Racing Is on Draft’s Non-Deferrable List That Omits Other —■—- • , Sports GARDENS, Pg. 6 | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★ | FINANCIAL, Pgs. 6-7 Powell’s Muff of Steal Sign Becomes Break for Nats in 7-4 Win Over Tigers

Win, Lose or Draw Jake Makes By BURTON HAWKINS. Star Staff Correspondent. Feuds of Vernon-Priddy Sort Don't Harm Baseball. In Falling Tells DETROIT. Aug. 14.—When Mickey Vernon and Gerald Priddv ex- changed punches in the Nats' dressing room after Friday's game here, the only fellow who was damaged was Coach Clyde Milan. He was on the foot while In 3- spiked attempting to pry ’em apart. Rally The Vernon-Priddy feud—it develops they didn't part amicably— doesn’t mean necessarily that the Nats will be harmed. When the Batter's Yankees were rolling along at their mightiest Babe Ruth had battles Lusty Swing with teammates Wally Pipp, Mark Koenig. Tony Lazzeri and Waite Misses Hoyt with the king of swat losing every engagement. Pipp flattened Barely Case, Babe with one punch. for Plate The famed Tinker-to-Evers-to-Chance -play combination Racing which the swept Cubs to several pennants owned two members who By BURTON HAWKINS, 1 ———————————————— man i speaa ro eacn omer ior years, V Staff Correspondent. Joe Tinker and Evers de- from _8t»r Johnny . Thursday Wynn DETROIT. Aug. 14.—In a hectic tested each other, but it didn't was beaten. 10-3 the and by Tigers ninth Inning that saw Jake Powell sabotage the Cubs. Friday Overmire was charged with narrowly miss bashing his bat Nick i the Altrock and A1 Schacht, base- 11-3 defeat by the Nats. against George Case’s head when ball's most famous comedy team Dom Di Maggio of the Navy and he missed a steal sign, the Nats when were together, they with the Joe Di Maggio of the Army have sprayed three runs across the plate Nats some seasons didn't see ago. requested ioreign duty. Dcm re- to defeat the Tigers. 7-4, here today in each anything funny other. They portedly was told he'll play base- as Early Wynn registered his 13th didn't speak after having differences i ball for Norfolk Naval Training Sta- victory while working in a relief of opinion while making a movie tion for the duration and like it, or role. short in Hollywood, but their act pretend to. Mickey Vernon had singled remained intact a while after. Angelo long Giuliani across with the Nats’ fifth Ex-Nats in Hawaii. York Likes Nat run, a blow that also sent Case to Hurling. Playing in service leagues on the third in the ninth. Vernon con- of Eight Rudy York’s 21 home Hawaiian Islands are Walter Mas- tinued to second on Right Fielder runs this season have been belted | terson and Arnold Anderson, both Ned Harris’ mull and that set the against Washington pitching, four former Washington . Elmer stage for a near disaster that turned at Griffith Stadium and four at Gedeon, who played a few games out beautifully for the Nats. Briggs Stadium. Dutch Leonard has with the Nats as an outfielder be- ROMPING With Powell batting, Case and been the victim on three occasions HOME—Eurasian, with Jockey Steve Brooks in the saddle, stepped meet at Belmont Park fore entering the Army, now is a planted Saratoga yesterday. Fairy Manhurst, Famous Vernon launched an attempted with Jim Mertz twice across the finish line three ahead in the classic being clipped captain stationed at Ardmore (Okla.) lengths Travers Stake of the trans- Victory and Bourmont were next in that order. _A. P. double-steal. Powell failed to get for homers and Wirephoto. by Rudy Early Air Field. He’s with 586th Bom- the sign, and as Case slid into him Wynn, Milo Candini and John bardment Squadron as a pilot and heavily, swung lustily, barely missing Miller one yielding each. With the operations officer. George’s head with both bat and same sort of success against other Turf Workmen Due Calls ball. The Cleveland players say they're de- Early Alsab, Despite Usual ball shot into left field teams in the York would Saratoga's Travers, league, Spinaway a pressed by the vast distances of for as Jake dropped at the