The Informer P O Box 15-242, HAMILTON, 3243//ph/fax:07-8462101

The Importance of a “Like”

Facebook is a major communication tool, expression forum and information gathering page. It doesn’t have a lot of boundaries and people seem to feel that they can express themselves without restraint. Others see it as a place to gain their own rewards. Rewards for their looks, comments or whatever happens to present itself before them that week. To gain a “like” from someone is a huge credit and status is measured by the amount of “likes” one gets. Sometimes the “likes” show concern and love as well, as I have just felt from comments posted when my Dad passed away.

While I have been thinking about this of late, I have also been thinking a lot about the Christian’s status here on the earth. So often we are driven by Enjoy who you are whether someone approves of our behaviour or the spiritual comments that because of Christ and set come forth from our mouths. Our own status is from people’s opinions about yourself free to serve how well we perform. This is so fleeting. All it does is make someone feel a little bit of value until they can perform yet again to get more status. Him as you should. He “likes” you always. As I read the scriptures I am so overcome by the truth of God’s total acceptance of those who surrender to Him. Humanity is totally inadequate to reach God’s standard of righteousness. It matters not what others think or whether I gain any “likes” or not. I am totally accepted by Christ because of Him and His complete sacrifice. No amount of people’s “likes” will or can ever enhance this status. This status was gained as I accepted Christ as my Saviour. My behaviour or people’s opinions will never add to this. I wonder whether we need to set ourselves free by accepting this truth for ourselves. So often we can be trapped by these two things and we end up performing for people instead of acting out of service for Christ. Look no further than Christ for your value and self-worth. The opinions of people will keep you empty, but surrendering to the wholesome love of Christ will keep you full.

The scriptures say in Colossians 2:9-10 “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 10 and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” (emphasis added by me) How wonderful is this? I stand alone totally accepted by Christ, because of Him and not because I am good enough. Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

Enjoy who you are because of Christ and set yourself free to serve Him as you should. He “likes” you always. In fact He “loves” you always. No performance will add to this.

Tom McIvor Director

The purpose of Word of Life Fellowship worldwide is the evangelization and discipleship of youth through various means, consistent with the Holy Scriptures to help build and strengthen the church of Jesus Christ EQUIPPING CHURCHES TO EVANGELIZE AND DISCIPLE YOUTH CHRISTMAS AND EASTER PRODUCTIONS For many children Easter and Christmas are excuses to eat chocolate and open gifts and not much thought is given to the meaning behind these holidays. In fact for most children these events have lost their meaning. We desire to change that in the Waikato.

Over Christmas and Easter we led a team of 16 youth into 14 different schools to reach over 3,000 children with the message of Jesus through Christmas and Easter plays.

The level of enthusiasm and team work the play required We had amazing feedback and an awesome time was a challenge, but it was worth it to see the children sharing the great news of what Jesus has done. interact and respond to the story. ~ Latisha Please pray for more open doors into schools and for hearts to be open and receptive to the gospel.

BEACH MISSION - HOT WATER BEACH Another summer Beach Mission at Hot Water Beach was held over the Christmas holidays. We had a team with a good mix of teens and adults who were all excited about sharing Christ with the campers. The children’s programme, which ran each morning was split into a primary and intermediate group was well attended with over 100 children registering during our 10 day programme. The teen café was run each evening with a volleyball court out the front of the tent. This helped attract many teens and families to our events. We also ran four family evening events. These were designed to assist in getting families to participate together and connect with our team. It was great to connect again with campers from previous years and make new contacts with campers. The weather was great apart from one wet (very wet) day, which gave some of the young guys an opportunity to help other campers in moving tents and digging trenches. The most exciting part of the trip however was seeing the children and teens responding to Christ. We had several gospel messages presented at the teen café. We saw six young people accept Christ as their Saviour over the duration of the mission.

