Budget Implementing Agencies and European Voluntary Contributors BROADER Broader Approach and its Projects and Europe contribute equally a to 1 million “BA units of account” The European part of this scope is mostly The Objectives !xed amount to the Broader Approach (BAUA). Each Party receives credit in provided by voluntary contributions from activities. The European contribution BAUA for work, services or hardware the Governments of , , Italy, For Europe For Japan has a nominal value of €339M, and provided, according to a breakdown Germany, Belgium and , During the ITER negotiations in 2005, after rati!cation of the Agreement by both approach to support ITER, and to prepare that of Japan ¥46B, both in June agreed by the BA Steering Committee. with the remainder being provided by APPROACH the decision to site ITER in Cadarache Parties. It remains in force for a period of to undertake the engineering design and 2005 values. For convenience, this The scope of work is divided amongst Euratom, as shown below right. Fusion for Energy Japan Atomic Energy Agency was reached through an agreement 10 years and continues in force thereafter construction of DEMO. total budget volume is set equal the projects as shown below left. between Europe and Japan. This forged a unless terminated by either Party. privileged partnership in the ITER project and on a set of activities, to be performed The agreed joint programme consists of European Voluntary Contributors Activities In the Field of jointly in Japan - the Broader Approach three projects: the Engineering Validation IFERC-EU France Activities (BA Activities). In Brussels on and Engineering Design Activities for the IFMIF-EU Italy nd JT-60SA-EU Spain November 22 2006, at the same time International Fusion Materials Test Facility JT-60SA-JA Germany Fusion Energy Research as the signature of the ITER Agreement, (IFMIF/EVEDA), the Satellite Tokamak IFMIF-JA Belgium the representatives of the Government of Programme Project JT-60SA, and the Switzerland IFERC-JA GOBIERNO MINISTERIO CRPP Japan and EURATOM signed the Brussels International Fusion Energy Research Euratom Centro de Investigaciones DE ESPAÑA DE ECONOMÍA Projects which complement the ITER project and accelerate the realisation of Joint Declaration agreeing “to jointly Centre (IFERC). Y COMPETITIVIDAD Energéticas,Medioambientales y Tecnológicas fusion energy by carrying out R&D and developing advanced technologies for future implement the Broader Approach Activities in support of the ITER Project and an early The main objective of these three projects French Alternative Energies and Spanish Research Centre CNR - Italian National Swiss Plasma demonstration power reactors. realisation of fusion energy for peaceful is to provide information, complementary Atomic Energy Commission for Energy, Environment Research Council / Physics Research purposes on a time frame compatible to that from ITER, in the !elds of physics Taro Aso, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan and and Technology Consorzio RFX Centre Hugh Richardson, the Ambassador of the Delega- Project Management with the ITER construction phase.” The and technology, needed to proceed to tion of the to Japan, signing “Broader Approach Agreement” was DEMO, the next step in the quest for the Agreement between the Government of Japan signed on February 5th 2007 in Tokyo and . The three Broader Approach and EURATOM for the Joint Implementation of the “Procurement Arrangements” (PAs) between Each project has a common quality document management system) for sharing the activities started on June 1st 2007 projects represent a well-integrated Broader Approach Activities. the two Implementing Agencies detail the management system (common across and tracking of information, separate from scope of the procurement or service, iinclud- each Integrated Project Team) which has those of their institutional systems. ing its technical speci!cations, time schedule signi!cant common elements between and credit. For Europe, if the work is not car- the three projects. Management decision- To utilise the Broader Approach facilities, Organisation Italian National Agency for Italian National Institute Karlsruhe Institute of Belgian Nuclear ried out directly by F4E, each PA is matched making is by consensus of the Project different agreements are sometimes New Technologies, Energy for Nuclear Physics Technology, Germany Research Centre by one or more “Agreements of Collabora- Leader and the heads of the Home Teams. needed. For instance, in the case of IFERC, and Sustainable Economic tion” between F4E and Voluntary Contributor Regular technical coordination meetings the time available for projects running on Project Governance Development Designated Institutions (VCDIs). Ultimately involving all responsible of!cers ensure the Helios simulation computer is shared the institutions - JAEA, F4E, and the VCDIs - continuous integration of the various equally amongst researchers from the Steering Committee members of the designated institutions Project Team, is responsible for the place contracts with suppliers from their insti- projects or subprojects. The projects rely wider European and Japanese fusion The