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Auxin and Monocot Development

Paula McSteen

Department of Biology, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Correspondence: [email protected]

Monocots are known to respond differently to auxinic herbicides; hence, certain herbicides kill broadleaf (i.e., dicot) weeds while leaving lawns (i.e., monocot grasses) intact. In addition, the characters that distinguish monocots from dicots involve structures whose development is controlled by auxin. However, the molecular mechanisms controlling auxin biosynthesis, homeostasis, transport, and signal transduction appear, so far, to be con- served between monocots and dicots, although there are differences in gene copy number and expression leading to diversification in function. This article provides an update on the conservation and diversification of the roles of genes controlling auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signal transduction in root, shoot, and reproductive development in and maize.

uxinic herbicides have been used for dec- Auxin, as we have seen in previous articles, Aades to control dicot weeds in domestic lawns plays a major role in vegetative, reproductive, (Fig. 1A), commercial golf courses, and acres of and root development in the model dicot, Arabi- corn, wheat, and barley, yet it is not understand dopsis. However, monocots have a very different how auxinic herbicides selectively kill dicots anatomy from dicots (Raven et al. 2005). Many and spare monocots (Grossmann 2000; Kelley of the characters that distinguish monocots and Reichers 2007). Monocots, in particular and dicots involve structures whose develop- grasses, must perceive or respond differently ment is controlled by auxin: (1) As the name im- to exogenous synthetic auxin than dicots. It plies, monocots have single cotyledons, whereas has been proposed that this selectivity is beca- dicots have two cotyledons (Fig. 1B,C). Auxin use of either limited translocation or rapid deg- transport during embryogenesis may play a radation of exogenous auxin (Gauvrit and role in this difference as cotyledon number Gaillardon 1991; Monaco et al. 2002), altered defectsare often seen in auxin transport mutants vascular anatomy (Monaco et al. 2002), or al- (reviewed in Chandler 2008). (2) The vascula- tered perception of auxin in monocots (Kelley ture in leaves of dicots is reticulate, whereas the and Reichers 2007). To explain these differ- vasculature in monocots is parallel (Fig. 1). Aux- ences, there is a need to further understand in functions in vascular development because the molecular basis of auxin metabolism, trans- many mutants defective in auxin transport, bio- port, and signaling in monocots. synthesis, or signaling have vasculature defects

Editors: Mark Estelle, Dolf Weijers, Ottoline Leyser, and Karin Ljung Additional Perspectives on Auxin Signaling available at Copyright # 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a001479 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a001479

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P. McSteen


Leaf Leaf

Cot Col

Mes Hyp

Figure 1. Differences between monocots and dicots. (A) A dicot weed in a lawn of grasses. Note the difference in morphology of the leaves. (B) Germinating dicot (bean) seedling. Dicots have two cotyledons (cot). Reticulate venation is apparent in the leaves. The stem below the cotyledons is called the hypocotyl (hyp). (C) Germinating monocot (maize) seedling. Monocots have a single cotyledon called the coleoptile (col) in grasses. Parallel venation is apparent in the leaves. The stem below the coleoptile is called the mesocotyl (mes).

(Scarpella and Meijer 2004). (3) Dicots often (Kriechbaumer et al. 2006). Genes encoding produce a primary tap root that produces lateral enzymes required for the synthesis of auxin have roots, whereas, in monocots, especially grasses, been identified in maize, rice, and Arabidopsis shoot-borne adventitious roots are the most (Table 1). Multiple pathways have been propo- prominent component of the root system lead- sed, but the enzymes, genes that encode them, ing to the characteristic fibrous root system and intermediates are not fully known (Bartel (Fig. 2). Auxin induces lateral-root formation 1997; Ljung et al. 2002; Cohen et al. 2003; Wood- in dicots and adventitious root formation in ward and Bartel 2005). Recent advances have grasses (Hochholdingerand Zimmermann 2008). identified mutants and corresponding genes, It is not yet clear if auxin controls the dif- which has led to revised pathways that still need ferences in morphology seen in dicots versus to be defined further (Zhao et al. 2001; Zhao monocots. However, both conservation and et al. 2002; Stepanova et al. 2008; Tao et al. diversification of mechanisms of auxin biosyn- 2008; Sugawara et al. 2009). Four tryptophan- thesis, homeostasis, transport, and signal trans- dependent and one tryptophan-independent duction have been discovered so far. This article auxin biosynthetic pathways have been propo- highlights the similarities and the differences in sed. The revised tryptophan-dependent path- the role of auxin in monocots compared with ways proposed by Sugawara et al. (2009) will be dicots. First, the genes in each of the pathways used as a framework to introduce what is known are introduced (Part I, Table I) and then the of the genes controlling the pathway in the function of these genes in development is dis- monocots, maize, and rice. cussed with examples from the monocot grasses, maize, and rice (Part II). Tryptophan-dependent Auxin Biosynthesis

(1) IAM Pathway PART I—GENES CONTROLLING AUXIN BIOSYNTHESIS, TRANSPORT, AND SIGNAL Genes controlling the conversion of tryptophan TRANSDUCTION IN GRASSES (TRP) to indole-3-acetamide (IAM) have not been detected in , although in bacteria Auxin Biosynthesis the iaaM gene catalyzes this reaction (Comai Maize has long been a model system for stu- and Kosuge 1982). The conversion of IAM to dies on the biochemistry of auxin biosynthesis indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is proposed to occur

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Auxin and Monocot Development

A through the action of the amidase gene, AMI1, in Arabidopsis (Pollmann et al. 2003). Amidase genes have not yet been reported in monocots, though an IAM hydrolase activity has been CR detected from rice callus, so it is likely that this pathway is used in grasses (Arai et al. 2004). CR

