General Information: 1964-1965

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General Information: 1964-1965 the o h io sta te u n iv e r s it y b u lle t in 1964-65 CATALOGUE ISSUE The Ohio State University Catalogue is available for examination in offices and libraries of high schools, colleges, and universities. The catalogue also is available for exam ination in public libraries, U.S. government offices, major State of Ohio government offices in Columbus, County Extension offices, Ohio State University Off-Campus Centers, and in each administrative office on the University campus in Columbus. The Ohio State University Catalogue may be ordered from the University Publication Sales,. 242 West 18th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43210, at $1 each. If on the Ohio State University campus, a person may obtain catalogues for personal use from the University Bookstore in Derby Hall at $1 each. GENERAL INFORMATION 11 ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTY 12 INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS 12 DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES 14 T H E C A M P U S 15 GENERAL ADMISSION PROCEDURES 17 STUDENT HOUSING 19 FEES AND EXPENSES 22 STUDENT FINANCIAL AIDS 27 c o n te n ts undergraduate information 47 ADMISSION PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS 47 FRESHMAN ADMISSION 47 ADMISSION WITH ADVANCED STANDING----- TRANSFER STUDENTS 49 ADMISSION OF SPECIAL STUDENTS OF MATURE YEARS 50 ADMISSION AS A TRANSIENT STUDENT 50 ADMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 50 REGISTRATION PROCEDURES 53 WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES AND POLICIES 55 UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS 55 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 58 GRADUATE SCHOOL 61 ADMISSION PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS 65 FINANCING GRADUATE EDUCATION 66 REGISTRATION PROCEDURES 68 COMBINED COLLEGE GRADUATE PROGRAMS 71 GRADUATE CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS 72 MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMS 72 DOCTORAL DEGREE PROGRAMS 74 SPECIAL INTERDISCIPLINARY GRADUATE PROGRAMS 77 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS 83 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL BIOCHEMISTRY 103 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND RURAL SOCIOLOGY 104 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION 105 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 105 DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY 106 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 107 DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY AND PLANT PATHOLOGY 108 DEPARTMENT OF DAIRY SCIENCE 108 DEPARTMENT OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY 109 DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE AND FORESTRY 109 DEPARTMENT OF POULTRY SCIENCE 110 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY 111 SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS 112 2 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 119 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 341 DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY 154 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING PHYSICS 342 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 155 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 342 DEPARTMENT OF CLASSICAL LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 344 AND LITERATURES 158 DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGICAL DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH 159 ENGINEERING 348 DEPARTMENT OF GEODETIC SCIENCE 161 DEPARTMENT OF MINERALOGY 348 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY 162 DEPARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERING 348 DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN 163 DEPARTMENT OF PHOTOGRAPHY 350 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 164 DEPARTMENT OF WELDING ENGINEERING 351 DIVISION OF LINGUISTICS 165 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 166 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 353 DEPARTMENT OF MICRORIOLOGY 167 DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY 169 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 169 COLLEGE OF LAW 361 DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE 173 DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 375 AND LITERATURES 175 DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY DEPARTMENT OF SLAVIC LANGUAGES 399 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND LITERATURES 178 400 DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH 179 SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM 183 AND GYNECOLOGY 401 DEPARTMENT OF OPTHALMOLOGY 401 SCHOOL OF OPTOMETRY 188 DEPARTMENT OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY 402 DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY 402 COLLEGE OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS 403 DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY 403 AND ADMINISTRATION 197 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE 404 DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING 214 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 404 DEPARTMENT OF HUSINESS ORGANIZATION 215 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 404 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 218 DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 405 DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY 221 DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND 407 DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY 407 ANTHROPOLOGY 222 DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY 408 SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK 224 SCHOOL OF NURSING 409 COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY 233 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 419 DIVISION OF DENTISTRY 240 DIVISION OF DENTAL HYGIENE 244 C O L L E G E O F VETERINARY MEDICINE 435 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 251 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY ANATOMY 443 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 267 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 443 DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 288 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY 444 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 289 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY PATHOLOGY 444 DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY 294 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY SCHOOL OF ART 296 AND PHARMACOLOGY 445 SCHOOL OF MUSIC 304 DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 446 DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY AND RADIOLOGY 446 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 313 DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICAL AND SPECIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENTS 447 ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 329 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 331 DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION 332 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION A-l DEPARTMENT OF CERAMIC ENGINEERING 332 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 334 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR A-254 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 337 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 339 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING DRAWING 341 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES CALENDAR A-256 3 F K L M N 0 BUILDING INDEX B INDEX IUILDINC KS ::~~~::~r?~:·~~ .. ::::::: :: ::: :: ::: : : ~~ Q Porki119 4 l~Bradford Com /'./Y.... • • • • • • ,~K5 Q ---Holloro• I: _.HOllH (IJ :;:~~YH~~I~~~~::: :: :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ (IJ :;:~ 1 ~;'~mphlthutu .'.'.'.'.",".".' ........ · ~! 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N9 THE CAMPUS o 0 HIO STA TOE T~ENIVERSITY Ruidtnct E2::: Halli ~~ iii-/ i~ Dodd Holl Offict .. :: ::::::: :: : OCT. 1, 1963 ~=~':i~isH~~sp i i1'1 ::. ~~ 0 ( Rth•b•hlolio• 0 Ctnltr) ~ c:=: p orkin9 AV[ ~~'./// ~ R. I. Yivl•n H•ll · · · · · R~~arch Lab. · · · · • · · · · E9 water Re.sources Pl'°t Plant · · · · · · · • · · · · H9 A B c D E F L M N 0 W~t·~:~~;:e:~'.:en's Field HouH.s. ,. ,.... ...... ·· · · .· : : : : : : : : : : HI 1---------~LJ LANE AVENUE ~ a: <f a. w ...J r r ::i r STADIUM DRIVE RELIGIOUS CENTERS 21 . ~ D•tta TMta. 1Ma tu'8 ~ 22. Phi lpsilen Pi, 1111 lfta 1 •••,ust 2J.. ltt'li ll••ma o.tb, 211 L 11U'I A•e• .....riu ....ptist Difci,..a 24. "'' Kolppa "" 12A ... 14UI A•e • ........ ,........ ., 21.. rttl KliPfN Sitma, 1 M I. WMdrvff tu w, 10tll An1u.1e 21. 'I'll Kappa Tau, 1'1 r. 1Stft a.,.. ......... 21. Phi KatilN nm, n1 r. tltft a.. h~•fllti•t SbHleftt UniH 21. 'f'li si....... Detta, ,., tuu 1111 WfftWMd Affft.,. 21. ,.,.,i lilJft• 1ta11 ..., 4J L 11th AH. I. lrethl'91t lt\UllHt Center JO. Pi ltappa Alpha, 200 L 1 Ith a ... 222 L Lane AnnH st. P'i LamW. l'tll, 1DI L 12tl\ A•e. 4. Chn:h 9f Cltrilt n . lis'rM IJllM ~•ilon , 1134 Indianola lt1ldeflt ChmtiH ,etl...W.I• u. lil'!'N Alpha ..... 1-.Z luU 2141 t11dtl1tela .......... 34. li1ma Chi, 2tO L tstft Aft. I. Christi.ea SCiHH Orpniutlen JI. lisme Nw., 22 L 11th ...... 17 L 11tt1 Aw.n .. JI. lipaa P'fti apsil9ft, 114 L W9"nrft I. Chutcft., 8ed JJ. ...... Pi, 411. 11th ...... The Wamer '•llCtWthlp 31. T•u lp.itH l"tti, 1111 lndi.MI• tttl Nell AwetttM n. Tau Kap,. t:ptll•n, 234 L 11tl'I An. 1, c .. ltrdt .. Ute tuurene 40. Theta Cl\I, 111 L 14th A•L NUINfle ttudeftt ,.l.. wthip 41 . Trill"11e, tm lftdian91• 14.2 Kiftf A•H"'9 42.. Z.ta a.U Tau, 114 ( . WMdrvtf I. Disclpt" of Ctiri« (ChMtilia) a.,u.t·Dieciflel stull!Mt '•15-w'lhiJ 1aw.10ttta....... I. 1.utem OrtM9u Stud•t ,,1 .... hlp Ill N. ,..,_ 10. • ,,_..., CfHI,... • SORORITY HOUSES Cantartlury Studa11t fall... hlp 1. Alpfla Ch i On,.p, 10, 1Mb Aff. aow. L AlpM D•lta Pl, 14 11th Av•. t1. a-nnplial United a,.ttir.n StudHt 1. Alpha l:psilH l'tli, 200 11tl'I AH. ,......... 4. AJphe 8am"'8 D•lta, ttn ln•J..Mll 47 I. tZUI AnftWe 5. Alpha P'f'll, tM 11th An. 12. 'int C.1R1,n1n1t1 Church can ... ,,..., I. Alpha XI Delta, 11 11th An. 1. Cfli o.-ta, 1110 lnii.. •le 1UO C....•rtttp IHtevard 1. Den. D~ Oetu, 221 1Stb Av•. 11. HiHel feunNt~n ....., l'ritft 1. Delta Gamma, 111 11th An• tt. Delta P'ftl ltnUen, 1111 luU A••· 4ll.tltt.AAt1"9 11 . Defb Zeta, 212 11111 A• .. t4. lnt.,·Y•nitJ CtuistJlin hNOW'ahilll 12. 8811UM P'hi aitta, 1145 lndiH.. a Ht falli1lltHd N 11. ,,.. ,,.._ Founchltieft ta. Kapp Alph• Theta, 1111 Jndian•ll 1'- l(a;,._ D•IU, 111 15th Awe. MMMf'ial Han, SbNlent Un'9ft 11. lla,.a KaPIN Gamma, H tlMJt AH. 11 LvtMNft Cantet 11. '""i .... IJ 11th ••e. J4 I . t Jth AHnue tJ. P'i •eta Pohl, 1M5 lndt.n•i. 11. LVU.anin St»dent Center ~ 1L .._. Delta Tau, 121 11th An. JI IL t2ttt Aw ...WI ti. ZN Teu Aapbe, 14 1stl'I Aft. ti. MM:Mdi•t c1u1mi. ....., , .....u. .. bl. 11111 """... -< O~U >- ti. .....,.. .. it. ltilNwt , ••..-1, JIJ W. IHI A'fflUM PROFESSIONAL 20. ot..unu Christian llt ...mtff FRATERNITIES v Y•Wftl ...,,.tt , ......... 0 MIO OlfftHG' •t••r t . Alpht • .,,. ....... 111 w. tottl 21 •••,... ..•lic 2. Alpha OIMP, Ml W. ltfl: ................. J.. AlpM "i, IJ7 t:. 1 Jtb 1Ml 1.U A'ffftff 4. AfpM lllM Clli, 2211:. 11th 22. lll•lit.. us Afhllrs CHtet S. Detta Sipla Detta, IO W. 10th SWMftt S.Nic.. •uil4i"I I . Delta llpn.I P'i, 144 L 11th 1MW. 12tti AftftW 1. lpslloft P"ai•n, II L 12tll 21 U•itlrilln a..- UniWlrulist Ch~h" I.
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