possess 56 homers. Municipal Stadium, where the cen- To Even if Fathers plate. Sid Luckman has as aid to Are Powell scrambled to his quit ter field bleachers are a streetcar Service, Surge, Is Fourth as Snatched by Outsiders feet and Clark Shaughnessv at so * scooted all the to second base Pittsburgh, jaunt from home plate, officials Must Take Essential War Jobs to way and any day now the Chicago Bears of the Indians are toying with the Change Leased Eurasian Takes Oldest U. S. Race because while all was happening will announce he's changed his idea of erecting a fence within Still Somewhat Some Chance Wins at the plate Left Fielder Dick mind about quitting pro football more reasonable swatting distance Status; Ruling Hazy At 13 to 2; Bee Mac Scores at 4 to 1 Wakefield contributed a fumble on and will report to training camp at of the hitters. By the Associated By the Associate* Vress. Powell’s hit, which also scored j Press. jobs promptly down in front for SID Delafield, Wis., to the By FEDER, added to the headaches piled up all Vernon. Powell was Case’s quarterback rumors and PAWTUCKET, R. I„ Aug. 14.—A. gashed by Despite recurrent the draft boards, which won’t need Associated Press Sports Write'. for the favorite In the Bears another season. S. Hewitt's Some Chance-, at $5 to day players. spikes and Stan Spence was sent gloomy predictions in sporting cir- to take any fathers out of base- $2, NEW Shaughnessy, to schools YORK, Aug. 14.—Topping first seven races, only two ‘‘chalk in to run for him. referring baseball and other ex- which raced indifferently last sea- cles. sports ball, football and other sports as off a day of surprise packages in both horses” reached the teller’s dropping football, says, “Anybody Germain 5-4 son after a good 2-year-old record paying Dorothy cept racing escaped unscathed in long as they can find enough non- and window. Higgins’ Starts Rally. can can. in betting racing, Mrs. Barclay quit.” Anybody including the new draft-rule deferrables to fill 1941, took the measure of the changes tonight. up their quotas. Douglas today “borrowed back” a One of the rank in the Washington entered the ninth Shaughnessj*. The manner in famed Alsab today in the $5,000- oksiai^ers Generally, professional athletes colt a owning a 4-4 tie with the which he and the To show' how' sports breezed by she sold few weeks ago lor "cheap" field of seven 3-year-olds in Tigers picked up quit Western a break that at least should added King Philip Handicap at when Golf Victor got the second edition of the non-de- $5,000 and with It won the 74th the Travers, Eurasian led from end Third Baseman Pinky Higgins University of Maryland, after mak- Narragansett Park. keep them operating as usual a little ferrable list of the Travers to end under muffed Giuliani's grounder for the ing so many speeches about the with none of the running Stakes, the Steve Brooks' ride and longer, provided they have children Alsab, topweighted at 126 pounds oldest first of three Detroit errors in the glorious opportunities to aid the trouble that had been forecast so country’s horse race. won by three lengths in the good born before September 15, 1942, and favored, gave from and one of five the host war effort in Over Wall often, it turned out that all heavily away Her $15.20-for-$2 shot. Eurasian, time of 2:03*5 for the mile and a inning by his position as ath- Mary than jobs seemed likely before. 14 to 22 pounds to the rest of the a rabbit out club during the afternoon. letic director leaves a involved in the manufacture of pulled of the hat for quarter. William S. Dupont’s Fairy Wynn there, linger- B> the Associated Press. The news field and even his customary late the a sacrificed and after Case walked ing sulphuric taste at College Park. big for baseball players "amusement machines and equip- entertainment of crowd of Manhurst was second, half a length and most charge could bring him no better on Vernon singled to EVANSTON, 111., Aug. 14.