(2) IPA Pathway LR LR There is evidence that the indole-3-pyruvic acid SR (IPA) pathway is important in both monocot and dicot development. The conversion of TRP to IPA occurs through the action of the trypto- phan aminotransferase genes TAA1, TAR1, and TAR2, which play a role in embryogenesis, root, vascular, and inflorescence development in Arabidopsis (Stepanova et al. 2008; Tao et al. SR 2008). TAA1-like genes from monocots have not yet been reported but the cloning of the van- ishing tassel2 (vt2) mutant in maize provides evi- dence that this enzyme also functions in vegetative and inflorescence development in monocots (K. Phillips and P.McSteen, unpubl.). 1yR It has been proposed that IPA is converted to indole-3-acetaldehyde (IAAld) by an IPA decar- boxylaseactivityalthoughthegeneencodingthis B enzymehasnotbeendefinitelyidentifiedindicots or monocots (Woodward and Bartel 2005). The conversion of IAAld to IAA has been proposed to be catalyzed by an aldehyde oxidase encoded by the AAO1 gene of Arabidopsis (Sekimoto et al. 1998). A rice homolog, OsAO1 (Yamamoto PR et al. 2007) and maize homologs, ZmAO-1 and ZmAO-2 (Sekimoto et al. 1997), have been reported but not functionally characterized. However, from the phenotype of the taa1 and vt2 mutants, it is apparent that this pathwaysigni- ficantlycontributestovegetativeandreproductive development in both dicots and monocots.

Figure 2. The root system in monocots. (A)Maize seedling showing the primary root (1yR), which has (3) TAM Pathway many lateral roots (LR). The seminal roots (SR) are a There is good evidence that the tryptamine type of adventitious root produced during embryonic (TAM) pathway plays a significant role in devel- development. Crown roots (CR) are produced from stem tissue. (B) The base of a maize showing opment of both monocots and dicots. It is not prop roots (PR), which are adventitious roots known which genes convert TRP to TAM produced from basal nodes of the stem later in although it is thought to occur by a tryptamine development. decarboxylase activity (Woodward and Bartel

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Table 1. Arabidopsis genes required for auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signal transduction, and their homologs that have been functionally characterized in maize and rice Protein Arabidopsis Maize Rice Maize/Rice References Biosynthesis Tryptophan synthase b TRP2 ORP1,2 Wright et al. 1991 Amidase AMI1 Trytophan TAA1 TAR1, 2 VT2 K. Phillips and P. McSteen, aminotransferase unpublished Aldehyde oxidase AAO1 ZmAO1 OsAO1 Sekimoto et al. 1997 Flavin monoxygenase YUC1-11 SPI1 OsYUC1 Fujino et al. 2007; Woo et al. 2007; COW1/NAL7 Yamamoto et al. 2007; Gallavotti et al. 2008a Cytochrome P450 CYP79B2/3 Nitrilase NIT1-4 ZmNIT1,2 OsNIT Park et al. 2003; Kriechbaumer et al. 2007 Transport Auxin influx AUX1 ZmAUX1 Hochholdinger et al. 2000; Brooks transporter et al. 2009 Auxin efflux carrier PIN1 ZmPIN1a OsPIN1 Xu et al. 2005; Carraro et al. 2006; ZmPIN1b Gallavotti et al. 2008b ZmPIN1c Serine threonine kinase PID BIF2 OsPID/OsBIF2 McSteen et al. 2007; Morita and Kyozuka 2007 ABC transporter ABCB1,19 BR2 Multani et al. 2003 RCN1 Yasuno et al. 2009 ARF-GAP VAN3/SFC ZmSFC OsAGAP Zhuang et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2007 Signal transduction Aux/IAA transcription IAA1-25 RUM1 IAA1 Thakur et al. 2001; Nakamura et al. factor IAA1/3 2006; Song et al. 2009b IAA3/31 Auxin response factor ARF1-23 ZmARF1 OsARF1 Waller et al. 2002; Attia et al. 2009; ZmARF2 Brooks et al. 2009 ZmMP Fbox TIR1, AFB ZmTIR1 Zhang et al. 2007 Other Auxin binding protein AtABP1 ZmABP1,4 Im et al. 2000 SAUR SAUR ZmSAUR2 OsSAUR Knauss et al. 2003; Jain et al. 2006c LOB transcription LBD16/29 RTCS ARL1/CRL1 Inukai et al. 2005; Liu et al. 2005; factor Taramino et al. 2007 BHLH transcription BA1 LAX1 Komatsu et al. 2003; Gallavotti et al. factor 2004

2005). The YUCCA (YUC) genes catalyze the There are a total of 10 YUC-like genes in rate-limiting step in the pathway by the conver- Arabidopsis (Zhao et al. 2001). Each of the genes sion of TAM to N-hydroxyl tryptamine (HTAM) is expressed in a specific pattern and is pro- (Zhao et al. 2001). It is not known how HTAM posed to function redundantly to produce aux- is converted to IAA, though a recent report in in a localized manner during embryogenesis, provides evidence that this does not occur leaf, vascular, and inflorescence development through an indole-3-acetaldoximine (IAOx) (Zhao et al. 2001; Cheng et al. 2006; Cheng intermediate (Sugawara et al. 2009). et al. 2007a) There are 13 YUC-like genes in

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Auxin and Monocot Development

