on Sunday, Feb. 2. dnrnei of proclaiming with a «a- w | y y fur 'tyiltroad and caual purpovoA. at- boot' lm» tliat thflUnit drained a .mayor jn pi-iifuln l a rtilrticiwl ffar aeluding rolllug atork and floattnit«iul^- . Tber pastor will be assisted by tho Tittrofor*. to tbo tiuwtloo tueuVanall be aabjevt to.annual, taxa- In Biecutitp tenlun yrrtirt^j tS«' «Jm.*j is kiiuwti, iiuiulmrvtl nnd Ut«i,;> ljot!ee"1>f H««r) Improvamant«oil t tonS nf twotve years and If not >••' : rtg ~~ "Business Men Evangelists," Sfr. Jas. 9»n? ''Hamlet rcplliM! •twits! after tlmt ]M>rlod la entitle* to tion at Ha true value under tbe taxing senate conSmieil two of UK toaJE ^ ' -t«4 uo a t*rt»iu iu»p vnlilled -l'l.«o of M.pUFUt,. , uf nominations sent b> lost w«tk 1-j 'vu u.o« l.>ia at Fnirtm,.« euburU it " R,Job.nson^tnV';Apo8t!e of Sunshine" A h man?- U"«i ' ,t life |H>n«In» of balf the amount of hbt act of iwo. and -former superintendent of theconatr *nlury. After a »efxk^f *tXfft*r» tioternor Fort To» Bomtas&jeK <«, .- c-iy of Ei norih. X. J , loc-al«| on am »atlv»hi>r« Civil aervtaa Colonel Predertck OOkjrsao as state »»«8rlJ »\enuf, in the Imrnnjh of Florence Crlttentoo Mission, New Bee 01 111* tiouMon \* oui^fnurtb of hit aalary A civil wrvl«f bill wa» tpfeKHited by tranjf 1 road -camnrawlnnfr oatt Ckaitas 1" ," Hlfd in th» O« - -^ " York, and Sidney S.SmlthA>t Newark, ,aiuL, aftci^*trvti!BJt.\s«\ij yeftra twn- Aaaembtyman -TbompasnT of U^ i 11 "I 1 Black as circuit wart JuJ*c www txa j 'I'linrM""" l«wrtUo* to Si who for 17 jean bos been~*«b« Insplr- tbtrd*..' II* nct-J not nnHiaaarlly^ be a and uakaa dvU oervtc* ronipul»«iryl u tt 1 nelgbi (trmed. J»oti.ini.at of U*rl« l'Ia«, rB.iaTSMu>ct"A »ll rMtcttt of ttorltn al the time of btathe itata and prorldea for lta adopttff* g leader of the jounit people of tbe aolutely necessary^ a» the) arisbx V^nnta Off a C»W. ' appointment—In fact. tbe>ma^r In uad- by rannlclpalltlt* and countlea upon • dnd M.E. Church. there «njf chowu from th» rcsldcnta of ottyxr retaroadum TOto. • Tha nwaaora amhxit> vacant, bat the geoaral nap itpolntllmimuit taroauvck railed. U»t tha Monday night, lust before 1|) •lso t i fcaroful ,obwrver of «atar« W« bea a civil aenrlve comnri^ylon and prev ob, U in* stsen to^aoa* a* samnaer a* o'olook, tbe firemen were called out 1 ' 'hj l * Tides that nine months anw fb* ^pujt- by alarnrifom Box IS. In response to The ;' V'- Culture In Weu Afrlea. - aan ot- thai act alt appointment* an4 not cuwmlt tha- atanabwrn Ott]tnm and commerce are spreading bui his-aclecthmo. Itawwrer, tike cttk- In eai promottoaa'bi the clfU «rvlce under telephone message, the Ore was*at Umli k wort-.Africa. • Ainerchant tends u* tbe atat* coternuiput and after yum era-were held «r*rr a* J» tte asaa] thehome'of B. E. TuaneU. 5 SylVes Uf.f U-jr fur a few months, but there •jation wiu b. biid Vt }S" il made only on,merlt^ind ttneaa, wnldii r In the Open Ufe partiUon ba»K oT tbe kitchen•zplal f*n to »Jww«» » i Is m»t a more eatliu ia"lc «ea iro« i-j HtkniM Block ('raiit service. H<> nan ««lT*t»Btlon nlsh\y attracted by.taken Uc»n leader at tkjt scaatav wa bousentfd furnishings. .Ibe Oremeo tak«4 court la autKortted to ap^>olat ducwl Oovatnor rort% nan'I t*m coloaux for"* few inlitatt*. J too* il6f' who the U--c.il lew nnd proawdea sna»rered' promptly and Iat4 about draif ti wrMiu TOaffUta*l u rtadtouj «T 8ou» bttl thk» waek. was bora at ataaat Bcf- nnrt "Kl<« toother's hooso.' ~ 80Q (eat of bose from tbe plug in thlfte:*t>\1 ju jkuralag'th*onjsb cont- ir. N. J.. Mar A tsea, a* w*s aome «Muktt Ot Mat a^N, «nd tkftr wUrtaa Forest nyenue, bflt"water waa notdttf a ahailli!a.«)|.p«l;dlt«n ftp each d«/ needed, two extinguisher charge*. t-ISib, jot tbe) ttlddw stood tn U» you u* tba beat and kng«r« Uarcfaaun "••' tbi trick. The Hw w*» nn- ip0i " \*m«««mtoepom p Uje ftalrs-' - - a»«e- In atrary pnduw Id the dtr of U» 20& 15^X^2 j^-fij«thereSj Jatrt come lyoanaed by eortkea, aettlng tbrooi den. KbanHN 1 IUT* foand mytelf ot.tbe range right against a lath and borto tl J praaortbaft ftr TkwMefe VOQrt, C^ Skaarisaatlaaatam A jt^aaMauaAu. aUi. " *U*» *'^kj?»\Oiny d*»»\ . «ted th« »Blatter iwitlrjoo, TJofortuhately. it tnsvd SaoaftH iWkMtf*! fiAmptea. ti» <••* WPf* (*mW la^e^saaaWI ILViPVimt IB aJJ la>Av 9+m^-rmt .LI IlandUt* _ « . "what»VM*s MM «e4h«Avlia) Oat*fc#aa» and I via wwu eort Winv """""-a

ykmr mgh Cantan

f«j ,-M.lji • ...^.i^.* • •• _- " "-_ i-™-, j, , , J> *- A •"•laa^aTWW ^M ' + »•


i"Tv I. TaiTRStlAT,

J. roaa A Ss*«i* boWVlWi «N> »AB~4jOTtGU& p Xj tbs txm .1is> «MT«iM»Hi WAR WITH JAPAN iwphsAlf MM but ta -*s. OawmtWaVw oo the Qh*ra!i. OBMSI aitjSMa, Ml a. at. SB Suit— «.«•>•. •Ion at th«Town«hi»SDOtts tbteafW noon. This will r>rota>biy b* tlie km ssbdoi M Mil, aw Doot •rohanf*) ytmt piano far a meetinn of tb* Commission.' one auks* it is) abeolutacy mnri. Romorsot sUoktlma* at th* R*T.. Or* JarasHt For a small east jour piano e*a be .PK>. iwaovatod, in* quality of llan works and the recent lav off of torn 11 o'clock, some bands are discounted by tho big -gMMsaj •srria*, •* II Iteitw than it wa* at UM o'otk SJ asboo(u3«>>)o«k|>.a tiaayoa pun>bs<«l it, for tb* •iapt* ; laettJon of- Ptr* Alarm 8 3*Htm/X mt In tbe yatds. denoting much walk In Wwlii—JaY Jimior py « nJajr aft > Ufkn- It is a mJl-koowa ftm, that it» ih \ '' ing •uttjtet **Tba M p a Qr«*l tll b aud Headquarters Quite a miracle was wltaWM»«t at tatHrti" ; . Evtutwllatie mtniim quality W ttw soul or a piaao. hange my piano tor the Union avenue cro»»lu({ at w o\'k»k j j h* B»alnw "M«o Ctrim- a>Ii««iming your piano mmou, 164 Mafrket this. roornluK. when aa E*stboand Iorl(«od MrS-^Smlth. of N.wark. flyer, ROIOR »t least Wnr 60 miW nh a Urg'ata—UM piano. daaWr «»U lh* hour, stroek *lth full t^tco » jwllow y piano Jor a ammU* "THI MKPS OLBB," brtiv *o4 of it. mor vo». All that i» r^ ami ouluaiua utes sujdouly (lurtei) away unhurt second tnasa meeting In the First M. iaa TU. have E, OtiuKh. Wavliiut'avvvou*—The !!Ll^.iW_jH,.HJMLjySftJ^EMJM^S and *s» swnTa^er"iWWUr'"ifie~lowu jour |iiano r»no»«l«d. w« •hall. tiuw«»«r, _ _ * Remember tbe Men'* Supper la 8t. speaker will be Dr U. Irtinff Wat- apparently enjoying life at lis best ouulonl ourMlTM with m»r»ljr aa)(u«r Paul's Church, Friday evening. Jan*. Not * sluglu mark could be'"found on kins, of the West New Brighton M. SUt, at 6 o'clock. , E.-Uburcb, who had been engaged/or his: 1( you ar» thiukiuK o( »«(^I«IIK- In the Line of the dog. • - '• ug jrour ptuno baoaua* it ia olu, aud January'5th, but; could not b« present S SOLICITED. T&J- Clioral Club la an tinging for d»wto't 'anuii Pnu,nd Kwfp>r Henry Brown Is try- u.wiug.g m a sudtlsl n tiwiU 1H his uuu- tile aeeond concert of .tbe seaaon ind bar* it Mstuiosd bjf-us, . (.'{jresentstive to ng to Hgutv out the honor and pro tit Kregation. Dr. Watklnt (• ^pf wbioa will be given after ]>nt. of publiu ufflco. Last wiwlc Fred E. four ord*r for umnu tuniug Is aulloiteid. «-ftit-e«tun>to m •: able and intBresaog^penker and has; Kirw:»hls»BM^rt^m»^W)nBblB -elatw condition. the gi«ult>« of tbe publlu iolioola fgr pouuil. It wn.s« . 1st Mark.i St., Newark, N. J. the usual raid-year promotions. uesa or Religion,". All men of Cran- DRY GOODS. to bo owned In Hi\m>1k». Notli* was ford are urged .to be present. Our The W. 0. T. U."*wlU meet at the Wnnhe're. and word eamo back to'aell motto Is "Ouly once a stranger." •.., bomeof Mrs D. D. living on Tues- the nnlmal and i«ubtract the-board The MenV Club of Crabfbrd. was i«Mt|!t», L'lnmlrj Wurk lu tulf* llumo. day, Feb. 4th. »t 3 p. in. - • bllt. No purchttsor afipeaivd and on I Atli«rvM L. liix l.Vj. ^htf'Ki^ " Mr. Oeo. S. Bjprstt Is on a short at his home. U Crantprd av'snue, last '.visithom»fromAllaatlo City, whore Pound Keeperdon'tkiKiwwliem he l» Thursday evening.' Despite tho,»iiow be has been for the pnst nine months at. ..It will co»l|_ $A.O0 to remove storm at least tblrty-Qva meihbets ;Oll HALE -A l»riH.il imw' U|>Tiii|ii THE ' THE IEWARK, N. j.- and properly Inter the remains, aud The regular meeting uf tlie St. availed thomselvri of Mr. Lange's I'mno; ii(S,"i OII.II. Adiiroas I', Cat- QUALITY QUALITY *•% Affnes QuIIJ will be held at tUu home hn charges for kw\>, vtcai* not paid. hospitality ami enjuyed tliu progres- toll IJIIW I • ' STORE. STORE. 3ounJ»el say* It In not u tnntlcr for the BERRY & CO of Mrs. "H. E. Merrill, on Monday, sive game* which hrnl boen arranged Town to seltltt. Where Uoies Bro.wu Lodge Directory. Feb. 3,1908, at 3 p. m. und for whleU; »ultnbl» pfltes hud come In? . ] .-. .; MA HOUsiH tt ^•mUeavfor-it-means -good-business for MawnioJIall building. F.C. Crarv, •them. avenue n^ar Buffalo avenue,.for being .: K. W. PkrrOD. Beentar*. • concerned In the bomlcldal af(ruy of •>»«•» Oanta Kin Mmr, Tooalaka Messrs. E» B. Power and Oeorge A. Court OrAuford Eleott Officer*. (o. SHI. meets every Tuesday *[un, New Years Eyt»., at Knkllwortb, where Real'Estate Bought. Sold and Exchanged room. Miller block. Barhem. B. 'J.. 'Itorrison left last' Saturday fur .a one Italian Was-killed and two otbns At the tneellugpf Court Cianford, i; Chief ot Haconls. A. LWtegstoaC short vacation trip to Jamaica W. I., budly.hurt as the result of a "black rndependent. II. 0. a. J. 0. V. lUokln; Keating and management of property personally attended to. Rolnbart, Secretary. Physician, a W, MMOODDUII; C. B.. »»i» or Tiia 'WOBLD, Cnnford -Circle of Trinity'Church will be held Brooklyn to look out forVHolll. and So. !J, meet* Ilr»t and third Fridays on Wednesday, Feb. Stb, 1908, at the be was located by one wbobnd known Berkeley 0. Autilni V. C. n.. 0. J. tontb. Masonic Uall, B. II. Davis, rescue* of Mrs. t. F. 0. Grow. Mlln Wenko; Tresstner, Q.Q. Teller; B. Couunnnricr- IJ.-H. Mauning, Clerk, him In Kenllworth. luformatlon was xl' J. J. O'flull, AssUtaat" Clerk "street, at three o'clock. . * then given tdthn Brooklyn polloo aud 8., A. It. Deauian; V. 8, J. H. Ban- Mw.C. W.Thompson, of Newark, lie arrests followed. County Do 1*0- ford; 8. W., B. O. Plume; Jr. W->J, mm *£. AuaocuTioi, Central Council- will speak at the next regular meeting tlve Galntlnn will gpeure the neoessary E. Warner; Br. B,\MK>. Iteusoh; Jr. eoond Thun

