What’s Up Productivity Nexus ?! Issue No 2 I 15-31 January 2020 I Volume 2 DRIVING PRODUCTIVITY OF THE NATION MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 15 JAN: Meeting on Publication and Training Programmes.

AGRO-FOOD 16 JAN : Meeting on Productiv- ity Measurement in Agriculture Project.

CHEMICAL 17 JAN: Meeting on proposal of the imposition of a more strin- gent regulation and enforce- ment. From the Editor’s Desk Gong Xi Fa Cai! Welcome to the Lunar Year of the Metal Rat! According PRIVATE HEALTHCARE to various sources, the new year brings mixed outlook for everyone. We 17 JAN: Meeting with Dato’ need the concerted effort of all in productivity to ensure the economy of Prof. Dr. Adeeba. is healthy enough to cushion the challenges from both internal and external factors. Hence, what would be the labour market outlook for ELECTRIC & ELECTRONIC Malaysia in 2020? Ramstad Malaysia in its 2020 Labour Market Outlook 20 JAN: Kick-off meeting for Report predicted that Malaysia will experience an increase of female 2020. labour force participation and the trend of contracting as a key workforce strategy. Generally, companies would seek highly-skilled local talents with regional exposure, senior leadership capabilities and cross-cultural man- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES agement experience. New jobs created by companies that are expanding 20 JAN: Focus Group Meeting in Malaysia would enable local workforce the opportunity to do more em- for Advertising Fraternity. ployers switching. Experienced tech professionals are anticipated to enjoy a 20% to 25% salary hike when they change employer. Talents highly RETAIL AND F&B: sought after in 2020 are those with niche skills in new technologies such 23 JAN: Meeting with Reducing as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and robotics process Unnecessary Regulatory Bur- automation (RPA). A shortage of skilled talent in the labour market would dens on Business (RURB) team. remain as employees are catching up in acquiring new skills to meet the rapidly advancing technology. Digital transformations in the manufacturing and supply chain would also result in wide skills gap should companies TOURISM are slow in acquiring the needed skills to do the job differently. In this con- 24 JAN: Meeting with Strategic text, Malaysia needs to ensure the nation has the talents of process de- Planning Division of KDN. velopment engineers, robotics engineers (hardware and software) and artificial intelligence specialists to lead the charge towards Industry 4.0 DIGITAL (I4.0). Additionally, as we embrace I4.0, the emergence of 5G and the 24 JAN: Discussion on collabo- strive towards a high-income economy, Malaysia must also ensure that rating 2020 activities. complementing factors such as employee benefits, culture, career pro- gression and ample learning opportunities are given due importance. 1


Event report by Pn. Nurul Alia from . 15 February 2020:

MEPN organized a meeting on Publication and Train- ing Programmes under Machinery & Equipment In- dustrial Skills Framework.


Event report by Cik Nur Ilina from Kuala Lumpur. 15 February 2020:

CPN conducted the Initiative Working Group 1 (IWG1) meet- ing with IWG1 members to discuss on responsible care safe- ty program and distribution of dangerous goods related to chemical. The meeting was chaired by IWG1 leader, Mr. Chung Yook Tong.


Event report by En Akmal from MPC HQ. 16 February 2020:

RFBPN held a meeting on Pitching Session between Shar- ing Economy Platform Partners with Retail and F&B enter- prises in conjunction of Franchise International Malaysia (FIM) Exhibition & Conference 2020 at KLCC on 9 - 11 April 2020. The meeting was attended by Mr Deric Yeo, RFBPN Champion, Encik Redzuan and Puan Junaida from MDEC as well as Encik Abdullah and Cik Faiqah from MFA. The meet- ing agreed that MDEC will co-sponsor the pitching session with RFBPN.



Event report by Pn. Zulaifah from MPC HQ. 16 February 2020:

AFPN organised a meeting on Productivity Measurement in Agriculture Project between Agofood Productivity Nexus and Department of Agriculture (DOA). The meeting deliberated on how MPC could assist DOA in measuring productivity for their RMK12 programs/projects.


