Your perfect CV TV DEN 1'•( .4 I - Incorporating juice magazine November 17, 1995


PRIVATE security guards are to patrol the streets of Leeds 6 in an effort to combat soaring crime BUDDING DJ'S HIT THE AIRE WAVES rates. The new ittinause launched this week by Leeds graduate Fit/roy Jarman aims to provide round-the-clock protection for residents amid claims [he area is becoming a police no-go area. liuman plans to haw Inv uniformed officer, on the beat by the Christmas holidays. on ihc look out for wouki-be burglar:, car thieve& and mugger,. The punk woukl be tat nied but could rtena_w: full power. o( Lin.= mat 16:2062FEC would he grk4.11 to pay a fee of 1:2 a week per prrbon for the wnice, which would provide nt LIMAS on individual propane., and would amain in contact with a 24-hoor control room 1. is tut). way radio. Discipline liallun Lkmjc' the guards would funcnon as a vg.thrie hes -Mar Ind ones are oveobroched. eniply (WW1 provide efiector sen We Our guards trwuki he well imitated, bong drawn principally front the armed fors-es and constabulary "Simkins in this area are sulncrahic it should not take J !Auks, before ionscone acts," The launch comes in the week a bled' Stadent %urn ( retried that 98 per cent of students hate nu confidence in police Alibi) to dui with burglarir■in 14:cd. But Teton and poke duet% hire plumed laid • scheme "Not all the implicthars have been canal: Col. Rhalml Faulkner, General Secretary at UJU *-111is would yuda fulthe anlagenne the local wormier/art I don't think them are mach saliguial gams this turning Min a vtgilame group and 1.austrat more ramble." SMASH HITS: Three DJ hopefuls tuning in to fame on Radio Awe FM Full story: page 4 Pic George Butler • POLICE Psocee4G ai LEEDS 6 SURVEY RESULTS. PAGE 2 INSIDE: News 1-11, Comment 6.7, Feature 12-13, Consumer 15, Travel 16, Careers 17, Sport 20-24. Plus 16 page juice pullout magazine V Y OF LEEDS


SI 1.1 y TUDEN Freshers left in the cold Numbers boost after merger tit ihnissanit inlay niudent, are set km het Faultnner, t.rneral Secretary or FRESIII4t5 expecting to more into because the Kirktialf Brewery ote is , ,.lepeadeat -1 -cc, to joiu I reds l niser•ity Union I I I.., said: "We bane to male ;are wand new Ilan tor the remainder of built near a canal and there are gtogitflth it Leeds following its successful bid ID absorb that funding it dont correctly and that t .~,t, their filial year hate been told that nun) underground stream% the Leech (*allege of Health, Remo there is an adequate lend of tiletagat they must ...air a ['mho/ two -The ground kept collapsing after per head.- hc Louisa fsreglotn. months, m rite t Julie r f 'npahart the loundat►onn had been Iard. ream April nest year entrs A tprikesnlan for the Leeds t "liege the tight stustemn Am currently said nursing student nwntber of the college ref Health sahi there weer initi 1'i,, The eight students hate heel: al losing in %tact auto Hall at ant he etigiatered at the unisernits that with its small intenl gown three choices from Beckett ►ernhip the the Hearn Park nor, nut were told of I . colkyr mould he swallowe Busincsn Services The and will became Int-tither. d up Irs the at the •tart of the year that they pack the slatellenbi will then he hated on the unllersits. leatleg its students left -, lutrientn can stay in Beckett PM, toe lead. %Oral e►og.•pom. would he housed in the uniscrols out: -11oseter. the scheme will be gale I'twig ergot p the nit week• and then mine into unkerfiRy campus_ flagthip kirkstall Rica yrs ?lain The mote is u rrsult of the good for the students es lon VOA*, 14, ,:outples after t 'Minima% kirkniall Brewery flats g as I tt Iss Abolition of I reds Regional Health in/re-ration takra Our on equal terms owt of constsuclion Alternaiively they can loose into Liu um HUMC*0 a ► ♦tolhorit) pest sear, Local colleges and the students pealestional need. prohlen mean the looms ire not friends' houses and the tillti.Cf•Ity ► and uniternitirs hang 'hid' for the are taken intro account." he said mi a} for the MacCautcy will pray their rent ► right to **kroner Health College% Hut kit het Faislkner doubted three students. en en though al one point Otherwise they can c'eunpleiels fortnerly under the ANIlsoritt'• mould he integration problems 'tie builders were two month+ ahead our out of the contract and find : "torts are a tact mix or pettPlt ■!I ...citAttac accommodation in the prisate control. and Funding was wen as one of the top tht ougtilti still fit in •the, nail b Simon Picsident of sector e priorities of the merger dice Internal errs similar no the sober students_ nail that they wci.- explai ►ed the re.anons Nor The students •ten unlikely !he'll wear their very disappointed". and feel that discussion of the Implications and the delay: "Budding comptic anions uniforms or stethoscopes to the bar!" I !Lind- 04,'+1.;!...uch a% th,..-s has e been "Ic to heroin! '' different demands on the union.

&Mad talian ieusto Nam►* Carr Maras c mama & AMMtmotaraM. Sam Mermaid City centre thugs broke PaYmemg &WO Wks Ilar424* 1,1.10)1MCIMMIlmmeigg., Mop% airtime %t idib.r.

• I II. 'Id.. • my elbow I. • %CM*" diturg

$1.1. IA r. AN UNPROVOKED attack after a night out left %tots' 1•1,1r 'ego ,c • student needing an urgent operation to a badly 111.4 broken ethos Daniel Mills. a second year Food Science student. ts, tort I (laws described how the: attack occurred last Friday night as hc was o .rurii returning alone from Planet Earth Wailing thiough the !demon ....4 ■-• Centre J mon going past him 1,1,N-,1 ant and punched him in the Lk: UNPROVOKED When he turned hack tn , the man charged toward% him .sir! knocked lion to the ground with A ATTACK MEANS ttr tad,. sines of kicks and punches. tenet !slaw Then the situation v•orsencil as HOSPITAL OP two others joined in the attack Daniel said -I muted hear awns Simmer woman's since pleading with them FOR STUDENT to stop. but they didn't listen I was just a plaything, a target for them nut equipped with closed circuit LOOKING FOR TROUBLE Stealth Security boss Fitzroy Jarman Pie: AO Shaw "It didn't seem to matter to them te lev %ion . Heard a good who I star I was just in the wrong Not knowing that Ms elbow wa, place at the la rong Niue " twoken when he squinted time ARAL A story? Call the Daniel was told that this would 1,, Operation POLICE PLODDING IN LS6 recorded as an incident and sit crime that warranted a ful suAkiNti hutglar) laird to either re, .,,,scr Ttsc unary 1611diMp Newsdesk Aliet the attack he managed to insesfrgation and km conlider e In the stoien prorsirty r r sorted the hacked up by a teeeni struggle itt his feet and escapee to a Daniel described the :■.. ► pollee are the 'emu prepared by private safe distame. !MI cussed him as mow,- Prrreftuill" on erwheimmc emuks Mau And tIS per cent col security buss and LkIti 0113 But it was not until sometime Ill inches tall, betaren la and 211 a Iteth Stadeni survey of those questioned said they r.aluate Remy Jarman it later that he realized he could no years old with shoo Noun hair Leeds h resident. antra had no tont idence" in found that over a Mad at tonrer :eel his nght arm. Rut he seemed most bothered 2434727 Chins firimilh pry, pilwe Atklilf14% 1i. JCal with students in private -I thought I'd gust bruised the about the effect* on his academic The crime-ridden ascommodaison in• arm end only went to casualty a work - his plastered arm presents the hurulary etatcrto67 Want to student ghetto boasts the The mail:ins of getting had been hurtled wtuk ril t'uple of days later him from doing the practical% that most burgled street in police advertise? "Following an x-ray. I wet told I arc a crucial part of his hood adequate insurance for the per cent felt the Rumen mil it Is the aria wan needed an urgent operation to tenet Science course few and d big fits presence In Mob era ass Contact effects of burglary that tit recrionticotn nadequate" the elbow hone." "My. tutor was really ka students seemed most Jarman aloe tound He spent the nest two days in sympathetic. in fact he'd trapped Dan %%easel. a fuel year in eons:ruled about in the rie Ot hospital his thumb in it door a week before," Business Studten student tit per cent thssi.00 the Advertising sutst, The incident was reported to said Duna I•MD. spoke frig many security palttll ten IT sympathetic police. but they had to A Police spokesman appealed num-rive per sent of "I've had mauve would be 'of use In 0113 the Leeds to residents tell him there was little chance of for a sincssei and warned students problems getting an , outings., and he max tab* surveyed said they had a s ow or coilfiriente forihe catching the Marker% unless any to be careful when returning home 1111•1ffii/lee to Leeds A 1,111Min; ti. 2314251 witnesses come Forward late at night would ht said to been hurtled in the test because they know how sersicc he i. 1, LInfortunately the Merciful stick to main roads or, honer still. twelve months All those many students arc Lutrich in the New Yea' Or send a fax on Crime is the ord.; shopping arcade to Ilk(' .3 rust borne hurglol said the police had *angled" lbran(* Goma hat, Fax Saturday; Dr) with S41nle Sunshine Outlook for the rest of the Week: 0113 ON THE HORIZON after a cold and frosty start. Ma♦ Staying mainly dry and settled. 2467953 temp. $(' 146F.) with celebrity weather Madly MokilmtIM Ma Oho Nonsloy: Settled with broken cloud M•1.491.41 IlmalmoolINN,..4 4141,0161. ellsi WOW e-mail and sunny internals. Feeling is little tutlisulffirsieetliurdlik forecaster Stevie Sunshine p,. Wad. warmer. \las temp. IOU 4501:.) News 3 Partygoer's sharp shock PHONE FAULT LETS THIEVES CLEAR UP A PAI 1. nom a first tis.1 window left , ,; with 0[11111:11s•i, lim.ak up ilk pats N., , Tractrs.r Ands thd,-1.,1 brut same student frtniVeki tr ni J first 1101,* IA-Irak PA Alter SNAIL lily ■ ksIgs in nont .0 trr^41 air innitaleh Ittr 21111 tall w as hatAsm ts) soh mud ouicnts. lire window Ilia the I cosh l'in► 'hen. saullent still bruised hi. sgii WAD IC►VCI) Pats urgarsoer Tin ileI.An talied an 41mbulan.:e Int tits foetid. "lk via% 'au-Mini! hi, *girds Wag, Nab and we ildn't kna vv. It it is »hecUmnr I Pr ihe ■■ lust be he w am • ∎ p.1.000 ". lath. 1_411.:1 must h.. k *seen with me that night" stud .Andy after he'd slime hack driven in ilk' Ititkll=l 160 41Mr:•etC1 earth '1 could have really hurt Sift' 11. -not it the (von triLitiesti% *tic" !dated hot it Me tiro tune I seemed plett■strativ.: idctu.v 2.1114P up HT mid done thi. when I eat It I ward the♦ tt w as IIPSI .1 Pauli nn the bur I he 111(‘'e 0A ion a wmdow think ail: I escnIu41111. alefted 4 nctrhi*oir :111rd clic p•lit:c N'oapertitaa'-' flit' fti,ltir armed promptly but ,ink tt. 111141 that the thirvst• hail Icit with the •ttlirre g1,41.15 11 be Nutria', pot ricn.1rk:41 tNittlpthetil and hren k.sultht fhi otident•' rh.wor hi, hr,-11 Tvp:med, .rnt lit I,., Sheffield is CUT OFF Claire and Rebecca kW helpless as rselgftbours are robbed Pie. Clare Gran* city of snogs lakt tilt It tunny .aindenn inIth NO Leak utttscndrrh hint. pal in thr 4th Annual Py Mina JIM" rn Sheffirki rvi Ntinday night. wrgrA Primer ills l The Minor th no fesi rr organism! by Halhani and Shrfileki um yersittes. and Stun gun attack 'moires a pub craw I of dewlap& *Awl% the city centre follimed by a hip a one uf the nary clubs kwo Casilotr, finahn 11Th Sump', dressed in full drug_ mauling net stockings. and dyed ha hair blue He conutemed on the pullmg porous! of event. Basically, as you walked paw someone Iota IMAM, 'yin on mother-of-two mugged them A third yea panics student agreed, "One of my house mines DOUBLE DISASTER STRIKES who went was dvisappimed that %firmly gra I h sump. ate FOR STUNNED RESEARCHER A►CI)St is aralirid Simon Caffrey. Pmideitt. tt LA M!. writ dontimg ' a woe IIURRIFI(' attack with an electric stun gun +Ay cos:-getwe !non St&S." He hospitalised a mature student from Leeds this dew:lib/Al x as "tut escellenr rught week - and then left her victim of a cruel of (bunko) debauchery If 5,411l can't pull there. then it num blackmail threat. he .4 anethnw stunt with Irwin" Christina Espinoza, a Its lima A SnOilniti inothet-ol-Isso anti pail HMV lays student at LW' Christina described as "about w as temporarily paralysed live feet It/ inches tall, white, stockily built with a dean Mystery over .and thrown to the ground and tidy appearance and dirty electric by the lorce of thc blond hair." finally made uhf nos* mate cattle prod, similar to with her ilick■ack contain, riv those used by police in the her wallet. cheque hook, Ian FRIENDS panicked and polise USA notes and a few pounds in were called when I Hightield half She was then smashed (rose change rrOdeld %Vitt thivonS, Howes aver the head with a glass Mania Amok/ coffee jar. and haying lust Terrified Alice Insley, a testier at ‘onsciousuess. was drat Red down the road and lobbed Alter the attacker tau oil didn't go home after foushirty the fortified student went to wart, al Matt Lath lakt Attack the nearest house where she itkatnesaay night The fresher notified the polls:r aril called had kit the hurt with hirruk The incident happened in an ambulance Man *oak. and crated up st.iyine the outskirts of Halitas at Christina's injuries were all night. about 19 111pm on Tuesday not serious although she Her housenwes then rinsed bins ember 7 sustained a slight concussion. the alarm with the residential Christina was on her way and the stun attack had lett dices, who molted the polite. home from a night class. and her in a slate of severe STUNNED. Christina Espinoza back at wort after her nightmare cedes Pic: Paw anew, 1..411 exec members and was only fifty yards from her physical and mental shock attempt was Lininitihei.lca liniscrury smunty house whets the attack was Christina's ordeal, IStadtortl Ilius slop demanded and ihe notes .sere letursed to Christina The ith the tubber). itself and A ,county check in lectures. launched however, did nut end there They uttered Its sell them were taken into hasv J. yet been unable to annoy mimic in 1141.7SU and "The lust thing I heard The following day she also hack to her but refused to Maelitharlets custody. although they vine identity the attacker a puller itisestigation alt staled was ■sharp crackle." she became a victim of blackmail return them unless a ransom later retested without charge InquIrtes are continuing and on Thursday to find Aber. who said knew what it was by as two men contacted her was paid. West Yorkshire Police are police are .urgently appeattne returned after 13 luaus away the (holmium sound." claiming to have found her A family friend came to satisfied that the blackmail lot from home The assailant. whom college notes dumped in a her rescue rumiiiing the sum 4 News Police appeal after murder

11 i i'51.1. P01.1(1: desperate for Polite are looking tot a leads in ;in untiuls rd Just before skittle/II he ohise male, aged b•trrern 25 and Al and .5 *K- tall. Ile oar murder case have used neat to catch a Iasi from Or Iasi rank on Vicar Lane, or-firing smart casual clothes new computer outside the Victoria Quarter - and a Inlig %Ire+ id technoloo* and a 01000 Hr was then attacked. shirt or juenper- reward to try and which tell him with serious Woman attract new hired injuries. Ile later died in hospital. He was accompanied by information. The attack took plant in an alleactite woman of Assaulted front of .rural Isttor‘r,r% stroller age. of very slim and police say laity's'se build with blonde shoulder Postman Andrew leasing the John Olney glg length bale. Batten died of head at The Duchess pub may She was wearing a light injuries after bring base seen something. coloured ratio dress with assaulted on Vicar Lane West liar/ashler Police thin shoulder straps. and in Leeds city centre hose suede use of up-to-lbc- heeled shoes. minute crime fighting A reword of t5.000 is around midnight on computer let Oenology to offered for information Friday October I. produce an impre-ssion of the leading to a irons ietian. Ali- Batten had left work rasa they are seeking. Anyone who may hair tern al lie Royal Nlail depot on linestes were unable In the couple are urged to call Wellington S;trrel, and Opel 1416e a run Impirtwoon (Di fist Miligarth Police incident on to vigil sescral public girl who was with him. hilt Room an 243 5353 or 2.15 house% around the venire of did describe her clothes, 4197. PHOTOFIT police made use of sophisticated technology to produce this impression the city. Crowbar assault on resident I S.. rm. We specialise in low cost travel for students and young people providing support 'T• it) )(such% attacked a finalist with a crowbar Ambitious in over 150 offices throughout the world right outside his hall of residence. kriktpn Alittinson sustained lie.tal injuries atier the 15.- f . r t year olds triesl to mug Inns and tsso friends. lust ..aids. I r. ,irr Ws win AMSTERDAM ti 45 69 BOLOGNA tr 67 93 MEXICO ft 155 299 Leeds 1:rosotsit!, s Montagtio Burka' flats Kristian. (third try Levi+, THREE students and a ANTIGUA 179 360 DELHI 252 386 NAIROBI 179 349 -.lures(!} MediTIJI Studies STUDENT Laois graduate have been L:ti.lerti was retaining home t., accepted on 1 preatigous ATHENS 85 112 DUBLIN 35 49 NEW YORK 83 152 his flat stash Scruffs Murphy ... local tJdio Unable bar to the won centre *oh lot. NITA KED scheme a rias (leant'. AUSTRALIA 382 445 ISTANBUL 97 139 PARIS 28 55 other students Oren they weer Shako approa..-hed by the too young Itcptesentatiscs from BANGKOK 195 381 LA/SAN.FRAN.119 239 TEL AVIV 99 175 Mtn CLOSE T I ASC, 1,101l" And seeds The Imulhs lust asked L' nrvcreily all ginned BILBAO 70 120 LYONS 70 140 TORONTO/MIREAL 95 190 ha mows. from Kristian oral his places On en 3 Aire Fit's friends Men the thme outlaws UNI HALL ltroadcasting Tramine LONDON / SINGAPORE! BALI r SYDNEY / Fill rellowd. the thug. hot Kristian I„s Roc AROUND LOS ANGELES / NEW YORK ; LONDON FROM E722 owl- the bra! with it rpowtta happen ILI me and f hope thw Chttsslc Reidy and THE Chased other. arc careful %hen walkim• lisarme Clark. menial scar WORLD LONDON / BANGKOK t HONG KONG / SYDNEY t AUCKLAND / about media students IToal LOS ANGELES, SURFACE I NEW YORK / LONDON FROM 1685 'The three students run tat in PAIN' ;101 e r. a first yrat TASC. Mandy V. n IV .1 student also, at 1.ecils ■ We also supply Trans Siberian Rail, North American Coach Passes, thlterrnt iltweire.. but the men thinl ear !Alt; chased Kristian tf.ewn the not I$nivroslis &Alio ors with and 1-er3.11. Uniscrsity BA European Train Tickets and Passes plus a vast catalogue of other services "the attackers Florw the Knstlan at ter ume of the attack Hon. graduate Anne crowbar after the Wong student wen vier* nroN(l hr the ink-Wens "I Nlarie tesker were /If ulrl these they cauelo hon. ihe) *III he 'call) bothered about i.0 tie -well duilled"willi .tarted In punch and &JCL %Jain: art Rind 1,1 n4;:hf IM " uoxss tension kraal oprorhatity After stseral Nov.. loan the in to Indhci ins, ambition 1h-sear-olds, Kuistiesi hit•4011 ,s r• later taken Joanne. plissoied to hit bat' k tws fop.; la Ilse .00rbot Sus.scss fug sludetto r-serdually lough( off his bloo Ill las head Attar Iseult; 1'111 It raratiiro: I.CAA LEEDS Ala:ken ctslottiol, tie /V 0%1,110 Milan WhilihArn Kristian said -I ism did rest without' tieJenclu A Ii. WI-WY 1 A.St; snidest IN YHA ADVENTURE SHOP, 117 - 121 Vicar Lane, Leeds LS1 6P1 0113 246 1155 John Hall interview: pages 22-23 News I I t- / 1•- NT • WOMEN RISE UP TO RECLAIM THE NIGHT

viewpoint t IP I !I, , • • I , - 1 ,

LcedA Mudeni ViNit Mc' Ihrth Cadt r;L fa...4 Weac to gauge your opinions and uncover your hidden secrets. If,

With Ulrika Jonsson making a dramatic 'career change' and getting her kit off in next month's Tatter magazine, this week's probing question is "Who would you like to see I I .C11.1 1 'met' naked in the papers?" Nit,• 14-'t 1, w. nt reorIc t. , In411 •.a.•11.,F 4,11• •.114 11-. A I: e ar 011 Al the 1.11■1‘t, •. 311 \ 11111ig e "Mr Bean. bei..-aase I want sian th• 111.11 II mita 1 ,1 OW to see If he's gni a ink nu LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS Reclaim the night marchers prepare to xet oat Pic PAW Sherrey ■IlfeCr% I. 1w no go tot w.NT1C11 atlel !me or not

Sharon McHugh, let year PR Student

-het I ynsti. to see if she's Carbon monoxide: 1..0( talce fano(' her nipple. "

Paul arrnourdadrou. 1st year Business Management student

of them h.o.c hero the enemy within there aircraft, hut I mirk John Mawr w,wkf is - — - 1,010 C-WIWItt LAWS introduced a year ago laugh 41 boil STUDENT this week aimed at Improving gee lire safely are widely ignored - leaving a potential FOCUS killer loose In your trontroorn. Paul De Newtown 2nd year Media Technology student L__ EVERY year around thirty people die from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by faulty gas appliances. "I 111101,1 tIC,.&11•: tht ru comiui his problem the got ernment introduced la 4111•ti t. r -UV A ti./11 he s regulations last sear to ensure higher standards of gas 1.4 4 ut hn lunchhoi • 1safety - but there is grossing concern that they have been all but ignored. Carbon monoxide can kill I Katherine Murray. 1st year Accountinq student without warning In tint a matter of Itsport by Imes Stood b Charlotte Hanson. lilt year Leasure Studies hoists Those who ionise an amuck Inirnoxicie poiconing arc students can suffer severe drowsiness, bcaUxe they rent the .heaped and headaches_ and pains to the !he'd And na 011M;11:11 pixifext spialst!. aeeomitiodatiori the mean' meet D.I■C Parkin. a philosophy and law. in eir•umxtamei management student at Leeds uy arptying to virtual!) 411 NvoLkno., 'Pamela 'Julie' Anderson. Unisetsity, attnint heedme a %Kum the it achy gat "Lni year I mart} Landlonl% arc rr.ponuhle for making 4.00 I've guest done the ,care died 1 Mike up cwt iminsing heeling apphark:es are maintained (Mky Run" malty duly with u huge headache. tn good iirsk and shecked for solos "The doctor recognised the at least otk.v ecry melte months Mileeilver. appliance• must he ,fit carbon monoxide RILLtii. ()es neater! must be moonset reguiany PK LINT urging *excited by en installer registered pinioning and told Me to gel plenty ,tut .he...1 and in ,ante LA.,. .iiidents knew whip die licv. with CI1RGI (the Council for Paul Burke, let year Hospitality Manage end 4.+1 fresh an. students had to organise the tegulations were nil 'I called in the Gas Board and ihr Registered Gas Inatallersi Landkud% seivismg themselves, Bin the dangers are ohs :ow. .1 must Lem Worth al lervamg. healer was condemned Now I only Joanne Worinleightort., local gas nutaller veurting ill Leeds use cksinc fires " diNgt1,10lied third-year biology h recently admitted that tigress out The Gas Safety 14cgulataitts were Retords student, esplaiiveil, -N1). Inintilfird is of sesenten homes. which tie had mooed partly due In the deientuned utter4 useless. When we woke to visited contained fealty gas TV ensure that landlords are efforts of the NUS Many oh the him he said that site appliances we appliance, unsuspecting detail of carillon obeying the law Leeds housing fine and that he dirket have time kir otganitation Unipol hare advised out pen, complaint. NIcnatc students to sign ciertraciti lot house% "We subiicquentl) called in only they have .eon these 'we Knitsh (Jas who Condenined my Until ii.eintaLtury cLandarchit ga. recieds A local gas installer heater the *ad thing is Mal It it safety are achieved it seems the Rai despite the neW regulations wasn't fur our initiativeI might now clangers of carbon monot1;11- 111- many students have found that their working in Leeds 6 he deed - posnining will continue to rocn•nc :hnstopher Kelly. 1st year Hospitality recently admitted that landlords do not can ahem' their Mak Soathwell. Well= Ofrwxr student housing. and tanagement student catch UAW. points out Mal suskrio could still &man In a recent curie) conducted by 16 out of 17 homes and landlords seem seem to he Anyone win-it:To. a carbon Leeds Student, n was revealed dirt unaware ill the law "We're MOnnLnie s unniedialrly only Sti per cent of students lived in which he had visited Loni.vrned that puhlietty for the law stop Wang the appliance The arra home. in wind& pa appliance% had ham foiled to terch aimless, and that should then he fully ventilated contained faulty gas year been serviced in the peal they are unaware of the dangers of Telephone the Health and Safety Complied by Sara Teiger appliances The fineweny sit ihe‘e students carrion monotide poisouing Lacs-alive Gas Safely Ads k c I ti,k1 ti‘ Nowt ut cart In our survey only 2n per sent of nn 01M1130t1 361. It Ir. 141.4,1 Comment & Anal sis STUDENT OPINION

Racist, homophobic and anti-semitic - charges levelled at How to Islamic fundamentalist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, banned this week from a students union. TOM MILES investigates

end the I/1i I l- tr..0-. ; NI .1._ its '•'.101 .11 n I 11 ,0 Iskunk 1 ,11 • rintlanrentalist tilt. • 4....•. ecs mos ement which calls for a holy war against brad. I I,, , w` III • brands Hindus .1i111411111441 /.. Shod. mil %;11 ages" and sass -111,•-fitx fuf qx-rtt And the agony homosexuals -Mast 1w ,••••■1, • Akm1.1:,••11'4'• Ir.,1114/1,1t. Liken In the highest •k.litril1fr.11,. /1.0 i.4ll,iir m.,.,•I lI Ik41•1111■4*LI atia ilk 1■■ mountain and thrown ofi.." VIACIKC Till: death yesterday of has been harmed In on flub ta Maine thernsehes Above tha ambler. et-sta.'s coma girl Leah Betts k% union huiklings this week. ilsticiatn ot massive mask And of Htsb ut-Taheir I WI, ut Taltrir were not nitOrpr•Clliannti by the lintish a national scandal. media and claim that hest ieptrscoicd at the meeting. anti It t+ +c:uululeiu, that each year a opporvents are efloduanng iic ilit-444411/4. and It*F0404.11) wits the Inntxm to kin handful of people will die from using them was "dens onistainn Ttrit argues for die destruction ol they suppded rho mot. &moments sail sum. wed's he a drug which remains unregulated. easily curried According to the state of Israel The group. I he bares poop nie-i skshale Shani., ItLmuc notified Hy direct releseme talk about people • unlicensed and unmonitored. kaki, Onus Rain Mohammad. Society President. They knew Want and they say that Ow" dense was &tared lot -.11t Iran In I1441 threatened But a., it should he remembered WAILS) Use their beliefs Intro Islamic tests They there was no point' m trying to tit calling tot the assassination it question sonic Is Ito longt.-r a minonty pastime. Each do not coo.tat with the demnerahc John Istara tout .ulscrattle aid sis stand up In the large voting system, but slam to be ono siolida week thousands of students exrtei4e their Any kern trade, of the (K en sups in the mann, such as hit: apparently mobilised by and well krausit within the Muslim individual right to Like F Nearly ;ill of mown will have nonsest that filth tit I t ill and assinnal racial awl the sokiety representing Jewish oviraininity Lieu wits lumped inrether on the religious Inia0iiiet Will they them have a good time. suffering no ill students. He also said that the Huh ut.Tahnr I which mans sane bad b -grulitn lily t e,inhal snip lerlinp dinessed now effects. To Libel them part of a *menace -Pasty of Realm" or "taberalIOIT than Hub ► debate about Hith ut-Tahnr. ■ I K, the British National Patty awl the a•tiihrir boo that stalks Fintam's streets' as one senior ran wi•a.• founded in Nil with the National Front' Hourver prornment banned nom LUU1Snwe is which represents a very small chid:nye of talkie; people to Warn police officer did this week is both Muslims like Haan, %hi is not L UU .nenther Is kilowatt) h- number fintish Muslints• has rot zsublistung the Khilatah tt sonnovil tis the glom, behest -they a member of Ili& ut-Tahrir. patronising and blatantly untrue. burn 'blown out of all biome star, and has a pressTi►e ui am not tern vim.- tritest, nithittg has and the prams usppooltas It appears I rah Betts hulk one eCNIAN)r ti l l. many countries It Nu been banned in pmtxonie on". fir been prusen t 1 outlaw the tune not actually been NNW Ine with no 'contaminnt.: suffered many %ale Frahm tramlines and group Hob salahnes acciners the campus. the proton of phyllud The Tomb) OG111. like the an alleigis: traction 10 it and hags:ally slipped several university t:K. c.-impuses and would argue that althosisth it has not thrt-at remains largely unaffected, into a coma him arguments about limb by NUS It is dso allegedly under been mown guilty. N is not altogether It I, not cleat. thaelnre whether The pill she took did not contain dr pure ' • it, vs as stiff with Horne ()tIke investigation, hut no nutmeat • they base head lb hut and them was previnualy tr M now say etICITNCSI 'ecstasy ' lake all Liohlets bought alkgatiOrn and A:14411W yet been taken to outlaw do rat mend to gee tr jounce real Uuras acs •audenh, stain is apatio illegally in Bniain a was tut with other. a% yet rumours which smacked of arm in Finnan NW One oinserned /lin& smarm, question vehether the 'caml too a. inknown. substances v-wreniongeting Does. Hub ut• The Unstin iii kurali Snaknts h slam 441shrt1614ICithanl Nlintlevc. sari. madam of banning the pour ark tIncurnenaest the gimps Favany in tits form is taken at virtually every lahrw actually paw a real threat to -rime and tune again the finger has nght one The haa will not IrftwiT Inflammaii ley' material, pans of club across the country Sadly in a handful of eases Leeds gudents? Or veal the vale In punted at Herb ist.Tahni l licit I bal4 ut-Tihnt itself At the Mkt on cauves, illness sx earn death which are dearly offennove to many I uss awl nothing? One speaker. 111 Tatter alms sit defended the riots' the abiencr la inmost! oppource Like all drugs, ecstasy has its starlets immeshes, espdulh anyone who tin Iltalionf i. hat he stopped %hurt of pack result u-as parks.-al 4•100411 MitiLid Savage, said -Dom Research into long-(rim effects. allergic reactions lieheves tire dir oar of Israel is net panodinr kar doLurtiritUry rekk•nce MIS effective debar and patterns of use ate mill in their infancy anyone take it seriously ristreme ennirly Huh urTahrts' to connect Huh tot .Table h i vie dent ■ then hat tern nu ammo In Pittoratorial iodisation. are that even in loss doses Im n.fillit ttl PI e Arr.ivri• literionn- talk, riled emir bodge gaps. heal skrations or It can came king-term skein:won in some people The ;pup has Len:only invited eoci image dialogue as might tits e It is importau such findings are nit ignored condemnation on an mientational hero tarsal from a titian lot But the important pion is all drugs. legal A testi. hot is their nit a pi-usability du reasonable debate and discussion. Ile inept air dangr14.4n. Each yeas thousmils rove Nothing has so far been local &tows could be driNen fact dui the mimeo was so %men .lie hum akohol and cigarette related diseases tinikergrosnal it outlawed" Several Cattle it in the middle sit Anti ka4.-14/n etc recent pill seam has shinsn takine any drug ipeakers m the debate %aid that they week *Auk] suggest tart the tuninx same% inherent mks wt./oil concerned is ids the freesinni for dialogue has worn dna and Rut even where it it moved a drug is proven to outlaw the group of sprat. std onls • anted tlx immune groups is seen as eve tot dangerous dns doesn't pmsent prick horn raking !maktn Y. use inky alkyd. Bloch I, 444.4141,T ii Rtehtly people sin shone hi .41•AC cigarettes it drink beer, wall all me anerwlant risk of disease_ without law ut intrsteutinn or Myrna mmcrit Even if it conk' he conclusively premed ecstasy Iritee's bigiest weekly Mies, Newspspr is 25 wait evW1=Tn444 isr dollbdni this *Iliad onp the To celehrele, we press* Noon do eta win enjoy E from continuing io Like it the teal problem. therefore. is not with iss-stasy t%%‘-t't-siww4N_711 1 is-g ) S Iseadless •querter of ■arlory op we but its coma All over the country E Wilds are bang made in hob tuba and home labs Thar S‘‘ irAir I ails, VOI ember 20th is no quality moot on triantrfacium, barreling or hy Mary Cherunsenfi trace Put meats any onicsupukuis poxes can pioduse a lethal cocktail ol discs and pass them on as colas) And Me hymen, enured by those **hit seek to Lord Boyle speaks on Leeds ban at all costs means genuine staining. surrinindittg the slew are often trollied .1 don't think 4.• 4f1 ansi, w ish so Itingiel a aerated by ads mix on hypothetical There will always he death, horn drug use But ,hmai cis clime W Leeds," de moron um on Students *hi qocuion." he said, when mini if the ravertnticrit really wants to minimne cars said Lord Boyle, esplanutig took pan in a MOM whether he would suspend a hit trail Hilts- tt should stop pteachirre 'not say why he has WI Politics Act demonstration against Sir musical found 10 be is no and eistabbsti Ian eftedi■e 044411111ring and 70 sea in the House ol Alec nought. Home did not. poue2%1410 of drop. bossing sysaem (", wont. qt.% Iti beeline VAX- in NA illpin100. nicht He agreed that cabiassi II' Britain has a drug. pm/dem it is that tutu ( lun,c1 kx He said. 1 am suspension from thc the grants system needed primes are soserlisos mg with often non •sruilent enjoying the job immensely - University invesugation. people convicted at possession and supply iii In an Mery lea tie Network Lord Boyle assaded giving On ss ins errata:I:= ecstasy Thamatich of pt nods of tan asayess woes knit, broadcast yesterday .. a definite opinion an questnins students. heing %Med lighting a *a seams I. a war that 'Party goer's sharp shock' Lord Boyle mattitaincd Inn about annutmed set and the In conclusion, Lod WI& 4.411144 he won student demonstrations], pinblern of dru5-ukonv said. 1 hope tube lets fee It is a war we shosikl not even he fighting full story: page 3 ' Sometimes people genuinely *1 duff w ant to he drawn in some nine in CONIC 6 Comment & Analysis II I.^ 11 I it VI 0 VA., %. ■.•1000,17 Tim Gallagher

