+ Chalfest | Oliver Vivian | Stroud Children’s Festival: Operaupclose | James Green | Eugene Lambert Cover image: Craig Parkinson by Adam Hinks Adam by Parkinson image: Craig Cover France Lynch Pleasureground 22.07.2017 #28 | JULY 2017

EDITOR Advertising/Editorial/Listings: EDITOR’S Alex Hobbis [email protected] DESIGNER Artwork and Design NOTE Adam Hinks [email protected] ONLINE FACEBOOK TWITTER /GoodOnPaperStroud @GoodOnPaper_ WELCOME TO THE TWENTY EIGHTH ISSUE OF GOOD ON PAPER –

YOUR FREE MONTHLY GUIDE TO MUSIC CONCERTS, ART PRINTED BY: EXHIBITIONS, THEATRE PRODUCTIONS, COMEDY SHOWS, FILM Tewkesbury Printing Company CHALFEST SCREENINGS AND LITERATURE EVENTS IN STROUD... We are excited to fi nally announce our stage for this year’s Stroud Fringe in which we return to St Laurence Church for three days of live music, SPONSORED BY: PArTy oN tHe hIlL artist fi lms and record stalls! The varied programme includes a world renowned percussionist/producer/ composer and hang player, the debut performance by a choir collective made up of some of Stroud’s most cherished artists and musicians, CO-WORKING STUDIO screenings of artists fi lms curated by an award winning illustrator and fi lm maker, record stalls selling hundreds of new, second hand and hard to fi nd vinyl and much much more…

- Chartered FUn lOvIn’ cRiMiNaLs tOpLoAdEr See the double page poster in the middle of this issue, our annual Stroud Tax Advisers Fringe Special next month and our website at for further info! DIcK aNd DOm - sOlOmEnTo - cAsUaL sIx See you there… wInNeR oF CHaLfEsT’s gOt tAlEnT - yOuNg vOiCeS Alex and Adam lOw cHiMeS cHaLfOrD bRaSs bAnD - hOfFtV - tHaBo aNd tHe rEaL dEaL - mAyBeLlEeN - bEn pIlStOn Painswick Valley Arts tHe nAnCy bOyS - cRoSs tHe rIvEr - tRUe StAyS Festival Saturday 19th tHe bOb pOrTeR pRoJeCt - tRiPwIrE - pEtE sEn - to Monday 28th August every day, FREE ENTRY. tHe rEvErEnD sChNidEr aNd tHe bAnD oF AnGeLS - dAmOn t 13 Art Exhibitions in 8 venues in and around tHe dRy sEaMeN - fIvE vAlLeYs cIrCuS - sChOoL oF lArKs Painswick including 'The Painswick’ hotel, ‘Horton’s' at Painswick Golf Club, Prinknash bAlLyHoO - cEnTrE sTaGe - tHoMaS kEbLe dRaMa Bird & Deer Park, the 'Falcon’s Nest’ and 'The Patchwork Mouse' cafe. Ten Open pLaY rAnGeRs - sIlLy sCiEnCe - bEfIt lOcAl Studios and dozens of both professional vIlLaGe fEtE and amateur Artists from Painswick, Gloucestershire and beyond showing hundreds of pictures and sculptures and pLuS aLl sOrTs oF aTtRaCtIoNs, aRtS aNd cRaFt, demonstrating their techniques. fUn, gAmEs, sIdEsHoWs aNd sHeNaNiGaNs Treat yourself to a burst of highly affordable artistic talent and indulge in Painswick’s gastronomic diversity at the TiCkEtS AvAiLaBlE FrOm EvEnTbRiTe.Co.Uk above plus The Falcon, The Oak, St Michaels and Cardynham House. find us on WWW.CHAlFEST.CO.UK 4 FILM/TV - CRAIG PARKINSON #28 | JULY 2017 #28 | JULY 2017 FILM/TV - CRAIG PARKINSON 5

one is now quite a high-profile director in the theatre and another one is a very well-respected casting director…I think it’s important for people starting out to understand that with the best will in the world, the greatest ambition in the world, this profession can knock you down so be open to the fact that it might veer off, your career might go on a completely different tangent.”

In one of the first six episodes I talk to an actor who is brutally honest about how tough she found drama school and she states that she didn’t fit in. Now, if there’s one person listening to that and they think, ‘well I don’t fit in, but look she’s doing what I want to do,’ maybe that’s Craig going to spur them on.” For an actor who this year want to do,’ maybe that’s going to and I was a big fan of both…I got Lynch – a founder member of the celebrates twenty years in the spur them on.” in by the skin of my teeth because Stroud-based theatre company Parkinson: industry, I find it incredibly Perhaps it is Craig’s own I didn’t have the exams that were RATS), E4’s Misfits and the BBC’s touching that Craig should want to background that has influenced needed, but I had two teachers at highly successful : “Line create a podcast that will inform his decision to undertake this task. my high school who wrote beautiful of Duty is one of the jobs I hold a new generation of actors (and Whilst struggling at school, Craig begging letters to the principle.” so dear to my heart…I’m very, very potentially directors, writers and (who was born in , but Following his time at Blackpool proud of it, I think it spoilt me for producers too) and although now lives in the Stroud District) and the Fylde, Craig auditioned other jobs because Jed Mercurio’s inspiring others isn’t necessarily the was encouraged to participate in an for drama school in , a writing is so vivid and exciting.” podcast’s aim, I think it will certainly The original play written by a teacher move that marked the beginning With six episodes of The Two be a pleasant bi-product: “In one with a passion for acting. He of a highly successful career that Shot Podcast ready to go and of the first six episodes I talk to an enjoyed the experience, but taking has seen the actor star in films another six lined up, I’m sure this actor who is brutally honest about the next step and securing a place such as Control (2007), SoulBoy new endeavour will not only rival how tough she found drama school at Blackpool and the Fylde College (2010) and Ghosted (2011) as well the work Craig has produced on and she states that she didn’t fit in. proved difficult: “I knew that John as popular television programmes screen, but highlight a side to Two Shot Now, if there’s one person listening Simm had gone through there and including The Secret of Crickley Hall the actor that is clearly generous, to that and they think, ‘well I don’t David Thewlis was from my area (with wife and fellow actor Susan humble and above all extremely fit in, but look she’s doing what I passionate: “…there’s no set formula, they’re very free, very open, very frank, funny, brutal, Podcast exciting episodes and I’m buzzing from it – I think they’re great, even if By Leah Grant I do say so myself!”

Listeners will be able to subscribe to The Two Shot Podcast via iTunes. The first three episodes will be available fortnightly and on We think of life, of our careers, as a stage by Co-created with producer involved and love it and learn from a weekly basis thereafter. Follow Thomas Griffin, the first six it, hopefully, but I know anyone who Craig Parkinson (@Cparks1976) stage process; progressive, one step leading episodes of The Two Shot Podcast isn’t involved in the arts is going on Twitter or The Two Shot feature guests including Vicky to really enjoy listening to these onto the next. We talk of ‘career paths’, Podcast on Twitter & Instagram (@ McClure (This is England, Line of stories as well.” TwoShotPod) and Facebook (The of ‘climbing the ladder’, rarely stopping to Duty) William Ash (Clocking Off, Born out of Craig’s personal love Two Shot Podcast) for updates, Great Night Out) and Neil Morrissey for the format (“I am a massive fan exclusive information, photos and consider a professional life that is fluid and (Men Behaving Badly, Waterloo of podcasts…I find them inspiring sneak peaks behind-the-scenes. Road) and whilst it’s important and I learn loads from them…”) unpredictable. Actor Craig Parkinson (best- to note that this series will and his concern for the increasing The Two Shot Podcast has been known for his roles in Line of Duty, Misfits and undoubtedly be of interest to new expense of drama school fees (“… created in conjunction with Splicing and aspiring actors, it will also hold not everybody has to, needs to or Block ( Indian Summers), addresses the importance a more general appeal, something can afford to train, it’s ten/eleven Craig is keen to highlight: “I always thousand pounds a year…”), The of professional flexibility in a new podcast talk to the actors and let them Two Shot Podcast hosts a variety of Leah Grant is a writer and photographer know it’s not a career retrospective. guests offering an honest appraisal that offers listeners a rare opportunity to with a keen interest in art and literature. What I’m interested in and of an industry that presents more On her blog, Bellyful of Art, you can certainly what the audience will be than its fair share of ups and learn from those who have experienced first- find reviews of exhibitions, installations, interested in, is their support, their downs. Perhaps that’s why, in this dance performances and literary events hand the highs and lows of starting out in the teachers and what they had in their profession more than any other, as well as her own lovingly created community to inspire them when flexibility and an open mind are pieces of short fiction artbellyful. entertainment industry. they were starting out…of course vital: “In the next block of six, two drama students are going to get of the guests trained as actors and 6 STROUD FESTIVALS - SEED FESTIVAL #28 | JULY 2017 #28 | JULY 2017 STROUD FESTIVALS - CHALFEST 7

“You don’t steer the Tardis” explains Doctor Who to Bill, his new travelling companion, in a recent episode of the TV series that imagines infinite possibilities. “You negotiate with her. The point between where you want to go and where you need to be – that’s where she takes you.” The Doctor battles with past, present and future. Arguably society’s job, too, yet do current environmental issues show the need for re-thinking where we want to go? Cue the Seed Festival: Hawkwood College’s bi-annual event where today’s leading green negotiators and the public come together to Chalfest envision new ways of doing things, of how to stop steering and let the Earth, our own Tardis, take us The sun is shining, the wisteria and jasmine overflows the stone to where we need to be. Minus the alien invasions, walls and I’m traversing the higgedly-piggedly Cotswold lanes thankfully. in search of the man behind what’s sure to be one of Stroud’s Seed Festival: Polly Higgins By Caroline Aistrop hottest new events.

