Sermon Discussion

Preacher: Rev Dr Lorna Khoo

ROOTS :23-38

A. Questions: 1. A. Two different lists? Different emphasis: • Matthew for Jewish audience- as Messiah and King • Luke for non Jews- Jesus as fully human and embracing of outsiders B. Different ancestral lines: • Matthew - from Solomon - ’s bloodline. • Luke - from - Mary’s bloodline

2. Why is the father’s name different /missing? Eg Jehoiachin/ father of Salathiel (Matthew) or Neri, father of Salathiel (Luke)? E.g. some missing names: Ahaziah, Joash a. Levirate marriage (man marries brother’s widow. Biological son is legally his brother’s) b. “Son of” can mean “from the household of..” ie brothers, cousins, sons in law, nephews etc c. “begat” can mean father of/grandfather of

B. The Promise and the Curse • 2 Samuel 7:12-16 - promise to 22:24-30 - curse on Jehoiachin/Jeconiah/Coniah

How is the promise to be fulfilled if Joseph’s line has the curse? (Note: : variant form of Eliacim which is abbreviated as Eli, a variant of Heli. So Joachim can be another name of Heli) a. David’s bloodline flowed to Jesus via Mary’s side of the family cf Numbers 27:1-11. Heli had no sons. Joseph married Heli’s daughter Mary and carried Heli’s family line. b. David’s bloodline to Jesus via Mary, bypassing Joseph’s line biologically (virgin birth) Outwardly, Jesus was said to be Joseph’s son (v 23)

LESSONS 1. a. God always fulfills His promises even if it takes a long time (we delay it by disobedience). What is your heart’s cry? What has God promised? Is it delayed? Are there changes you need to make in your life to enable God to bless you? (“learn our lessons well...”). In His time, he will make all things beautiful. b. God always fulfills His promises even if it seems impossible by human standards and beyond human expectations (God’s solution to the problem of the promise and the curse).

2. God gives significance even when we are nobodies, the unknowns, the sinners. He gives us grace upon grace. Stop striving. Learn to receive.

3. Roots are important to God: How I am connected to others from the past and in the present? Identity and responsibility linked. • To whom do I belong? Which spiritual household do I come from (Family, cell, church, denomination)? • Who is of that household? (action question: How do I make Him so in my life and so bring His Lordship there?) • What is the calling of that family? Live it out.