2016 - 2017 Annual Report Society of Occupational Therapists Table of Contents

About MSOT 1 Board of Directors & Key Positions 2 MSOT Values 3 President’s Report 4 MSOT Committee & Coordinator Reports Coordinator of Communications 7 Coordinator of Member Services 7 Current Affairs & Professional Advocacy Committee 8 Nominating and Awards Committee 9 Professional Development Committee 12 Special Events Committee 12 Public Relations Committee 13 MSOT Research Fund Committee 14 CAOT Update 14 Executive Officer’s Report 16

Report from the Treasurer/MSOT 2017-2018 Budget 16 Financial Statements 19 enabling ability by building the OT community The Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists (MSOT) plays a vital role in building, promoting & strengthening the OT profession while supporting individual growth & development of occupational therapists by providing:

Awareness MSOT actively promotes occupational therapy to the public, ensuring more people understand its value and essential role in health and wellness.

Advocacy MSOT is the advocate for Manitoba's occupational therapists, providing the strong voice essential to building positive work environments for today’s therapists and their clients.

Professional Development & Networking MSOT is proud to enable the ability of its members by providing professional development and networking opportunities. Members have the unique advantage of sharing their diverse experiences and can benefit from exchang- ing new ideas, fresh insights and problem solving assistance.

1 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 2016 - 2017 Alana Maertins, President Esther Hawn, President-Elect BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nadine Lam, Treasurer & KEY POSITIONS Amy Collins, Executive Officer Randi Vandale, Coordinator of Member Services Heidi Garcia & Christina Rambarran, Current Affairs/Professional Advocacy Committee Co-Chairs Jen Fisher & Robyn Musgrove, Nominating & Awards Committee Co-Chairs Alix Tessler & Agata Ostrycharz, Professional Development Committee Co-Chairs Dayna Mascitelli & Lauren Casey, Public Relations Committee -Co Chairs Lana Hochman & Robyn Taylor, Special Events Committee Co-Chairs Michelle Horkoff & Amanda Maxwell, MSOTRF Committee Co-Chairs Karlie Wilkie, MOT 1 Student Representative Kayla Maubert, Newsletter Editor Rebecca Alley, MOT 2 Student Representative Jason Bennett, Website Editor Lisa Diamond-Burchuk, CAOT Board Member

2 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017

Vision Statement To be a valued health and wellness resource for Manitobans

Mission Statement Our Mission is to support the professional interests of occupational therapists Mandate

Connect Engaging through participation.

Enable Health and wellness through occupation.

Grow Success through continued learning.

3 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 President’s Report

ver the past year, the Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists (MSOT) has worked with Oour members and our communities to advocate for the profession of occupational therapy within Manitoba. Consistent with our mission and vision, MSOT has worked to increase public awareness of occupational therapy, advocate for our members and the profession, and facilitate professional development and networking opportunities. Here are some of our key activities and accomplishments over the 2016-2017 year:


This year was a busy time for awareness. We continued to focus on our strategic priorities in year two of our strategic plan. Most of our efforts this year were focused around the following priorities:

 A communication and marketing strategy to engage membership

 Building links and advancing advocacy efforts

MSOT focused on lobbying insurance companies and employers to add Occupational Therapy to private insurance plans. We have letters available on the MSOT website for you to use if you would like to submit one to your Insurance company or employer (http://www.msot.mb.ca/finding-ot-services/). We have also launched our revised “Understanding OT” Brochure. It can also be found on our website and is available for your use (http://www.msot.mb.ca/finding-ot-services/). MSOT continues to have a large presence on social media including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Be sure to engage with us through these channels!

MSOT also had discussions with CAOT in exploring a chapter model in our province. We look forward to discussing the outcome of the CAOT Chapter Model Town Hall at the AGM with you this fall.

4 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Advocacy

As you are aware, health care in Manitoba is undergoing significant change. There continues to be much uncertainty and MSOT has been working hard to advocate on behalf of occupational therapists, as well as on behalf of the health and wellbeing of Manitobans.

