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All the News Home of the News of All the Pointes , , Every Thursday Morning * * * , Call TUxedo 2-6900 ( ,

I I-===:======,~I\ Complete . News Coverage' ,of All the Pointes - ..--;V-;:O;;;::-;-L7U;:-M--:-=E----:-19:--~N:-:-o-.-1....5...... ------a=-Etn-~-re-ed ...po-a:t-s:-o~-cf-~-da-:f~l~-e-trM:-::Oi~~~-:-:i-ch-.-, -.:------.;.-G-R-O ...S...:.S-E-P-O-IN-IT--E-,-M-I-C-'H-IG-A-N-,-A-P-R-I-L'-I-O-.-1-9-5-8---~----I3~~-~""P-p-e~-o~~-~ar---1"";2-0-P-A-C';-E-S-----F-u-Uy-p-. a-id-C-ir-c-u-Ia-t-io-n

IHEADLINES I Local Water Spo~s Sit,e Shrinking Memorial Center Trio Nabbed. oj the ,.' R" ,After Theft • \VEEK C As Compiled by the ampalgn eports In St..Clair NeWJ Fourth Caught After Tem- Show' Slow Start porary Escape; Special- Thursday, April 3 ized in Robbing Bars, TWO NEW INSTANCES of Drive Results Behind. Comparable Dai-e $2;000 Last Gas Stations violence in public schools' were Year;' 74,8 Donors have' Contributed Total reported to police Wednesday. Two students were stabbed Cl't' , Of $9.116 of Needed $37,500 The 'arrest of three men McMichael Junior High School by St. Clair Shores police, and a Was h i n g ton Trade Receipts from the first week of the Grosse Pointe March 27 resulted in the School teacher was assaulted. War Memorial's 1958 Annual Family Participation carn- breaking up of a 24-man These acts followed the beat- paig? showed d~nations com~g in a little slowly. W~th .burglary gang and the ing of a Denby High School many people still. on vac~tIon .and others busy WIth clearing of at least 22 bur- woman teacher and the stab- Easter, funds receIved so far thIS year are over $2:000 g Ia r i e s in the Woods bing of a 14-year-old student behind that of 1957. As. of the 6th day of .t~e catflpaign, Farms, Park:, St. C 1a i ; at Jacoby Elementary School $9,116.11 has been receIved from 748 fanulIes. The goal Shores Harper Woods and on Tuesday. Meanwhile it was this year is $37,500,' $2,500 more than in 1957. learned that a Denby librarian The War Memorial Center is~------. . . was injured six weeks ago by asking for only one qual~ter af The. gang speclah~ed in th~ a student driver in a hit-run its operational budget to be D. '5 ddenly breaking and enterlI~g of sa- accident in the teachers' park- contributed frQm the residents les U' '", loon~ . and . gas statIOns, au- ing lot. There is no polIce re- .thon!les saId. port on the accident. ' St. Clair Shores Patrolmen * * • James Housey and Jahn Die- fenbach made the initial ar- Friday, April 4 rest, when they spotted four PRESIDENT EISENHOWER men leaving the scene of a proposed Thursday an unex- burglary at Jefferson and pected far-reaching reorgani- Thirteen Mile road. Three zation of the Defense Depart- were arrested and the fourth ment to provide for "Ollesingle escaped, but was later arrest- concentrated effort" in case of ed by Detroit police when he war. . I returned to' his home in De- The main provisions of the troit. plan, explained in a 7,OOO-word Those Arrested \ ' mes3age to Congress (whe,e it Arrested irr Sf. Clair Shores is expected to stir up a major were Richard F. McDermott, battle), woulc;l 1) Give the 18_ of 1545 HiIIger; Lawrence Joint Chiefs of Stqff clear- Lautzenhiser, 20, of 2153 Mc- cut aperational as well as Lellan; and William Van Den strategic planning re.sponsibil- Driesche, ~7, of Springle, all Hies over global military forc- of Detroit. es' in unified commands. 2) --Photo by Fred Runnells Arrested by Detroit police Give the Secretary of Defense Meager snowfalls in the north country and an ice importance at this time but it nearly proved to be was Robert McDunn~n, 21, of full authority over the spend- j~m in the St. Clair River this past winter have caused inadequate in March 1951 when the lake lapped to 14610 Avondale. ing of appropriations vated by Lake St Clair~s" water'Jevel to drQp. to its second low~ ; ,.wit:pin: two feet of th~, ~op and surging. W9.ves, washe9 SGT• .JULIUS DERAEDT Under questioning bY' St. Clair Shores detectives,. the Congress. including the right est point on record. Currently, the lake bottom can be . aw:ay nearly 50,OOO'.tons of.earth before the layers of ...... to tranSfer funds from one seen at various points along La}:eshore drive. as is evi-' concrete slabs, acquired when Mack av-enue was torn four admittep, to' the number service to another. 3) Relieve of breaking~ and enterings. denced in this picture which was taken at the boun- up in 1953, could be put into place. The lowest lake Julius Deraedt Woods police cleared up the the secretaries of the Army, dary line between the Farms and Shores. The seawall ~evel was recorq~. in 1934. The black arrow measures Navy and Air Force of combat burglary of the Roesch Mc- operational responsibilities and which was constructed hi ~929 appears .to be' of little six feet of exposed lake bottom., Fatally Stricken Knight Furniture store,' 19435 downgrade the traditional mil- Mack, when Van Den Driesche The flag at Grosse' Pointe confess.ed to that crime which itary departm~nts into admin- City's Police station is flying istrative "agencies of the De- S, h 88 M W' k 'FUII T. he committed alone on March ymp ony 'en or lme Incumbents at half-mast. The Department 26. He got away with $14.26 in lost a veteran membe:.' Satur- change. He will be tl: ied in St. partm::t:~:f~::i~5 I Concert Set To Keep School Property Winners.at day when Sgt. Julius Louis Clair Shores for the crimes he Deraedt, 49, passed away sud- committed there. . denly at his home in 2161 Bar RobberieS Solved c:::ft de~~~~id:~~:tlFor A pril20 In Tip-Top Condition . Woods Polls Newport road .. The Park cleared up bur- 8. state of "total, implacable f ---. --....-----, He suffered a heart attack glaries of two bars, Champs war between the people of Mis c h a Mischakoff of $20,000,000 Worth of Buildings a~d I~4 Acres of L,and while watching televislOn with Bar, 15007 Charlevoix, on Feb- Cuba and the tyranny of " " R" C t t Att t" f C f (Continued on Pag'e 2) ruary 12; and the Rustic Batista" will open Saturday at DetrOIt Symphony to eqUJre on~ an en Ion 0 rew 0 Cabin, 15209 Kercheval; on ont: minute past midnight. Be Violin Soloist Maintenance Workers February 24. * * * ------Involved in the Cl'l.amp's -, - Keep' ing the Grosse Pointe Publil.,'c Schools in tip-top' . Sunday, April 6 Grosse Pointe Symphony The Grosse Pointe Woods Bar burglary were: McDun- shape is a big job, Superintendent James Bushong an- nah, Donald Thomas, 23, of LANA TURNER'S 14-year- Orchestr~ members, under nounced. "Eighty-eight. men devote their full time ,,to Council will" be presided old daughter, a lonely, pathetic the direction of Henri ' over by Mayor Kenneth 1102 Lakeview, Detroit: Ralph this important task,", Bushong said. "The equivalent of figure, was turned over to' Nosco, are busy in rehearsal Koppin, of 1271 S. Renaud, Moore, 21, of 14~1 Holcomb, Detroit; and Jamt::s Elredge, juvenile authorities Saturday for their final concert at the 20 acres of floor space are cleaned every day." for the next two vears. 1'Z, of 1044 Concord. Detroit. after killing her act res s School. which will be held At the ,present time the~------'---- ThIS expe<:tation became a mother's gangland boy.friend. 'Sunrlay, April 20, at 3 p.m. school system's 'buildings are employing and \ trainin~ the They netted more than $400 reality Monday when the in cash and other lo-ot. C her y I Crane saId she P a r't e 11 s Junior High valued at $20,000,000 '...and maintenance and c u 1St0 d i a 1 c Woods went to the polls stab1?ed' Jahnny Stoml?anato, Soloist that day will 'be school' land amounts to 134 staff to do this work. Under Taking ~:Ji't in the Rustic and voted' their Mayor' in Cabin crime were: McDunnah, 32, In the stomach WIth an . 1.' M'1SCh M' h k ff acres,.' I ~ .• the leal;lersh'ip of Harold Hus- eight-inch carving knife late ~~omIst t at • I~:tha °th' Great care IS exerclsed, In band, director of administra- for 'a third term, at $600 Thomas, Madre, McDermott, 'd . ht b h ,He concer mas er WI e ' . . Rabert Bayes, 18, of 12617 E. F fl ay mg ecause s e. 0 h I tive services, this department token~alary" a year. thouaht he was going to dis- Detrol~ Symphony ~c ~stra. Four- Year-Old must take care of all school A last-minute campaign by Warren, Detroit; and Carl figure her mother.. He WIll be feature . m a property fOr both the 10,000 sticker candidate Charles Han- Hendricks, 23, of 2965 St. Jean, .. * * Beethoven Concerto ill D S k b C neman, former Detroit Lions Detrait, They got 97 bottles . Major. Mr. Mischakoff~ in ad- true y, ar students and teachers in the player, failed to allter '.the re- of whisk.ey and more than $85 Monday, April 7 dition to having held the first system and the many other sults. Koppin' was elected by in cash. A CAPITAL AIRLINES Vis- 'chair with many prominent Four-year-old Molly Pattan ctitizens who 'Usethe property an overwhelming 1,488 to 264 Warrants Obtained ~ount exploded in the air while orchestras t h r 0 ugh 0 u t the' was struck by a car Friday daily for' community purposes .. votes. A warrant was obtained coming in for a landing at Tri- world, is also in great demand as she ran across the street 36,Have Certificates The' real issue of the day against Elredge and Bayes by City Airport near Midland, as concert soloist having first near the home of hex parents, "Thirty-six of our employes was the contention betwe~ Park Det. Lt. Stanley Enders Mich., late Sun day night. made his debut at the tender Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Pat- 'have, earned special custodial Judge Don J. Goodrow, aiming and cpt Charles. French, Forty-four persons were killed. age of six. ton, of 1690 Bourneanouth. certificates fro m for a third term, and School charging them with breaking The crash was the warst air Girl Scout Mariner Troop Molly was taken to S1. John State University," Husban.d Board member Frank D. and entering in the night time. tragedy in the continental 385 will serve as ushers at .the Hospital, where Woods police said. "Courses in housekeeping, Daugherty for the position Elredge appeared b e for e United States in 1958. Apri~ 20 concert. Among the we~e told she had suffered a ,,(Continued.on Page 2) which pays $1,800'\nd insures Park Judge C. Joseph Belan- The Viscount crashed in a ushers are:-Sue Carl, Lindsey miripr skull fracture. She is''': ------'a four-year tenure.' Dough-. ger on Tuesday, April 1, arid muddy field a half-mile south Crooks, Cant Cummins, Nancy expected to return home wit,h- erty apposed. Judge Goodrow pled guilty as charged: He was of the airport at which it was Easton, Karen Holvick, Edie in a week I Pedestrian Hit for the third consecutive time placed under $5,000 bond, but scheduled to land at 11:20 p.m. 'Morris, Mar gar e t Quigl~y, The driver of the car was a.nd failed far as many at-. when he could not meet this, It had left Willow Run Air- La'.lren Remillet, Sue Tillitson" Mart~n Hoekstra, 37, of 21618 By Motorcyclist tempts. Goodrow' was re- he was remanded ,to the cus- part about 10:15 p.m. The Fran Vaughn, Kath.y Vestal. Prestwi?k: 'Yitnesses said he elected 1)201 tQ 763. tody of the Wayne County plane .was Flight 67, which The Grosse Pomte. Sy~- was drlvmg ~l~wly, had. no, A motorcyclist ,and a pedes- Councilm~n Re-seated Sheriff's Office originates in New York, then ph~n?, C?rchestra ~oclety IS chance of aVOlC1mgt~e Clhi1lp.,trian, were injured on ''l~hurs- Cauncilmen re-elected we're Bayes will be examined goes to Detroit Flint Saginaw antlcIpatmg a capaCIty cro\\Td, and no charges were placed day, Wednesday, Alpril 3/ when JameS J. 'Hunt, Harry C. Pratt when he has finished a proba:- and Chicago." (Continued on Page 2) ,against him, the cyclist lost contro,l of his and Kernteth R. McLeod, with tion violation sentence of 60 ... * * two~wheeler in front of '240 votes of 1,273, 1,270,and' 1,427 days in the Detroit House af Tuesday, April 8 Provencal. . respectively. The tliree write- Correction. He was on proba- In,jured was Ed war d Lee in oandida,tes palled a total of 25 High School Sludertts tion for felonious assault. THE LEGISLATURE turned .Sewer Gratin,g Bracelet Three youths were involved thumbs down Monday night on Lardie of ,22608 L~berty, St. lass than 800 vates, with Mar-, Clair Shores, 1 the pedestrian, vin R. Boutin copping 268, in the robbery that occurred a proposal to turn to sweep- Share .Literary Awards March' 4 at Gruber's Sunoco stakes to finance State needs. Calls Halt to Ball Game who was taken to Bon'Secours Carl A, Totih, 201, and Arnold The Constitutional amendment Hospital QY iir'emen, for .treat- J. Liebold 85. ' I By Cindy Lippincott,' 12B keYs for an editorial, "Racial Service Station, Kercheval-on- of Twenty-five Grosse Painte Understanding Key to World' the-Hill, in the. Farms. Five offered by Rep. Edwin Fitz- Ruth TeILY Baxter, 11, wore help of Fireman. Arthur Tur- ment a possible fractured Because of a printing error ner he removed the grating" right leg: , on th'e ballot Liebold's name High Sch{){)lstudents won 35 Goals," a group of poems, and tubE:S, six tires, some s'un- Patrick, Detroit Democrat, to a 50-pound sewer grating as a and stood it upright on the-' Brtlce E. Burnett of 139'1 appeared as "Liebolt." That journalistic and literary awards -for her column, "Puddle Jump- 'glasses and $23 in silver were ex e m p t such undertakings bracelet for 15 embarrassing minutes last Friday. sir~et, prisoner Ruth, kncelmg' Oxford, the cydist, was also appellation seemed to appeal in the annual Southeastern ing." She also won two honor':' lifted at the time. Charles from the lottery ban failed to Ruth, "who lives with her beSIde It. . taken to 'Bon secours. He suf- to voters' more than the ac'Cu- Michigan Scholastic Writing .able men~ions fut a critical re- Leach, 23, of 2224 Pennsyl- pas~ the House. parents, the Robert L. Bax- Then. Beaupre and Turner :fered a 'broken nose, rate spelling as 172 votes were Awards "contests. This put the view and an interview ' vania, in Detroit, and his' bro- * .. * ters, at 405 Madison, reached file~ the' rough ed~es af the According to ~he accident re- cast far "Mr. Liebolt." Rex ~chool in fourth place among Dave COOK,12A, to~k gold ther Richard, 20, of the same Wednesday, April 9 through the grating trying to' ?ratmg and m;eared th.e opel)- port, Burnett was going'south H. Johnston, Tom Bowling and 58 schools placing in the senior keys fot his column, ."From 'addr~ss, are two of the known ROBERT F. KENNEDY, retrieve a ball. m% and Ruth s arm lIberally on Provencal on his cycle, Elsie Fr~derick will serve the division. Over one-fifth of the I the Ho~e's Mouth," and a news culpnts. A war ran t ~or chief counsel for the Senate She couldn't reach the ball. wlth axle grease. when Lardie came out into the remaining year of ~heir two- awards' given t'o 25 schools in story, He received an honora- Charles', arrest ha~ been .issued labor rackets committee, ar- Worse, when she gave up the Beaupre pushed the arm street from between parked year terms' on the Council. , the journaHsm classifications ble mention for a write-up of but pollce are stIll trymg to rived in Detroit Tuesday to try, she couldn't get her arm and Ruth gave a mi,ghty tug.' cars. j Though the polls closed af- went to Grosse Pointe, m?idng last fall's P()r~ Huron football locate Richard. .. take personal charge of an in- out of the opening at the Whoosh! She was liberated. 'Burnett stopped about four ficially at 8 p.m., due to' the It the undisputed winner in game. Gold keys WE're also, The ather men connected vestigation into activi.ties here grating. feet away, an'd then proceeded large number of write-ins the this fi~l;i. The closesJ;'rhtal to won by David Roll, 12A, for a with the gang are being held of the Teamsters juke box Far m s Patrolman Ha'rold PLAN SAFETY PARLEY.' to go behind Lardie, who -It last' votes weren't cast until Grosse. Pointe's 25 journalism sports story and a fea tlU'e on by, Detrait, St. Clair Shores, union. Also under investiga- Beaupre was summoned. He School safety officials ,from the same, time also stopped and 10:11. In addition to the write- 'awards waS Mumford High I basketball. Jim Arnold, June Harper Woods, the place of tion, Kennedy revealed, are smeared Ruth's arm liberaily the five' Grosse Pointe cities then started to cross the street. ins for Boutin; Toth .and Lie- School, with 19. '57, has ~ key comin:~ for a. their incarceration depending other facets of the Teamsters with vaseline. ThE arm and Harper Woods will meet Burnett lost control and hit the bold, thete were 46 ffil,sceHane- Only one student exceeded feature and a comme.ndation on where theIr crimes Iwere not covered in previous hear- wouldn't bud g e. A crowd in the Grosse Pointe Park other man. . I ous votes. the number. of awards won by for an editarial. ,committed. ,: ings. "Some of these involve gathered, Ruth blushed more Municipal Building on Mon-' Police gave Burnett a ticket' Voters Apathet}c Sue Cumberworth, senior and A critical analysis won a Besides the Pointe, Detroit Teamster President James R. every second. day, April 14, :florthe 'purpo~e fur, not having his motorcycle The usual Painte apathy managing editar of The Tower gold key for Pat Price, ,January cleared 13 burglaries, St. Clair Hoffa and some do not," Ken- Beaupre called the fire de- of a1ltlining and programing under control and causing an with regard to local govern- (the High School's weekly '58, Nelson Smit~ o!f the same Shores, four, and H a r per' ne~ declared. . partment light truck. With the their safety plans for bicy.cles. injury accident. (Continued on Pare 2) publication), Sue received gold (Continued on Pag~ 2) Woods, one.

, \ , ~\

\ L~__ 1 I , m. \ t I I

. Page Two GROSSE P'OINTE NEWS Thursday, April 10, 1958 / Thursda' Pharailde, Julius, M i c h a e 1, Dudal and Mrs. Carl Hof- 88 Men Work Full Time, Student Awards Julius Deraedt, Dies Mary Ann, Mrs. Rachel Bau- manns. man and Mrs. Cat her i n e Funeral services were held (Continued from Page 1) to hy the fact that usually one (Contin~ed from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) , stintingly of his time and Buoher. He also Ieavl~s three Wednesday, with burial in I - bl' h 1 .class receIved honorable men- h' h'ld d d d 'ld 11 heating and ventilating, and or more of the pu IC sc 00 . t' ' "'f h" l'umn:P-'~ICrl.tic's IS c 1 ren an was ea on I energy to ChI ren of a ages. SIsters; Carniel, Mn, Reni Mount Olivet Cemetery, I k d t' t t ( . b 'ld' k h' hI . Ions or ~s co ,; admittance to Bon Secours 1 th bh . h I C OC S an nermos a s mam- U1 lOgs ran 19 y In oom-' C ts" and fori';~n inter- H' 't I t 6'08 F 11 M any were e usses e c ar- t ) t. 1 f th t t ts f .,. th be t ommen, 'r aspl a a . p.m. e ow . I enance, are yplca 0 e mum y con es o. e s , . 'th Jam~s St~'\V"art Jan, ff' h d hi' t tered for the kIds to attend training they take." kept grounds . Vlew WI, .' h ,0 Icerrs a ,s~n m, JUS .an OUR 2iS'l' YEAR OF GROWING! . " . . I Carlton, 124-, earne~ an on- hour before in the'Vi1lage, do.. the football and baseball The Grosse Pointe schools "Our maintenance ChI e f, j orable mentIon ~or her feature, ing' some last-minute Easter games-and he could always THOUSANDS OF Trade operate a maintenance shop in KI~as Jongen;;, is a good ex: "Parking Lot Dumbfounds .Sinopping f~r his ~amily. be counted on to scout up a Mark the Old Kerhy School at 104 ample of the outstanding m,~.n;~razili,8:ns"~ ~~~. a c~mmepdp-, ".Sgt. Deraedt had 'been with few extT1a ball'game tickets at ; Kerby road. Here school work- the Gross Pointe Public ~~hQol tion for a",cntical reVIew. the-~City police force for :14 the last minute for deserving SINCE 1938 Jpotted Roses men repair and r e n 0 vat e System has," Husban~, con- . A. fe at u r e s~ory about ',years." Thollg;h he 'was bOfn in youngsters. Only a 'week ago school equip.ment. They also eluded. "Better known ,as Josel>hjne":D,esparmet brougl:lt '~;,. Charles" Ill., hOehad lived Saturday night he was hon?red V arletJes• • , .... , ..... ,. 19S up create teaching aids such as Nick, he came to work for honorable,.'mention for Fran in: the Dettoit ar.ea for ~5 ()ii 'by the Alger Post No. 995, Science or Art carts when the Superinten~~nt' S'a m u,~ 1 'M. Cous,it).,Q,'~l,2,:e..;,'~h.e' also was: ~1s4~ ,year!!. He 'was' appoirh-, V~teran~ . ~f Foreign. Wars Turf Builder. All Popular Fertilizers •. 'occasion demands. At other Brownell In 1928." Brownell commer.de,d for an inte,rvlew. :00 sergeant en t>robation ih ~Ith a CIVl~award for his out- times these workmen can be hired Nick for six days to fin- Sally." ',Whittingham, Rosaleen, 1[954:'and mflde a'~un sergeant side' cJnt~ibutions to the com.; O'PEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS found in the school buildings ip,h svm~ cabinets in ;,the 'new Mal~~,: T~ny'.',J~errmann, a~~ ~pril' 4, 19~5. He also served munity. ,,~)' " . ,2.50 Rose with' 'th(purchase ot ~O. I constructing or altering as.the high 'school. He ha.$ .worked JElI1ual').' '5~" won, honorable' a~". Juv.enile Offic~ for, the S.gt, ~er;~~~t was ~ memb~r through August 1st. CJ . , , need may be .. Perhaps it is a steadily ever since, pr~gress- men~ior~ 'fo~ their ;English VIII City Poli~e' Departin'ent. " of the Be~.g~an,,:Am~n~an Busl-. JranCOt6 ! new bookcase that is needed, a ing in 1945 to the job he stm 'term papeTs entered in the It was in this latter capacity nessmen's ASSoclatwn, . St. partition to be erected, cup. 'holds a's my Chief Assistant.". I critiCat"anlysis~ divlsiotf." that he was known so .well. 'Charles Society, Me~ropohtan boards to be built or some sim-; "H ld N ff thO h d g' D' D' k 12A '11 g t He gave unseIfishiy' and un- Club of Grosse Pomte, Boy '1 t k aro e, e ea en 1-, laiIle IC ey" ,WI e . Scout Troop 455 and the lliall~s N~rsery, 1 ar as . h H' h S h 1" b bl t' f ~,' . : ne,er at t e 19 c 00, IS an -oo< Ground;; Need Care "The.ei;J.gineers of our.:,scliO,.o1~" commendation for a news story The' extenslve grounds re- are highly trained and'versa-' PQinte.":.,Rotary also. Ar, quire considerable attention tile people. FOT,' ins,tance: they To 'F'ete' G,uests I John Sparks 1213 was' given during the spr.ing and' summer must know a good deal about commendation', for' a critical months. Playgrounds and ath- the State laws regarding health review, as were Sue McKee Tl: 1etic fields are filled, seeded, and sanitation. Not only must Grosse ~inte Rotary Club and Linda Jolad,.. January '58, CL sodded, and kept mowed. Trees they know the law, as for, ex- has a fat circle a'round the Jor two more critical analyses, 1m are pruned, flower beds are ample the' required chlorine a15<>their English VIII term cared for and new plantings content of the water' i;n the date Ap.ril 14. An invitation to papers. Another entrant in tlfe eff, APRIL 12, 1958 of .shrubs are made. Evidence ,pools, and other pool regula- the Leamington (0 n t a l' i 0) journalism division" Jack .Da- ex; Patricia Defever, 1113Kensing- of the care and' skill practiced tions, but, they must )rnow Rotoory Club has been accept- sef, 12A, #received commenda- We Make SA"iNG ton by the school staff is Clttested how to maintain those condi- ed "with plea~ure" by 50 tion for an editorial. Bonnie Awrey.812 Neff .ToelPenoyar. 1330Nottingham •••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••• iiiii tions, "Leamington Rotarians and From the more than 9,000 Richard Smith. 1310Bishop "The engineers and cus-' Rotary Annes" The meetnig has manuscripts entered in. the Lore Moran. 240 Vendome Carolyn Beerne. 1144 Lake- todlans are responsibl~ for' b~eh .'turne~' i:nto .an evening contest, t?-t' judges chose 724 pointe many duties. One of our engi~ dlO?er affaIr, to ,mclude t~e awarq wmners~;. 162 of these Marv Beth Kemney. 1035 CONVE~IIENT BIShop Hey, Kitls! neers in describing his duties ladles., ';I'he CanadIan consul IS w~re gold. keys. The award Frank Aiuto. 1385Lc~hmoor at a meeting of the Board of a~o expected to be on hand. wmners . WIll be honored ~t Ruth Malcolm, 1310Oxford . 1 t' d ... ceremomes at the DetrOIt John Huebner. 4n LaBelle See me in EducatIOn recent y .men e In. conJl;lnctIon WIth Pan Institute of Arts auditorium on James Dingeman. 110 Hall .1Or: Place a fe~ of these. In hIS bUlldItlg Am~rlcf.n we.ek, Pro g ram May 7. This, is the third ~on- for You~herE~ at this DC'nLaw. 766 Middlesex person at he saId ~e had over 900 va~ves. ChaIrmen .GII Hauke and secutive year Tower writers Tim Jensen, 1968 Oxford Timothy Weitfeldt. 22737 St. to serV1ce; l~bout 800 lIght Murray Sffil~h have cont~acted have won more journalism ,. Joan sockets and mumerable elec- an outstandmg speak~r m the awards than any other school. Mark Revella. 22025L'Anse CHESTER,'S Sue Barlage, 27813Joan trical outlets to maintain; tip- fo,rm of George E. Gullen, Jr. ' 'Saturday, May 10 wards of 100 doors with their Mr. Gullen is an attorney with 240 Million Dollar APRIL 13, 1958 locks, keys, latches, arid door much exp~.rience in the field Michael Demey. 25511Little closers; hundreds of children's I of industrial re1rations. Mack Cheryl Nelson. 22805Rosed",.,",~'~~<. ','" p .. h f AprIl 14, and WIll be e at look for the Sign Maureen Bodeau. 1043.Ken- I sington ~'~'~:,i:;P'I:"<'::k""~j :~;~:~:f~~a~i~ ;o:k .. urnace ~~~fl~:Sn~~t~~:he;~~rch, of ~ &winge Service Suzanne Desimpel. 345Moselle I 'Jim, , ,..... PI. , ;)1 Upon further checkmg he _ Susan Ferkens. 1381Grayton '1 Patrick Blake, 1266Lochmoor ::; finally located the trouble. "An I ! Susan Duffy. 78 Handy Bobbie McKenzie, 22401Madi- Albino spider bad inadvert- Rummage Sale 'I AUTO eLI.Nle \ son ently crept into one of the key I controls and as the thermostat, TUHE-UP SPECIALISTS APRIL 15, 1958 The Bethany C h r i s t i a n calling for heat, closed the 22130 GRATIOT Susie Henry, 22901Avalon Church, 5901 CadieuX at Lin- Lynn Henry, 22901Avalon electrical circuit some breaker ville, will h~ve a Rummage between 8 and 9 Mile, Detroit Eugenie Durant. 425 Lincoln . points snapped closed pinning Call PR 6-7700 Lee Ellen Hastings, 961 Berk- Sale, April 19 beginning at shire the spider between them. The 10 o'clock. ' Michael Miller. 87;; S. Brys points wer~ unable to make Tommy Sheppar.1, 1462Holly- .. wood contact and therefore the fur- Kurt Scharfenber~. 39 Edge- nace did not op'erate. mere . ~- Janey Jacobs. 1313 Somerset , ,The, pressure of the bre~ker Edward Millenback, 1026Not- , points closing was light enou.gh " tingham - Jim O'Donnell, 780 Barrington so that the spider was. unm- =-< Mary Anne Decker, 1746Bour~ . jured. The en~ineer released it, nemouth Peter Surdam, 80 Lewiston the spider crawled away and ~- Janet Downie. 1361Balfour 'the fl;lrnace functioned. Janet Fuller. 837 Trombley Susan Jeffries, 1010Harvard Charles Martin, 896 Washing- ton Bonnie Heller. 80 Hawthorne Election ZC>

APRIL 161 1958 . Sammy Stanley., 1033~2Cadi- (Continued fr()m Page 1) eux CHESTER~S' ment was reffected in th,e final Ror.;J.ieSchwarz. 1538Anita Jill Remter, 1218Aline 'BOOT SHOP ,.statistics. Though there WEre Vincent Cerutti, Jr., 1364 Children's Shoe Specialists no municipal issues invblved, Lakepointe the voting was nevertheless Peter Durant, 425 Lincoln , , TUxedo 5-0863 Gregory Comfort, 1743 Allard flagrantly low. Of the 10,202 Kathryn West. 16823St. Paul 15911 E. WARREN Mary Meier. 381 Chalfonte registered voters only' 2,080 Thomas. Goodin. 22428 Over- at Buckingham took the trouble to express an lake Kimberlee :ii'oersterling. 22976 interest--or give a vote of ap- Gary Ln. • preciation to their Mayor and Grosse Poi Council who serve the!? so un- APRIL ,11, 1958 selfishly. Michael' Cook, 23024 Linge- ,(jrO!l~t,Pointe mann Jim Graves. 1304Buckingham I Bruce Kerr, 1027Harvard Jim Graves. 1304Buckingham News Sy~phony Julia Ingraham, 70'1 Lake- pointe Published Ev~ty Thursday by Ernest Kelly. 615 University . Anteebo Publi~hers",Inc., (Continued fi"om Page 1) GROSS Alexandra Bogas. 424 Maison 99 KerCheval'~~m~inP.otnte Farms, and wishes to extend an in- DOWNTO Richard Dirksen, Jr,. 187 Industry's widest selection of Stephens Phone""rU. 2-6900 .'., vitation'to all who attend to a Donald Unger, Jr .. 1165 Har- long-lasting Lucite lacquer on vard Three TrupiCLines " . reception following the concert Star Chief and BonnelJille Jeffery Johnson. 430 McKin- Entered as second. class r;natteTat in the school/gym. Mothers of TTWdels at no extra QOst. ley . the ,post office.' Detroit..'',~tchrg~, the ushers who will pour at j Merry Heyd. 20660 Maple Ln.' under the act of March 3, 1897. Paula Gurney. 1635Al1n~ " David Nicolaides 436 Fisher Subscription :Rat~;,'.$3:5GPe~,Year' the reception are:-Mes~ames .Iana Kaler. 67 Santon by Mall; $~.OO.om!oide'W~;vneCoun., 'R. 0: Carl, R. D. C\lffiID.lOs,C, .; Thomas Veryser. 515 Lake- ty. All Ne~s and Advertlsing Copy' 'C Holvick V Morris W. G. Must Be tn The News' Office' by .u. ".' pointe Tuesday 4:fterno

APRIL 18, 1958 sertion. "". Tillitson,, _.and Y. L. Vestal Terry Broderick, 164Lakeview Barbara Stewart, 1064Somer4 ~=~~ set ~~~o;, ~'.' -," \ Mary Desimpel. 345_Moselle - ~ ' .. Smoother Tiding oversiu tires on John Harper. 656University Barbara Sumeracki, 715 Bal- ,/ ,'Ever see every TTWdel at no extra cost. four .,.". , Chris Crawford. 21 Roslyn Julie Orebaugh. 1434 Bishop Cynthia Bain. 20674Maple Ln, , ,:--inside one Rlchard Robbins, 769Wa<;hing- . . ton . ..•..Looking for the;Jjast Word .in..Luxury? Lennee O'Brien, 1804 Broad- .•.. stone of our':b'ig R. I .. B. Pratt. Jr .• 626 Washing- .: . , -' ,'. ,(inly' Pontiac gives yo~ so:mard.y-:~it:tr~s~1'as standard equtpm~t! The real :t~st of~ ,.' '., . 1 i ton ,1 t Robert Whiteley. 216 Lakeland 1 . Jimmy Schmid, 1834Norwood moving vans? ~alue is what you ge~ for w1?-atY:9u, p~i~~.~~{tmodel for model Pontiac is 'loaqed with more .quality . \ Thomas Cherry, 22625Millen- \ bach Tak~ ~'look;:~tD~time' inside one of our 14 big , '. _.and luxury than any other~car _a'f~r.tS"price!Compare ~ty-ourself and see! And" when you' sample.'."" . Genuine top.:grain leather . Robert Cajigas. 23119 N. Rose- on Star Chief and BonnelJille I, *.:-. dale 1 moving vans. You'll see it's some~hing.more t~a~. ~pe.luxwy of the liy~liest ~cti~n:on the road you'il agree it's ,today'~ biggest ~oney's worth! riwdels at no extra cost. 1 a:big'bo;c otf"wheels. Its interior. 1~des.lgned WIth FRANCOIS FIREPLACE sp~cial equipment to make mov.ltlg safe and eco.. I A nomical. ,For dependable mOVIng, storage and I '5 Minutes Drive from Village. packicg, ~all ' .Get the FACTS-'. S Minutes Drive from the Hill. 'I : VAlley 2-4540 . i 'and y~ou~llGet ft: P.ONTIAC I Catering to YOU W.OLVERINE . ~ ~ Gl~. ift .H'1Iwindow ------' SEe .YQUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTI.AC DEALER MOVI~G ~&STORAGE and YOUR Family Ii YOllr f'gentJor 1 11850 , JIMCAU5LEY PONTIAC, In4c. Mack at Somerset. JILl/ED E.JEFFERSON Y"H UNES.lnc. at HART 15210 Mack Avenue' Grosse Pointe Park GROSSE POINTE

, ( ,.

