PRESENT: Cllrs: M D Lowe (Chairman) D E Atterbury N B Bedder J Brown S R Brown S A Coombe B Coupe M Crouch A Dent L Derbyshire D J Hill J Parker K Poland B J Seaton L Westwood C A Wooding D Maguire

ALSO PRESENT: The Clerk and Deputy Clerk 2 members of the public PCSO Harkerat Sanghera

APOLOGIES: Cllrs: C Jackson, M Brookes ************************************************************************************** MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE ON TUESDAY 11th FEBRUARY AT 7.00pm IN THE MEMORIAL HALL LIBRARY PRESENT: Councillors: M D Lowe (Chairman) D E Atterbury A Dent D J Hill N Bedder MBE S R Brown D Maguire

ALSO PRESENT: The Clerk and Deputy Clerk

1. To Receive apologies for Absence: None

2. Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures from Members and Officers and the nature of those interests as specified In respect of items on this agenda.

Councillor Brown declared an interest in any business concerning Miss S Brown. Councillor Lowe declared an interest in any business concerning Mr M Lowe. Councillor Hill declared an interest in any business concerning Mrs R Hill

3. Monthly Expenditure Report – February

ACCOUNTS: Expenditure: The Clerk presented cheque no’s 111474 - 111480 for invoices and petty cash and direct debits totalling £42,348.74. It was proposed and seconded that the Council approves the expenditure.


Resolved: The motion was carried.

4. Monthly Income Report & Budget Comparison – January

The Deputy Clerk presented the monthly income report. A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council approves the report. Resolved: the motion was carried.

5. Bank Account Reconciliation & Balance Report – December

The Clerk presented copies of the bank Account Reconciliation Statements for December. Resolved: Councillors considered and approved the reports.

6. Correspondence

7. Appointment of Internal Auditor for Accounts year 2019/2020:

A discussion took place and having provided a satisfactory service to date it was proposed and seconded that Redwood Prior are appointed as the Internal Auditor. Resolved: the motion was carried.

Confirmed and signed this day of 2020



Chairman Councillor M D Lowe welcomed all present to the February meeting of the Council. Councillor Lowe welcomed new Councillor Lynn Westwood.

1. To Receive Apologies for Absence:

Councillors: C Jackson

2. Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures from Members and Officers and the nature of those interests as specified In respect of items on this agenda.

Councillor Lowe declared an interest in any Business concerning Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor Seaton declared an interest in any Business concerning Charnwood Borough Council and County Council.

Councillor Brookes declared an interest in any Business concerning Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor Bedder MBE declared an interest in and Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor Atterbury declared an interest in any business concerning the Royal British Legion.

Councillor Dent declared an interest in any business concerning the Royal British Legion.

Councillor Lynn Westwood declared an interest in any business concerning Thurmaston Times.

3. To receive Reports from the Police

The Clerk issued copies of the monthly crime report to all members of the Council. PCSO Harkerat explained the contents of the report

4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Full Parish Council Meeting pages 194 - 201 Tuesday 14th January 2020 (make corrections amendments) to be signed by the Chairman enc).


It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be approved as a true and correct record. Resolved: the motion was carried.

5. To confirm and sign the minutes of the following committee meetings

Pages 202 – 204 mins of the meeting of H&S and HR committee 14.01.20 It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be approved as a true and correct record. Resolved: the motion was carried.

Pages 205 – 206 mins of the meeting of the Carnival sub-comm. 21.01.20 It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be approved as a true and correct record. Resolved: the motion was carried.

Pages 207 – 212 mins of the meeting of the Environmental comm. 28.01.20 It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be approved as a true and correct record. Resolved: the motion was carried.

Pages 213 – 217 mins of the meeting of the Leisure Cents and Parks com. 28.01.20 It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be approved as a true and correct record. Resolved: the motion was carried.

6. North East of SUE The Clerk reported that the next meeting of CEG Liaison Group is Wednesday 29th January. Councillor Lynn Westwood will be attending on behalf of the Parish Council.

7. Planning Applications

P/20/0097/2 86 Humberstone Lane, Thurmaston Proposed single storey extension to rear of dwelling. No comments from neighbours or LCC. Resolved: no comments.

8. Public Participation - Maximum of 15 Minutes (Meeting adjourned)



9. Correspondence None.

10. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors (for information only)

Councillor Atterbury has reported that Charnwood Borough Council is encouraging Parish Councils to sign the Armed Forces Covenant.

