European Journal of Plant Pathology 103: 667±671, 1997. 667

c 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the .

Historical review

Hundred years of history and the future of the Foundation `Willie Commelin Scholten Phytopathological Laboratory'

B. Schippers1 and G.S. Roosje2 1Department of Plant Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Section of Plant Pathology, , P.O. Box 800.84, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands, Director of the `Willie Commelin Scholten Phytopathological Laboratory' from 1986 to 1992; 2Chairman of the Foundation `Willie Commelin Scholten Phytopathological Laboratory' from 1974 to 1996

Accepted 2 June 1997

The past Baarn were closed. The WCS-Foundation carrying the same name, however, set a new course to continue More than a century ago, on December 18th, 1894, the her objectives of promoting research and education in Foundation `Willie Commelin Scholten Phytopatho- plant pathology, as will be discussed later. logical Laboratory', in short `WCS-Foundation' For more than 100 years, the WCS-Foundation (WCS) , was established in Amsterdam. It was one greatly in¯uenced the development of plant patho- of the ®rst institutes in the world dedicated to scienti®c logy and mycology in the Netherlands. On the ini- research and higher education in plant pathology. tiative of the ®rst director, Prof. Dr J. Ritzema Bos, The ®nances were by courtesy of Mr C.W.R. the Plant Protection Service was founded in 1899, and Scholten and Mrs H.H. Scholten nee Commelin, in under his directorship located in the Willie Commelin commemoration of their late son Willie, who had Scholten Phytopathological Laboratory in Amster- shown himself highly interested in plant pathology dam. His research was application-oriented and ®nally when studying botany under the supervision of Prof. resulted in his nomination as Director of the newly Dr , one of the founders of the WCS. founded `Institute of Phytopathology' at Wageningen. The families Scholten and Commelin both were well- Ritzema Bos took his `Plant Protection Service', the known in the Amsterdam community for many cen- Netherlands Society of Plant Pathology and his `Tijd- turies. Johannes Commelin, a botanist who lived from schrift over Plantenziekten' with him to Wageningen. 1629 to 1692, was Director of the Amsterdam Botan- This journal later became The Netherlands Journal of ical Gardens. In 1920, the WCS-laboratory moved to Plant Pathology and since 1994 is being continued as the town of Baarn where it could use the ®eld facili- the European Journal of Plant Pathology, published in ties of the Botanical Gardens of the Utrecht University. co-operation with the European Foundation for Plant In the course of time, the responsibilities for education Pathology. Ritzema Bos was succeeded by Johanna and research in plant pathology in Baarn were assigned Westerdijk as the new director of the WCS-Laboratory to the University of Utrecht, the University of Amster- in 1906. dam and the Free University at Amsterdam (Kerling, Dr Johanna Westerdijk was appointed professor of 1966; 1969). Plant Pathology at the Utrecht University in 1916 and As part of the general cut-backs in higher educa- at the in 1930. During the tion, the Free University withdrew in 1987 and the 46 years of her directorship (1906±1952) the research boards of the Universities of Amsterdam and Utrecht became more fundamental of character and especially decided in 1988 to transfer their Department of plant focused on the life cycles of pathogenic fungi and pathology from Baarn. As a result, the Department on the rede®ning of the `species concept', based on was split and moved to the Faculties of Biology at both their pathogenic behaviour on host plants and the University campuses at Amsterdam and Utrecht, their appearance in pure culture (Westerdijk, 1919). respectively. In June 1991, the facilities of the Willie The WCS-Laboratory obtained international reputa- Commelin Scholten Phytopathological Laboratory at tion with the description of the life cycle of the causal 668

Figure 1. Aerial view of the grounds with buildings of the Willie Commelin Scholten Phytopathological Laboratory at Baarn, taken in 1982. In the center the main building `Java'. At the far left parts of the building `Madoera' where plant pathology and mycology courses were given. At the right the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS). agent of the `Dutch elm disease' Ophiostoma ulmi and Hendrien Wieringa-Brants was nominated lecturer in with the development of resistance breeding against Plant Virology and focussed her attention on the trans- this disease (Holmes and Heybroek, 1990). Professor port of viruses through the plant and on mechanisms Westerdijk also initiated research on viruses causing of resistance against plant viruses (Brants, 1965). The plant diseases (Ten Houten, 1963). mycologist Dr J.A. von Arx, already co-worker of Under her direction, the fungal type culture collec- Johanna Westerdijk, contributed much to the interna- tion `Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures' (CBS) tional recognition of the WCS-Laboratory. In 1963 he was rapidly growing and moved into a separate build- became director of the CBS at Baarn. ing on the WCS grounds at Baarn in 1964. In 1968 the Under the directorship of Prof. Dr Koen Ver- CBS became an independent scienti®c institute of the hoeff (1970±1986) within the WCS-laboratory three Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW). Sections were established, named `Susceptibility Prof. Dr Louise C.P. Kerling (1952±1970), succes- and Resistance', `Ecology of Pathogenic and Non- sor of Johanna Westerdijk, among other things stimu- pathogenic Micro-organisms' and `Virology', super- lated research on the infection process by wilt-causing vised by Profs Verhoeff, Schippers and Wieringa- Fusarium spp., and on the disease-suppressing antago- Brants, respectively. Schippers was nominated lecturer nism of non-pathogenic micro-organisms on the plant in 1973. In 1980, Wieringa-Brants and Schippers surface and in the soil (Kerling, 1964; Oort and Ten became professors in Virology and Plant Pathology, Houten, 1970). Thereby she introduced a more phys- respectively. iologically and ecologically oriented research in the The Section `Susceptibility and Resistance' con- WCS-laboratory. Under the supervision of Dr Doekle centrated on the mechanisms of resistance of carnation M. Elgersma, Dr Nycle J. Fokkema and Dr Bob and tomato against fusarium wilt disease (Elgersma, Schippers this research gained international recogni- 1982; Baayen and Elgersma, 1985), on the mecha- tion (Elgersma, 1972; Fokkema and Van den Heuvel, nisms of resistance and the biological protection of 1986; Schippers and Gams, 1979). In 1963 Mrs. Dr elms against the Dutch Elm Disease (Scheffer and 669