._.. •._ ...... _._._tc.._...... - III_..... ' .._-..•...-. -...... __ ....._ ...... ~ .~~ ~_ ~ __ ~ - ~------~~.-_--- r; r , . " ,

i8 Thursday, April 10, 1958 ~ROSS,E POINTE' NEWS Hof. Page T~re. held . Theater Crew Sleuth Solves Saucer Myst~ry 11 in Rotarians, Get ,Ready for Big Proiect Doing Big .Job ' A weird-looking object th8t Park Det. Lt, Arnold Hough was swayin~ gently in the ~~y, was sent to investigate, and When the Grosse Pointe. and appear~ng to be castmg sure enough 'there was some- Community Theater Wflnts off rays of light, was "al'rested I. . ' . to in flight" by Park police on, thmg up m the alr, He, too, d'O a particular show badly enough, it takes a prebty big Sunday, March 30. no.ticed the light around the obstacle to stop them, In the Several residents in the area thing. of Jefferson and Nbttingham The lieutenant did not take case of "The Desperate Hours" by Joseph Hayes, the obstacle noticed the object over Lake ~n~ to identify th~ object, a!1d St. Clair, and called police, It dId not take. long to r~lze is a complicated set that must reporting a "flying saucer" that the reflectIon was nothmg up have gray-haired mOTe than, over the water. They said the rn'Ore than the object moving one teohnical committee. since "thingamabob" 'WEts lighted up, against the moon. The kite this well-known play left good taste and could be plainly seen in was hauled in and taken to Broadway. the darkened sky. police headquarters. First of a1l the "Hilliard I family" of the drama live in a and a knowledge tw'O-story dwelling and the set J must be built sO' that the actors SPECIAL INVlllTION TO BOYS of what. .. it...takes on both levels can be seen simultaneously.' As if this 13 TO 18 YEARS OF AGE weren't en'Ough, the audience r, must also know what is going ds. Whenever you admire a well-dressed On in the Sheriff's office at the man you notIce that his clothes are same time, so another section of the set is built to accommo- different in a subtle, but unmistakable, date the police 'Officers, way, He conforms to the same style Since the actors occupying different levels of the set can- standards, yet there is a distinction not see what the others are about everything he has on. doing, the audience is put in the most enviable but nerve- And you wonder where he gets them. wracking position of sensing what is going to happen to the , "people upstairs." , -Picture by Paul Gaeh That's where we come in. Our Madison ! A r n i m Seilestadt, young Hard at work sending out an- MANARDO, the REV. AND R E W ' Clothes have JUSt those slight but all member of the group, designed nouncements of their annual Antiques RAUTH" MRS. WILLIAM STRAW~ important differences that achieve the the "Desperate How"s" set and 'Show, these Rotarians and their wivf1S BRIDGE, MRS. WILLIAM CONNOL- Ronald Johnson is in charge of did, a big stuffing operation. Pictured LY, WI L L I AM S'l.""RAWBRIDGE, , 1 effect you noticed ... and they aren't its oonstruction. Assisting him left to right are:-FARMS MAYOR MRS. AL DE RIEMACKER. expensive. are Al Berteel, Marne La Joie, WILLIAM CONNOLLY, ANTHONY Alex Johnson, Glenna Kratzet, • II< • Lorine Reed, Sue Gibbs, Torn I Operation "Si,uffer" 'v-'as Stein, and Ma:cia Van Buren. completed Monday, March 31, Lovisa, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc- Anthony Mandardo, Mr. and Garron, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mrs. WilliJam Connolly, Robert madison Ctothe~ . The play WIll be.,Jlres~n~ed hy more than 40 Gr'Osse Pointe ALL THE COI{E YOU CAN DRINK the Grosse Pomte HIgh Ro1lari,ans their wives the Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wikox and Bruce Bockstanz. * m and 50 Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wash- 579 to 595 Sch~ol Auditorium on Friday Rotary Annes. 25,000' en- This year's show, to be held burn, Dr. and Mrs. Robe...-t LIVE MODELS SHOWING THE HOTTEST AprIl 18 and Saturday Apnl velopes were stuffed with an- May 6, 7, 8 and 9 at the War * O'Neil, Mr. ,and Mrs. Ed POIlJ- 19 at 8~O p.m. nouncements and tickets for Memorial Center, will feature STUFF IN 80'(5' TEEN-AGE CASUAL WEAR Directing the show is Ros~- the ann u a I Antiques Show gracz, Mr, and Mrs. James exhibits 'fr'Om 20 nationally Mexis, Dr. and Mrs. Matthew m.ary ~leffman, woducer 1S I sponsored eaoh year by Grosse known antique dealers. The Boy.•.• This is really gonna be a ball. ~Icky GIrod at, and Sue Mason I Pointe Rotary. Eougliton, William Schroeder, individual mailing to Grosse ~erything free ••. groovy m'usie, dancing, IS the stage-manager. The . . . Pointe residents is expected to , fashion show, cokes and'special gifts lighting will, be handled by i The hug~ 'maIl~n~ proJect to bring a record turnout for the Pontchartrain Chapter for both you and your date. One of the Woodward at Grand Circus Park John Butterfield Dean Erskine Grosse Pomte resIdents was show in support of the many and David Ma~kle. Marilyn completed in record time by Of OAR Picks Delegates c'Ommunity projects :the Also hI Chicagt> which biggest teen.age nights Grosse Pointe Borgman is in charge of prop- this enthusiast.ic g:-oup which Grosse Pointe Rotary Club has ever seen ••. ond it's all on I erties with assistance from met at FranCOIS' FIreplace. Fort Pont~rtrain Chapter, ~ , \ sponsors. Irene Suchy and John Sutton. ParticiJpants included the DAR, will be representeq at • the house. Make up a ./ The donation of one dollar 1 i~~~~~~~~~(~(~~~~W Heads of the sound depal~t- Fran Lemmers, h'Osts for the the National Continental Conw party and bring your ~ i ment are Dave Girod-at and affair, Mr. and Mrs. Remming- per ticket admits a person to ,I gress in Washington, D.C. the show. All exhibits will be friends. You'll love it. ~ ~ Frank Al,ter, Jr. Lenore Scott .ton Purdy, President and Mrs. j April 12 through 19 by the for sale during the f'Oux days is in charge of costumes and Robert Orr, Mr. and Mrs. John '.~ makeup will be done by Eileen Baker, Rev. Andrew Rauth, Regent-elect, Mrs. C. D. Mac- of the show which will be open from 1 p.m, to' 1'0 p.rn. l\1,cCabe, Lynn Girard, and Mr. and Mrs. Al DeRiemacker, pherson, Sr. and first delegate P. S. Mom and Dad, r'Hickey's for Quality ••• Since 1900" Marrie LaJoie. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Piche, daily. Those rwishing to pay will be Mrs. Robert Hender- for their tickets in advance please come along The story of what hap:peus' Mr. and Mrs. William Straw- son. may Ir.£lil the m'Oney in the re- . too and ioin in when three desperate criminals bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ,invade a private' home and Smith, ;tVIx. and Mrs. Kenneth second delegate is Mrs. Mil- turn envelope provide<}.in the the fun. threaten the lives of the chil- Sm1th, Mr. and Mrs. Allan bert A. Ellman and a side trip mailing. Otherwise, they may • I be paid for at the show.' Addi.-\ I dren, is a well-written and ex- Walter, Mr. and Mrs. William to Williamsburg, Va. is being tional tickets may be obtained Ir'Y ~ cellent dudy in suspense. McCourt, Mr. and Mrs. Hans planned by many members 'Of from any Rotarian. 17012 Kercheval, in the Village the metropolitan chapters who will trnvel there in a chartered bus. Park Garden Club to Meet Need aJ'lOther room,? Need your kitcr'u!n modernized? ,) The next monthly meeting , Need your holtse pa~in,tedl••• a new garage? 1 of the Grosse Pointe Park J Garden Club will be held at i the on do It now with an J Tuesday, April 15. Luncheon will be at 12:30. A visit t'O the Belle Isle Con- servatory. will f'Ollow the busi- FHA HOME IMPROVI~MENT LOAN ness meeting. the finest ACCIDENT BILl. at. STAGGERING Manufacturen NatiODal Bank make. loaDI up to $3500 for tropical suits How much. are accidents home improvementa or repain • • • and you can take 81 long as costing th~ American people? 6 ye8l'8 to' pay •. The price tag for 1957 reached I bear Ihis Why not stop inat the MNB oGiee nearest you or make the arrange- j. the staggering total 'Of 11 bil- I lion, 800 milli'On dollars" the ments through your <:leaB~ ! McGREGOR DRIZZLER famous label amount of m'Oney estimated to You'll be pleuantly Nrpri8ed at the .peed and eUe loans are be lost through wages not The most pvpular of all jackets. Styled with made at MNB. collar tab for added smartness and protection. earned, medical fees and hos- Conmotic zipper, hugger bottom and push-up Feather-light press-retaining pital expense, property de- sleeves. Completely washable by hand or ma~ imported worsteds ..• hond- stroyed a ,Il: d manufacturing MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK chine, The Silicone finish sheds showers and is toi lored with consummate production l'Ost. M.... F«ktul Dcpotit I~" Corporaticm wind resistont. White, navy and desert tan. care by Shildcrest ... ore MACK NEAR LOCHMOOR JEFFERS01" E. AT COPt.IN Sizes 38 to 46. the ultimate in comfort and WARREN E. AT THREE MILE DRIVE distinction. We're featuring Honesty may be the best PLUS II COMMUNITIES WHERE WE MAINTAIN OFFICES the new' deep tones of blue policy, but beware of. the man 10.95 and brown ... perfect for who is contihually preaching this, spring and' summer, Boys' Sizes 6 to 12, 7.98 it. Boys' ,Sizes 14 to 20, 8.98 125.00 Grosse Pointe St01'e Open Friday Evenings Until 9

Enjoy a delightful lunch in the new St, Clair Room. GROSSE POINTE at 17140 KERCHEVAL 520 Woodward • 6329 W. 7 Mil. JlJcobson'i -- Second Floor DOWNTOWN at 1430 WASHINGTON BLVD. North of City County Bldg. NeOI' Liver'.10is

.Jacobson's men's shop

,:'T,;::~i~~ the year.~o'und sport knit Todoy. mtJeh of 'fine impulse toward remodeling your kitchen arises from the need for lorger kitchen counters ond storage spoce. Therefore, this is our first consideration by Alfred,of New V:ork ••• A Colorful. when we design 0 kitchen just for you. Completing your kitchen with GE color-choice an air"conditioned ban..lon knit that". appliances eM' make this room the Illost interesting Md practical in your home. cool if the weather', hot, warm on Exciting If your kitchen isn't becoming to you, ycu shculd be coming to. us. so colder days' .•.• ~sily your most com- for tab Ie Ie is'ures h ir t. was ha b,ie; Call for Est7mate assorted colors. I .. m, 1,1 xl. 12.95 TU 5-3206 .'euriis 'lIlower Detroit Ecllton Servioe Agenc}' ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 16915 HARPERAcross from Vogu_ Them_ STOltE HOURS: T&lllday, Wednndoy and Saturday till 6:00 HOURS: 9:30 to 5:30 Kitchen : Monday through Saturday Monday, Thundo.~ ond 'riay tJ" 9:00 I

, ! . 1

--:....__ ..:....-.:..-;~...-.....;..._ rt...-C' _ __ c ~ r tilollic~ ;' $•••' *~IiII[ ' ' ii' ii' tlii..lIIiIitliilllll_ ..S IililII __ IIiiI__ Silll .. __ ~tiliil.Iii'.rlisIII2.s _iPPIii illlliiII 17•• ' '••• '.IM.' •• Ii'.: ••' Mh.g••••••• 17•••••••• _~ 2 &! ,Sk.d,b.&JtM& _ 4 ....-CP-- .....-~-...... ~.£ ._.J...._.'~1. .31, as" '. J, ---

G .R 0 SSE POI N TEN.E W S Thursday, April 10. 1958 ,Page Four , , . Thursday, Blessings come in disguise- Mrs, Robert F. Koebel, Mr. and and Mrs. Eugene C. Hoelzle, land, Arthur W~ Hollar, C. G., Nagel, Dr. and Mrs. Austin Mrs. Phillip F. Koerner, Mr. Mabel' Humphr,ey, Arthur ,H,olma; John Hutteman, Sr., I,Neeb. Mrs'. Phelps Newberry, most of us get what we de. Memorial Center Drive , Coml zerve without recognizing it. Ralph D. Kresge, Mrs. M. Kiem,an, ,Miss Mar i ann e Mr. E. Reed Hunt, Dr. and C. A. Nolte. Mr. and Mrs. C. APTITUDE TESTS (Continued fr()m Page 1) I Edgar G. Behr, Mr. and Mrs. Lamkins; Mr. and ,MTs, John C. Knapp; Mr.' and Mrs. Edwin Mrs. ,E. O. Jodar, Ralph R. A. Nutting, Mr. and Mrs, Ru. Enable you to learn the kind of tion wishes to thank all those Raymond H. Berry , M'rs. Emll".., Lapish.C. B. Larsen, Mr. and Krieghoff," Mrs. A. W. Lesco- .Johnston, H. "C. J,oos, ,Mrs. do.1pIa.,h 01'1 Car 1 0 rtoll " M"ar- work in which you can best suc- Altere Edwin S. Pratt & Assoc. listed below who have already O. Bertram Mr. an'd Mrs. Mrs. ,Henry deS. Lauve; Mr. hier, , Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph A. G ceed or the studies best for you. ladies' . U"1 ,'S.' T J,.~ 'd' ;0 M 'M 'd M ' F' k 'Rl'char'd' P. Joy, Sr.,' Mr. and Vln Ortwem, eorg~ E. Pdrker, For men, women,boys, and girls. Industrial Consultal\ts responded so generously to the James B. Blackburn, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.,' . C. ~nar, T. ,ayer,' r.an "".1'5.M CranH Mr., J Mr. an d Mrs. Henry C,. Vocational Counseling Institute We convert d( J h L M M s u f t s to 5i] Industrial Studiei drive, and Mrs. Abe Bodycombe, Mr. and Mrs. '0 n esesne, r., cGmty,' Mr. and, rs. . . Mrs Charles A.Kanter, r. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin DANIEL L. BECK, DIRtCTOR models. Methods Improvement Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. and Mrs. R. E. Bodycornbe" Ed-. and" ,Mrs. Hell!Y, H.Ward Morrison" E. H. Mueller. and Mrs. E.'B.Kelly, Jr N. Peabody, Mr. and Mrs. P. ' 958 Maccabees Butldfng Drafting Plant Layout Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene round M. Brady, Dr. and Mrs; Le~is, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. ~ot- "Mrs. V. Wills Nester,' Mrs. . K. K. ':Ki~berlin, F~ank L. 'A. Penz, Mr. and Mrs. Wesl~y Woodward near Warren Design Industrial Art D Allen Mr and Mrs S"'muel M.J. B'fennan, F. H. Brown.' germg, O. H. L~velace, Alta B. ' J Peo I M J C J If 12~ Years Serving Detroit Dies. Jigs and Fixtures • ,.' • Co Luxan, Mr. """d Mrs. Wm.' 'd. C"h,.,~"".,,:F. Parthum" Irena Pa~- Kn M d M' V' tor' pes, rs. . . V.Lane TE I 1 E. Armstrong, Mrs. Carl F. Margaret E. Brown,.William o;u.. a C app:, r. an rs., Ie M. Peter. I mp e. -1551 eta ( Bachle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Browne, Mr. and Mrs. Lea- Mahoney, Ludwig A.Majneri, thurn" Mr. and Mrs. W. . Koch, Mrs. Henry C:Kohring, ~------TUxedo 2-6077 CLEANERS, Bachman~ Mr. and Mns. Har- vitt J. Bulkley, Mr. and Mrs. Mr~and 'Mrs. William H. Mar-I Schrnge: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Frank Kuhn; Dr." E)'ed- P.O. B.x 3712, Detroit 15 904 Chalmers old G. Barthel, J. W. Bartrop, Lawrence K. Butler, Mr •. and tin,Mt.:nd,~rs. Robert W. Tromas"Paul, W.,Th"oinpson, erick A. Lauppe; M.r., and Mrs. GROSSE POINTE'S NEXT TO Mrs. Henry Burkhardt, Mr. Morden, .LVfr., RlchClfd L. Max-:'Harrington E. Walker, J. V. C. M. Laux, ,;I\1r. Henry, Led- and Mrs. William Campbell, on,"~r. and "Mrs. C. J.,Mc-Worboys, Grosse "Pointe Traf- yard, George Leggati, Dr. and LITTLE LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon M. Gamp- AdaIns" GOrdon. E. McCabe, fic & Safety Cornrnittee, 'Mr. Mrs.' W;' J. L'Heureux, Mrs. , bell, Mrs. Joseph V. Carr, 'Leo Mr. and Mrs., Nelson VI. 'Mc-andMrs. John A. ,Dunn, Mr. Bert L.Lindzay, Mr.~arid Mrs. J. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cormick, ,Mr; and Mrs. Thomas and MIs. Bernard WlUtley,:Mr. Thomas J. Little, Ill,' Mrs., Little League Shoes .•...... •... $4.95 Carver, George :P. CaplkiJ?s, G. McCormick, Mrs. Arthur B. and Mrs. George Helm, Beauty Norman Lodewzk, Mr. and Mr .. and Mrs. Ralph S. Caulk- McGraw. ' CounseloI'iS, Inv., Pa~k 3~9 Cub Mrs. William'C: Loud, Jr., Mr. Tennis Racquets ,...... 3.50 up ins, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cava. Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Mc. Scouts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J, and Mrs. F. L. Lowmaster. • taio, Mrs. Hugh Chalmers, Natr, Hope N. Middleditch, Mr. Towar, Den Mothers of G. P, C. L. Lundgren, Mr. and Badminton Sets ...... 3.50 up Harry J. Chapman, ,Robert V. and Mrs. Don Middletc-n, Mr. Cub Scouts (Pack 344),. Morn- Mrs, , Kenneth ,H. MacLean, Charvat. Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. and Mrs. William N. Miller, ing Music Club, Pupil Person- Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Maran. Bats and Balls Chase, Louise ClaTk and Fam.' Mr: a.nd Mrs. George C. Mitch- nel of ,G. P, Board ot Educa- tette, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 51'ANLEY A. GmtE ily, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. eU, ''Robert, and Grace Mixich, tion, Semper F'elix Investment B. Marks, N. A. Matthews, Dr. 30 Models of Mitts GentraJ Agent Corson. l Edw. V.Monal:lan, Mrs. W, ClJlb; Mr. and'Mrs. Glen H. and Mrs. J. Harvey Maxwell, Mr~ and Mrs~.George-- C. Cos-' Howle '.Mo.ir,. Mrs. Arthur .~.Howell,. M~. and Mr:s.. William Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McCon- 20390 H.All.PER AVENUB NORJ~ ARCHER'S TI- DETRorr 36, MICHIGAN saboom, Mr. andMr~.JohD. E;. N~u~~~ ...Mr.•a1?'d Mrs .. :W~lter ,~ .. DelbrIdge,. Richard E. achie, D'r; Harold McCaughrin" Coulter, Mrs.Germ.am~ Couv- Nester, Mr .. and.,14r.s. Ritter Hmks~ H.' I. McE1~ers,'shrubs and ,ornamentals date of the annual Villa-ge as occurs wifh' do-it-yourself gadgets. .. estimate on what your place ne~.::is, and Efficient-the heat goes into the Fast-new, more efficient heating . r." [g] [g) , election. Our weed treatment causes.' dandelions, . i you want. Each job is custom-planned. water units / ' YOU,ARE FURTHER, NOTI-' chickweed, plantain, buckhorn, etc., to "Remember the work is done hydraulic- start to. wither in'4S' hours-+-within two .oily minimizing labor costs. You will be (g) Install anywhere-need not be [g] Outer shell-cool to the touch all FIED that the Office will, be weeks they ore completely gone-no "AU: near a chimney over. open for registr~tion Monday damage to grass. .' surprised how little it costs. through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. . .. CHICKWEED and CRABGRASS control, Long life-meet Edison's rigid Edison maintains electrical parts to 5:00 p.m. up to and ,including W [8] [8] Monday, April 21, 1958; 'which Two of your lawns worst enemies com- Call day or evening for FREE EST" standards without ~harge pletely . eradicated, with no permanent is the l~st day to register for MATE, you are under no obligation. 'such election. . damage to lawn grasses. We use only ~ Automatic-all the time (8) Safe-clean-quict-modern the lotest' and sofest Stote and Govern-. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI- ment approved materials. ' '\ " FIED that;for the. oonvenience of the electors the Office of the ~TC Clerk will ',pe open until 8:00 See your plumber or appliance dealer D E T R 0IT EDISON p.m. Monday, April 21, 1958. Fertileze-Bloomfie Id. Lawn Culture- SERVES SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN C.B. LORANGER, C~rk, .LI~coln 8-0171 Villa,e of GrOllle Pointe Sho~1 • • 1303,

, ",

_____ ~ ._d..r_. ' • tt = co 'S 5' • 7 an 5n 57 w .2 .o.m, z 'R 02 tn. mn. I __*•• ~_

/' Thursd.3y, April 10, 1958 G R 0 SSE POI N T Ii N ,EW S Page Five . ------..,------_._------,---,.,...- ~=-.-C-om-p-Ie-te~~------I.. Rushi.ng th'e S.eason a Bit Park Hom'e Hit by Firle 1~i~n~b::7ea~:fh::ire~OM , FUR ..- . The extent of the damage ,~ of uc. Alterations STORAGE The floor of-the library and He said most of, the damage not knov'n. OU. ..~' .the library of the home of / :,,15. ladies' - Men's C~~~n~~~u~i~~~,fl ,.John Hunt were destroyed We convert double-breasted L: lIte $8.00 (Val. $100), 5 u j t s to single - breasted py fire on Tuesday, April 1, OR models. ,.~,No charge for rips...... Restyling any type 'according to Park. Fire Chief .;~~fur. George deCalis~in. MINK SPECIALISTS The chief said that smoke COMPI,ETE FUR SERVICE ..Buy.~rhe ofa CriJf';j causp.d some damage through-. BEST out the house. Firemen had to CLEANERS & TAiLORS c. GOUNARIS =OR lJ EXCLUSIVE FURRIER cut away the floor to! get to , 904 Chalmers VA 1~4063 the fire' which started in the • NEXT TO HEALY'S 904 Chalmars VA 1-4063 i NEXT TO HEALY'S EST. 1915 .floor joist that ran into the .chimney. The library was con- Lawn - liarden - Shrubs i, verted from a porch 18 years ago, and the joist was con~ .., neoted in that manner at the .Peat I time, Chi'ef deCaussin said. I

• &~ p Moss

4 Cubic: Foo~ 6 Cubic: Foot BALE BALE THE COMMUNITY HEALTH TEAM As pharmacists, we are pmud to stand Now at YOlllrLocal Garden Dealer

serve you in the fullest interests of b~tter Allard Hardware Meldrum & Smith Nursery hearth for everyone. Our function on the A bit premature are these young 18626 Mack Ave. 17750 Mack A,ve. TU.2-7740 TU. 5-5433 . team is to com p 0 tl n ~ and dispense businessmen on Chalfonte avenue as they set up their ~op stand to attract medicine for which we ar~ eminently .. Fil1d(ay Nurserl John C. La BeUe Nursery It.s fun to build 19720 Mack Ave. 17878 Mack Ave. qualified. Your physician will diagnose your own fite- TU.2-8274 place - choose 1U 2~0989 your case and prescribe the medicine you Young Speeder Vandals Di~rupt Bus"Services. your own ma- terials, your own design. So put the Grosse Pte. Ha~dware Viaene Nursery Gets in Scrape The services of th-e--L-a-k-e-i"d-e-n-ti-f-i-edas the 'hoodlums whole family to work building a: require. Bring your prescription to us fireplace around this all-metal unit. 18000 Mack Ave. 22129 Sonnyside i Shore Coach buses, chartered who tore wooden panels off And when it's finished. think of the for compounding. fun of cooking steaks, chops, ham- TU.5-8756 PRo 7-0639 I A 15~year-old Park boy who £.01' students at Grosse Pointe the interior of one of the burgers/ The unit is built to last for years. Doors are of cast iron. Ver Brugghe Hardware l confused his sense of directi~n High School, were cancelled buses. Grates are movable for either cl.:~r- Nelson C, FroluI1d I while being chased for speed- recently following a vandali~m They will be made to pay coal or 'Wood. It's low costl Stop '19815 Mack Ave. "d6126 Mack Ave, in and see it. ing side~wiped a Park police spree by several of the pupIls. the .damages, estimated at TU. 1-6233 TU,5-0775 , . The bus company said it wOli1d $100. Bus company representa- car on ~ednesday, Apnl 2, cancel its service 'unti( the tives warned, however, that Smith-Matthews Trail. ,bef.ore bemg stopped In De- vandals were apprehended. should the unfortunate in- DISTR!BUTED EIY trOIt. Twenty-four hours .after the cident repeat itself, service Foundry 00. P "H A R.. A'\. A C The boy was spo'tted go~ng ultimatum was issued, service would be cancelled to High 6640 Charlevoix at an excessive rate of speed was resumed. Seven boys were School'"students im~ediately. Meldrum Trucking and Garden Supply • Kercheval on the Hill at 9:40 p.m., by Opt Charles ,------WA 2-7155 ~ 17921 MACK AVE. TU 4.2184 French, who was patooling east Hours: 8:30-5:30 Daily on Mack avenue. GIRLS UNDER 14 .. The officer trailed the lad .. at speeds up to about 50 miles ~ an hour but because of the NOW! MICHIGAN'S LARGEST FORD DEALER heavy traffic. was nnable to A "STYLED HAIRCUT',~ Porch apprehend the youthful driver. BY "THE" ·'Alumi~um Screened BERNARD HAIR STYLISTS Get esti~ate and see this wonderful Continuing east on Mack, Priced Just For You the boy signaled for a right screeningwithoutobli9ati~n turn, while traveling in the THE CUT 'I righthar.:i lane, but then made STARK HICKEY. a left turn onto Neff road in MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS Detroit. By this time Cpl. French neared the errant driv- BERN ARB .,.• er and gave him the siren. TUxedo 1-0953 20845 MACK AVENUE Pulling alongside the boy, (] Blocks North of Verni~r) 2!12 Acres the officer motioned him .to, devoted to Ford the curb. The driver, instead of pulling over, to the right, Sol.,. & Service 24600 turned left and forced the po- featuring between 9 & 10 mile lice car into the left hand J!If!J, Gratiot Ave.~ curb, in front of 3909 N:eff. The two cars came together, I and the cars scraped. , )~ Get Our Prices The corporal arrested the Shoes boy, who said he did not have 1'j)J. .Have it 'flone ('Y befor.e you buy ~ a driver's license and "that he the dependable never acquired 'one. He also for Infants and Children said that he was driving his "Pied Pipers" are designed for llttle We also enclose porches with jalC)usies and malee awning father's car which he had tak- feet, and are expertly fitted under the NEW 'FORD direction of Mr. William McCourt.' Ex- . windows. We feature aluminum arId combination windows en without permission. elusively at Peter Pan in Grosse Pointe. I D~troit police, called in on AN, NG 17015 Kercheval _. ~ Special Piek ...up and Delivery the accident, made a report SQUIER CO., 19678 Harper -. TU. 2-0892 of the mishap and turned the TUxedo 5-9236 Service for our Grosse Pointe boy over to the Park 'officer, ' who then issued' the boy two DETROIT'S OLDEST AND 'BEST-KNOWN S;CREEf'JERS Customers violation tic k e t 5, one for speeding and one for never Phone PR 1~3400 acquiring a driver's license. Cp a I' g e s have been filed . against the. teenager, and he Our 38th Year\ will appear.in Juvenile Court, authorities fsaid. of Ford Sales & Service For Expert D~apery Cleani.ng in the Detroit Area! ) The proper way to face the difficulties of life is fo turn your back on them.

,We are especially equipped to properly clean draperies, regardless of fabric size, color or weight and are one of the few w'ho a're equipped to clean' alII.draperies Tom Taylor. Buick Added to this is the assurance of perfection - because only Stoddard Solvent. 'the recogn.ized top cleaning solvent, is us'ed in our plant: Estimate given on rehanging and p.leating, when requested.

A REAL A Brand New SPECIAL IUI.CK R•• haftgJng .. rvie. if desired FOR Parked in Your' TUxedo 1.1900 ''AUTO BUY Garage WHK" '2369 THE HarRer at Grayton NAME TOM .TAYLOR'S Penobscot Concourse Now in Our BUICK'S THE GAR! 39th YeM Kelly at Hayes. 4 13033 Gratiot Avec :~i,~sR~:;wLA.6.3000 'DRY ~LEANERS

... '._. _ • t __ ekC' de rt' , s •• t rt tk $ , i eo 'r • .' r .2 ....-.,...------~ III'lI--_...~.,~,-,--lIlIIIII~...~,a... I!\!I.t.~~ • .,.~~-.,~I-~,,~,.,,-.,.---••-~~~-~....~...-s...... P.Q~...-- ..----- ..--&MII-- .... - ..- ..------_ ...4•."u;.'DJr'?'7 i'"

Page Six ,,(; RP SSE 'p 0 I N T E' NEVI ~ Thursday, April 10, 1958

I ,University H 0 S P i.t a I Ann Crash Blights Easter Sunday L~brary Off~rs Kerby Field Readied For Farms' Little Leaguers Bungle! Burgles Arbor, will soon complete a Easter Sunday was some- I failing to see Audrey 1.0;;' F zlm of P arzs :.i .~.....<.' . '.., '.'., ... ", . ". " ...,'. .' '. . . , ". '" ...~.1l Home In Woods $21jz million remodeling of its what blighted for Norman La- Moss, of 534 Neff lane, when __ \ >j..' ~~:"~'.',,: fN,::;: ::""i ',:,:, ",:,Y ~ ' ' ,~', ~ _ food service .)lant. torre, of 18913 Woodside, in she stopped to allow traffic to The Friends of the Grosse .d::,/' ,,,:'.~.,,'>S ..'.,':',~:':~~'.:' ,;', . ,."; , ,~~ A bungling prowler ran.. Harper Woods.. He had two clear before turning left onto Pointe Public Library, in joint ,':<,::: ." , ,:,',/" ' ~<', '~i' " sacked the home of Mr.' and Call smashed cars and a ticket on Lakeland, off Kercheval ave- sponsorship with the Gross'e :,,;'':-:."'>,' .,' Mrs. Charles H. Spade, at 1798 I Docken! his hands. nue. Latorre, unable to stop ih Pointe Public LibNlTY, will J:;;,:~f';.'.:, ..:' ~ Hawthorne road, :;ometime It all was the result of his. time, hit 11er from behind. . presoent "Paris 1900", on the' :~:..,'~';:',~,:.:.~,:'.:>;', >.', rr;~~i~~iiii~~~=-=-=-=-=-='~~~~~~~"i:"i:"i:~"i:-='i=~~~~~~~"i:"i:~~~~~~~~IIFiln: Forum series, on ?friday, ::~d'::>t::,:,!~,~~;~;,}(>r,':' during the Spades' weekend AprIl 18 at 8 pm .. ~y." " ., '." ',' ,.' trip to Lansing. ' . " ,,-:' . :~;'~),';,~,:/ ,:::':':::~.i~':':! .' .. ,c"', " "ParIs 1900 IS a hv~ly and "".:"A" ," ',,'. . , ~ ,,',': The thie!"s haul included a TV entertaining documentary film :::,:~f:~:,,:',':,,:"',:::;':1':;}. ':, ::::' " :' ..,:'::: $160 portable t.elevision set, a CHET SAMPSON of Paris duirmg the "belle ..%)~;S"'~:,'';~,::~'. :'..;:::/ ,:)~~:~~)# ,: :": and Radio ePoque," from the turn of the 'i;F::~::"..:':,',''~>.~~'::~;:,:i::,>",':: . $100 string of pearls, a $30 SALES & invites all century to the beginning of V~','-;-",'.:::,,:;':":~:,;f :',::.gts.J'ack Paisley and George . A trip to Lansing, Michigan fully paved, aHendant-operated Marlene ~auer Hagge, has Th~ boys ind~cted. at this is planned on May 24th for van Tiem that the thefts were ,one of the most unorthodox meetmg are: Ja~kIe Elias, John the whole pack. Information 24 dozen golf balls, Valued at I putting stance$ in golf. y.et her Geymann, Elmer Herschelman, has been sent to parents from a total of :;;3HO; one set of eIght You Too Can Look More surprising skill on the greens J ere ~odges, Alan Kruse, Alex their Den. This will be a big irons, worth :ti135; seven sets will likely establish her. as one Pasqumzo, James QuasE-rano, event in 'the year and ari ex- of clubs, value, $300; eight PAJ~KING LOT • Attractive with Silver Tips (If the f ~ v 0 r i t e s in the James Schiessler, Bill Spitzley citing introduction to Cub pairs of golfing ,shoes, total for Dark Hair or Dark Tips -for Women's Open at the Forest and Richard Trentacoste., Scouting for Our many new value, $225, and two yellow at. rear of Jacobson's off Lake Country Club in June. .Mrs. Schiessler was intro- boys. It will be necessary for nylon pullover ja~kets, worth White Hair! duced as den mother of anoth- one mother to accompany ev- $18. St. Clair Avenue. Lock your ,SILVER er new Den No.7. All Bobcats ery 4 boys, and a cOIPJPlete No clues have been turned were presented with their pins trip to the capito:. and the car and shop in leisure! up as yet, the detectives said. EX~ERT SP-R1NGS and re~istration. cards. Michigan S tat e University • Hair Coloring Mr. Stan Smith. presented grounds csan be made success- *CA~TONE-o Pack 39 with theiI' charter for fully. The season pricke'th every gen- .Jacobson's • Hair Cutting the ,year and recognition was The entertainment at this tle heart, 'WATER mad e of officers and den' meeting was a very interest- and maketh him out of his -in the Viilage • Hair Styling mothers. It was announced that ing movie on Australi.a, given sleep to start. the n ext committe meeting by Art Tapert. The ways of -Chaucer .~ • .. • Permanents would be held on April 15, in~ boys and girls in that country -_----:_---...:..-_------_._------stead of April 8. ~t th~ meet- are far removed from our own ing the plans' for future ac- and the animals pictured were t.ivities are discussed, &nd any m 0 st. interesting. However, MAIER & WERNER parent interested is invited to children,are alike everywhere attend. At each meeting one in that they like to play. We SALONS father :from each den is specifi~ have our slides on the' play- BONUS OFFER FOR cally asked to attend: Dens 1- grounds, and there they con- 17670 MACK 15311 E. WARREN Mr. Long, 2-Mr. Curl, 3-Mr. struct them of blue clay, slid~ 'E At University Near Beaconsfield Stephans, 4-Mr. Wilk, 5-Mr. ing merrily down. into a lake. TU 1.7297 TU 1.3190 Maples, 6-Dr. Casper, 7-Dr. Sl9nderiJ:ing and Facial Hodges. Some people don't believe Treatme",ts Only at Cub Scout Gerald Walker half of what they hear, but MOCK Salon! furnished music for the march- don't hesitate to tell it all. RI

Silver Springs water-the gourmet's choice in beverages and cooking. Avail- able in modern, convenient, disposable UPPER MACK CLEA,NER'S. hall gallon cartons, Ask for tt at your Says favorite beverllge store or call TO. 8-4735 for your reares,t dealer, .New lIaht weight half lallon Clttons, "Wait by Your Phone!" We'll Pax YOU! You may be caJled soon • 01:1 DI",.;huf~ DY: your Dry.Cleaning N.,bltt Detroit SAVE for One Year! Prompt Pick.up and Delivery 80ttlin9 Co, Modern, efficient cleaning methods used 11SO Oakman Blvd. . See Page 20 Detroit, Mich. 18500 Mack, at Cloverly iU 2..8120 to PrOVe MAKE 1958 NEW FORMULA


Improves 'Your Dishwashe-r' 5 t\1E 'GaMut. tll:l\lS\~E ,,'910-11: r Performancel

Party cleanup is easier .•. WITH A EARN current rate MODERN GAS rNCINERATOR ACCOUNTS ARE INSURED UP TO $10,000 MOil THAN, YOU'LL PAY for your package-of Parties are fun-but the cleanup is a chore! Paper HER.'S ALl. YOU .NEW FORM'ULA ELECTRASQL ••• that's TO DO plates, paper napkins, oVerflowing ssh trays, food Save Before the lOth. YOUR GET remains, package W!'appings • • • what a mess! what we'l1 pay you to prove-in your own SO~ BONUSI ••• Earn from the 1st. • BUYNew~ - The new smokeless, odorless Gas -incinerator' dishwasher-that this is the detergent 1• ELEe~A orltlula 'I'{ SOL at~ ~ with its double-burning action is the answer to that absolutely stops spattin' on glassee, .fare fOclay p ,OUt Tovo,t,., your disposal problems. Itgets rid of both garbage fernpataril~. cry fot If. 'PRENTICE HALL 48~PAGE BOOKLET dishes, silver! and trash,indoors-can be installed ineither base- . , 2 Send the \Vo d II... • ment or utility room. There's no need to make Stop in at 1201 Griswold or i4729 NEW FORMULA ILECTRASOL is recommended • fralt1 ba}Cf r cleCitOtOI'; with y 01', fogether those miserable trips to the garbage can-- Harper and pick up your copy of. this by all leading dishwasher I!1anufacturers! OUrname d especially in bad weather. to: P, O. Box an crddr .. , 1958 Income Tax Guide Book at no 'ny it today and see for yourself why it's - IYark 46 N #63,.New A double-duty Gas incinerator helps keep yoUr cost or obligation. You do not have refund 50;~w York. W. wit, the~most popular disl, washer detergent )'ou 111 cash to- home' neater, makes housekeeping easier, to be a customer to get this valuable •• , actuoll for home use! I~s the ~ost economical,too I You pay for y itJor. thoft' operates fqr only pennies a day. Choose one •up-to-date guidebook. New F your box of I wh ormulcr EIEerAASO~' today from models on display at Gas Company ••• each box giyes you more of the best en you buy I" 10 . . J and Dealer showrooms. PEOPLES -FEDERAL SAVINGS dishwasher detergent for less money!