rice, although functional information has been narrow leaves (Fujino et al. 2007). More rese- reported for only two of them. Seven OsYUC arch is needed to uncover the functions of the genes with similarity to AtYUC1-8 were repo- other monocot YUC-like genes and to deter- rted by (Yamamoto et al. 2007) and another mine if they have additional functions masked gene, OsYUC8/COW1/NAL7, was subsequently by redundancy as seen for the Arabidopsis yuc reported (Fujino et al. 2007; Woo et al. 2007). mutants. Five additional genes that are more closely rela- ted to AtYUC10 and 11 were included in a phy- logenetic analysis reported in Gallavotti et al. (4) IAOX Pathway 2008a. There is proposed to have been expan- sion, subfunctionalization, and diversification The indole-3-acetaldoximine (IAOx) pathway of this gene family in monocots and dicots has been proposed to occur only in cruciferous (Gallavotti et al. 2008a). species such as Arabidopsis, in which glucosino- The rice gene most closely related to AtYUC1 late secondary metabolism occurs (Sugawara and 4 is OsYUC1 (Yamamoto et al. 2007). Over- et al. 2009). However, there is conflicting evide- expression and antisense inhibition of OsYUC1 nce suggesting that this pathway may also occur causes opposite defects in root development in monocots (Kriechbaumer et al. 2006; Suga- (described in Part II) (Yamamoto et al. 2007). wara et al. 2009). TRP is converted to IAOx by The ortholog of OsYUC1 based on sequence, genes encoding the cytochrome P450 enzymes phylogenetic analysis, and synteny is the SPARSE CYP79B2 and CYP79B3 in Arabidopsis (Zhao INFLORESCENCE1 (SPI1) gene of maize, yet etal.2002).However,noorthologsofCYP79B2 loss of function of this gene causes defects in and CYP79B3 have been found in noncrucifer- vegetative and reproductive development (Gal- ous species, including maize and rice, raising lavotti et al. 2008a), indicating that there has doubts as to whether this pathway occurs in oth- been diversification of gene function even within er species. In support of this, Sugawara et al. the grasses. OsYUC1 and SPI1 belong to a mono- (2009) were unable to detect IAOx in seedlings cot-specific rather than grass-specific clade as of maize, rice, or tobacco. In the next step of evidenced by the isolation of a SPI1 homolog the proposed pathway, enzymes catalyzing the from the monocot Joinvillea (Gallavotti et al. conversion of IAOx to indole-3-acetonitrile 2008a). A very similar phenotype to spi1 is seen (IAN) are not known, but conversion of IAN in Arabidopsis plants with loss of function of to IAA occurs through the action of nitrilase four YUC genes, indicating that the YUC family genes in Arabidopsis (Pollmann et al. 2006). is more redundant in Arabidopsis than in maize Nitrilase genes have also been well characterized (Cheng et al. 2006). Although the basic bio- in maize. For example, ZmNIT2 hydrolyses chemical function of the YUC genes may be IAN to IAA in maize kernels and seedlings conserved, the biological function of these genes (Park et al. 2003; Kriechbaumer et al. 2007). appears to have diversified due to changes in Genes similar to ZmNIT2 have been reported copy number and expression pattern (Gallavotti but not characterized in rice (Yamamoto et al. et al. 2008a). 2007). A gene more distantly related to AtYUC1 These results lead to the question of how IAN and 4 has been functionally characterized in is produced in maize if there are no CYP79B2/3 rice. OsYUC8/COW1/NAL7 is sister to the genes and no detectable IAOx. On the other Arabidopsis genes in clade AtYUC1-9 and clade hand, enzyme activity that converts TRP to AtYUC10-11 (Gallavotti et al. 2008a). constitu- IAOx and converts IAOx to IAN and IAAld has tively wilted1 (cow1) mutants have defects in been detected in maize tissues (reviewed in root mass, leading to leaf rolling and the wilty Kriechbaumer et al. 2006). Therefore, IAOx phenotype after which the mutant is named must be made by a different pathway in maize, (Woo et al. 2007). The same gene was identified although genes catalyzing this process have yet as a natural variant, narrow leaf7 (nal7), with to be identified. Hence, although CYP79B2/3

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genes are not present in monocots, a pathway proposed to be one of the mechanisms of selec- related to the IAOx pathway may occur. tivity of auxinic herbicides (Gauvrit and Gail- lardon 1991; Monaco et al. 2002). Tryptophan-independent Auxin Biosynthesis

Studiesoftheorangepericarpmutant,whichfails Auxin Transport to make tryptophan (because of a deficiency in tryptophan synthase b, which converts indole Evidence of the role of auxin transport in mono- to tryptophan) but still makes auxin, provided cot development is illustrated by experiments in the first evidence that tryptophan-independent which monocots (in particular grasses) are biosynthesis occurs in maize (Wright et al. 1991). treated with polar auxin transport inhibitors. Studies of analogousmutants provided evidence Treatment with N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid that tryptophan-independent auxin biosynthe- (NPA) causes defects in embryogenesis (Fischer sis also occurs in Arabidopsis (Normanly et al. and Neuhaus 1996), leaf initiation and growth 1993).Whenauxinisnotmadefromtryptophan (Tsiantis et al. 1999; Scanlon 2003), root develop- it is thought to be made via indole-3-glycerol ment (Morita and Kyozuka 2007), and reproduc- phosphate or indole, although genes in the path- tive development (Wu and McSteen 2007). Many way have not been identified from monocots or of these effects are similar to the effects when dicots (Woodward and Bartel 2005). dicots are treated with auxin transport inhibitors In the future, it will be of interest not just to except for differences in morphology and in sen- identity the genes in the entire biosynthetic sitivity to certain types of auxin transport inhib- pathway but also to understand why there are itors (Wu and McSteen 2007). The role of auxin multiple pathways for auxin biosynthesis. Are transport in development is further discussed in different pathways used in different cells at dif- Part II. In this section, genes controlling auxin ferent times in response to different conditions? transport in maize and rice are described. Are different pathways used more in some spe- cies that others? AUX1 A homolog of the auxin influx carrier AUX1 has Auxin Homeostasis been identified in maize, although no func- Much of the auxin found in the plant is stored as tional evidence has been reported (Hochhol- conjugates to amino acids or sugars (Woodward dinger et al. 2000). ZmAUX1 is expressed in and Bartel 2005). Auxin can also be produced by roots at the tip of all types of root and in the b oxidation of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). endodermis, pericycle, and epidermis, indicat- These processes are thought to occur in mono- ing it may play a role similar to Arabidopsis in cots and some genes controlling the process roots. A recent analysis using laser capture mi- have been identified. For example, ZmIAGLU, croscopy and microarray analysis showed that which conjugates IAA to glucose, has been char- ZmAUX1 is up-regulated at the site of leaf pri- acterized in maize (Ludwig-Muller et al. 2005). mordia initiation and down-regulated on treat- OsGH3-like genes, which conjugate IAA to ment with NPA, indicating that ZmAUX1 may amino acids, have been discovered in rice (Jain also function in shoots (Brooks et al. 2009). et al. 2006b). Furthermore, IAA has been found to be converted to IBA in maize (Ludwig- PIN1 Muller 2000). Thus, it appears that there are conserved mechanisms of auxin homeostasis Three homologs of the PIN1 auxin efflux carrier in monocots. However, more research needs to have been reported in maize and rice. ZmPIN1a be done on the molecular basis for homeostasis. is expressed in a manner similar to AtPIN1 as As the synthetic auxin herbicide 2,4,D is rapidly it is up-regulated at the site of initiation of degraded in maize, auxin homeostasis has been all primordia during shoot and reproductive

