Job 08.178

Report RP005

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment




Prepared by

ENV.Australia Pty Ltd Level 7, 182 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Phone: (08) 9289 8360 Fax: (08) 9322 4251 Email: [email protected]

Prepared by: Mr Michael Welsh Mr Dale Broun Status: Final QA Review: Dr Michael Brewis Technical Review: Dr Mitchell Ladyman Content Review: Dr Mitchell Ladyman Date: 27 October 2008

08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment




1.1 OBJECTIVES ...... 1

1.2 LOCATION ...... 2

1.3 BIOGEOGRAPHY...... 2

1.4 CLIMATE...... 3


2 METHODS...... 7





2.5 PERMITS ...... 11







3.3.1 Semi-permanent Freshwater Lakes...... 19

3.3.2 Ephemeral Clay Pans ...... 19


3.4.1 Supratidal Mudflat ...... 20

08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

3.4.2 Mangroves...... 21

3.4.3 Tidal Creeks, Stream Beds and Springs...... 21

3.4.4 Saltwater Lagoons and Inlets...... 22


3.5.1 Dunes and Headlands...... 23

3.5.2 Beaches and Intertidal Flats ...... 24



4.1.1 Migratory and Marine Species Protected under the EPBC Act...... 27



4.4 IUCN RED LIST ...... 30



5 DISCUSSION ...... 35


7 REFERENCES...... 45







08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment




















08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS Scope of Services This vertebrate fauna assessment report (‘the report’) has been prepared in accordance with the scope of services set out in the contract, or as otherwise agreed, between the Department of Industry and Resources (‘the Client’) and ENV.Australia Pty Ltd (ENV) (‘scope of services’). In some circumstances the scope of services may have been limited by factors such as time, budget, access and/or site disturbance constraints.

Reliance on Data In preparing the report, ENV has relied on data, surveys, analyses, designs, plans and other information provided by the Client and other individuals and organisations, most of which are referred to in the report (‘the data’). Except as otherwise stated in the report, ENV has not verified the accuracy or completeness of the data. To the extent that the statements, opinions, facts, information, conclusions and/or recommendations in the report (“conclusions”) are based in whole or in part on the data, those conclusions are contingent upon the accuracy and completeness of the data. ENV will not be liable in relation to incorrect conclusions should any data, information or condition be incorrect or have been concealed, withheld, unavailable, misrepresented or otherwise not fully disclosed to ENV.

Environmental Conclusions In accordance with the scope of services, ENV has relied on the data and has conducted environmental field monitoring and/or testing in the preparation of the report. The nature and extent of monitoring and/or testing conducted is described in the report.

Within the limitations imposed by the scope of services, the monitoring, testing, sampling and preparation of this report have been undertaken and performed in a professional manner, in accordance with generally accepted practices and using a degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised by reputable environmental consultants under similar circumstances. No other warranty, express or implied, is made.

Report for Benefit of Client The report has been prepared for the benefit of the Client and for no other party. ENV assumes no responsibility and will not be liable to any other person or organisation for or in relation to any matter dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report, or for any loss or damage suffered by any other person or organisation arising from matters dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report (including, without limitation, matters arising from any negligent act or omission of ENV or for any loss or damage suffered by any other party relying on the matters dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report). Other parties should not rely upon the report or the accuracy or completeness of any conclusions, and should make their own enquiries and obtain independent advice in relation to such matters.

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Other Limitations ENV will not be liable to update or revise the report to take into account any events or circumstances occurring or facts becoming apparent after the date of the report. The scope of services did not include any assessment of the title to or ownership of the properties, buildings and structures referred to in the report, nor the application or interpretation of laws in the jurisdiction in which those properties, buildings and structures are located.

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


ENV.Australia Pty Ltd was commissioned by the Department of Industry and Resources in April 2008 to undertake a terrestrial vertebrate fauna assessment of four sites on and near the Dampier Peninsula: Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb Point to Quondong Point (‘Coulomb-Quondong’) and Gourdon Bay (‘the survey areas’), as these areas are possible locations for the proposed construction of a liquefied natural gas hub. This assessment comprises the dry-season faunal component of what is expected to be a comprehensive biological survey, once the hub site has been selected. Fauna assessments for another possible hub site, Anjo Peninsula, will be provided in a further report.

Two hundred and seventy-seven fauna species were recorded in the field survey or were reliably reported by locals as occurring in the survey area, consisting of seven amphibian taxa, 56 reptile taxa, 180 bird taxa, and 34 mammal taxa. Gourdon Bay had 183 vertebrate fauna taxa, Perpendicular Head-North Head had 169 and Packer Island had 158. (Only 34 vertebrate fauna taxa were recorded at Coulomb-Quondong, but this survey was curtailed by access restrictions).

Of the 277 taxa recorded or believed to occur, 94 are protected under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, the Wildlife Conservation Act and/or are listed as Priority species by the Department of Environment and Conservation. Gourdon Bay had 57 conservation-significant species, Perpendicular Head-North Head had 59, and Packer Island had 48. Only one conservation-significant taxon was recorded in the curtailed survey of Coulomb-Quondong, but it should be noted that certain conservation- significant birds are likely to occur there — access restrictions prevented the planned bird survey from being executed at this site. Of the taxa protected under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 78 are listed in the Migratory and/or Marine categories.

The Gouldian Finch (Erythrura gouldiae) is listed as Endangered under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, and, although it was not seen during the survey, this species is regularly observed by locals close to the Packer Island survey area.

The Bilby (Macrotis lagotis) is listed as Vulnerable under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. This species is regularly observed (and has recently been observed) by locals in the Gourdon Bay survey area. There is a population at Beagle Bay that may extend as far north as the Packer Island survey area.

The Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) was recorded in the Perpendicular Head- North Head survey area, and the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) was recorded at Gourdon Bay. Both are listed as Schedule 4 under the Wildlife Conservation Act.

The Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana), is a DEC Priority 1 species, and was recorded at the Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay survey areas.

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Nine species listed on the Department of Environment and Conservation Priority Fauna List were recorded or are known to occur in the survey areas.

Certain other taxa are considered by ENV to be of local significance because of their restricted distribution or because they are local endemics, and they are commented on in this report.

The following habitat types are described and evaluated in terms of their importance as fauna habitats:

• Pindan woodland;

• monsoon (vine ) thickets;

• semi-permanent freshwater lakes;

• ephemeral clay pans;

• supratidal mudflat;

• mangroves;

• tidal creeks, stream beds and springs; and

• saltwater lagoons and inlets;

• dunes and headlands; and

• beaches and intertidal flats.

All these habitats are assessed as high-value fauna habitats except ephemeral clay pans (medium value) and beaches and intertidal flats, for which site-specific assessment is recommended once a development site has been selected.

Consideration of the results of this survey provides no evidence that conservation- significant fauna of the region display strict habitat specificity. Therefore the amount of disturbance caused by any development will be primarily related to the amount of the affected habitat type available, e.g. because Pindan is the most widespread habitat in the region, development in this habitat would cause least disturbance to conservation- significant fauna.

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment



ENV.Australia Pty Ltd (‘ENV’) was commissioned by the Department of Industry and Resources in April 2008 to undertake a terrestrial biological assessment survey of four sites on and near the Dampier Peninsula: Perpendicular Head- North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay (‘the survey areas’), as these areas are possible locations for the proposed construction of a liquefied natural gas (‘LNG’) hub. This biological assessment comprises the dry- season fauna component of what is expected to be a comprehensive survey, once the hub site has been selected. Fauna assessments for another possible LNG hub site, Anjo Peninsula, will be provided in a separate report.

ENV understands that the biological survey areas are much larger than the areas likely to be directly impacted by the proposed LNG hub, and that the chosen hub sites will be positioned to avoid areas of conservation significance. The broader survey work was undertaken in an effort to understand the representation of the fauna, flora and vegetation likely to be directly impacted and to provide information on the survey areas in local context.

In addition, it should be noted that the survey work was conducted in the cooler, drier months of May-August. Therefore the results of this survey cannot be interpreted as being representative of fauna diversity over an entire year in the sub-tropical Kimberley. For example, the Australian winter is the breeding season for migratory waders, which breed in the northern hemisphere, so the abundance and diversity of this group of birds would be greatly reduced at the time of the present surveys.

The objectives of this fauna component of the biological assessment were to document (representative of the dry season) for the survey areas:

• fauna species and their habitat;

• fauna species of conservation significance; and

• exotic species.

Additional notes on fauna or fauna likely to occur in the habitats present are also included in this report.

The surveys were conducted in accordance with an access agreement between the Department of Industry and Resources and the Kimberley Land Council.

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


The Perpendicular Head-North Head and Packer Island survey areas are approximately 130 km and 163 km respectively north-east of Broome (Figure 1).

Quondong Point is approximately 45 km north of Broome, on the coast of the Dampier Peninsula (Figure 1). James Price Point is approximately 11 km north of Quondong Point. Access restrictions (see section 2.7) meant the Coulomb- Quondong project area covered a corridor of approximately 11 km from Quondong Point to James Price Point, and extending only 100 m either side of designated roads.

The Gourdon Bay survey area is approximately 74 km south-west of Broome (Figure 1).


The Dampier Peninsula extends to the north and west from a line extending approximately from Derby to Broome, in Western Australia. The survey areas are on the Indian Ocean coast of the Peninsula. Most of the Peninsula is less than 120 m above sea level.

The Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) divides Australia into 85 bioregions based on major biological and geographical/geological attributes (Thackway & Cresswell 1995). These bioregions are further subdivided into 404 subregions, as part of a refinement of the IBRA framework (Department of Environment & Water Resources 2007). The Dampier Peninsula is in the Pindanland subregion.

The survey areas are in the Dampierland biogeographic region, as per Thackway & Cresswell (1995), which is in the Northern Botanical Province (Beard 1990). Shepherd et al. (2002) give the area of Dampierland as 8 368 692 ha. This region typically consists of sandplain overlying semi-arid scrubland (or Pindan) of Acacia thickets and grassland. Fire is important to the region’s structure, as it periodically destroys scrub and grasses, aiding their regeneration.

Most of the region retains its native vegetation (EPA 2005), but some of its threatening processes include grazing, feral animals, weeds, inappropriate fire regimes and groundwater extraction.

The survey areas are in the Torresian subtropical zoogeographic region. However, they are also close to the arid Eyrean sub-region, and are therefore in a transitional zone between the two, which has unique flora and fauna with biogeographic affinities with both (McKenzie 1983; ecologia Environment 2005a).

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


The nearest relevant available climatic data (Bureau of Meteorology (‘BoM’)) is from Broome Airport, Cape Leveque and Bidyadanga weather stations.

The Cape Leveque weather station is in the northern section of the Dampier Peninsula, 206 km north-east of Broome, and is therefore representative of the Perpendicular Head-North Head and Packer Island survey areas.

The Broome station is considered representative of the central sections of the Dampier Peninsula, and is therefore most relevant to the Coulomb-Quondong survey area.

The Bidyadanga station is in the southern section of the Peninsula, 95 km south- west of Broome, and the climatic data most relevant to the Gourdon Bay survey area is therefore from the Broome and Bidyadanga weather stations.

The climate for Broome and the Dampier Peninsula is tropical, with hot and humid summers and warm winters (Figures 2a, b, c). The wet season lasts typically from December to March, and the dry for the rest of the year.

Long-term minimum temperatures at Cape Leveque (Figure 2b) are 2-3 degrees warmer and maximum temperatures 1-2 degrees cooler than for Broome (Figure 2a) and Bidyadanga (Figure 2c), but otherwise the temperature ranges are similar for the three weather stations. Median annual rainfall for Broome is 533.4 mm, 506.6 mm at Bidyadanga and 768.6 mm at Cape Leveque, although there is considerable variation from year to year (BoM 2008).

There is a gradient of increasing rainfall from south to north on the Dampier Peninsula. Most rainfall is associated with thunderstorms and tropical lows or cyclones. Evaporation is high.

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200 40

180 35

160 30 140

25 C) 120 o Rainfall 100 20 Max Min 80 Rainfall (mm) Rainfall 15 Temperature ( 60 10 40

5 20

0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month

Figure 2a: Average Monthly Rainfall and Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Broome Airport (BoM 2008)

Cape Leveque

250 35

30 200


150 20 Rainfall Max Tem p 15 Min Tem p

Rainfall (mm) 100 Temperature (oC) Temperature


50 5

0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month

Figure 2b: Average Monthly Rainfall and Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Cape Leveque (BoM 2008)

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160 40

140 35

120 30

100 25 Rainfall 80 20 Max Tem p Min Tem p

Rainfall (mm) 60 15 Temperature (oC) Temperature

40 10

20 5

0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month

Figure 2c: Average Monthly Rainfall and Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Bidyadanga (BoM 2008)

Table 1. Comparative climate of nearest weather stations to the survey areas and Broome (BoM 2008).

Weather Relevant Mean Annual Mean 2007-2008 Station Study Area Rainfall Wet season wet-season Location (mm) (Dec-April) rainfall rainfall (mm) (mm) Cape Perpendicular Leveque Head-North Head; 768 696 823 Packer Island

Broome Coulomb- 601 537 478 Quondong Bidyadanga Gourdon Bay 503 437 514


There have been few detailed biological surveys of the Dampier Peninsula.

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ecologia Environment (2004a, b) produced fauna and flora reports of an area just to the east of the Cape Leveque Road, while Keneally et al. (1996) provided a useful general description of the natural history of the Broome area, with comments on flora, and noting the variety of the coastal flora communities. This report also commented on the unique status of the area as a transitional zone between Western Australia’s desert and tropical zones.

A further report by ecologia Environment (2005b) provided an assessment of environmental constraints applying to a gas development on the western side of the Dampier Peninsula. ENV (2008) provided a desktop biological assessment of the Dampier Peninsula. Graham (2001) summarised the biodiversity characteristics of the Pindanland subregion, which includes the Dampier Peninsula.

In general, however, unlike the Pilbara, there have been few natural resource- driven development projects in the area, and this has led to there being few biological surveys of it.

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A search of the Western Australian Museum’s (WAM) FaunaBase (WAM 2008) and Birds Australia’s Birdata database (2008) was undertaken to generate a list of fauna species recorded in the area. Information on threatened species was obtained from the Threatened Fauna Database maintained by the DEC, and the EPBC Act Protected Matters Search Tool. In addition, a review of literature was conducted, together with a review of historical and current records of fauna species for the survey area. Collectively, these sources were used to compile a list of species that could use the habitats in the survey area. Habitat knowledge gained from the above initial research was then used to refine this list of expected species to those likely to occur in the study areas.


The survey of Perpendicular Head-North Head was undertaken in May, and the surveys of Packer Island and Gourdon Bay were undertaken in June, during the Kimberley dry season. The Coulomb-Quondong survey was undertaken in August, as this site was a late addition to the list of possible locations for the LNG hub.

During the Perpendicular Head-North Head survey, day temperatures ranged from 30.0-32.5oC, with night temperatures ranging from 11.7-16.0oC. Wind speeds were between 4-28 km/h, and no rainfall occurred during the survey (BoM 2008).

During the Packer Island survey, day temperatures were between 26.5-32.5oC, with night temperatures ranging from 15.5-21.0oC. Wind speeds were between 0-28 km/h, and 1.4 mm of rainfall occurred during the survey (BoM 2008).

For the Coulomb-Quondong survey, day temperatures were in the low 30s, with night temperatures in the range 11.5-16.3°C (BoM 2008). The area had received 2.2 mm of rainfall in the three months preceding the survey (BoM 2008). Wind speeds were between 28-56 km/h.

During the Gourdon Bay survey, day temperatures were between 26.0-33.5°C, with night temperatures ranging between 10.8-18.0oC. Wind speeds were between 11-43 km/h, and no rainfall occurred during the survey (BoM 2008).

While Broome (and therefore, by extension, the Coulomb-Quondong survey area) had a slightly drier than average 2007-2008 wet season, the other three survey areas had a slightly wetter than average wet season (Table 1), with most of the rain falling in February and March. Although April and May were quite dry

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for the Broome area (Figure 2a; BoM 2008), heavy rain in January, February and March suggests the Coulomb-Quondong survey, as well as those at the other sites, was undertaken after a reasonable wet season. These weather conditions appear fairly typical for the dry season (BoM 2008).

During the dry season, conditions are relatively cool and dry, so it is likely that there will be less activity of most fauna groups, in particular frogs and reptiles. In addition, the Australian winter is the breeding season for migratory waders, which breed in the northern hemisphere, so the abundance and diversity of this group of birds would be greatly reduced.

At Coulomb-Quondong, the low night temperatures were likely to have limited the activity of herpetofauna.


The fauna field surveys were undertaken from 22-31 May 2008 at Perpendicular Head-North Head, from 5-14 June at Packer Island, from 22-26 August at Coulomb-Quondong, and from 19-26 June at Gourdon Bay.

Every effort was made to survey each of the four sites using a similar methodology. However, access and resource constraints relating to sensitive areas affected each survey to varying degrees. Where major constraints impacted methodologies, the deficiencies are described in the following sections.

The fauna survey consisted of:

• a fauna habitat assessment;

• a terrestrial fauna trapping program;

• diurnal herpetological searches (except at Perpendicular Head-North Head);

• nocturnal searches;

• an ornithological census (except at Coulomb-Quondong);

• bat surveys (trapping and echolocation detection) (except at Perpendicular Head-North Head); and

• opportunistic searches.

Fauna Habitat Assessment

During the field surveys, broad fauna habitats were identified based on vegetation associations and landforms. These fauna habitats were then

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

assessed for their potential to support species of conservation significance and the quality of habitat they provide to a wider suite of fauna.

Habitats were assessed on the basis of their complexity, the presence of microhabitats, including significant trees with hollows, loose bark, fallen hollow logs and leaf litter, and their representation in the region.

Fauna habitats have been linked to the vegetation complexes mapped for the associated flora and vegetation reports. The maps of vegetation complexes are included in this report as part of Figures 3a-3e.

Terrestrial Fauna Trapping Program

Fauna habitats identified through the habitat assessment were subjected to a trapping program.

Seven trapping sites were established at each study area, and these were located in the broad habitat types identified. The location and habitat details of each site are presented in Appendix A, with site photographs presented in Appendix B.

Sites contained up to seven trap lines, which consisted of seven-metre long fences with one pit trap in the centre of the fence, and a funnel trap at each end. The pit traps were 10-litre, minimally-tapering buckets, with an opening diameter of approximately 25 cm. The trap line consisted of a strip of aluminium flywire sitting approximately 20 cm high when set. The funnel traps used were ‘fish-bait trap’-style folding synthetic mesh traps, with an opening of approximately 15 cm and a long funnel, which provides a good ramp for fauna to enter. This pit trap set-up was considered the most time-efficient method, considering the logistical complexities and timescale of these surveys. Each trap line was positioned approximately 30 m apart, with one size A Elliott trap placed nearby. Four cage traps were placed at each trapping site (one at every second trap line). Details of the trap lines erected at each site and of total trapping effort are presented in Appendix A.

Every effort was made to run each trapping site for five consecutive nights. However, this was not possible for all sites because of time constraints and access problems. For instance, Site 7 at Perpendicular Head-North Head was set up for only two nights, as access was granted late in the survey.

Diurnal Herpetological Searches

Diurnal searches for reptiles were undertaken in all major habitats in each of the survey areas except Perpendicular Head-North Head. Details of diurnal herpetological searches are presented in Appendix C. These searches included:

• investigating burrows;

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• investigating rock crevices;

• investigating scats, tracks and other traces;

• turning rocks and fallen timber;

• opening standing timber crevices; and

• raking leaf litter.

No diurnal herpetological searches were undertaken at Perpendicular Head- North Head because of time and resource constraints.

Nocturnal Searches

Nocturnal (foot-based) searches and road (car-based) cruising with the aid of spotlights were also conducted to target nocturnal fauna. Details of nocturnal searches are presented in Appendix C.

Ornithological Census

Ornithological diurnal and nocturnal surveys were undertaken throughout the survey areas, except for Coulomb-Quondong, where time constraints prevented this. The ornithologists targeted habitats likely to support threatened species, and unique or poorly-represented habitat to record species not found by previous surveys. Details of the ornithological censuses are presented in Appendix D.

For the Coulomb-Quondong survey area, to compensate for the inability to conduct a bird census, a respected local ornithologist was requested to compile a list of birds expected to occur at that location. This list is presented as Appendix H.

Bat Surveys

Bat recordings were undertaken at night using AnaBat recording units, to document bat species in the area. The recording units convert ultrasonic echolocation signals produced by bats into audible electronic signals, which are later analysed for species-specific calls. Caves, trees and drainage lines identified as potential roosting or maternal nesting sites were subjected to AnaBat recordings. AnaBat units were also set in areas likely to be used by bat species for foraging (e.g. gullies and drainage lines). AnaBat 2 units connected to mini-disc recorders were set at dusk, and recorded for 10 hours. AnaBat SD1 units were set at various times and were set on a timer to turn on at dusk and off at dawn (recording all night), and were left in place for up to two nights. Harp traps were also set overnight where appropriate flyways were found (which was at Packer Island only). Bat survey locations and details are presented in Appendix E.

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No bat recording was undertaken at Perpendicular Head-North Head because of time constraints.

Opportunistic Searches

At all times, fauna was also opportunistically observed and recorded, and where conservation-significant species were found, GPS coordinates were recorded. At all times, field staff investigated scats, tracks, burrows and other traces of animals.


Where field identification of a species was not possible, specimens were collected systematically for later identification by expert taxonomists from the Western Australian Museum Collections and Research Facility.

However, for the Coulomb-Quondong survey, all taxa were identified in the field, using field handbooks and a field microscope where necessary. Traditional owners specifically requested that no fauna be taken off-site and vouchered for this survey area. In any event, ENV does not believe that any of the fauna captured required vouchering to confirm identification.

Note that two reptile taxa, a Cryptoblepharus and a Ramphotyphlops, both recorded at Packer Island, were not identified to species, and are therefore not included in the fauna counts reported below, as they may represent taxa recorded elsewhere.


Fauna was trapped and collected in accordance with DEC Permit SF006387 issued to Dr Mitchell Ladyman.


During the fauna survey, field staff worked with local residents, traditional owners and Aboriginal rangers, many of whom reported historic or recent sightings of fauna of high conservation significance. When this occurred, staff queried the person involved and assessed the legitimacy of the report. Such a report was recorded if it came from a reliable source (e.g. a traditional owner with extensive bush knowledge, or a local amateur ornithologist) or if it was based on an accurate description of an animal that included features clearly distinguishing that species.

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It is important to note the specific constraints imposed on individual surveys. Constraints are often difficult to predict, as is the extent to which they influence survey outcomes. General limitations and constraints associated with the four study areas are detailed in Tables 2a, b, c and d, while those impacting the entire survey are discussed in Table 2e.

Table 2A: Limitations and Constraints Associated with the Perpendicular Head-North Head Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Variable Impact on Survey Outcomes

Experience levels The biologists who executed these surveys were practitioners suitably qualified in their respective fields.

• Dr Mitchell Ladyman – Principal Zoologist

• George Swann – Senior Ornithologist

• Glen Murray – Zoologist

• Dave Algaba – Zoologist

Weather The survey was undertaken from 22-31 May 2008. The area had received no rainfall in the month preceding the survey (BoM 2008). Day temperatures were from 30.0-32.5oC, with night temperatures ranging from 11.7-16.0oC. Wind speeds were from 4-28 km/h, and no rainfall occurred during the survey (BoM 2008).

Table 2B: Limitations and Constraints Associated with the Packer Island Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Variable Impact on Survey Outcomes

Experience The biologists who executed these surveys were practitioners suitably qualified in levels their respective fields.

• Dr Mitchell Ladyman – Principal Zoologist

• Matt Love – Zoologist

• Mike Brown – Zoologist

• Morgan O’Connell – Zoologist

• Mick Welsh – Senior Zoologist

Weather The survey was undertaken from 5-14 June 2008. The area received no rainfall in the month preceding the survey. Day temperatures were from 26.5-32.5oC, with night temperatures ranging from 15.5-21.0oC. Wind speeds were from 0-28 km/h, and 1.4 mm of rainfall occurred at the beginning of the survey (BoM 2008).

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Table 2C: Limitations and Constraints Associated with the Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Variable Impact on Survey Outcomes

Experience levels The biologists who executed these surveys were practitioners suitably qualified in their respective fields.

• Dr Mitchell Ladyman – Principal Zoologist

• Mick Welsh – Senior Zoologist

• Enzo Guarino – Senior Zoologist

c • Shane M Adam – Zoologist

• Justin Freeman – Biologist

• Peter Phillips – Ornithologist

Weather The survey was undertaken from 19-26 June 2008. The area had received no rainfall in the month preceding the survey (BoM 2008). Day temperatures were from 26.0-33.5oC, with night temperatures ranging from 10.8-18.0oC. Wind speeds were from 11-43 km/h, and no rainfall occurred during the survey (BoM 2008).

Table 2D: Constraints Associated with the Coulomb-Quondong Fauna Survey

Variable Impact on Survey Outcomes

Experience levels/ The biologists who executed these surveys were practitioners suitably Resources qualified in their respective fields:

• Dr Mitchell Ladyman – Principal Biologist

• Mr Mike Brown – Biologist

• Mr Dale Broun – Biologist

• Ms Elaine Chua – Biologist

• Mr George Swann – Senior Ornithologist*

• Mr Bob Bullen – Bat Analysis

*Although access constraints prevented the planned bird surveys being carried out at this site, George Swann advised on the list of potentially occurring birds.

Scope: sampling The survey carried out was the initial dry season component of a Level methods/ Intensity Two survey, comprising a desktop survey and site visit that included a habitat assessment, trapping program, and opportunistic observations. A

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Variable Impact on Survey Outcomes

full Level Two survey, including appropriate wet season surveys, is expected to be undertaken once the site of the proposed development has been selected.

Proportion of The field survey recorded 15 mammal and 19 reptile taxa in the project fauna recorded/ area. However, as noted below, because of access restrictions, the results Completeness reported here are curtailed. In addition, the survey was terminated early by the traditional owners for reasons independent of our survey. The trapping programme was therefore restricted to only four nights.

The results should be interpreted in the light of these constraints

Proportion of task Four nights were invested in trapping, which was conducted from completed 22-26 August 2008. The trapping program and opportunistic searches were curtailed to four nights because local traditional owners requested that the survey be terminated, for reasons not connected with ENV (see also Access Problems, below).

Timing, weather, The survey was undertaken in August 2008. The area had received season. 2.2 mm of rainfall in the three months preceding the survey (BoM 2008). The day temperatures were in the low 30s, with night temperatures in the range 11.5-16.3°C (BoM 2008). The low night temperatures were likely to have limited the activity of herpetofauna.

Disturbances No disturbances affected the outcomes of the survey.

Access problems This survey was intended to cover the area of the Dampier Peninsula from Quondong Point to Coulomb Point, and extending approximately 5 km inland. However, local traditional owners placed restrictions on access to certain areas. As a result, the area surveyed was restricted to a corridor of approximately 11 km from Quondong Point to James Price Point, and extending only 100 m either side of designated roads. These access restrictions meant that no bat surveys were conducted north of James Price Point. However, despite the access restrictions, it is ENV’s view that all fauna habitats in the area, except the drainage lines with pooled fresh- water near Coulomb Point area, were able to be surveyed.

Because of the access problems referred to above, the results reported here are curtailed, and should be considered in the light of that curtailment.

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Table 2E: General Limitations and Constraints Associated with the Vertebrate Fauna Survey

Variable Impact on Survey Outcomes

Scope The survey carried out was an initial dry-season component of a Level Two survey, comprising a desktop survey and site visit that included a habitat assessment, trapping program, and opportunistic observations. It is expected that wet season and post-wet season surveys of the selected site will follow once the site of the proposed development has been selected.

Access Some areas were inaccessible, and therefore unable to be adequately Problems surveyed, as they were sites of Aboriginal cultural significance.

Survey The timescale given for the completion of the work meant that there were Logistics inconsistencies between the study areas in terms of personnel and the ability to conduct the same survey effort. In addition, all field staff were required to have a local Aboriginal ranger or Traditional Owner present at all times during the survey, which somewhat restricted the potential length of the survey and added another level of logistical organisation to the survey.

These constraints meant that the amount of survey effort was less than that which would have been preferred. ENV therefore considers this survey to be a preliminary survey rather than a comprehensive survey of the fauna of the area.

Timing and Fauna composition changes over time because of changes in activity levels and Season migration. The surveys were conducted in late autumn to winter, which is the northern early dry season. At this time of year the climate is relatively cool, so ectothermic vertebrate fauna (reptiles and frogs) would be less likely to be active. The dry season is also a poor time to survey for frogs — they are more active and vocal during the wet season, when they breed. Many migratory shorebirds are also unlikely to occur in the Broome area at this time of year. Many of these species of shorebirds migrate to the northern hemisphere in the Australian winter, so apart from a few non-migrating sub-adults, it is unlikely these species would be detected in May-June. Other migratory birds that migrate to this area in summer would also be less likely to have been detected during the survey. Birds that migrate north from southern Australia in winter, such as the Rainbow -eater, Kingfishers and Cuckoos, would be more likely to be detected. Therefore the results of future fauna surveys in this location may differ from the results of this survey.