Event report by En. Fazre from Kuala Lumpur. 17 January 2020:

CPN held a meeting on the proposal to impose a more stringent regulation and enforcement on the im- portation of chlorine into Malaysia through Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs). The meeting was chaired by En Mokhzani Aris, Senior Manager of MPC and attended by MITI, Director of Chemical Management DOSH, MOA, NACWC, NPRA, Jabatan Kastam, Jabatan Kimia Malaysia, Jabatan Alam Sekitar and Port Klang Authorities with the presence of NEXUS Chemical Secretariat. Presentation was made by the Head of Corporate Strategy of CCM Chemicals Sdn. Bhd., Pn Fazidah Zakaria with the support from Dato' Azmi Mohd Ali (Azmi & Associates). Two issues raised during the meeting were abuse and mismanagement of chlorine and suggestions to prevent the abuse and mismanagement of chlorine. The outcomes of the meeting were strengthening current legislation imposed by DOSH,NACWC, and MESTECC, and the proposition to develop regulation & self-regulation by industries (lead by CPN).



Event report by Cik Sofea from Kuala Lumpur. 17 January 2020:

PHPN conducted a meeting with Dato’ Prof. Dr. Adeeba and team on accelerating increase of specialist doctors and nurs- es in high demand areas and potential implementation of medical national curriculum.


Event report by Cik Anis from MPC HQ 20 January 2020:

DPN organize a briefing session to the industry regarding Skim Peningkatan Produktiviti Enterpris (SPPE).


Event report by Cik Azirah from Kuala Lumpur. 20 January 2020:

EEPN conducted a kick-off meeting for 2020. The meeting was chaired by YBhg. Dato' Seri Wong Siew Hai. A total of 35 attendees from 19 organisations namely MITI, MOHR, MIDA, MATRADE, MI- MOS, MPC, IRDA, SME Corp, MIGHT, Intel, Inari Amertron, Motorola Solution, Infineon Technologies, Hill Corporation, UM-RWTH, Elliance, PSDC, Crest, & AMCHAM participated in the meeting. The agenda discussed were:

1. Work plan activities for 2020 by each Key Strategy; - KS1: Enhance higher value added activities ; - KS2: Nurture talent development to support industry's growth in both expansions & new investments; - KS3: Creating value towards I4.0 ecosystems; and - KS4: Strengthening SME development. 2. Presentation on the I4.0 Webminar by UM-RWTH Aachen Uni versity; 3. Presentation on Inari-Kontron-Elliance I4.0 PoC by Elliance; and 4. Presentation on the RURB project by EEPN: Import & Export in E&E sector 'At the Border' & 'Behind the Border'.



Event report by Cik Azirah from Kuala Lumpur. 20 January 2020:

EEPN held a meeting with YB. Dr. Ong Kian Ming, Deputy Minister of MITI to update on the progression of the IC De- sign initiatives under EEPN & Technical Working Group Ex- ternal Workers proposal on foreign direct workers. Key take- away from the meeting; MPC to work together with MITI in preparing cabinet paper on the employment of foreign grad- uates in Malaysia.


Event report by En. Danial from . 20 January 2020:

PSPN conducted a Focus Group Meeting 1/2020 for Adver- tising Fraternity. The meeting was to confirm 2020 projects, group leaders, and members for each project as well as mo- dus operandi for the agreed projects.


Event report by En. Fazre from Kuala Lumpur. 20 January 2020:

CPN organized the nexus meeting No. 1/2020 chaired by CPN Champion, Datuk Dr. Abd Hapiz Abdullah. The agenda of this meeting was to introduce En. Nik Faizal as the CPN Program Manager to the Initiative Working Group (IWG) leaders and to get the updates/status from each leader on their projects as well as to discuss on the way forward.



Event report by En. Akmal from MPC HQ. 22 January 2020:

RFBPN held a meeting on issues of franchise ventur- ing into international market. The discussion was on Reducing Unnecessary Regulatory Burdens on Busi- ness (RURB) : Retail and F&B Subsector. The meet- ing was attended by RFBPN Champion, Mr Deric Yeo, Nuraisyah from UITM Faculty of Law, En Mo- hamad Azrol, Dr Yogesvari and team from RURB.


Event report by En. Fazre from MPC HQ. 23 January 2020:

CPN conducted the Initiative Working Group 5 (IWG 5) discussion with Mr. Jai Shankar on the CEO coaching program for chemical SMEs.


Event report by En. Akmal from MPC HQ. 23 January 2020: RETAIL AND F&B RFBPN held a meeting with Reducing Unnecessary Regulatory Bur- PRODUCTIVITY NEXUS dens on Business (RURB) : Retail and F&B Subsector. The issues (RFBPN) discussed were:

1) Restrictions on price increase under the Price Control and Anti- Profiteering Act 2011; 2) Licensing criteria set by some local authorities for food and drink outlets; 3) Training of franchisee workers in Malaysia: entry limitation under the Immigration law; 4) Inconsistent practices of closure of food premises in relation to violation of sanitary regulations; 5) Halal certification which is too tedious for example when adver- tisements are scrutinized; 6) Export of ingredients requires safety certification where the pro- cess of approval is time consuming which affects the operation of the foreign franchisee; 7) Renewal of license every 5 years under the Franchise Amend- ment Act 2012 will lead to complications when franchise agreement is for a duration of more than 5 years; and 8) Unclear impact of the MADRID Protocol in relation to the applica- tion or trade mark in the F&B industry in Malaysia.

