Orcad Pspice Library List
Release 9.2, 31 May 2000 Copyright © 1985-2000 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. The PSpice Library List What is the Library List? The PSpice Library List is an online listing of all of the parts contained in the libraries that are supplied with PSpice. Every part listed has a corresponding PSpice model. The listings are categorized into the following groups: Analog Digital Mixed Signal General devices General devices General devices Japanese devices TTL devices European devices The listings are divided into columns, like a spreadhseet, and show the following information about each device: Device Type Generic Name Part Name Part Library Mfg. Name Tech Type The type of device The generic or The name of the The name of the The name of the The technology type (transistor, diode, standard industry part in the PSpice PSpice library the manufacturer of the of the device (TTL, etc.). name of the device. library. part is stored in. device. ECL, etc.), where applicable. Each group is arranged alphabetically by Device Type. How do I use the Library List? Accessing a library To access a particular library list, simply click on the bookmark for the group and device type you are interested in. (Bookmarks are shown in the left-hand column of this Acrobat Reader page. If you do not see the left-hand column for the bookmarks in Acrobat Reader, choose Bookmarks and Page from the View menu.) Searching for a name To search for a specific part name, library name, or any other text, use Acrobat Reader's built-in Find function.
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