—Dor- other professional athletes ment'1 were listed but a specific j 28,224 who sat in the trans- in front of Mrs. Payne Whitney’s right, scoring was than fourth. Giuliani and Case to third. Germain of won that the list of non-deferrable exemption was made for "athletic planted Saratoga-at-Belmont ses- Famous Victory, which was another sending Memphis Full of Color. othy Philadelphia Allen activities and was ex- and T. Simmons’ Eire finished sion, after Bee Mac, a to Beat- half in front of the odds-on Mickey continued to second on Har- the women’s occupations sport equipment.” gift betting The White Sox have stolen 109 i western amateur golf second, two behind Some ris’ error and then came the tended without touching them. If No lengths rice MacGuire of New York from favorite, Mrs. Isabel Dodge Sloan’s episode bases this season and the Nats have reason w'as given for the break tournament today, 5 and 4, over a Chance while John L. Sullivan's Air Col. Ed came of the missed signal. | man's job lands on this list, he sports got. Bradley last year, Bourmont. stolen 92. Leading the National Master lasted to Wynn arrived on the scene in the ; Mary Agnes Wall of Menominee, must switch to more ‘'war-useful'' long enough cap- waltzing in with the 52d running of After racing the colt as a 2-year- League in the same department is The only sports-connected i ture third from the Alsab in seventh after Alex Carras- Mich. work or risk speedy induction, even job surging the 6-furlong Spinaway Stakes for old, Mrs. Douglas sold Eurasian to inning Pittsburgh, but with a mere 39. or ! outside of racing that landed on the the had a if he has children. | mile and one-sixteenth stake. 2-year-old fillies. the Havahome Stable, owned by quel permitted 4-2 lead to five more than Case has Miss Germain a trio of new list was George exploded "hunting and fishing Some Chance negotiated the dis- These two long-shots—Bee Mac Frank and two evaporate. Wynn walked into an accumulated. All jobs connected with “race guide.” Joseph Rabinovich, winning holes to start the final nine tance in 1:46%. came home at $10.20 for brothers who in unenviable situation, with Wake- tracks and courses" were declared $2—only formerly lived Chi- field on third and Memphis can't be accused of lack- and turn what a the Island horse- perched Rudy had been nip-and- non-deferrable, but no definition cago. Today Long ing color, what with Gray, White woman York on first with none out, but tuck affair into a rout. After going was sent out to draft boards to show I leased him back, but Hava- and two Browns on the roster. 4 Sandlot Twirler home received 75 the the Tigers failed to get a run out up through the 30th hole, she whether that included jockeys and s per cent of If clubs Appling Two-Baser, Pauline Betz of it. Wakefield had singled, stolen halved the next with par fives and trainers, who aren’t tied to track Beaten; $19,850 purse ($14,887.50) and Mr^. aren't permitted to train in the won received (See the 32nd with a par 4 to Miss operations—if that’s what the draft Nats Douglas $44)62.50. HAWKINS, Page B-3.) South next the Yankees will ! Signed by spring Wall’s 5 to end the match. officials had in mind. Bee Mac 4s one of the first of War Lee's 3-Hit By » Stall Correspondent of The 3tar. condition at Atlantic City Audi- had been all even Hunt Admiral’s to chalk a They after the Officials who prepared the list ! Hurling Segura, Reach daughters up torium, which has been turned first DETROIT. Aug. 14.—Bobby stake win. The nine. Miss Wall was 1 up after said some definition might be forth- i chunky dark bay back to the the It’s Albertson, 20-year-old Detroit city by Army. 18 and Miss Germain 1 up after next but filly, piloted by Sterling Young, won coming week, they declined I sandlot was so large Temple once played a foot- the 27th. Win for Chisox , today signed three to a to give even a hint toward Eastern Net Final by lengths pick up $9,550 ball there. clarify- j by the Nats and will report to game She succeeds Betty Jameson of ing tne situation for bankroll. She was clocked in 1:12% the moment. By the Associated Press. the club on 28 at On Detroit's last Eastern San as September By the Associated Press. over a track rated and V trip Antonio, Tex., champion. The list will shove all fathers fail- l only “good” Stubby Overmire won a 1-0 duel Miss Jameson did not defend. CHICAGO, Aug. 14.