Strobel, 1988), and on the infection proces of Botry- Raaymakers et al., 1995; Schippers et al., 1987). For tis cinerea (Verhoeff, 1974, 1980; Coley-Smith, J.R., the ®rst time the induction of systemic resistance by Verhoeff, K. and Jarvis, W.R. 1980; Van den Heuvel ¯uorescent Pseudomonas strains against fusarium wilt and Grootveld, 1980; De Leeuw, 1985; Salinas et al., diseases in carnation and radish was demonstrated, as 1986). well as the involvement of the bacterial lipopolysac- The Section `Ecology of Pathogenic and Non- charides in this process (Van Peer et al., 1991; Van pathogenic Micro-organisms' studied the microbial Peer and Schippers, 1992; Leeman et al., 1995). With interactions in the rhizosphere (Van Vuurde and Schip- the withdrawal of the Free University of Amsterdam pers, 1980; Schippers et al., 1987) and phyllosphere in 1987, the phyllosphere research came to an end with (Fokkema et al., 1979), after initially having paid ®eld studies demonstrating microbial nutrient compe- attention to the formation and degradation of resting tition and its importance in disease suppression (Dik et structures of Fusarium spp. in the soil (Schippers and al., 1991). Van Eck, 1981) and volatile compounds involved in The research on vascular wilt diseases led to the elu- soil mycostasis (Schippers et al., 1982). The studies cidation of defense mechanisms against fusarium wilt on disease-suppressing and plant-growth promoting (Elgersma and Liem, 1989). Signi®cant results were ¯uorescent Pseudomonas strains in the rhizosphere obtained on the inheritance in carnation of resistance and antagonistic yeast populations in the phyllosphere, against different races, on the induction of resistance contributed to the understanding of mechanisms of nat- in tomato by a race of Fusarium oxysporum that is ural disease suppression and the development of bio- pathogenic on carnation (Baaijen et al., 1991; Kroon control methods. et al., 1991) and on the biological protection of elms The Section Virology concentrated on mechanisms against the Dutch elm disease (Elgersma et al., 1993). of resistance against viruses (Weststeijn, 1978). It Since the early seventies, efforts in Baarn were was established that the hypersensitive reaction was made to integrate basic science and applied research preceded by membrane leakage (Weststeijn, 1978) for biological crop protection. Recently, this resulted and followed by increases in peroxidase activity and in the spin-off of two biological products. The ®rst the accumulation of inhibitory compounds. However, product `Trigger' marketed by the company Heidemij their role in resitance and systemic acquired resistance is based on the vascular pathogen Verticillium dahliae remained enigmatic (Modderman et al., 1985). and is injected into the elm tree to protect it against Prof. Dr Bob Schippers became director of the the Dutch elm disease (Elgersma et al., 1993). The WCS after Prof. Verhoeff had resigned and had second product is a coating of seeds of radish with a accepted the position of Director of Agricultural selected WCS-Pseudomonas strain to protect against Research at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Man- fusarium wilt disease (Schippers et al., 1996), and is agement and Fisheries in 1986. Dr Elgersma took being further developed in cooperation with S & G over the supervision of the Section `Susceptibility and Seeds at Enkhuizen. Resistance'. Soon, efforts were made to keep the WCS- The research at Baarn was carried out in close coop- Laboratory in Baarn and later, when this appeared to eration with other departments, both national and inter- be impossible, to divide the cooperation between the national, and was ®nancially supported by the Nether- Universities of Utrecht and Amsterdam within the Phy- lands Foundation for Scienti®c Research (NWO), topathological Laboratory at Baarn, that had lasted for the Dutch Technology Foundation (STW) and the more than half a century. Teaching and research in European Community (EC). plant pathology had to be initiated at the campuses at Utrecht and at Amsterdam, respectively. Never- theless, the research on mechanisms of disease sup- The future pression by rhizosphere pseudomonads and on resis- tance against fusarium wilt diseases made considerable The closing of the `Laboratory' at Baarn and the incor- progress during this period. Using genetically modi- poration of the sections `Ecology of Pathogenic and ®ed WCS-Pseudomonas strains, mechanisms of dis- Non-pathogenic Micro-organisms' and `Susceptibility ease suppression and root colonization were analysed, and Resistance' in the Department of Plant Ecol- among which the competition for ferric iron by means ogy and Evolutionairy Biology at Utrecht and the of siderophores and the speci®city of siderophore Department of Molecular Cell Biology at Amsterdam, receptors (Bakker et al., 1990; Glandorf et al., 1993; respectively, was accompanied by the retirement of 670