ntil resenno Road I.nhkc tt.r.NJ k.ege which, 14( life in the fast lane every Friday z Rage was 1111 thing hayfever it al Its peal tin hid to hate. If you summer days. Pavement Rage can weren't seen behind strike at any tone. MI -11411.' .4 Choi 111111,m 114111 J so, 0,1 I 011 hi% 1t1.11.en Ihr wheel of your car I get In) mu.! [Arnow snacks magnetos traction to prams thing or two And all from the an otrpressaile urge to *indenting engirt ulna rmaks than when Urn rushing in 'NI pus ►:haus. Any shild chant,' c fon and safety it y0111 4311 aversion:11e Hugh t appear in a bumper If: annual, somewhere, There I am running within a ratliwi simply has What more sould you want ap•olopse burnt+, and ha•rils then you were out of touch. down the %nett_ when isui of to crash into my legs on its (If ‘1141f*C. Wine people go 1110 ovi hill rr.p.m..,hliic% 1,,r Hui while it's mall 411 the rage nowhere a flying column of senu. pournry. tar and Ji.1114111■get OUI Ihe rn.idcnl hr al4.itti)141 ■ Ito iiirrit. Ws nor the only anhnitc blue rinses • half.dead flog cities are the worst You can vehicle, punch the ottentling Jnset English drip -.Awiully sorts old traselltng ringer. Hirt on the heel.. hopalongs with sr Inane., guarantee that when you're in a and then speed oft Hut for crcr‘ bean- els etc of Road Rage which in turn appear. And trying to go past them rush there'll be loonies of l•west% ciate. there'll always one who What we need is Otani' replased Eye Spy as the natsim•s is like trying hi heat Gat) blocking your path, eseitedly I., 1 ir tttctal code. If • •• ■is lasounte roadside pastime - is Kasparin, at chess. Every mose is res. nailing Marks and Sparks- shop malls 'sesame Ili. I ft 1-, deftly blocked. window ton ever) form of catiter,-_- Rage, then. 0.1;(11 .1 know o Ihe 1111Mi, course 01 ac tion would to km:ocodence that My legs seem to be to shout and scream at the Ntnlensl ►'s game I. perpetratoi 'mint how tvacticial colf Move have a magnetic It could he Instant fetid of per As a lnkial torte. Road k.. up tut) a shame to get in iou..t, has mute going for it than its reaction to prams with tour true feelings and a teas edestnan 4nuillcfp:U1 For a start ated tour 1st% to hew* r In sure Road liege is addis.usi: and pushchairs I nlnrtunatety. t ►ere ale 11111E44 You gel all lensed, do ...MI.-1hr. 1:2,411h,41 4014%111U, like this There' , ""` HACK little dangemus and out no room for the street fighting .1 weekly s -etc t of qudent politics character Isuch 4364 Mason, Mal horn and making wild offensive this tensiiin release is where And the results aln ofv, lout gestures watt your bandit and then Road Rage really steals it march on Without the anonymity pr... its all CACI You've had your hit. its streetwise sister Whenever I do a tars tittle's mafiosi; you Ordinary General Meeting, LUU November 14 you're !clewed 'Mir teMIOn )11►1► gel alto:Am' by mane pram re14-aw the tension Cu! este, can cruise home knowing you've wtelding loon, or tall son some At best you can to home base righted a wrung 41144Clied your right snail -paced • mom Leiner r fr, , incua.l warm bath and read soothing the central prubletisol the age, there .N1rAMILVIAI-1.STS ate to he on the toad. and dernonstialed .11 shouting maniacallsr and making afticles afoot legallong rumbal. ampagtng. mans are on the was a %Ow* wastelseiket's worth .14 Frmars Is, the end of the %of id th. business to get through_ Chief among mph • hut the union constitution them *as the election hustings for coignes first iYpal ()PPottuttities faker a rem hair hundred people men: at thts +sabbatical pent doe tes he aholished *reel. ► lXik4 Thrsy hundred and 411)%41) in a le* months' time ninety•seven of them warned to talk pron►pting Malaeh to a moving about the commit Apnea religious speesh hira- eminleally L rir Ft s t.uutties The other Owe teemed iittpattani members of Exec really s-lcs.rocin hustings and prow raffles are When he'd been %monody Things tieing what they or, the three heskksl, shot up and that laughed at. w ere Ilk- t ■rrlirollcrs t‘t the merrily It was clear to all that die now had so basal •, j1,k 01143,1111i et/1411;41 ftfnalh COM! to get no %oh as,- fi1g.1.:ei .ro.A•t• is,iii, it 'filo the R1k-1/4 .teh4tc S. ?0,41a, h ,mil vi ‘111111111111111-414 1444 -1111 I O 00 in 441 10.11/1 11• 1.1111: 411404 ■ GREEN WRH ANGER tet.cnt !..-..r• Ili: OA 4: 1 4.14- I. i.s.. l lin;. Its !HIV, halt 1th' 11,:etint; 11.1•1 YoJtIR atiltk.ttIkel1WY for behavaatt'ofleeds LETTER OF THE WEEK wotit fh: :.-1c...lrii .14 11 hr..' iktkoi• VON, ..ipd [Lawn, low IL 'nisi-oats scs-wols •taff nentied mut arrtt I ten the iiiihla hals.ony was II lc ilk .' .1' 1-1'111_. 1111 ,uI. I, ,1 Ihe given 41:11, P4111h. Marls fulairsom was the refer, ig) I Pic along with Lb4U. are h•virormq. alt ...aril *Mt die great and t-qt: .2;..1 or It .1v iaihnacht-il o..okinx lo boomer% nothov SURROUNDED by four Ili: good Arai the harming or punier ass-av lit Nil IN' 1.111011 with +•11 Irr metre high walls and concentrating on finishing off other* i se of flirts to L 'Astir anti ether otherwise 1 tr.l Ili..:' . The milk-1'1%1,1r ..:41o.e.. .,l the controlled by cameras en the flats first. and leaving the 411 .. •,111. • ,; remised" leisure facilities hardline group. the debate ion the susisetosion student fit-Vnt:ti Ihll night aft 1144 every- corner of the - s.:rylffPC-• hp,- JII was •et lair Int a (perCh /flit ,4,414.4C11111nie 51.111411:11 weal. kali-rship • offshoots! with ix, accommodation area, 250 until a Lim date. It )11;:koni! %votes-sly k pi Ila a al (Mkt% 13 %rice ch against suspension: a 1.411:Lne 114 t111110 1111:01111 kV. LVIITIC to foresail 1 • first year students live Faulty istotinnom doors in the flats are prone to kick stiiiiii-down stalding 1411CA ant, finally. a soar oil these IC4 "relsonlike" in this so-called 'trio same to MIA that, II a u,hethrt to wrsproal stantline oniels crlanim.-outxts hel.torter tam base ,si new L•1s4U flagship. themselves. trapping helpless 1.4JITICat .114I 144: thts, the union rtiretu siriNsly hail to oletiNat in-13,..fibhic pip ./11 the night ID-night ItItit114,•'>t 1g/t The scenery eery much students inside. Another Cain ..... I.- R 1otitl.110•, 11,, io,.- its4 when Notfa remg_net1 .41,10*. un.un Since resontnICIA err SC1.1111I} i44 resembles George Orsvell's faulty design are the heavy •LT erk.1.113;.; the .14 hulk. fire dioo s. which lock every w.o)11.1 A, ,i.. ii . • , . . '. • • . NoOrtell !a p theirNIIHMICIE.1% thigh the rank•oe the Kr Men wool Uh novel 1V84. access is only ■■■ 44,4 11,...t, the h.J.,.- k •1" • Ili,' 014: IA Jtte11141.411111.4.1111 full al %Lila. h's cIclgtg, 111111tII 1A I 0.11.1,6 night allowed for residents! If flat from the Inside. Every Noels m c,ati agenda l'ropie would MIA hail 4 Vli. 1.111.4413C1111y it happened unisetors Ku an Soo larsatoc., a bugle- you're hosing friends round two minutes. you rind :is tdat/s brat the 11111141 4. tliiicao, rats ilk ltnl away and at hue students that the‘c guys sue now eliCt-1114 CI) 4.4111 to visit, you have first to yourself having to answer the rtillitt4,1114114 4 441 ;1441 Alm/ , ,, oh ilk. h oar r• ,. 411 N'e411'. fop mask ti inform the Socunty Officer at door when there is waniebedy less OW) WW1 ....Itemise Sti••tit Nall the I111011 F.11.11,1111.e C0/111111Ue the big stale who takes down waiting outside. 1 ■■ pilaw. would toe taken seroisiasly , ; •... i i!•it 111t .11 Cheat A IRCTIce 1n IVA Imp nu! idiot •autki., the names of visitors And, span from the and. in slain. this 0141111111 1A.1U14.1 hi tea male:, who kw i1 so publicly that night should he Student- also complain accommc dation. if you walk k ap, , i • out of the building and want 41111roonl to ottlis um h sadist and pant...mod hy hit employers, our about the lama of leisure ■ 11-'!,1-1• .1 it mfr CIDSs the very busy sirect. /tut awn aline} cl-±rne F. 1, ci Hal %WO, A nit: wcliunluhk ENC4.6tI•C i • worm. facilities like a bar, W Ink the le•ii.441 IrkZ111.1111C11I l• In *1111111‘,111:401.1 III U113 Diehl% lit el.critlhe snooker room. penes room it is embarking on a suicide. Wv.h4s, there is F_Ilic Clement, last 4 ,••1 1, ); 11., d14 ,A.11: and a shop were promised by pact. There are no safe II pedestrian crossings with year's Administration osecretao.,,, that 1 • Ii‘l• A cancer ned student September 1995. but parading around aith ti.. kers I..1 a 01 .1C, congruencies wont looks set traffic lights• hen rirtk lliere. with the...n.wial 1. • I, 1,4, to continue into the new yew, And what are the MOM ■41.ihIltt) .it cirsaolitp liii IKNI• ,, ii ,Iju lk....;•J ..141)," do,111/41.1/1,,i The biggest shame is that concerned students doing" 11V47 \M J41 Nits din Jewish student al I .„ 3 11.111% 01CA% 1111,1 the hall. are Ow latint7. eaironit2 11114r 4:114.7• eiLkl111001,4 the ucCommodation officers They are bored and lake ail 14 111y Inemb IAA .411141W 1104% ,411Cha Teller% one of theta 4 Note sal kd 111,10 r .1 f, M.111,10:4:1 hasc nut been able. until now, completely disorganised. news of home Atmore Itaton's a•sassinannii I was e4. to force the construction N.ftrty every time days they Mavtt ("14.3 Arid then:. nava more stakied and disgusted when I hs.l that 11 was ■•• 11141.-If ,4441). the company to install a TV• start to fight each other strikingly of sll, is ItkItard kbalach, cordial out try a man who slairned that .1 was h* God Apt.41111# Ili. Off kul (XlS1 sweatshirt *i/ft111111111‘1•1 Men determinolttie receiver on the roofs of the shooting around with eggs "thew are twit sa-ry powerful Jewish AkR1. I lr, ,- and tailing about anything cosset* the meeting insist end. and writhe vote finishes' houses. It is not and buckets of water in their Satsetiftemiton of name' and Rabat dies' ' day's business was hail h icsulted in the trailitisouil possible for the students to flat*, and there is never a dui prevere 'The other s% 'Dessxrateon of (Jost ill A fool oil tout of the Ssicialid Vokorlccrs_ w hicti watch a simple TV Security Officer around at M11410/Ch War. Paned and that is how die assassin Aunt Judaism abhors the .1. must be the mark of a sensible programme in their new this time to keep the peace. light all stage by Clare ?Via-too •ornmmed by the young Israeli student. while it s'hiMe honunalely no bather vote luxury flits' This is no L.MU flagship. It 14neallthin: "Speakef ' ) and furaktmenttlly hehesew w the word SCIAllfthl what wx. held 141 *!wilier EACC-1,. uhctne So. with the new '250 is a complete disaster! helm Tyndsley (sweatshirt filearti• pxarr- 17antitintemal in use up hall thew meetings with residents arriving in January. lights. music. kith:nes • m fact ti looks like the builders, Kokomo% Kosittinger .Asistsoe 1, *Ito lien I .tz.tott between them anytharig but the nieelntg itself ts infiirmcd the pawl idea There stook/ at lean have frustrated ihmngi been time for a simple decision bit Leeds Student newspaper. Leeds University Union. PO Boa 157LEEDS LS1 1UH that hehice debating Thal. Fall: (01131246 7963. o-mall_ s-w aswoolunleed•-ec_ok


8 News 9 Extremists thrown out TIN CI-Ill.." IN“.■-%. `STUDENTS ARE NOT PREPARED TO 'ANY QUESTIONS' PLEASE? A 141- 1 It:IOUS TOP-CLASS TOILETS fundamentalist group PUT LIP WITH MESE CROUPS' w hich claims most ,Limrocr 11, rr otil• Manes Wu ass has nein British *omen -lute nit. and nretiked are Waled to what the cliperpise, but that malls their first setual Lesbian, Gay and Rtscsual prophet Mohammed said were taking the piss when tilts 41111.0unctil that this experience %lilt it Sudety enlists and at the what they tidiest in is the 4 Jewish milt nye. l• t 'urging f 1 dug" is being barred 'dart ill term Islamic stale•they ate gilt , 54kleb stall at the Fresher' s anti !stain " whin their .41,14411r1-sIlAhi from campus. Fair was smacked Rathel Faulkner. General to .Lurid a pi ilnt The Islannt toren-list Said Khan. J litadtord Set.retery of LAM w as organisation 1-lith-ut • member of Huts-ut-lahtit pleased with the result 'The 'Tahiti' are act- used of idol "I'm obviously out leeltti$ of the THE BIG ITCH spreading happy with the decision that student body is that we has been made today, but aren't prepared to put up 1 nIerpt64111e. `dull roan homophobic and anti- can't say that I'm in the with these groups' stIvoultiohlren are selling semitic propaganda and least bit cape-nest " acti■rites - p.ila kets of near milieu.' has recently stepped up Although the motion was friends, Sio that they its recruiting drive in passed with a sizeable Banned claim infestation and Leeds. majority. oppusoluin came out of Imams. The going "The aim of the motto* The wan has also been horn left.wingers claiming nite fora sachet of the was to provide concrete linked to a death threat II failed to target the root parusitest is about ALL THE ANSWERS. Norman Former in Lands Pic. Jell Shaw evolente for the university issued to a union president causes of racism in society of students' stews and that A PANEL of top politicians large number of students. was who succeeded in getting Michael Savage. and journalists faced tough narruely avoided when Mary them banned from Campaign Against the groups shusiki be banned SECURITY BANKING questions during the Kenny strongly implied that the Hudde sfield University Militarism. criticised the Coletely . ► ' 'ere really pleased it broadc.asting of RIMIII0 Four's teluslance of most patents to campus motion describing it as sinsi,n Ottawa's -habit n1 a proses stodertl. Jt. k. AN" "Any Questions'!" town Leeds smack their children svas Last Tuesday's 001.1 sit -patronising" fat casting life time" actualls sus rd his about these noses University tat Friday. wrirei responsilik fur the the in crime LUU passed a motion doubt on the ability of lift when be was mugged in Mehra Den-Gimeit Hut the real star of the show effectively calling for a students to -form political knife attach. His ibises Leech graduate and Lahour was Clare Slain • recently in the cimiprehensive but on Hirb- ideas indepencie nt I y - "sation.d tard, whit h w as I shadow erbiset =abet Clare new • for advoceling the ur as well as fascist A member of LIJU's hts lip pocket. spilt in too Short was joined in else kgaiisation of cannabis - who groups Combat-Ia. the Hindu Society who primosed bre:slung the impiaci of II. Conference Auditorium by resent.' enthaith ►tic applause British National Party and the motion. argued against knife. former Conservative Pan!, after urging the use of sanctions the National Front this saying "the first chairman Norman Fowler, 40.11ftl. the NISeffiln freedom we must defend is pasnaiist Mary Kearny. and Hoh perverrursenr Wrecked the freedom to live " W'iister, shaman of polling "I always say whit i mean.' Moicn Ibrahim, a 1st The motion was an Compiled by organisation MORI said the out•spollen Clare. to year Arabic student (tom attempt to take action after a Gillian Woods Violent heckling from the which chair, Jonathan Leeds University said the series of incidents involving audience. which included a Omit+leby replied. '1 know " union had been has severe such groups over the Michael Savage Pic h PeYear L



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SAT CHUMBAWAMBA 0.50 ADV shop owner NOV PLUS THE CARDIACS S. It • ;•-• ••• 141,1 ; a• • £5 00 A BRAVE IOCal •lipkeeper tackled armed thug.. DUBSTAR ADV BANKS BLAMED attempting to rob his off-licence last week - and NOV PLUS AUDIOWEB student got involved in the thick of the action. SAT Three hooded youths STUDENT AND £7.50 hurs1 into Blenheim Off 25Th DREADZONE License and General Store YOTH BLACK STAR LINER ADV at 6.4:5pm Iasi Thursday SHOP OWNER NOV AND ASIAN DUB FOUNDATION waning and demanded FIGHT BACK IN SAT that the shop assistant DOPE ON PLASTIC £5.00 hand user money from the 25TH ARMED ATTACK DJ S MATT SnAla, ADV One of the young men I tic hhop owner rucviiird NOV TY HOLDBI, wielded a handgun, and Cult and broi•rt. bu t another was carrying a otherwise was unhurt. crowbar. mist first I thought it was a Ales Rook, fleet year Joke. and they were just kid, History and Fewnoonles mucking around." said, LEEDS UNI ENTERTAINMENTS student at Leeds University, The proud student also had gone around the corner admitted to an initial to the lore and Hulked in confusion about the nature SAT while the robbery. was taking of the Incident: 18Th CHUMBAWAMBA use pima. "I didn't really realise what was going on when NOV PLUS THE CARDIACS ADV Tackle first walked in It all happened within a couple of %cling swiftly, he ran nut WEDS seconds." £5.00 In ring the police. while the West Yorkshire Police said 22ND DUBSTAR shopkeeper managed tip that the incident is currently ADV rugby tackle two of the under insestigation. NOV PLUS AUDIOWEB youths, even though they were armed. The third robber SAT £7.50 meanwhile grabbed the whole 25TH DREADZONE casb till. and ran out of +hop, A PROTEST myth by tiny& and 1141dlend Boycott WITH BLACK STAR LINER ADV followed closely by the other NOV campaigners on Wednesday urged students not lapin ths high Iwo. AND ASIAN DUB FOUNDATION MOO banks. tiersum of their record on Mird world debt. A The burglars then maimed lamer was altershed to the front of Mkliend Bonk on Beenhaim SAT in a stolen blur Iluxhall f5 DO Terrace opposer tends University Plc: Mitt Therrunip DOPE ON PLASTIC Inn Antra. 25TH SCENE OF CRIME Pic :C Genf* WITH D4.S MATT SKYLAB ADV NOV TY HOLM, A.RE Sexperts give advice on health Meningitis death LEEDS UNI ENTERTAINMENTS ADVACI lor Jild U ,Atiosigia tstevet THE while i death of a student has +bucked MIL healthier +el laic n osn rifler next week. —Doe point of Healthy Sex Week is Aar and sunienb at a outlive in 1 artnirtk, 'mirk Tura ribs Jelfk's trolly tt. show that safer sex can be fun as Pea'ur ( ahoe Healthy Sex Week is returning to 1..t.-t' well as safe, I'm trYIRF ICI broaden the issAT„ CHUMBAINAMBA Joanna Mullett, a presiously healthy 20 and diet year+ organisers we promising it focus this year onto sale sex to general year uhf 2nd year Cashion student at Brettun ADV w III be blues and better than eser before. became while students should he aware of NOV PLUS THE CARDIACS Hall. was struck down with a son throat. The events. which run nightly from the danger, of HIV and AIDS. there air ;204h-24th November, arc set to include More common sexually transmitted headache and stimitting. She died from nieningite, in the leads Genrrai Infinuary two WEDS massage StstliOnt, a 1.c* quiz and der rases which are important and which £5.04 days Warr. cocktails, a sex toys party and 'Don't parte lust &eft talk Alta-- 22ND DUBSTAR The actual caster of death was minded an ADV 'raga your Condom' night, where usle- The one remaining autumn still to Meningrntirral Septicaemia. a Form of blood NOV PLUS AUDIOWEB ses.lming party• ers can get 5Up off the Tort out a the inflatable condum dui will ► poioining related lio theconditigs, price of admission by bringing along a hang outside the union throughout the John item/ of External Relation% condom week's marts at SAT Bretton ILA espervsed sorrow abut bianna'y ET 50 There will also be • B g -Break att "We're using the same one as last DREADZONE death saying: Is an atneliale 'k%e 25TH style on-the-bni taternrwt daily outside tame," says Rachel Faulkner, LUU WITH BLACK STAR LINER ADV have only 21t00 students here it Bretton the moon with doctors and expert% from General Secretary, -but the main problem Hall NOV AND ASIAN DUB FOUNDATION and +11 tuaninfs death is felt sere personally by Loads AIDS Advisee Iasi year was that tl got brenet's droop us all %%r are a +cry elusr•nit ("Amt.- Free %hag-begs' and s.-ontloint. will Hopefully it won't do ICI this week lxi if it SAT .11in is the Aral mainied me of metutionv DOPE £5.00 also he on offer throuttoo the week shine+ signs of flagging I'll have to take it ON PLASTIC al and though' I.I he An 25Th Recce Rya. Wcifair So.Tetary al LULI down each night " Brctirm Hall WITH DJ S MATT SIIYLAB, ADV incident NOV TY WIDEN, A PE • „ ghrough theirI I H g andhni WIG I

THE KING PIN Doug's story... Doug is the main man of body piercing in Leeds. s In the husines1 foi wet a year and a hall. he bus Aimed higIda&of bah, pats, Wading tougtgy 300 navels_ &hough there are Ow Igo, body pelong centres in Leeds, Doug tends to serve the student community and those who ale into more adscentutces *lungs. For now he works hom home, but he hopes to open a studio oft Headingley lone soon Atter a pairdul woe& storolving an ex Miners& a .stet► on and ht. hell!. Nuke. Doug hougtht tory equtpment. and trom ohm fell nom hod" hal ho pwrconw a• a watt full•ume Mannino "Potent' who mooted me be AO* mc too them kw. 9Arlid got around. I holt up rept:loin. and o Marini dos huasfichl.' mil Doug is alikir40.1 Ns the dEqhcbc• NO. pot.10101, +accring d die "won-crew WI woke- the Lyres inert, pubs -PscriArgs t'oo't ant about steg►itig the medic in, ot iv:wow no wink the remit warm" tic toarthi how dr rwelltx wolf look on the hod), "1 o= make men the two unfammascly alt upwd navel look reseavable Propte my them ass twehe drift:nod t)pn. of naiti, ruhholo their arc hundreds - He'. rtung a bit honed of navel• though, ru., l of 'weedy gads" who psowc TI ahoy( the pain inwohrd. Exotic. Imolai poen:tug mutt Ikoolg moire - )oou ma= ii. hell rat A nog through n. tnauding both male and teen.' genitalia tk atll gets a hit panwloy owes the malt} :hair/vine work, tin Pugh "1 duril ■■ want It to go willow. I break out Ifilo a ∎ x-Al. fltlt WISLIS it'. all *JWt 1 dit01 krisva who Fat. the hinvo hurl - Busthew. h ta•larnInc at the MUIMICtli A. ON* 'Wire WSW ail c‘frns:rwt Iteedom for the ftN tune. nom to-Mero watt salute'su: plum.- drudinig to gst fur LISA 1011111C Wirt my% drowned of Vo/Rne !Rummy sn torrid them hall. at the Wart rQ the you. honk. oi "wad) guts" moth nxinsi Eking'. Tor r trendy now In na.el pienatig, But although he prefer. soros-dung twin: titaness**, Doug he *ash pets a kid slUS tot the camels psening He crow waestne the exprroxon on hta .uuslineno* taro -Mom pork ASV terrified, then 019 pi • WOW sd ilW,Or .toiling awl .i.ippenr Moe can't ba amidwr pity tau Alta cste " W.% !Iry CT III e custom:1 who Bo'i'l kl.r ho wwwk Mou people wInh."‘, nt tree Kira ol hid► plercier, hut woe demo rho excrisrcely painful -se. a h I take o tee wing" He .4yo. alit othhough wine Folk .man and About. tt is tonally owes sal fao4 tho the. dolt"' gel a amaze- Doug too adattlaint hanoseler that iht tarn t. sri the icalral aspeGI d be* piercing 1 get people who uty " 111 prulubly .howl mid calf 'gas a bawd aid a ant, but Mugevei tkin't Mugs" Ac cash pervIre% experience 1. different. it is difficult to work out winch piercing i. the trial painful. kit Doug ma km; a's the oloppk i11e belly Num ha the haetiev to move of the wattle tut% a ii 1t pox cof unthilscal Max The cetittn. hk•thl• the wont. od 'who outs have o a drop blood, if arty Dulir use. full andeolietk rutthme it cm to the Tow to he picnrd. and then leavingu kw half an hour With H Itmcr aAwcrt i*hrtr the ;semi. to plettgd.). the linal►%thetiC 114 rid ti Vik71 • tube N ho.lo it irs,cnrd tfitss the urethr.. (wow) Doug has even had one tut tw-o inabes.itraw Cu u w1Ia %hi) MOO the Pan and ICIISV ArtarqbertC. crtikartIlr ctttr man UN. had hi, tiro .total orretug. ht► rlipmenbelly hath7 thejmv to,nthewornxiiof ask Teuudihat be 47u111.160r6tcnwio00600 the "101C

AssilsaidnI1 to Make with rattly pam.-use_. Doug is. keen io whew the

12 I


all mixe Jeremy Healy, Graeme Park and NM Oakenfold exclusive interyiews rjtain':s,lop three DJs M.6 14 Segment one > IN THE MIX 2/3 the record is great... I'm on it

JERILMY HEALY is probably the stiancesi Jam, Healy himself will have to step down person you are ever likely no flied On the and make way fur younger. freshet talent one head he will talk enthutiastically • and 'That's not a problem foe me. I look at at great length - *bum his greet passion for Interview by Americans like Tony Humphries and he's classical music. and at the same time will been around for so long but he's still profess his loathing fur the heavy drugs completely anginal. You can newt lose the scent which appear to be mottos:ably knowledge dist you pock up over the years, linked woth today's drug culture, whiltt his Emma Al-Jumaili toeing a DJ isn't an age related pruktoon, wildly dilatony pupils and erratic body the limper you are at the top. the more aware most-mews tell a completely ttiffetent story. • • • • • • • • • • you become. None can catch up with you at He Is in Lerd. to headline the Up Yer • loft! as you keep on adapting Ivan style so fn Ronion Mira Reunion pan', promote the In with the changes made in the actual music f orthcotrung grade (1). and alw it coukl noel be in al pop r mop again Hosing wetter than C otonauon Such co, s s 'has you mix I atways see people around me seems, to refute the hut spreading rumour said that though_ we had this stupid idea pialtrammic like that " who are as good as me hod maybe that he is, m fact, dead once, me. Sash. and sonic other mat. that Sip not only has Jeremy Healy gsven the wometimes even heart, but 1 digit let /hid pus it really plum me oft y know Everyone wed du a DJ supergroup It wirsokI have been world the most innovative and crertive tic off at all You have to remember that went. to thus& I'm dead when I'm not. just a laugh. but it won't happen on the near motes eves known. but he also deigned to these are thousands of DI.. in the country became been out of the public. eye fete future as were never in the urine place for a work his magic in the cutahittat world of who want to achieve the maarta that myself bit Its true Ise been in a couple of car decent amount of time and it's impossible to advertising jingles Is theft' any end to this and a handful of people have, and we have crashes ow? the 144 few weeks but rm still get together. but one day it'll happen We'll man's talents' And it not. ate there any fields only reached the position that we are in here, and all thew rumours Just get fucking he the Teaselling Dingkburys or something in the world of musk kit that he leek can Iseeause we are good. annoying Has mg sand that though. be like that But no. esen bicker 1 started tiara benefit from ho limitless skills" As Mach aS I would heist' to hear more surprised if I make it to 52 " Fanuyti I knew that all I wanted hi he was a 'Film scores, definitely lm a real lover reset/Mons as to how Jeremy licalys talents Hmm Do we sense • soul-hating M - of Ennui Morocono and John batty and will transform the world lie all Minus, one confession here' Is Jetenty Healy. almost D seems however, that on his was to really admire the wort that they do on films of the main seasons Ise Its trip to Leeds is to estryone's candidate toe the hest Dl of 1995, achieving the notoriety that he hat today. he Relieve it of not I really feel that classical promote his new ed, a collaboration with about hi confess to being part of a sordid briefly tried hit hand at producing jingles fur music has a Mace in Issday's dance culture. some equally talented Do intended to world Of drugs. women and all round vinous thionessts appliances This is tool a and I try my host to involve it whenever I celebrate the weekly turbans that is (fp Yr, excess? period of ho life that is widely publicised, is can I horn to the weals of thew cowmen Ronson Why exactly did he choose to No way. nun ht's true that drugs Mt a it something that he would rather forget a 114 and I tfunk that I could do what they do involve himself with such a protect major part of the club scene because these about" just as well I would try to incorporate dance -Why' Shall I explain It to you in days they gro hand M hand with love. ses and 'No tucking was, nun When I stopped music with classical and I just know that it pounds, or would you prefer dollars" No, I young people generally enjoying themselves, being in a battik I vomited in advertiong for would malty work. I do that when I create guess I lust like what Ronson is doing for but i don't du shrugs. I don't beliese to them tour years and its nothing In be ashamed stuff for fathom shows and I dunk it's Just dance muse and I thatogN that of they were A. toe groupies. well, it's true I get a kit sit about Behest n or not It's quite a 'specialist really happening and it's definitely the way pang so release a (1). they should have the milt hanging around me. and moo of It's my area you can do clever thin p with sampling dui I'd like to go in the future I got offered music missal by an evert -its the only way tar& because I'm a temble Hot but I can orthestra+ and it's a completely different a litm soundtrack a while hack but H found it to lower to this type of hung • ,.ripe with it because "SC got a lovely discipline from being a DI, and its cool really hen! to moose %idiom a sampler. and elk, ObVIOUS answer risen Jeremy'. gultnend. and rm desperate to he true to het yknow trnionunately there's a kit of really I suppose that that'. something I've got ter non too modest realitation of his talent as a It + a point of honour I screwed up my lam wank) people in the advertising industry learn to do before I can actually go ahead DJ, but what exactly is ti that makes the ('I) relremonslitp by being unfiethful and rm not who just want to buy in on your ideas I and start creating sluff for films Who different from the countless others that are about to make the same nn stake again. started wading on really hop commercial. Amens. mashie in the future I will surprise available to the club going hinnies' Drugs and groupies" Don't look at me man, like Lout's and British Atrways, and then you all. but at the moment I'm riot giving 'I've no idea It's belles, Ira on it tin I'm clean cut ' when these really sad people tuok civet they anything away ' fuck's sake, ifs got lo be good " Well. not wishing to contradoit the prat gave me loads of agjpravatton arid made me Ambitious enough talk, but study the day man himself. I will leave It to those of you do really shiny thinly, like Andrea ads They will come. and judging by the number of So there you have it. Jeremy Healy, the un- who have secs loony in &mon to make up !tot didn't undet•tand that I was the best at promising new DJ'+ that air currently taking called 'wild man of Hosoc' loves advenoing your minds about his lesel of narcotic what I was dome and I didn't need them to to the turntables atm+ the country it ti not jingles, hates drugs, and can't tolerate the contumphon and his alleged 4:011111111119011 to tell me how to work When I was doing too tar away, when esen such big name% as thought that scantily clad female di•essers the current lady in his life. HOVeCser, them the adverts were really cool • a lot Paul Oakenlold, Onions: Park and even may upset his happy home life. Call me recalling his much putilicised links with the cynical if you von, but this skicsn't seem to likes of Hoy George and Marilyn, such ring uue Judging by the way in which Mr Cleans do somewhat fad to impress, as also Healy attempted to avoid any InellitOn nil tots does his tranathini to hallowed dance guru personal life. sir indeed his sexualtly: and from hi. humble beginnings as a member of denied any links with either drugs or the ill-fared and NM Itugotten early 140', pop JEREMY HEALY groupies with hit tongue most firmly combo Haysi Fantaysa secured on his check, he appears to have a lot I was a DJ even before 1 started Haysi whisk Fantayti. and even then I knew I was Ito devotion to his an. and indeed his belief fucking good The first time I CS* two Britain's most booked Di that as tar as this panicular art soc-i. he is the turntables and a mixer II instantly appealed one Messiah. is certainly commendable but to me and I knew it was what I wanted to do you just can't help feeling relieved that it is Haysi Eantaysi were shoe I was a crap the man's music, and nut the man himself, sager and I knew 1 couldn't go on being a the wild man of house that ha+ odium:est a whole generation of erap singer, so I decided to be a DJ because I c huh goers hoed mum- anti teckoned it loved me trio I