  • \ each, month la 'tMg* B., If. 1L Foster. ;< MawinietUi tiding. Councillor Ksajroa of jthe Christian and Missionary Alli- papers for jho removal of the prlsoo- t ; Recorder, AV. E. Starr. \ /„, ance in Open House Block on Thurs- -rs to the Uiilon- County JMII. ItU Wood Bros. & Gay, A irtiOH or LIBKKTT, day evening. Jan. 30th, at 8 o'clock. said that 1Mb Brooklyn detectives have 1UI. meats lecoud and ft Song service 7 30. secured an importiW' confession from ~ An Exesllent Waltrsss. / nlliLT. ln.He.1 Men's Hall, Councillor Friday, the (3ut) Is tbe last day for one ot tub prisoners Nursss; In traloltig hiv« many hard- O BcUefer; Kec. Sec'v, W.E. Rein ships to bear, but ptrhapi none U '*!•• it.imoD P. U. fcP.n.at A", UwatM) the.payment of taxes If one does not it and 3rd Mou.ltr nl«liU«4ch month at' jrors* tbaa baring to ippear chasrful Telephone 160-J. II NORTH AVENUE. naJInll. Miilor Dnildins PnctoHtxV .want bis name published In tbe An_ A Llttla ifoo-tar. under "airT0fi4lrloti»^-Als*n»« of ho- lonU-ruor; Preaidoot, U. WaniBsklrBa .Btial Report. Oolleotor Ccane is ready 'There H'siicK a Uilng us overdoini m'or Is perhaps as prn(lo of tb<_ old and Illlterata Ms. captain who was iXt most liuiiortuut and necessary BUILDERS' HARDWARE, I ck ir^ thi» nlt«>riio4in Tif aalilday«kt •.",••••.. Sal*.' nflV ollirn. In Ihocitj W EliubrthTftow Is-a sure proposition us a ciuididnti' most dangerous type, n won that wai ro tlie surgical ward. with a broken food. You enH j>ut thn uiatl«r' to a nil tlmt«.rt«ln trait cr wmlothVad - -for Dtvmocratlo presidential nomtnii- cougtsnt'menace ta the communltv arm which would not knit H» was • Mtwluuioi* Tool*. |nl».» Imimlin iwtticnlatly dtaorllwd. test very easily. Just leave: off tb« In IIIB 1 nwn»liiii w Ornn«..." n|«l in tho offiraof be possible to pry W. J. off the back of had paM him soawlitUs attenUoa b* fee! "empty" (igaln nnd liow "uufla •k •/tlw iwltl (iwntr •>» Union ^h««w«D» Injured th<) fair nnmc of the west said, wllk an appreciative smll*; ' Isbed1', the meal -will so»in. You can't J Cor. Boulevard sod 20th Si. » «.(S»i.ti.,.,lx.r. A. I). liflR. T.«. th*r frith pour old Democratic mulo. among the. older communities' of tho lliiK lu.|«>natvrtKl-thf Fuldloteoatnin- Miss L. Is tbe best vrsltrws 1 srsr K*t any worlilngtnan to accept'a din- KGNILWORTH, N. J. fnmt or hnuMlth nn the nit aid* of Dr. Thomas.D. Wood, or Columbia country. , •-.:."' hsdt"—New York Tims*. ner pall without pie in it. And he's I Tal-W-W. OoosefufDlstilDg Goods, Htc. in OTinue fif j, fwt, nnd oiUudin* otthat University,'will talk to women at the "The lory returned a roWlcf of guil- u ICIIKUI or drillh IMIKIWII na'allel llnar absolutely right. The only tbuig tbat ty anil my man WAH nentenced .to a can take tbe pines of sugar bsra is OPERA aOUSBULOOK, 1 Giant School on Wednesday after- Move About a Little. ^ ^^^^ -nqonrFeb. fithyj^+o'elockvon «--new. orrwtueruTltHs-"ir'9riBB*fl<«at'"fi adjourned the foreman of the Jury gj; .; :, Orautbtd.M^Ji^m,. pbsse, ot,education. This lecture Is story'of a lifetime of perslsunt toll. tlia freellUJich counters run in stg With Kngllth In Japan. •lw.1 liwriug.wuihUiwtththea.pSS- csme io me «nil suit): 'Young feller, conucctlon with Jmrs furnish..«>y«ry According to * fortlgti paper, 'rt««K« Wing gWnt toawnrti tS. tree and Is glveu under tbe auspices yon spread it on too. t^lck... After, that But tbera. Is another point of view it nt put ot lbs pnntiOM monur in aald of The Village Improvement Assocla,-. which jtesarvesrespsct The gadabout texaglnaljle thing .vx'cityi'HWvplii. Even following eiampls of Japasss* profl. there rip snortln' speech of yourn «r tbi' nrstuu'raiifY «i;<] liini l(k- RrilU at ho aalil premlim berabr oonvand bataa tton. All mothers are earnestly-re- x*** a. useless membsr of society, CISDCJ In lbs us* of tb* Kngtlsb Isn- to crtuin rrenicllona a« aat foitMn couldn't 6> nothln' else 'an what ws tachdd-to saloons or I mm often rvfiitw (usg* was found to an advertisement i^ X quested to attend. done? but the stay at borne Is-likely to b« a narrow one. Ve Mil our»«ltes ou this to s*r\'e de^twriK of any norl. ^Tlw hi a case of tow*ls rscslrsd In Can- niLUAUILUWBBNrB," •"I don't understatd you, «lr.' their bu»tui.-i«(! Thv-tunre sugar K h A series ot. Evangelistic services little planet, vttth, Ifs oceans and moon- ton: "I know you ar» acfcnowledi* tb« " 'Ton don't I. Why, we. fotmd the v WIUTTRJIORH Bol'r. ' ^' ' \ will be held In tbe SU Paul's M. E. Ulna and mlgllty-Hyer* and wld* pnil-' wuulajb IUUU lakt-s at n uivat tb).* Towel uada ,1n Japan are mor* c*o-, '• "3 darned gerloot gnllty 'cause b» didn't Ions alcohor hv vt!iul>i. C«nvi-r«c!y. ^ KWACC AHT.Fwa-.SJW. Church beginning on Sunday, Feb. 2. H rics.' We know not wtmnos w* cam* rsnlenc* in us'lfig, and lougtr lu *»lst- snoot" -DctroIt I-'ree Press, nor if we shall «v«r pass this way every 'ilrlnl.lnB man will toll anc« than (U« Towsl In Europo. Lsts- ^odL Ther pastor will be assisted by tho you that bu lint lost bis fast* fur n. Pt\» very low. "Business Men EranRellsts," U*r. Jas. agsui. Barely we nay do our task bet- ly, bow«v«v» tns crafty tatrchants lmprov«m«nt• hento dim thitttis T,.Wnibi» and -former superintendent of the construction company called at the of- with the glories of nature and dlscor* to heavy and Bu* by uslug paats, in- Florence Crlttentoo Mission, New fice oae day last w«ek and asked to be lt T t fo ft bow men and women befors us Uav» H deed tbss« srs most. aodacK^s^niann*. Jrt5Sr ^it^in T. CsiS York, and Sidney S.SmlthA>t Newark, also for; tas to do I'll look for another aw. .the Colo»ML£*Jb«(lrsh tna BUUM "gain," said. Mr Page, "what's the tfyss not to fail till to* Towsl get bro- o'olook, the flreraeu were called out Job, that's •11." Bladooas. Uje Canadian Bocklcs and loker k«fl. Wlslilnf tb» reputsiigo should Jb» by alarnrifom Box IS, in response to The manager saw tbat the man was the vsDiy of the TsUowstooe^-Tooth's "Ob: Hawnln' marater. I Jen' won- nlssd Ilk* UM' bslgbt of tn« mount In earnest, and he promised to move Companion.' a bet offen bis hyejr fool boss." ruii,4tuitiMd It 'fogi' brand. UsOy I Milk and Cream* Meeting*. telephone message, the Ore was*ai him into a less axcluslv« section jrf the "Why. Sam," said Mr. Ps««, btf humbly toat'ladiM sod ftntltam thehome'of H. E. TiiuneU. 5 SylVes . Hsr Votes. ~ lty.< dWyoado tiiatrv " should »y ttst,«v»rywbsf» tfwsrlo« If N.r; terstreet,'and lucki)y was confined to /All night watchmen," th« man»g»r Ton tay sh» bas her vote* "Well, yob aw. boss-, I tu 4C tb* tMd* attife 'Uoaot rugC" ttte partiUon btuk ot the kitchen sxplataed, "hire a prejudice against perfect control?* " " ' dls hy«ftf how bsck jroodcr an't s*«u range with a ralnfirium of damage to very fine'neighborhoods. They haw a piece qf p»vet Ubsnitd of as. sn' J house atfd furnishings. .Ihe Oremeo ta k««p. too qalat there. Host watch- Then' why dosso't IIM cbok» it safat,/Bl&ckr.,,l Utt you a quarter you answered' promptly and Iat4 about men; in order to keep the Ho* from tt*"w»lt Mtd gwins ter be sfnU of «,*• Dot fflseky -fj*-- 80Q feat of hose from the plug in drsiglng heavily have' recoars* to, shook, bis haia-he woufJa't Tbet» I At • gBtoNlnit of nus'u4 WOOMS sorn* ptrtlcnlsr paiilsie. Ons man In stM,l 'Blacky, I b»t you a qasrter you sacb on*- Is-torn. «u called upon to Porwt nyenue, bqt "water was not The Mdvot Bomans at needed, two extinguisher Charges. dtir employ Insists upon tuning on iniwia-you-tak* my twtf Ao* no Ot* tU'ttttUmtm*»<* BB« ccnildmd v band a taalt suck of boardi, which ka*w a V«aii» tb* Bald. g no«Ms4,Ws JWM., Well, sob.wb«n w# ot grsatsM mttk ta ib* fornUtloo, of trick. Tbe> Ore was un- bs pfl«*op and tearsdownjat Interval* mi wonblpad by tbst BUM m a no gtt np'fiu a> irtod.flutter 4»t poptr eoaroctof, MCII^ Attttpot« to b*. fol- Ulyoansed by careless, setting throughout the night In a quiet neigh- Ocular twopit sttsr tb* tavasfon of •boot, tjf. - tm& btMS of tool, yon itmtA bt tb* aam*6tr*omi on. wi» of the range right against a lath and borhood the resWMfis am dlstnrbad.by tfea Oanls, th« nasxa usUstd for ttln attgfeter seen Ait bosk H» »by clean tatt MilMdl«d ltr f *i UM bonds an4 $* stnnc* fiKt.blMtfatilty ***** taw odtts dt 6«UL H*. 4a, pti- An* dirt's tJl« • Vaster partitiono. . tfoforWnatel*y It M.iojtadlr bwatejLr W» that th.ibT*T.Vtt wnst tteUM m«-4«t r» * ta i tfie wall Into tbe sij- lk f«r i rirti behind a> ptatta which Again,, nlghtivstchBengh a Uk* to stop ererr nocturnatl l •(rolle(ll r and .c.•! >,* ^« -rji -irBI IWrtf N»lihbor» who cahoot sleep well eon- pmif mhant ' ' ' ~* ^?^^4^SS|F%S- .'l^

