19/19A to via Madeley or Lawley, , and Atcham - Valid from Monday, June 7, 2021 to Sunday, September 19, 2021

Monday to Friday - Shrewsbury Bus Station

19A 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 19 1 19 2 19 2 19 1 19 19 19 19 19 19 Telford Town Centre Bus Station 0723 0920 -- 1020 1120 -- 1220 1320 -- 1420 1520 -- 1620 -- 20 -- 20 -- 1820 1920 2020 2120 2220 Madeley Centre 0733 ------ Bank Post Office -- 0925 -- 1025 1125 -- 1225 1325 -- 1425 1525 -- 1625 -- 25 -- 25 -- 1824 1924 2024 2124 2224 Lawley Medical Practice -- 0928 -- 1028 1128 -- 1228 1328 -- 1428 1528 -- 1628 -- 28 -- 28 -- 1827 1927 2027 2127 2227 Horsehay Lightmoor Square ------1040 -- -- 1240 -- -- 1440 ------Then ------past -- 1836 1936 2036 2136 2236 Horsehay Lightmoor Square -- 0940 0940 -- 1140 1140 -- 1340 1340 -- 1540 1540 1640 at 40 40 40 40 each 1740 ------Ironbridge Museum of The Gorge Car Park 0745 -- 0950 -- -- 1150 -- -- 1350 -- -- 1550 -- these 50 -- 50 -- hour 1750 ------mins until Leighton Kynnersley Arms 0757 -- 1002 -- -- 1202 -- -- 1402 -- -- 1602 -- 02 -- 02 -- 1802 ------Upper Longwood Rural Cottages 0802 -- 1007 ------Atcham Mytton & Mermaid Hotel 0812 -- 1017 -- -- 1212 -- -- 1412 -- -- 1612 -- 12 -- 12 -- 1812 ------Abbey Foregate Shirehall 0822 -- 1027 -- -- 1222 -- -- 1422 -- -- 1622 -- 22 -- 22 -- 1822 ------Shrewsbury Bus Station 0840 -- 1040 -- -- 1235 -- -- 1435 -- -- 1635 -- 35 -- 35 -- 1835 ------

1 Term Time Only 2 Only During School Holidays

Monday to Friday - Telford Town Centre Bus Station

19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 19 1 19 2 19 2 19 19 19A 19 19 19 19 Shrewsbury Bus Station -- -- 0850 -- -- 1050 -- -- 1245 -- -- 1445 -- 1545 -- 1545 -- 1645 -- 1745 ------Abbey Foregate Shirehall -- -- 0858 -- -- 1058 -- -- 1253 -- -- 1453 -- 1553 -- 1553 -- 1653 -- 1753 ------Atcham Mytton & Mermaid Hotel -- -- 0907 -- -- 1107 -- -- 1302 -- -- 1502 -- 1602 -- 1602 -- 1702 -- 1802 ------Upper Longwood Rural Cottages ------1313 -- -- 1513 -- 1613 -- 1613 -- 1713 -- 1813 ------Leighton Kynnersley Arms -- -- 0918 -- -- 1118 -- -- 1318 -- -- 1518 -- 1618 -- 1618 -- 1718 -- 1818 -- Then -- past -- -- at each Ironbridge Museum of The Gorge Car Park -- -- 0930 -- -- 1130 -- -- 1330 -- -- 1530 -- 1630 -- 1630 -- 1730 -- 1830 -- these -- hour -- -- Madeley Centre ------1840 -- mins -- until -- -- Horsehay Lightmoor Square 0720 0820 0940 0940 1040 1140 1140 1240 1340 1340 1440 1540 1540 1640 1640 1640 1640 1740 1740 -- 1836 36 2136 2236 Lawley Medical Practice 0734 0834 -- 0954 1054 -- 1154 1254 -- 1354 1454 -- 1554 -- 1654 -- 1654 -- 1754 -- 1846 46 2146 2246 Dawley Bank Post Office 0737 0837 -- 0957 1057 -- 1157 1257 -- 1357 1457 -- 1557 -- 1657 -- 1657 -- 1757 -- 1849 49 2149 2249 Telford Town Centre Bus Station 0742 0842 -- 1002 1102 -- 1202 1302 -- 1402 1502 -- 1602 -- 1702 -- 1702 -- 1802 1852 1853 53 2153 2253