Segment one IN THE MIX 4/5 anyone can do what I do

(errate Patnts is bre A long term that underground. yes people call tom an tr.otteru at the Hacienda. he iv one of und..evrigerourl the most famous 1111 in the world By town city has got a house ca•forart. I ant .i part-lime jourealivi night and that's good The had thing is tram the local rtudent paper Tho was Interview by that there are mote hours night• than never going to be a meeting of equal. ever before. but pr 'tens keep booking The bouncers treat him like a king, the same big name guests all the time ushering him through the crowd% to the Gareth Hughes it's offline new names coming up ihr. upstairs office. They treat me like .time rank. dog mets they've just found on the ink '111. might round just little like of their tinier This. I thought. war • • • • • • • • • • • biting the band that teeth you, but be iv going to he a difficult neery tea. both hug-narnr guest DJ and rerident I could not have been more *tong "living a resident is Important. houatoe Gracmc Park tt a pertain tether than a the third 'leek back on. and limit the -I do prefer live work to outfit+ work. you can experiment If you have some perNonality Whereas some kings of 1114.4100411. up" hecause in a club you CAM be like - that'. weird record that you like. you can try it clubland lain) they were dertmed w rise Thor is the mart that has turned down my club. You're got an audience, you've out And it it dive•n't work, then you to the top by some kind of divine right. L10.000 to play in England. "People who got an asnsorphere In the stUdn>. all know you'll still he accepted Part is %misfiring!) modest it could beg him to come over haven't heard him. you've got is a plate of 1114a111%, a couple "I like doing both. It you're a guest have been anyolat. I war lucky that Mike I think he knows that the enigma and the of cups of coffee, and a hoeing engineer DJ, it's always good to play totnewtserc Picketing 'now of M•Peoplel asked me legend of Junior Vasquez would be with to* ann. folded you've never played before, or to fill in for him whilst he went on retrourly denied if he came over here " There arc still DJs booked by rottiewherc like tip Ye. Ron um, that 1 do holiday. We were both lucky that the Despite playing four gig. a week, Park promoter, that don't actually turn up maybe five or sin time. a year You don't Hacienda war such a good club, and jut' lumps into the studio front time to lime Grime Park insist% he is not one of have to lake to many risks 1 take those lucky that Manchester was where it all to mit a CD He's just completed one them 'I've nursed four gip in twelve risks in my rernieney, and if they work happened Ii could have been LI■erpool, half of "The Soundtrack". due to he }Can. and their war a good reason for then I try them out A% &SUVA If more big it could have been Sheffield, but it was rekased by tip rer Rosins on the 28 every one " I mention a certain night at name good Otr were to have resuleneies Manchester Also. when I maned there November Anistber compilation' the Faversham tart year. when he was I think the general standard would be weren't many DJ. around. and I mat "Yet. there are a kit of riortapc. due to play The queue rtretched out of higher - nosed up the tank* by doing romething about. but to natty are bad quality And the car park and onto the road. but he One dorrnsade of fame, at any axior that no-one clic was doing and by being l're come acreirs taper in record soaps never materialised. That was one ot the will tell you, VI that everybody thinks quite good at it '' with my name on them that aren't !nen tour missed gigs and he has a good they know you Actors hare II easy In a Ark some Dts fax the ma'am for their by men But people don't know that rea.on "My car broke down. It wnt lust club. where- a lot of people have had a lot success and Owy mill launch into a verbal "In an ideal world, you could ray. about 20 miles out of Lorition, and my of drugs. there kis a certain type of person dirrenation about their qualifier. their 'Record me at the Hacienda nett temperature gauge war getting hotter and that believes the DJ ta their best friend. style. rerponre V..14, different -bait Saturday, but you can't do it You could holler and hotter The red light came on. Park is philosophical about it "They're 12 years all I've ever done is played record it but it wouldn't hare a Owl and and I thought 'Fuck" The radiator had paying my wager. and I'm there to record. that I like. Tonight, all I'm going st wouldn't have a finish and also. the gone I spoke us a promoter and he was entertain them If they want to come and to do for three howl i s play records that I record companies might ray 'No you trying to say, 'Look. get a Iasi He ray hello that'. fine, you should never be like al the moment. I'm lucky that over can't use that track " wanted me In gel a tail hum London' rude True. sometime* you want to smack 12 year* people have shared my tote. or -11'c not like when you're Ming said I wouldn't get Mere in time. So i put them in the false. and ray 'Leave me enjoyed my tastes. When you're Wing you can play all apology on Radio I the next night " I alone, I' m trying to work ' 1 rometimer -What I do, the bash. techntque, i. whatever you like You put • record on tell him he is escused try to explain to them 'What to do you easy. The hard bit is being an individual, and you think 'Oh, this will go really Clubbing o to popular now that it is Jo/ You work in a bar How would you being cretin re. Any D.1 that trier to he a well with that' With a cOMplIall011 being attacked for It. very .ucctss. feel if I came into your bar and rat on the bit different, trier romething original. album you make a lot of record*, and People bemoan the !act that dance music counter while you were trying to count and it groom at w hat he does, you have to barteally the tint 0 that get clearance ha% rooted from the underground to the the money"' And they just go Aaaaah. admire," will be the ones you'll use You alwayr mainsitearn. This point of view gets short give to a hug" Not everybody in clubfoot! is so down get record conspenieteying. 'We'd really shrill from Park "What or the '1 went to Goss onrc on holiday went to earth A couple of year. ago Park had like you to that on or that as ' If I don't underground' Andy Weatherall cen play %hopping in the Market There twos a lather big sonfromation with a certain like them. I'll refuse at a marctve club and can't really call .tarred shoutinir 'Of Park,' PAR KY* Junior Yarque, "I did yes, Ilk did Sohn Alright matey! I said: 'Look, I'm cm I got to the Sound Factory in New York holiday. leave us alone!" and he rayt. "I want you in know I'm not Alter 12 years of Wing. toil he happy about you playing here. but there'. tempted to give it all up. put the slipper. nothing I can do about it" I thought: on, fill the hot water hook. and coil up 'Nice to meet you A. well, kitten" Then GRAEME PARK in from of the television every night" t rani, Junior, where'. the stylus for the "Nit! I enjoy what I do In time I third deck? -You're not tome the third may do other things, but when I'm ready, deck " Okay, okay. how do you get the when I want to gel to Rare! all user the op nu-moors up! "You HOW on Britain's most famous resident world through 1)Jung and I see so much Junior. it sounds u hit quiet out there. eau osd the British Isles that people who lire yam turn the amp% up? "No. l're screwed here never roe " there metal platter illNet them to you Si Grartne Park is not ready to can't turn them up - And when I've the sound man of house pack up hit iecordr and put them in the fintrhed my 'Cl, he comet on. utircrew% upstairs kits Slay we all be lolly the metal plater. turn% the atops up, put% grateful i m the best in music brought to you by • the garage • COCKPIT quality counts not quantity

PAUL. OAKENFOLD was the tiro DJ to 111.4414011 dINIX mimes. Hong kufig, 'Tokyo Sam ItMeltterdinn, to achtete retaignition liangkok was great. I mean. they're internationelly. Cast your mind hack to the Interview by lemattig all the time, bevoming very open- end of the eighties - naturally, one minded rosiocally ' Nice wont if you tan remember. the motion that "Madthetter" pet it. Presumably your audiences are became Most hate a pato:War favourite George Abraham lammed with rich Britt abroad" "Nod, memory of that era the first time you local people, and a few Westerner; who heard The Sirort, Rotel Intal Silvans are out there ai the 111,1t I've played in drift 'toadied- on Top of Mc Fuck • • • • • • • • • • • Prague. played all over. I've been really me. they've gone 1)ANCE"r lucky and fortunate three weeks ago I down those shitty clubs you Was in Uruguay, Paraguay and go to in the sixth form acid house Argentina so with all this top sounds relaxed, very much the wide boy cinch.. how It 161_111L1 ‘11% were all grabbing the nation by the bollocktit► tt.._ international actiOn, does the kirthiLlt ClUb Instrumental in the shaping of this whole r with his cheeky West Condon battier), and hula. t was in Ireland the other week an' I scene still• triletesl NMI What's your sound was Paul Oakenfold, In tack, a bit caned, as he launches into hit tan Winn. and, you know, you see 'em fetounte teed% haunt' "'The clubs Alt Oakenfold and one-time cohort Andrew manifesto "We're releasing a Perfecto around because you're in that eorkillig hugely important But k r.. Rotas*, that'. Weatherall arc legends, out Mete in DV columbium called "Perfection" tout now, CrIVIntrIntent I don't see Micailierall at all my fetitutite Dave 1 Rect. wearer ill Land, every other single from that era kids) Wete got an underground label really cart s Joist we're in two comedy halt and cognac drinker, weird termed to have an Oakenbahl ferias, stn U called Perfecto Fluor° and we are 11►% completely efferent things." leethi it a good promoter and he has a 'The two of them were quite leatimily the doing the merchandise ditto . trying to And Shaun' "Cereal totally pro-Shaun party with everyone else." So who do you trust to become household names get direct to the students and the kids, Ryder He's rucking great. Shaun Arc you rate among your peer.? "Paul Blessalak. They *eft Ley-figures in kiekoarting the cutting inn the middleman same with the doing anything with black Grape' "No. Nancy Nonce. John Ihgweed• Steve Lee - subsequent renaissance in British music resign company, we're trying to do quality nor at all. actually How it usually works Bak titer-ground What do you listen Irv-eatly relevent again along with Second not quantity, give something back to the is, if they want you to do tome muff fur to at Inane? More srf the saute' 1 listen to people rather than. you know, a lot of them, they ask you. they haven't asked me, Coming and the mighty Black (nape). a hit of Stone k ►ser whatever really Not thus, respect es. at they say. due people lust constantly taking. Especially but. you know, it's no problem ' You're 0IW certain sound It can be Juno Heat-no. However. this it 14941, and the fickle fur students 'cot they haven't got the toll mutes though" "Yeah. I mean. if I see Dread/one, Bim Sherman could use a stolid of Dance music is a hard place to money. and I dun 1 tee why they have to 'cm out. of course I m a big fan lit what classical album... it depends whirl 11111 into stay fathionable - and we all lama that pity. why they have to go through the they do I mean. I saw Bee out the ocher At the time Very openatunderl. really. I'm being fashionable it at important as tieing middlemen when they can go Meet.' Nice weekend. was chatting with burn - onto tuner I do try and play tow of ot talented in this genre Somehow Paul plug Who are you currently working Bugger me Here 1 am, talking to a li t herd though - Oaketifold hat managed to cross from woke' "We're producing en artiste called ictoctting, trien) ot-legends, cool bastard Well I heard the most preposterous underground to nutinsnram and hack again (irate. which is going well doing the 1)1 Vk'hetc have you played recently' tale that you managed to swing World unchallenged, hipneo wise he has given album and then we're Jive gonna Mite on What are the kids into these days'' This Cup final tickets as • fee in the dumb ol• angrier from U2 to Traci Lords some coed. from there really." gels him animated- 'They're into trance U S of A This intact him Vi hat other and had his own Top 10 hit tingle (with So what about Shaun Ryder then, an and this new underground sound called perks arc there in your line of work" -Reach Up") everyone likes him - icon of ever them. was one'' You re mares 'The Goa Sound - What Orta's got is the 'Thats prob.slay die biggest one, actually. emotes. beautiful people II prefer the term with Bono, who tongs fax postai)y the spirit and energy of Rata. to it you're unto the easiest way to get me to DJ is to offer idurnsenrchen. you know who you aret. biggest rock bend in the world what Ihua. you'll be into Goa, it's that simple me a couple of tickets to see Chelsea, if yet aseiugc Stomp kid and I, one who about tout old chum. Weatherall'' "The There A nothing better than partyin . open they're in your area No shit. I'd past got doesn't tub...Tay to any of the above. have relationship you tend to hate with people all. you know. on a sandy beach, with the tickets that day tot Leeds Nil Chelsea on to Ask him what he has to say Swell you wawa with is. if you see em again or sun comae up and palm bets all mound Saturday. -Well, you'll get heat mate.- he Well' What did he hate in say" Not you *twit with them *gain, then you're in tow and great music l'te played in sniggers. -Yeboolls will score, you'll go one that much really The poor man seems so up, and then Oullit'll put two in, and then COrli•:1011% of being liked by everyone that Mark liughet'll come an' knock the third in he'd make a brilliant hloody politician and welt beat you I t And I ll put a Don't gel me wrong, he's a really sound thousand pound on it!' A het i blatant', bloke. Didn't do me or talk down to me PAUL OAKENFOLD can't cover Again, the fleth bastard is Why. we even had a laugh or tan I think amused. 'Etactly, theft why I'm Athol' he had a list of answers in Inuit of him. you a thousand pound 'tilt I 11110* you'll even the cloches he kept 'blowing at me ptobahly beau at " N ow, I think about it,though, he was Diplomatic to the end. that's Paul probably lanolang a fat one at the time Britain's number one remixer Oakentold. as he goes off to List sorry ('urrently. his label, Pelle. , or something iprobabty e. a tweet responsible for the memorable "I- enough guy - about football Better Than The Real Thing" dance taint (Chelsea indeed) and a little false the noon, others. is a full-time occupation the smooth-talking politician perfect M.P. really Vote Oakentold"! Am, talking to him al his retool ‘AanPatt..... he go oat then.

P.1. b.: ( ta►cidold 111111,44i, W ith a this is A taste of what you're been Perfection - report that surety reads "should hare missing. a friendly compilation lot the tried harslet has Ike managed to nacre L Initgoer. but fie the tertian. Perfecto FC Records produce enough ifiteroly or Interco (ht %Itirttlet ibis is an album which talk to the other hand it cans• its tiilugh simply met ettend ittelf, there simply be. Hettai continue their "Lel% hecaute it'. tinted love and has ereeiglt moth flab packed between the muscle m tome smash hits" with ins Club runes from that yen to keep you Unfortunately the lull package Pintelligent ;taboo trance rapping )(1111 feel But .toote tit itk. !mate, weak. t+41 lightweight Ks; this whilst %election. if . ,pvlitil,„ 113 • should have been more carefully 41411111F, staiweting. pow-dining s L•ot-. "finteatIng Ilie Suntlet►e- tele. ted. and there is mush here which loamy. pot don't etpeo a ■1)11Aukter4 teatrilea•ly note:d ant.'( Kkr. lilt. Jon Met quite "molly putt let. than ems of tufts Of The Pleated %minor along *eh ecov•tron. Petro, to•v wt• you in the actin and other Wilde!' esiras, its sill here ',Our twilit vier' wadi at Itaik etio ate, soau wanting ne ar .ill the Unfinturiatela dot 1. still rather two and lease it playing filial their 1.11— 1,rrteArniothirrateh dimensional techno trance that nearly wouldn't halls nut. mud, It Ncrids, roil to sleep kIn's t. blame'' fool !owe 1 colopict,Ir ,helloed Li. George Butler te a. 111a t, doW ► ► L. . Segment two > CULTURE 8 r No too for 1.)LLD 1.1 thought The lilt fighters emerged on stage to mumphant pdic ,:reams It they had pme on to ts hist lc Ihtie hit an hour no I ..w would hate awed, the audience I' tletn451.1 ftwAhrill, crosid.unried, II 1ST HO% runny n. a nand-up ai horn a titan who sung thing. clapped and it they had sal to he ire Neighbours? In the case of Allah I hero old enough to smoke the) would answer bloody funny %wring a *nranrin have wait! their lighters Ire the skin que outfit land prating a Roil Hams puke. I ink I wog% As it was the I-sia's pleased the •aggeroi not a gage deo waled with artfully pla.ed I soh. Ala a hOftWAS PAWL' are In other worth, we moist crowd with lunously loud ‘ king way from Ramsey Street I rsmdition their debut album where Without pesofic gap, lade managed al fill all the song% were treated 01 Metallo,a hours with (titers Arnim, Puma and nunlike. .tyk malcoscr - only the tight( liac, wrienunly oblesact! w flarnwn Flora idle pants and beards weir missing l/x erp padding snot, he introdixed hi A Mier %Ai:nits:et! the uplifting sick of song., MIR option • 'art tike 'This o a tall' and the tender Fora man who pea pea deal of his ,Areer acoustics ol 'Big Me' lot screaming confine% obi baba- wood Neildihoors in and in the vocals and thiashy guitars. Last 17 Up All Night (Polygram) is a tine It Kellyesque. swinging tune Benaktast's naafi ink has a NM:Ma subsesturinly the 'amt. lost their whilst ettill `ThUittlee. becomes ix-arable aftei few listens_ But untwuntitely sow( ase had .lera for kinding With a Intl-Tate autiense lie identity and became one guru twat he day s of true pep war Iona rine. 11 hat to brig mei to he laughing a the milieux ift InUch ...raked dmnc kis only solace wan. with the dismemberment of Take Thai ht idea of alkming the cerebrally challenged Terry and John inin the recording studio anal I WOW* and' him. amusing himself with the %ashlar untie; 'aged WI* pkatling Tand Eternal and th• arrii alot pseudo 'lows-eon Erotic' and remember' are anythin ,:f pooh of the %Adam &got mil the trimly men to go to the hat :mil intelketual Indirpop pretenders, Illur and g stick In uomding at the bark itinerants tle cturasters in his audience A half posts of cider fin them and the , • Oasis it's hard to ignore the death knell to go by. they should , ,criculatly successful IT w % hen he ;mot % wcing them five minutes lour twiny sounding. merely content In look Moody The lyrics are unspeakably poor. the +angina a downright aiti-herwe in r Loge ink prixtaal ate to commix earned alit Ufk-otticlatil. SO it'. with A heavy heart that I CottOrMIT Lath a morning trukt grief the he had gone dear Hop:fully they managed hi catch Irk lira ditch clTon to recover the heady height.; embarrassment. nut I ink has • well stratum' n pepricrod with Dem (kohl's emote ads nc tit All of ■usa.-its they reached with les Alright'. Ittcret much going for this album. except I 3 maks it could. in sumo twisted way, trot pp and has unpin tt111141f14.11.111011 al noting of base a hot bath at home to pm% em 'House of Love'. 'Around the World- and the that with gond attic tor money. Each tune Mugs numeave Roof sei 14411 .01011Vt pneumonia Tongue. wen: planted .4 rest. Lite too link butter spread over too much be seen as ► wavers undreodeolly between being. a syrupy khrsinp on the triable. ri firmly up lkive's arsethat the cad bread. East I Ti. musical channs wiwied wonders ballad or 'street'. thumpiag. kick 41.0, monster responded like ((prat; Woottey's Clint% of 3Ifilihatruirns- hut simply. skin't cut it on Ve All All in all it-s a moo,. if they twee possessed a plot Doane teernong and Will Reason - whooping and cheering AS ii life. It'llitu - their third and hopefully final 'divan. they'Ve definitely lost II huidamental ninth been leverikti They've gone for their usual. simple and well tip All Night is link more than the final nail in 1s rARrof niationwale out 10 no and tr... Permitted> I would have perfected it worn formula: just lake a breathy ■so. low) o sigh. ,t Lamed io linstbonl with her . I it they had vs Molest [)soe a well mufti nulled drum machine and some lull. the col fin 01 pop birch. %et and. of LIANNe. Men claTtly known aired napping. nu. together and repeat ad Kate Toon tor repartee the tone kir the night ma set with Charlotte Weithley and nauseam. Sometimes it clams tip Humps. Brand *Iowa) introlusts in. If you don't Me Stuart Philip smog Language SNAP oiler a. well off r* konke support comedian Richard Morton an ...... et Pans, /indict exploited the No disosaa, L...... on at ...minable mutate whit fi targeted parent. mil the !1,1, y 1, 4, ca.*, 4, Ilk ob.. ',inched left the impression law::; ups, tin ...tnard poollkerAmet.., And Tommy Boy orn%oninie tape of Yorkshire Wart hut arise all hr ilmerved greater Mang than 'support: Still, Went he's tragicalls- unaware of tas own ignoronse and rectinfuned the sadness 01 the "dandy drinking- u cotnedy value enough in going tome, as lo amagnificame I k ts. In other words. FILM Soth Brand herclf pin CI* two weistleg hetemkruilik teal. Mucha( the humour 1111 KISIKIIIIVAP las Alan Bland !wised pocked upon many of Mutinies )1041. rr ever likely to meet- like. lo al it therelore wonderlully subtle. will, ,I 0111 %% 111 RE hetwecn Ow ',Lipstick of topics but Irani tier angle, tomtits, kir example. some tvl the neat moments of •coe. eristinned sheer noononoty at Dumb ail; weren't itni die suhavi of general otweevation - she Rebecca She esby Zink mom than a fklamg twin etrxessatn IV 1-binther and the ludicrous mak bonding of cased on her dal • repornandity he making her mimed intern:can ointment ,Man's pathetic Way tr's %aid, traerpersed wah anall-tuven hail. like "Keith Cherson" In het youth The b SIEVE C(X)GAN is pocubly the mom takneed memo a pant sowing alumna Ns guests.. however. hem kutimentalty and toad mine Hale% V)Ic she lese.0 he - her comodian in Brown at the moment Cumadenng he's am the sot...le o! mist of due real taligth I-fi% Attempt curtement, emerges hewn Ain appearance aid set ual etpervenoe (incladatal a irlareahle ha the acation 01 Paul and Pauline Call to dam up an est-Fast find lot ekampie, tr.hrts Fawley parnallatty tritermung way to pull blokes aptly turned and. of (verse. Alan 'land rot Chat' Partridge and his hackfire lb he'. durakenuigty ached if he -watt, 1,, Irian r year 4.1Alcge stint 44 drunk ' Park and ) - send up ► pirtensiniu Her inoilsement OA The fikr. Indult, this statement Ix, involved.- wink the Inseam mho.. trawl. and taunts home to pan the: w•adatng remn to advice hewn women's rnaeAnnea an thuuldn't he ken in a throwaway camp-ration Ifs a on his behaviour oldie French is Many buxuseo Bag Tommy ilinan Ilennrhyli die m mporkanix of Pussy hair - -Not tat* the if you 1A4 *I without benign:to ania aund sawn has imminent manage to look lie the rear end a bus- is to mach bitchy nix Knowing Me, Km", h010 With Van Parfrtfifie. While it/wining Mr. Knowing II* dors times gtegetite■Beverly Ho t'serricki and linariip as %whitely (rank the %chock by which the inept spina prodder was 111116 the nark and vontettnles %MID as Kit% atonal to junior acquires a new brother, Paul Mob Yet the weakness of her !WM' cane hum its thrown onto the man stages* Littlish Icksinton. is hike its Cornetist' momentum. It t.efriirtoty011r Of the Lowey KM news folkows though. as the jimik Lai* choice ot sanest. much iii which had heal twin €140 two rideo Coupon'', partnekil at small bey comedies or Ian sear AIM n's win* larattest is della and Ileverly is not -Ade hetof c ill her c TIT nomek the fcatekole win h nine emertainn who thinks he's Mg aim is certainly picking up cc %Kim - especially a. mat Ida Chum, want What Mg Tummy pop. a, the nil/11ra firma tusked rows isixorntortahir on Mil the finale to spot on. But Man Partridge is mom than simply worth of urea sal-mod matenal have been la in bill4n066 tycoon of the allornobok world. her nubile aid 110.1 lib. I RC tlIttl 011■101■0.1 het 'singing suricanne 01 J suKstandard chabtain host he's Zahnsky Men Ayknryslk threatens to buy ani on0ols one. with Itahritt ‘1, c, the far that oviples and multi layered. w oh N ranee 01 Dan Jobe dune:mixt the omit:any, facing Tommy to --- r etel•r MP 1=11 NMI !MI ■1 ems um 1M1 ...... tut the mad in seatelf of new contract% with lxs londissime erstwhile wisioichum tan lel %Fmk' M Imlay. Mx* Sabbath cane to nisi and you Last week Leeds was the place to be if you SanatLy Night Us regulars. holey ofd • said well in the air mood die Tar Nast the e appear here as a new ..randy' thIO -tench of torn!: or agent, tuelseri, oh no but the loved yer music loud, lurid or live. Our 24 ak-y's phyucal and loud bunoon contrasts vile witttfroit na tty Who hotwstly safes about Jth Slaaite's kati.-actic, smart :Ind ohnouours 'flack Sabbath pi /Ways anyway? They had their ► hour party people: Piers Marlin, Ben Blench, 1:atiey produLes smote hilarious fifteen mutiny% way back in the rtinl-Seventies when cL •-rformaxes and Spite spouts some they war horribly sincere and ughteuto, and now. but Fade) 's act is little too having survord rare tragedy that the Fighcies, Chris Leadbeater and Dave Hall ;,t `pair lends to set Nel.eftl ihey.ima rock lot the sake in a fria sacks of c,:adt collection, and is die Win-nide Jolt 4 if the supporting alias. notahly If your head lnw. sI relief hum all that needless .1.011101t tilld 1 hall hours Of then accompaniment to any romantic evening Nah. m .I.ittycl and Lowe. help morale a funny. Wier ate ttihtlittft. peltiOtt.! up Night early on kised.oul garage heat, with a (motor lit %Alp horn kidding When A WWII cOn*Wiro the 101111( "E41 my -plied and cniertioning sots 'Tuesday morning and buying the Xrdiplat album, all five records to date Passion and perseverance dud, you inicitutIVe luck.' you know what you are A fresh pirtaieous atmosphere Seitn brutal Sins Ikintion/paystay was certainly a alw ay'. shine through. and Hudak) turn chin(! in fay. some Whilre on the grey am between rcriulh dunes detail* pita moat palatable option. Are you wady! Get your with their taw. on-hinged nisi Alio such a display, The milk and inrul. rathenne Wheel don't NOCill •monks douses wi uretplicable rani* on. get uone crab. gal hi the shop and get this. they still had etwoueli lite kit fourth oil with th have popessed unit their -Black day k. the nilek, 'The antic album is chuck lull of teak tvinartabk 'Ceuta'. and when Bill flicked his •ogents, wichnr .part to the and it too like to listen to your music. rather than .aid the satiation waellogent and stylish rapping, chewing up sulsjects burnt nut *swum into the audience, he punches! the •, 4* MOA.Itor, have it •feammilered into ys or head, then a%oid flu. • lilt drugs. cops. kisr. set. hie (.11 the important Alf like the: linnton that he is Great hand. and tele vtts and up and coming% manal.wt One tor the sad mintier, anti Ow %arm small tan cwetly eft Wale such wule-raorging (obit duff and so oft. and sparing them riot with a suspects that the g time is jug amund the cornet hare . luittrue. slapsuck aid tomunce supethealthy dose of hums tor 411 display And finally. weak and weary we aniseed at Brighton Iluasslay saw ituffuJo hint L‘ILLSU. ."StLuitx Ai a last lewd try dus lie tome idiotic of lyrical skills tor should that tic skill" I Beach on Finlay to set Mamma. But hey, they were treat for the Horwasheil out pnhhc tonight, and whet ahhoughi Ilintever. wise of us run rimier our and it bur clever :aid, perhaps (Willi ha et the hesi new. are .tiler something .a welcome rebel it turned out to be. .After en‘k.sinp image you'd gut bored of Brit•hop h) Wednesday hand tin Sow .nt fru rarr esc intcn tcw se intellectually OiroWahOS than the I74 s'lleap twk; owl' JAI pros Rut/ a In lunchtime. raakerine *bets /fair) (lost 4 )seal in nest week's issue to find out about lords sineroi cow dung a triltnntiAhon, stir hi ace (hal our tnends front titc meck an molting into knix, steer well frontal:0 was another (soon Pun! pop perfection. Student -I tip he the big time Vo'ah.n omit Noel and Wo.I !Unit two feet dirty cut Lath this album will lit Axle:side .111 Winton 2 an any Donau Ben Ward BOOKS ctrio7 E-mail Nerds are inheriting the earth and the Internet is cool communication. JENNIFER MATTHEWS puts on her NHS glasses and interfaces with Douglas Coupland's new book, Microserfs

■ here's a point in even body 's life when Vit1:11ht 1,•1 Ilp01 1►”,/w. iska it' time scents to stand still. when absence is duly noted but Me ut *nrulAville cars • 41 as Isamu' Karla moscs Into hfishael's nilll 1.41 MmTir a,: ■■iirr realise you're going now Isere and time moon 1I hose yd t.11 Iigt.R this (,N1 If Al $00 the tilydair ••1, I' • 'heir 211Tlfr. .11 11.q.!4,1,... is running nut. This may 'went your or it haul is filled with Onli_nt Ow di ohNers, lint niglitmarr but imagine if you *Al a ow assist Kati, is atiscloWat with thr clault that ilia thigh' a gents standing still. wrapped in a nerd- Nikes Mr MCA! 4.110114CA hrte.. Ikke,orniyorr. and MI" therrilier littnatill111:40111,1C11 MIllakItle we :Hsie orientated 'mist-rm. when the highlight of your h 'Aral% LOD% IDA+ is A/I set) trawl-sting ai Couplatul his throe wank.* rc.441%ifix rt 11,e) air nu WM% arc isu l in 1 tar k sorting out 'our 1..-mail. philessoph►.11 itiorhades, attar a V■11,11.k• set esiwriiely lestious 11,40§)rninix, It ro ws stile I Ireacure the Pr IVTLI lulturc 1% cll. Illsigkr. Cowl -mil has taken 'Alteration \ "1 I ksitu1 the te....:hrntrise ref skim reading sees useful Them is t.nt onInvload∎ tun Couph,awltdxr.snly dirs settles are still itik firs.* book, one step further In Ilk mat book, AN' a he IIi p ■nik-k. pases in this !km& where tioncl put In, 11w .41 le IX% 114r a. they stew lit: tvgrittung of the haunt, it' litcruntris. II tells the story of kis Reeks who are wily.' Wilt $10% U114100% aim it 4411110C 'ANA intend, In keeri their lint Thai they mi.* ILA/ lite lusting a mid-lif• crisis within the' world of Ntitimmin. .souty should slip di-.r You 'Isn't need .1 derec in c. statute; quarts io real Ma ■ ,imainieli , 11.11.Y.4 .11111 dA/lbel b. a gepi, A . .i When .1 Fades packve i 'I _once, bisilv urt) b he IL Ns the more you Inks. the maser ii air tic al uttdmunst lutai co life' candidate He works at %beam ift and the ill tithe/ ' }4011.4'.. t".1upLuut ,:hariges the nerds' Couptand seems to has c hr> linger on the pulse o1 our user employees list's in a Qum! tirPMC. hos his clothes Inim toresei I sery kind of hint I !he pal ttllrrulus in I titer Won Ltutighnr 1 k her- aim' in r, d F .1. • 4+1.. 4,. 41,7: fir, ;10%.1 ho hall Men CI wk., Indus saotki there ts 'Mk morn for new Ph of %Oh Of1 1011$C1 at the nrw 1.4111‘1411) tu- 11-1.1Mt I9 us may Maisel!, dark,. ■ d a nes. cork- urrsiyi.P.4 owes lie„ 111IFIC Oki tlel Iftg a twenty-wilts/wk.:I Ills When rs sel uo Ile kr as. his fidfter kwrs his lot; at MM. dantel itstea Karla +the *mil how tnikss hot. •l II) lei'. - r rvxls that tuns on Ilthf or MA *ham he kris the TVPAheming need to feed. He does, and plathinns with CI),Itt tN1 MSc. kfw h.-heves lIn+i.11ie they tall in k AC Of owls it was as easy in that The itches wiz, forward and it iihrorke ea-.11 of them in du- house a shame eseta that shott,ts hi. ilk is when Its Ilsrrove to he run tit rt All tow one orsept and Kula. 1.1auel. Bur and Pitichael is called tip to see Bill. Any resenistanselo 11111 Gain. Sttsan all snake its most to Sillorn Mile) Abe. atilt 11Xlik, bossed the mai- hie Nlientsoft .sirpoiatain oul work' cutest no w to put prutuitst) lvtause he's millionane I stay% in eeek of sa Aloe, isturly touch with client all tluough 1.-nuol. Illicroserts Is Bill is 'Ghat in the Whictessuft wield, hr is die BIN Bother Mistuel has hued Daniel's lather on a fop %earl pecNect and the one war want As your friend. "Hill wise hIIII o karat. which has Daniel Swains with suntwaty Cauplirul has traed ti published by Haruerconms Hill 1. henosilent hill lv my ftiehd /Irene ' htratael's mievi the 'I am Nature eirmarto hustora.-sers. Dane► '4.-allms is the most etcstms event rn they gerlosh emit-me her her led drinsred when hr win quite young and the at E9 99.