The meeting was attended by Dr Nuraisyah from UITM Faculty of Law, Ms. Dawn (Senior General Manager, Old Town White Coffee ) , En Zainal from Malaysian Franchise Association (MFA), as well as RFBPN and RURB teams.

Event report by Pn. Nik Nazarina from Kuala Lumpur. TOURISM 24 Janury 2020: PRODUCTIVITY NEXUS

TPN had a meeting with Strategic Planning Division of KDN to coor- (TPN) dinate industry-government collaboration to overcome traffic con- gestion at Kompleks Sultan Abu Bakar (KSAB) CIQ Second Link in Bahru, especially during Chinese New Year. The outcomes of the meeting were: 1. Immediate action - KDN has allowed the industry to set up tempo- rary canopy and toilets as well as waiting area for tourists waiting for their turns for custom and immigration clearance during CNY (25 - 29 January 2020). The canopy and temporary toilets for CNY is fully funded by the tourism industry through fund collection. 2. Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (JIM) has agreed to allow tour guides to enter CIQ area to assist tourists coming into Malaysia. 3. KDN will present TPN's proposal to their top managerment on set- ting up temporary waiting area with basic facilities such as toilet, su- rau and vending machines (drinks and light snacks). 4. KDN and JIM welcomed industry's collaboration and assistance to ensure better service and experience for tourists coming into Malay- sia from through CIQ Second Link. TPN team made a courtesy call to YB Tan Sri Dato' Muhyiddin Yasin to update him on the progress of government-industry collaboration with regard to the KSAB makeover proposal.



Event report by Pn. Adira from MPC HQ. 24 January 2020:

RFBPN held a meeting on R3 Initiative: Strenghthen Retail and F&B Competencies with Mr. Woody Ang, PEMANDU Associate. The meeting discussed on Sec- tor Initiative R3.2: Talent Development Programme for Future Needs of Retail and F&B Subsector (Skill per- spective).


Event report by En. Danial from Selangor. 20 January 2020:

PSPN conducted a Focus Group Meeting 1/2020 for Architec- ture Fraternity. The meeting was to confirm 2020 projects, group leaders, and members for each project as well as modus operandi for the agreed projects.


Event report by Pn. Halimahton from MPC HQ. 24 January 2020:

DPN initiated a coordination meeting with the Competitiveness, GRP, IR4.0 and QED teams.



Event report by CIk Azira from Kuala Lumpur. 28 January 2020:

EEPN conducted a meeting with YBhg. Dato' Sri Norazman Ayob, Deputy Secretary-General (Industry) of Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI). The purpose of the meeting was to brief & update on the EEPN background as well as 2020 work plans. The meeting comprising YBhg. Dato' Seri Wong Siew Hai, EEPN Champion, representatives from E&E, Sectoral Policy Division MITI. EEPN & MITI agreed to work together in coming up with an E&E Roadmap Blue- print that will be incorporated into the Industrial Master Plan (IMP).


Event report by Cik Nor Izzati from Kuala Lumpur. 28 January 2020:

DPN held a meeting on E-Invoicing with MDEC to update on the progress of the initiative and to obtain decision on the collaboration proposal.


Event report by En Fazre from Selangor. 29 January 2020:

CPN conducted the Initiative Working Group Meeting (IWG) with MARDI to discuss on the development of high value product from biochemical based product focusing on biopesticides and bioresin.



Event report by Cik Anis from MPC HQ. 29 January 2020:

DPN organized a meeting with Champion, Dato' Wei Chuan Beng to update on the workplan of DPN initiatives.


Event report by En Danial from Selangor. 29 January 2020:

PSPN conducted a Focus Group Meeting 1/2020 for Engi- neering Fraternity. The meeting was to confirm 2020 projects, group leaders, and members for each project as well as mo- dus operandi for the agreed projects.

Publication Team

Editor : Dr Shaik Roslinah Bux Appreciation Note Member: Nur’Atikah Binti Asari

This is a fortnightly newsletter brought to you by The publication team wishes to thank all the DMO at MPC. Inquiries relating to this news- input contributors to this newsletter. letter can be channeled to [email protected].