
Regular Business Meeting (Wednesday, 14, 2021) Generated by Tresa Callabrizzi on Wednesday, April 14, 2021

1. Opening of Meeting.

Information, Procedural, Reports:A. Call to Order 6:00 p.m.

Procedural:B. Roll Call.

J. Williams, R. Ethridge, C. Isabel: present.

S. Page, M. Hudecek: absent.

Procedural:C. Pledge of Allegiance.

Action:D. Approval of the Agenda: R. Ethridge “I move to approve the agenda for the April 14, 2021, board meeting”.

2nd: C. Isabel.

Approved by all.

Action, Minutes:E. Approval of Minutes: R. Ethridge “I move to approve the minutes from the 10, 2021, board meeting”.

2nd: C. Isabel.

Approved by all.

2. Superintendent's Report.

Information:A. Superintendent Dr. David Dumon will provide an update on Altar Valleys Events and Activities.

Attached slides for hybrid and remote data presented, Robles moving to lunch in cafeteria next week. AZMerit is going on currently. Remote students are showing up in person. If a parent does not want their student to come in person and test we need written documentation from them. Per Julie waters we are still going to have almost 95% tested, so we won't be affected.

Open enrollment signs posted have been posted in the surrounding areas, a sample was shown to the board.


R. Ethridge asked Lori Conner, Principal of Robles, about kinder roundup.

Information:B. Celebrations.

Lori Conner is receiving The Magnet School of America Principal of the year award due to her work at her previous school. This was recognized and celebrated by Dr. Dumon. Mrs. Conner is up for a national award as well and should know on April 30th.

Staff and student all stars, attached pictures displayed on screen and letters read aloud to the board.

Robles: Kylar C. 3rd grade student all star.

Jeremy Carr staff All-star.

AVMS:Isidro P. 8th grade student all-star.

Eric Sapul staff all-star.

3. Break:Not taken.

4. Call to the Public.

Procedural:A. Open Call to the Public:None.

5. Governing Board Reports.

Information, Reports:A. Governing Board Reports.

C. Isabel: I have been fully vaccinated.

R. Ethridge: Thanked Dan Tankersley and his crew for help with the shot clinic at the school. Has been contacted by Robles for field day.

J. Williams: Leadership conference is virtual instead of Flagstaff this year. Not really excited until it is back in person.

R. Ethridge added that there is a new possibility floating around about board member terms as well as having a student in the school as a new requirement.

6. Consent Agenda.

Action (Consent):A. Approval of the Consent Agenda.

Recommended Action: Administrative recommendation to approve — R.Ethridge “I move to approve the Consent Agenda.”


Approved by all.

Action (Consent):B. Ratification of Vouchers: Expense Vouchers #1028-1031; Payroll Vouchers#118-119

Action (Consent):C. Student Activities Financial Report.

Discussion, Information: D. Business and Finance: Financials March.

Action (Consent):E. Donations Report.

Action (Consent):F. Personnel Actions.

Action (Consent):G. Notice of Intent to Not Renew the Work Agreement for school year 2021-2022 to effectuate economies in the operation of the School District and to improve the efficient conduct and administration of the schools in the School District (Reduction in Force) to the following Staff: William Vanderhoof.

Recommended Action: “I move to issue Notice of Intent Not to Renew Work Agreement for school year 2021-2022 for William Vanderhoof.” Covered under approval of the consent agenda, item 6.

Action (Consent):H. Open Enrollment.

Action (Consent):I. Tuition Reimbursement.

7. Action Items.

Action, Discussion, Information:A. Approval of the 2021-2022 Support Staff Salary Schedule.

DD explained what documents are attached. Salaries are currently frozen but change in to due minimum wage and inflation. It changed on of this year to $12.15 hourly.

Recommended Action:R. Ethridge” I move to approve the 2021-2022 Support Staff Salary Schedule.”


Approved by all.

Action, Discussion, Information:B. Approval of the 2021-2022 Support Staff Work Agreement Language.

Dr. Dumon:Some new verbiage has been added.

Recommended Action:R. Ethridge” I move to approve 2021-2022 Support Staff Work Agreement Language.”


Approved by all.

Action, Information:C. Approval of the 2021-2022 Support Staff Rehire List.

Dr. Dumon:The list is attached including resignations and R.I.F.'s that were in the consent agenda. We are waiting to see if we are safe for raises.

Recommended Action:R.Ethridge” I move to approve the 2021 – 2022 Support Staff Rehire List.”



C.Isabel would like to know if Arizona budgets had gone down noticeably.

Dr. Dumon: Gilbert is RIF-ing 143 teachers. I am not completely discuss this at this moment.

Approved by all.

Action, Discussion: D. Approval of the District Administrator and Directors Rehire List and Salaries for the 2021-2022 School Year.

Dr.Dumon: No changes.