Although much remains unclear, here is what we do know:

 There are to be cuts to the public sector  What has been proposed is that the private practice sector will provide support to make up for the cuts to the public sector  Not all Manitobans have benefits to cover therapy, and even if they do, many benefits plans do not specifically mention occupational therapy as an option and coverage is often limited to a dollar amount

MSOT has also participated in media support through the CBC, Free Press and CJOB. To review our media involvement please click on this link. http://www.msot.mb.ca/about-us/online-press-room/

Further to that, we have written an advocacy letter that has been distributed to: Real Cloutier - Interim WHRA President & CEO; The Honourable , Minister of Families for the Province of Manitoba and MLA for Kirkfield Park; The Honorable , Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living, Province of Manitoba; The Honourable , ; , MLA for Logan, , of the Opposition; , MLA for Fort Rouge, New Democratic Party.

We received a response from NDP Health Critic and had a productive meeting. We also had a teleconference with Wab Kinew, MLA for Fort Rouge, NDP. We have also recently received response from Real Cloutier, WRHA Interim CEO and look forward to meeting with him to discuss upcoming changes.

MSOT has been asked to be a contact for Manitobans seeking private occupational therapy services, through phone, email, and website contacts. The MSOT Private Practice Directory will be shared widely to individuals seeking services through the private sector.

5 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Professional Development & Networking

MSOT partnered with the Master of Occupational Therapy students at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences this past fall for OT Month celebrations, lecture series, Open House, and Job Fair. May 17, 2016 was MSOT’s OT Celebration Night at a new venue the Qualico Family Centre. At this year’s OT Celebration Night, we presented numerous awards to members of our OT community. MSOT was very excited to see a growing number of OTs from across all sectors of practice at this evening. We also welcomed the class of 2017 into the occupational therapy profession. Thank you to the generosity of our sponsors for their support in making this evening a success! We also continued to engage with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) OT Leadership Group, Master of Occupational Therapy Program Committee, College of Rehabilitation Sciences Executive Council and the Alliance of Canadian Occupational Therapy Professional Associations. All the achievements that MSOT has recognized in the past year would not have been possible without our wonderful, talented, and dedicated Board of Directors, administrative professionals, and of course without the support of our members. Thank you for being MSOT members and allowing us to do the work with love in advocating for the profession within our province. As I pass the torch to incoming President Esther Hawn, please continue to engage with us in the coming year, as we strive to meet the needs of our members, and of our profession.

Respectfully submitted, Alana Maertins, O.T. Reg. (MB) President

6 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Coordinator of Communications The Coordinator of Communications position has been vacant for the 2016-2017 year. Please refer to the Public Relations Committee Report and the President’s Report for communication information.

Coordinator of Member Services

t the end of the 2016-2017 fiscal year, there were 295 members registered with MSOT. This A st number represents 39% of individuals registered with COTM. Numbers as of May 31 , 2017 are as follows:

Full members: 291 Out of Province: 0 Life Members: 2 Retired Members: 2 TOTAL MSOT Members: 295

These numbers indicate a 13 member increase from 2016. Until this year, MSOT has experienced a decline in membership numbers over the last several years. This is consistent with other provincial occupational therapy associations across Canada. As COTM membership fees increase, it may be expected that MSOT membership numbers will continue to decrease due to increased fees. Therefore, as an organization we would like to thank our current members for their commitment to MSOT over the last year. MSOT strives to work towards increasing our visibility and accessibility as one method of attracting new members. As the Coordinator of Member Services I attended monthly Board of Directors meetings, the OT Celebration Night, and Communications Group meetings throughout the 2016-2017 fiscal year. I lead a Team OT event supporting a charitable organization and promoting the profession of Occupational Therapy. I was involved in creating a recruitment presentation to be emailed and/or presented to various work sites to increase MSOT awareness and overall membership numbers. Additionally, I organized an education session regarding membership benefits for new graduates. The education session helped to promote MSOT and provide new graduates with information to make an informed decision regarding membership. Lastly, I worked with other MSOT board members to ensure timely completion of specific coordinator tasks, and was available to address member, non-member, and board queries. Your membership strengthens the occupational therapy community within Manitoba and provides a strong network of therapists to advocate for our profession. As Coordinator of Member Services, I would like to thank you for your continued support and membership with MSOT.