EQUIPPING CHURCHES TO EVANGELIZE AND DISCIPLE YOUTH EVENTS We have had an extremely successful year so far at our Events! We’ve run two Touch Tournaments, in the Waikato and in Masterton, reaching around 300 people with the Gospel! We were able to see 12 young people respond through these Touch Tournaments! Two Volleyball Tournaments have also been run, at the Mount and in Auckland, reaching around 400 people with the Gospel and seeing 11 people respond! It’s exciting to see many young people come to know Christ through these Events and we are looking forward to seeing even more respond as we continue with more Events throughout the year. Please be praying for young people; that Christians will see the need to invite their friends to these Events and that the hearts of the non-Christian’s would be open to what Jesus has done for them on the cross and might come to trust in Him as their Saviour. If you are interested in these Events and aren’t sure if there’s one coming up in your area, please contact us to find out the closest one to you. We would love to have you and your young people come along to hear the Gospel!

YOUTH REACHOUT Excitement is building as we begin the final preparations for the 52 people coming on this year's trip to . It has been encouraging for the leaders and students to see how faithfully God provides as they raise support for Youth Reachout. Setting aside three weeks is often hard to do, so please pray especially for the 32 students who will have a lot of study pressure on them before and after the trip. Since one of our main goals is to create a discipleship atmosphere, we knew we would have to trust God to provide enough leaders willing to go. God overwhelmingly provided us with exactly who we need and we are going to Fiji with a strong and enthusiastic leadership team which is looking forwards to the blessings and challenges ahead. Please pray with and for us: for safety in travel and health, boldness

to share Christ, unity as a team, hearts willing to learn, and for hearts to be prepared to receive the gospel.

CELELBRATION DINNER This year Word of Life celebrates 30 years of ministry in New Zealand. We held a celebration dinner during which we reflected on many things the Lord has done through the ministry over those years. It was a night which recounted fond memories as we heard testimonies from many people who have been impacted by the ministry. Above all it was a time which honoured God. We praise Him for the privilege it has been for the ministry to be used by Him in so many ways.

EQUIPPING CHURCHES TO EVANGELIZE AND DISCIPLE YOUTH BUILDING OPEN DAY We had a great open day for our new building at 28 Dinsdale Rd, Hamilton and many people came through to view it. If you have never visited and are in the vicinity, do call in and visit. The building has been a blessing beyond how we ever thought. The team is much more productive, we have had more people call in to visit than ever before and it is such a pleasant building to work out of. Again thanks for all those contributions many of you made. We still have $85,000.00 to raise by November 2016 and we have started on the way to that amount. We already have $18,000.00 towards the total. We would like to have the full amount by the time it is due so if or when you are able to help with this amount we would be very grateful.

In January we hosted the International Word of Life Pacific Rim Conference. We had Word of Life staff from Thailand, , , , , , Fiji, , and New Zealand.

CHARLES & TINA MAREU Charles and Tina Mareu have been very busy getting The Pacific Rim Group their Clubs stronger and are putting energy into leadership development as well as . They have five Bible Clubs operating and they ask for prayer to strengthen the leadership in these local 27 June - Youth Reachout to Fiji churches. They have also been running outreach programmes with sport and ministry, with their third 18 July - Youth Reachout to Fiji ends one coming up very soon. At the last outreach they 9 August - Wellington Volleyball saw two young people trust Christ and six make 16 August - Palmerston North Volleyball recommitments. Charles is also doing a lot of planning for the Youth Reachout Mission trip. There are some 20 September - Whangarei/ Invercargill Volleyball difficulties about getting into schools now and 27 September - Dunedin Volleyball preaching the gospel because of some new Government rulings. Please pray that this will not be a 24-27 October - Labour Weekend Camp hindrance to the mission. Elizabeth is doing well at 22 November - Olympian Games school. They wish to thank everyone who is praying and contributing financially to their work.

Please consider investing both prayerfully and financially in our Staff and ministry opportunities.

EQUIPPING CHURCHES TO EVANGELIZE AND DISCIPLE YOUTH Caleb Ellis from Whangarei: " I am now in Hamilton serving as an intern with Word of Life Ministries. This year is challenging me in many new ways. I have come from being in a full-time outdoor job to being in ministry. God has been teaching me through this year to rely on and trust Him for everything I need. This year is a growing one for me in my faith and trust in the Lord. I am praying and considering further studies and work for the Lord with Word of Life.”