Steering Committee, where both of the voluntary contributors providing co-ordination of the implementation tutional budgets. on a dedicated common set of tools (e.g. programmes. Parties are equally represented, is the European contributions. of each project, including preparation Further Information responsible for the overall direction and of reports to the Project and Steering supervision of the implementation of the Project Leaders and Integrated Project Committees. The total number of people activities. In particular, for each of the three Teams involved in the three Integrated Project Messages from the Project Leaders Fusion for Energy Japan Atomic Energy Agency projects, it appoints the Project Leader A Project Leader, supported by the Teams is around 500 (at a level of effort and the Project Team staff, approves the respective Project Team and Home on these projects equivalent to about Headquarters: Naka Fusion Institute structure of the Project Team, the project Teams together forming each Integrated 400 full-time people). IFMIF is indispensable for the worldwide nuclear fusion programmeto learn the effect of the neutrons generated C/ Josep Pla, 2, Torres Diagonal Litoral, Edi!cio B3, 801-1 Mukoyama, Naka-shi, Ibaraki-ken 311-0193, Japan plan, work programmes and annual in deuterium- fusion reactions in order to build a sound reactor. The technical dif!culties are surmountable, 08019 Barcelona Spain reports, and decides on the participation and given the quality of the IFMIF family there can only be success ahead. We have the privilege of partaking in Aomori Research and Development Centre of any other ITER parties. BA Agreement the common human endeavour to tame !re for the second time in our short history, this time the !re of the stars. Antenna: 2-166 Oaza-Obuchi-Aza-Omotedate, Implementing Implementing Building D1, Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Rokkasho-mura, Kamikita-gun, Aomori 039-3212, Japan Project Committees Agency Agency Juan Knaster, IFMIF Project Leader 85748 Garching, Germany In addition to giving advice, the function Web: www.naka.jaea.go.jp/index.html of each Project Committee is to monitor F4E Steering Committee JAEA Web: www.f4e.europa.eu and report on the progress of each project Joint work on the DEMO design has been started, covering studies on system codes, divertor, in-vessel components, For further information on the BA: [email protected] to the Steering Committee. Audit tokamak operation modes and maintenance schemes. DEMO R&D activities are being performed by using the For further information on the BA: [email protected] excellent R&D facilities now established at the Rokkasho IFERC site. The high performance 1.5 P"ops Helios Implementing Agencies computer has started operation, exploiting the new research !eld at the forefront of magnetic fusion simulations. These Each Party has designated an activities indicate that the IFERC project is now shifting from the preparatory research phase into the actual research. Project Committee Project Committee Project Committee Implementing Agency to discharge its obligations to the Broader Approach Noriyoshi Nakajima, IFERC Project Leader Project Websites Project Leader Project Leader Project Leader Activities. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in Japan and the European IFMIF- EVEDA JT-60SA IFERC Most of the procurement contracts have been placed, and machine assembly in Naka has begun. The detailed www.ba-fusion.org www.iferc.org www.ifmif.org www.jt60sa.org Joint Undertaking for ITER and the research programme to be carried out once JT-60SA is operating is being developed jointly by all physicists involved Development of Fusion Energy, “Fusion Integrated Project Integrated Project Integrated Project in the fusion programmes of Europe and Japan. Despite the long distance between Europe and Japan, there is for Energy” (F4E) in Europe have been Team Team Team enthusiasm and dedication to try to maintain the schedule and quality of the delivery of components and the eventual assigned this role. They undertake this by machine assembly, commissioning and operation. This is very encouraging for the successful outcome of this project. the creation of Japanese and European BA Projects Home Teams, led by these agencies,

Shinichi Ishida, JT-60SA Project Leader This publication was produced by: Fusion for Energy (F4E) © Fusion for Energy FU-01-13-431-EN-C and in the case of Europe including staff Arrangement of the main bodies forming the BA organisation IFMIF-EVEDA JT-60SA IFERC

IFMIF, the International Fusion Materials The Mission In order to implement the mission to contribute Microstructure Analysis Room Irradiation Facility, will generate neutrons to ITER and to an early realisation of DEMO, This room is for high-resolution micro/nano-

with an energy spectrum similar to those the International Fusion Energy Research structural observations, nano-scale surface

