SPORTS Cleveland 001 Ml 020—4 10 ( Philadelphia ..110 010 Sox—18 IS 4 TY COBB Batterlei — Bagby, Groom and for DURATION of WAR Thomas; Walton

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SPORTS Cleveland 001 Ml 020—4 10 ( Philadelphia ..110 010 Sox—18 IS 4 TY COBB Batterlei — Bagby, Groom and for DURATION of WAR Thomas; Walton unday Mornlnjr, July 21,1918. UJS A I UK K K V I ti W PAGE rms their trouble with Umpire Owens la •H-H'i H M it New York. Score: :.»M.-H"H"H"M M 1 1 1 I H'H H I (FIRST GAME) Innings— »_R. H. E. AMERICAN LEAGUE TO QUIT ; SPORTS Cleveland 001 Ml 020—4 10 ( Philadelphia ..110 010 SOx—18 IS 4 TY COBB Batterlei — Bagby, Groom and FOR DURATION OF WAR Thomas; Walton. Perry and McAvoy. SATURDAY RESULTS (SECOND GAME) I Hard Hitting Wins for Innings— 9—R. H. E. IN BIG LEAGUES Cleveland ..7. .'.240 000 021—9 9 3 Ban Johnson Says Ball Parks Will Close Gates Bf I Washington. Philadelphia ...010 00 00*—1 4 3 NATIONAL MAOPK Baker's Ruling After Sunday's Games. Philadelphia. 0-5-1; Pltuburgh. 1-4-0. Washington. Jul 10—Hard and op- Boston, 8-a-O; Cincinnati, S-0-S. portune hitting at the expense of Dodger* Beat Chicago on Brooklyn, 0-8-2; Chicago. *•«•*. Chicago, Juy] 20.—American league] double header with Minneapolis. Th»- Philadelphia. 8-T-l; Pittsburgh. 2-8-0, both Shellen .. and Danforth today Home Grounds. < Heond came). naseball parks will close their gates decision, he said, was reached Ind*- New Terk. «-»-»; St. Louis, 4-T-l. enabled Washington to win Ita sec- pendent -of that which may b* • ond straight game from Chicago, 6 for the duration of the war after to- AMERICAN LEAGUE morrow's games unless unexpected reached by he club owners In untffc Chicago, July ».—Hendrtx weak- to 1. Johnson held the visitor* safe tomorrow at Chicago. Kansas CHy ened* la the last three Innings today Chicago. 1-T-l; Withtnston. (-10-1. developments occur. It was an- will not be represented at the meet- and Brooklyn bunched Its hits and Detroit. 1-T-2; Boston. 5-7-0. alter the first Inning. Score: nounced tonight by B. B. Johnson Ing. won easily over Chicago today S to 4. St. Louis. 5-10-3; New Tork, 2-S-l. (First CHICAGO— AB. R. H. PO. A E president of the organization. game). Murphy rf 0 0 McKinley, Yates and Auc- Home runs by Uerkle and Myers were St. Louis. S-ll-1; New Tork. 5-T-O, (Sec- Leiboid.' it.'.;.....;. 3 2 0 NO APPEAL PLANNED. MAY SEE WILStW. feature*. Score: ond game*. E. Collins. 5b 4 1 0 Cleveland, 4-10-8; Philadelphia, 10-lS-t Qandll. Ib 4 1 tion of Wilson Ball. No appeal from Secretary of War BROOKLYN AB. R.-H. PO. A. (First game). J. Collins, cf. Cincinnati, July 20.—August Herr- JohMtn. it 5 000 Cleveland. B-lft-S; Philadelphia. 0-4-2. Weaver, si. Baker's Interpretation of the "work mann, chairman of the National Base- £l»on. « 3 2 (Second game, forfeited end 8th). McMillan. 3b. Congressman McKinley and form- or fight" ruling as applied' to ball Danben. Ib 4 Schalk, c er governor Richard Yates will be ball commission, said tonight that he Z Wheat If 4 AMEBWAX ASSOCIATION 3hellenback. p. players will be made and no effort Is had been In communication today Mjrjre. cf 4 Jacobs, x .... present at the big Red Cross baseball planned to finish the season with 0-Mara, 30 4 Toledo.. 1-8-0; Loul»vlll« 3-10-2. Danforth, p. game which will be played at Staley with two very prominent officials la DootaB. 2b 8 St. Paul. 3-4-3; Milwaukee, e-12-3. teams recruited from the veterans Washington, who promised to secure M. Wheat, c field next Thursday afternoon. 3 Indianapolis, 7-11-1; Columbui. 4-9-3, TOTALS 33 above the draft age and amateurs for a delegation of baseball officials Marquard. b 1 Minneapolis 1-10-1; Kansas City, S-10-0. The baseball with the autograph *—Batter for Shellenback In Mv«nth, of President Wilson'will be sold at below the draft age. an audience with President Wilson Cheney. p WASHINGTON— .AB. B. H. PO. A. auction at the game and a consoli- American league club owners' will within a day or two In order to lay Shotton. If dated band of CO pieces made up from meet In Cleveland Monday at the TOTALS .- .......... 33 6 8 2T 10 PROGRESS OF THE ftnur, 3d. ........ before him details of the baseball *— tor Marquard In eighln. Judce, Ib the membership of the Goodman, call of President Johnson to wind up CHICAGO- AB. R. H. PO. A. Milan, cf Mueller and Commandery bands will the season's business and discuss the Fi»ck, rf 5 0 1 0 1 PENNANT RACES Schulte. rf lead the parade which will precede many financial tangles which will re- Hollochcr 9s. 4 o 0 7 Shanki. Sb Mann. If 2 0 o 0 Alnsmlth. e. the game and play between' fnnlngs: sult from the sudden interruption CHICK EVANS M.rkle, Ib 4 2 2 NATIONAL LEAOCE McBrlde.'s* 4 The band will be known as the De- of the game. Partc.rt. cf 4 0 1 W. L. Pet. Joluuon, p 4 catur Union band. , National league club owners, a few AGAIN DEFEATED Deal, Ib S 0 1 Chicago .... EG S» .1KB Zeider. 2b 2 1 0 51 014 TOTALS SI « 10 27 10 2 BOOM FOR THOUSANDS. of whom are reported as favoring St. Paul, Minn., July 20. — Jock O'Parrell. c 4 o 3 New York . 32 Hilcazo 1 OCOOOOO 0—1 Hendrlx. p S 0 0 Pittsburgh . 4:1 SB .324 Seating room In the new grandstand efforts to weather the storm, will Hutchlnson, professional at the Olen Philadelphia 43 ,41ft Washington ....0 0400020 x—6 meet In New York Wednesday to dis- -Byrbtr. x 1 o o Cincinnati .. 43 .496 Two base hit—Murphy. Shanki. Schulte. will be provided for 2.000 and there View Club, Chicago and Walter Ha- JlcCabe. u 0 0 0 Boston 49 .439 Itolen bases-E. Collins. Milan, Ehotton, will be room for BOO on the bleachers. cuss the situation. Brooklyn ... 47 .413 Shanks. Sacrifice hits—Leiboid. Milan. The new automobile parking space gen, Detroit professional, defeated TOTALS 32 4 S 27 <eft on base*—Chicago. 7; Washington, 7; FAVOR CLOSING. i—batted for Zeldrr in ninth. St. Louis 34 49 .410 iasei on balls—Off Shellenback. S; Dan- will accommodate hundreds of cars Chick Evans and Warren K. Wood, «—run for Hendrlx !n ninth. AMERICAN LEAGVS orth, 1. Hits off Shellenback « In 5 In- and It is expected that many will Four or the five American club amateurs, three up and two to plW Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2—« nings; Danforth, 4 in 2. Hit by pitchers— watch the game from the comfortable owners whom President Johnson was In an IS hole match here today. Chicago 0 o O 3 0 1 O 0 0—4 w. L. Pet. By Johnson (Murphy): by Bhellenback, seats of their cars. There will be no Two bam hot— Daubert O'Mara. Three 53 .11 .800 Shanks. Struck out—By Bhellenback 2: able to reach by telegraph today, fa- More than $3.000 was raised.for the ba»» hit—O'Farrell. Home runs—MerkK •Jew York .. 45 40 .529 Pohnson, 5. Losing pitcher Shellenback. charge'for the cars, the general ad- vored closing the season at once. Fatherless Children of France fund. Xjwn. Stolen bases—Merkle Olson Dau- Cleveland .. 47 42 .52$ mission of 25 cents for each passen- Just what will become of the b*rt. Sacrifice hits—Deal. Double plays— Washington 45 41 .523 BOSTON TRIMS TIGERS. ger admitting the car to parking Zetder to Hollocher lo Merkle. Left on St. Louli .. 40 43 .471 space. players' and umpires' contracts will »»«•—Brooklyn. 4; Chicago. C. First base Chicago .... 30 45 .464 be determined at Cleveland Monday OVA JOHNSON or. errors—Chicago. 1. Ba»es on balls—Off Detroit 48 .429 Boston, July 20—Boston made U There will be a dime extra for seats Marquard. 3; HendrU. 4: Cheney. 1. Hit* Philadelphia 48... 429 two straight from Detroit this af- In the grand stand and a quarter Later an entire reconstruction of the WRITES OF FRANCE off Xarquard. 3 In T Innings: Cheney I In for box seats. BY PAUL PUIUfAN. 2; Hendrlx. 8 In ». Struck out—Marqnarcl ternoon, winning I-to 1, tern Jones Cobb. His mechanical playing has government and machinery of base- 2; Cheney, 3. Winning pitcher Cheney. Mayer and Schmidt. having the better of George Dauss. ALL TO RED CROSS. been outdone by others—Speaker, le ball Is planned. S.1.V, ne Will Tell Mart «t II When He Ty Cobb Is to retire from baseball a greater outfielder, Lajole was At the Chicago^ National league Gets Back. GIANTS WIN. SECOND GAME. It wag Jones' tenth victory of the Every cent taken in goes to the at the- end of the present season. A letter has come from Cook Ore K. season. The batting and fielding of the Decatur branch of the Red Cross greater natural hitter, but Cobb has headquarters It was announced to- St. Louis. July 20.—New Tork RHE The greatest of the great proposes night Cincinnati would play a double Johnson, who u »lth the Headajartera Bush and Mclnnis featured. Ty Cobb and It is expected that a good sum to get Into some war activity by the personality, the "color." the Motor Section. 3rd Ammunltlw tnla, overcame a three run lead when May Philadelphia 10060200 0—3 7 1 will be realized. "fire," which has not only made htm header ftere Monday.
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