By Jamie Baldwin

Image by James Kriszyk

Between Friday 7th and could buy biodynamic and organic to international criminal law. about the fast-track routes to its Summer has arrived, and with the Nibley festival guys for instance. can be booked online via our Sunday 9th July, a programme of food. I love it here, it’s a patch of Ecological ecocide is caused by adoption. it the arrival of festival season. So what can people expect from What’s the inspiration behind the website. Chalfest is a not-for-profit stimulating talks, poetry, music, paradise and I wouldn’t dream corporate activity such as fracking, Putting the case for ecocide law Chalford might not seem the most Chalfest 2017? event? organisation so most of the money dance, film screenings, workshops of going back to pollution-filled deforestation and mining. This in takes Polly to audiences around obvious destination for a brand We’re hoping it has something I’ve been involved in Glastonbury comes from sponsorship, ticket and plus some simple, honest fun will London.” Stroud is also a central turn exacerbates climate ecocide the world, so she is delighted to new family and music festival, but for everyone – a bit of nostalgia, for 30 years and I just love its sense drink sales. There’s no parking at sow the seeds of big ideas, and point for travelling to Europe and as a result of excessive greenhouse be doing a local gig. “Hawkwood when you realise that many of the some up and coming bands, but of community and family. Every the event but we are putting on a paint a picture of new realities beyond where she spends much of gases released by the dangerous College was one of the first places festival’s bands and musicians are also an event that’s great for time I come back from Glastonbury Park & Ride scheme from Thomas where everyone wins out – both her time advising Governments on industrial activity. Instability in to ask me to talk about this law just a stone’s throw away from kids. We’ve got circus skills and it’s made me feel inspired to Keble School for a fiver, and there planet and people. the criminal law of ecocide. the atmosphere results, leading to protect the Earth so it has a Chalfest organiser Dan Burner’s silly science workshops. It’s very engage more with my local area. will be a bus running from Stroud Hawkwood College and Stroud A barrister by profession, Polly to catastrophic climate events. special place in my heart. It’s such home, it all starts to fit into place important to me that people can Until recently I ran a social care Merrywalks for a subsidised £2 are the perfect places for such spent many years representing Criminal law is speedy, effective an ideal place for the Seed Festival rather nicely. Not that Dan has just turn up at 11am with their tickets company and understand the return. The bus will run from around an event believes Polly Higgins, big, transnational companies. and courts have far greater powers as it has strong community links relied on local talent to perform and leave at 9pm without spending importance of socialisation and 10am for about two hours, and then Stroud-based eco-campaigner and This close relationship gave her to stop the damaging activity. Its - I get my vegetables from the at this year’s inaugural event. Eye- a penny if they so wish. We want inclusion from working with people again in the evening around 9pm. lawyer. She’s one of the leading a view into their mind-set that real power is in being pre-emptive community-supported agriculture catching headliners in the form of to create a good experience for with dementia. A real community There’s also the regular No.64 bus green thinkers in an impressive considered causing wider harm to and preventative through making scheme based there - and it’s the Fun Lovin’ Criminals – Scooby everyone – professional but still spirit and a sense of enjoyment which will be running. We’re really line-up including Caroline Lucas, the environment acceptable as long boards of directors decide whether constantly challenging the status Snacks anyone? – and Toploader – with that village feel. That’s why are what I hope Chalfest will be all excited about putting this on, and co-leader of the Green Party, Sir as a profit was made. She saw the or not to carry out damaging quo by providing a platform for with over two million album sales to we’ve got three music stages about. fingers crossed the weather will be Tim Smit, founder of the Eden gap in existing law, the absence activities. The target is adoption conversations about how we create their name – are sure to bring in the ranging from the headliners down It’s been a pretty interesting last good… Project, Matthew Taylor, CEO of the of checks and balances against of ecocide by the international a better world. Such conversations crowds… to the local primary schools few months for Stroud District – RSA, Jon David, head of Rathbone serious, significant harm that’s criminal court where it will create a are the seeds for the future, performing, and with everything in the return of David Drew and the Chalfest will be taking place Investments and member of causing unfettered destruction to level playing field of responsibility meaning those at the festival – Dan, so just how did you get between. The Prince Albert gang promotion of Forest Green Rovers. on Saturday 22nd July at the Chartered Institute for Securities & wider ecosystems. “The current for all companies globally and lead speakers, film-makers, musicians FLC and Toploader to headline are curating the Alternative Music What makes Stroud interesting France Lynch Pleasure Grounds Investment, and Kit Beasley, Head environmental protection is very to resilient economies. This is not and artists - are the leading Chalfest? Stage which should be great. And for you? in Chalford. Visit of Finance at Triodos Bank. “Stroud limited and is based in civil law an anti-corporate message, nor will innovative change-makers. It’ll be Well it was always the intention the Bar Stage we could have filled I grew up in Cheltenham but for further information including is the home of many eco-pioneers which essentially gives priority to society revert to some medieval exciting to be part of that.” to get a couple of big acts to grab four times over. We’ve had a lot always felt a pull towards Stroud, purchasing tickets and the full and plenty of big-thinking. There’s private interest, commerce and way of functioning, but it’ll lead to people’s attention. I simply wrote of people contacting us to get and spent much of my time here as line-up which also includes the likes a strong community here with a ownership of land.” explains Polly. the adoption of known, non-harmful Polly is also a published author, to them. I had a little bit of help involved so it’s grown organically. a teenager and in my early twenties. of Low Chimes, Solomento, Casual commitment to altruism which “So, for example, if a business has practices to protect communities. visit her website at pollyhiggins. from one of my friends who runs We’ll be starting it all off with the It’s different – and in a good way. Six, Thabo and the Real Deal, helps us move forward. Plus, it’s a permit to go onto land and then A criminal court thereby has the com where you can purchase her Grillstock who knew the FLC guys Chalford Brass Band, in a nod to It’s very eclectic and artistic, and I Maybelleen and many more! such a creative place for the arts, causes wider ecological damage, power and becomes the forum for published works which include I and we managed to secure them. Glastonbury who do something love that. There’s also a real sense poetry, music and similar at a this isn’t illegal. If a company does determining whether a company’s Dare You To Be Great, Eradicating To be honest my number one target similar. Personally I’m genuinely of stuff happening – you can always level which is magnificent. All this breach civil law, communities activities were harmful and, if Ecocide and Earth Is Our Business. was Dick and Dom! They were the looking forward to Dick and Dom’s find a festival, exhibition, gig going Jamie Baldwin is a renewable energy added together leads to a far more can only sue through civil courts they are, the directors are held She will be appearing at the Seed first act to be booked. I saw them show most! on – and they are almost always specialist with a background as a expansive view of the world with an which is costly and takes a long personally responsible for ensuring Festival on Sunday 9th July at 1pm, at Camp Bestival and just thought Is Chalfest going to be a regular superb. You know, it’s not that freelance journalist for the BBC, enhanced ability to think outside of time. Companies can afford non-damaging operations prevail. see for the full they put on a real crowd-pleasing fixture on the calendar in coming different from London, just a bit Discovery Channel and Panos. the box.” legal representation and can still The result is accountability at the programme. show. But apart from those three years? smaller! After 25 years in London, Polly continue with business as usual. top of the corporate hierarchy. we kept the rest pretty local. I think The idea is to do it every two Finally, for those who want to wanted to move to somewhere Criminal law, however, is about It is now well recognised that once you get a few big names in, years. I’m not sure I’d survive doing check out Chalfest this year, how beautiful and green. Past visits justice and a new criminal law to it’s a case of ‘when’ and not ‘if’ Caroline Aistrop has worked for scepticism falls away and that’s this every year! Having said that, can people get a ticket and get to Stroud-dwelling friends protect the Earth will safeguard for the introduction of this new nearly 30 years in the environment when we saw the sponsors sign we’ll know what to do next time to site? had revealed these qualities in the communities suffering from the criminal law amendment and Polly sector including time at the BBC’s up too. Impcross and Budvar are because we won’t be starting from The first thing to say is that abundance, and the Famers’ Market effects of the ecosystem damage.” is currently advising a number Natural History Unit. She now helps our biggest sponsors, but local scratch. It’s been really helpful people can’t just turn up on the clinched it. “I wanted to live in a Polly has created a legal of Governments, mainly those green companies and organisations companies such as Bailey Builders speaking to other local festival day expecting to get in. There are place where people care about how definition of ecocide which will adversely affected by climate to harness the power of their stories… and Peter Joy have all contributed. organisers – I’ve learnt a lot from tickets still available and these they look after the land and where I form the basis of an amendment change and industrial activities, 8 MUSIC - LISTINGS #28 | JULY 2017 #28 | JULY 2017 MUSIC - LISTINGS 9