occurring in a DT (deuterium-tritium) fuelled The mission of JT-60SA is to contribute for supporting ITER operation by being The JT-60SA Integrated Project Team, Centre (IFERC) promotes three sub-projects: analysis, and nano-scale mechanical tests. nuclear fusion reactor. A commercial fusion to the early realisation of fusion energy by able to more quickly explore options. EFDA and the Fusion Energy Forum of DEMO Design and R&D Coordination Centre, reactor will require materials capable of LEBT MEBT HEBT addressing key physics issues relevant JT-60SA nevertheless slowly will become Japan are collaborating as the JT-60SA Computational Simulation Centre (CSC), and withstanding 150 dpa (dpa is the typical Ion Superconducting Thickness 25±1 mm for ITER and DEMO. JT-60SA is a fully radioactive in use, and remote handling of Research Unit to establish the research ITER Remote Experimentation Centre (REC). unit used to describe neutron-induced source cavities Flow speed 15 m/s superconducting tokamak capable of systems near the plasma must be planned. plan of JT-60SA. This research plan materials degradation, indicating average con!ning high-temperature (100 million JT-60SA has a large amount of power will continue to evolve as the fusion DEMO Design and R&D Coordination displacements per atom in the bombarded degree) deuterium plasmas under available for plasma heating and current communities in Japan and Europe deepen Centre 2 x 125 mA (100% duty cycle) material), which nowadays is an unexplored conditions equivalent to those where a drive, from both positive and negative ion and sharpen the research strategy of This Centre in Rokkasho plays an important region. The design of a reactor demands an 50% deuterium — 50% tritium plasma neutral beams, as well as electron cyclotron JT-60SA. The plasma performance range role in co-ordinating scienti!c and technolog- Ion Superconducting understanding of which materials can be source cavities Beam footprint would generate as much energy as is resonance radio-frequency (RF) heating. It expected for JT-60SA is shown on the ical activities necessary for DEMO including 2 This simulation of the spatial distribution of a used and what mechanical properties they 200 x 50 mm Assembly of modules for the high power required to maintain it (“break-even”). will typically operate for 100 s pulses once diagram, in comparison with existing design activities and technology R&D on key particular type of instability in an ITER steady- will retain after years of operation. IFMIF is a testing of RF quadrupole elements at INFN Because JT-60SA uses only deuterium per hour, subjecting watercooled divertors experiments worldwide as well as with issues of common interest. The objective state plasma shows that it would not degrade unique tool to learn this. In IFMIF neutrons will Available testing volume and dpa as a fuel, it can help optimise the plasma to maximum heat "uxes of 15MW/m#. The expected ITER and DEMO operation. includes the assessment of pre-conceptual the confinement of alpha particles Field emission scanning electron microscope be generated by bombarding liquid lithium High >20 dpa/y in 0.5 litres con!gurations for ITER and DEMO machine will be able to explore full non- design options for DEMO, re"ecting the out- with accelerated deuterium ions (deuterons). Medium >1 dpa/y in 6 litres without generating large amounts of inductive steady-state operation. come of R&D activities. It is expected that There will be suf!cient to cause damage Low <1 dpa/y in 8 litres heat or neutrons. It is therefore perfect Operation space of JT-60SA this design activity will also suggest speci!c Material Test Room equivalent to that in the !rst wall of a fusion research activities, some of which would have Mechanical tests, fracture surface observa- power plant (see bottom right of !gure). Overview of main IFMIF systems to be carried out on ITER. Others would have tion and sample preparation for low-activated to be carried out on JT-60SA or other facilities. materials (reduced-activation materials, The Machine ceramic composites, tungsten and beryllium The DEMO R&D Building in Rokkasho has alloys, etc.) can be performed in this room at Three main facilities will form IFMIF: two for !ssion reactor materials, but special made on future IFMIF siting, construction been completed recently as a radioisotope the highest quality level. The mini hot cell has accelerators, a target, and a test cell. All three requirements are placed on IFMIF if it is schedule, and cost breakdown. JT-60SA is being constructed at the Japan JAEA Naka site and air conditioning of the building. (RI) handling facility, which consists of an RI been equipped with shielding and manipula- are under validation and design re!nement to provide the conditions matching those Atomic Energy Agency Naka Fusion Institute A remote handling system is included, experimental room, beryllium handling room, tors for post-irradiation experiments. Compressor Building in the current Engineering Validation and of the most exposed materials of a fusion in Japan. The machine con!nes a plasma Power Supplies and is used also to assist in construction. microstructure analysis room, and material Engineering Design Activities (EVEDA) phase, reactor vessel. The highest exposed test similar in size to that of JET (Joint European The JT-60SA tokamak is located in the test room. Computational Simulation Centre (CSC) which is due to be completed in 2017. module (High Flux Test Module) will allow Torus), using superconducting magnets, Magnet Interface building previously occupied by the The objective of the CSC is to provide a the testing of around 1000 small specimens as in ITER, to reduce power consumption. TF coils & Testing PF coils Water Cooling System JT-60U tokamak, involving dissassembly RI Experimental Room state-of-the-art supercomputer and to Helios supercomputer LIPAc, the prototype of the IFMIF accelerators, with an accurate control of the irradiation The JT-60SA tokamak consists of the and recommissioning of some equipment This consists of a 370 GBq hood for exploit large-scale and high-performance presently being installed in Rokkasho, Japan, temperature thanks to a cooling system with magnets and vacuum vessel. The vessel before assembly of the JT-60SA tokamak. development of tritium accountancy tech- simulations to analyse experimental data Remote Experimentation Centre (REC) Cryogenic will demonstrate technologically that the helium gas that has also been demonstrated houses components dedicated to vessel NBI System Additional safety features are also being nology, basic tritium safety research, and on fusion plasmas, prepare scenarios for The REC will be developed as a remote IFMIF 40 MeV deuteron accelerators are in the full scale HELOKA loop. The validation protection, plasma impurity control, plasma added. tritium durability tests. ITER operation, predict the performance of experimentation room for experimental feasible. of the design under neutron irradiation will position control and fuelling, vacuum ITER, and contribute to the DEMO design. campaign preparation and data analysis ECRF be performed in the high "ux BR2 reactor. pumping and cooling. Diagnostics and Cryostat Most of the procurement is currently for ITER, and will be able in the future to The EVEDA Lithium Test Loop (ELTL) heating systems utilise the vessel ports. A Diagnostics Rad. safety underway in Europe and Japan, particularly The “Helios” supercomputer, which has monitor the ITER plant status, prepare under operation in Oarai, Japan, with the All the information gleaned from the validation cryostat and thermal shield surround the the Toroidal Field (TF) coils, Poloidal Field more than 4000 nodes, was installed at and transfer pulse parameter request !les Vacuum Vessel Cont/data development of needed diagnostics and activities are contributing towards the tokamak and protect the superconducting (PF) coils, vacuum vessel, thermal shield, the end of 2011 and has achieved 1,237 to the ITER CODAC, present the main puri!cation systems, will demonstrate that comprehensive design of IFMIF. The results magnets operating at ~4K from heat inleak In-vessel Components in-vessel components, and cryostat, and peta"ops in the LINPACK test. In its initial machine and plasma parameters in real IFMIF’s liquid lithium loop is achievable. of the work are currently being documented Injector under test at CEA Saclay from the environment and hotter structures. Assembly JT-60U machine disassembly has been operation in the !rst quarter of 2012 time, and access promptly the experimental in an IFMIF Intermediate Design Report, due Services are provided for water cooling, Remote Handling completed during 2012, enabling the start “Lighthouse Projects” (which are expected data for further analysis at the REC. Prior Mechanical testing of small irradiated to be completed in mid-2013, which will be cryogenics, power supplies, the control Disassembly of construction of the new machine at the to shed light on plasma calculations) were to the demonstration of ITER remote suf!ciently detailed to allow decisions to be Flowing lithium in the ELTL facility (Oarai) specimens is a well-known technology system, as well as heating, ventilation beginning of 2013. performed using four selected codes, in experimentation, the REC will be tested on Sharing of procurement between Europe and Japan order to con!rm its capability in exploring JT-60SA and/or other existing tokamaks. Tritium handling equipment the frontier of magnetic fusion con!nement. Between April and November 2012, a CEA Saclay Recent Achievements Beryllium Handling Room !rst cycle of production with 58 selected The beryllium handling room has been projects addressed issues related to plasma INFN set up for the development of beryllium turbulence and reactor technology. JAEA Tokai intermetallic compounds (beryllides) as CEA Saclay Half-wave resonator prototype (CEA) CIEMAT Madrid advanced neutron multipliers. CIEMAT Madrid CIEMAT Madrid CIEMAT Madrid

Artist’s impression of the REC in action CEA Saclay CIEMAT Madrid CIEMAT Madrid CEA Saclay SCK Mol Small specimen tray (4 x 8 cm ) for test irradia- tion (KIT, SCK∙CEN) Completion of assembly of cryostat base in the Completed equilibrium field coil No. 4 in the PF Coil 40° sector of vacuum vessel, in the Vacuum Vessel Divertor cassette bodies at the Naka Fusion Institute Details of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) Torus Hall at the Naka Fusion Institute Manufacturing Building at the Naka Fusion Institute Assembly Building at the Naka Fusion Institute before mounting with plasma-facing components. Plasma sintering device