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Auxin and Monocot Development

development (Carraro et al. 2006; Gallavotti et al. ABC Transporters 2008b; Brooks et al. 2009; Lee et al. 2009) and is The adenosine triphosphate (ATP)–binding induced by auxin (Lee et al. 2009). ZmPIN1a cassette (ABC) transporters, ABCB19/PGP19/ can rescue the Arabidopsis pin1 mutant, indicat- MDR1, ABCB1/PGP1, and ABCB4/PGP4,play ing that it may play a similar role in maize as in important roles in auxin transport in Arabidop- Arabidopsis (Gallavotti et al. 2008b). Knock- sis (Bandyopadhyay et al. 2007). An ABC trans- down of a homolog in rice, OsPIN1, does not porter also functions in auxin transport in produce the characteristic pin phenotype seen maize and sorghum (Multani et al. 2003). The in Arabidopsis, perhaps because of redundancy mutations, brachytic2 (br2) in maize and dwarf3 with the three rice PIN1-like genes (Xu et al. (d3) in sorghum, are caused by loss of function 2005). However, knockdown of OsPIN1 does of an ABC transporter with high homology to exhibit a phenotype somewhat similar to treat- ABCB1/PGP1 (Multani et al. 2003). br2 plants ment of rice plants with NPA as there is a have short internodes because of reduced cell decrease in the number of crown roots. Further- elongation and have defects in auxin transport more, there is an increase in the number of (Multani et al. 2003). In contrast, knockout of tillers and an increase in tiller angle, phenotypes ABCB1/PGP1 does not have a significant phe- that differ from pin1 mutants. Therefore, there notype in Arabidopsis but double mutants may be some differences in function that need to with ABCB19/PGP19/MDR1 are short and be further analyzed. have additional defects in vegetative and reproductive development. Further phyloge- PID netic analysis is required to determine if there is less redundancy in the ABCB gene family in Maize and rice orthologs of PID have been re- maize. ported. Analysis of function shows that there An ABC transporter of a different class, are similarities and differences. OsPID is auxin ABCG, has been identified in rice through the induced and is expressed in lateral organs cloning of the reduced culm number1 (rcn1) and axillary meristems (McSteen et al. 2007; mutant (Yasuno et al. 2009). rcn1 mutants, as Morita and Kyozuka 2007). No loss-of-function the name implies, have fewer tillers (Takamure OsPID phenotype has been reported, but over- and Kinoshita 1985). The defect is caused by a expression gives a root phenotype similar to defect in tiller outgrowth rather than tiller ini- treatment of plants with NPA (Morita and Kyo- tiation. rcn1 is induced by auxin, indicating zuka 2007). that it may play a role in auxin-mediated One of the orthologs of PID in maize is development. BARREN INFLORESCENCE2 (BIF2) (McSteen et al. 2007). bif2 mutants have phenotypes very similar to pid mutants, indicating that function ARF GAP is conserved. Furthermore, BIF2 phosphory- lates ZmPIN1a in vitro and affects ZmPIN1a lo- The ADP-ribosylation factor–GTPase-activat- calization in vivo similar to the function of PID ing protein (ARF-GAP), VAN3/SCARFACE, (Skirpan et al. 2009). On the other hand, there functions in auxin-mediated vascular develop- may also be differences in function, as BIF2 ment in cotyledons, leaves, and roots of Arabi- has been reported to be nuclear localized and dopsis (Koizumi et al. 2005; Sieburth et al. to phosphorylate a nuclear localized bHLH 2006). A maize VAN3/SFC homolog is reported transcription factor, BARRENSTALK1 (BA1) to be expressed in leaf primordia (Zhang et al. (Skirpan et al. 2008). In the future, it would 2007). Overexpression of OsAGAP, a rice ARF- be interesting to determine the subcellular GAP, in Arabidopsis and rice leads to defects in localization of OsPID and to determine whether root development (Zhuang et al. 2005; Zhuang other nuclear-localized PID-like kinases have et al. 2006). The OsAGAP transgenics have taken over the role of BIF2 in Arabidopsis. defects in auxin transport, proposed to be caused

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by defects in auxin influx (Zhuang et al. 2005; enlarged leaf angle (Song et al. 2009b). A trans- Zhuang et al. 2006). poson insertion into OsIAA25 is reported to be Homologs of other genes involved in aux- “dwarf with reduced fertility” but the pheno- in transport such as the guanine-nucleotide type has not been characterized in detail (Jain exchange factors for ADP-ribosylation factor et al. 2006a). In maize, there has been very little GTPases (ARF-GEF) GNOM, the immuno- characterization of auxin signal transduction. philin-like TWISTED DWARF1 (TWD1), and The rum1 gene of maize, which is a mutant the calossin-like BIG, have not yet been func- with very specific defects in root development tionally characterized in monocots. However, (discussed in Part II), has recently been reported from what has been discovered so far, there is in a patent application to be an Aux/IAA gene conservation in the molecular mechanisms (Taramino et al. 2008). Additional auxin-induced controlling auxin transport in monocots. genes such as homologs of the SAUR gene family Monocot-specific functions of auxin transport have been identified in rice and maize (Knauss in controlling crown-root initiation and tiller et al. 2003; Jain et al. 2006c). Therefore, it is likely angle is discussed in Part II. thatthereisconservationinsignaltransductionof auxin in both maize and rice.

