Droua killed the of all the sons of river is as efficacious as the (41 ) King Hehaya, bathing in the performing Dhrstadyumna, and the King Sibi. (M.B. Agnistoma Yajna. (, Chapter 88) . Parva, Chapter 155, Stanza 14). DRSTAKETU. A danava. (Adi Parva, Chapter 67, (42) He became unconscious in the fight with Yudhi- Verse 8). 1 PaficaH. sthira. (M.B. , Chapter 162, Stanza 49) . DRUPADA. (Saumaki, Yajnasena). Father of He killed and the of 1 from Visnu in the (43) Drupada , grandsons ) Genealogy. Descended following

Stanza . Drupada. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 186, 33) order : Atri Candra Budha (44) Hearing that Ahvatthama had been killed he was Ayus Nahusa Puru Praci- - Bahu- filled with grief. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 190, uvan Pravira-- Namasyu Vitabhaya Sundu Stanza 57) . vidha Sarhyati Rahovadi Raudrasva Matinara (45) After that throwing away the weapons, he Santurodha Dusyanta Suhottra Suhota immersed in a deep meditation and attained harmony Gala Gardda Suketu Brhatksatra Hasti Ajami- with the Supreme Being and his spirit entered the dha Nila Santi Susanti Puruja Arka Bharm- - realm of Brahma. (M.B. Drona Parva, Chapter 192, yasva Pancala Mitreyu Stanza 43). Prsata Sudasa Somaka Yajnasena (46) Thus by the power of meditation his spirit went (Drupada). to the without sat motionless the hermi- heaven and body spirit 2) Education and kingship. Yajnasena went to in meditation. Dhrstadyumna cut off his head and thus tage of for education. Drona, who became killed Drona. Drona a teacher in also a student and ' (M.B. Parva, Chapter 193, great archery later, was the Stanza 62). disciple of Bharadvaja at that time. Thus during 10) Other details. (1) evoked the spirits of those time of education both Drupada and Drona became in the who died the battle of Bharata to the surface of fast friends. After receiving education Drupada re- Ganges. The spirit of Drona was one of them. (M.B. turned to his country. At that time Pancala was ruled Asramavasika Parva, Chapter 32, Stanza 7) . by Prsata. When Yajnasena returned on completion of to the (2) Offerings were given manes for Drona. his education, Prsata died and Yajnasena was anointed (M.B. Sand Parva, Chapter 296, Stanza 15). as King of -Pancala. (M.B. Adi Parva, Chap- (3) Drona attained heaven after his death, and was ter 129). absorbed in Brhaspati (M.B. Svargarohana Parva, 3) Yajnasena reproaches Drona. It has already been said Chapter 4, Stanza 21 ). that during the period of education Drona and Yajna- (4) He was the man who took birth through Bharad- sena were fast friends. Once Drupada said to Drona: vaja from a portion of Brhaspati. (M.B. Adi Parva, "My dear friend. My father has told me that I would Chapter 67, Stanza 69). be made the King of Uttara Pancala on completing my if I the of the (5) Acarya (teacher) , Acarya-mukhya (chief teacher) education. Thus become a King, treasury Bharat- Bharadvaja, Bharadvajasuta, Bharadvajatmaja, King will be at your disposal." acarya, Sonasva, Sonasvavaha, Sonahaya, Guru and After the education both returned to their places. Not Rukmaratha are used as synonyms of Drona by Vyasa much later Drona got married. A son born to him was in Mahabharata. named Asvatthama. Drona was so poor that he could DRONA II. A bird. A son born to the hermit Manda- not even buy milk for his child. Once the friends of pala of Jarita, a bird. (See under Khandavadaha, Asvatthama mixed flour in water and made him drink Para 8) . it saying that it was milk. Asvatthama drank it without DRONAM. A medicinal herb. (See under Marutt- knowing that it was not milk. Thinking that he had vamala) . become energetic by drinking milk he began to run DRONABHISEKAPARVA. Asubsection of DronaParva : with the other boys. At last they told him the truth Chapters 1 to 16. and teased him. With his wife and child Drona went to who DRONA PARVA. An important Parva (section) in the Drupada Mahabharata. did not care to recognize him as a friend. Drona tried to remind him of their former But DRONAVADHA PARVA. A sub section of Drona Parva: friendship. Drupada shunned him and "If I had with Chapters 154 to 192. said, friendship you, it was to achieve certain ends. There is no friendship DRONASARMAPADA. A holy bath (tlrtha). (M.B. between the rich and the poor, the learned and the Anusasana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 28). illiterate, the brave and the coward. So if there was DRSADVAN. Father-in-law of of Puru King Sarhyati any friendship at all it was not real. You, who are slow dynasty. was the name of wife. Varangi Samyati's (See of brain ! Kings of high status cannot have friendship . Sarhyati) with such people especially the poor. A Brahmin DRSADVATI. A river to the south of Kuruksetra. learned in won't befriend a Brahmin who is not During their exile in the forest the drank learned in Vedas, a man seated in a chariot cannot water it. from (Vana Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 2). It befriend a man who is not seated in a chariot and a was on the delta of this river that Siva imparted advice King cannot befriend one who is not a King. So a to Yudhisthira. (Sabha Parva, Chapter 78, Verse 15). friendship of bygone days is no friendship at all". Living on the northern bank of this river is equal to Drupada's reproaches aroused a storm of anger in in living Svarga. (Vana Parva, Chapter 88). To per- Drona. He vowed that he would avenge the insult. form and other rites for the souls of the dead after With his wife and child he got out of the palace. He i . Mahab harata, Adi Parva, Chapter 66, Stanza 68 states that the original name of Drupada was Yajnasena. Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 120. Stanza 41, states that Drupada was the son of Prsata. But according to other Prsata was the father of Drupada's great grandfather. In Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Chapter 131, Stanza 6, Drupada is addressed as 'Saumaki; the son of Somaka.