Arxiv:Quant-Ph/0701109V2 19 Jan 2007 Rdcstoiae Ftesis Hc R Atrdon Captured Are Which the and Slits, If Lens Detectors the the Slits
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Complementarity and the Afshar Experiment Tabish Qureshi∗ Department of Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India. A modified two-slit interference experiment, proposed and carried out by Shahriar Afshar [first reported by M. Chown, New Scientist 183, 30 (2004)], claims to demonstrate a violation of Bohr’s complementarity principle. We point out the flaw in Afshar’s analysis and show why complemen- tarity is robust and cannot be violated in any experiment which is a variant of the conventional two-slit experiment. PACS numbers: 03.65.Ud ; 03.65.Ta I. INTRODUCTION slit A results in only detector DA clicking, and opening only slit B leads to only DB clicking. Afshar argues that It is a well established experimental fact that the wave the detectors DA and DA yield information about which and particle aspects of quantum systems are mutually ex- slit, A or B, the particle initially passed through. If one clusive. Niels Bohr elevated this concept, which is proba- places a screen before the lens, the interference pattern bly born out of the uncertainty principle, to the status of is visible. a separate principle, the principle of complementarity1. Conventionally, if one tries to observe the interference Since then, the complementarity principle has been pattern, one cannot get the which-way information. Af- demonstrated in various experiments, the most com- shar has a clever scheme for establishing the existence mon of which is the two-slit interference experiment. It of the interference pattern without actually observing it. has been shown that if the which-way information in a First the exact location of the dark fringes are noted by double-slit experiment is stored somewhere, the interfer- observing the interference pattern. Then, thin wires are ence pattern is destroyed, and if one chooses to “erase” placed in the exact locations of the dark fringes. The ar- the which-way information after detecting the particle, gument is that if the interference pattern exists, sliding in the interference pattern comes back. This phenomenon wires through the dark fringes will not affect the intensity goes by the name of quantum erasure2,3. of light on the two detectors. If the interference pattern Shahriar Afshar proposed and carried out an interest- is not there, some photons are bound to hit the wires, ing experiment which claims to violate the complemen- and get scattered, thus reducing the photon count at the tarity principle4,5. A schematic diagram of the exper- two detectors. This way, the existence of the interference iment is shown in FIG. 1. Basically, it consists of a pattern can be established without actually disturbing standard two-slit experiment, with a converging lens L the photons in any way. This is similar in spirit to the behind the conventional screen for obtaining the inter- so called “interaction-free measurements” where the non- ference pattern. Although Afshar uses pinholes instead observation of a particle along one path establishes that of slits, we will continue to refer to them as slits. If the it followed the other possible path, without actually mea- 6 screen is removed, the light passes through the lens and suring it . Afshar carried out the experiment and found arXiv:quant-ph/0701109v2 19 Jan 2007 produces two images of the slits, which are captured on that sliding in wires in the expected locations of the dark fringes, doesn’t lead to any significant reduction of inten- two detectors DA and DB respectively. Opening only sity at the detectors. Hence Afshar claims that he has demonstrated a violation of complementarity. The complementarity principle is at the heart of quan- B' tum mechanics, and its violation will be deeply disturb- D A B ing to its established understanding. As expected, there has been skepticism towards Afshar’s experiment, and 7,8,9,10,11 B a heated debate is currently going on . However, D A A' none of the criticisms has been satisfactorily able to point out any flaw in Afshar’s interpretation of the experiment. S G L Most agree that if the introduction of wires has no effect on the intensity, it shows that interference exists. And ev- FIG. 1: A schematic representation of Afshar’s experiment. erybody seems to agree that detecting a photon at (say) Light emerges from two pin-holes (not slits) A and B and DA means that it came from slit A. Most have fallen interferes. Thin wires are placed carefully in the exact loca- back to a more formal interpretation of Bohr’s principle, tions of the dark fringes of the interference pattern. The lens namely that the