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the Nation to ensure that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces and their families are treated fairly and do not face disadvantage. Groups, organisations, charities, local authorities and businesses are encouraged to sign up to it. Resolved: Clerk to make enquiries.

Councillor Westwood: Reported that the litter bin at the bus stop near the junction of Melton Road and A607 traffic island (Southbound carriageway) has become detached and is on the floor.

Councillor Parker: Reported litter on Earls way facing Cooke Close.

Councillor Poland: Reported HGV’s using Church Hill Road.

Councillor Seaton: Reported that there will be a Community Litter Pick on Saturdays, volunteers welcome. Also reported that she has been in touch with McDonalds re litter picking and they have agreed to litter pick Winster Drive Area where trees have been cut back.

Councillor Dent: Gave apologies for the March and April meetings of the Parish Council.

11. To receive Reports from Borough Councillors and the County Councillor (for information only)


Cllr B J Seaton Reported that in her Capacity as Mayor she had met and shook hands with HRH Prince Charles today during his visit to the Cambridge Satchell Company in .

Councillor Lowe: Expressed disappointment that the Parish Council were not informed about the Royal Visitors coming to Thurmaston. Councillors agreed with Councillor Lowes comments and asked the Clerk to write to the Lieutenancy Office expressing the Councils disappointment.

Chairman Councillor Lowe thanked all present for attending and closed the meeting.

Confirmed and signed this day of 2020




Present: Cllrs: M Brookes M D Lowe K Poland D J Hill

Also Present: The Clerk, R. Hill, T Westwood, S Belshaw, P S Harley

1. Apologies M Crouch

2. Updates following last meeting

Party in the Park – 2nd August 2020 Music Festival, Picnic, Carnival At the last meeting of the committee a discussion took place about options for this year’s event – Party in the Park /music festival. It was agreed that only a few stalls would be involved including food stalls and something for children – bouncy castle etc. It was agreed that the provision of security staff may be necessary.

Stage Tom Westwood reported that he has contacted Premier Events to enquire about a stage and cost is approx. £1000.00.

Generator Councillor Hill reported that he has sourced a generator free of charge, only cost will be for the fuel.

Security At the last meeting of the committee, Martin agreed to obtain another quote for security as it was agreed that the first quote (£640), was too expensive. A discussion took place and it was agreed that a reputable company should be engaged to supply security estimated cost as above.

Music At the last meeting of the committee, It was agreed that Martin and Sonia would explore availability and costs of Music Groups


Children’s Entertainment At the last meeting it was agreed that Matt and Martin would investigate inflatable playground/Mowmacre Playground.

Stalls/Food Tracey and Rose to arrange food provision.

Funding There is currently £2000 in the former Events Team account. There is no funding within the council precept as event funding has been allocated to the VE Celebrations this year. Members expressed concern that the funding is insufficient to cover the cost of providing a music festival. At the last meeting of the committee, Matt reported that Borough Councillors are allocated £1000 each for donation towards funding community projects/events; however Matt confirmed that the Music Festival would not qualify for the funding. If the event was to be organised by a community group, rather than the Parish Council this may qualify.

A lengthy discussion took place and having considered potential costs vs availability of the funding it was agreed that funding should be investigated, and the music festival postponed until next year when there will be more funding available to provide a bigger and better event.

It was agreed that the event should be arranged for 1st August 2021. Matt agreed to provided detail cards and a further meeting to be arranged for June.



4. Date of next meeting

Confirmed and signed this day of 2020



MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MEMORIAL HALL AND CEMETERY COMMITTEE TUESDAY 11TH FEBRUARY 2020 AT 6.30PM IN THE MEM HALL LIBRARY Present: Councillors: A Dent (Chairman) D Atterbury N Bedder MBE J Brown S R Brown B Coupe M D Lowe J Parker D J Hill Also Present: The Clerk

Chairman Councillor Andy Dent welcomed all to the meeting and thanked members for agreeing to delay the meeting time.

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence - None.

2. Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures and nature of those Interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda. None.

3. Cemetery Extension Project and Updates:

Progress Update - Cemetery Copies of the approved plans have now been received.

Planting Updated planting plan supplied.

Cemetery Plot Plan Copies of the approved plans have now been received including the amendments as agreed.

Cemetery Funding update This year’s budget is spent with £264.00 remaining + £1665.00 which we proposed to move from reserve for log edging rear of the memorial hall. Balance remaining will be £1929.00 required to fund concrete strip. £15,000.00 has been allocated within the 2019/2020 budget

Calculation for remaining top surface work to complete new cemetery. Received as follows: £9320.00 - £3960 for children’s memorial garden (complete) = £5360.00 + stages 7 & 8 £5000.00 = £10,360.00 (for remainder of top dressing to complete scheme). 226

There is an outstanding charge for the excavation work from balance.