—Big Thorn- Washington. N. 14.—National was trailed to the wire in order Offer expires Aux. 22 end reauirae ing to shift out of RYE, Y„ Aug. by that ac- non-deferrable ! ton Lee, the Chicago White Sox this advertisement most A 5-foot 10-inch, 155-pound two Midwestern invaders, Mrs. Ethel company purchase or be presented who Champion Pauline Betz was elim- southpaw hadn’t won a game righthandger. Albertson* was sought V. Mars’ Red Wonder and Arthur B. when C. O. D. is made. since July 4, snapped back into the inated in the semifinal round of the Haefner by the Chicago White Sox and : Hancock's Whirlabout. Zuber and Etten Leonard, win column today when he held the Eastern Grass Courts cham- Give Melton Blanks Cards Detroit Tigers. A resident of tennis — to three for Don't Wait Until Winter! singles nearby Dearborn. Albertson was to fourth- To Face Indians a 2-0 pionships today, bowing victory. given what Secretary Edward B. Luke seeded Margaret Osborne of San All Sizes Now Available Yanks 9th Straight By * Staff Correspondent of The Star. After Giants Suffer Appling doubled in both Eynon. jr.. termed “a sizable Tribe Macks, runs Oufslugs DETROIT, Aug. 14. — Dutch I Chicago off Yank Terry in the bonus” to sign with the Griffs. Francisco. 1—6, 6—3. 6—3. third Leonard and Mickey Haefner will j inning, cashing singles by Doris Hart of Miami defeated pitch for the Nats tomorrow Thurman Tucker and Guy Curtright. Over Browns, 2-1 1 t-fo-1 The Louise Brough of Beverly Hills, 5-Tilt Series when they invade Cleveland for Whipping triumph gave the Chicagoans Sweeps the for Br the Associated Press. a th* series, four game to two. Mack Baseball Calif., 7—9, 7—5. 7—5, the right CLEVELAND. 14 Storm Sash double-header. Allie Reynolds By Associated Press. Thinks Aug. UP).—'The Boston. to play Miss Osborne for the title. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 14.—Bill Zuber’s and Vernon Kennedy are slated NEW YORK, AB. H. O. A. Chicago. AB. H. O. A. second-place , Aug. 14.—After L.N me.3b 3 o 2 3 Moses.rf 3 O 5 0 Francisco to toil for the Segura of Ecuador and with 17 hits against 12, outlasted two-hit pitching and Nick Etten's Indians. taking an 11-to-l from the Lupien, I b 3 0 8 1 Tucker,cf 4 2 3 o pasting Metk’ 4 Lt. Joe R. Hunt of the United States hitting gave the New The Nats and Indians will col- St. 110 Curtr t.lf 4 2 10 For 1944 Is Assured Philadelphia’s Athletics, 12 to 9, in Let Us Estimate league-leading first-place Louis Cardinals in the Doerr.2b 4 12 3 4 2 2 5 will contest the men’s a York Yankees a 2-to-l lide in a Fox.rf 4 o 0 Navy cup. slugging match today to victory over single game Monday, first game the Giants turned around 2 H'dgin.3b 3 0 2 0 the sweep Partee.c 3 13 1 .By Associated Press. eliminated Green- On Your List the Browns a that with then todav and Webb.2b 3 113 Segura Seymour the five-game series and extend Complete today, triumph Washington invading shut out the Cards. 8 to 0. C erson.lf 3 n 3 n Kuhetlb 2 0 o 10 CLEVELAND. 14.—Connie ■ 3 0 Aug. berg. Chicago, 5—7, 6—2. 6—3, 6—3. their streak to seven marked the ninth straight the Chicago for four tilts with the in the second of a 2 1 Tumer.c. 3 0 3 o winning serifs game double- 10 Mack he sees no reason Terr.v.p 10 Lee.p __ 3 0 0 3 says why while Hunt sidelined Charles W. Yanks have won. White Sox before tangling with header. •Cronin. 