Auxin Signal Transduction ARF Aux/IAA A gene family of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR Although there are 25 Aux/IAA genes in Arabi- (ARF) transcription factors has been described dopsis, there are 31 members in the Aux/IAA in rice with 25 OsARF genes compared with gene family in rice (Jain et al. 2006a), 24 of 23 ARFs in Arabidopsis (Sato et al. 2001; Wang which are regulated by auxin (Song et al. et al. 2007). OsARF genes have diverse expres- 2009a) and three of which have been function- sion patterns but significant functional analysis ally characterized. The first, Aux/IAA reported has only been reported for OsARF1 (Waller et al. from rice was called OsIAA1 but is now renamed 2002; Attia et al. 2009), which is closely related OsIAA3. OsIAA1/3 transcript is induced by to AtARF1 and AtARF2 in Arabidopsis. auxin and suppressed by light (Thakur et al. OsARF1 is auxin induced and is expressed in 2001) and the protein has a short half life and coleoptiles, callus, and young panicles with is degraded by the proteosome (Thakur et al. weaker expression in leaves and roots (Waller 2005) similar to the stability of AUX/IAA pro- et al. 2002; Attia et al. 2009). Antisense knock- teins in Arabidopsis. down of OsARF1 in rice has defects in vegetative A very important finding in this area is the development, producing dwarf plants with seminal paper by Nakamura et al. (2006), re- small curled leaves and defects in reproductive porting the production of auxin-insensitive development, as the plants either fail to flower rice by expressing a degradation-resistant ver- or flower late and are sterile. Therefore, there sion of OsIAA3, now called OsIAA31. OsIAA3/ are similarities and differences with arf1;arf2 31 transgenic plants have diverse phenotypes double mutants in Arabidopsis, which have de- reminiscent of auxin-insensitive mutants in layed flowering, sterility, and delayed senescence Arabidopsis, such as defects in shoot and root (Ellis et al. 2005). Transposon insertions in gravitropism, root length, and lateral-root ini- OsARF5, 11, and 12 are reported to have low fer- tiation (Nakamura et al. 2006). This provided tility, whereas insertions in OsARF11, 19, and 24 the first functional evidence that auxin signaling are reported to be dwarf but the phenotypes may occur similarly in rice as in Arabidopsis. have not been characterized in detail (Wang Much work remains to be done to character- et al. 2007). Maize homologs of AtARF1, 2, and ize the specific functions of other Aux/IAA 5 are reported to be expressed at a higher level in genes. Overexpression of OsIAA1 causes defects leaf primordia than in the meristem (Brooks in root development and an additional defect of et al. 2009).

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Auxin and Monocot Development

TIR1 there is an embryonic and postembryonic root system (Hochholdinger et al. 2004). The embry- The F box gene family, including homologs onic root system consists of a short-lived pri- of the TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE1 mary root called a primary root in maize and (TIR1) auxin receptor gene family have been a seminal root in rice, and embryonic adventi- catalogued in rice (Jain et al. 2007). A maize tious roots called seminal roots in maize and homolog ZmTIR1 is expressed in young leaf pri- crown roots in rice (Fig. 2A). The postem- mordia (Zhang et al. 2007). However, no TIR1- bryonic root system consists of shoot-borne ad- like genes have been functionally characterized ventitious roots and lateral roots, which arise on in maize and rice. It has been proposed that dif- all root types. Maize has three types of adventi- ferences in selectivity to herbicides are caused by tious roots—seminal roots, which are embry- differences in the functions of TIR1 auxin recep- onic adventitious roots, crown roots, which tors because different TIR1-like proteins have arise from stem tissue underground, and prop different affinities for different auxins in Arabi- roots, which arise from stem tissue above dopsis (Walsh et al. 2006; Kelley and Reichers ground (Fig. 2B). Rice also has the same three 2007). types of adventitious root but they are all called crown roots. For the sake of simplicity, all types of adventitious roots in maize and rice are ABP1 referred to as crown roots in this section. Another auxin-binding protein, AUXIN BIND- From the analysis of mutants defective in auxin ING PROTEIN1, ABP1, was initially discov- biosynthesis, transport, or signaling, auxin is ered in maize and subsequently in Arabidopsis required to inhibit root elongation and pro- (reviewed in Timpte 2001; Christian et al. mote lateral-root and crown-root initiation in 2006). In maize, knockouts of ABP1 and 4 did grasses. The role of auxin in each of these proc- not have a phenotype, whereas Arabidopsis esses will be considered separately. knockouts of ABP1 were embryo lethal, indicat- ing that there may be greater redundancy in the gene family in maize (Im et al. 2000; Chen et al. Crown-root Initiation 2001). Alternately, there could be differences in Crown-root initiation is of tremendous interest the role of ABP1 in maize, which has also been as adventitious roots are much more important proposed as a possible mechanism for herbicide for root architecture in grasses than in dicots. It selectivity (Kelley and Reichers 2007). appears that crown-root initiation is controlled somewhat similarly to lateral-root initiation even though these two root types develop from PART II—ROLE OF AUXIN IN MONOCOT shoot and root tissues, respectively. DEVELOPMENT Evidence that auxin biosynthesis is required forcrown-rootformationcomesfromriceplants Root Development overexpressing OsYUC1, which have increased The root systems of monocots and dicots differ crown-root number (Yamamoto et al. 2007). in architecture, yet recent work suggests that Furthermore, application of exogenous IAA in- auxin plays an equivalent role in maize and creases crown-root number (Inukai et al. 2005; rice as in Arabidopsis (Hochholdinger and Zim- Xu et al. 2005). Auxin transport is important as mermann 2008). In most dicots, including Ara- inhibition of auxin transport through either bidopsis, there is a central primary root and the treatment with NPA, antisense inhibition of root system branches through the production of OsPIN1, or overexpression of OsPID reduces lateral roots. In grasses, there is often a fibrous the number of crown roots (Inukai et al. 2005; root system such that much of the branching Xu et al. 2005; Morita and Kyozuka 2007). In occurs through adventitious roots called crown addition, auxin signal transduction plays a role roots (Raven et al. 2005). In maize and in rice, because overexpression of OsIAA1 or degradation