Concrete Strips The Clerk reported that she met with the contractor and provided the specification for the concrete strips. Currently awaiting receipt of quote.

Bell inspection No further information.

Church windows (former Methodist Church) Update received as follows: Hi Tracey Thanks for your email. The church has received and accepted an estimate from A & G Designs - copy attached for info. The church will pay A & G Designs directly, once we receive their invoice. The windows were traced onto MDF on 6 February 2020, and A & G Designs are now making the oak frames. A sample of stained oak will be provided to the Church, to liaise with the Council to colour match against the interior of the Cemetery Chapel (Darren will call Tracey to arrange once received). The Church will then take the windows to A & G Design's workshop in for them to be mounted into the frames. Is it possible for the Council to then collect the framed windows, please, and take them directly to the Cemetery Chapel? (Darren will call Tracey once ready). There should be some funds left from the original legacy towards the cost of mounting the framed windows in the Cemetery Chapel and lighting them. Councillors also previously mentioned the idea of a 'story board' to be sited beneath the windows. Others have suggested that a short unveiling / dedication might be appropriate. May I suggest that representatives of the Church and Council meet to discuss this once the framed windows are ready, please (perhaps a site meeting at the Cemetery Chapel)? Thank you again for your support. Best wishes Darren Gartside

A discussion took place and it was agreed that representatives of the committee should meet with representatives of the Church once the frames are ready as suggested. Councillor Hill reported that Rose will be opening the Chapel on Father’s Day in June and commented that it would be nice if the frames were in place for Father’s Day. Resolved: Clerk to reply to Mr. Gartside including the above comments.


4. Church Yard Maintenance

The Clerk reported that the Grounds Team have completed some maintenance work in the Church Yard and have agreed to take on maintenance of the church yard in place of the contractor. The Clerk suggested that the part-time Groundsman’s hours are increased from 3 - 4 permanent days per week in order to accommodate this additional work and new cemetery.

5. Headstone – F2205

The Clerk presented a photograph of the headstone belonging to grave number F2205. The Grounds Manager has noticed that the headstone has been installed in the wrong position on the concrete raft. The Headstone is encroaching slightly on the neighbouring grave space. The headstone has been in place since 2017 and was installed by Dobson’s Memorials.

A discussion took place with Councillors expressing views both for and against adjusting the position of the headstone concerned. It was proposed and seconded that the Clerk writes to the Deed Holder concerned explaining that the Groundsman has noted that the headstone has been installed slightly out of alignment with the grave and requesting permission for the Council to ask the memorial masons to return and re-align the headstone with the correct position of the grave. Resolved: the motion was carried.

6. Bench – Memorial Hall Field

There is currently £790.00 within the budget allocated to the provision of a bench for the Memorial Hall field. A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that given the extent of vandalism to council property on the field (benches, picnic tables, BBQ’s and trees have all been removed due to vandalism), a new bench would not be installed. Resolved: the motion was carried.

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the funding is re- allocated to Leisure Centre and Parks budget to fund a bench for Garden Street Recreation Ground. Resolved: the motion was carried.


7. Budget Comparison

The Deputy Clerk presented the income and expenditure report to date which indicates an overspend on the maintenance budget due to overspend on the new security door for the back of the Memorial Hall and boiler repair. Resolved: Councillors approved the budget.

8. Correspondence None.

9. Health and Safety

Access ramp: At the last meeting of the committee, Cllr Bedder noted that the ramp is deteriorating, and it was agreed that it should be inspected by the Councils Grounds Manager and monitored. The Clerk reported that David has inspected the ramp and Council staff will carry out the necessary repairs.

10. Reports and Requests for Next Agenda

Councillor Hill: Suggested that the plans on the Chapel Wall are extended to include sections E and F upon completion of the F Section.

Councillor Brown: Requested an Agenda Item for the next meeting of the committee – Trees Memorial Hall field.

Councillor Atterbury: Questioned whether the new heating valve has been installed, Memorial Hall boiler. The Clerk confirmed that the valve is in place and boiler repaired.

Councillor Bedder: Requested a meeting with the Councils Groundsman to discuss the ‘foot stamp’ on the ramp at the rear of the Hall.