1 0 o o games. big league baseball should be dis- Oliver of Perth N. Phil* AB. H. O. A. In chalking up his fourth straight the Browns in eight contests in Ryba.p 0 o 0 0 Amboy, J„ 6—2, Cleve. AB. H. O. A Southpaw Cliff Melton applied the ! continued in 1944 and revealed that 6—1, 6—1. Welai.rf .3120 Peters.3b 4102 victory Zuber was touched for singles five days at St. Louis. Totals.29 3 24 9 Totals 29 27 11 Mayo.3b 4 0 2 2 Hockett.ef 5 3 3 0 whitewash brush in the in 7 he is for next sea- 4 --- nightcap already planning 2 10 C blne.rf 4 0 2 0 by Verne Stephens and Don Gut- •Batted for Terr.v in eighth. j Earlier Oliver whipped Ensign , winning his sixth game against seven son. Ripple,If 4 1 a 0 Heath.lf 3 2 1 o in the second and third and Boston -ooo 000 OOO—0 | Ted Schroeder, 6—2, 4—6, na- Wagner.c 5 13 0 Seerey.lf 2 12 0 teridge defeats. He gave 6—3, up eight hits and Chicago ..__ cent of the coun- 4 1 in 1 Rosar.c 5 2 2 0 would a 002 00(1 00X—2 “Ninety-five per tional who came have hurled shutout, but two bases j champ into the Suder,2b 5 3 2 4 5 2 13 1 on balls, but except for Runs—Tucker. Curtright. Errors— try and our soldiers and sailors all Tribe Claims without _ 5 2» 1 0 4 3 2 2 for two errors by Ken Sears and Klieman, the Turner. Lee. Runs batted tourney practice, and Hun» fourth and fifth never was in—Appling 0 in (2). Two-base over the world want the game con- Kagan.p 0 0 0 Mack.'lb 4 2 2 4 Prank Crosetti following hit—Appling. Stolen bases stemmed off the threat of .3101 Gutteridge's trouble. —Tucker. Curtright. Bobby Ciola.p Dean.p 2100 Sacrifice—Lupien. tinued,” said the 80-year-old man- •Siebert 1 0 0 0 0 hit in the third. Double plays—Doerr to Lupien: Faulkenburg of Hollywood, Nay'ick.p 10 0 Appling Calif., Salson.p 0 0 0 0 Meantime the Giants sparked to Turner. Appling to Webb to Kuhel. ager of the Philadelphia Athletics. Zuber Star Oriole Pitcher by national junior 2—6, • Heving.p 10 0 1 hurled no-hit ball in the Left on champion, 6—3, Mickey Witek, who banged out seven bases—Boston. 5: Chicago. 5. “My present plans call for the Bases on balls—Off Terry, 1: off 1; 6—1. last six innings, although he issued P; the Associated Press. Ryba. Totals 38 12 24 8 Totals 40 17 27 10 straight hits in the two games, ham- off lee. 2. Struck out—By Terry. 3; by Athletics to train in Shibe Park,” five bases on balls. Lee. 2. VBatted for Ciola in ninth. CLEVELAND, 14. — The mered Murry Dickson from the Hits-—Off Terry. 8 in 7 innings; he added, “but I think our Aug. box off Ryba. 1 in ! inning. Balk—Terrv pitchers Philadelphia_ 001 042 011— S Etten's eleventh homer of the sea- Cleveland 021 600 Cleveland Indians announced with a five-run outburst in the sev- Losing pitcher—Terry. should several weeks of 30x—12 today Umpires—Messrs. get pre- Runs—Welai <2>. Mayo son and his thirteenth consecutive enth Grieve and McGowan. Time—1:41. At- Minor Results (21, White, they had formally claimed Ed Klie- climaxed by Gus Mancuso’s season training in the South or Wagner. 8uder. Hall. Ciola. Peters, Hock- extra base clout the Yanks tendance—3.847. put sensational handed first homer of the year. California.” Piedmont Learue. ett, Heath, Rosar, Rocco (3), Boudreau man, right 12), Mack (2), Dean. Errors—White. ahead in the second. Portsmouth, H: with the Baltimore Durham, 0. Skaff. Runs batted in—Rocco pitcher Orioles, Hgrrv Walker, Cardinal outfielder, As for cutting down to 20 or 18 (2), Mayo, Muncrief walked Etten in the sev- International Learue. Heath (.3), Mack (2). Dean (2). White under the clubs’ working agreement hit safely in both to as games run his Braves' Salvo Hurls players per team, suggested by Baltimore. 4—4 Toronto. 3—2. (3); Wagner (2). Skaff, Ripple, Peters, enth. Sears followed with a Hockett. Rosar. Siebert. Two-base single, which permits Cleveland to buy consecutive hitting streak to 24 Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw M. Jersey City. 3—3; Montreal. 1—0. hits— This will save you Rosar, Boudreau. Hall Suder. Rocco. ] Coupon Etten at second. Joe Gor- Newark. 6—10: Rochester 2—5. (2), --- stopping annually any two Baltimore games. He Mack on players collided with Dick Bar- Landis, the patriarch of the sport Syracuse, 2—7: Buffalo. 1—5. (2) Wagner, Seerey. Hockett. Welaj. money don sacrificed and Etten scored on —Rocco. Double plays—Suder with 1 for $10,000 each. tell at second base in the first "I've 21 with me entire inning observed, players Southern Association. to Hall to Skaff. Mayo to Suder to Skaff, your c°vro*. Johnny Lindell's infield out. A Tribe front-office of the 3-2 Win Over Cubs Si,e 38 4 456 spokesman nightcap and. suffered a head I and one of them, Bobby Estalella, New Orleans. 