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resistant OsIAA3/OsIAA31 abolishes crown- an increase in the numberof crown roots. WOX- root initiation (Nakamura et al. 2006; Song like genes also playarole in lateral-root initiation et al. 2009b). Therefore, auxin biosynthesis, in Arabidopsis, indicating that gene function is transport, and signaling are required for crown- conserved (Deveaux et al. 2008). root initiation. Mutantsthatlackcrownrootshavebeenused Lateral-root Initiation to identify genes functioning in crown-root initiation. adventitious rootless1 (arl1)/crown Auxin has been shown to play a role in lateral- rootless1 (crl1) mutants in rice lack crown roots, rootinitiationinmaizeandriceasinArabidopsis. have fewer lateral roots, and have altered root However, mutant analysis has found that the gravitropsism, though they have no defects in processes of lateral-root and crown-root forma- the embryonic root system (Inukai et al. 2005; tion can be genetically separable. Liu et al. 2005). The ARL1/CRL1 gene encodes Exogenous application of auxin promotes an auxin inducible LATERALORGAN BOUN- lateral-root initiation (Xu et al. 2005). More- DARY (LOB) domain containing transcription over, defects in auxin transport affect lateral- factor expressed in lateral- and crown-root pri- root initiation, for example, overexpression of mordia as well as floral tissue (Inukai et al. OsPIN1 increases the number of lateral roots, 2005; Liu et al. 2005). In maize, the ortholog whereas overexpression of OsAGAP decreases of ARL1/CRL1 is ROOTLESS CONCERNING the number of lateral roots (Xu et al. 2005; CROWNANDSEMINALROOTS(RTCS)(Tara- Zhuang et al. 2006). Auxin signaling is also mino et al. 2007). rtcs mutants do not produce required because overexpression of OsIAA1 crown roots or seminal adventitious roots but decreases the number of lateral roots (Song can still produce an embryonic primary root with et al. 2009b). lateral roots (Hetz et al. 1996; Hochholdinger Mutants that affect crown-root initiation et al. 2004). can also affect lateral-root initiation. For exam- In rice, CRL1 has been shown to be an in ple, crl1/arl1 have defects in both crown-root vitro target of an OsARF1-like transcription and lateral-root initiation and the gene is factor (Inukai et al. 2005). However, OsARF1 is expressed in the primordia of both types (Inu- predicted to be a repressor ARF and overexpres- kai et al. 2005). On the other hand, the rootless sion does not affect root development, so the with undetectable meristems 1 (rum1) mutant functional significance of this is unknown (Inu- of maize does not initiate lateral roots or embry- kai et al. 2005). In Arabidopsis, the LOB domain, onic adventitious roots but crown roots initiate containing transcription factors LBD16 and as normal, indicating that these two processes LBD29 have been shown to be bona fide down- are separable (Woll et al. 2005). Hence, this stream targets of ARF7 and ARF19 (Okushima mutant has been used for analysis of the pro- et al. 2005a; Okushima et al. 2007). arf7;arf19 teome of different root types (Liu et al. 2006; double mutants fail to initiate lateral roots and Saleem et al. 2009). Analysis of the transcrip- lbd16 mutants have a mild defect in lateral-root tome indicates no change in the levels of initiation, whereas lbd29 knockouts have not ZmPIN1 or ZmAUX1 transcripts (Woll et al. been identified (Okushima et al. 2005b). ARF7 2005). However, there is reduced auxin trans- and ARF19 are activating ARFs, so perhaps port in mutant roots. rum1 is reported to be homologs of these ARFs induce CRL1 in rice. caused by a mutation in an Aux/IAA gene Recently, another transcription factor was (Taramino et al. 2008). This indicates conserva- found to play a role in crown-root formation tion in auxin signal transduction mechanisms in rice (Zhao et al. 2009). The WOX11 gene is in both monocots and dicots, and indicates a WUSCHEL-like homeodomain-containing conservation in function during root develop- transcription factor that is auxin and cytokinin ment as several dominant mutants in Arabidop- inducible.Loss-of-functionmutationshavefew- sis Aux/IAA genes produce no lateral roots er crown roots, whereas overexpression causes (Fukaki et al. 2005; Uehara et al. 2008).

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Auxin and Monocot Development

Root Length auxin is required for stem elongation in mono- cots as well as in dicots. Defects in auxin biosynthesis, transport, or sig- naling also cause defects in root length. Exogenous auxin inhibits root elongation in Leaf Development monocots and dicots (Zhuang et al. 2006). Genes required for auxin biosynthesis and Decreased auxin biosynthesis caused by cow1 transport also play a role in leaf initiation. mutants or antisense OsYUC1 in rice and spi1, bif2, and Bif1 mutants have a mild reduc- ZmNIT2 mutants in maize have short roots tion in the number of leaves as single mutants (Kriechbaumer et al. 2007; Woo et al. 2007; (Barazesh and McSteen 2008a; Gallavotti et al. Yamamoto et al. 2007). Changes in auxin trans- 2008a). However, in double-mutant combina- port, such as overexpression of OsPIN1, in- tions spi1;bif2 or Bif1;bif2, there is a synergistic creased root length, whereas overexpression of effect such that about half the number of leaves OsAGAP decreased root length (Xu et al. 2005; as normal are initiated (Barazesh and McSteen Zhuang et al. 2006). In addition, the degrada- 2008a; Gallavotti et al. 2008a). Leaf number tion-resistant OsIAA3/31 lines have longer defects are also seen in pin1 mutants in roots on auxin (Nakamura et al. 2006). Arabidopsis (Bennett et al. 1995). Therefore, In conclusion, despite the differences in auxin biosynthesis and transport play a role in root morphology, with Arabidopsis having a leaf initiation. tap-root system and maize and rice having a Mutants defective in auxin biosynthesis or fibrous-root system, auxin inhibits root length transport sometimes have narrow leaves, indi- and promotes lateral-root formation in Arabi- cating that auxin is required to promote leaf dopsis and inhibits root length and promotes expansion. nal7 mutants have narrow leaves lateral-root and crown-root formation in maize (Fujino et al. 2007; Woo et al. 2007), and over- and rice. expression causes the production of wider leaves (Fujino et al. 2007). nal1 mutants have Vegetative Development narrow leaves as well as short stems and have vasculature defects in the stem and leaves (Qi Stem Development et al. 2008). NAL1 encodes a protein with un- Dwarfism is a common defect in mutants defec- known biochemical function with homologs tive in auxin transport in maize and rice as in in maize and Arabidopsis. Arabidopsis. The br2 mutant in maize has reduced auxin transport and short internodes Tiller Angle (Multani et al. 2003). Another mutant in maize that has reduced auxin transport and short A unique role of auxin in rice is in the control of internodes is the semaphore (sem) mutant tiller angle. This is a form of stem gravitropism (Scanlon et al. 2002). The mutant has not yet and is critical for the ability of rice to grow at been cloned but it has additional defects such high density. In fact, through breeding pro- as defects in vasculature in leaves and a reduc- grams, rice has been selected for increased tiller tion in the number of lateral roots, which im- angle (Wang and Li 2008). has a pros- plies it plays a role in an auxin-regulated trate growth habit, whereas cultivated rice has a process. The Developmental disaster (Dvd1) more upright growth habit. mutant of maize has short internodes without The gravity sensing tissue in grass stems is affecting leaf number (Phillips et al. 2009). the pulvinus region at the base of the stem. Dvd1 mutants also have a pin inflorescence Leaves also sense gravity independently in a phenotype, indicating that Dvd1 may control region known as the leaf sheath pulvinus. In an auxin-regulated process. In rice, narrow fact, in the tiller-angle mutants, it is difficult leaf1 (nal1) mutants have reduced auxin trans- to separate leaf gravitropism from stem gravi- port and short stems (Qi et al. 2008). Hence, tropism as the leaves ensheath the stem. It is