11. Date of Next Meeting 24th March - TBC

Confirmed and signed this day of 2020




Present: Councillors: D Atterbury (Chairman) M D Lowe L Westwood C Jackson D J Hill C A Wooding

Also Present: The Clerk and Deputy Clerk 2 members of the public

1. To receive and accept apologies for absence

Councillors: Cllrs: S Coombe, J Parker, B J Seaton, D Maguire, B Coupe

2. Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures and nature of those interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda. None.

3. Planning Applications

P/20/0040/2 34 Thorpe Lane Change of use to children’s pre-school and after school club along with alterations to building.

Strong objections from local residents concerning increased traffic congestion, access to the premises and lack of parking provision in the area. Letters received from residents of numbers: 1, 3, 4 and 5 Highway Road.

LCC Highways comments: The Local Highway Authority does not consider that the application as submitted fully assesses the highway impact of the proposed development and further information is required as set out in this response. Without this information the Local Highway Authority is unable to provide final highway advice on this application

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council objects to the application, supporting the concerns raised by the neighbours including inadequate parking provision within the site.


Resolved: the motion was carried.

P/20/0131/2 26 Highway Road First floor one and half storey extensions and single storey extensions to rear to create a one and half storey dwelling.

Comments received from neighbours: 28 Highway Road and 26 Highway objecting to the application concerns that about loss of light and privacy in their properties.

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the council objects to the application supporting the concerns raised by the neighbours. Resolved: the motion was carried.

P/20/0181/2 157 Humberstone Lane Demolition of existing commercial buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide 30 dwellings.

Information received as follows: • 106 contribution would require no contribution for Primary schools and £89K towards secondary school provision. • Transport assessment • Comments from highways currently outstanding. • Letter from neighbour concerning noise dust and asbestos risks during the demolition A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council objects to this application expressing concern about increased traffic on Humberstone Lane which is already heavily congested with traffic and gridlocked at peak times. Additionally requesting that if the Borough Council should grant planning permission for this development: • Construction traffic should travel to the site northbound from the City. • Consideration should be given to the allocation of 106 funding towards the extension of Thurmaston Cemetery. • Consideration should be given to the provision of a traffic light junction at Humberstone Lane/Silverdale Drive.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

P/20/0144/2 19 Church Hill Road


Erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling No comments received from LCC Highways or neighbours. Resolved: no comments.

P/20/0206/2 39 Dovedale Road Proposed single storey extension to front and 2 storey extension to side and rear of existing dwelling. No comments received from LCC Highways or neighbours. Resolved: no comments.

P/20/0222/2 11 Sandiacre Drive Erection of two storey extension and single storey extension. No comments received from LCC Highways or neighbours. Resolved: no comments.

P/20/0131/2 70 Humberstone Lane, Thurmaston Resolved: no comments.

Vodaphone: Colby Road, Thurmaston Installation upgrade of base station

Vodaphone: Newark Road, Thurmaston Installation upgrade of base station

In relation to the above two applications, councillors expressed concern about potential health risks associated to exposure to emissions from 5G masts and would like to register our objection to both of the proposed installation upgrades especially given their close proximity to local schools. Resolved: the motion was carried.

4. Litter bin – Clayton Drive – Cllr L Westwood

In the absence of Councillor Seaton, Councillor Westwood suggested that the Parish Council requests the provision of a litter/dog bin on Clayton Drive footpath, mounted within the footpath on the ‘dog leg’ corner where there is an existing post. Resolved: the motion was carried.


5. Leicestershire Council – Wildflower Area – Cllr L Westwood

Leicestershire County Council are offering borough and district councils the opportunity to turn urban roadside verges into dedicated wildflower verges., reducing the level of cuts to enable the existing flora and fauna to flourish or plant wild flower areas.

In order to grant a request, the location proposed for the wildflower verge must meet the following criteria:

• Chosen area must be on LCC highway land • Within the 30/40mph speed limit • Cannot compromise the safety of, or unreasonably hinder, the passage of highway users • Shall not obstruct junction sight lines • Consultations need to be made with any of the affected properties within the vicinity of the verge • Co-ordinate with the plans of any statutory undertakers that have assets within the area • Area must to be directly accessible

However, a further email has been received confirming requests for the coming grass cutting season are now closed. We are looking forward to seeing how these community projects develop and, dependent on the success of this year, we will begin the process in Autumn 2020 for the next years grass cutting season.

Staff time has been dedicated to carrying out site visits at all the locations and all the documentation is now being prepared in advance of the season commencing. We will be in touch again in the Autumn.