    : ..'/,;- ; - -- .; v ,: •..•••;•'... a hot afternoon In wld-JaO*. Ur% l,imii. In * dUpkoaous tea gowa, tty on tin *4a In her dressing roots. In th* _»tf«4» _«»?£«.** }>*. &*_''** liUMBEES CHOICE. blinds, -'faoSfiig Tt*T*$ll<:. "... - .".' Vnn'rd not Rflug out, *»reiy, l*a* |y IICI IBlllJt •" »h« «nt«l. as that ji/iag wrjin- l In "1 m Bult.i; t/i Imr>k for a ahadf r\ nt tf. r'-»d In " |||r;;llartla Kellnlw )*r ds inc. 1''" • lt» \nr irrlt«tlng in peopl* «ho ^B*At of a frlliwoa nr.ii f'A nii-.t'.-l !*. >•< l<» Kti«p f«r focry breath " his romn. At.-til* fct-«ii, |i»ri!-»i'--Ti(J-'-• :o. It U \i> Her to Uko tlltne» women for their num floorwalker* with • shade of- two day». V Rloti" it* ««»'<•>'. . . is In line with,a policy observed tit cloudy or milky 11 I regretted that they unit iont'Jnai TOBAflSXONr^adsnea: gjC/iv John,"-sail tli> dyllir.. I -It ywi »T<< gfilri* S«j talk like that some office* In tn« financial district. mar* decUlonj of which taeir raoth- • There It t> not aa uncommon thing Ha»«a Rtjifter. afraid ot ffisrnat I* <-«lM » »eU-in*nt ••• -|i ln»1.i-l Ijiichi TI, n quiet, low flppt* tnotlnn to plaees as bookkeepers for- lf> ,,f- n-for.J! mothtr* are liable I* that of Ignoring $>?iB*y MM"> i"'° t' '""'• <>r Ui«' - niiiuK'fiiiiol. Tht-.n »h4? Went merly held by men. This tenancy tho obvious fact that grown-up daugh- shall I go to l;|t "have stflreii *« H»* '>• liu already eaoeed a notable caange ..to wiU tell me trte lbt« thr- Knrdva-art') 'across the l»*n ters or, daugntor* nearly grown are'. To Oh, Xbere are traini, an ^flflght *• far n« Ur in '« to i!in pallid*.' A lioat * "In the retail ahop*. of- Naa«an street. niot liable* any longer, and are not to;try tt obues, too. Siwifd Id to'.liave'>r^l-nil Unit ttttps- under the bfl compelled to yield their Individual* ---•cf »^..-,..,..-. ,, . ._ Vijla-a fool." .-... • -.' And one )aay ride a bicycle, • uuur '.u m cigarette I i£roa taun s IUTIH»WIMI» »MM».- «•-;-. i—. Ity to ours, Th^rn are crlsc* In yoons;.! «u'l t'.iLt* ci) or Wacken; vrhea ^"'•- ,.'Jler«» h«* pan*1' !•<-" '• iha «i?nt of the rose*, j «artnient» for women's wear tner* ui oar homos are daily sacrificing Or to inNt balloon; i.) 11 with the lives, aad the' oajy thin*; for a omttf '. tie.', soi'jr ;l'« ttzar i« taris«iw. aid'tidy, \vpmcn overdo. A female And boats go dowiKbelon-; - l#av<> him. Jiiini - at full -Ii iiclh In n wicker chair, his In the district they are, equally t«*s r*a«Sy for And automobiles go (iX»ir.i«h own ^ problems. Enorraous Uottbla ^.. tuna dark yellow j WCakiies« or displac«ment l» often thieve* " runt off nikl hi* tbjrt-sleevs. turned. numerous thsn tha tobacconists,— iilid overwheimlns disaster may fol- In way* that none- iqav know:, ! mil I.I I with : bread. Urge meat pies j brought on ami they suffer in silence, "As InUK at 1 ll\ New York Carr«Bpoa"donr;c .gl-tee' low tuterfcrupco In the ruan*t*m"at you " Ii I u i»ll sol- .iKii' lun't fl hotT"1i» said, tut with moro ftgll knowiuK 1-vvcil that -they, ought to emnly »r» p»Tl tif.yoiVown ex- Bo. Uking »ll in til. I tliint- \: . *|aHllHv}ilMMg[ l WOU^S Ilumy. PANAMA HAT. Uaytjhelij to overcome tho pains and 1 —», ty !&ii& "Ilia luaiTi're ',Mrl t fiu him KoHowlnn the'faabion ttrWaibrn^ BtheawbkAaaiJyKuiteiifera burden. :j.,,rii-ti—anna-llirnjij Smith; 111 St.Mcl»i!as. - rill Ut hl« in Jit It is to these faithful women that * Iltau'f Hani" liiltillr "II »n roullnli to.rums, you slight Ion, New York womeu sru ihowlng a itrnnc; Incllnntloli to revlra lha aaaloa and liberty ot choice* It was noisy and dirty wiiy.re ila'r'y. TJio "I alw»j-« \tj to keep appoint' dl tor VECnABLECOMPOUND • Ann lived. The big trains, ijiundered' he M | r« i«, 11 it - -H itli mffitu V co.mes as a boon and a blewine. pasfeyerx,ho4r ot.thd day aad'^rat- through H'HI i'i"» . W0«ld ?"•" w*?• r«po»«rW« for th« „ ••,'., Ufd^the windaiffl, :J_ \.^.4. •. >.,'•...-... .nd Maytille, N. Y^ and to Mrs. W, P. - 7* .... BufthMe was the tunacl. Not for- |l»R0di thl. """1 jjrjj| moyei When the returned trom Woper Care of them. It Is said that'j spooa ouo tartar, three _-. ty feet from Mary Ann's front sata n the Isthman lant anmmcr/tbe brought Boyd,of Beaver FaHi, IU,-wh6 «ajy: ^ >_~ »ald—" i i. with a yonn* back ta al- j. reserve a'third of thl* mlituro and ' ripened, its great black, mouth and ho coiiitril (tn> -fork*. Tlui »! Kulinbisu'ik flat bwlng to the female trouble fronvwhleh Mary Ann was never tired, of watch' "Your. J!i!« did, I'fcnowf'your'eyo* t>*ar*Qca In- it the other day *a» a with old elbows tajan old woman.;^ ahe«a of the *JUTO *iieT5dd to the re- 1 Id the Oriental.' wlii-m John bad 1 soffertd. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege* Ing It swallo-w the great long trains. id'.'Y**.'-•"-•.. . -,, '."...••"-:,:• •. llgnal to tho do-llkewla* clan. I?«r§ in theso days ot short sleeve* It t* i "served teUtnr* a cupful'each ot cur- ,!'tsk»n Up his rcnldrncii in b|itlcr-val<-t tableConfpound helped me wonderiufly, And at the other end of the tunnel "Thun twj should have had' more l> trimmed with- a aaih of yellow fi^SJ BT UUSF SBMe>^4 •" • V g flSAAaiS*1 W*VB V ^m^^~^ m ~ 'Imperative to keep tha arms and et- [ raaUand raisin*, two tablespoons ol and t am so well that I can dp a* big a • Was the ^country. Mary Ann. had nev- to tho yduiiK mnn *lin, iinhtly ur *mt broi»n allk with fflnged edgoi p bslry. bony or L iso^awe*„_ . oa«u«poon each of ail Wrongly, li»d bi*n prnrniintcitj'.*' tool Hho «»t Oowo. on the aii$'p*,ithe and a stiff aigrette of graw endj. bowa from Miss kind* ot •jdeea: take la.the same day'» work a» 1 ever did, Iwlahevery er seen the country, buC «ihe knew slek woman would try It : an about ft, for that was where her yfcyibo l'Ofuoa mo*: r f,\|iaW""Cit JuiH- w»trr Ui)-Uti[>ln* at-tien^eet, and Uh. Lonrffbrth ta wearing one ft rough six* ot tins a* the other sheet*; put' tfrs. bonirworth l* weariai DOB WBI. In the first plaee2 don't osW Xh»_«»- mother, had lived when-she was s flnfe •;-" -- t.':T"^ nun's iil«rclng raya gUnctn'g thrti bd t'lid ibbon the laxcr* together with frosting or FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN- *: ' ;Hr*v .'toniai, . Vaiiw! ivinltlarly wi'rl**-*; band of plaid ribbon and » bows'as propsS This pose la fatal ta little girl. ",...( - lha ksfy ntlwoik overhead aodMnak- oullb while Ml** Ethel llooaevelt may tordHnplesvjwhlch ar^ the thtet I Jelly, plstlnj the frnlt sheet between . Fo^ thirty years Ijrdla E. Plhk- t••^fWlsy"•;"-— voryr- . fsuilliarly, J<>im ing a told «Bd-copp: A NORTH TtOOM. standard remedy for female ills, . er would often say, and then she 3Hr*. ,U>mm Win a |irvin)««e<>ili]»: beld m- place with a tone winding would sigh and look up from her seo i»»r h« *»ld. • •- jf !.,-",."' .- •'-.. -• veil. For morning wear tne hit*: are a hard '— l '•' Xo one wanu a gloomy room, but ; ondbas positively cored thousands of *..S^Mov» of Homo thirty- yt»M. anil being Planted on u work at the elands «f smoke pouring SSf ri can tnitbfullyTsay that, Vtbr \ and comfortable.—New '~ ° t ,wkat to do vita one facing north Is 1 wometnvhohttTe been troubled with . _ , ^§fiJ«W«iM«sOB Iho unuuiiMwl autliorlly Fi»rtb*rmore. thU from the chlmnjy^_^f_th«LJSfitojx ; want to talk to you./? . i. | / it drawing. Inlttiest tfce j; dUn)lacenictito,inflaanm»Uoa,ulcera- _ .^_/Ii_ : ^|i-H:;«t- (hi•'•' lioniortBl Mr. --Welter--arc - Thcrn U nothing t Ilk* bettef tbiia Don, fibroid tumors, JrregularlUes, ~where hert*th'er worked. Eii*.'' id»n|(ero«»; OdtMil tlioni l,*lni-, on the hearing you— I cants on porvoifi. and Mary;: Ann knew why hor' mother : periodic poina, backache, that beat- J.fMn'9 authority, equal ta ntn-and '•—and I want lo t»l». loo.* ,/ i ... With, the ho«sehold as It U now the hot nanu on tne cneek or anaer i^»ii.__i« »_» it •_ --, __ _«.K Ing-down feeling, flatulency, indipRR- . sighed. The doctor sold it was the litonty"»iril'»iiry jvomwri In hint u llMo n smoke which mado her father's face "Tht-n you uiml wait (IDMl I've had _». It Is not p*ieholojlc*lly a m chin, too, wrtaWes the Uesh ana ' °" """' *** '• ""L!? J"?!* ; i J*1***^* ' so white, v ::. r. .• : toy say." - ••:••:. , •••'•%/>:•'• • \' '•••• \ _ . thing for'on* person to be de- iake» the Oeih bag at tho elbows. Of Xlr, lie "Mas* I tit bcaltls ><>a and MDlih • rxmdeht upon the wilt ot another- and The pose In which; artists delight mak« l«; or. rather, get the effect ol One hot day In summer she was Mm. l.oinux In . my cl*»rcttP?"--taklbK th* v'rttil*-' soiirty attached to hi* Interests, -No s.tne oiuj'that- leu the elbow* redl. --swinging one the front gate, eating a ,««i—.i^rn a 'similar.s'ta-ndfioint. 'la slon 'as granted. / <. •: .;"'.' :P ; j .matter' bow perfectly a. woman ls.edu- it the sides, trhjie the arm* Ue easily | radish.-' She'took small bites to mako ;::>lUs-Wlnter ho linU no nl'^rtifin'. it last as .long as possible and stopped .-Mr. I'ollnbiie?'— something if my r the lap. It a womsn wants I -'-*• : ~->ted In the schools, sho will not kaep '#m ::Mr^alcblJKiklng Blrl of « history you Vuow, thar I am ponnt-, fetching aad yet! now aad then to lean ovdr'tho gate. : * >n uoleaa she ho* some «»ldl«t. and a lighter Discovtat; ?tSrti» ;W*foui.'-anti tweuljt: >'e»r«. who icM-i-and~7 '•' - ' -•-. • "- '. «*** which she Is >rta)artly DROPSY Suddenly. Alary Ana heard, a pitiful 'ulnsly-^-Jonii had MU "That part doesn't matter a bit." J is. This does not amount >tluu.0i. llttlp whfno. Sho looked and list- Iho (irourfety of. .-^ ,., though th«r« Is no objectioni to that. ter. Burniiy. bony elbowa mesa a 'twrence> to » dreary room. A The new Ashokkn Reservoir In th«- lay quivering pn thai track. '"Sho ^Swfisd hlin—»i> c-lesr. nnd blue -and ^Iwlsh 1 had had the. tbante,"':- Outne'r lite dirntand* some flrst-hand ftdgety natural Smooth, soft elbows janiiBtcnrJardtalere, nrlt••«a . -,a plan» t,-„ In It, placed , .CatakiU Mountain region will-yleW; called excitedly to. hor mother and ^".'vthlldliko «|lln inhllllf. mill 11m licit lie know, bone-hotter, thit Mr*, reaction to tho world for the sake of indicate calmness and poise.. " , . In a dark conwir, wiU Hg*fen upithe New Tork Clty,|| when .completed, thoy picked ,yp the ppqr llttlo bundle, jSMlmnilnK o«dr wlt'li tlio very spirit; t j.n«v«f'-repente* of '• tn«t bar* her character and. Intelligence. Under1 Tho caro of ,the hands and arms coraer naridlooaly. 1 Brass nrelftjns. aomethlng like lioo.OOO.ooO gallons which they found to bo a -Uttle dirty g'fibt'MVh- Mrs. Uuuiii bail niln)it(jd Isabel was. uiald. tlresttrnaker, the pressure oil natural snlection man ' rtant part of the toilet. too, will glw » cheer* .reflecUpn. j of drlnking-wnt<>r perday. , It will white dog with brown eyes. Jj-fWr, I'oJtnUoc-• tbut,ls to siiy/iihti^iAd jctrttflry,' fomiittnlon, all camblnud, made n! tardy antahco w-lth womftu "* """- Involve the submerglue of eight ,vll-: - "Rutl for some water, Mary Ann." •* • ltttrhforVcil lilr.i lntu HerKI>1 -tUo «i>t "nt.a riiiniitittratlon; no Othnr iwQjnun and tho home In primitive times.. He lages and will extend over an dred • «ald hor mother, putting tbo dog ••«-.-.. that- It rullwl .vsuiai't." -1» icHJ'rti for : woulduliliaY^.aWoptcil" -* ', ' iiV/'Hi : i laxflisvirh°w uswj ewoma pn ••wMoh.tn a* a playthltigo hangV abis as jftttlvalgnt^ta that of M»nhaUanJLsl^ down on the tiny porch. " ,,. to iwhlch aho "ttiliiwc I hljiv to/bjiy.for- and raBglng""In depth \from a mere -Blioatid my mothor'werofltstsnt ^4,7?. ., bought her eh, uml M toln. Hold your arms in.tola while | 1 }* " 'Wiggles,' tbat must bo tils, name," i>i«rp. . ., -,.-• .•.•.•-..;• fhv •••, _. ..[-.water-supply .for. the metrpDolle;. nllowuvl lil.in tit cnll, hvr IiaUjf- nmno- you .count 10ft,, Thenr use a rubber J : : ^ ^"Dear'Wlgsles,". inurniu'red Mary rHals!": said'Mr'^pUMicei ' " .•'/•"''.•' v^-rllEiPAD NOW, .»je;cofttiiined i rB""ait>*. art*$|e In the- > | tlniBi. "A ring•routed John frmu his sfongo and ajongh bath mitten until V ; " .,jSnBFiiatting his head softly. .' • lu«t1ltntlnt.«. ami told liiiii ]\h IU.HKIIT •i^ pretty Iwi *thut, Is popular JJD current" Har'iifcrV^'«eStlV: ']rt Iswrit- "Never mind, dearr-ijO'on-.jll the ;nv«h STQWB. After Ithls. It the>l ten with a wealth of picturesque '•" When•'Marjr Ann's father came (o rl»i*. At Tirtiikfuiit Mr.' Varls just now. Is to wear the Inevita- Elbows urp very'; hard, ose some! homo .that night ho uald Wiggles' "So 1 tuvitiid yb\i.Kar» to-dk] ble bufich of'Tllowcrs. wUUout whlel and striking detail by William IngllB, hUlitltrr?, unit. Jcthn.. -You.mlralt.ur' p'.umlco ototto % ^taka oft. the .outer homo'was Just tho other side of the l tho.-Pntluan M raroly seen, pinned l* 1 Mr, lngUs visited the region accom- i5S^ir8" freim-r.tS;.|Hiiiril tit liitiliv'hail ;-fY«^io «ft'y' tUat. you muslij/ruiv.or akin.!- jGnd- with th.« massage , ao4 b« panied by--Vernon Howe Galley, the tunnel and he would ifako him'home txniplo tliiio t» thxii th« ciuitrnta »t the muff Instead of tho com. romivsgaln."*"-.'.'••• • • •'•")$'•- wry liberal with the massage'cream. '~ artist, who has. Illustrated, the article on the next train; Mary Ann mleht Ijlora Is iv htat for the girl who a ; «ii^; "ll/^-as a 'jcwVlt-r-o l-lll lo.r a Uls- "Oh! Yon could~h»ve said,-lhat oa Treatment-like this will soon make . with numerous delightful sketches. go,' too,. Mary\ Ann caught- her way* like* to b« ab>ad In tho preit: num ful nkcch uiond BUV. .-••'• 1 the sltln .dollgiittuly soft and sittooth; breath. To go thmugh tho tunnel a pAKtat'card ,"' ; ' .'•.•'•. fancies that mark the up-to-dat '•.-•.'.jjWhtn'.-arp v,-(< Roinft <«-A*hcr»n. "You "must know, Mr. Koltnbee, tho elbows pliiinp and joung.—Now The total cost of tho Ashekan .and*. and seo tho really, S-uly country! It young woman. Its allied reservoirs will oggrcgato' ijJfctf.Lanca^it ?" lu< lnt))\lrpil. A.shi-rott lliut peoiile.' tUltik you_ aro going- to bo pretUor than York Trlbnuo. was all like a wonderful dream. Jjnias lliolinlvlital roiif-t roe--a'. KliMiiny wai'ry Sirs: lrfirafixT" What would 1165,000,000. Mary-Atui-cannot remeniberjast »g|Sjt|i||»ha U»lon. 11). a |unH; tiiul . what" happened next, but she roi $&S.. „-..„. c ... : i dUgBotl D th'VilVuf •b)acisr1y'S» .DiiyoBBalse. aad heap the halve*-, cut • !;• The baar^meritlohBhaT ft so iar'-f:. ^m^^mm&^'!^m - --- !-Yoti-1i*w> Blven .... with, Ulles ot the valley or a tew ihfr« «na tlniniUr In tl i' uir : 2&e ed«ea ta points.. Stand on a bod "djaclosed of the use of a broiler Is of " her father's side, the dog • clasp«d * i:4a«iit- ti>« aectttaiiou./ jcarnatlorA. ' • .'' . -\^/ .-.v.-- ;v,-,T one carried by Ataldus, ArchbUhop ot "1 ihRll run ilnwu |uv«i Caro must be takon, tit course. In Helms, who died A. D. 933. An an- in'a white'drees camo flying toward her?- •Vi.-/ "•<:•<••:•'• •-• .':.- these flowers to the muff, not *Yea—glvt> in? n |>naihril PSK I i'r -Not while th«vpresents clent Saxon or. Norman font In Win- • them, and Wiggles gave a bound •*—dariMW tlilnsn mint nu'lnc tu " Aly dor," wllft a Q«lek chester Cathedral has-a v«ry old. jrep-* • • irom Mary Ana's arms Into '-those- of --&l>tMril4Mii tb* (o)k»tl W SU< tuaso 'ir^eniiaUbn^qra^rsKop^ltttafi^^ the llttla girl. And yao little gfrl's damage, evan to tho finest their miulci a.lilt nuno tlinn thi-y an» sulug tb marry you—you know 'probably' this earliest example to be ; .. ".-"TTiia now trlltls a boon, to and ton • tatter, arid then-Mjiiry ^v^..,™- : : 4o,~ Joh'n salt', ft«\cri it.*-- •' •r'^~ • •••••-.•. •• .-.>.'•:' ' •• The plain separate coat'blds fair toKJ'.^~J ^^^e^ found la England. A. troxler ot rude./ 11111 gle* and-the little-girl rat down on "D'joit jtlilnk thcj'l llko to 'tee n 'who' can not .wear Uowers, much as bea.lo*der:torsojnetlme.tocom?. i" ^.-. • shape la cut on the tpmb of Bartholoi-':: " . "Why have- you not told Mrs, W the would like to. because thoy fade . FUtwn-Mlnnte Biscuit—Sift three . the'grass.:. -.*-,_ wUtres»T" Mi. Kollnbcit usllcil. cas- max »o all ittang?" 1 • . ;^ .;: A dull gowtt-mai- b« otteu traai-. mewlBUhop ot Exeter from 1161 to ; . -And what-do you think happened on_ h«r aUwat RS soon as they are time*- two. cup* fionr wfth foartea- .: «»«t»—• —. — tially, nidi n \ur> allKht click In fllecauso %ho would t»yo shown terred by: Just a touch, of a-dillereat spoons baking Rpwder aad pinch, of U8«,—Wood Cratt then* The little,girl's father found ; ;tla thrwt. John laid the ktrlfo alull tolor.' ..;•••-.••• ' "•• '••.':•"•.. .'.'--... •'• • that tho factory smoke was snaking ; ^als; work la -with tips of finger* two •- • —^- — : . fork dowru witwithh thp air of a niau who to moot at the Art' father IU, and he asked knowk s ttttt v -wanil ^>mll I* ariuoiriol attbstltuted for the,real pp»l«s, bbfh : for. lha mult and; tho boutonalorti.^- nm<*ig tho trltomlngs.torrgowns. and' M4 (jolckly one-halt eup milk, bare- They Thrive On Orape-Mnts. him to bring Mary Ann and h.er moth- -I don'l think Oic>\d take kludly t 'Sho.mtlsibo told'nbw." '; ;•).?:'.-:' wrspw;.. •••;•••; *'^.-V '...:"'•• -.:".•• '. ly .mixing through with blade ot er and live In a little cottage povered fon tvoru^n." ho «ViVll '•In a week of twot-U'a too hot lo- indtankDolls Now*. , : '.;:;,:-. •. Ke'w tmssomcAterlea from Paris arei *Hh roses and take care, of the lawn on u. s sitd'e. Drop spoonfuls'.on buttered Healthy babies don't cry,.and the , Ml MMui (tuy, aud. she might send me awagi :; Inlcndod-to trim ferslaa lamb «nt and bigstable; : ' ;• '•'••• :r: \^vil»JJ(o 1 uican right tt??l without Bny;.tea?-~BwJde*,:^-wantto iroadtalt. wsjels^ ~vil '"•"'"~'~-~''" t: ,0»p**WU''is"^V«r*Tt'^tiiig."naBy:7^ And-so-hir did. The first- night : The psrll&idMintary vote has bMQ ~^—^ - I ovca twelve oj fifteen tnlnutea. th* old niaslcr 'ml turn In IIIB i;ra\o, uo near you." ' *j-'. .". -•;' ••:-'•'•'. i•••>'• '-:..-it ranted to Ttttsalah'women provided Vcacock bluq. slate; t Blaae Jlasjtei—Tirtc oiinc*s of Many tables who- cannot take any that Mary Ann^wai tucked Jnto bed I do fcoHowi, It >on Mra, ],ouiax »•»» Thbil th>lr eyes meti and h,iftt*s«4 -in the new home she mujmared hap- thejr cast their ballots by proj^rv'-Th* labosany'browa ar* three favorite j'^^^^ o?^ ptat.of milk; ondi-te*>: other footd rolUh the. pertect^toodr InUUeu ot Aaticrott " hwP" •.-•;.. ':j^js-\l!^hj^;- • if^*?: Tonly"6ne~ortho^n1t^-8tatesTthafe' jaiaerotjtho-scason—-—-—r— -----T'^SK^T^rmnsTS^ItavcTini^^mejani ape-Nnts, anij get_wfilL_.. '•.;':•'. ' _ Ully, "M^'twas all account of Wlg- — - *j thtnk jou'ra bT^omlnK Wo free, 1 A tMtlaatlttS AfRlleee pink. Chin* j om«>-halt cnpfoU ot cream, one-duar-, ./'My' little baby was given7 \jp,by v «IeS*'f=auinie" LT 'Bewa^riTfieTlBeT' ~".,..vS'T~'e..i. .,...••"•,,• :«,, t^yirrf"- gives women tho proity vote Is LouU- r Sft you ktcawT* Mr...)^o);iibeo satd. : Hrrcs—~r-i.—~- • •;•••• •. - -;- x' .:..._-. .1 ' ' A ahnrp ring summonwl John io tana; Tha Constitutional Convention ilfc hsd a simulated bolero marked tw „,„«« <,t Jordan almdnda, -oafe three doetors, who said that thecon-;- *H'Hii tluifi *«mo one ajwJ;* to 55<»; ; ot that auto In 1898 fcrantedtai' y laco rttBei ot Valenciennes. . , ; j^n cupfal ot sugar, two Uble*poott< deosed milk on -which I had fed her, to'>o lielshtfr kith nor kin to advls« -tho front door ot the' Follnboe flat, • TOyp neigaivr RUB --.HIM -MO IV«U.I»W Mri, X.owiii aload p(it*lde. ,-*••--." paytuR wijmcn. a^tote oa quwtlons ,6t ' The'lawValsti the handiosscr the fnr« of noyna. Cover the Isinglass had ruined the child's stomach.; One .. WHY ELIZABETH WAS SHY. bl "v 1 (tl th old : ; Ev ifASif. Wame. *a 1; J«i»niUed. tho oldV: -ls -Mr,.r^inbeotM-.-h;onte.^:ihi'' local taxation;. aM gave th«m-tha licUerl* to he-very much to evidence wtth toe wilk, stand it asldor foip; ot the doctors told me that the onlyv eryv one. wasted to know what ~*»a»lSf I'ifTook »(t'er yec" • -. dholco ot casllng It - th«m»«lv«a o> bjr atternbon anaitntormol wear thl* ^-fttftes mlnotee, then heat in a 4ou> ihlns to dc would be to try Ornpe- H?JW: "fe'^fflatter: wjth. BliMbeth. She 1 1 ;-C "?jto didn't say I'wtU ta romatu ». :i)io w«nt-t^>sh<;rott ..•^roxylT"-^- -has - bee(» •' to«nd'' that as. a "™ ^' " • •••'•"• tie boiJer.anta thorongWy aissolved. Tjfats. so -1 got some - and prepared It • .tyerjeted-so strini Siilacholor aft-.iny ljfp, did, her*.-±> ~! < "^o, - iirt»-t»e^amwijn^^lojj^^ aa follows; I scaked*l% Ublespootif- r AdJ the almond*, blanched an* : : jv'' -f.iChjsjima'SJlo*"% ttt'i>i.Lhppolinfi-[Ihl* ti "vote* thom»e\v»*. •°:r,A..:.•;,''••;• •. '• • J'1.-- ( gumiw »Mu.-.-«.-i chopped v*.nr flae. siSaiKe s tibi lffoa«>lnt ot cold watBt tor hVlt ^P^at -sw-^e-;UV» fsthor of ns ' ™"•The- bttfineas; manage*'; #rotii,:toi •:-',,sthtj'tlrst election to be held under and finished about |h» take fr?A the fire and add,the.c :fcoany .1 family a" bairn* us evor man ibis law la N«w Orle»M was to d«? : i ihl* taw In New Orleans k^'rom'wlth: tails. ' ' Strain:. ad4 (the noyca,ttimj|.t.OllC» ^tff^jittt'-I'm .ftat'^n'aln7iVwv.y'««rf ^^ie«raptSbo>g^^-J*ii|t«nt •trained Qrape-^nta iolce with six, : 1 npa'rai^u-.i,«nw...',,r«rBY-.,..—_, :ldo on'a special \tx lev;'tor'an im- > tjw> mpthiii»;t*r';t,lH)w;'- -' ''' "•"""1 proved drainage and pure. -waUr ayi- tesapoontals of rich. milk, put In: a AYpii.. .thlttX'»-''»lght •"»»*»ii 'thtunil . »»»"U^st|i^^|^rjjs^'a1 ^sSofCIOSB to. the necke an >:&*&_d la very high at .«-• tf "s^-a^saiSkslt:>Oit aalt and a little sugar, >i/Mts* Kate. M. Gordon, preU- tho b*t*;and:»Id«», cuprtag toacoir. creaDv •:•:•-• •-.•-. : '••.. •••,:..•.•.-•.••• 't ,m .'WHhittsJ 'UihM dutr^»hcrW/> : prarmed:il and save It tb baby every the Women's and f Apple .CSobWar ^-•.Take:"abont.:':te«: sJright %on^^in^; aloasf butV--' ^StiMMwn •tort^a^Ha.e\tt|a«ii.ih«.d»ti;':; 5;.;;: -. •^iNfckottr*^ '••: ••;• ••-.'•./•••X'-.;-.:v'^:-"y;^:fa m$i^^i$1«, J>«1 and slice In qnarter*, pat l him. sS?*l*:;thls"'simple1 ; easy '-way.-.I sar**;'^ "• S^ ^^fcWl4*1fs^>^5:i«>«'. u [.«Toalns; costs l» In the Uninc which oa store ta stcii a little «Uh a piece .baby * life »nd havobnUt her up,U>V V,S ;Vo^SH»iiiihJ^tic^Tht''''-- ''^ «f Mtt*r U»'*t*9 v*+ .patent "aad:a 5 S<||(ttun^ithV«i*S«»ls,lauc»' «t,^l* ;ia^3fl»SjB»slB«(| usnaUy^hM gold, tUet, or gray sa)loQB*. ^atrwi^ealthychpd^rosys^'I^Meiafe- aa a tinlsh to thellnios*ot'whUeor liltlo water to pr«T*nt burning; also iiy eiliw,:a^a the MftVert^tlbn lage^. -«« add »«-halt CBI> of snjfsr: take oBj^Jiiiie ^^nsiieertfJnir;*^*^ -.•Uiveaa. ^^^^-^^^..ioe^-piWdiait:^d pu 1 oftenchMwtheiwMoapp^siaw^ot and Hn» io& *V» * W« ptry ^fb^::b«t:food vin;tb*.^ld;:t(^:; ^^Pi?5^lss«i£te«itte« Ued ^at u> the tfatelrasssLQt on«i ; fcbro»n«^wn,«WteattiU«lWtWiie kia \p&*. v«t ta on*aad.'«t**, UK % ril^TAalleate; bablsi en. and: la also a •- stc* krawB, and. '•errs with a-, hartt ^talBWBMpiamjtff'lMKl^W^iL^Wsh^ d* »UK O>i^»rti*rttsj«

    z%i&fify'ffl'?£i 5iff*SSSS^t5w5si!siSSi m$& sri-pV"^ •>*•*_ * .»»!•'-.