• 10 ..... MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GAS COM~ANY , t -- 1201 Griswold at State Harper at Outer Drive TRY ~LECTRASOLAT DUn EXPENSE TOBAl1 Phones WO 1-0172 LA 7-7210 , I. .. . Off" limited 0IHl to • fanioil)', npirel Jun. 30, 1958

J. \.

... __ __ _ 7.7 __ ..' , ••••.- __ ...- '0""" __ ..O._.b _~_~,~~~_~ __ ~ __ ...-.~~ _ __.. _ ~o __ ... - ~... _...... - > •• ~ r ._- >-~...... ' ,.. .. ':"/' .~" j •• 1 ... ' ....

58 Thursday, April J 0, 1958 POINT! NE'W! Page Sev.n - • 1 Ann ete a of its





-, we sOCl'r into summer with the happiest, -sunniest cotlection we launch solar yellow, the freshest color to ~Ol into orbit i.nmany a moo" • •• so vibro'nt and free in feeling, so stimulating and new in fashion's brilli(]nt new silhouettes. of California ..designed sportswear to be seen having fun in breQze.~ool comfort • •• , \, sizes• In the background: full trap-eze tent beach dress of no-iron rippled cotton~ sizes 8 to 14. 19.98 in the f<7regroun.d, from left to right: pure silk stepin shift chemise.

two"piece silk dapple.dot.-chemis. with~'CIchfffon scarf. sizes 8 16.,39.98 short -stop .midriff of cotton twill, loop ..fringed. .' 8 to 16. 29.98 to )\ -'. I

, " shorts. sizes 8 te:> 16; IRS knit lostex strip. sheath swimsuit. sizes 8 to 16. 19.95 sizes 8 to 16. 11.98 Indonesian print nassau , \ Jalohsnns

. \ ,

\ j art .. ct' .0' S'Enr 92' a • 57.7 r 7 7 r 7 2P P 7 7 7 , , , If i . I

I'! Page Eight G R 0 SSE 01 N TEN E W S ThurSday, .April 10, '1958 In the a nn'a - professional g<:' holes in ,one 'Grosse Pointe News [email protected] corded in tour j tition. Beverly PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY' BY ANTEEBO Grf11)s~e" Memoria'ICenter 'Schedule PUBLISHERS, INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE Hi-Fi expected to bE . DETROIT WESTWARD. tender in the W OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEV~L, APRIL 11. APRILI17- OPEN SUNDAY 12.5 We woof and tweet out'long-hair tones Forest Lake Cl GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN EEaggera1tiiQ)~s , TV. 1~7511 ' J"une,made boL , ' Accompanied by teen-age groans, Phone TU 2-6900 A. PRYOR "'All Center Sponsored Activities Open to, the Public They plead for Como, Sands, or Boone, Three Trunk Lines NOTICE: Please call for lost articles at the office. To rock to Bach is for a goon. ttA word is dead They will be held 'for 30 days. When it is said, Grosse, Pointe Garde~ Center Room and 'I Library open. Member Michigan Press Ass'nand National Editorial Ass'n Some say. ' for consultation and service. Mrs. Leland Gilmour NATIONAL ADVERTISING R.EPRESENTATIVE: will be on 'duty in the Garden Center ~m every Whatt Goes On Weekly N~wspaper Representati'\\es, Inc. I say it just 404 Fifth Avenue. New York 19. New YorR, .BRyant 9-7300 Begins to litje 'week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from . CHICAGO OFFICE TIJat day." 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. A consultant will be on duty on , at 333 North Michigan Avenue, Phone FIn&ncial 6-2214 Friday' from 2 to 4 p.m. (Ca~l TV. 1.4594).. ' £ntered as second-class matter at the post office, Detroit, (Emily Dicki~son) Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1897. Hospital equipment available for free loan - crutches, * * * wheel chairs, heat, lamp 'and hospital beds. '!Blood Your Lihrary FULLY PAID CIRCULATION Old Silky Sullivan Pryor's ;writings certainly get available to Gl'osse Pointe Residents in case of around! A few weeks ago, a loc'~1.1woman told us she accident or emergency +- free of charge." By Jean Taylor sat next to a contemporary (from out of town) at some * * * Gross ROBERT B, EDGAR. ...EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTISING MANAGER Civic luncheon business. , . she didn't catch the woman's Thursday, April 10 , Winners of the Newbery and 11945. His death only' a few PATRICIA TALBOT FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY name but related to US a story the stranger told about Caldecott medals for 1957 have months ago was a real loss to FRED RUNNELLS SPORTS EDITOR her mother. We thought it was pr~tty funny .. , so we *Art Exhibi't by students of th~ War; Memorial's Classes just been announced by the young reade.rs. :He is the only Accide J Al\fES J. NJ AIM , NEWS went ahead and printed it, figuring the woman ,would - Hughie Lee-Smith, Instructor - EXHIBIT ON committee of the American person to re<:eive both the ALDEN G, EDGAR : NEWS ' THRU APRIL 21 -' WEEKDAYS 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Library Association w h i c h New b e r y and Caldecott ARTHUR R. BLYLER ADVERTISING never see it anyway. , SUNDAYS 12 noon to 5 p.m. _ Please call before makes the selection. 'This is Awards. PATRICIA BLYLER ;..ADVERTISING , Well, sir, last week, Ye olde Editore received a letter coming to exhibits to make sure rooms are free of made up of children's, :;chool: Robe~t McCloskey: with, his MARY LORIMER ., , ADVERTISING from the woman who lives in Buffalo, by the way, and and young people's' librarians. 1957 book "Time of Wonder," JOHN MacKENZIE ,.., BUSINESS ALBERTA. WILKE' ,., CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING in it she said that the next time she sat next to a stranger meetingRs.d C Braille Transcription _ class _ The Newbery award is given is a Caldeoott winner for the FERN GREIG .,." , ' CLASSIFIED at a luncheon, she would be sure to find out if \he or she "'American e ross to the most distinguished book second time. This is possible JOANNE EASON ' , ACCOUNTS ~, 10 a.m. ' written for boys and girl<;pub- only if the vore is unanimous, FLORA HARDING CIRCULA TION wrote lor a newspaper. . "'Ballet Classes _ Mary Ellen Cooper - Instructor _ lished the previous year. and as far as we know ha3 She went on to say "IMAG~NE my surpnse when.r 4 to 7:30 p.m. The Caldeeott award goes to i never happened before. glanced through the Grosse POInte. News. and saw t~e "'Fencing .Classes _ taught by Istvan Dal)osi - fencing the artist wh<>has made the "Time of W<>nder" is a dis- story I told about my mother pnnted m A. Pryor s master of Salle deTuscan Fencers Club and Wayne most di~tinguished pictures for tinct departure from Mr. Mc- A Privilege All Can Share column!" It seems the woman's d~ugb~er gets o~r'paper ) State University Coach _ ages 8 to 16 -7:?0 p.m. - a book for boys and girls pub- Closkey's earlier books both in from an old school friend who lIves ill the POInte. . . Adult Class at 8:30 p.m. lished during the same period. its styie and its pictures. All Pointe residents are being asked once again to Both auth"Jr and 'artist must be "From minute to minute, hour contribute to the annual fund-raising drive of the War and apparently the family in Buffalo readsl the G.P. "'Dale Carnegie Leadership Training - Drill Session - News as if it were their very own p~pe~. We are flat- 7:30 p.m. ' citizens or long-time residents 1 to hour, from day to d.ay, sea- IvIemorial Center. This is a plea that should not have to of the United States. son to season" the time of the be repeated. The Center has given so much to the tered to say the least , .. but the next tlme. we hear a "'Coast Guard Auxiliary Public Instruction Class _ The 1957 Newbery goes tol world goes. by on t!"tis.~aine community that it should be considered a privilege to story third EAR ... we will check before usmg, or ~lse practical course in Basic Seamanship - 7:30 p.m. Harold Keith f'Orhis Civii War island. Sprmg or fall It IS al- donate to its maintenance and expanded development. hire a lawyer by the year., . "'Travel Films and Short Subjects presented by the story "Rifles for Watie." Jeff ways a time of wonder.. The More than 100,000,including repeats, passed through As a matter of fact, the nice lady was, very km~ Cinema Lea:gue's own members accompanied by a Buss~y from a Kansas farm d:e~criJ?tion of a fampy's an- the doorf?of this magnificent building during the past about it, but she is going to make! sure that "'grandma dfscussion of photography technique involved. The joins the union volunteers and tlc1patlon ?f a hurrIcane, of, becomes embroiled with Stand the storm Itself, and the calm year, to share in its varied programs and activities. FOl" doesn't see the item. r • or our heroine would no ~oubt public' is i..~vitedwithout charge. have her ears boxeC\for telling it ... as old as she IS! * * * Watie's Cherokee Rebels. that follows when the fa~ily those not familiar with what it has to offer, we would This is a' stirring, credible packs away its sum1?-er.t~ings '" '" lie Friday, April 11 suggest a glance at the weekly schedule printed 0n this story which. the high school a.nd returns to (he CIty, IS par- page. There is something f9r everyone, no matter what THIS true story we ARE pennitted to print. An- Auxiliary of Wayne County Medical Society-luncheon age will enjoy, and many tlcularly w~ll don~. The. prose age. ' other local dowager told us her husband gave her a 3 . junior hi'gh boys and girls will has a poet~c quality and the d d 11 b f h I ft 12: 0 p.m. , , We have always maintained that every single check for two thousan 0 ars e ore e e on a "'Ballroom Dancing Classes-Mr. and Mrs. BIll Wilson- read it with pleas>,ITealso. Mr. ~ull-color plctur~ capture the lengthy business trip: There were many bills coming u.p Instructors _ 4:30-5:30_ (Saturday's Class _ April Keith is a native of Oklahoma,oeauty of the Marne coast an,d resident of the Pointe should be a contributor in this 'k the power of th~ storm. It IS and he hadn't time to deposit it himself, so entrusted hiS 12th to come in with this 5:30 class) and 7 p.m. _ and grew up near the ChLro ee bo k f ld hild th annual drive. If the donations included but a dollar for .. h d . 'be 0 rra: h a 0 or 0 er c ren an each member of each family, the total would be suffi- wife with same and told ,her to be sure to stash it away, "'Memorial Bridge Club _ Duplicate Bridge _ Mr. an

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'J< 'j 'i ::i 'ij "; ;~ ,~ !\l:~ :t Thurs~ay, April 10,' 1958 ~; S'R 0 5 S E PO' N T E, NEW S I. ;~ In the ann 'a 1s of women's Honor Awards was faced with, and judged on, I for driving with a revoked profess.ional golf, 0 n 1y two Calico Corners' New Home ' Six Cases Heard In Park Court holes In one have been re- for Scholars th!1'ee separate account.~. He license, and to 10 more day. c?:ded in tournament compe- Ju~~e C. Joseph Belanger, Belanger deemed appropriate was sentenced to' three days in wheft.4ound guilty of using .and tltIOn. Beverly Hanson, who is Four June 1956 grap,uates of M~lcIpal -rudge of Grosse fur Richard Leatzau of 4868 jail for making an improper displaying another person's op- expected to be a strong con. POInte Park, heard a total of ' , , . ; . I Grosse Pointe High School six cases in Justice Courl last Cooper, In D~tI'lOlt, Leatzau twrn, to an additional :'.0 days erating .license. tender in the Women's Open at have achieved out5.;.andingrec- Forest Lake Country Club in ognition in Alnn Arbor, where Wednesday, April 2. \ June, made both of them. they are all second-semester First on the docket was sophomores at the University Raymond J. S-mith, of 4134 of Michigan. . ;Beaconsfield. He was charged with speeding 40 mph on East. Joanne Ortwein, of 468' .Jefferson, found .guilty and Moran road; Lorna Maguire tined $11. ' It's No Secret! of Lochmoor bou1evard; JOy.c~ Green L. Ledbetter, 5039 Bush.ong, of Grosse Pointe Canton, was found guilty of '. Fine Garpeting boulevard; . and Elsie Scherer, speeding on Kercheval avenue • Quality Insfallations of 1130 Berkshire road have and .rapped with a $17.50 fine. all been tapped for mernber- • Low Pr'ices Failure ro r~t a stop shi:p in the exclusive :'Wyvern" I street resulted in the f-orieiture (the Welsh word for Dra.gon) Terms Arranged of a $10 bond for Thomas L. • Wyvern 'is a junior, girls' Dobbie, of 2303~',Firwood, in honorary society, and the old- ~alico Corners, Mary Faulman Millard's popular East Detroit. est on the Michigan campus. fabrIC store, has, moved into a new building at 1933 Henry J: Vaon Eckoute,' 9f GrossI Poinle Its members are chosen '.Joe- 310 Belanger' road, for.feited cav.se of leadership in both South Tele~r~ph road ~n Bloomfield Township, n'o-tfar fr.om the orIgmal.locat~o,n. Robert W. Davis is manager the bond of $17.50 which he the academic and extra-currif'- up put when charged with co rp~ting C(I. Accident-Free! ular fields. To be eligible f~r of. the store whIch handles materia]s for draperies, speeding on Jefferson. shpc.ove;s and upholsteri,ng. Mrs, Millard is a resident membership a girl must main.' A thorough acquaintance 15839 E W' .. ' near Buckingham tain grades which are two full of BIrnungham arid has seven Calico Corners through- with the interior of 'Wayne • arren TUxedo 1-6022 points above the campus ave,r- out the country...... Coupty Jail was what Judge age. On~y 24 women are ta.pped eacR year and Grosse Pointe Cottage- Opening can take justifiable pride in its one.sixth representation. Emergency Room Miss Bushong is the daughter ~f Dr. James Bushong, Super- _ With the opening of a new Intend~nt of Grosse Pointe Emergency Room on April 8, School System, and Mrs. Cottage Hospital announces Bushong. the completion of the improve~ ment and expansion of its hos- pital facilities made possible Teaches Kids by the, Ford Foundation grant. To Love Art In January, 1958" as the first step in the' program, a new Parents and ~hildren alike Laboratory .Department and are cordially invited to the Waiting ~oom were opened. Grosse Pointe War Memorial' Center free-of-charge to hear Now an attractive, well- Mrs. Margheritta Loud talk equipped Emergency Room is about and illustrate her ideas located on the ground floor in ar- of "Teaching Children Art the a!1'eaformerly occupi~d QY Creatively," on Monday even- the Laboratory Department. <,se ing, April 21 at 8 o'dock. the Cost of the entire project Mrs. Loud is a graduate in: the was $65,000. Of this amount Get Our lO-Point. fine arts frQm Sarah Lawr- and $35,400 was received from th~ ence and George Washington t is Ford Foundation. The 'Wom- University and continued her han SAFETY-CHECK en's Auxiliary to Cottage Hos- irst s t u d y at ~he Corcoran Art School and with the Art Stu- pital also contributed toward 942, 1£ll'17(/ the project. According to Mrs gs." dents League. Currently teach. • BRAKES ing children "Art For Fun" at Henry B. Joy, Jr., President '- , We 0 (RONT LIGHTS the Grosse Pointe War Mem- of the BoaTd of. Trustees of the j the Hospital, these added faM Salety • REAR LIGHTS orial, she carne to the Pointe ~ on \ from teaching art at the Na- cilities ~ould not have been i w" Cltedc . • STEERING I tional Cathedral S c h 0 0 I in provided: without. the assist~ by fl. • TIRES I nese • EXHAUST SYSTEM Washington, D.C. ance from the Ford Founda- ne's tion. Is a 'ems • GLASS An extremely busy Pointer, d a For" • WINDSHIELD WIPERS Mrs. Loud serves ~s chairman est You-. • REAR,VIEW M!1RORS of the Junior League's Senior HI~FI RECORD PLA YI:RS tall • HORN Center and is active in the Holdens to Talk and no Grosse Pointe Artists Associa------LIMITED TIMEONLY------il- lion and the Detroit ArtIsts ••• in Market as well as b e ,in g About Australia co-op.ration 0~ e A SPECIAL GROUP OF mother to a large family. ~m--. the with... l~~ Fullbright Professor and ing Mrs. Loud in her conception Mrs. W. Sprague Hold~n of ster SERVICE DEPT. of teaching art goes b~yond , who 2000 ory. the basic principles of draw. have recently returned from are ing and 'perspective and stres. 'a year and a half in Australia Popular 45 rpm ses -pot just rules but the im- will bring pictures of their ex- ~ portance of capitalizing on periences and give "A Quick O'leary each child's imagination and ideas. She tries too, to teach a Look at Australian Life" at the t Grosse Pointe War Memorial Single. Records respect for others' ideas for she feels every one has some Center this Monday, April 14, at 8:30 p.m. ALL Cadillac creative ability wh~ther its an inate feeling for design or for This illustrated' lecture is 4 for TU 5-1200 color. presented to the public free of Reg. In teaching children, Mrs. charge by the English Speak- Loud believes one should work 17153 E. Jefferson ing Union of Detroit and the 98c with all sorts of materials Long-Playing 00 showing them what line and Grosse Pointe War Memorial GROSSE POINTE color mean as absolutes with- Association. A coffee hour will follow. . 1 .m. out ~eference to nature . The Holdens 'will take their audience not only~to -the prin- ALL ANNOUNCING OUR NEW LOCATION ciple citi~s of Australia but to RECORDS the primitive areas out back • as well. They will alsQ take Extended Playing' 45's, Wolverine. their listeners to the island .m. state of Tasmania. They will lub Typewril~r Service Company' show the Australians both at Reg. now located at work and play and give a pic- c ture of all levels of life. The REDUCED 1.29 Holdens ue wonderful emis- 98 13131 E.JeHerson Ave. saries for A.ustl"aliawhich',they Pttone VAlley 2.3560 • Detroit 15. Mieh. came to thoroughly love dur- ing their stay. All Labels (Next to the Savarine Hotel) During' this -sale · , ' I . Patty Berg, one of the great H. women golfers of any era, h~s . ' All LP~smay be special rs compiled the astounding to.tal ss A t your service of 79 major tournament vic- tories. She'd like to'm;ake it an 't Reg; 3.98 Albums even 80' by win n i n g the orderl!d at Sale Prices'!. Dolores Gatti Women's Open at .the Forest en Decorating Lake Country Club near Bir- en mingham in June. , . ch Consultant Miss Gatti's vast experience as 't- 98 S/J1etiill Albums! a decorating consultant is yours remember when ••• wit for the ask:ng, She will be glad Reg. 4.98 Albums : to call ot your home ond show The MUSiic Man :,_ you, our' complete color charts, 3 wallpaper samples and matching ,-Original Cast-Capitol ' 3 98 fabrics. Our nationaHy advertised F.AMILY' WA'O ..990 Regularly 5.98 now.. • 0 f, wall coverings include Va r I ) Walltex, Glendura. CaU'TU 1-9200 Elvis" GaIden Records Sherwin '. Williams PO~TRAITS Reg. 5.98 Albums RCA Victor-LPM ..1707 2 98 COMPANY Regularly 3.98. now...... • Warren at Kensington next to Post OffiCG Pat's Gr/eat Hils 'Pat Boone-DOT .DLP 3071 2 98 Regularly 3:.98. now •..•.••• ~• • WH,EN YOU SEETHIS SIGN AT Johnny's Grealest H'ils YOUR NEIGHBORS r Johnny Mathis-Columbia 2 98 CL 1133. Regularly 3.9~. now.. • Capilal~llassics / Reg. 4.98, now · . · · ... 2.98

Make • Family Audio Fidelity Appointment Today! Reg. &.95, now •• · • .• · 4576

TUESDAY is TOTs' day. ,', . ~ No appointment needed. - YOU KNOW Is.e er.s SOMETHING ,NICE IS BEING .DQNE Bransby A NEW ROOM ••• A NEW HOME - STUDIO 17047. Kercheval, in the VillagE~ Either a Hi ..Fi CabInet, Bookshelves 20083 Mack Ave. TU.I.133 Charge Accounts .Invited TU 2-7790 or General Remodeling . -in th. Woods \ , .",' .\ . " .." I,. ~ , I 1 : \. '-1.'. 1,'./' (I, , I , , ...

( . Page Ten G R 0 5.S E Thursday. April 10,. 1958 Tbursda I put the relation of a fin~ Ilow the relation of ;l mother Icould say more, than this.- Teachers Given Sp.ecial Honors ITo Confi~m 36 P$ychologists. Help' Students tea<;hel'.to a studen~ just be- to a son, and I don't think I Thomas:n olfe. , • ' 'I Dr. James Bushong, in his weeks summer institute deal- . E4itor's Note: The fonowing-:ehOIOgi$~ w~ ~av~,1?e~ able Superintendent's Report for ing with Radiation Biology. is an excerpt from a recent to give diagnostic sfrrvice with- the Board of Education's meet- The Atomic Energy Commis- report by Paul Mawhinney, out waiting for facilities to be- .We do not promise you a trip fo florida ing, held Wednesday. April 2, Director of Pupil Persunnelcome available through out- sion is furnishing all the sup- 'nor do we promise a trip to the Moon gave espeCIal recognition to plies and materials needed for l.<:;::;::>:::'''<' . > .:,:::':';':~¥~;/::,:}j~:';,.::~with the Boa,rd' of'. E~ucation, sid.e agencies, In the, p~st, deserving staff members. the course. t\{:~.~:,:"'. ',:'.:,.:}%;::$?),i}./::i~ to Dr. Ja,mes Bushong, Super- when a .;seh.ool emergency ~n- Bruce Westling. Pierce Sci- Ernest Bauer, mathematics Our Guaranteed ~'ursery ence teach~r has been award .. teacher at Grosse Pointe High BUT Sto(k is Out of This WORLD ed a Natiom~] Scien~e Founda~ School, has been awarded a \ tion scholarship fOl' s.tudy this .. CAPITATA'S summer. Me Westling will, at- General Electric summer fel- Taxus Yews HATFIELD'S tend Brigham Young Univer-' lowship. He will participate in HICKSI'S sity in Provo. Utah. for a' five a program in mathematics for Up 6 secondary .~chool teachers to +::..::~.' ',':;;(.}W' .' .":, 'il some chang'es In the extent .', .,.,'. ' .. . to feet { NANA'S all '~ be conducted at Purdue Uni- .:::":,:;:;:,':j~;;::)',. ':-d and depth of I the servic~- we medIate.':serVIce, It )Ya$ a:v - q~: .. ' ::: have been. able' to ,offer. The able ,only: . through. prIvate OLDEST IN WOODS versity. I training and-experience of Miss agencies . or .pel'sonne1. To • Dogwood's White & Pink ! Glenn Bray, Science teach. D?ris .Forsythe and Dr. Dale, many' Grosse Pointe' families UP TO 12 },'T. i cr at the .High School , is re- are, complementary to each ' ',". ' : ' ~. turning 'to the Universitv of other, the former with ele- the cost of such Serv,lceIS .pro- • Flowering Shrubs up 6 ft. WE Arkansas as a science te;cher mentary schooi children, the hibitive. .\ " ' to in the Science. Institute Pro~ latter with J'unior and' senior' ':The' addition of' 'a second/ gram. He was.,there last year high school' boys and girlS. psychol,ogist has als9' enabled • American Holly up to 6 ft. and was invited to return. DFLIVER "The a-ssistant' psychologist us to give more prompt service , • Purple leaf Beec,h, e"tc. The March issue of the The Suffragan Bishop of 'has had' clinical experience to: 'requests for individual .ON FAMILY ORDERS "W i 1son Library Bulletin" Michigan, Rt.. Rev. AIrcihie H. with young adults, college stu- studies which originate in the o Insecticides of all carried tWI~ articles written Crowley, w:ill confirm a class dents, and adults with clini- school~, although there lIS 'still Tools, hose, bulbs, kinds and a complete Fr(] OF ,$5.00 OR OVER by members of the Grosse of adults and teen-agers aJt 7 cal' probler11S.:This' has meant a longer time lapse than we sprinklers, power line of notionally Poi n t e staff., Mrs. Dorothy p.m., April 13 during the Can- that certain kinds 'of diflgnos- would I~W~.'Th~ addition. of a mowers etc etc . • . Christian, Pierce Librarian terbury Youth Service' at tic services which formerly psycholom~t WIth .the Ph.D. known ferti lizers Open T burs. and Fri. IWE ARE A SCOTT DEALER authQred an article entitled Christ Church. i. were available only througjh degree has.}ent further pro- Et'ellitzgs Till 9:00 "Library Club Tea," in .which . ,. . . outside agencies. have now fessiona(prestige as our serv- WE DELIVER she described the pUl'poses and . The. Siprmg conf1~mabon rlte' been made available, notably ices ;are described. to agencies , Closed. Sundays value& of su.~h a function. IS 'b~ln~ held thIS year ~t to the junior and senior high throt1ghou~ the, state.'! the tune of the young .people s SChOOlS. ~ __ M. VIAENE NURSERY. ------I 21807 MACK AVE., between 8 and 9 mile UrbanE Robert 01'1', Director of Pub- servi-ee.. Ushers for the ,service: . Offer Better Servlce. The toughest job in, the lie Libraries, wrote an article WIll be young people chosell " ' . PR 7-0639 chanted auc ROSLYN called "Pictorial Reporting." from' the CanteI'bury Club. ;B~cause . o~ the. s pee I a I world is to pa1JchtiJpa quarrel so the patches won't show. • ,peared in 1,1 In this piece he described how Bishop Crowley will be the trammg of the aSSIstant psy- to a Small ,~ MARKET. the library s\aff prepared and preacher. 21020 M ~CK at Roslyn Rd. .presented a report, concerning'. " Unique the library program, to the BIS~0'p.

, \ For a Festive ,Easter happy dimes. are here age-in SPECIALS Thurs., Fri., Sat. at PACKER'S 303 c , , AMERICAN 1 C LABEL Cent .' BEAUTY 'l-L&. I : cream corn 10 AVONDALE BRAND'FRESH PACKED butter ~eans 0 'C. Verbrugge Markel ) The Pointe's Oldest Zdarket AVONDALE. 303 AMERICAN 300 swee' peas" BEAUTY - 1Oc 1Dc Co .. ' cut red beets BRAND ~'" . lima 'beans SAVE 898 St. Clair Ave. near Mack TU 5-1565 TU 5..1566 ." " . Here's pea$ at their tastiest Grade - Prime Boneless Rolled HEW! AMERICAN 300 1Oc 4tnd tendel'est best. Thit low P. L and Choice THOMAS' CORN BEAUTY COft ' price plus Free Top Value potatoes BRAND t~~-.~~~~~~..'..6gc . ... Gift Stamps. I , ROUND SWISS TOAST -R-CAKES AMERICAN AMERICAN c Lean Meaty '6 to c BEAUTY ~10C-.. . vegetables BEAUTY 303 STEAK Pkg. Pkg. MIXED Can10 SPARE RIBS 31 . For Swiss c lb. KROGER c ~~'.10C AVONDALE 89 UPSIDE B'OWN, BRAND 1-Lb. 10- C or Frying 49~b. pineapple JUICE GOLDEN ~~~ 10 ' bea n 5 KIDNEY HAWAIIAN -.wi TASTY Ccm CAKE fl POTATOES WE CARRY Apple. Cherry. Pineapple YOUR CHOICE AU GRATIN eatmore margarine. butter pound cake , maine ~otatoes frQzen" food Sf) Ie banquet dinners A FULL LINE 00 ' $1 Golden yellow. Tasty spread for Kr0ge~ fresh baked special u. S: No. 1 good solid keepers. Peas, c'orl. peas & carrots, Your choice of beef, chickc-f' Pel' 3 FOR br~d and toast. Kroger special budget value. This. low price 'This low price plus FreeT~ french fries, psinach. This low' or turkey. This low price plus Pkg. OF low; tow price. . plus Free Top Value Gift Value Gift Stomps. price plus: Free Top Value Gift. free Top Value Gift Stamps, \,STOUFFER'S PLANT5RS " HOME MADE PEANUT OI,L ,10 FROZEN Large 79c SAURKRAUT 28-0z. Jar PREPARED I,'REE with each jar of oil. c . t One can of Planters Cock- 2. .Ibs. 2.9 tail Peanuts. ALL These', Savinas pLus' FOODS , . ~. You can always be sure of QUALITY FOODS at Verbru.gge's ',Top Value Stamps" FREE FREE DELIVERY (ttBd/lJtJ""'Metef DELIVERY ..