A discussion took place and the following areas were suggested for wild flower areas when the scheme re-opens next Autumn:

• Grass verge on corner of Humberstone Lane/Silverdale Drive near the shops. • Sandiacre Drive, Orchard area. 6. Quotation for Notice Board for consideration

The Clerk reported that staff have re-inspected the village notice boards and the next priority for replacement is at the entrance to Elizabeth Park. Quote received from Ogilvie’s for black cast iron cabinet with header as follows: £1116.00.


It was proposed and seconded that the council accepts the quote. Resolved: the motion was carried.

7. Street Cleaning – Litter picking The Clerk asked councillors for suggested problem areas. The Clerk reported that the community litter pick on Saturday 15th February was cancelled unfortunately due to inclement weather, however, took place the following week.

8. Removal of Payphones

Dear Councillor, LETTER RECEIVED FROM BT REGARDING PAYPHONES IN YOUR AREA The Council has received a letter which asks for comments as part of the current consultation being carried out by BT on the removal of a number of public phone boxes in the Borough. As part of the process it is a requirement that the Borough Council responds formally to this consultation. The Council is therefore writing to all Ward Councillors that are affected. Notices have also been placed on the affected phone boxes by BT. An example copy of a notice is attached for your information. BT is undertaking the consultation against a background of a significant decrease in the use of public phone boxes. The word document attached to this email setting out the phone boxes that BT is proposing to remove in your area, includes details of the number of calls made from each of them in the last 12 months. There are 3 responses that can be made to the consultation in respect of each phone box: 1. Agree to the removal of the phone box 2. Adopt the phone box 3. Object to the removal of the phone box.

If a Town/Parish Council wishes to adopt a phone box then I will provide BT with their contact details so they can make contact directly.

Reasons would need to be provided for any objections.

PC kiosk Lane outside supermarket 12 calls PC kiosk Melton Road o/s no 726 83 calls

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council agrees to the removal of the payphones. Resolved: the motion was carried.


9. North East Leicester SUE To discuss and consider any new information. No further information received to date.

10. Updates –

Watermead Regeneration Scheme No further information received to date.

Pedestrian Crossing Proposal No further information received to date.

Chimney smoke Earls Way Following a reply from Charnwood Borough Council at the last meeting of the committee, it was agreed that the Clerk forwards Contact details for complaints to all councillors and Thurmaston Times. Additionally, the Council requests full breakdown of Charnwood Borough Councils visits and information re what is involved in the visits and components of the emissions.

Reply as follows: Thank you for your email and I confirm the following answers to your questions.

As you may already be aware, two textile coating and finishing businesses operate within industrial units at 9 Earls Way. By reason of scale, these activities fall below any operator requirement for the analysis and reporting of site emissions. Whilst not applicable to this scale of operations, a characterisation of emissions is provided in Statutory Guidance Note 6/08: Textile and fabric coating and finishing, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. 1 June 2014.

Essentially, we understand the main components of potentially odorous emissions to be: • Particulate matter/smoke arising the heat treatment of natural and man-made textiles containing oils and waxes, and • volatile organic compounds/solvents which are used in the coating of fabrics A breakdown of proactive odour assessments outlined in my email of 19 December 2019, is provided below. Each assessment lasted between 10 and 30 minutes and included the identification of any visible site emissions followed by a determination of any offsite grounding and the undertaking of a

235 subjective odour assessment downwind of the site. The visits targeted periods when local weather conditions were most likely to carry site emissions towards residential areas.

Date of Visit Start time • 03/10/2019 13:40 • 08/10/2019 09:40 • 10/10/2019 13:20 • 24/10/2019 12:00 • 25/10/2019 09:20 • 30/10/2019 11:40 • 01/11/2019 11:55 • 08/11/2019 09:30 • 12/11/2019 12:10 • 13/11/2019 15:10 • 20/11/2019 16:00 • 03/12/2019 12:25 • 04/12/2019 12:40 • 05/12/2019 09:40 • 12/12/2019 11:30 • 16/12/2019 12:00 • 19/12/2019 12:50

Each of these assessments established the absence of any significant odour impacts in the surrounding community.