Sources of There have been few detailed biological surveys of the Dampier Peninsula: the work of McKenzie (1983), ecologia Environment (2004a, b; 2005b), Keneally et Information al. (1996), and ENV (2008; in prep.) are most relevant.

Determination The and conservation status of the Western Australian fauna are dynamic. This report was prepared using taxonomic and conservation status information current at the time of preparation.

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The fauna habitat at the four survey areas consists of Pindan woodland and shrubland, vine and shrubland thickets, freshwater habitats, and coastal and tidal habitats. These habitats are described below, and vegetation complexes for the four survey areas are mapped and presented as part of Figures 3a-3e.

As far as possible, references to fauna habitat types conform to the terminology used for the vegetation complexes presented as part of Figures 3a-3e. However, the following fauna habitat types do not conform to this terminology, as they do not correspond to recognisable vegetation communities:

• saltwater lagoons and inlets;

• beaches and intertidal flats;

• dunes and headlands; and

• tidal creeks, stream beds and springs


The typical Pindan habitat is open eucalypt woodland with a sparse overstorey of Corymbia and Eucalyptus species and a midstorey of Melaleuca, Hakea and Acacia species.

The Pindan at Perpendicular Head-North Head and Packer Island has an open canopy of trees, and is classified as Pindan Woodland.

At Gourdon Bay the overstorey is more sparse, and the Pindan there is classified as Pindan Shrubland. Therefore the abundance and diversity of arboreal fauna that utilise tree hollows, bark and similar microhabitats would be lower at this site than at the other three sites, where many of the larger Eucalyptus tectifica and E. miniata, as well as Corymbia flavescens and Corymbia dampieri trees, exhibit hollows likely to be used by hollow-dependent fauna.

The groundcover is usually a moderate to thick cover of Triodia sp. In regenerating Pindan habitats (i.e. after fire disturbance), Acacia forms a thick understorey. On the coastal edges of the Pindan, a distinct Melaleuca midstorey becomes apparent, and is here described as paperbark thicket — this was described as ‘saltwater paperbark thicket’ by Keneally et al (1996). Termite mounds are also often a feature of the Pindan habitat.

Pindan woodland and shrubland begins immediately behind a narrow coastal fringe composed of coastal heath, vine thicket, mangroves and coastal flats.

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The following conservation-significant fauna were recorded from Pindan habitat:

• the Bilby (Macrotis lagotis);

• the Dampierland Burrowing Snake (Simoselaps minimus);

• the Bush Stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius);

• the Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis);

• the Pictorella Mannikin (Heteromunia pectoralis); and

• the Gouldian Finch ((Erythrura gouldiae).

Conservation-significant mammals known to inhabit Pindan include the Bilby (Macrotis lagotis), the Spectacled Hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes conspicillatus leichardti), the Northern Nailtail Wallaby (Onychogalea unguifera), and the Northern Freetail-bat (Chaerephon jobensis) and other microbats. The Northern Quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) is also likely to occur along creeklines in Pindan.

Conservation-significant birds found in Pindan are often broadly distributed or transient, e.g. the Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis), the Letter-winged Kite (Elanus scriptus), the Pictorella Mannikin (Heteromunia pectoralis) and the Flock Bronzewing (Phaps histrionica) and the Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus). Other conservation-significant birds found in this habitat are the Beach Stone- curlew (Esacus neglectus), the Gouldian Finch (Erythrura gouldiae), the Chestnut-backed Button-quail (Turnix castanota) and the Star Finch (Neochmia ruficauda clarescens). Raptors that inhabit Pindan include the Collared Sparrowhawk (Accipiter cirrhocephalus), the Brown Goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus), the Little Eagle (Aquila morphnoides), the Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus axillaris), the Whistling Kite (Haliastur sphenurus), the Square-tailed Kite (Lophoictinia isura), the Spotted Harrier (Circus assimilis) and the Black Kite (Milvus migrans). Local endemic reptiles found in Pindan include the agamid Diporiphora pindan, the skink Lerista apoda, and the Dampierland Burrowing Snake (Simoselaps minimus).

The Northern Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula arnhemensis) was recorded from this habitat.

Various reptiles were commonly recorded from Pindan in this survey, including Ctenotus inornatus, Heteronotia binoei, Gehyra nana, Amphibolurus gilberti and the Moon snake (Furina ornata). The Agile Wallaby Macropus agilis), the Euro (Macropus robustus) and the Boobook Owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae) were recorded from this habitat.

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Pindan is a very widespread habitat on the Dampier Peninsula. It generally comprises eucalypts over various shrubs and grasses in open savannah woodland. It is a heterogeneous habitat, supporting a variety of arboreal and burrowing fauna. Pindan sustains high species richness and is potentially utilised by a large number of conservation-significant fauna. Pindan is, however, the most common habitat in the project area and is the dominant habitat type in the Dampier Peninsula.


Monsoon vine thickets occurred at Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island and Coulomb-Quondong survey areas. On the Dampier Peninsula, vine thickets occur on pindan soils which have their drainage impeded by coastal dunes. They are a restricted habitat in this region. They are moderately dense and floristically species-rich. Termite mounds are present, and there is a fair coverage of leaf litter.

The Vine thickets are characterised by Corymbia bella and Terminalia petiolaris over open shrubs. This habitat type provides multiple microhabitats for fauna to exploit, including tree hollows, abundant leaf litter, and fallen logs. The coastal swale thicket habitat occurs only at Gourdon Bay. It is composed of a low and sparse eucalypt overstorey with a moderately dense midstorey made up of an Acacia, Grevillea and Hakea complex. The midstorey species are clumped together, meaning some areas of the thicket remain relatively open. There is also a thick Triodia groundcover.

Dampier Peninsula vine thickets are recognised as a ‘Vulnerable’ threatened ecological community by the DEC under the formal designation ‘Vine thickets on coastal sand dunes of Dampier Peninsula’.

Conservation-significant fauna found in this habitat type include the Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae) and the Rose-crowned Fruit-dove (McKenzie 1983).

Fruit-bats and other frugivorous fauna may rely heavily on these small patches of vine thicket. This habitat type is also likely to be important habitat for many species of passerine birds.

The Northern Freetail-bat (Chaerephon jobensis) was recorded in this habitat.

The reptiles Diporiphora pindan, Ctenotus inornatus, Heteronotia binoei, Lerista bipes and Glaphyromorphus isolepis were commonly recorded from this habitat, as were two Pseudomys spp.

The vine thicket habitat is a disjunct fauna habitat epitomising the transitional zone from the Torresian to the Eyrean bioregion. The vine thicket communities

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support unique communities of flora and fauna (including many at the southern extent of their range), they have very high biodiversity, and they show potential to support local endemic species (Graham 2001). There is a stretch of vine thicket of more than 12 km adjacent to Quondong Beach which is believed to be the second largest on the Dampier Peninsula, providing a valuable refuge for fauna with affinities to vine thicket communities. The vine thickets are assessed as being of high conservation significance.


3.3.1 Semi-permanent Freshwater Lakes The general lack of defined drainage channels on the Dampier Peninsula means that sheet flooding dominates surface water flow, and these are conditions conducive to localised permanent and ephemeral wetlands. All four sites contain small areas of ephemeral freshwater, e.g. Weedong Lagoon at Perpendicular Head.

Conservation-significant birds found in semi-permanent freshwater lakes include several species of ducks, the Painted Snipe (Rostratula benghalensis australis), the Brolga (Grus rubicunda), the Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus), the Black- winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus), the Black-fronted Dotterel (Charadrius melanops), the Gouldian Finch (Erythrura gouldiae) and several species of egrets, herons and ibis.

This habitat type is also likely to provide habitat in summer for EPBC Act-listed migratory shorebirds. Raptors such as the Swamp Harrier (Circus approximans), the Spotted Harrier (Circus assimilis), the White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) and the Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus) forage around semi-permanent freshwater lakes.

The Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) also occurs in semi-permanent freshwater lakes.

These scarce, localised and transient environments are important in particular for their seasonal support of a wide range of migratory shorebirds. They are also seasonally important for a wide range of other fauna. They are therefore assessed as high-value fauna habitats.

3.3.2 Ephemeral Clay Pans The claypan thicket habitat is characterised by a layer of Melaleuca over Acacia and other shrubs over scattered tussock grass.

Conservation-significant birds possibly found in this habitat type include several species of ducks, the Brolga (Grus rubicunda), the Pelican (Pelecanus

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conspicillatus), the Black-necked Stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus) and several species of egrets and Ibis.

This habitat type is also likely to provide some habitat in summer for EPBC Act- listed migratory shorebirds.

The Gourdon Bay area has two ephemeral clay pans behind dunes. These appeared to be very dry at the time of the survey, and are likely to provide temporary foraging habitat for water birds after the wet season, and probably dry up every dry season.

At Coulomb-Quondong, a claypan has been excavated and is used as an enhanced water point for cattle – there is a small derelict cattle yard at this site. Old water troughs and tanks provide refugia for Olive Pythons (Liasis olivaceus) and other reptiles.

The ephemeral clay pan habitat is of moderate complexity as a fauna habitat. It provides a variety of fauna microhabitats, with leaf litter, large trees and fallen logs all present in this habitat. This habitat type is considered of medium value as fauna habitat.


3.4.1 Supratidal Mudflat This habitat consists of low shrub and groundcover species growing on a silty sand substrate. These mudflats are typically inundated only during uncommonly high-tide events and during periods of high rainfall. The salinity of these supratidal soils is so high as to prevent tree growth, except for some fringing paperbarks (Melaleuca spp.). Halophytic and succulent samphire species are usually present on these mudflats — however, an exception to this was the mudflat adjacent to Lombadina Reserve, just to the north of the Packer Island study area. Sporobolus and Cenchrus species grasses are often present.

The Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) is a DEC Priority 4 species known as a common visitor to the coast of Western Australia, where it may be locally common. Its habitat is tidal mudflats.

The Lakeland Downs Mouse (Leggadina lakedownensis) was recorded from this habitat. Supratidal (samphire) mudflats may also provide habitat for the Airlie Island Ctenotus (Ctenotus angusticeps). During times when it is inundated, this habitat provides a resource for birds such as the Brolga (Grus rubicunda), the Black-necked Stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus) and many species of waders. Raptors such as the Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus) also forage in this habitat.

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Although this habitat is generally not structurally complex as a fauna habitat, it is of high value because of its role as habitat for a wide range and large numbers of wading birds.

3.4.2 Mangroves The mangroves are a true intertidal system, entirely inundated during high tide, with soils exposed at low tide. Rhizophora and Avicennia sp. are the predominant overstorey species. These tree species continue down to occupy the midstorey, creating a densely-vegetated habitat. On the seaward margin Sonneratia alba is common, often mixed with the columnar Camptostemon schultzii. The central zone typically features Rhizophora stylosa.

There are large stretches of mangrove at Packer Island. At Perpendicular Head- North Head, there is a large mangrove area around Tappers Inlet, and at Gourdon Bay, there is a large area around Port Smith. There is no mangrove habitat at the Coulomb-Quondong survey area. Disjunct mangrove communities are present at the other three project areas, but are most widespread at Gourdon Bay.

The Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana) was recorded in mangrove habitat during this survey.

The Black Bittern (Ixobrychus flavicollis) is likely to occur in this habitat type, as well as a significant number of mangrove specialist birds. The Yellow White-eye (Zosterops luteus), the Red-headed (Myzomela erythrocephala) and the Mangrove Golden Whistler (Pachycephala melanura) were recorded from this habitat. The Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) is also found in this habitat. Fruit bats also roost and forage in the mangroves. The mangroves are significant habitat for migratory shorebirds and other waders.

The mangrove system is an important nursery area for marine fishes and crustaceans. The role of mangrove stands in primary production, sediment trapping and coastal protection is increasingly recognised. They are assessed as high-value fauna habitat.

3.4.3 Tidal Creeks, Stream Beds and Springs Ephemeral stream beds and springs occurred at Tappers Creek (Perpendicular Head-North Head), Chile Creek and Tjilbata Creek (Packer Island). These creek beds appear mostly saltwater, and the level of brackishness varies depending on rain events providing flushes of freshwater and on storm events that might change the flow of creeks near their mouth. Springs feeding into these creeks are fresh or salty.

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Wetlands fringing woodland are areas attractive to fauna such as the Collared Sparrowhawk (Accipiter cirrhocephalus) and the Water-Rat (Hydromys chrysogaster), and a wide range of waterbirds such as the Brolga (Grus rubicunda).

All four project areas contain small pockets of such wetlands. Grassy waterholes are likely to provide habitat for the Painted Snipe (Rostratula benghalensis australis), the Australian Reed-warbler (Acrocephalus australis) and the Tawny Grassbird (Megalurus timoriensis).

The banks of these creeks are sandy, and are lined by mangroves or by Monsoon Vine Thicket, and provide habitat for waterbirds such as the Darter (Anhinga melanogaster) and the Black-necked Stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus), and for other fauna such as the Olive Python (Liasis olivaceus olivaceus).

These are small, concentrated areas of high-value fauna habitat.

3.4.4 Saltwater Lagoons and Inlets Port Smith Lagoon (at Gourdon Bay), Lombadina Creek and other creeks at Packer Island, and Middle Lagoon (at the Perpendicular Head-North Head site) are shallow saltwater lagoons with a sandy substrate and good water clarity. At low tide they are basically large sand flats, with apparently little mud or organic matter.

This is potential habitat for three turtles: the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), the Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the Flatback Turtle (Natator depressus) and the Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus).

In addition, birds such as the Great Egret (Ardea alba) and the Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis), and a wide range of EPBC Act-listed migratory shorebirds utilise such habitat.

Wading birds occupy a range of coastal habitats, including coastal lagoons, bays, mudflats and rock shelves (Geering, Agnew & Harding 2007), and they are found in very large numbers on the Dampier Peninsula. Egrets, herons, ibis and other waders such as the Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica), the Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus), the Grey Teal (Anas gracilis) and many other species of waders and terns feed in the lagoons and inlets.

There are potentially dozens of EPBC Act-listed migratory shorebirds in this habitat, and it is possible that during summer, significant numbers of them collect in suitable places. Raptors such as the White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) and the Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus) forage around saltwater lagoons and inlets.

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Common waterbirds such as Egrets and Cormorants forage in the open sandy parts of the lagoons. Other waders, including migratory shorebirds, may forage in them in summer. Middle Lagoon is probably not significant for waders, except for Beach Stone-curlews and Sooty Oystercatchers — the latter species is often overlooked, and more emphasis should be placed on the status of these endemic species that have small populations.

Tappers Inlet (at Perpendicular Head-North Head) is an important wader site, with extensive rich, sandy mudflats that support significant numbers of waders. This site could support thousands of waders in summer. It was not possible to access all areas of the site during the surveys, so as yet undiscovered mud flats similar to Tappers Inlet may exist, particularly at the Packer Island survey area (such as the mouth of Chile Creek and Tjilbata Creek, and between Packer Island and the mainland).

This habitat is of high value as a fauna habitat because of the wide range of fauna and the large numbers of EPBC Act-listed shorebirds it supports.


3.5.1 Dunes and Headlands The coastline of the four survey areas is roughly similar, and consists of small bays with long sandy beaches interdispersed with small rocky headlands. The beaches vary, some having very small dunes, while in other places there are substantial dune systems.

The Headland/Beachhead areas are characterised by scattered Terminalia shrubland over Acacia colei and cunninghamii over open tussock grassland. In addition, at one site at Coulomb-Quondong, there was a thick area of Pandanus. At Gourdon Bay stabilised dunes are dominated by Acacia bivenosa with scattered Crotalaria cunninghamii, while between Quondong and Coulomb Point, only the latter species is found. In coastal areas at Perpendicular Head, Quondong and Gourdon Bay, introduced buffel grass (*Cenchrus ciliaris) is expanding into native dune vegetation.

The coastal dunes of the Dampier Peninsula play the important role of providing the shelter the vine thicket communities require to become established and to exist. The coastal face of the dunes comprises an open heath layer over low sparse shrubs (e.g. Tephrosia rosea) over *Cenchrus ciliaris and Euphorbia spp. herbland. The inland face of the dunes generally comprises a low open woodland layer (Corymbia bella, Terminalia petiolaris, Sersalisia sericea) over open shrubland over open tussock grassland.

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This habitat type provides little refuge for arboreal animals, as it lacks a thick overstorey and shrubland.

The Dampierland burrowing snake (Simoselaps minimus) and its principal prey (various Lerista species) occur in this habitat type, and they were recorded in this survey.

The Bilby (Macrotis lagotis) is also known from dune habitat, and it is likely the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) finds suitable nest sites at certain coastal locations (it usually nests in cliff faces), although it also forages well inland.

The cliff faces provide possible roosts for cave bats (e.g. the Ghost Bat (Macroderma gigas).

Rocky shore habitat occurs along the seaward side of Packer Island. This habitat type may support some of the fauna listed above, as well as providing tidal rocky reef, which is habitat for the Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres), the Pied Oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris), the Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis), the Eastern Reef Egret (Egretta sacra) and other EPBC Act- listed terns and migratory waders.

Raptors such as the White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), and the Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus) forage around coastal habitats.

Coastal rock outcrops (on headlands) may provide important refuges for fauna such as the Scaly-tailed Possum (Wyulda squamicaudata) and the Kimberley Cave Bat (Vespadelus douglasorum). This is a poorly-represented habitat, found only on exposed headlands. Because of its disjunct nature, it is likely to harbour local endemic species.

The Northern Freetail-bat (Chaerephon jobensis) and the reptiles Lerista bipes, Ctenotus inornatus, Bynoe’s Gecko (Heteronotia binoei) and Diporiphora pindan were all recorded from this habitat. This habitat type, although providing little microhabitat diversity, is of high conservation value because it caters to significant fauna such as those mentioned above. In addition, this habitat type is generally poorly represented on the Dampier Peninsula.

3.5.2 Beaches and Intertidal Flats The beaches are all sandy, with no macrovegetation, and along the open stretches of beach there appears to be little organic matter (i.e. mud).

All four survey areas have beaches and associated sand banks/dunes where Sea Turtles may nest. However, the structure of the beaches is sub-optimal for

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nesting in most cases. Sea Turtles generally require beaches with foredune habitat above high-tide level for nesting habitat, and beaches without these characteristics are unlikely to provide suitable nesting habitat for them. Nevertheless, and because of their conservation significance, a precautionary approach has been adopted in assessing this habitat in relation to nesting turtles. Moreover, turtle tracks were observed on beaches during the survey (M. Ladyman, personal observation), indicating that turtles come onto land in the survey area to search for possible nesting sites.

Although the main Sea Turtle nesting beaches appear to be on offshore islands, these turtles travel long distances, and other nesting beaches may remain to be discovered: for example, DEWHA (2008) states that ‘the Kimberley may represent an important but unknown nesting region’ for the Flatback Turtle (Natator depressus).

The Kimberley coast in general and the Dampier Archipelago Nature Reserve in particular is a major nesting area for the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), the Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the Flatback Turtle (Natator depressus) (DEWHA 2008 Species Profile and Threats Database). In view of the conservation significance of these species, a precautionary approach indicates that the close proximity of the Dampier Peninsula’s beaches is likely also to make them habitat for these Sea Turtles.

Wading birds seem to congregate around places where more organic matter may collect, such as bays and coves. This was observed at the southern end of Thomas Bay, and is likely to be the case near the mouth of creeks and inlets. Rocky headlands generally do not extend far out and form reefs, although along Packer Island (a barrier island) there is a substantial rocky shore that is a tidal rockflat exposed on fairly low tides.

The beaches are important habitat for shorebirds such as the Beach Stone- curlew (Esacus neglectus), the Pied Oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris), the Greater Sand Plover (Charadrius leschenaultii), the Red-capped Plover (Charadrius ruficapillus), several species of tern, the Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis), and many other EPBC Act-listed shorebirds.

The dunes and beaches provide habitat to locally nesting waders such as terns and plovers and other migratory birds. In addition, it is the habitat of the Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus).

Beach areas adjacent to any site formally proposed will require more detailed investigation in relation to turtle and wading bird usage. Areas with high concentrations of organic matter attract very large numbers of wading birds, whilst other areas often appear almost devoid of fauna for long periods. Surveys of wading birds should be carried out in summer to assess the value of a specific site.

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Species of conservation importance that were recorded in the survey areas are discussed in the following sections, and are listed in Table 3. Listing status is given in Appendix F, while individual records and their coordinates are given in Appendix G.

Two hundred and seventy-seven fauna taxa were recorded in the field survey or were reliably reported by locals as occurring in the four survey areas, consisting of seven amphibian taxa, 56 reptile taxa, 180 bird taxa and 34 mammal taxa.

Table 3: Conservation-Significant Fauna Species Recorded in the Survey Areas

CONSERVATION RECORDED SIGNIFICANCE Perpend Packer Coulomb- Gourdon COMMON TAXON icular Island Quondong Bay NAME Head- North Head

Vulnerable (EPBC) Bilby Macrotis lagotis Lo Schedule 1 (WC) Little Mormopterus loriae Priority 1 (DEC) Northwestern X X X Mastiff Bat cobourgiana Lakeland Leggadina Priority 4 (DEC) Downs X Mouse lakedownensis Saltwater Schedule 4 (WC) Crocodile Crocodylus porosus X Dampierland Priority 2 (DEC) Burrowing Simoselaps minimus X Snake Lerista separanda Priority 2 (DEC) X X Peregrine Schedule 4 (WC) Falcon Falco peregrinus X Eastern Numenius Priority 4 (DEC) Curlew X madagascariensis Bush Stone- Priority 4 (DEC) curlew Burhinus grallarius X X X Australian Priority 4 (DEC) Bustard Ardeotis australis Lo X Pictorella Heteromunia Priority 4 (DEC) Mannikin Lo pectoralis Endangered Gouldian Finch Erythrura gouldiae (EPBC) Lo Schedule 1 (WC) Lo= Local resident/ traditional owner has observed this species.

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The Gouldian Finch (Erythrura gouldiae) is listed as Endangered under the EPBC Act. Although it was not recorded during the survey, it has been observed by locals in the Packer Island survey area. The locals at the Chile Creek settlement report seeing them regularly, and for several years. McKenzie (1983) reported them as occurring at Lombadina.

The Bilby (Macrotis lagotis) is listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act, and was recorded at Gourdon Bay. Though not directly observed during the survey, it has been regularly sighted in the Gourdon Bay area by locals. Bilbies are historically known to occur in the area (Kingsley Miller, pers. comm.), and traditional owners report seeing them fairly regularly (including in the last few months) on Port Smith road (i.e. in the Gourdon Bay survey area). Bilby roadkill is occasionally found on the adjacent section of the Great Northern Highway (Tim Willing, pers. comm.). During the survey, local Aboriginal rangers showed us one abandoned Bilby burrow off the site, towards Bidyadanga (Appendix G). A search was made in the area immediately surrounding this burrow, but no active burrows were found. No systematic survey for Bilby burrows was possible in the survey area, as this incidental record occurred late in the survey, so it is unknown to what extent Bilbies are present at this survey area.

Bilbies are historically known to occur close to the Packer Island site, but generally more towards the Beagle Bay area (traditional owner’s knowledge). They continue to be recorded there, including recent records of active burrows and road kill (Kingsley Miller, pers. comm.). It is possible this population extends as far north as Packer Island. No Bilbies or their burrows were found at this survey area. No systematic survey for Bilby burrows was made in the survey area, so it is unknown to what (if any) extent Bilbies are present in this survey area.

Three species of Sea Turtle, the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), the Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the Flatback Turtle (Natator depressus), were not directly observed in this survey but are known to occur in the area. Though it is unlikely, some nesting may occur on beaches in the project area. All three Sea Turtles are listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act.

4.1.1 Migratory and Marine Species Protected under the EPBC Act Seventy-eight species listed as Migratory or Marine under the EPBC Act were recorded or are known to occur in the survey areas (Appendix F). These include four reptiles – three Sea Turtles and the Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) – and 74 bird species recognised under international treaties such as CAMBA and JAMBA. Many of these are largely aerial species with an extensive home range. These species may utilise the survey area as part of a larger home range, or may visit periodically.

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The Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is listed under the WC Act (Appendix F), and was found at the Perpendicular Head-North Head survey area. Two Saltwater Crocodiles were seen in Weedong Lagoon.

The Gouldian Finch (Erythrura gouldiae) is listed under the WC Act, and occurs at the Packer Island study area (it is discussed above).

The Bilby (Macrotis lagotis) is listed under the WC Act, and occurs at the Gourdon Bay survey area, and may also occur at the Packer Island survey area (as discussed above).

The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) occurs at the Gourdon Bay survey area. One Peregrine Falcon was seen in the northern part of the survey area, near the coast. There are low cliffs in patches around the coast at Gourdon Bay, as well as the Dampier Peninsula, which may provide nesting sites for Peregrines.

The Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and the Flatback Turtle (Natator depressus) are both listed under the WC Act, and although they were not observed, they potentially nest in the sand dunes behind beaches in the survey area.


Three species listed as Priority species by the DEC were recorded or are known to occur near Perpendicular Head-North Head:

• the Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis).

• the Bush Stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius); and

• the Flock Bronzewing (Phaps histrionica);

The Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) is a DEC Priority 4 species known as a common visitor to the coast of Western Australia.

The Bush Stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius) is listed as DEC Priority 4 and as Near Threatened by the IUCN Red List. This species inhabits dry open woodlands with groundcover of small sparse shrubs, grass or litter of twigs. The species requires permanent water to become resident.

The Flock Bronzewing (Phaps histrionica) is listed as Priority 4 by the DEC. This bird is highly nomadic, and is found in open woodland and treeless grass plains (Simpson & Day 2004). The distribution of this taxon is very patchy in northern parts of Western Australia.

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Five species listed as Priority species by the DEC were recorded at Packer Island:

• the Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana);

• the Bush Stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius) (see above);

• Lerista separanda;

• the Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis); and

• the Dampierland Burrowing Snake (Simoselaps minimus).

The Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana) is a DEC Priority 1 species inhabiting mangroves along the northern coast of Western Australia (and elsewhere). It has been recorded primarily from open forests, and is known to forage over open water: it requires clear areas because of its rapid flight. Cogger (2000) considers the status of the skink Lerista separanda uncertain, although it is listed as a DEC Priority 2 species. It inhabits semiarid and arid areas of the south-west Kimberley at Kimbolton, Point Coulomb and Nita Downs, and is restricted to Western Australia. It burrows in loose soil or sand beneath rocks and logs, and feeds on insects, especially ants and termites.

The Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis) is listed as Priority 4 by the DEC and as Near Threatened by the IUCN Red List. It is typically widespread, but locally scarce: its habitat includes woodlands and grasslands. The Dampierland burrowing snake (Simoselaps minimus) is known only from the Dampier Peninsula, and is a DEC Priority 2 species. Little is known of its biology (Cogger 2000).

The only taxon of formal conservation significance recorded at the Coulomb- Quondong survey area was the Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana), which is a DEC Priority 1 species, and which is discussed above. Six species listed as Priority species by the DEC were recorded at Gourdon Bay:

• the Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana) (see above);

• the Lakeland Downs Mouse (Leggadina lakedownensis);

• the Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis) (see above);

• the Bush Stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius);

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• Lerista separanda (see above); and

• the Pictorella Mannikin (Heteromunia pectoralis).

A seventh species, the Spectacled Hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes conspicillatus leichardti) is known from the Port Smith area (Kingsley Miller, pers. comm.), but it is not known if it occurs in the survey area.

The Lakeland Downs mouse (Leggadina lakedownensis) is listed as Priority 4 by the DEC. It occurs on sand plains, clay pans and grasslands near water in the Gascoyne, Pilbara and the Kimberley. It is generally rare, with scattered populations, and little is known of its biology.

The Pictorella Mannikin (Heteromunia pectoralis) is distributed across the arid and semi-arid interior Kimberley, where it inhabits lightly wooded grassland and spinifex country (Johnstone & Storr 2004). It is generally nomadic, and may form flocks towards the end of the dry season, although it is a solitary breeder. It is largely a ground feeder, taking grass seed and small insects.


Three species with an IUCN Red List rating of Vulnerable or higher were found or are known to occur in the survey areas:

• the Gouldian Finch (Erythrura gouldiae);

• the Dingo (Canis lupus dingo); and

• the Bilby (Macrotis lagotis).

The Gouldian Finch and the Bilby are discussed above.

The Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List because the proportion of pure Dingoes is declining through hybridisation with domestic dogs (IUCN 2008). However, FaunaBase (WAM 2008) states that Dingoes exist throughout Western Australia, and its wide distribution is likely to be attributable at least in part to its opportunistic carnivory (Menkhorst & Knight 2004).


Eight locally significant species were recorded in the current survey areas. These species are considered of local conservation significance because of their restricted patterns of distribution and abundance, but they are not protected by legislation.