I "

. ' • • ~ ~ , .' • - • - • . >, ,. t'. D • $ in t b ... , .. co t ?M& 7'7n'7 t D tr • • • t.k C$ tr $ • tr '. " • D ...... 1 '. tr • { r 1 , r f -: --:-- r- 1" - 7- ! -- J- I ;- , , }- i '. r - r r l-, ..' f r',' I 'I , fIt : l' r '. '1,~ J ~ , f I • '\"" l I' " fl' f •

, Tbursday, April 10, 1958 G R 0 SSE POI N TIE, NEW S Page Eleven , I 'I - 5.- EV~l:1ing"in Paris SettingJorChurch Dance - 17,,0 Poil1te Debs To Bb~V This June Carol Lairds, Daughter of the R. Pretlow Lairds, of McKinley AverlUe, Will Be First Debutante of the Season When She is Presented June 12 at Tea It wil~ be a ,sparkling debutante 'season this June, one of the 'largest in years, with 17 Pointe buds bowing at a succession of teas, dinners and dances. P,AGES Carol Laird, daughter of~ 'WOMEN the R. Pretlow Lairds. of Berkshire road, will also be a McKinley avenue! wili be debutante, as will Patricia the first presented by her: Langs, daught:r of. the John parents at' a tea on June 12. Langses, of UmversIty place. On Friday, June 13, Jane I Patricia Frederick, daugh-,. Black, currently studying' at ter of the Joseph A. Vances, Miss Hall's School in Pitts- Jr:, of South ~eeplands road, (]IF(Q)~~~ 1F~TImr(c~ N~wi field, Mass., will bow at a .din- w~p bow as WIll Clare Hc::rt- ner dance at the Little Club. WIck, ~aughter of the Edward She is the daughtr~r of the HartwIcks, of Trombley road. George M. Blacks, Jr., of Also on the debutante list l,Shh,qrtand to Touraine road. for June are Mary MacArthur, From Another Pointe That same evening four de- daughter of the Reginald Mac- I butantes will be pr~sented at Arthurs; of Stanton lane, and t 'e Pointe a dance 'at the Cowltry Club. Carol Williams, daughter of l Lorna CancBer, daughter of the Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Williams, of View The FRANK KUHNS with'" their daughter AIRIELLE, of J. ~all Candlers, of Beverly of Colonial rpad. By Patricia Talbot McKinley place, have returned road, Wendy Colby, daughter ------from a vacation in Honolulu. of the Frederick Colbys, of ... * ... Merriweather road, Anne Wat- , " Garden Club, Urbane and suave Cyril Ritchard completely en- MR. -and MRS., CURT erman, daucihter of the Cam- chanted audiences here a week or so ago when' he ap- CORMIER, of Bay City, an- eron Watermans In, of Tou- To Hear Hyze,r 'peared in his delightful Brbadwav comedy hit "A Visit nounce the birth of son, raine road, and Patricia Joy, to a Small Planet." v. . D A.VJD .JEROME, on March daughter of Mrs. James Car- The- Garden Club of Michi- 25. Mrs. Cormier is the forme~ i' ' mel, of Bloomfield Hills, and -Photo by Fred Runnells gan will hold a conservation - Unique and gracious was his curtain speech thank- L ILL l'A N BUND'ESEN, of William Moore Jo:/, of St. The ladies of the parish of Our fans which will deck the tables. Left meeting Wednesday at the ing his first night audience for being so kind. Although, Lincoln road. - Clair are the quartet. Grosse Pointe Club at 11:15 ...... >I< Lady St~.r of the Sea will transform to right, seated are MRS. JOHN S. he was here for a brief week before "he pressed on to 'Julie Pearce, daughter of the o'clock .• the Detroit Yacht Club into a Parisian BYRWA, MRS. MARTIN DAHER, see the rest of our charming country," in his own words, DR. and MRS. JAM E S Frederick Vii. PearcE's, of East Colonel Pet e r c. Hyzer, COYLE, of Beacon hill, spent decor for the dinner dance they are MRS. WALTER SUNDAY. Standing: Jefferson avenue, will bow at he did have time to visit with some old friends in the District Engineer, USA Corps Easter at the Homestead, Hot giVIng on April 19. From their nimble MRS. SHIRLEY BRADY and MRS. a dinner on June 18 at the Pointe, of Engineers, will speak on Springs, ,va., with their chil- fingers .came these. poodles and 250 ' STANLEY EVATZ. Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. Detroit's exciting part in the Mrs. Robert Suczek and her son, Alex, our own, folk dren 'JAMES, JR., THOMAS Melinda Bates will be the development of the St. Law- balladeer, invited the English star for a quiet family and JULIE. ' ' . K' T 1 W. L-'t d I debutante of Juue 19 when she rence Seaway, • '. >I< ... M Iml enower to rave is 'presented at a tea at the dinner during his run at the Cass. Mrs. S. would loved lUnerS lS e Cocktails, courtesy of Mrs. SANDRA HALFORD, Grunyons Se't To Europe with Mercers Country Club by her patents, Charles ,B. Crouse and Mrs. to have asked a crowd of friends to meet Mr. Ritchard daughter of the' R. D. 'HAL- B B -d Cl b . . -, y rl ge U the Maxwell Bates, of Univer- Henry B, Joy, Jr., will be but he was exhausted from his trooping, with both 'act- FORDS of Harcourt road, was Concert Date Mimi Kenower, daughter of --- sit'y place, ' served preceding the subscrip- ing and directing chores on his shoulders. one of 18 junior women re- cently s~lected for member- The' Grunyou's annual pub- the John Lewis Kenowers. of. Gosse Pointe Me m 0 ria 1 Another to bow during the tion luncheon. The next meet-' Villa.ge lane, will meet a Ger- Center Bridge 'Club winners June seas;}n will be Mary The play went on to Chicago where Alex Suczek ac- ship in Mortar Board Society lic concert Ifor the Grosse ing will bt May 12:- companied Mr. Ritchard to catch up on news. He h~s in recognition of outstanding Pointe community at 'the War man family she has been cor- have been 'announced. Yeager, daughter of the Wil- known the famed Captain Hook of "Peter Pan" glory leadership, scholarship and Memorial Center will take res.pondin~ with t1'roueh the II M' h 31. N th d S thu liam L. Yeagers, of Meadow Save the Children Federation Mr arFc k'C or ' an dOM , lane, whose party will be a Officials at the Forest Lake since his school-boy days. service to the Univers.iiy of place Wednesday eve n i n g, . . . 's. ran 00 uage an rs. d t / Michigan. Miss Halford is a April 23, at 8:30. As usual, A Jumor at. Sl1uth, w~en Walter Ha es' Ma Hentgen gar. en. ~a.. Country Club, which will be lit * classes end tills June, MImi and I abel H~llin~ VIrgmIa McMIllan. daughter host to the Women's Open in * graduate of G r 0 sse Pointe everyone is invited without will sai,1with Gay Mercer and s _ gr.. of the James MoMil1ans, of June, are wondering whetl~"r Sun Bound Citizens . High School. charge.' her parents, the Edwin J, East and West: Flora Denis Rathbone place, will also be they ought to build a kennel Fortunate are the Pointers who have delayed their * • ... The Grunyons, as is '~mmon lV\ercers, of Washington road, and Jessie Cook; Helen Mc~l- making her debut. The Janu- for the meet. Reports from the Florida trek until now. The weather i~ delightful and MRS. 'DALLAS, E. NEW- knowledge, ar.e the Pointe's for a two month 'tour of the haney and Myrtle Hakne::...;, arius A. MuHens, of Washing- Southland indicate that many many are the sun tans seen on returning travelers. ' KIR~ 'road, entertained 12Wiffenpoofs. The group has Continent.' _ April 2: North and South, tqn road, have re?erved a date of the gals are taking their pet members of Kiwanis Guild No. 'lent its talents to neaTly every She will make a special visit Mr. and Mrs. Francis Christen- to present theIr daughter, dogs along with 'thein, It's the 1 for cocktails prior to lunch- musical and charitable event En route over the Easter week-end for Sarasota, Fla." to Buende, Germany,. to visit sen; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Michael Ann. thing to do this year, Last sea- were t~e Howard E. Bloods, Jr., of University place, to eon at the Grosse Pointe Yacht with which Pointers have been the German family and' their Veale. Eleanor Jacobso~ daughter, son it was extra-long cigarette Club la~t week.* ... • concerned over the past few visit his parents the senior, Bloods in their home there. two children. The travelers' . . , of the Charles Jacobsons, of holders. . 'II 1 t . M t C 1 East and West: Jackie Wll- ~- ----~---~------MISS PENELOPE EYRES years. Wi a so s op In on.e ar 0, d E H L The Bloods will meet his brother-in-law and sister, It 1 p. d B cox an mma arvey; or'" the J. NaIl Candlers, of Beverly road, who have been has been invited into the Sig-I The ~runy?ns sing for f~n a y, ans an russels be- " Hart and E I W. ma Sigma SigJ.lla,social soror- but theIr mUSicalstandards are fore returning home. ame ve yn lSe. South for some time. The Candlers will be'returning ity at West~rn Michigan Uni- t,ops. ~he members are mostly this week. versity, Ka]amazoo, as a mem- alumm of the best college glee Sien~ Heights Alumnae 'E S TAT E bel' of the pledge class. She is clubs in the country and are Handweaver1s Guild * * '" To Have Smorgasbord- Home F om T . a fl:eshman student. Penelope, easily some of the Poiutes Having Anniversary ALUMINUM r roplcs daught~r of DR. ALFRED E. most personable young gen- Home ,~n time to join the Easter parade were a l~rge EYRES, of Grayton road, is a tlemen. I The Detroit Handweavei"'s The recently formed Eastern contingent who have been cruising in the Caril:>beanl' _g~aduate of Grosse Pointe, To augment their usual pro. Guild will 'cel'ebrate its tenth Metropolitan Detroit Chapter Mr. and Mrs. J. Crawford Frost arrived at their Merri- HIgh School. gram of fun song:,:and collegoe anniversary on Friday, April of tht: S~ena ~eights A.l~e FLAGPOLE weather road home in time for the holida:'y.'ITl1ey have ...1'" * . tunes the Grunyons this year 11. at the International Insti- 1\sso~IatIon WIll have Its first . J . . ROBE E. SMITH IS one of have persuaded beautiful 'tal- tute 111 Kirbv Detroit meetmg, a smorgasbord, at St FOR LAWNS b een m amalca . 41 mt:m..t bers 0f th'e Men'Gs :l'lee ented and popular young Mrs. -' G 'ld" b-, _'. . doer1 uff 'S, Easan,tl d on Tues- " . .' . 'Cl b f th U' 't f ' Ul mem er:s are men an ..J~y at 7 0' lock A rnvmg sometIme thIS week WIll be the Herman u 0 e mverSl Y . 0 Henry (Bonnie) Klein to join -women of the 'Detroit metro- UICI. c. Wecklers, of Edflemont park. Thev have been sunning at fRoCnhester'lwlhONlyefton Aprhll 7 Grunyon George Wllson in politan area el.gaged in hand- Former students and alum- '-'. or anSVl e wereh t ey , .. . , Montego Bav with their dauohter Judy h 1'. ' , 'f" . smg~ng s~le,~tlOns from Can weaving and study of the craft nae, of the college who have ea)ily instaned • can be removed and v , b .) . • gave t e LlfSt 0 SIX.con'Cer~s Can in which they both starred and its, modern adaotations. not been personally contacted , taken apart quickly • anodized The A. GrIswold Herreshoffs, of Lmcoln road, l1ave to be pre~ented durrn1 theIr at Fine Arts this year. Here is Many members of the guild are urged to call Rosemary been making the tropical tour of San Juan and Florida 'annu~l SI?fIl~gto.ur. C?th~' p~o- a ch~nce for all those unlucky have had entries accepted in ,'D'Hooghe, 588 St. Clair ave- for longer wear • 15' and 20' watering spas and also are expected home momentarrly. ~ra;::;_ ~~. ~~I~~nO'~ a;;~:folks who couldn't get in. the the Michigan Artists ..Crafts- nue, TU 2-3867. poles in telescopic sections _ ' '. . . 'WI". ., I' 1ll", n, .. , packed house at Pl&yers to see men Exhibition' at the Detroit ------with 'pin stops. Another quartet who enJoyed a JamaIca vacatI,?'p' ashlll-?ton, D. ~., and Vest~l, this wonderful duo. Institute of Arts.' i • • r Complete:.with socket, were the R. T. J ohnsones, of Meadow lane and the Loins N#Y., Wlt~ the fmal concert m K 1 • ' Mrs. Laura B. Higbie Home . ., ' GloversvIlle NY 011 Aptil 12 ----~- Mrs.. Spau.dmg 6f the I 'Iylon rope, fittings, ba'lI Dahlmgs, of UmversIty place, who were headquartered Smith who i~ ~'freshman i~' Ship's Wheel; 'and Mrs. A. From .California Visits " - at Sunset Lodge. the son' of MR. and MRS.' R. Pi Beta Phi to M~rk, Pfleiderer of Lakepointe are .. an9 flog . . The Harry S. Goulds are stateside after a Caribbean E. SMITH, of Yorkshir~ rpad. Founders Day Monday among the Grosse Pointe area , Mrs. Laura B. Higbie, of 15'-$49.95 plus tax 'n d P 12)' members Edgemere road, i6 home from (Contl . 20'-$59.95 plus tax cruise , but Mrs. G. stopped over in Alexandria , Va. , fQr ue on age _ The Grosse Pointe Alumnae A panel'. of representatives. a round of West c;oast visits. larger steel poles available. (Continued on Page 15) DIG I Club of Pi Beta Phi Sorority from weaving guilds through- In Los Gatos, Calif., she was. eta amma A umnae will celebrate "Founders' Day" out the state discussing various the g u est of the John M. Prices on request. Meet at Scott's this COIning Monday evening aspects of weaving will supply, Bloorr:s and Mr. and M~. Miles ',:::",:: ,::':::::,::~,::t¥,:\:,::;:\ To Mrs. rs ___ at 8 o'clock at the home of the morning interest. StandIsh, former DetrOltf . ~ ...... w..,.,. ....""'-e.AfIo~..,..,,~ .. -_ ..... The alumnae of Delta Gam- Mrs. Donn Kipka, 1246 Ken- Miss Gail Redfeild, ]n- SI:e stopped in San Juan ma will meet on April 15 at sington. structor of fine-,arts at Pur- CapI, where she yvas the guest GIEO. P. JOHNSON CO. the Elm court home of Mrs. A special program has been due University will be the of the Cecil Hobbses and then Sherrod Scott at 8 o'clock. p '1 ann e d to celebrate the guest speaker at the afternoon went ~n to Pas.e~ena and San 233 E. FOREST AVE. • DETROIT • TE. 1.3211 Mrs. Fred Finkenauer, Jr., founding of the sorority. Mem- session of the day-long an- Fr-ancI?co to VISIt the Angus and Mrs. H. H. Wert, provipce bel'S in this area are urged to niversary celebration the C, WrIghts .. and . --~-~ ---,------secretaries, will be the guest contact Mrs, Kipka at TU. activities of the day will end I speakers. 2-2113 if they are able to come. with a tea.



.:", .. -.,/ .'.::.. margaret riee enselDble SAVE.! /

EARLY BIRD BEAUTY VALUE Cotton knit sweater with •• '. for your casual life, the , buttoll.loop closing. White, silk shirt ... the striped light blue, ~l1ow or ,red. 2.00 . bermudas .. , . accented withr Monday, Tuesday,. Wednesday ONLY Slacks with elastic back, _.- GIAI the cashmere sweater "broadfold" button front and white-gabardine side stripes. 3.95 vest. Added fash ion: Bernardo scandals, Fine quality cold wave including: Cotton knit sweater with " crew neck. White, light blue, yellow or red. 1.50 Silk Shirt 14.95 • test curls Girls) half~boxer shortS with 'Flannel shorts ...••. '.. 19..95 • haircut ."broadfold" button 'front and white gabardine side stripes. ,2.95 o cream shampoo Cashmer~' (Not shown) Boys' shorts with i ,. Sweater Vest ...... ,.25.00 • rinse elastic back, button tab front, . zipper fly;" back patch pocket Bernardo Sandals ..•. 9.95 • expert setting and white gabardine side stripe. 2.95 Sizes 3 to 6x. the same combination of. " services for which we 8.95* .\ ~. usuall){ charge 11,50. Mail 'and phone, 'orders filled OUTDOO'R SPORT SHOP Hudson's Eastland Beauty Solon (2nd FI.) / 4th Fioor-Coll DR 1-3232 GROSSE POINTE-Kercheval Ave. near CadieuX • TUxedo 2-3700' ' TU 1-7020 -styling room priceB alightly higher j..... \ : • \ " • 'lA' '. \. ,: ,' •• ' • :16 Kereheva I . ~. on the hill - , ' ~ ...... "...... -..--..--,-- I Of I n t. IS: f' .~., , • I " \,;" •• " ,,~~ ... '"'' .,.,', . ..~. '-r""., I , \ , •

Page Twefve G R 0 SSE POI NT E N E'W S '. Thursday, April 10, ItJ5S - , - \ Thursday, Ga~tlleredfroll'l All of the Pointes Society News o • ' J " Dance ClltSSes Holding Party Lowe-Cannon Vows . Short a,n d-to'the. Pointe Friday April 18 "rill be a this annual affair and has Saral red lette~ day for th~ 275 stu-! some special new ideas for the DANIEL D~ O'CONNER of. . dents in Aunt ,Marge c<.ndUncle refreshments and favors. Exchanged Monday Ridgemont road, a University 1)f Detroit philosophy student, '. < ,1~Mrs:WilHam 'Lowe ". ,Grandmothers Bill Wilson's six dan'ci.ng Bill Knicely's Melody Men . " ';'" '~ ' classes at t~e Grosse ~omte will play for the party whictl Heac 'lde Wears Wh'lte- Embroidered French Organdy was awarded a State College Sr ScholarshiJP 'for work on an , War MemoTla1. They WIll all will be M.C.'ed, of course, by Over. Pale Blue Taffeta for Monday Morning\ advanced degree at the 'Uni- Form Club convene at ?:30 p.m. on the Aunt Marge and Uncle Bill I Mr. and Mrs. Ceremony in St. Ambrose "Church versity 'of Michigan" it tWaS , Center's ~am Floor. for a Wilson. They invariably have Road, announced by the Horace H. E. h't f' th / P . t ' -t I gala party complete WIth orch- novelty dances and lots of Ig 0 e om e s m05~ estra refreshments, decora- . h o Two teachers at Lakeview Junior High School In Rackham School of Graduate fetching new grandmothers are . ' d f • : I games up theIr sleeves so t at : . . tlOOSan avors. 1 St. Clair Shores are spending their spring vacation ~n ~:~i~e o;v:~ed ~'no;~ba~~ ~j~ ":"';": .. :,(':." . ;::'X<:"':::'>+:~~':;;"~:' formi~g a new club' WhIChWIll Mrs George Hagen is in I everyone has a won de r f u Dr. Haro a wedding trip after 'their Monday morning marriage In of high scholastic standing in i me.et once a, month .for lunch- char ~ of aa'rangemenis for I time. . College, will ::.. ::'::,"':1,:''': ,~:' ..".:, :::i eon ond'sewmg on a layette. g St. Ambrose Church. ~ previous work at Michigan. ~ ~:::::A:" ',.:: "";" c.: him by the Sa Ruth Cannon, daughter pearl crown held her long illu- , '" '" Ill, ' ~::: '<'t:: :.: ",:<.r", .':::1 Mrs. James H. Quello held mittee of Deb '\;';' . ,1:' ::::r::,::,/ .. ,;::::,; the finst. session at her Berk- of the Lee A. Cannons, of sion veil. She carried stepha- Arriving home this' ~e:e.k i~ ;~, !.' .':',~.::'c :,: • Vance, Jr. of I Nottingham road, was mar- notis centered with a white from a vacation in Mexico will .1::i~:~'<::81:;:;1<:>':'::': ,~,:; shire. ,r~ad' home W~?ne~day Attending ~..~~}:.:.~;::'.".:~~~;:.':', ..;. and InVIted Mrs.' C~ement A. ried to William Lowe in a I orchid. be MRS. LESLIE P. McDOU- party. will 1: Pennell, Mrs. AlbQit Fraser, gown of hand-embroidered . The bride's s i s t e r, Mrs. GAL, JR., a:ld her daughter both present Mrs. Howard ParSO~$, l\4rs. white French organdy over Terence Glynn, of Indianapolis, THAYER, .of Lakeshore lane BIRMINCHAM H alumnae, edu Mike Huetter, MliS.William 'G. CROSSE PTE. 10~ ,,,'U St. SACINAW 1 pale blue taffeta. , was her matron of honor and home. • u "',doNI ~I 4 1l0i1 10'l S ,.ft"",. ~ ~ u;u'i:juo , 'lHal ~;' the Detroit aJ Her wedding dress was de- the bridesmaids were M1;s. III • '" Siebertl Mrs. Glenrf W~.lker to \...... ~,- - .. ''/ guests particu signed with a sweetheart neck- J oh~ c1annon,of Saginaw, sis- MR. and MRS. BRUOE MIL- and Mrs. Clarence Johnston to ter m aw of the bride> fnd join her. ed in educa line and short sleeves. The M - St nley Czech, of Chica,go. 'LER, of Fisher road, are ex-" • t fjfJ7" ==f/ ? arts. bouffant three tiered skirt fell rs. a pecting fo,rmer Pointers, MR. Mrs. Quello had a huge into a cathedral tr:tin and a They were gowned a~ike iI?- and MRS. JOSEPH OEMING, poster with a picture. of her Dr. Taylor '\ ------white organdy. accented with of Saginaw,' this week end as own baby granddaughter deck- ,- A~ ' pating in a 2 > blue at the hemlines and, house guests. lVIR. and MRS. ;.';: . ing her lawn t-o welcome the Wayne State "The College Cented pIlans seamed In that color. Their WILLIAM PORTER, of Hamp- '",";: new "Glamour Grams" and ,~ ~f'~ b 0 u que t s were of, spring ton road, wiU entertain for place cards at the luncheon _..J 'l" tff April 17-18 in Teens' Dance flowers. ' them' at supper Saturda~ eove- As:" table were certificates ofmem- Helen C. Whit John Thompson came from 'ning. ';,;, ..,... ,: /« .. :.,'::S ::::: her Idea was wrItten up b~ 0 lutionary Rumble". Seating the guests were Dr. '::1. )'./. .",': ,: ~:: .\ . Philosopher in honor of MRS WALTER :<:Mli:i"::« '.,'.t. " .;:"..•..•..\:,.:'::::it. ~: local newspaper columnISt. John Can non, the bride's • •....:<... ~:::-:~... ).:, ..:<;: ~", '::., ••.. .,'" ::::.:::;; "~;;_:_:':_::::;';':~:;:".. :-:.' ;~ Harold Taylor The reason: Well Paul Re- ~ r\ suit brother, anu Terence Glynn. KIRKBRIDE, MRS. eAR L .~;.~::::<,,:1(2: ,~:.:;;':;,>.:..','.',. ' '. ":::i:.... :,/ ':,':,),' ,',':"",;:;::!~. . , .~. '~'h}1 She says ma?y glamou~ :grand- rRt~~~~~~e dent of Sarah vere made his famous ride the blouses that wash in a ICL E M.E N T am.d MRS. W~:t:':\::., ""<{:>"" .> . ": ,." ...•.. ), ... "' ..'1. '.:....;,:..!1~,..,,:'$< mas are anXIously awaItmg the lege for 13 yE night before and the Battle Following a reception at the wink, need no Whittier the newlyweds left CliARLES HARTER, all of !:;;::i.:~"~:;~,,... '::" /:i c,>i.;~:':')'" ,;"."~;':Y(':.,. " " .• ' ;:,,;.\ttl{:::+);}.:~:JJ!( birth of t?ek fir~t.grand,:h~ld Ll appointment t< of Lexington occurred on the Y././AC ironing, with a 19th of April 1775. They are on a short trip. For traveling Toledo, and MRS. JOHN WIN- r<':,.:. ,~~,.<:,:: .. ":,».,//'~:H./.':." .' . ',:,'.,.:X'~/:.. ~ :'.~::: so theY.~lll ~e elIgIble to Jom. .y 1 monogrammed touch 1ftl.e age of 30, even going to have punch with the bride wore a blue and G~TE '..apd MRS. PATRIC~ :it w:~.. . ,0<:', •••••, •••'•• <.>,.:,~,::;,':rc).\, ,>;,:>.<:t::':~ The waIting 1I:sthas ~ormed! to spice Spring lor. has becOl PETTENGILL, both of PontI~ f."::::/, ..':\.' "., .. ,. :',.'" < ,':',::i.;.,••;;",..",..::,..,:•.,:,;.•.;<.:.,:."".~,..' :"{" ..': :::,.>:,." a tea base in memory of a white tweed suit with navy costumes. Arly cl)lor spokesman ic certain little affair in Boston accessories. They will live in ac. III 4< 11 At a Monday morning ceremony In St. Ambrose monogram on white. some yecrs ago, St. Clair Shores: Church RUTH CANNON, daughter of the. Lee A. Club Hotel in NaPles on the 3-4 week delivery. HARRY, J. •LOYND, of Neff Cannons, of ottingharil road, became the bride of Gulf are MRS. J 0 S E P H 30 to 38. Jewel neck John Nicholson "-is chairman N blouse. Mono, 8.95, ROCKI of the dance with Karen Hub- road, -CARL JOHNSO:ij, of Mr. Lowe, son of the Melvin B. Lowes, of Amery, Miss.' SHERER, of Rodge road, and Windmill Pointe drjve, and - Plain 695 Peter Pan bard in charge of decorations; ELIZABETH alnd SA L L Y r~ Collar blouse Marion Clarke, Jerette Kulaya Ibex to Meet CHES B. LARSEN, of Park STAHL, of Buckingham road, Mono. 7.95, Plain 4.95 RA,t la~e, have left for the IIlIterna- MR. and MRS. EDWARD A. The SEABOURN R. LIV- and Poly Kammex on pub- with their parents, the HAR- On mail orders add 3% Stat;. Custer 1 'licity; Kit Skeen on the door At Institute tional F.air at Brussels. BAUMANN, of Lochmoor INGSTONES, 0 f Lakeshore LOW STAHLS. • tax .25 Postage. Sorry no C.O.J committee; Keith Helms on III 'Ill • boulevard, have as their house road, have returned from a i AREAL Ibex w~il hold a general refreshments; Judy Sattelmeir CHARLom and ANN E guests their son aI}d daughter- month in Vero Beach end Del- RANCH meeting Friday, April 18 at inviting cnaperones; and Ted arrived from the Con- in-law,. MP": and MRS.' $D- ray, Fla. FOR BOYS 1:30 o'clock at the Detroit In- FORD , Grosse Pointe Harris in charge of clean up. vent ~f. the Sacred Heart, WARD A. BAUMANN, JR., of . '" . Age 9 to lS stitute of Arts., Ann Arbor. All Poi n t e teen-agers in N'.o,r'o ton, Conn., to spend MRS. THOMAS P. ARCHER Will i a m Wolfenden will -Ill • • June 28 thr grades 9-12 of the public, pri- Easter and this week with • " • talk to the- members on the and ELIZABETH, of Kerche- ....--. • vate and parochial schools their parents, MR. and MRS, • Verrocchio-Leonardo panel in The .H. GRANT ILERS,' of val avenue, have returned PRIYAI are cordi;Jly invited to this HENRY FORD II, of Lake- Fair Lake lane, have i!1st re- .1 the gallery. from a West Indies cruise. Y~.'"\. :. RIDING-H< dance which is a couples only shore road. turned from a three week va- I Preceding. the lecture there III • • affair. Al Ross' orche~ra will cation in Florida and Nassau. • HORSE TR play until l~ p.m. The dress will be a luncheon at 11:45 • • • MR. and MRS. THOMAS F. \ ,'. ;. TRAIL RID III • • MR.' and MRS. LESTER F. t 'CROSSE pr[ 81RMINCHAII SACINAW is casual. ~t l1h~ PJ:l~k Shelton 5()~L GIBSON announce the birth 10~'I..,(t s: ;. PACK TRIf RUWE, of Willow lane, re- U ."'...... 1114.1100 10'l1 ....,~",.. ~ The .boaUng season at the of 'a daughter, SAN DR A \..... TlVVI• 71" rt 2 S"1 (. turned home from New Or- ~ 1"::..... _ , _.I' :. CALF ROF Grosse Pointe Yacht Club was LYNN, in Baunholder, Ger- =? I leans' last week in time to offidally begun on Thursday, '. SWIMMINI many, on April 7. The mother • BOATING prepar.e .an Easter egg hunt April 3 at ~:40 p.m. wiih the twho is the former SUZANNE • FISHING for their g~an'dchildren, ANNE, arrival of the first boat, the SLIMON) is the daughter of JIMMY and MARY SCRIPPS. "Cissie", 42-foot cruiser own- MR, and MRS. ALBERT J. • • CANOETF Also 'in on the party were ed by PAST COMMODORE A. SLIMON. oJ Maison road. BOOK SHOP • I • BASEBAll MR. and MRS. JAMES. E. • ARCHERY R. MOTSCHALL. Vacationing at the Beach • w, SCRIPPS III and MISS VIR- 'I! GINIA DEVOY. APRIL RECORD i ROCKIN III . ... '" Mr. P. H. MRS. JOHN H. POTTER SPECIALS • CUSTER. ~ and MRS. ANDREW D. bandana HOTCHKISS, of Lakepointe Fine ,Services by Valente NORMAN LUBOFF avenue, will be moving soon ~ I CHOIR 319 to McKinley avenu~ th.e for- Reg- 3.98,NOW ••. lined, .. mer home of the RuBERT G. re!Jl'lling ieweler~ visit OUI SMITHS, who are moving to 'of OKLAHOMA Our Classic "Villager~ Riverside, Conn. runCOU kttps you dry '" SOUND TRACK. '3'8 . . ,.em'ottnling iewe~ and repairtJ .Reg. 5.'8. NOW. _. in I cloudburst or warm MR. and MRS. WILLIAM E. on breay days.. Water IMHOFF, of West Em 0 y '. r JONAH JONES repellent cotton poplin court, have been entertaining fine walch repair6 • coat in natural only lined MRS. ~TANLEY S. SAYRES, and clock Reg. '3.98 319 - of ~eattle, Wash. Mrs. Sayres NOW ...•...... • - with red bandana. ,Fly - stopped off here en route home . front, slash pockC'ts. I New! Expert diamond setting done right in our 1812 OVERTURE from Europe. store before your eyes. It's a new ond appre- Si~cs a to 16. • Ill"'. 90 MRS. JOHN VEECH and ciated service. ~~W~.~~.... ~.... 3 coat 22.95 I, her son, DOUGLAS, of Lake- matchins hat 2.95 land:, avenue, and the ALEX- ANDER LaP 0 IN T E S, of 19459 Mack Ave. Trombley road, are vacation- VALENTE JEWELRY I r ing af :th~ Homestead i~ Hot Open Fri. T,ill 9 p.m. Springs, Va. • ...... 1660 I" E. Jr/arren, at Kensington TU 1-1239 MR and MRS. JOHN C. FREEPARKING TU. 1.4800 POTTER, of. Oloyerly . r 0 a d, .. entertained at a cocktail party -= Saturday night b e for e the -- Little Club dance.

~MteoAt belYUUk AJ ~i ~ lIJV ~' FOR SUMMER! VE'RY "'A f '~ 00 , ." "'.-. l ~ t IRVING- .; j i I -our: dresses of unerring good t",stes! A whole wide, wonderful collection / ' of enchantingly feminine, Creates a toi infinitely jVearable dresses- pink border; letting._$ . all designed for your busy social life, for many a season's wear.

\ YOU'VE FOUND IT AT LAST! Tested proven ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TOO! Thisnew fabulous complete slenderizing that's for keeps ••.• we'll sienderizing doe. NOT DEMAND the impossible slim-trim you and keep you that way this year. • • in time or money-the ,days of steam baths ..• One from a n~ year ••. every year. ( massage ••• dull exhausting exercise or starvation collection in I: TELL US THE SIZE YOU WANT'TO BE! We'll .. diets are gone, instead we'll sli'!l.trim you in this ,. - ~. do the .rest! Weight down ••• ' posture corrected NEW SAFE SCIENTIFIC MANNER •.• BEST YET! both stores, ; • •. curveS where you want them for keeps. Slenderella gives as it takes away ••. it gives from $65.00 YOU'LL NEVER BE HUNGRY! With amazing" 'pl~asure while It whittles middles ••• belittles Slenderello's, vitamin pa~ked, slenderizing, mint- hips. , • IT'S REALLY WONDERFUL •• , ~HO,NE o ~pound from medical formulas in SlenC;lere!la's SLENDERELLA ••• YOU WILLLOVE BEINGSLENDER. research laboratories .. FREEl! ' • Trial treatment ,. , • I and figure. analysis. • I I • • • • \ slenderella@ r INTERNATIONAL Phone now. ~ • . ~ Open: 9:00 to 5:00 Mon,day through Friday. Ciosed Saturdays. ~~

112 KERdHEVAl AVEf'WE, Gr:osse Pointe Farms, Michigan, .•• ~••••••••.••••• '•• , •... ,TU'2-4662 263 PIERCE STREEIr, Birmingham, Michigan , ~.~ ~, .. MI 6.8500' .. -. III CtlARLE EASTLAND CENTER CONCOURSE-EASTLAND CENTER, Detroit, Michigan, ~.•. : •. ; ..•... ~•• ; ,DR 1-3500 J ! VI 527 DAVIO STOTT BLDG., Detroit, Michigan , ~ WO 1-1872 • 31 E. Adams. WO 1.5'126 WRlTon-PlfRCf 15749 GRAND RIVER ROAD, Detroit, Michigan : YE 8.9110 /.-- '82 Kercheval. Grosse Ptfe.• TU 4. 3880 1520 '\ BC.9 COMMUNI1'Y CONCOUR$E-NORTHLAND CENTER, Detroit •.Mich EL 6-2272 ... GROSSE POINTE ••• KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR .' 6487.89 SCHAEFER .ROAD, DearbOrn. Michipn ..'. ~'•. :"~•• , •• : LU 4-8550 ...... tJ6,M:1


I I - " ..

, • 7 7 SF? 7 n s F 7 I , , , I l l , I I + • f 1 l 1 • , , , J , ) t t r I I I" ' I' ( I

Men -hid! Head to Talk Here The COllege Women's Club May 17 for Rites , by will mark its. twenty fifth an- Bill Mr. and Mrs. Jo~e'ph A. Vance, Jr., of South Deeplands niversary with a tea at the Will Wed Paul Toohey in Grosse Pointe Memorial !1aVe Road, Will Be Hosts at a Reception for Trombley road home of :Mrs. :; of John R. Pear, on Friday, April Chapel with Families Attending; Pair Will Make Dr. Harold Taylor on April 16 lB. ' Home in Carriage House in Maumee Avenue' Dr. H~rold Taylor, president of Sarah Lawrence The evening group of the Joan Wick Henry and Paul Toohey have redeco- C?llege, Will be the guest of honor at a reception given cluJ,) will meet Wednesday, rated a charming carriage house on Maumee avenue h~ by the Sarah Lawrence Alumnae and Parents', Com- April 23 at the Lincoln road which will be their first home when they return from Ihome of Mrs. Perry TeWalt, mIttee of Detroit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. their wedding trip. 4) Vance, Jr. of South Deeplands road on April 16 Miss Louise _Anderson, .from Attending the cocktail~' . the Grosse Pointe Garden Cen- The couple will exchange and Mrs. Angus Goetz, of. ter, will discuss "Planting vows at an intimate family Lewiston road, will entertain party will be parents of ideas in education ~nd through Your Garden in the Spring." at a cocktail party. both present students and his bo~ks, his articles, speeches ceremony in the Chapel of ()If Grosse Pointe Memorial Mrs. Cyril Edwards, of Pro- alumnae, educators fro m aI).d television appearances, I InStead a monthly meet- Church with a small re- vencal road, will be hostess at the Detroit area and other has contributed widely to cur- ing the four thirty group will ception -to follow at the a tea for the bride - elect guests particul~ly interest- rent. educational theory and meet lor a dessert bridge Fri- day; April 25 at 7 o'clock at toward the end of the month. ed in education and the practIce. . bri4e's home ~n May 17. arts Before cQmmg to Sarah I the West Davison avenue home Another cocktail party is be- . Lawrence, President Taylor of Mrs. Joseph Corns. Miss Henry is the daughter ing planned by B ern h a r d ~r. T~yl<>r will be particl- taught philosophy for six of Mrs. Wick Henry, of Neff Stroh IV L"1 his Rivard boule- The 2 o'clock group wiIl play road, and her fiance is the vard home and the Victor patmg m a sy~posi~ at ye.ars at the University of bridge Monday, April 28 be- Wayne State Umversity on WIsconsin. He is the author son of Mrs. John J. Toohey, Taylors h a v e also invited ginning at 12:30 o'clock in the of Wilton, Conn. guests to cocktails in their "The College Professor" on of "On Education and Free- club room in the Hotel Tuller. April 17-18 ~ com~y with dom" and editor of "Essays in Dessert and tea will be served Parties for the bridal pair Lakeland avenue home to Helen C. WhIte, presIdent 00 Teaching." 'by Elsie Conkey. will begin April 19 when Dr. Ihonor the pair:. the. ~erican Association of Mrs. JosephA. Vance, J'1"., re- U~llversity Professors, David ception hostess, is area chair- Rlesman, author of "The Lone- man for the Sarah Lawrence ly Crowd/' Norbert Wiener, Parents' Committee, formed end other noted educators. to enable parents in Detroit Philosopher and educator to keep close touch with prog- Harold Taylor has been presi~ ress and activities at the The gay spirit of the fair is abroad elephant booth and a garden shop to' • dent of Sarah Lawrence Col- Bronxville, N. Y., college for at Mason School during these vacation name just a few of the surprises in lege for 13 years. Since his women. days for the Carnival committee is store for'Carnival visitors. Working on 'appointment to that post at Mrs. Robert J.' Schneck, of the age of 30, President Tay- V:0I~aireplace, mother of Vir- preparing for an evening of games and the fair are left to right:-MRS.~LLS- lor has become a leading gmla, a Sa r a h Lawrence goodies Friday, April 18 from 7 to 10 WORTH ALLISON, MRS. OWEN D. david or';f~taf~ spokesman for progressive sophomore, will assist Mrs. o'clock. Television's famous Captain !v1URRAY, chairman; MRS. CLARE . Vance at the April 16 recep- J-olly will be on hand to greet the DOLL, Mason 4th grade teacher; ~and ~ tion. kiddies and there will be baked goods, MRS. LEON P. SANKER. elegant c!a6~ic .. Alumnae hostesses at the picnic and barbeque supplies, a white ROCKIN "R" reception will be Mrs. John Bayne, of University place, RANCH '- Mrs. Frank Moran, of Uni- President and Mrs. Griswold • • • beige with black, red with navY, Yale Offering Forum to Grads will be honored at a reception Custer Michigan versity place, and Mrs. !fen['y M. Woodhouse, of Cadieux at the end of the day. ToaSt- powder blue with navy, emerald green A REAL road. master for the dinner meeting This will be Dr. Taylor's Yale University will stage ing in Cleveland, Ohio. In will be Frank O. H. WilliamS, with black. Sizes 8 to 16. RANCH 1955, the Yale "caravan" went FOR BOYS fourth official visit to Detroit another of its unusual annual of Hartford, Connecticut, na- during his ca~:eer as president "b ran c h" classrooms this all the way to Los Angeles and tional chairman of the Yale .... personally yours with a distinctive Age 9 to 18 Sa.n Francisco. In 1956 Chi- of Sarah Lawrence. In Janu- month-this time in Detroit, Alumni Board. monogram .• ~ free-hand sketched .•• June 28 thru August 23 ary, 1956, the president and for Yale alumni living in the cago was visited and last year Talks during the morning Aignes de Mille, famous chore- area and their wives. "twin" meetings were held in the embroidery, of course, is applied in ographer, were honored by A group of 14 top faculty Philadelphia and Washington. session wi'll be given by Elias PRIVATE LAKE Clark, Associate Professor of • RIDING-HORSEMANSHIP alumnae. and parents at a re- members and administrative The Detroit verslvn of the our own workrooms. Complete with ception at the Grosse Pointe men fvr Yale, headed by Pres- annual "caravan" has been Law; the Rev. Julian N. • HORSE TRAINING Harrt, Professor of' Philoso- monograrn .••...•.._ 39..95 • TRAIL RIDING Hunt ClUib. .ident and Mrs. A. Whitney titled "The Yale Exposition" and all meeting~ will be held phical TheOlogy; Dr. Vernon ;. PACK TRIPS- RODEO Dr. Taylor will be staying Griswold, will arrive in De- at the Park-Shelton Hotel on troit on Friday evening, April in Detroit's Sheraton-Cadillac W. Lippard, Dean of the Yale .• CALF ROPING April 15, 16 and 17. 18, and the meetings will be Hotel. General theme of the Medical S c h 0 0 1; Professor • SWIMMING in session all day Saturday, meeting is "Education for an Lloyd G. Reynolds, Chairman • BOATING of the Yale Economics Depart- Northeastern Woman's April 19. Industrial Society in a Chang- • FISHING ing World." ment; and Harold G. Cassidy, Club to Meet April 14 . The Detroit .g~thering is b~- Associate Professor of Chemis- • CANOE TRtPS During the morning session • BASEBALL Northeastern Woman's Club mg sp~nsored Jomtly by Yale s try. • will meet April 14 at 1:30 Alurnn~ Boar~ ~nd the ya~e five Yale professors will speak • ARCHERY o'clock in the church parlors AlumnI ASSOCIatIOnof MIChl- on "What contributions .:10 the Norman S. Buck, Yale Pro- Write skills we teach make to an vost, will moderate the after- t St Ph'l' d St S' h gan. Wendell W. Anderson, ROCKIN "R" RANCH a . . 1 lp an . .ep en \ DetrOI't' Indust'rIal'IS.t and mem- industrial society, and what is noon session ,for which panel- Mr, P. H. McAleenan Eplscopal Church. A program b of th Y I CI f 1922 . t' d t' . er e a e ass 0 , our challenge?" During the ists will be Basil D. Henning, CUSTER, MICHIGAN on m envr €'Coramg VillI be. Ch' f th Al . 76 Kercheval •• ~onthe hill offered IS aIrman 0 e umru. afternoon a panel discussion . Board Committee on Regional will highlight the processes of Associate Professor of His- Meetings. Chairman of the selection and education of stu- tory; Arthur Howe, Jr., Dean TU 1-7020 Detroit meeting is B. Court- dents at Yale. of Admissions and Student ney Rankin, Detroit attorney, Charles M. O'Hearn, Assist- Appoin~1l1ents; and Delaney visit our china department on 2nd floor Yale Class of 1936. ant to the President of Yale, Kiphuth, Director of Athletics. The idea of "branch" class- will speak at a luncheon and rooms for regional alumni President Griswold will ad- The morning and afternoon meetings originated in 1954 dress the Yale Alumni after a sessions will be open to the with a highly successful meet- cUnner in the evening. I public.