Our visits have continued in relation this matter and whilst we have not received any reactive callout requests since my last report, noticeable street level odour was established during two recent visits. Excerpts of our database notes for these events are as follows:

17/01/2020 Proactive Visit 11:45

Noticeable odour to Colby Drive. Initially 11:45 – 12:00, high plume to NE, no grounding, no odour on Colby Drive. Unstable, changeable conditions strong breeze and onset of rain appeared to bring down plume on Colby Drive, intermittently very noticeable over ten minute period. Obs (for further 10 mins) of high stack plume from high vantage point on corner of Knight Close looking over site, plume appeared to loop downwards about 20% of time - likely to give rise to odour on Colby Drive. Note steady rain, with occasional stiff breeze. Likely worst conditions for Colby Drive

23/01/2020 Proactive Visit. 11:20 236

Vis plume from high (City Screen Dyers Ltd) and mid DD (Digital Dyers Ltd) stacks moving to east. Noticeable on Colby drive for less than 1 minute during 25 min obs. Discussed recent months happenings with XXXXX of XXX Colby Drive. Stated there had been no problem for months although had noticed the odour on three occasions over last week on street away from house. I explained observations of this type are indicative of the stack operating normally and was the best that could be achieved. I also outlined my last visit of 17 Jan. XXX did not raise this a problem event. Outcome - agreement on the absence of nuisance over recent months

In the context of our observations over the past 9 months, these two most recent events support the continuance of our previously reported, sporadic and isolated odour associated with these activities.

I hope this is of help and confirm that given the potential for community nuisance, this matter will remain under continuous review. Andy McParland Specialist Environmental Health Officer

A discussion took place including the following comments: • Smoke from the chimney causes a cloud early morning. • A recent TV program suggested that emissions from textiles can potentially be a health hazard. • The Borough Councillors and the Environmental Health Department have received no further complaints.

Visit to re-cycling Centre The Clerk reported that the visit to Casepak has been cancelled unfortunately due to unforeseen maintenance work taking place on site. Another visit will be arranged in the near future.

Ivydale Road – inconsiderate parking At the last meeting of the committee, Councillor Wooding raised concerns about various issues relating to Ivydale Road. Councillor Wooding reported ongoing problems with inconsiderate parking on Ivydale road including vehicles parked on the bend and on the path posing a risk to other motorists and pedestrians. Councillor Wooding reported that Ivydale Road can be very busy and is used as a ‘rat run’.

It was agreed that the Clerk should report the issues raised above to the Police and Charnwood Borough Street Wardens. 237

The clerk reported that the Police have visited Councillor Wooding and agreed to monitor parking in Ivydale Road.

Reply received as follows: Thank you for your recent email regarding the parking issues on Ivydale Road. From looking on our mapping systems, I can see that there are no specific parking restrictions in place at this location. Unfortunately, Leicestershire County Council are not an enforcement agency, meaning that our Highways Officers do not have the enforcement powers to issue tickets or request for vehicles to be removed form an area, where there are no parking restrictions present. It is also important to note that in the absence of any formal parking controls, road users can legally park their vehicle on street, providing it is taxed and insured for as long as they require. However, it remains an offence under the Road Traffic Act 1988 for any person in charge of a vehicle to cause or permit that vehicle to stand on a road/footway in such a manner that is considered to be dangerous, or that which causes an obstruction to the safe and effective use of the highway.

Any such instances of this should be reported to the Police directly on their non-emergency number 101. I hope that you find this information useful and that it will help to assist with your query. Councilor Wooding reported that he has spoken to the Police and they have agreed to monitor the problems in the area.

11. Highway Maintenance Issues

Flooding Humberstone Lane At the last meeting of the committee, Councillor Coombe reported that the problem of flooding on Humberstone Lane junction was raised last September, however this matter was not resolved and is still occurring during inclement weather. This matter has been reported and acknowledged.

Pot Holes – A607 northbound carriageway at the junction with Humberstone Lane.

12. Correspondence - None.

13. Health & Safety


Bollards Barkby Thorpe Lane: Councillor Hill: raised concerns about the bollards on Barkby Lane near to the railway line which were originally a temporary measure pending the installation of a barrier, however, there has been no progress to date. The Clerk contacted Network rail and reply as follows: Councillor Seaton has made separate contact already this year and is being kept updated by Ken.

Dead Tree Church Hill Road Councillor Parker: raised concerns about the Dead Tree, Church Hill Road which was reported several weeks ago. Reply received as follows: Thank you for your recent email requesting an update on the dead tree on Church Hill Road. I can see that there was an update from November. I can advise that the tree outside 101 Church Hill Road was identified in the survey and was marked for removal. The work will be completed in the coming weeks. A replacement will be provided in the subsequent planting season. Should you have any further questions, please contact us using the details below quoting reference FS136369095.

14. Reports and Requests for Agenda Items

Councillor Lowe: Requested an Agenda item for the next meeting of the Committee: Flood risk areas – Melton Road.