1 Term Time Only 2 Only During School Holidays

Saturday - Shrewsbury Bus Station

19A 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Telford Town Centre Bus Station 0723 0920 -- 1020 1120 -- 1220 1320 -- 1420 1520 -- 20 -- 1820 1920 2020 2120 2220 Dawley Bank Post Office -- 0925 -- 1025 1125 -- 1225 1325 -- 1425 1525 -- 25 -- 1824 1924 2024 2124 2224 Lawley Medical Practice -- 0928 -- 1028 1128 -- 1228 1328 -- 1428 1528 -- 28 -- 1827 1927 2027 2127 2227 Horsehay Lightmoor Square ------1040 -- -- 1240 -- -- 1440 ------1836 1936 2036 2136 2236 Horsehay Lightmoor Square -- 0940 0940 -- 1140 1140 -- 1340 1340 -- 1540 Then 40 40 past 1740 ------Madeley Centre 0733 ------at -- -- each ------Ironbridge Museum of The Gorge Car Park 0745 -- 0950 -- -- 1150 -- -- 1350 -- -- these 50 -- hour 1750 ------mins until Leighton Kynnersley Arms 0757 -- 1002 -- -- 1202 -- -- 1402 -- -- 02 -- 1802 ------Upper Longwood Rural Cottages 0802 -- 1007 ------Atcham Mytton & Mermaid Hotel 0812 -- 1017 -- -- 1212 -- -- 1412 -- -- 12 -- 1812 ------Abbey Foregate Shirehall 0822 -- 1027 -- -- 1222 -- -- 1422 -- -- 22 -- 1822 ------Shrewsbury Bus Station 0840 -- 1040 -- -- 1235 -- -- 1435 -- -- 35 -- 1835 ------

Saturday - Telford Town Centre Bus Station

19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19A 19 19 19 19 Shrewsbury Bus Station -- -- 0850 -- -- 1050 -- -- 1245 -- -- 45 -- 1645 -- 1745 ------Abbey Foregate Shirehall -- -- 0858 -- -- 1058 -- -- 1253 -- -- 53 -- 1653 -- 1753 ------Atcham Mytton & Mermaid Hotel -- -- 0907 -- -- 1107 -- -- 1302 -- -- 02 -- 1702 -- 1802 ------Upper Longwood Rural Cottages ------1313 -- -- 13 -- 1713 -- 1813 ------Leighton Kynnersley Arms -- -- 0918 -- -- 1118 -- -- 1318 -- -- Then 18 -- past 1718 -- 1818 -- Then -- past -- -- at each at each Ironbridge Museum of The Gorge Car Park -- -- 0930 -- -- 1130 -- -- 1330 -- -- these 30 -- hour 1730 -- 1830 -- these -- hour -- -- Madeley Centre ------mins -- -- until -- -- 1840 -- mins -- until -- -- Horsehay Lightmoor Square 0720 0820 0940 0940 1040 1140 1140 1240 1340 1340 1440 40 40 1740 1740 -- 1836 36 2136 2236 Lawley Medical Practice 0734 0834 -- 0954 1054 -- 1154 1254 -- 1354 1454 -- 54 -- 1754 -- 1846 46 2146 2246 Dawley Bank Post Office 0737 0837 -- 0957 1057 -- 1157 1257 -- 1357 1457 -- 57 -- 1757 -- 1849 49 2149 2249 Telford Town Centre Bus Station 0742 0842 -- 1002 1102 -- 1202 1302 -- 1402 1502 -- 02 -- 1802 1852 1853 53 2153 2253

Sunday - Horsehay Lightmoor Square

19 19 19 19 19 Telford Town Centre Bus Station 0920 1020 Then 20 past 1620 1720 Dawley Bank Post Office 0924 1024 at 24 each 1624 1724 Lawley Medical Practice 0927 1027 these 27 hour 1627 1727 mins until Horsehay Lightmoor Square 0936 1036 36 1636 1736 Sunday - Telford Town Centre Bus Station

19 19 19 19 19 Horsehay Lightmoor Square 0936 1036 Then 36 past 1636 1736 Lawley Medical Practice 0946 1046 at 46 each 1646 1746 Dawley Bank Post Office 0949 1049 these 49 hour 1649 1749 mins until Telford Town Centre Bus Station 0953 1053 53 1653 1753