Dustin Blumer Sermon 430 - Exodus 4:1-12

Something Just Like This

I remember when I was training to become a pastor, my vicar year we call it, down in the truth South of Charleston, South Carolina being given one specific assignment by my bishop. They were opening a school, and it was my job to create a vinyl sign that read Trinity Classical Academy. People were to be able to see it from the road as they drove by, and hopefully be drawn to. Now I had never created a sign, and there wasn’t enough time or money to pull this off. But armed with my can-do attitude I went for it. First step Home Depot to figure out how to put poles in the ground for the sign to go on. Second step, printer. Who also reminded me I don’t have enough time or money, but with a wink and a smile and bit of begging was willing to produce it in time and on budget. I put the poles in proud working with cement and steel, proud of my construction. I pick up the sign, and place it with the bungee cords. I look straight on what I did, pat myself on the back, job well done. Can’t wait for what my bishop will report about my signage skills. But then…I step back. I look at the cars driving by, and notice a problem. I have the sign facing the road with in 5 feet of cars flying by at 45 mph. And though while me standing in front of it still can see it well. If you are in a car the only possible way of seeing the sign I produced is if you do this while driving. And there it is. I didn’t know I needed to put the sign sideways, and have it double sided. And now I hoping my bishop doesn’t write anything at all about my signage abilities, ‘cause I had royally messed that up. And I’m wondering do you have any similar moments in your story? Times when you royally messed things up? Some of you can think back to school and in your mind is the test that you bombed, or the project that you got an F on. Some of you go to work and you hear back from the client and their scathing negative review, or you go to the board and they dig in about your performance. Some of us feel that way with people, walking around thinking why did I say that, what was I thinking. Why did I do that. Oh man. Royally messing things up is a part of life. And as we consider this not so heart warming moments, we then turn our attention to today’s song. Something Just Like This by . And the lyrics say, “I've been reading books of old. The legends and the myths. Achilles and his gold. Hercules and his gifts. Spiderman’s control. And Batman with his fists. And clearly I don't see myself upon that list.” See there are Superheros and modern day men and women who look Super. People who seem immune to the common foibles and blunders of the rest of us. And then it’s easy for us to feel like what we did. To feel like mess ups, because we’ve messed up. And the question I pose is this, Can God use those who have messed up or are mess ups to do great things? And if you ever wrestled with your abilities, wrestled with your purpose this is the sermon for that I pray brings hope and life to what God might do through you. So getting past Coldplay and on to the greatest artist our God. We have his words to consider from Exodus. Words written by Moses about Moses. About God deciding to use him. Let’s read. And there it is. God choosing to use Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. God also chooses us if we’re willing. Turn to your neighbor and say, “No more excuses.” I was reading an article in the Chicago Magazine about the former governor Rod Blagojevich, and his time in jail. Some of you may remember the former Governor, convicted as he tried to sell a Senate seat to the highest bidder. He recounts his time in a Colorado jail, saying it really is jail. It’s not so nice. Stuck in a 6x12 cubicle with another guy. His first summer there it was 100 degrees in Colorado with no a/c. He used to fill up a bag of ice and hug it in order to stay cool, even then it was hard to sleep. And it’s interesting how his life has changed. Inmates say that he is always working out. And spiritually speaking he has renewed his faith. In fact he interviewer of Blagojevich reported this statement, “The lessons from the Bible and scripture have been very helpful to me. Among the lessons is, you’ve gotta put faith over fear, you gotta be willing to go through fire when you believe in something. I’ve come to see the object of life is to do God’s will.” And it was pretty astounding to read. But I guess the question I would pose is this, can God really use Rod Blagojevich to do his will? But then I look at our man Moses. And he isn’t convicted felon in prison, rather he is a runaway murderer who fled his country after his crime was known. Someone saw him kill an Egyptian, and before he could go on trial he ran away. He is now camping out in Midian. And to this runaway murderer in Midian, God appears in the form of a burning bush and says, “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” (3:10). And we are like really Lord you chose him? Surely there had to be someone more qualified, someone who was a little less of a mess up. Someone more like Batman, Spiderman, and Hercules, and less like Rod Blagojevich. But no this is the man God chooses. This man who is more mess up than superstar. But then I consider the history of people God has used. Just look at this list Jacob was a cheater, Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Paul was a murderer (or accomplice to murder), Gideon