40 Years of Quality Learning 1972 - 2012

2012/2013 PROSPECTUS


We should like to thank you for your interest in our school and extend a warm welcome to you as a family from Queensway Primary School & Children’s Centre.

Queensway is a well-established and successful primary school and we are proud to lead a team of committed, hardworking staff and governors. Our aim is a Quest for Quality - quality learning and quality teaching in a quality environment, which promotes quality relationships and quality behaviour. A place where children can work to achieve their full potential.

We see this task as a partnership between home and school and believe that working together can only benefit your child and their education. We welcome the support and help offered by parents\carers and look forward to seeing you in school whatever the occasion.

This prospectus is to provide an insight into life at Queensway Primary School & Children’s Centre and we hope it answers most of your questions. There are separate prospectus for the Nursery and the Children’s Centre. Please ask at the office if you would like a copy of these documents. Our website is also accessible on www.queensway..sch.uk However, you will learn much more about us if you come to see for yourself - you are welcome to ring or call in to arrange a convenient time to visit.

Copies of policies, schemes of work, Ofsted Reports, DfES documents etc, are available for parents to see in school on request.

“Queensway Primary is a good school with outstanding features. Pupils display impressive personal qualities that reflect the equally strong examples set by all the adults who work here. The cheerful approach to every activity is infectious and children display a clear love of learning. Its caring ethos, excellent partnership work across the community and ongoing participation in recent initiatives result in pupils’ impressive personal development”. OFSTED November 2008

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming your child into our school community. Yours sincerely,

Alun Davies Andrew Mottram Acting Headteacher Chair of Governors


Queensway Primary School was first opened in September 1972 and is a single storey building set around a central resource based learning area and a hall which is fully equipped for movement, gymnastics, drama, music, assemblies and dining. The Children’s Centre was added in April 2008 and provides services to families in Aireborough.

The nursery is an integral part of the school with an enclosed outside area linking closely to the reception class. There are seven classrooms, each one with its own cloakroom and access to toilets. The central resource based learning centre includes 32 computers, an interactive whiteboard and an information library. Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard and computer access. The Community Room is self-contained with a kitchenette and secure outside area. There is an extended play area attached to the Foundation Stage, a tarmacadam playground and a playing field. Pupils also have access to a garden and physical adventure trail as part of our grounds. We are continually renewing and caring for our physical environment. The school is used regularly by the Caring for Queensway group and other local groups.

We have a small number of pupils with physical handicaps, but none in wheelchairs at present. We have an excellent reputation for caring for children with special needs and have no restrictions on admission provided the child can cope with our situation. There is a permanent ramp that assists in access situated at the front entrance. There is a fully equipped care suite and feeding/medical area. Disabled pupils are given the same access to the curriculum and facilities as other pupils.

SAFEGUARDING We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils and expect all staff, volunteers, parents/carers, pupils and visitors to share this commitment.

School Security is reviewed annually, during the Health and Safety Inspection. At present the main entrance has controlled access, whilst other outside doors are protected through blank outside plates and/or security locks. We have a secure external fence and gates with one main entrance to the school grounds and security lighting. The school is alarmed. Children’s Centre and School access is controlled through an automatic entry system around the entrance hall. 2 OUR SCHOOL AIMS QUEENSWAY A QUEST FOR QUALITY

Q ueensway - the School and Children’s Centre at the heart of our community – which …

U nderstands and supports the needs of our children and their families – providing

E ducation and care of a broad, balanced nature.

E nsuring high standards of teaching, learning and behaviour

N oting and rewarding individual attainment and achievement – in a ...

S afe, sharing, secure enjoyable and healthy environment – with a ...

W arm, welcoming atmosphere.

A lways willing to talk and listen - because ...

Y ou all matter.


Children Leeds has a centralised admission policy, details of which can be obtained from the school or from:

Pupil Admissions 10th Floor West Merrion House 110 Merrion Centre Leeds LS23 8DT Tel: 0113 2243884

Governors and staff decide annually on the admissions procedure for the Reception class, with regard to the number of children expected, the ages and maturity of those children, staffing available and the need for a transition period to allow children to settle.


The curriculum is all the learning which is planned, guided and influenced by the school, combined with the opportunities and experiences which are provided, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school.