Latisha Lamont from Edendale, Southland: " I decided to do this internship after going on Fiji Youth Reachout last year. For a while I had known that I wanted to serve the Lord in some way at some stage in my life and so the Internship answered the when, where and how this would happen. I am thoroughly enjoying what I'm doing here and have learned so much already! One of my favourite things is seeing younger girls grow in their walk with Christ and being able to speak into their lives, encouraging them to live for God. Looking ahead, I am excited to learn a lot more about God this year and to see how He will use me in years to come.”

Nathan Ellis from Whangarei: " I decided to enter into an internship with Word Of Life because I felt that God was leading me there and I wanted to see where God wanted me in ministry. With such a range of opportunities in different areas of ministry, I am able to see where I excel, where my weaknesses are and get an idea of which direction in ministry to take. I have a passion for youth and I love being able to build into the boys at Checkpoint youth group. Interning with WOL this year has been such a blessing and I am growing so much in my relationship with Christ.”

Joshua McIvor from Hamilton: " I’m Interning with Word of Life this year through Pathways Bible College (and yes I’m Tom’s Son….). After attending Hamilton Boys High in 2013 I decided that I wanted to get a taste of what Ministry and Biblical study is like, so in 2014 I started my life as an Intern. I am encouraged each day by the amazing Word of Life Team I am surrounded by and am enjoying learning more about God and what He has planned for me in the future. This year has been challenging in many areas and has helped make my relationship with God closer, and has also built my character to become more like Jesus. I hope this continues to happen throughout the rest of the year.”

An internship is a 50/50 combination of study and ministry training with Word of Life in conjunction with Pathways Bible College.

EQUIPPING CHURCHES TO EVANGELIZE AND DISCIPLE YOUTH Danielle & Nathan Recently Nathan took a quick trip back to America where he proposed to his girlfriend Danielle. They will be getting married in the States in August before returning to New Zealand. Danielle has worked for Word of Life in the U.S. for several years and has Matt Elen experience in many different areas of the ministry. When they arrive back in New Zealand, Danielle will be working alongside Nathan with Local Church Ministries.

An awesome day, full of fun, Bringing glory to God for all that He’s done; Was the wedding day of Ainsley and Dave, (About the punch their guests did rave). The weather was nice, the sky quite blue As they confessed their love most true. Luke & Jess Collis Dave & Ainsley Gow

Carol joined the team in February 2014 and fills the role of Word of Life's Administrator. After attending two years of Word of Life Bible Institute in , Carol came home looking for ministry opportunities. In her own words, "I was so excited when I was offered a job with Word of Life, because their goal to support the Church in the areas of evangelism and discipleship are the areas I am burdened for too!" She is burdened for youth especially in the area of helping them realize the importance of a growing personal relationship with God. Although most of her responsibilities are in the office she has loved being involved in outside ministry and outreach as well. “I love being able to be part of the active, face to face side of the ministry. Carol Smith

Kyle Tom & Liz Caitlin Scott & Allison Daniel Myers McIvor Smith Doddrell Johanson Kyle Myers from the : “I am doing a two year Cross Cultural Internship here at Word of Life New Zealand. I attended the Word of Life Bible Institute for two years and while I was there I found out about the ministry here in New Zealand and sensed God's calling to come and serve Him in this beautiful country. God has given me the incredible opportunity to serve here by using my abilities in Audio and Video. God has great things in store and I can't wait to see what He has for me while I am here!” Daniel Johanson from the United States: I am a Word of Life graduate from America. I came to New Zealand to learn from the ministry in order to be more effective in answering the call to spread the gospel and disciple the people of God. The time I spend in New Zealand will be preparation for a lifetime of ministry wherever God calls me. EQUIPPING CHURCHES TO EVANGELIZE AND DISCIPLE YOUTH