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At Perpendicular Head-North Head and at Coulomb-Quondong, one recorded species is considered of local conservation importance: the agamid Diporiphora pindan. Diporiphora pindan is considered of local conservation significance because its northern distribution is relatively unknown in Western Australia. It is also noted by the Australian Natural Resources Atlas ( as a local endemic, and therefore assumes local significance. It inhabits grassy woodlands with Acacia thickets of the arid west Kimberley (Wilson & Swan 2003).

Six locally significant species were recorded at Packer Island:

• the Northern Freetail-bat (Chaerephon jobensis);

• Diporiphora pindan;

• Lerista separanda;

• Ctenotus colletti;

• the Dampierland Burrowing Snake (Simoselaps minimus); and

• the Mole Toadlet (Uperoleia talpa).

The Northern Freetail-bat is found only in the tropics, particularly in mangroves along the northern coast of Western Australia. It appears vulnerable to loss of tree hollows and feeding grounds by changing land use, but llittle is known of its biology.

Lerista separanda, like Diporiphora pindan, which is discussed above, is significant because of the scarcity of records of it and its status as a potential local endemic.

Wilson & Swan (2003) note that Ctenotus colletti is poorly known and of very restricted distribution (a specimen was recorded on a sandy creek bed). It inhabits only the Spinifex dunes of the south-west Kimberley.

The Dampierland burrowing snake (Simoselaps minimus) is known only from the Dampier Peninsula, and is a DEC Priority 2 species. Little is known of its biology (Cogger 2000).

The Mole Toadlet (Uperoleia talpa) is known from the lower Fitzroy River and across the lower Dampier Peninsula, from Derby to Broome (WAM 2008). Its comparatively small distribution is probably a result of lack of surveying rather than any real artefact, as most vertebrate species in Pindan tend to have broad distributions within this habitat type.

Five species recorded or known to occur in the survey area are considered of local conservation importance at Gourdon Bay:

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• the Northern Freetail-bat (Chaerephon jobensis);

• the Northern Nailtail Wallaby (Onychogalea unguifera);

• the Northern Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula arnhemensis);

• Diporiphora pindan; and

• Lerista separanda.

The Northern Nailtail Wallaby (Onychogalea unguifera) occurs throughout the Kimberley (and across much of northern Australia) in areas of open woodland with a tussock grass understorey (WAM 2008). McKenzie (1983) reported this species from the Coulomb area, and Keneally et al. (1996) state that a small population persists in the small area of Pindan in the Coulomb Point Nature Reserve.

The Northern Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula arnhemensis) is patchily distributed in Western Australia in the Pilbara, the Kimberley and Barrow Island (WAM 2008). It is believed to have declined because of the interaction of feral predation, changing fire regimes and habitat reduction.

Diporiphora pindan and Lerista separanda are discussed above.


The methodology of undertaking multiple surveys in a small timeframe was adopted to minimise temporal variation in sampling, and as far as possible the same trap layout and methodology was used at each site in order to minimise inter-site sampling variations. Table 4 highlights some differences that are discussed in more detail for each fauna group below. In addition, Appendix I provides a species-by-site matrix, giving details of fauna recorded at each trap site and habitat type.

Two hundred and seventy-seven fauna species were recorded in the field survey, or were reliably reported by locals as occurring in the survey area, consisting of seven amphibian species, 56 reptile species, 180 bird species, and 34 mammal species. Gourdon Bay had 183 vertebrate fauna species, Perpendicular Head-North Head had 169, and Packer Island had 160 (see Table 4). The lack of a bird survey at the Coulomb-Quondong site meant only 34 taxa were recorded there.

Comparable data for the area is sparse, but ecologia Environment (2004a) reported eight mammals, 28 reptiles, four amphibians and 65 birds from a site 12 km south-east of the Beagle Bay Community, and just east of the Cape Leveque Road.

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Table 4: Numbers of Taxa Recorded at Each Site

Perpendicular Packer Coulomb- Gourdon Taxa Head-North Island Quondong Bay recorded Head at one site only

Mammals 2 (1)* 20 (3) 15 (3) 21 (2) 16

Reptiles 29 (1) 30† 19 41 (1) 27

Amphibians 3 6 0 1 5

Birds 135 102 (1) - 120 59

Totals 169 158 34 183 107

*no bat recordings made at this site

† Note that a Cryptoblepharus and a Ramphotyphlops, both recorded at Packer Island, were not identified to species, and are therefore not included in fauna counts reported here, as they may represent taxa recorded elsewhere.

Parentheses indicate numbers of non-native taxa

In addition, a search of the WAM FaunaBase of the general area of the Dampier Peninsula indicated 12 amphibia, 177 birds, 26 mammals and 88 reptiles as potentially occurring. Approximations based on the WAM database often give overestimates of expected species, as the search areas are broad and encompass a variety of habitats that may not be representative of a particular, much smaller, project area. However, this does not appear to be the case in this instance. The fact that the current survey recorded more mammals and more birds than those indicated on the WAM list is likely to be an indication of the low level of previous surveying of the Dampier Peninsula. ecologia Environment (2004a) commented on the inadequacy of WAM records for mammals in the Beagle Bay area – a result of a lack of surveying in the area, and a comment equally applicable to the Dampier Peninsula as a whole.

It is interesting to note that, of the 277 fauna species recorded, 107 were recorded for only one survey area. More importantly, of the less mobile fauna (reptiles and mammals), almost half of the reptiles (27 of 56) and mammals (16 of 34) were recorded at a single survey area. This could be interpreted as an indicator of the diversity of the four project areas and as an affinity of particular taxa to each area. However, it is unlikely this is the case, as the fauna habitats (based on vegetation assemblages) are common to the four survey areas, except for vine thickets occurring as vine shrublands at Gourdon Bay. It is more likely this outcome is an artefact of the low sampling effort and the timing of surveying

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in the dry season. A wet-season survey would probably reveal much greater commonality for fauna assemblages, but would also result in greater species richness.

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Overview of Potential Impacts

Construction of the proposed Kimberley LNG hub will directly impact individuals of all fauna taxa during and after construction. As the proposed sites are at present undeveloped and their fauna habitats are generally intact, the proposed development will also result in a loss of fauna habitat that will be directly proportional to the extent of land clearing and modification of the environment.

Therefore, the most appropriate way to assess the impact on fauna and fauna habitats by the proposed development is to consider the fauna recorded and likely to occur at each of the proposed sites. How well represented each of the fauna habitats are at each proposed site should also be considered in context with the extent of clearing required for construction of the LNG hub and its associated infrastructure.

The study areas consist of habitat types typical of the coastal portion of the Dampier Peninsula. Therefore direct loss of individual fauna because of habitat removal or disturbance will be approximately relative to the percentage disturbance of the Dampier Peninsula that the project causes. The project areas surveyed were approximately 10 000 ha (except Coulomb-Quondong), although only 1000-1500 ha is proposed for disturbance at the final hub location. It was determined that 10 000 ha be surveyed to allow flexibility in the selection of the area for final construction. As the Dampier Peninsula covers an area of approximately 14 000 km2, the total disturbance footprint of a multi-user LNG hub (assuming the maximum area of 1500 ha) is 0.0011% of the Dampier Peninsula. Therefore, 0.0011% of the fauna occurring on the Dampier Peninsula is likely to be impacted by the development.

This is a very coarse estimate that should be carefully considered in the context of the fauna habitats proposed for disturbance, despite the fact that the data show a lack of strict habitat fidelity for most fauna. Reference to the vegetation community maps for the four sites included as part of Figures 3a-3e provides guidance on the representation of the fauna habitat types discussed in this report.

There are also likely to be continuing indirect impacts on terrestrial fauna from the proposed Kimberley LNG hub, from linear infrastructure such as roads, pipelines and power lines. These could include increased road mortality as a result of increased road traffic, mortalities from birds striking power lines and mortalities of animals falling in open pipeline trenches or other earthworks. Ground-dwelling birds such as the Bustard and Bush Stone-curlew, as well as ground mammals and snakes are particularly susceptible to vehicle-strike. Many birds (particularly waterbirds) are known to be killed by striking power lines, and

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most ground animals are at risk of falling into pipeline trenches. Many of these sorts of impacts can be reduced by placing linear infrastructure away from concentrations of wildlife such as water bodies, and by enforcing environmental management plans that target such impacts.

By far the bulk of the Dampier Peninsula comprises Pindan habitat. Pindan habitat is not strictly uniform across the Peninsula — rather it comprises a mosaic of different woodland and shrubland species. Consistent with this, the Pindan habitat comprised the bulk of each of the survey areas. In all cases, Pindan habitat commenced behind a narrow fringing coastal band containing various communities, and progressed inland. There was, however, some local variation in the extent and complexity of the coastal fringe separating the Pindan habitat from the coast. In addition, there is no conservation area representative of the northern high-rainfall Pindan such as that found at Perpendicular Head-North Head and at Packer Island.

At Packer Island there was a large area of mangrove, samphire, tussock grassland and shrubland extending inland behind Packer Island.

At Perpendicular Head-North Head, Tappers Inlet comprised of mangroves, samphire and melaleuca, and represented a large coastal complex that separated the Pindan habitat from the ocean.

At Gourdon Bay, Port Smith Lagoon constituted a large portion of the survey area, to the exclusion of the Pindan Habitat.

Coulomb-Quondong was the only site where the coastal communities represented a narrow fringe for the entire length of the project area.

The fundamental design plan for the KLNG hub dictates that the bulk of the processing plant will be set an appropriate distance back from the shore line. Various networks of infrastructure, such as pipelines, would extend from the hub to the shoreline along a relatively narrow corridor linking the hub to a deepwater port.

Consideration of a fundamental design plan in context with the fauna habitats mapped in Figures 3a-3e suggests that the greater part of the landscape likely to be disturbed will be composed of Pindan habitat. It is the infrastructure corridor that may disturb more restricted coastal communities such as vine thickets, samphire or coastal dunes. Intuitively, construction of the deepwater port will result in the disturbance of beaches, tidal flats and some primary coastal dune habitats.

Based on the fact that the greatest impact will arise if large areas of poorly represented habitat are disturbed, it follows that the proposed infrastructure should be positioned to avoid habitats mapped in Figures 3a-3e that are small,

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isolated, or that do not occur at multiple sites on the Dampier Peninsula. For instance, if the infrastructure corridor linking the hub to the port was to bisect the linear Vine Thicket habitat in the southern portion of the Coulomb-Quondong project area, the relative level of direct disturbance would be high, as the Vine Thickets occur only in small isolated pockets. Moreover, the impact would be compounded by fragmentation of that specific Vine Thicket habitat, limiting the movement of fauna within it. Similarly, if the LNG hub were to be positioned on the Pindan habitat near Weedong Lagoon (at the Perpendicular Head-North Head site), secondary impacts such as contamination or the alteration of surface hydrology would result in significant impact to this freshwater lagoon. This would be compounded by the fact that there are few, if any, lagoons on the Dampier Peninsula that are of similar size and similar value for wetland-dependent fauna.

The most appropriate way to consider the potential impact of the construction of the Kimberley LNG is to consider not only the fauna that may be impacted, but the habitats on which they depend.

Impacts on Fauna

Throughout the surveys, there were very few captures of critical weight range mammals (mammals weighing between 35-5500 grams). Most native mammals recorded were bats recorded using acoustic monitors or harp traps. Night-time temperatures were quite low, averaging approximately 14oC for the May, June and July surveys, and in the range 11.5-16.3°C for the August survey, which may have limited the activity of herpetofauna. However, the species richness of herpetofauna recorded at each site was relatively high and similar between sites, indicating that the effect of low temperature may not have been detrimental to the survey results. Lack of rainfall and low humidity also reduced the number of amphibians collected.

For mammals, reptiles and amphibians, the timing of the survey in the dry season, fires and feral predation may be the reasons for the low capture rates, as these factors and their influence would be similar across the sites. All four of the proposed sites are close to human habitation, and predators such as feral cats were common to all sites. Fire is well documented on the Dampier Peninsula, and historical fires have significantly thinned and simplified vegetation throughout the Peninsula. Fires result in a lack of protective refuges (i.e. suitable habitat) for fauna. This, coupled with a prevalence of feral predators, dramatically reduces the presence of native fauna, and therefore their catchability.

Bradley et al. (1987) observed that numbers of granivorous species (in this case, various murids) on the Mitchell Plateau, a laterite-capped plateau of the Kimberley, markedly decline towards the end of the wet season, when plant growth was maximal, but seed set and fall had not yet begun. As three of the areas were surveyed in May-July, i.e. at the beginning of the dry season, this factor may have affected the records of small mammals and some birds. Bradley

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et al. (1987) also noted marked fluctuations in numbers of several small mammals from trapping records spaced at intervals over a year. Accounting for the low numbers of critical weight range mammals recorded in the current survey will remain difficult until sufficient further work on the biology of the Dampier Peninsula is carried out to place them in the context of factors such as these.

The Pale Field Rat (Rattus tunneyi), recorded during the present surveys, has not previously been recorded in the other surveys quoted for comparison purposes in Appendix F1. There are no WAM records of it on the Dampier Peninsula, although this may be a function of the general lack of surveying of the area, as it is known from the Pilbara (to the south) and the Kimberley (to the north). Similarly, the Packer Island and Coulomb-Quondong acoustic records represent the only records of the Western Cave Bat (Vespadelus caurinus) on the Dampier Peninsula (see Appendix F1). Overall, however, the list of bats recorded is generally typical of those occurring in coastal woodland of the Dampier Peninsula (R. Bullen, pers. comm.). However, Beccari’s Freetail Bat (Mormopterus beccarii) was not recorded in the other surveys quoted in Appendix F1, although there are WAM records just to the south of the Dampier Peninsula. Of the bats recorded, only the Mangrove specialist, the Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana) is of formal conservation significance (it is DEC Priority 1). The potential occurrence of this bat in the area was noted by ecologia Environment (2004a). Reptile capture rates were relatively high and diverse, considering the expected seasonal effect of low temperatures on capture rates. More than 50% of the reptiles expected to occur in the region were collected. Cool weather most significantly reduces nocturnal captures and trapping rates. However, species richness was boosted through targeted opportunistic collection. Gourdon Bay had the most time invested in opportunistic surveys, and it also had a diverse array of natural and non-natural habitats. As a result, Gourdon Bay had the highest reptile species richness.

The distributions shown in Wilson & Swan (2003) and in Storr et al. (1999), in addition to WAM records, indicate that the records of Ctenotus helenae on the Dampier Peninsula during the current surveys represent a significant range extension for this species. Ctenotus helenae was recorded in this survey at the Perpendicular Head-North Head and Coulomb-Quondong sites. Ctenotus helenae is usually allopatric with Ctenotus inornatus. However, in this survey the species were recorded as being sympatric at Coulomb-Quondong, where both were recorded at two of the same trap sites (Site 5 Pindan and Site 6 Sand dune/Vine thicket).

Delma borea (which was recorded in this survey only at Perpendicular Head- North Head) was not recorded in the other surveys quoted in Appendix F, although WAM records indicate it is widespread in the Kimberley and the Pilbara.

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Delma tincta was recorded in this survey only at Perpendicular Head-North Head, but not in any of the surveys used for comparison, although WAM records indicate its range includes the Dampier Peninsula. The records of Lerista labialis (at Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and at Gourdon Bay) also appear to be a range extension for the Dampier Peninsula. These comments on the range and distribution of taxa in the project area should be viewed in the context of its position as a transitional zone between the Torresian subtropical zoogeographic region and the arid Eyrean sub-region (McKenzie 1983; Keneally et al. 1996; ecologia Environment 2005a). The collections made during the current survey have contributed significantly to existing collections of the Dampier Peninsula. New records or range extensions support the notion that the vertebrate fauna assemblages are not fully known, and that more survey work is required.

Lack of comprehensive survey work can lead to an underestimate of the impact of developments such as the Kimberley LNG hub. Fauna taxa with poor powers of dispersal and high site fidelity are most threatened by impacts. These fauna are known as short-range endemics. The term ‘short-range endemic’ typically refers to invertebrates. However, ecologia Environment (2005b) assessed the reptile Ctenotus colletti, Lerista apoda, Lerista separanda and Simoselaps minimus as Dampier Peninsula short-range endemic taxa. They also estimated there are at least 69 short-range endemics (vertebrate fauna) in the Kimberley, and it is highly likely that further survey work will increase this number.

Bird species richness varied little across the three sites surveyed (no bird survey was carried out at Coulomb-Quondong), with 135, 102 and 120 species recorded at Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay respectively. Perpendicular Head-North Head benefited from 35 hours of census conducted by local bird expert, Mr George Swann. Packer Island received only 15 hours, while Gourdon Bay received 53 hours of census work. Coulomb-Quondong is expected to support a diverse range of birds representative of pindan, vine thicket, dune and beach environments.

The overall number of 180 bird species for the Dampier Peninsula and the records presented in Appendix F4 indicate that most of the taxa are broadly distributed, and show no direct correlation with sites. This is due to the repetition of avifauna habitats across the four sites and the high mobility of birds.

Of the 277 fauna taxa recorded or believed to occur, 94 are protected under the EPBC Act, the WC Act and/or are listed as Priority species by the DEC. Perpendicular Head-North Head had 59 conservation-significant species, Packer Island had 48, and Gourdon Bay had 57.

The Gouldian Finch (Erythrura gouldiae) is listed as Endangered under the EPBC Act, and although not recorded during the survey, this species is regularly

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observed by locals close to the Packer Island survey area. Its habitat is grassland or open woodland, usually near water.

The Bilby (Macrotis lagotis), is listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act. This species is regularly observed (and had recently been observed) by locals in the Gourdon Bay survey area. An old disused Bilby burrow was observed by ENV personnel at Gourdon Bay. There is also a population at Beagle Bay that may extend as far north as the Packer Island survey area.

Four species are protected under the WC Act. The Bilby and the Gouldian Finch are listed as Schedule 1, and both are discussed above. The Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) and the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) are listed as Schedule 4. The Saltwater Crocodile was recorded in the Perpendicular Head- North Head survey area, and the Peregrine Falcon was recorded at Gourdon Bay.

Nine species listed on the DEC Priority Fauna List were recorded or are known to occur in the survey areas. The Bush Stone-curlew was found at all survey areas except Coulomb-Quondong, but would also be expected to occur there. Three species were found or are known to occur at Packer Island and Gourdon Bay: the Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana), Lerista separanda and the Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis). Two priority species were recorded or known to occur only at Perpendicular Head-North Head: the Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) and the Flock Bronzewing. The Dampierland Burrowing Snake (Simoselaps minimus) was recorded at Packer Island. The Lakeland Downs Mouse (Leggadina lakedownensis) and the Pictorella Mannikin (Heteromunia pectoralis) were recorded or are known to occur only at Gourdon Bay. The Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana) was the only taxon of formal conservation significance to be recorded in the restricted survey of Coulomb-Quondong.

Seventy-eight species are listed as Migratory and/or Marine under the EPBC Act. These species are recognised under international treaties such as CAMBA and JAMBA, and many are migratory wading birds. Considering the habitat at the Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay sites, and their proximity to Roebuck Bay and Eighty Mile Beach, it is likely that many of these species will occur there, and possibly in large numbers in places such as Tappers Inlet and other bays, inlets and lagoons in the study areas. The entire Roebuck Bay area is listed as a Ramsar wetland (Ramsar 2006), primarily because of its importance as habitat for migratory birds. Wading birds occupy a range of coastal habitats, including coastal lagoons, bays, mudflats and rock shelves (Geering, Agnew & Harding 2007), and are found in important numbers on the Dampier Peninsula. Of 161 bird species recorded from the three survey areas, 34 were waders and 127 non-waders. Of the waders, 12 species (35.3%) were recorded at all three survey areas, 10 (29.4%) were recorded at two of the survey areas and 12

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species (35.3%) were recorded at only one survey area. Of the non-waders, 47 species (37.0%) were recorded at all three survey areas, 43 (33.9%) were recorded at two of the survey areas and 37 species (29.1%) were recorded at only one survey area.

There does not appear to be a high level of site-specificity, with 29.1% of non- waders and 35.3% of waders occurring at one only survey area. However, this was a short survey and the time of year was not optimal for surveying waders. Finally, as with most aspects of Dampier Peninsula biology, there is little comparable work available, and a substantial amount of work on waders in summer is required before firm conclusions can be reached.

The list of potentially occurring birds for Coulomb-Quondong (presented as Appendix H) was produced by local ornithologist George Swann from sixteen years of field knowledge of the area concerned. George Swann’s list in Appendix H comprises 254 birds, compared to the 368 birds assessed as potentially occurring presented as Appendix F4, which was generated from a search of WAM records and a consideration of the findings of other surveys on the Dampier Peninsula. However, the latter list was produced from a consideration of a much larger area than the project area (to allow for the high mobility of most bird taxa), and Appendix H should be viewed in the context of George Swann’s considerable local ornithological experience. Although many of the species included in Appendix H have not been personally recorded by George Swann in the area, they are included because they have been recorded locally, and could readily be expected to be found on ephemeral wetlands that form after seasons with above-average rainfall: species that favour fresh water, such as Crakes, Herons and Ibis are examples. Some of the more common pelagic species included in Appendix H have been recorded from headlands or at sea while cruising past this section of coastline, whilst others are forced in during cyclones or storms, and, if not already recorded, could easily be found on the coast because of their occurrence on or about the continental shelf. Some more unusual irregular migrants, such as the Grey Wagtail, and vagrants such as the White Wagtail, have been omitted, although both these species have records for the Broome area. Although there is no mangrove habitat in the Coulomb-Quondong survey area, common Mangrove-dwelling birds are included in Appendix H, as some mangrove birds move through coastal strips of vegetation, including saltwater paperbark thickets and monsoon vine thickets — Yellow White Eye, Broad-billed Flycatcher and Mangrove Golden Whistler are good examples. In ENV’s view, Mr Swann’s particular local expertise in this assessment should be deferred to. Although not recorded during the survey, there is potential nesting beach habitat for the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), the Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the Flatback Turtle (Natator depressus). All three species are

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listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and as Schedule 1 under the WC Act. Although the main turtle nesting beaches appear to be on offshore islands, little is known about Sea Turtle nesting on the Dampier Peninsula (DEWHA 2008). The main nesting area in the Kimberley for Green Turtles is the Lacepede Islands (DEC 2008), which is very close to Packer Island. Flatback Turtles nest extensively on Eighty Mile Beach (DEC 2008), and at the Buccaneer Archipelago and King Sound Islands (DEC 2008), so it might be expected they also nest at Perpendicular Head-North Head and on Packer Island, and indeed nesting has been observed there by traditional owners. However, mainland beaches appear less significant for most Sea Turtles than islands in the Kimberley (DEC 2008). There is a general lack of knowledge of Sea Turtle nesting in the Kimberley (DEC 2008). It is therefore recommended that further surveys be carried out for Sea Turtles during the nesting season, before firm conclusions about the significance of the study areas for Sea Turtles can be reached.

Although several fauna of conservation significance were recorded during the survey, it is difficult to use these records as indicators of the relative conservation significance of each of the survey areas. This is primarily because of the low numbers of these species recorded, often with only a single individual collected from a single site. Of the non-avifauna, only four of the 12 taxa of conservation significance collected were from more than one survey area. Several of those collected in only one survey area occupied habitats that are broadly represented throughout the Dampier Peninsula. For instance, the Priority reptile species Simoselaps minimus and Lerista separanda occupy sandy habitats, which are ubiquitous across the Peninsula as Pindan or as Coastal communities. Therefore, there would be no reason to consider that either of these species is limited to one site or another.

The capture results for locally-significant taxa (taxa restricted to or existing as isolated populations on the Dampier Peninsula) are equally inconclusive. Common species with high catchability, such as the dragon Diporiphora pindan, were recorded at all four sites, while more cryptic species, such as Lerista separanda, were recorded from only two sites, and the fast-moving fossorial skink Ctenotus colletti was recorded at only one site. All of these taxa are recognised as occurring only on or very near to the Dampier Peninsula.

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


The Bilby (Macrotis lagotis) is known to occur at Gourdon Bay, and an individual was recently captured on the Cape Leveque Road near Beagle Bay (pers comm., Albert Wiggan). This species is listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act, as Schedule 1 under the WC Act and as DEC Priority 1 Declared Threatened Fauna. It is also listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. The Bilby may also occur at Packer Island and at Coulomb-Quondong. It is likely this species occupies most of the Dampier Peninsula in very low densities. It is rather a wide- ranging and generalist species, occurring mainly on sandy substrates. As it is a conservation-significant species already under significant pressure from fire and predation, systematic Bilby searches are recommended once the proposed development site is selected, if it contains or is close to suitable Bilby habitat.

Traditional owners have observed Gouldian Finches (Erythrura gouldiae) at Packer Island. Gouldian Finches are highly mobile, and it is likely they occur in low densities across the Dampier Peninsula wherever suitable grasslands occur. This species is protected under the Endangered and Migratory categories of the EPBC Act, and is listed as Schedule 1 by the WC Act and as Endangered by the IUCN Red List. The presence of Gouldian Finches would be considered a constraint to development only if large numbers of individuals were observed in feeding flocks. This was not the case during the current surveys, with small numbers of disjunct individuals recorded, indicating that the surveyed sites do not provide optimal habitat for it. Nevertheless, a species-specific survey counting populations is recommended once a proposed development site is selected, if the site contains or is close to potential grassland or open woodland habitat for the Gouldian Finch.

A single Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) was recorded at Gourdon Bay, but it is likely to occur in low densities across the Dampier Peninsula. The Peregrine Falcon is listed as a Migratory species under the EPBC Act and as Schedule 4 Fauna under the WC Act. The species is not likely to be impacted by development unless areas of cliff that are used for nesting are disrupted. Cliffs have been observed only along the coastal fringes in the proposed project areas, and impacts at the ocean/land transition zone will be limited to jetty and pipeline developments, rather than large-scale construction areas. Therefore the presence of Peregrine Falcons is not considered a constraint for the proposed project.

All migratory waders and other EPBC Act-listed migrants are potential constraints to development. The coast of the Dampier Peninsula in general is important as wader habitat, and areas such as Tappers Inlet are of particular importance, as the habitat on the mudflats is ideal for waders. Weedong Lagoon also had highly abundant and diverse bird fauna, and is likely to host EPBC Act-listed migratory waders. Most of the other potential habitat for waders tends to be relatively

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

sandy, making it less appealing to waders as a foraging area. These surveys were carried out during the southern hemisphere winter, during which many birds have already migrated north. For this reason, summer wading bird surveys would be expected to be required once the proposed development site has been selected.

Saltwater Crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) were recorded in Weedong Lagoon, at Perpendicular Point. The EPBC Act lists this species as Marine, and they are on Schedule 4 of the WC Act. However, the presence of Saltwater Crocodiles is not anticipated to constrain the proposed development.

Although not detected during this survey, Sea Turtles may nest on the beaches at all four survey areas. If development is proposed to be carried out on a beach in the area, turtle nesting surveys should be carried out at the appropriate time of year. For Green Turtles, this would be October-February, for Flatback Turtles, December-January, and for Hawksbill Turtles, January-April (DEC 2008). All three turtles are listed as Vulnerable by the EPBC Act.

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


Australian Natural Resources Atlas (2008). Online:

Beard, JS (1990). Plant Life of Western Australia. Kangaroo Press.

Birds Australia (2008). Birdata database. Online: (

Bradley, AJ, Kemper, CM, Kitchener, DJ, Humphreys, WF & How, RA (1987). Small mammals of the Mitchell Plateau Region, Kimberley, Western Australia. Aust Wildl Res 14: 397-413.

Bureau of Meteorology (2008). Online:

Cogger, HG (2000). The Reptiles of Australia. Reed New Holland Publishers. Sydney.

Department of Environment and Water Resources (2007). Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia, Version 6.1. Online:

DEC (2008). Online:

Department of Environment, Heritage, Water and the Arts (2008). Online:

ecologia Environment (2004a) Beagle Bay Big Tree Country Tropical Timber Plantation Survey Fauna Assessment Survey. Unpubl. report.

ecologia Environment (2004b) Beagle Bay Big Tree Country Timber Plantation Flora Assessment Survey. Unpubl. report.

ecologia Environment (2005a) Beagle Bay Big Tree Country Timber Plantation Survey, Public Environmental Review.

ecologia Environment (2005b). Browse Onshore Gas Plant Environmental Constraints Map. Unpubl. Report for Woodside Petroleum.

ENV Australia (2008). Biological Assessment of Dampier Peninsula, West of Cape Leveque Road. Unpubl. Report for Sinclair Knight Merz.

Environmental Protection Authority (2005). Tropical Timber Plantation, Beagle Bay: report and Recommendations of the Environmental Protection Authority.

Geering, A, Agnew, L & Harding, S (2007). Shorebirds of Australia. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Victoria.