The Curriculum should not remain static, but should evolve with the changing demands of the outside world.

There is a direct teaching and learning programme, which is delivered through a timetable and it is broad and well balanced.

All subjects within the framework of the National Curriculum are being implemented throughout the school.

The governing body has agreed that sex and relationships education will be included as part of our health education programme. Matters relating to sex education are dealt with as they arise in the classroom situations, naturally, informally and honestly. Year six pupils are introduced to a course in Human Reproduction as part of their Science and PSHE course. It is acknowledged that parents will also play a major role in their children’s sex education.

Religious education and collective worship are provided as required by the Local Education Authority and recognise the issue of our multi-faith society. Parents are entitled to withdraw their children from religious instruction or worship and the rights and beliefs of all are respected by the staff. Arrangements are made for children to continue their studies in the classroom and they enter the hall at the end of assembly. The school then meets as one family and school activities and notices can be passed on to all children. Parents wishing to withdraw their child from R.E. or collective worship must inform the Head Teacher in writing.


The Inclusion and Special Needs policy at Queensway reflects the policy of Education Leeds, complies with the 1981 Education Act, the 1993 Education Act and has regard to The New Code of Practice (2002). We aim at Queensway to provide all children with equal opportunities and access to a broad and balanced curriculum (including National Curriculum), regardless of their special educational needs, in order that they are able to realise their full potential. All staff are committed to providing a positive, caring and friendly environment and to dealing with all children with sensitivity and respect. Children with special needs-cognitive (learning), hearing, vision, physical, speech and language, behaviour medical and gifted and talented are assessed so that they can be given the special attention that they need.

Parents will be informed by the Special Needs Co-ordinator should their child need special attention and a Register is kept of those children. We have children with Statements, children on School Action Plus which means that the school is supported by outside agencies and children on School Action which means that they are supported using school expertise.


CLASSES: Pupils are grouped into classes according to age, wherever possible, and each class includes pupils of all abilities. Class teachers oversee the welfare of the class and plan the curriculum. On occasions it will not be unusual for a class to be taught by someone other than their class teacher. We view the staff as a team whose experience and knowledge and abilities should be shared. The children also benefit from being taught by a variety of people.

WELFARE OF PUPILS: All staff are concerned with the welfare of the children. All relevant services (medical, welfare, social, psychological and juvenile liaison) can be used in order to help pupils. Children are at differing stages of development with different abilities and we see each child as a unique individual with their own, personal needs. We plan to meet these needs in a variety of ways including individual, group and class work.

MEDICATION: Medicines or tablets can be administered by appointed staff by prior arrangement only. Parents should contact a member of the office staff to make such arrangements. All medication must be clearly labelled. Inhalers are the responsibility of the children and can be used when necessary.

DISCIPLINE: The school has a Positive Discipline Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy which are supported by the School Governors and sent to parents at the beginning of each year. They are also available in school.


SCHOOL MEALS: School meals are available each lunchtime and arrangements are made for those who wish to bring a packed lunch. Two weeks’ notice has to be given if a child wishes to change from school meals to a packed lunch or vice versa. The school works closely with the catering company to ensure that meals are healthy and encourage a balanced diet. The school encourages all parents to provide a healthy, packed lunch for their children.

MEAL PRICES: Nursery to Year 4 £1.90 PER DAY (£9.50 PER WEEK) Years 5 and 6 £1.95 PER DAY (£9.75 PER WEEK)



HEALTHY TUCK SHOP: There is a daily, Healthy Tuck Shop available to the children at break time.

HEALTHY SNACKS Sweets, chocolate and drinks are not permitted but fresh or dried AND WATER: fruit and vegetables may be brought in.

All children are provided with a water bottle, which should be cleaned, filled with water and brought in daily.

ABSENCE: The school is obliged to provide a report on authorised and unauthorised absence. Parents must notify the school in writing, or by telephone, in the event of a child’s absence on the first day of absence. There is an Attendance Policy which is sent to parents at the beginning of each year and is available in school. PARENT TEACHER CONSULTATION: Parents may contact school at any time to make a mutually agreeable appointment to see their child’s class teacher or to see the Headteacher. In addition, Parent Teacher Consultations are officially held twice a year, where parents may have a private discussion with the teacher regarding the progress of their child.