Tomorrow: Fair or Rainy

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Thursday, April 10. 8i~miftgham Whatever the weath~r, wear a Macintosh ... its weightlessness Friday, April 11. Gro,•• Point. makes it perfect for sunny days a'nd its water-repelency is re- liable. Tailored in the classic Enalish tradition., it is' available in a' handsome tan or Dover sand ••. at ~2.50. The Lady' - .Macintosh is 32.95 •

CHARLES w.WARREN & COMPANY JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS .Proper's, • 1520 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD Kercheval .t .Sf. Clairs-Grosse Poinf. Detroit 26, M1chlgoD-Te~phone~o 2~161-Store Hours10:00until5:00 Between Notre Dame and Cadieux, Gro~se Pointe ••• TUxedo 2-7230' "

" \' '.

_____ ~ e.. _ __ ellille IIIiI.S_l.rllr ••_.r •• •• -.l••••••••••••• •••• s -••• nm••• '.s••••••••• .Jl ,~~--- , ' ,.... I t2!!lQ&4 ',W ,_4) J " I iI, t, ., . '. , 1 r'" ,... , '. , F I I I ", I, I I 1- / p

• Page Fourteen Thursday, April lOt 1958' Society NewsGa thered from All of tIle ~Pointes Boat Cl 't L '..h Dykemas .Have .Return from Cruise ,Single Adults , Ub 0 aunc Easter Reunion To Have Danc.e PanhellE~nicplans I Cam~ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. The Center Club of the Season with Dinner. Dykema entertained at a fam- Grosse Pointe War Memorial Spring Luncheon. ily reunion dinner 'nn' Easter is holding its regular monthly By Si in their Lothrop' road hOme. dance for all single Grosse SaturdaYt April 19 Will Open the New Season at Club Here from C,hardon, 0., .'were Pointers and their friends this Over 350 Sorority VVomen are Expected to Attend Friday evening, Apl'il 11 at 9 With ~ala partYi on WednesdaYt April 1b 'Ladies their, son and daughter~in-iaw, , , Annual Party at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club April 17; o'clock. ' . ColJection DE! W,ll Meet at Club for Spring Luncheon the Raymond K. Dykernas; Jr. History Professor to Speak with Kate, Kryn and Sam. . With the end of lent' and the Members to ~~e I?etroit Boat Club will toast the spring season Also at the dinner were the coming ofspring a big crowd .The Detroit Panhellenie Association annual spring is expected. The storm winM Orthopael a~ a. Spnl?g Launch!ng" party Saturday, April 19, be-. John Dykemas with. Mary, luncheon will be held at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club John and Peter and- Dr. 'and dows are off and the balcony gl~nm~ wIth co~ktalls at 7:30 o'clock and continuing on Thursday, April j7, at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. William Beginnjn~~ wIth dmner and dancing. ' Mrs Laurie Dickson with Ray- overlooking the lake will be Dickey, Kappa Delta, chairman, and Mrs. Kent Silloway, Sigma Camm! Centering the hors d'oeu-~ mond. and Craig~ open, There'll be. strolling in Mr. and Mrs.:Jere H. the floodlit gardens, too,' if the Chi Omega, co-chairman, except 350 sorority women tn clothes for tb vres table will be a shri~p I ding rain'drops on an arrange- Dykema could not come from wea tIter cooperaies. attend. -----.------their families. b~at ca~ved from blue Ice. ment of hyacinths. Miniature Washington because they are It will be' Bill Knicely's Mrs. Roy Peters, Anita; Mrs. This year's Tmy saIl and power boats umbrellas and flowers will "A New Look at Old the parents of a new daughter, band playing again. with reM Europe" is the title of the Louis Neuder, Fairholme; and to start with will float among the greens deck each table in the dining Martha Clark, born March 24. freshments'served at cand'elit Mrs. Eltorl Turner, Norton speech that will be given cleaning, is i l on each table in the dining room. The new mother is the form- tables, at intermissiOn time. Court. rection of ]\ room :.'. er Annette Shelden, daughter Gome early and. stake out' a by the guest speaker, Dr. . ,.' .. , I M:-s. RIchard B. Decker IS Margaret Sterne, Professor Mrs. F. W. Dettling, Wash- Churchill, of . r I .n , and MIS. A.lued E. makmg arrangements for this of Mrs. Serge Daniloff, of table for youFself and. your ington Road; Mrs. Howard Whittier road. party. ~ )f History at Wayne State Various S HI.llenbrand are chaIr~nen at ladies bridge luncheon assisted S i m 0 n, Buckingham; Mrs. th~s party and on t?eIr com- by Mrs. Philip N. Buckminster, University, and winner of members hav. Louis Charvat, AliaI'd; Mrs. mJttee are the DavId Mccar-, Mrs. Maurice D. James, Mrs. last' yea r s outstanding homes into I: Charles DeMars, Hollywood; rons, Dr. and. Mrs. Ralph Ronald H. Pepin and Mrs. 'Y' Workshop Service Award. Church Group Mrs. G. P. Gessell, Lakeshore pots to facili1 ( Burke, the CecIl Shuerts and. Robert G. Warmbold. Mrs. Edward Ostroski, Kap- ering of the c. Dr. and Mrs. John Pendy, Road; Mrs. Arthur Bartholo- Held tii Center pa Delta, a member of the To Hear Talk. mew, Washington Road; Mrs. In Grosse p( Planning to attend are the' ~!'s. R. E. Anslow is ente:r- Detroit Doll Collectors Club, R K. W e ~c,h 1i, Provencal Bockstanz, Mrs Richard W. Allens the John Ii tammg a party from the Pointe Mrs. James Graves will Some 50 women' from the is in charge of table decora- Road; Mrs. James Vaughan, ton, Mrs. Bru S. GoodITlans:the D.'R. Abbeys, which includes Mrs. Watson Grosse Pointe and St. Clair tions. Carrying out Dr. Sternes the D. W. Millers, the A. John I.Beach., Mrs, Albert Law, Mrs. speak to the sewing group of McKinley, and Mrs. J. C. Wil- Mrs. Frederid Ed R the Women's Association of S h 0 l' e s area attended a topic, 14 inch dolls will center Cuttings and Dr. and Mrs. WIn oss, Mrs. Floyd th G . . liams, Grayton Road, are more. handle the c(. "YWCA membership work- each iable dressed in clothes Edward F. Eldredge. Stcaith, ~rs. Paul G. Hykes, e. rosse Pomte ~emonal shop" luncheon, Wednesday. Elsie DuCharm . - Mrs. Remmgton J. Purdy and Church Tuesday, AprIl 15, at representing National Co s- Others include Mrs. Stuart Indian Village Others WIll be Mr and Mrs. M M f d Wh'tt' h ' 1.15 pm April 2, at the Grosse Point" tumes of Foreign Countries. George, McKinley Road; Mrs. . H J M . rs. an re 1 mg am. . '.. . Clement Penro George . ury, r. and Mrs. ; I Her subJects for dIscussion War Memorial. James Quello, Berkshire; Mrs, Other members of the com- ham and Mrs. G. H. Bobertz, Jr., Mr. and, Others from here planning; are "The Need for a Constitu- • Mrs. Wallace Brownson wa9 mittee include the following Philip Ramsvall, Mea d 0 W Grosse ne. Mrs. A. W. Hanigan, Mr. and' to attend are Mrs. Robert tional convention to Revise or chairman, assisted by Mrs. PanheHenic delegates: Mrs. Lane; Mrs. William Curtis, On April l/. Mrs. Charles E. Sweet and Mr. : Palmer, Mrs. Robert Brines, Replace the Constitution of the ,MR. and MRS. MAURICE WOOD, of Meadow Leonard Slowin, who is co- Raymond Gustafson, Alpha 'forry Road; Mrs. E. P. Robert- . Sigma Gammc. and Mrs. Sheldon L. Drennan. Mrs. Bruce Reynolds, Mrs. State of Michigan' Written in lane, po~d onthe deck 6f the SS Homeric just before chairman of membership. Sigma Alpha; Mrs. Henry son, Barrington Road; Mrs. regular spring It will be raining in the Frank Bidigare and Miss Dor- 1908," and "How Delegates they sailed from New York on a Caribbean cruise. Guest speaker was Miss An- Dunlap, K3.ppa Kappa Gam- Joseph Black, McKinley; Mrs. Grosse Pointe club lobby on Wednesday, othy Case. ' Should be Selected for the Their ports of call included St. Thomas, Curacao, King- netta B. Eldridge, Met- ropolitan Ex e c u ti v e Direc- ma; Mrs. T. E. Blakley, Chi Louis Marick, Merriweather; Reports on the April 16, whatever the weather I ------Constitutional Convention." ston, Port-au-Prince and Havana. They were away two tor of the YWCA in Detroit Omega; ~md Mrs. Robert Jami- Mrs. Ned Macaddino, Elford will be made. outside, for that is the day of Nearly 800 Michigan high Registere~ voters will have I weeks. Miss Eldridge spoke of "The son, Alpha Chi Omega, Court; Mrs. E. R. Bunn, Fisher Main busine~ the "April Showers" bridge i school students are expected to t,he opportunity to vote on this changing times and continual Road; Mrs. Angus McGarvah, ing will be sho: luncheon. : attend The Un i v e r sit y of question at the November 1958 Reservations have already need for the YWCA in our Duval; Mrs. Willard F. Smith, seniors, Bet s . As guests enter they willi Michigan's all-state music and election. been received from Mrs. A. O. DYC Reveals Spring Parties community." She also stressed Colonial Road; Mrs. J(4hn B. find a colorful umbrella shed-I drama program at Interlochen. Mrs. Graves has a master's A. Schmidt, Lakecrest; Mrs. IF'I3IEI ~II:: ------d e g r e e in political science the theme: "The YWCA builds E. J. Lonn, University Place; Millis, University Place; Mrs. 1 It will be a tropical evening D. Dietiker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul that YOU-th may 00 served.' William Coddington, Notting- from'the Ur-iversity of Minne- Friday at the Detroit Yacht Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mrs. L. P. Gepford, Westches- sota. She is active in the Defer Campaign workers from the ter road; Mrs. M. A. Hollins- ham; Mrs. Stanley W, Smith, Club with Hawaiian posters, G. Marr, Mr. and Mrs. T. Guy Grosse Pointe area include. UPPER MACK CLEA,NERS P.T.A., is an active member of head, Meadow Lane; Mrs. Mil- Chalfonte; and Mrs.' Helen ~ Q-;~ fishing nets, grass skirts and McNaron and Dr. and Mrs. Mesdames Edgar Hahn,. Rich. the League of Women Voters, l a I' d Toncray, Buckingham; Ball, Linville. Says an outrigger canoe decking the Edwin H.Fenton. ard Stoner, Ward Detwiler, a and an active member of the THY/il ballroom. Nex1t Tuesday the club will Frederick Schumann, Donald Grosse Pointe hranch of the ID. SHOE COMP) "Wait by Your Phone!" Floral leis will be offered be fashioned as April in Paris Yongyear, S tan ley Plopa, American Association of Uni- to the ladies who arrive with for the ladies bridge luncheon Harry Breitenback, Frederick 16633 You may be called 'sQon versity '~omen. their escorts for the dinner and fashion show. m Slocum, George Schemm, Wil- E. WARREt-. All interested women of the dance. The menu shows an is- Small easels with paintings liaill Quinn, Lynden A. Rues- on your Dry Cleaning WE NEVER SAY NO BETWEEN community who would like to land influence too, with a first will center the tables and an tel', M. J. Sturtevant, Karl M. SAVE for One Year! be better informed on this course to be served in a coco- CADIEUX & Prompt Pick-up and Delivery artist will be on hand m the Sims, George Moore, Fred ~ Modern, efficient cleaning methods used vital issue are urged to ~ttend. nut shell, fresh pineapple and repl'ica of a sidewalk cafe to Bankerd, Frederick Pearce Jr., . TO AN UNUSUAL RISK ~ ~ OUTE: DRI See Page 20 a hula gelatine salad. sketch the guests. James Keena,H. J. Quinn, Ed- Mrs. Carl R. Habermas is On the party committee are 18500 Mack, at Cloverly TU 2-8120 I St. Clair of Montefetlco win N. Peabody, William E. I the entertainment chairman Mrs. Harry B. Oliver, Mrs. Chase and Miss Gertrud. To Give Farce April 16 responsibli! for the tropical Austin Z. Howard, Mrs. Joseph Schwarz. m 19360 party. On her committee are A. Schoenith and Mrs. Jo~.eph rn LIVERNOIS The Young Adult Club of St. the Hen ryE. Grewes, the A. Vanderweghe. Grand Marais Garden CARPET & Clare of Montefalco Church Clyde F. Centerses and the , Among the honor gues~ will PRIDE' FURNITURE will give a farce "Hot Bis- George L. Petersens. be Mrs. Charles S. Thomp- Club to Have Panel ARTHUR J. ROHDE EJ .AND ~OWP.ANY .. CLEANERS I quits," on Wednesday, April Among those with reserva- kins, Mrs. Louis C. Miriam 16 in the Shrine of the Little tions are Commodore and Mrs. and J e a n Paul Despartmet, The Grand Marais Garden 5th FLOOr. Cash & Carry Flower. Charles S. Thompkins, Vice wife of Detroit's French con- Club will meet Monday at 1 ~ MUTUAL Commodore Fred C, Jenson sul. . o'clock at the Cloverly road m BUILDING 20~o Off Lots of people make things and Rosemary Erdman, Rear Also attending will be Mrs. home of Mrs, Robert Kerr, Jr. go as far as possible-some Commodore and Mrs. Alfred F. Calvin J. Gauss, Mrs. Herbert There will be tea and an 2711 East Jefferson, Detroit 7 Mich. LO 7-6100 informal panel on flower ar- EST even stretch the truth. I Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lout, Mrs. Stewart A. W 28: Wheeler, Mrs. F. J. Konbracki, ranging. fil. ADAM;; Mrs. Vincent M. Keyes, Mrs. Les! ==:::E C h a r I e s A. Oakman, Mrs. RE.UPHOL5TERING George R. FitzSimons, Mrs. Andrew Sindelar and Mrs. and Pierre MO'ls. Livj~9 Room Furniture * Custom M~de to Order, In Our Own Factory St. Columba Guild i0 Have Dessert Party Cleaned und Mothproofed in Your Home INTERIOR C/ . FREE People who. live in glass houses••• DECOR,~TORS Journier ESTIMATES Rugs Picked up and Guaranteed and The Young Woman's Guild Delivered Insured CUSTOM FURNITURE CO. of St. Columba Church will Est. 1928 give a dessert party' and silent II!IIIIII!II'!II! free Estimate TUxedo 5-5700 10615 Cadieux , 16421 HARPER AVE. auction on Thursday, April 17 SHOP AT CALICO CORNE RS at 7:30 o'clock in the Parish llllllllllllllllllllilL House, Manistique and East Jefferson avenue. Donation is $1.00 per person Bolts and Bolts of Bargains and tickets may be O'btained from Mrs. Clayton Lindhurst, FINEST DECORATIVE FABRICS Open a Checking Account at ... president of the Guild, at VA 4-5226. (You catl buy them here for a THE M:ICH:IGAN BANK fraction of their regular price)


JUST ARRIVEDl .IMPORTED GOTTON NEW LINENS POPLIN . Hand. PRINTS 12 oiff. Colors How TO PROFIT. 2~--3~ 98c yd. 1!!-2!! THROUGH IF FIRSTS IF FIRSTS IF FIRSTS 1.75 3.95 • 10.95 .TAX EXEMPTION 4.95 to 9.50 I With today'. high lax leYels. in. yestor.s in medium and hip. tax brackets are tunUng to tax.free Municipal Bond. lOJ" income that 'EVERGLAZE' SPORT SHEERS they can iuep. If you .have a taxablt: -income Fortisan • Silk ., of 110,000 or more. you. may be "CHINTZ DENIM. well repaid by investigating the Dacron • Fiberglas advantagel of tax-exempt State and Municipal Bond.. For in.: c c PROPE, ,r , .tance, if you file a yd. 75 yd• lingle return .9a 1~-2~ AND, . on a taxable income .of $14,000, you would hue to r~ive a din- IF FIRSiS IF FIRSTS. STALL .\, -,' denu return of 7,45% on a taxa- IF FIRSTS 1'.25 yd• \. ,hIe.security in order to equl'lthe CHEN NAME AND ADDRESS STATEMENT, CANCELLED. CHECKS yield from a 3.50% tax.free Bond, 1.49 • 1.89 " 2.75 - 5.95 Us somethin8 to think abDut! 'FOR !\ PRINTED ON EACH CHECK MAILED TO YOU EACH MONTH Our New Booklet, "Hoy. T. Profit Through Tax.Ea:emprian" . explain. in plain language yoUr need for tax exemption, tell. how. It's So Easy to Deposit by Mail much these high.grade investments C(Jlico ean he worth to you. There', no CDrners Call WOo 1..5300 for "Bank ..by..MGn Forms" obligation. Send for copy today, A visit to or phon" 1933 s. TELEGRAPH RD•• BLOC)MFIELD HILLS ltQuality d tlRST OF MU,HIGAV FE 2-9163 Open MOI1I ...Fri. Nites Till 9 CORPORATION THE MICHIGAN BANK \8uhl Bldg. .Detr.oit' 26 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEM~ER FE~~RAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION WO 2-2055 Grand Rapids, Flint, 8ay Citj Poin 8aHI. Cr.. k 15010 EAS T J E FFER SO N, N EAR A LT E R . R0 A DIN G R0 SSE PTE.:" "PARK' Lallsing, P.ort Huron Grosse P

• as • 2 7 ? 2 • E 7 7 I , ,


( Thurs'daYl April 10 1958 1 G R"o SSE POI N T E' NEW'S Page Fifteen - Woman's Page • • .'by, of, and forPointe.'Womeh .,.-.- From Anof~ler' Pointe of View, Campaign Laun<;:hed Engag~d ,Bride-Elec;r , I DACMarks Easter, , (Continued .from Page 11), , Easter to visit her son-in-law and daughter, the 'Richard K. Teachouts. .. By Sigma Gamma lie nd With Family ~vents. , * '. Moving Day I 1 Over 700 Attend Easter Afternoon F~thers and Daugh- CoUec+ion Depots Around the Pointe Make It Eas~ for With spring comes moving day all about the nation ters Gala; That Evening Dinner Dance Floor' Sh~w and loc~lly we! are losing' some popular residents, but Members +0 Deliver .Bundles Destined for the D~troit Opened for Holiday Week I also gaining some new ones, Orthopaedic Clinic Patients and Their Families ' The Harry J. Mac!r;s who have been living at the members celebrated the com- Towa,s will be moving tsoon ,to Merriweather road. . Beginning Monday and continuing through April all ing of Easter in a big way April 5, first with the after- Makes it very convenient for their SDn, Harry, who re- SIgma Gamma Association members began collecting noon Fathers and Daughters Party, then in the evening Ji,f1!\isr;;0 cently became engaged to Marilyn Jean McCandless, ..'"." ...",""''''',,;;1.' , h I. b . L" I d clothes for the Detroit Orthopaedic Clinic patients and with the gala openi~ of the Easter week dinner-dance- f:;:':"' ::(:::'{rn;,:'~;1tWO Ives near y In Inco n roa . ••.•• ..'1 /..;:;•••••' their families. flOOF show which continues through April It2. - " ,.. The J. Stok~s Gillespies will he leaving their lovely rs. This year's drive, timed~/----. ------Show headliner is Dor-~ I ' '::','.',: ","''\'" :::"Y?::i'{:l:< :',.' ,:-," Cind yellow colo~ial in Washington road with their four ton to st~rt w~th spring house~ I Gail Shove in, from the Uni- ~itaB~~~r~~ aSyin~~~i::~~ ol~pcfc c~pl, a~d '~~r:~~'jJJi:~'fifJ;::',',,~.:}:::;~:;;;i:/'?;:;':,~::'::~y...:,':::~'+~;,:, >.':':"~;daughters, Margo, Nancy, Dorothy and Marianne, at the cleanmg, IS under the di- versity of Michigan Physical '?,,''','''u ',"'" ". ", '. . end of the school year in June. rection of Mrs. John A. Therapy Department, who are ' Completing the entertain- Stunyo and Barbara Gilders~ ::Wfi@iA,;/:":,;::,L':"' ..,..';.>; ':,',:::::~:,,:" ,:' :" . They have been transferred East and have bought Churchill of Meadow lane at present on leave and study- ment is Andre Moons' Pup' Olympic winners, were among' {1:K@~bH;;:;;,i.',:',,:~:;:,:):-'..:;.'::« ", ", ".. ,>.: ',': a new home in Ridgewood, N.J. Moving into their Wash- 1.0 u's SI'gma Gamma' in~ a.t the D.etroit Orthopaedic pets a European puppetry- the diving stars in'the aquatic' !f#Jf~r'{,trf.t.jb>J:::~t.,:,:,>;,y ,:''':,:' ':"',;:::'::' V a r ington road home wiU be the Eugene Q'Briens'who have members have turned their ClIme for s~x weeks. act .pres~n~ing a grand bal- ~~~i~~~nChe~~, ~~::'~ ::~lOt~~' ~ViW0;~;;ti;::;;?:1l:>.>,:,:.::':,:,'~: ,t,: ,:'':::'~:.";been living in Detroit. homes into collection de- The 'Association has been ~ Mr. and Mrs. James C. Fin- let In mInIature. stage show with Singer Dnretta Mr. and, Mrs. ,A1:f:ed J. Also ,planning a moying date this summer are the t po S ta faCI"l'tI a t e th e gat h- offerIn. g st'Ipen dS t0 Students ney, of .Chalfonte road, an- Mr. and Mrs. F. Jean Little, Morrow and Andre Moons' Houston of Beaufalt drIve .an-rf William Dances, who are now in her family's home on ering of the clothes. this year who are interested nounce the engagement of of Dean Lane, c~ose tI:e opener PUlPpets. Souvenirs fur\daugh-' no~ce the eng~gement ()i Washington road. Her father and mother, Mr: and1\irs. In Grosse Pointe Mrs. John in the fl'eld 0 f or thopae d''ICs the i r daughter, BLANCHE to celebrate theIr fortIeth wed- ton"s",.. were beJ'eweled ceraml'c theIr,'N daughter,J F'BAR.BARAC 1 and wish to do research at the ET LEN D I M'll f ding anniversary, inviting fam- piggy banks. AN ,to erome ranclS ~- Sidney Marsh Cadwell have been living in New York Bockstanz, Mrs. Robert Hamil- 1"' -,:,j ,to a e 1 er, son 0 ily members and 'close friends.' With Walker L. Cisler was lert, son of ~r. and Mrs. W~l- for many years past and are at last coming home. ton, Mrs. Bruce Preble and C InI::. the John C. Millers, of Cadillac. Ruby red roses and. white his daughter, Mrs.-Alpert Eck- liam~, Sulllvan of St. Mary s, The Dances, with Billie and Teddy, will be Inoving Mrs. Frederick Stoepel will ------The bride-elect was gvadu- bLooms centered the table for hardt, Jr., who came' with Mr. DetrQ).t. I • to McMillan road. handle the collections. Miss. Ait S · t ated from Marquette Univer- the occasion and the guests I Eckhardt from their New Jer_ . An August 2 wed:ding date II< Elsie DuCharme is heading the ar Oele y sity, College of Nursing, and danced blithely to the Dick, sey home for Easter~ EdWard has been set. * * , Indian Village drive'. Mrs. her f i an c e is a student at B 1 h t . I Easter Eve Dance . .. T H ar ow orc es ra mUSIC: B. 'Caulkins, Jr: with Bliss and Clement Penrose, in Birming- 0 ave Party M i c h,i g a n Technology. The In the party were the hosts' Elsie; ATnold F. Malow' and 'Twas a gay night at the Little Club last Saturday ham and Mrs. Phellps Trix in I I 'couple will be married Jun~ . I nd d ht h son-In- aw a aug er, t e granddaughter~ Wendy Straw •. with a goodly group celebrating the holiday at the Grosse !Ie. j. . 28 at St. Paul's on the lake- R be t H Ch f D . h .0 r . apmans 0 ay-, bridtge; Marilyn and Margaret Club to"Hold dinner dance. On April 16 at 8 o'clock I . The ~t. Ambrose A~tar So- sore. 'ton, 0., who ca~e for the Lundy with their grandfather, The Alger Sheldens were marking their 35th wed- Sigma Gamma will hold its clety WIll hold an evenmg card ------week-end, and theIr son and Edward F, Fisher, and Cheryl Mystery' Ride regular S1pring meeting at the party Tuesday at 8 o'cI.ock in Stevens Baby daughter-in-law, the Charles J. land Julie Fisher with their dad, ding anniversary, with a special party. On hand were Grosse Pointe War Memoria1.l the S~. Ambrose Hall Wlt~ the Littles; Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Thomas K. Fisher. the George N. Munros III, Mrs. M. looking very fetching The Grosse Pointe Newcom- Reports on the clothing drive j donatIon $1.00. Leithauser, Dr. and MTs. Fred R. E. Connolly brought in a bouffant pink satin, jewel encrusted. Sammy Chapin Christened ers Club will hold their an- will be made. ------O. Lepley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank- Patricia Catherine, Mary and was also in a bouffant creation, the royal blue color set- nilal spring mystery bus ride, Main business of the meet-. The world seeks out an easy -~ Un P. Williams, the Frederick CarOolyn: Other Grosse Point- ting off her sun streaked hair. ing will be short talks by two mark, and everybody g'J€S all Suzanne Elizaheth Stevens L. Waltons, Dr. and Mrs. R. P'I ers were Claude A: Greiner, with dinner at their destina- . B Ob' was the iirst infant to be R ld d th F k G tion, on Friday, April 18. Also glimpsed on the dance floor, Julie Cudlip, semors, e t s y erlm and out to se,e that he makes good. eyno s~ an e ran . LaFray and Gretchen; Arthur tanned from island hopping with her parents, the Merlin"""" christened in old .1'4ariners Murphys. \ : Wrock and Kathleen; Joseph A caravan of .buses will leave lli n::]1 1;:1 IEJC=::_'l:! ![::h IE) 'lE]I ii', Church on Easter since the his- The E. Victor Chilsons enter- i H. Spitzley and Ami; J. R. Pink A. 'CudIips, and stunning in a green and white printed the Grosse Pointe Park beach chiffon frock. '1 ill toric shrine has been moved tained their w~ek-end house I' and Jill; Paul C. l1unkholm, park at 7:115 o'clock with o>1ly Ll: 13 to its new location. guests, who Included Mrs. C h r is tin e and I Catherine; the trip plann,ers, Dr. and Mrs. Another party included Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sales ------~' The baby is the 'daughteT of Chilson's parents, the Jo~ph I Thomas G, McCormick, Mary Wyatt Haisten and the Clem III, the Robert Kanzlers, t~e Arthur Buhl Hudsons and ~ Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chancellor F. CioTmans,of Shaker Heights, Anne and Teresa; Thomas M. Brossiers knowing where tpe the Richard P. Joys III. EJ Stevens. Jr., of Hillsdale and 0., and Mr. Chilson's brother- Maran~He and Nancy. party will end for dinner and fi Grosse Pointe. The ~v. Elmer in-law and sister~ the Peter J. PROPER FITTI NG dancing. For those thousands of miles ~. Bradbury Usher performed the McGoverns, of Williamsport, h d f ceremony which was followed P Awards Honor Two c 0 u pIe s, the Henry UPPER- MACK CLEANERS ~e 16633 a e~ 0 your children's ' by a breakfast. ~r. and Mrs. Forrest U, Browns of Trombley road, and r E WARREN growing feet. M d Says • Ei r, an Mrs. Mark C. Webster's guests were their the Wallace Manvilles of Notre BETWEEN ~ Stevens, of Moross road, are three sons-in-law and daugh- AAUW Women Dame avenue, were introduced CADIEUX & the baby's grandpare~ts and ters who are Dr. and Mrs. Paul at the last Newcomers Club "Wait by Your Phone!" ~ At the recent general ~eet- EJ OUTER DRIVE her paternal great grand- Nordin and Dr. and Mrs. A O. party, a. progressive bridge. ing of the Grosse Pointe You may be called soon .. ~I"I IiI mother is Mrs. Mark B. Christiansen, all OofMilwaukee, • ~ Stevens, of the Parkstone. and the Harold Southards, of branch of the AAUW, two un- Jf\VE on your Dry Cleaning Receiving guests with the St. Clair Shores. The Milwau- designpted Fellowship Awards S.. , for One Year! proud par e n t s were Mr. kee quartet came by plane to of $5(10 each were announced Allall Bryant Prompt Pick-up an(i Delivery 19360 B Stevens' brothet:"-in-law and spend the Easter week-end at in memory of two branch Modern, effIcient cleaning methods used LIVERNOIS ~l sister, Mr. and Mrs. John R. the Webster home on Blair- members who passed away To Take Bride See Page 20 ~ Sutton III, of St. Clair Shores. moor r:oad. within the last year. They are 18500 Mack, at. Cloverly TU 2.8120 EJ • " A few of the Grosse Pointers to be known as the Jean Brond L . M 'al F 11 h' Mr. and lVIrs. Ralph W. Iii Detroit Sorosis Plans with reservations for DAC's ,eWlS emorl e ows Ip Mayfield, of Phoenix~ Arizona, 5th FLOOR ~ dinner-show the rest of the and the Flora Larned Ander- have announced the engage- ~ MUTUAL Luncheon and Lecture week are the Joseph H. Ryalls, son International Grant. ment of their daughter~ Bar- I;'J BUILDING SIMULATED GRAY -- Alexander LaPointes, John H. Mrs. Howard C. Harrison bara Ann, to Allan Charles at OSTRICH B~. Detroit Sorosis will have a Rickels, Thornton E. Water- will be hostess to the Tuesday Bryant. He is the son OofMr. with supportive arch I luncheon on Tuesday at 12:30 faulls, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Evening Group of the AAUW and Mrs. Clare P. Bryant, of , ~ ~ WEST I o'clock in the McKinley ave- Ruedemann, the William Sie- at her home, 1345 Yorkshire Lincoln road. B 28 counter crePe sales h f M J C • ADAMS Iii nue orne 0 rs. ames '. berts~ and the Charles Endi- road, on April 15. Assisting her eA&~; l , m Boles. cotts. will be Mrs. L. H. Orebaugh. Miss Mayfield is a graduate ------BE! =:==:IJ~.:.:.:I====aU:1EI==::=JIEI====3IEJEI ==~I~.:.:.:GI===::J3IE1EI=::::::l:ll Mrs. Sam Zilley wilt speak At the April 5 afternoon Dr. Gaynor Evans will show of Smith College and attended to the group on "Topics of festivity, hundTds of charming pictures of Italy for the even- the University of Stockholm fiu. Today." She is chairman of girls~ handsome dads, smart ing program, taken while he Graduate School and the Kon- the mayor's Keep D e t r 0 i t Easter tOgs and flowers galore and his wife were in Italy stfackskolan Art School in Famous ~ Beautiful Commission. set the scene. Youngest of the where he attended the Uni- Stockholm, Sweden. Her fi- 700 present were four-year-old versity of Bad' as a Fulbright ance was graduated. from BASS, WEEJUNS Chart your course before daughters, There was every Research Scholar. In the ten Princeton University, where Tasseled mocossin ir you start on your journey age, including mothers and he was a member of Cannon antique brown Or antique months they were there they Club, and attended the Uni- through life. grandfa thers. block. -.....~ had an opportunity to visit versity of Stockholm lnterna- . 11.95 parts of the count~y not usu- tional Gradua~ School fOor ally. visited by the American English Speaking' Students. Regulation mocassin in tOUrist. antique red, brown or The Education Group will' They plan a September wed- block. Frosting, Tipping meet Wednesday, Ap~il 16, at ding. 10.95 .8' p.m. at ~6 Lakecrest lane. Mrs. Sheldon Drennan, hos- It's better to be known by walton-pierce brunette to blond in tess, will be assisted by Mrs. your alm in life than by your I kerc'heval at st. clair t Charles Leavitt. The discussion origin. ' a m,atter flf minutes. leader, Mrs. Thomas Estes, will ••• an illusion of light introduce the evening's sub- ject: "College Staff Problems." tones by our special The board meeting of the AAUW will be Thursday, April process. 17, at 9:30 a.m~, at the home of Mrs. Frank Thompson. Mrs. M. L. Van Dagens will assist as STYLE HAIRCUTTING co-hostess. All anm.~al reports 1.75 will be due at this Important 'meeting. Robelle's Beauty Sal~n 'Libri to Hold 19027 Mack at Moross Road TU 4-1 130 ; Annual Meet Open Thursday and Friday Evenings The Libri Club will meet at 12:30 o'clock on April 14 in the Linco,ln road home of Mrs. John Dages. Assisting ,hostesses' will be PUBLI(; SALES Mrs. Holmes Mar tin, Mrs. Not an Auction - All Items Priced Claude' McDona,ld~Mrs. Frank Lamberson and Mrs. lienry Fownes. Household Furnishings The annual meeting and election of officers wH'l take place following luncheon. Mrs. Bruce Kirk will be complet- ing her two-year term as presi-' Mrs. E.~L•.Cousino dent. , 1029 Kensington Road Grosse Pointe Pa'rk PROPERPLANNING, QUALITY CABINITS Sunday, April 13th AND APPLIANCES, PROFESSIONAL IN- from 10 a.m, STALLATION COMBINED WITH "KIT_ fD CHEN KNOW HOW"-IS NECESSARY Dr. & Mrs. W. P. Kinde'r Ch,icago FOR A FINE F.!NISHEDPRODUCT. and , 743 Pemberton Road (5. of E. Jefferson Ave.) Rockford, III., "'Logic - If t.hey are not satisfied they end can afford to re-do It. Grosse' Pointe' Park DIRECT Sunday, April 20th FAST schedules A visit to our showroom should be proof of the axiom Luxurious deHavilland from 10 a.m. , mu/ti-engined airliners. "Quality does not cost, it pays"-Won1t you be our guest! FOR RESERVATIONS , AND INFORMATION Sales Conducted By I CALL i Pointe Kitchen Center H. O. McNIERNEY ,I 19525. MACK AVE. Appraiser 424 Book Building Grosse Pointe Woods TU 4.4334 I W09dward 1-9085