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Graham, G (2001). Dampierland 2 (DL2 – Pindanland subregion). In: A Biodiversity Audit of WA: A Biodiversity Audit of Western Australia's 53 Biogeographic Subregions in 2002. Online:

IUCN (2008). 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Online:

Johnstone, RE & Storr, GM (1998). Handbook of Western Australian Birds: Volume 1 – Non-passerines (Emu to Dollarbird). Western Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia.

Johnstone, RE & Storr, GM (2004). Handbook of Western Australian Birds: Volume 2 – Passerines (Blue-winged Pitta to Goldfinch). Western Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia.

Keneally, KF, Edinger, DC & Willing, T (1996) Broome and Beyond. Dept of Conservation and Land Management, Perth.

McKenzie, NL (ed.) (1983). Wildlife of the Dampier Peninsula, South-West Kimberley, Western Australia. Wildlife Research Bulletin of Western Australia 11. Department of Fisheries & Wildlife, Perth.

Menkhorst, P & Knight, F (2004). A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia. (2nd ed.) Oxford University Press, South Melbourne. (2006). The List of Wetlands of International Importance, 9 August 2006. Online:

Shepherd, DP, Beeston, GR & Hopkins, AJM (2002). Native Vegetation in Western Australia: Extent, Type and Status. Resource Management Technical Report 249. Department of Conservation & Land Management, Perth, Western Australia.

Simpson, K & Day, N (2004). A Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Melbourne.

Storr, GM, Smith, LA & Johnstone, RE (1999). Lizards of Western Australia, I. Skinks. Western Australian Museum.

Thackway, R & Cresswell, ID (1995) (Eds) An Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia. Australian Nature Conservation Agency, Canberra.

Western Australian Museum (2008). FaunaBase. Online: Wilson, S & Swan, G (2003). Reptiles of Australia. New Holland Publishers, Australia.

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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

Wed 22 Oct 08 121°00'E 122°00'E 123°00'E 16°00'S Buccaneer

Indian Ocean Archipelago

Cape Leveque Cape Leveque


na i





Lo mbadina Rd

Dj a r ad











Kinney Road


Lacepede Islands Tappers

Inlet Road d Roa Sound

e u q ve Le

e ap C

17°00'S C ape Levequ e Road






olet Berth

ape C

Countr y Downs Road














o u n t

J o



n d g Roa a




oad oome Br (intended survey area)



Beagle Moun

t Mana


e m o ro B Jowlaen

ga Ro a d

R oa d







Ro ad


Wi llie




ay B

Wate rbank Road



M cGuigan Road



Roebuc GREAT




Broome Airport NORTHERN

Cr H ab IG Cr H eek W Road AY 18°00'S Broome




D am

pi er


Thangoo Road

R oa d




Dampier Downs Road






GREAT 08-178_fauna-01.dgn





BidyadangaRoad REFERENCE

Road Downs Frazier Weather station location




19°00'S IGHWAY H Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 October 2008 Department of Industry and Resources PERPENDICULAR HEAD - NORTH HEAD, PACKER ISLAND, GOURDON BAY AND COULOMBE - QUONDONG VERTEBRATE FAUNA ASSESSMENT N Figure 1 0 1020304050km env Scale 1 : 1 500 000 REGIONAL LOCATION Australia 450000mE 455000mE 460000mE 465000mE 470000mE Wed 22 Oct 08

Chimney Rocks Mercedes Cove Perpendicular Head PH5 Emeriau Point Pender Bay Wulgurding PH4 Goojarr Middle PH1 Goonyool Lagoon PH2 Bell Point 8145000mN (Nature’s Hideaway) Millargoon

PH3 Neem PH7

PH6 Weedong Lagoon Goombaragun

Munget Embalgun

Predominantly Tappers Inlet Corymbia flavescens, C. dampieri Predominantly 8140000mN & Eucalyptus tectifica Eucalyptus tectifica

Predominantly Predominantly Eucalyptus miniata Eucalyptus REFERENCE miniata PH6 Trap location

North Head Mangrove

Coastal communities

Supratidal mud flat

Monsoon (vine) thicket

Coastal heath

Mixed shrubland thicket

Pindan woodland Predominantly Eucalyptus miniata Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed Cliff Point Drainage line

8135000mN Tracks


Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-03a.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) PERPENDICULAR HEAD - NORTH HEAD Australia 475000mE 480000mE 485000mE 490000mE 495000mE Wed 22 Oct 08 Thomas Bay

Chile Head 8175000mN


k e re Lombadina C ile Reserve Ch

Chile Creek

Lombadina Point

8170000mN Byerugun Scrub

Black Rod Rock PI4 Packer Island

PI3 PI6 PI7 REFERENCE PI6 PI5 Trap location

Broome Cape Leveque Road Mangrove

Coastal communities Predominantly Supratidal mud flat k Eucalyptus tectifica & E. miniata e e r Monsoon (vine) thicket Shag Rocks C a 8165000mN t a Mixed shrubland thicket lb Spring ji T Spring Pindan woodland PI2 PI1 Predominantly Eucalyptus tectifica & E. miniata Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed

Drainage line



Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-03b.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) PACKER ISLAND Australia 375000mE 380000mE 385000mE 390000mE Wed 22 Oct 08

Cape Du Boulay

Cape Latouche Treville

7960000mN GB3 Gourdon Bay GB5 GB4




Predominantly Corymbia zygophylla & C. dampieri

7955000mN Predominantly Po Corymbia flavescens & C. dampieri rt Sm i th GB1 Nygah Nygah

GB7 Port Smith Road REFERENCE Port Smith GB6 Port Smith Caravan Park Trap location Bird Park Mangrove

Coastal communities

Supratidal mud flat

Coastal heath

Coastal swale thicket 7950000mN Pindan shrubland

Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed

Drainage line



Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-03c.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) GOURDON BAY Australia 405000mE 410000mE 415000mE 420000mE 425000mE Predominantly Eucalyptus miniata Wed 22 Oct 08


Predominantly Acacia monticola

QP5 James Price Point

8065000mN QP6


Manari Road

Quondong Beach

dan eek Kun du Cr


REFERENCE QP6 Trap location Predominantly Acacia eriopoda Coastal communities

Tanjong Pandan Monsoon (vine) thicket (Sarubin Block)QP1 QP2 Coastal heath

Pindan woodland

Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed

Drainage line

Quondong Point Tracks


Barred C Figure 3d Scale 1 : 60 000 PITFALL AND OTHER GROUND TRAP LOCATIONS env

Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-03d.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) QUONDONG POINT - JAMES PRICE POINT Australia 405000mE 410000mE 415000mE 420000mE 425000mE COULOMB POINT NATURE RESERVE Wed 22 Oct 08

Coulomb Point

Manari Road


Flow Dam

Flat Rock

Predominantly Eucalyptus miniata


REFERENCE QP6 Trap location

Predominantly Coastal communities Manari Road Corymbia dampieri Monsoon (vine) thicket

Coastal heath

Pindan woodland

Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed

Drainage line


8070000mN Predominantly Eucalyptus miniata


October 2008 Department of Industry and Resources PERPENDICULAR HEAD - NORTH HEAD, PACKER ISLAND, GOURDON BAY AND COULOMBE - QUONDONG Predominantly N VERTEBRATE FAUNA ASSESSMENT Acacia monticola 0 123km QP5 Figure 3e James Price Point Scale 1 : 60 000 PITFALL AND OTHER GROUND TRAP LOCATIONS env

Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-03e.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) JAMES PRICE POINT - COULOMB POINT Australia 450000mE 455000mE 460000mE 465000mE 470000mE Wed 22 Oct 08

Chimney Rocks Mercedes Cove PH-B1 PH-B2 Perpendicular Head Emeriau Point Pender Bay PH-B20 Wulgurding PH-B31 PH-B32 Goojarr Middle Goonyool Lagoon Bell Point 8145000mN (Nature’s Hideaway) Millargoon PH-B33 PH-B38

PH-B30 PH-B10 PH-B8 PH-B4 Neem PH-B29 PH-B37 PH-B3 PH-B19 PH-B36

PH-B5 Weedong Lagoon Goombaragun

PH-B34 Munget PH-B28 PH-B21 Embalgun PH-B25 PH-B7

PH-B9 PH-B27 PH-B22 PH-B6 PH-B40 PH-B26 PH-B47 PH-B41 PH-B24 PH-B46 PH-B35 Predominantly Tappers Inlet Corymbia flavescens, C. dampieri Predominantly 8140000mN & Eucalyptus tectifica Eucalyptus tectifica PH-B51 PH-B11 PH-B15 PH-B45 PH-B50 PH-B42 Predominantly Eucalyptus miniata PH-B54 PH-B44 Predominantly Eucalyptus PH-B43 REFERENCE miniata PH-B6 PH-B23 Ornithological survey location PH-B14 North Head PH-B49 Mangrove PH-B18 PH-B52 PH-B53 Coastal communities

Supratidal mud flat PH-B39 Monsoon (vine) thicket PH-B48 Coastal heath

Mixed shrubland thicket PH-B16 PH-B17 PH-B12 Pindan woodland Predominantly PH-B13 Eucalyptus miniata Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed Cliff Point Drainage line

8135000mN Tracks


Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-04a.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) PERPENDICULAR HEAD - NORTH HEAD Australia 475000mE 480000mE 485000mE 490000mE 495000mE Wed 22 Oct 08 Thomas Bay

Chile Head 8175000mN PI-B38


k e re Lombadina C ile Reserve Ch

Chile Creek PI-B39 PI-B2 PI-B1 PI-B3 Lombadina Point

8170000mN Byerugun Scrub

Black Rod Rock Packer Island

PI-B16 PI-B26 PI-B31 PI-B20 PI-B10 REFERENCE PI-B12 PI-B22 PI-B11 PI-B6 PI-B13 PI-B24 Ornithological survey location PI-B14 PI-B25 Broome Cape Leveque Road PI-B27 Mangrove PI-B29 PI-B30 Coastal communities Predominantly Supratidal mud flat k Eucalyptus tectifica & E. miniata e e r Monsoon (vine) thicket Shag Rocks C a 8165000mN t a Mixed shrubland thicket b Spring il j Spring PI-B15 T PI-B17 Pindan woodland Predominantly PI-B4 PI-B5 Eucalyptus tectifica & E. miniata PI-B6 Ephemeral freshwater lake, PI-B7 claypan or stream bed PI-B8 PI-B9 Drainage line PI-B18 PI-B19 Tracks PI-B35


Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-04b.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) PACKER ISLAND Australia 375000mE 380000mE 385000mE 390000mE Wed 22 Oct 08

Cape Du Boulay GB-B4 GB-B28 Cape Latouche Treville

7960000mN GB-B20 GB-B2 Gourdon Bay GB-B23 GB-B24 GB-B46 GB-B25 GB-B44 GB-B21 GB-B29 GB-B22 GB-B1

GB-B17 GB-B18 GB-B19 Yardoogara GB-B5


GB-B30 Predominantly Corymbia zygophylla & C. dampieri GB-B8 7955000mN GB-B3 Predominantly Po Corymbia flavescens & C. dampieri rt Sm i th GB-B7 GB-B16 GB-B6 GB-B32Nygah Nygah GB-B9 GB-B10 GB-B33 GB-B45 GB-B42 GB-B27 GB-B12 GB-B15 GB-B38 Port Smith Road GB-B36 GB-B41 GB-B43 REFERENCE GB-B13Port Smith GB-B6 Port Smith Caravan Park Ornithological survey location Bird Park GB-B31 Mangrove

Coastal communities

Supratidal mud flat

Coastal heath

GB-B34 Coastal swale thicket 7950000mN Pindan shrubland

Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed

Drainage line



Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-04c.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) GOURDON BAY Australia 475000mE 480000mE 485000mE 490000mE 495000mE Wed 22 Oct 08 Thomas Bay

Chile Head PI-H6 8175000mN

PI-H7 Lombadina-Djarindjin PI-N3

k e re Lombadina C ile Reserve Ch

PI-A6 PI-Ha3 PI-Ha5


Chile Creek PI-Ha4 PI-N1 PI-N2 PI-A5 Lombadina Point

8170000mN Byerugun Scrub


Black Rod Rock PI-A4 Packer Island REFERENCE PI-H1 Diurnal herpetological survey location PI-H5 PI-A1 Anabat survey location PI-Ha2 PI-H9 PI-Ha1 PI-A7 Harp trapping survey location PI-H2 PI-A2 PI-N1 Foot-based nocturnal survey location PI-H1 Broome Cape Leveque Road PI-H3 Mangrove

Coastal communities Predominantly Supratidal mud flat k Eucalyptus tectifica & E. miniata e e r Monsoon (vine) thicket Shag Rocks C a 8165000mN t a Mixed shrubland thicket b Spring il j Spring PI-A1 T PI-A8 Pindan woodland PI-H4 Predominantly Eucalyptus tectifica & E. miniata Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed

Drainage line



Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-05a.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) PACKER ISLAND Australia 375000mE 380000mE 385000mE 390000mE Wed 22 Oct 08

Cape Du Boulay

Cape Latouche Treville

7960000mN Gourdon Bay



GB-A8Yardoogara GB-H3 GB-H2

Predominantly Corymbia zygophylla & C. dampieri GB-A3 7955000mN Predominantly Po Corymbia flavescens & C. dampieri rt Sm i th GB-A6 GB-A7 GB-H6 Nygah Nygah GB-H1

REFERENCE GB-A1 GB-H1 Diurnal herpetological survey location GB-A5 GB-N1 Port Smith Road GB-A1 Anabat survey location GB-N2 Port Smith GB-A2 GB-N1 Foot-based nocturnal survey location Port Smith GB-A4Caravan Park Bird Park Mangrove

Coastal communities

Supratidal mud flat

Coastal heath

Coastal swale thicket 7950000mN Pindan shrubland

Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed

Drainage line



Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-05b.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) GOURDON BAY Australia 405000mE 410000mE 415000mE 420000mE 425000mE Predominantly Eucalyptus miniata Wed 22 Oct 08

Predominantly Acacia monticola

James Price Point


Manari Road

Quondong Beach

dan eek Kun du Cr


REFERENCE QPAB1 Anabat survey location Predominantly Acacia eriopoda Coastal communities

Tanjong PandanQPAB1 QPAB2 Monsoon (vine) thicket (Sarubin Block) QPAB3 QPAB4 Coastal heath

Pindan woodland

Ephemeral freshwater lake, claypan or stream bed

Drainage line

Quondong Point Tracks


Barred C Figure 5c Scale 1 : 60 000 BAT SURVEY LOCATIONS env

Environmental GIS (08) 9486 9222 08-178_fauna-05c.dgn GDA94 (MGA Zone 51) QUONDONG POINT - JAMES PRICE POINT Australia DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment



Trapping Program

Appendix A1 – Trap Site Locations

#GPS Coordinates Trap Number Easting Northing Perpendicular Head-North Head PH1 455103 8145248 PH2 455484 8145073 PH3 455248 8144277 PH4 454646 8145315 PH5 454899 8145852 PH6 456266 8143148 PH7 468744 8143643 Packer Island PI1 477227 8164298 PI2 477042 8164254 PI3 478783 8167457 PI4 479101 8167995 PI5 482016 8166582 PI6 478549 8167255 PI7 476387 8166844 Coulomb-Quondong QP1 409486 8058249 QP2 409743 8058205 QP3 411896 8054718 QP4 410185 8068379 QP5 409811 8066562 QP6 409475 8064844 QP7 409985 8062863 Gourdon Bay GB1 378797 7953700 GB2 377851 7958714 GB3 376709 7959912 GB4 375977 7959511 GB5 375549 7959637 GB6 375795 7956327 GB7 374682 7952561

# Australian Geocentric 1994 (GDA94) Zone 51K

08.178 RP005 Appendix A Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Appendix A2 – Major Habitat Types and Vegetation Descriptions of Trap Sites

Site Number Habitat Type Habitat Description Perpendicular Head-North Head Sparse Eucalyptus upperstorey, otherwise very open. Ground is almost completely covered by dense PH1 Coastal Heath grasses. Area likely to become inundated during very high-tide events and prolonged rain. Pindan dominated by Paperbark woodland with an PH2 Paperbark Thicket Acacia midstorey and small clumps of hummock grasses. Some small logs. Mixed woodland dominated by tall Eucalyptus spp. PH3 Pindan Woodland Dense midstorey, several tall grass species and a small amount of leaf litter. Located adjacent to a claypan. Rocky headland Absence of upper and mid storey. Dominant vegetation PH4 with coastal sand is spinifex approximately 1 m high. Some surface rocks dune present, and a rocky headland facing ocean. Moderately dense vine thicket that is floristically Monsoon (Vine) species-rich. Large paperbarks constitute the PH5 Thicket upperstorey. Termite mounds present, fair coverage of leaf litter. Mixed woodland dominated by tall Eucalytus and Corymbia sp. Dense midstorey, several tall grass PH6 Pindan Woodland species and a small amount of leaf litter. Termite mounds present. Coastal thicket adjacent to freshwater lagoon. Mixed Shrubland PH7 Vegetation moderately dense. Small logs on ground, Thicket and some leaf litter. Packer Island Moderately dense vine thicket that is floristically Monsoon (Vine) species-rich. Large paperbarks constitute the upper PI1 Thicket storey. Termite mounds present, fair coverage of leaf litter. Bowerbird nests also present. Coastal thicket with small eucalypt trees. Vegetation Mixed Shrubland PI2 moderately dense. Small logs on ground, and some Thicket leaf litter. Mixed woodland of Acacia and Eucalyptus spp. with PI3 Pindan Woodland clumps of grass hummocks. Some medium-sized logs on ground. Dense leaf litter. Dense mangrove between claypan and ocean. Some PI4 Mangrove large logs and several piles of woody debris. Grassy understorey in drier parts of the mangrove. Mixed woodland dominated by tall Eucalyptus and Hakea sp. Dense midstorey, several tall grass species PI5 Pindan Woodland and a small amount of leaf litter. Termite mounds present. Sparse Eucalyptus upper storey, otherwise very open. Ground almost completely covered by dense Samphire/supratidal PI6 grasses and samphire. Area may become inundated at mudflat very high tides or after high rainfall.

08.178 RP005 Appendix A Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Site Number Habitat Type Habitat Description Rocky headland Absence of upper and mid storey. Dominant vegetation PI7 with coastal sand is spinifex approximately 1 m high. Many surface rocks, dune and a rocky headland facing ocean. Coulomb-Quondong Terminalia petiolaris high open shrubland over Acacia Headland/beach colei + Crotalaria cunninghamii open shrubland over QP1 head Spinifex longifolius and *Cenchrus ciliaris very open grassland. Limestone with sandy soil. Vines and small shrubs: Corymbia bella, Terminalia petiolaris, Planchonia careya, Celtis australiensis, QP2 Vine thicket Sersalisia sericea and Mimusops elengi low woodland over Ehretia saligna, Croton habrophyllus and Caesalpinia major. QP3 Sand dune Sparse shrubs over Buffel Grass. QP4 Gully Sparse shrubs over Buffel Grass. Red sandy soils. Scattered Acacia spp. with some Grevillea pyramidalis QP5 Pindan over sparse Buffel Grass. Scattered Eucalyptus victrix over sparse shrubs: Corymbia bella, Terminalia petiolaris, Planchonia QP6 Sand dune careya, Celtis australiensis, Sersalisia sericea and Mimusops elengi low woodland over Ehretia saligna, Croton habrophyllus and Caesalpinia major Sparse Corymbia spp. over thick Acacia spp. over QP7 Pindan sparse Buffel Grass Gourdon Bay Pindan shrubland dominated by Hakea shrubs and GB1 Pindan shrubland hummock grassland. Moderate abundance of termite mounds, fire damage present. Pindan shrubland, more species-rich and less fire Pindan shrubland damage compared to Site 1. Sparse Terminalia with GB2 coastal swale understorey of Acacia, Grevillea and Hakea over thicket Triodia grassland. Very open Acacia bivenosa with understorey of Triodia GB3 Coastal fore dune and tussock. Very isolated clumps of woody debris. Coastal swale thicket dominated by Acacia and Coastal swale GB4 hummock grassland. Clumped vine thickets, evidence thicket of fire. Coastal sand dune dominated by Acacia bivenosa Rocky headland overstorey and short hummock grassland understorey. GB5 with coastal sand Cliff and rocky habitat on western side of dune. dune Evidence of recent (<1 y) fire and cattle grazing. Thick band of Pluchea sp., samphire succulents and a Samphire/supratidal few scattered Acacia sandwiched between Sporobolus GB6 mudflat grasslands and Pindan shrubland. Several large anthills and evidence of recent (<1 y) fire. Pindan dominated by Paperbark woodland, with an understorey dominated by short Buffel Grass. Small GB7 Pindan shrubland clumps of hummock grassland, but rare. Large anthill, site burnt in December 2007.

08.178 RP005 Appendix A Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Appendix A3 – Number of Traps Used at Each Site

Site Number # Cage # Elliott # Funnel # Bucket Traps Traps Traps Traps Perpendicular Head-North Head PH1 4 7 14 7 PH2 4 7 14 7 PH3 4 7 14 7 PH4 4 7 14 7 PH5 4 7 14 7 PH6 4 7 14 7 PH7 7 7 28 0 Site Totals 31 49 112 42 Packer Island PI1 4 7 14 7 PI2 4 7 14 7 PI3 4 7 14 7 PI4 4 7 14 7 PI5 4 7 14 7 PI6 4 7 14 7 PI7 4 7 14 7 Site Totals 28 49 98 49 Gourdon Bay GB1 4 7 14 7 GB2 4 7 14 7 GB3 4 7 14 7 GB4 4 7 14 7 GB5 4 7 14 7 GB6 4 7 14 7 GB7 4 7 14 7 Site Totals 28 49 98 49

08.178 RP005 Appendix A Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment

Appendix A4 – Total Survey Effort at each Site

Site # Cage # Elliott # Funnel # Bucket Number Trap-Nights Trap-Nights Trap-Nights Trap- Nights Perpendicular Head-North Head PH1 28 49 98 49 PH2 28 49 98 49 PH3 28 49 98 49 PH4 24 42 84 42 PH5 20 35 70 35 PH6 16 28 56 28 PH7 14 0 56 0 Site Totals 158 252 560 252 Packer Island PI1 20 35 70 50 PI2 20 35 70 50 PI3 20 35 70 50 PI4 20 35 70 50 PI5 20 35 70 50 PI6 20 35 70 50 PI7 16 28 56 28 Site Totals 136 238 476 328 Gourdon Bay GB1 24 42 84 42 GB2 24 42 84 42 GB3 24 42 84 42 GB4 24 42 84 42 GB5 24 42 84 42 GB6 24 42 84 42 GB7 20 35 70 35 Site Totals 164 287 574 287

08.178 RP005 Appendix A DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment



Perpendicular Head-North Head Site Photographs

Perpendicular Head-North Head Site 1

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Perpendicular Head-North Head Site 2

Perpendicular Head-North Head Site 3

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Perpendicular Head-North Head Site 4

Perpendicular Head-North Head Site 5

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Perpendicular Head-North Head Site 6

Perpendicular Head-North Head Site 7

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Packer Island Site Photographs

Packer Island Site 1

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Packer Island Site 2

Packer Island Site 3

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Packer Island Site 4

Packer Island Site 5

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Packer Island Site 6

Packer Island Site 7

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Gourdon Bay Site Photographs

Gourdon Bay Site 1*

* This photo was taken in the vicinity of the trap location, but not at the exact point

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Gourdon Bay Site 2

Gourdon Bay Site 3

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Gourdon Bay Site 4

Gourdon Bay Site 5

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Gourdon Bay Site 6

Gourdon Bay Site 7

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Coulomb-Quondong Site Photographs

Coulomb-Quondong Site 1: Headland/Beachhead

Coulomb-Quondong Site 2: Vine thicket

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Coulomb-Quondong Site 3: Sand Dune

Coulomb-Quondong Site 4: Eroded Pindan Gully

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Coulomb-Quondong Site 5: Pindan

Coulomb-Quondong Site 6: Sand dune/Vine thicket

08.178 RP005 Appendix B Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Coulomb-Quondong Site 7: Claypan Thicket

08.178 RP005 Appendix B DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment



Appendix C1 - Diurnal Herpetological Census

Person- Code Date Habitat Easting Northing Hours Packer Island Pindan PI-H1 9/06/2008 482016 8166582 6 Woodland Monsoon Vine PI-H2 9/06/2008 481945 8166609 2 Thicket Pindan PI-H3 10/06/2008 482071 8166560 3 Woodland Monsoon Vine PI-H4 11/06/2008 477227 8164298 4.5 Thicket PI-H5 11/06/2008 Acacia Thicket 478783 8167457 3 Dune, PI-H6 11/06/2008 485000 8175000 2 beachhead Mixed PI-H7 11/06/2008 Shrubland 485300 8174500 2 Thicket PI-H8 11/06/2008 Mangroves 488000 8172500 2 Pindan PI-H9 12/06/2008 482000 8167000 6 Woodland Gourdon Bay Pindan GB-H1 19/06/2008 386416 7953215 4 Shrubland Pindan GB-H2 22/06/2008 386003 7958335 9 Shrubland Pindan GB-H3 23/06/2008 385028 7958123 9 Shrubland GB-H4 24/06/2008 Dune 385912 7958916 3 GB-H5 24/06/2008 Coastal Heath 386280 7959471 4 Pindan GB-H6 25/06/2008 386139 7953500 8 Shrubland

08.178 RP005 Appendix C Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Appendix C2 - Nocturnal Census

Survey Code Date Habitat Location Easting Northing Hours Type Perpendicular Head-North Head Pindan Middle Lagoon PH-N1 22/05/2008 Car 2 Woodland Road Pindan Middle Lagoon PH-N2 23/05/2008 Car 2 Woodland Road Pindan PH-N3 30/05/2008 Car 1 Woodland Packer Island Pindan 2 person- PI-N1 5/06/2008 Foot Chilli Creek 486510 8171856 Woodland hours 3.5 Pindan PI-N2 11/06/2008 Foot Chilli Creek 486510 8171856 person- Woodland hours 1.25 Pindan PI-N3 12/06/2008 Foot 491166 8174245 person- Woodland hours 1.5 Freshwater PI-N4 13/06/2008 Foot 486744 8150305 person- Billabong hours Pindan Highway and tracks PI-N5 13/06/2008 Car 0.5 Woodland to Chilli Creek Pindan Lombadina- One PI-N6 5/06/2008 Car 1.5 Woodland Arm Point Road Track from Chilli Pindan PI-N7 8/06/2008 Car Creek to Packer 2 Woodland Island Tracks from Chilli Pindan PI-N8 9/06/2008 Car Creek to Highway 2 Woodland and on Highway Track from Chilli Pindan PI-N9 10/06/2008 Car Creek to Packer 2 Woodland Island Tracks from Chilli Pindan PI-N10 10/06/2008 Car Creek to Highway 2 Woodland and on Highway Track from Chilli Pindan PI-N11 11/06/2008 Car Creek to Packer 2 Woodland Island Tracks from Chilli Pindan PI-N12 11/06/2008 Car Creek to Highway 2 Woodland and on Highway Gourdon Bay Pindan 1 person- GB-N1 21/06/2008 Foot 380172 7952347 Shrubland hour Pindan 2 person- GB-N2 22/06/2008 Foot 375462 7952028 Shrubland hours Pindan GB-N3 21/06/2008 Car Port Smith Road 0.5 Shrubland Pindan GB-N4 21/06/2008 Car Port Smith Road 1.5 Shrubland Pindan Road to GB-N5 24/06/2008 Car 2 Shrubland Yandoogara

08.178 RP005 Appendix C Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Survey Code Date Habitat Location Easting Northing Hours Type Pindan GB-N6 24/06/2008 Car Port Smith Road 4 Shrubland Pindan GB-N7 24/06/2008 Car Port Smith Road 1 Shrubland Pindan Road to GB-N8 25/06/2008 Car 1.5 Shrubland Yandoogara

08.178 RP005 Appendix C DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment



Ornithological Census

Person- Code Date Habitat Easting Northing Hours Perpendicular Head-North Head PH-B1 22/05/2008 Beach and Dunes 453035 8146377 1.00 PH-B2 22/05/2008 Beach and Dunes 453035 8146377 1.00 PH-B3 22/05/2008 Mangroves 454728 8143712 1.00 PH-B4 22/05/2008 Beach 454357 8143935 1.00 PH-B5 22/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 456110 8143137 0.25 PH-B6 22/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 455198 8141162 0.25 PH-B7 22/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 452823 8141840 0.25 PH-B8 22/05/2008 Beach 454293 8143988 0.25 PH-B9 22/05/2008 Mangroves 456821 8141638 1.00 PH-B10 22/05/2008 Beach 453749 8143939 0.25 PH-B11 22/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 457890 8139728 0.25 PH-B12 22/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 458376 8136090 0.25 PH-B13 22/05/2008 Headland 451362 8135779 0.50 Pindan Woodland - PH-B14 22/05/2008 Southern End of Tappers 450557 8138588 0.25 Inlet PH-B15 22/05/2008 Tappers Inlet 451805 8139743 0.33 PH-B16 22/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 451341 8136389 0.25 PH-B17 22/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 455957 8136105 0.25 PH-B18 22/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 458400 8138164 0.50 PH-B19 23/05/2008 Mangroves 454731 8143687 1.75 PH-B20 23/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 454717 8145423 0.25 Pindan Woodland -Solar PH-B21 23/05/2008 456537 8142269 1.00 Bore PH-B22 23/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 456891 8141493 0.25 Mangroves - Tappers PH-B23 23/05/2008 454028 8138659 1.25 Inlet PH-B24 23/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 454487 8140622 0.33 PH-B25 23/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 460834 8142137 0.25 PH-B26 23/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 461339 8141164 0.25 PH-B27 23/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 456822 8141640 0.33 Pindan Woodland - Solar PH-B28 23/05/2008 456523 8142274 0.25 Bore