Councillor Jackson: Requested an Agenda Item for the next meeting of the Committee: Questions for Casepak - Councillors return to the next meeting with questions to be forwarded to Charnwood Borough Council/Casepak ahead of the forthcoming visit.

Councillor Wooding requested that the Chimney smoke Earls Way and Traffic problems remain on the Agenda.

15. Date and venue of next meeting Tuesday 24th March 2020

Confirmed and signed this day of 2020 Chairman



Also Present: The Clerk and Deputy Clerk 2 Members of the public

1. To Elect a Temporary Chairman

In the absence of the Chairman it was proposed and seconded that Councillor Hill Chairs the meeting.

2. To receive and accept Apologies for Absence:

Cllrs: S Coombe, J Parker, B J Seaton, S R Brown, L Derbyshire, B Coupe

3. Disclosures of Interest – To receive disclosures and the nature of those interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda. None.

4. Updates

Carnival Report from meeting. A copy of the full minutes of the meeting will be issued along with the monthly minutes, however to summarise: the committee, having considered potential costs vs availability of the funding this year, members agreed that further funding should be investigated and the music festival postponed until next year when there will be more funding available to provide a bigger and better event. It was agreed that the event should be arranged for 1st August 2021. A further meeting to be arranged for June. Councillor Westwood reported that 24th August 2021 is the 25th Anniversary of the opening of Elizabeth Park Sports Centre and suggested a joint celebration.

Thurmaston Boxing Club Report from meeting.


A meeting took place on 19th February with the Clerk, Cllr Seaton, Spencer Atkin, Paul Shellard, Shannon Wicks (Thurmaston Boxing Club), Deborah and Anthony (Young Leicestershire) and Alex ( Boxing).

Health and Safety: Deborah requested a copy of the Fire Evacuation and Risk Assessment for the Pavilion. Clerk to provide.

Bank Account: a discussion took place and it was agreed that Spencer and Shannon would visit Lloyds Bank this week and open an account for the club. Councillor Seaton gave a breakdown of the income and expenditure to date and agreed to transfer the balance the Boxing Club Account once it is open.

Pavilion: Spencer and Shannon to visit pavilion and carry out an inspection and Inventory of equipment and clean the boxing gym.

Constitution: Deborah explained that the Club needs to appoint a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Safeguarding Lead etc. It was suggested that Spencer would be Chairman and Safeguarding Lead, however, all positions to be confirmed.

Facebook: original Facebook account to be closed and new one set up – Spencer, Shannon and Paul.

England Boxing: Alex (Community Support Officer England Boxing), explained the benefits of being members of England Boxing including access to funding, Insurance, training for coaches and a raft of support. Alex recommended that the Club is affiliated commencing June which is the new season (annual registration fee is £220.00). Alex explained that the club name Thurmaston Boxing Gym is suitable.

Meeting: A meeting was arranged to take place on Tuesday 25th February at 6pm at Jubilee Pavilion including the volunteers with Alex (England Boxing). During the meeting Alex will view the premises and equipment, apply for DBS’S, close down the original FB account and agreed the constitution and way forward. Spencer agreed to provide a progress report for the Council following the meeting.

Spencer has provided the following update as requested:

• The volunteers are working closely with Box England. Alex from Box England is guiding us through this process, and we are due to meet him again on Tuesday 10th March 6pm at the gym.


• Shannon and Paul have completed their level one training and are now in the process of finalising their badges. • Shannon and I have been in contact with Lloyds banking and have started the process of opening a community account. • Alex from Box England has advised us to open on the 1st of June. This is when the new season starts, and the registration will be £220. Alex stated that if we were to open sooner, we would have to pay twice to register and this makes no sense. Until this date - we have lots of policies to get updated, register young people that will be attending and get the coaches registered. We will look at organising some open days in between now and June the 1st. • Spencer will be booking his level 1 coaching for May 10th and as the safeguarding lead - all relevant training. • Insurance will be provided through Box England, once each young person is registered with the gym and Box England.

Hope this helps but happy to attend the meeting if need be.

Centre Reception and Store for Parish Office The Clerks and Centre Manager met with the Designer on 5th February and agreed final minor alterations to the specification. Final specification received and copy emailed to all committee members for information. A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the specification is approved and tenders are invited from the two companies who tendered previously + 1 extra sourced from the Internet. Resolved: the motion was carried.