0: Memphis. 3. Mack to Boudreau to Rocco. Left on ; list of Storm N Y. AB. H. A I.. H Knoxville. 8: bases—Philadelphia, 10; Cleveland. 6. O, St. AB O A. said the Indians have the until injury. two stitches were Bv the has a Atlanta. 7 (in inninrs). 3 right Although Associated Press. strained side.” Bases on balls—Off Dean. 4; off Naymick. Sash, as all A~i Cr 4 2 2 G'idge2b 3 1 4 5 taken to PifiBr Coast Learue, Meth y.rf 2 2 i o Clift.3b 2 0 O don,2b 3 1 2 C' 3 3 5 K'n.'Jb-ss 5 4 :t 6 B tell..2b 5 | o i Manny Salvo held the visitors to Naymick. Paererrt‘°n' n 0 in 3; 0 3 2 Hayes.c 3 0 8 o after jumping from Cedar Rapids W ker cl 5 110 WUek,2b 4 4 2 5 inning; off Salveson. 2 in inning Coupon Expire! 8S21! six hits, including Bill Nicholson's In Varied Baseball (pitched to two Zuber.p 4 0 0 0 M'crief p 2 O 0 1 • Musial.rf 4 .2 .2 o 2 f 1 o battersi; off Heving .3 Iowat, where he last season. Majors in < o spent Today .3 •Zarilla 1 0 0 ODea.c 5 2 .2 17th innings. Passed ball—Wagner. 1 Mwick.lf 4 O o o homer of the season. Maryland. 5: are 0 0 0 1 K ski..2b 5 1 1 .2 By the Associated Press. Heurich Brewers. 4. Winning pitcher—Dean, Losing pitcher— Sash made of the finest Caster,p_ Ott.rf .2 0 .2 o | Pennsylvania. 7: 4 1 12 Chi. AB.H.O. A. Boston. AB H O A Swarthmofe 4 Fagan. Umpires—Messrs. Stewart. Wea- 1 Lomb’i.c 4 II] n NEW Chicago Naval Training ponderosa pine, toxic treated 31 0 10 Totals 27 2 14 n Hack.3b 2 8 13 Ryan.2b 2 8 8 4 YORK, Aug. 14.—Prob- School. 2; Fort fer and Pipgras, Time—2:30. Attend- Totals 27 27 Hopp.lf 4 2 1 G don I b 4 0 H i Sherman. 1. M*r n.s* -1 0 M’Un.2b 4 18 1 H' 4 2 18 ance-—5,00o (estimated). against rot and with •Batted for Muncrief In seventh. Baseball's 1 2 .2 1 2 0 able pitchers in the major glazed Six Fall 0 4 (i 18 3 Wor'n.rf 3 I 3 l Big n.2b 0 2 0 Wjttig.p o o o 0 Libbey Owens Ford clear New York_ __ 010 000 Nich'n.rf 4 I 8 (i N 8 tomorrow. (Season won- 100—2 Batting 'three leader* in each leaauel. Munger p 5 0 0 0 Mungo p 2 1 0 •> 4 1 8 leagues St Louis 001 000 000—1 D ndro.lf 3 8 I 8 1 3 Player—Club. G. AB. R. H. Pet. •M'nard 1 on# Klutzz 4 losv records in glass. j Low' ;) (, 4' n F'rell.lh 4 8 14 8 parentheses.) Runs—Etten (21. Gutteridge. Errors— Musial. Cardinals lofi 422 73 150 .350 East p o 0 0 0 McCshc 3 2 4 I Wiet' 4 3 5 2 (All Double-Header*). Sears Vrosetti Runs batted in—Euen. I Appling. White Sox 104 3fiK 40 134 337 tM’ncuso 1 o 0 4i Patterson Trainees' Storm 3 1 3 Load Sash 2 Helt'l.3b 4 Hardware is still Lindell. Two-base hit—Crosetti. Home Wakefield. 103 18 1 at Says | Tigers 430 02 143 .320 Washington Cleveland—Leonard w Hankio 2 8 11 Salvo.p 4 18 8 run—Euen. —Gutteridge. Herman. ir:, i.j Totals .1.1 9 27 (K-ll> > but our i Dodgers 107 400 51 132 .325 jomis 9 •Novik’ff 1 18 8 and Haefnrr (4-4 vs. Reynolds | available, stock will Sacrifices—Clift Gordon. Christman. W. Cooper. Cardin s S1 3Oil 35' 04 .314 •Batted for Mungo in seventh inning, (6-6* and Kennedy (4-5*. j t Primp 8 8 u 1 not last out the season. Metheny. Doubip plays—Clift to Gut- ! Curtri't. White Sox 87 203 47 02 .314 Batted for East in ninth inning. New York at Chicago—Bonham <10- S' Louis Too for teridge to McQuinn. Christman to Gut- 239 999 ;{<>4—-11 5* and Russo (3-6* vs. Grove <10-3) Heavy College Plav Runs Ratted In. New Totals 29 8 24 12 Totals 33 9 27 18 teridge to McQuinn. Gutteridge to Christ- York 999 999 919_ 1 and < >. —Nicholson. Cubs K2; Smith 7-7 By the Associated Press. Bring this to of man to McQuinn. Left on Runs—Klein CD Walker. •Batted for Hanyzewski in at <3-6* set on the Coupon any bases—New Elliott. Pirates. Herman. Dodgers, no Musial <:S). eighth. Boston St Louis—Dobson I battlefield, particularly York. 7 Louis. « Bases on balls—Off 72: Kurowski (2). Sanders, our four stores with St Hopp, Witek. Er- and Judd <10-6* vs. Galehouse (7-6) — your en- American League—Etten, Yankees. 