    *•••• - 2^? .1908.

    Commfssioner Smith vs. The Standard Oil Co.

    j- Front th« (Railtejy World, January jj, 11/0S.

    Mr. Herbert Kncat 8mlt«, WDOM eeal m lae Into Cblcato. They termln*'.* at Dolton. lory haul beea gvtlty. Conatderlag the fee* s can*«f ecoaomle reform In* a*ea la mo wtee from-which point entrance '-•« made over tho 'thai taeee tblppere Included the packer* and HOWlU»TtMIU£S TO BABYLON? Und .peak to ma. ToW*«rW aot abat*4 br the paaM wktah a* and hie kind Belt Une. Whltlni. whira . CANDY EATEN- Df DEAR. Company, a* presented by Preeldent Mutfett. when thlr method of Qtlnf tariff* wa* In mnrco (.'ontmle*lon and other department* of fiK ant They planaed to have a Chrtolimai were, (l) that the rate of r the whnlo matter,' which I* that the Utand- ,« or displacement toofte n lawful rate by employee ot the Alton,. (2) by the fact that the Chii-agn and Eaateht artl Oil Comueuy 'of liullaua wa*. fliiml nh urn aril they suffer in silence, it nil right, fpr>bat -matter, but tne th»t the 18-cent ra* Din And tire* of bkyrle* go pap, "Uffalr had some features not adver. Whiting, Cummlaaloner Sinlih cuutxud* that 'TC l~m tad to «^ Balloon* will go and bolt;'\- state Commerce Camnilwion wa* a clam*, and VHIUJ> ot It* pntlru property iJ IU QI g well thathat -tho-thoy oughought to Bo. taking all in all. I think- \. tlBed on tho prbgram,. The "COUMMUHMIII »» ih« iruljf motlw fo> *u^,a •det*ftim»nt ttWwit vftrify ttopuMM* 11,1 were ya% I'i wa^r"K;%:»rS4;v; ^^bJh«*/ In cfrrultou* *nau«nu»ut." I «, tliat thl* (lu< AlHm rntu rlvrk, that thn-ala-reli^ nun- " -"Ami* Harrou Smith; in Sf" Nicholas, nuts and such thloita' from Danger, large'q'uantltlM1 between Whiting and Rail method of filing tho rnto *M Intended tit' iiiodit,)' rnto on ull hud boon properly Hi ml paid, for: by tho savings and beggings St. Louis over the Chicago and Eastern mldead Intending cnmi>otit CotiunUalun , Illinois at *|x and one-fourth cent* per bun* •rd Oil Company - 8uppo*« »urh n pro*|ioo- Thpr* I* t)o e«lil*nro, fliul nuno »M lutrti- MARY 'ANN FINDS - A PET.. of tho children. Tbu bui.ffaa toft In tlvo oil renn*r hmi applied to tho Iut«r*taie IAE.PINKHAWS It was noisy and dirty wiiere' Mai>ji ' dr«d pound*, which ba* boen filed with the 4ur«d e.t tho trial, that uny etllpprr of ill! tho. woodshed, but In tho night a big lutoratata Commerco Cammluion a* the law- Commerce Cunimlaalon fur the ratit fmui from Chicago territory hud IUMMI l»t«rforod Ann lived. The big tralnvtjiiiud>red" black baar camo down from the blue. ful rate, and (4) that tlio lg^xnt rate on oil ,«h.|cago t*«Ka*t-8t. LoiilJfcttT«|i;-U|ft-l"lit<'*»u. with by th* elfthteeu-ront sntu nort^',»fTh> . past'every botjr of tho day and', rat- and K»»tern llllnoJx, ho wtiuld h»v« b*«ii In- , -rf" £ b and a blesstagi xr.y\bacrenB . an4, found. It. Ho waa entirely out of proportion to lawful rate* 1 , failure U»t.tU» Altuu u> nV It* elccvnt raw tled the windows, j ;.;<•»,\. • >.,'•. .smashed tha box, nto up most of the on- foher «o«modttle* between these point* formed that the only rat« fllud -wtttrTn"«| ^sd reeulteil In eny discrimination against But there was tho .'tunnel. Not for- of a' similar character, and' et greator valuer, comntiulon by thl* company wa* o % cent* l»ny Independent shipper,—we muit take thl* V?"spoiled ttii rott, several from Dolton, *ndtro~would have lie«n further. ty feet from Mary Ann's front sate It gathering up the ertinbf. •neb,.for example, a* linseed oil, the lawful ,on the word ut tho C'ommlnloner ot Cor- rate on which waa eight conta, Freitdeut Informed, If Indeed he did not knuw thl* al- poration* and ol Judgu Land)*. Neither I* It opened. Its great black, mouth and Ouy P\8oal»H. th« aeboolmaater. ready, that thin rate applied throughout Chi- Mary Ann was never tired, of watch- f Hoffett allao stated that thousands ot ton* cf dnnlAd even by Mr. ttinlth that the "Inde- He_ dlomlaTOd the jchool for the day .- freight Sad been eent by other shippers be- cago territory. ' Ho that whether he wlehed to pendent" shipper ot oil, whom be picture* it* ing It swallow the great long trains. and told tho boys lathe first class in tween, the** point* under *ub*tanrlally the locale hi* plant at Whiting, or anywhere else- being driven out'ot buslnm* by this dltcrlm- And at the other end of the tunnel arlthmoWc to go homtNand got their same conditions a* governed the *blpment* about Chicago, under an arrangement ot long Inatlon of th* Alton, rould have shipped all WM the country. Mary Ann. had nev- g«ns. ; Taking,,his oWa rifle Uti of tha gtaadaa&OU Oompaay. standing, and which applies to all tho Indus- th* oil h* dwlred to ship, from Whiting via ,jrt*l town*. In the neighborhood of -ehle*««,' Dolton over the line* ot the Chicago and er seen the country, bUC ihe knew schoolmaster and hit young bu.nte.ra Thl* defence ot-the Standard Oil Company an about tt, for that was where her 1 i he could hav* hi* freight delivered over the Eastern Illinois to But Bt. Loulss- In abort. jojan would try it- took'up'tho trail. They followed It waa widely qtiotvd'and. na* undoubtedly ex- | Dolt Lino to the Chicago and Baitern Mllnot* President Moffelt's defence te allll iiood, «nd mother had lived when she was a for sovcral hours, and finally earns to erted a powerful Influence upon the publle at Dolton and transported to Bast Bt Lent* w* predict will b* declared so by the higher ISF0RSICKW0MOI. little girl. i mind. Naturally tha Administration, which the boar's dea under a big h«mloeli ut a rate of ( tt. cents. Where thta I* the [Court. , thirty years Lydla E. «•*- "0, child! If we get our father hilf way up the oldo ot ThWlDgi Hill, 'baa staked' tho tuccee* ot It* campaign cnncoalmont which th* Commissioner ot Cor* 1 made against tha "trust*" uponthe reeult of It* at- Tbe Standard. Oil .Company has bren Vegetablo Compound, Into the country!" Mary Ann's moth- (How to got the bear to come aal poratlon* tnak** M much off Any rate— charged with all manner of crime* and mis- roots and herbs, hasJba.. er would often say, and then she tack uponjihi" * oompanr^npan]Tp*nd*«vo»- * to offset from Bolton on tho BaaUrn Illinois ' " was a poser tor a time until "Dt»b"^ ' thl* tntruenw. and ntmer»- «| Ki W. (lrorn I '•wl thhe Vatcr-Bopply J°r the metropo I* "Dear 'Wiggles," murmured Mary together. Wo Wira passing- through Pilerueo* fI niV'binf fl\ol^, d»y«'ollllnjl,r MKfootbingSyrfa striking dotatl by William Inglis. - homo' was Just tho other side of "the tb* conntry than alFotaef di****** put to-widow*, aid widows can bo sold—^ lhl([«lhlhlig,»u([«rn l in(i lnglls vUltod the region accom- tunnel and he would ifaJio him'homo birds by tho roadside, too. young to gether, and until the last few y*»r»*a**ap- ili,allay*painl huttU, •p«Md to b* ineonblat IWi great many cheap. " ,led by-Vcrnon Howo Bailey, the on tbo next train; Mary Ann might fly. They had been blown from tbe The Hlory of J>ro. nest by the storm. The old bird, wa* .year* doctor* pronounced It a lotal di****e I«t, who ha« illustrated the article go. too. Mary Ann caught- her and priKcribeil local remediea, and by eon- WOIUT OLT! WOMKN Tbo word "Kero" Is from the h numerouB dollghtful Bketches. breath. To go through tho tunnel fluttering*about and walling aa a"•Unity failing to core with local treatment, l»b, and njBttli* "emjity^' tience •'Mr and seo the really, ftuly country! It mother cvor docs for her bubles, Lin- pronounced it Incurable. Science ha* proven 3 total cost of the ABhokan and*, . lUtarrh to be a conatilutlooil di**ue, ana Will Find Eo.cour»"Virnt <« Mr*.Ing. It wan first used for a allied reservoirs will aggrcgato was all like a wonderful dream. coln stopped, hitched his borfle, 1 therefore require* cua*tllulionAl treatment. Merrltf* Ad' ruornotor_ In 170S, by u>. U Ui*roa(»»y f what happened next, but she ro^ ; l«*;>'wlrti-"«iinv;-and Mlt raTiran Ws Honey i< mt *fhitttUUm Af*r/jttaoint''Wtfn.-;-*^«!^!C«*l win- '-•'Aejaiwt* that ah* *as/,vaiWDg' .t>y Tofl3 on 'to a creek ami, while but matt *mfohthe*miimt.-ttUUmiS-l found that be could produce a degree horses were drinking, Hardln rodt ternally la doee* from 10 drone tot leejpeea- ter T Itegan^to auffor tho earliest mentlon\that Is so far" her father's side, the dog • clasped ful. ItacUdirectlyanlhabloodaadtttteou* of cold equal to that of the coldrat tightly In her arms, whena little girl up. "Where l« Lincoln?" asked one, l with my kldnriye. closed ot the use of a fcrozler 1* ot •urfam of the tjAmx. lt)«.T/ effer on*Jben- had pains in Dii back winter day. It happened that tbe Horehound _ M » carrted by Ataldu*. Archbishop ot In "a white* drees came flying toward "Oh, when I saw hjra last be bad two dred dollar. for«orci*ffcf«ll* to euM, |nd day on wbicli hi> madV 111* final ex- them, and Wiggles, gave a bound Ilttlo birds In bis hand bunting foi ,for nrcuUnand teatiniitiula AodreatV.J. and hips and felt ail •Mfj Ima. who died A. D. 933. An an- CiiEKcr k Co., Toledo, Ohio. worn out. vitfr periment wa* .tho coldoit that any- mt Saxon ot Norman font In Wln- -from Mary Ana'* arms into those- of their nctt." In an hour perhaps he Mold hr UnmtftMi lit- body could rerae'pibcr, and, etruek. the little girl. And tjne little gfrl'ii camo. . They laughed at him. H* Take Hall'iF.miJr fill* for coyt^atlen. «pelli" bothered MterCathedral has-a very old>ep-» jmltT with much omphasiv: "Gentle*1 and th»- kidney lehtatWnot aBIahop-'Wltb: aTroxter,-*- • Tatmw.-BhoorTjandg' with-Mary Ann's The Oofid Tlpx* t'omlng. cratlons wore Irregu- Iscovery, hi hastily .concluded Jhat obably the earllett example to be • father, and then Mary Ann jjr^d^ig- ihen.'jybu may laugh, but I could nol Quickly Cured Cougfu have' slept well to-night if I had nol When airships come'Into common' lar. Tbe first box of J» had found tha-iowaat. degree of ana In England. A.eroxler ot rude., - gles and- tho littler girl sat down on Doan's Kidney Pill* temiieratur*, either natural or arti- and Cold* the grass. saved thovo birds. Their cries would uso people wha tell nit how far It is ape. Is cut on tho tomb of Bartholo- - have rung in my ears." as the crow film will 1)4 ot real ser- brought derided re- ficial. Ho called the degree "Zero" fBlahop ot Exeter from 1161 to -And what-do you think happened vice.—Chicago, liecord-Iierald'. lief. I mn sure they and cWntructed a thermometer grad- ir—Wood Craft- then? The little girl's father found would ,dj|| tho same for any other uatlngNip from uito to boiling point, ' OttltotyoHrDnggUt that tho factory smoke was jjiaKJpg BpelU, woman suffering as I did." ' which uo -oumlW*T»etlU«*4Dre»Cw*l*0*«W**l* Mm to bring Mary Ann and her moth- - They ThrWe On Gra'pe-JJnta.^ ', Bobby's mother haa taken him to. toimtbojpi «nd cattle powiblr in Oak.,Foster-JMIIburn Co., Duffslo. N. Y. American. er and live In a little cottage covered church, to hear the evening sermon, iMont.|*ltla., Colo, yen,'frerrwhere, nnd with rose* and take care, of the lawn aAA to. above Balzer'o Ililbon Dollar Grain, Healthy bablea don't cry..and tho : and thuy occupied seats in the gal- the n tori^llay wonrfcr Teoeiote, which end big stable. , * j Irjry, ' where thcro waa mor,e room prodqcrd M 8800, ttnr u of fme n fddfnddeff pperr acacree. A good many jieople think It Un't ilbnourlshed baby that U fed on And so-he did. The first-night Emperor WlllUin (Jit ptoAity, et<, and •ape-Nut* \i never a crying baBy. than on the main floor. .Bobby tried a lie It they [preface tt with- "tbey- that Mary Ann~~was tucked Jnto bed not to allow bis attention to wander other rare fimj **ed* thnt they offer. say." • • ' any oables who cannot take any , In the new borne she murmured nap- IT her food relish tho. perfect food, from the preacher, but it did. He with iOc in aUmp* to the*)ohn A. 8*l«r ""y. "An* 'twas all account of Wlg- seemed- to-Ao-parUcularlr. Interested - Stop Thai CStragfi •ape-NrtU, and getwolL._ ,. L7 Bemy, .ffiTtfiffiBee S*ed Co, La Crowe, Wu.. and get their "My little baby waa given »jp by . In a family who sat in front of him. big catalog and tot* of farm ««d **m> before It become* chronic. Get xee doetora, who said »hat tho^con- • and when the sermon wa* about half pl». _ A. C. TV ' ' , Brown'* Urpschlal Troches, tbe bast iBMd milk on -which I had fed her, over he wbkpcrod to bis mother: One may r*a*on4bjf expect to Eav* nine prepfjtatfon known for cough*. - ;3 kd ruined the child's stomach. One WHY ELIZABETH WAS SHY. •' "Mamma, I never saw these people dny*" aickncM out of tbe yHr. •4*"f • before, but I know their name.'*.. SpipEi* feeen Vauwa to the world fwr • the doctors told me that the onlyH Every one wanted to know what 30W year*. • . • Qn 'tb "matter with. Elliabeth. She "OUCH, OH MY BACK" tins to do would be to try V*~ "Hu»h, dear." '' Itch eared In 3> minate* by Woolford'* ttta. to-1 got some tffid prepared It lBnt I do," persisted Bobb.y. £sniury Lotion. Xtrtttel*. At drafgiai*. NCURAtOIA, i tollowi: I scaked^iW tablespoort- lelr name's HIM." Tse.'ftaat ben of India Iroild eotuU iot Iff on«>!nt ot cold-water for hall - eigbleen f«c in Leifnt. »BO«V. then I strained oft the UquW -Every time the preacher «ay* hU aft mixed IS teaipaonfuls ot thta f 1 will ilft up mine eye* unto iratned Qrape->'uta. iolce wilt »lx yiils: those two big girls look at tl* ot rich. milk, put lit a fother aid smile." Wtm«n>*iB-*re that 1 - "* 'to sack a wonderful effect ,Banlcer-h«l-a lackdaw that wa* eorid aafdJy rttnd.H.'.Two eifce*

    |«n4 lUliA*?. JZi «lka gsMta* Put. d«i» Taad iucc*«M la ringiaf L lung, mm d«»***V