EDUCATIONAL VISITS: The school values and encourages educational visits in and out of school time.

RESIDENTIAL VISIT: Year 6 are given the opportunity to undertake a residential visit.

CHARGING POLICY: There is an agreed charging policy which is available in school.

ACCESS TO INFORMATION: Parents can see copies of any of the following documents in school: o Any statutory instrument and guidance documents sent to schools by the DfEs concerning the curriculum o Schemes of work in use o Published OFSTED Reports on the School o The school’s policies COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE: The Local Education Authority’s official complaints procedure is available in school.

The Governors have produced a “Publication Scheme” which details all the documents available in School. Parents may access or request a copy of this document.

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS: The Local Education Authority provide a school calendar showing school terms and holidays. Parents are advised that for the benefit of the continuity of your child’s education no holidays will be authorised in term time.

Requests for other absence in term time must be made using the correct proforma which is available from the office. The school adheres to an agreed policy for all schools in the North West of Leeds, copies of which are sent out each September.



am Nursery Class pm Nursery Class

Start/Register 8.45 am 12.15 pm Finish 11.45 am 3.15 pm

Reception, Year 1 & 2 Years, 3, 4, 5 & 6 KS1 KS2

Start am 9.00 9.00 Doors open at 8.50am

Break am 10.25 - 10.40 10.45 - 11.00

Lunch 12.00 – 12.55 12.10 – 12.55

Start pm 12.55 12.55

Break pm 2.00 – 2.15 No Break

Finish pm 3.00 3.00


End am playtime Reception & KS1 - 10.38 am

End pm playtime Reception & KS1 - 2.13 pm

End am playtime KS2 - 10.58 am




SWEATSHIRTS: Navy with school logo CARDIGANS: Navy with school logo POLO SHIRTS: White TROUSERS: Grey SKIRT/PINAFORE/CULOTTES: Grey SOCKS: Plain white/grey/black TIGHTS: Plain grey/white FOOTWEAR: Sensible black shoes/ black trainers/ black boots (No sandals) Black plimsolls for indoor use OPTIONAL FOR SUMMER: Blue striped or checked dresses HEADBANDS: Plain

Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6

SWEATSHIRTS: Navy with school logo CARDIGANS: Navy with school logo POLO SHIRTS: White TROUSERS: Black SKIRT/PINAFORE/CULOTTES: Black SOCKS: Plain white/grey/black TIGHTS: Plain grey/black FOOTWEAR: Sensible black shoes/ black trainers/ black boots (No Sandals) Black plimsolls for indoor use OPTIONAL FOR SUMMER: Blue striped or checked dresses HEADBANDS: Plain 9 P.E. KIT


T SHIRT: Round neck white T-shirt with school logo SHORTS: Navy SOCKS: Plain white/grey/black FOOTWEAR: Black plimsolls for indoor use


T SHIRT: Round neck white T-shirt with school logo SHORTS: Navy SOCKS: Plain white/grey/black FOOTWEAR: Outdoor trainers SWEATSHIRTS: Navy JOGGING BOTTOMS: Navy


All children in Years 1 – 6 need a House T-shirt

These are available from school.



We have had, as usual, a very busy year in school. Events have included:

Harvest Festival, Meetings for Parents eg. Theme Weeks, Themed Meals. House Events, Transition events Sex & Relationships Education etc; School and Class Council Meetings, Open Evening, Discos, School Photographs, Fund Raising Events, Class Curriculum Events, Parents’ Evenings, Book Fair, Musical Assemblies, Christmas concerts, Christmas Sale, Christmas parties, Carol Service, theatre production, raffles, competitions. Parents Courses, Health Week, Meetings for New Parents, Yeadon Carnival. Workshops. Sports Coaching, Summer Fair, World Book Day, World Maths Day, staff v children rounders match, picnic lunch, sports days, Jubilee Celebration, Olympic Spirit Alive ceremony. Leavers Assembly, musical production and Sport Releif VISITS & VISITORS The Governors support and appreciate the value of visits out of school and the first hand experience these can provide.

Visits and visitors this year: Nursery & Reception: Local Park. Toy Museum, Eureka Museum, Rawdon Fire Brigade, Tropical World, local shops.