was insecure, Miriam was a gossip, Martha was a worrier, Thomas was a doubter, Sarah was impatient, Elijah was moody. We could go on an on and on. And you could then go and list all the ways God used them. Jacob bore the promise of the Savior. Peter led the early Christian Church, David was known as a man after God’s heart and the greatest king of Israel, Jonah was used to bring a whole nation to the Lord, Paul evangelized more than anyone, Gideon took 300 vs 185,000 and won protecting God’s people. And Moses the murderer was used by God to write the first 5 books of the Bible, led his people into the promised land, and fulfill many signs and wonders. And it just reminds me of the way God works. And this community we realize that we have messed up at one time or another. We admit to one another and to God we have imperfections, lovelessness, and sin. And while we might imagine this disqualifies us for use in service to a holy God, here is our first takeaway. We are never too messed up to be called up God. If you think something in your past limits you from being used, if you think he could never accomplish purpose through you - it ain’t true. And it’s what Scripture even reminds us. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians, “26 Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” (1:26-27) Yes, an Christian worth his weight of the name recognizes that the truly good thing about them, is Christ in me. I’ve said before an mean to say again, “The good in me is the God in me.” And it’s his light that shines through when you see something brilliant. As was His light shining through all those people who came before us. But I think there is something even more remarkable yet. And it reminds me of the story of Zaccheus. Does anyone know this one? He was a short little man, a Jewish man that everyone avoided because he was a tax collector. Which means he was a known thief stealing from his people, and on behalf and with the the authority of Rome. And one day there was a parade for Jesus, everyone was lining the road to see him. And Zaccheus wanted to see to. No one would make way for him so he climbs a tree. And what does Jesus do to the person everyone else avoided, the person known as a mess up, the person to awful, ugly, and hideous for the rest. He comes close and he says to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” (19:5) And it’s what he did to Moses the murder, coming in the form a burning bush. He draws near to those drawn away by sin. And he speaks a better word than just I will use you, the word of his presence and action is simply you belong. Maybe for you and I we struggle because we know how often we’ve messed up. We have identifiable sins. But the good news of God is this. He is drawing near to us today. He is calling us to know his love and receive his kindness. And even greater than being used by God is just this idea that we can belong to God. We belong because one act of righteousness reverses a million acts of sin. That one act of Jesus on the cross - where he took our punishment for sin - speaks of how we now have the right to belong to him. Oh I love the Gospel. I love that even if my co-workers and neighbors give up on, even if my family and friends do, he has not. And he draws near and says. Belong. Come to me. Find in me your comfort. I love what it says in John, “12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” We have that right to be known as children of God, because of the work of God for us. And the Spirit that awakens our soul to believe. May that Spirit work in your heart to confirm your standing, or call you for the first time. But let’s get back to how God can make use of us. And to broach this topic I need to relate you some of the worst excuses I have heard. Did some research over excuses why people broke of a relationship. This one struck me, “If I were ever permanently injured in an accident, I don’t think you’d stay with me, so I am leaving you know before that happens.” Reminds me of a song, “If I got locked away, and we lost it all today, tell me honestly…would you still love me the same.” And the guys like I don’t think you would. Or how about this one, “Ok here’s the deal: I just can’t be with someone who liked Sharknado.” And finally my favorite, “I just don’t have time for a relationship right now, I’ve got to focus on finding out the truth about Benghazi, plus I have a high-maintenance bird.” Oh those birds. That one may have been from a few years ago. But those are some poor excuses. If you think those are bad we have to turn to our man Moses and see how he does not lead us well. v.1 “Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, “the Lord did not appear to you?” And God obliterated those excuses by some incredible miracles. A staff into a snake, a hand that was leporous, and the assurance water would turn into blood before Pharaoh. But it’s not enough for Moses he has to chime in again and say, v10 “Pardon you servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” To which God says, “Hey I gave you that tongue. I know how best it can be used. And it just makes me think. How many times do our poor excuses crowd out our obedience? And is there any area of your life right now where you have a pretty poor excuse over why not to do the calling of God? God some day I’ll trust you in the area of finances, but not now I mean you know what’s going on. God you get how busy I am, I’m figuring out