Present: Councillor P J Walker (Chair)

Councillors S Barlow, N Bent, S W Boggan, S L Dean, H J Dutton, W S Emsley, A M Fell, L Murphy, D Robb, P Todd, G Welborn and J C Wheeler.

Attending: Mrs. L Jacob (Clerk) Mr P Briggs (Assistant Clerk); PSCO Becky Blackledge; PC Wendy Whitehead; one member of the public.

The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and wished them a Happy New Year.

87. Apologies/Absence

Apologies received and accepted from Cllrs C E Jones and C E Jordan.

88. Declarations of Interest

Minute 94 - Cllr Welborn is a member of and Parish Council; Cllr Welborn took part in the discussion but did not vote.

89. Public Participation

89.1 PCSO Report

PSCO Becky Blackledge gave the following report on incidents from December: Anti-social behaviour – twelve incidents involving young people mainly causing concern and nuisance in and around Alexandra Park; six other incidents including begging and neighbour disputes. There were no reported burglaries, thefts of or from motor vehicles in the reporting period. There were two reports of shoplifting. Suspicious behaviour – two incidents. Road traffic Collisions – two incidents, one Ellesmere Road and one on the Cantilever Bridge. Highway disruption – six incidents.

PCSO Blackledge informed members that she was co-ordinating a meeting of relevant partners to discuss solutions to the increase in reports of anti-social behaviour involving young people. Members expressed a desire to be involved. PC Wendy Whitehead, Beat Manager Stockton Heath, explained that extrapolating statistics from Stockton Heath was a complex task and that an overview of anti-social behaviour incidents had been gathered for South for the last two years. A slight increase in incidents had been noted, with a pattern of peak incidents occurring during July and August.


There may be several reasons for an increase, including more incidents actually occurring, but also an increase in reporting by members of the public of such incidents. In Stockton Heath, Friday and Saturday evenings are peak times and dispersal orders are used by the police. It was noted that youths are coming from other areas to Stockton Heath.

Councillors asked about activity involving the sale of drugs and for further information on riding of bicycles without lights.

The PCSO will provide the clerk with dates for the Working Together meetings that have been arranged.

PSCO Blackledge and PC Whitehead left the meeting at 7.42 pm.

89.2 Public Participation

A resident reported the following: Stockton Heath Traders reported buoyant sales over the Christmas period; the Christmas events that they hosted were well supported and £100 had been raised on behalf of the Walton Lea Partnership from the Father Christmas event held at the Red Lion; traders will be discussing decorating for the Royal Wedding in May; the Slug and Lettuce will be closed for refurbishment from 19 February. During the Christmas period many litter bins in the village were left unserviced - the clerk to write to Warrington Borough Council; the Wine Bar on London Road was in a disgraceful state on Christmas Day and remained uncleaned; Zalo’s Café was approached with an offer to replant the planters that are used as barriers but the offer was declined; the Police Station have been asked to turn on the bulkhead light at the rear of the station to deter people from urinating in the area; the resident will approach the Mulberry Tree Public House to enquire if the clock can be repaired. A letter published in the Warrington Guardian, in praise of Stockton Heath was circulated.

90. Minutes

90.1 Parish Council Resolved that the minutes of the Monthly Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12 December 2017 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair 90.2 Planning, Finance and General Purposes Committee Resolved that the minutes of the Planning, Finance & General Purposes Committee held on Tuesday 2 January 2018 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair. 91. Matters to be resolved arising from the minutes Consideration was given to the following recommendations of the Planning, Finance and General Purposes of Tuesday 2 January 2018:


91.1 (minute PFGP 68) Recommended that approval for payment of the accounts detailed on the schedule of payments dated 2 January 2018. Resolved to accept recommendation

91.2 (minute 73) This recommendation will be dealt with under discussion at agenda item 7 of this meeting. 91.3 (minute 74) Recommended that the Parish Council renews its data protection registration. Resolved to accept recommendation

91.4 (minute 75) Recommended that bank standing orders are set up to pay the bulk of employees salaries on the 25th of each month, with the balance owing to be paid by cheque following recommendation at each PFGP meeting. Resolved to accept recommendation 91.5 (minute 76) Recommended that MAC Groundworks be instructed to carry out the works, with additional work to the steps and an infill to the surface of the pathway adjacent but not owned by Stockton Heath Parish Council, the total of works not to exceed £3,000.

Resolved to accept recommendation 91.6 (minute 77) Recommended that ChALC ( Association of Local Councils) be informed that the Parish Council do not consider membership to be of benefit at this time. Resolved to accept recommendation

92. Matters arising for Updating and Noting only where not on the agenda

Parish Council Meeting 12 December 2017

92.1 (minute 85b) Cllr Wheeler asked for an update. Cllr Dutton reported that the builders were no longer parking on the verges in Stanley Avenue but that no reply or remedy had been received from WBC. 92.2 (minute 85c) Cllr Todd reported that the broken traffic light had been repaired; that a solution to bins being left out had not yet been reached by WBC. Planning, Finance and General Purposes 2 January 2018 No updates received.


93. Budget forecast and precept 2018/2019 The proposed budget, recommended by the Planning, Finance and General Purposes Committee, which results in an increase of £8 in the Band D equivalent charge to £48 from the 2017/18 charge of £40 (representing a 20% increase; average 15 pence per week) was discussed. Resolved that: The Parish Council Budget for 2018/2019, as recommended by the PFGP Committee, be approved. WBC be precepted for the sum of £122,448.00 for the financial year 2018/2019, which equates to a Parish Rate of £48.00 per Band D equivalent properties.