__ ~~ rt.... $__ .S1d... _ .. ~ ... _.J • ...... '...__ m_ w , us ,441 'ieu,. ; I ;1 r ... ~- -.. J"O_T -.-, ...... ~--r---- I


Thursday, April 101 1958 Page Sixteen G R O'S S E PO! N T E' NEW S Thursday,

Blu'e Devils Leap Into Spring -Sp'orts Season I Girls Threaten To Grab Badmintc}n Tourney Stage If Pointe. boys don't get busy pretty quick and file their entries, the second annual Grosse Pointe Junior Badminton tournament could be dominated by the fairer sex. ' ~O) YOUR AD The tourney is scheduled to tered. For this entry 'fee the get underway at Grosse Pointe players will be provided with High Friday, April 19 and run shuttlecocks for all games CLASSIF for three days. It will feature played and the winners will by fRED RUnnfllS competition in singles and receive trophies in each divi- Ch~rge Ads-I doubles for boys and girls and sion. The deadline for eniries C~shAds-! mixed doubles in all three di- is Monday, Aprii 14. visions. These divisions are: Sc each a Singles competition will get Midgets; Under 15 and Over Babe Ruth Baseball Loop underway at 7 p.m. April 18 15. The' maximum age limit is and the doubles will start at nineteen and a half y~ars old. TUXED Stagihg Kick-Off ,.Rally Ages are figured from the 11 a.m., ~aturday, ApTil 19, in first day of the badminton the Boy's and Girl's Gymnasi- 3 Tr season which starts on 'October ums at the High School .. The The 1958 Babe Ruth Baseball League season will finals will begin at 1 p.m. and LINER get u~derway with a giant kick-off rully Friday, April 1. For example, if a youngster was 19 years old on October 2, be played in the new 2ym- CUNNiNGH 11, WIth the special showing of the so~nd movies "Big 1957 he would be considered nasium. There' will be no charge for a d m i s s ion and 16941 Kerche Leaguers" and "Swing King" featuring the Chicago 18 until October 1, 1958. Con- snacks will be available at TU 5-9698 Cubs and Ted WillIams. The rally will be held in the sequently he could be nineteen nominal prices. Grosse Pointe High School auditorium and commence at and a half by tournament time HARKNESS PI 203!3 Mack 7:30 p,m, all boys, whether they play in 208, Charlie Nash 205 and 200, .r:t: f:r game of the fmal will be served. 'Parents are son of Fcnville and Basil able in all sub "The only rea~on for the pro- Small Boat Racing-Cruise. WOODS-SHORES the major- or minor l>eague,and Ange-Petracci, Norm Boarman serI~s WIll be played Thursday, urged to 'attend. school, collep Brown of Detroit, posed registration was for August 2-Inter-Olub CK The following dates are the who did not play on a major and Stan Small 204's,. Len AprIl 11. tion. The most controversial part identification purposes. and to Long Distance Race. tryout times for all boys play- league team last year, must Johnston, Ray Regner 203's, . i ORENINGS ,of the bill 'is the Great Lakes. gain revenue for hiring sher- , t A'l 12 C 1 L t 202 d H b M'l Eight out of eyery ten stu- I 4.t.. SPORTSMEN iffs whose sole duty would be August 4-8-ILY A J II n i 0 ring I.n UHe G"'osse... POI'nte regIS er on pri , ar en ry an er 1 - dents who enter The Univer-I 239 Merriwec The House of Representatives Race Week. / Woods-Shores Little Baseball Opening game for the Grosse ler and Al Bell 201's. sity of Michigan eveI.tually wants the bill to include the to enforce the laws governing TUx€ Great Lakes and the Senate motorboat safety as set down August 10-Ford Y.C. (Ten- League. Pointe City Little League. is STANDINGS receive a college degr.ee. I tative race from Put-In Bay). Twelve YJear olds-Monday, scheduled for Monday, Ma T 9, ------..-~~-----I wants it to just cover the in- in the controversial "bill 528." J PRIVAT August 11-13-ILYA Regat- April 14-21, 5:30 p.m., Satur- at 6:15 p.m. Larry's 37 ------land lakes of Michigan. Actually "bill 528" is- almost ta at Put-In Bay, Ohio. day, April 19-26, 9:00 a.m. Goeb~l ' 34 a duplicate of the, proposed YOUR There are other parts of the Au g u s t 16 - G R.Q SSE Eleven ye'ar oIds-Tuesday, D I R b- Wigle 33 All subjects; bill the two bodies don't agree federal boating law (Bonner POINTE Y.C. REGATTA. April 15-22, 5:30 p.m. Satur- oug as 0 IDson . 3 ' Bill) which is scheduled to be .11. 1 19 2 103 G, P. Recreation 2 and ehildre on. Director Wilson said that Augus t 23- C R ESEC N T day, oUl.tJrl - 6, : 0 a.m. en;. .'If an agreement isn't reached placed on the U.S. House SAIL Y.C. REGATTA. Ten year oIds-Wednesday, Completes Course Revere 29 docket by mid ApriL If this August 23-24- Ken d a 11 April 16-23, 5:30 p:m. Satur- -- Woods 26 by the April 11 deadline the DETROIT bill would not come up for a bill passes it would set up a Series-Lighting Class. day, April 19-26, 1:00 p.m. FOR T B E.L V 0 I R, Va. Belding 26 state-administered numbering TUTOR' vote." How~ver, he was quick August 30 - EDISON BOAT J\ r:-r~nle year olds-Thursday, (A:E~TNC) - Pfc. Douglas F. Cramer 23 WO 3-8315 to point out that, "There is a system for the nation's tour CLUB REGATTA. . .t~pri. 17-24, 5:30 p.m. Satur- Robmson, 23, whose wife, Judy, million recreational mot 0 r- August 31-Port Huron Y, C. day, April 19-26, 2:30 p.m. lives at 862 Nottingham, Grosse Cox & Baker '" 22 possibility it may be carried 3--LOST over unhl May when both the boats. Port Sanilac Race. Eight year olds are to report Pointe 'Park, Mich" recently Adam Simms 18 House and Senate go back into So if "bill 528" doesn't pass Sept. 1 _ Open. te the Monteith School, May completed the liquid oxygen SAPPHIRE session." Mr. Wils'on pointed ~nd the Bonnet: bill does, you . Sept. 6 _ DETROIT Y. C. 5, at 5:30 p.m. for assembly g e n e I' a t ion COUTseat the Opening of the new Under- pi.n~ Kerc out that, "In most cases when will still be required ',to regis- SWEEPSTAKE REGATTA. and assign.rnlent to a team. Army's Engineer S<.:hool,Fort graduate IAbrary -has sharply Please r a bill is referred to the Con- ter your boat in your own Sept. 7 -DRYA Novice Cat- All boys,. before starting I Belvoir, Va. increased use of books by Uni- TUxedo t. ference Committee an agree- state. boat Championships. practice at each tryout sessi~n The eight-week course train- versity 'Of Michigan students. 4-HELP , ment is reached." Sept. 13 - BAY'.rIEW Y. C. MUST report to the check-m d h' , . My own personal observa- LONG DISTANCE N I G H T station at each field and have e . 1m m the operatr~n and MALE Both Mr. Wilson and Len tion is if the state, of Mich-" RACE. ~ '. thel' n h ked ff 'C\'l mamtenance of eqUIpment I' ame c ec O..l:al - d' th . igan doesn't get you, the U.S. $1,000.0<1 Thompson, chairman of the Sept. 20-GROSSE POINTE ure to comply may result in a use In ~ gener~tI~n, storage IN THE: Waterways Commission, feel government will so what are f'C, BLUENOSE REGATTA. bo;y not making a team this and h~ndlmg of lIqUId oxygen. Lifetime i that the bill should be enact- we arguing about? Sept. 20 _ DRYA CK Cham- season Robmson entered the Army retiremeni, ed but they don't think it is . h' / . . in April 1957. • • • , pIons Ip. The NatIonal LeClguetryouts' . training, It perfect and some changes Fritz DeFries arid' Bruce Sept. 27 _ Open. will be held at Parcells Jun' 1': The son of Mr. 'and Mrs. !1ationally could be I[lade. But as Mr. Conlan are hoatless. They. sold Sept. 27-29 - Raven Class High School field. American E'redericl~ B. Robinson, 1427 N. ...Thompson stated "This boat. B. V their six meter yacht "Cutty Fall/Series. League players will r'ep'0'rt to Renaud, he is a 1952 graduate TU ing problem is becoming over- Sark" to Arthur Van Sueten- otto 4-B&yview Y. C. North the Mason School field. of Grosse Pointe High Schoor. whelming and some laws must dael, III, of Bronxville, N.Y., Channel Race. 'I'hose boys who are already. Robinson attended ,the Uni- WANTED: be enacted if the water-borne March 29. The yacht will be Oct. 12 - Ford Y. C; re- on a. majOT' league team will versity of Detroit ahd was em" care for hot rodders are to -be control- sailed from Bayview Yacht gatta. not tryout at this time but ployed by the National Bank Mother. led and the safety maintained Club to New York 'about the Oct. 15-17 ..... L i g h t n i n g will ~ notified by- their of D~troit before entering the I You're up-ta-date in a DYNAMIC ae! Live in. on Michigan's inland lakes." middle of May. Both Fritz Series. mana'ger of their first practice. Army. ' amity fa. He felt tl1..atthe Great Lakes and Bruce are up to their 'col------~ . -.-~------erences r could not be excluded because. lective ears in race committee ,,'. Box A Ie "If the law only app.tied to the inland lakes then the hotrod- work at their club and we know for sure Bruce intends INrERTeL. '. RAMUC' ENAMEL - del'S' would plague boatmen to devote his time' to this '.' ~ WANTEI and swimmers on the Great PERHAF Lakes with their _crazy antics." work instead of sailing. It takes guys like that, someon,~' W. -,l-~ ~ • t PERSON The 'o/aterways Commission who will give up yacht.'~acing AND or ~. tne~. PRINTlt- doesn't feel non-resident boai: for a season or two, who make., ... MAIL P own e r s using Great Lakes it possible for olhers to enjoy BUSINE ports along the Michigan shore the wonderful sport of yacht I BACKGI should be compelled to regis- racing. QUAUF S'wimming Pool P.aint, Featuring the fuel-saving new TION B LOWEST-PRICED ECON~O~WAY Carburetor an~ a PROFI , " CALL host of other extra values BASIS. ROCKET ENGINE CARl. 27, ST. I at no extra cost to you' MICHIG BENROX BUILDING SUPPLY -CO. ___ YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT 'YOUR !.OCAl AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER"S - __ PART TI . TWinbroOk 3-82:72- W.HYTE OLDSMOBILE CO., 14800 E. Jefferson carden v St&te ql. 'You AUTO BUY NOW ••• KEEl' BUSINESS HEALTHY! 270 We.t State Fair Poin~ F - 'r-l00 G

..-,.t~...--"~t- r?t 5 7 Q . S'7 7 .-!! F 8 Thursday, April 10, 1958 GROSSE POINTE. NEWS, Page Seventeen - ge , file mlOr the YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines to Serve You Quickiy DEADLINE 4 P.M. TUESDAY e the Thre. Trunk Lines to Serve You 9ulcCdy CALL TUxedo 2.-6900 with - :ames 4-H,ELP WANTED SA-SITUATIONS WANTED 6-FOR RENT- 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT 8-AIl:rICLES FOR SALE 8-,.ARTICLES fOR SALE 9-ARTICLES WANTED will CLASSIFIED RATES MALE and FEMALE. _---,.,_D_O_M....~....S_T_I_C______( U_nf_u_r_n..,...ls_h_e_d_J-.,-__ GROSSE POINTE -T-R-AD-E---I-N-so-f-a-s-a,n-d-c-h-a-ir-s.-S-A-}.:l)-' -. -a-s-it-ca-m-~-f-r-o-m-d-u-n-es--IN-TE-R-E-S-T-E-D-ln-bu-y-in-g-c-o-m-. divi- Charge Ads-IS words for $1 .00 EXPERIENCED1irl, A-I ref- LOVELY on~ bed1'loo.mapart- 18136 MAleK AVE. All in nice condition. Rea;' of La~e Michigan for chil- plete Lionel miniature rail. niries Cash Ads-IS words for 90~ WANTED: PERSON WHO erences, wishes day work. ment, UJPper,, ne,w, $90 per Air conditioned, offices fOT sonably priced. Van Uphol- dren's sand boxes. 50 lbs. rO<:l,dset, fully equipped. HAS MIMEOGRAPH MA- LOraine 7-4214. ' month.Oall after 6:30 and rent. New building, telephorle stering . Co., 13230 Harper. $1.25 delivered. LA 7-9427, Must be in excellent condi~ ill get 5c each additional word weekend. TUxedo 4-3973. and answering service avail. Open 9 'til 9. ------tion.State price and a.p- CHINE IN OWN HOME. HOUSEKEEPER and laun- able. Call Mon. through Fri. __ -'- ..,--__ SEAL 'Y;. Hide.A-Bed, complete, proximate date of purchase. ril 18 Call WE HAVE WORK FOR dress employed by us for 5 ROOM upper on Somerset. TU ,2-2593. . VACUUM BARGAINS gTay tweed, full d refrigerator included. TUx- va e. ver' ee san y 6-2500. BEAUTIFUL custom draper- 4 p.m. LA 6-0436. izing. Church and civic activi- " bI I lakefront. 3 berl:roo.rru;,All . FIVE Dunlop white wall tires; ed ties as heltpful as business ex- NEAT,re Ila e woman, c ean- edo 2-1512. season, $50 weekly., $60 ------ies, triple and single widths, . h ' WILL LEND $10,000 on first perience. Flexible hours, c&'. ing and laundry by week or DRAPERIES, made to order matching cornices. Custom 4 WIt 4,000 mIles and 1 mortgage. Reply to Box Call TUxedo 2-1916. part time. References. WAl- GROSSE POINTE Farms, 135 monthly; $70 weekly. TU by a professionaL Guaran- chairs, light oak table, lamps, never mounted; 5:50x15, will s and 2-25.Grosse Pointe News. nut 4-8632. Mui:, large duplex, gas heat, _1_-_8_90_4_. ~____ teed. TUxedo 1-5210. miscellaneous. TU 4.0743. fit MG, Austin Healy, Trl- cage REGISTERED or experienced circulator, $65 per month, on 7-WANTED TO RENT ------umph and other makes of ective NURSE will assume complete medical technologist immedi- GENERAL, good cook, stay lease. LAMPS, Shades, Chandeliers, PORCH glider, electric trim- foreign cars. Tires as new. orhood care and responsibility for' ately. }'ull or part time posi- nights or not. Grosse Pointe ------'-Y-O-U-N-G-E-N-G-I-N-E-ER--bein-'-g-r-e'-- Fixtures. Lamp parts, custom mer and edge;r .with cord, Call evenings after 6 p.m.» '1 1, as elderly ambulatory lady in tion. Apply Dr. Quinn, Bon references. WAlnut 1-2010. ALTER ROAD, 604. Grosse located from New York by shades, lamp mounting, re- plastic spray hose. tr~llis. PR. 5-7615.... to a Pointe section. Large. Com- 1321 South Renaud. her own private home. Gra- Secour Hospital. ENGLISH couple, thoroughly ,pletely carpeted. Refriger- General Motors desires room pairing. Best selection of lamps '55 CHEVROLET 2.door Bel cious surroundings and ser- experienced, desires post as ator, stove, heat, garage. in congenial home prererably and shades in town. MANTLE rnira"'or, 52x57. Ex- Aire, radio, heater, white ene atmosphere with well-YOUNG MAN to work every C' year. butler and cook. Box B- EDgewater 1-1449. wit h breakfast. Excellenrt Lamps by Martin cellent condition, $25. TUx- walls, 19,000 miles. TU balanced home coo ked Saturday, 9 to 5, at private of the 166, Grosse Pointe News. re:1lerences, Reply to Box 14637- 41 Kercheval, corner edo 2-6981. 4-3311 after 6. d 39-19 meals. If interested, please home. To cut grass, do ______GROSSE POINTE WOODS, D-15 Grosse Pointe News. M 'st' VAll 2 8151 e be- write giving details of the simple gardening, assist odd EXPERIENCED German lady 826 Shoreham, 5-rooIn ranch, ------anI Ique, ey - . ANNOUNCEMENT; a spring 1955 CAD ILL A C 2'~door f lead- lady's ph y sic a 1 condition paint jobs. TU 2-885Z. wishes cooking or care of 2-car gtal'age. Nea'I' Catholic BUSINESS woman wants 3 PIANOS _ ORGANS. New and clearance sale of beautiful beauty. Fully equipped. B~st . ht Al room apartment unfurnished I d . t ff TU 4 0910 ' ht and with your name. address and invalids days or mg s. so, and public schools. 'ViTI .use d. Thiry Jewelry & new cons 0 e an spme 0 er. - . e who telephone number to Box 4 A-HELP WANTED- two German cooks, experi- lease. All newly decorated. near Kercheval or Jefferson P' C 20756 M k pianos. Many sty 1e sand enced, stay in. TUxedo 1~ Open 2-5 daily. bus. TUxedo 5-8118 after six. lano ompany, ac. finishes to choose from. Na- RAMBLER, 1952 H a r d top. nts re- S-50, Grosse Pointe News. DOMESTIC / ------Open Friday until 9. tl'onally fa m 0 u s pianos, Good, safe, mechanical con- he Op. 4436, TUxe d0 2-.8385 HA . WANTED TO RENT by June ------d't'o N"'" t.._'tte .uf l_ENTERTAINMENT SINGLE white woman to have RCOURT. Lower flat, 2 terms. Open week days from 1 I 11. ",w UCI. ry, m • topped , complete charge of two small COLORED ,goo d re f•erences. bedrooms, FreIliCh d:oors to 1st, for year or longer, 3 G 0 LFERS 1 to 8:30, Saturdays 10 to 7. 'er,fl tail' pipe, $200. 424. Ca• AARONSON ACE children. Live in. References Experienced in coo kin g, screened terrace, 11k baths: bedroom, preferably 2 bath ENGEL PIANO CO. dieux after 5 p.m. a rough ATTRACTIONS required, Good opportunity. cleaning, and party service. You must see it. $225. VA - -home in Grosse Pointe area. New and used golf equipment. 11232 Whittier ------...:---- e four Music Unlimited TUxedo 1-7368. 5 days week. WAlnut 3-6697. 3-0223. Furnished or semi-furnished. All famous pro models 12-AUTOS WTD. TO BUY Falcons A-I Orchestras-Combos- Will consider unfurnished. 9 PIECE walnut din1'ng room BUTLER houseman. colored. EDGAR "BUTCH" BRANDAU WE NEED 0 two Bands WHITE lady wishes 1 or 2 NEFF-JEFFERSON. Interior No children. Advertising ex- suite. Gas refrigerator. 6 e win- 1- Call us now for your spring Live in. TU 5-8171. days general c 1e ani n g. decorated 3 bedrooms, sun- ecutive. Top reference. Call 1325 Cadillac Blvd. piece mahogany bedroom 1!l53 and 1954 Models g the and summer musical affairs, PI e as e call after 5 p.m. room, 2 bath upper. Inciner- WAlnut 4-2927. ------suite. Living room chairs Any Make or Body Style TO 5-2990 TO 9-2517 S-SITUATION WANTED EDgewater 1-7265. ator, porches, garage. TU ------DO IT YOU RSELF and tables. 1925 Huntington. Have Customers. Waiting t 5-2209. ELDERLY COUPLE desire 2 . For 32 Years We Have Been d to ba MAGICIAN - Perlorms for . LAMPS RELIABLE colored girl wants or 3 attractively furnished • CABINETS EASY Spindry washer. Like Paying Up to $100 More fth title chHrlren's birthday parties or Custom-made 1amp shades , days. Referen~s. UN 3.7841. BRIGHT, modem 2 rooms, tile rooms. First floor or ele- • FORMICA new, cheap. PR 5.2985. 1 half- special occasions. Age 14. made and recovered in my bath. Stove, refrigerator, vator. TUxedo 1-4706. • PLYWOOD E. H. COOK Good references. home. Grosse Pte. refE'rence.s. NEA'l: eXIPerienced colored girl $02.50. By appointment- ---..,_------• 'PANELING DOUBLE Hollywood bed, $30. 15701 HARPER Celtics I coming VAlley 3-1206 TU 2-0315, 139 Ridge Road. desh'es work. E xc e 11e n t 1362 CadHlae Blvd. off E. 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE . • DOORS 6-drawer modern chest, $40. Berkshire-Balfour , worker and ironer. Susie. Jefferson, TU 4-6214, WA ------• DRAWERS Vanity, $15. Miscellaneous TUxedo 4-0933 stanzas, MAN with Grosse Pointe ex- R~rences. TR 1-8473. 2-0204. Available May 1st. ANTIQUE living room suite, 22500 MACK items. TU 4-4668. Open Till 9:00 _ alcorrs 1 ZA-MUSICAL INSTRUCTION perience wants 3 hours -,..,.------1 .,.-- newly upholstered; white l------~-~ o field mornings cleaning in Grosse EXCELLENT cook for small 6A-FOR RENT_gas range. TWinbrook 1- PR 5-0470. BED, French Pro v i n cia 1 I WILL CALL at your home to .e into PIANO TEACHER Pointe area. TU 2-6900. home. Able to take complete 6287. ..------double, complete. Call Sat- buy any model used car, any IRENE MORAN ______charge of cooking and top (Furnished) ------TUBE TESTER, check writer, urdpy. TU 4-2119. age, for cash and pay you e over- . 192B PRESTWICK .EXPERT BOA T refinisher dusting. TY 5-0493. ------..:.------ENLARGER, d ark roo m outdoor clock timers, 16" -----.------more money. Tom Roney» wishes weekend work. VAI- --~------LAKEPOrNTE-Warr~n. Com- equipment, barbell'S, mahog- Philco TV, new picture tube, 9 PIECE solld maple bedroom Roney Motors, LA 6-6611~15. in the Please call TUxedo 4-4387 for appointment. ley 4-8538. SB-EMPLOYMENT fortably furnished heated any tilt-top table, T-cushion Revere 8 mm. c.amera. All I suite, 4 poster double bed, ' Miller BUREAU upper ,5 room in com e. chair, electric clippers, gui- like new. TUxedo 4-0820. complete. TUxedo 5-9976. 12A-BOAT. S & MOTORS and a. PIANO TEACHER-Margaret GARDENER would like any Adults. Referenoes. Deposit. tar, radio. PRescott 7-2434. tic vic- Skinner, 5275 Bishop, TUx- kind of yard work: grass C 0 U P L E S, cooks, maids, TU 5-8921. DECORATIVE FURNITURE: ADMIRAL refrigerator, large WANTED-H' used row bOat. ship. edo 5-0818. Performer's and cutting, s h rub b e r y and chauffeurs, caretakers, jani- MAPLE twin bed and high- White, l1x15 all wool rug', deep freeze compartment, TU 2-7878. . t f TEACHER will share her fur- b M t 1 '" $85 F' 'da' League Teacher's Diploma, Master £1owers. Grosse P om e re - tors and 'porters. Day or . oy, agnavox e eVlSlon, lounge chair, foam cushions; ~ rIgl lIe range, new mpions of Arts Degree. erences. RA. 5-0456. week. Field's Employment. nished apartment with same radio and phonograph oom- Hawaiian. round table, glass heating elements, $50. TUx- WANTED-Sail:boat, must be mblems ~------TR 3-7770. or business girl. Chandler. bination, metal. fHing cabi- top with 6 white leather edo 2-6981. keel type over 20 feet. Must COLLEGE student desires Park area. VA 4-5214. n t .Call after 3 TUx ------~---- be in good condition. TU ighbor- 2_TUTORING ....f' . . e . p.m. - stools', pair of Chinese black 7 PIECE mahogany d l'n I"n g 2-2710. yard wor k,c hau.l erIng, wm- ""-FOR RENT (Unfurnished GRO P edo 1 6027 , April dow cleaning, miscellane- SSE GINTE Park - 2 -. chests; pair of mahogany room set, $75. VAHey 3-0808. ersonal- COMMUNITY ous jobs. PR 6-7928. BEACONSFIELD, 1005 _ 5- rooms, bath, Ideal) for one, DOUBLE HEADBOARD with commodes with grill doors; 1------12 FT. completely equipped basket- TUTORING SERVICE roolI' lower, a'utomatic heat, Utilities. $17 per week. VAl- metal frames, matching French Ohina cabinet. TU 8A OFFICE £QUJPMENT Thompson's outboard with up part MRS. LOUIS MARICK, DIRECTOR RELIABLE colored man wants new 1y decorated. Adults ley 4-11(}2. chest, and -.bench, Drexel, 2-2109. FOR SALE 25 H.P. Evenrude motor. hments work as j ani tor, porter, 1 TU d 2 2544 fruitwood color, $125 com- Excellent condition. TUxedo Tutoring by degree teachf:rs ovail- 1------nts are handyman, landscape work. 0': y. xe 0 - eve- 5 ROOM duplex, full base- plete. Large Coldspot freez- BASKET-BiALL back boa r d TYPEWRITERS and adding 5-1908. able in all subjects for grades high References. WAlnut 2-8123. mngs. ment, wall to wall carpet- with rim. Dog crate, approx. machines, new. rebuilt. Rea- school. college and adult educa- 4837 CADIEUX. 2 b ed roo m ing, Lakeshore Drive be- er, 20 cu. ft.; boy's pool 32" long, 20'! wide, 24" high. son.able prices. N a t ion a I 13-REAL ESTATE tion, EXPERIENCED man wishes tween 8 and. 9 Mile. All table, 2 ft x 4 'ft.; boy's 26 TU 1-5221. ' Office Equipment, 16tJ.49 FOR SALE 1 apartment. All e 1e c t r i c in. Sedly racer bike; boy's - N ORENIN~ FOR TEACHERS work cleaning, janitor, wa 1 kitchen, gas radiant heat. utilities. $150 per month. I ------Harper at Bishop. TUxedo J39 Merriweather, Grs, Pte. Forms washing, garden.i.ng, or gen- Phone TUxedo 2-4766. Elgin bike. TUxedo' 4-2586. GIRL'S bicycle, lar,ge size. 1-7130. KARL DAVIES eral handyman. TWinbrook Adults. TU. 5-2689. ------1750 Newcastle, Grosse Pte. Hawthorne make. Like new. . REALTOR TUxedo 4.i820 1-4463. APARTMENT on Cadieux be- tB-Rooms for Rent Woods. TU 2.4126 evenings and Sat- 8_AN,TIQUES TLJ 5-3220 PRIVATE TUTORING FULL OR PART TIME chauf- ...... tween Harper and Morang., SECOND FLOOR front. con- BLUE CHIFFON mrmal; beige U'I'day. BABY.. GRAND niano, upright 81 K h I A IN feur, house man, gardener. Living room, bedroom, hath, shorty; dress~s; suits; coats; ~ ere eva ve. Free to travel. Work of any and kitchen alcove. Stove, . venient to Charlevoix and sizes 10-12-16. ShoeS; man's DRAPERIES, custom made in player piano, Civil War Member G.P. Broker's Assn, YOUR OWN HOME kind. Tuxedo 2-9722. refrigerator, heat, hot water Kercheval bus. lines. VA sui t s. Household articles. my hOme. Experienced, work book. A & M Wonder Shop, ------All subjects; all grades. Adults and parking furnished. $85 1-7762. T'Uxedol ...4923. guaranteed. 6545 Woodrow. _1_3_32_S_E_.._J_e:.:....ff_e_rs_o_n.._ GROSSE POINTE and children. Certified teach- ers. ~~~~~~A~~~~e~~~~~?~ ~~:52~onth, no lease. TU ROOM with sem&-priwte bath, ANTIQUE waIn u t chest; CONTEMPORARY furniture, '-ARTICLES WANTED WOODS Call: T 1 h . kit c hen privileges, 23424 carved handles, good condi- Knoll, Lenox, Rhodora pat- 1032 Vernier road, large old DETROIT AND SUBURBAN Ros~ma~P ~~;t,s~~ce2_2867 NEFF LANE, 2 bedroom ter- Wellin.gton, Warren, Mioh. tion. Rare antique Birdseye tern; Orientals, 3, Kazak; 1 -POSITIVELY 4-bedroom Colonial to be re- TUTORING SERVICE race; completely carpeted, Hamadon rurmer; Collector'g HIGHEST PRICES-PAID,for modeled in to a char.ming HANDYMAN wan t s work, 25 feet of closets. Air-condi- BEAUTIFUL furnished room, maple sec:retary. 1081 Torrey items. Rever:e ware. EDge~ Furniture ~nd Appliances horne; low price, WO 3-8315 KE 7-4653 . .. Bishop near Harper. Good road, TUxedo J-2738. water 1-9977. "I Pieca or • Houseful," BROWN INVESTMENT gar demng, pamting, any re- tioned, private basement, transportation, woman pre- .. .. 3-LOST AND FOUND pairs. Grosse. Pointe l'Ief- garage. Adults only, $150. ferred. References. TUxedo THOR, AT..J'TOMATIC ironer, MAHOGANY BUFFET, corner PRescott 5-5733 TUxedo 5-2500 SAPPHIRE and diamond circle ferencef'. PRescott 7-0093. TUxedo 4-3207. 2~5353. excellent condition. Reason- caibinet, Victorian chair', liv- 1658 anita, open saturday 2-5, able. VAlley 1-6213. ing room ohair and sofa, .WILL CLEAN basements or 7lh sunny rooms,. powder room pin~ Kercheval near Best's. ratiot WOMAN, white, experienced BEDFORD, near Mack. 5 room AVAILABLE, a room to meet 1~~, '\..1 1~~ . attics for unwanted articles. In1I Clemens Please return. R e war d. in the care of cronic in- upper. C 1e a n, automatic the budget. Priwte entrance 9x12 AMERICAN Oriental rug. .IJOJU.\lPS, ~~~es, 'le ~w.J.C d 4- Junk. moved free. VAlley and bath, gas, low taxes, e Harper valids and the aged. Best h 't N h 0 0 1s TU 17 pal'r used.'lil1ed drap.eries, rored W'd.LJ. cock an 2-5123. worthy of your brood ..• 382 TUxedo 5-0722. . ea . ear s c . . and lavatory.' Good trans- . . t f' 1 U S. 25 of references. T U 4-5116. 2-9056. good oondition. TUxedo 4- maJ1JchingpIC ures, _rrep ace me kinley, open saturday 2-5, 4-HELP WAN>-fED portatioil, ,references. TU 4794. screen and i:UJA.lII1"Ons.~_..:I,. Mov- WANTED - Hide-a-way bed, entirely deceiving-a big. mid- MALE and FEMALE HOMES trimmed and painted. GROSSE POINTE PARK. Not- 5-2907. ing. TU 5-5425. studio couch.9-piece dining dling 4 bedroom, 21h bath ..• Window glazing and caulk.. tingham Road 'lower flat. 6 PLEASANT ROOM fOtl' em- BLONDE Russian Fitch 'stole, room suite, 9x12 rugs, 2- vacants: 45' near swimming;' $1,000.00 PER' MONTH ing. VAHey 1~4127, rooms, gas heat, garage. ployed gentleman. N ear perfect, $40. Aqua shortie, - ,,?rosse Pointe' Rotary piece living room suite, 3- 100' evergreen, st, clair shores; IN THE' FIRST YEAR Beach privileges, adults. VA shopping centers and bus.' $6, size 16. New blonde ANTIQUE SHO'W piece bedroom suite, refrig- 70' fine income, roseville; 100' Lifetime income with early SPRING cleaning. Woman ex- 1-8368. ' TUxedo 1~6255. drum table, $18. TUx.ed0 4- erator, washing machine, gas deluxe dijon corner, east de- retirement plan. Complete <)1\ A Perienced, references. WA 4655. ~ O.u~'''.i:UJ.:...... ~.-ding ,n.u.-':t'IqUes. stove, automatic washer. VA troit;. and others. training. Exclusive product, 3-4259. BEACONSFIELD, 5 room low-. BUSINESS or professional, Dealers. All Articles anne parker, tux;ed....5-0AA.3 _.______.fl t $90 $8- G AWNING d tandard w 1-1793. . v 'ft; nationally advertised. Call: , er ~ a or. upper. D. as private bath in ,p r i vat e an s - . ne , For Sale ' ------STORMS removed, windows h t 11- t dit' . t d" 10' 12' I B. Von Albrecht ea, exce en .con lon, home. Same privileges. VA guaran ee 0 years, x, BOOKS purchased fi)r cash. TUxedo 2-6167 washed, il C r e ens put up, adults. TUxedo 5-7740 eve- 3-2018. $95. Call after 6 p.m. TUx- Grosse Pointe Entire libraries or fine single DEEPLANDS awnings hung, eavestroa,.q,. 'ngs d 5 5059 ' &H ni . e 0 - . , W""r Mernor'lal 'te Mid -" B k S WANTED: Single white girl to cleaned, wall washing and PLEASANT ROOM in. private _------u 1 ms. ,we,:n. /::>0 erv- Ranch type. 4 bedrooms, S care for baby and assist painting. VAlley 1-4127. TERRACE HOUSE. Attractive home for young business SOFA, lamps, sun la.mp, Win~- 32 Lake Shore Road ice" 4301 Kensington, TU baths. Paneled family room. Mother. Some experience. large living room with fire,.. man. No other roomers. Ref- sor rocker, antique pie crust 5-2450. Lar,g'e G.E. kitchen. Separate Live in. Excellent oppor- DENTIST (lr do<,tor's assistant, place,. dining room, butler's. erences required. LAkeview . table, 'electric roaster, desk I p.m. to 10 p.m. ------..:.--- dining room. Screened terrace. amity for right person. Ref- typing and switchboard. Ex- ,pantry and kitchen, 3 bed.. '7-3187. ., lamp, metal customer, long Admission $1.00 WANTED Finest carpeting and draperies. erences requested. Reply to perienced, references. TUx- rooms and 2 b4ths. Excellent carriage typewriter, pictures,. Storms and screens. Less than Box A 10, Grosse Pte. News. edo 4-2951. location-Grosse Pointe City. LAKEPOINTE, 965. Room, etc. 'ro 5-6339" GIRL'S BICYCLE 24" Haw- OLD CLOTHING a year old. Cash or terms . .-..---.-.--, - MAC.KAY. ' bath, 0,. garage,: _gentleman, . '.thorne "'","~..:I c~...1':t;"""' VA n \Under $50,000, fur n i s lh. e d ACCOUNTANT - offIce man- TUxedo'2-4732; mealS"optlonal.' VA 2":~152. BEVEL' EDGED'.:'nUrror 38"2-9235: uvvu ~JI\U ""...... BESTrRICES PAIl) ager, 36 .year old colJ.ege' '--_ ( x '79", g