Respectfully submitted, Randi Vandale, O.T. Reg. (MB) Coordinator of Member Services

7 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Current Affairs/Professional Advocacy Committee

The role of Current Affairs and Professional Advocacy is to increase awareness of the role of Occupational Therapy through involvement in and responses to current events and issues in Manitoba. Throughout this past year we have worked to support and advocate for OTs in the following ways: 1. Wrote a letter to set up a meeting with the Health Minister to begin a relationship with MSOT. We have not received a response from the Health Minister to date, but have connected with some NDP MLA’s. 2. Submitted an article about current affairs or advocacy in the MSOT bi-monthly newsletter to encourage the advocacy efforts of all OTs in Manitoba.

3. Created an OT month checklist encouraging OTs to advocate to their private insurance companies to add/increase coverage for private OT – and encourage friends and family to do the same. 4. “Advertised” Occupational Therapy during the month of October on bus benches in Winnipeg. 5. Connected with and supported the Private Practice Group. 6. Responded to announced cuts in health care through written letters and media interviews. 7. Posted the “Understanding OT” pamphlet on the website for all to use and share widely (www.msot.mb.ca/finding-ot-services).

As we continue to support OTs in Manitoba in advocacy efforts please connect with us and let us know what you are doing to advocate for OT. If there are areas you feel need more advocacy please let us know so we all feel supported and valued in our roles!

Respectfully submitted,

Heidi Garcia, O.T. Reg. (MB) and Christina Rambarran, O.T. Reg. (MB) Current Affairs and Professional Advocacy Co-Chairs [email protected]

8 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Nominating & Awards Committee


In the fall of 2016, we welcomed the following individuals to the 2016 - 2017 MSOT Board of Directors:

 President-Elect: Esther Hawn  Secretary: Kale Lutomsky  Current Affairs and Professional Advocacy Co-Chair: Christina Rambarran  Public Relations Co-Chair: Lauren Casey  Professional Development Co-Chairs: Alix Tessler and Agata Ostrycharz  Website Editor: Jayson Bennett  MOT 2 Student Representative: Rebecca Alley  MOT 1 Student Representative: Karlie Wilkie

At the AGM in October 2017, we will thank and say good-bye to the following MSOT board members that have contributed so much time and energy to MSOT:

 Alana Maertins: President  Jennifer Fisher and Robyn Bonnell: Awards and Nominations Co-Chairs  Lana Hochman: Special Events Co-Chair  Kayla Maubert: Update Editor  Michelle Horkoff and Amanda Maxwell: MSOTRF Co-Chairs  Rebecca Alley: MOT 2 Student Representative

We are currently recruiting for the following positions for the upcoming term:

 Awards and Nominations Co-Chair  Rural and Northern Connector  MSOTRF Chair

Several members have already expressed interest in joining the MSOT board of directors for 2017 - 2018. Many positions have already been filled. We appreciate the interest and look forward to working with many great new individuals.

Consider joining the Board of Directors for this upcoming term! It is a great way to get involved with the OT community in Manitoba, meet other OTs and colleagues and ensure your voice is heard.

It is essential the board of director positions are filled in order to enable MSOT to meet its annual objectives and goals. Information about each position, time commitments/ involvement and questions can be directed to: [email protected]

9 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 AWARDS:

The following is a summary of the awards distributed by MSOT and MSOTRF for 2016-2017

 2017 Outstanding OT Award: Theresa Sullivan  Mary Judd Research Award: Cara Brown  MSOTRF Presentation Award: Ed Giesbrecht  25 Year MSOT Member Award: Theresa Sullivan, Ellen Davis, Margaret Friesen  Team OT MVP: Robyn Taylor  CAOT Citation Award: 2016 - Mitch Bourbonniere  2017 - Jodi Pluchinski, Bonnie Tinker  Professional Excellence in Fieldwork: Maxine Schon, Jocelyn Charpentier  18 clinicians nominated by students for the Fieldwork Roster of Honour  Professional Development Bursary: Kayla Maubert


This annual event was held on May 17th 2017 at the Qualico Family Centre at Assiniboine Park. This year MSOT celebrated the 52 years of MSOT in Manitoba. Approximately 110 OTs, students and family attended the event. A few changes were made this year in response to members feedback through a survey sent out. A new location was chosen, speeches were shortened and there was more time for visiting. Coffee and dainties were included in the ticket. There was also a raffle for several wonderful items donated. Thank you to the MOT 1 and 2 students for their amazing support of this evening. We had great representation from both classes.