SAT 8TH gifted blacksmith from Holland with MUSEUM IN THE PARK from playing his unique brand of Folk/ are steadily improving and breaking ST LAURENCE CHURCH STAR ANISE MUSIC Daisy Bank Fun Day extensive knowledge of singing bowls Soul/Americana at small local gigs through. Bare knuckle soul that will flow of ancient Tibet. Carolina Schomper, is FRI 21ST in his hometown of Southampton, to straight through to our heart, thrill your SAT 1ST SAT 1ST Lots of family fun in the park with stalls, a dancer, artist and energy worker. 8pm appearing at major UK festivals such as mind and find you dancing with your Grasslands: Adam Horovitz and Stroud Sacred Music Festival: Stroud Calling LISTINGS music, children’s entertainment and £8/£6concs the Isle of Wight, Victorious and Stone neighbours all the way home…8:30pm more! 1pm Free Rebecca Dellow Free Festival at the O2 Arena. 8:30pm £12 Praying for the Rain, Tribal DJ’s Will Mendoza & Tom Monobrow Join Adam and Rebecca for an evening Free Rhythms Orchestra, Asha McCarthy return in their ‘Stroud Calling’ guise with FRI 14TH of poems and fiddle music inspired by and John Sterckx, The Renewal a summer party. Throwing down a vinyl Gospel Choir Nothin But Trouble meadows and grazing lands. Open mic THURS 6TH FRI 28TH selection of funk, soul, disco, hip-hop, CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE slots too for anyone with a new poem Praying for the Rain: Known for reggae, breaks & beats galore. Expect Hard rocking Stroud based blues band. Open Mic Bayou Seco to share. 7:30pm £5adv/£3.50concs their dynamic and compelling an up-for-it friendly crowd. 10pm £5adv 8:30pm Free CONCEPTION ALE HOUSE Stroud’s longest running Open Mic This characterful pair have spent a live performances, internationally from Trading Post Records then on the evening has been somewhat sporadic lifetime soaking up the traditional renowned Praying for the Rain door... SAT 15TH FRI 14TH SAT 1ST recently but its back! Welcoming all music of Louisiana, New Mexico and blend contemporary folk, Celtic Conrad Deadly and the Others You Raise Me Up whether a novice, New Romantic or Arizona. Using a simple line up of fiddle, and world music with irresistible Jim Reynolds OLD TOWN HALL Kinda like a hyped up Northern Bob An evening of music and song to Nu Folker – bring your instruments and accordion, banjo and guitar they take rhythms, memorable melodies, Legendary Bristol finger-style guitarist, Dylan! 8:30pm Free lift the spirit featuring the combined the Albert will supply the stage and PA. their audience on a musical odyssey beautifully crafted vocals and inspired singer and songwriter with a versatile STROUD BREWERY forces of the Pamoja Gospel Choir from SAT 1ST 8:30pm Free through the American southwest, musicianship. Expect high energy, full range of songs across the folk, blues, Cheltenham, Whiteshill and Ruscombe Stroud Sacred Music Festival: Out performing and reinvigorating long body movement and song! (9pm). ragtime and ballads genres. 8:30pm THURS 20TH Community Choir, Angie’s Community To Lunch, Jehanne Mehta and SUN 9TH forgotten songs and dances with wit, Tribal Rhythms Orchestra: Let your SAT 1ST Free Open Mic Choir and Onyx Christian Folk Band. Earthwards, Counter Measures, Annie Keating warmth and style. Their love-affair with soul come alive in this contemporary Wildwood Jack Monthly open mic night hosted by local A musical treat full of different styles the folk traditions of the southwest has interpretation of Australian Aboriginal Lara Conley and Asha McCarthy, Keating’s voice is not flashy, nor A unique duo from Kent. Their melodic FRI 7TH Americana troubadour the Reverend and genres including jazz and gospel, already lasted thirty years, and it’s still music. Tribal Rhythms Orchestra Haziz Egyptian Dance perhaps conventionally pretty. It has songs blend the acoustic guitar and The Ragged Edge Stretch. Poetry, music, stand up - all and community choirs singing a mix of going strong. 8:30pm Free merges the indigenous earth sounds Haziz: Stroud based Haziz has more of a mysterious, rough-hewn ukulele with outstanding finger style welcome! 8pm Free popular songs and ballads. Supporting of the didgeridoo (‘yidaki’) with the Good time funky soul - Upbeat music developed over many years through beauty that comes out of the shadows. playing drawing influences from folk, The Door Youth Project and the church sublime tones of the contemporary from an upbeat band. Get your dancing the dance tuition and talented The Brooklyn based singer offers a country and world music. 7:30pm Free FRI 21ST roof repair fund. 7:30pm £8/£5concs in this eclectic mix. (7:45pm). Asha shoes on and prepare for the storm! choreography of Hazel Kayes. Their captivating and un-fashioned, natural + students McCarthy and John Sterckx: Multi- 8:30pm Free Will Killeen style of dancing is both authentic and delivery of songs born from authentic QUEEN VIC SAT 8TH talented cellist, Asha McCarthy teams Highly acclaimed Irish acoustic blues creative and they’ve performed in reverie; her work springs from a up with John Sterckx. (6:35pm). The Tom Drywood SAT 15TH guitarist, singer and songwriter with venues all over the UK (10pm). Lara desire to craft music directly from the SAT 8TH Renewal Gospel Choir: Bristol based a totally unique style. You can expect Conley and Asha McCarthy: Multi- emotions that lie beneath the songs. Stroud-based musician and front man Nothin but Trouble Binomial Renewal gospel choir has been singing songs from early blues standards KITSCH talented cellist, Asha McCarthy teams “A wise mix of Lucinda Williams song of local band Watson, singing and Hard rocking Blues band based in soul stirring gospel music since 2005. through to Dylan classics delivered up with Devon-based Lara Conley, writing, Gillian Welch guitar and a vocal Celebrate the ‘Electronic 80s’ with playing his own songs. Finger-picking Stroud. 8:30pm Free Over the years they have grown from with inimitable percussive guitar and a singer-songwriter who has been all her own… a cross between Willie top synth-pop band Binomial. The blues, folk and roots music sung FRI 7TH/21ST a handful of singers and musicians whirling vocals. He’s also considered described as ‘one to watch out for’ by Nelson and John Prine and you don’t band’s acclaimed ‘From Bedsit Land straight from the heart. 7:30pm Free SAT 22ND to a 50 strong choir membership to be one of the foremost slide guitar Dubbu at Kitsch BBC Radio Gloucester. Asha and Lara get any better than that.” The Village To Hiroshima’ show of classic electro representing a diverse range of Lewis Clarke & The Essentials players in Europe today. 8:30pm Free Dubbu (aka Neil Wilson) supplying an play together on ‘Wild Water’, Lara’s Voice. 8:30pm Free covers is a night of hits by artists SAT 15TH including the Pet Shop Boys, Soft Cell, denominations, cultural backgrounds, Bristol based live musician Lewis eclectic mix of musical styles all played latest album, described as a fusion of Counter Measures Erasure, OMD, Depeche Mode, The ages and abilities (6pm) See website Clark and his band Lewis Clark & The FRI 28TH on 45rpm records and featuring guest Celtic inspired Nu-Folk with sensuous THURS 13TH Human League and Yazoo. Original for ticket info. A four part singing group from Essentials. Original compositions and Dj’s, always free entry and always vocals, un-earthly cello and pulsating Saint Loe Virginia Slims arrangements and extended mixes - Cirencester. With the aid of a guitar, little heard of folk, soul and blues gems. the finest selection of cocktails to rhythms (9pm). Counter Measures: A vivacious brew of vintage funk, rare These guys can turn a acoustic this is synth-pop reimagined for a 21st SAT 29TH the four men suck in air and blow out 8:30pm Free accompany the sublime setting next to Four men who suck in air and blow out soothing harmonies. The material soul and deep psychedelic rock fronted singalong into an arena anthem with century audience. A ‘Must-See’ event Stroud Area Wind Orchestra: An the Canal at Ebley…6pm Free soothing harmonies. The quartet from ranges from contemporary spoken by Red De Carlo. 8:30pm Free their sharp pop rock enthusiasm and for all New Romantics, Blitz Kids and Evening of British Music FRI 28TH Cirencester include material ranging word poetry set to music, to classic masterful musicianship. Their blue lovers of 80s New Wave music…9:30pm from contemporary spoken word Summer Concert of British Music Earl Trio SAT 29TH eyed ballads seethe with passion and Free male voice choir numbers sung in poetry set to music, to classic male featuring Holst First Suite in Eb, Elgar welsh. 7:30pm Free Blues & Soul streaked Americana from Crown and Sceptre Eight Birthday! voice choir numbers sung in welsh. the quartet provide tremendous vocal THE LITTLE GEORGE Nimrod, Vaughan Williams Fantasia on acclaimed songwriter Stuart Earl. They will both sooth and surprise you harmonies. Convincingly bringing a The pub celebrates its eight birthday RODBOROUGH TABERNACLE a Theme by Thomas Tallis, and many SAT 22ND 8:30pm Free (8pm). Jehanne Mehta and Earthwards: modern day pop sound back to the live with music supplied by Crooked Stylus. more…Musical Director David Smith. FRI 28TH Earthwards is Jehanne Mehta, Rob music scene with a whiff of nostalgia Plucking Different Deepest house, dub from creation, 7:30pm £8/£5concs/£2children Steve Hill Mehta and Will Mercer. They’ve been Saint Loe have a look and sound that is SAT 29TH The UK’s #1 alternative ukulele band CHALFEST psychedelic funk and stoner disco! All performing Jehanne’s songs for many both exciting and authentically theirs. Stroud Light Music Choir: Songs performing an eclectic mix of feel-good selected and manipulated with love A heart filled with Acoustic Roots and years and through concerts and 8:30pm Free from Stage and Screen songs that will have you dancing in by a disciple of the groove…Also with Blues, Steve Hill will be coming down SAT 22ND recordings have gathered a network of the aisles and grinning from ear to ear! added fireworks and a late licence. and sharing his myriad of musical A Stroud based community choir that fans that extends across Europe and SAT 15TH 7:30pm Free France Lynch Pleasure Ground 8:30pm Free talent playing a selection of covers specialises in a range of music from beyond (7pm). Out To Lunch: Out To The Achievers A brand new family friendly one day and originals including the like of the light operetta to popular music…7pm Lunch with Crispin Thomas & Jeff The festival set up to raise money and Delmore Brothers and many more. A Fronted by Steve Ferbrache, Stroud £5 from [email protected] Fuse! An eclectic, uplifting mix of live awareness for good causes in the areas perfectly chilled out evening. 8pm Free based band the Achievers bring their roots, blues, poetry and soul from this of Chalford Parish and Eastcombe. The unique mix of rhythm and blues, THE GOLDEN FLEECE much-loved long-time local band (6pm) OUT event features three stages including southern soul and gospel to the Prince See website for ticket info. Albert prior to setting off on their debut head-liners the Fun Loving Criminals SEED FESTIVAL NOW joined by Toploader on the main stage SAT 8TH European tour later this month. Come MISERDEN EIGHTS MUSIC AND and children’s entertainment headlined Los Gusanos along and send them off with a bang! by Dick and Dom. The diverse line up 8:30pm Free FRI 7TH - SUN 9TH The popular Golden Fleece residents CRICKET FESTIVAL also includes Low Chimes, Solomento, Hawkwood College BODY return with an evening of swinging jazz THE PRINCE ALBERT Casual Six, Thabo and the Real Deal, SAT 22ND and blues with a Latin flavour. 9pm Free FRI 7-SUN 9TH A unique EcoArt Festival featuring the Maybellen, The Nancy Boys, True Stays SAT 1ST The True Strays, Red Propellers biggest green line-up of speakers on CLOCKS: and many more…There will also be three Miserden Cricket Ground SAT 15TH Delta rock and roll revivalists the True climate change, ecology, green energy, bars, multiple food trucks and market Back again mixing beats n balls - music Sophronie: Album Launch Strays head over from the Albert innovation and enterprise. Plus music, STILL LIFE stalls plus a host of other attractions. Dave Ayre Trio and cricket weekender at the beautiful Popular young Stroud based singer/ Stage at Chalfest to set the floor alight poetry, stories, film screenings, dance See feature on p7 and website for Stroud double bass legend leads a trio Miserden cricket ground. Live music songwriter Sophronie Edwards releases with their blues fuelled, foot-stompin and life skills workshops all held in the further info! of the regions finest jazz musicians. includes ska, reggae & hiphop combo, her second album Remember Home good time rock n roll with a southern beautiful surroundings of Hawkwood 9pm Free the fantastic Arankas Cackle, and this month and tonight showcases twist. Support comes in the shape of College. This year’s music programme upbeat blues, southern soul and gospel songs from the record as well as playing Stroud born now Bristol based duo Body Clocks release their debut EP the Red Propellers; a band inspired features the likes of Rising Appalachia, from the Achievers. This year Slad Curry some of her tremendously well written on Chiverin. Collating their numerous influences, from the abrasive techno by the Velvet Underground and the Ganda Boys, Australia’s Formidable Club will be delivering pre-ordered old favourites. 8:30pm Free THE CROWN AND SCEPTRE late seventies New York punk scene Vegetable Sound System, Jali Fily and experimental noise of their local scene to more subdued neo-classical meals for you on Sat (more details to Cissokho, Chloe Leigh and the Willow HAWKWOOD COLLEGE follow) and a mobile wagon for your WEDS 5TH celebrating the launch of their new and world music, the EP displays the duo’s intricate production and the FRI 7TH EP released by Stroud based label Trio, Seize the Night, Three Acres and A hunger needs. With cricket teams and Jamie Smart and Jack Francis Cow, AMJ Collective, Thee Ones, Vojta, continual evolution of their unique sound. Opening with the spacious, TUES 25TH Rollercoaster Records. A cracking night The Shaggy Dog Raconteurs cricket groupies from Bristol, Bath, April Blue, Cynefin, S.H.E Nation and Wales, Swindon and Stroud who are Jamie Smart: Jamie’s style has awaits…8:30pm Free layered electronica of the title track, the release builds in intensity Home-grown Americana from the BE Concert Of Sacred Sound River Roots. See website for full line-up! sure to delight it’s a snip at £5 for the developed from the early days of indie through the pulsing textures of Dialogue. The third track, Luna, is the pedigree kennels of Gloucestershire. A calm, meditative hour of sacred bands, into a singer-songwriter with SUN 23RD whole weekend -plus free parking and The Shaggy Dog Raconteurs are a sound created on unique handmade roots and folk influences and a rocky duo’s first vocal collaboration, with fellow Chiverin artist Rhain lending her camping. What other festival gives you Thabo locally based Folk/Blues/Americana instruments. You are invited to come edge that are sure to get a crowd soaring voice to the track’s techno-influenced sonic palette as it builds to all this for a fiver? Stars of the Stroud Fringe in 2015 quartet with a dash of Bluegrass, and “just be” in a healing soundscape moving. Jamie plays across the South Thabo and the Real Deal owned the a climax, and then gives way to the brooding atmospherics of Dusk. Ragtime and Jazz with original created with intention. Ton Akkermans, East and London, wooing revellers Bank Gardens stage and finally return melodies which will make your Carolina Schomper and newly with observational tales of love, life, to Stroud. Hosting one of our own Aron grandmother blush! 8:30pm Free created singing bowls, bells and other and going off the rails. Jack Francis: In Kyne on keys this Leeds based band instruments. Ton Akkermans is a little over a year, Jack Francis has gone 10 MUSIC - LISTINGS #28 | JULY 2017