_ t S , os h" ... nti' "ct' 7 .' • cte .','7 ." 7 l

.1 l, Thursday, Page Eighteen Thursday, April 10. 1958 -

21Y-SILVER SILVER & G Oxidizing a .... e~ Brass Polishirl • Jewelry Repai YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines to Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines to Serve You 99ickly !)EADLINE 4 P.M. TUESDAY LEE , 21I-PAINTING AND SILVEF~ 13-REAL ESTATE j13-REAL ESTATE 14-REAL ESTATE 21A-GENERAL ..SERVICES 12~I-pAINTING AND 21Q-PLASTERING 215-CAIlPENTER WORK 14508 CE: WANTED DECORATING FOR SALE FOR SALE LUGGAGE, trunks, zip~ers, DECORATING REMODELING arches, coves, CARPENTER - finisher. Builds NR. CE sample Da~es repaired'. Gold all kinds of plastering. Work porches, r 0 a'm S, garages. VA ANITA, 519 I BUY AND SELL FOR THE FINEST' general PAINTING - INTERIOR GROSSE PO!NTE stamping, custom built lug- guaranteed. Free estimates. Does all type af commissian Luxurious, new prE'ssed GROSSE POINTE painting and 'd~corating at, By App't. . gage. Travelers', Trunk' Ca., Grosse Pointe references. VAlley 2-0021. work. Fixtures, flaaring, as- SILVER I brick, three bedrooms. PROPERTIES :reasonable cost see Charles MAPLETON RO..\D, 1 block 10323 Mack. VAlley 2-6734. Fine Paper Hanging phalt tiling. Paneling and Replate and Many modern quality fea- A. Schrader VAlley 4-0388, ALL KINDS of plastering. CaUl tOo St. Paul's Catholic schaol, DISTIN and DISTIN Work myself, insured. recreation raoms, EDtimates Yaur Satisfac1 tures, Lawn seeded, 21B-WATCH REPAIRltiG today. Patching. No jab too 12357 E, 8 cDuple blocks to public grade. In Real Estate Business for Winter prices now. free. TUxeda 5-5892. and high schools. This con- 22 years. Member af EXPERT WATCH and clock For Finer . small. Clean, neat workers. East - Written guarantee. All work guaranteed. Free DEEPLA.NDS veniently lDcated Dlder white Grosse PDinte Brokers' As- repairing. Pro~pt service. Ii.E P A l.R SCREENS, fences, LAkev!1 Interior and Exterior Terms if desired. estimat~s. LAkeview 7-7854. CDlanial has 3 BR, bath, 1st sociation. Rp.asonable prices. Bradley porches, 'steps, doors, win- M &. SPLAT: 4 BEDROOMS floor lav., gas heat, 2 car aU. VEnice 9-91)00 Jewelers, 20926 Mack at Painting and Decorating LEON'STRIEGEL dows, cab i net s, b a 0 k------" garage. Under $15,000. 21R-CEMENT WORle 21Z-LANDS Most attractive new custam HamptOl.. TV 2-9309, VAlley 1-7275' cases, good work, prompt • I ROSLYN ROAD, red brick horne, Built on 138 ft. front- 1~PETS ~OR SALle CHRIS C .. CHARRON A-:1 CHIMNEY, broken steps, service. S. E. Barber, 20380 Cohmial an lOot60' x 150', . WATCH CONDI'TIONING HOWAf~ age. Huge step down living brick wark, waterproofing Hollywood, TU 4-0051. 3 BR, 2 baths, good size POODLES, standard, black, 11 Fine workmanship, Reasonable CO. COMPLETE decorating ser- rDom and dining room, and vice. I~terior and exterior walls. All work guaranteed, Landscap~ madernized kitchen wit h weeks, A K C: Puttencove prices. Complete service. MODERNIZATION: Kitchens, powder rDDm. Deluxe kitchen DR. 1.2686 PR 8-4778 painting. Paper removing free estimates. Call ailYtime. Dishmaster, disposal, ptc. Championship strain. TUxe- Jewelry repaired" mountings attics, rec. raams, parches; ~ with built-in refrigeratDr, dou- . Satisfaction Our Guarantee and paper hanging. Wall, LO 7-3230. 1st floor decorating just com- do 5-2424. , and engraving. . rough and finish wark. Guar- LAkev.:.. ble Dven, dIshwasher, break- Established in 1925 washing. War k man s hip pleted. Carpets and drape- BLACK COCKER, male, 6 CERTIFIED A-I CEMENT and brick work anteed. TUxeda 5-0143. fast bar and many extras. Fun Insurance Coverage FDr guaranteed to be the best. Beautiful large redwood den, . ries included. Price just re. weeks. Pedigreed. VA 1-6372. MASTER WATCHMAKER of all kinds. Chimney re- EAS duced. ~ Your Protection For estimates, with beamed ceiling, fireplace CALL WM. FORSYTHE pairs. All estimates free. MODERNIZING LA'WN C! and built-in Fi-Fi cabinets. HUGH CHIHUAHUA, AKC registered, DYGERT'S VA 2-4618, POWEF $35 up. Choice puppies. TEm- VAlley 2-9108 REMODELING Speakers thrDughaut. Master CHAUv'1 ERS 16956'E. Warren at Harvard Tander. ple 1-5489, 3931 Avery. CUSTOM ART WORK Kitchens, Family Raams, bedroom and unusual bath, TUxedo 4-4040 TUxedo 5-9121 ON YOUR WALLS PAII\iTING and decarating. ALL BRICK WORK PRESC' with private enclosed patia on - ..__ Plaster repaiTs, paper hang- Attics, Rec. Rooms TH!RY jewelry, 20756 Mack at NEW AND REPAIHS Licensed Builder first floor. HILLCREST POODLES Why use w'allpaper murals ing ,wall washing, carpet NOW IS TE~ Anita. Specializing in watch PORCHES, STEPS, ETC. Plans Furnished, Three large bedrDams and two Very good. Col~nial. 3 bedrooms. 2 beautiful silver miniature when yoil can have them cleaning. WAlnut 1-0122, yaur yard ( . one bath WIth fIrst floor lavatory. repairs. Watches repaired Leaky Basements Repaired Grosse Pointe References bat h:s 011 sec,ond flaDr WIth ex- ~reakfast nook. carpeting. recrea- males, 8 and 11 mcnths. hand painted? Very rea- TUxedo 2-6521. landscaping from all over the war1d. All LICENSED AND INSURED ceptlonally large closets, Full tlOn room. terrace. 5Ox150l?t. 2 car Trimmed, innoculated and sonable. dependable i attached garage. $23.800. , work guaranteed, MANUAL MARCHESI!; basement has fireplace and registered. Very reasonable. PRescott 8-4819 or PAINTING C. B. HELMER leaping, VI, lav. Entire rear af first flaor: JOHN B. DOYLE YDunger pups, toy and minia- LA 6-9300 21C-ELECTRICAL PRescott 8-5049 Outside painting. Small jobs; BILDOR all Thermopane, with sliding. 128 KERCHEVAL TU ,2-6262 tUl"€Sin all cDlors. Dachshund Tibbies' .: puppies alSD available. Com~ SERVICE garages, touch:-up jobs, caulk- TUXEDO 4-0522 :;~rdoors. For appointment, 560 COOK ROAD. Just com- SAM VAGNETTIE TREE plete trimming service. ing. Private.' CEMENT WORK pleting 4 br., 3% bath; llh All types Df electrical repairs, SPRING painting and decDr- KITCHEN remodeling and de- PRUNINC GARGETT'S Sidewalks, Driveways, Garage TUxedo 5-6914 story Early American home and violations corrected. a.ting. Also wall washing. singing and all built-in ap-. LAND PRescott 5-0794 VENICE 9-2220 in Deeplands Subdivision. Evening work. Free esti~ floors, steps and porches. pliances. Queen's Kitchens, FULLY MARTINIS mates. DRexel 1-2964. Cherry pnneled den, 2-car TOY POODLES, Silver, 2 LET ME PAINT your house. 16117 Mack, TU 5-6238. FREE E 408 ROLAND COURT ELECTRIC SERVICE Basement, Rat Walls ) attached garage, 15x30 rec- mDnths. AKC registered, . PRest: '14435 Kercheval Ave., near We paint bricks. Expert KITCHEN FarmIca counter GROSSE POINTE FA~r.IS reation rO~i.1.Terrace parch, . FrDm championship stock. IF NO Al\ wDrkmanship. TUxedo 1- 3908 Cadieux I tDps; cabinets remadeled; fireplace in living raDm and Chalmers PYRAMID TU 5-0785 Reasonably priced. Evenings, 4497. new sinks installed. Old or PR. Attractive custom b u i 1t recreation room, p&rtitioned VAlley 1-7651 PAINTING COMPANY weekends. TU. 4-4415. I Colonial an privte court RAT PROOFING new work. PRescatt 5-8710. basement Disposal, dish- RESIDENTIAL SPRING cle close to schoals and shap- 21D-ELEC. APPLIANCE 21J-WALL WASHING Cement \\o"Ork,garages raised, washer, built-in oven and AKC GOLDEN Retrievers, 3 COMMERCIAL landscaping ping. 4 bed r a a m s, Ph leveled, straightened, pDrches, H. F. JENZEN BUILDING range, many ather fine fea- mDnths, CenturyhDuse and gutters cleo baths, utility area off kit- Ducker bird bloDd lines. MA EXPERT VACUUM FREE ESTIMATES WALL WASHING cement steps. BDnded. FHA tures. Open. Sunday. CaB terms. Home and Industrial Repairs. minated. B chen, paneled den, lOotsof builder, WOodward 1~5340 6-5757 weekend; JE 9-3220 CLEANER SERVICE TUxedo 1-3029 PAINTING AdditiDns, attics campleted. closets, Paneled recreation LAkeview 6-0668 Dr TUxeda 5-0001. during week; PR 1-7827 eve- Now: Free delivery af bags, SPRIK PDrch enclD~.ures, recreatian COMPLETE; room with bar. Beautifully INTERIOR - EXTERIOR nings. paper bags, brushes, belts. 24- r 367 LAKEWOOD rDDms, gar age s repaired, ice, lawn Cl landscaped. Gas AC heat, GROSSE POINTE Neat, clean, dependable. hour service. PAINTING, interiar and ex. and fertiliz large 2 car garage. Will LINCOLN ROAD LASSIE, half miniature callie, Reasonable rrices. FDr free VA 2-2706 TU 1-9744 TU 1-9611 clean-up v. Semi-ranch, 3-bedraam face free to gODd home, hause HARPER VACUUM terior. Free estimates. Ex- estimates call cDnsider I and cDntract, ALL TYPES of cement wark, Quiere. P.; brick. recreatiDn rDDm with broken, laves children. ~O Authorized Eureka, Hoover Dealer perienced. painters. Leo P. Well priced. FOol'sale by SALES. and SERVICE VEnice 9.7169 p a in tin g and carpentry. estimates. ~ bar and fireplace, tile kitchen, months. TU 2-4138. Kistner, PEescott 7-5876, If PORCH ENCLOSURES or owner. NEW - REBl,JILTS - PARTS Early spring rates. Call after TUxedo 4-6939 bath and washroDm. Birch 17176E. WARREN, at CADIEUX no answer can PRescott WALL WASHING, 27 years FlDrida rOo0 m s. Quality 20-PIANO SERVICE . TU 1-1122 OPEN 10 TO 7 5. A. A. Yaunga, VEnice 9- trim, screened pDrch, excel- 7-5853. experi~nce. Elrper T. La- materials and warkman- 0152. lent price. badie, TUxedo 2-2064. ship. 7" wide double seal COM P LET E piano service. I 21E-=~CUSTOM CORSETS EXPERT painting, paper hang. SUNNINGDALE, 4 bedrooms, ST. CLAIR SHOR:GS Tuning, repairing, refinish------ALL BRICK WORK, base- jalausie windows, awning, ing by mechanics, free esti- WALL 'WASHING, window 2 baths Dn 2nd flODr. Bed- 22123 CALIFORNLA ing and mDth proofing. Place SPENCER CORSETS ments and porches, built and ar casement win d 0 w s. mates. Van Assche, TUxedo cleaning, tile floors cleaned rDDm and bath Dn 1st floor. Between 8 and 9 Mile, neaT your Drder ea.rly. R. Zech" Individually designed, light- repaired. VAlley 1-0360. KDol-Shade s ere e n i n g and waxed. Experienced. ,In- Maid's rDDm and bath. 100, Mack. New 3-bedroom 001' 2-' RE 9-3232. weight foundations and sur- 4-1187, VA 4-1492. available on any jab. Far ft. lOotin ShDres. TU 2-6000. bedroDm and 'paneled den. gical g a l' men t s, over 26 sured. ~ree estimates. J. Hal- 21S-CARPENTER WORK estimates phD~,e TWin- MaxDn Brothers, Inc. Face brick. Vanity, disposal, PLAYER pianos l' e p a ire d, ' years experience. M a u d e A-I Painting and Deco- len. LAkeview 6-3372, VAl- braok 2-8u33, ------built-in china. F. I. aluminum bDught and sold. SlDcum Ban n e r t, 368 McKinley, rating, wall washing, ley 4-9676. Superigr Sasn and 203 McKINLEY in the Farms windows with starms and 7-7330, ar PRescott 7-94~2. Grosse Pointe, TU 5-4027 ar patch plastering. lawn WALL WASHING, paper Additions - Alterations Screen Co. now offered at $30;500. 4 screens. Low price and terms. TOwnsend 9-3317. bedraDms, . 2 bat h s. Open cleaning, interior decorating. 20460 John R. 21A"';'GENERAL SERVICES • furniture sprayed. A-I I Kitchen Mode'rnization Sunday 2-5, John T. Hoag, Twenty years' 'experIence. R. HASKIN, TU 5-0470 2lG-.ROOF SERVICE references. C 0 lor e d. or Minor Repair VAlley 2-2710 or TUxedo ---_.~---- VENETIAN BLINDS O. Poupart, VAlley 2-2522. Free Estimates GROSSE POINTE FARMS GUTTERS cleaned, repaired, f SPRING SPECIAL 1-2356. I WINDOW SHADES James L. Crawford WINDOW cleaning. Residen- Licensed ContI;'8-ctor Only $4,900 down and painted. Conductors un- Repairs and additions af all SHADES MADE tial, cDmmeroial. PR 6-8907. HILLC EST OhDice ColDnial with 3 bed- plugged. Any kind af roof VAlley 1.3385 FRANK J. ST, AMOUR kinds of hames and cement WHILE YOU WAIT wark. Camplete hame build- R raoms, 2lh baths, first floor repair, creosoted 001' recov- WALL washing, wall paper TU 2-8324 TU 5-5791 COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE ing. Have lOots. l At KerchevaL Only several', activities raDm. Best value in ered. TUxedo 1-5110. , cleaning. I guarantee t~at C.A. PATTERSON left. Attractively siyled 3-4 area. DONALD BLISS YDU will be satisfied with JIM SUTTON bedrDom Colanials. Open for I LEON P. SANKAR CITY SASH & TUxeda 2-3252, TUXedD 1-6674 my work. Grosse Pointe . ROOF REPAIRING Decorator 1677 BRYS . inSIPectiDn daily. Visit us SODnI TU 4-3078 TU 1,.P581 Expert on leaky roofs; caulk- references. WA 4-4801.' Exterior Interior Carpenter Work, Repairing & I 21T-DRESSMAKING or it will be tDOlate. ------ing and gutters unplugged, "IN THE FARMS" 311 SCREEN CO. Free ~stimates Remadeling, Attics, Porches, I ------i4000 EAST SEVEN MILE RD. hung-up, . painted inside and LAKELAND Stephens, spaciDus 3 bed- 30 Years in G.P. WINDOW AND WALL Garages, I EXCLUSIVE alterations Dn raom, library, screened ter- LA 7-3700 out. TU 4-2942 dresses and suits by Mane NDW, vacant, spacious alder 4 VEnice 9-2220. CLEANING Stephens, also remDdeling bedrDDm 2 bath .residence plus race, 2-car attached garage, TU 1-7050 large recreatiDn raam, near WINDOW SHADES FDr neat dependahle service REPAIRS and improvements. and repairing furs. Quick maid's qua r t e l' s, paneled GUTTERS cleaned, repaired service on hems. TU 5 7610. Florida rODm. Will cDnsider new Jr. high; owner wants PORCH SHADES or replaced, metal deck, FREE estimates, Best work- MEL & DON All types af carpenter work. deal. Mrs. Steiner, Johnstone Also aluminum cambinatiDn tr~de on previDus hDme. ALUMINUM STORM roofs r e p air ed, flat or manship at best possible VE 9-6609 EVE. TU 1-7871 DESIGNING fashionable suits, & J ahnstone. TU 4-0600. WINDOWS AND DOORS shingled, private party. Free prices. TUxedo 2-5308. dors, windaws and awnings. 21K-WINDOW WASHING J. Barker, VAlley 1~8146. coats and dresses, alteratians STEPHENS 216 RIDGE ROAD. Open 2-5 ALUMINUM AND FIBER estimates. Ask for Nelson. and hats: restyling, rea- D r h f b b h GLASS AWNINGS PR 6-7159. I e Ig t ul 2 edrDDm 2 at! Sat. & Sun. Are you a.slave GLASS BATH-TUB ERNEST A. BOCK . WINDOW CLEANING sonable. VA 2-3610. architect's dream home now tOo a big, DId house? See Pointer ond decorator; quality HOME REMODELING SPECIALISTS SEWING alterations, ~dults . vacant. Now Dffered at $35,000. the efficient madern way of ENCLOSURES ALTER ROOFING COMPANy and color matching, the fjnest! ,WALL v;ASHING life, all Dn one flaor. 3-bed- Complete Repair Service Served Grosse Pointe homes for Service an Screens and Storms Birch kitchen cabinets, bath . and children; hems, zippers,. A. H PARK LANE rODm, 3 bath ranch awaits Cleaning, Repairing Brick Washin'g Expertly Done fixtures, formica vanitory, at- plain ct..apes , aprons and Complete roofing and sheet 10 years. Almost new ranch hame with yaur immediate occupancy. Reconditianing Basement Painting tics, porches. pillows. TU 1-7455. metal work. Fully insured. 20685 Woodmont TU I~6905 cantemparary flair. 3 bedroom, JohnstDne & Johnstone ESQUIRE SHADE CO, Free estimates. H. E. GAGE & SON Na maney down, easy terms DRESSMAKING and re':'de- 2 baths, Florida rODm, air-con- TU 1-4200 15133 Gratiot C;:OMPLETE decorating ser,- TV 4-0136 TV 2':7413 HERMAN BROTHERS signing: suits, d res s e s, ditiDned. For full details call. . Open Friday Until 9 P.M. VA 1-8458 ED 1-6512 vice. Licensed, insured, win- bridals a~ maternity. Rea- taday. 13A-LOTS FOR SALE LA 1-1515 LA 1-1516 VA. 2-8333 VA. 2-0304 ter p r ice s. Van .Houzen 21 M-Sewer Cleaning sonable. TU 4-4705. GRO~SE POIN~E FAR~S - FIREPLACE equipment, brass 1------Brothers. PRescott 5-4875, STERLING'S KITCHEN CABINETS MONOGRAMMING, bOou n d WhItcomb DrIve Dff .Lake-. and irDns, tools repolished 21H-RUG CLEANING LAkeview 6-3727. CHAMPION ELECTRIC SEWER & FORMICA TOPS buttDnholes, a I t era t ions, shore. 100 ft. Owner. TUxedo and lacquered, screens re- BESTCARPET CLEANERS CLEANING Custom Made Furniture ... Kitch- good work. Fast servi~e. Call 2-4760, WO 1-4941. p air e d. Smith - Matthews, Painting" and Decorating en Cabinets . . Formica Tops. Bars TU 4-5700 24 hr. service ., Recreation Rooms , . . Floor evenings ar Thursdays and I GROSSE PTE. FARMS-, -re-ad-y 6640 Charlevoix. WA 2-7155. CLEANING DYING Best of Grosse Pointe References Don't" cut your tre€$, I will and O~il1ng Tile . " . Guaranteed Sunday. Mrs. Zahm, VAlley ------. for spring building. Tour- ---C-A-R-P-E-T-LA-YI-N-G--1 REPAIRING • Interior • Exterior cut the roots . VVork. . 3-9696. ' LAKELAND aine Rd., between Ker"che- NEW AND OLD PROMPT HOME SERVICE Free Estimates PRescott 6-1370 FREE ESTIMATES AMERICAN CABINET & lmast new co Ion i a 1, with vf\l and Ridge, 110 ft. frant St' C Sh'ft d FREE ESTIMATES JOHN R. FORTIER 21U-PlUMBING A x 140 ft. Landscaped, sprink- all' arpet 1 e INSURED ' 21N--Furnace Work WOOD PRODUCTS aneled library. 3 bedraoms, Repairs af ~l Types PR 7-3551 P ling system. Make affer. ... . TU 2-6556 16750 E. :J Mile Road PLUMBING, heating and gas 2 baths, attached garage. Gas LEO TRU"'EL 5MbKE? - NO HEAT? East Detroit Write Box T-llO, Grosse Pte. .lJ PAINTING, papering, paper conversian, electric sewer heat. Fine carpets throughaut. N"ews. TV 5-0703 CARPETS, rugs, furniture ex- remove~. W a.11 washing. Chimneys Cleaned Topto PR 1-5269 c1eaning,a uta mat i c gas Excellent condition. Price re- pertly cleaned in your home; duced to sell quickly. _ NEWBERRY near Lakeshore, DRYERS VENTED, $15.00. 3- Neat, reliable. Work guaran- Bottom water heater installed as prDmpt, courteous -service. CARPENTER, repairs, daors, 100x155'. WeB shaded. Near in. standard installatian. Call teed. Mertens, 122 Muir, tI'U law as $100.Licensed plumb- Free estimates. Kief. Carpet Furnaces d. $6.50. locks, sash cords, cabinet T. RAYMOND JEFFS schaols. $18,800. 0 w n e r. LA 7-0533, Tl1 1-4162. 2-0083.' er. J. M. Kushner, TU 5-2959, Cleaners, TUxedo 1-0369. All makes repaired, work. EDgewater 1-4576. TU 5-7132. . 81 Kercheval TU 1-1100 . TUxedo 1-5864. ------. " RADKE CARPET CLEANERS ABCO CHIMNEY & GROSSE POINTE SHORES, Suburban Maintenance Hughes Brothers Grosse Pointe Shores I . Rugs, carpets, and furniture FURNACE SERVo ' GUIDE 1'0 GOOD SERVICE '.'icinity ya c h t c 1u b, size Associates cleaned beautifully. Oriental Painting 'and Decorating VAlley 3-1 I 13 26 COLONIAL ROAD apprax. 150x150. Owner. rugs, Wilton, waol, rC\yon, ny- Outstanding new Williamsbwg I TUxedD 4-4516. "No Job is too Small" Interior-Exterior Free est. A.M.-P.M. One p ha n e call for all lon, tacked down. or loose, Wall Washiilg 8 rODm tri-Ievel, $61,000. Open ED f t 1 B d c.l e an e d in your ham~ and .. Sunday, ONE HUNDR 000 ot, .e - . home maintenance prDb- Free Estimates 210-Waterproofing GROSSE POINTE lems. . mDthproofed, the modern way. (TUxedD 2-2593 Monday fDrd a~d J effell"son. Pnced Expert Paper Hanging 'd ) fDr qUIck sale. VA 2-2710. PR 0-3038 TU 1-4571 Free estimates. . Basements Made Dry TU 1-9813 KO thrDug h Fn ay I . - TU 5-1165 TU 1-7687 Shoe Repair DR 1-3133 Cracked walls repaired, re-in-' , ' DIV i ST. CLAIR SHORES, 75x125, . 5293 Yorkshire. 379 Fisher Rd•• Opp. tUgh :4-Hr. a Day GROSSE POINTE WOODS I forced. All brick repairs. Guar- _ 3 blocks north 10 Mile, lh anteed, insured; , . 20535 Very attractive g ray brick PRACTICAL BUILDERS JOE FACE blDCk east Df Jefferson. Pri- Manuel Marohese Earle Ric.hards Service - ranch Dn 75 ft. lot. 3 king size Garages, frame and brick. M. '&. M-. DECORATORS vate beach. $5,700, TU 5-4409. LAkeview 6-9300 20397 Mack ATe., bI the Woods bedraDms, 2 car attached ga- Roofing and siding, kitchens parpet, furniture cleaning and Custom painting and deCDrat- remodeled, cement drives and rage, screened terrace. Excel- 13D-~.~ortqc..Clles wall washing. Alll work guar- ing. Interior, exteriDr. 'Wark- 21P-FURNITURE REPAIR HI. lent cDndition. Best value in I porches. Licensed and regis- anteed-free estimates. manship and materials guar- ) ar~a far $32,000. Owner must MORTGAGES tered. Free estimates. anteed.. Free estimates. Call C US T,OM upholstering. A For Quick For t sel1. Assume $18,500 mtg. at Residential- CDmmercia1 R. P. SPURGEON ED 1-1967. anytime. splendid selection af deco- TV & Radio Service .. 5%%, 24 yrs. TU 1-6300. FIRST MORTGAGE PRESCOTT 5-4311 . VALLEY 4-7854 rative fabrics. Expert need- Guaranteed Repair Work Fleet Johnstone & Johnstone Commitment 24 h,z's. Money lepoint maunting. Estimates ~' Television • Radio ______4 days $1,000 up, 6%, 5-7 Yrs. why METAL AWNINGS cleaned 211-PAINTING AND cheerfullyg'i v e n. Ewald, • Scund Eq~ipmeltt GROSSE POL"ITE FARMS Repayment. and wax e d. Reasonable. I DECORATING CUSTOM 13929 Kercheval. VA 2-8993. If yo SECOND MORTGAGE .LAkeview 7-9252, PAINTING & DECORATING EAST END 3-bedroom, 1'h bath, break- LOANS. Equity above Mort- A-I PAINTING, wall washing. 21Q"';"'PLASTERING of Vi UNDERCOATING SPECIAL - fast, dining and FlDrida raom gage of Land Cantract Balance Free estimates. TrDmbley $13.95 Homes. Offices Stores . RADIO AND iTV Well alsa beautiful recreatian room. plus' Chattel an CDntents, $525- Service, Pfescott 3-0163. Excellent conditiDn. Walking $2,000 - 18 MOo.Repayment. No Car life guar8.nteed. S & H Papering p Specialty PLASTERING Sales & Servi

Three may keep a Men'l and Ladle" Suit. T;lUored to Order. Alter- . VA'....2.30)llO se::r~ if two are dead. SAVE AT ,COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS,!:. ations, relininc. Double breasted luits t'est,Yled-w to sinl'le breasted. , Where You.r Dollars Earn More. ..: t 20247 Mack at Hunt Club - Grosse Pointe Woods 1493.1 EAST JEFFERSON, al City Limits CURRENT RATE ON SAVINGS TU..... 5200 OPEN MO.N. - THURS. 9:30.4:30 • FRIDAY 9:30- .!OO Fred M. Schuman Established 1925 Open. Eves till 6:30


'. --}, '. -'-:. ~ --~.:. • .#-" • .'st f 7 tes? 7 ~ Thursday, April 10, 1958 G,ROSSE POINTE N'EWS Page Nineteen