And 'a must have" rte. opposed to 8 ill ate presented as products of 1%mcn:Jri Withnoil tead- implies it is enough to buy the bout The Jim sostely In P.T item Nick Corey. and to tlaunt II when you want to impress your High Shetill ( ' ,tint lakes us 11$1 4 NON FICTION undo Thompson mates, or maybe that II is great for people CRIME guided Pout sit the nightmare behind the Omnibus whose hairier at lite 1141h >twist. of a siting of American [Imam. where victims of incletv film 4111142110M have repl cd mound born Wien When a How many people hive the energy and Sheriff Esr,vnics a psychnpath we know o's hen ts a film nut a Illm? imagination to read a screenplay anyway-' It James, doyen of not lnipes tot Morse we're dealing with 4tistser: when it's et book. Luckily. Wiihnad is women in a punchy and contemporary crime writers. Prep 1V40 WS nommen apply his This re-release of the book witty style. and IS a kaally untaxing read if ret entiv attacked the characterastic black burnout as he attacks of the screenplay of the 1.0 have ever seen the film. It is a siring or hardboard sly le of detective vacant Such erintal vmung Is a refreshing WWeihnall & I funny episodes insolsong two bigoted and change from the triumph of good in PI) film of coincides with the p fiction for its hock of morality. back stabbing mates only ravished by 'TOO lames er Ui Undaunted by the anti- 10th anniversary of the premiere. in the 1954h, when lim 'Thompson Young (Mew, so munisi witch hums, Thompson indict% evidently in order to reignite interest in and at such can he rend by ► snippets seas at ski irk, the hardboded sky k of American society for mating the this cult' film. or In a couple of sittings Stn-I, tt in your Ion and you'll have finished it by the cal w tiling was in its third decade of psychopaths and anti•herates, the racism and Vi'ithnall and '1' twho is named in the of the week e s 'Acme Amateur detectives like the poverty that fill his novels script as 'Marv:taxi') arc waster• sinking The witty repartee extend% to the stage Hersule Poirot with sill) sidekicks and The Pm ThiNavottet littnninlos should he into a mire of depravity and bowing. with directions, which seem to have been written in sideburns no longer chased evil read as a C.1 I lICA conunenury upon %oriel a dash eat bigotry and an undercurrent of the style of Wohnall himself, referring to criminals through the drawing room lit a kind seldom moduced today Even those like Marlin Tomlin who attack Pt) lames do neurosis. -Irish %cankers-.a -vast spade- and other such Instead real people inhabited real not Make the acute ithsetvalmns of society Their over The top tift• anti offbeat political') met•oect sobriquets. As well as backstreet% where only a than line arguments provide the aution as they Ike their putting the as erase '90. reader into A state ill that Thompson made. but rather create do. idcd the sheriff from the criminal l•% inlesled London 1141 tor Umle Monty's shank-tut angst. this is one of the few things dillerent son nt natural horn killer, in the not like Shakespeare, as Tim Willocks cottage in the countryside But their to w that dales the script at all hack•treet rather than in the parlour. Even inability to adapt themselse. to rustic lisine A hum as original as Witlutaiii .11 1 can only observe% in his introduction to tilts 14' ,11ock.... In introducing this setretion. sl.nipleti with Monty 's lechery t..r Mat-wood have sprung tram an escellent script. but the %ohmic, but pis gripping nonetheless attributes this Er( CM pessimistic trend to hm i talons him for .I ' Ihc.hian ' ; sends them film is lugger than the screenplay the talent Thr Inn Ih•orpion Ihnnelq+, i% a pa 0 Thompson scrambling hack to the capital 11,/, stole looney, wnter,thrector fltuce Kuhlman; is all the c sample of the Kent: P 11 lames reviles Reading these thrillers today will make se‘tirtly and an encounter with Men dealer more es ofent when sou consider that he also This alone muvi matte it w,.+111 ll'Atillle • Ilk' leaf Tholopsoos own position one la( II oftliiit.p,. Ilse Allie r The blurb on the back of this gloss. rcisok. turned out thc screenplay tot The kilhne liPIO non d% here .Ilia remised town contempotary &lestive ake a ViOliti i s fauns . This book is destined to hes orrie a r1(115. tot in'''c h h. 7.- c -I =u 1.1,.41 Inside Mr, the Gown nand Pop Uviii t ottion, split between the genteel d i'f 1 l•illector '1/4 item and a must has e for all T101711114 Inetats tarot to American society in Me 'ilk hum., awl raging mltanthtsipy of Inn, • a4'%.4Ces .tl the film There is IVO r,...1 s ...11•11, -sit tno..)de hid L'S •..I 1.iw And kenkr .ov flu. sort Of statement mill will 41.. h triv 1.!ri • iathei the bro. JIJIni hill. v.114• it !,,on Icts en I sec it lit him ' Tom Miles Michael Savage

Segment two >

Othello Harr opt e Thenths litw Abby

ms the current ‘Irrnaie sit acme polimal iterreinesx trodusah in, i4m,h,./44, now ,ncrtl■sues• the metal cleins-nt of the play In dm low rgrcluitiolL Andrea Mimics ouncrignitnitlitilbh ID die excluernn rrl earls saber thrme lahrtla has .14ion Lhernpanled as die mem Iheain•ally %limn twine aid interne Shalecestr pta, with the nage t4 (mot n. cooled on stage J. - ! 01 lbe MidirDir. Iii this productun men* rosolual Iottani. ME FO a &Weir coald have so minim, Shale-near and sunjameed so ninny it the play's Ley entlineen, %Mae" aloud don farrow Who could have guessed the socio Mtge* linos fwvtcul untied,. pur►niated by mnunge ,iNiunve, and igNald ants Orin-long a erudite m of -ir linty You in Tandem- eu' • with which the National Lottery wo death ICeAr- The Ow fumes iiii die motion 1.11 rak■ny, the per,, , and LUCY WORSLEY went to tni mato& and ns beauty lira in the 'mann) iil this liwting aid laru'l. flefsulicile Marta: UCIllintinalr1), dos lel ihlitkan ■%Mali, ellests were hoormisg and unneurmari real their cited v.:" %imply windfalls from John Godt to dloVas 4131 own a piled "mat Thee wands wow arinirynady •manstled by 'ago from a hi-ti so on orrice maw. seta enpaniesi tri J rukrupbone anti used disturbingly by %mous chamfer. during n a week celebrating the Tint mons ersary a n il their anmetani soliloquies. The tilos was hle anroiling a Inure s the new national institut• - the lottery - malting intro A IZIOITS4 nainagemina conference The other dimintion was the tucks Sods 10 a particularly topical and again- Liktt haekrbop which contained Imes of raeially polenc.dly inuarect I1 out rat:eons commis to John (:tallier, depicting vItaare dm, f .catch mail A 'coon', 'Mt . and 'mg tug. which arm lit as sou the rise and fall id an ordinary %orkshin• couple torriuhly aro mak* brol as Orhelki began Ito Nam helmet for Llenlemiru'3 supposed who hit the jackpot. Samoa mall intidelso What was purling Wig% that Mirky east ii Mite ardor kart is a %Asko slisa:Ti.tatto sill an as al *ocher of yet armiberall tata:krit up at CAA?. and although an ;Skint* to he ointroverost Blind Pak Hashansi as surnentiat more %lineal Moab at data did rint soared on sonitminicating any message in Cilia's finest huur. dilution*, the Ctelk•■Laird% as unhappine-I Musky has. it *saki sum. diwegankil Ow Slukeipoare pliry, mete (lumen, wain/ public mention, infernal and trimly pnahavd a MN:km day 17S.141 Wm:a &WM. kilitai Mks= ON the new dins naisearth aspects of lite_ like rugby. soeseerlo .0 Llesdeallialtu silo purveyed as a dumb bland unt aid die name, As they von and .hate an fa minim' mars* there taihng sn find iymrsahy *althea wine merely tesolitd by ha IA a o era-new resets...slot their mundane lore Thealmed suspenders and the red prostitute light *filch Ottumwa] her death etchanging a holaby in Bridlington ha a dream scene Odielki waa equally reptalmse.langthitgltautathota the first wand blur trip to- Lleverky filth ars! cnisiny wills Oars like twice. Theta two *O, and priftemtne a Zulu lite Maid anmaid I kailemona's lociNab' awn and. as Shims calls ham. dead holy At well as this, the aint who pietrayed Othello. Ta wilt the mit kilo Cloak Vial Disarm " Resoles thIls millsonaim Damian hlyerwough. asaunted a strange alaXill, and

Nigerian ascents weir t* Ilitte t.• The Beatification understand tan it funk the w hoic The Cowilit' of Area Boy more real Although the play deals with high realities their WJA tits lablItlaire of DRAMA DRAMA Weil Yorkshire gitV. Mayhem hansom At one point the heeler !nods thin Si Geetp's he .an 'duo the head% id an entire bouillon Dor. he Kay between one coup and another'. As Robert Ruder rut it psalm al concern.. The bind% ► • iirahritaiirm Of.4'(ai Jim 1, are personal concerns S4n ink 4 has (may pervonol Isiok that somehow manages obviously put a lot of himsell into this work. Tto reach out and gran you The story perhaps into one of the characters Rut he tAllb•Ch rht4 Arr down The We dattenod The intsisiusini) b.lizac -etarnisies, post iiii.tioom Lagos. a 01) in which one' The intelligent yet curt' judge 0 Isabella! conflict where nothing. tuft esen the legal who always has something to say but limb Tflume blasts out You halo Mimi are in kit the enmesh% ride of your lilt 7 DIU Stitch° That -system. stays the %Lame- . It deal. with issues that 11I (WIC it listening" 11w educated that don't affect u. but should the kind of hes'ilens's ninnyiina and the Reduced VI* DRAMA Anon Anekews Ulm (wpm security guard working for nothing but the thong that rarely makes It into the new, and lose of real people' The bather who can Its (.'ornpany launch headking into Mr CI Wall e %en when 11 does we turn the page none die tupetslitton with a %hint back and sides but il SkaLripearr f abriikedli - 117 ii . cheiliat. dean* Ittoroughly awry al3k, left me in a ate of biter 'Me kind of dung talc the wipeout al who no one can quite understand" Pethaps minutes rant not iiwgdling the aurae , „„,„,,..,,,,, The play ernul on a %auditor' rather than a plan an entire city. The kind of issue as his Mania-i ut. feeding the masses with a The play% themselves weft'''. to au 0%tint the :alifieraw n drawn inn) the hied an (hard and unimportant as one million peopk Nang smile despite all the pain she's holding -reduced- Ai interpreted, winch plums maharaneed tamihe m whow Irving main the sewnl head of rim& Naiades% osernIghl with no warning inside' The kink site tests to cut potaltics planter:1 from which a cnospleie new en moped This tank the dupe of a toast Isabella', Meitner's! sits Ina pretty parcel nett as the fleturnas and nowhere to go The kind of thing that the knife that killed her briabei She wen t net playwright Wide Soyinka is willing to risk let you hinges that shoo that aimed to dispel dm myth list They air a Family damned titan the tail:sale *odd. but isinknil life and death for in order in get the message The play lakes place in one dry and in Shakes are Is stuffy and boring aid co in then °anis-At). whom overhang Isillpitity of the across one place It's a day in the life story, a day- capered by or-sight-Faced middle dm ainermonal. civilian; the ndludattalleta °Fever:00 Ilk Soyinka was the tint Atrium write, to inahe -life ad-laeot So much is packed into intellectual% I i was a tormuks nut wiry ■iraally twin Particularly manmade is MEC/attains Day hand) pathertne. at win 11w Nolvl Pore for latetatuft and grew such into a tight space, so much colour. so result dm esetung was 4 whiCh the grandfather. who leas a habil of dumunstrating Its skill in up in Nigeria before its t=nstriii:c. Ile much feeling and intensity, to many frenetic euravagarma. unkadiell on a preduarat phlegm hulk. is Leta =kr salami deaupti Meuse of probated in Engirds it I 3 Demerol, in spiralling 'tuft, that It'. not hard to appitetatme audience. 100k lap eluquid e Wane shucks In his 'tae tender arras' 1957 As time prugressed, his writing understand why co-prushicer Niggi Pop The rum the show The actin, was est criminal, with a flu, stn tale cau anise became more paksionately connetted lo describes it as kaleidoscopic I Iett with my farcical. enjoyed on dinette, kith all Ilan/imam espernse main! a seamless floc of rani( shop Nigeria and its pishttial notability Back in head .panning. Contused, yet clued-wp didn't have 10 try had to anemia fam lag ,..irimai ,hat wik- who.* theliered dostatatielv !runt hemp Nogetta, follinaing an Someday the sun will rise in Africa with member. writer and prodemt Moo l la the most talented of the Imo SUM imit lurid to oda ukus. to tfuik A, %Allmon of mouck was ensard he held up a radio-station dur►ng the at rl a new sang We'll know about it the moment ihroue I ti the donut um: of simple lighting emote and lialtatan war in an aUenspl to mediate Improoned we wake up Until that day we remain ihr unpins long sharply if the madame I iLince. his the final irsult °mild not iota him xi cluNanding without trial. Soyinta was Mir 11 in A death same caught sip an our tiny world wigwam Ion, Matthew Hendrickson aid [Matta ee withom %nth an I nom- irtne quartet of moors cell fax two years Nigeria Is a darigetous as ever, culaNnienlly Linciflit:e flied Lb who have replaced two of the alyin_to et tfisishrila,' o a play what oat** aware of sus "wit place even today lk spent the folkoving rfurrelli a favour girt sic the plea seemed to rake ume to wane * am 'whereone ha this pertointame was a pleasurable etpcnence ofI foe sear% in self-imposed etile Now he's they were just as funny, if sat fp!: alio duos The performance Mande w he Abby Clegg returned to Leeds in premiere his WV/ play Josport The acting was etcellent. At times the id Romf., wed litho. wok Loos *Po

22 ARTS 10111

Shout Across The River DRAMA Raves Theatre 1 014 WI1 seater {remits

ii-A II I -di...if ‘w4.- ...-iihi! il , • • iiiill 1541 , tr. rmork vii.lirikr 4 rioi.. on,o1 to , h iin-ynidil will. ..-s,_ lid T■1 4141leni Ar,,i.ir4ri•I'n.• 1I h Owl,. mi. ift• i I., diritikicwia ,i ii,J,•:t. Liu% &Rich. • Isis ir it:), ii. .‘1..1 4,n' i It, 4-1 tics, wthwit's u 1 slitAii,o s. , ufti-sliii I es' ., 11.. ley ,...nItt k - • 1,f itll. P.m Kasen 111K...- Ilic arm cil ii iiiiiill y ■thil.iibk lid ol wit •t silos streamer} ma the sliding wnees il rtunnially - 4i2iklen14, last mamma . '' - Miairriteros. /lir Otryrr wee le sociological and psychological conundrums take& it. cur from Somerset Maindum A btu of mild FcrUirill) &miff the trio taco twit 4.1( IINIVITICE l'iliivellg ii .111 `Llivould present us? JOHANNA FERGUSON trwit.htful esperieme tea the clutaorrs of die play. Christine. ptaved hs Joanna Shaky, 41. A wheals's. teenage got upattalgts !nuptial/se it makudent. righteously indignalti 4 4 Ilothe Playhouse to learn how to deal with the so. 411 rams hi which Qbe is 5] CINI5 win. gid wilh am stir IIIIder‘trahlahk Ift-i►t of the almentintud nibs ce 1Godber's new comedy, Lucky Sods t. espelkt1 hi-an schsol a lets day, rehire Nis dattlo ll up lir the summer m.o., and mumps to (MOO WI thiffeiratre • ▪ with a Imago strike The creates an answal within( Stiners ballad *ea, awn 2..-1 yew num Page sivoamptihiste that the anthems. laughed. • Piuntitutroo, itresptimotality and ennin in the liar of the tridokocr oaf dem' ot the torsi in otaind ho Els the aisniang All: wind rail other up span and twit Hoare-Yet. die play's ending , lk dieleat do they Nor the lottery is in won't was mak mon. ptagnant as we trained Just a f lutsune is mfenlicalat hut misguided u. het ilitssesibeir setiliamaltics% with family imd legends but the true misery which the lunety waftsI inlither is IhnipLeRli iWAi Ilealilienel all S e See 111‘ Iintri dumped nektrieg the mot WWI to buy the 'amity for Chnstma. brow& the prulagonwas tat by We, atintakined by her husband and inuneausi ti> set IlWarFiVille waist. tither as g ollenilnlei a 1111gOrditthrann. the children Annie and As a coma: tioductiiin the pla■was The two women lash out at each C10.1110.41. 448:11rs bodies Orfainenithading gifts tun art' presented with a ra=nt II *ma. hilariews places. pampas, o(esplottantin aiwl esertol 64tranagistortheope more cheap short though at lines tell the Li m iln A The kunetary randy then parade the suthts of maul- ...hoot (*mullahs-1n apprupruildy dressed in Nadu_ teat Wr insoolls 1114 Ibe win will ►nesitabh hong att tit custom))) tnierlosst ith RIMS kg* to be realisni a the cmj tit the first halt, as the issues the plan was Icy en to deal ourautta apart the head teadart respororhie tar flariunies impulsion - a Iliniam nun. tared into apathy his. tar termintsr oilallay dims sr* an argument abuse yes, yoti' se w ith I he sirrk ukir, or comic Wind of lus um.% artful... r it, lit mane) Cracks in lean sal Moms' pre% sway statute aim)! were skilitults srsercome by Duna% sietA...-n rk, s rorminekt an attrtur•hle jiIti oil lthiegin to weave all hour actor. who) thew laughs eneAring the mark Wk.,: I milli IN %civic iri inipiirkinv tli kW) %tawdry oldie play emerged at the heginnuir of the hoof the audience at every %5105,11 owlatiuthd this 4/waistline plevy u it ;Imola I Wen 14 40 often ear learn dui they hot swim not once. bait punnallte opparttittit} tiatillk4t4 Wamortimand issainu Snide) in the two temair lead. aid 14 couple are rpm CO tuition hent..11,1r The stow* they dealt well with the aided commas well in sapturn ig the ...mug& .n.. e with soriesol kooky unteshiy tot bettantne not tails multi cruptimiltiltis 14 playing. several mit of count .1, ■it were skilful in icing abir ki gr.< the final Mb hat also muki-vontam romped much 44 second 'tiara ter. mat I elle!, Nicol in Irish ti wuirnimi. Mt And NIX' .111 sad, aline purse• of halt igap bream tom doe bifida:ancestries+ of the first ixtrocuLu e teelled in her throe utairrs theme. Come and the AIM the thump naplatend hy the isms dm teal winners may have to iflir.rdifir learn Jim Illtswell nee were, however. Alf MEW in a santital bonito Ihrestot Noreen Kerstuw talented con* attics. liose ▪ molly left the audience unosnain whether it was ma! go laugh or took although as s rule barman having appeared m the popular mat I iserpudlian t'ontedy llutt king nor pralkl.thle marriage breakdown Moms rcirraftc4 .1 st BrelkiA.I. CHOW: mother. has taken An project ant I apt aidescent draw with his first n r. kin A rh-qw exploted it with wit. reporwrinnyr acctualety the new totters N INO Cyclifit Solidity 111 Amsterdam staying the pheiaarierwori which has bet-cane central to fair toes At its hest . • Try Contact 41in lust ta. predictably this fairly shim and nut kit the lottery athwrs lo fantaose_ tart at its %situ moult- Itiraiet ends with Moms vomiting to Seam At dus pint hives and fattest estimations, mit ant.. lor the 44 RI:* boll sieve was forced to wreak with their emotions once losers but also fur the foss winners like lean and MAIM, 41* inipai 44 a shocking tragedy al an inappropriately As the otlikt [14 .1, inning the 1..b:kpioli A/t• I ;Mt lh toots . Lenses Free •lams Angie and Nis Ninon win MILO i) on the kites) you walk] probahls he ficriet .kivric‘t h 4r:111-1 N I bUr ur li _supled with dw play '. hash event seemed so .1 1,0 'II 4 .., ft.+ You' for 30 days When you Buy Glasses. FREE 30 days of Contact Lenses SE FREE

r-itc Is 30 days of Cleaning. Fluids S AN:than • lee sou WHAT'S FREE 1 The tape thakesprare Instruction on use of r " roarisleh - rams 4, in 14 I fLorro{, Contact Lenses & Fluids Nas t mush FREE wiled a Mthly £15 Voucher towards further cost of al, slimily -- - ING sat Long plays all the female roles in the .• •11:1. •.11s .144,4111011y to display his uu4.11 1 .'Cher tu!. Contact Lenses ;can only he and does to in the esalls the same way • Juliet Long. sat thscovering that he was o ►li streamed kit. and vomited a lot Thu. might haste Lewin in their version of Hanalei. watts:lett IMO imptilsks ut bur after the EISc 30d*s narked and the gni rather annoying. hut Long . amed it otf the audience_ with Lei win an hen pursuit sit ming. fast, annoyance tree. Hendrickson was left to entertain us This he did No cash"„ Then brand of Mentalist' humus'', although with his rendition of -1144essun Dugout". which was IA/nivel, mos% is surprisin4ly rod. He then welcomed us hock not without its influences Offet applies when buying uooMpkic pair of *Aim lie nth The plays that scholar% term as the historic% trio with a quick melody on the ukulele. flits Ind the Rata know. the onr. with numbers in the Miro were intniduced the second half. entirely de% and to MM.. 44: lenses Minder ohm the p►esented to us in the loon of an American their version of Hassler. audience were was hy ashall game t yes. these guys ale fmm across the Jocosely involved in the payehttionalysts of flphella oft w hitt wouldn' t Isaac looked mil of place twell, they waved Men hands about a bit c=1:ECE=1:1=1 The Hew, performed by lotus leese. Michael Patin et al. 11* audience pa mcspation only added to the d I engin. Indeed. the 'KU." do owe perhaps more than a atmosphere and enjoyment of the shera ISION lade to the humour 44 those AC tun "thou boys. definitely a Frond land different) night.rut welSe OPTICIANS after • while There is as little to disappoutt Re wrwmr /tort will have men the mood huthathrless soul roaring natural V either, wttb W•ele tansum your in the form of lihir with laughter belt sermon 4mdrffilli at as a wondertully grids cookery Awns ' Lower Ground Flour, t num Buildings, Charlotte Brunsdon !or Juliet. The intermission rase Hendrickson the Leeds University. Tel: 0113 242 4684

Juice unpeels your week here

i./it 1 r ill . fuN1 s fil!MINI (ANC/. A' Ink0 Id 7:1 It 18.11 *pi lc he 11 SwF 21 11•117: -kali tin fit- hi 3-2 14013-inIn t tutdoor pur should per I ra. r 1 could hes melee 1,-u• •• • IT'ola,br Ns A fate from the past could fa sualtsos it rs rf)ThatIg Al the ruunlrnl th Mg% Ababa. not riiiw a. a lallr t iling, rr starltru; vont enemies Anemic Osi'l Factor over the nest rumple being upsets into sour ansuotiu right now es me-)-the% appears lobe wig:with link ko !vile% r tram- harpineM, Ihs• ref! flew workb You S of weeks. although short mr,rtliille. Ile way cd •••144 happening all .1t OWN r rlyt ken' AM, that MO beVn CZNIAprd Ur III I, k • 4.1: iiiiiinevs stem MOS" likely Ilia* dodgir scoot ham.. teal eu:ilernern lit, Things you kite waded 4orr she end of therms*. Oele fuldrroaditadls you Nou'nr Pskiiesthe tune Is, It..rt•-,4 than king ones. When and If necessary, WY no uh lute twee' ursaii ar.. fl 4 AN' happening all doom with all lenISir NIIIIS OW of th. reiltinnothr worms - nirte sousrosw aslant, tor help ow anJ Arguing?". re.wr wilt soon %one happening within ...Weenie mans rs. akfltoffth isg tity atound you great outilicsus shim 0.1 advice. This w the brut way *wren, rna welcorne bands I ,00111 trIMI 1111(1111 s lei lflr ltr k-w k.nrk.s. Itnnzt/ng of aanning your awn pour may hod tsar meatus whether Ohms h..Trww-w. Into %I nn' hk 9-99.9-• spore new plink isophim Try mil to want havoc in the AMR, WM, Mallol.^tchl•-fli I.nnw•it•all friends talk of mind Keep your Emory mon- Dismanta plans am and• kirk. rather appealing lives of Wends by nevellog ID a beg roue. although vou phut ISIT of an important In Front pocket and 1111 at If- ,v, /rt.10 tenor of ateron.n. afr Aerie better than uaual bonnie ii• tor nom mon sense clone by. r %PRI( Ion% ■■Prst /.♦ IRON N4 0/110 xuarr INtl'S WI tills lap 7I On n IP.r111111111 Onto 'bust 01.01 -1/.311 7n11 Iona is ?I /96 19 fin-fm la

IA' hew pool relatintsslups Is41 pour sign. As (Lag" CO into usual life . Now will need to he pierienon Y; NS' re feeling & bit bower hare calmest peoblean, . •liar,pp. slats to (eel railetn ts about to u•trut . • •5 . to • r•• with the truth this awls_ as .11 the moment at too re now is lbw NM* iwt h kidder within &ovum', Yost inntd eLaillint• Ihr ■I. • • nIllo ■.! 1..1 suit n an be a bit utiles:. in %hirer .e }XtIr Life Susan Leybourne thinking drool iris' HoWVKT MR•17 )•01.0 tile it shalom; op, 114.-. 1• I. 1. I twn't ban wintering • nett how and nerd to tell o.e.1 bet/4~ won is the Pagan ha lain at _VnIaa;1 n onv still have a Hine taking up as a From vanes. oulionk . • I !.• 1■••• lh• • 6!11. el..- how best hr The University of Leeds, 411SO0,NIOIWW, so do kw the timelier% 641ing III be Al the ttireiniot e -■••■1 ■■•1 ,.,,,1111.,1 wan/ In .null ►upertor or go about their tsu•mens have the upper hand in attached to its Occult An aerie thinking about New svntures kanA seer of Your mind over she twit a sn'tel plans isfulal wasie he eon. as you wilt uoverrsailiales kelatkinstiip society kABAL. She can be making a nit** pun-hale. .cork 4% two, Ili+ &waft t, o1 4,, P.,.1 hh Ili ht I 'I, s-ou'rr not such as a CAL a take or' 1w 1,4 4./11)1 folhaftl :fro' Meals iou knot to he bonne 1 i, .i•..11 it - I j•I I •.5 imam seem a hit act() %fastsr over contacted al her office at 1: ► holed/. should find fair rsju Issilirs, Aral suclfernonf thirsigh. as new thing. bone right now and could do with ..cciti relationship MCKIM, Vicar Lone. I reds LSt (IQA tits liWit side **-A011116' first fru weeks new rsprearittes. some anentaciti (0113):42 3531

r.►1111r::, ARE YOU READY Mari GOODMAN'S FOR A NIGHT fibns on frisks', LIKE THIS?