SAT 29TH for further info! 9pm £10adv/£12otd Come celebrate the Vault’s Birthday UNDER THE EDGE ARTS with fi ery music and dance from Ghost Trail WOTTON-UNDER-EDGE SAT 29TH Suspiro Flamenco, sangria cocktails, An acoustic duo from Bristol, made SubLounge Sessions great food and good times…7:30pm up of vocalist Nicola Jayne - an Free SAT 15TH experienced singer-songwriter - and SubTrax Presents Jaguar Skills…8pm £3 Ben Reel Ed, an accomplished guitar player entry all night SUN 16TH with a beautifully unique fi nger style Drawing from the well of different technique. Playing a range of covers Dave Ayre Trio styles of musical infl uence from from the 1930’s to the present day, as Legendary Stroud Double Bass player rock, soul, blues, alt folk/Americana, well as some original material. 7:30pm Dave Ayre gathers some of the regions country & reggae fusing them into a SVA Free fi nest players for an afternoon of varied melting pot to create a great sound jazz. 2:30pm Free which has become his own…8pm WEDS 5TH/12TH/19TH/26TH £11.50adults/£9.50concs+children Funk-In Sessions SUN 23RD H STROUD SACRED MUSIC Live Funk Jam with Will Vick and Alf Caddick & Parks Tramontin...FUNK Only...Nothing but FESTIVAL Fun, vintage piano and vocal duo the Funk!!! All are welcome to listen or playing the fi nest jazz standards, swing TETBURY GOODS SHED PRINCE ALBERT perform! 8pm Free (John Street) & Boogie-Woogie. 2:30pm Free FRI 30TH JUN–SAT 1ST JUL FRI 21ST STROUD The festival gathers together creative FRI 7TH/14TH/21ST/28TH SUN 30TH people, from all of the great world Josh Cumra John Street Social Club faiths and individual spiritual paths, Luke Philbrick & Damon T A thoughtful singer/songwriter to celebrate the Unity that is at the A series of weekly Friday night club Blues and roots duo. 2:30pm Free originally from Swindon. Likened to a heart of humanity, and indeed at the socials hosted by different artists each young Ray Lamontagne, Josh is best heart of the world. Highlights this year week with visuals and audio to share. known for providing the raspy vocals include Praying for the Rain, Samswara, The format: decks, laptop, and a limited on Wretch 32’s UK chart topper Don’t Enchanting the Void and the Tribal number of selected YouTube clips Go.7:30pm £12 THABO AND THE Rhythms Orchestra. See website for of archive footage and informative NIBLEY FESTIVAL ticket info and full line-up! curiosities...7pm £1 membership on the REAL DEAL door FRI 30TH JUNE – SAT 1ST JULY A friendly, non-profi t making festival SAT 8TH in a stunning Cotswold location. Great SUN 23RD JULY £12 Errol’s Kitchen music, free entertainment for the kids, SUBSCRIPTION ROOMS stalls, local beer, food from around THABO is back and has a lot to say. Still a four piece but A funk quartet combining a heavy the world – it’s the recipe for a perfect TUES 11TH funk groove with the expressiveness day. Camp on Friday and Saturday to the beats and sound are bigger/heavier, the lyrics even of modern jazz. You will be unable to Spooky Men’s Chorale make a weekend of it. Headline acts this deeper than before, and there are so many new amazing sit still…Followed by Situation Sounds! year include the Fratellis, Dub Pistols songs to be played out live for the first time. Whether you Ennobled by improbable facial hair and 8:30pm £7adv/£8otd and Lucy Spraggen. Tickets sell out are an original fan or new to the music of THABO, you’ll dignifi ed with cavernous vocal chords, quickly - ensure you buy early to avoid soon appreciate why they call it bare knuckle soul… The Spooky Men’s Chorale have been THURS 13TH disappointment! gleefully smashing up and reassembling Jazz Stroud Sessions presents Ben the world of men’s singing since 2001. Hands They employ a devastating combination of immaculate musical sensibilities, hair- Jazz Stroud’s July special guest raising deep harmonies and extreme features Ben Hands! There will also be PREMA ARTS CENTRE ULEY silliness to explore the paradoxes a stonkingly energetic jazz jam for all of latter day masculinity…7:30pm players and singers, afi cionados and SAT 15TH £18/£15under 18’s improvers to participate in. All are welcome, to listen or perform. 8pm Teyr WEDS 12TH Folk trio TEYR evolved out of London’s SAT 15TH thriving session scene, combining bothy Mr Twitchett’s Events: Silver Sam ballads, shanties, folk tunes and Irish & Anna Beets: Footshooter, Da Rico, Marcel Lune, Jasper Kirton poetry. Their unique blend of voices and Silver Sam: Master of the triple entendre instruments draws links between the and hilarious tales of thwarted libidos, After a momentous debut night with many sounds of the Celtic and British Silver Sam draws, us in with poignant Body Clocks, Jazz Stroud proudly Isles. Featuring close vocal harmonies, songs close to the bone, yet closer to presents the second edition of Beets. fi ddle, uilleann pipes, guitar, low our hearts than we care to admit. Anna With live music from the Footshooter whistle and accordion, and infl uenced Giles: Weaving haunting melodies with band ft. Da Rico, and DJ’s Marcel Lune by the great folk musicians who’ve OUT heartfelt tales of love and longing, Anna (Local Talk) and Jasper Kirton till the come before, TEYR (‘3’ in the Cornish Giles’ songs conjure beautiful images early hours, this is set to be another language) have honed their craft and NOW of travel and chasing love through the great celebration of the best local thrive on weaving their diverse threads seasons.7:30pm Free Entry electronic music. 9pm £7adv/£8otd together. 8pm £12/£9concs/£10friends /£8concs/£15otd THE RED THURS 13TH SAT 22ND Your Musical Memories SVA Clubnight FRI 21ST PROPELLERS: Relive your musical memories at these Special summer club night with a Justin and the Argonauts NO REPRIEVE monthly afternoon concerts. The special guest DJ tba soon…10pm Justin and the Argonauts are a £7adv/£8otd themed community singing which four-piece ensemble based in the Stroud dwelling four piece always concludes each concert will lift south east of England. Comprised the Red Propellers are a your spirits. Chat with friends over a of violin, accordion, guitar, tuba and cup of tea and a snack in Mr. Twitchett’s vocals, they play an eclectic blend of band inspired by the Velvet Coffee House and Bar before and after THE VAULT NAILSWORTH fast paced tango, classical, klezmer Underground and the late the concert. 2:30pm £7 (including tea and out-there pop as you’ve never seventies New York punk and biscuits) heard it before. They have been SUN 2ND scene. No Reprieve is their dazzling audiences with their musical SAT 22ND Lewis and Dav virtuosity and impeccable manners new six track EP following Vintage Cabaret & Electro Swing Swinging Gypsy Jazz talented local for the past two years and are the last year’s Images and is out Night with Joe Dymond and Mary duo. 2:30pm Free only band performing music from now via the Stroud based Shostakovich to Britney Spears on the Lou Revue label Rollercoaster Records. SUN 9TH same set! 7pm £12/£9concs/£10friends Join in for a celebration of musical /£8concs/£15otd Catch them live this month at entertainment from days gone by. The Matt Hopkins Trio the Prince Albert on Saturday event will consist of the energetic Mary Virtuoso guitarist leads superb trio of 22nd. Lou featuring crooner Slim Ditty which Jazz players. 2:30pm Free is a riot of song, dance, comedy and Stroud Subscription Rooms theatre. Then Shady Tree will be putting WEDS 12TH the Electro Swing in your step. And why TheRedPropellers 22nd July 2017 at 9pm The Vault Birthday Party: Suspiro not take part in Mary Lou’s Charleston Flamenco Dance Class on the day? See website £10 Adv | £12 Door 12 ART - OLIVER VIVIAN #28 | JULY 2017 #28 | JULY 2017 ART - OLIVER VIVIAN 13

Oliver Vivian Vibrant, sculptural, organic, beautiful – it’s impossible to describe Oliver Vivian’s works in a few words, you simply have to see them in the fl esh to really engage with the depth and expressive nature of his paintings.

By Lorna Davies

I fi rst came across Ollie’s work Gogh drawings,” Ollie explains. “I still working in a “very linear” way, patterns.” The works are created colour forming an abstract piece postcard-sized canvases. “My the clay. I had to make a huge clay be hiding all these things away and during the Open Studios in May. was already working in abstract in graphite and charcoal, moving using oil paint and turpentine, that could be a rock face, under the studio is so peaceful. People ask forma (like a clay pot) and in the it would be such a shame.” His industrial gallery, conveniently landscapes and my drawing onto black and white paint when which Ollie pours onto a fl at sea or a cave. “There are all sorts my infl uences, do I listen to music inside of the forma, I put my hands located just off Nelson Street, practice became very linear and he came back to Stroud. “Over the canvas before tilting it to create of things people see in them, it’s and things, and I do but it is the in and made the marks in the clay I couldn’t agree more. between the chippy and the yoga architectural last couple the desired effect. “So I might add very open ended,” says Ollie. “They absolute quiet and the birds,” he with my fi ngers and this came out centre, was the perfect backdrop and about I work intuitively, it’s like happy of years I some more turps of something, are organic, elemental, sculptural explains. in the concrete, and it’s all random. See Ollie’s work at The Oliver Vivian for the vivid, striking pieces. It space. I was accidents really. I actually have started and it’s these marks that interest paintings that evoke the primal Ollie, who works as a gardener It’s now all very mildewy and Gallery, Unit 1, Farr’s Lane, just off also helps that Ollie is open to exploring record the process all the to introduce me. That’s what keeps me very forces of the natural world.” He in the week, is also a sculptor, organic. I take photos of it every Nelson Street. Studio space is also discussing his works, and the different time, I take photographs of more colours, focused in my practice.” Each piece works on two or three works at a much infl uenced by his university spring. It’s really lovely.” available to rent in the gallery (180 fascinating process behind them abstract what is happening in the paint so my work is an individual experiment, and time, often coming back to pieces grounds and his time working Ollie has had an exhibition of square foot, £30 a week), and the (plus he has a very cute dog.) compositions because a lot of the time you has become Ollie relies on chance to decide the months, or even years, later when at Pangolin Editions in Chalford. his work in St Ives, but mainly sells gallery is available for hire from Stroud born and bred, Ollie and then lose a lot of the detail because very colourful. fi nal outcome. “I work intuitively, he’s discovered a new mark or He is lucky enough to see one of pieces from the gallery in Stroud. August. Visit theoliverviviangallery. grew up in Rodborough and has when I went you’re putting on another layer. I started off in it’s like happy accidents really. I technique to add. “It is quite hard his commissions every day. The He has a few collectors, but says for further info. lived in Chalford and Stroud, as to university I’m always seeking the fi nal this process actually record the process all the to know when to stop sometimes. lady of the manor at Hazleton events like the open studios really well as Yorkshire. “My parents I expanded composition, so there is a lot of of paint in time, I take photographs of what is Some happen quite quickly, over commissioned him to create a bring his work to a wider audience. Lorna Davies is a journalist who lives actually wanted me to be an artist. on that and risk taking involved indigo, in blue happening in the paint because a a weekend, and I know that it’s sculpture to sit in the middle of a “It was just tremendous, so many in Stroud. She also paints and sells her My father was unable to go to continued it.” and white, lot of the time you lose a lot of the fi nished. Sometimes it’s not so vista of Horrnbeam hedge. “It’s people coming through. It’s really work in Made in Stroud and on Etsy Art College, instead he went to Ollie studied at Bretton Hall in and that was very sculptural,” he detail because you’re putting on arduous.” 9ft tall, three tonnes of concrete good to do, quite nerve wracking (search ‘PaintingsbyLornaD’). Follow her agricultural college - it was one South Yorkshire, set in the grounds says. “My work is primarily about another layer. I’m always seeking From his studio in the grounds and took about a year to make. in the beginning, there are a lot of on Twitter and Instagram: @lornabdavies of his regrets in life, so he really of the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, mark making. So what I do now the fi nal composition, so there is of Hazleton Farm Manor in In situ. It’s like the silhouette of a people, and a lot of talking. People encouraged me. He still paints and and then stayed on as a sculpture is a layering technique of fl uid oil a lot of risk taking involved.” The Rodmarton, Ollie is working his Hornbeam, it’s very organic, and are fascinated by it and I get so draws, so I watched him and was technician at the park for two paints, and they’re each a mark in result is a kind of layered, painting way through a spectrum of colours, quite an involved piece. The texture many good comments, which is very much inspired by him and Van years. During this time, he was their own right, with self replicating sculpture, drops and bubbles of working on both larger and smaller, is actually hands going through great because as an artist, I could