08.178 RP005 Appendix D Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Person- Code Date Habitat Easting Northing Hours Freshwater Lake PH-B30 29/05/2008 468567 8143812 1.33 (Weedong Lake) PH-B31 29/05/2008 Beach and Point 469000 8144500 1.50 PH-B32 29/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 455087 8145329 0.25 PH-B33 29/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 455314 8145296 0.25 PH-B34 29/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 455472 8144380 0.75 PH-B35 29/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 456442 8142473 0.50 PH-B36 29/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 458097 8140355 0.25 Freshwater Lake PH-B37 30/05/2008 468662 8143677 2.25 (Weedong Lake) Freshwater Lake PH-B38 30/05/2008 470397 8143831 4.00 (Weedong Lake) PH-B39 30/05/2008 Beach 470276 8144457 1.25 PH-B40 30/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 465629 8137471 0.50 PH-B41 30/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 456993 8141270 0.50 PH-B42 30/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 457202 8140803 0.33 PH-B43 30/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 461571 8139390 0.75 PH-B44 30/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 463497 8138899 1.00 PH-B45 31/05/2008 Tappers Inlet 454323 8139121 1.50 PH-B46 31/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 454808 8139597 0.25 PH-B47 31/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 454971 8140426 0.50 PH-B48 31/05/2008 Pindan Woodland 456445 8140812 0.25 PH-B49 31/05/2008 Pindan Woodland- Dunes 458886 8137090 0.50 PH-B50 31/05/2008 Beach -Tappers Inlet 450522 8138489 0.25 PH-B51 31/05/2008 Tappers Inlet 451172 8139345 0.25 Pindan Woodland- PH-B52 31/05/2008 451810 8139750 1.00 Supratidal mudflat PH-B53 31/05/2008 Monsoon Vine Thicket 452500 8138072 0.50 PH-B54 31/05/2008 Monsoon Vine Thicket 454186 8138104 0.50 PH-B55 31/05/2008 Beach -Tappers Inlet 450869 8139079 0.25 Packer Island PI-B1 5/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 486490 8171851 0.33 PI-B2 7/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 486490 8171851 0.33 PI-B3 8/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 486490 8171851 0.33 PI-B4 8/06/2008 Paperbark 477042 8164254 0.33 PI-B5 8/06/2008 Monsoon Vine Thicket 477277 8164298 0.33 PI-B6 8/06/2008 Beach dune 477042 8164254 0.33 PI-B7 8/06/2008 Monsoon Vine Thicket 477042 8164254 0.33

08.178 RP005 Appendix D Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Person- Code Date Habitat Easting Northing Hours PI-B8 8/06/2008 Mangroves 477042 8164254 0.33 PI-B9 9/06/2008 Mangroves 477042 8164254 0.33 PI-B10 9/06/2008 Mixed Shrubland Thicket 476387 8166844 0.33 PI-B11 9/06/2008 Mixed Shrubland Thicket 476387 8166844 0.33 PI-B12 9/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 482016 8166582 0.33 PI-B13 9/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 482016 8166582 0.33 PI-B14 9/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 482016 8166582 0.33 PI-B15 9/06/2008 Vine thicket 477227 8164298 0.33 PI-B16 10/06/2008 Mangroves 478783 8167457 0.33 PI-B17 10/06/2008 Paperbark woodland 477227 8164298 0.33 PI-B18 10/06/2008 Monsoon Vine Thicket 477042 8164254 0.33 PI-B19 10/06/2008 Mixed Shrubland Thicket 477042 8164254 0.33 PI-B20 10/06/2008 Acacia Shrubland 478549 8167255 0.33 Samphire (Supratidal PI-B21 10/06/2008 0.33 Mudflat) Samphire (Supratidal PI-B22 10/06/2008 482016 8166582 0.33 Mudflat) PI-B23 10/06/2008 Paperbark Woodland 0.33 PI-B24 11/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 482016 8166582 0.33 PI-B25 11/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 482016 8166582 0.33 PI-B26 11/06/2008 Acacia Thicket 478783 8167457 0.33 PI-B27 11/06/2008 Grass/samphire 482016 8166582 0.33 PI-B28 11/06/2008 Paperbark Woodland 0.33 PI-B29 11/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 482016 8166582 0.33 PI-B30 11/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 482016 8166582 0.33 PI-B31 11/06/2008 Acacia Thicket 478783 8167457 0.33 Samphire (Supratidal PI-B32 11/06/2008 0.33 Mudflat) PI-B33 11/06/2008 Paperbark Woodland 0.33 PI-B34 11/06/2008 Paperbark Woodland 0.33 PI-B35 11/06/2008 Sand Dunes 477042 8164254 0.33 PI-B36 11/06/2008 Paperbark Woodland 0.33 PI-B37 12/06/2008 Billabong 486744 8150305 0.50 PI-B38 13/06/2008 Sandy Beach and Dunes 485843 8174755 2.00 PI-B39 13/06/2008 Pindan Woodland 486484 8171851 1.00 Gourdon Bay GB-B1 21/06/2008 Pindan Shrubland 377076 7958972 1.50

08.178 RP005 Appendix D Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Person- Code Date Habitat Easting Northing Hours Sandy shore, dunes and GB-B2 21/06/2008 376779 7959910 1.00 rocky shore GB-B3 21/06/2008 Sandy shore, dunes 372796 7954642 1.00 Dunes and rocky GB-B4 21/06/2008 387621 7960468 6.00 headland GB-B5 22/06/2008 Coastal Swale Thicket 378053 7958086 3.00 Mangroves and Tidal GB-B6 22/06/2008 374408 7953696 0.50 Sand Flats Mangroves and Tidal GB-B7 22/06/2008 374505 7953833 0.50 Sand Flats Mangroves and Tidal GB-B8 22/06/2008 374521 7955254 1.25 Sand Flats Mangroves and Tidal GB-B9 22/06/2008 374082 7953131 2.00 Sand Flats GB-B10 22/06/2008 Pindan Shrubland 386416 7953215 2.00 GB-B11 23/06/2008 Billabong 381365 7939550 2.50 GB-B12 23/06/2008 Pindan Shrubland 377843 7952372 0.50 Pindan Shrubland and GB-B13 24/06/2008 374962 7952028 0.75 Campground Tidal Sand Flats and GB-B14 25/06/2008 368701 7944731 1.50 Rocks GB-B15 26/06/2008 Bird Park at Port Smith 374087 7952258 1.00 GB-B16 23/06/2008 Pindan Shrubland 378797 7953700 0.33 GB-B17 20/06/2008 Pleistocene Dunes 377851 7958714 0.33 GB-B18 23/06/2008 Pleistocene Dunes 377851 7958714 0.33 GB-B19 26/06/2008 Pleistocene Dunes 377851 7958714 0.50 GB-B20 23/06/2008 Holocene Dunes 376709 7959912 0.33 GB-B21 20/06/2008 Coastal Swale Thicket 375977 7959511 0.33 GB-B22 23/06/2008 Coastal Swale Thicket 375977 7959511 0.33 Limestone Cliffs and GB-B23 20/06/2008 375549 7959637 0.50 dunes Limestone Cliffs and GB-B24 23/06/2008 375549 7959637 0.33 dunes Limestone Cliffs and GB-B25 26/06/2008 375549 7959637 0.33 dunes Samphire (Supratidal GB-B26 23/06/2008 375795 7956327 0.33 Mudflat) Pindan Shrubland GB-B27 23/06/2008 374682 7952561 0.33 (Paperbark patch) Coastal Heath and rocky GB-B28 20/06/2008 388000 3960500 2.00 beaches Limestone Cliffs and GB-B29 20/06/2008 375293 7959410 1.00 dunes Mangroves and GB-B30 20/06/2008 375000 7955500 1.00 Samphire GB-B31 22/06/2008 Port Smith Caravan Park 375021 7951792 0.25 GB-B32 23/06/2008 Pindan Shrubland 385998 7953308 2.00

08.178 RP005 Appendix D Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Person- Code Date Habitat Easting Northing Hours GB-B33 23/06/2008 Mangroves- Lagoon 374121 7953001 2.00 GB-B34 23/06/2008 Samphire (Grassy Plains) 373486 7949962 1.00 GB-B35 23/06/2008 Samphire (Grassy Plains) 368315 7945599 1.00 GB-B36 23/06/2008 Pindan Shrubland 375405 7952243 0.50 GB-B37 23/06/2008 Samphire (Grassy Plains) 374127 7940866 0.25 GB-B38 24/06/2008 Pindan Shrubland 376346 7952242 2.00 GB-B39 24/06/2008 Rocky Shore- Tidal Reef 366524 7946384 2.00 Rocky Beach and GB-B40 24/06/2008 368088 7944862 2.00 Headland GB-B41 24/06/2008 Pindan Shrubland 382394 7952225 0.50 GB-B42 25/06/2008 Mangroves- Lagoon 373901 7952588 2.00 GB-B43 25/06/2008 Port Smith Bird Park 374103 7952234 2.33 GB-B44 25/06/2008 Rocky Beach 386418 7959617 1.00 GB-B45 26/06/2008 Mangroves- Lagoon 373815 7952864 1.25 Limestone Cliffs and GB-B46 26/06/2008 376844 7959899 0.33 dunes

08.178 RP005 Appendix D DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment



Bat Recordings

Code Date Survey Type Habitat Microhabitat Easting Northing Hours Packer Island AnaBat 2 + Pindan 8/06/2008 minidisc Woodland 482042 8164426 10 AnaBat 2 + Pindan 8/06/2008 minidisc Woodland 481895 8166622 10 AnaBat 2 + 10/06/2008 minidisc Mangroves 479656 8168683 10 AnaBat 2 + 10/06/2008 minidisc Mangroves 478967 8168018 10 Pindan 11/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Woodland Clearing 486510 8171856 12 11/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Mangroves Natural Clearing 486011 8172759 12 Mixed Shrubland Limestone 12/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Thicket Plungehole 476418 8166822 12 Monsoon 13/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Vine Thicket Under Canopy 477231 8164313 12 Freshwater In Paperbark facing 13/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Billabong over water 486744 8150305 12 Pindan Woodland + Track near flowering 11/06/2008 Harp Paperbark paperbarks 438986 8168184 12 Pindan 11/06/2008 Harp Woodland Track 482782 8167125 12 12/06/2008 Harp Mangroves Drainage Line 488120 8172867 12 Pindan 12/06/2008 Harp Woodland Track 486385 8171832 12 13/06/2008 Harp Mangroves Drainage Line 488120 8172867 12 13/06/2008 Harp Billabong Track near billabong 486744 8150305 12

Quondong Point- James Price Point Dunes and 23/08/08 AnaBat SD1 headland Site 1 409508 8058436 12 Pindan 23/08/08 AnaBat SD1 woodland Windmill near camp 409727 8058374 12 Dunes and 25/08/08 AnaBat SD1 headland Site 1 409484 8058328 12 Pindan 25/08/08 AnaBat SD1 woodland House 409657 8058335 12

Gourdon Bay Open area adjacent 22/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Mangroves to Mangroves 373979 7952577 12

08.178 RP005 Appendix E

Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb- Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Code Date Survey Type Habitat Microhabitat Easting Northing Hours Pindan 22/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Shrubland Clearing 374962 7952028 12 Mangroves Open area adjacent 23/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 and Samphire to Mangroves 375266 7954975 12 Pindan 23/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Shrubland Clearing 374962 7952028 12 Pindan 24/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Shrubland Road 374946 7952306 12 Pindan 24/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Shrubland Near Hollow Trees 378547 7953857 12 Pindan 25/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Shrubland Near Hollow Trees 378547 7953857 12 Pindan At Abandoned 25/06/2008 AnaBat SD1 Shrubland Station (Yandoogara) 386001 7958399 12

#Australian Geocentric 1994 (GDA94) Zone 50K

08.178 RP005 Appendix E

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment



Appendix F1 - Mammal Species Expected and Observed

Key: A= Western Australian Museum Records; B= Beagle Bay Big Tree Country (ecologia 2004a); C= Birds Australia (not applicable to mammals); D=McKenzie (1983); E=This study, Perpendicular Head-North Head ; F=This study, Packer Island; G=This study, Coulomb-Quondong; H=This study, Gourdon Bay

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes AEFB CD G H EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Tachyglossidae Short-beaked Echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus LR/LC xx

Dasyuridae (Carnivorous Marsupials) Northern Quoll Dasyurus hallucatus EN S1 LR/NT Common Planigale Planigale maculata LR/LC xx Long-tailed Planigale Planigale ingrami LR/LC

Peramelidae Northern Brown Bandicoot Isoodon macrourus LR/LC

Thylacomyidae Bilby Macrotis lagotis VU S1 VU x x Lo*

Notoryctidae Northern Marsupial Mole Notoryctes caurinus EN S1 EN

Macropodidae (Kangaroos) Spectacled Hare-Wallaby Lagorchestes conspicillatus leichardti P3 LR/NT x Agile Wallaby Macropus agilis LR/LC xxxx Euro, Biggada Macropus robustus LR/LC xx x Red Kangaroo Macropus rufus LR/LC xx Northern Nailtail Wallaby Onychogalea unguifera LR/LC 9 xx T*

Phalangeridae Northern Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula arnhemensis LR/LC 9 xx x x Scaly-tailed Possum Wyulda squamicaudata P3 LR/NT x

Petauridae Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps LR/LC x

Pteropodidae (Flying-foxes) Northern Blossom-bat Macroglossus minimus LR/LC xx Black Flying-fox Pteropus alecto LR/LC xx Little Red Flying-fox Pteropus scapulatus LR/LC xx

Emballonuridae (Sheathtail-bats) Common Sheathtail-bat Taphozous georgianus LR/LC x Yellow-bellied Sheathtail-bat Saccolaimus flaviventris LR/NT x x xxx

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment


Vespertilionidae Gould's Wattled Bat Chalinolobus gouldii LR/LC x x xxx Hoary Wattled Bat Chalinolobus nigrogriseus LR/LC xxxxx Southern Myotis Myotis macropus LR/NT Common Bentwing Bat Miniopterus schreibersii orianae LC xxx Arnhem Land Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus arnhemensis LR/LC xxxx Northern Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus bifax daedalus LR/LC xx Lesser Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus geoffroyi LR/LC xxxx†x Northern Pipistrelle Pipistrellus westralis LR/LC xxxx Inland Broad-nosed Bat Scotorepens balstoni LR/LC x Little Broad-nosed Bat Scotorepens greyii LR/LC xx x xxx *Probable based on T* x habitat etc according to Northern Broad-nosed Bat Scotorepens sanborni LR/LC Bob Bullen Western Cave Bat Vespadelus caurinus LR/NT xx Kimberley Cave Bat Vespadelus douglasorum P2 LR/NT x Finlayson’s Cave Bat Vespadelus finlaysoni LR xx

Molossidae (Freetail-bats) Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis LR/LC 9 x x xxx Beccari’s Freetail Bat Mormopterus beccarii LR/LC x Little Northwestern Mastiff Bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana P1 DD x x xxx White-striped Freetail bat Tadarida australis LR/LC x

Muridae (Rodents) Water-rat Hydromys chrysogaster P4 LR/LC xx *Mus musculus LR/LC xx x Lakeland Downs Mouse Leggadina lakedownensis P4 LR/NT x Delicate Mouse Pseudomys delicatulus LR/NT xxxxx Western Chestnut Mouse Pseudomys nanus LR/NT xxxx Black Rat *Rattus rattus LR/LC xxxx Pale Field Rat Rattus tunneyi LR/NT x

Canidae (Dogs) Dog *Canis lupus familiaris Dingo Canis lupus dingo VU xxx *(TO- Joe)- known to be Lo* Red Fox *Vulpes vulpes rare in area

Felidae (Cats) Cat *Felis catus xx x xxx

Equidae (Horses) Donkey (feral) *Equus asinus xxxx

Bovidae (Cattle) European Cattle (feral) *Bos taurus xxx

Note: Introduced species are denoted by * in scientific name column. [Local] refers to species considered of local conservation importance. For Conservation Codes refer to Appendix A. The listing of taxa of McKenzie (1983) includes all taxa except historic records of taxa described as no longer believed locally present. Lo= Local resident/ traditional owner has observed this species. T= Tentative Identification †Although it is not possible to differentiate betweenNyctophilus species from AnaBat recordings, this is probably a record ofNyctophilus geoffroyi.

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Appendix F2 - Reptile Species Expected and Observed Key: A= Western Australian Museum Records; B= Beagle Bay Big Tree Country (ecologia 2004a); C= Birds Australia (not applicable to reptiles); D=McKenzie (1983); E=this study, Perpendicular Head-North Head ; F=this study, Packer Island; G=this study, Coulomb-Quondong; H=this study, Gourdon Bay FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes ABCDEFG H EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Crocodylidae Saltwater Crocodile Crocodylus porosus Ma S4 LR/LC x

Cheloniidae Green Turtle Chelonia mydas VU Ma Mi S1 EN

Cheluidae Northwest Red-faced Turtle Emydura australis LR/LC Hawksbill Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata VU Ma Mi CR FlatbackTurtle Natator depressus VU Ma Mi DD

Agamidae (Dragons) Gilbert’s Dragon Amphibolurus gilberti x xxxxx Long-nosed Dragon Amphibolurus longirostris x Chameleon Dragon Chelosania brunnea xxx Frilled-necked Lizard Chlamydosaurus kingii xx xxx x Ring-tailed Rock Dragon Ctenophorus caudicinctus x Military Dragon Ctenophorus isolepis isolepis xxxx Cental Netted Dragon Ctenophorus nuchalis xx Diporiphora magna xx Diporiphora pindan 9 xx xxxxx Canegrass Dragon Diporiphora winneckei x Dwarf Bearded Dragon Pogona minor xx x x

Diplodactylidae Fat-tailed Diplodactylus Diplodactylus conspicillatus xx x Pale-snouted Ground Gecko Diplodactylus stenodactylus xx x x Zigzag Velvet Gecko Oedura rhombifera xxxx Beaked Gecko Rhynchoedura ornata xx x Northern Spiny-tailed gecko Strophurus ciliaris aberrans xx xxxxx Strophurus jeanae x Strophurus taeniatus xx

Gekkonidae (Geckoes) Gehyra australis xx Gehyra nana x xxxx Pilbara Dtella Gehyra pilbara xx xx x Spotted Dtella Gehyra punctata xx Tree Dtella Gehyra variegata xx

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes AGHBCDEF EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Asian House Gecko *Hemidactylus frenatus xxx Bynoe’s Gecko Heteronotia binoei xx xxxxx

Pygopodidae (Legless Lizards) Delma borea x Delma tincta xxx Burton’s Snake-lizard Lialis burtonis x xxxxx Hooded Scaly-foot Pygopus nigriceps x

Scincidae (Skinks) Carlia munda xx xxxxx Carlia rufilatus xx x Desert Rainbow Skink Carlia triacantha xx Cryptoblepharus carnabyi xxx Cryptoblepharus metallicus x Cryptoblepharus ruber xxx Cryptoblepharus sp. x Airlie Island Ctenotus Ctenotus angusticeps VU S1 9 x Ctenotus colletti 9 xxx Ctenotus helenae xx Ctenotus inornatus xx xxxxx Eastern Striped Skink Ctenotus robustus x Rock Ctenotus Ctenotus saxatilis x Ctenotus serventyi 9 xx Banded Skink Eremiascincus richardsonii x Glaphyromorphus isolepis xx xxxxx Lerista apoda 9 xx Lerista bipes x xxxxx Lerista greeri x Lerista griffini xx x Lerista labialis xxx Lerista separanda P2 9 xxxx Menetia greyii xx Menetia maini x Fire-tailed Skink Morethia ruficauda ruficauda xxxx Morethia storri xx x Notoscincus ornatus wotjulum xx Proablepharus tenuis x Desert Bluetongue Tiliqua multifasciata xx x Common Blue-tongue Tiliqua scincoides intermedia xx x xxx

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes ABCDEF GH EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Varanidae (Monitors) Ridge-tailed Monitor Varanus acanthurus xx x Short-tailed Pygmy Monitor Varanus brevicauda xx Glauert's Monitor Varanus glauerti Gould’s Sand Monitor Varanus gouldii Xx xx x Yellow-spotted Monitor Varanus panoptes x Spotted Tree Monitor Varanus scalaris Xx x Black-headed Monitor Varanus tristis tristis x xxxxx

Typhlopidae (Blind Snakes) Flowerpot Snake *Ramphotyphlops braminus 9 x Ramphotyphlops diversus xx xxxx Beaked Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops grypus xx Ramphotyphlops sp. xx

Boidae (Pythons) Children`s Python Antaresia childreni xx Stimson`s Python Antaresia stimsoni xx x x Black-headed Python Aspidites melanocephalus xx xxx x Water Python Liasis mackloti fuscus xx Olive Python Liasis olivaceus olivaceus xxxx

Colubridae Common Tree Snake Dendrelaphis punctulata xxx White-bellied Mangrove Snake Fordonia leucobalia xx Richardson's Mangrove Snake Myron richardsoni x

Elapidae (Front-fanged Snakes) Northern Shovel-nosed Snake Brachyurophis roperi xx Yellow-faced Whipsnake Demansia psammophis x Olive Whipsnake Demansia olivacea xxx Greater Black Whipsnake Demansia papuensis Demansia reticulata x Moon Snake Furina ornata xx xxx x Mulga Snake Pseudechis australis x xxxxx Ringed Brown Snake Pseudonaja modesta Gwardar Pseudonaja nuchalis xx xx Desert Banded Snake Simoselaps anomalus x Dampierland Burrowing Snake Simoselaps minimus P2 9 xx Spotted Snake Suta punctata xxxx Bandy Bandy Vermicella sp. x

Note: Introduced species are denoted by * in scientific name column. [Local] refers to species considered of local conservation importance. For Conservation Codes refer to Appendix A. The listing of taxa of McKenzie (1983) includes all taxa except historic records of taxa described as no longer believed locally present. Lo= Local resident/ traditional owner has observed this species. T= Tentative Identification

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Appendix F3 - Amphibian Species Expected and Observed Key: A= Western Australian Museum Records; B= Beagle Bay Big Tree Country (ecologia 2004a); C= Birds Australia (not applicable to amphibians); D=McKenzie (1983); E=This Study, Perpendicular Head-North Head ; F=This study, Packer Island; G=This Study, Gourdon Bay

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes ABCD EFG H EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Hylidae (Tree Frogs) Giant Frog Cyclorana australis LC xx xx Hidden-ear Frog Cyclorana cryptotis LC 9 Long-footed Frog Cyclorana longipes LC xx Northern Dwarf Tree Frog Litoria bicolor LC Green Tree Frog Litoria caerulea LC xx xxx x Copland's Rock Frog Litoria coplandi LC x Rockhole Frog Litoria meiriana LC Rocket Frog Litoria nasuta LC xxo Roth's Tree Frog Litoria rothii LC xx x o Desert Tree Frog Litoria rubella LC xx x x

Myobatrachidae (Ground Frogs) Bilingual Froglet Crinia bilingua LC Derby Toadlet Uperoleia aspera LC 9 xx Mjöberg`s Toadlet Uperoleia mjobergi LC 9 xx Mole Toadlet Uperoleia talpa LC 9 xxx

Limnodynastidae Ornate Frog Limnodynastes ornatus LC xxxx Northern Burrowing Frog Neobatrachus aquilonius LC Desert Spadefoot Notaden nichollsi LC xx

Note: Introduced species are denoted by * in scientific name column. [Local] refers to species considered of local conservation importance. For Conservation Codes refer to Appendix A. The listing of taxa of McKenzie (1983) includes all taxa except historic records of taxa described as no longer believed locally present. Lo= Local resident/ traditional owner has observed this species. T= Tentative Identification

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Appendix F4 - Bird Species Expected and Observed

Key: A= Western Australian Museum Records; B= Beagle Bay Big Tree Country (ecologia 2004a); C= Birds Australia; D=McKenzie (1983); E=This Study, Perpendicular Head-North Head ; F=This study, Packer Island; G=This Study, Gourdon Bay FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes ABCD EFGH EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Casuariidae Seen rarely in the area xLoby Frank Hamlet- Port Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae LC Smith Bird Park

Phasianidae Brown Quail Coturnix ypsilophora LC xxxx Indian Peafowl *Pavo cristatus LC x

Anseranatidae Magpie Goose (Pied Goose) Anseranas semipalmata Mi Ma LC xx

Anatidae Grey Teal Anas gracilis Mi LC xxx x Gargany Anas querquedula Mi Ma LC x Australasian Shoveler Anas rhynchotis Mi LC x Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa Mi LC xxx x Hardhead Aythya australis Mi LC xxxx Australian Wood Duck Chenonetta jubata Mi LC xx Black Swan Cygnus atratus Mi LC x Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arcuata Mi Ma LC xxo Plumed Whistling Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Mi LC xx o Pink-eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus Mi LC xx Green Pygmy Goose Nettapus pulchellus Mi Ma LC x Radjah Shelduck Tadorna radjah Mi Ma S4 LC x

Podicipedidae Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus LC x Hoary-headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus LC x Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae LC xxxxx

Procellariidae Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii Ma LC xx Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas Mi Ma LC xx Hutton's Shearwater Puffinus huttoni Ma EN xx Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus Mi Ma LC xx

Pelecanoididae Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix exsul LC x

Hydrobatidae Wilson's Storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus Mi Ma LC xx Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa Mi Ma LC x

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment


Gruidae Brolga Grus rubicunda Mi LC xxxxxx

Pelecanidae Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus Ma LC xxx

Sulidae Brown Booby Sula leucogaster Mi Ma LC xxxxo

Fregatidae Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel Mi Ma LC xxx x

Anhingidae Darter Anhinga melanogaster NT xxx

Phalacrocoracidae Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo LC xx Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos LC xxx x Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris LC xx x Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax varius LC xx x

Rallidae Eurasian Coot Fulica atra LC x Black-tailed Native-hen Gallinula ventralis LC xx Seen rarely in the area xLoby Frank Hamlet- Port Buff-banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis Ma LC Smith Bird Park Seen once 5 years ago in the area by Frank Lo Hamlet- Port Smith Bird Red-legged Crake Rallina fasciata Mi Ma LC Park Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio LC xo White-browed Crake Porzana cinerea LC x Australian Spotted Crake Porzana fluminea LC x Baillon's Crake Porzana pusilla Ma LC x Spotless Crake Porzana tabuensis Ma LC x

Ardeidae Great Egret Ardea alba Mi Ma LC xxx x Cattle Egret Ardea ibis Mi Ma LC xx Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia Ma LC xx Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes Ma LC xxxxxx White-necked Heron Ardea pacifica LC xxxx Pied Heron Ardea picata LC xxx Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana LC xx Striated Heron Butorides striatus LC xxxxx White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae LC xxxx x Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra Mi Ma LC xxxxxx Black Bittern Ixobrychus flavicollis australis P3 LC x Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus P4 LC xx Nankeen Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus Ma LC xx

Threskiornithidae Yellow-billed Spoonbill Platalea flavipes LC xx Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia LC xx

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes ABCDEFGH EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus Mi Ma LC xx o Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca Ma LC xxxx x Straw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis Ma LC xxxx

Ciconiidae Black-necked Stork (Jabiru) Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus NT xxxx

Accipitridae (Kites, Hawks and Eagles) Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrhocephalus Mi LC xxxx x Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus Mi Ma LC xxxxxx x Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax Mi LC xxx Little Eagle Aquila morphnoides morphnoides Mi LC xxxxx Swamp Harrier Circus approximans Mi Ma LC xxx Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis Mi LC xxx x Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus Mi LC xxx x Letter-winged Kite Elanus scriptus Mi NT x Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus VU Mi S1 VU x White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster Mi Ma LC xxxx x Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera Mi Ma LC xxxxxx Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus Mi Ma LC xxxx x Black-breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon Mi LC xx Square-tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Mi LC xxx Black Kite Milvus migrans Mi LC xxxx x Osprey Pandion haliaetus Mi Ma LC xxxx x

Falconidae (Falcons) Brown Falcon Falco berigora Mi LC xxxxx x Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides Mi Ma LC xxxxx x Grey Falcon Falco hypoleucos Mi P4 NT xxx Australian Hobby Falco longipennis Mi LC xxx Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Mi S4 LC xxx x Black Falcon Falco subniger Mi LC xx