Benches/seats Garden Street Recreation Ground Options: At the last meeting of the Memorial Hall committee, it was agreed that £790 would be transferred from the previous allocation for a bench on the Memorial Hall field to a bench for garden street recreation ground instead. At the last meeting of the committee it was agreed that the Clerks investigate funding with a view to installing a bench at the top end of Garden Street Recreation ground overlooking the football pitch. The Clerk presented options:

David Ogilvies: Price for our Braden bench seat at 1500mm in length is £625 +VAT +Delivery. Price for our Braden bench seat at 1800mm in length is £678 +VAT +Delivery. Our Braden bench seat due to its cantilever design cannot be surface fixed and has to be installed with underground leg extensions.


Price for our SB bench seat at 1500mm in length is £611 +VAT +Delivery. Price for our SB bench seat at 1800mm in length is £664 +VAT +Delivery.

Price for a stainless-steel dedication plaque 120x80mm accommodating up to 45 words of engraving, fitted, is £49 +VAT. Price for a bolt down kit to secure to a hard standing is £9.50 +VAT or alternatively price for a set of underground leg extensions for securing into a soft standing is £27 +VAT.

Delivery of 1no bench seat to Thurmaston, Leicestershire is £105 +VAT and we accommodate a subsidised delivery cost for multiple products required.

We manufacture all from steel, hot dip galvanize for weather and corrosion protection, then wet paint in our 2-pack acrylic paint system in your colour of choice. They are virtually vandal proof, maintenance free and come with our 25-year guarantee. All our products come fully fabricated and are CE and ISO 9001 certified.

Glasdon: Stanford Sear - traditional cast iron arms with heavy duty pvc seating slats £967.82.

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Clerk places an order for a Braden bench seat at 1800mm in length is £678 +VAT +Delivery from David Ogilvies. Resolved the motion was carried.

Football Pitches

Thurmaston Magpies request to meet with Council The Clerk has spoken to Chris Newcombe who has confirmed that there will be no change to the club’s requirements. Currently 2 teams on Sundays, morning and afternoon games included. Chris has suggested a meeting with representatives of the committee to introduce new representatives. Defibrillator Chris has confirmed that Magpies have returned the defibrillator to the case and it will remain in the building for the protection of all hirers.

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that representatives of Magpies JFC are invited to the next meeting of the committee. Resolved: the motion was carried.


Acoustics – Harriman Suite: At the last meeting of the committee, Councillor Brookes reported that he was unable to hold conversation in the bar after the last meeting due to poor acoustics in the room and footballers talking in the bar. Cllr Brookes offered to explore options for improving the acoustics in the bar area and the Clerk presented options as follows:

I’ve been looking at a few different options. There are more cost effective options, but I think there are some options here that are a good compromise and will maintain the contemporary design of the new bar. Please look at the following websites. https://www.studiospares.com/Studio-Gear/Acoustic- Panels.htm?pl=2147483647 https://www.muffle.co.uk/shop-products/acoustic-wall- panels.html?p=2&product_list_order=price With studio spares, I think you could do the bar for around £400. With muffle I think you would be looking at about £600. Hope this helps

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the information is passed to the Centre Manager for is consideration. Resolved: the motion was carried.

5. Grounds Maintenance Garden Street Pitch

At the last meeting of the committee, councillors discussed an email from DPFC expressing concern about the condition of the pitch and requesting that the council consider options for improving the pitch.

A meeting took place to discuss options for improving Garden Street Pitch with the Grounds Contractor on 4th February and the pitch was rolled in two directions following the meeting to temporarily improve the surface.

In order to improve the pitch for next season, the contractor has supplied options and quotations as follows, but has explained that an ongoing program of maintenance is required going forward for future seasons.

Quote no: 1 To Sand Master Earthquake pitch £1500.00 To Vredo seed in 3 directions £ 750.00 14 x 20kg pitch seed £ 812.00 To supply and apply fertilizer £ 336.00


To supply 58 tonnes of MM35 Sports sand £2610.00 Total: £6008.00

Quote no: 2 To Earthquake pitch £ 750.00 To Vredo seed in 3 directions £ 750.00 14 x 20kg pitch seed £ 812.00 To supply and apply fertilizer £ 336.00 Total: £2648.00

A discussion took place and it was agreed that the Clerk should investigate availability of funding with a view to Quote number 2 and report to the next meeting of the committee. Resolved: the motion was carried.

6 Litter bin – Cllr Seaton Item cancelled – moved to Environmental committee.

7. Park Issues

Silverdale Park Fencing The Clerk reported that the Grounds team have installed the fencing panels near the flats at Silverdale park and has received a phone call of thanks from a resident.

8. Correspondence - None.

9. Health and Safety - None

10. Reports and Requests for Agenda Items


11. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 24th March.

Confirmed and signed this day of 2020