hal do you do si, hen piled on melitdrantd . untialanses the issosit, ,rill you gel to the wise Pit-it' enieriain•ni. ride CENTRE FOUR old age of 12 hind 'I beers no Today night hark arsosisee dalde •1111011611100t your attitude to the and Deadly this wed.. ('hannel 1, W has slestiled to progiamme two la hole Hollywo ►d .howbiz thang nights ist notion horror rrilotic, is 'been there, seen that. done instead obey onlI me, onto that"? Saturday night ...1/aITC sLhodu I I.. 'OVER 18' You' ■e itArrcd in the world'. from the normally on-the-ball most successful movie (not allowing Channel.' est.., Halloween Aesow 7.00frow toes, for inflation- iiIiiisted figures three wed% .14211 Si III II Mir, lutist 4.441 Aseemedut oh tously. right economics Pick Of a fall') SS calk linc-up is 14.7 ► C 44. • SA.44.4.r. itudent.71. got addicted to twenty .traen- ',Saturday II 15_ (•tunnel 4 types of class A drug.. bun through which has Anthony Hopkins Drew Borrymore sets the screen rehab... and you ha.en't even playing a •entrillitiural lettOrlied alight in a role she is perfectly by his iiWIN doll William Goldman real:lied puberty. Such was the ohs num that wrote the book on suited to. unhappy plight of Prey. Harrymore. plus the best mimic scripting Hollywood blisckhostersi _ who mitoriously spent the day. pros odes a genuinely unsettling and 'With special theme nights. between her Bid mot lc ET to her creepy- talc. ably brought to the screen by pretty constriatimal run-through of all th. later Hollywood thriller clic hes. this still lir ire give-arays sad the led palty around first bout of PMT in rehab ditectnr t ►skte Attentiorough lately though. the'• heel, batik in Also oo otter and worthy of your manages a flourish nins and again and 8:30 RAI!, !UMW's thallatiS rather than as dour attention are the early Doris Karlolt boasts a thintl•tout turn 111.11[11 , HAPPY HOURS 5:311 clinks, churning out an Inexhaustible (tightener rihoul (Friday 3 2Dam IseMornay al the nanny EMT' supply of quirky little mos ies (Inc such Channel at and a .levy British chiller There is no truth to the rumour, In. is Potion It (Sunday 111,00pm, Channel calks! Mend On Saran Claw i Saturday obligatory porno remake' was totted The 41. a wiling tale of a Wide•lila orphan I. I Jam. Channel ai Hand That Cradles the Cot 11.. BARE ESSENTIAL Iflourymorei who cruises in with her hew More up•market but with more than The tame night. thrill 'tinkles should male (Sara 'Roseanne' Gilbert) und ifs own fair share of sleaze is Naird fold the adrenaline rush keeping them WEDNESDAY procedes to get it on with her Itiend's (Tuesday 10 0). Channel 4t. the Mike awake tor THE martial an. classic: grain father 1Tom Skerritl Barry mote sets the I.meh movie wIstch tWooped the best me Dragon (Thus .day 12 ITV I PINT or screen alight in a ink that she is actor prize M the Cannes testi. al a ten Robert (knew. who directed this masterpiece. ha.. neser topped his 19/3 perfectly stilled to. and it the oltell}- yeafs back for Ikasid Mewl,► who plays A GAME OF it homeless entry. despite launching TOM martial straggler in arum,: film career. more than 20 years EGAZONE London Bleaker in later. lie was responsible for Cynthia tone than Leigh's Riettrosk's breakthrough WIN CARLSBERG ICE other work this mill entry ( - Dragen atoll EVERY WEDNESDAY carries his slinging famously ratite the name of its oar Ur— trademark Lee and a. a first. Nile LAC 44 espionage. ..ideswipes at ill 'torque and li►isculfi. !funs British and a In a good wed for action fans. big &reside Centre. Whitehall Road. crap Thew lis, Charles Bronson stars Moth his late wile hose todsentures lilt Ireland in /11 Unittlton I Wrdtuvtss Leeds mein the spine tot II•41)prii. DB('11. an early e.ami.' ike film. it the annoy ing trend where a shill Locati-f I (list 111111(11.f"s '1)111 splendid pull) Punch encapsualtet the enwc pint , ii thrixighout To wit Speed. Ikmolotton Man Mal The f eeds City Cc:rim! iliposite tti1F-1 ( lune TlIbr C•adar !(1' s now A rerun .4 that bred old filth -1 if-, 1. it'. ft ,I lif ,•. I lifit II ty 1 0.39...1 tibligatidy where the mak hired help has to prefect Prir,t. 'A conventional run blockbtoter of the hn ternade hoss from danger. murder 'it t ',I Ilti t• week is lite Hand threats and other sorts of unpleasantness through of all the later TI4rit Racks Tfli this doesn't of course include the Hollywood cliches' ( '*odic : contents of his underpants 'typical TEL:0113-242-0945 I 41 14)Pln, 11 fin mum late A night of quality dance filf1Yff11.1 "h Looawnitialm einir4t (asekeT.0 Oasts) 00- Friday, November 17 Odeon Gnome LOD 0.50 Be In 84 10.00 The Scans, Usher 1.55, Coogan's Run whom he shops 10 Ih' 5 05. 500 Mee BSC2 poice_The rest of the Crimson Tide 1 50, 5.50. Head: Club wrth ChM Paul Coe, nation's Series Natures band 820 Freeze (Gerd Skim tayounts studenl.hating spanking new cher/taws A Walk in The Clouds USA), E A.S.E Wayne lair lout, is beck on Ma including salesman from I 55,8 30 Sonny_ last of so. hat-hour hell Gareth Cheeeernan French Kiss 2.00. 520, Primps N rxenedies. lealunng comic With Not The Nan 0 OP, 0.15 houseHammel *NA Tong: happy genius Save News al Ilsom and Have I To Die For 1 05, 330. Pm & The eptsodrCC.alt, Got News For You 5.50, 8 25 Curls Zack lealurea Our blonde rinsed kfivivirg 4 at lOpm MGMg nome Music Factory hare up swat some should be a good evening Tanitvi Boy 1 00, 315, ORAL happv hhcuse no1onous1ocal gangsArs for comedy fana. 545, 0.30 Bash Street • ride Pueblo 1,00, 3 15, 5 45 LUU Barmy Mak Bar OpeCin 830 Party On To Wong Foo 100, 320. NW Dark. &today 5.45, 020 Thar& F"k its Friday BBCI 1BBC2 chati 4 Flood Cinema house & garage 22rIn The Clouds Pleisetee 1100ms I i 600 020 via micaN 6.00 Busmen Brealdast 7.00 11-00 Today:Sow Season. 7.00 6.00 CiMTV. 11.26 Supermarturl 5.00 4 to On Vow 6.35 Lounge Cinema lWhile & Marsha Bettalitsel News, 9.10 Kilroy, 1040 Oneidas! Neves. 7.15 Lassie 7 40 Seven 595 Calendar News. Hearin, 7.110 The Big Breakfast. Crimson Tide 6.00. 8 20 Doors 10 00-4 00. Nam Weillhor 10.05 The Legend Of Prime Adore Weator, 1040 The Tree.. The 9.00 Evening Shade, 9.30 Showcase Chews Adrnosion f9 make:mi. Hotownsles, 10.35 Good Morning 0.05 Strain, 8.35 The Record, Place: 1045 The Marreng.12.20 Schools. 12.00 Simply The Beer Nine More* ewes, £7 non -members & PIOUS. WM Nine And tack: 12.09 News 1.00 Ouinzo 11.1S C.alender News. Weseopilikbyork 1240 Sesame senor 1.30 Kra* Podatiorillik Modal TThee Cockpit 12AS Pate* kW. 1130 Teaching Today Soong Through Nom. 12.30 News Weather. And Cabo. 100 Tempter& kmbil,810/0111100. OrVion Beach - News And Matter. Marneramcs. 9.45 Wroth, 10,00 12.55 Coronation Sheol_ 1.25 2.10 MU& Chkesn Every Frsnth ION, Apollo 13. 11n1popqatro. 11 0014.00. 7.;r Ortotir News Wevalls9-, Plnidays, 10.30 Cars Eyes, 10.45 Horne And Away 1.55 A Country Sunday (I109)• Light UsuisfSi=3..lade. To £5 admissron 1.30 Nerionbours, 1.50 Cokente; Samna One TV. 11,00 Look And Practce. 2.20 Wirier. Site Whirr comedy abaft a man afro De For A Walk The Warehouse 105 incogralo. 3.30 Ondo And Reed 1120 shod Circuit 11.40 3.10 tioto Yoursell. 3,15 Fos dreams d a His et' lams and in The Clouds, Under Anwhing Goes - !Auden, Cuddles. 3.311 Robinson Sucroo The An: 12.00 English Fie - Minutia; 120 News, 3.25 foriune. Sinning Dun Dsaay Savo 2. To Wang Foo.... 4•00 The spider; 410 Posey 01 The Environment, 12.30 Tionshin CalanclahNetwort Matti and Coarser Wen. Tommy Boy, The Scarlet ru u city Bile Julia Jekyll ADO Him, Hyde. 4.35 Waking Lunch, 1.00 Saone. 1.30 3.30 Jere World 140 St SAM Thmk Tank Letter, Crimson Tide stomp- irsche Recant Breakers. SAO srmvaw. Languages. 1.00 Tggyarasides; &SS The Spooks Ot 4.30 Fifteen To One Hyde Pet Cleanse Town & Country Club Nonnuoincl, 110 Blur Pater 5.35 Thwideberb In French. 1.45 B01110Etsy. 4.15 Freak's:cad 4.40 5,00 The Factory °elks 6 45 Love Thin - 70s disco Neighbours Words And Pickles, 200 Ftddlni Fun Hives. 5.10 moo And Away. 6,45 Holy Places tl Postmo 900 The UndergrOund 6 DO SI: (Mock News: Footle Sint 2.10 Span On Friday-, 5.40 News Woodier Bicassoni The Ekorrisl 11 15 The Codurr - iazz, kr* Weather 3.35 News Weather 4.00 Today's 6_55 C.alendentlalwork North, 130 Illovenvatch Pictureville Cinema, Faversham fi 30 Regional News The Day, 4.30 Ready. Steady blovied by Local Weilber 7,00 Channel 4 News Bradford hOuSe with Phi liegazines COOK SAO Esther. 5.30 Gong 6_30 Meynants OIL Actor Be 7,55 Book Choice The Cluck & The Dead Faversham, funk & deco 7,00 The World's Strongest Gong Gans; SAO The Munster, Maynard worts pubs SAO A Toole of Africa. Dormda 8.15 Fm Vicki Lester Man 125 The New Avengers. When t= theA region Nebel touts down the tar, Panther 5 45 Fiddler% 7.30 Tomorrow's World. Ora lop agents die of 7.00 Fortunes where iN. Inns had Bradford Playhouse P•A2arie with Radio Ate Surisson Lucas MOM@ 'natural Meek Steed 7 30 Caronation Swum La madames, to national Film Theatre ftaiglt• treks rub trio Satoh African suspects lead play seeks v she to Cry un. boon dish II Poston° 6.00 11 • dines bush Nal 11160fk5 of 7,15 Football, Fuesbail. oral rt son t Nov laf10 lock Vestbist. Do German ckibe 5.30 Brookside. Rachel Nos a Land And Freedom 6.15 Planet WM pounds swath of ocorahng 600 The OIL Grog bolds pa:0Am ex Mite and 6 Cold Fever 8.15.8-30 Pop Goes The Newt - ecsilfnient lo parlor's Me- put greater emphasis on /rickey- of the thugs at* Bev hatpin') Peter move in win openg head surgery. to rolkwol sakes success manses:ram pop mad arrow*, a me:arm a is he moving in on Bev 850 095 Ulesevers. A mile than Mee oainl Gin, erhisity, kotid1 - 50p all 8 30 Faith In The Future. Fowl 100 noose of Comedy: Terry- drugs swath gom wrong a oo Top Gear Motorsport - nigh! Selected bottles now traded a hams. a Theorem Nigel Hewn, Se 5"1 20 till 11 CV Mori a 'Mier dog knocks Rally Preview panne, and moitierhood for Harry Saconte. Wan EIP-Jutty Woodhouse Community [NM a wasp's nest 5.30 One Foot In The Pam biriroam le and he a an► Elnan, Jahn Breen and Centre 30 A Ouestion 01 Sport Spread. A osabrakon independence The libel* Lionel Jeffries al coneibule Atria Night • Atncan. 9.00 Nine (Klock News: ihe wows rind modern was he - wits her errata Civic therabe thaw .r nonce and Neon Leeds Art Theatre present Reggae Soul and other Regkinal News: Weather ET wooer. Isanbard Brunel. daughter means music, with a variety of 9.30 Osingerfleld. Palm* 9.00 Not The fans °Vlach 9.00 Medics. Billy a laced mitt 10.00 Prosier. Frasier decides 10 Jabs Caesar/ 30 1-5.01.4 crash lr &ding top for he conealeiOns. local and Afrioin drinks Hooper confides 10 Now The celiac aselch the sack when RIM Elprn until late. AchniSaion Dangerfold Vial the woman show or rho 80s, will discovers he has eaneded dad and broths! Mrs in %Vest Verkshire order to de some tidal Playhouse £2 501E2.00 NUS he now Iwo wash Rowan Alkinton, Gre Rhys ha imponsiblees and bonding Not a good idea L ay Sols 7 30 remising trielening Jones. Mol Singh and Pew and Gigs buidIng The Boofimbon ol Area which impair lo have come Pamela Slophonson romance a compicestd by 10.30 Cute Andresen Tabs Back Boy by Woe Soyinka 7 45 frOM ha itelrangsd 9 30 Coogen's Run. The WO ol Jay's return b work, II IS Crapsion 911lee Repot INIcksit Lecture 10.20 FILM_ Fat From Braes cry hal-hour corrodes wail 10.00 News: Wei1M119 r 1190I1. it is 164 and Slave Coogan 10.30 Calendar News: Wailed, 11 30 Eurotrash - The World =tyLaStli. Ja Arnercim army 'Maar Tom 10.00 Nave f Got Nears For You. 10.40 Tens From The Crypt. A Tour Night The Fate of Pasco 8,00 Oiled arrives in London With guests Alan Coron pair of researchers look to Fright CM NUS Ouches& or York min 4 Icg-twael and Terry Christian teach Mot unscitekdous 12 00 FILM From Beyond The Alleindwa Studio. Tandoori Space prowl ler Colonel Ridlayn= 1030 Don't I supennsor a Mason But can Grave (1974). 5tyath Bradlord Drug Free America. kiellgsrot Ridley wet 11.15 he take a Kee, Mews honor compendium linderbos Theauo Heliotrope a 0J Si ion sow seeds of corihrelon in Job 11 10 Met Gibeone Ilrevehmet Wenn(' four limy labia of Company present The Scott tie rends ci German High 11.45 Weathennevi A Flik•elsimar's Passion Mirror WIN Peter Cushing Rover 7 30 Fenton Command Sabring Ames 11.50 The Best 01 The Real 11,40 War And Ilantavdeance 1.50 FILM The Blood Being Otiose Wntib Fox, Tara Fazgeraid, Palsy McCoy 1.35 The James liken. Mune Terror 51954 Luis budoel Brighton Beach. Cockprt Kmr and Wiest York. 12.20 The A-Z Of Disability lotkivied by News Brash GolliC shocker Thurman 12.00 FILM: Sober 115enters 1250 FILM It Takes Arm (111111). 255 The Big E starring Pew Coding. eradbrd 1 In 2 Club (11118). Teenage escapist A bridegroom gets uecl feel 3.30 The Sew 3.20 FILM: The Ghoul (Inn. Skullbre Expenmentei scion movie set soMotimo on Ow eve cd his moulding 4.25 Shill Ramey -servo honor move ralustnal noise E3 in be blunt when the Earth and lakes oil Oar one last 5.15 Proate starring Bona Kirke as a LMU Beckett s Bar has been reduced to a ling 525 Music Video professor who rises hom desert 2.10 Clelse 5 30 News the grave 1.30 Weather; 135 Chase 4 35 Close PIZZAS DONERS BURGERS LUCKYS CURRIES

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• r. The Hot P. eel Zitiop Saturday, November 18 (En .1.1.111 Ike onstage On the decks Seim Sent* Merengue. Priest homosexual Ienciences and lustlul Odeon Cinema Calypso and oder Tropical BBC2 9.05pre thoughts As 11 this weren't enough, sounds. From &OD, The Scarlet Leger 155. , Have BBC2 got a treat for you. After he also has lo save a girl 5 05.8.00 Actession £4113 rnernivi under his spirilual WeretIOUbe picking enough awards 10 elan a from Crimean Tee 1.50, 5.50. trophy shop for his work on Cracker, being sexually =nallifie: lather. 8 20 Vega. vat+ NotLam! " & TVA grey'*scrlphirrilee The is stor. slut A Walk In The Clouds 1 IS, Jimmy iovem chooses typically horn Melievern, 41111041 340. 5,55. 1130 After Dark. Morley The Orbit oonfroversial mimed on which to menages to throw n soma humOur French Kee 2,00 520. 8 15 To Die Far 5 SO, 625 Music Factory base he Ind feature film effort Units Reecho. star 01 &Worth Pocohoreas 1.00.3 OS Shiny - uplinng Meas. 'Vaal tab the late of CelhafiC and cekihrily son of WOW Kan HMI Mums Tunderground gunge man of Ole cloth Father Wow Roaches, is an iMpreleolve Tornmy Boy 1 On. 3 15.5 45. he Tube - sitainathe has oi Alkingkin who is tomnenCredlity hio load ihe 70s and Admierrion 8.30 ,- Diadem 1.00, 3 15, 5 45 £4. Doors 10.00-3 OD D Species 8.30 orenloacris on WSW To Wong Foe_ 1 00. 3 20, dreuracbaires BBC2 i 5 45. &20 The I BBC1 2 1 ch. The Garage • mkt rack. 14111 Rood Cinema I triphop. skew 11 03,3.00. I Env v i C43/04 11 1.In The Clouds 200. £3 50 adyF4 on the door. 600. 820 7.26 News_ 7.30 swelled: 7.46 5.20 Open University, 10.00 6.00 Ci1i17V. 0.25 Smithy And Go. 500 4-Tel On View. 5.05 Sesame Lounge Camas Town & County Club Wei Fog, 0.05 the Addles Chanekya. 10A0 Video Byte; 11.30 The Ch A Show: 12.30 Soot 7.03 OW*. 7.15 The Crimson Tide GOO, 820 TopTopBanana_ - 90a dew l arrow, 830 The rim Adventures 10.50 Network Easi 11.20 I - y Slat MO NS. Games And Vdeos , 1.00 Adveraures cx Sam The Pocoherges 2.00 Supermen. 9.15 Live And Warmed Or Buse. 11.50 Fen SS Newt. Wearier. 1.05 Ceencer Heogehoo, 7.40 First Edison. &AO Saturday Night - student Sorry Norman. 12.20 Close Showcase Clime ►souria 12.12 Weimer WM News. 1.10 Trans World Scat &CO The Noe Months. Spears. 12•15 Grantham& 1220 Forilbel Up; 12.35 Wide, on Two, 1.05 Spec*, 1A0== 01 Morning Line, 1000 Bar,. 11.00 P000lenkta, Modal Kamera. FOO" 12 25 Rican% 1 10 FILM Command Morisco 11940 Love (1983); 3A5 Arveil; 4.45 CieZzelte Rot el Sella. 1200 Saw Bneasfeert French Kies, Juice - 2.30 FILM: Soldier Of Fortune Favorite.% News Summkr, 1 15 News: Weelher. 5.00 Camber OR. Your Vanes. 12.30 The Great Apcdo 13. Usual Suapects, 2 05 Rugby union (1965). A woman armies m Noe Weather, 110 Scowling. Waft 12.55 The Use tale Jade, To Die For. Cluetess, Dance wrii Phi Fa.- Stuan Douglas 4 , naA 4c5 Tami Score Hong Kong deternined 10 kilawred by UXIal Mahar Show. 1.55 RUA Dive Marker A Walk In The Clouds. 520 waste Waage. bade down her Fiddler's hustmind. 1211 New Barmaid% Logan (1941). 426 Four Fingers And a Under Siege 2, To Wang 5.30 Regional Nome Weeder Ureter to gel hake *sough Vies Cody's car wilhout Thumb, 4.30 The Snow Saloon Foci Tommy Boy, The Flin • dorm. the racist thermals. she Plan lath 5 35 Dad's Army permission in order to get 63 5.05 Brookside Omnibus. Ws Smoot Leger Crimson T. 6,115 are Median's seeks Vie help or aiough an erporent meek but is I/Mgr colas and tames& Hyde Park Cinema A lbudt of Gees - Over 21*. Drees with style tors Oweralion Germ Jen Ammon nurcenary invoked in an accident on for Jean veils knaly Dave Clerks 645 Orrelson and Sae/ Mem SlarestseCtery*woIi Gable and Me rosy beds Patens 9.00 =sciptssacalion. has a clung, of heat ararcluat the caserys Susan 0.15 Glidlalars. Four more 520 Right lb Reply. A lore at Ed Wood 11 IS lawasee gernsehow 4.215 Beet Of Sillier ccelerders pct Pidurindla anent.. Asylurril - wen Ws Glen, Ise wad or Moms, 1182 & Simon 7 00 Hears Home Per* Neal 4.55 The Opals Winfrey Show idle against Mr= rickel2Cron solnriod kma with Bradlord Edmonds hoses moles he 5,35 TOTP2 ledleors such as A5 Bitty el . Tracy Seeks Pleasure • house & menmepres lern *obey 6.20 One Man And His Dog Amazon, keno, *pa and wear on Lon; & The Dead 8.15 Babes wel Gory SPOON 7.05 News And Sport Weather Rader Vie!Playhouse& derive watt Carl Johnson 700 A Week ti Poldes Underground binds his 'Goths' afar 7.20 The Assignment, 7.15 Illnd Dills Cris Bleck ILOO 210 Conan M. The Ins Fins 'Masan going si Fierce- mamma's Rims Mires* mircklices more emu Pixano 600 The Yarded Stale - pug Ogre of a Boeing modem Ulm mum from ihro 7.50 The Hiked Loewy Use lab Julien Plebe Whet as conlestanis rh search or love is teeny* a nenietionscling Land And Freedom 8 15 11.15 Ceetallef.TaradweEvie can Item from to East al Cold Fever 6 15. 8 30 Hugon Omelet Young ere sage Plus news of the mornenl for Ihe bum Sheffield pens* over hard. and Jun dimalleled and at whal pace ha programme's couples 1.00 The Camontlle Lawn. amok gullet cludesin when Mee bay deugpier is 11.05 Ts. A probe 01 fie moan Including Ladary Result Calypso was Pally and Pete Wareham (sax) A tack reams Out area in cesulay. Ricky Jay, guru to an Ill Raise The Root Ebb MOWS some bow Mira Riggs giumperi. es Leeds Eve demos bather own fucker." I.bemeod set Hotness heals Vie gene awing .1efribr Die and boys MN based in London melons a gem deal which includes Steve eaten lihOW war oilers ihe tear Tenor FttljOrdid Dorn open 8 00 Elarxb more 30110116. and David Marne prize of a luxury house r a 10.05 Rory Bremner - Who onstage at 9.15. 9.05 News And Sport Whirler, 8.55 Maw Up. Director ktle pupas, hole* dentnation Else West Yorkshire loikeux1 Nalional Loewy Leigh talks about a scene Luoky Sods 3.00.PPiru" CanCesions only 101 0.45 Hews: begone Loewy 1045 Sorel-Porter's Men. lewd member*. Jazz OJs el 2.00 Uedala Mum FAIPCOIS TnAbufs Updakt Weelher Street-Poser mese and The Beo ,don Arm 9.25 RUA: Steil ng Laura classic, Jules Et Jim. Bay bygrieweele Sornka 745 (CO, Chico, Lubi • the Oqa 9.00 40 Wars (MTV Laugher. talks* te men in lhe pubic family). (1903). A young graduate. 9.05 Screen 1W Priest. Jimmy The lam or tom specie ay. whom she moat rust starling her ks1 irb. McGovern's wad and in ends Dane @Owes Leeds Ms Theatre holly pound by a was unconprenterra journey AAA Caesar'? 30 Ea'sr Met • house Ii&eve eseti ai n marks flys 4oe, Fright lege 2 00no....r.. Mirk Turner & colleague *he *4 net take inlo els soul or a Unwed =onnacemany reorkiong 11.15 RUA: Yogic (1978). no lot an answw Starting Carl* prima as he higreghis iron many of the Richard Sys Th. Oland fiched Thoams, Brooke struggles esh Its men ITO* Cane Opera neerrodei most poplar cheer Swing Meetly Shards and Yvolia Dave. esesealy, his vow of van* shows Hopkins as a eneiloquet Company primed La Ye 10.55 'Mash OI T1e Dew celbecy and too Panseme Dv Offenbach 1000 Poke Arlon Uwe. who ems his mind and talk Liverpool pie/ host to ormildereisey of tug Cameras follow four poloy under a lerreorely 230, 7.30. Tickets E6 50• neighbours Emmen Mae conisesionet E20,50. Cockpit lanes across Mein n Vis mutt:lemma InluenCe Whale Spurs and Amore meet ei 10-50 Hen I Got Nene For You. neiltelog dectarattary 1.15 FLU: Blood on Satan's Alhambra Studio Whet Hart Law. Repeal or Ise nets shoe Tinder Box Theatre MOM of York 12.00 Mg ROM Specek Peel Clew (1970). Set in I Ttih Hugh Cornwell 12.00 The Stand Up Show 1120 Lahr Villh Jade Hollond. Wyk v Baby Joke Mellele. century England. ihe 1220 FILM Cannon For Jodi Mend introduces a CRo7erPal Ar m" The Fenian Actin from Cites sers unaantaig scene gnsk Beck S1u0nr:stg Cordate (111701. Sal in diverse mix or he Kekm Hai as Psi Was d I 912 ontheleximi border. musicians margins unksislus a Leeds Soiled tales on South untying mites& savage Chearibposinta Ammeen anny maim Rai 12.20 FILM: Shy Peopief111011. Mica's Ibiby' Abe Melee Douala kali his men A purnaliel takes her devi worship WM Pence Fart I Firkin lot Pm wI30 lighteeigre Wyrnark atm agars, a weal Masicon daughter lo the Louisiana crow handle. who been ber at iesserch a branch 3.00 FILM: Dr Bloods Coffin LUU Harm Milk Bar Orme 12.45 Knight Rider, kicked by (1154 Belton B Wale Dornesbc Refugees men rade ague le of her family tree and News Halleluph Simee Gauge fullers an immodele sbaila Karon LIMO se err Plasma" Roane JoSeplre Well 225 BM itheed-ol-helms doctor. Chews Peppard, cukure clash Wel Ja 3.25 The Lane Picea, Show Back lo Sauce 2.10 Weather 2.15 Closa Cliejturgh and Barbara comma crA strums Wood houes COIamobty 420 Cue The music as acs in a smell Hershey. 5.15 Profile Ceram 2.20 Close Cornish vamp 5-30 News 4A0 Cleo

Leeds Metropo an University IIut p, ciao i ‘I> is. apf i•fprot,, %II a. '01 I 1 et Ai STUDENT UNION TEL (0113) 243 0171 EVERY SATURDAY DURING TERM EVERY FRIDAY."`-‘ ;1 :=Y tar RAO MANNERS £7.00 adv. * • 11,1104^1LP • ••••• t.. /•S_ P. WY re. gun, stow 1001911,001[0 6,1190,1400 poi ...•0 ca.101 I Mi.) NUS I •+. • a al, •La lot as Elliutirailci• Tom •• war now,. age- THE 4211.11117€4116ST eRAN1D via 1-• =1.00 te Ado MURPHY8 PROMOTION gody.- N *fa a* •75 Xillt doe ads.. irgiV/ITATAVAG 15-Into LEEDS METROPOLITAN • POGUES &.1"IraC w 'roc .41v • UNIVERSITY. 61 17th NOV.- [HAN KSG1VING USA Thus 3. Sets 5 hours of American geetar, Jima* qi • 41 -1trlia- " :1" dlar S 11119110 Porsertits • 90 grunge and anthems. 119199412.0. 1.0111%1011111.1.211 DIM lc ♦119 31.]1 ■11n00 vim-morn( 1/1/114_91/411 11r11.11M19 %IMMO ,111's Are RUN 34 'SkT10 /1•00 94•110..r. STOMP 96.3.00 adv. '1190101[11111T7i - 10...1L10.110.. ROM C. 010 ■21.. 9pm-2am £3.00 adv. L.M.U.S.U.,CRASH,LU.U. and LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY S.U. CITY SITE 11161- T010111-. '00 ♦ 011110 411► 1,111090110La ” 4Mirap0111Timndl 1I► 19.19,110:1101wea.1911 0101.10. Uro • Ls 6200 N U.SWk 00 GUESTS. 10111111111114)Ult, PTTIOL Valle 008111p A PM& 013191 CHIWIII190 (at •11113. INS+. 11111/41/419 i *41411 111410∎ • JUMBO or 0.50 DOOR - ALL OVER 18's WELCOME.

I Film Theatre f)qn3V.II1Id Land and Freedom Sunday, November 19 6 00 Odeon Cinema II Postino 8 15 T ne Scarlet Letter Cold Fever 6.15, 8 30 1.55, 5.05, 8.00 Crimson Tide 1 50 5.50. 8 20 A Walk In The Clouds 1 15, 3 40, 5.55, 8 30 French Kiss 2.00. 5.20. 8.15 Melt To Die For 5 50, 8.25 Sunday Service - Pocahontas 1 05. 3.05 eclectic dub, ethnic. MGM Cinema pyschodelic night with Tommy Boy 1 00, 3 15. live bands This week's BBC1 1 1BBC2 2 1 liCh4 4 545,830 guest • Oochi Clueless 1.00, 3 15, Windsor Baths, I Im 6.45 Bradford Ne sis r , (lean 720 Ito Ao., Li Sappy 7.49 1140 • laglor•Vian. 6 0e5 :w_' 1110 lin Species 8.30 LOS 13611 V, SAO Pew CIAO, 10.15 Mell Down Lounge• a 115Lammeong_Eve. 110 Ilimemi Porters. RES Come Oiesica 6.117 eds: 1E30 Tea 1125 The Mem 7,15 LA 1-17 7.46 Ths Grim To Wong Foo.- 1 00, new chill-out night for Weh Frod.11.311ftill lea See Mormier ref MOM. 11.16 Jecrianory Rear Onfrebuslars, IUD' Caliendo Bona ammo Sormeers Om 110 3 20, 5 45. 8.20 Sundays With Amorph Hee. 10.30 %Amos- 150 Elea. 535 The Ammo 01 Nem. 1.00 Nees ember, 1.16 trewe On toe is Came Sard000, spansh. 10.4411* libesiddis Fee(' wood; 030 SI•444., Cottage Road Cinema (Megat ipolisahe Moon Jonallhan berebbv, 2.10 Heverrm TO 156 Erosered, 1120 Rweing the nee ► Meaner) 1110 The I 1111 Hoe 1166 5.111 Tree Bug. WM ()game Fat Heaven 1.135 FILM Seduced ISM). 146 The Pre Perm Snow MA A Walk In The Clouds Bomb) Resident Band Country-Fe 1130 News On The MAO The Owen a Waft. 11.13 430 The Word in Ow Carded, Pares Red Mo•liere. 111.15 Sewed ;bawd 136 EasiEndses. 536 1130 Liptip mu 11106.v 3 00, S 30. 7.50 The Head Collective Trak SAO Tee RkMMl WIMMeripthr Or The Sal The New Mos ULM Me Orison. 42S The 8001Paen 4.111.114a SuriMv 51/We 1.111Tr* 0- Lounge Cinema Doors 7 00- 12.00 6.16 Colander Mew said 1L Its Mem Corm Show 170 The Greer Zone tac angina Proolsormia ass followedbe Local Wadies" Up. MIS AlotWIR. Crimson Tide 5.20, Admission £2.00/£1 &wow* lers 6.00 Wes Weene Top GamR ole Repot and The Woes ahead orpowere 1.15 Fooled Ms 7.50 NUS. UB40 4 9s Regene Nem. 615 penes I 100 POUR WWI (MIR A ourg 6.30 News. Misidne, 330 FILM: sewn Them (11101 Pocahontas 300 Faversham Fhabia el dowels hawed ei • boy n 0.40 SeloreeMs Ouesi CORM [AO& NM Edward 0 700 Jed TRISam. Vele 111111an I order 10 gel en educellon in %Mum as ■mance, lamer Showcase Cinema Songs Of Praise - ? SO Heeilleet. Goma Aut* Reim* Swam gnsikdanwilliid Foe Faineson 130 Votive SIM F firmed , loaned Hs dens a mom" Nine Months. Species, house how b NM. One Brown leer Amid, oxiwiume, Yoh Barbra 1.00 London's Burning. awe robbery from s Marge Geo Pocohontas. Mortal OM Me craft be Se We draw Seemed Woo, tam to the eir es Met menu am mends so lipecialft Kombat, Braveheart, kr fee eitbots ordene 5 10 INIRMTS11110411 ban on me row brigade In help pd a oil Welke 1.10 The 01101000ppart 110 Lets 01 Lae rwairetar bid Pew more Sew French Kiss. Apollo 13. Men Calm eed ES 420 ChIldres In Need - TM. Reel 7.00 Top Cisie Rely Rimed. bet: mei 01,It p111 lo 0ha IMO taken Famed tn. *WI Usual Suspects, Jade, Cmoildem 7.M The Aril Ilimeer. paccir tine,. they IV (mod ene b fifelefire.AMIWeehe To Die For. Clueless, A 040 The Weir 01 Obi* WM London:env go on a ea ter t W al 1tItliht4INI Min in 4 530 Nceposes 9.00 Fled CM. Unpliets support der km or be genres Arad bed,r Wade In The Clouds. rr efrbng - even his ard Ireland 6.00 Perwedesi Ado% 10 00 Hale And Poor 700 DOWN: 001110nly Knew% Under Siege 2, To Duchess of York pees sineme main 010 The 10.30 News. Weehor Me mese infeisologi Wong Foo.... Tommy Nick Harper Then fie bee the most brAllart 900 10 45 The South Bank Show. ruttiest kite of fts eM ry ■wing Ot She la ram Boy. The Scarlet Weal Yorkshire kfuhrrn Baa00 p ee01411 two 9.65 Nowt Weather 9 )0 The Ws Merlon Show KIM 30-neido ems toeuring tra.4114100,0? Letter, Crimson Tide Playhouse is 10 In Search 01 Happiness. eatirwa tro Maw Joruanon Ratan aid 620 "NM Ishera. Fe!, Also ea Hyde Park Cinema Th.- nolcti Soong 10-50 Mien Of The Weer Speed. cts And Bob PaillirSIC and nimble+ Write Moses flummermal ere re moan Clerks 6 45 Coitegt, Band On do 5001 alWrAteary rd Gergo Bort 11.45 New Violent leeldles left vow hers re loewreesidg Tomb Joe 1000 FUJI. The Ca Purple Stivird Meal II Postino 9 00 Duck & Drake ■ 12.15 Ours Mali Bkae l em ditola Mori (MIR. Dranoseen nr Ake 13.50 Awortcan 9.00 We ape The Lit Osembrs PIciureville Cinema. Thn Bilkos lunch • on geneviel coairmom CHOW Clem WalLacs_pilis intinsoc novel 1.45 Zara Ohyon Olin WInsea teem tree emote Bradford City Varieties It AO FILM atilanng Door Glove, Wiluisp. SO FILM Olhoode haler He Has dilledMortdaMere110 WO in sioniCh amnion Goldbmeg and 04aah Tao me hum a OLIN Moeda' &MOM The Quick & The Dead Richard Digance returns 10 Wail *an 1/30 MAL Mrs Cage (ISMS The del cur Imes, bid 16110 Os% Arid Deedr 6.15 Grove Occupied Fierce. hauled tow teepee** Mrs efts* Toes Men boy dimmer May love het egienerldie id a nab • peke slalon and P01100 Nyman swiCiet Panther 8.15 Julie Matthews Me Game girl Saes nu Am Chace Reelelirde %Mat Sem. cordoemps la a mod. Out s 3od Worm Bradford Playhouse Mini Seem, Cholas Dew ramlning re a seem? MAO FIR SlocionowiThe variorum 4 20 J obilobar (191110. Psvcraurerimisuirur Team Mew and John 145 Close 5.30 News 700 trio Lame, /BM wee Geo di IA =1: 1016 Clime 1.40 Cu..