LANSDOWN HALL the beauty of the wildflower-rich ART limestone grasslands surrounding THURS 6TH-SAT 8TH Stroud. Photo sequences also Exhibition Space: LISTINGS Ranth Patterson: Rock Art – the document the work of local Psychedelic Years organisations and community groups working to conserve these A collection of psychedelic gig posters internationally important habitats. from 60’s America featuring some of Photographer Deborah Roberts will be the scenes most well-known artists. available to meet visitors and answer 10am-4:30pm ART OF CLAY questions between 2pm and 4pm on TUES 11TH-SAT 15TH Sundays 2/9/16/30 July. James SAT 1ST-MON 31ST Embroiderers Guild Textile SAT 8TH-SUN 9TH Clay Sinclair Exhibition Stroud Children’s Festival: Gypsy Provocative post-pop paintings Various forms of textile art by Gee – Animal Squatters on Perspex by local/international members of the Embroiderers Guild. A special sneak preview of this artist Clay Sinclair situated at 48 10am-4pm exhibition of intriguing pictures by Green High Street. Plus prints for those Gypsy Gee. The full exhibition will be on a budget and People’s Republic TUES 25TH-SUN 30TH shown in August - watch out for more of Stroud tat for those joining the Nicky Brooke and Angie Brudenell details closer to the time! 11-am-5pm revolution. Open Mon – Sat A vast collection of impressive work James Green works quickly. regularly returns to visit his family. by local artists Nicky Brooke and He is predominantly a portrait He studied Fine Art at Cardiff Angie Brudenell. See website for artist and begins his process by School of Art and, following further info. THE OLIVER VIVIAN GALLERY rapidly sketching passers-by. graduation, founded online studio BISLEY HOUSE James works from these initial and clothing brand Greenthorne. SAT 1ST/8TH/15TH/22ND/29TH sketches to create multiple, loose James’ work can be found in THURS 18TH MAY – AUG Oliver Vivian: I’d Like To Be representations of the original. Bristol, London and Barcelona Donnelly Sisters: Artist in MALTHOUSE BAR AND KITCHEN Residence He paints with haste, relishes and – recently – the Castle Gallery The Oliver Vivian Gallery will be open every Saturday in July with a accidents, uses ripped up T-shirts in Mayfair. He is currently working This interchanging exhibition at Bisley WEDS 21ST JUN – TUES 8TH AUG new exhibition, ‘I’d Like To Be’ - his as brushes, and listens to hip hop with the Donnelly Sisters arts House by Stroud based arts agency Andy Lovell: Binary Compositions the Donnelly Sisters currently features continued adventure working with an whilst he works. Behind every agency and his work can be seen New works created in response to the work of Beatrice Brown, James unique process in oils on canvas. See one of James’s paintings lies the in their ongoing exhibition at the Malthouse interior. Andy explores Kriszyk, Anna Marrow, Karen Thomas, feature on p12-13! 10am – 3pm or by shadow and marks from numerous Bisley House on Middle Street, recurring themes through abstraction, Colin Glen, Daniel Sparkes, Nicola appointment 07532071457. previous attempts. His favourite as well as the upcoming pop-up pattern and texture in a series of large Grellier, Lorraine Robbins, M/H Walters material is soft pastels and he at Pink Cabbage called ‘Lust’ scale, mainly monochrome silkscreen, Design, James Green (TheArtfulGreen loves the way in which the pastels ( digital prints and cyanotypes on – see p16!), Joe Magee, Andrew Wood, stick to the paint below and fabric. The images have been Soozie Roberts, Rebecca Mason and PINK CABBAGE collaged together from experimental creates something new. For further examples of his Abigail Fallis. Tues-Sat 12pm-11pm/Sun mono prints that explore themes of James worked for many years work visit 12pm-6pm ( FRI 30TH JUN-SAT 1ST JUL in Sydney and now lives in London theartfulgreen landscape. Shown alongside framed prints. Presented by SIT select Donnelly Sisters Present: Lust but was born in Stroud and ( An exhibition of the hottest art from Russia, New York, London & Stroud ELVERS STUDIO featuring works by Lorraine Robbins, Sam Marsh, Karina Akopyan, Rebecca SAT 1ST – MON 31ST MEME Mason, Eugenia Weinstein, James Colin Heavingham: Four Winds Green (see p16!), Colin Glen, James New gallery on Nelson Street featuring TUES 4TH JUL-THURS 31ST AUG Kriszyk and more…Plus DJ set by the neo-expressionist artist Colin Isobel Pritchard Dubbu (Neil Wilson) playing an Heavingham, with a new collection of explicit rap soundtrack from 9pm on A collection of new works by painter idiosyncratic paintings and drawings the Friday night opening party…6pm and printmaker Isobel Pritchard titled Four Winds. Colin’s artwork Free (Over 18’s only!) ranging from completely abstract has recently been exhibited at the works to more figurative pieces Hastings Arts Forum. The gallery also of interior spaces. Isobel’s work is includes unique jewellery by Tristana primarily about the formal aspects and poetry by Daniel F Davis. STEVE RUSSELL STUDIOS of colour and composition, and she has spent the last year exploring MON 3RD JUL – FRI 25TH AUG the nature of these aspects and the relationship between them. The East African Coast GALLERY PANGOLIN majority of the pieces are mono-prints. A celebration of the opening of Steve Mono-printing is a very low tech Russell’s new studios and gallery next MON 22ND MAY – FRI 21ST JULY and immediate form of printmaking to Gallery Pangolin in Chalford with In House II: Pangolin Makers that allows Isobel to explore texture a new collection of photographs. The Many of the highly-skilled workforce and create prints that are painterly remarkable photographs assembled at Pangolin Editions are also talented in nature preferring immediacy here were taken over the course artists and craftsmen in their own and spontaneity to planning and of several trips to the coast of East right. Following the success of ‘In precision… Africa; a place of great beauty and House’ in 2013 this new exhibition vibrancy, redolent with the scent showcases drawings, paintings, of spices and glowing with bright sculpture, jewellery, textiles and a host colours. All prints are mounted on of other media, all created by Pangolin MUSEUM IN THE PARK aluminium and are available in an makers. Mon-Fri 10am – 6pm/Sat edition of 5. 10am – 1pm SAT 1ST-SUN 30TH Deborah Roberts: Grasslands of the Stroud Valleys

A photographic exhibition celebrating 10 ART - LISTINGS #28 | JULY 2017

In House II: Pangolin Makers SVA gallery in a riot of colour and texture – crochet, yarn-bombing, mosaic Until - 21st July FRI 2ND –FRI 30TH work and various kits and projects FOR ARTS & CRAFTS WORKSHOPS UP This Way for people to try at home. Emma is & COURSES VISIT: Drawings, paintings, sculpture, jewellery, textiles and a host passionate about helping others to UP This Way is an outlet within of other media, all created by Pangolin makers locate their own “inner-artist” and Merrywalks highlighting the work of reminds us of the words of Einstein – furniture and accessory makers within “creativity is contagious, pass it on”. ATELIER RUSKIN MILL the broader Stroud area. Open Fri-Sat ATELIERSTROUD.CO.UK RMT.ORG 9am-6pm or by appointment 01453 297260 CENTRE FOR SCIENCE AND ART THE SCULPTURE STUDIO ROOMHIRESTROUD.CO.UK THESCULPTURESTUDIO.CO.UK Fungusloci RUSKIN MILL HORSLEY CREATIVE NETWORK SIT SELECT Artist and permaculture practitioner SAT 8TH JUL-MON 28TH AUG CREATIVENETWORK.ORG.UK SITSELECT.ORG Dominic Thomas has designed and Ruskin Mill College Students End built a sustainable urban micro-farm GLOUCESTERSHIRE PRINTMAKING SOUTH WEST ART WORKSHOPS Binary Compositions of Year Exhibition COOPERATIVE SWARTWORKSHOPS.CO.UK in which oyster mushrooms are GPCHQ.CO.UK cultivated on spent coffee grounds The summer exhibition represents and celebrates every student who has STROUD COLLEGE from local cafes. Fungusloci is a GL5 ART SGSCOL.AC.UK project of Sustainable Creativity attended Ruskin Mill College in the GL5-ART.COM CIC with the help of Stroud District previous academic year. During their STROUD VALLEY ARTSPACE time at college, each student follows a HAWKWOOD COLLEGE SVA.ORG.UK Andy Lovell Food Grants taking place at Unit 23, HAWKWOODCOLLEGE.CO.UK Merrywalks. Open by appointment personalised curriculum derived from [email protected] Ruskin Mill Trust’s unique Practical SUBSCRIPTION ROOMS 21 June – 8 August Skills Therapeutic Education method. IMAGINE THERAPEUTIC ARTS SUBSCRIPTIONROOMS.ORG.UK IMAGINE-THERAPEUTIC-ARTS.CO.UK Their student journey offers a wealth VICTORIA WORKS STUDIOS Malthouse Bar & Kitchen of opportunities, refl ected in the KENDRICK STREET GALLERY VICTORIAWORKSSTUDIOS.CO.UK richly packed displays of craft, art and THE OLD PASSAGE ARLINGHAM KENDRICKSTGALLERY.CO.UK Salmon Springs GL6 6NU culture offered here.10am-4pm NEW BREWERY ARTS LOOK AGAIN PHOTOGRAPHY NEWBREWERYARTS.ORG.UK Good on Paper TUES 13TH JUN-SUN 26TH NOV LOOK-AGAIN.ORG Passion QuarterArtists page clockwise £80.00 from in top arts left: Sophiesection Harris, Helen Jacobs, Buffy, Fleur Mathews PREMA ARTS CENTRE Andy Johansen, Mark Huggins, Cathie Shannon, Andy Flint and Cath Ingram A New collection of artworks by PEGASUS ART PREMA.ORG.UK July issue 2017 CORINIUM MUSEUM PEGASUSART.CO.UK thirty artists featuring Alice Adams, Pub date 23 June CIRENCESTER GALLERY PANGOLIN Catherine Aspray, Anne Bate-Williams, CHALFORD - GLOS - GL6 8NT 01453 889765 select ed Chris Bingle, Susanna Birley, Carolyn THURS 29TH JUN-SUN 30TH JUL Black, Georgina Bouzyk, Jilly Cobbe, [email protected] Alexandra Collins, Debbie Cox, Krysia Rupert Aker: Cotswold Drury, Angela Findlay, Karen Green, Rupert is a Cotswold landscape Sylvain Guenot, Pat Homewood, Jan painter, based in a studio at Painswick Irvine, Valerie Jordan, Anna Knight, in Gloucestershire. He walks the valleys Elaine Knight, David Manzi-fe, Rachel and hills, gaining inspiration from the s i t good on paper advert Andy L may 2017 v1.indd 3 12/5/17 10:34:36 Markwick, Annie McGill, Alison Merry, woods, wolds and fi eld walls, painting Linn O’Carroll, Arthur Penn, Kerry ‘en plein air’ when possible. His aim Phippen, Kel Portman, Vicki Portman, is to capture the effects of the light n& np& printp arts • sustainability • spirituality • well-being Chris Rose, Alisdair Shepherd, Chris on the land though the medium of oil Smith, Mark Stopforth and Melvyn paint with palette knife. PRINT Warren-Smith. HAWKWOOD Visit our website for instant quotes NEW BREWERY ARTS CENTRE PREMA ARTS CENTRE ULEY for all your print needs CIRENCESTER N&P Print Ltd. Unit 4, CREATIVE ARTS MON 19TH JUN – SAT 29TH JUL 01453 873 018 SAT 20TH MAY – SUN 16TH JULY Station Road Industrial Est. Peta Taylor Woodchester, Stroud. GL5 5EQ. Julie Cope’s Grand Tour: The Story Summer School A Brighton artist specialising in of A Life by Grayson Perry Monday 10—Sunday 30 July Music * Needlefelting * Calligraphy * Raku brush-pen drawings of woodland on A Crafts Council touring exhibition. Create a Singing Bowl * Memoirs * Summer the theme of ‘A Modern Arcadia’. The The Crafts Council have recently

Lady Carnarvon’s Nursing Homes Nursing the Privileged in Wartime and Peace By William Cross,

Lady Carnarvon’s Nursing Homes Nursing the Privileged in Wartime and Peace By William Cross,

Lady Carnarvon’s Nursing Homes Nursing the Privileged in Wartime and Peace By William Cross, Painting * * How to Make a Story * Whittling drawings are made into limited edition acquired an exciting new addition to

* Haiku * Drawing in Charcoal * Photography prints using giclee, a digital process on

its national collection of contemporary

By William Cross, FSA Scot

Lady Carnarvon's Nursing Homes: Nursing the Privileged in Wartime and Peace

By William Cross, FSA Scot Lady Carnarvon's Nursing Homes

Lady Carnarvon's Nursing Homes: Nursing the Privileged in Wartime and Peace * Mono-printing * Forged Jewellery * archival paper. By William Cross, FSA Scot

Nursing the Privileged in Wartime and Peace

craft: a pair of tapestries by Grayson

study Nursing the Privileged

Alfred House Nursing Home, Mayfair Lady Carnarvon’s Nursing Homes in Wartime and Peace ng homes that existed between 1914 and Organic Silk Fabric Printing Almina was firststudy attracted to

Author William Cross,Alfred (Lady House Almina"The Nursing National Carnarvon's Home, Wealth Mayfair biographer) Service", has made a special Perry, winner of the Turner Prize of the Countess of Carnarvon's private nursi ved her war hospital-9 Portland to Mayfair. Place, InLondon the Lady Carnarvon's Nursing Homes ng homes that Almina existed wasbetween first attracted1914 and to 1943. Dubbed the founder of Nursing the Privileged 13/10/11in Wartime 18:12:51 and Peace

nursing wounded Officers in the Great War. She opened Highclere Military Hospital Author William Cross, (Lady Almina"The National Carnarvon's Wealth biographer) Service", has made a special By William Cross, FSA Scot soon after war was declared, then later she mo of the Countess of Carnarvon's private nursi ceved was her born. war Almina’s hospital-9 Portland to patients Mayfair. Place, included InLondon the several Lady Carnarvon’sLady Carnarvon's Nursing Homes Nursing Homes MON 19TH JUN – SAT 29TH JUL 1920s and 1930s her wayward nursing home at Alfred House, 7 1943. Dubbed the founder of . study treated a galaxy of notables. Finally, in the 1940s Almina specialised in maternity cases, NursingNursing the Privileged in theWartime Privilegedand Peace nursing wounded Officers in the Great War. She opened Highclere Military Hospital Weekend and Day courses at The Glebe, Barnet, where a Royal Prin By William Cross, FSA Scot are? The quirky, the sad, and the unbelievable,By William Cross, FSA Scot can soon aftermembers war was of declared,the Royal thenfamily, later as shewellce mo wasas Hollywood born. Almina’s actors patientsand actresses, included and several many rich, “ The Life and Secrets of Almina Carnarvon” Lady Carnarvon’s Nursing Homes 1920s andfamous 1930s and her Societywayward figures. nursing Who home were at Almina'sAlfred House, most noted7 patients? What famous folk By William Cross, FSA Scotin Wartime and Peace in 2003. The tapestries are the -2 . treated a galaxy of notables. Finally, in the 1940s Almina specialised-03 in maternity cases, Nursing the Privileged were born or died under her tender c -905914 6 at The Glebe, Barnet, where a Royal Prin -03- ALL now be revealed by the authorare?ISBN ofThe 10quirky, 1 -1-905914 the sad, and the unbelievable, can members of the Royal family, as well as Hollywood actors and actresses, and many rich, ISBN“ The Life13 978 and Secrets of Almina Carnarvon” in Wartime and Peace famous and Society figures. Who were Almina'sPublished most noted by patients? What famous folk -03-2 were born or died under her tender c William-905914 P. Cross -03-6 Lady Carnarvon's Nursing Homes: Nursing the Privileged in Wartime and Almina Peace was first attracted to ALL now be revealed by the authorISBN of 10 1 -581- 905914Sutton Road Karoline Rerrie Newport ISBN 13 978 Published by 9 Portland Place, London Gwent - ng homes that existed between 1914 and . William P. NP19Cross 7JF only pair in a public collection and58 Sutton Roadd Kingdom