    •a ed B»rtb wtthoot termlag hla heat. Aad he again abet araoad the «*rda. "T*1I pay far uwt efowr, all rtgat 01 «• Oaatrt >inwiddie.' ay raaar vboutcd tfi*i ~fat»nar~~nir tt tit* Caa*. - next time they <-«n>« op to hUa. W»0* JoMfMylag from Ota Aeaart J. F.OORE Wedding "Th«i IM> aat on tb* feixw aad Utf Mr* A. Uooddrk-yr*^, aMkor *f la aooM eiuntiragtag ward for a fyrfaji B»4dJ«," mat a loaary trcnt- Journey. ttnte tbi-f ctm*;roand. *r boosd for Uadaba, dmkaartagtktt "Tbli I* brcotttng tb* cararaa wm* boood for «*• asm* .CRYSTAL LAKEXCR^AIIERY BUTTER,.: ftt/OUUKE E. MtOOKS. ' 4*m*fk**'quiet norcla*; wedding wu bald Mr* DtBwUdl*. IU piil«ot." mind. The wheat, tb**B*th, abora *t ffiTootthtry boo* of tbe brul*. and, Wben at 1ml Algcrttoo Dtowlddl* ill tba alcohol of clTlUaatkn, wan »«a"tb*.*jie*ptloo oc tbaJwo ftinlll** found hla -pocketboo* tnd cam* dowa- mar* IrralCTinrk*, Nothing Better in this Line can be •od oOctaUng etergyowa, bo «• wat •talra be wa* etrlcken dumb for to tn- Wa* « not dkt tuch a* tht*-«»4 a* etant upon bearing of tbe atrang* dla- w*T*d • pair of wntltlr* haadt or*r v.jpr**mt except Ronald imlTh. tbe hki aacatlc Itrder-whlch had «aabl*d groats'i chun tad almoet brother, who appearance of bit brlda. Tb*n h* giiped out: • • ' ': ," ' •' '' •' blm to reply to th* Inquiry of a ptr- .waa 'equally addicted to tb* auto, aooafl* at to liow inany boura a day Had at Any f rice- tboogb not a* expert to lu "Of court* tbay can't ttop. Which way did they got" Then be daahad ba could rid* In tb* deeeTt, ^Tw*nty- down the road, lie Waa a good tprlawr feu/, your majpvty, alncaj a day do** i Tbe wedding aenrlce »n out, tuiJ «nd thought If hi* fetra tboald prer* not cooUln twentyJveT" ...AfuUlineof the besUrands of canned TegeUble.. fruit*, jellies, etc "^"»o»*»t'ii*(i arrtTed-for- tb.;Ut hf bid little fallb In th* ability of dUmountlnft Waa It your meat **t*r, STAPLE WfID FANCY ^ them godlpeed. Tb* baggage bating llonald Smith to guide It your • win*-ttrlokef, who remained vb*e»,.,een.t on ahead, the bHde wa» A* be tur* along tb* road, following aound and wbolvaom* wben n*e**tlty 4*lp*d to her M*T, an4 'bafc Wfty obllgad blm to refrain from ablution '•*s 1 4b* trat'k Vf/th* machine, h* wM'tur- made hutband wat ibout to tike hi** prUed to *e* It hid turned Into aoch a for twerttyone day at plac* beald^ ber «b*a upou pattlBg narrow Itnev ' And wbeo be.waa tboot At-tbl* point ha carefully, coant*d hU hand into bit pocket * blank look ready to drop from fallgue*be aaw th* hit date •tone*, obaerrad thit two evtrvpretd hla face. flfld tnil'tb* auto atllt ambling round roor* wet* yet due to hla tppatlt* tad »*WeU/' be exclaimed, "1 cam*-tin- dnltbed hta frugal luncbeon. lit IU circle. . ••' •' JAHN BLOCK, WORTH AVENUE- Wy near ftfrgettlng my pock- ••TUriuk Iwnvtii, tba't e*f«rp Din- ''•."• wlUdle giiped o»t. Whether b* re- ONLY HELLO 20L Ill h* ran Into-Ibe bou»e, en frrred tu hi* '$\t» or the auto I tear* TRADINQ STAMMI GIVCN. CWANFORO. MWing tb* room where b* reuwintwred rou to gueat, Hilling the Curttln **r a Mamant en baring placed It white bi dreeaed. It Tim old farmer wa* till I perched \ On* of Life** Tragedle*. |Sw» not tbare. and wb|le,h* continued U|ion the -fence tnd upon teeing bla- ^«h* **arch bit bride became reatlv* A receot lo/lilent which bold* In It* J wlddl* iblfted bl* quid of tobarto almpl* outline* the potalhlllty «f.'|P»»^ a oUan light, a>i«r»ifto*iM» '»>d begin *limlnlng th* Ttrlou* ptrtt trout one cheek u> the other and tald: trtgcdy'la dexnihed In the: New fork' :;«f ;th* ante, when euddenly It attrted Kf you'r* lookln' f«r tbetn tarnal TIOMM. It I* another lllu»tr*tUiil or ROBSR T RJNDBLL. ' FRANK SCHULER, §•*«•..•. •• •:•.. . •-•.- •• • fuol*. ye'd better **t' down 'longtlde KARL TEICHMAN, i k 'IWMld Bmlih aprang up b**lde b*f how c»f»l»r«* tbv world It. of th* lndl- <>' me en' waft.' I're beenflter* m«re'n vhtBtl and bnw ; thltk l» tba ;toak inMllranttcaUy attempted to ttop the n Imlf hour—*eeni« like-*n' tnet craiy ROSELLE PARK, N. J. •.- |«ta«al»*. Working with_lt a inonmut,- wblfb tine nity wrap about hla per Lchlgh Coal, Lumber feller b« been cavoorrta* rou&d tbli nonallty. Not long ago * laborer em- Carpenterand Builder 1 ?a#«a* horrified to *•* It thoot off athem fleld the hall endurln time., fer ploy*(l by the Krte ntlhWa In! J«r*»r -Bottler of- A§^&imKmM nil the world Ilk* * colt jett turned City wit run ovttr by a- train and hid Carafailly Omnm. DIZAIN PIPE, fer*»mu*.brtde^»tr**»m.U(l wildly THR . LOICDimiOt.MI. -onLto.pMlure.j; . .' . ./ but 4eg cut off. " .. . •'•' / :'.•/•• - UIUBITH2S4. imm»A th* tack of b*r eeat, ~~~~7. At Hwt muinent the brid* caught A pollcenuo tel*|>nvn< il for fait am- Catlmat** QEORQE BECHTEL Slbraaa*. 1 can't atop, tbla thing,"' Line. LATH. PLASTEBIETC, tight of her butbtnd and' rletng to her titilBDce,. Tbe Injured mttjUy »n a .BREWING CO'S ikjKttUted tmlth. "There aeeint to be feet In the ante ttNtehed out her ana* grata patch', apparently' bleeding to IpeaMthlag about It new tw in*." Riti.iBCi aii Stof, to him. - . -•• •'•'•.• iMatb. Juit then a tjiiktl |raUro»d I* repaatad *fforU ware bt no mil. orncc: WALNUT AVENUE. ^ U6ER, ALE AND PORTER, "Oh. Algernon," tb* call**, "help tramp la dirty raga na mulrM along P.O.Boa-ttT. BntMiAraii they wer* now out of light of tb* me! Mop It!" • / T He tapped a pollceintu'* elbW CRANFORD, - NEW JEB8EV 34* MaPlfWOOD AVIHUtt and going it fatt •• em. "Hit down and bold on, Uiodr' com- ly-May I ttk what't f ' l|§ -l All order* given prompj attention. Pnf $sW&Hf -Mr. talth,. can't you atop Mt* delivery at reaideooea on receipt et : : Dtawlddl*. "It'll atop ceri""b* Injjulred. I poatal. r^jiBid thaasuor brtda. ' ~ " '-.- now. doing over 'tucb rough ground "Man bleeding to reijlted tb* E. K. ADAM8, i^rTa* mottTetn do It to keep. It In utet up th* power eoonar." polleeniau. tt* inlddl* of U* road,. Un(, Dtnwld- J "I'm layln' far that feller." volun- fWould you ml til locked "at «*1*V*: - .. ' teered (JIP fanner. "Kf them city folk* "I bilght b* P1R.B lA80rUIJiGB. "What wUI Algernon think r think* they kta coin* It orer toelah of *fcrtlc*.» • /- - | •'! ' ,: , "That youW* gone with another WO SING Uuuter, I'll l*at tbow 'am a thing er "OoAbcid," re«|HinUe»l tb« oiBcer. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED. § 'though not a baadaomar man." h* atld two," Betiding low over tb* wpu ided ta' UriON AVENUE prttaa laugh. -• ••. : \: • .. When tha automobile cant* round borer, the trump Aiketl for utter to OFFERS LOTS FOR SALE CHINESE i|;«'t doa't think that wa* a!bit nice •jgaln DJtawlddle called out:i wajjj hla ,h»wltl and then ttejged Ih* CMnfalrai N J» | « you." aha pouted. I OX MOST REASONABLE : M "Btlok \h her, BinlttC old boy, ahe't crowd for tteau. btndkercblete. With v, LAUNDRY, I beg year pardoii, Mr*. Dlnwld- moit bjityed oult" ' • htlf diaen deft, rapid (twlttt he TERMS. < - r "Oh, yea, I'll ttlck to bar all right," luide k toiir.iilciuet' irid' «toiti>*d thcr 14 North Avenue, At 1b* MW tlU* aba bluabad wit Rmlth'i Iroulcil anawer, "I Juit flow Of .Woodi •••••.-•.:'•;' The Burkely Hotel WESTFIELD, N. J. tbeu aaldi "1' ' • • dote on thla Job." ranford, N J. "But If you can't atou thla'borHbl* "Ar* you a doctorr some ob«risked MalnOfrt**, 'It won't go round toore thin once tr tbe nun lUppvd.'awky through tbe machlna w* tbkll ba killed." ir twice more." aald Dlnwlddl*, turn- rat Location ;C«rn«t*r* QrouiKIa- . _ Exjpirt Ii oraeshoei "Oh, no. Bat tit p*rt*ctly atllt a crowd.. • ,. •.-.••• . . |. •.;.;: ~T*t****n* «8-J HF ORIGINAL LAUN- ing to tli* farmer. And. in-fact, the "I* uaed tu be." ho replied' • he bur> tat Appointments Jwld ou tbjbtly. Tbar* U ona comfort. luochliie tropped before Rccouipllthlnt tst Sarwle* , SranftM Oftte*. «*• 4» tlrt »t. DRY IN CRANFORD. K .can't (o on forarar, Ilkt tti* brook, Ibtt much." flopping at th* foot of a rt^oo. ... •'.,.. . !' ~:,:- B T*l*»ri*n* 89 you know," aald Smith cutiio)lujljr. ,..Tbe best work and most Htrto rhlug ground. lumadltttly DJn- Patrletlim lo-^he Making. Of Any Hotel in-fiil»»bcth • tbty war* ttartntf aloni Ilka inid wlddhi end th* firmer nubed b»er careful treatment of goods -fTha fwtct rails at tba ru»d»lde appaa> PatrlotUm In New York la {oamoppL to It. . .? Han. They hove a Bag drill la th* Work oalled for and deliver «d>almoat eooUnuoua and, tha treaa a 1 Broad St. Wbcu tu« former aatUtad the bride Khooli IU which the children of ertry •atlataetlon Guaranteed. coafuaad uau. Bmltb'* . bat, h»d loathe ground an* almott collapetd In W. "W. x»|[*»n«leUt Dealer In Hardwat " okrtrn off. Ha did not d»r* to look to race and clime, at tho hymh book hit armi. iaya, an ttugut to aalut* tba atira Wo Sing, 111* right or to th* lafi, but concaii- "Ob\ Algernon," tha Implored, "don't It. GARDEN TOOLS tratad all hit anargtaa to tha talk of md ttrlpt* and glw "their hatda, atk me to continue tba trip In tntt tbelr hand* and tlwlr hurtt to their i 4 Horth Avinu., CraAford. , -* SEEDS. kawpliif to th* road. .'. - 1 Carpenter and Builder, horrid thing. I hat* had tb* moat.country*," And In torn* of the big' OlUXJKE ' Tha fartntra ts*th* flaldt which thay frightful eiperlenc* I *T»r bad In my doirutown ichoolt you may •«* chU> jMUM*d catad attar tb*m wltb opan Hf*-" Jol J. HAHT, flron' from homo* -Uarman. Italian, § mouthad amanmant. ''' Thau Smith aapUtMd now'H all Byrltu, Bcandtnavltn. JawUb, Bonga- ICK It will b*''worth your tin happened. > v ,v - - s •_* rtan.- CBUiew. Jiruwnhm, QtMa uA g "Of coura* you couldn't atop It," hoaren kuowa how many other nation- *T«m outl Turn out, for Qod'a D|nwld.dt* Informed hlnv "I Juit bad ami** all Joining In thta .pfcturaaqntuq * AND Mk*r ba roarat «n Inrentloa of- my own tor regulating carttnionjrj . It gglTe* one a raalbtnlt g Toot adaonUbad. th* drlm or tha the apc«d put on It H't a good thing, •ante' of th»,Tariot,y y of matt 1*1 which Action Regulating; (W»«on quickly did at raquettad. It but or. court* JOBJT* got to know heir' r tt pupt |nt|too thla cruelbtruelbt* wwe ( kll a dty J.L.BAUCR, V«*- t c.loa* ahara, and tba twrnbllQi to htndle It." and which In mother gem ttton er Hou*t. Sign, and Qarwood, Nr.,^v «W «r«w •* ton*-br*atb.ot,»lltt "I »hoold think *>i^r*»aari»d«mlth, w Mpr Araertoaf'-BoitQaf) 1 •A\ iwhao tbay.bad aafaly naaead.Tban *ottoroc«. traucrtpt "" Fresco Painting, GlYll Engineer aud Surveyor bd l' tt»»p bUI W'-bo'a t«r pay far that cldter th*ra Ceitaty gagtaiMr. Tawaahtp Pianos •"-Furniture W* can Mrar to down that hUlat tp'Uedr' put In th* fara»r, who had •;.:':- yiwiirA Olf a C*l« *1«la •«« Oeswratrea 'tan rat* of apaad," aha asclaUned *t- been walking round tb* auto, aiamtn- The flrtt^polut th»« iuuat h ,TI atruck Repaired and eunionl« I* that In ita* caa*a Paper Hanging Main Offlet, *% OUt •ullding, P. H. EN2, "'•- promltcd Dlnwlddlt. pola.tlnt. out ef7 ten a com litciught |at the ra- •- —AMD DBMMB«— " .. Unnut, Watt "Oh, Algarnou, bow you do'toahP ault, uot of-getting cola, b^t, on tb* "Whara doaa it for* laughed tha brid*. ELIZABETH..H. .. T "Ob, I'm tura I don't know, but any- contr»rj. of getting uuduly hot Thla Glaia, Oil, Paint. Varnwhea \\ / caiaroiip, it. J. "It appear* to tu* w* ara thre* of a api«ir«nt (latudox U, of co^r*e, I&tal- , wbar* la battar than that hUl," ktnd,"baaww*rtd. - fcnlth, who now fait at If bit hair tigUtl* en wqen tBo body I* heahAt that tbe irtr* ttaDdlng on and. ctratully guld- trio. Ulnwlddle'a light tm*M*-w*r* JESSE WHEEUR. *4 tb* mtehln^lnto tba left hand road. pore* of th* alln ar»; op«n«ji 'anjd ar* mud btapattorvd; -*dth ruwilng throogtt then much more likely to;.take a dUB Cranford. Lehlgh Valley Coal ?Xh» tpaad wai to great and tb* tarn couaUea* puddle*, Ilbt wick aeart «H ^*o aharp tiMy cam* within an- ac* of thwi wnea they kre doaed by the «c- la. Mandolin Instructor «ad*r"on* aar, and hit cfttr wfltaal t*> Uonof thecoU.;Tbla laalaotb*>x»U- otar. Th* road they bad en-but a aemblanc* of It* Untar ttlffa***. {Kindling Wood Ta prepared to reoolre pupllafor - wu ,T*ry narrow Indeed, little naUon or the effleaej: »f * c«>d ahowar ' JOHN MtARIEN, Bmlth w»t mtnn* hla hat, whltejaat bath after taking a Ti rkitb o* aniv aa violin loitractloa. For t*rma, ap- than a Ian*; alto It wa* r*ry of th* brid* wai on on* aWa of her Tt *, auto want bumpty bump ordinary hot bath, ai tb* tuddaa Uohof tb* colvJ wttef ctoae*; th* 'porea tt aeamad. *»*ry montant would, be Ing In ,th» perfect order ah* w** If PHJ1RJM1C1ST laat ' a«d*o protect* tb.*.aWnfjKini th* ac- JESSE WHEELER. 1 wbemtarilng, • • -' • : they both t*w th* Una ^^a^ air;:/the-U8it;'p4*albl*, prif Cranfbrd. II- i ' 'Wall, rm thankful yon'got offl JOHN DOYLE, tWetbar. ftmly whan a* thomht t»X applied allher 1» the form ot • as tollowa: I tcaked 1H tablespoon- gwtaf V*'U bat* to tolagraph tb* crab cold batbor,.ir that I* tonWderaJ too fnU In pne pint ot cold water for half lit would hat* happened had th*for a man to cow* and tak* caarf* or «oU fa , p It tn» D*)d twan doaed, but h* 4raaUe a ineaaurt. It will, b* found mMNITMtr *wra*r by'taJl* '. , ieaapoontul* ot rich milk, pat In a tWa talamai thing m •too th* laat thing at night, 'dotar * T>ty did ao, unm th* iamw t» great d»al toward giving ou* Imttmnttjr Yrinch of tilt and'a little sngar, feat yow OO& tok*th*mtoth*raflwayatatton- „ JPIcton, N. J. •noMaoaoN 4 ao«i*T9*i ee». Jn trained It and gave It to baby evorjr f WMd Btlt*" two hours. "Jn tblt simple, eaty war 1 tared- IVW'W " " '" '• * Ibej Jb«br'a life and bave built her up to a :^«f3?*swi.:(«ie:-I|iada •B*-Darttag. don*t yon know that tt lUWbr Can of IMn CRANrORD, NEW JERSEY)* strong, health; child, rotr-and laogh-. upon rtoc t* ttntncjky to pottpone -a weddttgt 1 «hI Wt hl tll^k In Ing. ' Tha food mutt certainl* Bo per^' * feet to ha** each a wonderful effect11 ^^g^M>s.f|^iiijf«fii|j aa tbU. -1 can trnthfeHr «w.l UUok | It tt th* beet food In tfceAwdrJd to „ dt* dtel* tt rait* .delicate baMea on,' and. ta, alto »'' deltdoaa, haaUbfal food r" w* bite *• ,4. >\rf-

