Report on Spelling of Derrycrin/Derrychrin Park,

Date of Meeting 11th September 2018

Reporting Officer William Wilkinson

Contact Officer William Wilkinson

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1.0 Purpose of Report

1.1 To advise Members of an issue raised regarding the spelling of Derrycrin/Derrychrin Park, Cookstown.

2.0 Background

2.1 Following the Dual Language Signage process which was carried out in relation to Derrycrin/Derrychrin Park, an issue was raised in relation to the spelling of the road name in question.

In many cases, the spelling of townlands and street names throughout the district, have different spellings which have been used throughout the years. The spelling of these names have changed over the years and in terms of many townland names, the spellings have evolved over the years with original spellings dating back to the 1600’s and beyond. In terms of spelling the name of any adopted road, the main point of reference for spelling is the Pointer Addressing System, which has been in place for a number of years.

In general, for the spelling of all street/road nameplates in Mid Ulster, the Pointer Addressing System is used as the primary reference source of information. In addition, the Pointer Addressing System is used as the primary source for all addressing information by the emergency services, utility companies etc. and therefore the importance of ensuring a consistent approach for the spelling of all road names is vitally important.

3.0 Main Report

3.1 In the case of Derrycrin/Derrychrin Park, the Building Control Department referred to the Pointer Addressing System in terms of clarifying the spelling in question. In this case, the “Pointer System” uses the spelling “Derrycrin” which would have been aligned to avoid multiple spellings of the street in question.

Following the issue of the spelling “Derrycrin/Derrychrin” being raised, it was deemed necessary to carry out further investigations into the validity of the spelling currently utilised.

Further information has been gained from various sources in relation to spellings utilised in relation to the nameplate in question.

1. Currently as is detailed on the GIS map for the area, Derrycrin Park is spelt as such. However, it should also be noted that spelling of the adjacent primary school on the same map is detailed as “Derrychrin” – see Appendix 1.

2. A further source of information regarding the spelling of local names is “”. Details contained therein regarding the spelling of the townland has evolved from the 1600’s with both spellings being detailed in 1834 – see Appendix 2.

3. Following consultation with the Head of Culture, it was highlighted that entries for the spelling of the townland name in “” used the spelling “Derrychrin” as well as “Derrycrin”. He also confirmed that the signage for the local play park is being provided with the spelling “Derrychrin” due to the above information as well as input received from local residents.

4. A sign had previously been erected with the spelling “Derrychrin Park” being used at the entrance to the estate which had been in place for a number of years.

5. The Housing Executive who own a number of dwellings within the estate use the spelling “Derrycrin” within their database although they are aware of both forms of spelling being in use.

Due to the variance in the spelling of the nameplate in question, there are a number of options available:

a. Erect a nameplate corresponding with the spelling used in the “Pointer Addressing System” i.e. Derrycrin Park.

b. Erect a nameplate corresponding with the spelling currently used on site i.e. Derrychrin Park.

c. As the nameplate is currently recognised by the “Pointer Addressing System” and NIHE as “Derrycrin Park” and known locally as “Derrychrin Park” the Council may wish to utilise the Policy for Renaming and Renumbering Existing Streets in terms of correcting an incorrectly spelt name i.e. “to correct an incorrectly spelt name” – See Appendix 3.

It should be noted that one of the primary objectives of the Pointer Addressing System is to align the spelling of street/road names and associated townlands, hence the alignment of the spelling of Derrycrin.

4.0 Other Considerations

4.1 Financial, Human Resources & Risk Implications

Financial: None

Human: None

Risk Management: None

4.2 Screening & Impact Assessments

Equality & Good Relations Implications: None

Rural Needs Implications: None

5.0 Recommendation(s)

5.1 It is recommended that Members consider either option as noted below:

Either Erect nameplate – “Derrycrin Park”

Or Erect nameplate – “Derrychrin Park”

Or Consider an application for the renaming of the street in accordance with the Policy as adopted to correct an incorrectly spelt name

6.0 Documents Attached & References

6.1 Appendix 1 – GIS map for Derrycrin/Derrychrin area

6.2 Appendix 2 – Exert from “” containing relevant information relating to “Derrycrin/Derrychrin” 6.3 Appendix 3 – Policy and Procedure for the Renaming and Renumbering of Existing Streets