Otidae (Bustards) Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis P4 NT xxxx Lo*x

Turnicidae (Button-quails) Chestnut-backed Button-quail Turnix castanota P4 NT xx Red-backed Button-quail Turnix maculosa melanota LC xxx Red-chested Button-quail Turnix pyrrhothorax LC xxx Little Button-Quail Turnix velox LC xxx T

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes ABCDEFGH EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Scolopacidae Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Mi Ma LC xxx Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Mi Ma LC xx x o Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata Mi Ma LC xxx Sanderling Calidris alba Mi Ma LC xxxx Red Knot Calidris canutus Mi Ma LC xxx Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea Mi Ma LC xxx Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos Mi Ma LC x Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis Mi Ma LC xxxxx Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta Mi Ma LC x Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris Mi Ma LC xxxx Swinhoe’s Snipe Gallinago megala Mi Ma LC x Pin-tailed Snipe Gallinago stenura Mi Ma LC x Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus Mi Ma LC x Asian Dowicher Limnodromus semipalmatus Mi Ma NT x Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Mi Ma LC xxxxx Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Mi Ma NT xx Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis Mi Ma P4 LC xxxx Little Curlew Numenius minutus Mi Ma LC xxx Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Mi Ma LC xxxx x Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus Mi Ma LC x Ruff Philomachus pugnax Mi Ma LC x Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes Mi Ma LC xxxxxx Terek Sandpiper Tringa cinerea Mi Ma LC xxx Wood Sandpiper Tringa gareola Mi Ma LC x Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos Mi LC xxx Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia Mi Ma LC xxxxxx Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis Mi Ma LC xx Common Redshank Tringa totanus Mi Ma LC x


xx Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis australis VU Mi Ma S1 LC


Lo, x *Good description by TO- O* Comb-crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea LC but not in study area

Burhinidae (Stone-curlews) Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius P4 NT xxxxxx x Beach Stone-curlew Esacus neglectus Ma NT xxxx x

Haematopodidae Sooty Oystercatcher Haematopus fuliginosus LC xxx Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris LC xxxx x

Recurvirostridae Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus Mi LC x

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes ABCDEFGH EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus leucocep Mi Ma LC xxxxo Red-necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Mi Ma LC x

Charadriidae Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius Mi Ma LC x Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii leschena Mi Ma LC xxxxx Black-fronted Dotterel Charadrius melanops Mi LC xxx o Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus Mi Ma LC xxx Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus Mi Ma LC xxxxxx Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus Mi Ma LC xx Red-kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus Mi LC xxx o Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Mi Ma LC xxx Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola Mi Ma LC xxxxx Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles Mi LC xxx o

Glareolidae Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum Mi Ma LC xx Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella Ma LC xxxx

Laridae Common Noddy Anous stolidus pileatus Mi Ma LC xxx White-winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus Mi Ma LC xx Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae Ma LC xxxxxx Franklin's Gull Larus pipixcan Ma LC x Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus Ma LC x Sabine's Gull Larus sabini Ma LC x Arctic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus Mi Ma LC x Little Tern Sterna albifrons Mi Ma LC xxxx Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus anaethetus Mi Ma LC xx Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis Ma LC xxxx Crested Tern Sterna bergii Ma LC xxxx x Caspian Tern Sterna caspia Ma LC xxx Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii Ma LC x x x T, O Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata Ma LC x Common Tern Sterna hirundo Mi Ma LC xx Whiskered Tern Sterna hybrida Ma LC xxxxo Fairy Tern Sterna nereis Ma LC xx Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica Ma LC xxxxx Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana Ma x

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes ABCDE FGH EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves) Rock Dove Columba livia LC x Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula bicolor Ma LC x Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata LC xxxxxx x Bar-shouldered Dove Geopelia humeralis LC xxxxxx x Peaceful Dove Geopelia striata LC xxxxxx x Spinifex Pigeon Geophaps plumifera LC x Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes LC xxxxx x Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera LC x Flock Bronzewing Phaps histrionica P4 LC xxo Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus regina LC xxx

Cacatuidae (Cockatoos) Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo Cacatua leadbeateri S4 LC x Galah Cacatua roseicapilla LC xxxxx Little Corella Cacatua sanguinea LC xxxxxx Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii macrorhynchus LC xxxx x Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus LC xx

Psittacidae (Lorikeets and Parrots) Red-winged Parrot Aprosmictus erythropterus LC xxxxxx Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus LC xxx x Western Rosella Platycercus icterotis LC x Varied Lorikeet Trichoglossus versicolor LC xxxxx Red-collared Lorikeet (Rainbow xxxxxx x Lorikeet) Trichoglossus haematodus LC

Cuculidae (Cuckoos) Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus variolosus LC xx xx Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis Ma LC xxxxxx x Shining Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus Ma LC xx Little Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx minutillus Ma LC xxxxx Black-eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans Ma LC xxx Pallid cuckoo Cuculus pallidus Ma LC xxx x x Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus Mi Ma LC xx Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Ma LC x

Centropodidae (Coucals) Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus LC xxxxxx x

Strigidae (Hawk-owls) Barking Owl Ninox connivens LC xxxxx Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae Ma LC xx xx x

Tytonidae (Barn owls) Barn Owl Tyto alba LC xxx Grass Owl Tyto capensis longimembris LC xxxT

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes ABCDEFGH EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Podargidae (Frogmouths) Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides LC xxxx x x

Caprimulgidae (Nightjars) Spotted Nightjar Eurostopodus argus Ma LC xxxxxx

Aegothelidae (Owlet-nightjars) Australian Owlet-nightjar Aegotheles cristatus LC xxxxxx x

Apodidae (Swifts) House Swift Apus affinis Ma LC x Fork-tailed Swift Apus pacificus Mi Ma LC xxxx White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Mi Ma LC x

Alcedinidae (River Kingfishers) Azure Kingfisher Alcedo azurea LC x

Halcyonidae (Tree Kingfishers) Blue-winged Kookaburra Dacelo leachii LC xxxxxx x Collared Kingfisher Todiramphus chloris sordida LC xxx x Red-backed Kingfisher Todiramphus pyrrhopygia LC xxx x Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus Ma LC xxxxxx x

Meropidae (Bee-eaters) Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus Mi Ma LC xxxxxx x

Coraciidae Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis pacificus Ma LC xxx

Pittidae Blue-winged Pitta Pitta moluccensis LC x

Climacteridae (Treecreepers) Black-tailed Treecreeper Climacteris melanura LC xxxxx

Maluridae (Fairy-wrens) Variegated Fairy-wren Malurus lamberti LC xxxxxx Red-backed Fairy-wren Malurus melanocephalus LC xxxxxx x

Pardalotidae (Pardalotes) Red-browed Pardalote Pardalotus rubricatus LC xx Striated Pardalote Pardalotus striatus LC xxxxxx Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris LC xxxx x

Acanthizidae (Thornbills) Rufous Fieldwren Calamanthus campestris rubiginosus LC x Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca LC xx Mangrove Gerygone Gerygone levigaster LC xxxx White-Throated Gerygone Gerygone olivacea LC xxxxx x Dusky Gerygone Gerygone tenebrosa LC xxxxx

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes A BCDEFGH EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Meliphagidae () Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis LC x Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger LC xx Banded Honeyeater Certhionyx pectoralis LC xx Seen rarely in the area xLoby Frank Hamlet- Port Pied Honeyeater Certhionyx variegatus LC Smith Bird Park Rufous-throated Honeyeater Conopophila rufogularis LC xxxxx x Seen rarely in the area xLoby Frank Hamlet- Port Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor LC Smith Bird Park Yellow Chat Epthianura crocea LC xx Yellow Chat Epthianura crocea tunneyi EN LC Yellow-tinted Honeyeater Lichenostomus flavescens LC xxxxxx Grey-headed Honeyeater Lichenostomus keartlandi LC x White-plumed Honeyeater Lichenostomus penicillatus LC xx White-gaped Honeyeater Lichenostomus unicolor LC xxxxxx x Singing Honeyeater Lichenostomus virescens LC xxxxxx x Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta LC xxxxxx x Yellow-throated Miner Manorina flavigula LC xx x White-throated Honeyeater Melithreptus albogularis LC xxxxx Black-chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis LC xxxxx Red-headed Honeyeater Myzomela erythrocephala LC xxxxxx Silver-crowned Friarbird Philemon argenticeps LC xx Little Friarbird Philemon citreogularis LC xxxxxx x White-fronted Honeyeater Phylidonyris albifrons LC x

Petroicidae (Australian Robins) Jacky Winter Microeca fascinans LC xxxxx Lemon-bellied Flycatcher Microeca flavigaster LC xx Kimberley Flycatcher Microeca flavigaster tormenti LC xx Mangrove Robin Peneoenanthe pulverulenta LC xx Hooded Robin Petroica cucullata LC xxxxx Red-capped Robin Petroica goodenovi LC xx

Pomatostomidae (Australian Babblers) Grey-crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis LC xxxxxx x

Cinclosomatidae (Quail-thrushes and Allies) Chiming Wedgebill Psophodes occidentalis LC Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush Cinclosoma castaneothorax LC

Neosittidae (Sittellas) Varied Sittella Daphoenositta chrysoptera LC xxxxxx

Pachycephalidae (Whistlers) Grey Shrike-Thrush Colluricincla harmonica LC xxxxxx x Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis LC xx x White-breasted Whistler Pachycephala lanioides LC xxxxx Mangrove Golden Whistler Pachycephala melanura LC xxxxxx Rufous Whistler Pachycephala rufiventris LC xxxxxx x

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment


Dicruridae (Flycatchers) Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca Ma LC xxxxxx x Shining Flycatcher Myiagra alecto LC xxx Restless Flycatcher Myiagra inquieta LC xxxxxx Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula LC xxxx Broad-billed Flycatcher Myiagra ruficollis mimikae LC xxxxx Grey Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa LC xxxxx Willie Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys LC xxxxxx x Mangrove Fantail Rhipidura phasiana LC xxxx x Northern Fantail Rhipidura rufiventris LC xxxxx

Campephagidae (Cuckoo-shrikes) Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae Ma LC xxx xx x White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Coracina papuensis Ma LC x White-shouldered Triller Lalage sueurii LC xx White-winged Triller Lalage tricolor LC xxxxx

Oriolidae Olive-backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus LC xxxxxx

Artamidae (Woodswallows) Black-faced Woodswallow Artamus cinereus LC xxxxxx x White-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus LC xxxxxx Little Woodswallow Artamus minor LC xxxxx x Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus LC xxxx x White-browed Woodswallow Artamus superciliosus LC xx

Cracticidae Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis LC xxxxxx x Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus LC x Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen LC xx

Corvidae (Ravens and Crows) Little Crow Corvus bennetti LC xxxx x Torresian Crow Corvus orru LC xx xx x

Ptilonorhynchidae (Bowerbirds) Great Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis LC xxxxxx x

Sturnidae Common Starling *Sturnus vulgaris LC xx

Hirundinidae (Swallows) Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis daurica LC x Fairy Martin Hirundo ariel LC xxxx Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena LC x Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans Ma LC xx xx x Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Mi LC x

Zosteropidae Yellow White-eye Zosterops luteus LC xxxxxx

08.178 RP005 Appendix F Department of Industry Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

FAMILY GROUPS SCIENTIFIC NAME Conservation Codes Notes AEFGHBCD EPBC WC DEC IUCN Local Sylviidae (Old World Warblers) Australian Reed-warbler Acrocephalus australis Mi LC xx o Golden-headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis Mi LC xxx Little Grassbird Megalurus gramineus Mi LC x Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis Mi LC xx x

Alaudidae (Song Larks) Brown Songlark Cincloramphus cruralis LC xxx x Rufous Songlark Cincloramphus mathewsi LC xxx Singing Bushlark Mirafra javanica LC xxx x

Dicaeidae (Flower-peckers) Mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum LC xxxxxx x

Passeridae (Finches and Allies) Painted Finch Emblema picta LC xx Gouldian Finch Erythrura gouldiae EN Mi S1 EN xxxLo Seen rarely in the area xx Loby Frank Hamlet- Port Pictorella Mannikin Heteromunia pectoralis P4 LC Smith Bird Park Chestnut-breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax LC x Crimson Finch Neochmia phaeton LC x Star Finch Neochmia ruficauda clarescens P4 NT x Eurasian Tree Sparrow *Passer montanus LC x Long-tailed Finch Poephila acuticauda LC xxxxxx Red-eared Firetail Stagonopleura oculata LC x Double-barred Finch Taeniopygia bichenovii LC xxxxxx Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata castanotis LC xxxxx

Motacillidae (Pipits and True Wagtails) Richard's Pipit Anthus australis Ma LC xxxxxx White Wagtail Motacilla alba Mi Ma LC x Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava Mi Ma LC xx x

Muscicapidae Blue-and-White Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelaena Mi LC x

Note: Introduced species are denoted by * in scientific name column. [Local] refers to species considered of local conservation importance. For Conservation Codes refer to Appendix A. The listing of taxa of McKenzie (1983) includes all taxa except historic records of taxa described as no longer believed locally present. Lo= Local resident/ traditional owner has observed this species. T= Tentative Identification

08.178 RP005 Appendix F DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

All EPBC, WC and DEC Listed Fauna Co-ordinates

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 22/05/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides 1 PH 454357 8143935 22/05/2008 Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 25 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Beach Stone-curlew Esacus neglectus 2 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 15 PH 453035 8146377 22/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 7 PH 454791 8145899 22/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 5 PH 450557 8138588 22/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae PH 458400 8138164 22/05/2008 Black-shouldered Kite Elanus axillaris 1 PH 454357 8143935 22/05/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 1 PH 454357 8143935 22/05/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 1 PH 452386 8141842 22/05/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 2 PH 451362 8135779 22/05/2008 Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 2 PH 453035 8146377 22/05/2008 Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 1 PH 454791 8145899 22/05/2008 Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 20 PH 451362 8135779 22/05/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora 1 PH 454357 8143935 22/05/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora 2 PH 455749 8143939 22/05/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 1 PH 450557 8138588 22/05/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus PH 451341 8136389 22/05/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 1 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii 9 PH 453035 8146377 22/05/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii 27 PH 451362 8135779 22/05/2008 Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 1 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra 2 PH 453035 8146377

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 22/05/2008 Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii leschenaultii 2 PH 454293 8143988 22/05/2008 Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii leschenaultii 44 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 3 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 4 PH 454357 8143935 22/05/2008 Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 5 PH 454293 8143988 22/05/2008 Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 60 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 1 PH 450557 8138588 22/05/2008 Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes 8 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 2 PH 453035 8146377 22/05/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus 1 PH 453035 8146377 22/05/2008 Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva 1 PH 454293 8143988 22/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 4 PH 453035 8146377 22/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 7 PH 454791 8145899 22/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 4 PH 454357 8143935 22/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 2 PH 458376 8136090 22/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 3 PH 451362 8135779 22/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 15+ PH 450557 8138588 22/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 2 PH 455957 8136105 22/05/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 6 PH 454357 8143935 22/05/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 22 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 55+ PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus 4 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Sanderling Calidris alba 15 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 1 PH 454791 8145899 22/05/2008 Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis 2 PH 450557 8138588 22/05/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 20+ PH 452386 8141842 22/05/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 2 PH 451805 8139743 22/05/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 2 PH 454791 8145899 23/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 1 PH 454028 8138659

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 23/05/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 2 PH 454731 8143687 23/05/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 1 PH 454028 8138659 23/05/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 1 PH 454876 8140622 23/05/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 2 PH 456537 8142269 23/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 4 PH 454028 8138659 23/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 5 PH 456822 8141640 23/05/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 4 PH 454028 8138659 23/05/2008 Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus 2 PH 454028 8138659 23/05/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 2 PH 454731 8143687 23/05/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 3 PH 454028 8138659 23/05/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 20+ PH 454028 8138659 29/05/2008 Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica 2 PH 469000 8144500 29/05/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra 4 PH 469000 8144500 29/05/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 1 PH 469000 8144500 29/05/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 1 PH 469000 8144500 29/05/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 7 PH 469000 8144500 29/05/2008 Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii leschenaultii 2 PH 469000 8144500 29/05/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii 3 PH 469000 8144500 29/05/2008 Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis 2 PH 469000 8144500 29/05/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 16 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 2 PH 455572 8144380 29/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 3 PH 458097 8140355 29/05/2008 Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus 30+ PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Brolga Grus rubicunda 28 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora 1 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora 1 PH 456314 8145296 29/05/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora 1 PH 458097 8140355 29/05/2008 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius Tracks Only PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Grey Teal Anas gracilis 7 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica 1 PH 468567 8143812

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 29/05/2008 Hardhead Aythya australis 9 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel 1 PH 452146 8141431 29/05/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 9 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 2 PH 456442 8142473 29/05/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 2 PH 458097 8140355 29/05/2008 Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles 2 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus 1 PH 455087 8145329 29/05/2008 Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa 21 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 27 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 5 PH 456314 8145296 29/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 7 PH 455572 8144380 29/05/2008 Square-tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura 1 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Straw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis 60+ PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 65+ PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 3 PH 455572 8144380 29/05/2008 Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arcuata 2 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Whiskered Tern Sterna hybrida 10 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus 3 PH 468567 8143812 29/05/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 1 PH 468567 8143812 30/05/2008 Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 5 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Australian Reed-warbler Acrocephalus australis 17 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 76 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 2 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Beach Stone-curlew Esacus neglectus 1 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 7 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae PH 461571 8139390 30/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 3 PH 463497 8138899 30/05/2008 Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus 65 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae 1 PH 464989 8134858 30/05/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 1 PH 470272 8144457

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 30/05/2008 Brolga Grus rubicunda 35 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 2 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Cattle Egret Ardea alba 2 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 4 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii 3 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra 3 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii leschenaultii 2 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Grey Teal Anas gracilis 13 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 9 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica 18 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Hardhead Aythya australis 6 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 1 PH 457202 8140803 30/05/2008 Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis 1 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 74 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 2 PH 457202 8140803 30/05/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 2 PH 463497 8138899 30/05/2008 Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles 46 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa 60 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 19 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 3 PH 456993 8141270 30/05/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 24 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 1 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus 4 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Saltwater Crocodile Crocodylus porosus 2 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 2 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 3 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Square-tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura 1 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Straw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis E100 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Swamp Harrier Circus approximans 2 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 450+ PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 3 PH 456993 8141270 30/05/2008 Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arcuata 3 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 1 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 Whiskered Tern Sterna hybrida 25 PH 468662 8143622

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 30/05/2008 Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus 5 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 4 PH 468662 8143622 30/05/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 1 PH 470272 8144457 30/05/2008 White-winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 3 PH 468662 8143622 31/05/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides 1 PH 450522 8138489 31/05/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides 1 PH 451172 8139345 31/05/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides 1 PH 450869 8139079 31/05/2008 Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 20 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Beach Stone-curlew Esacus neglectus 2 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 1 PH 454808 8139597 31/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 2 PH 454186 8138104 31/05/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 2 PH 450869 8139079 31/05/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 1 PH 451172 8139345 31/05/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 1 PH 454186 8138104 31/05/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora 1 PH 458886 8137090 31/05/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 16 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 25 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii 5 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra 1 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra 4 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Great Egret Ardea alba 1 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 6+ PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii leschenaultii 31 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 1 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 10 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 65 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica 8 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 1 PH 454971 8140426 31/05/2008 Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis 6 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Little Bronze-cuckoo Chrysococcyx minutillus 1 PH 454186 8138104 31/05/2008 Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes 3 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes 5 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 6 PH 454808 8139597 31/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 3 PH 454971 8140426 31/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 2 PH 458886 8137090

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 31/05/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 4 PH 454186 8138104 31/05/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 5 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 38 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 23 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 Richard's Pipit Anthus australis 1 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 1 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis 1 PH 450522 8138489 31/05/2008 Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis 1 PH 450869 8139079 31/05/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 13 PH 454808 8139597 31/05/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 18 PH 458886 8137090 31/05/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 31 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 6 PH 451810 8139750 31/05/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 1 PH 454323 8139121 31/05/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 1 PH 451172 8139345 6/06/2008 Mole Toadlet Uperoleia talpa 1 PI 476399 8166771 6/06/2008 Ctenotus colletti 1 PI 476174 8164240 8/06/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 15 PI 477048 8164221 8/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 1 PI 486490 8171851 8/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 1 PI 477227 8164298 8/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 2 PI 477048 8164221 8/06/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 1 PI 477048 8164221 8/06/2008 Dampierland Burrowing Snake Simoselaps minimus 1 PI 478783 8167457 8/06/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis PI 486490 8171851 8/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana PI 482042 8164426 8/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 5 PI 486490 8171851 8/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 2 PI 477227 8164298 8/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 2 PI 477048 8164221 8/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis PI 482042 8164426 8/06/2008 Swamp Harrier Circus approximans PI 486490 8171851 8/06/2008 Swamp Harrier Circus approximans 1 PI 477048 8164221 9/06/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 10 PI 477048 8164221 9/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 1 PI 476399 8166771 9/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 2 PI 477227 8164298 9/06/2008 Flock Bronzewing Phaps histrionica 1 PI 526297 8128271 9/06/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 1 PI 481945 8166609

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 9/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 1 PI 481945 8166609 9/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 1 PI 477048 8164221 9/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 2 PI 481945 8166609 9/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 2 PI 477048 8164221 10/06/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides 1 PI 478490 8167178 10/06/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 1 PI 478742 8167501 10/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 8 PI 477227 8164298 10/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 5 PI 478490 8167178 10/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 1 PI 481945 8166609 10/06/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 2 PI 481945 8166609 10/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana PI 479656 8168683 10/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana PI 478967 8168018 10/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 2 PI 481945 8166609 10/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis PI 479656 8168683 10/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 4 PI 478490 8167178 10/06/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 5 PI 478742 8167501 10/06/2008 Spotted Nightjar Eurostopodus argus 1 PI 477227 8164298 10/06/2008 Swamp Harrier Circus approximans 1 PI 481945 8166609 10/06/2008 Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis 1 PI 481945 8166609 10/06/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 1 PI 478742 8167501 10/06/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus PI 481945 8166609 10/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 2 PI 476374 8166812 11/06/2008 Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella 1 PI 478490 8167178 11/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 1 PI 477048 8164221 11/06/2008 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius 2+ PI 486510 8178856 11/06/2008 Dampierland Burrowing Snake Simoselaps minimus 1 PI 484576 8174590 11/06/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 2 PI 481945 8166609 11/06/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 3 PI 477048 8164221 11/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana PI 486510 8171856 11/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana PI 486011 8172759 11/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 1 PI 481945 8166609 11/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis PI 486510 8171856 11/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 3 PI 477048 8164221 11/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 PI 477200 8164321 11/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 PI 477220 8164313

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 11/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 PI 478783 8167457 12/06/2008 Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae 1 PI 491166 8174245 12/06/2008 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius 2+ PI 491166 8174245 12/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana PI 476418 8166822 12/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis PI 476418 8166822 12/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 PI 477048 8164221 13/06/2008 Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 10 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 20 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos 30 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii 20 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Dampierland Burrowing Snake Simoselaps minimus 1 PI 477003 8164324 13/06/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra 1 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Fairy Tern Sterna nereis 6 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Gouldian Finch Erythrura gouldiae * PI 486485 8172209 13/06/2008 Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii leschenaultii 30 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 4 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 20 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica 6 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 1 PI 486484 8171851 13/06/2008 Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis 3 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana PI 477231 8164313 13/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana PI 486744 8150305 13/06/2008 Little Tern Sterna albifrons 1 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis PI 477231 8164313 13/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis PI 486744 8150305 13/06/2008 Pallid cuckoo Cuculus pallidus 1 PI 486484 8171851 13/06/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 20 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 20 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 6 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 1 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Straw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis 1 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arcuata 10+ PI 486744 8150305 13/06/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 10 PI 485843 8174755 13/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 PI 477048 8164221 13/06/2008 Lerista separanda 1 PI 476374 8166812

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 13/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 PI 476387 8166844 18/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 10+ GB 374948 7952025 20/06/2008 Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis 1 GB 375648 7955817 20/06/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides GB 375549 9759637 20/06/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides GB 387621 7960468 20/06/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides GB 375293 7959410 20/06/2008 Beach Stone-curlew Esacus neglectus 2 GB 387621 7960468 20/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 377851 7958714 20/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 375977 7959511 20/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 375648 7955817 20/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera GB 375549 9759637 20/06/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora GB 387621 7960468 20/06/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora GB 375293 7959410 20/06/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii 12 GB 375293 7959410 20/06/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra GB 387621 7960468 20/06/2008 Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel 2 GB 375293 7959410 20/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis GB 374962 7952028 20/06/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus GB 375549 9759637 20/06/2008 Pallid cuckoo Cuculus pallidus 1 GB 377851 7958714 20/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 375977 7959511 20/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 375549 9759637 20/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 387621 7960468 20/06/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae GB 387621 7960468 20/06/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans 1 GB 377851 7958714 20/06/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans GB 375977 7959511 20/06/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans GB 375549 9759637 21/06/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides GB 376779 7959910 21/06/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Beach Stone-curlew Esacus neglectus 2 GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Black Kite Milvus migrans GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 377076 7958972 21/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae 1 GB 384904 7952477 21/06/2008 Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae 2 GB 377617 7952347 21/06/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora 1 GB 377076 7958972

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 21/06/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius 1 GB 385976 7952624 21/06/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia GB 372796 7954642 21/06/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra GB 376779 7959910 21/06/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Grey Teal Anas gracilis GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes GB 372796 7954642 21/06/2008 Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 1 GB 377076 7958972 21/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca GB 377076 7958972 21/06/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus GB 376779 7959910 21/06/2008 Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 1 GB 386148 7958922 21/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 377076 7958972 21/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Short-tailed Mouse Leggadina lakedownensis 1 GB 375977 7959511 21/06/2008 Short-tailed Mouse Leggadina lakedownensis 2 GB 375795 7956327 21/06/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae GB 372796 7954642 21/06/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans GB 377076 7958972 21/06/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans GB 387621 7960468 21/06/2008 Lerista separanda 1 GB 376709 7959912 21/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 GB 376709 7959912 21/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 GB 375977 7959511 22/06/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca GB 374505 7953833 22/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 378053 7958086 22/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 374408 7953696 22/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 375021 7951792 22/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 1 GB 386416 7953215 22/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera GB 374408 7953696 22/06/2008 Brolga Grus rubicunda 6 GB 374408 7953696 22/06/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora GB 378053 7958086 22/06/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 1 GB 386416 7953215 22/06/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra GB 374408 7953696 22/06/2008 Grey Teal Anas gracilis GB 374408 7953696

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 22/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 1 GB 386416 7953215 22/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis GB 374962 7952028 22/06/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus 1 GB 374408 7953696 22/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 378053 7958086 22/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 374408 7953696 22/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 375021 7951792 22/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus 1 GB 386416 7953215 22/06/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus GB 374505 7953833 23/06/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides GB 373486 7949962 23/06/2008 Australian Reed-warbler Acrocephalus australis 1 GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Bilby Macrotis lagotis Old Burrow GB 368222 7945016 23/06/2008 Black Kite Milvus migrans GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 386416 7953215 23/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 2+ GB 378797 7953700 23/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 375549 9759637 23/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 374682 7952561 23/06/2008 Black-fronted Dotterel Charadrius melanops GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 2 GB 374121 7953001 23/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera GB 373486 7949962 23/06/2008 Brolga Grus rubicunda GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Brolga Grus rubicunda 32 GB 374127 7940866 23/06/2008 Brolga Grus rubicunda GB 373486 7949962 23/06/2008 Brolga Grus rubicunda GB 368631 7944857 23/06/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora GB 375549 9759637 23/06/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora GB 385998 7953308 23/06/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora GB 373486 7949962 23/06/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus GB 385998 7953308 23/06/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia GB 375549 9759637 23/06/2008 Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 2 GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Grey Teal Anas gracilis GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Little Eagle Aquila morphnoides morphnoides GB 374121 7953001 23/06/2008 Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes GB 374121 7953001 23/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana GB 375266 7954975

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 23/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus GB 374121 7953001 23/06/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus 2, nest GB 368631 7944857 23/06/2008 Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Pallid cuckoo Cuculus pallidus GB 368631 7944857 23/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 377843 7952372 23/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 375549 9759637 23/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 375795 7956327 23/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 374682 7952561 23/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 374121 7953001 23/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 375405 7952243 23/06/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 1 GB 376709 7959912 23/06/2008 Red-kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Richard's Pipit Anthus australis GB 373486 7949962 23/06/2008 Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus GB 374121 7953001 23/06/2008 Whiskered Tern Sterna hybrida GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus GB 373486 7949962 23/06/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster GB 381365 7939550 23/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 GB 378797 7953700 23/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 GB 376709 7959912 24/06/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides GB 366524 7946384 24/06/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 6 GB 366524 7946384 24/06/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca GB 368088 7944862 24/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 366524 7946384 24/06/2008 Black-shouldered Kite Elanus axillaris GB 366524 7946384 24/06/2008 Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae GB 386180 7958814 24/06/2008 Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae 1 GB 382394 7952225 24/06/2008 Brown Booby Sula leucogaster GB 366524 7946384 24/06/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora GB 366524 7946384 24/06/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 1 GB 377080 7958967 24/06/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii GB 368088 7944862