Recommended Action:R.EthridgeI move to approve the District Administrator and Directors Rehire List and Salaries for the 2021-2022 School Year.


Approved by all.

Action, Discussion, Information:E. Discussion and Approval of Employee Benefits Plan for the 2021-2022 School year.

Slides shown with the newest benefit information by Dr. Dumon. A less expensive high deductible plan was discussed for future. Current recommendation is to keep the class plans. Copay gold has been raised by providers in hopes of phasing it out.

Recommended Action:R.Ethridge “I move to approve the Employee Benefits for the 2021-2022 School year.”


Approved by all.

Action, Discussion, Information:F. Discussion and Approval of Student Admission into Kindergarten.

Dr. Dumon:If a student is not 5 by 1 according to the state student they cannot attend kindergarten. This student misses the cut-off by 7 days. I am recommending that he be accepted based on teacher testing and recommendations.

Recommended Action:R.Ethridge” I move to approve the admission of student into kindergarten.”



J. Williams: Does this student meet the requirements for kinder entry? Dr.Dumon: Yes. I have been assured that this student is ready for kinder.

C.Isabel: The State funds half day, we fund second half correct? Dr.Dumon: Yes.

Approved by all.

Action:G. Approval of the disposal and removal of items from the asset listing that have surpassed a usable lifespan within the district.

Aaron Bates has the list ready to go, items are passed life span sitting in Pep-tech for some. List displayed on screen for the board.

Recommended Action:R.Ethridge” I move to approve the disposal and removal of items from the asset listing that have surpassed a usable lifespan within the district.”



R.Ethridge: what are the 800 items? A. Bates:Items from classroom with a threshold of $1000, we want to remove those items such as chromebooks from the inventory for audit purposes because they are with students. The items will still be in use but not in the fixed assets.

J.Williams: Will money be put back into M&O? A. Bates:For some of these items the value is less than the prep work that would be required in order to sell them. Hard drives will be removed and disposed of securely. We are asking to be surplussed. Some Acers have been in use for 11 years.

R.Ethridge:So it's cheaper to give them away than to sell them.

Approved by all.

8. Information and Discussion Items:

Discussion, Information:A. Discussion and Information on a Four-Day School Week.

Dr.Dumon: We had a public hearing directly before this meeting, the survey is currently out there for everyone to take. Attached Slide show shared to meeting.

We had a SAC budget committee meeting this past Friday to discuss the perks of this proposal. The big thing is one Friday a month for PD for the teachers.

Spoke about the statute that a governing board can offer an educational 4-day program after 2 public hearings. I would like to do this by the May 12th meeting so that there is time to get all the information out to families.

C.Isabel:Is the survey broken down so we know? Dr.Dumon:It is divided by opposed, strongly opposed, approve, and strongly approve. C.Isabel:Does the initial return look like we will lose kids, or will we just have to wait and see? R.Ethridge:When does the survey close? I would like to have a study session to see where the savings are actually coming from if we are keeping staff the same. Dr.Dumon:We would run fewer buses, and we would be on one campus. We could grandfather current staff and apply hours to new staff. R.Ethridge:I would like to see data, as well as have a work session, this is a big move. Dr.Dumon:Other districts have positive things to say about the change, but it's a big undertaking R.Ethridge:I can't believe that support staff would not say anything about only getting 32 hours a week. J.Williams:We need a study session. C.Isabel:It is interesting to see this flip from the 200 days. J.Williams:That is not off the table.

Information:B. School and Department Updates.

Federal programs update has been shared with you. J. Waters is here but not presenting. The big change is the summer CCLC will be at Robles this year.

Principals have been work on a continuous school improvement process.

Discussion, Information:C. Upcoming Events.

Dr, Dumon: I am working on an April 29th public hearing. I would like study session to happen before May 12th. Principals will be giving an update on culminating projects at the next meeting.

The end of year bbq will be done a little different this year. There will be prepared prepackaged food for the staff, unless you disagree.

8th grade drive through promotion tentative for the 24th. Regular promotion would be limited to 2 guests per student. The drive through is for those who don't want to attend in person.

J.Williams:Will you have the board there for this? S.Camp reply:We have a survey out currently so far no one wants to participate in the drive through event. C.Isabel:Will there be a guest speaker? S.Camp reply:We are still working on everything. Dr.Dumon:We will have a complete update on the 12th.

June 9th meeting will have superintendent goals and evaluation on the agenda.

Study session agreed to be help on May 5th sometime between 4 and 6 pm. Dr. Dumon will confirm with the other 2 board members.

Information:D. Requests for Future Agenda Items.

R.Ethridge: I would like a list of the summer projects that will be done by the maintenance and operations team this summer from Dan Tankersley.

9. Adjournment.

Information:A. Next Regular Board Meeting , 2021, at 6:00 PM in the Professional Development Room at Altar Valley Middle School.

Action:B. Meeting Adjourned:7:13 p.m.