(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D689,480 S Akana Et A]
USO0D689480S (12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D689,480 S Akana et a]. (45) Date of Patent: *1. Sep. 10, 2013 (54) ELECTRONIC DEVICE WITH GRAPHICAL (56) References Cited USER INTERFACE (75) Inventors: Jody Akana, San Francisco, CA (US); U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Bartley K. Andre, Menlo Park, CA D270,061 S 8/1983 Ackeret (US); Jeremy Bataillou, Cupertino, CA D289,873 S 5/1987 Gemmelletal. (US); Imran Chaudhri, San Francisco, (Continued) CA (US); Daniel J. Coster, San Francisco, CA (US); Daniele De Iuliis, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS San Francisco, CA (US); M. Evans CA 72548 5/1993 Hankey, San Francisco, CA (US); CA 98397 10/2003 Richard P. HoWarth, San Francisco, CA (US); Jonathan P. Ive, San Francisco, (Continued) CA (US); Steve Jobs, Palo Alto, CA OTHER PUBLICATIONS (US); Duncan Robert Kerr, San Francisco, CA (US); Shin Nishibori, “LG KE850 Prada,” http://WWWgsmarenacom/lggke8SOiprada Portola Valley, CA (US); Matthew Dean 1828.php. Downloaded Feb. 20, 2007. 4 pages. Rohrbach, San Francisco, CA (US); Peter Russell-Clarke, San Francisco, (Continued) CA (US); Christopher J. Stringer, Woodside, CA (US); Marcel van OS, Primary Examiner * Barbara Fox San Francisco, CA (US); Eugene (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein Antony Whang, San Francisco, CA & Fox PLLC (US); Rico Zorkendorfer, San Francisco, CA (US) (57) CLAIM (73) Assignee: Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA (US) The ornamental design for an electronic device With graphical (**) Term: 14 Years user interface, as shoWn and described. (21) Appl. No .: 29/390,066 DESCRIPTION (22) Filed: Apr. 19, 2011 Related U.S. Application Data FIG. 1 is a bottom front perspective vieW of an electronic device With graphical user interface showing our neW design; (63) Continuation of application No.
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