    25?' v JUTTER,.'. MMM »ajs*i (MM CKW. to* U to IB-TtMNM* Oath, Ak«— A •Mil. «• HWt< H. torn aa «M itt «n* KMMMt Sewtet Valfaviaa MaUble* tlla tntat*4tet* cMMattr* fewlta' CSutaUaa WtUia« AagvliM t to »* lived to*1 «M«r- year* IN OMM and(Wadorf «dith R40W0, •f. aVHes* »th*M**s. (It* laVtiUy Work of Legislator* -Betfnt waft obtaiaas) In tbt B Show ffesuiU. ."•» «*• tests ••*** •» « •ClUMte of Uta taMfMfe »!• Hekw Melatvre aMe-Kstart Cafe* «* Hw4*M «*a - graduate* rroas tb* tM»»»ula Kvaltclfr* Narkw Kwppl Chart** C M *» rCREAM IMIIIIIIIt Uatrtrshy IAW echeat in lips and *u- Wara»Mier llarfarM Schull* Uutatvt JESS STIRS HOUSE MEMBERS. (VlVaI •,,.,,*t »•.isW- WisWSB^rtrttsT SasWl WAs%? ^I*!*****l*M*«f* | MftfMtAsls^*»*;lslS*»»*A» efw»t MrK«» r BT^FM 4r-w ^a^Biay^^e*^ *•^aa^^^^^"*ww^^^ Fhrtt la Kwr Terk, »aoa> aNrf h» I af IB* Witm OMOrt »t «*• Cltl Jlvtt Ai Mil •rk McK. «t>UIM<»r» I* Yar* and ha*. eoaiiau** »»-prertIe* KIIK-S a* in. IU»ry Oat KWWIM* BIWD For Mrtntyre RotaAtltn Mis Hasaa* •*» Mew Jerwy ro IW9 an« satabUabed • trill**- branch office la this staW. lie ts a Emily (UK J»lmKank«l AaoaBcnafer mlalstralleit Meaeuree •la wjply «o the rvnolMUui-l^ased tb* metaber of tb* Lawyers' Clabaf Baso T D :an be Lighting, ImawrUnt teaWali.* ; week or tbe »««U»n Attorney U*n- County. Uuenln Club of fMmvUkt. Herbert )(ari*Mi ppwts* Can—l(»M4s»ta.| ~ lfcm StfCwtw Inform** the W*aUfl)lt«.i Herbert Heating, Trenton. Fob. a.-The»» n» »**.—-, unl bouse that Additional legta- of the- City of New tort ... Society of New *«*, Ifol- tit* aenatout only Monday ntcht «W . ma «MM*««I7 W«««ire the pay- Charlt* Rna* Oeont* Kewnab Ctateno* Meat of uxw on kKond fl»« tall dub and setarsi boOlea «< tha Ifueaday durlug this tbe foarth *•* Sobottui HeiUrt Diitol. Cooking, Of tn* l**laletiiri», ««t at tbe Ut» «OC ft f lb s«tn tixx) uml ernoon meeting fwrterday, after Bpeake. ^^••UaltUl From 1.1 to3H~ThacnaaOroviey Ef- lit*, jellies, etc. er lane had called the attention oT t* tner Oiuei Ja> Oottkl CUres«e Je Power. bow* to the alow progress of tbe * Mld-T«aj EJtljr KuhleBiehmkli Wilti.ei Maya 1ft J**?JHWWfc-ma WlfS Th* ft f b id han r » 1 ahape for tn* rapid handling of niiuJ* .. Vhe. . "fjsfioo. _i «nulM In rtft.'puul-HebtittsH6n«kl ffcrrtttnt- frank8obm{t« ' GAS LIQHT CO:., next week, '<- . W fchonts aa a fMlU of tb* i lVtbeHMparlock HatoUIT.»lm Tltco- "Tbe lthvortiint feature of tb* InaKoua heUTlaal «*^lt dor* ItuunfU W»IUr Thorpe Mitlba 196 J9AOAO STBSST, '- week ni .the cholw of former New AH1 WESTFIELD, N1J. the Republican caucus notrriihw from IA fa* in-M«d*llr* M«nn«tX>» K A»t»m». Harxrta • Furana; -"Atptn«» »tat« comptroHer to.Ttawrtt 3; W«li aup »• tlJi' tarf Morgan, the present llulmna, Blanba Jaekaon, Edna Monta- m* |M«tH*HMl lava ittvuoatcd In tb« In Mar? lha* JkllMtt Halt Martha joint caueu* was heto behind cl' , tuiKurot miiuwKi1 of Uuvprnor ,Kort art nswrntU VIP1.I Ptiwvr. UlaUla BoUndlsr, 7- doors In the assembly chamber J><«I J»n»i«l. .Th» itwt of lhe aerlm camif KUsibeth Tbwi. Klsle Van Sauo. Roaa- *l*tU l'aulln* Htkalery. HELLO 26 L CWftNFORO. WE8TF»ELD day, and there w«» a lively dl«ou trom I^adpr.Itultlilna and pruvMra rot niouJ Moor*, Loiilas Johnson, Maloolm Krcmi SB W fA—tltotlrs Hlvtamt Kali* ilj before a choice wn* decided upon, IlrnttoB. Qaorg* Maek, Ohirl** P»ro*. SUI* Franklin DuflomntM LawrM**1 th« abaUtiun •»( tbe •<««•> iwwKm> cunt' ——T eral uf tbe big party lenders fa tad at«l« iKMrd of bmllli ai Uliiotl rark, UurtnosRyaa, Praston Boyl* William (Irvv* Martin Heat. the nomination ot Mr, West, and conrfOtutvd. with a rctrull»» of \V.«Ilins:, Fr*a Wllllaa*, Howard H T the beginning it looked as_tt ha Walter John Duugta* Ksnlgar L*o p«W«r* of ed to a new {ANK SCHULER, * d rfbtalth to IM conn»««l I, Msry Millar, Kst*l|* Muliey, Huals C'lajluo O»rtrud« Oenttor Marl* UQlted Electric Company or alx m*nib«ra. in- be appolutod by MargueriU DuMood, lltaabath Bholes, Vjola firntbaub £ib*t 1'AnsoA^ SELLE PARK, IM. J. * *\»r *•** eaaaxnabla raUsi they give eleotriolly for haat-and foi»rw)r, - llousit Addoms, P»#lo» \Urhib. O««rg* /TlHtuan Jttts*a Viotorb ' >' ae* their station. It will ooet you nothing* Mtncb intnidiiced Mvera) ad- 0«y. OI«nMt itbawaih, Hswlljwi Johkhasn lUalrio* LSWJJ ' f matur»ovarandyontoayarra^mo5gr." on MIto. On» create* a d*»boop,BM»Si«hU». ..,«*;-• Kf noeth _ -Bottlor of- "-'--II iwwE: of rlparUn rlgbu with a »l»- From U to fl«B«t*Td fta^Tttblaw Srwin Wsrslnsfcl, LOICDimiOt.MI. »ta»l«o«t. who max *i>j»U>t Uuasell Bwnwt^ Botfa . Iko«*J», Krom

    'token,- ^ ^ sn^^aj WO SING tor Bradley At Catnden liiiro- M«0lsln,DavMPlums,? . , ^ totyr* JulluaNaWiMln* BobertOrowk v- '-j dOMd MM 1411 wetting the governor's HOtoU- Qraoi Aldriob, tl»aW ohsr. ' ',' 1INESE sug^Mtlot) as to lhe ««tabllsliui*ut of Uulmra, Hatty Li Moot, Margnrnl Ixwl. Prom OB to flA—Annie^Haos»o f Riibber Tires for Wagons and Automobiles WlfXUH ». a syrtaiiLof public accounts aud l«Kih- •ralndl, ICatbryn Bumbl*, Btiua Bh«- i»isnt»» Emeu. Vilma Vigsrt, Margs- v, LAUNDRY, j tHoua* Its4«r.j\ %J for tb« M»reral sUt< i>-irt- plro, Kri>ar>! Hurr, Z\irUtf HUmphrerj r«i Kunket, £t*le Th^getsn, Louise North Avenue, r John Boyd Avis of Gloucester loomed jktut Hcnstor Unnd,, Introduce! U-ijHf.l L.w. Harold Sanforil Kubleuscliftildt, l'tiyllus H«rs, Elmer up aa a candidate and all eltorta to anoiber liitafuro to/<-*uate m Ur«ysr, Klitli Ely, mtet of inltnii wsterWays. ' <• , • Otoar Ditrol, Elsisi*e Jsnstn, t I >' Granford, N J. get him to withdraw fruiu tba light uroiwB ClalittUy. M-try OstUUy,Ols(t«ii J ' were unavailing. AnotMr forroidsbls ?8enator Ack«fflwn of Union Intro "a y Aiinn Jubuauita &Iarj(arKl H»w- i^ tf.t...t.. ^"^ candidate was Alfred N. Oahrymplo Of dnced a bill irovldlog for the etitnlt- J/roiii OA l» < 0.— Dsasls flrliutn, Expirt horseshoeing and general blacksmithing. Baaas county. Th* first ballot, bow-Uihment of fr««t employment biiri-uim nvily, Itulli Liclity, Qisdya MurJwrf, Charfts Umiaon, Margaret Uesa,Flo>> rF-ORIGINAL LAUN- T MORTH AVENUE. ever, indicated tbat all th* flurry andta first cUaa cities, with a nupvrlu- Hazel-Mnrlso, Itutlt MoKlnney, Elluur row l'Anann, Julio ^ Moore, Edwin RY IN CRANFORD. fight tbat the supporter* of Dalrymple ttndent to be named by the chief of Potter. Mmllth Wood, Allan CJInrlt, I'ttrtrldif, QsrtruJa Trsmbley, Oatt and Avis bad made amounted t,o noth- police at a atlary ot tl,2W t>er y.rar Ulsrvlive C'nw, Martin Hull, Vk'alur Warslnkt. ' An'lmiiortaiit bill pertalnlnv to the Ju 'be best work ana, most ing, a* the majority favored tbe-nouil- M«h»r, Edwin MoKlroy, Hanry I'uni- From OIJ to 7A.—K»ym««>d d\a*, Tel. S8 natioa of West, who obtained in tiie dlciary wsa Uitruduced by iivriiil»r , ,M»rtb« Fall*. ef ul treatment of goods second ballot, with the, aid of the sui> Wakelee Ot Het-geti-to revise tbe dl« gdllb Oollins.-nuss.il Uum«er,0h«r1%~ s D. KREIE, Kroo iA to 1U — Florenos Crati*, Vork called for and deliver© ~ 'porters of Senator Avis, forty vote*. trlct court "act IJy permitting two or Krel«, "Ilsrry Kublensubmidt, Uefla' John Ouudrrt, Duull On/. Uhnflwi Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dealer in Hardware & Hoiisefurnishing Goods West was declared the caucus nomi- more munlclpklitlea where tbe iKipnln Malon*?,. »lnrgu»ril« H«oig««v Oleman- nee. This insures his election. tlon bas not warranted Ibe •sinbllxli Dmk*. Lawrenu* Bllis, Mar«arsi Iluu- iluaBuhmlta. Wo Sintr, GARDEN TOOLS. LAWN M0WER8. ment of tucb cuurl» to combine ittitl tr> MI, tilarsoca £rb, I'fillip Cower, I'm- HCUEEN W1KE," The much UUtutwd local option'bill SEEDS. waa Introduced in th* assembly yes- tbe civil esses now brought Morn tin- d«nu» Jtifid.ll, Hsrold lUJutT ll«ils> An Untsmtil Marquis, orib Avinui, CraAford. N. J. OlVOIJKEBf. POUl/rKY NETTINO. Justices of tbe p«tce. . tit* father of lhe Jlnrqul* of Data AOATB WABB, terday morning by Assemblyman Ben- Txtnlinsun, UEOGIAKIO'S TOOLS. jamin H. Crosby of Ocean county Oovernor Fort satof a special nut* From 41) toOA. — Frsnk 1M1, D««o had Kit artignltttt «xi>cr1#nce In the J. HART, Tb* bill gives to towns, town«hl[», vil •age to the leglriature declurluif Mm I U«l>. William Dr«y*r, Illak* Fr«iii/n, neighborhood of Iimlivtiuy, II* met • lages, cities and other municipalities or laws relating-to tbe primaries and elw- cwltney irarulvr uhu nultrd to be df- It will bs''worth your time to try ma before buying elsewhere aa m» prioe W»ll»i«Fgnn»ii, Klmti J rsctud -to «' certuln plaiv. Deceived! wards therein tbe power by populnr ttotts are In a confused state and sug< Oscar Lswje, Jls •no Tuning . ,, vote;itt allow- w«r revise tp;*Jt*w t b* -BNRW*: «»t t?wy - ti« - a»«nde4. ~ «»• ty-the (n«ri|Ulit' ucisunt. l lto AND sale vOf luioxIcaUns Itquors. It pro urges that tfie' primary law* btr ««' CHRONICLE BLOCK, CRANFORD. ' • vide* tbat npon application «t :CI l*r tended to tbe election of delegates to Oibourue, Margaret |{yan, Hsrmsn to toako KUIHTCIIIIIUH rvmorks Biwflt cant of the .voUrs of any [wlltk-nl dl eonventlOD* for tbe lelectlua of nation' Hottarwath, Dorothy Hinonton, the bfirbaruuN l«lan>lers of Bute. Action Regulating vision to tba cltrk of- the COUII^- '"iirt al conventlou delegataa and recom- From OA to 6B.«-0r*l llurloy, Marlon eald, "nilmo im>, I suppose you're Ilk*'«, DIEORICH KRelE, Carpenter and Builder. am, an Entrllslimnn?'* , I i - tbe court shall forthwith,.**! a tlmt* t'> mends a clearer tnd more effective pro- Full, Jaannstt* Uoup*r, U*UruJ» t Qarwood, Nr.,^v consider tb* petition. If tbe court »' vision for tbe expression of populai I/jveUnii, Aon* Lorl«rst«dl, Vftff "flo," rt'»txiiiilu!l tUu itinri|Uls;"l' mlik'% • . '" .natUe.xif.Unlie.jiils Wmih'L . _, tb*~* 41m*—*bftll» -ctofj~, "'Rolff -~4- • ------/—- ' •• -"• r*gnla*r and tbat 30 per i-t-nl uf. Hi' "OCKKI graciousr' exclalOMd the Unt-«; them In a cbolce of Dnlted fltat*s»«U Sunlli' , Van Cy«l», llarli«rt IUu»cb. •signers -are legal voters, ln> «bnil ordf t stors. donor, in aiuowwitmti "Then who ltt<.) ianos •"-Furniture a special election. If a majority < I lii(- AugusU Qaffvny, Mwer«tbef«t- Krom OIJ to OA —Uwwsrd Sotmftf, slon niut, 'ttsUtiiit a P. H.1.EN2, " cense* sball.be granted therein. After lowing: Jlf Mr. Tantwn—Prorldes thai llulh foliar,' Psulin* Uhspiro, Willlsm be was carrying, said when twentyiflvg mriivlden^aan'y yU •ofrSouth Annue, West' twenty days from th* election'It shall Uall. Edward. BablnuUr, I'm turner The atoru be lllegsl to sell liquor. lags, boro()glr Ot .rgunty make mi sffl d«Vlt of mouey«Hinl»wrujJy or corrupt" beTlin, Jo**ph cuitroRp, it. j. Nominations C«nfir«n*d. &^ •Msrg*r*t / JUaswi; MsrgurrJU Votk, |y expeqdeil and ppiM'tit tli» miiiic to r ; Two.Currt >«r th* Blue*.,-, Whitetaflvas Shoes and Oxfords, All.the remaining appointments of supreme vuurt Juitkfr'lbJ « Inttvr innjr in O.rtrud*- Moore, l'h9tnss Oratoe, J«ult For/Ladles, niues and Cblldrao "Vftoft&o yw.divwbeu-yott U»ir* Governor Fort were confirmed In. **•hi* dltcretton, aftw IPII dn) nxW••;'• % eflitiv* session held by lb» senate Mon- tbe dUbttrsiag officer tnid Uoward Park, BayrnwuT Moor*, Emily "1 walk up riflti ovanu* and day evening A* waa anticipated, Sen- body of such mani< l[inirfy. tunko nil In Kdwsrds, all the JowtlVnt' windows and B: ajyLJiajdoJIn iDslractor ator James F. Fielder of Hodadn op- vestigsUon Into the n(tatr* ot Kurd Prom OA to 01). —Orsoe Aablty> orchids and high priced haU. W posed the confirmation of the tiomlna- mupkJpality and may uink« FrawM*liurr, Emms UammoooV liutii. you dor'- — "- ta prepared to reoBlre pupllafor tlon "orrMayor'Tlerre~F. Garven of „„,,,to prowutflVprowote n Bayonne as- prosecutor or Hudson IlawUjr, KalbMln* Johnson, Luall* "I Krt way down to Rtvlngton violin Inatraotlon. For Urma, ap- By- Mr. 01 well of llMlaon-^rrovlde* HU4 look nt th* wretched poor county.' Senator FIMder bad not been tbat wa«es uf all «iii|ile |*ali|bly, tbe dirt. That make* ma potntment and chimed that Mayor. JESSE WHEELER. 1 By Mr. afurtlu-Makes nil persons to 7A.->Mlldr*d affair* are' no worse." — New;, Garven had not sufficient experbmce In partnerships) or corporation* engsgad the courts to qualify for tbe position. Or«y,'«IWr«d Pr***, . ^ s' m«r»orBw . la the telegrsph to telephone trttslneti 'Four other Democrat* voted with Sen- common carriers and place* tbtm on Bklooer, L*ur»l OUrk, 1 follow I scaked 1H tablespoon- ator Fielder and opposed tbe confirma- - *".:_., |t> VVeHh.; 1U In ,pne pint of cold water for half Inn, der tbe control sod management of tb« York, 8U«b*n Hopkloe, Welt* Tbe •&***, having been arrested,! tion, but tbe nomination' was con- n hour, then I atralnod off the liquid public service cotumUnlou. I, Fraoe»te|»o, CMMO Wood, running h*r gntomoMIe sevenryj, ' OOBNEB or BOUt. firmed. - Tbe other nomination* eon- Speaker Jese remarked during tb* lUrtlett Weathered. nd mixed II |teasi>oon(nli ot this K.enilwoptb. tinned were; aa hour, waa describing to* so; ' trained Grape-NuU Jnlco with alx afternoon session ymtenlay tbat $b» . Prom 7A to 7D.-IIsryb*ll* Fink*, to a,reporters <• . ;' napoontnl* ot rich milk, pat in a Chief Jostlos-Wlnam «. Oummer*. Es- members sboold basteu the commltter Jsnet Bart, Butii Mornsey, Co-intry S*at." Large, sex, raappofated. > ' work; tbat three week* hid elapsed Inch of (alt and a little sngar, Florsoo* Baokiof raraed It and e&YO It to baby every gnd bath; open plumbing; Attottnf'Otntni-Htittrl H.4teCsrKV and that only six bill* bad been report- light; stuni be\V, powesoing Ss*f^ faappolnteo, , ad br committees. Leader MsrtlD Wood, Allan Evers'lt, ieasM wo hours. Ja&S* of ttt Orealt Cport—wnnun H, Bobert 0obw*gl*r, tSugen*" 'lowtir, "Jn thh simple, easy way I sated- nJencc#f/conncrvatori"**,' «by*a life and have built her up to m liage honse; nd«i/re hamlnomvly laid, rite tba committees to consider r trout, healthy child, >ro«y-and laugh*, for ridirig and driving lag bile. After arsces* «£«&*« Fnrtn 7B la 8A,-Vi»«;AII(W,JUUi,.S ng. ' fne food must certainly be per^'' Hp«oUl oonven ta* UglsJatDr* confeoed. Bar ^ «tin* CooW, Kstbr/ir^CenBiu'fAd* ect to hate each a wonderful effect"1, l>arde« for np Leader Wartn tunonneed Mat ia' this. -1 can trnUrtally «w.l UUnk 'A s*f Wednnda.' aiswlons jrfll b* betf to iswla Miller, H;lfla X tt the vast food In U»Aworld'to ;{ aajto enable tb* coanalttaH ta report Fik«,H**saH7*n, AonU raise delttaW oaMea on, aad.>, alto m'S. .OB, CAhh. Ua'CMaJb ifUltaift tMt. IJIICIOM, tKatthttti tood.forfirowniji s^^sBave' ^IvBjBa'Via^^M ^BV aVs^e^asva^B^r swa^BBal BJB^VB^II w» hiw dtatptiWedSta-iTOr"! 'i. • srfessr & j ttt ttrong. kaalthy - or WOUKF * I* wa* titi-a At* is ifctj. yifsr. r P 1 •* '~ 'W J^ ^ ^t*F^»"^^^^W^^^^^^^w a ^*J*V*)*slHPtaVStflp*Jggwl