70; Chicago .<118 818 888—2 BUFFALO, N. Y„ 14 Under- In hand-to-hand combat. It does Zuber. 5. off Muncrief 2: off Caster. 1. rors—Jurges. Gordon, Witek. Ott Runs and Sundra 110-7 >. Aug. York, Tigers. 71: Johnson. Yankees. OS batted Boston 00! 020 OOx—3 tire list of Storm Sash re- Struck out—By Zuber I; by Muncrief. 6: in—O'Dea CD, Musial CD Kurow- Philadelphia at Detroit—Harris <7- of not follow, however, that sports ski (2D Sanders, Runs Nicholson. McCullough. Ryan secretary War Robert P. Patter- by Caster. 1 Hits—Off Muncrief, 7 in 7 Home Runs. Klein (2>. Two-base 11* and Flores (9-10) vs. Trucks <10- must be at the quirements. innings: off Caster. 2 in 2 Innings Los- National League—Nicholson. Cubs. '7: hits—Klein. Witek, Hopp (2i. Salvo. ErroV— Cavarretta. Runs 7) played intercollegiate Three-base hit and Bridges (0-3). terson believes “it unwise, ing pitcher—Muncrief Umpires—Messrs. I Ott. Giant* 15: Di Maggio. Pirates. 13 —o Ilea. Home runs—Kurowski, Musial. batted in—Nicholson. Stanky Holmes <2>. would,be ; level to produce the desired devel- Workman. — National League (All Double-Header*). Berry, Rommel and Hubbard Time—1:58. American League—York. Tigers 21: Sacrifices—Marion. Walker. Double plays Two-base hit Workman. due to the work load, for Attendance (paid)—4,non (estimated!. Keller, Yankees. IS; Stephens. Browns. 14 —Kurowski to Sanders: Witek to Gordon Home run—Nicholson. Stolen base—Mc- St. Louis at Brooklyn—Lanier (8-5) trainees opment.” to Lombardi; Marion to Klein to Sanders. Cullough. Sacrifice—Ryan, Double plays and Brccheen <5-3) vs. Davis (6-7) under the Army specialized training Patterson said the War Left on bases—New York, 9, St Louis 9 —Salvo to Wietelmann to Farrell; Ryan and Wyatt <6-5>. Depart- INSTALLATION to program to in inter- Bases on balls—Off Wittig, J ; off East' 2; Wietelmann to Farrell. Left on bases— Cincinnati at New York—Starr <10- participate ! ment regrets that the present train- off Munger. 4; off Mungo. 2. Struck out— Chicago. 3: Boston, 9. Bases on balls— 0) and Heusser (3-3) or Vander Meer athletics.” Off collegiate ing program “strikes at col- By Wittig, 1; by Mungo. 5; by Munger, 2: Hanyzewski. 2; off Salvo, 3. Struck (Hi-12) vs. Fischer (4-6) and Feld- heavily We will gladly give you an esti- Statistics by 2. out-—By Hanyzewski. 2; Prim. 1: by In a letter to East, Hits—Off Wittig. 5 in ] % by man (4-4). Representative lege sports programs." but declared Mqjor Salvo, 4. Hits—Off in mate on the installation of League innings, off 7 7 Mungo. 5 in ft's off Hanyzewski. Chicago at Philadelphia—Bithorn SUNDAY. 15. 1813. innings; Walter G. Andrews, Patterson “the of the AUGUST East. 4 in 2 innings. innings: off Prim, 2 in 1 inning. Passed (14-0) and Derringer (6-10) vs. Bar- responsibility Army is Storm Sash and Losing pitcher— reiterated the Storm Doors. AMERICAN. nanu.iAL. wittig. Umpires—Messrs. Barr and Con- ball—McCullough. Losing pitcher—Hany- rett (6-7) and Lee (3-7). Army’s position on to train these of soldiers in lan. zewski. Umpires—Messrs. groups Time—2:30. Attendance—12.900 Goetz. Ballan- Pittsburgh at Boston—Hebert (7-7> intercollegiate sports and asserted: the shortest Results Yesterday. Results Yesterday. estimated fant and Reardon. Time—2:01. At- and Sewell <17-4) vs. Tobin (9-8) and possible time to per- St. tendance—2.557. Barrett “A well-trained athlete is an as- Washington. 7: Detroit. 4. L. AB. H. O. A. N. Y. AB H O A (10-10). form their special duties.” We are equipped to make spe- Boston 3: Chicago. 2. Klein.2b 4 2 4 4 ft 1 Cleveland. 12: Philadelphia. 9. Pittsburgh, 8—2: Philadelphia 2—1. 2 8 cial size Sash New York. 110 0 Witek,2b 4 3 4 4 Storjn and Doors 2: St Louis, 1. Cincinnati. 0—4: Brooklyn, 2—3. Dem e.rf 2 o II o Rucker,cf ft 1 3 0 in our Chicago. 2: Boston. 