NewportUnite By William Cross, FSA Scot

Gwent ved her war hospital to Mayfair. In the Alfred House Nursing Home, Mayfair NP19 7JF United Kingdom By William Cross, FSA Scot "The National Wealth Service", FSA Scot

ce was born. Almina’s patients included several FSA Scot

Karoline Rerrie is an illustrator who FSA Scot had their fi rst public showing at 2 - 6 03 - - -03 are? The quirky, the sad, and the unbelievable, can “ The Life and Secrets of Almina Carnarvon” Author William Cross, (Lady Almina Carnarvon's biographer)905914 has made a special - -905914 of the Countess of Carnarvon's private nursi -1 13/10/11 18:12:51 Summer Rest-ival 1943. Dubbed the founder of nursing wounded Officers in the Great War.ISBN She10 1 opened Highclere Military Hospital soon after war was declared, then later she moPublished by ISBN 13 978 creates images by hand using drawing Collect: The International Art Fair 1920s and 1930s her wayward nursing home at WilliamAlfred House, P. Cross 7 13/10/11 18:12:51 treated a galaxy of notables. Finally, in the 1940s58 SuttonAlminaNewport Road specialised in maternity cases,

at The Glebe, Barnet, where a Royal Prin Gwent members of the Royal family, as well as HollywoodNP19 actors 7JF and actresses, and many rich, d Kingdom famous and Society figures. Who were Almina's most noted patients? What famous folk were born or died under her tender c Unite ALL now be revealed by the author of Deep Rest ~ Residential Retreat and screen-printing. She sees her for Contemporary Objects from 2

Cross-Book-cover.indd 1 Sun 30 July—Thur 3 Aug work as a craft and wants to maintain – 6 February at the Saatchi Gallery,

Cross-Book-cover.indd 1

a handmade element - precisely the London. The tapestries will be shown Day courses in Wellbeing thing that originally attracted her to at New Brewery Arts as part of a Sunday 30 July —Friday 4 August printmaking. She now designs, makes national tour. (Main Gallery) Modern Dance * Manage Anxiety * Healthy

and sells a range of hand printed Cross-Book-cover.indd 1 Weight * Healing with the Voice * Tui Na products including greetings cards massage * Women’s Health * Qi Gong * and limited edition screen prints. Biodanza * Zest for Life—Laughter! MON 19TH JUN – SAT 29TH JUL 10% off orders placed Emma Leith using Discount Code Hawkwood College, Stroud, GL6 7QW For her exhibition with Prema, Emma GOP-10 01453-759034 will be immersing the showcase Valid until 1st August 2017 12 LITERATURE - EUGENE LAMBERT #28 | JULY 2017 #28 | JULY 2017 LITERATURE - LISTINGS 13

THE LITTLE GEORGE sighted poems, finely expressed with £195single/£175shared/£135non-res including fiction, non-fiction and LITERATURE delicacy and subtlety. Plus the launch of poetry. 10am-4pm £75 Eugene Lambert WEDS 26TH two Stroud Poet’s pamphlets featuring Uta Baldauf, James Dick, Caroline Shaw, LISTINGS Stroud Radical Reading Group: Tonia Maddison, Allan Peacey and Tim THURS 20TH We often think of writing novels as a planning Danny Dorling Wilson. The new set of six Stroud Poets ROSEBANK Modern Calligraphy with Emma The Stroud Radical Reading Group features writers from a wide variety of process, a step-by-step mapping out of a ALE HOUSE Sunderland meet every month at the Little George backgrounds. Uta Baldauf and James SAT 8TH plot. Or maybe we see it as a random flurry of and aim to read a variety of articles Dick have a wide range of interests The Apple’s Rounded World During the session, key modern WEDS 5TH/12TH/19TH/26TH and books on radical issues, feminism, but have been seen recently in Stroud calligraphy basics will be covered; how thoughts, ones that fly in and out only to land A fundraising show in Slad to mark Rick Vick: Writing Group environmentalism, trade unionism, and further afield fronting avant-garde to use the essential tools, mark making the 20th anniversary of Laure Lee’s later on the page and magically turn into a politics, and current affairs. This rock bands. Caroline Shaw’s poetry drills to practice applying pressure to A weekly writing group run by Stroud death and the centenary of his arrival month’s reading will be focusing on has a similar, feisty honesty as she story. But rarely do we think of writing novels Festival’s Rick Vick. Discover your in Slad with music and poetry by your new pen, and alphabet practices the work of Danny Dorling following addresses relationships and spirituality. hidden voice, all welcome! 7-9pm £5 Adam Horovitz and Becky Dellow before moving on to whole words. as a computer engineering process… his visit to the Subscription Rooms on Allan Peacey writes of his life in Stroud, at Rosebank, the house in which Emma from Emerald Paper Design will for further information contact Rick on the 14th July. 7:30pm Free where he was born and bred, while Lee spent his formative years. Visit be giving demonstrations each step of By Nikki Owen 07973 225 694 Tonia Maddison brings an artist’s eye for further the way, as well as being on hand for to her writing. Tim Wilson’s poetry has info! 2:30pm £10adv from Eventbrite individual guidance. All participants a firm grasp of language and structure ATELIER will get a goodie bag to take away it and succeeds in using language to hint will contain: 1 nib, 1 pen holder, 1 pot MUSEUM IN THE PARK at what can’t be easily expressed in SAT 22ND words. 7:30pm Free of ink and guide sheets for you to Radio/Podcast Skills Workshops SAT 8TH SVA practice with at home. 10am-12pm £35 Stroud Children’s Festival: Family SUN 16TH Step forward Eugene Lambert. intrigued. I mean, how can a that his engineering background Second of the Radio/Podcast Skills An award-winning author man like this, whose voice is soft, has been crucial. “Working in I.T. workshops led by Fergus Ryan Workshop with Martha Lightfoot Poetry Workshop with Adam Resound Audio Lounge from Wolverhampton and now face calm, produce novels so at a high level, as I did, is all about (Obvious Arts) and Alice Armstrong Make your own stand up creatures Horovitz The Audio Lounge is back with TETBURY GOODS SHED based in Chalford, Lambert blisteringly original, so cutting anticipating problems and finding (Soundart Radio). The morning is an and plan their journey. Where will they Join acclaimed local poet Adam unusual, artistic, topical radio pieces has penned a blistering Young and at times, so raw and brutal? solutions – and I use the same outdoors recording / sound gathering go? A snippy, snappy family workshop Horovitz for an afternoon of creative and broadcast them online. Members Adult (YA) dystopian trilogy that So, when we sat down with approach now. In writing, you walk in the Heavens; in the afternoon for children aged 5 and above with writing. Taking inspiration from of the public will be able to listen and THURS 27TH has been likened to the dizzy our coffees, my first question had can’t wait around for the muse you will be editing the material in popular Stroud based children’s book the ‘Grasslands’ exhibition and join in to with events at particular Alexander McCall Smith Audacity, building on skills, project the wonders offered by meadow heights of Suzanne Collin’s The to be, why write YA? “Growing – you just have to get on with it. illustrator Martha Lightfoot. 10am £2 times. See website for more info… Alexander McCall Smith (author of management and the best tips and landscapes. 2pm-4pm £15/£10 Hunger Games and Veronica up, I loved English at school,” he You have to think, what if?” Had No 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency), in tricks. Induction for new participants SAT 8TH Museum Friends Booking necessary, Roth’s global-selling Divergent says. “I’ve always been a science you always thought you would conversation with Cotswold Life’s at 9:30am for a 10:30am start, please call 01453 763394 series. In the first in the trilogy, fiction fan, ever since I can take this approach to writing Stroud Children’s Festival: Bear Katie Jarvis to talk about his new book finishing 4:30pm. £55 On A Bike Workshop with Hannah Lambert’s novel, entitled The remember. Star Wars, Alien, Mad novels, I ask. “I had thought,” he FRI 21ST NEW BREWERY ARTS CENTRE A Time of Love and Tartan. 7pm £10 Shaw (including £5 voucher towards the Sign of One (on sale now) takes Max, Terminator, Bladerunner. says, “that I would plan, be more Grasslands: An evening of Poetry us to a dystopian world called And I remember my brother and scientific, perhaps, but actually, Children aged 3-7 are invited to join and Music with Adam Horovitz & SAT 1ST new book) in adv from the Yellow Wrath. There we meet the main I walking to the bus-stop on our it’s been more like archeology Bear on his journey. Listen to the Rebecca Dellow Wild Words with Sue Mayfield Lighted Bookshop, TIC Tetbury and HAWKWOOD COLLEGE protagonist of the tale, sixteen- way to our A-levels humming the than science. Each book in the story and help Hannah make a huge the Goods Shed website. Join Adam and Rebecca for an A one-day workshop exploring year-old Kyle – an identical twin theme tune to Star Wars.” The trilogy has to be self contained drawing! 12pm-1pm £2 THURS 20TH evening of poems and fiddle music landscape and the natural world (note: key to the plot) - who is brother Lambert refers to here and I have to write it all that way.” SAT 8TH inspired by meadows and grazing through a series of writing exercises betrayed and must flee for his is actually his twin. His identical And write Lambert does. Fiona Longsdon: How To Make A lands. Open mic slots too for anyone Stroud Children’s Festival: Family life with the help of Sky, a rebel twin. And it’s this connection Indeed, with The Sign of One Story with a new poem to share! 7.30pm Workshop with Linda Newbery. pilot with trust issues. As the hunt that sparked, for Eugene, the published in 2016, followed by the This enlivening day with writer £5/£3.50 concessions. Booking AVAILABLE FROM ALL GOOD BOOKSHOPS – RRP £9.99 intensifies, Kyle soon realises that whole premise of his now widely eagerly anticipated In to the Zone Fiona Longsdon will stimulate your Hear about some of Linda’s travelling advised, please call 01453 763394 characters, including Lob, the Green he is no ordinary runaway. The published dystopian series. out earlier in April of this year, imagination and help you tease out Man, and get lots of writing and story hideous truth they discover could a story from the everyday material Lambert says, “I got the idea of what next for this author who, in making secrets and tips from an award change the fate of Wrath and the books when, for a birthday, his spare time, flies – and is an that surrounds us. 9:30am-5pm £70 (including lunch and refreshments) winning author in this fun, family its harsh laws forever, and their I got (Martin and I) a joke t-shirt instructor for - gliders, no less. workshop. For families with children HAWKWOOD reluctant, conflicted partnership saying something like ‘I can’t “I’m currently in the middle of FRI 21ST-SAT 22ND aged 7 and above. 2-3pm £2 will either save them – or bring remember if I’m the evil twin or writing book three in the trilogy. FRI 7TH - SUN 9TH JULY The Art of Memoir Writing with about their destruction. not?’ And that made me think – It’s going well, but on a sunny SAT 8TH Seed Festival Rosie Jackson With his knack of creating what if there was a world where day, meeting a deadline can be a Stroud Children’s Festival: Stories A unique EcoArt Festival featuring the Writing your memoir is a wonderfully utterly compelling narratives, one twin was evil?” challenge!” with Jamila Gavin biggest green line-up of speakers on healing and fulfilling process. This Lambert has won himself a legion It’s this type of thinking – this We finish our chat with me Listen to Jamila tell the exciting story climate change, ecology, green energy, workshop will introduce you to of fans. And rightly so. Young what if scenario – that’s lead asking what the best thing of The Odyssey, and other journeys, innovation and enterprise. Plus music, different approaches and skills to adult fiction has had a resurgence Lambert to gain not only a about being an author is for him. with the help of a big map. 3-4pm Free poetry, stories, film screenings, dance make your memoir the best it can be. recently. The Hunger Games, three-book deal, but awards, too. “Seeing your book on the shelf,” and life skills workshops all held in the Participants will learn to distinguish beautiful surroundings of Hawkwood the Divergent books and the hit In 2013, he was shortlisted for he says, “and just being able SAT 8TH-SUN 9TH between memoir and autobiography; College. This year’s spoken word Maze Runner series – and their the prestigious A.M.Heath Irish to be a writer. But you have to reflect on their audience and purpose; Stroud Children’s Festival: Pop Up programme includes poets Matt Harvey, subsequent blockbuster film Children’s Writer Prize. Then, in retain a certain discipline.” I nod learn how to structure and shape a Library Chris Paradox, Jay Ramsay, Gabriel tie-ins – have helped to bolster a 2014, Lambert went on to win the knowingly, but with Lambert’s memoir; read extracts from some Drop in to the Pop Up Library outside Millar, Steph Bradley, Danny Chivers, genre that has seen the number coveted Bath First Novel Award computer engineering brain successful contemporary examples; the Museum and listen to a story, or Des Mannay, Anna Saunders (director of published Young Adult titles for his book, The Sign of One. He coupled with his expansive write episodes that can be the basis read one yourself. If you have your of Cheltenham Poetry Festival) and more than double in a decade. must have been very pleased. imagination, something tells me for chapters and in so doing start to library card you can borrow books too! storytellers Lisa Schneidau and David But it’s not only young people “I was doing an MA in Creative writing award-winning young develop their own voice and angle; 11am-4pm Free Young. See website ( for ticket details and full programme! reading - adults, too are delving Writing for Children at Bath Spa adult fiction is not going to be a think about spiritual and ethical issues. right in (estimates are that over £155 single/£135 shared/£115 non-res SUN 9TH University at the time,” he says, problem for him. THURS 27TH-SAT 28TH 70% of YA titles are actually “and I thought, why not, I’ll enter Stroud Children’s Festival: Stories Creative Film Scripts with Gladys purchased by people between (the competition). On the back Into the No Zone book SUN 23RD with Jamila Gavin San Juan 18-64). And now Eugene Lambert of that, I got my agent and it two in the Sign of One Fiona Mitchell: Fun With Enchanting tales about the journeys Get your idea or story out of your is set to take this growing genre meant I could finish my course Trilogy is out now via Calligraphy made by people, animals, birds and head and give it life on paper. Theory by storm. knowing I had made a huge Electric Monkey, visit Ever wanted to try your hand at maybe even butterflies! 11am-12pm is minimal, although you will discuss calligraphy? Then this is the perfect Free I met Eugene in the Star step towards getting published the principle elements of story Anise café one sunny afternoon already. I could relax a little.” It’s for further info. opportunity. Using straightforward structure and how to get it ready THURS 13TH in Stroud. Now, here’s the this award-winning, sheer hard techniques and easily available for production. At the end of the BALLAD TALES brings together nineteen original ISBN 9780750970556 rub: before meeting Eugene, I work ethos that makes authors Nikki Owen is an author and writer. materials, you will be guided through Poetry at the Garden Room: workshop you will have an outline of imagined he would be some kind like Lambert stand out. That, Her third and final book in the simple projects to get you started. Stroud Poets a short film script and the necessary retellings of British ballads in short story form, of hyper, edgy, hectic novelist, and his approach to writing. You Project Trilogy – The Girl Who Ran This course is suitable for right and left Mark Huband reading from his new information to get it made. Gladys handers and no previous experience is San Juan has been working in the but when Eugene greeted me – a see, Eugene’s career pre-author (Harper Collins), is out now. Follow book ‘Skinny White Kids’. Mark written by some of the country’s most accomplished necessary. 9:30am-5pm £75 (includes film industry and creative sector for warm smile, kind face, engaging, was in engineering, specifically her on twitter @nikkiwriter and has a selection of poems in Stroud lunch and refreshments) Poets 3 and he has built on these over ten years. She works as a script unassuming manner – he couldn’t high level computer engineering, storytellers, singers and wordsmiths. with a pamphlet themed around the supervisor where she has worked have been be more different, and when I probed him on his rediscovery of a long-lost childhood on film sets from British Indies up to Edited by Stroud author Kevan Manwaring. and in the best of ways. I was approach to writing, it turns out friendship. His are honest and clear- Star Wars the Force Awakens. 4pm