This event is one of the only evenings OTs from across Manitoba come together to celebrate our profession. It is also a great opportunity to meet with new and old colleagues, recognize the out- standing work and efforts made by OTs and congratulate our new graduates and soon to be col- leagues.

We would like to thank the organizing committee of Robyn Bonnell, Robyn Taylor, Lana Hochman and Jennifer Fisher.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer Fisher, O.T. Reg. (MB) and Robin Musgrove, O.T. Reg. (MB) Nominating and Awards Co-chairs

10 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 11 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Professional Development Committee We regret that the Professional Development Committee Report was unavailable at the time of printing.

Special Events Committee

As the returning Co-Chairs of Special Events, our main focus was the enhancement of the OT Celebration Night. An online survey was utilized for the second consecutive year to seek feedback following the event, and will be incorporated into planning for next year’s event. The event was held at a new venue this year, the Qualico Family Centre in Assiniboine Park, which provided a lovely view. Despite the cold windy May weather there were over 100 people in attendance for the second year in a row. A raffle replaced the silent auction which added some new excitement to the evening.

This year’s AGM will be held on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at the Caboto Centre at 7:00 p.m.

Lana Hochman, O.T. Reg. (MB) and Robyn Taylor, O.T. Reg. (MB) Special Events Co-Chairs

12 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Public Relations Committee

he Public Relations Committee is responsible for promoting Occupational Therapy and the role of MSOT through various events and opportunities. As the Public Relations Committee Co-Chairs we have been proud to assist with the following during the 2016-2017 year: T  Responsible for updating and maintaining our social media sites. As of August 2017, our Twitter profile has grown from 614 to 646 followers and our Facebook profile has grown from 474 to 523 likes. This year MSOT has continued to see an overall increase in the number of people “reached” via our Facebook posts. In particular, three of our posts have reached over 3000 people worldwide. Overall, our social media presence has proven to be dynamic method of communication to our members and the OT community.  Continued to expand our digital presence by editing, updating and re-launching our MSOT LinkedIn page this summer. Our goal of the MSOT LinkedIn page is to create another avenue of communication to our members, engage with the OT community and post professional opportunities related to MSOT.  Participated in the 2016 College of Rehabilitation Sciences Open House. MSOT volunteers enjoyed meeting and conversing with prospective students regarding the profession and the role of MSOT within the province.  Assisted with streamlining the Team OT initiative by developing a sign-up sheet and tracking database. These tools have made it easier and clearer for the OT community to organize and create a Team OT event. The database has also helped the board track events, participants, and award the MSOT Team OT MVP Award at the OT Celebration Night.

 Lauren Casey, Public Relations Co-chair, organized and participated in the Ironman Outdoor Curling Bonspiel in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada as a Team OT initiative.  Assisted with overseeing the MSOT Communications email address and organizing/chairing the Communication Committee meetings due to the vacancy of the Communications Coordinator position.

Respectfully submitted,

Dayna Mascitelli, O.T. Reg. (MB) and Lauren Casey, O.T. Reg. (MB) MSOT Public Relations Committee Co-Chairs

CAOT Update - We regret that the CAOT Update was unavailable at the time of printing.

13 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists Research Fund (MSOTRF)

Mary Judd Research Award - This year the Mary Judd Research Award winner was Cara Brown for her study entitled "Integrated care practices for older adults transitioning between hospital and the community: What is the extent and variation of integration practices?" Award amount was $1,000.00. Next submission deadline for this award: The 1st Monday in November (i.e. Nov. 6, 2017). Information about this award can be found on the MSOT website.

Presentation Award - MSOTRF aims to give away a minimum of one Presentation Award for at least $500.00 each year. This year we provided a presentation award in the amount of $700.00. The successful winner was Ed Giesbrecht: “Impact of an mHealth skills training program on wheelchair mobility outcomes”. He presented his research at the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) International Conference in Cape Town, South Africa in May 2017. Next submission deadline for this award: The 2nd Monday in January (i.e. Jan. 9, 2017) . Information about this award can be found on the MSOT website.

MSOT Student Research Award - Presented this award to Camilla Thorne-Tjomsland at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences (CoRS) Awards ceremony in 2016. This award was in the amount of $100.00.