• .•••1114 1 1 14 • 1 Give Cooking a Rest tip S SPECIAL - Iranian Dishes - nreos, Let Pietro's do their Best! OFFER CHILL* SUSAN C 3.50 TATS 00111pASSO Of Iwo Mare es of sootier, served anti 174 WOODHOUSE LANE. LEEDS. LS2 „ . • • BUY A Dale' natter) K0013113EH C3.50 OPPOSITE PARKINSON BUILDING nod .,offiy redo tees0 • SHAWERMI SULIANI it • .60 Thus =memo it Ire end one Mower of kabob Walden KEBAB AND tnforti net, Mar FREE LOCAL DELIVERY SERVICE FREE CAN GHORMEH SA BSI £4.00 Tel: 243 3733 A • Minimum delivery £5.00 !1••,, rlavir lobnon 34/104 (W ►1. 04044y. Ctatander, Owes and onion On* damped and (excluding soft drinks and cakes) Sled eon coded •Ah ;mom Monday to Saturday 5.30pm•late GRAMM 03.50 - Pizzas - Sunday 5.00pm - Midnight TM M. Frir pieces al hello owed in bed onion, me goes. MOO NO tomato r..lorn MAR0141341‘e 13.44 42.40 Won LOOS'S POLO £3.00 - Burgers - 1.41.44.. u ••••• WOW. Plipperues &foam and . • ' • • -a, engin and wan herbs t Wee Metope end bed then °oohed DE-LUX BURGER t tor-. £1.80 £2.30 MILL C 2110 1410 iron 5. IL1.30 (4.30 Sin moan sib bereft se C* and spices, 4 is 011011 CHEESE BURGER t £1.90 £2.40 SALAMI 1.40.oarais Mims swab ere cat sin noo and saninefild mur2ame worm. senile 9110SC RELISH BURGER 4. Fees C1.90 C2.40 oolong oneq∎ and Mm fortis BAGHALA P01.0 Ca .00 ...image wen and R.Wn ivntn (3.30 (410 CHEESE AND TOMATO C2.00 02.50 LIAO (4.40 SOL061111111 Fee cooked wan broad beam end MIL sensed me GARLIC I•uaMil liozzoolla chime, lamas Winnow F net !COO cradle RELISH BURGER • • tome: vine %.a.A0. MOUE and tilir$ PIMPS COLESLAW BURGER A FOOS £2.00 £2.40 CALM L.4 50 (.1-40 (4.10 TOSCANA - Kebabs and Pasta - HAWAIIAN BURGER A Foos e1.50 C2.50 01.1411111011011044Gta Waimea chew. *web. reamown Topped *In piniiappai !Imp and -Man °, kJ •-La delenee chaired yam wars dean Mee irdiaign Itenee, End miler. Peel* trigti CHILLI CON CARNE £3.20 (1'4•Hrts, t3...1111 (4.40 AL PUNOHI POLL* PU110111 (3.40 44-So AMERICANA fnes ASO (2.40 • Kneel, Ines IA .-• • 4. lOrract, 111540 CALM faumiree anew etenroon SPECIAL KEBAB [3.50 W0E7441411 cONNIMM21011 7o-Ino ate Mein %WA lialttett 'Oh filed WOWS, CHILLI BURGER C1.90 £2.40 MAD ?WNW 1111411/2111. 1.3.44 (4.40 wan pea bread end maid cf5M0Armacidn, 24001122111, kbraarele Meet terfolo, inueroon► SHAWERMA 12.50 SUPS SUPREME BURGER 12.60 Capin u/444 matte Mom and r1 h1mn, green pager. Met and Wm Reim 1151)% .• 4 Aced web pea breed and seed I Fries case 44.34 IMOIMMA 101P411101111 PICEA GUAM° STADION (31115 (4 SS Find with clinker SHISHL IC (2.50 buiVen M0444•Ms meow am:ft wood*? mum/1M Mas se. ewes murdwocm. dierre. Mho% wen lanucri wan • ea Mr* ell bed onion are muslin:10m pee via WM IMO MOM, --teem Naas mew. ifielMs. Wen. Ded. served eel tee breed and seed 904.111120.01111115, roan Marc, Weis on) Wen herbs 60 ciockEtt C2.50 CHEESE CHICKEN BURGER £1.90 sweileem, Vow mot Wei lerelb TWA 11110111•11 113.40 &so ard VW* Dirmeed peon of chosen ice Me bwoi ern 15443 MVO, Aran DAM We 4.3 (4411 IMisawelle dream We pespered and miatroorn Cooled ChIOr CliSIC01111 maned oats VEG BURGER A Fries PAM= um owee rine° and Ildm left £1.70 C2.10 Vermeer CIAO C4.115 breed and said dame, male 106011IPow 6101101MU sausage pepperoni eel Mem nate C 1.40 44 tO 16.20 SALA. Itomovoc H - Fried Chicken - 1111110911111110101 m. • Ohm and Wen reels Solved Win • • • Chairs own popermon C3.40 (4.40 43.40 44.40 TROPIGANA LASAGNE e 3 . 40 ONE PIECE CHICKEN C 1.00 PuiPORDIS leimirele awns& mob sewn. Horne niadu bead a, to oven ONO PIECE CHICKEN AND PRIES C 1.713 meets owes,. lowelo. mein onseppe Iit leen hobs Lees of pow tachame and baby's"' seam topped TWO PIOCOS CHICKEN AND rams CIAO pixie he rids sausage and bee CALMAR Ca.70 ghee•.s hobs Forded oats bed sin n.012000111 mat PIECES CHICKEN AND nu( 3.40 (3.30 Ca SO MDT ROT cram tomb melecon Mew SPAGHETTI BOLO-G.15SE £3.30 (6.50 FAMILY BOK; kermeralls demo Inman ',run been Goer smege. papperom Mocker pasta. 0440tintse 1.oUte with p•intattan chew , • fat PfECES Of CroCKEI5 110115 Alta, laprowb mem and Maim rota 14540040) COt.114 aw 27

..... 0-•

Weer Yorkshire Monday, November 20 :41 Playhouse The Beatles - your local record OdeOn Cinema The Doolthcatronat Arna Altogether Now land i moan new - Tree The Scarlet Lefler 1 55. Boy by Wole Soyinia (Monday 8.30pm As A Bird can be heard 5.06, 8 00 7 45 in the ver Or arnrne) Crimson Tide 1.50. 550. adty Sops 7.30 Youvv on't aura to 820 move lor The Beatles but the es ate A Walk In The Clouds The Grand The*, over the next few bulging with weeks Everywhere you documentann like this 1.15. 3 40, 5 55, 8 30 English National Ballet French Kiss 2.00, 5.20, present Akio In turn, there they'll be . The second trostey discovered classic, 8 15 Wendeffand 7 XI ticker,: John, Paul, George and To Die Furl 05, 3 30, MEN. Ringo getting under 'Real Love can be vnur heard in a live 5.50, 8.25 foot-Not only are minute " -renew singles hitting special on Thursday. MGM Cinema Tommy Boy 1 00. 3.15, 5.45, 8 30 Clueless 1 00, 3 15. 5.45 Species 8.30 Charlie Parker! lent BBC1 BBC2 2 1 Ch4 41 To Wong Foo 1 00, Havana's} 3.20, 5 45. 8.20 Soul hip-110(3, Jazz 8, rare I I PTV groove 6.00 uusress break eat: 7.00 SAO Swain' 7.00 6.00 GMTV, aft Superman* 5.00 4.Tel On View 9.35 l-kiatrickth ROWRO Cinema Briar a1Newt_ 9.10 Kew. 10.00 Waves. 7.15 Lame. 7.35 The Sweep_ 956 Calendar Neat And 7.00 The Bog Breaded, 0.00 C°12111A n The Clouds Indclera News. Regio-tal News And Legend 01 Piano Mount 11.00 Motu, *AO The Time The Evening Shod*: 0.30 Schwa. 6.00, 8 20 NUS student right weather, 1006 Cant Cook Worn Brae Puier. 625 Sows Or Prima Place. 1035 This tkirnng. 12.20 1100 Crairehasw's Swathing Arid Cook_ 10.30 Good Morning Willi 9.00 The IT Collide*. 925 Calendar News 12.30 rTN Nees Drawning Comer. 12.30 Sesame Lounge Cinema Harvey's Anne And Nick 1200 Newt Jarmo Froncephenso 945 Weeder 1155 Coronation Beat Secret, 1.30 0iondrcp, foamed by Crwnson Tide 6 00. 8 20 Garage nwrourwd News Ana Wester. Square One TV. 10.00 Maydays. 1251-bow Ard Away 1.55A Bush 'Tales. The Mew 1205 NW* IAA. 12.50 Regional 10.25 You And Me. 10.45 Look Query Purace; 220 An Irrillaken Floundebaul end Musk LSO Lon. Shave**, Cinema Mister Cralgl News. Weather, 1.00 Newts. led Reid 11.0S Zig tug Tip le Remember,2.50 Hop Ycissee, 2.00 FILM An Ammo* Guerrero Happy edoeys - Student Wareiler.1.30 Neighbours, 1.56 Wrings, 1125 Go For el 11.40 2.9161aillend Seat aao Hum in The Ftoilleante 1(19501.19501. 4.00 Nino Months. Species. Engish Torn 12.00 GNVO. 12.30 Mortal night Knots Landing; 2.40 The Ciente* •eilidlintel; 325 Calendar News, Think link. 4.309km To One; Pocahontas. Show: 3.05 Incognita; 3.30 Retied Viortang Lunch. 1.00 Haien File. 3.30The Slow Noe* 3.40 Tors IV. 5.00 Lowe in The Afiernoon 600 Brevehaert Kornbet, The Frog, 3.36 Omar Ode. 3.46 1.20 Landmarks - Wraing And 3.50 Wakes Wadies And Claim Roseanne French Kiss, 13. Planet Earth Apollo DOW kir Barker 4.00 Alan And Pruning. 140 Spanish Glebe, 1.45 4.05 Sooty And Co. 4.30 Vereraa 630 Helped* Tay makini g Absolutely Fabulous - Usual Suspects. Jade. To rho Chernunks 4.15 Phonlom Slogan*. 2.00 Bolen. 115 FILM Waly9. 4.50 How 2 5.10 lime Deena Ile • misers y *home ht. drinks Die For, Clueless, A Walk Student rig i140: 4.35 Gravel-M.15.00 No Piece Lae Home (19891. 3.55 Arid Away 5.40 News Weather while Jumbo is idol 10 put his In The Clouds, Under promo newseound. 5.10 Blue Peter News. %goner News Weather 5.56 Calerseleiftiehwodr None new Mend Ord to posture Siege 2. To Wong Foo 5-35 Neighbours, Lau gets so 4.00 Todays The Day, 4.30 Reedy. bowed by Creneeloppers 7.00 Gomel 4 News inducing Tommy Boy SCarlel Music Factory dress tor success and Steady. Cork 5110 Ester, 5.30 5.30The Deka Diary at 7 33 Headlines and Leder, Casonrim Tide. &Nos - Tequila Sunrise tumors Cheryl rem karts Gong Goa Gore: 620 Space 7.00 The Krypton Factor Weather *Olt arroce Prearid. 6.45 Tap Gear Rae/ 7_30 Carewation Same Hog 7.55The Slot Hyde Pa Cinema 600News. Weather Report conducb his own Wog 8.00 Inside Out From Despair, Corks 6.45 6.30 Regional Navas Megarinee 7.0 People's Century. rive least in the shop To Wheat A new Poetwto 9.00 itipigric.ught 1.00 Telly Addicts skry or the Second World 600 Bruce's Peke Is Right dactonerling sales looming studeni night. 7.30 Watchdog War loll loom the 6.30 the Al on peoPe Miss Mae* Mem 8.00 EastEnclers Pam is perspeceve or the mein Together Pim Caletnees chart boon thee problems Iltradtccd delighted about Ketwis 7.55 Close tip. Actor Brian Co mad ghee stalest and and soda lYs tweilaicea. Panther 5-45 fi /If pregnancy. bur Cindy cheeses a rawness scene Widest rriarronas el the 4.30 Pee** Pongee Gene gees Ores* len WIN our keen 'Three Colours Bu:. rcludng Ben cora:Ong askant on haw to Harriet Goes Business 11.00 Hortion Following the 8 15 5.30 Wm Thin tins John, Neel Gallsper, Ole spend no rowtound stealth *specks Own gob la deal coAsion Mom* Apia Block and Rd, Hen* 900 ThFactoryy. and a owed WI aummer. Drutraidocreneniary about a Duchess 01 York WO MOO. invests. owes 9.00 Ciddrar. Ftr a Fan COtallabie Hebb talk m the Mal NIMBI' Liverpool wirdeldroce Pain (ex-RDF) dour Vie anervirecus are Wes Eh 9LI LI 5' tare tact hint:barna aaanisle Ives Starring Rabble Coltrane A gine rocks ra= sun traman. Slare Rowan 1000 A Perry PolNed Iheerkaet linglingCoe fell011:0•0116"lher ga5 on a Manlier Fenton Abenson By The takes Pony 9.45 Holy Mena. Profile of the Bradford Playhouse a Furitedianzers Boylan comae watt Emits 00 A Piety Palate* 1006Neese Weelher meataihed SI Magee Priory Frim Theatre Broadcast By The Labour 41.50 Trowel' haw --Shen Cute sn Iblienham. now • mosque 9-00 The X Res. Scully and 10.30 Calseder News: Weather Land And Freedom &IA Behold'. Play 10.46 New Voice* The Malls Mee centre el a*wrong II Postino 8.15 Cool Music From Hot 9-05 News: Regional News Mulder kph rile an ecideril religkers and culural society eta liforar home and in SpeneberareFamily Jrn. Cold Fever 6.15. 8.30 Counelaa Weather door 4i-door Worm% 10.00 Homicide - Lee On The 9 40 Rename or connxbon WM the Street. The Gas Men bur* of mulllied Wipes ("woven the sore a/ he 10 20 Chef Greet lemma that 11.05 The American FOOtboll Big 9.45 Wring o.istomers have max% ,-61-rentawked chef Abed And Seseenelea. Week The Cleidenti British bola, rem above and Idayard the Go=ning tie lunch Raiders welcorne the Darla bourrw g. having been of res reletigue 10 50 Film OS Whit dairy Cowboys ere* NFC Wed rescued non the *ev e 11.15 Thee Goad Sea Guide Norman. Ream iodide *air St Louis Rams and round Ise, in during the Abroad the James Bond adweniure. 11.45 Poleener Cell Block H, Mania Falcons do baffle in melee t. Club chaimien, TV the Georgia Dome -Goidervref. well Police mog Wowed by News uls hoolgani and Ions 1220 Trans World Spool Brosnan as the new 001 the NewIlbuse look tack as 1.25 Let The Blood Run Free 11.2e FILM Travelling Hen developments or the kW 12.40Endileigh Lague Ems (1909). 1.50 FILM: anghem Young Arta 15 years a deeds 125 ORAL Cold good (1974 befog the best travelling 10.30 A Party Political Al., a gm WI*, Onto men (19401. Epic stay of the sareemen, aver (John iliondcest Ily The Labour burs! n en leader el a Mormons' leek esteem* from finale le Utah lo Litigtert is paled wen an Party newly college art tome her ewe reragernew >n show 10.35Newsreel* 101100 Mon led some escape earsaoAan. 1M91 tem the tepee Elul the 11.20 Art Marelhom Aden money Sims Row Dean Jigger and Tyrone cartineban ihreelerie lo 1130 Top Geer Rely Raped Hauer Power baccenedeolly. WWI 12.00 IMMO* Hour WM Sir 2.45hoe New Now 4.00 Schools: 5.50 Chase Chris Farley stars am Tommy Callahan In the lalesl Fat Amason Slivermiin Bernardi Ingham 155 Recoilec-boris L...Nerd Acts Dumb And Geis Girl Obeli Tommy Bor. 1.00*WNW 12.30 The Lamming Zone t15 Jobholder, 5.30 News .1 1.05 Close Timms w For T et," ware I rs cza r r-r-sc=s t I cz> r-r just pIcic tiya t-11-3aEri 7 s1"--t - I (=, r-i Iasi- ye.=> ,E=3 f=s■li■rsrry tc ccZe I I tt t_a ozzi t r-Q• 'Fs I MINN PV1 CDESCDCD Z090 7 ZD 7CD 15 N."! •=r111 ran c- 1 c_s cgp 11-1 frc=1, v w.Di 4=1 I c-z. c-si. cull ic_s 4.4 r L-0 -t e=r c:a rs MEM LIM S-MMEM! caram r dr=a rirlit=he7E. r-ssiieDgcl fc=br tP 1rm. 1-1--se=ry i=orh d 1 c..1 I r-acj peas t c--__111r-sli I T thirr. Is tc tczs k i ri g=o Cl rt. TIME .01/411 ri I e:s.N. Ivwit1-1 1 FR' co.y c_a I C:: ii*-1,C,1 oft k, Foi--■via I - 1 r s ez:• ear r tta rise 1=a ira. •Er fit ► 41C. R ■Na 411:31 1 3 cL, I .Lt- rc_t 28

Leeds' Children's _UM 9111% Theatre presents The Tuesday, November 21 Men in The Moon 7.00 Odeon cinema r_5/E3 concessions . Soldier Soldier clesporate tad to save the The Scarlet Letter 1 55, RV 9.00pm 11010w Ong downhill wehout 505.800 LUU Raven Theatre OM yOUI mum loves this. the si mver pulling pawls 01 Crimson Tide 1 50. 5 50. Theatre Group - Arid tees WIC tl Wad lo be Rahman Greene and 8.20 Shakespearea's Comedy nlidty'ciiklerlIne tale el Jerome Flynn to PIM A Walk In The Clouds of Errors 6.30 £3 non. only folk. MI dewy have other fish to fry) 1.15,340.5 55.830 members/12 50 sarlrod m l: medlar japes Tonight sees the French Kiss 2 00. 5 20. ChileClers, introduceon of nev. 8 15 But as the producers we golden couple (left) Have To Die For 1 05. 3.30. now well aware. nothing they ever got an act to 5.50. 8 25 ',emote and they Mee a tralcre members MGM Cinema Tommy Boy 1.00, 3 15. 5.45, 6 30 Ntutr111:: MUM Clueless 1.00, 3.15, 5.45 music ■harder BBC1 BBC2 IITV Species 8.30 CM 41 edge Hedy dP0Pd Vague I I To Wong FOo, 1.00. residents Daisy & I 320.545.820 Havoc in an exclusive 6.001h, ease. 7.00 6.00 7.00 GAO CA4TV. 9.25 Supeen.e.„ I 5 50 4 1, %ha* 6.35 mid-week appearance. 1011. rune 10.00 News Now& 7,16 brew 7.40 Thu Sweep. 9.55 Cabinda: Meet, Heatv_ie, 7.00 The Bog Brsteret. Cottage Road Cinema SPeern1 £2.00 entry price %gone' Needs. 10.05 Cant Cook Legend Ca Pence Vaunt. 1105 Woelhor. 10.00 The Time IN. 900 Evening Shade, 030 A Walk In The Clouds beton) 11pm (£3 Won't Cook 10.30 Good Monona Blue Peter. 0.35 The Record 9.00 piece 1035 The Meow' 1220 &hoots, 12.00 House To House. 6 8.20 thereafter) Wirt Arm And Pack 1200 News Oconee( Up Technology 9.25 See Calends News. 1230 ITN New: 1230 Sesame Sinew. 130 Regorrei Hews. Weather 12.05 You. See Me See France. 945 Weather. 12.55 Emmoidaii 1.25 WaSyn. 1.56 Channel 4 Racing Lounge Cinema Music Factory Pebble Md. 1200 Regional hems welch. 1000 Playdays, 1025 Home Arid Away, 1.55 A Cevilry nom ChnlIonhem and Huntingdon. Weather 100 One O'Clock Nees, 1545 T!s 4.00 Thaw rare. 430 FerevsTo- Cnrn son Tide 6 00.8 20 Automatic - Indio retro Come Oursou. PfiCke. 2.20 Veremea. 200 Weedier. 1.30 Nagre3ours, 1.50 Experenenter. 11.05 Space Ark - Orw, 540 Tire Oval) Wilkey Love To Bo & Happy Secrhand Street 3.20 ITN Columbo, 305 Imo:pkg. Meoluestn: 11.15 Show Grew Sea Seminar. 550 Showcase Cinema present 3.30 Eledeuly And Hoacken. 3.25 Calendar News Fleiltlent Unworn, IWO The Mangan. Nine Months Species Casper Classics. 135 Way Eut Oub, 11.30 Ghosterrear, 12.00 1.30nGw sewn& 340 Tats 4.00 Oscar% Oretteuea, 4.25 See Hear!. 1230 Working Lunch 7.00 Chemist 4 News Pocahontas, Mortal 3311Hot fee Deo. 446 Planet Earth Areienrf 476 IN Never 1.00 Teaching Today. LW Twined Tans Or Feb The Cat 7.55 ilie Slot Korreset. Bravaheart, Absolutely Fabulous II - Work, 11.00 Paeormound. 510 Oyear Shorecees- Plogramenes horn 4.15 The Sylverain- And Twoory SOO Dash Sham, Ahmed diets French Kies, Apollo 13, The HangoVer. More Gram %Mies, 1001hunderbecle In Faye. Mytterars, 4.40 The. Ward 5.10 advice on how 53 getout of Usual Suspects, Jade, Monyda night type 5.30 PINghbours. Mark Is not 1.45 You And Ile; 2.00 the Family IHome Mci Aw,,y 5.40 Nevvi. debt DIY funereal and how To Die For. Clueless, A mayhem . alone in resening Ren's Nose, 2.06 Chrwlepher Croaxie Weather rang your he at can bring Walk in The Clouds. new nateennees Bey and 2.10 Calm 01 Warta*, 500 15.55 Calenclareletwork North. lin ter dash Under Siege 2, To Wong Mr Craig's Toadish am bed Ronson NewsWeelmineser wet Pack tokiwal rr, Local Weather 1.30 Brookside. Jenny metiers a Foe Tommy Boy. The Sugari Babies - student has Philp needed Jen Once Row: Nowak Wester. 400 0.30 Olockbusters supine announcement and Scarlet Letter, Crimson too olive' Today's The Dam 430 Ready. 7.00 Esamerdele. The Dingier Edge Was mallets into hie, Tide 6.00 Ste O'Clock Naas Steady Core. SAO Eilher: S.30 stun the Allege wen mew own hands Harvey's Mother Going Going Gars Pronto turn home 9,00 fifillewie Unameled: Hyde Park Cinema Nasty - acid j hip 6 30 News Megaitne 6.00 Heartbreak High. rents vienvverneren lo Al The Raman Orgy. The end azz, = .M Davie bee a come to batereen or VIM proanimmes hop, soul 7 00 N 7.30 Who Do You 0o7 A lea- (..oenell Road) Wong at net= meek tea II PosenPosh6 45 en Joie and her sister Kamm rning comedy show 1.1.="ai and Yore a loaded to deer testaing limpness':rim" twee info bred at and Clerks 9 00 Observatory 7.30 EemEnders. Anhui and with We *ghoul Jot caucta to popular Rock Haus - rock night. kern amid the UK Wei beide wet the 6.45 Tap Clear RIP/ Awn toe The OIL McCann reams Mang deed Pictureville Cinema, sideshow events, 8101140111118. Roy criers Pat a Ma on (hough ma In some hod trulhs about etre w Raman orgy Bradford iugglers. psychic fayres tokatin to bolt+ flee Obsolete* surwang cars tame to Wearer a 9.30 Mahout WNW My The Quick & The Dead , end The teethes have been maim on meows. Oenerellon: The 6 00 leetallt 1hr toads al Mies 1130 The Cook Report 'fardlerne. In 1965. The Panther 8 15 5.00 Due South (Alternethe Slave Lae reports 9.00 Soldier Boldest The Ithg s Yerdeetts slopped inn the scroduM vAll apply if ■7.00 Purcell 300. On tee 30001 Own Fusaers are Peng shadows or tie Stones Iii4M Bradford Playhouse & eve UEFA Cup match is treirevey 01Rn:el* shipped oul to Sete *Inca. heir has For WAN Love and Film Theatre shown.) dearly Nichcess Kenyon and Colette paesuedes Joe ) esteul 01 Soot The K a Land And Freedom 600 550 How To Be A Lade S'd scrod cis amerced of mat eas would be re peeled 'weaving et oft. All II Posen° 8 15 City Varieties 900 Nine O'clock Mews Binh 1041C Yoe born ...rung for thee wedeln% FINS. pop. psycho:leen. Cold FOVIK 6 15 & 830 John Slaughters Blues 9 30 Clive Ames - Postcard Wesenireler Abbey. 10 00 News: Weather success and vicinage Band From Cairo 9,00 RUM: glop Al Nothing 10 30 Calendar Niters: tAlesther praline one of the purest 10.25 FILM: Blood TIM (1901). A (1994. A tainei wee 10 40 Netwedi Rout. A Irons- HAS bends eve/ Arts Cafe Bar Waal Ming in mil Tams. a custody at he &Keen alter glabli leak to 10.00 RUA On Four Premiere: tie 95111'9 Three Deuces (Jazz) Calikirnis courtco t:me ada an ugly deems belle snit ooneedlelons and emotions Naked (1993). Chang m►le-million dolt" lend ram a linlikt privale-are Nearer an our We of the drama starring David devaicpmere we linked to a won over her Nit Thera% as Jahn, the &'s hurnevanimairelaseriship family with wimple blood m earenged wile ourpecit hen 11.55 Atound The Howe dinar ant-hen dour age West Yorkshire The Price or Ivory their veins. PM Her* of *Mk and coned) a -cold. cynical and Playhouse 1225 FILM: Carry On Boyne %wow and Kim Jotriston, proleeloree chicsensicher (1954). Four Mined dal's. mew * He awns in a The Beahicahon of Area Duchess Of York Ulie:e Starring Vannes Hamer evilung Ire the subversive rugged London lindscapo, Boy by Wore Sownka Dr Robert 11.56 FILM: Martha. Ruth And and Unary Frost STENCH (The $ociety kir stare violence and 7.45 Edle (INS). Three won.,,, • 10.30 the Wel Eninidasi of Non- go hand in hand LLICsky Sods 7.3D Duck & Drake are tram logetherai a 11.13 ttelliretirwathen. TTM C(ntitomiing Humans). are trdrtl ilmeis sheds he Babbe,b5h sell-mereness contsience Miler* curators continua put on re Wad of Ile lourney The Grand when they get locked Oat of I glint for ,40,113 of art vilainou• Dr Crow Sens 12 30 flumes English National Babel Feast & Firkin a sernarm edema the 11.45 Tap Gear Rally Report. Kenneth William Barham 1.00 Foams!! - present Alton in Button Hill mooning. 1hey VIM Slew, L se repoth corn the Windsor end Bernard Memnon*. ifigliagnes at Wonderland 200 A. 7.30 pentad secteis and dodos Inaii any a mesa Comma Cagran v Toitno Tickets E5-028 Irish Centre of love. Swim Arnim 11.55 Weelhervierre 1.55 The Lade %Ours Show 2.00Wand Tennis Serious Sperikout Deb, Solna Merin and 12.00 The klicktighl Hour With 2.55 Sport AU 2.30 Love stories: Maxi Bale Civic Theatre presents Loudon Lois Mamma Sarah Basler 3 55 The Seel Kamen 1,as WeallmC 1.30 Close 12 30 The Lemming Zone 4.50 tobrincIer, 5-30 News 3.30 Ooze 4 eo Schools

Leeds Metropolitan University Pt4 Ude `OW rsnira Ncn wt. ci vitt Ic- UNION TEL (0113) 243 0171 E FRY SATURDAY DURI.Nt, TERM STUDENT EVERY FRIDAY ;74 oa to o BAD MANNERS £7.00 adv. Tit h • J41141411AL BMW /OM • slm Al A. tUDA £6.50 NUS itarge 01111110101:0 /MO*" IS 441.41 C11.041 WOOL t M.M. 00 • ee Is Buffalo Tom I. we qtr rider. t • IC' AST DA 11,41 ,C t . 00 fit Si 'MIL OUTC die-0 MURPHYt3 PROMOTION nvilw. • eas "Pt Is a-1sta LEEDS METROPOLITAN /GT IIC 17* ts THE POGUES advt. UNIVERSITY. as wen TUC 17th NOV.- THANKSGIVING USA t Inns S hours of American geetar, Jesus 06' -112 e t174- st 41GT4 II P grunge and anthems. lirt,11-1PrIf Urn Ptflttrtir I "It It PM tb.a V ►011M160Irllt semis 10 311.311111 'SION ILLSNIII 1-1310V110011'x'015/A04111L • 1144L11111 +mum a s 14 1112.1., STOMP a..00 .1.1C2 !KM-VIM' ..1■113171.11314:1• C11191.1111111•1111. 9pm•2am £3.00 adv. LM,U.S.U.,CRASH,LU.U. and LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY S.U. CITY SITE .C.MOOM lie Cr, of Irecak•rosa-. Ir.. • C74.11. (Mraciforce 14041161111wofSwillai). JUMBO or £3.50 DOOR - ALL OVER 18's WELCOME. fps -210 t2 %IN US.14 (*GUESTS, HAPIII MST HU, MITER. LAGER r CUR Op A MI o. to 010•1000 (01 11111111 1111411A IMO. i awe 001