Ballad ADD.indd 1 08/06/2017 13:48 14 COMEDY WEEKENDER: ZOE LYONS #28 | JULY 2017 #28 | JULY 2017 THEATRE / COMEDY - LISTINGS 15

COMEDY LISTINGS Comedy OLD TOWN HALL SUN 23RD Long Form Improv Workshop with Rebecca Weekender: MacMillan Explore the creative and comedic power of improvisation. Gentle yet powerful techniques will help unblock your creativity and experience the joy of playing in the moment. Useful for all performers, public speaking, confidence and general life! For more info contact [email protected]


Zoe Lyons THURS 6TH Comedy Weekender: Nicola Clark A late-comer to song-writing: after life in an Indian When GOP asked me to write a piece on Ayurvedic ashram, working as a portrait artist in London and adrift in Cornwall. Comic chanteuse Nicola sings the forthcoming Comedy Weekender at the poignant songs of life and love. 8pm £10/£8concs Subscription Rooms, I decided to play to my strengths as a comedy coach and director and FRI 7TH Comedy Weekender: Jethro get analytical with headliner Zoe Lyons… Jethro befuddles his audience with an endless stream of irreverent twaddle that has created a comedy genius. By Chris Head 7:30pm £20 Age restriction 18+

SAT 8TH Comedy Weekender: Kidocracy First of all I asked Zoe what I asked Zoe about her writing imagine being this outrageous. It The show begins when children are told they are being Stroud can expect from her show. process: “I don’t tend to write could in theory be delivered by given an island to rule. In just under an hour they must She says, “I like to cover as many things out long form. I will have someone low-status and clueless elect leaders, write anthems, come up with rules that rock and deal with all sorts of crisis. It’s fun, fun, fun – with topics as possible in my shows ideas that I jot down and then I will as an embarrassing admission of stuff to get done! 12pm £5 suitable for 6yrs+ and attempt to link them together. try ideas out on stage. Sometimes a dreadful misunderstanding. But So my show could cover anything you can hit the joke straight away not here. I asked Zoe too about her SAT 8TH from Brexit to bin etiquette. I am but other times it can take a while persona: “My on stage persona is Comedy Weekender: Hal Cruttenden a fairly animated performer so I to make it funny. Sometimes it is a just a slightly exaggerated version One of the top comics working in the UK today, as like to animate my routines. I can’t matter of setting it up differently, or of the off stage self. I just ramp up well as being a highly accomplished writer and actor tell you exactly what to expect, just changing one word and it starts the physicality of my character. I appearing in ‘Have I got New for You’ and ‘Great British not because I am being coy you to get laughs. It is both terrifying probably appear more confident on Beak Off – Extra Slice’ (BBC 2). 8pm £12 understand but rather because and thrilling to do new stuff for the stage than I actually am in reality. some of it isn’t written yet! I work first time on stage.” I think I have learnt to be more SUN 9TH well to deadlines...” The joke also makes the audience myself on stage over the years. You Comedy Weekender: Zoe Lyons, Milo McCabe and That pleasantry out of the way, do some work. The majority of are constantly learning doing this Andrew Ryan let’s get serious about comedy. jokes require the audience to make job, learning how to write better Zoe Lyons: Zoe’s trademark high energy, brilliantly Here’s a joke from Zoe: “I went a mental leap; they have to ‘get it’. material, present an idea in better observed routines and sharply written material has left her on a girl’s night out recently. The Here is the joke without any work ways. As a new act I certainly had with an ever-growing fan base. (8:30pm Age restriction invitation said ‘dress to kill.’ I went required of the audience: ‘I went a constant mantra of ‘please like 14+) Milo McCabe: Milo is currently touring comedy clubs as Rose West.” This joke exhibits on a girl’s night out recently. The me, please like me’ when I was on and festivals as Troy Hawke, an erudite home-schooled 1930’s throwback. Educated, sophisticated, but utterly pretty much all the main aspects of invitation said ‘dress to kill.’ I took stage. That has gone now, which I clueless. (7pm Age restriction 14+) Andrew Ryan: Andrew’s stand-up joke writing. The joke is in this literally and dressed up as a think frees you up as a comic (but quintessentially Irish storytelling and cheeky, friendly three parts, rule-of-three, but it can murderer’. To go from this to a seriously..... please like me!)” demeanour make him a natural observational stand. also be looked at set-up/ payoff. version where the audience need (5:30pm Age restriction 16+). £8 per show or Special Offer The first two parts are the set-up to do some work, the comic would The Comedy Weekender takes Tickets: all three shows for £18! and the third is the payoff. The joke need to work out how to imply that place at the Subscription Rooms is first person, which is a hallmark they’re dressed as a killer. There’s from the 6th until 9th July, and as of modern stand-up jokes. It has not an obvious ‘killer’s outfit’, in the well as Zoe Lyons it also boasts been worked on to get it incredibly way there is with a cartoon burglar the likes of Jethro, Hal Cruttenden, SVA economical. It’s hard to see how say; stripy top/ swag bag. How Keith Farnan’s Kidocrazy, Andrew you could take a word out without about a specific killer? In Zoe Lyon’s Ryan, Nicola Clark and Milo McCabe. FRI 7TH affecting it. You could lose the word case it needs to be a woman. And Tickets start from as little as £5, visit Tonight with Elvis ‘recently’ and it would still make so, for the UK anyway, Rose West and the Get ready for another thrill packed show as the SVA sense; that word however has a job fits . Note that the exact comedy listings for further info… gear up for their Tonight with Elvis Summer specials. to do. It’s making the joke sound reference could change over time They can’t guarantee a warm summer evening, but conversational and recent. It’s in or according to which culture the Chris Head has established himself as can guarantee lively chat, live music and that festival three parts, which is a common joke was being told in. one of the UK’s leading comedy coaches vibe (only with working toilets and reasonably priced beverages) Plus they are happy to say Tapas is back joke structure. It’s working with the And finally, the joke suits and has nearly twenty years’ experience tonight from 6pm offering a great menu with some fine ambiguity of the phrase ‘dress to the teller’s persona. Zoe Lyons as a director of live comedy. Visit Spanish ingredients...8pm £1otd kill’; taking it literally. The words that being a high-status-in-your-face for details of forthcoming trigger the laugh are at the end. kind of person that you could courses and events.


Stroud Children’s Festival: OperaUpClose

Political activism at a “grass roots” level? Looking for an appropriate act of civil disobedience? Take you your kids to the opera.