Prof. Schippers and with the nomination of Dr L.C. Laboratory , it can be concluded that the initiative of van Loon and Dr B.J.C. Cornelissen as professors in Prof. Hugo de Vries, Dr Ernst Krelage, Mr Scholten plant pathology at these respective universities. The and Mrs Scholten nee Commelin, to establish the foun- broad expertise of both Baarn Sections on disease- dation WCS, to this very day, exerted a prominent suppressing Pseudomonas-plant-pathogen interactions in¯uence on the development of plant pathology in the and on plant-resistance against fusarium wilt, respec- Netherlands and abroad. tively, now constitute the basis for more molecular ± For many years the main role of the WCS- genetically oriented approaches. Foundation was restricted to providing the universities Prof. van Loon's group at Utrecht focusses on of Utrecht and Amsterdam housing and ®eld facilities Pseudomonas-mediated disease suppression through at Baarn. After selling the property with buildings at the induction of systemic resistance in the plant Baarn, the WCS-Foundation is now able to pursue new using radish and Arabidopsis as model species. The objectives, that is: `advancement of higher education Pseudomonas-induced systemic resistance (ISR) does and scienti®c research in plant pathology in the Nether- not injure the plant tissue and is distinct from the lands', including, for the ®rst time, plant pathology at classic `systemic acquired resistance' (SAR) by not the Agricultural University Wageningen (LUW) and at being associated with the production of salicylic acid the Research Institute for Plant Protection (IPO-DLO) and the accumulation of plant resistance ± associated at Wageningen. pathogenesis-related proteins (PR-proteins) (Pieterse Due to the far-reaching ®nancial cut-backs in high- et al., 1996). Attention is given to the bacterial determi- er education on the one hand, and the develop- nants required for resistance induction,the nature of the ment of phytopathology into a science with a multi- signal that is being transported systemically through disciplinairy character on the other, it has become the plant, and the physiological, molecular and genetic extremely dif®cult to maintain a relatively broad ®eld factors involved in signal transduction and resistance of scienti®c education. In consultation with the profes- expression. Microbial ecological studies are aimed at sors in plant pathology Van Loon (Utrecht), Cornelis- elucidating mechanisms of and interactions between sen (Amsterdam) and De Wit (Wageningen), it was disease-suppressing Pseudomonas bacteria, as well as decided to establish a WCS-Chair in Phytopathology. how their activities are in¯uenced by the indigenous Occupation of this chair by an international expert spe- micro¯ora in the rhizosphere. cialized in a particular ®eld of phytopathology, and in Prof. Cornelissen's group at Amsterdam is focu- rotation by each of the three universities,Utrecht, Ams- sing on interactions between formae speciales of F. terdam, and Wageningen, can complement the existing oxysporum and their hosts. As a model system the expertise, offer education to PhD students in particular, interaction between F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici and and stimulate new developments in research. tomato has been adopted. In one line of research the It has also been decided to introduce a `Willie Com- nature and mode of action of both speci®c and aspeci®c melin Scholten Award' for excellent research in plant elicitors are being studied. Another line is directed pathology in the Netherlands. towards unraveling mechanisms of elicitor-triggered With its new course, the newly named ªStichting host defence reactions. To study the molecular basis Willie Commelin Scholten voor de Fytopathologieº of pathogenicity and host speci®city in the fungus, a intends to contribute in an innovating way to further genetic approach using parasexually crosses is being development of plant pathology in the Netherlands, far pursued. into the 21th century. Apart from the continuation of the WCS-research at Baarn, now at the campuses in Utrecht and Amsterdam, it can be concluded that the WCS-research on wilt dis- References eases including the Dutch elm disease, on survival of soil-borne plant pathogens, disease-suppressing antag- Baayen RP and Elgersma DM (1985) Colonization and histopathol- onistic ¯uorescent pseudomonads in the rhizosphere, ogy of susceptible and resistant carnation cultivars infected with on antagonistic yeasts in the phyllosphere and on Fusarium f.sp. dianthi. Neth J Plant Path 91: 119±135 Botrytis cinerea, had a signi®cant impact both nation- Baayen RP, Sparnaay LD, Jansen J and Niemann GJ (1991) Inher- itance of resistance in carnation against Fusarium oxysporum ally and internationally. f.sp. dianthi races 1 and 2, in relation to resistance components. Looking back at a 100 years of history of the Foun- Neth J Plant Pathol 97: 73±86 dation Willie Commelin Scholten Phytopathological 671

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