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 24/06/2008 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra GB 368088 7944862 24/06/2008 Little Bronze-cuckoo Chrysococcyx minutillus 1 GB 374948 7952025 24/06/2008 Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes GB 366524 7946384 24/06/2008 Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes GB 368088 7944862 24/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana GB 378547 7953857 24/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana GB 374946 7952306 24/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis GB 378547 7953857 24/06/2008 Northern Nailtail Wallaby Onychogalea unguifera 1 GB 378797 7953700 24/06/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus GB 368088 7944862 24/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 386416 7953215 24/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 374962 7952028 24/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 376346 7952242 24/06/2008 Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii GB 368088 7944862 24/06/2008 Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres GB 366524 7946384 24/06/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae GB 366524 7946384 24/06/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus GB 368088 7944862 24/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 GB 376709 7959912 24/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 GB 375977 7959511 24/06/2008 Diporiphora pindan 1 GB 375549 7959637 25/06/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca GB 368701 7944731 25/06/2008 Beach Stone-curlew Esacus neglectus 2 GB 386418 7959617 25/06/2008 Brolga Grus rubicunda GB 368701 7944731 25/06/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus GB 386416 7953215 25/06/2008 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius GB 374103 7952234 25/06/2008 Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos GB 386418 7959617 25/06/2008 Crested Tern Sterna bergii GB 386418 7959617 25/06/2008 Great Egret Ardea alba GB 373901 7952588 25/06/2008 Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes GB 373901 7952588 25/06/2008 Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgiana GB 378547 7953852 25/06/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 1 GB 374103 7952234 25/06/2008 Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis GB 378547 7953852 25/06/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus 1 GB 386418 7959617 25/06/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus GB 386418 7959617 25/06/2008 Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus GB 368701 7944731 25/06/2008 Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus GB 373901 7952588

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 25/06/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae GB 373901 7952588 25/06/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae GB 386418 7959617 25/06/2008 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus GB 368701 7944731 25/06/2008 Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava 1 GB 374103 7952234 26/06/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae GB 373815 7952864 26/06/2008 Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae 1 GB 375462 7952028 26/06/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera GB 373815 7952864 26/06/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 2 GB 374087 7952258 26/06/2008 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius 3 GB 374087 7952258 26/06/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia GB 375549 9759637

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls Department of industry and resources – Perpendicular Head, Packer Island and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment Appendix G

Date Common Name Scientific name # Animals Study Area Easting Northing 26/06/2008 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 1 GB 373815 7952864 26/06/2008 Great Egret Ardea alba 2+ GB 373815 7952864 26/06/2008 Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel 1 GB 376844 7959899 26/06/2008 Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes GB 373815 7952864 26/06/2008 Plumed Whistling Duck Dendrocygna eytoni E6 GB 374087 7952258 26/06/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus GB 377851 7958714 26/06/2008 Short-tailed Mouse Leggadina lakedownensis 1 GB 375795 7956327 26/06/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae GB 373815 7952864 26/06/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster GB 377851 7958714 26/06/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster GB 373815 7952864 5/08/2008 Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae 1 PI 486490 8171851 5/08/2008 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius PI 486490 8171851 5/08/2008 Magpie-lark Grallina cyanoleuca 3 PI 486490 8171851 6/08/2008 Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides PI 486490 8171851 6/08/2008 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca PI 477065 8164204 6/08/2008 Beach Stone-curlew Esacus neglectus 1 PI 476174 8164240 6/08/2008 Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Coracina novaehollandiae PI 486490 8171851 6/08/2008 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera PI 486490 8171851 6/08/2008 Brown Falcon Falco berigora PI 486490 8171851 6/08/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus PI 486490 8171851 6/08/2008 Osprey Pandion haliaetus PI 477065 8164204 6/08/2008 Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus PI 486490 8171851 6/08/2008 Red-capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus PI 476174 8164240 6/08/2008 Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae PI 476174 8164240 6/08/2008 Swamp Harrier Circus approximans PI 477065 8164204 6/08/2008 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster PI 486490 8171851 7/08/2008 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 1 PI 486490 8171851 7/08/2008 Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus 1 PI 486490 8171851

PH=Perpendicular Head PI= Packer Island GB=Gourdon Bay

Notes: 'E' denotes 'Estimate'; '+' denotes 'At Least' and ' * ' denotes reliable ID by Roma (Chilli Creek campground owner) - frequent recent and historic sightings.

08.178 RP002 Appendix G- All listed FAUNA co-ordinates.xls DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008)

Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment



Bird Species List for James Price Point, Coulomb Point, Quondong Point and Hinterland, Dampier Peninsula

Compiled by George Swann.

(Taxonomy follows Christidis, L & Boles, WE (1995). The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories. CSIRO Publishing).

Brown Quail Black-shouldered Kite Ruddy Turnstone Magpie Goose Square-tailed Kite Asian Dowitcher Plumed Whistling-Duck Black-breasted Buzzard Great Knot Wandering Whistling- Black Kite Red Knot Duck Whistling Kite Sanderling Freckled Duck Brahminy Kite Little Stint Black Swan White-bellied Sea-Eagle Red-necked Stint Australian Wood Duck Spotted Harrier Long-toed Stint Green Pygmy-goose Swamp Harrier Pectoral Sandpiper Pacific Black Duck Brown Goshawk Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Grey Teal Collared Sparrowhawk Curlew Sandpiper Garganey Wedge-tailed Eagle Broad-billed Sandpiper Pink-eared Duck Little Eagle Ruff Hardhead Brown Falcon Red-necked Phalarope Australasian Grebe Australian Hobby Painted Snipe Hoary-headed Grebe Grey Falcon Comb-crested Jacana Tahiti Petrel Black Falcon Bush Stone-curlew Bulwer’s Petrel Peregrine Falcon Beach Stone-curlew Streaked Shearwater Nankeen Kestrel Pied Oystercatcher Wedge-tailed Shearwater Brolga Sooty Oystercatcher Hutton’s Shearwater Buff-banded Rail Black-winged Stilt Wilson’s Storm-Petrel Baillon’s Crake Red-necked Avocet Masked Booby Australian Spotted Crake Pacific Golden Plover Brown Booby Spotless Crake Grey Plover Darter White-browed Crake Little Ringed Plover Little Pied Cormorant Purple Swamphen Red-capped Plover Pied Cormorant Eurasian Coot Lesser Sand Plover Little Black Cormorant Australian Bustard Greater Sand Plover Australian Pelican Red-backed Button-quail Oriental Plover Lesser Frigatebird Little Button-quail Black-fronted Dotterel White-faced Heron Red-chested Button-quail Red-kneed Dotterel Little Egret Pin-tailed Snipe Masked Lapwing Eastern Reef Egret Swinhoe’s Snipe Oriental Pratincole White-necked Heron Black-tailed Godwit Australian Pratincole Great Egret Bar-tailed Godwit Pomarine Jaeger Intermediate Egret Little Curlew Arctic Jaeger Cattle Egret Whimbrel Long-tailed Jaeger Striated Heron Eastern Curlew Silver Gull Nankeen Night Heron Spotted Redshank Gull-billed Tern Glossy Ibis Common Redshank Caspian Tern Australian White Ibis Marsh Sandpiper Lesser Crested Tern Straw-necked Ibis Common Greenshank Crested Tern Royal Spoonbill Wood Sandpiper Roseate Tern Yellow-billed Spoonbill Terek Sandpiper Common Tern Black-necked Stork Common Sandpiper Arctic Tern Osprey Grey-tailed Tattler Little Tern

08.178 RP005 Appendix H Department of Industry & Resources – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Coulomb-Quondong and Gourdon Bay Vertebrate Assessment

Bridled Tern Black-chinned Barn Swallow Sooty Tern Honeyeater Welcome Swallow Whiskered Tern White-throated Red-rumped Swallow White-winged Black Tern Honeyeater Tree Martin Common Noddy Brown Honeyeater Fairy Martin Black Noddy Rufous-throated Clamorous Reed-Warbler Crested Pigeon Honeyeater Little Grassbird Diamond Dove Banded Honeyeater Rufous Songlark Peaceful Dove Black Honeyeater Brown Songlark Bar-shouldered Dove Pied Honeyeater Golden-headed Cisticola Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove Red-headed Honeyeater Yellow White-eye Red-tailed Black- Crimson Chat Cockatoo Jacky winter Galah Lemon-bellied Flycatcher Little Corella Red-capped Robin Cockatiel Hooded Robin Rainbow Lorikeet Grey-crowned Babbler Varied Lorikeet Varied Sittella Red-winged Parrot Mangrove Golden Budgerigar Whistler Oriental Cuckoo Rufous Whistler Pallid Cuckoo White-breasted Whistler Brush Cuckoo Grey Shrike-thrush Black-eared Cuckoo Broad-billed Flycatcher Horsfield’s Bronze Leaden Flycatcher Cuckoo Restless Flycatcher Shining Bronze Cuckoo Magpie-lark Little Bronze Cuckoo Grey Fantail Common Koel Mangrove Grey Fantail Channel-billed Cuckoo Northern Fantail Pheasant Coucal Willie Wagtail Barking Owl Black-faced Cuckoo- Southern Boobook shrike Barn Owl White-winged Triller Grass Owl Olive-backed Oriole Tawny Frogmouth White-breasted Spotted Nightjar Woodswallow Australian Owlet-nightjar Masked Woodswallow Fork-tailed Swift White-browed Blue-winged Kookaburra Woodswallow Red-backed Kingfisher Black-faced Sacred Kingfisher Woodswallow Rainbow Bee-eater Little Woodswallow Dollarbird Pied Butcherbird Black-tailed Treecreeper Australian Magpie Variegated Fairy-wren Little Crow Red-backed Fairy-wren Torresian Crow Striated Pardalote Great Bowerbird Weebill Singing Bushlark Dusky Gerygone Richard’s Pipit Mangrove Gerygone Yellow Wagtail Western Gerygone Zebra Finch White-throated Gerygone Double-barred Finch Little Friarbird Long-tailed Finch Yellow-throated Miner Painted Finch Singing Honeyeater Chestnut-breasted White-gaped Honeyeater Mannikin Yellow-tinted Honeyeater Pictorella Mannikin Mistletoebird

08.178 RP005 Appendix H DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & RESOURCES – Perpendicular Head-North Head, Packer Island, Gourdon Bay and Coulomb-Quondong Vertebrate Fauna Assessment


08.178 RP005 Final (27-10-2008) eAu str• ••• Appendix I1- Perpendicular Head- All Fauna Records Matrix Site 1 Site 4 Site 2 Site 3 Site 6 Site 5 Site 7 Site Opportunistic Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage PH-B1 PH-B3 PH-B4 PH-B10 PH-B13 PH-B14 PH-B15 PH-B16 PH-B29 PH-B47 PH-B31 PH-B50 Opportunistic Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage PH-N1 PH-N2 PH-B2 PH-B5 PH-B6 PH-B7 PH-B9 PH-B11 PH-B12 PH-B17 PH-B18 PH-B20 PH-B21 PH-B22 PH-B24 PH-B25 PH-B26 PH-B27 PH-B28 PH-B32 PH-B35 PH-B40 PH-B41 PH-B42 PH-B43 PH-B44 PH-B46 PH-B48 PH-B49 PH-B52 PH-B54 PH-B55 Opportunistic Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage PH-B53 Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage PH-B34 PH-B19 PH-B23 PH-B30 PH-B33 PH-B36 PH-B37 PH-B38 PH-B39 PH-B45 PH-B51 PH-B8

MST DLM Fr I Various TOTAL RECORDS Dunes and Rocky Headlands Pindan Woodland Vine Thicket Mammals Agile Wallaby Macropus agilis 44 Black Rat *Rattus rattus 1 1 Reptiles Saltwater Crocodile Crocodylus porosus 3 21 Gilbert’s Dragon Amphibolurus gilberti 29 1 17 3 4 1 1 2 Frilled-necked Lizard Chlamydosaurus kingii 2 1 1 Diporiphora pindan 1 1 Gehyra nana 1 1 Pilbara Dtella Gehyra pilbara 32 1 Spotted Dtella Gehyra punctata 41 3 Asian House Gecko *Hemidactylus frenatus 1 1 Bynoe’s Gecko Heteronotia binoei 21 5 222 45 1 Northern Spiny-tailed gecko Strophurus ciliaris aberrans 1 1 Delma borea 1 1 Delma tincta 3 21 Burton’s Snake-lizard Lialis burtonis 2 2 Carlia munda 1 1 Ctenotus helenae 1 1 Ctenotus inornatus 325102 721 23 Glaphyromorphus isolepis 61 1 2 2 Lerista bipes 37 7 8 11 4 1 51 Morethia ruficauda ruficauda 2 11 Gould’s Sand Monitor Varanus gouldii 2 1 1 Black-headed Monitor Varanus tristis tristis 1 1 Ramphotyphlops diversus 3 11 1 Black-headed Python Aspidites melanocephalus 1 1 Olive Python Liasis olivaceus olivaceus 1 1 Common Tree Snake Dendrelaphis punctulata 1 1 Moon Snake Furina ornata 11 Mulga Snake Pseudechis australis 1 1 Gwardar Pseudonaja nuchalis 31 1 1 Spotted Snake Suta punctata 1 1 Amphibians Giant Frog Cyclorana australis 1 1 Green Tree Frog Litoria caerulea 1 1 Copland`s Rock Frog Litoria coplandi 1 1 Ornate Frog Opisthodon (Limnodynastes) orna 33 Birds Brown Quail Coturnix ypsilophora 33 Grey Teal Anas gracilis 20 713 Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa 81 21 60 Hardhead Aythya australis 15 96 Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arcuata 6 33 Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae nov 838 160 678 Brolga Grus rubicunda 58 35 23 Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 5 5 Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 25 2 20 1 2 Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel 1 1 Darter Anhinga melanogaster 11 Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos 1 1 Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax varius 15 15 Great Egret Ardea alba 1 1 Cattle Egret Ardea ibis 2 2 Little Egret Egretta garzetta nigripes 16 8 3 5 White-necked Heron Ardea pacifica 3 21 Pied Heron Ardea picata 3 21 Striated Heron Butorides striatus stagnatilis 2 2 White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 31 417181 Eastern Reef Egret Egretta sacra sacra 14 2 4 4 31 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 308 232 76 Straw-necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis 128 60 68 Black-necked Stork (Jabiru) Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus 2 1 1 Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 611 11 2 Swamp Harrier Circus approximans 2 2 Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis 421 1 Black-shouldered Kite Elanus axillaris 11 White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 10 2 14111 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus girrenera 10 1 2 1 12111 Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus 9 1 35 Square-tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura 2 11

08.178 RP003 Appendix I1- Perpendicular Head.xls Eastern Curlew Varied Lorikeet Budgerigar Bar-tailed Godwit Great Knot Red-necked Stint Sanderling Red-backed Button-quail Blue-winged Kookaburra Barking Owl Pheasant Coucal Red-tailed BlackCockatoo Little Corella Galah Crested Pigeon Peaceful Dove Bar-shouldered Dove Diamond Dove Jacky Winter Little BronzeCuckoo Horsfield`s BronzeCuckoo Brush Cuckoo Gull-billed Tern Whiskered Tern Crested Tern Pacific GoldenPlover Red-capped Plover Greater SandPlover Black-winged Stilt Common Greenshan White-breasted Whistler Grey Shrike-Thrush Varied Sittella Grey-crowned Babbler Hooded Robin Kimberley Flycatcher Little Friarbird Red-headed Honeyeater Black-chinned Honeyeater White-throated Honeyeater Brown Honeyeater Singing Honeyeater White-gaped Honeyeater Yellow-tinted Honeyeater Rufous-throated Honeyeater Dusky Gerygone White-Throated Gerygone Mangrove Gerygone Weebill Striated Pardalote Red-backed Fairy-wren Variegated Fairy-wren Black-tailed Treecreeper Rainbow Bee-eater Sacred Kingfisher Red-backed Kingfisher A Lorikeet) Red-collard Lorikeet(Rainbow Red-winged Parrot Lesser CrestedTern Silver Gull White-winged BlackTern Masked Lapwing Grey Plover Pied Oystercatcher Sooty Oystercatcher Beach Stone-curlew Bush Stone-curlew Grey-tailed Tattler Whimbrel A Brown Falcon Osprey Boobook Owl Spotted Nightjar ustralian Owlet-nightjar ustralian Kestrel 08.178 RP003 Appendix I1-Perpendicular Head.xls k Numenius madagascariensi Psitteuteles versicolo Melopsittacus undulatus Limosa lapponica Calidris tenuirostris Calidris ruficollis Calidris alba Turnix maculosamelanota Falco cenchroides Dacelo leachi Ninox conniven Centropus phasianinus Calyptorhynchus banksiimacrorh Cacatua sanguinea Cacatua roseicapilla Ocyphaps lophotes Geopelia striata Geopelia humeralis Geopelia cuneata Microeca fascinan Chrysococcyx minutillus Chrysococcyx basalis Cacomantis variolosus Sterna nilotica Sterna hybrida Sterna bergi Pluvialis fulv Charadrius ruficapillus Charadrius leschenaultiileschena Himantopus himantopusleucocep Pachycephala lanioides Colluricincla harmonica Daphoenositta chrysoptera Pomatostomus temporalis Petroica cucullata Microeca flavigastertormenti Philemon citreogulari Myzomela erythrocephala Melithreptus gularis Melithreptus albogularis Lichmera indistinct Lichenostomus virescens Lichenostomus unicolor Lichenostomus flavescens Conopophila rufogularis Gerygone tenebrosa Gerygone olivacea Gerygone levigaster Smicrornis brevirostri Pardalotus striatus Malurus melanocephalus Malurus lamberti Climacteris melanura Merops ornatus Todiramphus sanctus Todiramphus pyrrhopygia A Trichoglossus haematodus A Sterna bengalensis Larus novaehollandiae Chlidonias leucopterus Vanellus miles Pluvialis squatarola Haematopus longirostris Haematopus fuliginosus Esacus neglectus Burhinus grallariu Tringa nebularia Tringa brevipes Numenius phaeopus Falco berigora Pandion haliaetu Ninox novaeseelandiae Eurostopodus argus egotheles cristatus prosmictus erythropterus i a i s s s s a s s r s y u 0 01 42 5344986115100 100 135 150 3 1 6 8 9 3 4 2 7 4 3 5 2 45 7 4 1 8 40 7 2 25 3 100 25 5 81 14 4 3 2 2 5 37 15 30 600 407 0 27 22 6 106 2 83342421 24 12 8 2 1 7 19 5 27 4 7 1 5 3 3 2 1 35 2 3 4 4 4 2 18 6 2 1 2 4 5 3 1 20 3 7 2 5 1 6 14 2 2 7 1 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 4 3 28 3 100 15 3 105 4 127 4 19 128 138 60 4 153 725 47 43 55 15 79 15 89 90 56 82 58 35 95 4823322426 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 4 4 2 10 7 5 8 25 10 45 12 11 4 22 34 1 10 60 14 19 10 3 2 1 4 3 1 27 31 2 2 4 2 9 45 27 6 1 1 47 9 10 10 48 82 25 2 14 1 47 61 12 22 TOTAL RECORDS 7 6 1 11 511 1 1 6 1 3111 7 1 4 9 3 6 8 51 2 3 1 2 1 3 43 1 52 1 11 21 1 11

Bucket Funnel Site 1 Elliot Cage Bucket Dunes andRockyHeadlands Funnel Site 4 Elliot Cage PH-B1 PH-B3 PH-B4 PH-B10 PH-B13 PH-B14 PH-B15 PH-B16 PH-B29 PH-B47 PH-B31 PH-B50 Opportunistic Bucket Funnel Site 2 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 3 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 6 Elliot Cage PH-N1 PH-N2 61 1 3 PH-B2 PH-B5 PH-B6 01 71 8 10 27 15 30 159671 PH-B7 02121 1 2 1 15 2 1 2 30 2 1113111 1211 2 241314 3 1 4 22 221 PH-B9

idnWoln VineThicket Pindan Woodland PH-B11 518 1 15 2 PH-B12 PH-B17

6 4 3 167 PH-B18 PH-B20

112 1 PH-B21

PH-B22 PH-B24

13 11 1341134 PH-B25 583 53155 5 1 3 25 33 8 15 3 2 4285 PH-B26

34 33 PH-B27 PH-B28

6 2 4 662 1 PH-B32 PH-B35 60 PH-B40


1 PH-B42 PH-B43

3 PH-B44 PH-B46 PH-B48

1 11115PH-B49 20 23 842 5 24 4 38 54116 1 4 31 25 65 6 51 4 18 25 1 8 5 6 4 1 620131PH-B52 1 04 10 7 23111 35 29 13352 2 PH-B54

1 PH-B55 1 2 Opportunistic Bucket Funnel Site 5 Elliot Cage PH-B53 Bucket

S rI Fr MST Funnel Site 7 Elliot Cage LVarious DL 364 2 2 PH-B34 2231 26 3 12 21

M PH-B19

24 PH-B23 025 10 65 30 246 1 PH-B30

PH-B33 09 20 PH-B36 54 15 89 30 6 3 3 PH-B37

2 23 PH-B38 2 1 3 1 74 22 5 910 1 12 PH-B39

7 1 3 PH-B45

1 PH-B51

1 PH-B8 1 1 1 Opportunistic Key Brown Songlark Pied Butcherbird Mistletoebird Rufous Songlark Masked Woodswallow Little Woodswallow White-breasted Woodswallow Double-barred Finch Long-tailed Finch * –ExoticFaunaSpecies MST –MixedShrublandThicket D –DunesandRockyHeadlands I –IntertidalFlats DL –DrainageLines Fr –Freshwater/EphemeralLakesandClaypans M –Mangroves Richard`s Pipit Zebra Finch A Yellow White-eye Tree Martin Fairy Martin Great Bowerbird Torresian Crow Black-faced Woodswallow Olive-backed Oriole White-winged Triller Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Northern Fantail Mangrove Fantail Willie Wagtail Broad-billed Flycatcher Restless Flycatcher Magpie-lark Rufous Whistler Mangrove GoldenWhistler ustralian Reed-warbler 08.178 RP003 Appendix I1-Perpendicular Head.xls Cincloramphus cruralis Cracticus nigrogulari Dicaeum hirundinaceum Cincloramphus mathewsi Taeniopygia bichenovi Poephila acuticauda A Taeniopygia guttatacastanotis A Zosterops luteus Hirundo nigrican Hirundo arie Chlamydera nuchalis Corvus orru A A A A Oriolus sagittatu Lalage tricolor Coracina novaehollandiae Rhipidura rufiventri Rhipidura phasiana Rhipidura leucophrys Myiagra ruficollismimikae Myiagra inquieta Grallina cyanoleuca Pachycephala rufiventris Pachycephala melanura nthus australis crocephalus australis rtamus personatus rtamus minor rtamus leucorhynchus rtamus cinereus l s s s s i 0 5762 15 4 4 8 9 4 4 8 23 6 7 15 9 144 107 0 581 01 74101 521 15 10 2 15 14 100 4 27 3 12 30 1 3 15 8 15 5 3 3 1 6 6 5 303 1 2 575 118 45 14 15 22 2431112233 24417 4 4 12 1 34 3 2 2 1 2 1 8 3 3 3271412447 9 18 68 5 1 5 1 3 45 3 25 57 28 4 1 2 1 2224 62 68 10 20 52 16 18 91 34 21 TOTAL RECORDS 1 1 4 3 11 6

Bucket Funnel Site 1 Elliot Cage Bucket ue n ok edad Pindan Woodland Dunes andRockyHeadlands Funnel Site 4 Elliot Cage PH-B1 PH-B3 PH-B4 PH-B10 PH-B13 PH-B14 PH-B15 PH-B16 PH-B29 PH-B47 PH-B31 PH-B50 20 Opportunistic Bucket Funnel Site 2 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 3 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 6 Elliot Cage PH-N1 PH-N2 61 21 3 221378 7 3 1 2 22 131 21577345344 1 660357 PH-B2 PH-B5

111 4241 231 12 3 2 2 4211 14 2 11 1121 PH-B6 PH-B7

2444233PH-B9 PH-B11 PH-B12

1311421325 2 3 1 2 4 1 1 3 21 PH-B17 PH-B18 PH-B20

2 292702222 PH-B21

12 11 PH-B22 PH-B24 PH-B25 PH-B26 PH-B27 PH-B28 PH-B32 PH-B35 PH-B40

31 5450 65 3 3 18 13 3 PH-B41

15 PH-B42 PH-B43

41133414 PH-B44

133238PH-B46 PH-B48 PH-B49 PH-B52 PH-B54 PH-B55 Opportunistic Vine Thicket Bucket Funnel Site 5 Elliot Cage

11323 PH-B53 Bucket

MST Funnel Site 7 Elliot Cage LVarious DL 69 8 14 PH-B34 48 34 1 7 13 1 1 1 3 811 84


23 12 PH-B23


PH-B33 PH-B36 15 3 1 PH-B37

PH-B38 PH-B39

1 PH-B45

PH-B51 PH-B8

1 Opportunistic 08.178 RP003 Appendix I2-Packer Island.xls Brown Quail Mole Toadlet Ornate Frog Desert TreeFrog Roth`s TreeFrog Rocket Frog Green TreeFrog Dampierland BurrowingSnake Mulga Snake Moon Snake Olive Whipsnake Olive Python Black-headed Python Stimson`s Python Black-headed Monitor Common Blue-tongue Bynoe’s Gecko Common Sheathtail-bat Little E Collared S Black-necked Stork Eastern ReefE White-faced Heron White-necked Heron Military Dragon Frilled-necked Lizard Chameleon Dragon Gilbert’s Dragon Brol Burton’s Snake-lizard Northern Spiny-tailedgecko Zigzag VelvetGecko Straw-necked Ibi A A Wanderin Yellow-bellied Sheathtail-bat Gould's WattledBat Hoary WattledBat Common BentwingBat Arnhem LandLong-earedBat Lesser Long-earedBat Northern Pipistrelle Little Broad-nosedBat Northern Broad-nosedBat Western CaveBat Finlayson’s CaveBat Northern Freetail-bat Little North-westernMastiff-bat European Cattle(feral) Donkey (feral) Cat Dingo Western ChestnutMouse Delicate Mouse Appendix I2-PackerIsland-AllFaunaRecordsMatrix ustralian WhiteIbis ustralasian Grebe g a g re g t p Whistlin arrowhaw g ret s g ( Duck Jabiru k Amphibians Mammals ) Reptiles Birds Coturnix Uperoleia talpa Opisthodon (Limnodynastes)ornatus Litoria rubella Litoria rothii Litoria nasuta Litoria caerulea Simoselaps minimus Pseudechis australis Furina ornata Demansia olivacea Liasis olivaceus Aspidites melanocephalus Antaresia stimsoni Ramphotyphlops sp. Ramphotyphlops diversus Cr Morethia ruficauda Varanus tristis Tiliqua scincoidesintermedia Cryptoblepharus ruber Lerista separanda Cryptoblepharus metallicus Lerista bipes Glaphyromorphus isolepis Ctenotus inornatus Lerista labialis Diporiphora pindan Gehyra nana Heteronotia binoei Carlia munda Ctenotus colletti Taphozous georgianus Grus rubicunda Accipiter cirrhocephalus Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Threskiornis spinicollis Egretta novaehollandiae Ardea pacifica Egretta garzettanigripes Ctenophorus isolepis Chlamydosaurus kingii Chelosania brunnea Amphibolurus gilberti Lialis burtonis Strophurus ciliarisaberrans Oedura rhombifera Egretta sacra Threskiornis molucca Tachybaptus novaehollandiaenovaeh Dendrocygna arcuata Saccolaimus flaviventris Chalinolobus gouldii Chalinolobus nigrogriseus Miniopterus schreibersiiorianae Nyctophilus arnhemensis Nyctophilus geoffroyi Pipistrellus westralis Scotorepens greyii Scotorepens sanborni Vespadelus caurinus Vespadelus finlaysoni Chaerephon jobensis Mormopterus loriaecobourgiana *Bos taurus *Equus asinus *Felis catus Canis lupusdingo Pseudomys nanus Pseudomys delicatulus y ptoblepharus y psilophora p 1 sp. o N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 64284211 1 2 2 4 1 8 5 8 4 1 1 2 4 3 1 5 26 20 26 12411 1 4 2 11 716712 1 7 6 1 17 02 232 12 2 1 21 60 33 1 3 1 1 1 1 21 31 1 11 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 11 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 21 31 1 1 1 31 1 1 1 73 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 21 1 1 1 11 11 TOTAL RECORDS