By Sarah Phaedre Watson

Stroud has been on an upward out some of the simple, social, trajectory for a good few years pleasures in life, as well as so now, we’re bucking trends all much that is educationally vital. over the place … taking back There’s a correlation between some control. We’re active arts and cultural engagement (ists), non-conformist, vocal, and educational achievement; our community is renowned for a clear improvement in literacy taking a stand against injustice. when young people are offered We’re that (figurative) really loud drama; better performance in elephant in the room, the one maths and languages when who won’t take no for an answer, coupled with structured music the one who tells politicians what activities. We owe the arts to our During the hour long exclusion, it discourages a is good for us, rather than the children. performance from the award broader audience - but great art politicians telling us what we It’s brilliant that this Children’s winning OperaUpClose and culture really can be, and should think is good for us. Our Festival is collaborating production company we’ll should be, for everyone. So, what elephant can’t be ignored. Our imaginatively with The Museum join fourteen-year-old Ulla as greater act of civil disobedience elephant is wearing a People’s in the Park and Stroud Festival of she attempts to become the then than taking your child to Republic of Stroud t-shirt and Nature in the jewel of Stratford youngest person to sail the world the opera? An opera about a waving the Republic’s starred Park and has been designed single-handedly in her trusty young woman conquering the flag. so that (wise Rick Vick again) sailing boat ‘The Homer’, with world?! I’m buying my tickets And is it a coincidence that “children can feel empowered only her cat for company. Our immediately and while I’m at it our town is also a vibrant arts in the excitement of their vivid heroine will encounter mythical I’ll be sticking it to the man by Dream away with Shakespeare on town? Isn’t it incredible that in imaginations”. creatures and obstacles on her booking tickets to take my mum a time when arts are being cut But why is the inclusion of a journey, including Cyops, a one- to the ballet. from school curriculums, grants children’s opera so deliciously eyed, over-keen robotic customs the Newark Park lawn this summer and funding for organisations are provocative? Well, since you ask official, and a dangerous sea The first Stroud Children’s being cut across the board, our (let’s pretend for the purpose creature whose body and mind Festival takes place from 7-9 arts community, and economy, of this article that you did) first have been horribly twisted by July 2017 and also includes Friday 4 August, 7pm (gates open from 6pm) continues to grow apace. there’s the topic behind the radioactive rubbish dumped into storytelling, workshops, Corinne So I’m delighted that we have production; ’Ulla’s Odyssey’ the ocean. Hockley’s ‘Magical Wishing Tree’, The Pantaloons are back at Newark Park, and this August they a new weekend of art and culture gives more than a passing nod Monsters, live music and Gypsy’s playful ‘Animal Squatters’ to offer, the 7-9 July 2017 sees to Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ (which puppetry, an inspirational collages and much more (see are bringing us their version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer the launch of the first Stroud I’ll read just as soon as I’ve heroine, playful references literature and arts listings!) Children’s Festival, the brain child finished Joyce’s Finnegan’s to classical literature and Night's Dream'. A performance best enjoyed on your comfiest of Cindy Jefferies and Rick Vick. Wake I promise) and celebrates pop culture, and a strong ‘Ulla’s Odyssey’ can be seen rug and with a tasty picnic. The Newark tea pavilion will be open When asked, Rick beautifully the incredible achievements of environmental message… So far at 6.30pm on 9th July at the summed up why a weekend real-life teenage heroines such so topical, but contentious? Yes, Cotswold Playhouse and a too and serving drinks, ice creams, cake and snacks. focussed on arts for our younger as Laura Dekker and Jessica because up until the end of the series of workshops (free for generation is so important: Watson. Laura Dekker, decided 19th century dozens of touring evening performance tickets “With the cutting of creative at the age of 14 she was going opera companies performed holders) will be held during the activities at schools across the to sail around the world on her each week to factory workers day at Stroud’s Museum in the Booking in advance advised - tickets are available via our board, Primary right through the own. As an experiment, she and shopkeepers up and down Park. Visit box-ticking (education) system, sailed from Holland to England the country. Operatic parodies and for more website. Ticket prices: adults £13.50, children £8. it is essential that children are without telling her parents were all the rage – and everyone information on all of this year’s gifted activities and projects that where she was going, then the knew the operas themselves well Children Festival events. You can find Newark Park just off the A4135 Dursley-Tetbury. fire their imaginations. Stroud Dutch government said she enough to get the joke. Festival is making it a priority to was too young to sail alone and And yet somehow the No one knows what Sarah Phaedre support the young people and scuppered her plans to traverse reputation surrounding opera Watson really does, she spends time any groups or individuals who the globe until she was 16. In has changed, it’s been wrongfully gallivanting off to Africa to make films, Call 01453 842644 for details pigeon-holed as a recreation writing for various publications, or By Amy Fleming can facilitate this.” 2009 aged 16, she sailed all the And what wise words Rick way round the world with her for the filthy rich, an exclusive passionately supporting community arts and events. She certainly gets about speaks (always); imagine society dog, Spot. club with a soundtrack that we a bit. without the civilising influence of I want my children to be couldn’t possibly understand. the arts and you’ll have to strip inspired by her. And with exclusivity comes #nationaltrust When you visit, donate, volunteer or join the National Trust, your support helps us to look after special places such as Newark Park for ever, for everyone.

© National Trust 2017. The National Trust is an independent registered charity, number 205846. Photography © National Trust Images. 22 THEATRE - LISTINGS #28 | JULY 2017

Storyteller Fergus Ryan. Throw in rock musical, Bare follows a group boy. A group of amateur actors share a plot twist as the players stumble of students at a Catholic boarding the same forest. They’re rehearsing THEATRE through their quest, or relax with a school as they grapple with issues for a play. Fairies and humans collide. drink and enjoy the Interactive Theatre of sexuality, identity, and the future. Hilarity ensues. 6:30pm £15 UPPER LOCK CAFÉ LISTINGS experience. 8pm Free (plot twists £1 As the group attempts to put up at the bar) a production of Romeo and Juliet, tensions flare, self-doubt simmers, and God’s path seems more difficult to find BERKELEY CASTLE COTSWOLD PLAYHOUSE than ever…7:30pm £14/£12concs MUSEUM IN THE PARK SUN 25TH JUN-TUES 11TH JUL THURS 6TH Bristol Old Vic Theatre School: Split Second Productions: Summer SUN 23RD Under Milk Wood Shakespeare Jenny Wren Productions: The PAINSWICK ROCOCO GARDEN Set in the fictitious fishing village Outdoor theatre performances of A Jungle Book Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much of Llareggub, this twenty four hour FRI 30TH JUN-SAT 1ST JUL peek into the lives and loves of the Theatre in the open air, come rain Ado About Nothing! Enjoy an early or shine! Warning! Wild animals at The HandleBards Ladies: As You afternoon or evening performance likes of Captain Cat, Polly Garter and Like It Willy Nilly has continued to enthral its large! Watch your back around the of Shakespeare’s classic play in the audiences ever since. With its canvas Cotswolds this summer as Jenny An all-female, bicycle-powered historic surroundings of Berkeley of nonsense gossip, feuds, affairs, Wren Productions let wolves, tigers, production of Shakespeare’s As You Castle. Performances will take place in fights, frauds and practical jokes, the bears, and even a python loose at an Like It in the beautiful surroundings the Castle Grounds, you are welcome play pulses with the vitality and relish open-air venue near you. OK, so we’re of the Rococo Garden! Rosalind and to bring chairs or blankets to sit on whilst the play is performed. Hopefully of real life characters re-living their monkeying around – this all-singing, Orland have been forced into exile in umbrellas won’t be necessary, but dreams and desires. Come closer now, all-dancing menagerie might steal the Forest of Arden. As lovers, they your picnic but they won’t actually please bring one if you think it and enter the world of Under Milk become entangled in a bizarre game bite! You are, however, in danger of might be required! Picnics are also Wood. 7:30pm £12 of lust, love and mistaken identity. exposure to silly humour, slapstick permitted. Visit website for tickets and In Usual HandleBards style, expect and even some serious storytelling. times of performances. SUN 9TH riotous amounts of energy, a fair old Darker than Disney, closer to Kipling, Stroud Children’s Festival: whack of chaos and a great deal of OperaUpClose - Ulla’s Odyssey this is The Jungle Book in all its gory glory – good hunting all! Performances laughter…6:30pm £15 See p25! 6:30pm £12/£5 under 5’s will take place in the Museum’s new TETBURY GOODS SHED Walled Garden. Teas, coffees, PIMMS FRI 21ST SAT 29TH The HandleBards Gents: A and ice creams on sale in the Museum SAT 15TH MadCap Theatre Productions: As foyer cafe. 4:30pm and 7:30pm Midsummer Night’s Dream Children’s Theatre: Jason Maverick You Like It £12/£8concs/£35 family The all-male, bicycle-powered After the success of Much Ado about production of Shakespeare’s A A high-energy show set to music and Nothing, Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night’s Dream! Four combining superb mime and robotics and more, critically acclaimed MadCap young lovers find themselves with a huge range of circus skills including juggling, clown and physical Theatre Productions, return to the OPEN HOUSE enveloped in the dream-like arms of a Cotswold Playhouse! Shakespeare magical forest full of sprites, where a theatre. 2pm £10 is always made understandable and feuding Fairy King and Queen are at FRI 7TH enjoyable with MadCap’s fun, fast- war over the possession of an Indian paced and entertaining staging that Stroud Children’s Festival: Glorious Greeks combines comedy, music, dance and physicality with the original script. Show and Playshop! Jump on board 7:30pm £12 Odysseus’ ship for a Pandora’s Box of storytelling, theatre, song and buffoonery, puppets, props and participation with Michael Loader from HAWKWOOD COLLEGE Wild Words, director of Somerset Storyfest. 6pm £5adv from Star Anise MON 31ST Dance Moves: Modern and Jazz Dance with Carolina Schomper Come and enjoy a variety of dance SUBSCRIPTION ROOMS styles from jazz to modern interpretive dance, improvisation and rhythm. No THURS 13TH experience is necessary, just come Spaniel in the Works Theatre ready to move your body creatively to Company: Inhuman Traffic music. Carolina Schomper ran her own Developed with Gloucestershire ballet and dance school in Amsterdam Archives – Inhuman Traffic looks at for many years. She is a professional both historical and modern slavery dance teacher with a background in through the voices of four different rhythm, ballet, modern and jazz dance. characters including a slave owner’s Please bring dance shoes or dance wife, Granville Sharpe, a victim in bare feet. 9am £75 (incl. lunch and of domestic abuse and a modern refreshments) day slave trader. This is a powerful • Exhibitions of work by local artists every month performance focussing on an issue • Bands and Musicians welcome which is more relevant today than In the heart of • A piano for anyone who wants to play ever. 8pm £10/£8concs THE LITTLE GEORGE THURS 20TH-FRI 21ST And of course, handcrafted coffee, homemade cake SAT 30TH Just So Productions: Bare – A Pop Stroud, open & wholesome food! Some wine & locally brewed Opera A Game Of Throwns Episode 2 bottled beer too! Founded in 2012, Just Us Productions After a hit launch, A Game of Throwns aims to bring lesser known, returns with a refreshed cast for more seven days a small musicals to Stroud and the beauty and nonsense. Imagine a cross Find us for a friendly welcome down by the canal at Wallbridge. surrounding areas. Bare is a rock between Whose Line Is It Anyway and musical with a book by Jon Hartmere, Game Of Thrones. This is Dungeons Jr. and Damon Intrabartolo (lyrics by Facebook: Upper Lock Cafe | Twitter: @UpperLock & Dragons subverted and thrown to week featuring: Hartmere and music by Intrabartolo). the lions - ridiculous improv with MC/ A pulsating, electric contemporary

SUMMER JUNE Thread Counts -Repair Cafe Saturday 24th (11am-2pm) FREE Plant Dye Workshop Sunday 25th (10am-4pm) £65 Radio Cinema, ‘The Freedom Delusion’ Tuesday 27th (7pm) £3 Transition Stroud Workshop, Living without Plastic Thursday 29th (7:30pm-9:30pm) £5 JULY Swimwear workshop Saturday 1st (10am-4pm) £65 Nunofelting workshop - make a waistcoat Sunday 2nd (10am-4pm) £65 Learn how to use a SEWING Machine Wednesday 5th (7-10pm) £25 Talk, Resilience & self-sustainability Mac Macartney of Embercombe Friday 7th (7pm) £5 Indigo Dye Workshop Saturday 8th (10am-4pm) £65 PracticeDigital , SOCIAL MEDIA WORKSHOP Thursday13th (9am-12pm) £55 Radio Cinema (Mystery host) Tuesday 18th (7pm) £3 Radio & Podcasting workshop Saturday 22nd (10am-5pm) £55 Thread Counts -Repair Cafe Saturday 29th (11am-2pm) FREE AUGUST Make a pair of Knickers Saturday 12th (2-5pm) £40

Atelier Club - SESSIONS Co-working space for creatives - bring your project and work where and how you like. Use our proffesional textile studio with all its facilities, - also wifi and unlimited tea and coffee. £7 per session or monthly membership for £20 Monday Afternoon session (1-5pm) Evening Session (7-10pm) Tuesday Afternoon session (1-5pm) Evening Session (7-10pm) Wednesday Morning session (9am-1pm) Evening Session (7-10pm)

ATELIER 19A Lower Street, 1st Floor STROUD Stroud GL5 2HT, Gloucestershire .COM [email protected] 01453 765248