Years 1 & 2 Bat Hospital, Peter Grant, Rawdon Fire Brigade, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Local charity shops, Yeadon Library, Ilkley Toy Museum, Primrose Course Residential Home, Bramley Cavies Animal Sanctuary.

Year 4 Swimming at Airebourough baths

Years 3 & 4 Gardening in the community (Guiseley in Bloom), local walks, Eureka Museum, York Railway Museum, Comando Joe’s, Leeds Town Hall, Leeds/ Airport,

Year 5 Yeadon Tarn Activity Day, Guiseley High School, Fire Brigade, Comando Joe’s

Year 6 Residential to Herd Farm, High school transition days, Cycle training.

Years 5 & 6 Playhouse, Armley Mills, Hollywood Bowl. Gardening in the community (Guiseley in Bloom), Shakespeare ‘Play in a day’. Guiseley High School Shakespeare performance. Childline workshop. Ilkley evacuation. Neighbourhood policing.



Nursery trip to the local park

Year 3/4 trip to York Railway Museum

Year 5 trip to Armley Mills


Reception Egg Hunt

Year 1 & 2 Pamper Day

Year 5 VE Day Party



Children are given the opportunity to participate in numerous clubs and activities. All Extra Curricular activities are undertaken by staff and children on a voluntary basis, providing a much appreciated and valuable contribution to school life. The LEA Health and Safety Policy is followed at all times. Year 4, and children lead some clubs supported by adults.

RESIDENTIAL VISITS: Year 6 children are given the opportunity to undertake a Residential visit, during the summer term. The visit this year was to Herd Farm at Eccup.

MUSIC: A school guitar group is held weekly. There is a successful choir which performs regularly within the local community and a creative performance club for Key Stage 2 children.

FOOTBALL: Children of all ages participate in an extra- curricular club and play in both friendly and competitive matches.

RUGBY: Practices are held for Y4, 5 & 6 children and school teams participate in a wide range of local rallies and cup matches.

GARDENING: Children perform gardening activities in the school grounds and local community.

ART: Art and Craft activities are organised by some of our Year 6 children for the younger classes.

NETBALL: Practices are held for Y4, 5 & 6 children and school teams participate in matches against other schools and festivals.

STICKY KIDS: Children from Nursery and Reception can take part in this music and movement activity.




We have a close partnership with parents. We hold Parents Evenings three a year and send out an Annual Home School Pack. Parents receive a monthly newsletter to keep them up to date with things happening in school, and a half termly class letter about the curriculum and current events. We have Home / School Reading Records/Planners and Book Bags. We organise educational evenings in school on aspects of Education e.g. Reading. Meetings are held for prospective parents and current parents are invited to meetings on such issues as SAT’s and sex education. We have Christmas Productions, a Carol Service and Class Assemblies to which parents are also invited.

An Open Evening is held once a year. Musical Assemblies are held and courses for parents are also organised.


All parents of children in school are automatically members of the above group, as are governors, staff and appropriate volunteers.

Regular meetings are held to organise a variety of activities, which this year have included:-


The main aim of this group is to involve people in the life of the school and to foster links with the community. It also aims to give financial support to the school and to provide extra equipment for the children and the building.

We are extremely grateful for their support and need as many people as possible to get involved and support the events. Please contact the current Chair – Mrs Tracy Whitaker – 01943 874925


We also have a register of volunteers. These are people who can help by giving their time or talents – either to come into school or to do things for school at home. It can be on a regular basis or as and when you can. Let us know if you would like your name to be added to our lists. LINKS WITH THE COMMUNITY

The school endeavours to promote and maintain links with the community wherever possible, and this year we have tried to foster these links in the following ways:

Our annual fair is well supported by local people, in particular the local shops and businesses. The school trades with local shops and businesses wherever possible. We have also established strong links with local youth teams.

School premises are used by a local groups.

We invite members of the community into our school, the choir sing at local old people’s centres and participate in local festivals.

We support Yeadon & Guiseley Carnivals and other local events.

Harvest festival parcels are delivered to local elderly people and charities.

There are close links with our local churches, our high schools, whose students we take on work experience and other local primary schools. We take students from Trinity and All Saints College, Park Lane, Thomas Danby & Bradford & Ilkley College

Local schools meet regularly at a Family of Schools Meeting. The school utilises the local libraries.