    J. 1tw Spiifi it lak- WWmMr. brt I **t*r tairt of . a» stock la tke .thtorVs kboutl teef«ctiv«&«-M cl>s , «to«n>ar; It wa* as nn- Tlwy *U«4 of f«v«r, I but the *on •*. et ta* niuit CHAPTER IV, «Tb« aw! Bot their had no fam- ily.* BOT y vtf (tfedertafcea ID r«tnt year*, to. Conttntad. - 1 •Dearest Old Boy—How w« "Ptftfoo. Then U cannot b« the — That tntk lr jntMttaw* ttn Lea lit III*' Courier-Journal, ti ankatj, TlMM Ledac»l,'b»d a eon. tku fleam U proved nr Thorn you word* cannot tell. I w1*b yo« CottMt What was hi* name? He of lk*_J§»lritioB Army ID »ti- were back. Tommy la awfully •*- ottnecifn tie 1U« Ustnry oT Chariot Me iVOflag lo prevent sultldw slrepcroas. I with—how I wtok w« wa* named after acme relative la -Stow**, sappowd by .Jl'hlt wu eoTMd do something for Tco>»y! H* France, Porgiv* me If I cannot re- «o fckfw been kilted or Uiatai Tw*r* It Bo ocasloti to.jpw-ulale on ought 40 b« at school: It la tueh * 2*11 t«« MOM.* dartag the muactcro of i|#i, -It wa* MX by enaaee Paul!" said UTBIDE the window- the snow po**c**lott of' tn« rud* sketch. H*s who «mr op, Ut«d and died (n ot ' l>Uy, for be U out and pyt this cJ*v*r- Jfomnvur Rlgaud. IcaorwM of theta. ttn ta» St. Ksatloa for' ladles' hrrcaboutt, rut of the wbble brood; My dtar Ar» *Itlat*rt*t*aMr. came steadily down la great, wai never too bo#y, this graat hearts though. I cannot say that I "fat. ye*. Paul, that was It! I r*l soft bakes, while Inside the ed man, to do a kind thing, however- pttna.). Despatch. The strange the Boston Post'. :• New Kng- thnr. rould you Mincerttatiith a thing •Malta w»M, now. Paul Ledue. H« O ha* to do with different peopl* happening to on* ot'iii Colon*) stand you, Moa*t*ur "hickory Ure falaxed in the wide small It teemed. ironies do not ne«-d any. such or lattAaistiL Mm shou •tut b* a man now—that 1*. If he chimney, now and; then throwing out "Even when ha was a boy h* war JocallUe* In MlnaemU*.,. but Curtis hti proposed to J*B«t! Aid*? llMd to grow op." . hroutht from tbe^ar MbrtaMry tegJeUtton Grandmother's pipe;'went ala»! why did ih*y not Ull jn*T 1 poor creator* out la P«ni wttt wiM »park* across the hearth, rag where always on the eldc oi the 'ujujer dogm- : ~.*Thea yoo do not know whether- he Andrew*. no»«rr«idrat nron I* Ik* asb heap slmuitanecmjl? with might bkt« prepkr*ould have fbontbt that ot my wealtli, She alao I bare neither Men nor beard any- won't let you go out or make snow- -early and late and bar* for the baraar thing ol your young friend.—or rela- balls or anything. , An' the big bo>s livelihood. Wbat would\ you think •P "ta almplellfe" oa a fruit n father ^would hav* beta pleased, and my tetond Jifet 8b«, ot Sir I It was white on ths laat tout thS The Central High fUhool of Phlla- cio be would have been, but at It wu tlon, aaked nelp of my know* no* tive?" Is out. I'd rather learn lesson* -than of living In a cab/n whereN, the wind* J • "My iwphew," said Monsieur "ill- stay in the house." whistled through the chink*, rough -company made (hat Mrs. Jame* S •Wpbla has stood »L Lho bead olth« b^^^ er,t7. My r#fu*al «oold *—' -*- art told Urn the story at her. t ;w^"*e«^tirot-ttfl;rOTri:tr7Tof'tIireV' in . "Ha TV* know what' lw)ll«ajr_tUiC \m ma««r-.A»HtK, in, HwTflnii wa* the'on* tofetl .»,,«, , *-qnetftdnt." I"ain"a poor"man myself., 1*7" asked Grandpa IlalsJ-y, who wa?of window Hashes, and, when Vtgitorw •"" taarter* of "a century, affirms the worfl«i. Ho lie Jurt; told ' Colonel and feel for. tboto In similar circaiii- *«rrtto"ry. ^ ' "•"" Curtlt tbat-bA could not be botbered, Mrs. Denaton* loaluig at him- with. readlnv'near the window^' •• came, which happened only a\few Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hred In ' i^ , _ '"Argonaut. It holds thv unique |>o«|. unfeigned "Just Lincoln'* Birthday," an- times In the year, raw-potatoes were alpeg- in JSSJ. The former was that Janet wa* roych td> young uuici|iifg uuwugnw *"« PW< they v-qjnbarrnsucd 'or ' Uon of being, the only public high and «be U actutlljr nln dear, wrong-headed.' old gentlemanf,* awered the little boy, cartlemily, "and- eared aad_SAs!hp.d anitJ>aaa>d around »ad bas for fifty years b«»en mtr r money?" . ^^^ \ gcbool In the United Hltte« Invested tould-not-;Mttfiti: tae. ^ Arthur, f Wiilktfw~ he wasn't anytblng but Preultlent. for refreshment*? The family In the employ of the Hudson Bay "0b, ^ue'njwf^jsn^l the strHngpr, Presidents happen' most 4tny day. -->j«tt*> the legal powor'ta confer d«< *f4djnf • ..arid V« I 'pliitedjn;? library ever such; blindnesseMT?" ' ' '*' Comptmyt, They - «<• a lilgmy !r sufflcleiiry, which l" Imnglnn pins he used the tons thorns of the international hnrripr oamo to Wl and Speed* Into tbo nearest shop at hits descended to my. young friend Many a man wuo recognize* his the mott distant vision ol our pro-lously. «My dear young ttr." few haw and bean locust, and hut coffee '— Pe«J then a mere rluttor of "tores said, "my good friend,- listen to me. l'.iul." was made of rye bread crusts, houses. Th*y vUltod tho 8te> S-lJstNiMtty for m'relte Is spending an fession ot perambulator* upwards,' "Just no.' Bald lllgaud, whose con- Ho will never get over being told to I have to go down toj Southampton "But 'Young Abe.' as he was called home, seeking supplies. " A sq ' %o«r of hi* time and much of hi* to-night. 1 am on my way home, you si :"nc4 btlng 'jet at rest on the nul>- in those days, was as ambitious as he •. wanly English word ths ''" It*, without tab, expenditure of any again. I fancy he bag left In* Orange offered his hand to assist Monsieur In a huff, 1 think hti If a touchy Indl- commission agent there. Once at St. which ho had heard of itome flpighbor knew. Mrs. fftawArt fed th* lad and aWhe saving -Instead Malo, I am again myself. It Is Eng- itlgaud to descend. Tho incongruity possessing. Then ho would read aad - -aakM as to Its family and home. ot rooiW. lust try wsik- ct that hand again struck Arthur. *• ahalj Ioto her altogether, for be land lh«,tl fear: Do you divine what ro-read and Btudyrn, nntll he had 'UM squaw only 8bodk her head i*fP, nnnnu uw K«V Mann Ilegls- 1 wMtto ask? t will pay your jour- anil for a moment he looked fixedly mattered every wcJrd;, sitting up far replied-that the did not know, W L will neVWB*. able to tolerate ut, ft! their f»llow-j)as»(:nger. The look i'a" money in walking, but even at twetve Wllw' ittatance. Tneney.' T»a« mo to Bouthsmplon; con- into tho night to-work out example* ' the Indians left tbo child 'rlun'i vey me on board the- boat with my wm returned frankly, the eyes were by the light of tbo plnewood -etosely ti, Mrs. Stewart thai It leait.of Its profit. quftftfr'f t Mil* arp all pall now anand we are* Quite wreue again. Tomnv little box. You 'ghalhaot'tm »»— necessary for the Indiana to pul h 'l U 'i * away, sobbing' Tiolently. The incident affected Mrs. Stev •greatly, and.«be regretted that t

    \ ,

    a iioeral Wpply or bacon and flo Jo tell8h wqa t sho iikne th|lw t oaft th L o chll JO -jownt aua «itivR~-iHciK whicb ttbllliy (irXnroktug thing* right be-. , -ouiitless prefer lu "Put the bo* 4lko those we use for', l ^I' tho enUra famil»« «y peril of ruunlng locomo* .-t'ji his aister anil *"i'"I under my feet. so. Tho night hi One, -Only Arthur. I will run down ami her down from hlS Kn The oniy bed he hadTn high speed an common roads thank Heaven; t (ball have a good let him In." And before Janet could party Wan- announced, but she begged her ban<|, except tho two-year-* passage." raaatumblc her scattered sentce, Tola to hard to have him finish 'jimt that trees and covered .with bay or !*r tbo molt fnvornblo «4iu- tho leave readily had plunged into hd* little bluo dress- f, and at M. ltlgnud was About The train was lust about to start one doggie,' /that he smilingly said, and ho paid for his first suit 'of .'blue returu to his Kronch homo Itwat when the door was onca more opened, tug gown and etolen swiftly dowa- hejbopcd we wouldn't care, nnd sent jeans' at the rate of '400 rolls « and a gentleman got lu, carrying n atatra, the little maiden away happy In thoyard.'" agreed~that they ahould be trarcllnt it «£ companions a* far *t I" Uw enure fan "Perbapa you will never' come, fortnight. 1 shall be glad to be at her brothcnln ecstasy. "My dear, "T had been,killed. - i ,i (lack. Arthur," she tali, sorrowfully. home again." • ' darling old boy, toiuo In at " 1 am tUi>l, Jjve^ .to^pjes^ntlmenttj, , * Hah! 1 tallt the irqlM outside. - A. .onc« Aru yqu cold?,, Are yvutlrejlT i' » a TiealUtton oa VHi I nivo onffthaf S am not tbiteei' Frenchman i* Wrer af navai off thv "4" . It eaccpt as a you, my own boy, a* 1 wished to do pave at Parla." - "Neither of the two \flrstj tbough so. much." Liu the last agtremUy. The train begun to more, the trav- I walked from Pluuitrec. but hungry "Don't «ay that, auntie," said Ar- eler -waved his hand. Is not the word. I am ravenous) 1 v« to the knife; with thur, gaily. "On the contrary, the *Au revolr1" he exclaimed. could cat you up bodily !*"- title*, n public Which danger I* that you may hnv* too Arthur, leaning back sleepily in Tola laughed merrily. "Come to the corner' ot _thc carriage, iailly th* schoolroom," sho said.^ "IJhojje Vhc^igfit'vVtnti » plumfiVlobilajt" BahJ *'ttrreptItIousfy"«)DfOaic(l a regal re- ho went to tho old, gray haired Tnun had. Their past there, aaU "the' remnant ut A who *ra* Mtlng vigorously, w from a change of climate H fellow traveler took out a navel, tried ure! - j 0 dlieato la tory to hl» own departure, , to Tv»d It by the Vmpcrfcct light ot Arthur caught up n shawl, fastened I *'T? *™*' •«"! became" "1* roadame often troubled with court reporter, but tho " reclamation ot the compartment, tnes. with an Im-her up in tt like a mummy \and fol-1 -^k hlB off. A « mean*' o't a "Thon «fby aid you leave hert" "Monsieur Arthur, tystqn ^ me,. That *era"tbp_ parents j>)VUs on wham. Uta Jadlanapolls wld Mr, Denttu'ne, Indignantly, ~ .gentleman. Did you not hair? Jlrts •cire-'o^ ta^awi' depended. But at "I illd not ballevo In aiiy such nnn- of Peru I* H not so!" - • *5 Arthur rose up. "Now Tola," he Yet It «nse.* u wa* oae ot the sharp an- "Tea," said Arthur, «leeplty. "Hetald, *1 mean you to go to bed, and tbat sUowW that hl« native fco- Implied II."« aot watte any more or the precious til>n still «xi«tei), but h« w«ot "WhaJ do you tbfatt. Would It bo midnight oil. Tou dear little soul, breedtng . aa tt to aotten tho effect: "the.ro prudent?' Ho might know something You h»Ve certainly growtt Ih'lhner « to Sioui. Mtr gtieUr fn love* ero ttrange things. In nature, strange the 50 s ana Charles-J^rriclf. Ale JT»f*p 1 of the family Leduc- I should Uka to!j since 1 saw a»o1rs.,ta>t'flies brwd In al- fccrfrdltary faculties aud powers ot-know,* tald tb» old wan* tutnVUMtl) •N«vaft1ieje«*^ 1 am as leathery and which. It Is dJlfnj^R (a trace the origin. hU bunds, together nervpvslr. "just]actiV*»>-^a*-^wtiere ahaU 1 go for o|'i*i(«ra Into rlwra, 7h«y exist to"»ri"uni?Bual'decre* in from curlostt)-, jou kn6w. nothing I a, simile?" MS wife's, family." «lto, what Louum died or She waijl *Go to bed; my child; wo «ill talk tow Merrtck moved to Blyslan. W^* wrt tides, to l have th«r*M«nd slghtf nearly- ot an.-ajg* .with ,(nys«ir;\»,i»jt6-tnar(o^w-to our heart's,^mnunt." - Samuel s^on. Rush Merrlck. Iat*r J »«nston«; llgblly^ played together, Mr mother'«ont'| Th*-"ntxt tri- H Veins his father's u many, («laUoa*.? Rt- c,ff hU hat and,:*ddrestiag , .Ty baCaatinuea. 'When tl1Pv Earned that the low.tranlir In, Kninth,-^i Wiu-oln'i Happlc«t was charlM M(.rr,t1t thej Reply to an Office SetktrJ Md«d Merrick." and railed the Doy An office seelief.inco CtarteaMerrickS \Woa»meh. allkt. They have the sam* kklr, «lh-«>IngklJ«htlT only as to wlar PROTECTS WIDOW." ~ •MaM Irqm heft ah* wrou and Itcuja, tarn* feature^ Stannnards big Devon i^ i in her barn- Cona. The Jji4fw»ftj approached her, old m.an at home, mid- A* tDCAL RESTING PLACE «**i ttarit Vhaj'day tewks an4d the shshsa—s » •** a**** urn* and