wave and particle nature cannot be seen L collects the light and obtains the images of the two slits A’ in the same experiment, for the same photons. They ar- and B’, respectively. The detectors DA and DB collect the gue that Afshar has to do not one, but two experiments photons for these two images. to prove his point - one without the wires, one with the 2 wires. Some argue that Afshar already assumes the exis- A further evolution through a time τ will transform the tence of fringes, and that his argument is circular. How- states as ever, a reader who respects empirical facts, doesn’t see it as two experiments if putting in the wires is not changing Uˆ(2τ) = | ↑i −| ↓i the results. One would say, the interference is out there Uˆ(2τ) = (5) in the middle, and one check it out that the photons are | ↓i | ↑i not passing through certain regions, the dark fringes. After an evolution through a total time 2τ, if one puts Let us understand what is happening in the experiment a spin detector, one will either get a “spin-down” or a slightly better by simplifying the experiment. One might “spin-up”. In the beginning, if we started out with a argue that a two-slit experiment is the simplest exper- state , the detector at the end will register a iment one can imagine. But this experiment still has a state.| On ↑i the other hand, of we started with a state,| ↓i large number of degrees of freedom, and the Hilbert space the detector at the end will register a state.| ↓i Thus, is big. We will show in the following that the simplest the detector at the end obtains a which-initial-state| ↑i infor- interference (thought) experiment can be just carried out mation about the spin, exactly as the detectors in Afshar using a spin-1/2 particle. experiment obtain a which-slit information. So, now we carry out our thought experiment, with the initial state ψ 0, as given by (10). After a time τ we get II. A SIMPLIFIED “TWO-SLIT” EXPERIMENT into a state which| i is equivalent to the interference region in Afshar’s experiment: Let there be a spin-1/2 particle traveling along x-axis. 1 1 For our purpose, its physical motion is unimportant - we Uˆ(τ) ψ 0 = ( )+ ( + ). (6) will only be interested in the dynamics of its spin. In the | i 2 |↑i−|↓i 2 | ↑i | ↓i the two-slit experiment, the particle emerges from the Equation (6) represents an interference pattern, because slits in a superposition of two physically separated, lo- the “down-spins” cancel out to give destructive interfer- calized wave-packets, which are orthogonal to each other. ence, while the “up-spins” add up to give constructive in- Their physical separation guarantees their orthogonality. terference. So, in our two-state interference experiment, Any subsequent unitary evolution will retain their or- there is one dark fringe and one bright fringe. After parts thogonality. We assume the initial state of the spin to of the states have been destroyed by the “dark-fringe”, be what is left is just 1 ψ 0 = ( + ). (1) ˆ 1 1 | i √2 | ↑i | ↓i U(τ) ψ 0 = + . (7) | i 2| ↑i 2| ↑i Here, the states and are the eigenstates of Sˆ , | ↑i | ↓i z Now, these two contribution from the two initially or- and play the role of the two wave-packets that emerge thogonal states are identical. States which are not or- from the double-slit. The time evolution, in the conven- thogonal, are naturally not distinguishable. Thus the tional two-slit experiment, spreads the wave-packets so which-way or which-initial-state information is lost at that they overlap. In our thought experiment, we em- this stage. It might serve some useful purpose by keeping ploy a homogeneous magnetic field B, acting along the the two contributions separate and evolving them for a y-axis, to evolve the two states and . Thus the | ↑i | ↓i further time τ to see what they yield at the spin detector. Hamiltonian of the system is Hˆ = BSˆy. 1 1 1 1 The time evolution operator can be written as Uˆ(τ)( + )= ( )+ ( ). 2 | ↑i 2| ↑i 2√2 | ↑i−|↓i 2√2 | ↑i−|↓i i (8) Uˆ(t) = exp( BSˆyt) ¯h So, we see that both the initially orthogonal parts of the = cos(Bt/2)+ iσˆy sin(Bt/2), (2) initial state lead to a superposition of and states. So, although the spin-detector at the end| ↓i still gives| ↑i either whereσ ˆy is the usual Pauli matrix. The time evolution a “spin-up” or a “spin-down”, it gives no information operator, for a time τ = π/2B has the form about whether the initial state was a or . | ↓i | ↑i 1 Uˆ(τ)= (1 + iσˆ ). (3) √ y 2 III. INTERFERENCE DESTROYS WHICH-WAY It is straight forward to see that the time evolution trans- INFORMATION forms the states and as | ↑i | ↓i It is obvious from the simple thought experiment dis- 1 Uˆ(τ) = ( ) cussed above that interference destroys the which-way | ↑i √2 | ↑i− ↓i information.