0. St. Louis, 11—0; New York. 1—8. own Shop. Mu’ 4 2 10 Medw k.lf 4 3 I o Standing of Clubs. W. Cp'r.c 4 2 K 2 Ott.rf 3 1 1 o Over in Ku'w 1.3b 3 9 1 1 Gor' 3 111 9 Fight Trainees Looms Southern Conference 4 9 Navy Lltwh'r.lf 19 May d,3b 3 111 Ky BAHION 1 A I 1 “3 Sand's,lb 4 9 7 1 Man'so.c 3 14 9 IE, tions so that they might play on to use 17-year-olds and 4-F’s this < u >-• won't the fgjgft N r* m ing, give Navy schools 4 9 4 3 ^lelton.p 3 19 0 Associated Press Sports Writer. loop squads. fall, won’t be so keen about vot- a chance Phone Orders ATIantic 1400 •4 i S % § ? K Dickson.p 3 1 0 1 to use their trainees. | ° 0 0 Schools consid- Richmond to use 3 S s Krlst.p 0 0 14.— counting upon ing permission This might mean the end of s a| r 5. RICHMOND, Va„ Aug. O iZf erable help from Navy units— these ex-Indians against them 1 Totals 33 8 intercollegiate football in the 1 24 12 Totals 33 13 27 13 The Southern Conference may for/umteroa/tourA/um/er St. _ such as in their : Louis 000 000 000—0 Richmond, North Caro- annual Thanksgiving conference area for the 1; l New York loo 030 duration, 6ox—8 have a real squabble on its lina, Duke and South Carolina— Day game. &YI—I 71 »! 8! a: 9114112164 301.6211 StLl—! 81 B! Runs—Bartell. Witek i2>. Medwick. except for a few "sUmil 7114168 34!.6671 hands next and 150-pound 71 Ott. Maynard. Mancuso, Melton. Errors— Friday Satur- are expected to lead the fight The Southern circuit so far Cl*! 61—I 711ll 31! O'/a Pit I 61—1 71 81 81121 4t 81581*91.833113ti none. Runs batted games. in—Ott. Rucker. Med- day when representatives of the for the rules. has been reluctant to make Wai 6! Qi—1 41 91101 0110:571511.5281 OVa Cinl 61 71—I 7i 51121101 91561491,533113Ku wick. Gordon. Maynard <21. M. ctun <31 lifting eligibility very 71 4i 91—1 811 g! 71 Two-base hits—Bartell, 1' .P_ 16-member loop gather here to But how Vir- wartime in its rules, hit- VecAuujerCo^ Chll 754561.618111 Va Bkl I 41 71111— 1 61101 71 91541521.500116 abou£ Maryland. changes base hits—Klein. Mayna-ri. Hon.- — Detl 6! 51111 9!—I 7i 61 SI52l60l.610ll2Va Bosi 21 91 81 91—I BT 61 wrestle with a proposal to make ginia Tech and other schools ting itself on the chin by 81471531.470:20_ Mancuso. Sacrifice-— Maynard. Double keeping Four Material Stores BOS: 41 7i 81 6! 61—I 81 »I5(I'65I.476I16~ Phil 51 8i 31 6i 81—1101111501581.463121 to Gordon. Marion to Navy trainees eligible for foot- which cannot use Army .cadets badly needed freshmen on the Building anoera. W. Cooper to Marion. Bartell to tstk ( H Sti. N. BtLl 5UQi 21 71 71 71—1 71451571.441118 Va Chil 71 51 71 Slays—Bartell ball if irs E. 1105 kick 111 ku. S. I. 71111 41—I 61471571.452122 Witek to I “ft on competition. under the War Department's bench last season while South- Gordon. bases—New AUTO RADIO! ISIS St. kit. N. W. Falls Ckurck, PhD 51 61 51 81 Virfmit 31 71 61—<401671.374124^ NYi 41 5! 51 51 61 61 81—I39l65l..')75i25 York, 7; St. Louis. 8 Be--., on balls—Off The Navy Department has recent flat "no"? eastern and other major groups L—1301481511801501551671661—I—I I h 1341401491521531881571651—I—I I Melton, 2; off Dickson. 4 Struck out—By § 1 Melton 3: by Dickson, 3: by Krist. 1 okayed participation of trainees Richmond, for instance, has in gave the green light to the use Repairs—Installations—See Hits—Off Dickson. 12 in in Game* Today. Garnet Tomorrow, Garnet Today. Games Tomorrow. Ska Innings; intercollegiate football and its V-12 program several key of the newcomers. off Krist 1 in I’s innings Hit by pitcher Wash. *t now it's to the conference to Clev. (2). Wash, at Clev ! St. L. at Bkl. <21. 81 L. at Bkl. —By Dickson tGordon' Losing pitcher up members of William and Mary's So the best guess here is that L. S. Inc J N Y. at Chi. i::i. N Y at JULLIEN, Chi. (night) i Pitts at Bos. <21. Pitts, at Bos. Dickson. Umpires—Messrs Conlsn tnd decide whether it. wants 1942 conference the have-nots, who will be the Bos *t. St L. (2). Bos at St. L. (nlghtl. 1 Chi at <2>. at formally championship in P Phils Chi Phila. might). Bsrr. Time—2:19. Attendance—13,229 11443 ST. NW. NO. «075# , Phil*, at Det. (2). Only same*. I Cind. at N. Y. (2). Cinet. at N. Y. PS id. to waive its eligibility regula- squad. William and Mary, forced majority at the conference meet-