eg7i719r=3.0 • ■1 ••• ,•A .11 • 1• • • •

f)'111 Yffl Wednesday, November 22 Odeon Cinema The Underground ModarnTknes drives a Reliant Robin and eves The Scarier Later 155 Death or Se. - trip-hop pi/ EIBC2 9.00pm in a caravan next door to his 5 05. 8 00 dance The lalost parents Crimson Tao 1.50. 5_50. Planet Earth sore* of dOaateltn thm treadelia5cnit Meanwhile devil care 8.20 =.4iissiordent (3.15 every strike a chord with all you lonely hiontysolnet ing Pete A Vaal, In The Clouds 1 15, Nan Sevens heads. II MI* the lab of Ihres is a conlirmad bum-pincher who 3.40. 5 55.8.30 India «. DJ Chuck Club 1.4* loveable bachlliOnt who sal **mead 10 rrahlehning his French less 2.00. 520. 8 15 9 0G3 00 To Die For 1.05, 3 30. 5 SO. haven't found Mr* Right haride0M0 appearan00. Rnalty. £2 50 (NUS)43 50 Emery 00) ilefOrMed awned rebbar Robert 8 25 Gm, Whisky. Vodka 50p race DreambOal &Mon MGM Cinema Pre lialeelagar C150 looking for a SeMmaia Fat type Hoban (47) IS 1001dadforai Tommy Soy 1 00, 3 15. 5.45. Selected Boiled Oder £1 20 lo share his WO wet 48-yew old mother for Fib two a B 30 Simon is a proud anorak wearer, Form an orderly queue girls Ckieress COO. 3 15, 5 45 kink, demo SPI*016.39 MoXliegalseabealls & soot lb Wang Foo 1 00. 3 20 5.45.5 OTT •1306 & 90s sludent Road Crams ma* 1 ICh4 /4'431=1 The Clouds. 6.00. hi Crolg's BBC1 13BC2 2 4 929 Sweat - student dance & Lounge Chine rnendrawn night 1 Crenson Tice 6 00. 920 The Mimic Faclogy 6.00 Busses Broadast 7.00 1.00 Technology Season, 7.00 5.00 GAM. 925 Superreirkat 5.00 4-Tel On Vow. 5.35 Hamm* Showicese Cinema • austere riant (30C Brealitaal Nam 9.10 Kirov. News. 7.15 lassie 7.40 The Sweep, 9.55 Calendar Nevis And 700 The Big Brosidast, &CO Nina Months, SPItclo.s =garagegarage, kink & 713, 10.00 News %game Neva Legend Of Prince Valiant 5.05 *Neater. 10.00 The Taw_ The Golden Gds. 910 Srnoott 12X* Pocahontas, Martel Kombet = wearer 10.05 Cavil Cook. Worn ICI Never work. 5.35 The Pecs, 10.30 This Morning 1220 House To HOLM, 12.30 Sesame Brarrahearl, FranCh Kos, MBMrr the 10.35 Goal Mowing WM Record_ 9.00 Seeing Through Yorkshire. Calmar haw Sinew 1.30 LA Cia 2.00 Ausialla Apolo 13, Usual Suspects, Where Ws Al - with Lem Amu And Nick. 1200 News Science 925 EW Express, Wester, 12.30 New Weldor, Wit 2.30 Pee Seim Spethass Aide. To Die For. CkIslass. Alexander . ;+epronal Nevis And Weedier 9.45 Worth And Ptcfirma. 10.00 1245 Corondion Soso In Case Yana Cakes A Walk In The Clouds, Prima II 12.05 Petals P. 12.50 Regonal Paydays: 10.25 Nurnbortime. 125 Hems And Away. Jock 2.40 Mk Chidingly (IMO" Under Siege Z< To Wong Party Night - va11i Amanda J Nees And Wiealsr. 1,00 One 10.45 Cats- Eyes, 11.00 Around decides to sake*, law onto Second and concluding pen Fes__ Tommy Boy. The ( ) 11 00-209 - -)Occit Nowt Waseser. 1.30 fkalland, 11.20 Muse Makers, his oar% hands with Max te poignant OM. kerning Sweetmeat. CrigniEln Tide. Feverefern f.iregtexors; Haterryri 225 11.40 Mallisphero Special 12.00 1.55 A CAsunby Ptyalin Me OAS Beach cif rho seen Flyaa P11114 Canons Ram house wan DJ Elliot iidday. 315 trove* 2.30 Ants SporabaNc 12.30 Working 220 Vanessa Chafers.' mew rnenbes e Po .rio 1.45 The Pleasure Rooms (ri Your Pane 3.50 ChudileVelOrk Lunch: 1.00 The Geography 2.50 Shortens! Stroal Pada 9.00 ire Ind nerds bade Ile The Good Lis - dance The 4.10 Get Your Own Bank 4.33 The Programme. 1.20 zig lag, The 320 ITN News Moak= launrt Memo week% specialgtast by (Moan's Nose LOO Newsround, Vikings. 1.40 German Glebe; 325 Yorkshire: Calmer Nava 410 Think Tink The Odds A The Dead 6.00 Fehr, (Junior Boys Ow) 5.10 Blue Peter 1.45 Cane Outside; 2.00 3.30 Alphabet Castle 4.30 Rheas-Th.0ns Pander 85 Failure* away 1000k. the X- 5.35 Neighbours. Bay gas a Johnson And Friends; 2.10 3.40 Wizadora 500 Neer Lake. Ride &soaped ,1Pla yhouse & Pamir Rat, Mixing kcal taste or he low agrees Randall And Hoplurk 3.50 Anewaniscs ocricereass Rim Thwelre DJ new fecessitruwyour and becomes violin* 0. lOsareeed). 3.00 Penn 4.05 11gs an panes abuse. a growing problem in Land And Freedom 2.00 lapel 10 'The 6 00 SIN O'Clack New Werinweaw WO Nick . 4.35 Home And Away Amerce, and II Pedro 8-00 Rooms. Good tie, 9 Weather 3.116 Nest Wester. 4.00 5.00 News. Maths, Ono ens not FAA sons eta are guar Land And Freedom 815 LOW .lemon 6.30 Regional News ilegffelne Todaya The Day 4.30 Reedy. 5.15 Calsndaraleavork North. The Pnnoe or the Ha Parade 5.45 Terryloons Leads, you budding Ws) 7.00 This Is Your UN Seedy. Cook: 5.00 The Crash rolowed by Loci Weigher 415,030 6.00 My So-Called UN. Jades Doors 9304 03 Admission 7.30 Hare And Now. Sus Lavery Wake/ Show 5.40 Unspeakable 5.25 Champions League £3 NUS. 01340 & rah Ayer and 1t10 loam present mono Verso Spartak Moscow v Caterno awes Ban for help 1:3 50134 11.00& C4 flaw sloe* and questions on 0.00 Star Trek - The Next Blackburn Rovers. Heeled an whet * say loan back Angarts Foaceod Drinks promotions - £1 a pint subedit d inportarco in Generation by Bob Willf21. weh coport & £1 pits. our daily lives. 6.45 Suck Rogers In The 25th andries horn Engem by Maim Buchaterwarigur Warehouse 500 Pied Meals' San aa. Century coach Tony Venders, weer 7.00 Channel 4 News Feast and Reldn Colombia • Aden, dance Poignant.* swims main 7.30 Top Gear Rally Report. cormairery comes kern 7.55 The Slot Throe Lagged Dog Comedy Yeah Jet& Jules. NiCk and cabbages 10 end oil Sieve Lae ireoducas We Alan Parry and tan St John SOO Brookside. Bev teas to Club Ofainive Ansteld soma of his masse. coverage at Ow Nemo& Cr 7.30 Coronation Street The rd•rvio .ruin fres Our Inds Frank Sidsfacillom & Andy = end len 0108 8 50 Pekes Of Vlore RAC Rally from Owlet Flasher claims his latest Yw aril(/ Robinson. YAM (Ransisswice). Residents 900 Nina O'Clock Noes: 11.00 A Slice 011.118. A series victim - cod ROb Asko* Dorrsiv ille5grn Nathan Knight, AM Borneo Ream* Nowt WasIter [lidded Vie dirges and 0.00 FILM: gees Action (19011. 030 Pie Real Holiday Show. BY Shaw awls 8.15prn prompt Doors 9.302,00. Admission 9.30 One Fool In The Grave. rifleman m Brash food Tickets DYES concise/pore A tamer and chug kw taco Woods, 75 sold girlfriend £3.50 NUS/ £4.50 others. Vidor and Margaret head over rho posit 50 years. each other in earn as nval U141, 74, soden why toy Drinks promobore • Caring on tor a orasiumd at tie Ms programme looks at We* Yondaiirs Pleyhoias Isvniers, namsereng try to holder in Blackpool at CI 00, Larnmot C1.00. seaside. True to rem I roaming during and atter opposes sides m a least four Imes a year AtOtedc Lemonade £1.00. proves anylhiri bia amid two Second Wald War action soilsail against a comes 9.00 Dispaches. Motor Castaway £1.20. 10.00 liminsnliakt Highighb 930 Univeraly Chaliangs. YV trY ousinme With Ore seeded ration on *hal is this (Nanny's FA Carling Suney University law up Hociernsri and Mary nn going an both horns Arts Cafe OM Premiership meldi against John Moores. Laday Sack 7.30 Elliabelh klsaraniona and abroad Coventry City and Liverpool 10.00 Nom At Alec Waster 10.00 Nor thorn Exposure. The Beralcaaon ol Aivat Manchester United Plus 9.00 Modern Times. The 10.30 Caen,* Newer Weather Maggie bowman obseerld =0111vOiestiSainka 7.45 boon from she W8O tight programme Scribes the 10.40 Champions Lew* will hears mass, Maurice JJ j between Paul Sag' Jones throe singe men in ties Hull Tiuck Theatre Company Witt. The pick ot tie gdo more Ilan he biegened and holder Vane Mew swat for las Right. lariats mewl Bouncers by John El Gaucho (Latin qUarteli 11.40 Mkt Aemeelnellan 9.50 My Secret 1.108 A Catholic kw and Owe males an Gager. 8.00 marches esstic impasse et to Duchess Of Yodt 1191171. NIalltaarq prleit telltS about being 11.40 007...The Return Civic These* Rub Ultra r Fate Fuzibini teller Memo husband- gay, his need for 9cuipturn Leeds Chi:Iran's Theatre 12.40 Murder, Stir Wigs. 10 55 Rory Brunner - Who Grove ended* learn Chides relations/up, and how he Jessica takes a corpse- present That Man in The Mike Saver Eisei Bronson and JO keird A was arrested in a public ridden ht*tay on 5a Coto Moon 7.00. £501:3 ktsh Centro 11.35 Move watch froewhoelng Rost Lady is Meet. dilate concessions. lima • Eon The Shooting Cialisay diernened to We Ile to Ihe 10.00 Grace Undo, Fere. 1.35 Hollywood Report, WU Raven Theatre Leads University Union 12 10 The Beset I lane This mess 10.30 N followed by News 12 30 Rota Red Theatre Group present Dubstar Tremor et hesdadles for 11.15 Themi arlrare hoe Viden1 Slue. 1293 Ths Naga Shakespeare's Comedy of 2.05 Yklootashion Ma sacra senate veteran 11.55 Westford,* 2.35 The A/burri Show Arkst 1 40 The Panalince ol Enos 630 £3 non- aseued 10 weed hot 12.00 Midnight flour With Memory. 210 Grenade, 220 The members12.50 members 3.35 Noisy Mothers LOS Waalhoir: 1.10 Close Andrew Neil 4.30 Jobtinder &Men Walk. 245 Snell taw 3.00 12.30 The Learning Zone 5.30 News Tor nonow Calm 3.10 Gam 3.25 .1 Came Doors 9.30-2.00 BRITAIN'S PREMIER MID-WEEK DANCE NIGHT plus ADMISSION NICK WARREN £3.50 NUS/ £4.50 (MASSIVE ATTACK) others IAN OSSIA DRINKS (RENAISSANCE). PROMOTIONS Colombia Carling £1.00 Residents: lammot £1.00 Alcoholic Lemonade £1.00, Nathan Knight, Castaway £1.20. SUPINE .1111,113N Ali Bennett. The Underground Came Law Thebes! in tatin Thursday, November 23 Odeon Cinema rnulec • Salsa, NOW 0 The Searles Leder 1.56 505. montio. beau, unto. With The GhosIbusters of East moment) but 4's pronlent, 8.00 Dis CHM Melo & stioukl lilt the proceed v„; Crimson Tide I 50 50, Slavoloco and the musk Mr& Mei no end Top oi pie bI1 is Pool 820 hom Robin -VW King On a tardy grim day for quoit, Reynekle.11he A Welt In The Ckvds 1.16, Sable oorguero time with your telly, rraltylgou heailleCib WhOti=r1rniti: 3,40, 5 55.830 Robin Jones befogs ful should check two Mit, pisoseelle Medi Mrs fern Nava ft and wan Pie French Koss 2 00.520- 815 o lucto0C1 away on fikkeb 2. Marta of ma anrasy a- To Die For 1 05. 3 30. 5 50. 41YeafTiblk Feeko1ng vocalist Flamm Free dance The Ghost: Radars of East Cohn the busked* /wow I, 825 Finehley ts a new born cornody the MOM Chum dell Milne Tanya muCh missed Preis lbetow Boy 1.00 3 15. 5.45, Cullen Wins el 800 and drama about UnC10100vet tax This is recanmendeeen 533 Weds era' m 1030 inspect:int 10K, sn K doesnI enough believe me Clueless 1 00. 315.545 AdnissiOl Mr.4 sound loo promising at Use Species 8_30 Warshaw* To Wang Fos 1.00. 320. Pelle Osleneon deux 545,620 duos adhere& This week a Codes, Road Cinema Maur barn Cleveland A Wah ki The Clouds 6 00. ca C5 NUM bier. IBBC1 1 1BBC2 i /cm 4 .?0 membeeDS others Lounge Crum LUU Heresy Milk Bar Slide of theNseon - brspop. I Cnmsun Tide 6.00, 8.20 B.00 &amass Btetaktal. 7.00 IhraO lecendagg Season. TAO 5.00 citATV, 9..25 6t4 6.40 4-1e1 un View. LA Showcase drum mho. Meek awls 2 Mail Pullen Nees. 9,10 Kilroy. 10.00 News, slum 7.16 Lwow. 7.40 The Sweep. 9.55 Caireav HorthalIft. 7.00 1110 By Breestast, Mu Months, Species. 9._30 Pocohoreas, Model Koinbet AmenCerse upieng house 10.05 Can't Cook, Wonl Cook, Legend Cl Prince Want 11.05 VVeether. 10.00 The Time The 900 Thu Goisin &avenue French Kip. wet guest Amencen t3 Ma 10.35 Good Morneg !Mee l Anne Beet Peter, 6.35 The Record. 9.00 Mace: 10.35 The. Mooing. 1220 Stririls. 12.00 Mote to Home *pa to 13. Ususl Suspects, Pisseum Rooms And hick. 12.00 News- Meitner. The Knower's:1ga. 920 Fccut 046 C.wondat News Wedheelliksisw. 12.30 Sesame Street Jade, To De For. Clueless. A PTO C1U0 12.06 Pebble Met 12.50 Rigional Over The Mean, 10.00 Plutleys. Network Nores 12.30Ni/sot 1.30 The Wonderful Wizard Of Walk In The Clouds. Under PrImosil News; 1.00 One O'Clock Nun 1025 Sisykne. 10.46 Science Wealher. 12.55 Emmental& 1.25 Or Sege 2. To Wong Foo Delicious - veth Nook Woodier. 1.30 Negnixrurs 150 Zone - Bedricay Andlgiagnakatt. HOMO And Away; 1.SS A county? 155 Ragtime Bear Tonvey Boy, The Scarlet Radon (The Yard) 1000 The Flying Doctors. 2.36 This N 1106 Sp iKe Eisideattg And Precool,: 220 vane's& 250 900 FILM- Johnny Frenchman Laster. Creosol Tide 2013 Your Lea. 3.06 Mayne*, 3.30 Megneksm, 11.15 In using Shoreerd Street 320 ITN !even (1945) Part Cinema Cab* Warm, 3.55 Mendip C. 4.10 Memory. 1125 Landmarks - Howeres. 225 CalendeelNetauk 4.00 Think TIMM Pmeno 645 Funky MOW Vali Ifighbroes The Amines Cf Farling Wood Wrang And Periling 11.55 Malady Nadh, 130 The Fiddlers. 3.40 4.30 Fifteen. To-One Shush/re Redemption on Was 4.36 Smelt 5.00 Neeefound. LIO He 12.15 Le Club, 12.30 Working Videdora: 3.93 Miro Fawn, 4.05 5.00 Fhclu Lake 9 00 Harvey's Byler Grove Limn 1.00 Leasers:4C 125 "lad Ciereskl And Friends. 4.15 5.45 Tertyloona INctlawelle Cinema Chan sounds 5.36 Neighbours_ Cody likes a Moo Music, 1.45 Kimberlin*. Fanilenwat, 4.40 Woe 6.00 Home Impravenesse Pardue 545 Mister Cralg's 2.00 The Forney New 206 Burro. Fun FaCo-cyperty need dwelt step 03 that ihe can 510 Home And Away. klanlyn 5.30 New Cieffiesetaeler. Music Glad lo buy a corroder for 2.10 A Cenkay 01 Warfare. 300 ads oft her budding Daiwa Diamond and :=4=1: Maw her studies News Werenrster Wm hick unseen volh Steven Pock Yam dawn, Ohs Thisbe Fip Ciy • wenn° Also Iled el mediae stale & indie boor 6.00 Ste OVIock News Ross. 325 News Weather. 4.00 5.40 Mawr Weather Wed in the world at pure II Posen 600 Woollier Toloy's The Day, 4_30 Re•d,. 5.55 CaisoirMeNetwort Norm: 7.00 Chisated 4 News indudng Lard And Freedom 8 15 6.30 Regional News Stew*, Cook. 500 The Opali Cold Feet 6 15. 8 30 Bananas • woh Rode Are Weether .0 30 Headlines and Planet Earth Magesines Winfrey Shur. 5.40 Urapealcitile 5.30 nsecimestoto Weether A tur.S Uo The EOM* 7 00 Top Of The Pope Verso, 6.00 Star Trek Deep Space 7.00 Emmentae* 7.50 The Slot Pferric avellnITIO lou brlf 7_20 EastEnders. Pat has some halve 7.30 The Bug Story 600 Mends Up. the problems to haw 110o • prr=r ornourtant nose ION him 6.45 Rocky OW A cue 4.00 The Heaths - Rea Love . tacing cum centediess doubles. 800 tantay. Poggyl adviCa ss Ausuben wood tied-[l series Feritanglhe UK premiere *Time PeOent twee bean bodes laving Knew crazy, and LSO Close Up. Pliep French of Ihe renv Bowles single wrongly nuked. Weal Yorkshire Playhouse Scrunwies Cindy gmea Dud her talks about a scene Morn 005 Hie BM • swots Meet Course. 730 Lena ••Wattle Allenealve parting shot Bad Day At Bleck Rock 6,35 Michele Berrymorws My Septvie Gilson end meshy The Beesda Hon of Amu 6.00 Animal Hospital ZOO %Wag For Gad. Dana Kind Cot People WOW Graham Portetie adybi NllSoyinkets, 7 45 8,30 The Orioles Empire. MU era uupp in Toms bed alter a LDS FILM: The Hand That start will such basks as Ci er z =keen over Whiny .testes party that Rocks The Credo (1902). how lo successluily bone a Lords askew' Theatre cj *See. Gaston Inds ume* wet mews as a wake A gynaeoceoget commis chicken prevents The Also an The horns Mons whir Heim 720 Hoglund Programmes suiede alter he is accused 900 Beene Lives Edward VII Moon 7.00 MI The Cocilm takes lie hoer to Corneae IWO Nide rya Ades Owl serial Uwe by his - The Trusts King. Secret conosoworts 9.00 Nine CYClodi News; inviedgeles Its unused pseud Hr rug willow Allteadire Mak% Bre0f0rd Red Snappy' Lives avenues Is The Orum at The Fenton Retaken, Haws; %%ether awe al 32-yearcikl Been dudes to track down and swinenewin of the Hui Tao* Theo* Company 9.30 Roueltneck& GwritWng (licKeincin who posed as 17• acatnosin 8.00. Super Foe( desiroy kn women who wee shameful bulk about Me Thidint Duchess Of York few is aboard the yowdd Schoolboy Brandon We Most accuser, Seining Edema Duke at Windex. = Gadwaanolc klynd • °away. with a young Lee tor a yew Famed Entertain/iv Annsbella Saw& Rebecca 10,00 FILlit Running Mash illaw seas Baby eater end wiring in over his 8 30 Top Dow De Mornay and Mart McCoy (1M3). Clove miens agent Irish Cube 3.3" Ztkoancessiced hritad 9 00 The altosfIxtate►s Of East 10.00 News: Wadies 0o1W1 (Ken Cenral) pop The °rend Celtic Swing !saluting 10.20 Redcaps. The RedC4los We Fewtdry...laciue goes 10.30 Calendar New& Widow Shoran Stanton. WU LeKtilteiwer lo Weak global Engseh Naeonel Bald wen trevesegating a bra* taIdetawiet lo nvsrptislr 10.40 FILM The Hand That gisi-runnw Kercharien. but The Nutreater Doom & Bona Stanley at a NAAFI Dub in Northern Mrs Paget and her Balushh a Rocks The Cues. lakes one Oar too many :13134 .11'Titcls Lets C5-528 Gehtlany - but who did esquedely lunwhed Hotel Cundiation 11.40 OM Up, Blend Up. The LUU Raven Thisbe The Map Duo what lo whom" Royal& an &Mesa Duce & OMNI 11.55 Prisoner CO Block H. stow IhM Mooed Peck Theatre Group OrilhAn1 10.50 Clueadon Time_ Dead specialising in brew see followed by News Shakepoure's Comedy of Hipshakers comedy from cliche is beat RUM *re firlun Dentleby chess a topical 9_30 The Young diets 12_50 FILM: Enter The Drsgoil rah mono adult. rower' Errod 690 1:3 niev. debate from 10.00 Doctor In The Dock. how neartters112.50 members Catol Be11 11973). Robe Lae plays a and herd•hitting skald*, Gaols Holm 11.50 RLM She Was Marked two axon hod PSI aludent mended by Ws when and stani-up, Scale* Else out For Mulder (HMI. cemeored 1140101150'W Inholigme 12,10 Four-Whom: Secret Grove Fiecerilly-adowed Elena a yew &Cowered some 01 orgenila§on to avow an Passions. Commons) the Isaac Guillory Fortelle' Ihrom611810111 Info twit peewee had pod apum and proatution nig. sends looking at the money for ledineyslrom New Roscoe her job as itilialiera Pb. wet Foamed by News charging world of Charlie Speed Band no lime fora ptiesM Twiseh peasant donors 235 America's Top Ten wornalich at tie former J0611011 +so • Ma insets an ideaceve moo Nomitight City Varieties 305 Cinema, Cinema, Cinema Soul Union \CYO is 0-40 young Mame 11 I S Lase Reveres Harry Na El 00 Tickets C.10 , WhO 3.35 FILM Ule With The Lyons 12.50 Dispatches Scruffy Murphy's sweeps Isar off her feet 11.55 Weelherview 119531 ShernrocA Owlet Stars Skeane Powers and 12.00 lAdnight Hour With Trevor 1.50 Four-mums; Secret ri i/JD 4.55 Jobhnder Passions LewdlinVes 5 30 News 4.00 Schools 1.25 Mather; 130 Pose 1230 The Learning Zone 5.40 Close „. 75 n CASH BACK 0 wow veto mime CI Ds -1 VALID WITH THIS Tina TAM 01/1 OWN 0 KASHMIR ONE TOMO Pia ORM 15% 0. widoemor *I • •01••••• m 1.11 •ppramb 10

FOST FOC717 S DISCOUNT it 75n CASH BACK LL 33d swot/ LSO. ow

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Body piercers: they jingle, they jangle, they set off airport security. Is this art ors or self-mutilation? ROSA PRINCE had a hole lot of fun with the pierced ones ►through their

"i0SC The Tusk is an unusual variation of the nose ring

(In away ITUIll the pain aspx11. denying I ts lornITAI tai the act Anil lan, about the impala tide item it. arc or wine dahrinnek teniA311. i1131 very art ponnial tort. THE ADDICT I w oh Iva) piercing. which Doug Ito as he i•wedimily AWAIT: .)/ nod.onettlillif late take,. care Aran idler a Wale Ina yea. "I la x yri • MK Jeannine's story= 'anise Albeit. hi van Very Wee. and lifien I put the fl olk 11x. tmmlae lkw Mindy ler and snick me teen hark Titan win ►1. r s t ' lie asked Ms anions= Ault his seam% hiikurs. and on Jeanine is one of Doug's most faithful customers. ▪ in a high risk Cilegoty. and did not ptuaux lode les. Dial • HI% a-11 U van azor. 'Inc chimers id getting anything in Since her first piercing 16 months ago, leonine, a finalist at Leeds at '%ery lit te% a rid; talc - says University, has now pierced both nipples (twice each), her Moral hood, on 1k ribtrni for tin inislinthers Mimi Ann 4 cinNe marl had a hat ✓ oh ohm piercing, Mug ■s6 all IND knelt emkinner. sits% 'sr and lust last week her outer labia. Unusually, she pi "codhet cbtoris and m flouts! paving If they tend in 'hawk hell &hue tbetu shock haat gain; under the nen* Thrush and iwa ly pawed hits labia herself. II Del inizreduirti, iiemor• the Jeannine is hwsity studded Ha haat.* nts roil 4i Frew curettinatikh *ne is a dental nurse has meant that she sausu have am,' suable prereingi. JwuJi the horror stones we kgrily, in reality. Doug Isa, rarely it env ► But %tide the muss favt p diem halal from ha patients. Jeannine's pride in jeep pi gloat yvniwg. He get. hi, tatuumenr, oen s deielainier , het pirrtier, is such that die tint prepared to keep then sander wraps Anint.blIstOrt.3 r. hour-rang, the arm INT diould M been ilied)el• For *tort-Met stae's eb.en Iwo thiowa nut of the Skink foe puttlicly thiraitvg Drage% knitting fonvatel In piercing hies of nand. king y woo. said off Ivor demisted nippley. -They mattivard fn me that it nimbi twit he the- time Mar or the Owe anynkurg !Mtn Wan nom Au ma/ &midi kainitie his1 pinking I. Ma minds ekvonnne lea.harwt die re ink frikai w ha* ludher worst ntppk her ilmttir cii•itiVeMil a lump in ha nisi. She annert Dungan OM/ ASO ?la had to undergo a %ern-• td b.443 aril etatliMaillink -Ms litmus Llidn't led like mine any nave - the kayx lhey too ohrits it pilaf .urt poke I hot nvyI viewed ay a via., .bmelamine them curutysell intwu die dessdril In mow on to her genitals. Jeannine took the ealk,-al E NUTTER shit its (king the pler‘my her6eI I Doug did the pusition c wripmg Ayr ► her, and oral toed as a leg hid kantune drove t e needle through luelfs story... bench'. She timalhe. the wawahoot as ckhilandmr Via3 *cats nach Imre of an arfirosnent" Although it may ieem nave Parham than eshilanumg Jeannine es-plains Doug pierces a nipple, possibly the most painful piercing that she Ism a 1r1) Nei aursholki always Nei) rekesal I udie 3 deep intake of to ash, and then let out a %Teal when it', all twa I have d year Manuel had his tongue pierced with +try mile pan ail I hest seri quickly She even went out darme the melt +he rimed lira LINA gold stud six months ago. legaminc didnt tell her tistylnarl inuirthacts knot hoer inint tnritl the stud *us put through the centre of his tongue, at the thickest filming Inuit-a l. she let him dmovet it tot Iturti.di I thought it viould be a wiarkrful gamic 11 kw !mod my labia ruitt rather than Whin' Mtn He darns that this was much Its painful than a wing through the know*. me. %LI, ire wasn't that mum-wit • he lint had a Ott to,A In see it I'd shire tip of his tongue would have been It also means thot he con bid anything else .k me'" And rim though her tray ts now Ish:onting Rats 6.n.nviled, Jeannine m on rothout the stud docking against his teeth planting edit mote Ittactng -There are mill thing, l'itt Minions at I didn't ,lid Outlier bock glscs him a device tit 1. so on stout scs-tirity a Lola, but Tin scan; if I *al nest time %Mk it oat. nobody call tell that hi% tongue ed 'The Ned. which Will inesnat unlit ,s.i comas With' s•entLil piaci/4; the t* ,.8.ct this gates '1 Can be In a yob intcrstew ai.tini! All ma) make it all arm rather candy, but Jeannine darns that hygrer Ii Mil a lit •L•N:r0b knowing that at any little I can +in rrt il•ricoe out ► pfLiberfll "t1 you thin► about if, urineis myrtle, so It'i like-fume u 4_• intnin11) thr inter% tesser think le a nutter - steamed It does pet i:atight in my puhm wartime. choker" id Juinu lb* has pien.inF gtse. At% ettlftiend, creAl Jeannine is *sae Mal ha yuppie parings ma) cline problem* with l'ut it this way. I've been OM with in" •rup,c i rn1 hresr4 feeding liter on. She will have yeti idly dameed some lit ha duos, thes c boat mod Ifs the Iwo that sc .:•cl had, ti 1,;t tut tf enisigh air nrita:k shisokl be Anght Fri the moment, the WI overt} Maned "1 n hoping that the milk would cvnw out in hair 401 he hail swig to he *twitting Iii tonpiK. 31.41,10 domino s. but It doesn't used. hie thw kit A while Mania fails that the quit nun nem. kx Icarmine„ nutty planing adda.nun When •ite. %wird I kste. xe lie likes the hard man Knout*, in he belie % et he no% enn,S , he to her .he'd he Awl -People either hair rite piesume awl they're ham Ina Mends iment so mire however, 1 think lir too► . lac with that. .0 keep .canny hula again and again I king Sid hest mate Stephen within pang hack to flung Iv taunt% itpl " She'll he hark e even went out dancing the night she pierced her labia'

The nipple la pierced twice, with en individual piece or tereoltri to show it off


14 Travel

'3fd UMW

td i aw ss ICS Bathravelling tis baths.o I told Greg this butbas he was Hewing the baths here wort only used her To say the (massage we recessed was unpertuthesl, "nah nuts its alnyht. an cleartin/ ;Imposes we decided to take the bow (lurk:Wag is an undentatement In Tndoubtedly a Aussie guy told are one that's okay " I told risk. Entering with caution we were tact these men were such experts in giving smeggy and tiring Greg maybe tho irrson had been playing herded upnkters to change into hnk mom pain that I dud wonky whether they war experience. It is a a practical Joke OH him but he replied "rah than a Owe and a pair of wooden clogs . also menthol kr the Tudash police haw time most people mate he wouldn't have done that. he was Very feta/nag We then entrust the sauna After this we hobbled into is shower Area and were tolkased by tow vets large down by what lootagd crave and dream of creature an Aussie " Poor old Greg. such blind and vasre faith. Link did he lmos that he had met Thrkish men %kr suddenly maimed these (and felt i like a hnllo pad. What I thought Take two comforts. I had an insatiable an Australian with a sense of Merman dodgy looking chara.tees were to he our was a tan disappeared in seconds. nuking desire for a nice hot bath We paned with Greg but heard of has masseurs and cleaners Oh bloody me realist just how dirty travelling had These centres of cleansing arc a progress town a group of mends They manelluus When a big Turkish bloke in a made me. We left aching but trneshed, bottles into million miles away from my tub at kVA tells vrwi Ids lie face down on a amble limbic that a Rakish bath is ul awned home. heavy handed massages and table sou sum to worry war, whereser you Arose to bathe randy homou:suak are not uxuaily the bath? part of the starve where I live. If a big Turk in %relic lora *talc A ruttish bath can often be shucking Az A is for Athens Tho Irtimilims of the people in but ►Mine handle 0 hence than ahem An a toga tells you Athens is fetat Mkt martially JUSTIN Aussie guy sailed Greg found his own OF THE WORLD ennead veldt ibe *ewers* of most in personal expenence all too traumata, waken la this sew the Greeks When we met Greg (surname Norman) a to lie face down The Greek capital of Athens ranks with resemblethe icipitdoir Italreis The PENROSE was obvious thaw he was not the inCilidnial the Flom us dues of Rome mid similirm• with dmir hiediturancas Au_ime traveller Most young Australian, leruw-slern in History kit alto cite INA mum anent mil doe either get assay from home by escaping to on a marble hew tall in lust with_ flit cliecirlt what Mien Miriam, get Mb scar they item finds out why lint► rn fate a year iir rap, expiating our .4caili and pi illutwin are thainediatriv unekie if) (hive at lemilem 50 miles an lenient laws on work permits and then table, worry sweat when you Ernst For a oily that Wilt. oil*: We muds awe lea tore year travelling around Elinspc and wherever 11111110110E a the come of the ancient old in sclodrem 14 not like the divers else that take. their fancy Cierg oats away dVaied world it is desappoirong scr in Pork who try t m purpow to lit yaw told us of how (ireg returned one in Budapest tor the amazingly king duration of sts. de: state of a podgy les.had that they tool sail to edam you uflnmtui white as a ghrrn and a kook of weeks and after two was already Athens (kin neventirless have some undl you ate homing clef of ihrbonffel sismplaining kilt in his eyes Apparent!y he went fur a !Worming features. If ycat =Owe the Nth but was clam ant's harassed by frisky you should Ah TAW, I'm really hinting rot sweets with an • ijm i • view' an fATIVIG TWIll AM WAY Sheila." he'd weep while me and my Hungarian men They were even cholore mama of the pan then it GM be now Mr chickens' he exckamed to ow trends friend looked at each other in %sunder at tewatellag AddiW to des dz city is t6 . heard to he bile milm as they rolled Around on the floor how we'd managed to get ourselves emummded by thew mountain" which C1004150 apaiki la mood just wash screammg with laughter I felt sorry kw haw wad Iwo rah, yew 16 Chard lumbered with such a matey. add it Isla sorry scenery In the wincre►e Whk heard HibdirICSI was 004 the hest the guy, but at least he had a story to all *pie. The say sight with awing is the Ights an ardelk la MALL place in the wood to have a Turkish bath the tinny drinking harbse boys back in ans..1eM Asap oht Even this is acidly and go 4sydney ,unless you happen to envoy' petting chased rimes epee owing to the Is Id- Alhims be fa** tormola Deciding to delay my growing need kir by naked torn Owing to strung parnidices einoune of plebeian m the au A gond *yaw Ilao•mag 1as Ili awls the brim-tactual scene found its home in • proper wash we decided to go to the new vibe dfy below .art neverthr.Jen maw Grad win the discreet surrounding, of the city's hottie of the Turkish bath. Istanbul he wen and you can also MAX ttr armlike kw slasph tole woad Consumer affairs 15

What better way is there to end a fine evening's drinking than with a curry? But where to go, in tandoori-tabulous Leeds 6? IMOGEN RIDGWAY ploughs SUHANA. WOODHOUSE LANE AYISHA, VICTORIA ROAD, LS6 through a few popadoms and 6,464 ‘.omenscut. it yivu Ilse tie seeks out bargain baltis agovecting ity••ii.thlv quiet if you foxy a rot. _ 'how types. . Flirty reasonable prices tun ‘lespise the in ,u c had a few- having your h At VilaCh 0111 tot the plastic plants in the surge:41w 'r tomboys, window Thee have occasitaull♦ been yea'ire had • few known to fall over a the slightest aftispe You'll probably he tempted to wave at your mate who ate %tapering l I it's poitubly not a g0011 Idea

THE OLD DELHI, BURLEY ROAD, LSb I.if N11/I 'Th.. , glen iliiMalgh it iy r 111 *1.11 COI die LS,MIALIOn41 Leeds 6 curry trail A deal wilh .1 pub nest door mean% you can hong your Pmts in with you If you've had • rev/— KASHMIR, Remember that this place cloves at WOODHOUSE LANE midnight. so you'll have Pi leave yi nit chosen hostelry hetore dosing time Park} steps, and temerri•ri gait time is Mat 1... therefore within ii WORE, stagger 01 Leeds WOODHOUSE LANE Unssetsity Nil( a hat It s value it) here it you &mitt other. with rum up at the right time of quite a aide range of the evening. you can eat as dishes on oiler much as you can flipping If )I1UNte had a new well cram in. Mind the .WV. outwit If 'melte had a rest..... Nutt said You will eat it* much and possibly live to regret it Lt's the law

NAFEES, WOODHOUSE LANE the ill itrnc Lla.ssk, flUTAIVF hangivut. The wurld's most pat: eta and a large choice tin the menu Nut the :hcatirm restaurant though U you*se had • few..... 1)00'1 he tempted u. 'war duilietr with the tank net to you la's just a tired old cliche, and the waiters have seen it all many, man) 1.1111CS her(ste

RAJPUT, OTUY ROAD, FAR HEADINGUY out the long crawl bock to Bodington TAM'S, HEADINGLEY II refreshment is the word If you I.. ig a little hotter than time takeaways, but it you've you* average 1..:city i:urry, then this is your walked that far. you aught not place. You might find yourself sharing soasider .tipping to sit dossn, tabk with a rugby kam if things ate busy Its bed is a much more (hough antacove option ist lam If 'mese had a few..... If y.u'st had a few.— ii Oral the aforementioned rugby tea's Rem-mho- which way home 7.1loadorris It 's Joys riot worth the hassle is Although I he-at tireaktzu in Miry is quite wise LEEdS UNIVERSITY UNION MONDAY WOMEN ONly MASSAGE SESSION 7.30 - 1 OpM, QUIET LOUNGE E 1, SIGN up iN EXEC


MR ANd MRS SEX QUIZ brtiNq A pARTNER/fRiENd/110USEMATF, WIN fAbUIOUS STAR pRIIES ANd uNjoy SOME cockTAils! 8pM, Doublus BAR ALL wEEk iN ThE THURSDAY SExy Food BUFFET, RilEy Smith HAil RilEy SmiTh HALL... 1 - 2pm


\i)} .. A Arthur Who? Careers more likely to be shopping in Armani 17 Vitae -I statistics The curriculum vitae - a great work of fiction or your passport to that dream career? Well, it could be both, but unless it looks half-way decent it'll be thrown in the bin before you can say 'Burger King.' shows how to improve the world's worst CV 'Curryculum Vitae

Name Algernon Francis Walter Harrison Jr (but you can call

me "Spiggsr) 44111"---N “tn./ lAtd are you ' Assiut, ptubaldy Date of Birth erm... winter, sometime fauly obsuous, bat It's easy to mix% cart cructil huts ff y o11 re citneentrating on EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS its Imiu 141 fill up file tt>4 ei cr. allItIl‘t ..v'YC .,au 5..11 the page u sits highly yout clector - prar(O. 15 unprettncilia. erm er4 shill spot that s Various Approved Schools: mean driAll, atwko yklut 1986-1993 de..p.-rate to fill spime It 1,, kw-cc! Is' 'laic 'oil Must mention 1982 prize for Most Imaginative Finger .11rCIZ .% ant proymi !Pt L.. althswith e ■ef,,511,C by all 5514451. n■ention 11. huwe ait.tresse4 you as ainting' esp•ktally if II dcmoti..trates .114..0 that rather lest-ay.:II -.folk. halt 0.441 though unfortunaie ,r- end in the 1,11.1.1 were pitirtid L1 pa•• NOUr PloYito'nfni when fve wins 199 •resent University of Leeds- SW,/n, CI-4ft% tot the and mu% 01 IN: 1.,U )Cat. 1 III 1W4 erlIprel.. BSc Motorway Junction Design 11,1' 0,31. !cal full, IhUtIC ,1111: 11141 lla,Nl.' /1`.1.1.11i/iC ...WI CV Courses Taken - Traffic Management, %Ili tsr itittheii Althr.uti they ought ...ell he if they Ita..1 Itte Roundabout Evaluation, Theoretical Cone h.ltstr Prthaft% II might be unite trsclin.h mu: Placement din

Ifni 1104 heed 10 Men! WORK EXPERIENCE cthta'atxwal . achteremeno. since age 11 So unfortunately. -tIlhouirts dmorateif erg you Summer 1994 Betlaprice Supermarket, Croydon stohmottes1 01 the l' Inter Trolley Collector ...... 11...r It's i ph kil iJeA1 to sfulukh -1 any work experience ,(8 pl.rctrrnevitt. y a 'Ir. irr tleety •la_ June 1991 Placement with local abbatoir • made coffee and hosed !Int only it the) 're ll [:, r k•Pti ha.! A really hall flute alrun1 It .runt IliipILk% a le floors down u 1 +(long III .5 ,-. th: deli'. 011).e Resruittorto4 Dien of of 14 'I I 5or .4 geed vvhen .ou acre .55 'Unless. of cow he he ut who. a. th.c-rt 1.k.n I ..-....fl truth, 5 ■ if i% .1' ,t. OTHER EXPERIENCE A:Ain-Iv it '1,1% fi It al IN-MO.4 411 • mt(:rvic 'No. atluetil ) . Ill hi!: I 1111111 WA, _41,: MoktItne that the-V won't ilt11OU01 ■ 1993- Treasurer. Norwegian Death Metal Society, Leeds Il' tii,-..1$4147n7:11tr: .it* inilil'i) el::1 l 1)‘iliv"5 • • .1, 1,'1 L!clist1; mitre ibc )4:1.•$42. University Union L1111.1•11•..1041 Nilk/ ...•15 t...•.51,11/• .1 v. art Ike r J AletKCIV a ru•nsher 44 a .ufklety F 10.11h hues_ then this Re ittnrilvhe ahri Ihr nity% ∎ gru ',,e dine Ific %.7,4 111.11111. 11{45 1.111 ui11 11 PA mrprr.,,tAr and hl full) kli■ert• itam 4110 al Sainsbury's_ km in fJci yiso wen: J :dudish: ►io•toset 5le115unsitot.,- 1,,14.11 inganisallonal arld kfttellget point, anti .,Porlor 01111111.(Tiktilt k,.11 rairivij 1CArri 415raC11011 lewli ' , Pup th,.1-. :he thony. kith. Or •oruettotte tuts. MA. 1111 N a1 -Ad