Benghazi I don’t have time to….read my Bible, pray, serve. God I’m not like that other person serving you, I’m different, what possible good would my service bring. Or maybe it’s simply God do I have to, God I don’t want to, God I got these reasons. And if this strikes you as much as it strikes me let us repent of our poor excuses. And look to Jesus. Look at the one who bore our punishment and cross, and see him not opening his mouth to give any poor excuses. But listen to Him say, “Your will Father be done.” And because of this we are redeemed. And in response how should you and I be? You know we get excited when things become available for our use. Some of you may have seen the Apple special event. They are releasing the iPhone 8 and iPhone 10 - another Apple watch. And some people get so excited to get the new product in their hands. Gamers you get this when a new disc is made of your favorite game. Music lovers when that new cd is released. Netflix watchers the Crown’s second season is coming out in December. Yes there is always much excitement over the availability of the new release. It’s available I can finally get my hands on it! Yeah. Track with me here, God made us on purpose for a purpose. Last week we discovered that we are his masterpiece or handiwork. And I believe it is please to our God, maybe there is even some rejoicing when we say to him. God, I’m ready to be released. God, I’m ready to be used by you. I consider the goodness of a man named Isaiah who met with God in his sanctuary. And when God was speaking aloud who should we send on our behalf with this message. Isaiah said, “Here am I. Send me!” (6:8). And God’s like here’s what your going to do. Or consider the mother of God Mary who was told her assignment to carry God’s Son. And what was her response, “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38) And what we see is this. To be used by God all you have to be is available and obedient. Say God here I am, why not me. God send me. God I’m ready to be unleashed for your sake on this world. And back to our song. Our song identifies with the fact that we are not superheros. We’re not on the list. But it goes on to say, “But (God) said, where'd you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? I'm not looking for somebody, With some superhuman gifts, Some superhero, Some fairytale bliss, Just something I can turn to, Somebody I can (release), I want something just like this.” Consider this as we hear the song produced by LifeChurch. Do you know he can use something like this. Something like you. It’s ok you’re not Batman, Spiderman, or Hercules. It’s ok you’re not the top student, the best athlete, the brightest crayon of the box, if you are available and obedient. God can use something just like this. So where do you take this? Maybe you take it into your personal interactions with others. God make me available and obedient for their sake. Use me to intentionally talk to them about you or invite them to church or to show them love. Here I am. Maybe you take it to the workplace. God I’m here to do it your way, so that others might see. I’m here to pursue Godly integrity in the face of unbelief that they might see and know you. Yes, for some at church it might just be getting involved. I’m going to be available and obedient to the things of God here. To do what I can do praying for this ministry, volunteering, supporting. To say I’m not a consumer here, but a contributor for the sake of your Kingdom. I consider the testimony of the one our AVL contractor. A great guy who said he began his road simply volunteering for his church. He was available and obedient, and that led him up through the ranks to serve in ministry. And now to own a company where he is implementing and guiding technology for so many different ministries. Why? Available and obedient. What might God continue to do through you if you just make yourself available and obedient. And what could happen? What could be the fun that you never thought you could have? It reminds me of this. This was a gold medal for a Forensics competition in speech. That day I had given the best speech in our conference. But the full story this medal is that it was not about me. For I had given a speech about faith in God, and how everything else in life is meaningless without him. And he was the one who had blessed that day, and given me a strength I had yet to experience. And why, so his glory could be on display. So His name would be known. And then I look at the list of all our misfits. David who conquered Goliath. Gideon who won the great battle. Jonah converting all of Nineveh. Moses who led the people out of Egypt, and one of the greatest leaders and why? Because though they were not superheros, they were tapping into superhuman strength. And they found that mess ups can be used to build up God’s kingdom. They had the join of having superpowers as they walked in the ways and the will of God. Paul who would get snake bit but not die, messengers who ran on behalf of God with superhuman quickness, judges like Samson with superhuman strength, uneducated disciples speaking in different languages eloquently and with knowledge about the things of God. And for you and I accomplishing the purposes and using the strength that comes from him. When available and obedient. It’s ok you’re not a superhero. You and I have access to superhuman strength simply by being available and obedient to God. Let me pray for you.