The Chair of the PFGP wished thanks to Mr P Briggs for his work on the budget forecast to be recorded.

Mr P Briggs left the meeting at 8.02 pm.

94. South Warrington Parish Joint Response to the next stage of the Local Plan consultation The proposal by Grappenhall and Thelwall Parish Council (GTPC) for South Warrington Parishes to collaborate on a joint response to the next stage of the Local Plan consultation and to the commitment, in principle, to a financial contribution towards the costs of a professional planning consultant was discussed. It was felt that the major focus of a joint parishes planning consultant would be on the housing developments proposed in the neighbouring parishes. The concerns of this parish would be on the transport implications and highway infrastructure needed to manage the increase in traffic flow through Stockton Heath. Any expenditure incurred by this council on expert advice, should be weighted towards these concerns. A vote was taken on the proposal: 1 in favour; 7 against and 6 abstentions. Resolved that Grappenhall and Thelwall Parish Council will be informed that Stockton Heath Parish Council will not be committing to a financial contribution at this time, but do wish to send a member to the Joint Working Group. 95. Christmas Lights 2017 Councillors provided feedback on the Christmas Lights 2017. Resolved that this item will be delegated to the Village Committee for discussion and recommendation.


96. Dementia Friendly Places Councillors discussed ways in which Stockton Heath Parish Council can respond to this initiative. Clerk to contact local care homes to ask if residents find Stockton Heath to be Dementia Friendly. Resolved to invite Michael Sheppard from Warrington Dementia Action Alliance to give a presentation to a future council meeting. 97. Youth Provision in Stockton Heath Cllr Welborn introduced the item. Young people are part of our community and the Parish Council should seek to work with partners such as Livewire, the PCSOs; Broomfields Youth Project; Warrington Youth Café and the Neighbourhood Team to provide solutions to the reports of increases in anti- social behaviour. Councillors discussed ideas for youth provision in Stockton Heath. Cllr Welborn proposed that a Task and Finish group be convened to explore possible solutions with partner organisations. Resolved that this proposal be deferred to a future meeting as information from PCSO Blackledge that a meeting was to be co-ordinated by her and would involve the partners mentioned had been provided at this meeting. Cllr Barlow and Cllr Welborn expressed their interest in attending the PSCO meeting. 98. Reports from Outside Bodies

98.1 Stockton Heath Library Working Group Cllr Barlow provided a verbal report on the meeting held on 8 January 2018. Libraries earmarked for closure during the consultation in October 2016 will now remain operational for at least three years. Stockton Heath Parish Council should advocate strongly for the South Warrington Libraries in Stockton Heath Group (SWISH) to be represented on the Partnership Board in order to ensure that the remodelling work proposed for the Alexandra Road Library is delivered. Clerk to prepare a letter to Lynton Green, Director of Finance and Information Services, Warrington Borough Council, chair of the Partnership Board, the group convened to implement the agreed recommendations of the WBC Libraries Modernisation Working Group. 99. Clerk’s Report The Clerk to provide information received since the Monthly Parish Council Meeting of Tuesday 12 December 2017, for council to note and decide on actions where appropriate.


99.1 A meeting will be arranged with the representative of the English Half Marathon to discuss the proposed route change and public engagement with the event. 99.2 It was agreed that, subject to the signing of the User Agreement, Silcock’s may place 2 to 3 children’s amusements at Mill Lane Jubilee Field for one day, being Stockton Heath Walking Day on 14 July 2018. 99.3 The request made by Catalyst Choices for the parish council to apply for a defibrillator unit to be placed on an external wall on the Sandy Lane Centre Building will be researched and costs established. 100. Councillors’ Reports To report any matters that have been raised to councillors since the Monthly Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12 December 2017; to resolve any matters as appropriate. 100.1 Cllr Dutton – concerns have been raised about the drain on the Church/Medical Centre pathway which overflows following heavy rain. A request will be made to WBC to investigate. 100.2 Cllr Robb – the lighting on the pathway mentioned above is poor; one of the street lights turns off intermittently. A request will be made to WBC to investigate. 100.3 Cllr Todd – leaves have accumulated on the pathway mentioned above. The Parish Ranger will be requested to remove them. 100.4 Cllr Barlow – the Friends of Stockton Heath Library have organised a series of events taking place at the Alexandra Road Library, including a Film Club on 19 January, showing Pride, starting at 7.30 pm. Tickets must be pre- booked – information available at the library; a series of talks on People who made Warrington, the first one on 15 February; a books for sale trolley available in the library foyer. 100.5 Cllr Boggan – a hedge at Burnside Avenue is reported as overgrown. Clerk has arranged to have it trimmed back by contractors; leaves have accumulated behind the disused toilet building in the Forge car park. Clerk will ask the Parish Ranger to remove them. 100.6 Cllr Walker – Grappenhall Road and Fairfield Road pavements are not earmarked for improvement in forthcoming investment works by WBC. The case for renewing the surfaces will continue to be highlighted. 101. Date and Time of Next Meeting Tuesday 13 February 2018 at 7.30pm.

The meeting ended at 9.15 pm.