Pulling Together for Kent
Royal honour for Franklin County Elaine 3 Designer's recipe for success 9 NEWSThursday, June 8, 2017 Pulling together for Kent JOHN BOYNTON more than $24,000 so far. Last week, a fundraiser auc- The Franklin community is tion at Town Mouse in Pukekohe, rallying around a sick Pukekohe where various businesses donated solo dad in his battle to receive goods and their services, raised vital medical treatment in Aust- $4343. ralia. Kent said he was blown away This Saturday from 10am, a by the generosity shown at the support ride and row event is auction and the donations being held to fundraise for Kent through givealittle. Allan at Franklin Pool and Franklin Pool and Leisure Leisure in Pukekohe. facility manager Zubran Nabi Last month, Kent, who has a encouraged the community to rare genetic disorder known as join in on this weekend’s row and Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) syn- ride fundraiser. drome, shared his story with the ‘‘Our goal is to ride and row Franklin County News about his over 500km on the day for Kent. If goal to raise $50,000 for treatment. you wish to take part in this event Over the past 17 years Kent has please visit our Facebook page or undergone multiple brain call the centre and book in a surgeries and several treatments time.’’ to shrink tumours. Members could pledge and In 2015, Kent was told a tumour donate on the day by riding or first found in 2002 had grown and rowing, Nabi said. metastasized to the liver and was Other activities will include a now inoperable.
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