• t,,,,,,.. „ I • .. Noma :rout). .1( • ia 11Q. prtsrtifattins, w._.....3ow • I .n5pm. I.eerts Str,-,pol I 1,11 1,-• .h.,.. presentation. fipm. uiserits 'dr, tr. I nu) Lin. `• . -",ir:, 'Senior ( "ortintun rosier. John NIurphy 20 I I .' 5. Bock.' N'. ...5:-n Itoonareds ■ from GI 'HQ will 470110:1 UnulJilti. I , ,.., 'fiii en41-3, discuss opportuntIlvs I rn•.::,■, ,, I 5 , :11 4 fpportunifies for OB .11...1/4111....0 I ell .1.1 geminates of any fur ernduates all 1.016i1 + I" 1 diu-iptine.... within I all(j. E.1101 AL111,t• b , 11, ,, •Ii , , ...1 discipline intertsltel in a carrel 41t•.11111:1'• lu computing. MI II you wish to (IMMO, run • 7.5 Lin); J. "Vc.,15 5144, MO sign the list in the I 05prn kogo Sic% rii. Carters Seri kr HI11111111!C 11-1%,Ily.•41 Building. (iro,iliCrat.. 'di ,1 Neal, after graduation



▪ 18 Classifieds

Stress GET PERSONAL Management and WOlocomen htentrnta - l 0..m. Gunton ts• qp.o Mots and tsrutt• 0.11141114- Hat. a break • Iwo. s ►14 hat 1P-1 *Musa... t owe through kori• -.001", wmetarm. arty -Mt ► otatuttfas •so. tat, Wet-lured !fir Ft mootason Nits OA 0141.► 11uukeftp tehirin IA, 201515 Lauri - law Gareth Onus mono evadable, let Nom Jaw to lehaltiokill sod Aivismis I toe.. v totunto 0,101 brirg to Lahr 111.0tal 111-.26 Nomesotwt 411ZICI1Sc111. Aid awl 5 Aromatherapy U0 11w 14.4 ...en, t4 the twat 144 • Meant. olke my komirs. I*111 Cr to a mark Ha. grolosno1 m 110141 14,4 tormod taken 1-4 sorest tab toy .1,416E1510 me, t‘tirebrent04.1. pat mom Ortaitt no 1/0014t stn. moth& MO. 11.Itl±L- ▪ ma. how lientOt ttryor. 14 foals 1•0 1. ts w. Nan, and Reika nortschott it IS IMO. of PIM LI All NIA 1.1,14 Vat ph .110 aral alorbir 62,11411140■9 d. K.4444' 1.0 AI Meek witkro whole ester IN 1 mats. IlgAtt,t1 It rho' tall 01 even 'Tenons. Seraurben7;;T4Wrar 0-11.0re fraor; 41.4.44ivor h.. C=Ge lo if or en sc. Imo! &ran svi M 1144. week Sony folks. treatments Icttutte 1! 'OS t.;,1 resew the 0.0100 711,P 1/4,1 rent, ms ell be bothevoi to wits 41 owl well *aka it up Is you! ieere. be a. ataLl tn. ",.1.-1 rout cm,. .1 .41,6 -11.c Pia of of OW Masi not VAN t i. ttl tin% Ram ilirtINter • GI owes. and Oino 411 kTIs 21►0■44. sle AIWA %Ur/VT.04r din t« 1,11.41111bel. 1405. I Whisky AN anew it Moak of pubs Lou 41. Liam 1 tiv final remora) and Fettled -"a1041, can totc arl..yd hs 11,61 • ITICAL ANL CI latat.becrytteials Bat tab..* Ike quo, 111 to h...,. Imes; lot a tot-Art vet lo ths unot2 lab 1,m, her ...lite. MegiCiAlk eled.Wr• flaarwl a.* 1 n. itur '.*' u 11 or tom tat.. WO. At,, 11441 ma Ben TOIS 25% discount for =lee A umbel %rating, ofroly 14,•44:r.rheL 1s.•rosimhutt Drat nut Ow Alumnae, NW town .tole 1 on log o 00.1n t out Ana'. ergs. donpadatt. dreall, carpet...I, at sitsItla tr..1 nowh arms. Iktat. f w.. ttlw...aar you' her ow Ehnen Matt.- an.. Mew to- 11 inn. your Tart rhusbab Io41n and Indira students ~re popular soya. sm et s_24.41 Turf M tait. Wan • an. Latinos this Saturday ..sal twitrs 0,0 mast i 0,4it Alw-wo 111• hodyla Omit Moor Pants Heinle. on VT 'ruby {nprArmilv wan rccro at Caberel • week 11. ineolm • What do pow omit i hank, 'N... w& kart mole WON S AM mtsprow. icon :7.0P•10 Seherda, rti frola Don I Jr.* Fon. sr !avatar,. the Ivo *tar. thew s ion '44,. 1' kb 4.11 on 1.1 Mid unno - Nlyt. •11,,,41 to !moray - hum rim two kit an Ir Nit him In.. S41,1, Eclunts leak To., 10 Itoyarthra yuuiLL gtat LW,' 11 all T ma my • thia.omotnaligi, Nowt *dud Inr you Ow w holt- haw 7o Mfr apseptout Monot Vote rnrntintin I.1w moo boy+ lor sit Phone: Kim .....f.rm.dat PAO I, !Nan. infonaut MitIMMI.111 worm. kw and rill t.ifo en mom lent L. Si, yen at fool on Sunday paw. to math atop aqui last 1nr &sr k. •^ora. It WO. WI And AL Cyr Ma /poll& It Mont %410.14.1„ lab you; Lobe hair 1/w cabal", cot III. dm i. .s comae" 1w laIlft 13 War mulkil n tic Moor Aix Meg, Johnston 1.I.H.H.T trttlant Inasooto Sowendwm °abut, IN", 4,4. ivories 4.• Ancorana austral, Misog • MP) I Hannah atut►m again Ins wow t add Plesanssopturt plans-ow Bui1liins at ton t. (Mt Fleripanr Oboe, • ts. Mirk as totem. arm saitoril yoga at Stir t.'sart Arab • ow, Ione roe" N.. 6. Mr brogans a tad claim Mr amnion 411 mho Lyrae her welcome WOO Was beloo, Trees 100ial. • *lug neat out letter 127 de tickles ittioneen . 411'11.1.4,,I1r4r.`"alr11 !SA' II WI' Oreripmf, Ant tune :“....hatttatt /Wks NWit men to stm- 41 chancy Ilm att.1 Nora los lots 04 twit. CU for (0113) 2750073 thtttla wait C i N 1'ert111,41.11 72,111 Nm.-mt..., Fred tIntkw. In 04 II 4•-4. I oral tows, lode shrlecth io Lamb he learn .1444e1 dawns, .44oureing On and off. liiw bengsbom end 1 LH,. WIrrn Tini■h 1'..1, It ync...1 ha. b UAW raft ch Afroa and in provide snalrrrnalltr Is Futilh, TerObl. we'w kit cat Ielibob reps s lest Somosik ray 44/4no • rscint and aerial woes F.. a, brat done a. a &scot MAK avid Mop on Maga pinion %WM on 0111 relebmie. Fat owl IR Ft wok+, • A KU.• owasci hionditinne Citirentolotyt snits Ito. crow day What t11911 the luck A.I TMeobeerytielilk Sew 1 COLI~ mod Emma etc 14ilin umiak Studnin Q. liras', CI itt. hale'

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20 Sport ertov REPLAY STATAND DELIV THIS WEEK IN SPORTS HISTORY No 4: SOP Morino 1 E*Iid 7, Bologna Senn- Wednesday Nov e 17 1993 .N. I woe that )vur tutor: at Ak000rillnx to liana Claft, -- — 11.nerpool aprierirt woe dila& rierpire manager at 'tyro_ there WaS a &sun, I THE tilAy of reckoning had arrived. The hilgetnenr tai Ninndla) kind-dining your lack of camaraderie wish yrriir ?Atm %.ituatino auk. pet-recdh. clear. lit tinder to commitment to the atilt. 411 n ottiooutl:k player. The itistird 4:congratulation% son qualify fur the 1944 Nodal ['up in the IONA. rata atoll retelved After If al:Sete eVitiell.. Vingland had to heat the tninnons or eLrl inruftww with ltioduillenapaionc C101.14110 of that Pont:hinit All lip international loothall. dun %tartan, 11,3 (.nor Four Awn reveals that ;ion are fal up Harland in owning %%AN hardl) the 1 , goal% and bolo' float I'uland could with m' Pring a regular hitt le.tin involver way 6A nukow lora& %even Achle r mom-thing of a mirack h, You are iltr•lcil at that It you In the rnavanne wok you dui vtru ► heating Iliought guying at Liverpool kw der ncm were at yoUr happen rt v., Holland. htialaivcr I.r,tfuaii Id)1.11 wdt 4pornitittc Pan year. natant 116ng tool AvErve ;Wu SMAhend on a . . tic aorolikl Sac up the palm n,n . Wel was Vt'Ity Melt dill on 111a)0, ka write therrite It o. into the (cookr. ,Hat haute th, Ina1411 they Mu:Med Ill'+ AVM nine uxnetine Fold ∎ou a Fared oi yi new COSMIC* Windt leer home truth,. ilii.IXN)-4•woo4 and demand a Lialf/fIrth j‘,111,:ainensol-hry 01..::Imieebupetr fuliilliny flit Unditublea, ► kft.4 ale a lopitmel ox itf the I aYerpera deal? hf,ohe )03 have ► moon wiped from Meit facet. ho,Aeter, t. thew flitted tuothallet WItt cite wi•ultl the wrong ‘ei of ia61►1%cr%. No al tier IlJterpoof have raid v fininai reowd Lk monk-nr tau liftman hi be a wimple money unturded one of the moo hiandiating rmar1R11h in for yen/ ' Rut in Roblin, Fowlet and tan grahhcr hitt fern:mho- chat m=%•t Imo English football history Ruth 1,iterpool li.oe got two prat would plug for Lite/loot or niacin tilt Virtual!) itratithi front Ow ►,1e1.•oft Smarr *Aim Ruth r. a legend di Aetfld J. wo [Wenn. 1-anx, who a da), earlier had Lieu:ono:I Etigkiiiir, Iva. peter &Ault dud you would hike toe Leierp'101 Foothill Chjh ;It tar 111411,1 charicrt of qualif, mg as nil. misMii paw% In ra.e ttraieht aim,. Rut wax rai err chart yaw. it t?. kterpcd m a rem thationn Da% ki Seaman .akrairic Davide Cannier to slick whik he 41 di the rittglshrill cat hit cam, and t% argoahly the mod %ticre•..tot the hall pint Mt detpainng goalluavet What mak pia alit replace him ...rafter rather du.* Etight.h.lute eves What hats you the loaf un the Mute ashatithine wit that a wax the hetet in thc meantime y.riu need to thaw achiebed m yiNar 411) fin inutulli qukArst in the Nam) of internam-1ml foothill and war fighting virit to pain a pLwe in tilt Irrirri the Pint no roan and an Engtani cup only San Marino's thin! in atria 114-year toothalling teary Faihrit In turn up lilt training and in that truior tournament the (Who, Cup life tattooing 14) fay fix the revered it not thc If yoti Or* at A.nlield 'hit will alitto41. kIngland regained their conspotsore and "6.34) in gli Ahem! thingli, Your tettiiin4 chant.w. Lorrpota have a young ttentimilly no out 7. I wnencry +Wright 4. Ii ce 2. urritillingnok to move to ftlersepide rho and hugely talented ode fine at two ru PETE JEFFREY SENDS STAN COLLYMORE Frnlinanch. but the retail wiw munarenal line day tenth out the tar•inF .4iiinnikIn roar ihrec .ea%un, mkt the champtormhip and had nil fatly rcth FOR AN EARLY BATH bi manager. Roy E►atrt Hallman glory day. 6,if. pad well return. litthe71111,1 )1 he,rivkla'Lltit Money et no ohtert .icing a% you But hi hr a ikon 44 du. you hair hr got compeome taternatmvull Ihrtire telore the 1i7ilet Alitivect a 01mi-so oak 13m only foie your all to the club rldri►. NiAlernein 4 no THE European p mimeo ago And you uln't hate haled 'mettle,* tiring tally hall cogirintled. Inevitably. the Licrantall ail the inuc-11 enjoy I.iwrp4wW. tantattit night hte arks were donate yatur two teayoni at Gratima "lrkdot. intliVIC three -wart taint of these ha►e hem lattneine. ugheings 01 !oils •otett, will not he FrIkni rtiowh You .roc ED CARD walking raw talent and itrieste tot hint tackling in the linv11.4 nitfi Hula SO Sitar., the II 10 and name intrainaittly ihr tingkhorses tame to an end How apt that almost curtly two year% later he has tempted from hh nth at Wohr. Aka anialwr iatalogue 01 talutrt Try Contact Lenses Free for 30 days When you Buy Glasses. FREE 30 days of Contact Lenses E FREE „ammo 30 days of Cleaning Fluids WHAT'S FREE you'll go Instruction on use of Contact Lenses & Fluids FREE ING 1215 Voucher towards timber cost of Contact Lenses ON CAMPl_ far® ;141'Litnpul In hu) after the Lug 30 illy s with an ISIC

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• Sport 21 FOOTBALL SPECIAL BUSA HNICAL results T7rEC round-up

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miles behind LUU Ha* TNIti a sorry time fur British football. t Iur e huh, liase lured %it disasIrsm‘l) in Europe Ohl% mutant that of the right British miles which raced continental opprisitioa a fortnight 4ign renls thrm (RMO) al Hay ern 11unitit I %averred a anal. move we reiogniunl the need foe fundamental 4.hange Our tern. arc Ixtbni1.7411) irk. Mud 4.16.11 FANtlist.VI 1;01.11deSpIrh. a liwoblem a-Laistaakx1 m billycan competition when we we irktneted to I/wee tortoni players . Ihmth hope. arc also undermined by the .wnsiong mitten,' with wlate'1► teat tonlis Appttlavh their luturcAn LUU Baskoliel abentme• Heew Hlacktm eapetcd By Hagai Segal to poem... with their 'helot awl hop•' appnraeh mettrushr• err., while Leal,' l-11111C1-• ' annihilation al the hand. or Ps,: 11,1": , Eire theis tka. 41 inewinakt i.1 Milan • .Si ?union. It• 4th XI propwo4.1i. I the toriarrot with ilic LUU Iladaiame lily, matte., eight corocvem l'itkh k,• un meat finals, coUteln.1 h itIcTikl Peel 1114i rtiV.1114: was ./ 14 04 t44411.4,.. mai. mei* ,.tree *rig SI, gill and theteltore meippeil hiulteitieg t,.• the usual Lathan& or) we rwriduec pLlyc,. whit ki•LILI ,ktio I hilt. Lan't !Man% Ian) Lowrie. we our are a .••.44c of in lnel.ind but Mar rums due le Ihe pea Hey-41 y t-ais then there aft* •1111 a number 01 1111.10,00 f utop. iii f Kladoaleite. I'll!, I•• 1ttiirn PASIM• •1. 4:11 11111 Ihr It is time shaliee .4 arc 1 11115 WU Ihigir Win ri Aiol‘ klillUlkOf U4, ul •Ita- ,k4t4t/ Nficil 'AC ?/.4111....101•11 pl .•••1••

l'reparat it osi Trip imirtinemal ode. don'i qualify rot Europe. they ripe,: Thor preparation and style Is thcach ere geared toward% filltOperin term o.....4.1•1,..sei pi !Try play uiciummaic competition the Manehestee United have wee, ►ho. LW Spoil Name way They play in Europe. they .tiling Iwo toreign player. 31111 wventtlitally laxly Deponent. itinhke prmnoting the hies of Sch. 1 1414%. thorn who admitted in roroj INc•ille to the lint warn I; ltiooti: keen I egta IV/meats tin %Aro team nhiLit in- toying to ht t. , Mom then firm emanate) and breed anneal Etighthmen generally ups lot crinigh home WON 1+1 hate the tlepth the 'iputi. fit,' haying player% foe of .quad required tic m European nuliiofts tif pounds. The merry .pi- rotmd la poiralr.., we need to he OTHER RESULTS Mom vital of all player• on the developing I)el Piero% nun buying h• 4.4otologral have been desekmotl Imo FrOnan& I I • ■•••••• highly adaptable erratum. defenders A% king an are resist change, and earl r diauble up as %kungen, medfirlders remain too pig-headed to recognite the &kW one mime And wore fire LAI.% tIthilitirt, nil the %Man. Apr.■way. we DOWN AND OUT Alan Shearor's Blackburn. who dloappotroad for me the nett. •I PI kelp, comic tvAt'l let 44± on the eiL.,,t u( runt fisialvill second consaeutive se.son in Europe, were among Elettain s failures

y. mo11 ri.••■111• (I11:1• 111.4•44 11'1 1 • England turn to Stone 1451111IIIK ••

fib Kull I/hear-Nan Slone and tiakee ►gne would prinide cues% between two &Soule'. am,. the sip eincolaineng and tormidahle unit of Shefungfune► , who headed THREE: sheers for England. Itutu 011411f I re. who had a quid England unto a 2.1 lead Then the %e heat .Switzerland, Stele game, Mchlanaimin. tI.1111 tend• to he Spurs griller returned the CLWISIthIlwril Stone ekeellvd. and Trdil!, neruous in big game,. and Pl,sti. by setting, up Silearei, panted Sheriaghatn pruned hintvell as a wht.e general etanirollullim 11•11 .hit [11,111.-1/ Sh.fhf u, tscnith in owl Performoones of the week quality international striker,. rotor a (VLICC tool J deserts l .ti ti y. I , 44 • 1.4 NI TN' 11144 •t Ikedknapp, due to a lip town. Shearer. who ,howl( rim E-nglain •e. •howior in the worm, Mimed:Mg eneury. twined out to he •sign of reproducing hi. prolific hilt tiuggemed that Venable% is Englanel'• pain Slime came on league flight al Intrntational Incl. budding It ham 414.1 (0111%..ulli ti KPit...h swaggered, leased and taunted Men 111101 be left Intl. Shanigharn •honkl will nialie them One set OW tasotinte% dereme, Ieii icig more holes than you he the Ione Waxy. feeding iiIr his in Euro ilts would find in a lump Swims Llseese Gimlet teammate. Itarmhy The!, Is (Me change which mum he made. Stone• effmtivene%. did not bate .cure goals' rho anaclong midfield however. it. at right back. where GU fruit nniil Kith knup and Pewee hat would be .used up by play mr lic e Nesille looks rut of his depth Hi, %cored. but hi• toenail pertormai.kx Howe) iii front ut Iii. haul tout metpeireme and lack tor height or a •creamed out -plat, me " timid the Stone and Slicringbaui drawhasl at the. level The otomee •Iiipe of England % midfield change. lh441 worth dining Wednemlay posy kith lon•.. return-' Irmo ihe morn the to seal MO hilt Flt•I Nil %IVA 4, hclIcr P'RECIOtiS STONE- Strove; a real gem 22 Siort 100 6..„ S1.1‘41 Helets.fgag No 1: Botham's Ashes By Pool till My earliest sporting C drlittNGIE S recollection muy rank as one or tar All time greatest single erielkeling feats. Im ltklit herr Irl i girds I` S I .140 h,•%.1 1.1 Ail It ifr.111.• 4,1,1 ,1,-3,1

Pete Jeffrey speaks to Bath manager John Hall as he tries to steer the club through rugby's new era of professionalism

./H the past 10 years KWh ■MFIc haroLickil) iumcd the game on it hold lin sit hurtling any Mote pk'rrnanent met. have dominated English All the top club., notably Leocester and They have also presented u• trom selling ewer !defer _ Bristol. are negonaing with their players ova naming pound. which could have netted the VIF hart r , rugby union. Since 1984. i;ornrivel. while cashing in on •I‘ figure dab millions" ts.101ft rn stet ir %Oren they defeated %Ses1 Country- re■nship teals the kee rtes been Me %cow or rennenan ki rivals Bristol in the John Player No Rah terril ill equipped to deal with the glorious triumph., sri if ma'am% a rnraku I up rinai, not a season has gone Ih■Feriae new voirkl r d pneesaaonal miry they ground by anyrwie standards 'The new may be ltehl years ahead of their mai% on the Teachers Stand it fuewnousil navy than ear viilhoul liallt ainning at least one but they have fallen behind the likes tit miming. sal when the rotund o tilted to its FOULGER'S tnipley. witurriplen. Newc.vdtie And 1414111 On I t g.f100 capacity no Iria twin one-hurl air the A ■rvIIIIII0 never emit% IlIPPIY of *amid %pedaloes hate to ,i•akh from iemporan.. ,lass pluyer, - including. Andy Robinson, Burden Jo:omen stun in PARADISE ferry Crinesitt. Richard HMI. John Hall. raid Thc Fox, wall the harden III glottal Rath Hail n not afraid iv speak his mind about tiareth Chilicott bare brit the dub to err( thnsigh this tuibuient tieriod i. team maimed the current watt art rugby- scasix► could HAV II) 1 f Leiebrated a nvevaeung.airrela and former captain 101110 Hell. Unlike his he make or tweak Ite us„" he cleim% I don't ear outing ai centre forward think player. should sign cnntroets with This r.e/ ►001. little appears to have multimillinnure namesake a biewcentle, by scoring a hat trick in changed Bath have a one hunched per cent is steeped in rugby tradition. Rath horn and England before signing with their dulls. Al 1./441..Ars a-1 win over LtIll record in the league after ten games, and their bled. he is Bah RFC through and thniugh present England hold All the Cafilt Ku %letlic• and Deniiiits in the squad inelides to many inwr nationals that Had his career not been Merited by injury he negotiations should have happened without Yorkshire Miicd Hockey Scottish stars have Hilton and Andy Read wsold di winless Iv orraderetl one of rugby 's consulting the clubs - League At Weelwo-od on have played for the amend team. alltune greats. ILI1 is not the mod ekiquent man. but the Sa turday. Unfortunately toe Rath, utecem on the Pah The Iasi that Hail hors *en lined to give conthination of Ms .IFTTPer•ang ra s lilirsr ark, baulger. who usually plays has been overshadowed by a series of hit post•match press eonfetences in a NNW Wt-4 Cowen trkikr rt diffKult c pc r, opened the upheavals off it pistiakahin tit nary lac which has tit ignore him lyat yea. kniernAneinal call- scoring midway through the MnralnirlinTi or no moratorium_ login. befallen Bath Out gruund a. nut up Ii, urn newly destroyed as,' he says, 1 firmly. first hall and added two grads Minn in Fagland is professional Newcastle, scrakh,- he says -The proNcits is that the *hese than estiLtins saty we lost the league 0110=41 g171 WM. 4.f=4 AMP ■ from short corners Aflef the N..■•■Fg wpm .1m ...40 with Rob Andrew at the helm. hair virtually Lomeli own the twists and they ae otipisied i.CII.V10 break Much to Hall's displeastne... an article in a Mt-al Ba' mei vino:stud Um animater of Barth players had linen molted in talks with Nero:wale Nilo, to the sagas's opening le.rtiur game ug■ttomi leVeitt • Hartlepool He dues not hide his ch.olltethinle Illamter Ices and New:male% newly found Time is the key... eperstine power Quality For turthor intormution just In main ways Bath Wive more to tear than pick up the phone - it won't litiot from he dramatis. t flanges facing the cost you a penny to call. sport With iv. many Quality player. at the ch it. .cvercit of the reserves could wadi into any other first team The opporuinitv ro play Quote Ref: lop level rugby and get paid for it it something which many of Bath's se•imil siring player would find hard to refuse. 0800 591 570 Hall admits this toukl *a prot4em, hat he is atanuint that mit enough name, ts being ploughed Mb) !Ugh) to change the game As wFtll ns n thorn( Joh treo wen-night "Unit-.. you're a Jerry Oscan a will earlitte type player. you will the be medical, all our volunteers 'mint enough to iewe on lot the forrustable AM. Hall claims -hlany of our players are recompensed for the ate careers outside the Flank: and the eAtra time they spend taking part - widen cif lumIlics to support Fm une things r11 change. hat it wilt he a grathia pnicest in our clinical trials nt present these are twat annals preventing wooer. Miro mingling with the players in iw Bath sitilshoute alto' the games, and On pitch- the mvti Pefieranuft uC Lk Glanvilk. to taking part! Arid Gumoth cart It) to emulaic then twines without interruphim These are the punitive aspesss awl nigny's lthaletit heritage. All studies comply with the Royal Bath need to grasp ptalerviiinaltun with College (---4 Physicians Guidelines both hands, but not at the expense of the club's supporters. After at!, money loll Discover the benefits . everything oat 23 RAIN Rowell has to look Back BATH to the future Back is pissed WT. 11w 1.eitester fliudscr %%isn't tails to journalistic and la "led up with ruglts." fu OR the past 10 years Bath untkrstatul pelts, tool. at the England rugby union Irani have dominated English to Ishii South %Otitis al Tasiekrtiluun tunwirrinvi. Frugby union. Since 19tt4, I W•? t n 'YR' `-ctts 114 .1 .1, .-.1 t1,„1. %%hen they defeated %Vest i.radidcrals la Ms tidal III IN' I lid t•Ani 0117 1141111W, • JAI 1. ('ountry rivals Bristol in lite ••.? ;Am 'It t L. in 111,11!Es- tipL1i4 I 111,1 John Mayer Cup final. not a haLICT. flank' sLilhiul - to 144621. open :ale flanker "I would see season has gone h) uithout myself and ill.lrlequaly'l Rte., ENGLAND Bath winning at least one lciikint being the chalkiniers trophy. for that plat ram' said Hael. SHOULD TAKE A A seemingly noel' ending supplr with no small amount 01 MORE FORWARD •l world class players • including certainty When inked about Andy Robinson. Jerry Gnycott, Bath's Andy Rottinyon• LOOKING Richard Will. John Wall. and Gareth (Anises of orturristr; alkr us teats in the international Chikuu • have led the dub to ever wilderness. he &mussed anr APPROACH, increasing success talk as rust that talk Uhl% %CAW*. little appears to, have 1)ary later a tearful Mrs SAYS PAUL changed. Bath have a one hundred per Robinton and her 4:blither) rent meted in the kague atter ten games, um:natant And Rubinson's GOLDSMITH and their squad includes so many I tit class to break the yews of international that Scottish um. Dave I) ► his letall to him The tall, pick is inset twltiwi will he Hilton and Andy Read have played for hadn't born just Ole charts./ • under 12 in Innu the second team lintimursitely kw 'lath. was England's impo rtantly. this team has the success on the pitch has been •pen-side flanker afAilinst element., turf' as siiC ;Ind ✓tentmlowed by a series of upheasais smith Atrisa A happy strength, which made England oil it moment for the Robinson our the a%ounte-, fur the Moratorium or nu moratorium, rugby Lundy. and selection World Cup, while dnaaidinn union in England is pfulessional irattially yindisaloi by Back's the faults that ,I.ppeit them Newcastle. with Rob Andrew at the helm. siitnein ant nit iniur., hat as filltitting dancing,' hopes have vinuntly single bandediv turned the far as I in on ernes' it not There's a hack line with gone on its head All the top club.. deyn't nuke sense. few' pare aid msentiora and notably l.nicester and 51'1•11)f. MC more eniportantly a fly-halt negOtiating with their player ,. oset contracts white cashing in on sus ngurc *1 r i IotL 5 141 . • fall Cpthissides XV for Itt, spontersbip deals such prvktivit.cis. csrnt, 10 no Now= I Yet Bath seem ill capiipped to drat !Ito% Rape 11,4‘i. Ihero 111“rt Nita I the brine new maid. itt pro(easxmal '41"16 11:a.1...114Amb.s. :isle 1liar '11, .11). ‘11.1.1k4 krew eammai 4 man 0, fugby. They may be light years Cheat ut 61E1 Noir Swakil is %Lott anew and rebuild 11.1)anoi4 n, their rivals on the held. but they base ssnriplesely with pl.iyers Who behind the likes of Northampton. Mitt. LAI Thal NAY will liC111111e1) h aniund and k end hrivhd (Alit • Kens Iridiar 1r16. Chat* still at their peak when the 104• %aid Cup kicks sat Burden who would he pi-quasi k) use The man with the burden of guiding I'eak than Bin Stimpson per chi tic Bah thruugh this turbulent period is team the kkluet. which esplaim Ins Antis mar be in ieclutton Amid of trtltil 114111 manager and formai captain John Hall. ham at the moment_ but he s ore celevrioe Of Rovantee al Unlike ho multimillionaire namesake at 11 years Ail_ ltory ewcastle. Hall is steeped in rugby prop uhead of it Mayer like Underwood is even older at Victor Ubugu o un Menlo to • um. Bath born and herd. he is Bath 13, even captain Will Carting - hone props playing Pier" then* and thmugh. Had his caner • .N And In 110:41 01 at MOT •I been blighted by injury he laniald rather than tile thinkers loon will urthaps he Past his Rowntrees pentium.) itt the doubtless be I:unuttered one sit rugby', peak m lnn9 Plarusg r team atlantic Fran.. tight is vital 111 VICY. at the ia young playas. OVA 111 11101 imponasse tot hlti •k The tact that Hall has been lotted to 101C.. against South Africa. rise tut pent-mach 'wins confornoes in 4 gang . may result in a defeat. but it be aapialeo_ as tin!• pnrtaliabin indicates the WIT) fate which would erutble tip find has befallen BIM Ltkir ;moist is not up constant instals erneui in III, out warily what he needs in game males than in a beer! t" 14.11101:. he Lays 'Pre problem is that tki and ovc the ritost.tNe team position to skipper the iris•' the EMMA tswn the sum& and they are col the tuture valuable flan• . HAM:Oil% Plen.1 opposed to to building any more experience against the hest permanent ones. They have also %Nadi Airwat This _ tram in the work! A %, In IA ith that would unittiutoteti:•. prevented in from selling our training tvo• Rory Undenvood tries griaind. which could have netted the slob unable South Africa, to.: would lust beg the question: 1.01aIrVer the result_ it is i I *-- 1/11:11 .ere we pomp to do The ResRev has been the scene of when he mutes memos sloth:ins triumph+. yet it PHIL HIS POCKETS. Oaths Ds Glenville will be among professional rugby's top earnerl All of Me 'slaves+ I would sans a miakst ground hr anyone'•


1 1 3 !"-+ SPORT "L - SPORT 4litctiiiVii Flying Fitch grabs, treble


.5 •RAH Fitch scored a memorable second half hat-trick as I.N11. til. uornen's k es 1st NI won 3.0 at Huddersfield in the latest round of HUSA rtsitures. Leeds hare now won all four of their BUSA matches without conceding a goal. but they initially struggled to pierce a Huddersfield defence which had conceded 10 goals in its Ines ions three Mariners at Weetwood on Sunday Pfc. Nock L.** Leeds dwaivaled from the HEAD TO MEAD- Leeds Celtics moo on the defensive during their word win *awe Newcastle start hue were coniinuallt trustrated by Huddersfield whO saved harraEI of shot• to CIViiire .4011 the first half ended Furl itest Quality Alter a rousing h■lf•timc OWEN RUNS team talk Leells tesume41 with .ill runs Marine and Pilled ionic Oseller:! hockey Sharp hoiNhtny Fr, ht..h. who completed her hat trio, %kit) a .1.111Ful flick guaranteed them a richly deserted victory. Tbc women's second tram were far superior to then `EM RAGGEDstrong Leeds line, picking. up 135 oopponentspponents and will he LEEDS CEUICS 58 IIEWCASIII ii yarns and two touchdowns wan Ili disappointed only to 1,Atc attempts 11 I' American Football rusrunv won .1-I./ Minute Andrew ,. Record victory Dciptte the result, the Leeds ruled the decisive second By Stephen %illtrocks. Oa& h was not sattifted. -bieweasile goal ► Loughborough the pies lout tout inteseeplount is New/castle aw one of the weaker teams w e v, The toen't lint team cone XAVIER Owen scored four week achieved just one fins down encounter," he remarked - itlef .,.Vt on top In an all-tempered touclidimns a' Leeds raced the same was effectively Wert as Having been handed possettorn were mistakes made today that a with Huddersfirld to their record victory on halt.iir and good field position. the Leeds stronger team would Katy exploited. thanks to goals /rum M ,,, I .1 1/4 0111C,1 by ►t. with Leeds dominating .1% mush at• the 24-6 offence went to work. gaining a We have to cut out these errur► if we Fletcher and Daniel Patin Sunday. scalretme tuggcsts. A hard tackling mattite 165 yards and eight are to make a tenous challenge fur rhe second team % C U Newcastle Mariners were defence, led by Steve Oygard. itruchilowns The two icy performers the Collegehowl " down 3 I. with Dan Month-- .rushed by a Celtics team that rearicted blew, attic to Just 27 yards in the Leeds side writ recesses Owen That said. this was only the storing their only pa! has begun to realise its pre- all game. A huge eight lionoters and running hod. Jim ItIahut_ Owen second game kW what is a relatively I.SIIIJSLI return to home season potential. and this success were foecod. three by Charles Baker. caught use pastes for 147 yards and inexperienced Celli,. tram Is should clarion for the row time in helped to erase the memory of and in the second half Leeds caught three touchdowns before naming tin not he too long before these players three weeks nest Wednesday an unlucky defeat at a fourth /Matta ran all day behind a Malt their full potent's,, when they take on Hull LIJU slot Nonhumbria Oaf


ct s.tTekniti tot kit**, hippest stilhat weekly is loo` re few a researcher, to Tefillutssiolsr4 help probes What length articles, set tip celebrity MARts7t0Pirittr otonfolui, uoast.sraur, ■ntei views Ng dad with renal public relations matters.

EstelIndlraitim ill OTIP sad equisau is provided and no gortilIkations are respired, Nip siabosiasm. II !ovine interested, in this post or fat Alf, Wart Mott Roper on 243 4727 or write to lads Stveleat Leeds University Utak PO des 157, Leeds 151 1UK