    ^ttimotiKWh^^ :« Isiri *> J «j W af 3s , ,. _ taroW th* gEHTixW ta«av - • BOT j&a SAVEI*?- -•, -=- That trntfc farsotaetjaw* atrawr tfau* fletta* to ptortd^r Th» ronun- tr«a» sJwUk^ la fear *^ agoay. tht life history oT Chart** Xenttk caught him oa «a hora and b«rled ncofn ht» fata » in«wb«j*. whU*. liiekily. -8t*»*qt, sappowd by *U'hl» wlatrfiw to feat* ben killed br Ue-tadlaaafox him;old WmtroJattftbull, broke' darts* tb* matoaer* ef 1|«S. aadhU tall «n brought from the^irVortlr-bT Ed. •o forceful that he turned*. PKOM UMZAtit'TH. T MILtltt I'««»M MSWAHK alwaysi on the Bide oi the 'under dach- -Andrew*, now a/retioteat ot Oregon, Malt la to th» next Heidi -—-. Keep, the as we say, and sympathized with all: hit who is visiting his former home course the? tramp* did uot know if«ufferingr for he had known so mack In AM* city. Mr. AH4MM, until re- ,— the "unprotected" widow raised of it in bis own life. He waa very- •cesUy.l was at the head nfjui opera the bull from a calf, and that ahe Is On Main Line Pennsylvania Railroad "If 9 poor, you *now, and had to work, -eoopsw. but lias retired and taken the"only parson In tbe neighborhood lake onaw -early and late aod bar* tor the barear •p "the simple Kfe" on a fruit ranch. 'who ventures in the tame field with Why Lots in these Cemeteries commend themselves 10 ,e big boys livelihood. Wbat would* you think It was white on the last tout thai his It Mrs. sts.nna.rd tend* the bull to liwons-tban of living In a cabin whi?re\th« 'win* •company made (hat Mrs. James Stew- and from pasture.and Ipis a* genii* whistled through the chinks, rough art told him the story at her. home a* Mary's little lamb, hut lot a man Hearfs of fawilles anil •«: ma** Attflie l tft ^t mb %o,f*Kft,tnta.tltF^xtwta7«,«ft , who: of window Hashes, and, when irtsitor*- ~"'Jttnitatjr. the Iwast chjLnges JilmrUlw a "demon J cf vS« ll.9<».ooo Trust 1'uncl jiiaviiUd for by iho Trui'i . m eame, which happened only a\few Mr. and Mrs. Stewart lived in Win- The tramp with the red muffler «ieh CtqieUry, lh» liinomt Irom whlcli .Kill iirpDie ptppmn , sn day;" an- times Id the year, raw-potatoes were nipeg In JSSJ. The former was then was so badly gored that be was taken r-etutily bcnutilUI at NO KXI'UNSK TO LOT OWNKKS. *«,'?, "and- pared and washed and .banded arsoM _ „ and has for fifty years been.* trader to a physician at Madison, who seal UECAUSR such a gu«»Ml»»»• r»ol fminO In .any oih*r c»oi«t«ry, «n«uif« ]•-.• President. for refreshments? The family w«M , in the employ of the Hudson B*y Fur him to-» New Havett ue*p!tA!,—New :..awnaSrUuLtha-ctauiuU WtUUllKtMAlNTAlNJlU KISUMANKNTIA to^poo^jo^a^a^aiijihjiw^dseiwi.i.v i i 1 V«urk wrld ,WyXo«ps»ys^^Tbey^^s^fr•' •*•:"1ilgnIJ^-'~re»• AS IHtAUtlPUI. PAKKd Al'TltH Tlllv 1NC0MU I'UOM Till. "'"''Lincoln himself hover had any .-apectabls Scotch family. It was one as ho.laiit "stockings until he was nearly a man -evening shortly: after the terrible In- lints mar grown. Rough' cowhide boot*, deer- liUNO WITH BOY PROM. TIIESTIHB i, dian outbreak and massacre In Mln- ~*WSlllrw*lklng on .the: trestle otl . /tots SHOULD BE PURCHASED HOW |. '-'but Lin- skln leggings and cetmskln cap were- ' nesala. In-the year .named that sdmo you some- the best his boyhood ever knew. - For L th»£rie Railroad at Riverside. N/-J..J 8toux' Indians' from this aide of theforty feet above the Possalo lliver. nECAUSK MOHtt ADVANTAQliS ARK OKHRKKD'. TO pins he used tbe" Jong thorns of tbeV _• International border came, to Wlnnl- UUYKR8 ip « n«w Modem ?iiik Cemtttiy than in »ho»« tiui haw and bean locust, and his coffee twcl.vo-year-old Edward Bergermissed many years *i>d, in most «a*t«,\«o pruvmlon made foe pcm«iu»i c«Te _ pe«j then a mere cluster of stores and his footing and fell between the, tics. was -made of rye bread crusts. houses. They visited tha Stewart without t«tlf*"'cKWis« lu lot uwiier». THKRE ARK A. OKKATHR striking tbe' steel framework in his NUMBER Or* IPBAt. LOCATIONS TO SMSMtCT »ROM. PRICES "But 'Young Abe/ os he was called ""• '"horns, seeking supplies." A squaw acsciot to1 the Icy water. ',. OK LOTS AHE ALWAYS* UOWBR AND TKRM8 , WORK in those daya, was as ambitious as n* waaf carrying a 'w'hito cWlld/of per- ADVANTA0K0U8 ' , •' V ' •. ' " ' • /--*• -'--^.._1^4ll was poor. He would-walk miles and} \ hap* two years, which when placed As the boy: fell Chtis Naumann. ot MUi Katherlne ^. Derg'er, tho Closi Modul. Who lias Reen O«eUr*d to 4O Main street, with a friend, Peter BUCAU8R (If* is most. unc»nai» ana fCVBKY ONk SHOULD ANTIC- miles after his hard day's work waai \ upon the floor ran to Mrs. Stewart, Bo a Perfect Bpeclme* of Physical Womanhood. I PATH THB INBVITAULK UV MAKINO A CHOItlS NOW OP over to borrow some booh—a gram- ' ^piteonsly] calling "mamma," which Drueck, started across th#< trestle on v : A FINAL, KK8TIN0 PLACK. \ " / mar or an arithmetic or a history— 'WM-'tbe «nly English word that It, tholr way from Hawthorne to Pater- Skirt tiuwd. I which ho had heard of Borne nptghbor kttew. Mrs. fftewArt fed the lad and1011. They saw the boy struggling In Russian Parallel to the Unit* oieo.' possessing. Then ho would read an* :'.. ^aak«d as-to Its family and home, but tho river and Naumaan ran. to Urn One of tho nuisance* In connec- The Grand Duke Nicholas Mlkoall- LOTS WIU PROVE A GOOD IH.ESTWEHT / re-read- and study,, it, until" he ha*?r •Ute iqusw only shook her head and nearest pl»r and cumbered ddwn the tion with propelling a b*by carrl*g» OTltea has,lately Issued In 81. Peters- mastered every word, sitting up far v replied-, that ahe did not know, When steel workft. At the base of. tha pier, or- go-**rt. as every mother knows, burg a little work enUtled "The BECAUBB thtr art ear* «o Increase in value and can b« purchased nOVf ll tho ImpoMlblllty ot preventing tb* [Legend ot Alexander I. In Siberia." tuht INITIAL or LOW*»T PRICB .n4 upon •• MOST ADVAN- into tbe night to-work out example* ; the Indians left the chUd clung so which Is, barely wide enough, for a : r foothold. Naumann took off hi* over. skirts coming In contact with th» One duds in It curious parallel* to tha TAOBOUS TBRMR. . •• ' • • . • . •. :.\, .,,:•..-• - ••••••• by the light of tbo plnewood Ore, -closely to Mrs. Stewart that it waa BBCAUW «h* proptnl*. at* ACUIIIttBLK TO accessary for the Indians to pull it cost and threw en« end to the boy, dirty wheels; consequently. In Urn* sensational wysterr which Mr. Ptow- ruining It. How easily this can M den Is endMyorlog to-unravel. Thai, aad toasiderin/tn. HABiaOHOWTH Of (in** aw«y. sobbing violently. -rho was cllnglhifto a cake of Ice. . aad Its THIBUTAJtY C1TIB3 «iid TOWIuLiMrtiniya <|u*MMB



    • iioerai aupply of bacon and flour. ..i» utiui>t;i> IU a'no wnn tne other. to tell what sho knew of too child's, Tho express roared *ab6TB. thorn, I a Xoiainc drawing muV' rccwutly In- tea to<-tnit history. , Sho- said that at Lac quland following It as swiftly a* hi*.leg* iSF.^SS ; vented (>> tw|j Ohio niorK Tlio draw- had been asked to undorUkf tbe Jofc 4lko those we uso for. n^tmc^s now. Psrle., Mian. ; tbo• entire' family ot •The onty bed he hud'In .f(fow diys. r ["could carry bio): came Drueck, wh. ing knlfo, as shown Itt 4Jn. Illimtrii- fa th* early dty* tUa neighbor* Charles Merrick had been massacred tnarreilcd at bis friend's escape Ratbared ones a yo»r (9 etiOoW t bo begged ^dTi " •; tI0O, has folding haiidle».\ntmblo.of. ^i_3. fro by her tanrotec«o&. l^Her mother heart MaA - Tn« two'meu carded Derger to hi* Inwardly to a ignition en(lroly\iut of of u»r.Bt^giU^i\fl0 doubi manr -. , and sent jeans' at the rate of '40V rails « - warmed "toward *h* H«le> ono and who has Invented A skirt uuard for jpy In tho B'otn^-W'WfeV'^eel^atMliJ.lSf^n'lm tho purpose. Tho guard IK »prj th» way, directly over tho^ ^^,_^ tbeut woulF?<«), asd say, that tfas> yard.'" ahe had taken it and carried it upon with' his mother, not stopping; Ion odjgr-ofTtb.trioi.ife; filsdc,^ Bd^fliatVho Kusd flurroyorrand rttl lJMjr Ijer back, walking on foot, all the simpk lu construction, roualstlng o' -^"»"» ,.»•>-, puiiTD»f: on irmL. W*r* enough lo toll the story of tne bpy.'i a pair of wbocl fenders in th» forn; koifo can bo bundled In perfect OHO of tbu marked dlfferencoa ox- ttioy to smoloy. Buuc»l*dlni(Tn'i*|». way to Winnipeg. Of the -child's oth- double peril and Naumann'a galian when not In mo. IttiSciTjiien but- Hit tlnr; botneon tb* foreign mothodl to toll them ,iffhmn,:»ui how tbey^i •aar relatives, she knew nothing;. •' v • v ,Of a quartor-circle. These fender "p. try. 'The «oy."^rMoyerjd, «nough ti aro supported on brackets which ex- space when placed In n tool chitst, ^ pf road ranaagginoat.nujLiitota com- -Uould make lhm%t*h*ia$i-Vt verified the Indian's statement, ex- '• flood* and iiio Aou« y'| .j..'•;. •cept.that he said it had. been the gen- •:•'•' EAOfcB K«mT^^f$ijirNTiHt:;;;, positioned Just back of tbo rear bf\mgb standing In r«gard topiHof : iw e Itar. eral supposition that the entire fam- Charte* keUcbAo^Eaiit;;ry|tcbfleld, wheels. Instead of tuej%lrt brusi.- roatlio by. the 00o» of-PulJlla .An event pf a certain amount ol ily had beemkilled. Conn., who has hunted ii Maine and jag against tho whccl/it strike tb< jrtood*, on rosd making and mauHffo- iBibortanca. in, connection wltn tb< !«-»*_.- ^--••-• recent- fender or gunrd, being thus proto monti\TBe Surveyor and Municipal us» of motor car* relate* ,ta tUs trl mvx ' * .,4!it_wh!efe,-rmt,m»ttr and Co\nty Bnxlnoor say*i j nja^fo during May on ' •

    Klriglon:;Bi's"i?r read tnatYtUo o.rdlnnry road oiucfcii «•««*»• of tar and Ur-*preadla«*mSk , farolrarelyy linhnn\n \ao build ait uowrosdnow read/, na cupy. too flr/jt and ascond; pofl^0MM — ..„*,* caange of climate, jfjo ::' For, ton minutes KoucU had^to amaied—rDaroI, tbq cle»ore«f fellow bis io».ejiango'thp gf«d«» tojucoadd- and alto for the two boat tar preparaMj; took ap stenography and: became an work hard, but finally succeeded. In Inthfiela**!;:.;.-.' , -•'••'.• •. •.- • - orablo oitsnt, and trran tCo services lion*, lag'ue"V4wk him oif. Ai few hour*. stunned his anlagonUt,, after' whicn royd, "that you havo come do*n to auircd.' w'ero made on four d»r* In M»y, '" - before the end came be wrote a letter' ho killed .it. The bird mcasurjjd eight; "Tho Avir&Ko • road iotrtjot Jth U10 commlttoo consists of oigbl to Mrs.'. Stewart, telling her how be feet six Inches across tbo- outspread , '•'''Conto down^" repeat{4 pavol. "I Rriglaod I* qu119 capable? 1 * In* ong'ineor* and road «*irv don't dine hore, Learord. .1 merely j'. out the »ur»c>lng, lovoliiif, Man pFoft addition. 40 momb^rs of (her wait."—Youth'* Companion,"'" ^ . '. ••» nration .»pd *ettiDg; out work*. 10 eafl- linn ir:wirt |)jt_no«»*sary;-^» tcar and ta* "rtn-t killing eagles, but1!! was nectlon with th* making * : .- to:,th*lr/r«oort^rii«| ft -w»- '^«a to bo borne it m a that he was frbm foagermit down his way. Thl* to tin whQ was Bomowhai accustomed to io- giving the workman o wido range of tlcalfy DO cartn road* *i«U at mVk4 flr -- «.. ,- i aw.iuiM *»at^rIal*,ba>a^e«B.ma4«Mii Kn somo of the »' recorded Instance in Connecticut tervlewa with tho inual quesUoo, •' adjastment, aod maklnK It poislbls w HW W W| ^hf»l h up ninoty-tbrw pore«ot..6( tb« puSllfl' »»<««»' ;«>t«i«two«or car lad TbQ Iltllo girl/without looking up wagon road* of tbe. Unltod Bfatji, tft»u- «^r«L°W«li!Li?-.Me 1 lulled for special 'kinds ot, work.- The jTouljtlcig Khglnnd wptild bo aw&iei 0 r w r i or tbl i| from ' ho'r sand .pie, replied: -werj^uWftaTEigrandliwide any.aae to proposi o iftlmttWthat' tierl Pfof ^*oblainiti* *g •«blgbt' r^*' speeds with» oam« ti Edith, and I'm four; y mean* for locking' the several ad- 8h(Ys justments a**ure« rigidity, It tolug highways should bo dcifrewij Into III* mobllo*. But bow would this • WHEN' TmEVEsVBBB^K^ljri^ my HItlB sister;.her. nainV* Wu impo«iiblo fur tbe bandits to slip. care of men ,fboscn e(Ob now V>nt , oat in practice on tbe aMumptian aacred at Lac qui Parle lived at Tra- .One midnight I watched the:moon 1 and- . eho'-s two.•, ..•..•««• I. don'»t 'wanwaat U>i» go ll 10 from livrftrtaort, pcrbap* with mt>r« ^ro»p«ttlvo legislation would " y*ose des Sioux, otar 3t Peter,' In dlsJ; pass behind the-minaret of?tB»| *' > J " Md-rb^ roarJJttle glxl, and - Of C'x'on'* riow Aldermen one is regard to ihelr pnvonAl p«piilar|(y tho oxlstlng speed limit, and,j the 5O'». and Charles-S^erriclf. with' DJema-el-DuruJ •;. (Mosque:.'V«rV'^ Ibe!l ' *no"r• W- «*« ' »'«»' toy HtUo »!*• r a.reporter, unit n banker, one a car- thsn coniiidorAtion of thefr knowl* road* wero.coVofad wifbVii du»w his brotaer.'f^amuisrivJig'arfj'jM^Faad, Stops/ at the corner and pal^tilli*' ** -"~Hariwrt w^vi~ —'•'-- ami •anotber a blacluiailtn. bdg».:o'l th* wort required, or other VeatlDg compwl'.looT. >5Br«Iy,tIl#, fd^tt 'largetTTcit stored Tie moved -cHy^irj^rrarr--13Trt&a--oth:«r^d|^8l fltoes* for-tfad office of "poUjroMtw,* swor I* tc b» foaod In tho oxptr' 1« Lac dui Parle, while tbe family of tbo Arbar-Arsat. far down th0»f*«fit Machinery That Ran the Giermont. None can truly deny tbotwfl «r« already gain«d on tlie Brookiawjr, Samuel Merrick moved to Elyslan I caught sight now and ftgainvot » conserrative, U our Bmtern Bt«M| rac(ng track, where the cwnenf 'a«ii:,. l v^on. Ru3h Merrick, later tblef, as,, rope. In band to lower him- moit public road* were Jnld out oflg< .face not only gare way dbrlna; Mcw^ to Duluth. but trues of tbe faro self Into the courts,\he w6rked hif inally b% follpwlog lino* ot Hmt %«•. dy his since teen lOBt.v ' J way along the roof: tops. Quick;anil ••>•' slstance, exespt perbain wbero wm» -wa*- dlilntagrated and. thro*n - U'^ilr, and Mrs. Stewart, by a strang^Xcatlike bis wiry figure dropped light man: of domJnfttlog- flataro -plaulfrt tnc itu^':P«' ot the bmue.aad] nps approached ber. t^lf, |MW|%;M ib* ''«IMJ«' macbiiMrvJ ^m^^i m»n at home, mia- d^jncared^'^-Wf./. *«rioji|j?&i»