There are established links with local agencies – Health, Social Services, Police, and the Fire Service.

The school chooses a charity to support at the start of the year with donations from various activities and our Christmas concerts.

We have an International Link with a School in France and a Link with Brudenell Primary School.


Harvest Festival

Key Stage 1 ‘Great Fire of London’ Guiseley in Bloom

Visit by Peter Grant, singer and former pupil


“It is the best Primary School in the Leeds Community” Child

“Wow! We can tell the children have had a lot of fun this term. Thank you!” Parent

“The pupils seem to have positive attitudes to learning and we were impressed by their mature understanding” CfBT

“The school seemed well organised and with a positive ethos which promotes the importance of respect” CfBT

“It is clear that leaders know the school well and use data to set appropriate priorities for the school.” School Improvement Advisor

“Pupils develop leadership and teamwork skills important for future success” Ofsted

“You and Your staff have always made us feel very at ease and welcome in your school, and would highly recommend the school to others” Parent

“The support we get with regard to learning from our Teachers is brilliant ” Child

“The school is really nice, loving, and friendly because they spend a lot of time making school life interesting and fun” Child

“Its just Home” Child

“The sports curriculum is really fun and keeps us healthy and the new improved school meals are much more healthier”


19 And Finally…

Thank you for reading this Prospectus. We hope it gives you a picture of life at Queensway Primary School & Childrens’ Centre. Should you wish to visit us or ask anything further here are our contact details:

Tel: 01943 874925 Fax: 01943 875080 E-mail: [email protected] www: queensway.leeds.sch.uk



Directions to Queensway Primary School & Childrens’ Centre from Leeds & Bradford.

If you are leaving Leeds via Headingley towards Bramhope and Otley –

Assuming you are okay up to the A658 from Bramhope turn left at traffic lights towards airport. Right turn at traffic lights to Yeadon High Street, (Murgatroyd's Fish Restaurant on your right hand side at lights). Down High Street, and straight ahead at roundabout, and down Yeadon High Street proper, pass Yeadon Town Hall on left. Right turn at bottom of High Street, about 100/150 yards left turn to Lane. Again only about 100 yards down hill and right turn to Queensway, (Dragons Health Club is at this junction). Coppice Wood Avenue is 1st turn right after " little white painted roundabout". Follow avenue round, school on left, you won't miss us.

If you are leaving Leeds via Kirkstall Road A65 towards Rawdon and Guiseley –

Through Horsforth and straight across roundabout towards Rawdon, passing Rawdon Crematorium on left. Straight ahead at Rawdon traffic lights. Straight ahead at next roundabout (JCT 600 garage on left, Rawdon Fire Station on left of roundabout). After approx 300yards take 1st right at Henshaw Lane, follow road to top of Hill and left at T junction on to Well Hill, the Tarn pub is on your immediate left). Down Well Hill (S bend), and right at Haworth Lane, up hill 100 yards and take left (as road starts to bend right), Dragons Health Centre is on your left. You are now on Queensway. Coppice Wood Avenue is 1st right after you have crossed the small painted white roundabout.

If you are coming from Bradford via Shipley and Hollins Hill –

Right turn at top of Hollins Hill onto Park Road, at traffic lights at A65, Otley Road. turn right, then 1st left, Green Lane, at next set of lights (Aireborough Leisure Centre on your left, and Guiseley Town Hall on your right). Turn right onto Queensway at " little white painted roundabout". Coppice Wood Avenue is 1st left after Howson Close.

If you are coming from Bradford via .

If you follow road to Rawdon Lights, turn left at lights on A65 and straight ahead at JCT 600 roundabout. If you, come up Apperley Lane straight to JCT 600 (large car showrooms and garage) roundabout, left turn onto the A65.

After approx 300yards take 1st right at Henshaw Lane, follow road to top of Hill and left at T junction on to Well Hill, (the Tarn pub is on your immediate left). Down Well Hill (S bend ), and right at Haworth Lane, up hill 100 yards and take left (as road starts to bend right), Dragons Health Centre is on your left. You are now on Queensway. Coppice Wood Avenue is 1st right after you have crossed the small painted white roundabout.