Parish Council [email protected] 07716 130103 PO Box 1009, Cowfold, , RH12 9RX

To all Councillors - You are hereby summoned to the ONLINE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on MONDAY 7th of DECEMBER 2020 commencing at 7.45pm. The first 15 minutes are available for the public and the press who have a right to attend to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the following agenda (Standing Order 3d). Members of the public are welcome to remain and observe the rest of the meeting.

To join the meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting from your laptop, tablet or smartphone using Meeting ID: 399 976 6187

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Use this link to install the app

Members of the public or press should send an email to the Clerk, in advance of the meeting, to request an access password.

Signed: Lucinda Edwards Lucinda Edwards (Clerk) – 1st of December 2020

1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 19.45- 20.00

2 APOLOGIES AND REASON FOR ABSENCE To receive and agree any apologies for absence and document the reasons for such.

3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES To receive any disclosure by Members of personal interests in Matters on the Agenda, the nature of the interest and whether the Member regards the interest as personal, prejudicial or pecuniary under the terms of the Revised Code of Conduct for members.

4 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS – ITEMS OF SUFFICIENT URGENCY FOR 20.00- INFORMATION ONLY 20.05 To receive announcements from the Chairman of the Council.

5 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 20.05- To approve the minutes from the Parish Council meetings held on Monday 7th 20.10 September and Monday 5th October.

6 COMMITTEE MINUTES 20.10- To receive and adopt the minutes from the Personnel Committee meeting held on the 20.15 7th September 2020. 7 CLERKS UPDATE 20.15- To receive an update on actions and activities since the last Parish Council meeting. 20.20

8 COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORTS 20.20- To receive an update from County and District Councillors. 20.30

9 BBH COMMUNITY HUB 20.30- 9.1 To receive an update from the Clerk and agree any actions required. 20.40 9.2 To receive and consider a proposal from the Community Volunteers to run some family focus group sessions to support emotional wellbeing for local children. 9.3 To consider and approve if appropriate to facilitate a monthly zoom forum for community groups to convene informally with members of the council to discuss ideas and news.

HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS 10 20.30- 10.1 To receive an update on matters relating to highways. 20.45 10.2 To receive information relating to, and consider the purchase of a Speed Indicator Device (SID) to use around the village. 10.3 To consider the safety issues relating to the lack of lighting along the new shared footway. 10.4 To receive details of the West Transport Plan Review Survey and agree any required actions.


Application Address Details Erection of a first floor side DC/20/2134 2 Shelley Drive extension over existing single storey garage Installation of a first floor window DC/20/1886 21 Cheesmer Way on the north west elevation To retain the larger sized space of the site and the erection of a Showhome and Marketing Suite DC/20/2175 two-bay garage with additional 1 Weston Avenue ancillary space for a workshop/store Erection of single storey front DC/20/2191 98 Corsletts Avenue extension DC/20/2159 17 Findon Way Surgery to 1 x Oak

12 FINANCE AND ESTABLISHMENT 20.55- 21.10 12.1 PAYMENTS FOR DECEMBER 2020 To ratify the payment lists authorised remotely in December.

12.2 VILLAGE CENTRE PROJECT FINANCE UPDATE - To receive an update form the RFO.

12.3 PRECEPT To agree the precept for 2021/22.



13 2020 MEETING DATES 21.10- To approve the 2021 meeting dates. 21.15

14 VILLAGE FETE 2021 21.15- To receive and consider a request from the Gala Association to hold the village fete at 21.20 the Common, on Saturday the 3rd July 2021.

15 VOLUNTEERS 21.20- To consider an appropriate way to offer thanks to the village’s regular volunteers for 21.25 their service to the community/village this year.

16 WSALC VALUE FOR MONEY REVIEW AND AGM 21.25- To receive an update on communications received and agree on any actions. 21.30

17 TREE WORKS QUOTES 21.30- To receive and consider 3 quotes for tree works following the recent survey. 21.35

18 HORSHAM STONE QUESTIONNAIRE 21.35- To receive details of a request from a resident in relation to the Parish Council’s views 21.40 on stone quarrying and agree an appropriate response.

19 DELEGATED AUTHORITIES 21.40 To receive a report of decisions made using the delegation process and ratify decisions. 21.45

20 SOCIAL MEDIA 21.45- To agree Social Media Messages from the meeting. 21.50

21 RECRUITMENT AND STAFFING** 21.50- 22.00 MATTERS RELATING TO PERSONNEL 21.1 To receive and agree if appropriate recommendations from the Personnel Committee regarding 2020/21 Staffing Budget and the RFO End of Contract. 21.2 To discuss, comment upon and agree if appropriate, proposed training events for officers and councillors and any staff/pension related matters.


Allotments Sub-Committee – Wednesday 9th December Recreation Committee Meeting – Monday 14th December Parish Council Meeting – Monday 4th January Personnel Committee Meeting – Monday 18th January Finance and Establishment Meeting – Monday 8th February

** Pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972 ss100, and because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press may be required to leave the meeting during the consideration of these items.