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likely that auxin functions in gravity sensing in is associated with upright tiller angle in japonica the pulvinus as auxin differentially accumulates rice varieties, whereas wild rice and indica vari- in the pulvinus on gravity stimulation (Long eties have wild-type TAC1 and spread out tiller et al. 2002) angle. Similar to LA1, TAC1 is expressed at the The first indication of a role for auxin trans- base of tillers and in the leaf sheath pulvinus. port in controlling tiller angle came from RNAi PROG1, which is responsible for prostrate of OsPIN1, which increased tiller angle (Xu et al. growth in the wild rice rufipogon,was 2005). The next evidence came from the cloning identified independently by two groups (Jin of LAZY1 (LA1) of rice, which has defects in et al. 2008; Tan et al. 2008). Loss of function auxin transport and tiller angle (Li et al. 2007; of PROG1 in cultivated lines led to more erect Yoshihara and Iino 2007). la1 mutants have de- growth habit and reduced tiller number. In fects in stem, leaf, and coleoptile gravitropism, addition, the mutants also have increased but do not affect root gravitropism. LA1 en- panicle branch number and yield. PROG1 enc- codes a novel gene that appears to be grass spe- odes a novel CYS2 HIS2 zinc finger in the EBF cific, as there is no clear homolog in Arabidopsis class. PROG1 is expressed at the base of tillers (Li et al. 2007; Yoshihara and Iino 2007). LA1 is in the vascular bundles of the leaf sheath pulvi- expressed in the leaf sheath pulvinus, the cole- nus and in the lamina joint of the leaf. Whether optile, and adjacent to vascular bundles in the the absence of LA1, TAC1 ,orPROG1 homologs stem and leaf (Li et al. 2007; Yoshihara and in Arabidopsis indicates a lack of function of Iino 2007). la1 mutants have altered auxin dis- auxin in controlling branch angle in Arabidopsis tribution in the stem on gravity stimulation and requires further analysis. have increased auxin transport in the coleoptile, indicating that LA1 is a negative regulator of Reproductive Development auxin transport (Li et al. 2007). It is not clear from this analysis of LA1 and Auxin plays a fundamental role in axillary meri- OsPIN1 if auxin transport promotes or inhibits stem initiation in the inflorescence (Cheng and the prostrate growth habit. LA1 inhibits auxin Zhao 2007; Barazesh and McSteen 2008b). Axil- transport and mutants have increased tiller an- lary meristems give rise to flowers in Arabidopsis gle, whereas OsPIN1 promotes auxin transport andbranchesandspikelets(branchescontaining and loss of function causes increased tiller angle the florets) in grasses (McSteen et al. 2000; (Xu et al. 2005; Li et al. 2007). It should be noted Barazesh and McSteen 2008b). Defects in auxin that auxin transport was tested in la1 coleoptiles biosynthesis, transport, or signal transduction rather than tillers, so more research is needed to cause defects in flower initiation characterized clarify this. What is clear though is that differen- by the pin inflorescence phenotype in Arabidop- tial auxin distribution is important for stem and sis (Bennett et al. 1995; Przemeck et al. 1996; leaf gravitropism. Cheng et al. 2006; Cheng et al. 2007b). The Two additional genes, TILLER ANGLE CON- equivalent phenotype in maize is the barren in- TROL1 (TAC 1)andPROSTRATE GROWTH1 florescence phenotype seen in bif2 and spi1 mu- (PROG1), that have opposite effects on tiller tants, which have defects in auxin transport and angle have been identified as QTL. It is not biosynthesis (McSteen and Hake 2001; Ritter known if these genes have an auxin connection, et al. 2002; Gallavotti et al. 2008a). Bif1 and but it is clear that they have played a critical Dvd1 are semidominant mutants that are pro- role in rice domestication. TAC1 encodes an posed to have auxin-related defects (Barazesh unknown protein that is present in single copy and McSteen 2008a; Phillips et al. 2009). An in the rice genome and appears to be present additional eight mutants in maize have similar only in grasses (Yu et al. 2007). Loss of function phenotypes but have not been characterized in of TAC1 leads to upright tillers, whereas in- detail ( Furthermore, creased expression leads to wider tiller angle. Se- DR5 and PIN marker lines show an auxin maxi- quence analysis indicates that the tac1 mutation mumaslateralprimordiaandaxillarymeristems