. Pastor The next 25 years may 59 Sunday School at ,9:30 a.m. the end of poverty as our most Classified Continued ,OBITUARIES: h " h' - N.... : Church Service at 11 a.m. imP9rtant economic. problem,. \ I (Nursery to six years). a speaker said recently at The University of Michigan. , MARY BLISS 'urc' 'ews i '" . '" 21V-SILVER PLATING [21%-LANDSCAPING 21z.-.;LANDSCAPING ." ' ... _..-- 'a:t.e. '.' . , .: GRACE .EVANGELICAL. Mrs. l?hss, o~ 920 Har~ourt, .. Lakepointe at Kercheval SILVER & GOLD PLATING FERTILIZING and ROLLING -H 0 ME GARDENING and 1'1oad,dled FrIday, AprIl 4. . . '.. . Great lakes $500,000 Exhibition Oxidizing and Repairing. lawns; peat moss and top 1and s c ap'i n g.. Cut grass, Robert P. ~ck, Pastor $he 'was the wife of the late POINTE METHODIST parlor. 10. a.m. SerVIce. gUll~, . Thursday - 8 p.m. Senior Brass Polishing & Lacquering soil. By month or season. clean-up, LAkeview 7...2471, William Bliss. and is sU1'vived 211 Moross Road assembly room. 12:30 p.m. Choir. Jewelry Repairing, }l~ngraving TUxedo 1-2278, or Howard WAlnut 3-3171. by a daughter, Mrs. Hazel BughC. White ..Pastor, Luncheon, gymnasium. 1:'~5 At LEEBERT 8-3919. ------Northmore. " HeJen D. Tho.mas, Director p.m. Mrs. Janres H. Graves wIll '" .'" '" ------Funeral services were held 'of .Christian Education . sp,eak on "The 'Need for Call.. Saturday -- 9:30-11:30 a.m. K SILVERSMITHS TREE TRIMMING, Monday, with burial in Mount Sunday, April 13: 9:30 .a.m.,. ing a Constitutional Conven- Confirmation Glass. 14508 CHARLEVOIX REMOVAL, SPRAYING, BEA'l'TY LANDSCAPING & Olivet Cemetery. worship and sermon~ church tion to Revise or Replace the ... '" ... :lds NR. CHALMER~ Dutch Elm disese spraying, . LAWN CUTTING COMPANY ... '" ... . school for nlIDSery, tmy tots, 1908.:Constitution of the State Sunday - 10~11 C h u r c h ~es. VA 2-731B oabling. , . , kindergarten, primary and of Michigan.'" School for Beginners through Graduates of M.S.U. School ion Free estimates. MkUDE ALICE LONG junior departments; 10:30a.:nl:., Wedn~day, April 16: 8 p.m~ Junior High. Crib Room. 10-1 as- SILVER - GOLD TU 1-6950 of Landscaping Mr~..Lorig, oi81 .Sunn~ng~ adult Bible class; 11:15 a.m., Fortnighters for. young people Morning Worship Service. 10- and Replate and Repair Service CAL FLEMING TREE Spring clean-up.-Gardening ,d ale,clie.d.,.Thursday, April' 3. "'.orship .and .sermon;. dhurch in their' twenties and thirties, 111.Discuss~on P~riod for Junior tes Your Satisfaction Guaranteed SERVICE She 'was th€!wife of the late school for nuxsery, tIPY tots, women's parlor. HIgh, Semor HIgh, Adults. I , . Evergreens Tririmied 12357 E. 8 Mil~ Road, J ohn -Long, and is survived by kindergarten, prImary; inter- ...... 4< ... * April 12, 13, 14 . 12~10:30 " .... '.. East Detroit, MERION blue grass nursery PR 7-1093 a sQnj Elvin (Al). mediate and senior depart- POINTE CONGREGATIONAL Monday - 10:30 a.m. Ev. 75c Adm. Masonic Tempi. ces, LAkeview 6-1615 sod. Landscape desi,gning aI').d Funeral services were" held ments; 6 p,m., , 7th, 8th, 9th 240 ChaIfonte at. Latbrop planting. Patios and natural & .Reformed Ministerium at 'In- M & S PLATING .COMPANY Monday, with burial'in Wat- grade MYF; 7:30 p.m., senior Ministers: stone walls. Free estimates. Grace Ghurch. k- ford, Ontario. MYF., Marcus William Johnson 21%-LANDSCAP'ING TU 1-6950 '" '" ... . Monday, April 14: 9:15 p.m., Arnold Dahlquist Johnson pt CAL FLEMING GEN'ERAL '" '" '" 380 SPRAYING EIlVIRA E. EASON Bowling, League. _Sunday, April 13: '10 a.m. Wednesday - 8 p.m. Con- ESQUIRE HOWARD PROBST LANDSCAPE SERVICE gregational n i g h t "At 'the Specializing in A life-time resident of the Tuesday, April 15:.4:00 p.m., Worship service; church school THEATRE Landscape~Gardening RAY'S LAWNCARE Detroit area, Mrs. Eason; 85, 'preparatory m e m b e r s hip for all ages, crib room through Threshold" - a film presenta- ens, DUTCH ELM t~Dn. 153'1 J E. Jefferson Co. spring clean ..up, fertilizing, dH~d Wednesday,' April 2, in classes;' \ 12:45 p.m." Alpha seriior high. 11:30 a.m. Worship COMPLETE Circle at' home of Mrs. D. A. ' VAlley 2~2870 LAkeview 1-6896 seeding, summer. maintenance. her home' at 1030 Balfour Teachout, ~800 Co u r v ille; service; crib room onlY'.4 p.m. '" . " PRescott 5~7486 SPRAYING SERVICE r oud. ,Eason avenue, in High- Senior high; Pilgrim Fellow- Thursday - 8 p.m. Senior Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. Iand Park, was named for her Mmha-Mary at home of Mrs. ship will bowl 8ft Pillat Rccre- Choir. GRIFFORDS TREE SERVICE. 34th YEAR E~nest Soberer, 85. Stanton _ April 13-14-15-16 EASTLAND h I:rees topped, trimmed a'nd IN GROSSE POINTE usband, a prominent Detr.oit Lane; Ruth Circle at home of aiion, ,14529 Kercheval. 7. p.m. THE ENEMY BELOW LAWN CUTTIt\JG CO. realtor who died 25 years ago. Mrs. KenneLl Kimmel, 740 Congo club meeting in youth Color Cinemascope POWER ROLLING removed. Reasonable. TUx- Robert MItchum, Curt Jurgens edo 1-5110. Russell. S. Preston. Her brother, R. GeOrge Marsh, University place; 8 p.m., Doris room. .. s, Tandem Rollers was \ ,the first president of White Circle at home of Mrs. Monday, April 14: 6:30 p.m. THE BIG BEAT PRESCOTT 7-5298 Grosse Pointe Shores. ' 1.' Russell Allen, 250 Ridge- Basketball League dinner in Color LANDSCAPING, sod din g, William t:teynolds, Gogi Grant PRESTON, Mrs'. 'Eason was formedy mont. Naomi Circle at home socialhaU No. 1. 7 p.m. Marin- 'ftJ. lawn cutting and mainte- ~:sa~ NOW IS THE TIME to get nance, tree work, soils and active. in. the 20th Century of- Mrs, Robert Ambrose, 100 ers Scouts in socal hall NO.2. Thur., Fri.. Sat. - April 1'1.18~1' your yard cleaned. Complete supplies. WAlnut 5-9323. TREE EXPERT & Club. " . , . Roslyn road; Rebecca Ci'rcle at. 8 p.m'. Cooperative nursery \,,-.- thrU saturday INTERLUDE landscaping; reasonable and Surviv.~n~ are a daughter, home of Mrs. Wm. F. Hosch,. parents in youth room and kin- NOW rt Mitchutn . Color Ctnemascope ~. ROb e ns June Allyson, Rossano Brazzi dependable. Krantz Land- Mrs~ Grac2 Louise Gr,igg;. two 19234 Linville; Susannah Wes~ dergarten. curt Jurgfng sa ga in tR Icaping, VA. 2-4236, FRED LABELLE SPRAYING Sons, Albert M. and George M. ley att' home of Mrs. A. Morp';an, TuesdaYI April 15: 12:30 In the n;!ost atn~alS of the the fighting a THE TARNISKED ANGEL Ryerson: and a sister, Mrs. John.son, 410 Hillcrest. p.m. W'omen's Association NaVY LOW" Cinemascope Rock Hudson, Dorothy Malone Complete lawn and garden Estelle Minkley. She also W.ednes d'ay, A'lpI 16: 8 p.m., meetmgs" m the homes. 645: u. '~TnE ENEMY B~d Color) Til>bies' Tree Service .. CO. . d 6 (in Cine~aWt.o:n~, Tues. i TREE REMOV AL service eaves 7 grandchildren an . Official Board' meeting. p.m. Men's Club Bowling ,SU .~U 13 14 15 k (Complete Tree & great - grandchildren. I!'uneral Th _~l /1 '1 17 8 4529 K h 1 P'l ~pr on_Robert stac Special Kiddie Mati,," de- PRUNING - ~'OPPING u.Lo:.uay, rI : p.m., League, 1 erc eva, I- S St Rock lIgUEdS"'1\:RNlSHED Sat., April 19th ap- TUxedo 2-0423 Shrubbery Service) ervices were held at . Chancel Choir rehearsal. lar R~creation. 7 p.m. Boy "T ~ S" I LANDSCAPING ~NGEL l1Uler'll ens, FULLY INSURED Michael's Episcopal Church on Friday, April 18: 4 p.m., Scouts in social hall No. 1. Williatn Fall , Two Children Admitted SPRING clean up; seeding, No .obligation for Saturday, 'with burial in White Junior Choir rehearsal; 8 p.m., 7:30 p.m: Group 5 meeting in Based on FREE ESTIMATES fertilizing, rolling, weed and "pyloh." .wednesdaY lall For Price of One (25c) -Expert Consultation Chapel Cemetery, in Troy. Sixth Grade party. lounge. starting LlOYll No BNVADE'RSFROM MARS PRescott 5-2328 crab g:rassspraying, prun- Lalla ,:",u~or N PLACE" S '" '" '" . Saturday, April 19: 10 a.m., Wednesday, April 16: 9:30 "pEx.L . (in color) IF NO ANSWER CALL ning, spraying, m 0 nth I y Day Calls .Night Call MARTHA DEERING RENO Yj)uth choirs'reheaa.-saL a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Scout leaders INTERLUDE PRo 5-8659 maintenance; 12 years ex- TU 1-0957 TU 1-3930 June Allyson Mrs. Reno, 70, of 598 Notre • '" '" in social hall No. 1. 8 p.m. p~rience. Free estimates .. plus LAWN SPRINKLER REPAIR Dame avenue died WedneS- ST. JAMES LU'EHERAN Prudential' committee in SPRING clean-up. complete TU 1-6950 3 CARTOONS landscaping gardening, etc., CAL FLEMING GENERAL ExperIenced with plastic, cop- day, April 2. She had lived in . McMillan at Kercheval, lounge. IIII!IW: ~1I!.1 gutters cleaned, pests exter- LANDSCAPE SERVICE per and galvanized automati c the Grosse Pointe area for 45 Rev. George E. Kurz Thursday, April 17: 4 p.m. minated. Bill, TU 2-9284. systems - both manually an d years. Her husband's family Miss Rhoda Gilmer, Parish Junior choir rehearsal. 7 p.m. - GALLAGHER - automatically operated. 4 8 were among the Pointe's worker Youth choir rehearsal. 8 p.m. COMPLETE landscaping serv- LANDSCAPING COMPANY hour s'pecialized guarantee d earliest French settlers. Friday: Adult .class, 8 p.m. Chancel choir rehearsal; Every ice, lawn cutting, culti~:ation Complete landscaping ahd Service .. Call Mr. French, at She is survived by her Chancel choir, 8:15 p.m. Member Canvass committee in and fertilization, edging and garden service. Sodding, EDgewater 1-2498 before 8:00 husband, Peter; and chi!- '" • Ill. • social hall No. 1. clean-up work. Julius La-I seeding, and maintenance a,m. or after 6:30 p.m. dren, Tho m a 5, V,Ti 11 i a m; Saturday: Chapel choir, 10 '" '" ... ngUlllI1 Quiere. PR.' 8-2709. Free work. Charles, John, and Mrs. Adolph o'clock. Cherub choir, 11:15 CHRIST EPISCOPAL LAWN FERTILIZING estimates. $2.00 an hour. ' TUXEDO 1.2616 Noe' her brothers, John, Wil- or . WEED KILLING Iia~ August, FeliX, and Ber- a.m. •• '" 61 Grosse Pointe Boulevard 'te THEATRE lty INSECT CONTROL , . h Mrs Rev. E. B. Maynard, it~tor nal'd H:enng; er 818 rs, .', Sunday: Sunday school, 9:30 Sunday: 8 a.m., Holy Com- 15311 E. ,n- TREE ROOT FEEDING Fred GIllette, Mrs. Mary HIll, a.m. Youth Bible class, 10 a.m. Jefferson ~al AGI.SPRA YER SYSTEM L . R bbins and' Mrs . munion. 9:30 and 11 a.m., Fam- Mrs. eWlS 0, • Services, 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. ily worship and church school. We specializ€ In developin g Wi I bur Wellman. She al~o Nursery at both. ATTENTION! r: beautiful pest free lawns, wit h leaves ~2 grandchildren an~ '" '" ... 6:30 p.m., Canterbury Club. . ~g the most modern.materials and one great-grandchild. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Students Over 12 YearS of Age ~or equipment known. Funeral services were held POINTE MEMORIAL and Friday: 8:45 a,m., Morning fn- Let us transform your law n Saturady, with buriel in Mount 16 Lake Shore Road prayer, 10 a.m., Holy Com- The ESQUIRE THEATRE. which is now under the I into emerald ~reen beauty as Olivet Cemetery. Dr. Frank Fitt, Miilister mumon.. Tuesday. 10 am'. .., manag-ement of CHARGOr ENTERPRISES, has nature intended. You'll be '" ... .. The Rev. Paul F. Ketchum and Woman's Auxiliary program. amazed ai the low cost an d the Rev. Ben L: Tallman, 7 HIe adopted a ne\'/ policy which will allow students ELLA HENRY BARTLETT Wednesday: a.m., 0 y om- gratify~ng results. Call us fol' . ter Associate Ministers .munIon.. 845: a,m., M'ornlng betwee~ 12 and 18 years of" aqa to be admiited A former Grosse Pom 'Thursday, April 10: 4:15 p.m. Th d 5'30 pm FREE 'estim?tes. , . 13artlett, of Oxford, Mich- prayer. urs ay:. .., FOR THE PRICE OF FERTILEZE \_- BLOOMFIELD Mrs Junior choir rehearsal. 6:30 Evensong, LAWN CULTllRE 1gan died Tuesday, Apri~ 1, p.m. Staff dinner for all church ... '" LIncoln 8-0171 ' after an 'illness of s eve r a I school workers, gymnashun. . f all months. ' .She was a metnber CALVARY LUTHERAN nent of the Junior Lbague of De- Friday, Aprj.l 11: 1 p.m.-lsa- Gateshead at Mack To get this spedal rate. it is necessary that studenb SEEDING. ROLLING troit, Sigma Gamma Associa- bella Murray sewing group: Rev;.... Harold E. Schroeder, uild- obtain AND Ctlrry a STUDENT IDENTIFICATION FERTILIZING tion, and a PioneeT member Hostes.<>,Mrs. Ben L. Tallman, of the Metamora Hunt. 353 McKinley. 8 p.m. Session CARD. be , ~6674 GENE'S LANDSCAPE .Surviving are her husband, meeting, new members will • Additions • Enlargements Car1s will be availablt.! at the box. office upon request. SERVIGE; Robert J. Bartlett, and broth- received, women's parlor. 8 • Porch Enclosures • Porches ers, Edwin B. Henry, of Chl- p.m. The Fortnighters will "best music FREE ESTIMATES cago; George' H. Henry, of meet for a card party at the , on and repair to homes in the Pointes Cd,lifornia; and William Tefft home of Anne Hinchman, 155 MASONIC AUDITORIUM-SAT.,APRll- 19-8:20 P~M...... PR 9-2729 in town" ~ane Henry, 0f Santa Fe , N. M. Irvine Lane . eling Funeral'services were held Saturday, April 12: 10:30 Kohler-Williams ~uick H. S. SHANNON, Contractor GARDENING! . last Thursday, witli buriel in a.m. Senior choir rehearsal, The Bright and Sharp Duo M I N t~ EA POL IS SYMPrtONY-ANTAL DORATI conducting 7610. TU. 4-4159 1953 Hunt Club Elmwood Cemetery. ,men's lounge. New Dancing Rhythms GENE'S LANDSCAPE • '" • . Sunday,. April 13: 9:30 a.m. Program: ROSSINI-Oveture to "La Gazza Ladra;" BEETHOVEN ;uits, Grosse Pointe Woods -Symphony No.6; COPLAND-Suite from Ballet "Rodeo;" RAYEL SERVICE . JOHN R. STEARNS Morning worship, first ser- good food -Dal)hnis and Chloe (Second Suite) Tickets: $1.65, ~;;.20, ,2.75, tions Mr. Stearris, 50, of 117 Handy vice: Sacrament Oofthe Lord'~ $3.30, S3.85, at GRINNELL'S, MASONIC. TEMPLE. rea- FREE ESTIMATES road, died on Thursday, April Supper. 9:30 a.m. Adult Bible good fun PR 9-2729 3, in Henxy Ford Hospital, af- study 'group; leader, Mrs. Special" Attention to dults ter a short illness. ' Frank Fitt, library. 9:30 a.m. . Bowling Parties "A Grosse Pointe Tradition" pers, , A. H. PETERS FUNERAL HOtv1E A native. of Evanston, Ill., Church school in all depart- and he had. lived in the Detroit ments, section 1. 10:15 a.m. Eddy Sheph,erd',s .-HERBCIation Sun., Noon to 9 p.m. 1 as .. Sat. 12:30 to 11 p.m., .lmb- Phoenician Tombs estimat ed 1946. He was a first of Adm. sewing and knitting, women's 2959, to be 3,000 yeaTS old have be en Arthur Radford .. 1209 GRA T10~ A \fE. 20705 MACK AVF.. at VERNIER RD. unearthed by' heavy constru c- .Mr. Stearns is survived 1;ly DETROIT" MICH. GROSS! POINTE WOODS 36. IliICH. . . tion machinery at Rota, Spal n, his wife, Mary M.; two sons, ALL MAKES, STORM SASH LAKEVIE\l1 6-7700 .London East TUXEDO "~5oo wher the U.S.Navy is bllildin g John Ro, Jr., and James. M.; SCREENS - DOORS 123 KERCHEVA-L a modern ~ir-sea base. a brother, G. Radford Stearn Open Tues., Fri. 9 p.m. of Detroit; and two sisters, ALUM.IIUM Sun 12 to " pm. Grosse Pointe Forms Mrs. George Cutler 'of Evans- -AI R.TEC • '•• TW 2-7800 ...... ton; and Mrs. Geor'ge Veeder R~PAIRING 640 E.7 MUe-l Blk. W. of Oakland of Kennelworth, Ill. ~ Luncheons E~~PtM~~~~~;1 1.50 KOMAR. ELE.CTRONICS Funeral services were held • on Satuday, April 5. Buriel was Evening DinDlers from 3.15 DIV. OF GROEHNENTERPRIZES 'CO. lin White Chapel Memo.rial Greenlawn Mower Sharpening Shop cemete~y...... 20535 Mack .Mack, Grosse' Pointe Woods .' WE PICK .UPAND DELIVER ice T.V. RADIO OPEN II :30 A.M. TO 1:00 A.M. 'ood. TU 4-2908 Sunday Shorpe~ing • Overhaul'. Repair SUMday WALL W~SHING 9:30 G.m. Hand and Power Lawn Mowen~orden Tool•. Reservations TU 4-5015 - HI-FI COMPANENT5-RADIOS ':45.,m. Painting and "Paperhanging WXYZ, Clean Work .Quolity Paints Knive •. ~ $cissors, - Saw Filing 0 , ONE~DAY SERVICE For the best deal in town on anything . Channel 7 CKLW 22437 EAST NINE MILE RD. Phon. PRo 6-7752 FRANK LA 1-1264 Flectrical or Electronic, call us and see' Business Men', why we don't believe in recessions. " , ~ Luncheons If you're low on cash bring in anything Years ~ of value. . Good Fences for 49 Evening Dinners Lavig~~ou~~!!Sales 1 Wedding We'll sell it for you ,and then 9~veyou Every style of Fence.' • !"fj Breakfasts ~o. a real deal on the Electronic equip. erected for you Hudson • Rambler • .Metropolitan Sales and Service . A Family_ Banquets ment of your choice. I 11 WA. '1-62.82. WeAlio Service. Nash Car RADIO - TELEPHONE , . RESTAURANT Open Sundays Includ1n& Serving All of-GrOll. Pointe - MARINE EQUIPMENT &. SERVICE Chain Link All-Steel and .. :.iome of Famous Banana Cream Pi. - We Specialize In Rustic Styles YOUI' Hosts: PETER and DAN MASOURAS TV SALES CHAN~EL S6' , . , ... Ollt' Ne'!:' P:'JoneNumber-V A. 3~2022 . U,H.F. CONVERTORS. D- & SERVICE Hudson &. Neish Used Cars .Nil etlnnection with any other Cupid' •. Restaurant MEHLENBACHER' FENCE CO• 1420 i E. War,-en, at Newport - RADIO 10403 HAlPER . RESIDENTIAL. INDUSTRIAL- ';V its AMATEUR EQUIPMENT VAlley 2~3459 12230 E. arren Ave., at Corner

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J / Thursday, April 10, 1958 ,Page Twenty GRO'SSE POINTE NEWS , . Pa~ge , ~ * * ,> * * * * * . ,",,__ I '-"~'-r~ Pointers of Interest' Good Taste . I 'mhen.the POINTE, Favorite Recipes of 'UJaS 9rowin9 up: + + People in. The. Know VJ~nte QUICK CounterPoints MUSHROOM ROLLS . Contributed by By Pat Rousseau Mrs. William F. 'Ewald A fashionable beginning to Spring starts' with the • By Pat Talbot 1 can cream of :mushroom Ole Borden showing on April eighteenth at Jacob~on's. soup Wound about with fragrant purple wisteria, an old Caug9t ,and held in line is the NEW feeling running through fashion •. j Chemiserie .. , for day time wear .. steel windmill, once the life giving force. on 6ln early 1 loaf of bread "At Eventide" ... shadow arid substance claim dramatic French farm, is now all that remains, a landmark to the lf2 lb, lean bacon a,ttention ... with. pr-inted chiffon going over a Clinging past on Mack avenue: Another family homestead has underslip. Sheer co~ts of organza top simple st;:-aight become a modern subdivision, this one a terrace devel- Buy thin sliced sandwiCh cuts of fabric. Borden clothes are distinctive and well opment named after the .owners, Staelen Gardens. bread and trim off crusts. Spread bread with undiluted groomed .... priced right. ' , made even better! Back at tl)e turn of the century Henry Staelen came soup. Roll up and tie with % * *' * to the Pointe and purchased this land off the old rutted strip o.f bacon so the rolls re- Passport to everywhete itz the world .• ', practically,ilz,- wagon trail, which was to become Mack avenue, near semble bow ties., To.ast in a dispensible in 41z,y home-boutui wardl'obe! An all weather Lakeland. He paid an old French settler Meglor 'Guoin 350 degree oven for about 15 coat in cherry: red jersey , , • also in navy, beige and Jig/:Jt about $3,500 for his acreage which was kept intact minutes. The rolls do.not have hlue • • • authoritativev;' shaped and. utterl)' classic, It's " to be tlJ,med. until 1955 when it was estimated to be worth S50000, .treated with Cravenette (a super-silicone 1'epellent). Delight- Land in the Pointe back in 1900 that far from the lake fully crease resistant. Flattering traveler in sunshine or storm. was not considered too valuable. ' .Club •• , about thirty-five dollars at D. H. Heal". . The Staelens produced very fine beets, carrots, to Hear * * * beans, onions and corn on their farm and drove wagon , Talk on Words. Pacesetter with slenderness built in ... these are the loads full to the old Eastern Market downtown to sell slacks at Marg.aret Ri~~ that take casual' living in their stylish to the city folk. But one dark dawn in 1917 they returned The Grosse Pointe Woman's stride. The co.llection incLudes ErnSt Engel and Evan Picone with their new motor truck, (one of the first hereM Club has slated Rowland My- slacks ..• featuring fine linen and subtle color ..• with em- sbouts), still full of produce. They couldn't sell an ear THE FIREMEN OF THE CITY OF 'GROSSE POINTE ' ers as guest speaker for its phasis on'the FIT. At Margaret Rice you can find sizes eight of corn or a half peck of beans. Determined his fine vege. April 16meeting at the Grosse to eighteen . . • cut to give you a perfectly poised look. Pair By Patricia Talbot -Picture by Fred Runnells t"bles would not spoil Mr. Staelen spread the produce Pointe War M~orial at 1 p.m. them With a cool, trim McMuilen'sleeveLessblo.Useplus a p.air T~e next time the, fire bell rings in the station on 0>------on a trestle table along the roadside and within a few Dr. Myers, noted author, of Bernardo. Sandals from The Outdoor Sport Sho.p. ' Maumee and St. Clair the five firemen on duty may housekeeping know-how they hours it was all sold. The Staelens believe theirs was the leoturer .and aut h 0 r i t y on have tp leave a delicious mess of Pipeman and Chef h:~ve. B~t ther are generous * '" '" first roadside stand in Michigan to sell vegetables. languages and literat,ure, pre- Pick "Pink Violets" ... for your lipstick wardrobe! Servin Bliss' barbecued spare ribs in the oven and dash vllth .thelr reCIpes. Here's .the sents 'fascinating and humOr- As the years went on the truck farm grew and so did off to put out the blaze., 0 -I favorlte, barbecued spare nbs: This new and delightful cosmetic color is bv Elizabeth ous stori~s about the words Arden. Your tone key should change with the seasons, sales. Their neighbors, the Machleits, across the street, Many 3: ho~sewife wo~ld there ar,e only five to cook for 2Y2lbs. spareribs, trimme4' one uses. every day. He be- sold their small holding. Down the ro~d, the Allemons, e:nvythe tidy kltchen the Clty a,t a time because there is of fat lieves 'that words are \ very your state of t~, your moods and 'fashion's favorite now florists, gave up their prosperous dairy herd, which fIreTJn keetPMandBlI?o~tc~oks always one man on his Kelly juice of 1 lemon powerful weapons in life, no themes. This year blue-green dominates the fashion pic- once supplied milk to most of the Pointe, but the Stae- wou cove r. lSS reclpes day. Aftel\-a stretch of twenty ., matter what one does for a tu.re an~ is a perfect foil for Pink Violets. Experiment lens continued to sell their .famous vegetables. for spareribs, oven fried chick- four hours on and twenty four 1 OnIon,shced living. His speech will be en- w~th thIS flattering shade and remember only experience en and chop suey. These fire- off for a week, eal;'hman gets 1 cup catsup The wagon trail had become a black macadam road. titled "Romance of Words." WIll lead. you to yo,+r fu!! bloom, Nail polish, rouge and men are tremendous house- an extra day named for Kelly. ~ cup wOTchestershire handy clIck-change lipstIck make beautiful harmonv and and then a paved highway, but the farm flourished, Now keepers. You could eat from On the first and 16th of each sauce Mrs. Warren C.- Dilloway this May it will all be gone. The first terraces will be thelr sc.rub,?ed cem~nt floors. month every fireman contri- ' 1 ts. chili powder will preside at the ex'ecutive are now available at Trail Pharmacy. v ready for occupancy and Staelens, third gen- ~ut theIr blg b~ack lron stove, butes to the food budget anq. 2 ts salt board meeting at 10:30 a.m. *' * * that day. Mrs. Harold E. Gorry D eration of their family to farm the land, have moved to lS the real dehght, the cl}ef does the shopping . and Mrs. John T. Condon are . eco~atively spellking • from blue ptints to tteW Lakeland avenue. That stove has six burners, at a nearby super market. 2 dashed tabasco in the charge of the tea hour. prInts.: • Wa1uzmaker's Studio 011,Mack AVe1z,ue can belp a huge grill «for pancakes), Pipeman Parnell D'Hooghe is 2 cups water Mrs. William J. Osgood, pro- you ach,eve the effects you wal1.!, W'hether you're starting All that will .remain to mark one of the Pointe's two ovens and a broiler. It the chef for the other shift. most noted and pr~sperous farms will be the old wind- R 0 a s t spareribs in 450 gram chairman for the day, t1;o.mJcratch t9. build a room ... or looking for a fe,w app"o- wasn't ah~ays in the firehall Breakfast at Home degree oven for 30 minutes, . will 4"'1tToducethe .speaker, P1'Jat.e accessorJ,es to complete ')'our home • . • you're like!-)' mill, twined with wisteria. No doubt one of the terrace a~d many a lavish, banquet The firemen all eat break- then in a 350 degree oven units ~ill be named Wisteria. ~hnner was served u? from it fast at home and have their, Others on th~ tea committ~e to fm-d what you. ~alJ!t •.• there ••• including a new look until tender, bas t i D g with or r m the days ,when It graced big meal at the station at' the sauce every 15 minutes. are: Mrs. James A. Bauble, f 'y0u: old fur~ttu,'e. Vpholste,'i11g. refinishing and custom t~e late ~rs, Fred T. Murphy's noon, with a light supper at Mrs. Forrest J. Coulter, Mrs. destgnm,g are sktlfullJ' handled in tbe Studio's workrooms. From all this it would seem kItchen m East Jefferson ave- night. The day of our visit Frank De Caviltte,. Mrs. ~, B. * * -* who~where aod whatnot nue. th~.re was a big ham and a that fires, their chief'business, Erickson, Mrs, E, G. Evenden, Facts and figures ... Itls a fact that improving your looks aren't getting much attention. by whoozit Inherited Stove casserole of scalloped potatoe~ Mrs.. Harry Gee, Mrs. Irwin can impro.ve y-our life! There are few women who have no. On the contrary, they can slide The stove was left to the on the menu. The chef doesn't Kunerth, Mrs. Rudolph E. Lar- beauty problems and there aTe few beauty problems that have firemen, who finally picked have to wash the d ish e s down the pole, into, their rub- Newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. William Hickey, are still it up from, the mansion some (housewives, please note) for ber boots and race off on their ~~r~:~.E~:~~~, ~S::~~~ ~o solu~io.n.Ann-Lo.uissalon ... Fisher Road gives you a posi- &0 enamoured that they cannot be separated even when months back. Gone was its the rest of them are on the their gleaming red trucks in Ham J. McLeod, Mrs. Dallas E. tlve appr6ach to facts and figures ... and a choice of method e;1joying their spring cycling .• The pair, wed last fall, splendor. It was rusited,scarred cleanup squad.' The firemen the goo d old tradition. The Newkirk, Mrs. M. Robert alp. into.the bargain the Figurama table ..• or hand massage. have been seen wheeling away' from their Rathbone and filthy.The days when that don't want an automatic dish- City force is the smallest in Mrs. ' Edward' Pisula, Mrs. Call TUxedo 2-7511 for the entire story. . stove had bubbled and sim- washer. They'd r'dther have the Pointe, but yields to none place home in gay abandon this spring, on a tandem of ,them in efficiency and de- Thomas.It. Quilter, Mrs. Ed- * * * mered with succulent pheas- automatic doors so they can ward C. Quinn, Mrs. F.. H. ,Antique heaven for the collector ... that's The bicycle. ant, twenty pound roast beefs get to that fire even faster. votio!,!to duty. 'Even when the >Ie >Ie Tendick, Mrs. F. W. Th~mp:;on I.:eague Shop ... with its newly acquired rare china, * and.fancy pies and cakes were Every so often the fire bell chef is marketing he has a Jazz fans have a new mecca on Saturday nights. only a memory. But the fire- rings when they are about to radio in his pickup truck in and Mrs. Kenneth Watkms, Sr. s~lver and furniture. You'll really appreciate the antique Cranes, out St. Clair Shores way, has amateur night that men installed the stove in their eat and back goes the dinner c{iSethe alarm rings. He then u I ~ th' f .SlIver serving pieces ... chambersticks .. the bronze drops problems of financing a .1,1.ave uone any mg or h ld 1'1' . evening and the yaung with musical tendencies that way newly refurbished kitchen and into the stove to keep warm. society? .I have then done 0 ers, I y strew (CIrca 1815). went to work with sanders, This happened not ,too long steak, pinching,a cabbage or have been gathering to play whatever instrument suits weighing the merits of 'two more for my's e 1f.-William * * * their fancy. The Warren Babcocks came sll the way scouring brushes and paint, ago when wild duck was the Gilmore Simms. . Tbere's a breath. of Spring, •• perbaps at yo;,[1'home Now the giant stove looks right featured bill of fare! kinds of flour and hot fO'.1tsit from Ann Arbor to attend the jazz session last week, after the fire' hell. . ,t's due to th~ early bLoo'mt11gindoors of the tulip plants )'OU at home with the new long F' f' reunioning with their friends, too. selected at Cbart'at the Florist •. , or did you choose azaleas iormica topped table and coun- en lr~menjust aboutavontesany arewaychick-and' The off duty firemen are lj< * :;, and h)'dral1,geas to set the calendar ahead ••• all take to the ters, the gleaming white sink, beef. They eat lots of potatoes, always on call, in their. own Another of our talented local misses has made a big the two iceboxes. almost a bag a day for five territory ~r to aid their neighM GETTIN(i garden late,.! success on Madison avenue in the Big City. Muriel Gil- ,There are 12 firemen work- men. They are not great on bors. They are proud of their MARRIED? * * * lette, merchandising, editor for a slick decorating mag, ing in two shifts at the fire- desserts: jello seems to be a duty record and proud of the I :"- helping hand in the cu~rent buy.a.car campaign, was arrived last week to set up decorating centers in Detroit hall and 'each shift has its standby, but Frank Dansbury community they serve. They graclo.usly offered by Boutique of Furs by Robert on-the-Hill own chef and its own icebox, bakes up an apple pie on rare had only two false alarms last, when they incorpo.rated cunning miniature automobile models stores 'and visit her family. Looking very chic in the basic year. Capt. Poupard agrees TUXEDO (no raiding allowed). Actually occasions. The apples come RENTAL SERVICE in their always attractive windoW display. New York uniform, black with pearls, she confessed that from the firemen's own tree that it's alwayS wise to call her career has harrowed her hobby interests.; Politiking' the firemen even if the blaze Also- right behind tr!e station. Full Dress and silversmithing are two of her current raves, Here's The Roster seems one the householde-rcan Strollers-Cutaway. GPYC Plans 1; To Hold Party At Yacht Club >I< >Ie * The staff; headed by Capt. handle. That s e w can .be Business Suits Pierre, the E. Llwyd Ecc1estones' poodle, is well George Poupard, includes be- turned ,off. Fir e m ~ never On Wednesday afternoon, ets, Mrs. C. Roy Brooks, flow- Theater Party burn their dinners! protected when he takes an outing. On his pi~ and blue sides those already mentioned "The Proper Apparel April 16, the l~dies of the St. ers; Mrs. Allen Martin' and leather collar is a St. Christopher medal (to protect tra. Grosse Pointe Ya'cht Club Sgt. Arthur Brisson, sgt. AI~. -With Personalized Fitting" Clair Yacht Club and their Mrs. Bus J, Miller, prizes; and members and their guests will ber~ Yaklifol'Inspector George When the Women's Ope n 've~ers, you know). gets under way at the Forest guests will honor Mr~. Harry ~~s. rhomas E. Blakely, pub- *. have asp e cia I evening at Condan, PIpemen Archie Mc. liClty, . * *. Lak~ Country Club ¥1 June, O'Brien's Tuxedo Sbops Midgley, the wife of the Com- And of course a word about the Easter parade. The M u.s i c Hall this Thursday, ~ach.ern, John ID?a, Rober~ Lowse SuggS' putter II,lightbe It'. Fun To Go Formal moaore at a bridge luncheon, sun shone on all our lovely ladies in' their spring finery Apnl 10, for the newest Cine- Mars-hall, John Onstwedder worth a seoond glance. She has They will meet ,and' play BILL KENNEDY TO HAVE rama show, "Search for Para- and Timothy Champine. Lots 19045 MACK AVE. NEW THURSDAY TV SHOW and few indeed were the startling new hats. Half caps dise", of old Grosse Pointe niRmesin been using, it "15 or 17 years" bridge in their club rooms and would not part with it for Near 7 Mile Rd. TU 4~4715 overlooking the Detroit River, Bill Kennedy, whose "Holly- and bands were definitely favored by the young matrons A section of seats has been that roster. anything• wood Showtime" is seen every . • • Mrs. Henry T. Ewald, Jr., buttoned into stunning, especially reserved for the Firemen don't play much Spring flowers will center each carq, table.. Attractively wrap- Sun day, Monday, Tuesday, long lined gray flannel coat wore a white cap of lilies of' GPYC'ers t h l' 0 ugh arrangeM pinochle in their off hours p~d prizes will be displayed at Wednesday and Friday at 1 the valley, very becoming with her Western tan ... Mrs, ments of the club's entertain- 'around the station. They watch. 'fabulous NEW one end of the room. p.m. on Channel 9, CKLW ... John Keogh chose a half hat of glowing red roses with ment committee. television and s€'em to do a will start a new program in her gray suit ... Mrs. Harry S. Stahl's cap was of s'oft Gro~ps will have early buf- ~ot of cleanihg. The dormitory As an added attraction, home addition to his others. baked goods will be on sale green leaves and grapes, most fetchin~ with her navy I fet dmner .at the cluphouse m,~he attic is immaculate (all "The Bill Kennedy Show," .... befoJ;A leavmg b h t ,.1 harawood floors that 'are con- later in the afternoon. consisting of Hollywood news ensemble ... More fruit was Mrs. Clinton R. Scharff ''''. y', c a!' ere!"," t tl .AeRILAN Ca'rpet . . , . . ' bus for the downtown theater; s an y washed and. waxed),' .The gen'eral chairman of the answermg letters about the Jr. s chOIce, wee red crabapple.s o~ a l~sh. green .velvet Mr. and' Mrs. Al be r t J. Such polishing and scouring, pa;rty is Mrs. Austin T. Bender stars and intervie'wing visiting band. Mrs. Anthony Darr was most danng m a bnmmed Grundy~s party will be a bon goes o~' every day. The 1'. e FRANKe R~ B.RO'WN and co-chairman is Mrs. Rob- celebritie~, will s tar t this cloche pulled way down ... this was of natural straw voyage fete to honor the Ray.: w~sn't a: ~peck of lint or a. _" I ert J. Snowden. Mrs. Charles Thursday on the same chan- and covered with daisies, a gay complement to her beige ~ond A.,Vogels who ar,e leav- WIsp of drusi.Not only are they S. Glenn is in charge of tick- nel, from 3 to 3:30 p.m, glen plaid suit~ mg I AprIl 30 fo~ Europe, the g()od.cooks but they are ex': . B~'!:a~~a:::.n',CARPETS ru 1-4484 * * * ether, g u est s mcluding the pert cleaners.,' ' r< eorge Johnsto D d M Most 'of them adml't 'these 18520 MACK;' AVE~"at To~raine 'near Warren Quite a delightful Easter party'for the pig tailed set '-XLester Colvin. ,IlS,and'r. Mr.an \ .andrs. capabi]~ti~s shYlY.They don't' Qpen Mon••"Thurs••"and, Fri. Evenings Till 9 p.m. THE SIGN OF YOUR was held Sunday by the William Days in their Lakeland Mrs. Shirley' Georgi. want their .wives to know what' avenue home. Eight little misses in their new bonnets With the' Cha~les Rousseaus SPECIALIST tH' SK)QTS gathered to hunt colored eggs, (six dozen), and enjoy will be their. daughter', Renee, the lavish basket~ the bunny left for them. Lynn O'Day and son, Peter, and the Russ " found the most eggs and for her prize cuddled 'a big Carneys and son, Jim. THIS 15~IT!,. yellow stuffed 'bunny. But chief delight to the guests In the Anthony 'R. Motsc- See hall's sixsome-will be Mr. and were the antics of the Days' poodle, Lily and her pal, Mis. Fred B. Herz and the. Nuba, who spent the afternoon gaily dashing after George B. HorsfuHs. brightly dyed tennis balls, their Easter presents. Among others with' resecr- * * * vations are the C. K.. Johns- P:lLFERINGS tons, the John W. Mul~ord,s, An English un~versity professor was waiting in the Leo M: Ratkes and Carl A. , bitter cold for a train to London when the non-stop =B__e-rn-d-t-s.-----:--~-.,-- Cornish_express astonishingly stopped at the statioll. The professor promptly got on board. He 'had one foC?tin the carriage when the l-ailway official called out: "You can't get on here, sir. The train does not stop." "That's all right," said the professor. "If it doesn't stop, then I'm not on it." Wilson Brooks Baseball Shoe~ * * >Ie AI Kaline . 7.20 l\Ien are like celloph~ne-transparent but' hard to GLOVES Harvey Kuenn or Mickey Mantle remove once you get wrapped lip in them. Love and Devotion ,10.95 Baseballs 1.~O . You can read some people like a book, but you can't Is shut them up as easily. this tiny Adorable Pet Wait for that Phone C,allJ * * >Ie Choice. puppies A.K.C. Regis- Her face was her chaperone .. , Rupert Hughes. tered. Reasonably priced. 'Full RACQUET'& Nothing recedes like success .... Walter Winchell. instru,:tions on core and feeding. Trying to live up to the:r yearned.-income. SPORT SHOP * * * TINI TOY CHIHUAHUAS llpper1llaekCleaners On Bing Crosby's iawn is this sign: ~eep off the 3931 Avery Detroit 8. Mich. 18500 ~ACK AVE~, at Cloverly R~'t GROSSE' POlt-iTE grass. Remember when .yo~ too were struggling for TE J.5489 TU lM5262 106 KERCHEV4L TU 11~5262 :reco~tion. I . /

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