14 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Complete accounting of the MSOTRF (accurate to September 30, 2016) and verified by COTF’s auditor:

Balance, October 1, 2015 $48,688 Revenues:

Deposits to account 760

Interest earned 2,715


Payments from account 2,100

Balance, September 30, 2016 $49,316

Please feel free to provide us with any feedback in regards to the MSOTRF activities you may have. Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Horkoff, O.T. Reg. (MB) and Amanda Maxwell, O.T. Reg. (MB) MSOTRF Committee Co-chairs

15 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Executive Officer

It has been an honour to work for MSOT these past ten months. I am continually inspired by each member on the MSOT Board and all the challenging work they do every day. I am proud to say that MSOT has taken great leadership advocating for the role of OT with the recent announcements on changes in our health care system. Daily efforts are made by your devoted board to increase awareness of the profession of OT in Manitoba. MSOT volunteers are incredible with their many hours of contribution to represent the professional interests of MSOT member at the provincial level, within the WRHA, community and in the media. In the nine hours of work a month, I have had the opportunity to work with the MSOT board while they focus on various projects from advocacy to celebration of the profession. I have focused on tasks assigned that are aligned with the strategic plan. I have researched various health insurance companies, coverage plans, industry standards and lobbied insurance companies to add or separate OT in their health plans. I have liaised with various organizations exploring avenues of advocacy and researched unions associated with OT. A focus has been on ways to improve awareness of the MSOT private providers in Manitoba. As we know, funding is not adequate for OT services and the health care system is overburdened. My current focus has been information gathering to have evidence available to advocate for our role. The areas targeted are those most affected by the health care changes.

It is a crucial time for our profession to take the lead of our own future by investing in the promotion of our profession. There really has never been a better time to be an MSOT member. For MSOT to increase advocacy, awareness and communication, we need you to step up and be part of the solution. To ensure your voice matters, join MSOT and to be a part of the decisions, join the Board of Directors. If you are interested in volunteering with MSOT, please email [email protected].

Respectfully submitted,

Amy Collins, O.T. Reg. (MB) Executive Officer [email protected]

Report from the Treasurer

We regret that the Treasurer’s Report was unavailable at the time of printing.

16 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017 Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists 2017-2018 Budget

REVENUE: Membership Fees 27800 Advertising: Email Blasts 2550 Mailing Labels 50 Newsletter 500 PPG Directory 1000 PPG Policy Kits 0 Web Post 600 Interest Income 200 Event Income (Ticket Sales) 1000 MSOT Merchandise Mugs/Post it/ Other 100 Sponsorship 2100 Grants 0 Others 300 TOTAL 36200

EXPENSES: Board and Committee Meeting Expenses 400 Travel 2000 Board Recognition 0 Professional Development – Board 0 Sub Total: 2400 Compensation/Salaries Wages – EO 6200 Source Deduction – EO 400 Professional Development – EO 500 Contracted Staffing Registration/Financial 2500 Office/ Reception 3300 EO Advisory 2300 Sub Total: 15,200 Member Services Advocacy & Promotion Campaigns 400 Incentive Prizes 0 Promotional Items 300 Awards 25 Year Membership Acknowledgement 100 MSOT Award for Professional Excellence in Fieldwork 0 MSOT Book Prize 100 Outstanding OT 150

17 MSOT Annual Report 2016- 2017 PD Grant 200 Team OT MVP 25 Practice Support (Communities of Practice) Private Practice Group 900 Policy Change Fund 2700 Events – Continuing Education: Rental, Catering, etc 300 Events – Membership: Rental, catering, honorariums AGM 1500 OT Celebration Night 2200 MSOTRF Admin Costs 0 Website Web Upgrades 350 Subscriptions 0 Online Registration MSOT Online Cards (One Time Charge) 0 System Start Up Cost (For three years) 1600 Annual System Cost 480 Credit Card Fees 500 Sub Total 11805 Organizational/Administration Costs: Bank Charges 150 Insurance 2600 Internet 225 Phone 225 Postage, Courier 200 Printing 1000 Professional Fees Audit 1900 Legal 1000 Consultation 0 Professional Membership/ Association Fees 300 Rent 900 Reserve Funds General 0 IT upgrades 0 Software, Licensing & Support 200 Supplies 400 Staff Travel Expenses 500 Sub Total: 9600

Total Expenses: 39,005 Net Surplus/ (Deficit): (2805)

18 MSOT Annual Report 2016-2017