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Auxin and Monocot Development

are initiated in maize (Gallavotti et al. 2008b). in some cases, genes such as CYP79B2/3are Thus, despite the differences in morphology found only in species related to Arabidopsis, between Arabidopsis and grasses, auxin still plays whereas, in other cases, genes such as LA1 are a critical role in inflorescence development. grass specific. In general, the mechanisms of A bHLH transcription factor that functions auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signal trans- in axillary meristem formation has been discov- duction are conserved in monocots and dicots, ered in maize and rice but its role in Arabidopsis emphasizing the fundamental importance of has not yet been reported (Komatsu et al. 2003; auxin in development. In the future, it will be Gallavotti et al. 2004). ba1 mutants in maize and interesting to discover how the genes mediating lax1 mutants in rice do not produce axillary the effects of auxin have diversified, which even- meristems during inflorescence development tually may lead to an understanding of what but the bract leaves that subtend axillary meri- makes monocots different from dicots. stems are unaffected (Ritteret al. 2002; Komatsu et al. 2003). Recent analysis has shown that lax1 mutants have defects in axillary meristem out- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS growth rather than initiation (Oikawa and Research in the author’s laboratory is funded Kyozuka 2009). BA1 has been proposed to func- by the National Science Foundation and the tion either upstream or downstream of auxin United States Department of . I (discussed in Barazesh and McSteen 2008b). thank Amy Monko for providing the photo- An exciting recent development was the graph in Figure 2A and Kim Phillips for the discovery that the LAX1 protein may traffic photograph in Figure 2B. between cells (Oikawa and Kyozuka 2009). As BA1/LAX1 RNA expression is adjacent to rather than in axillary meristems, BA1/LAX1 was REFERENCES proposed to control the movement of a signal Arai Y, Kawaguchi M, Syono K, Ikuta A. 2004. Partial puri- to promote axillary-meristem development fication of an enzyme hydrolyzing indole-3-acetamide (Komatsu et al. 2003; Gallavotti et al. 2004). It from rice cells. J Plant Res 117: 191–198. Attia KA, Abdelkhalik AF, Ammar MH, Wei C, Yang J, turns out that the signal may be the LAX1 pro- Lightfoot DA, El-Sayed WM, El-Shemy HA. 2009. tein itself because the protein is present through- Antisense phenotypes reveal a functional expression of out the axillary meristem (Oikawa and Kyozuka OsARF1, an auxin response factor, in transgenic rice. 2009). This discovery leads to the question Current Issues Mol Biol 11: I29–I34. Bandyopadhyay A, Blakeslee JJ, Lee OR, Mravec J, Sauer M, of what controls the movement of LAX1. This Titapiwatanakun B, Makam SN, Bouchard R, Geisler M, will be an exciting area of future research Martinoia E, et al. 2007. Interactions of PIN and PGP considering how little is known about how auxin transport mechanisms. Biochem Soc Transactions 35: 137–141. transcription factors move between cells. Barazesh S, McSteen P. 2008a. Barren inflorescence1 func- tions in organogenesis during vegetative and inflores- cence development in maize. Genetics 179: 389–401. CONCLUDING REMARKS Barazesh S, McSteen P.2008b. Hormonal control of grass in- The research described here illustrates the power florescence development. Trends Plant Sci 13: 656–662. Bartel B. 1997. Auxin biosynthesis. Ann Rev Plant Physiol of the comparative approach. In many cases, Plant Mol Biol 48: 49–64. genes controlling auxin biosynthesis, transport, Bennett SRM, Alvarez J, Bossinger G, Smyth DR. 1995. Mor- and signaling were cloned first in Arabidopsis phogenesis in pinoid mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. and then used to identify homologs in maize Plant J 8: 505–520. Brooks L, Strable J, Zhang XL, Ohtsu K, Zhou RL, Sarkar A, and rice. However, in some cases, for example Hargreaves S, Elshire RJ, Eudy D, Pawlowska T,et al. 2009. ABP1, genes were isolated first in maize and Microdissection of shoot meristem functional domains. then homologs identified in Arabidopsis. Some PLOS Gen 5: e1000476. gene families, for example PIN1, are more red- Carraro N, Forestan C, Canova S, Traas J, Varotto S. 2006. ZmPIN1a and ZmPIN1b encode two novel putative can- undant in maize and rice, whereas others, for didates for polar auxin transport and plant architecture example YUC, are more redundant in Arabidopsis. determination of maize. Plant Physiol 142: 254–264.

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Auxin and Monocot Development

Paula McSteen

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a001479 originally published online February 10, 2010

Subject Collection Auxin Signaling

Auxin Interactions with Other Hormones in Plant Auxin Plays Multiple Roles during Plant−Pathogen Development Interactions Serina M. Mazzoni-Putman, Javier Brumos, Barbara N. Kunkel and Joshua M.B. Johnson Chengsong Zhao, et al. Fourteen Stations of Auxin No Time for Transcription−−Rapid Auxin Jirí Friml Responses in Plants Shiv Mani Dubey, Nelson B.C. Serre, Denisa Oulehlová, et al. Auxin in Root Development Auxin-Regulated Lateral Root Organogenesis Suruchi Roychoudhry and Stefan Kepinski Nicola Cavallari, Christina Artner and Eva Benkova The Systems and Synthetic Biology of Auxin Auxin Transporters−−A Biochemical View R. Clay Wright, Britney L. Moss and Jennifer L. Ulrich Z. Hammes, Angus S. Murphy and Claus Nemhauser Schwechheimer On the Evolutionary Origins of Land Plant Auxin Of Cells, Strands, and Networks: Auxin and the Biology Patterned Formation of the Vascular System John L. Bowman, Eduardo Flores Sandoval and Dhruv Lavania, Nguyen Manh Linh and Enrico Hirotaka Kato Scarpella Computational Models of Auxin-Driven Patterning Modeling Auxin Signaling in Roots: Auxin in Shoots Computations Mikolaj Cieslak, Andrew Owens and Przemyslaw Jaap Rutten, Thea van den Berg and Kirsten ten Prusinkiewicz Tusscher Structural Aspects of Auxin Signaling Chemical Biology in Auxin Research Nicholas Morffy and Lucia C. Strader Ken-ichiro Hayashi Noncanonical Auxin Signaling Uncovering How Auxin Optimizes Root Systems Heather Marie McLaughlin, Aaron Chun Hou Ang Architecture in Response to Environmental and Lars Østergaard Stresses Nicola Leftley, Jason Banda, Bipin Pandey, et al.

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