Bucket Funnel Site 1 Elliot Cage ieTiktMxdSrbadTiktPna odadMangroves PindanWoodland MixedShrublandThicket Vine Thicket          PI-A3  PI-A4    PI-A8 PI-H4 PI-B5 PI-B7 PI-B15 PI-B18 PI-B19 Bucket Funnel Site 2 Elliot Cage PI-B4 PI-B23 PI-B17 PI-B31 PI-B33 PI-B34 PI-B36 2 1 11 41 1 Bucket 1 14 Funnel Site 3 Elliot Cage Bucket 1 Funnel Site 5 Elliot Cage        PI-A1  PI-A2     PI-A5 PI-H1 115 PI-H2 1 PI-H5 PI-H9 PI-N2 PI-N3 PI-N5 PI-N7 PI-N8 011 6 1 15 1 10 11 PI-N9 2 PI-N10 PI-B1 PI-B2 PI-B3 PI-B12 PI-B13 PI-B14 PI-B24 PI-B25 PI-B26 PI-B27 PI-B28 PI-B29 PI-B30 1 PI-B39 Opportunistic Bucket 11 21232Funnel Site 4 Elliot Cage         PI-A6 PI-B8 PI-B9 PI-B10 PI-B11 1 PI-B16 PI-B21 1 2 291 9 11 12 Bucket 21 Funnel Site 6 MD SM Elliot Cage PI-B22 PI-B32 1 4 11 11 21 Bucket 1 Funnel Site 7 Elliot Cage     PI-A7 1 PI-H6 PI-H7 PI-B6 PI-B35 Opportunistic  PI-A9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fr PI-N4 PI-B20 1 1 1 PI-B37 1 Various I PI-B38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Opportunistic 08.178 RP003 Appendix I2-Packer Island.xls Tawn Grass Owl Boobook Owl Bar-tailed Godwi Red-necked Stint Swam Brahmin Os Rainbow Bee-eater Jack Little Friarbird Silver-crowned Friarbird Red-headed Hone Brown Goshaw Gull-billed Ter Northern Fantail Rufous Whistler White-breasted Woodswallow Black-faced Woodswallow Olive-backed Oriole Gre Gre White-throated Hone Blue-win Black-na Red-ca Greater SandPlover Common Sand Whimbrel Brown Falcon White-bellied SeaEa Little Ea Sin Bar-shouldered Dove Diamond Dove Willie Wa Man Horsfield`s BronzeCuckoo Yellow-tinted Hone Striated Pardalote S Common Greenshank Pied O Beach Stone-curlew Bush Stone-curlew Rudd Fair Crested Tern Lesser CrestedTern Little Tern Silver Gull Common Sand A A A Red-tailed BlackCockatoo Little Corella Red-backed Fair Sacred Kin Red-collared Lorikeet Varied Lorikeet Whistlin Gre Varie Gre Red-win Man Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Ma White- Gre Restless Fl Varied Sittell Crested Pi Peaceful Dove Barkin Pheasant Coucal Pallid cuckoo Brown Hone White-win ustralian Pratincole ustralian Kestrel ustralian Owlet-ni p otted Ni p gp g y y y y y y re g g in y Fantail Shrike-Thrush -crowned Babble Plove -tailed Tattle Tern g y y rove Fantail ie-lar rove GoldenWhistler Winter y p g g g ated Fair Turnstone Fro y pp Harrie Hone Owl a g stercatche g g y g p p Kite g le Kite ed Parrot ed Plover g ed Kookaburra ed tern ed Hone g g tail g k g y ed Trille r eon ht mouth catche fisher y a eate y j n ar r eater p p k y i i -wren t y p p r -wren r er er r y y r g y r eater eater eate ht y g r eater j ( le a Rainbow r r Trichoglossus haematodusrubritorqui Aprosmictus erythropterus Tyto capensislongimembris Ninox novaeseelandiae Ninox connivens Arenaria interpres Calidris ruficollis Aquila morphnoides Haliastur indusgirrenera Haliaeetus leucogaster Haliastur sphenurus Eurostopodus argus Charadrius ruficapillus Merops ornatus Todiramphus sanctus Microeca fascinans Philemon citreogularis Philemon argenticeps Myzomela erythrocephala Melithreptus albogularis Sterna nereis Rhipidura leucophrys Rhipidura rufiventris Rhipidura phasiana Pachycephala melanura Pachycephala rufiventris Pluvialis squatarola Haematopus longirostris Tringa brevipes Limosa lapponica Pandion haliaetus Circus approximans Accipiter fasciatus Artamus leucorhynchus Artamus cinereus Oriolus sagittatus Lalage tricolor Myiagra inquieta Grallina cyanoleuca Daphoenositta chrysoptera Pomatostomus temporalis Lichmera indistincta Lichenostomus flavescens Aegotheles cristatus Sterna nilotica Charadrius leschenaultii Numenius phaeopus Falco berigora Lichenostomus unicolor Geopelia humeralis Geopelia cuneata Sterna sumatrana Rhipidura fuliginosa Colluricincla harmonica Chrysococcyx basalis Pardalotus striatus Malurus melanocephalus Podargus strigoides Tringa nebularia Tringa hypoleucos Actitis hypoleucos Lichenostomus virescens Esacus neglectus Burhinus grallarius Stiltia isabella Falco cenchroides Sterna bergii Sterna bengalensis Sterna albifrons Larus novaehollandiae Ocyphaps lophotes Calyptorhynchus banksiimacrorhynch Cacatua sanguinea Malurus lamberti Dacelo leachii Psitteuteles versicolor Coracina novaehollandiae Geopelia striata Centropus phasianinus Cuculus pallidus s u 68555 5 5 8 26 17 20 0211 1 2 10 30 43 14 753 5 27 11 93 19 014 1422 41 1 20 9222 2 2 19 21 20 10 521 2 3 10 5 5 13 3 1 3 5 10 15 5 38 67 30 20 351174 7 55131 43 03 10 20 30 7131 3 1 17 20 8181 8 1 18 0 3 3 1 1 1 11 1 1 51 65 1 6 31 8222 4 1 41 4 2 85 1 6 1 5 3 1 6 2 8115 1 1 22 52 3 6 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 3 1 2 1 4 8 11 1 64 11 1 TOTAL RECORDS

Bucket Funnel Site 1 Elliot Cage ieTiktMxdSrbadTiktPindanWoodland MixedShrublandThicket Vine Thicket PI-A3 PI-A4 PI-A8 PI-H4 PI-B5 PI-B7 PI-B15 PI-B18 PI-B19 Bucket Funnel Site 2 Elliot Cage PI-B4 PI-B23 PI-B17 PI-B31 1 PI-B33 PI-B34 1 PI-B36 Bucket Funnel Site 3 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 5 Elliot Cage PI-A1 PI-A2 PI-A5 PI-H1 PI-H2 PI-H5 PI-H9 11 1 22 PI-N2 2 PI-N3 PI-N5 PI-N7 PI-N8 PI-N9 PI-N10 053 5 10 5 1 558 2421 22 221111112 13 2121 33 5112 1 1 35 PI-B1 1 111 22 PI-B2 112 31 15 11 23 1221211 211 1 2 2 11 111 PI-B3 121112 3 25 1 1 1 2 11 2 1 121 2 PI-B12 11 11 131 11 2113 4 PI-B13 141 34 13 PI-B14 PI-B24 PI-B25 PI-B26 PI-B27 PI-B28 5 112 1 PI-B29 1 PI-B30 1 11 1 PI-B39 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 111 121 11 1 Opportunistic Bucket Funnel Site 4 Elliot Mangroves Cage PI-A6 21 PI-B8 PI-B9 11 3 1 PI-B10 PI-B11 11 412054 1810 8 11 PI-B16 PI-B21 Bucket Funnel Site 6 MDFr D SM Elliot Cage 3 11 PI-B22 3 PI-B32 Bucket Funnel Site 7 Elliot Cage PI-A7 PI-H6 PI-H7 PI-B6 PI-B35 1 11 Opportunistic

1 (T) PI-A9 1 1 PI-N4 1 1 1 5 PI-B20 1 PI-B37 17 20 20 20 10 30 20 30 20 6 4 6 1 3 1 Various I PI-B38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Opportunistic 08.178 RP003 Appendix I2-Packer Island.xls SM –SupratidalMudflats/Samphir Little Woodswallo Key Lon Mistletoebird Great Bowerbird Torresian Cro Pied Butcherbird I –IntertidalFlat * –ExoticFaunaSpecies D –DunesandRock Fr –Freshwater/EphemeralLakesandCla Richard`s Pi Tawn Yellow White-e Fair  –Speciespresentbutabundancenotknown g y Marti -tailed Finch y Grassbir n p i w t ye d s w y Headlands e Anthus australis Megalurus timoriensis Zosterops luteus Hirundo ariel Corvus orru Artamus minor Dicaeum hirundinaceum Chlamydera nuchalis Cracticus nigrogularis Poephila acuticauda y pans 02111 355 15 111 2 70 12 31112 1 1 1 13 1 2 5 5 62 6 1 TOTAL RECORDS

Bucket Funnel Site 1 Elliot Cage ieTiktMxdSrbadTiktPna odadMangroves PindanWoodland MixedShrublandThicket Vine Thicket PI-A3 PI-A4 PI-A8 PI-H4 PI-B5 PI-B7 PI-B15 PI-B18 PI-B19 Bucket Funnel Site 2 Elliot Cage PI-B4 PI-B23 PI-B17 PI-B31 PI-B33 PI-B34 PI-B36 Bucket Funnel Site 3 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 5 Elliot Cage PI-A1 PI-A2 PI-A5 PI-H1 PI-H2 PI-H5 PI-H9 PI-N2 PI-N3 PI-N5 PI-N7 PI-N8 PI-N9 PI-N10 1 2 1 1 1 111 PI-B1 111 21 PI-B2 11 1 12 11 PI-B3 551 1 PI-B12 0 11151 5 1 5101 103 1 PI-B13 11 PI-B14 PI-B24 PI-B25 PI-B26 PI-B27 PI-B28 22 1 PI-B29 PI-B30 PI-B39 Opportunistic Bucket Funnel Site 4 Elliot Cage PI-A6 PI-B8 PI-B9 PI-B10 PI-B11 PI-B16 PI-B21 Bucket Funnel Site 6 SM Elliot Cage 11 PI-B22 PI-B32 Bucket Funnel Site 7 Elliot Cage

D PI-A7 PI-H6 PI-H7 PI-B6 PI-B35 Opportunistic PI-A9

Fr PI-N4 3 PI-B20 PI-B37

Various I PI-B38

1 Opportunistic Appendix I3- Quondong Point- All Fauna Records Matrix Site 1 Site 3 Site 6 Site 2 Site 4 Site 5 Site 7 Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Elliot Cage Bat Surveys Opportunistic

TOTAL RECORDS TOTAL Dunes and Rocky Headlands VDLPindan Woodland Various Mammals Yellow-bellied Sheathtail-bat Saccolaimus flaviventris N/A  Gould's Wattled Bat Chalinolobus gouldii N/A  Hoary Wattled Bat Chalinolobus nigrogriseus N/A  Lesser Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus geoffroyi N/A  Little Broad-nosed Bat Scotorepens greyii N/A  Western Cave Bat Vespadelus caurinus N/A  Northern Freetail-bat Chaerephon jobensis N/A  Beccari’s Freetail Bat Mormopterus beccarii N/A  Little Northern Freetail-bat Mormopterus loriae cobourgia N/A  House Mouse *Mus musculus 1 1 Delicate Mouse Pseudomys delicatulus 3 3 Black Rat *Rattus rattus 1 1 Pale Field Rat Rattus tunneyi 2 2 Dingo Canis lupus dingo 1 1 Cat *Felis catus 1 1 Reptiles Gilbert’s Dragon Amphibolurus gilberti 7 31 2 1 Diporiphora pindan 8 22 121 Gehyra nana 2 11 Bynoe’s Gecko Heteronotia binoei 11 31 121 3 Northern Spiny-tailed gecko Strophurus ciliaris aberrans 14 11 1 11 Burton’s Snake-lizard Lialis burtonis 1 1 Carlia munda 7 52

08.178 RP003 Appendix I3- Quondong.xls 08.178 RP003 AppendixI3- Quondong.xls Mulga Snake Black-headed Monitor * –ExoticFaunaSpecies DL –DrainageLines V –VineThicket Key Common Blue-tongue Olive Python  –Speciespresentbutabundancenot known Cryptoblepharus ruber Ramphotyphlops diversus Pseudechis australis Varanus tristis Carlia rufilatus Ctenotus inornatus Tiliqua scincoidesintermedia Lerista bipes Liasis olivaceus Lerista labialis Glaphyromorphus isolepis Ctenotus helenae 37 12 3 1 4 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 TOTAL RECORDS 1 31 1 1 1 1 2 11 9142713 31 1 Bucket

1 Funnel Site 1 ue n ok edad LPindanWoodland DL V Dunes andRockyHeadlands Elliot Cage

11 11 Bucket Funnel Site 3 Elliot Cage 12 1 1 Bucket Funnel Site 6 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 2 Elliot Cage Bucket

1 Funnel Site 4 Elliot Cage Bucket

13 Funnel Site 5 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 7 Elliot Cage

Various Bat Surveys 2 1 1 Opportunistic 08.178 RP003 Appendix I4-Gordon Bay.xls Brown Boob Brol Plumed Whistlin Pacific BlackDuck Gre Green TreeFrog Spotted Snake Desert BandedSnake Mulga Snake Moon Snake Yellow-faced Whipsnake Black-headed Python Stimson`s Python Black-headed Monitor Gould’s SandMonitor Ridge-tailed Monitor Common Blue-tongue Desert Bluetongue Euro, Biggada Agile Wallaby Lakeland DownsMouse White-striped Freetailbat Little NorthernFreetail-bat Northern Freetail-bat Finlayson’s CaveBat Northern Broad-nosedBat Little Broad-nosedBat Northern Pipistrelle Lesser Long-earedBat Arnhem LandLong-earedBat Gould's WattledBat Red Kangaroo Short-beaked Echidna Burton’s Snake-lizard Northern Spiny-tailedgecko Zigzag VelvetGecko Bynoe’s Gecko Asian HouseGecko Tree Dtella Pilbara Dtella Pale-snouted GroundGecko Fat-tailed Diplodactylus Dwarf BeardedDragon Cental NettedDragon Military Dragon Frilled-necked Lizard Gilbert’s Dragon European Cattle(feral) Cat Yellow-bellied Sheathtail-bat Northern BrushtailPossum Northern NailtailWallaby Appendix I4-GourdonBay-AllFaunaRecordsMatrix y g Teal a y g Duck Amphibians Mammals Reptiles Birds Grus rubicunda Dendrocygna eytoni Anas superciliosa Anas gracilis Litoria caerulea Suta punctata Simoselaps anomalus Pseudechis australis Furina ornata Demansia psammophis Aspidites melanocephalus Antaresia stimsoni Varanus tristis Varanus gouldii Varanus acanthurus Tiliqua scincoidesintermedia Tiliqua multifasciata Morethia ruficauda Lerista separanda Lerista labialis Macropus robustuserubescen Macropus agilis Sula leucogaster Leggadina lakedownensis Tadarida australis Mormopterus loriaecobourgia Chaerephon jobensis Vespadelus finlaysoni Scotorepens sanborni Scotorepens greyii Pipistrellus westralis Nyctophilus geoffroyi Nyctophilus arnhemensis Chalinolobus gouldii Macropus rufus Tach Lerista greeri Lerista bipes Glaphyromorphus isolepis Eremiascincus richardsonii Ctenotus inornatus Cryptoblepharus ruber Carlia munda Lialis burtonis Strophurus taeniatus Strophurus jeanea Strophurus ciliarisaberrans Oedura rhombifera Heteronotia binoei *Hemidactylus frenatus Gehyra variegata Gehyra pilbara Gehyra nana Diplodactylus stenodactylus Lucasium stenodactylum Pogona minor Diporiphora pindan Ctenophorus nuchalis Ctenophorus isolepis Ctenophorus caudicinctus Chlamydosaurus kingii Amphibolurus gilberti *Bos taurus *Felis catus Saccolaimus flaviventris Trichosurus vulpeculaarnhem Onychogalea unguifera yg lossus aculeatus n e s N/ N/ N/ N/ N/ N/ N/ N/ N/ N/ 2 8824231 42 24 22 20 14 14 3 2 4 2 8 18 5 2 124 N/ 46 01212121 2 1 2 1 2 1 10 1 2 18 32153253 1 5 4 2 3 5 1 1 2321 2 26 6 2 2 16 12 12 31 122 23 2 1 3 1 1 1 2111 11 22 11 1 11 33 11 41 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 22 73122 1 1 3 1 1 1 11 3117311113 1 11 1 71 21 9 52 1 1 1 1 7210 A A A A A A A A A A A TOTAL RECORDS

Bucket Funnel Site 1 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 7 Elliot Cage       GB-A2       GB-A4         GB-A5       GB-A6     

Pindan Shrubland GB-A7      GB-A8 GB-H1 GB-H2 GB-H6 GB-N1 GB-N2 GB-B10 GB-B12 GB-B13 GB-B1 GB-B29 GB-B31 GB-B32 10 GB-B34 GB-B35 GB-B36 GB-B38 GB-B41 1 1 1 OPP 1 1 6 13 21 1 6 1 11 12 1 1 Bucket 111 Funnel Site 2 Elliot

CST Cage 1 1211 1 2 11 1233 Bucket 2 Funnel Site 4 Elliot Cage 1 3 1 GB-H3 1 Bucket 111 Funnel Site 3 Elliot Cage 1 Bucket Funnel Site 5 Elliot Cage 1 1 GB-H4 Dunes andRockyHeadlands 1 1 3 GB-H5 GB-B2 GB-B3 1 GB-B4 GB-B16 GB-B17 GB-B18 GB-B19 GB-B20 GB-B21 GB-B22 GB-B23 GB-B24 GB-B25 GB-B28

1 GB-B39 GB-B40 GB-B44 GB-B46 OPP GB-B26 GB-B30 113211

SM OPP 4 1 2 15 4 Bucket 1 2 Funnel Site 6 Elliot Cage 11

AR GB-B15 GB-B43 GB-N3 1 1 111 GB-N4 11 1

C GB-N5 1 GB-N6 1 1 GB-N7 GB-N8 1 11

Fr GB-B11 GB-B37

I GB-B14   GB-A1        GB-A3 GB-B6 GB-B7 M GB-B8 GB-B9 GB-B33 GB-B42 GB-B45 MST GB-B27 Various V GB-B5 1 (T) 1 1 1 1 Opportunistic 08.178 RP003 Appendix I4-Gordon Bay.xls White- Varie Rainbow Bee-eater Little E Eastern ReefE White-faced Heron Striated Heron White-necked Heron Little PiedCormorant Dusk Great E Purple Swamphen Pied Cormorant Little BlackCormorant Rufous-throated Hone Western Ger Weebill Red-browed Pardalote Sacred Kin Blue-win Spotted Ni Red-win Common Sandpipe Common Sandpipe Little Button-Quail Pere Brown Goshaw A Horsfield`s BronzeCuckoo Little Corella Bush Stone-curlew A A Brown Falcon Spotted Harrier A Gloss Lesser Fri Red-backed Fair Collared Kin Tawn Boobook Owl Pheasant Coucal Pallid cuckoo Little BronzeCuckoo Red-tailed BlackCockatoo Crested Tern Silver Gull Masked Lapwin Red-kneed Dotterel Red-capped Plover Black-fronted Dotterel Pied O Beach Stone-curlew Common Greenshan Rudd White-bellied SeaEa Black-shouldered Kite Little Ea Whiskered Tern Roseate Tern Crested Pi Peaceful Dove Bar-shouldered Dove Diamond Dove White-Throated Ger Red-backed Kin Bud Black-win Gre Whimbrel Brahmin Red-collared Black Kite Whistlin Ospre ustralian Owlet-ni ustralian Bustard ustralian Kestrel ustralian WhiteIbis y g g -tailed Tattler y g eri y y y rine Falcon y Ger g ated Fair Turnstone Fro Ibis y g aped Hone g g g stercatcher g ret g y g ret ar Kite le Kite ed Parrot g ed Kookaburra g g g yg g ed Stilt g atebird eon ht mouth g fisher yg one ( fisher j Rainbow ar one k g y g g -wren ret y fisher -wren y g r r yg eater ht k g j y one le ar ) eater Lorikeet Conopophila rufogularis Merops ornatus Todiramphus sanctus Himantopus himantopusleuco Falco peregrinus Plegadis falcinellus Ardea alba Egretta novaehollandiae Butorides striatusstagnatilis Ardea pacifica Egretta garzettanigripes Lichenostomus unicolor Gerygone olivacea Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Fregata ariel Porphyrio porphyrio Phalacrocorax varius Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Gerygone tenebrosa Smicrornis brevirostris Pardalotus rubricatus Malurus melanocephalus Todiramphus pyrrhopygia Aegotheles cristatus Podargus strigoides Trichoglossus haematodusrub Tringa brevipes Turnix velox Ardeotis australis Falco cenchroides Threskiornis molucca Malurus lamberti Dacelo leachii Chrysococcyx basalis Cacatua sanguinea Ocyphaps lophotes Vanellus miles Burhinus grallarius Tringa nebularia Tringa hypoleucos Actitis hypoleucos Falco berigora Pandion haliaetus Circus assimilis A Accipiter fasciatus Egretta sacra Ninox novaeseelandiae Centropus phasianinus Cuculus pallidus Chrysococcyx minutillus Calyptorhynchus banksiimacr Sterna bergii Larus novaehollandiae Erythrogonys cinctus Charadrius ruficapillus Charadrius melanops Esacus neglectus Elanus axillaris Sterna hybrida Sterna dougallii Geopelia striata Geopelia humeralis Geopelia cuneata Gerygone fusca Todiramphus chlorissordida Aprosmictus erythropterus Haematopus longirostris Numenius phaeopus Arenaria interpres Haliaeetus leucogaster Melopsittacus undulatus Eurostopodus argus Milvus migrans Haliastur sphenurus Haliastur indusgirrenera quila morphnoidesmorphnoi d o c r 311 01 011201 0111101 1 1 1 10 10 10210 1 10 11 10 1111 83 11 24 511110 1 1 1 15 1110 1 11 21 10 21 20 1 1 12 1 13 1 23 3 1 11 34 4110 10 1 1 1 24 45 3111110 1 1 1 1 23 20 12 2112 2 1 5 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 511 2 0 1 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 8 1 1 41115 81111 1 1 6 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 3 11 2 3 7 TOTAL RECORDS

Bucket Funnel Site 1 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 7 Elliot Cage GB-A2 GB-A4 GB-A5 GB-A6

idnSrbadCTDnsadRcyHalnsSM Dunesand RockyHeadlands CST Pindan Shrubland GB-A7 GB-A8 GB-H1 GB-H2 GB-H6 GB-N1 GB-N2 GB-B10 GB-B12 GB-B13 1 GB-B1 12 2 2 GB-B29 GB-B31 GB-B32 2 1 2 GB-B34 2 1 GB-B35 1 110 GB-B36 1 1 110 GB-B38 GB-B41 10 1 1 1 1 OPP Bucket Funnel Site 2 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 4 Elliot Cage GB-H3 Bucket

Funnel Site 3 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 5 Elliot Cage GB-H4 GB-H5 111 1 11 1 11 111 1 11 1111 11 GB-B2 11 1 11 111 1111 GB-B3 1111 11 122 1201 12110112 1 GB-B4 GB-B16

51 GB-B17 0111 10 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 GB-B18 1 1 GB-B19 GB-B20 GB-B21 GB-B22

1 GB-B23 GB-B24 10 GB-B25

11 GB-B28 1111 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 61 1 1 GB-B39 1 1 1111 1 GB-B40 1 11 GB-B44 1 GB-B46 1 OPP GB-B26 1 11 GB-B30 OPP Bucket Funnel Site 6 Elliot Cage 11 11 11 111 1 11

AR GB-B15 111 1 GB-B43 GB-N3 311 GB-N4

CFrGB-N5 GB-N6 GB-N7 1 GB-N8 1 1 110 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 GB-B11 GB-B37

I GB-B14 GB-A1 GB-A3 1 121 GB-B6 1 GB-B7 M 1 1 GB-B8 1 1 1111 GB-B9 1120 1 11 11 GB-B33 110 11 GB-B42 GB-B45 10 MST GB-B27 Various V 1 GB-B5 1 (T) 1 1 1 Opportunistic 08.178 RP003 Appendix I4-Gordon Bay.xls Sin Man White-win Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Gre Ma Rufous Whistler Key Brown Son Willie Wa Man White-breasted Whistler Crested Bellbird Gre Brown Hone * –ExoticFaunaSpecies AR –ArtificialHabitatType(PlantedExoticsetc.atBirdPark) C –CarBased(Various) SM –SupratidalMudflats/Samphire MST –MixedShrublandThicket I –IntertidalFlats Fr –Freshwater/EphemeralLakesandClaypans CST –CoastalSwaleThicket M –Mangroves V –VineThicket A Black-faced Woodswallow Sin Yellow White-e Tree Martin Great Bowerbird Torresian Crow Little Crow Pied Butcherbird White-browed Woodswallow Masked Woodswallow Little Woodswallow White-breasted Woodswallow Broad-billed Fl Red-headed Hone Yellow-throated Miner Mistletoebird Double-barred Finch Yellow Wa Richard`s Pipit Zebra Finch Gre Little Friarbird  ustralian Reed-warbler –Speciespresentbutabundancenotknown g g g y y y g pie-lark g in in Fantail Shrike-Thrush -crowned Babbler rove Fantail rove GoldenWhistler g g Bushlark Hone g g tail g g ed Triller tail lark y eater y y eater y catcher e y eater Cincloramphus cruralis Rhipidura leucophrys Coracina novaehollandiae Rhipidura phasiana Myiagra ruficollismimikae Pachycephala melanura Pachycephala rufiventris Motacilla flava Acrocephalus australis Rhipidura fuliginosa Pachycephala lanioides Oreoica gutturalis Colluricincla harmonica Pomatostomus temporalis Lichenostomus virescens Artamus cinereus Lalage tricolor Grallina cyanoleuca Hirundo nigricans Chlamydera nuchalis Corvus orru Corvus bennetti Cracticus nigrogularis Artamus superciliosus Artamus personatus Artamus minor Artamus leucorhynchus Manorina flavigula Lichmera indistincta Dicaeum hirundinaceum Mirafra javanica Zosterops luteus Taeniopygia bichenovii Anthus australis Taeniopygia guttatacastanotis Philemon citreogularis Myzomela erythrocephala 3 0111 02 02 02 02 011111112 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 1 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 1 20 10 10 1 1 20 1 1 1 236 105 221111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 9111 011 01 1 10 10 1 10 1 10 10 1 1 69 611111 1 10 1 1 1 1 16 311 111221001 1 1 1 1 10 202011020 1 1 1 11 1111 22 93 511 10 1 1 1 25 14 31110 10 1 1 1 1 24 10 13 10 21 35 10 5110 1 22 15 61 111 120 11 1111 31 13 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 4 41111 6 1 TOTAL RECORDS

Bucket Funnel Site 1 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 7 Elliot Cage GB-A2 GB-A4 GB-A5 GB-A6

idnSrbadCTDnsadRcyHalnsSM Dunesand RockyHeadlands CST Pindan Shrubland GB-A7 GB-A8 GB-H1 GB-H2 GB-H6 GB-N1 GB-N2 GB-B10 GB-B12 GB-B13 1 GB-B1 01 10 11 GB-B29 GB-B31 1 # GB-B32 1 GB-B34 GB-B35 GB-B36 12 120 GB-B38 GB-B41 10 10 1 OPP Bucket Funnel Site 2 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 4 Elliot Cage GB-H3 Bucket

Funnel Site 3 Elliot Cage Bucket Funnel Site 5 Elliot Cage GB-H4 GB-H5 GB-B2 GB-B3 010 10 1 1 GB-B4 GB-B16

1 GB-B17 010 10 10 20 02 02 1 20 20 1 1 1 20 20 GB-B18 11011 11 1 11 11 GB-B19 GB-B20 2 11111GB-B21 GB-B22 GB-B23 GB-B24 GB-B25 10 GB-B28

1 GB-B39 GB-B40 GB-B44 11 GB-B46 OPP 1 GB-B26 1 GB-B30 OPP Bucket Funnel Site 6 Elliot Cage 2 20 120

AR GB-B15 1 1 1 11 11 1111 GB-B43 GB-N3 GB-N4

CFrGB-N5 GB-N6 GB-N7 GB-N8 1 1 1 GB-B11 GB-B37 1 I GB-B14 GB-A1 GB-A3 111101 11 11 GB-B6 01 20 1 1 111 GB-B7 M GB-B8 11 GB-B9 GB-B33 1 GB-B42 GB-B45 01 10 10 MST GB-B27 Various V 1 1 GB-B5
